#too fabulous 4 u
miryum · 1 year
Foundling Villa- Chapter 4
Royal!Charles Leclerc x Reader. Princess Y/n is arranged to marry Prince Charles. There will be many ups and downs that the author hasn’t planned out yet, but read along to find out more! (Yes, I know that sounds super cheesy) Warnings per chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of sex, mentions of misogyny, swearing
ao3 link  next chapter>>
You woke to a loud knocking on the door. What the hell? you thought. Sara and Elena usually gave a soft knock before coming in to gently wake you. Who was making such a racket? 
“Y/n! Future princess of Enzaaaaaaa! Wake the fuck up!” You bolted upright, recognising the voice.
“Brenda!” you shrieked. The door banged open and your sister appeared. Two of your brothers walked in behind her. Sara and Elena rushed past them.
“My Lady, we are so sorry!” Sara apologised.
“Never apologise for my sister!” You hugged Brenda tightly. “Otherwise you would be apologising forever.”
“Shush!” Brenda laughed loudly. “I missed you so much!”
“How’ve you been, Y/n?” Your oldest brother, Robert, pulled you in for a hug. He ruffled your hair and said, “put on some clothes, why don’t you?”
“God, I hate you.” Sara handed you a robe and you threw it on. “I’ve been… dealing. It’s been fine.”
“Come here,” your younger brother, Ralph, consoled you. “You were always terrible at hiding emotions. Really, how are you?”
At those words, you broke down crying. “I miss you so much!” Robert and Brenda joined in the sibling hug and held you as you sniffled. 
“Sweetie,” Brenda cooed. “It’s okay. I promise you’ll feel better soon. And no crying while we’re here.”
“How are Marie and Kaitlyn?” You asked about your other sisters.
“I last wrote them a month ago,” Brenda said. “They seemed great! Marie held a ball a while ago.”
Is this what your life would be reduced to? Holding occasional balls and writing to family members every other month? Your future never seemed more boring. 
“What are you doing here?” you asked, though you didn’t want to tempt the fates. 
“Do you honestly think Brenda would let us miss your wedding?” Robert asked, chuckling.
“Right,” you sighed. “That’s tomorrow. But where are mother and father?”
Ralph rolled his eyes. “Completing boring royal procedures. They’ll come by tonight or tomorrow. Meanwhile, we got to see our sister!”
“And where’s the future husband?” Brenda asked in a teasing tone. 
As if I’m cue, a knock sounded on the open door. “Excuse me?” You whipped around to find Prince Charles grinning timidly. 
“Prince Charles,” your brothers bowed. 
Brenda giggled and said, “hello future brother-in-law! We shouldn’t need to bow to you, should we? It’s nice to meet you!” 
“No, you don’t need to bow.” Charles laughed with Brenda, adjusting to her vigor. He shook her hand. “You’re Brenda, correct?”
“Yes! I hope Y/n hasn’t bad-mouthed me too much. This is Robert and Ralph.” Charles shook hands with your brothers. 
“Nice to meet you,” Charles greeted politely. “I’m glad that you’re visiting us.”
“We couldn’t miss Y/n’s wedding.” Ralph said, “she’s done so much for us over the years.” 
“And we couldn’t pass up the free food!” Brenda joked.
“You and my brother Arthur would get along fabulously,” Charles stated to your sister.
“Unfortunately, I’m a happily married woman,” Brenda said. “But I wouldn’t mind having a new best friend. Ever since this one ditched me,” she pointed at you. “I’ve been so lonely.”
“I only got your letter yesterday!” You defended, “you have to expect communication to take longer.”
While you and your sister bickered, Charles said to your brothers, “she’s a completely different person. Usually, Princess Y/n is apprehensive and timid. She doesn’t speak at all; when she does, it’s very quiet.”
“Y/n? Timid? Quiet?” Ralph laughed. “Wait until she opens up. That’s not the Y/n we know and love.”
“Have you thought about getting her away from the palace?” Robert suggested. “When we were growing up, she didn’t love being around the court. She used to complain about it being uptight and superficial. And yes, as a seven year old, she used the word ‘superficial’. Bizarre, isn’t it? Yet, when we would visit our grandmother’s estate in the country, she would open up. Become more lively and active. She loved the barn, though our mother always worried she would scrape her knee or muddy her dress.”
“Didn’t she name all of the newborn piglets?” Ralph asked. “There was Poe, Garth, Bean, Tassel, and… oh, what was the other one?”
“Corn,” Robert recalled. 
“That was it!” Ralph clapped his hands. “I knew I was forgetting one.”
Charles was enamoured by your brothers’ stories. The tales they told sounded implausible. It was unbelievable to hear all of the mischief you had gotten into when you were young. Charles made it his mission to make you feel comfortable enough to open up. He wanted to get to know you- not the one who was shielding away from him. It wouldn’t be a true marriage if the bride was a shell of herself, right? 
“Tell me more,” Charles prompted Ralph and Robert. “What other adventures did Princess Y/n get into as a child?”
“Don’t be scared, sweetie,” Brenda pulled at a strand of your hair. “Everything is okay. Take a deep breath.”
“Where’s mama?” you asked. 
Brenda opened her mouth, took a moment, and said, “she’s waiting in the church.”
You nodded slowly. Apparently, your mother and father were more concerned with meeting new allies than their daughter on her wedding day. 
“Princess Y/n?” A knock sounded on the door and you vaguely recognized Queen Pascale’s voice. “May I come in?”
“Yes, your Majesty.” You had only seen your sister bow to her husband, so you were shocked when she did it to the queen of Enza.
“You don’t have to do that,” Pascale smiled and reached out to lift Brenda into a standing position. “Princesses, how are you?”
“I’m splendid. Are you splendid? I am perfectly splendid!” You worried you had said the word ‘splendid’ too much. 
You couldn’t stop running your hands over your dress. The fabric felt odd against your sweaty hands. “Do you know what else is today? It’s the reception, where I have to talk to dignitaries and monarchs who I can’t remember the names of. And then there’s the dinner and the dance- Oh, Brenda! What if I forget the dance?! And after I forget the dance and mess up in front of everyone, then it’s the…” You swallowed and looked around for a glass of water. Or better yet, wine. 
“The wedding night?” Brenda guessed. You nodded.
“Your Highness, I am so sorry,” you said to Pascale. “I’m trying to be composed, but it’s proving very difficult. Your son seems incredibly thoughtful and considerate, but can you understand why I’m frightened?”
“Yes. I understand perfectly. It can be nerve wracking going into a marriage and not having connected with them.” Queen Pascale sat down on a sofa.
Brenda added on, “and don’t worry about tonight. I’m sure Prince Charles will take care of you.” She grimaced awkwardly at the Queen, feeling uncomfortable talking about Pascale’s son right in front of her.
Pascale snickered in a very un-queen-like way. “Dear, I don’t care what you say about my son. I’ve changed his dirty diapers. I’ve seen it all.”
You smiled, wanting to laugh at her words. A sense of longing suddenly washed over you, a small part of you wanting it to be your own mother who was comforting you. 
Nonetheless, you were still grateful for Queen Pascale’s words. You wondered if she would be open to visiting you at the Foundling Villa. You had already told your siblings all about it, and Brenda was scheduled to visit you two weeks from now.
Speaking of the Foundling Villa, you had Sara and Elena visit it two days ago. They had met with the housekeeper and her small staff. With the housekeeper’s suggestions, they had vetted and hired a stable master- someone by the name Lando Norris- and a cook that went by Chef Yuki. You had asked Sara and Elena to start packing during the wedding so the moment the sun came up tomorrow, you could leave. 
