#tonya mccarthy
authorofstories55 · 2 years
Incorrect Quotes Tag Game
Rules: Use this quote generator & list as many quotes as you like using characters from your WIPs, then tag some other people!
I was tagged by @annarts05, thanks Anna!
I'll be using characters from one of my side WIPs, Lookalike, which I'll eventually post more about lol
Elijah: *tapping fingers on table*
Tonya: *taps fingers back furiously*
Evan: …What’s going on?
Kieran: Morse code. They’re talking.
Tonya: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … -
Elijah: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Kieran: The only straight I am is a straight up badass
*at a zoo*
Charlotte: What are they in for?
Tonya: Char, this isn't prison.
Charlotte: So they can leave?
Tonya: No, but-
Charlotte, pointing at a meerkat: I bet that one murdered someone.
Kieran, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy.
Evan: I will short out the language centre of your brain if you say anything like that ever again.
Jace: Julie, you risked your life to save me!
Julie: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
Tagging: @aohendo @saedoeswriting @worldstogetlostin
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His eyes were red and wet, but he wore a strange smile, it was composed of cruelty and shame and delight.
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No one is going to fix you for you, I thought to myself when I got home, giving myself a good hard stare in my bathroom mirror. But like all revelations, it didn’t last long.
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i'm not feeling good at all (part ii): mirrors, tears, & smiles
Yolk by Mary H. K. Choi / / / Euphoria / / / Luster by Raven Leilani / / / I May Destroy You / / / Transcendent Kingdom by Yaa Gyasi / / / The Fits / / / Writers & Lovers by Lily King / / / Midsommar dir. Ari Aster / / / Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin / / / Possession dir. Andrzej Żuławski / / / Giovanni's Room by Baldwin / / / Lady Vengeance dir. Park Chan-wook / / /  The Four Humors by Mina Seçkin / / / I, Tonya dir. Craig Gillespie / / / Self-Portrait with Boy by Rachel Lyon / / / Sea Change  by Gina Chung / / / Either/Or by Elif Batuman / / / The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath / / / A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara / / / Either/Or by Batuman / / / Edinburgh by Alexander Chee / / / The Magician's Assistant by Ann Patchett / / / Catherine House by Elisabeth Thomas / / / The Passenger by Cormac McCarthy
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In case you missed her, Marjorie Taylor Greene is back. It didn’t take long either.
After backing establishment Republican Kevin McCarthy’s bid to become Speaker in January, she is now safely ensconced in the committees that her loyalty earned, which means the old MTG has returned with a vengeance—in all her QAnon-adjacent glory.
It started with the silly balloon stunt before the State of the Union, picked up when Rep. Greene wore a white fur-trim coat to the event and heckled President Joe Biden (whom she calls a “coward”), and continued Thursday in a classified briefing about the Chinese spy balloon.
It sounds like the hearing was off the hook. “When she got to ask questions,” one fellow member of Congress said, “she was yelling out saying ‘bullshit,’ and, you know, ‘I don’t believe you… Just screaming and yelling, irrational in my estimation,” the lawmaker continued.
“I chewed them out just like the American people would’ve,” Greene told The Hill. “I tore ’em to pieces.”
Look Marge, I wanted to shoot down the balloon sooner, too, but there’s such a thing as decorum. I mean, WTF, MTG?
But that’s not even the end of her return-to-crazy week. During an entirely different Oversight Committee hearing, Greene told former Twitter executives: “I’m so glad that you’re censored now, and I’m so glad you’ve lost your jobs.” A kinder, gentler, MTG, this was not.
I’ve always been skeptical that Greene’s support of McCarthy meant she was trying to do a heel-face turn from Tonya Harding to Nancy Kerrigan, but there was a reason to believe she might at least try. After all, Greene’s support for McCarthy coincided with a larger rebranding effort that included her explaining away her penchant for QAnon conspiracy theories as (absurdly) something in her very distant past.
The fantasy that she had matured wasn’t just an MTG creation; it was pushed by her more mainstream Republican colleagues in the House, too. “She realizes she’s got to go toward the McCarthy side to be successful—if she hangs out with the bomb-throwers all the time, she’s not going to be able to get much done,” said Rep. Kasey Carpenter of Georgia.
“I will tell you she has matured,” Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas said last month on ABC’s This Week. “I think she realizes she doesn’t know everything. And she wants to learn and become I think more of a team player.”
Today, those words sound even more absurd than when he first uttered them.
No, I don’t think that Greene, now sitting on prestigious committees, will embrace the awesome responsibility of leadership à la Thomas Becket. But it’s worth asking whether her support for McCarthy was always a strategic one-off, or whether she simply fell off the rebranding wagon.
I think it’s the former.
For one thing, Greene clearly believes in what she is doing right now.
You can hear it in her rhetoric—“I chewed them out just like the American people would’ve,” Greene said, referring to the administration officials who briefed her on the balloon.
She sees herself as the hero of her own story and as a Paraclete for the American public.
And why not? Everywhere she goes (from her very conservative Georgia district, to Sean Hannity’s show on Fox News, to Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast), Greene hears MAGA Republicans praise her for voicing their concerns and saying the things that other people are afraid to say.
Yes, the spy balloon was eventually popped, but the conspiracy bubble in which Greene floats appears to be shatterproof.
It’s also possible that she is overcompensating in an attempt to get back in the far right’s good graces.
Remember when Rep. Andy Biggs accused her of “crossing the Rubicon,” and Nick Fuentes and Laura Loomer attacked her? She also reportedly had a bathroom fight with Rep. Lauren Boebert, and Rep. Matt Gaetz mocked her theory about “Jewish space lasers” starting wildfires.
If peer pressure isn’t enough to get her to return to the madness caucus, perhaps she fears losing some of her market share.
When infamous bank robber Willie Sutton was asked why he robs banks, legend has it that he responded, “Because that’s where the money is.” Likewise, Greene’s brand—her unique selling proposition—requires her to keep her fans (and small-dollar donors) happy.
If politics is about “dancing with the one who brung ya” to “climb the greasy pole,” then MTG is once again dancing her ass off on that pole.
Now, maybe she can afford to dip her toes into a leadership battle and occasionally side with the establishment. That not only earns her rewards, it also garners her attention and ups her eccentricity factor. But let’s be honest: MTG is a rock star, and rock stars do dumb things like throwing TVs out of hotel windows. If she starts behaving like, you know, a normal politician, her star value goes out the window, too.
MTG, in my mind, is a combination of a true believer who guzzles the Kool-Aid and a savvy political operator who realizes that going straight is going nowhere. Maybe someday it will be in her best interest to reinvent herself as a normie. But if that day ever comes, I’m not sure she could even stick to it.
You can take the girl out of Q, but you can’t take Q out of the girl.
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mywifeleftme · 9 months
157: The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band // "Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward."
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"Born Into Trouble as the Sparks Fly Upward." The Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band 2001, Constellation (Bandcamp)
22 years ago Montreal’s other iconic prodigiously-membered post-rock band released their second LP. It’s not easy keeping all of these pro-Zion-but-not-Zionists straight, so I’ve helpfully listed and ranked each of the musicians who have passed through this constantly shifting collective from first to least-first. Let’s go!
Members of A/The/e Silver Mt. Zion Memorial Orchestra & Tra-La-La Band, Ranked
1. Mike Garson - piano 2. Annie Clark - guitar, keyboards, backing vocals 3. Brian Teasley- percussion 4. Daniel Hart - violin 5. Szabolcs Szczur – accordion 6. Davey 'Crabsticks' Trotter – Mellotron 7. Timothy Matthews – mbira 8. Buffi Jacobs – cello 9. Bach Norwood – piano, keyboards, backing vocals 10. Harriet Ballance - triangle, backing vocals 11. Japhy Ryder – floristry 12. Stuart "Peebs" Peebles – piccolo 13. Chandler Petrino – natural horn, oboe 14. Jared Pechonis – theremin 15. Toby Halbrooks - theremin 16. Corn Mo - backing vocals 17. Patrick Hewitt – theremin 18. Darin Hieb – trumpet, backing vocals 19. Rachel Woolf – flute 20. Mark Beardsworth – claviola 21. Allen Halas – percussion 22. Edwin Mendoza – viola 23. Todd Beaupré – vibraslap 24. Thaddeus Ford – trumpet 25. Paul Deemer – trombone, trumpet 26. Mike St.Clair – trombone, synth effects 27. Josh Guyer – trombone, spoons 28. Chris Curiel – trumpet 29. Heather Test – French horn 30. Victoria Arellano – classical harp 31. Sean Redman – violin, mandolin 32. Kelly Test – percussion 33. Mike Mordecai – percussion 34. Jason Garner – drums 35. Audrey Easley – flute, piccolo, EWI 36. Rick G. Nelson – viola 37. Nick Groesch – piano, keyboards 38. Keith Hendricks – percussion 39. Evan Hisey – keyboards 40. Dylan Silvers – guitar 41. Daniel Hart – violin 42. John Lamonica – percussion 43. Marcus Lopez – percussion 44. Matt Bricker – trumpet, synth effects 45. Taylor Young – percussion 46. Joe Butcher – steel drum 47. Evan Jacobs – piano, keyboards 48. Todd Berridge – viola 49. Nick Earl – guitar 50. Evan Weiss – trumpet 51. Jay Jennings – trumpet 52. Tamara Brown – violin 53. Merritt Lota – steel drums 54. Daniel Huffman – guitar 55. Timothy Blowers – harp 56. Anthony Richards – steel drums 57. Louis Schwadron – French horn 58. Andrew Tinker – French horn 59. Nick Wlodarczyk  – trombone 60. Paul Gaughran – flute 61. Isabelo Cruz – French horn 62. Bryan Wakeland – drums 63. Hayley McCarthy – viola 64. Dave Dusters – percussion, backing vocals 65. Billy Mills-Curran – flute 66. Logan Keese – trumpet 67. Ricky Rasura – classical harp 68. Tonya Hewitt – banjo 69. Daniel Poorman – slide whistle 70. Andy Parkerson – clarinet 71. Joseph Singleton – viola 72. Jenelle Valencia – violin 73. James Reimer – trombone 74. Regina Chellew – guitar, trumpet, backing vocals 75. Ryan Fitzgerald – guitar, backing vocals 76. Cory Helms – guitar, backing vocals 77. Jessica Jordan – backing vocals 78. Jenny Kirtland – backing vocals 79. Kristin Hardin – backing vocals 80. Elizabeth Evans – backing vocals 81. Neil Smith – backing vocals 82. Julie Doyle – backing vocals 83. Christine Bolon – backing vocals 84. Natalie Young – backing vocals 85. Constance Dolph – backing vocals 86. Elizabeth Brown – backing vocals 87. Apotsala Wilson – backing vocals 88. Jennie Kelley – backing vocals 89. Roy Thomas Ivy – backing vocals 90. Jamey Welch – backing vocals 91. Ethan Voelkers – backing vocals 92. Mark Pirro - bass 93. Frank Benjaminsen – backing vocals 94. Stephanie Dolph – backing vocals 95. Jennifer Jobe – backing vocals 96. Mike Elio – backing vocals 97. Kelly Repka – backing vocals 98. Jason Rees – backing vocals 99. Jeneffa Soldatic – backing vocals 100. Michael Turner – backing vocals 101. Don Congeler – backing vocals 102. Michael Musick – backing vocals 103. Melissa Crutchfield – backing vocals 104. Sandra Powers Giasson – backing vocals 105. Paul Hillery – backing vocals 106. Stephen Dix – backing vocals 107. Jessica Berridge – backing vocals 108. Melisma MacDonald – backing vocals 109. Ross Cink - backing vocals 110. Lucy Williams - choreography 111. Josh David Jordan – backing vocals 112. Brad Butler – backing vocals 113. Jason Rees – backing vocals 114. Andrew Aldenenotti – backing vocals 115. Getting hit by a bus wearing a flowing white robe 116. Tim DeLaughter - vocals, guitar, piano
Hold on. I’ve just received word that these musicians are actually members of some other band? Apologies for the confusion!
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rmpmw · 1 year
March 29, 2023
By Matt Mullenweg
in General, Releases
WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy”
Say hello to WordPress 6.2 “Dolphy,” named for the woodwind jazz wiz, the multi-instrumentalist—Eric Allan Dolphy Jr. Dolphy is acclaimed for having brought the bass clarinet to prominence in the jazz scene, creating a place for the flute and extending the lexicon of the alto saxophone. In a career that spanned continents, his artistry was at the forefront of pushing improvisational boundaries, ensemble work, and partnerships with well-respected artists like Charles Mingus and John Coltrane.
This latest version of WordPress reimagines your site editing experience, introduces more ways to style your site, and offers a new distraction-free way to write. Discover improvements that give you more control and freedom to express your creative vision. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re a content creator, developer, site builder, or designer. Let the music of Eric Dolphy delight you as you take in all that 6.2 has to offer.