“Are you ready?” Brenda asked.
“Do you want the truth?” you replied. 
Queen Pascale shook her head. “Never tell them the truth. Only tell them what they want to know.”
Robert appeared at the door. “It’s time.” He sucked in a breath, wondering if it was better to feel excited for you, or nervous. He wasn’t naïve. He wanted to talk to Prince Charles about not messing with his younger sister, but he also knew that Enza was a much more powerful state than Williams. Robert couldn’t threaten their prince, even if he was trying to protect you.
As Robert walked you to the church entrance, you whispered, “I’m glad you’re the one walking me down the aisle.”
“As am I,” Robert admitted. “Father would be too uptight.”
You sunk into his side. “I missed you so much. You’ll come visit?”
“Yes! I want to see the Foundling Villa.” The doors opened to a room filled with nobles. They all stood to stare at you. An organ started. There were so many people. “Ralph might visit with me,” Robert kept talking, even though you were currently marching towards Prince Charles and a priest that was ready to seal your future. A long, inconvenient veil fell from your head and two little girls were holding up the ends. “Okay, wow, that’s an impressive grip!” Robert chuckled nervously, wanting to remove your hand from his arm. “Right now, I am going to keep talking so you can listen to my voice and have something to ground yourself on. You look beautiful today. Sara did a wonderful job on your hair. Look, there’s Brenda and mother and father,” his voice slipped away. The only sound you could focus on was your quickening heartbeat. “Breathe,” Robert gave you one last instruction before placing your hand in Prince Charles’s. You registered his outfit- the royal mantle Este had commissioned for him. He looked good. His hair was slicked away from his green eyes which kicked onto yours.
Prince Charles took your hand and turned to face the priest. The organ came to the end of its song and the girls behind you set down your veil. 
Internally, Charles was freaking out. Yes, you were beautiful and he wanted to cultivate a relationship with you, but that didn’t mean he wanted to marry you! Lorenzo had motioned to him multiple times to loosen up. Before the wedding, Arthur had reminded him to stop clenching his jaw and hands. King Hervé gently told Charles to smile at you. 
He didn’t remember any of their advice.
The priest started talking, “dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the joining of these two unions.”
Charles remembered seeing your mother and father before the wedding. They had been conversing with the monarchs of Redull before the rulers of Wolff swept them away to talk. The priest, who was still talking, had been implanted in Charles’ memories since the beginning. The priest had been the one to baptise all of the Leclerc brothers. Charles had seen your maids running about this morning. He wondered what they were preparing for. It couldn’t have been the wedding; you had been whisked away early in the morning to get prepared. 
“Prince Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc of Enza,” the priest turned towards Charles. Was the man already done with the speech? Charles hadn’t realised. “Do you take Princess Y/n M/n L/n of Williams to be your lawfully wedded wife? For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part, and according to God’s holy law?”
“I do,” Charles said. He noticed the word ‘love’ didn’t come up in the vows.
“And Princess Y/n M/n L/n of Williams,” the priest’s eyes never left the page. You stiffened and Charles gripped your hand. “Do you take Prince Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc of Enza, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” You paled at the word. “For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part, and according to God’s holy law? Do you pledge yourself to both him and his kingdom?” 
You exhaled and said, “I do.” 
“I pronounce Prince and Princess Leclerc of Enza! You may now kiss the bride.”
Prince Charles faced you, quirked a brow in silent question, and when you gave a sharp nod, he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
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daegutowns · 1 year
seventeen as mean girls, a concept
i just think seventeen has enough flair and drama to be pulling off the entire cast of the mean girls movie
BSS as the plastics
seungkwan: regina george. he has all the flair and he wants all the drama. that’s HIS burn book! he fits the description perfectly, since he’s fabulous but evil.
“get in loser. we’re going shopping.”
also the idea that seungkwan would be the person to
“you can take that fake apology, and shove it right up your hairy—“ [gets hit by a bus]
it just fits
hoshi: gretchen. his dad invented toaster strudel. tiger flavor. doesn’t even have to make sense bc he’s so rich. hoshi’s hair is so big bc it’s full of secrets
“gretchen, stop trying to make horanghae fetch happen. it’s not going to happen!”
deekay: karen. who else would hold their boobs and tell the weather??? *holds* it’s sunny. and it works every time. it’s like he has espn or something
“do you wanna do something fun? do you wanna go to taco bell?”
honestly cady would probably be dino, but the possibly of vernon being cady is just too funny to pass up.
vernon: im from africa
deekay: so if ur from africa… then why are u white
hoshi: oh my god dk… u can’t just ask people why they’re white
vernon: cady. a very funny twist on the new girl from africa. like wdym you don’t wear a whole zombie bride costume to the slutty halloween party?
the only thing historically accurate about dino being cady would be the beef between her and regina (seungkwan), but that’s just semantics
(plus the comedic value of having vernon as cady far outweighs the realistic plot benefits of dino as cady)
jeonghan: regina’s mom. “you’re doing great sweetie!” like who else would encourage all of seungkwan’s bad habits so naturally? just one camcorder video at a time… also gets his tits chewed off by a chihuahua #rip
joshua: aaron samuels. absolutely heartthrob. aaron literally is just smart and sporty but also lives with his mom and spends most of his time helping her at home. this is literally just josh. our fav church oppa
jun: janis. just the chic cool vibes. just like a very cute and lovely janis. also lesbian
mingyu: damian. too gay to function? yeah, that’s him. he will never defeat the gay allegations. and he wants his pink shirt back!!! he wants his pink shirt back!!!!!!
seungcheol: glen coco. just received 4 candy canes from santa!damian (mingyu) for doing absolutely nothing. you go glen coco!
also seungcheol: ms. norbury — but only because he would probably escalate the situation instead of diffusing it.
woozi: mr. duvall (the principal) bc his main trait is having a crush on ms. norbury and being anti-slut/whore-shaming. also has carpal tunnel syndrome??? so on-brand
more but just for shits and giggles:
also mingyu: jason. bc ofc he and gretchen (hoshi) would have a rocky relationship
mingyu: is your muffin buttered?
vernon: what
mingyu: would u like us to assign someone that will butter your biscuit
vernon: my what.
seungkwan: is he bothering you? mingyu why are you such a skeez?
hoshi: you were supposed to call me last night
bc the mingyu x hoshi beef will still continue into the mean girls universe
minghao as the lady who tells regina (seungkwan) her dress doesn’t fit and she needs to go to a different store → “u should try sears☺️”
wonwoo as regina’s dad that comes out only once and it’s him crying at regina’s halloween costume
dino as the bus driver that hits regina george (seungkwan)
everything about this to me is so funny
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hvstias · 1 year
Do you happen to have any Deadlock&Sova sibling shenanigan HCs
Asking for my dogs distantly related cousins twice removed great uncles friend
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well kudos to ur dogs distantly related cousins twice removed great uncle's friend bc they have a good taste!! here u go:
u know those duos that just click? yeah. that's them.