WordPress 6.2 is the first major release of 2023, covering over 900 enhancements and fixes. It’s also a transition point in the WordPress project’s development roadmap, shifting focus from customization to early exploration of workflows and collaboration.
Other highlights in 6.2
Sticky positioning: Choose to keep top-level group blocks fixed to the top of a page as visitors scroll.
Importing widgets: Options to import your favorite widgets from Classic themes to Block themes.
Local fonts in themes: Default WordPress themes offer better privacy with Google Fonts now included.
Performance highlights
“Dolphy” includes several impressive performance improvements. You’ll note overall faster load times for block themes of 14 to 18%, and for classic themes, speed increases of 2 to 5%. Server-side performance is also significantly boosted, with an increase of 17 to 23% for block themes and 3 to 5% for classic themes, 3 to 5%. The performance team is dedicated to these kinds of improvements. You can learn more about their work by following the Making WordPress blog using the #performance hashtag.
The 6.2 release squad
6.2 is made possible by the many folks who have enthusiastically helped keep the release on track and moving forward:
Release Lead: Matt Mullenweg
Release Coordinators: Francesca Marano, Héctor Prieto
Core Tech Co-Leads: Tonya Mork, Jb Audras
Editor Tech Co-Leads: George Mamadashvili, Nik Tsekouras
Core Triage Co-Leads: Colin Stewart, Mukesh Panchal
Editor Triage Co-Leads: Anne McCarthy, Nick Diego
Design Lead: Rich Tabor
Documentation Co-Leads: Birgit Pauli-Haack, Femy Praseet, Milana Cap, Abha Thakor
Marketing & Communications Co-Leads: Jonathan Pantani, Lauren Stein, Mary Baum
Test Co-Leads: Robin, Adel Tahri
Performance Lead: Felix Arntz
Thank you, contributors
WordPress 6.2 couldn’t be here without the countless effort and passion of more than 600 contributors in at least 50 countries. A special thank you to the 178 new contributors who joined a release for the first time. Their collaboration helped deliver hundreds of enhancements and fixes, ensuring a stable release for all—a testament to the power and capability of the WordPress community.
Download WordPress 6.2:
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xanthragana · 4 years
Witchcraft Book List
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The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander
Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
Divination for Beginners by Scott Cunningham
Protection & Reversal Magick by Jason Miller 
Inner Witch: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft by Gabriela Herstik
Practical Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals, Horoscopes, Psychics, and Spells by Nikki Van De Car
The Element Encyclopedia of Witchcraft by Judika Illes
The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More by Arin Hiscock-Murphy
Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation by Mat Auryn
The Door to Witchcraft: A New Witch’s Guide to History, Traditions, and Modern-Day Spells by Tonya A. Brown
Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power by Pam Grossman
Wiccapedia: A Modern-Day White Witch’s Guide by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins
Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want by Diane Ahlquist
The Modern Witchcraft Book of Natural Magick by Judy Ann Nock
The House Witch by Arin Hiscock-Murphy
The Illustrated Herbiary by Maia Toll
Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham
The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology by Juliana McCarthy
Wicca: A Modern Guide to Witchcraft and Magick by Harmony Nice
The Witch’s Way by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins
The Good Witch’s Guide by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins
A Witches Bible: The Complete Witches’ Handbook by Stewart Farrar
The Healing Power of Witchcraft by Meg Rosenbriar
The Complete Grimoire by Lidia Pradas
The Crystal Witch by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins
Light Magic for Dark Times by Lisa Marie Basile
Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants by Christian Rätsch, Claudia Müller-Ebeling, and Wolf-Dieter Storl
A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magick by Lisa Peschel
The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Revealing the Mystery of the Tarot by Liz Dean
The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: The Beginner’s Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy by Athena Perrakis
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen by Scott Cunningham
Wicca: A Year and a Day: 366 Days of Spiritual Practice in the Craft of the Wise by Timothy Roderick
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magicpotiondaily · 5 years
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Oscar 2019 - Best Looks ♥
~Regina King, Marta Nieto, Nadine Labaki, Marielle Heller, Amy Adams, Brie Larson, Jennifer Lopez, Molly Sims, Anita Dobson, Michelle Yeoh, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi, Amandla Stenberg, Kate Biscoe, Leslie Bibb, Eva Melander, Glenn Close, Lisa Bonet, Shangela, Emilia Clarke, Kacey Musgraves, Kiki Layne, Meagan Good, Marie Kondo, Maya Rudolph, Angela Bassett, Julia Roberts, Sarah Paulson, Helen Mirren, Hannah Beachler, Jennifer Hudson, Rachel Weisz, Marina de Tavira, Serena Williams, Ashley Graham, Jaime Ray, Lady Gaga, Giuliana Rancic, Elsie Fisher, Allison Janney, Carol Ribeiro, Gabriela Rodriguez, Holland Taylor, Donna Jordan, Tessa Thompson, Danai Gurira, Emma Stone, Constance Wu, Tonya Lewis, Katharine Ross, Yalitza Aparicio, Elaine Welteroth, Laura Harrier, Charlize Theron, Tina Fey, Octavia Spencer, Deborah Davis, Domee Shi, Jessica Oyelowo, Kelly Ripa, Melissa McCarthy.
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huntingorbits · 2 years
Works I've Read
All of the works I've read related to my studies are listed below by formatted category and in alphabetical order by author's last name. Some of these were read quite some time ago, but I'll be rereading them soon. I'll link to full book reviews as I share them.
Academic Articles & Papers:
Coming soon.
Basile, Lisa Marie. The Magical Writing Grimoire. Fair Winds Press, 2020.
Blackthorne, Adam. The Master Works of Chaos Magick. The Gallery of Magick, 2016. Full review in progress.
Brown, Karen McCarthy. Mama Lola: A Vodou Priestess in Brooklyn, Updated and Expanded Edition. University of California Press, 2001.
Brown, Tonya A. The Door to Witchcraft: A New Witch's Guide. Althea Press, 2019. Full review.
Evans-Pritchard, E.E., & Gillies, Eva. Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic Among the Azande, Abridged Edition. Oxford University Press, 1976.
Fairchilde, E.M. Chaos Magic & Sigils Beginner's Guide. Self-published, 2019. Full review.
Greer, John Michael. The Occult Book: A Chronological Journey from Alchemy to Wicca. Union Square & Co., 2017.
Horne, Roger J.. Folk Witchcraft: A Guide to Lore, Land, & the Familiar Spirit for the Solitary Witch. Independently Published, 2019.
Horne, Roger J.. The Witch's Art of Incantation: Spoken Charms, Spells, & Curses in Folk Witchcraft. Independently Published, 2021.
K., Amber, & K., Azrael Arynn. How to Become a Witch. Llewellyn Publications, 2018.
Matlins, Stuart, & Magida, Arthur. How to Be a Perfect Stranger: The Essential Religious Etiquette Handbook. SkyLight Paths, 4th Edition, 2006.
Miller, Jason. Protection & Reversal Magick: A Witch's Defense Manual. Weiser Books, 2023. Full review in progress.
Nicholas, Chani. You Were Born for This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance. Harper One, 2020. Full review in progress.
Pals, Daniel. Eight Theories of Religion. Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition, 2006.
RavenWolf, Silver. To Ride a Silver Broomstick. Llewellyn Publications, 2nd Edition, 2016.
Talboys, Graeme. Way of the Druid: Renaissance of a Celtic Religion and its Relevance. Moon Books, 2005.
Weisman, Richard. Witchcraft, Magic, and Religion in 17th-Century Massachusetts. University of Massachusetts Press, 1985.
Zakroff, Laura Tempest. Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft. Llewellyn Publications, 2019.
Booklets & Pamphlets:
Native Hope. How to Address Native American Issues as a Non-Native: a Resource for Allies. Native Hope, date unknown. Available for free at https://www.nativehope.org/
Anchor and Star. Witches, Pagans, and Cultural Appropriation: Considerations & Applications for Magical Practice. Self-Published, 2021.
Anchor and Star. Witches and Pagans From the Frame of Whiteness. Self-Published, 2021.
Kirkbride, Yunan. Practical Paganism: Tipes for pulling yourself out of a spiritual slump and forming a stable, consistent worship. Self-Published, 2018.
Have a suggestion for me to read? Let me know! I'm always looking for more resources.
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14 Movies to See in May 2018: 'Deadpool 2,' 'Solo: A Star Wars Story' and More
We are now living in a post-Avengers: Infinity War world. Marvel broke records as we returned to the theater over and over again for repeat viewings and now sit at home counting the days until we find out what the Groot happens next. (Avengers 4 opens May 3, 2019, which is almost exactly 365 days away...)
In the meantime, May sees another superhero face off against a villainous, though gauntlet-free, Josh Brolin in the Marvel-but-not-Marvel Cinematic Universe movie Deadpool 2. We'll also get a bromance origin story for Han Solo and Chewbacca, Melissa McCarthy in a new wig and a ballsy remake of Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell's most beloved rom-com. (Godspeed, Overboard 2018.) This month's list of 14 Movies to See is below:
1. Overboard (May 4)
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Metro Goldwyn Mayer Pictures / Pantelion Films
1987's Overboard may be a comedy classic, but the premise -- a blue-collar guy gets revenge by conning a rich woman with amnesia into believing they're married -- has aged...problematically. The cast of the reboot says their gender-swapped version "makes more sense now." Starring: Anna Faris, Eugenio Derbez and Eva Longoria.
Watch the trailer:
2. RBG (May 4)
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Magnolia Pictures / Magnet Releasing
In the first documentary to center on Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, directors Julie Cohen and Betsy West look both at Ginsburg's legacy within the women's movement and her newfound status as a pop culture icon. (Speaking of documentaries, let me also recommend the André Leon Talley doc, The Gospel According to André, which arrives later in the month.)
Watch the trailer:
3. Tully (May 4)
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Focus Features
The third installment in the Jason Reitman-Diablo Cody trilogy (following Juno and Young Adult) proves that the director and writer are perfectly suited for each other, this time unwinding a pitch black comedy-turned-something more about modern motherhood. Starring: Charlize Theron, Mackenzie Davis, Ron Livingston and Mark Duplass.
Watch the trailer:
4. Breaking In (May 11)
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Universal Pictures
If Breaking In is exactly what it appears to be in the trailer -- a mom brings her kids to a remote mansion, home invaders hold the kids hostage while robbing the place, thus ensues 90 minutes of Gabrielle Union being an absolute badass -- I will get everything I want out of it. Starring: Gabrielle Union, Ajiona Alexus and Billy Burke.
Watch the trailer:
5. Life of the Party (May 11)
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Warner Bros. Pictures
Look, real-life married couple Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone don't have a perfect track record when it comes to making movies together. (Tammy.) But we will watch McCarthy in anything. And this one has a Christina Aguilera cameo! Starring: Melissa McCarthy, Maya Rudolph, Debby Ryan and Gillian Jacobs.
Watch the trailer:
6. Terminal (May 11)
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RLJE Films
The last film Margot Robbie produced and starred in -- I, Tonya -- got her an Oscar nomination. This one is a neo-noir thriller about assassins attempting to carry out a mission and the mysterious femme fatale they keep crossing paths with. Starring: Margot Robbie, Max Irons, Mike Myers and Simon Pegg.
Watch the trailer:
7. Book Club (May 18)
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Paramount Pictures
The final Fifty Shades of Grey movie (sadly? Mercifully?) opened earlier this year, but Christian Grey is still getting people hot and bothered on in this flick about four women whose lives are reignited when their book club selects E.L. James. More importantly, this cast! Starring: Candice Bergen, Diane Keaton, Jane Fonda and Mary Steenburgen.
Watch the trailer:
8. Deadpool 2 (May 18)
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20th Century Fox
In two months, two different Marvel superhero movies have starred Josh Brolin as the bad guy. He's far less purple here, however, playing a gun-toting mutant who travels back in time to open a can of whoop ass on the Merc with a Mouth. Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Zazie Beetz, Terry Crews, Brianna Hildebrand and Rob Delaney.
Watch the trailer:
9. First Reformed (May 18)
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First Reformed begins as a story about grief -- a reverend mourning the death of his son, who died while serving in Iraq -- but becomes something far more twisted when the minister is called on by a young woman's whose husband has committed suicide. Paul Schrader writes and directs and, thus, it has been liked to Taxi Driver. Starring: Ethan Hawke, Amanda Seyfried and Cedric the Entertainer.
Watch the trailer:
 10. On Chesil Beach (May 18)
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Bleecker Street
Saoirse Ronan's last Academy Award nomination was for Lady Bird, but her first post-Lady Bird role is a return to the writing of author Ian McEwan, whose novel Atonement begat Ronan's first Oscar nomination. This collaboration concerns the wedding night of a young married couple. Starring: Saoirse Ronan and Billy Howle.