especially after sova investigated the place she lost her arm (from her cinematic but i cant remember the name blame it on my low b12 ok)
moving on so after some interrogation they just. clicked. call it trauma bonding or blond ppl telepathy they just did
they don't remember exactly who started it but now everytime they're standing together SOMEONE'S (bonus points if a dualist) always gotta make that sibling joke
they're both nature lovers but she thinks he's kinda insane for hiking for 4 miles at 7 am
okay including tremorbolt here because why not so do u remember that hc about deadlock and breach having movie nights? they also invited sova, deadlock nearly refused to watch the movie with them because she didn't want to third wheel those homos
BUT somehow breach ended up third wheeling them because they were going feral over the details of a fucking 90s horror movie while he tried not to die from too much laughing
her arm sometimes ache like an open wound, not that it's not healed wrong or something but phantom pain is a real pain in the ass and sova tries to help her w his grandmas home remedies and meds
ppl often confuse them as real siblings in public and its so hilarious to sova while deadlock just rolls her eyes but u can see a lil smile if u look closely thats her pocked sized himbo
sova is a good storyteller but he talks about gore so casually she's like ??? sometimes but still listens because this mf has interesting stories
like breach and viper, they also have their own bets but instead of winning they always end up losing bc they let everyone know what they bet on with their bickering lol
she thinks he uses too many hair products and he's just offended like?? do u think its easy to take care of this fabulous hair??
deadlock only cooks practical meals because she doesn't really have time to think about food (her words) and sova's horrified by her eating habits. like girl how are u even alive
sova can handle hot temperatures unless it's TOO hot but deadlock. oh boy. her nordic ass can't handle hot places unless there's an AC like she'd act like she's okay but you know how someone looks like when they're on the verge of dying from heat
they're both tea ppl but sova prefers black tea and deadlock finds those herbal teas relaxing after a long day at work
they smoked pot after a rough mission w breach once but that was the first and last time they listened him about his relaxing tactics because the headache in the morning? not worth it gals and guys and my nb children do not smoke pot if u wanna relax go take a shower or smth listen to me (definitely not speaking from experience)
ps: this is kinda short bc i've been busy these days BUT might make a part two soo i hope u enjoyed!
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dre6ming · 2 years
The delicate beginning rush
Instagram photo dump part VI
Masterlist <all chapters here>
Instagram photo dump masterlist
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
!!!Everything fake!!!
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Liked by fan2e, joshuafan and 400.473others
tmz: Y/n and Joshua Bassett caught locking lips once again, this seems to be pretty solid if you ask us.
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fan34: omg they are fr!! I thought it was all a PR thing
↳fan12: it still could be, it's very likely
↳joshuafan: yeah definitely smells like PR
↳love4y/n: what if we're just too quick to judge
abfan: deep down I feel like she's still hung up on Austin
↳fan-ab: who wouldn't be😩😩
↳fan48: ugh back with this
hater3: she's just trying to prove that she can hold a man for longer than a few days
↳hater28: well seems like she's really trying
fan.love38: they look so cute 🥰 . I'm in love with them
↳fan111: same here.
↳fan.of.joshua: I'm obsessed with them
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Liked by austibutler , tchalamet and 1.383.399 others
y/n4real.2002: Best-friend out now on all platforms. 📸: roxanne.02_b1tch
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tchalamet: proud of you sis!!!
↳y/n4real.2002: tchalamet thanks big brother. Love you 💜💜
↳fan283: ahh they are the cutest ever
↳tc-fan: he's always such a supporter
roxanne.02_b1tch: you're welcome for the photo
↳y/n4real.2002: roxanne.02_b1tch hahaha thanks girl, love you tons💜💜
↳fan281: I love their friendship
↳fans2: omg yes they are so iconic
taylorswift: a true mastermind
↳y/n4real.2002: taylorswift you know it 😉
↳tsfan: ma'am what does this little interaction mean? 🧐
↳taylor13-fan: we're clowning 🤡
austinbutler: definitely worth the wait
↳y/n4real.2002: austinbutler it's in my job description 😉
↳an.fan1: 👀 wait what??
↳austin-fan: I'm losing my mind over this
↳kaiafan23: 😡 hands off, he's taken
jackantonoff: one step
finneas: the first step
↳y/n4real.2002: finneas jackantonoff 👀👀
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Liked by y/n4real.2002 , austinbutler and 1.233.282 others
tchalamet: my sister is amazing and she does it all. Go listen to her new song Best-Friend. #throwback to quarantine in Toronto, def do not miss that small apartment 😭
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y/n4real.2002: my heart could explode rn and hey I loved that apartment 😡
↳tchalamet: y/n4real.2002 Ik u did, weirdo
↳y/n4real.2002: tchalamet I'm not a weirdo 🥺
↳fan28: protect Y/n at all costs
↳fan4949: guys they are so cute
ab-fan13: Austin liked this you guys
↳austin_fan: omg he's literally confirming they're more than friends
↳fan-ep.ab: holly cow I can't believe this
fan1: they are so cute
tcfan25: Timmy always here with the big brother moves
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Liked by austinbutler , tchalamet and 1.783.399 others
y/n4real.2002: a big thank you to teutamatoshi for custom making this dress, you'll know what I've been up to pretty soon 😉 #orange
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austinbutler: looking fabulous in orange
↳y/n4real.2002: 🫣
↳aus.b.fan: what's that supposed to mean y/n4real.2002 ?!?!!?
↳fan4austin: they are messing with us
↳kaia.fan: this is so disappointing to see
teutamatoshi: 🧡🧡
↳y/n4real.2002: grateful ☺️
fan1: she looks so good
fan192: I'm not gonna lie, I'm only looking at your titties rn
↳austin-b-fan: I think I know someone who might be doing the same
↳fan.4.austin: if you know, you know 🧐
tchalamet: that's my sister everyone 👏👏
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Liked by fan_love , music.lvr and 500.379 others
billboardcharts this weeks chart has some new entries form y/n4real.2002 debuting her first single, Best-Friend at number 3 and joshuabassett debuting with his song, Heaven is you, at number 9. This is the first time either of them enter the top 10. Congrats to them!!
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fan1: omg so proud of her 😭
fan19: her hard work is paying off
ts-fan: Taylor raised her baby well
joshua-fan: them being in the chart for the first time and together!!!!
↳fanofjoshua: I guess the PR stunt worked 🧐
↳fan193: I don't think they are PR
13fans.taylor: holly!!! She's walking on holly ground
↳taylor.s.fan: as her mom, Taylor, said - she'll know the way and then she'll say she got the map from me
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Liked by austinbutler , jackantonoff and 3.282.392others
y/n4real.2002 my next single Dandelions will be out on April 1st (no, it's not a joke 😔) thank you everyone for the amazing support and for listening to my gibberish, all I've ever wanted was to be heard by people I relate to, so thank you #dandelions #savethedate
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jackantonoff: so excited for this ☝️
↳y/n4real.2002: hehe ☺️
austinbutler: 🌺
↳y/n4real.2002: austinbutler glad to see you discovered emojis old man 😔
↳ab.fan292: this has no business being this funny
↳fankaia12: if by funny you mean pathetic and disgusting, then yeah, it's funny
fan1: I'm so excited to hear this new song agahahsk
↳y/n4real.2002: fan1 happy to hear
↳fan1: y/n4real.2002 I love you so much
joshualover: why has Joshua been missing her posts?👀
↳fan4joshua2: cause she's messing around
↳fan292: stop it, you have no right to comment on this
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer @jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweeknd @cerenaydins-blog @girlblogger2002 @gigisworldsstuff @my-baexht-Is @xmusselisims @bluepeacheslandia @kibumslatina
@samaraannhan20 @goldobsessionworld @silliypapercreatorangle @cmrxac @donnamarie23 @justarandomfamdomblog @marlowmode @natsnosehair @xxgggooomm @banksmars @namoreno @areuirish @choppedlamphandscowboy @yeetfack-blog @fangirl125reader @aliceforbes @k-1898 @lucid315 @numberonepaperbeard-blg @denised916 @hannahhhhhig @izzyisdefinatelybusy
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acidbathmf · 2 years
Loving Machine
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Pairings: Moon Boys x GN Native Reader
Summary: idk bro making native tacos skjsnm
Word Count: 577
Warnings: None
Notes at endd
Steven had just got back from a bit of a stressful day from his job at the museum and back to your guy’s shared apartment that he moved in not too long ago 
To the smell of oil 
As he walked over to the kitchen where you swayed you hips and sang to the music playing 
The music was so loud you didn't hear his footsteps and the slight slam of the door
“Maddie Klien and her fabulous loving ma-(hey)AH” 
You sang then got rudely interrupted by Steven suddenly touching your shoulder and greeting you
“jesus christ dude” you gasped as you put a hand on the counter behind you
“Oh sorry love” he giggled out “Yeah whatever i'm gonna burn this bread” you said as you turned back around to the stove as Steven turned the music down “what are you doing having a concert in here” as he turned back to you he asked “what are you making?”  “hmm looks like sopaipillas am i right?”