Watch the trailer:
12. How to Talk to Girls at Parties (May 25)
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This is one of two movies Elle Fanning stars in this month -- the other is the Frankenstein period drama, Mary Shelley -- and one of countless Neil Gaiman stories currently making their way to your screen. It's got punk rock music, an alien invasion and Nicole Kidman's latest wig. Starring: Elle Fanning, Alex Sharp, Ruth Wilson and Nicole Kidman.
Watch the trailer:
12. Ibiza (May 25 on Netflix)
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Netflix will stream an s-load of new content this month -- like the sci-fi drama Anon and zombie apoco-flick Cargo -- but make sure Ibiza doesn't get lost in your queue. The plot is simple enough -- a 20-something falls for a DJ and follows him to Ibiza -- and leads to oodles of full-on LOLs. Starring: Gillian Jacobs, Vanessa Bayer, Phoebe Robinson and Richard Madden.
Watch the trailer:
13. Solo: A Star Wars Story (May 25)
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Lucasfilm Ltd.
Come for Han, stay for Chewie, come back for the Lando Calrissian spinoff this will hopefully greenlight. Even knowing all that went down in the galaxy not-so-far, far away while this was being shot, each look at Han's origin story has gotten us more and more excited. Please be good! Starring: Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke and Woody Harrelson.
Watch the trailer:
14. The Tale (May 26 on HBO)
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The Tale isn't so much an adaptation as it is a memoir told on film. Documentarian Jennifer Fox helms the drama, in which Laura Dern plays a documentarian named Jennifer Fox who uncovers a short story written by her 13-year-old self and begins to unravel her childhood trauma. Starring: Laura Dern, Ellen Burstyn, Elizabeth Debicki and Jason Ritter.
Watch the trailer:
Laura Dern Gushes Over Her 'Icon' Meryl Streep Joining 'Big Little Lies' (Exclusive)
Charlize Theron Reveals 'Very Long Journey' to Lose 50 Pounds Packed on for 'Tully' (Exclusive)
Donald Glover Says 'Solo' Is 'a Lot More Fun' Than Other 'Star Wars' Movies (Exclusive)
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scatterbrain000 · 4 years
my witchcraft reading list
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✨ The Modern Guide to Witchcraft by Skye Alexander
✨ Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham
✨ Protection & Reversal Magick by Jason Miller
✨ Witchcraft Today by Gerald Gardner
✨ Inner Witch: A Modern Guide to the Ancient Craft by Gabriela Herstik
✨ Practical Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Crystals, Horoscopes, Psychics, and Spells by Nikki Van De Car
✨ The Green Witch: Your Complete Guide to the Natural Magic of Herbs, Flowers, Essential Oils, and More by Arin Hiscock-Murphy
✨ Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation by Mat Auryn
✨ The Door to Witchcraft: A New Witch’s Guide to History, Traditions, and Modern-Day Spells by Tonya A. Brown
✨ Waking the Witch: Reflections on Women, Magic, and Power by Pam Grossman
✨ Wiccapedia: A Modern-Day White Witch’s Guide by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins
✨ Moon Spells: How to Use the Phases of the Moon to Get What You Want by Diane Ahlquist
✨ The Modern Witchcraft Book of Natural Magick by Judy Ann Nock
✨ The House Witch by Arin Hiscock-Murphy
✨ The Illustrated Herbiary by Maia Toll
✨ Buckland’s Complete Book of Witchcraft by Raymond Buckland
✨ Living Wicca by Scott Cunningham
✨ The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology by Juliana McCarthy
✨ Wicca: A Modern Guide to Witchcraft and Magick by Harmony Nice
✨ The Good Witch’s Guide by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins
✨ The Healing Power of Witchcraft by Meg Rosenbriar
✨ Crystal Witch: The Magickal Way to Calm and Heal the Body, Mind, and Spirit by Leanna Greenaway and Shawn Robbins
✨ Light Magic for Dark Times by Lisa Marie Basile
✨ Witchcraft Medicine: Healing Arts, Shamanic Practices, and Forbidden Plants by Christian Rätsch, Claudia Müller-Ebeling, and Wolf-Dieter Storl
✨ A Practical Guide to the Runes: Their Uses in Divination and Magick by Lisa Peschel
✨ The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Revealing the Mystery of the Tarot by Liz Dean
✨ The Ultimate Guide to Chakras: The Beginner’s Guide to Balancing, Healing, and Unblocking Your Chakras for Health and Positive Energy by Athena Perrakis
✨ Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham
✨ Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen by Scott Cunningham
✨ The Witch’s Herbal Apothecary: Rituals and Recipes for a Year of Earth Magick and Sacred Medicine Making by Marysia Miernowska
✨ The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide Book by Steven Horne and Thomas Easley
✨ Basic Witches: How to Summon Success, Banish Drama, and Raise Hell with Your Coven by Jaya Saxena and Jess Zimmerman
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newslookout · 4 years
Could this ‘nightmare’ election scenario become reality? | FOX News Rundown
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Fox News Rundown podcast | Oct. 30, 2020 Get more episodes of the Fox News Rundown podcast here: https://bit.ly/37n2wbe
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There are only four days left until Election Day. President Trump has been crisscrossing the country, holding multiple rallies a day in key battleground states. Record numbers of Americans have voted early with more ballots still coming in, but a huge turnout is expected next Tuesday. Host of Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace, discusses why this election is like no other, the ongoing concerns over mail-in ballots and how he thinks Americans may react if there’s no clear winner after Nov. 3.
The 2020 Election could come down to the courts this year as voting-related lawsuits pile up from both sides of the aisle. Former assistant U.S. attorney and FOX News contributor Andy McCarthy discusses some of the lawsuits including the Pennsylvania ballot deadline case, and explains what happens if a candidate doesn’t accept the election results.
Don’t miss the good news with Tonya J. Powers.
Plus, commentary by FOX Nation host Tom Shillue.
FOX News Channel (FNC) is a 24-hour all-encompassing news service delivering breaking news as well as political and business news. The number one network in cable, FNC has been the most-watched television news channel for 18 consecutive years. According to a 2020 Brand Keys Consumer Loyalty Engagement Index report, FOX News is the top brand in the country for morning and evening news coverage. A 2019 Suffolk University poll named FOX News as the most trusted source for television news or commentary, while a 2019 Brand Keys Emotion Engagement Analysis survey found that FOX News was the most trusted cable news brand. A 2017 Gallup/Knight Foundation survey also found that among Americans who could name an objective news source, FOX News was the top-cited outlet. Owned by FOX Corporation, FNC is available in nearly 90 million homes and dominates the cable news landscape, routinely notching the top ten programs in the genre.
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lifejustgotawkward · 6 years
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365 Day Movie Challenge (2018) - #6: Stronger (2017) - dir. David Gordon Green
Every year, biopics contend for space during awards season, a given since so many true (or at least partly) stories are catnip to Academy voters. This year, we have seen I, Tonya receive tremendous applause for its unconventional approach to storytelling, while All the Money in the World, Battle of the Sexes, Darkest Hour, The Disaster Artist, The Greatest Showman, Molly’s Game, The Post and Victoria & Abdul have also made their marks. The films Maudie, about Canadian folk artist Maud Lewis, and Stronger, about Boston Marathon bombing survivor Jeff Bauman, have been mostly overlooked. In the lovely and bittersweet Maudie’s case, the problem is that it has been overshadowed by actress Sally Hawkins’ more recent showcase, The Shape of Water; with Stronger, the issue is that it is just not a good film.
After a few scant minutes of introduction to working-class Boston native Jeff Bauman (Jeff Gyllenhaal) and the ex-girlfriend he still loves, Erin Hurley (Tatiana Maslany), we are thrown into the turmoil of the 2013 terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. Jeff was standing at the finish line to greet Erin when she completed the race, but he happened to be standing right next to where one of the two bombs were detonated. As a result both of his legs were destroyed, though his life saved by strangers who attached makeshift tourniquets to the areas around his knees. Jake Gyllenhaal convincingly portrays the complex interior world of Jeff Bauman, demonstrating the physical and emotion pain he endured in the immediate aftermath of the event that forever changed his life. As is so often the case with biopics of disabled persons, there is a case to be made that Jeff should not have been played by an able-bodied actor; certainly there are moments in Stronger when I couldn’t stop myself from thinking that Gyllenhaal was only pretending to be a double amputee. But since this is the performance that David Gordon Green has given us, I can only judge the final product in the film - and Gyllenhaal does a fine job.
Of equal concern is the emphasis that the film places on Jeff’s complicated relationship with Erin Hurley. Much more time is devoted to their on-again, off-again romance than to Jeff’s recovery. Most of Jeff and Erin’s scenes together revolve around their neverending melodrama, while Jeff’s decision to finally attend physical therapy on a regular basis is hastily stuffed into a montage near the end of the film. Even if it took Jeff a long time to realize the importance of recuperation, surely there had to be more effort put into that process than just the repetition of ab and glute exercises. And of course, a bunch of scenes swell with dramatic musical flourishes, like typical Hollywood material. I wish that the film weren’t a bland, standard retelling of the same old tired narrative about an underdog beating the odds. I’m sure that Jeff Bauman’s story deserves better treatment than that.
Gyllenhaal and Maslany do most of the heavy lifting in Green’s by-the-numbers production, but a few stellar character actors are given opportunities to shine. Miranda Richardson chews the scenery with gusto as Jeff Bauman’s alcoholic mom, Patty; I tend to think of her as either Queen Elizabeth I from “Black-Adder II,” dangerously sexy IRA assassin Jude from The Crying Game or reporter Rita Skeeter in a couple of the Harry Potter films, so it is fun to see this skillful performer exhibit a Boston accent as part of her repertoire. I also have a lot of respect for the hospital scene where Big Jeff (Clancy Brown) screams at his son’s Costco boss (Danny McCarthy); also the incredibly moving scene where Jeff reconnects with the man who came to his aid when he was potentially bleeding to death at the marathon, Carlos Arredondo (Carlos Sanz); and the scene near the end of the film where a fellow Bostonian (Jimmy LeBlanc, or “the Spotlight guy” as I think of him) tells Jeff how inspirational his triumph over adversity has been.
Stronger is my first encounter with the cinema of David Gordon Green. It is my understanding that he is viewed as an inconsistent filmmaker, a promising indie talent (George Washington, All the Real Girls, Undertow, Snow Angels) who followed those early dramas with a popular, mainstream stoner comedy (Pineapple Express), was labeled a sellout and/or a hack for his subsequent major-studio work (Your Highness, The Sitter, Our Brand Is Crisis) but in between made a pair of really interesting low-budget films (Prince Avalanche, Joe). And then there’s Manglehorn, which I don’t even know how to categorize. Is David Gordon Green a bad director? I’m not sure yet. I don’t mind too much who he works with or how much funding his projects receive, but I would like to see some evidence that he’s not just another mediocre white guy who has had more second chances than he knows what to do with. That being said, I wouldn’t mind exploring the earlier entries in his filmography. Prove me wrong, Dave!
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conanaltatis · 5 years
‘The Masked Singer’ Season 2: Penguin is Sherri Shepherd, Tonya Harding, Raven-Symoné
‘The Masked Singer’ Season 2: Penguin is Sherri Shepherd, Tonya Harding, Raven-Symoné
Penguin is one of the 16 mystery celebrities competing in “The Masked Singer” Season 2. The new season of the reality singing competition television series premiered on Fox on September 25, 2019.
Nick Cannon is back to host “The Masked Singer” Season 2. Ken Jeong, Jenny McCarthy, Nicole Scherzinger and Robin Thicke are also back as the judges.
“Every time you think you’re getting warmer, you’re…
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buythennow-blog · 5 years
Melissa McCarthy appears Photoshopped in 'The Heat' U.K. poster - Tonya Peters
https://buythennow.com/?p=2872 Melissa McCarthy appears Photoshopped in 'The Heat' U.K. poster - Tonya Peters - https://buythennow.com/?p=2872
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tocinephile · 5 years
It’s time for the SAG Awards 2019
It’s been a busy month since the Golden Globes, and by that I mean I’ve been trying to get up to speed on as many nominated films as possible.  I’ve watched Vice, A Star is Born, The Wife, If Beale Street Could Talk, and foreigh film nominees Capernaum, and Cold War.  By the time the SAG Awards air tonight, I will have watched Destroyer as well. (BlacKkKlansman, you’re next!  If only I hadn’t slept in...)
As far as the motion picture nominees for tonight go, this is what I have to say about them:
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role:
Christian Bale, “Vice” Bradley Cooper, “A Star Is Born” Rami Malek, “Bohemian Rhapsody” Viggo Mortensen, “Green Book” John David Washington, “BlacKkKlansman”
I’m up to 4/5 performances now and I’m sticking with Christian Bale, I think he should and I predict he will win. Though I’d read somewhere that Bradley Cooper should have done more to promote himself as a best actor rather than focus on best directing and I would agree, I thought his acting was stronger than his directing in A Star is Born.