Marc said out of the blue “haha no it's not sopaipillas sorry marc” you laughed “then what is it?”
“My famous frybread, my grandma taught me how to make it after years of asking but the first two I made taste like sopaipillas if u want that” you smirked and pointed your head in the direction where the bread was kept. “Oooh dont mind if i do” he cackled and wiggled his fingers walking toward the box, “there's only two so no more after that!” you reminded him as he nodded “si si me acuerdo”
{time skip a few mins later}
“Finally done with that” you sighed as you poured the left over oil the sink along with the pan
And grabbed another pan.
“More cooking?” Jake complained, “oh calm down you child dinner is almost ready” you snickered as you poured the taco meat into the pan “meat? You sure Steven is okay with that”. Marc questioned “I’m sure its fine my mom made it, its a vegan recipe”
You replied “ohhh ok” he paused for a second “what are you even making anyways?”
Jake wondered “tacoss” you said while stirring the meat while putting the seasoning in
“If your making tacos then where's the shells or whatever” “dude the shell is the frybread”
“Oh” “yeah anyways can u get the cheese and stuff for me?” you asked.
“Sure” he opened the fridge and looked inside for a bit “wait we have no stuff” “ugh really?” you said in disbelief “well looks like your gonna have to go get some then” “what? Why me?” he objected
“Come on pleaseee” you begged.
“Sure yeah fine whatever” “Thank you Marcc i'll send you a list” “a list??” he questioned 
“Yes a list its short and i'll give you some money so don't worry man” you replied as you walked over to your jacket on the couch for your wallet “wait your giving me your money??” he asked 
“Yes now take it before I change my mind, Spector,” you warned him “okay okay i'll be on my way” Marc said while grabbing the money “wait!” you said while dashing over to him 
“Can you get me a drink at Starbucks?” you asked after giving him a kiss
On the cheek “yeah” he said while putting on his jacket, “hasta luego!” 
“Yeah yeah shoo now” you said as you smiled and waved your hand as you turned your music back on.
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nenilein · 1 year
Puyo Puyo Drama CD #4-3: Chain Squadron Puyo Rangers (ENG Translation)
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A script translation of the infamous "Power Rangers/Super Sentai"-AU story included on Puyo Puyo Drama CD Vol.4! Feel free to repost parts of it or the entire text wherever you want as long as you credit me as the translator!
Also available as a Google Doc.
Narrator: If Amitie&Co were superheroes! 
Narrator: The City of Primp lies cast in darkness… Under the control of the evil Nuisance Puyo Empire, the people live in fear! But there are brave heroes who fight to free this city from the clutches of villainy! 
They are the champions of justice, the Puyo Rangers!
~Title Card Music~
Amitie: I am Amitie! A normal schoolgirl living in Primp City… But, actually, that is just my civilian disguise! My true identity is… MOOOORPHING!
Amitie: …Puyo Red, of the Chain Sentai Puyo Rangers! It’s pretty hard fighting for the peace of the city every day, but that’s no problem, ‘cuz I’ve got a whole team right behind me! Lemme introduce them! … Hey, Sig!
Sig: What?
Amitie: C’mon, Sig!
Sig: …What?
Amitie: Oh, seriously now, Sig!!
Sig: Amitie, why are you in red spandex?
Amitie: I-It’s not spandex!  It’s my battle suit! I need this to fight the forces of evil…! And you’re also one of the Chain Sentai Puyo Rangers! You can transform too!
Sig: I can?
Amitie: C’mon, get morphin’ already! Morphing!
Sig: Morph…ing.
Sig: Hooray.
Amitie: What’s there to ‘hooray’ about!? Why’s your battle suit a stag beetle costume!?
Sig: Because it makes me happy.
Amitie: C’mon, Puyo Blue! Get real!!
Raffina: Oh-HOHOHO! Looks like your operations are off to a fabulous start, huh, Amitie~?
Amitie: Hey, that voice, that’s… Raffina! But her true identity is my team member, Puyo Yellow of the Pu-
Raffina: I am the marvelously beautiful transforming heroine, Miracle Raffina! I am going to DESTROY the evildoers plaguing this city with naught but my two fists and raw violence! …Elegantly, of course!
Amitie: Huh!? No, no, you’re supposed to be Puyo Yellow, Raffina! …And also, what you said just now sounds kinda terrifying, to be honest.
Raffina: Oh, stop complaining, Amitie! As if a lady like me would ever lower herself to wearing such a lame morphing costume!
Amitie: Urgh… When did you even have time to prepare that frilly suit you got…?
Lidelle:  U-Umm… Ammy…
Amitie: Oh, here’s my next team member, Lidelle! She is Puyo Green of the Puyo Rangers! C’mon, Lidelle, it’s morphin’ time!
Lidelle:  O…Okay… Morphiiing…!
Lidelle: I did it…!
Amitie: Um… Look, Lidelle, I’m super thankful that you properly transformed on first try, so I really, really don’t wanna complain, but… YOU’RE PUYO GREEN! SO WHY’S YOUR BATTLE SUIT RED!?
Lidelle: I-I just thought… it’d be embarrassing to not have our suits match… I-I’m sorry…
Amitie: Uhh… I-It’s okay. I guess we can both be the Red Ranger then…
Lidelle:  Yay! Eheheh…
Raffina:  Oh? But my theme color is red as well!
Amitie:  What!?
Raffina: I mean, obviously, a true super heroine MUST wear red! Oh-HOHOHO!
Amitie: So we got THREE Red Rangers on the team!? That’s SO not balanced!
Sig: Guess I should change my beetle suit to red t-
Amitie: No, you won’t! And why are you still wearing that? Transform into Puyo Blue already! 
Sig: Hmpf.
Sig: There.
Amitie: A… Are we really gonna beat the bad guys if we can’t even morph without quarreling…?
Lidelle: I think it’s time to all work together and go out to find some villains…
Amitie: Yeah! You’re right!
Lidelle: And then we’ll tell them “Please stop being so evil”, until all the bad is gone…!
Amitie:  U-Um! Lidelle, I like that idea, but we’re a battle squadron, so we kinda, sorta, are supposed to, y’know, battle the bad guys…
Lidelle: R-Really…? That’s kinda scary…
Raffina: So? How much commission do we get per villainous head minced, pulped and disposed of anyway?
Amitie: W-We don’t take money for our Ranger duties, Raffina! 
Raffina: Huh!?
Amitie: We fight for justice, not for pay! True heroes don’t expect to get paid, y’know!
Raffina:  Really now… Are you out of your mind? Who went and decided that demanding pay is not heroic? Proper execution of justice demands a motivation, not to speak of the funds required to upgrade our equipment and heighten our battle strength! If you ask me, it would be unwise to NOT pay us!  The idea of maintaining our entire organization on the basis of an abstract concept like “justice” alone is rather-
Amitie: Whoawhoawhoa… This is all going way over my head…!
Sig:  Hey, Riffraff. Got that in a nutshell?
Sig:  There you got it, Amitie.
Amitie: Okay. Thanks. That’s easy enough to understand… ahahah…
~Alarm System SFX~
Onion Pixie: On, on, ON!
Lidelle:  Oh my! The Nuisance Puyo Radar is reacting… That means Nuisance Puyo Troops have appeared in the city…!
Amitie:  There they are! I wonder what villainous deeds they are committing this time!
Onion Pixie:  Onon-ON! BaDOOON!
Lidelle:  Um… He says that they are antagonizing innocent civilians…
Amitie: Then it’s time we stepped in! Puyo Rangers! Let’s go!
Sig&Raffina&Lidelle: Yeaaah!
P!Klug:  AHAHAHAHAHA…!! It is I, one of the generals of the evil Nuisance Puyo Empire… We shall rule this City of Primp with fear…! Now. How shall I begin my operations today?
P!Klug: Hm? …There is trash on the ground! That will NOT do! I cannot work in such a disorderly environment! This will keep me up at night.
P!Klug: Trash goes in the trash can… *SFX of a can being carefully folded and disposed in the proper way*
P!Klug:  Hm? There is more! *paper rustling* Hmpf, this might take a while. Very well. Once I am done here, I suppose I shall take a short break in the local library to enjoy a good book in silence…Heheheh…
Suketoudara:  Hey, you! Over there!
P!Klug:  Hm? What do you want?
Suketoudara:  Oh, I’m just your unremarkably average and virtuous citizen, the great Suketoudara!
P!Klug: You appear quite remarkably unaverage to my eyes, however…
Suketoudara: Hey, hey, hey! What’s wrong, kid? Gotta say, you’re actin’ mighty susfishous today!
P!Klug:  As if I cared what you think I should act like.
Suketoudara:  Lemme guess! Ya decided to change your image to become a fresh dancer, like yours truly!? 
P!Klug:  Wha-!? Where did you even get this ridiculous no…
Suketoudara: I see how it is! Then let’s dance, pal! A dance to commemorate the ebb and flow of our newfound rivalry! We shall settle it all on the dancefloor, baby!
P!Klug:  Gah! S-Stop pulling on my cape!
Suketoudara:  Jump! Step! Behold my gorgeous groove!!
P!Klug: HALT! Y… You will spill the trash I gathered…!!
Suketoudara: What’s the matter? Can’t have a dance battle if only one o’ us is dancin’, kid!! Ya can stop watching me now!
P!Klug:  I never STARTED watching you…!!
Yu:  Ta-dah! I thought I heard somebody having the fun of their afterlife over here! So from the grave, live, to you! Here come your unremarkably average and virtuous ghosts, Yu-!
Rei: …and Rei…
P!Klug: Urgh… Yet more pests…
Yu:  Oho, oho? Why the furrowed brows, my caped friend? Something got you spooked?
P!Klug:  Why, yes. I am currently experiencing a tremendous annoyance, you see.
Yu:  And it’s so tremendous that it has you trembling! It’s like someone is playing the trembone right next to your ear! Whatever will we do about this tremotion?! 
P!Klug: There is a simple solution: You leave me alone. 
Yu:  Sheesh, how cold! …Oh, oh, oh? Hey, big guy, what’s that thing you got there~!?
P!Klug: What are you talking about?
Yu:  There’s a soul poking out of that book you got! And it’s looking pretty lively! Like it hasn’t even died yet!
Rei: Um, that looks like…
Yu:  Hey, hey, lemme take a look! Y’know how it is with us ghosts: When we see a soul, we wanna snatch it right away! Booo!!
P!Klug(screaming): S-Stop it! Let go! I will not let you have this book!!! 
Yu:  Aw, c’mon, don’t be so stingy! 
P!Klug:  You blasted little…!!
Suketoudara:  Whoa! Those ghosts sure got ya splashin’ around! Nice dance steps!
P!Klug:  YOU SHUT UP! 
~Running footsteps~
Amitie: Found you, evil General of the Nuisance Puyo Empire! Out with it, what are you doing here!?
P!Klug: I was cleaning up the town's litter, then wanted to go to the library, but got assaulted by a fish and almost had my book stolen from me by a pair of ghosts.
Lidelle: Um... That... doesn't sound particularly evil…
Amitie:  Huh!? Um, uh, uhh… Well, he didn’t do anything bad yet, but he MIGHT if we don’t stop him, I guess…! So, let’s battle! Puyo Rangers, assemble and… 
Amitie: Um… Hey, Sig? Huh? Where did Sig go? Did he just disappear?
Raffina: Oh, he? He went home.
Amitie: WHAAAA!?
Lidelle:  He said something about having a feeling something bad might happen if he ran into Klug now and that he wants to go hunting stag beetles while dressed up as a stag beetle instead…
Amitie:  NOOOO! That means we can’t combine our powers to do our ultimate attack now! 
Raffina: It will be fine, Amitie! 
Amitie: R-Raffina! Yeah, you’re right! If the three of us combine their powers, we can do anyth-
Raffina: We’ll just create a fusion mech out of our three base Puyo-mechs and stomp the enemy flat like a pancake.
P!Klug: What! Is that even allowed!?
Raffina:  Why not? What’s wrong with using the means at our disposal? Anyway, let’s get this over with. Alright, my red Puyo mech! Come on out!
~Zord summoning SFX~
Amitie: Um… Guess, since Raffina already summoned hers, might as well… Red Puyo Mech! ENGAGE! 
~Zord summoning SFX~
Lidelle: M…M…Me too… My Red Puyo Mech, that matches so nicely with Ammy’s… Please come out…!
~Zord summoning SFX~
Raffina:  And now, let us fuse!
Narrator: To explain! The Puyo Rangers can fuse their Puyo mechs into a single, massive unit to vanquish evil! 
~Fusing SFX and “Ta-da” fanfare~
Raffina: OHOHOHO! I knew this would work! Now, I know this isn’t our usual etiquette, but let’s just step this weird version of Klug flat and get this the heck over with!
P!Klug: A fusion of three red Puyo mechs. Hmpf, fascinating. I wonder…
Amitie:  Huh? He doesn’t seem freaked out at all. Actually, it looks like he’s doing something…
Lidelle: I-Isn’t that… A fourth red Puyo…!?
Raffina:  Wait! He isn’t going to… S-Stop…! Please stop what you’re doing at once!
P!Klug:  And, hop!
~Looong, falling SFX, Puyo drop SFX. Puyo pop SFX~
Narrator: To explain! The Puyo mechs may be mechs, but they are also still Puyo! And when four Puyo of the same color connect, they pop and disappear!
~Panic BGM, Nuisance Puyo rain SFX~
Amitie: UWAWAWAWAWAH!! Our mechs are gone and now it’s raining Nuisance Puyo!! Ouch! OUCHOUCHOUCH!!
Lidelle:  N-nooo, stop it….!!
Raffina: Hey, you! Four-eyes! You will pay for this!
P!Klug:  Like I care! All I wanted was my peace, and then you all showed up and started threatening me with your giant robot!
Lidelle: Ouch… The Puyo rain just won’t stop…!