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role:
Emily Blunt, “Mary Poppins Returns” Glenn Close, “The Wife” Olivia Colman, “The Favourite” Lady Gaga, “A Star Is Born” Melissa McCarthy, “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”
Also seen 4/5 performances here and I’m pretty confident Glenn Close is the best, but there’s definitely a 3-way tie in my heart for 2nd. What a stacked category this has been this season. I think it’s amazing.
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role:
Mahershala Ali, “Green Book” Timothee Chalamet, “Beautiful Boy” Adam Driver, “BlacKkKlansman” Sam Elliott, “A Star Is Born” Richard E. Grant, “Can You Ever Forgive Me?”
Timothee Chalamet should have gotten an Oscar nomination, but I’m off topic. Though I haven’t seen Adam Driver’s performance yet, part of me wants anyone but Mahershala Ali to win (much as I love to look at him on stage) just because given his talent, I don’t think it was an award winning performance.  I personally like Timothee Chalamet or Richard E Grant (long shot), Sam Elliott was also good.
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role:
Amy Adams, “Vice” Emily Blunt, “A Quiet Place” Margot Robbie, “Mary Queen of Scots” Emma Stone, “The Favourite” Rachel Weisz, “The Favourite”
So is it a fair trade-off that Emily Blunt got two SAG nominations and zero Oscars? And is Margot Robbie on this list because everyone who portrays Queen Elizabeth I always seems to get nomination? Because this was not a great performance from her, stark contrast in quality from I,Tonya. I’m actually not sure which of the three remaining women should win, they’re all fantastic.
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture:
“Ant-Man and the Wasp” “Avengers: Infinity War” “The Ballad of Buster Scruggs” “Black Panther” “Mission: Impossible – Fallout”
I keep forgetting this is a category (it’s well deserved...). I’ve only seen two of the films, but I’ll go with Avengers: Infinity War. 
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture:
“A Star Is Born” “Black Panther” “BlacKkKlansman” “Bohemian Rhapsody” “Crazy Rich Asians”
I’m gonna be really happy when we reach the Oscars and we can stop talking about Crazy Rich Asians like it’s an awards season contender.  That said, if it were to receive any kind of nomination it should probably be for ensemble cast. In fact, when you look at it from this angle, somehow all the nominees make more sense than if you were to call it a “Best Motion Picture” which makes me consider technical and directing achievements as well. I’m consistently as 4/5 films watched in many catergories, so no disrespect to BlacKkKlansman, but I’m going to say best cast is A Star is Born.
I’m off to go watch Destroyer now, despite that fact that it’s a bit of an aside at this point. When I get home you can once again count on me make a ripple on Twitter, follow me for snide fashion remarks and real time award reactions!
See you back here for “the morning after” blog!
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November 7, 2018: Obituaries
Lena Reeves,  86
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Mrs. Lena Fern Goforth Reeves, age 86, of Millers Creek, widow of Gwyn Gene Reeves, died Saturday, November 3, 2018 at Forsyth Medical Center.
           Funeral services were held   November 6,   at Little Mountain Baptist Church with Pastor Tony Finney officiating. Burial was in Sheets Gap Cemetery.  
           Mrs. Reeves was born May 26, 1932 in Wilkes County to Garland Phletus and Ethel Harriett Anderson Goforth. She loved to garden and cook but her biggest love was her granddaughter and great -grandchildren who all felt she was a wonderful mother and "Nanny".
           Mrs. Reeves was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; and three brothers, Wayne Goforth, Randolph Goforth, and Anthony Goforth.
           She is survived by her son, Jerry Reeves, of Millers Creek; her granddaughter, Angela Williams and husband, Billy, of Purlear; her three great-grandchildren, Autumn, Micah, and Noah; and her sister, Shirley Brown of South  Carolina.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials made to The American Heart Association, P.O. Box 2361, North Wilkesboro NC 28659.
 Mary  Byrd, 71
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Mary Lou Dowell Byrd, age 71, of Roaring River, Passed away Thursday, November 1, 2018 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born November 30, 1946 in Wilkes County to William and Nomie Porter Dowell. Mrs. Byrd was a member of White Plains Baptist Church. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Jerry Douglas Byrd; granddaughter, Noel Byrd; and brothers, Harvey Dowell, Hobert Dowell, and Roger Dowell.
           Surviving are her daughter, Judith Foster and husband James of Boomer; sons, Eric Byrd and Leon Byrd both of Roaring River; sisters, Betty Ferguson and husband Wayne of Millers Creek, Patsy Roten and husband Gene, Peggy Smithey and husband Bill all of North Wilkesboro, Susie Blevins of Hays, Ginny Rubb of North Wilkesboro, Tiny Shepherd and husband Allen of Roaring River; brother, Doodlebug Dowell and wife Tammy of North Wilkesboro; sister-in-law, Lisa Dowell of North Wilkesboro; grandchildren, Kody Foster, Kourtni Faw and husband Jeremiah, Katelyn Foster, Laban Byrd, Luke Byrd, Leah Byrd; and four great grandchildren.
           Funeral service were held  November 4,   at White Plains Baptist Church with Rev. William Souther officiating. Burial followed in the church cemetery. Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to White Plains Baptist Church, 1432 White Plains Road, Roaring River, NC 28669.            Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Heather Miller,  26
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Heather Marie Miller, age 26, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at Forsyth Medical Center. She was born October 25, 1992 in Wilkes County to Fredrick (Riley) Miller and Lorie Stone Johnston. Heather was preceded in death by her paternal grandparents, Jeff and Jean Harrold; maternal grandparents, Benny and Hazel Hartzog; cousin, Josh Hutchinson.
           Surviving are her mother, Lorie Stone Johnston and step father, David Johnston of North Wilkesboro; father, Fredrick (Riley) Miller of North Wilkesboro; daughter, Rylie Danelle Miller of North Wilkesboro; brother, David Church, Jr. and wife Christy of Purlear; sister, Dawn Church of North Wilkesboro; uncles, William and Charles Miller both of North Wilkesboro; aunts, Charie Miller of North Wilkesboro, Rani Miller of Ashe County, Melanie McCarthy of North Wilkesboro; several cousins and nieces.
           Funeral service was held  November 5, 2018 at Miller Funeral Chapel with Pastor Jeff Collins and Rev. Brent Bailey officiating. Burial   followed in Mountain Park Cemetery.  