P!Klug: Ah… This was exhausting. I suppose I shall retreat for a nice cup of black tea now…
Amitie: What, no, WAAAAAIIIT!  Nuisance Puyo Empire General! Wait… I mean, please wait! HEEELP! PLEEEEEEAASE HELP US!! 
Narration: And so, since as odd as Klug was acting, they weren’t not doing anything evil in particular, the peace of Primp City has been kept and the day is saved! And it’s all thanks to the Chain Squadron, the Puyo Rangers! Keep on fighting for great justice! Chain Squadron, Puyo Rangers!
~Title Card Music~
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angievores · 8 months
PIT BABE, The hot mess.
I feel like the story was just adapted from novel on surface level and they didn't really creat much changes except giving some screentime to side characters. Way was the same friend as novel but they write flashbacks so people would feel little sympathetic about his death. But things got turned how they turned because Nut acted too fabulously out of his character. His eyes always expressed a sadness that it created a past story which wasn't written in script and made people feel for him more.
On the other hand ( don't hate me for this) ,Charlie actor didn't delivered his character on the same level. And so in the end people end up sympathizing with Way more. Like whenever Way looks at Babe, anyone can believe this man is sadly pining after his 10 year one sided love. Whenever Babe looks at Charlie, love droops from his face and it's in his sparkling eyes that says Charlie means world to him. Whereas, Charlie most of times he appears as.... yk reading the script.( swallow the bitter pill) . Even in supposedly emotionally charged scenes like in ep 7 confrontation or in ep 9 him saving Babe, his expression just doesn't appear as much compelling or convincing. At most he was just a prop while Pavel carried their whole love arc emotions. ( It might be different for novel readers as they had context but I as just series watcher felt so. Tbh, I see more chemistry in PavelPooh bts scenes or events and interviews than on screen. Their visual slays. ). That might be why I couldn't get into main cp scenes and was about to drop at ep 3, but then restaurant scene of Way and Babe in ep 4 caught my interest and the chemistry ( even as friends) was spotted there and I continued to see more of how Way character or his dynamic with Babe is gonna turn out. ( And AlanJeff happened and so saved the show for me. Sorry not sorry. )
But actors acting skills doesn't really make that much difference as most of the times script compensates for it by NOT writing any chemistrying scenes with any other character.
So, I don't understand where the directors were going with when they gave so many emotionally charged scenes to Babe and Way. These two were fabulous prettiest criers as ice on cake. And their toxic codependent homosexual friendship/relationship was very well fleshed out. Babe got a new boy, and we saw all of Way jealousy, pining, manipulation, loneliness. Babe going to him after Way is upset, their fight, his constant ' you're my best friend, I love u. ' Their slow falling apart, ugly betrayal, past betrayal relationship and apologies and end death.
Like after finale there might be something we felt we didn't got from fixed pairs , whether BabeCharlie, AlanJeff, NorthSonic. But there isn't anything that could be felt lacking from Babe Way relationship ( whatever more than friends less than lovers, toxic but wanting, torturous/ codependent / possesive friendship not friendship their relationship was ) . This relationship arc was fully delivered in all of it's gloriously doomed tragedy.
So it kinda felt like Way and Babe were main characters and their tragic story was main focus. But since tragedies doesn't attract people, they pretended Babe and his love for Charlie was main focus. ( yes, Change lied till the end).
Yeah, i also don't wanna believe this, but there wasn't any step we didn't see of their relationship. Way pinning after his friend for a decade, doing everything to separate him from other lovers but never confessing himself. Taking care of him, by his side always, waiting , snapping when finding himself at the edge and with one decision ruining everything, ignoring the love of another men, then dying saving his only love.. Like can you see MY LOVE MIGHT BE TOXIC BUT IT WAS TRUTH AND MAYBE WAS TOO MUCH FOR YOU And Babe crying, forgiving other of everything in instant, , saying I won't be angry at you anymore. Crying I love u three times at the end when Way was taking his last breadths, if that was what all Way wanted to hear Babe would say it, in desperation for other to not leave him anyhow. Even after receiving worst and most hurtful betrayal of his life, still not letting go of other. Wishing to meet in next life. Can you see this MY LOVE MAYBE WAS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU BUT IT WAS TOO DEEP FOR ME AND TRUE TO ITS ENDS.
Did you see it? THE CINEMA. 💀
I mean i also get that sloppy writing mess, illogical death instead of good redemption arc, undigestable instant forgiveness from Babe, pointless Pete Kenta triangle. But if we take what show delivered, that's what ( Way Babe) they served us on gold platter. We just ignoring it bcz our fave ships. Trust me I was also too immersed in pete way myself but you see when Way got shot Pete didn't come running to him and was holding Charlie while Tony delivered that monologue. Pete ( the man who is supposed to have good body balance and never missing his targets) couldn't shoot Tony and was listening the blabbering while Way was bleeding on floor. Like 🙃💀 I'm sorry, His death scene was written so bad. 😭. They all cried but no one pressed on his wounds, neither anyone called ambulance. He was alive for like ten minutes to talk to Babe. Atleast they should have given him a good death scene 😭. Way deserved that much atleast.
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geee-three · 19 days
how i imagine ena's instagram:
ena: (posting a photo of mafuyu) look at my lovely girlfriend
mafuyu, in photo: (literally ignoring her)
followers: 6 likes, no comments
ena: (posting a selfie, looks like shes about to pass out) i have been working on this acrylic canvas for closing on 47 hours i want to burn it
followers: 245k likes, 71k comments
in the comments:
airi, on alt: i am such a fucking lesbian i would kill for one chance with you
airi, on alt 2: i am in love with you.
airi, on private: girliepops you look great given youve apparently been awake for almost three days please sleep i promise its good 4 u
airi, mmj offical account: <3<3 follow my bestie!!
mizuki, n25 offical account: enanan either finish this piece or die trying i am sick of you yapping about texture or wtv
mizuki, on alt: oh my goooooood oh my fuckcing gooooodd i am going to kill myself if you dont kiss me rn
mizuki, on alt 2: would u date a tgirl asking for a friend
akito, private: please dont burn it dad would kill u. also do u want the raspberry or strawberry cheesecake im asking here bc u never respond to me otherwise
akito, vbs offical account: shes a bitch dont follow /j/j
kanade, n25 offical account: looks great, enanan!
mafuyu, n25 offical account: i love it.
mafuyu, own offical account: wow, when can we see the full piece.
mafuyu, private: amazing babe. now go to bed.
an, on alt: awooga 👀👀 looking respectfully
tsukasa, on private: Amazing! I wonder if we could use this as insperation for set design! 🌟
rui, on alt: @ mizuki alt, this is the girl u want to fuck right
shizuku, mmj offical account: Wow! I see why you like her so much, Airi! 💕💕
ena: (posting an intentionally slutty photo) im so lonely...
followers: 14k likes, 2k comments
in the comments:
mafuyu, private: ..? call me.
akito, private: could you not.
mizuki, n25 offical account: closing the app and going outside.
mizuki, private: send me the uncropped version 😘 ... jkjk... unless?
kanade, n25 offical account: must you post this on your n25 account?
rui, alt: @ mizuki alt, i presume you want to see this
mizuki, on alt: @ rui alt, IVE SEEN IT. IVE SEEN IT. i have notifications for her on.
akito, private: if youre lonely try leaving the house and getting bitches
airi, on private: okay. bestie. i take it youre stuck on the piece? the compesition and outfit design are fabulous but i do recommend touching grass or maybe your girlfriend.
ena: (posting the final piece) wow! finally done! in [art exebition] on the 27th-4th!
followers: 17k likes, 2.5k comments
in the comments:
akito, private: do i have to go/j
airi, private: i'll be there bestie <3<3
mizuki, private: @ an private, @ akito private, yall are coming w me whether u like it or not. girls day out plus support ena!
akito, vbs offical: save the date bitches or youre banned from our shows/j/j
mizuki, n25 official: cant wait to see you there! if you actually decide to leave the house for this lmao
mafuyu, private: buying tickets for me and kanade right now.
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freezegirl · 9 months
👫 for kie and zoe!!
headcanon time // @goldshadows' zoe nunez
1: kie's parents actually wanted to send her to xavier's but she made a case for sky high and sky u instead. the price to pay for that was increased appearances in the fabulous lives of superhero wives (which can be found on all the streaming services). kie is glad for it even though she's got to deal with the fact that there are snippets all over youtube, tiktok, insta and twitter. if she hadn't made a case for sky high and sky u, she never would have met zoe. and that would have been a tragedy.
2: zoe, much like layla, should be in the hero track. but because of her abilities, she's labeled a 'sidekick' or 'hero support'. down the line, geo-gal and freeze girl (who changes her name to frostbite) make quite the duo (even if the media labels them 'girl squad' as a joke - kie would have preferred geo-freeze but that's neither here nor there). she never sees zoe as her sidekick or her hero support; she just sees zoe as she is. a beloved friend. a good partner and a great hero in her own right.
3: zoe and kie go out sometimes. there's a supers-only club nestled within maxville but the definition of 'super' can be stretched as people see fit. often kie spots a pretty blonde girl whose name starts with a d - she seems to know the bouncer. and harley does mad science and if doing mad science makes mr medulla a super, then it makes harley a super, too.
4: zoe and kie both survive m-day. they're at sky u when it happens, getting ready for a guest lecture from luke jacobson. karol topolski is screaming her head off about how she can't shift into inanimate objects anymore. someone else is yelling about how they can't access their shadow form anymore. other people are crying. yet some people are relieved too. the cacophony is too loud and the stress is too much so kie goes subzero and spends most of that day in her ice form in order to protect herself. after principal powers - who has since taken on the job as sky u's principal after the old one literally melted down due to a melting ray mishap - confirms that a) this is happening all around the globe and b) it seems to be over for now, zoe has to drag kie to warren - after checking up on the rest of the group - because kie straight up refuses to thaw.
5: when warren can't get kie to thaw either, jill harris - the faith healer from creede, colorado - gets brought in. it is jill who finally gets kie to thaw and return back to herself.
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rel124c41 · 5 months
2, 4, 5, 11, and 33 please! Hope that isn’t too much, very curious about your answers though!! Happy early birthday btw :D
ah thank you very much for the birthday wishes (≧∀≦) getting a drum set tomorrow and i’m so hyped bout it
& the amount of questions was perfecto!! i left my answers below the cut!!
(ask game)
2: How do you come up with your plot ideas?
8/10 times, my plot ideas come from my fabulous, otherworldly, superior music taste ᕦ(ò_óˇ)!!
nah but to be serious, music and creating AMVs in my head works brilliantly for creating plots. i listen to music A LOT. i do not always construct a story based on a song but my ideas flow easier when there is a melody in the air. snippet of scenes come and go, and i scribble them down; music powers the whole process of my writing.
additionally, i think coming up with plot ideas/to strength that part of your brain to be creative and original, one should always read MORE. to lazily siphon off a Stephen King quote i can’t find: “a great writer knows to read” and then there is the 1/10, where an idea hits me, completely uninspired from anything. 
but really, when coming up with plots remember this saying: no one can reinvent the wheel!
4: How do you channel characters’ voices and personalities?
studying the source material is always my go-to for channeling a character. 
have not played twst in 2 yrs 💀 (bc i was on an expedition for different video games and discovered i hated rhythm games) but i always use @/yuurei20 like a study guide for the characters. and i read the translations for each event (birthdays or otherwise) to see how the characters act at different situations
and if a character has done something out-character in canon, i analyze the shit out of that. it’s really important to me when writing already canon characters to think of this one question: what’s their drive/goal (in everyday & in specific situations & in long-term)?
5: What techniques do you use to create believable dialogue?
one of my biggest insecurities in specifically the “fanfiction” writing realm is my dialogue so this question is crazzzy to me. believable dialogue?? hasn’t happened!
i still don’t think i’ve done it successfully even once, so techniques? god i really don’t have any. here’s me talking out my ass tho: 
certain characters have certain mannerisms in how they talk: those i can pick up upon bc some characters it’s black and white how they go about talking — floyd ain’t gonna sound all sophisticated u know. however, knowing how to structure what they are conveying, ah that is much harder for me. 
sorry for this dead-end answer 💀
11: Are there any tropes you particularly enjoy writing?
rubbing my hands together and grinning like the fucking grinch at this,, let’s fucking goooooo! 
1: unreliable narrator my pookie bear <3!!!! a mixture of being a fan of memento (2001) and a haunting of hill house (the BOOK, not the awful movie or show), unreliable narrators are my favorite trope!! whether this narrator is high off a substance, is as clueless as the audience about their situation, OR even so egotistical that their worldview is skewed, I EAT THAT SHIT UP EVERY TIME WITHOUT FAIL! 
2: karmic retribution,, listen i love seeing someone get their just deserts ( ̄个 ̄) there is something so gutturally satisfying about karma
ALSO, i love the indomitable human spirit trope!!! 
maybe one day i’ll chat about my more shojo/booktok tropes i enjoy like “just one bed” and “colleagues to lovers” bc hey i know what sells.
33: How do you incorporate world-building elements into your fics?
Disney is such a huge realm to play around it. from the original Grimm fairytales (my beloveds mwah (*≧∀≦*) !!!!) to the movies Disney has made, world-building elements for twst is like a gold mine. it’s perhaps the biggest playing field i’ve ever seen from a fandom. 
how i go about incorporating it? well i always go look for faucets of the world everyone else is overlooking: when writing Schism, the ghost camera was untapped potential i had to jump on. i’m working on another oneshot that incorporates Disney’s 1963 The Sword in Stone; there is SO much real estate, you just got to dig around for it a bit.
ACTUALLY,, i have more to say
also about world-building in writing in general, let me siphon off Stephen King again: ok imagine a table covered by a table cloth.
really, imagine a table. secondly, imagine a table cloth.
ok, everyone who reads that imagines something completely different. someone might have imagined a circular table or a rectangular, the table cloth could have reached the ground or could have hovered a inch off the surface, the table cloth, there could’ve been lace on it or it could’ve been this striking red or dull blue.
when world-building, as the writer, you decide what elements you want to bring into the story; the rest? you give that creative liberty and trust to your audience.
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~ if [one of] the fabulous killjoys liked you (romantic headcanons) ~
Tumblr media
(Note: this is referring solely to the 4 band members' characters in the Danger Days/Killjoys lore, not the members of MCR themselves.)
Party Poison
They think they're sly, but are really the most obvious person on the planet
Will go out of their way to impress you, but acts like they have no idea (i.e. *kills several dozen Dracs with sick karate moves to save you* "it was nothing 😌 just doin' what I love 🤪")
Super protective: even if it's not necessary, they'll put their life on the line for you.
"I don't like them!" *literally does the most romantic things save for actually saying the words* "Like I said, I feel nothing for them"
"I'm a badass through and through who feels no such weak thing like love." - Narrator voice: They were very much not a badass through and through, and very much did feel such weak things like love.