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to the family to assist with expenses.                         Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
  Robert Love, 88
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Mr. Robert Ellett "Bob" Love, age 88 of Wilkesboro, passed away Tuesday, October 30, 2018 at his home with his loving family by his side.
           Graveside services were held  November 2nd,   at Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church with Rev. David Wellborn officiating.  
           Mr. Love was born March 24, 1930 in Wilkes County to Thomas Columbus Love and Ocie Belle West Love. He was retired from Holly Farms/Tyson Foods and later was owner/operator of an auto body shop. Mr. Love was of the Baptist faith.
           In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a son; Eugene Love, two brothers; Thomas Junior Love and wife Mable and William Love and a brother in law; Turner Hendren.
           Mr. Love is survived by his wife of 68 years; Florence Call Love of the home, a daughter; Carolyn Love Winkler and husband Bill of Wilkesboro, a daughter in law; Vickie Cox Love of Wilkesboro, five grandchildren; Mark Love and wife Holly, Tonya Love Jenkins, Lisa Lingle and husband Stephen, Jason Winkler and Kristie Winkler, eight great grandchildren, a sister; Edna Love Hendren of Wilkesboro and a sister in law Susie Love of Hamptonville.
           Pallbearers were Jason Winkler, Tyler Wheeling, Mark Love, Michael Shew, Mark Joines and Wayne Bouchelle.
           The family would like to Thank Medi Home Health and Hospice and especially a wonderful nurse; Michelle Woodie, a niece whom he thought of and loved as a granddaughter.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Fishing Creek Arbor Baptist Church 2446 Fishing Creek Arbor Road Wilkesboro, NC 28697 or Medi Home Health and Hospice 115 Atwood Street Suite C Sparta, NC 28675.
  Carolyn   Bryant, 90
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Carolyn Lillie Bryant, age 90, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Wednesday, October 31, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist Health-Wilkes Regional. She was born May 1, 1928 in Wilkes County to George and Lillie Burchette Smith. She was a member of Liberty Grove Baptist Church and when she was younger she taught Sunday School and sang in the Choir. Mrs. Bryant was preceded in death by her parents; her husband, Paul Everette Bryant; and a brother, J.W. Smith.
           Surviving is her son, James Bryant and wife Sharon of North Wilkesboro.
           Funeral service was held November 3,   at Liberty Grove Baptist Church with Pastor David Sparks officiating. Burial   followed in the Church Cemetery.  Flowers will be accepted. The family has requested no food.
           Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
 Lisa   Kelly,   47
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Lisa Gail Kelly, age 47, of North Wilkesboro, passed away Monday, October 29, 2018 at Woltz Hospice Home in Dobson. She was born March 15, 1971 in Fort Walton Beach, Florida to Jesse and Geneva Benge Baldwin. Mrs. Kelly was preceded in death by her brother, Jesse Baldwin, Jr.
           Surviving are her husband, John Kelly; her daughters, Shantae Kelly and Brianna Kelly both of the home; step daughter, Brittane Parsons of Taylorsville; grandchild, Illianna Garcia of the home; father, Jesse Baldwin of Lake  Placid, Florida; mother, Geneva Reid of Wilkesboro; and brother, Jason Baldwin.
           Funeral service was held November 2,   at Miller Funeral Chapel with Rev. Casey Walker, Rev. Brent Bailey and Rev. James Ferguson officiating. Burial   followed in Scenic Memorial Gardens.   Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to a charity of the donor's choice.
           Miller Funeral Service is in charge of the arrangements.  
Edwin Kilby,  85
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Mr. Edwin T. Kilby, age 85 of North Wilkesboro passed away Monday, October 29, 2018 at Wake Forest Baptist-Wilkes Medical Center.
           Funeral services were held  November 2,   at Mtn. Valley Baptist Church with Rev. Scott Church officiating.  
           Mr. Kilby was born February 15, 1933 in Wilkes County to Trelia H. and Pauline Turner Kilby. He was a member of Mtn. Valley Baptist Church.
           In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a son; Rodney Dale Snider and two brothers; Maurice and Carmon Kilby.
           He is survived by his wife; Willa Jean Snider Kilby of the home, one son; James S. "Chuck" Snider and wife Sharon of Wilkesboro, two grandchildren; Matthew Steven Snider and wife Jennifer, Kelly S. Pastushok, four great grandchildren; Andrew Johnson, Carsen Snider, Cohen Snider, Alexandra Pastushok and one sister; Carolyn Kilby Stoker and husband Dale of Hickory and several nieces and nephews.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Mtn. Valley Baptist Church, c/o Bobbie Witherspoon, 1420 Cartpath Road,  N. Wilkesboro, NC 28659.
 Bettie  Alexander, 87
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Mrs. Bettie Denny Alexander, age 87 of North Wilkesboro passed away Saturday, October 27, 2018 at her home.
           Funeral services were held  November 3,   at First Baptist Church  Main Street with Rev. John A. Speaks and Rev. Johnny E. Scott officiating. Burial will be in Woodlawn Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 6:00 until 8:00 PM Friday at Reins-Sturdivant Funeral Home.
           She joined First Baptist Church at an early age, where she was a Sunday School teacher, member of the choir, member of the missionary committee and over the kitchen committee. She remained a faithful member until she went home to be with the Lord.
           Mrs. Alexander was born January 9, 1931 in Wilkes County to Howard M. and Bessie Horton Denny. Mrs. Alexander was on the zoning committee for the Town of North Wilkesboro, President of North Wilkesboro Pool Association for 32 years. For all of her accomplishments and contributions Robert Johnson, Mayor of North Wilkesboro presented her with a key to the city.
           In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband; Richard Lonnie Alexander, Sr., daughter; Deborah Wilson and one sister; Margaret Ferguson Johnson.
           She is survived by six daughters; Marion "Susie" Barber and husband Julius, Mary Lee Wilborn, Denise Alexander and husband Tony all of North Wilkesboro, Charlotte Carter and husband Calvin of Yadkinville, Marsha Alexander of North Wilkesboro, two sons; Richard Alexander, Jr. and wife Lillian of Frederick MD, Keith "Tony" Alexander of Anderson, SC, twenty-three grandchildren, forty-two great grandchildren and four great great grandchildren and son-in-law; Tony Wilson of Virginia.
           Flowers will be accepted or memorials may be made to Wake Forest Baptist Care At-Home Hospice, 126 Executive Drive, Suite 110, Wilkesboro, NC 28697.
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