Even if they do admit it, they'll act like it's surface level, solely physical. It's not.
Love language as far as giving is acts of service (that can be assumed): will happily help you with pretty much anything, even if they have no idea what they're doing just to impress you make you happy
But when receiving is physical touch
Like, it really really is
Again, they'll never admit it, but they absolutely love any form of physical affection. Like, they just completely melt into a hug no matter how small it's supposed to be; definitely still thinks about that one time your hands brushed whilst reaching for the same thing two months ago; that one time you kissed them on the cheek rewired their brain entirely
Fun Ghoul
The most confident of them all
Happily admits it a thousand times - to the point that it seems like a joke
Doesn't act very different around you, other than being a lot more sincere in his compliments
Speaking of which
Love Language is words, words, words
Somehow he finds the perfect balance of constantly giving you praise while not making it seem forced or old or cheesy
Writes poetry - the one thing he won't show to the other Killjoys
You're the first person he's ever (willingly) shown
It can be about anything, too: life as a Killjoy, his life before being a Killjoy, the way the moonlight shines on the mountains in the desert - but they're usually about you
Calls you his muse
Always asks if things are okay if he thinks they may make you uncomfortable
Though he's a cocky guy, he's always got room to be respectful
If you're seriously hurt physically or mentally, all of his massive amounts of pride and dignity go out the fucking window faster than you can say "ego"
And finally, Honesty 3000™
Kobra Kid
Way less of a cold quiet tough guy than it seems once u get to know him
Somehow the others are more aware of his feelings than he is (and constantly try to get you two together) - unlike Party, he's just oblivious, not in denial
But once he is aware of his feelings...
Huge fucking romantic
Super gentle, completely contradictory to the cold stoicism everyone else expects
Usually quiet, but the more he likes you → the more comfortable he is around you → the more talkative he is
He'll talk to you for hours about anything - even with things he's never shared with the other Killjoys (save for maybe his sibling)
Also listens to whatever you have to say in turn, always as if it's the most fascinating topic ever
Lots of trust comes from this; you two trust each other more than any other Killjoy combination
Enjoys spending time with you, no matter what you're doing
You don't even have to be doing anything special together, just your general presence makes him happy
Like his sibling, loves physical touch, both giving and receiving
Specifically giving it casually: putting arms around your shoulder, hugging you from behind, hand caressing/holding, forehead/cheek kisses, leaning his head on your shoulder, or just standing close to you in general - it comforts him just as much as you, that casual contact
(Non-)competitive motorcycle races to secret rendezvous spots in the desert after dark >>>>>
Also the kind of guy who would gently hold your face as he kisses you
100% kisses your scars
If the opportunity presents itself, that is what he will do
He thinks of it as "healing the pain just a little further, not just on the surface, either"
At first it seems like a strange gesture but it's so sincere and sweet that it's practically impossible to hate or be embarrassed by
Asexual (technically not a romantic headcanon but still)
Jet Star
The opposite of Kobra, he knows full well what these feelings mean but gets very shy and reserved and would rather die than confide in the others about it, but again, it's super noticeable
In fact even more noticeable than Party, surprisingly
He won't say anything directly to you, but he'll pretty much do anything to show it
It can be fleeting or lingering touches, the smallest of compliments delivered with the feeblest of voices, very very longing looks (which the others all make fun of) and/or doing pretty much anything to be around you - preferably alone
Once he finally gathers the courage to confess, he'd probably just lose the words and kiss you
(which he's really, really good at doing but y'know it's whatever)
The sweetest lover anyone in the Zones could hope for
Affectionate af in pretty much all ways
No real particular love language, it's a lil bit of everything
But he'll especially bring you gifts of the things he finds in the desert - the most random stuff. A necklace he found in the ground; a rock that just barely is heart-shaped; a ray gun off a Drac he didn't know what to do with
Sharing cigarettes on the roof and indulging in music (both your guys' own and others') with you until the sun rises is his ultimate fantasy
Doesn't say anything about it, but loves it when you do any and all kinds of tasks either with or for him, it makes him feel especially appreciated
Thank you for reading my weird degenerate fantasies that no one asked to know, love u for it :)
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think-sims-yt · 7 months
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Gorgeous Gregarious Gia
Stunning social media Simfluencer Gia Angelo aspires to be a World Famous celebrity. Despite being hard working, sociable, and gregarious, Gia tends to see things from a self-centred perspective. She is , self assured, self-absorbed, and requires a lot of attention.
Living at No 2 Manzanita Terrace between Daisy Hudson and Grant & Isla Fraser. Gia always wants to take centre stage and impress grant on how fabulous she is. She can’t understand why Grant seems to be more interested in the “Plump Plant Girl” at No 1 then the her, gorgeous Gia. She wishes that Daisy would just take Grants daughter away for a while so she can concentrate on making Grant her latest squeeze.
Name: Gia Angelo
Age: Young Adult
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity
Traits: High Maintenance, Self Absorbed, Self Assured, Gregarious
Career: Simfluencer
Acting = 2
Charisma = 2
Dancing = 2
Fitness = 4
Media Production = 2
Mischief = 2
Singing = 2
Wellness = 3
[ D O W N L O A D ]
You can download Gia from the Sims 4 Gallery ID: ThinkSims.YT and now from Curseforge If you prefer tray files, these are available from Sims File Share
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You can find more of my stuff at Instagram and if you feel like buying me a coffee, tea or just plain water you can do that too at Ko-Fi
Take care of yourself.
There's only one of you!
Sally 💋
[ C U S T O M C O N T E N T]
All the Outfits are CC Free and only use items from EA Packs.
However, if you’d like the sims to look the same as the images, please include the following CC:
Kijiko Remove-EA-Lashes
Kijiko eyelash_YF_version2_expansion-lashes
Available from - http://kijiko-catfood.com/3d-lashes-version2/
Urban Eye Shadow Smoked
Urban Water Line Liner
Urban Gloss Honey
Urban Lip Kit Blotted
Available from - http://www.xurbansimsx.com/p/urban-cosmetics.html
Eyes Override
Chroma Eyes by Golyhawhaw
Available from - https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/create-a-sim/chroma-eyes
[ F A V O U R I T E P O S E S ]
Katverse- https://katverse.com/category/custom-content/poses/
Spirirock - https://spirirock.tumblr.com/
Cassandra Grussel - https://www.patreon.com/CassandraGrusel
Simmer Berlin - https://simmerberlin.tumblr.com/
Sakuraleon - https://j-e-n-n-e-h.tumblr.com/
Jupo45 - https://juupo45.tumblr.com/
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boysplanetrecaps · 7 months
Build Up, Ep 4 Recap: Don’t Forget v I Don’t Love You
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Welcome back to the project everyone deals with waiting two weeks for -- my MNET Build Up Recaps! In the previous one, a bunch of my favorites -- Kim Minseo, Bain, Lee Gwangsuk, and Kim Sungjung -- went head to head. Ah, that was a good one! In this one, we’ll see the other member of Just B, Geonu, and Chicago’s pride Soomin take on former BDC member Hong Seong Jun and musical actor Kim Seohyung. It’s also a good one! Let’s dive in. 
So we start off pretty much as usual, with the guys taking the stage, accompanied by some musical soundtrack. This time the editors have chosen a driving beat with rock and dub step elements so it's really powerful sounding, which makes it a little comical when we see the guys and how they're dressed. 
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Soomin is wearing a pretty fabulous s w e a t e r but Geonu has decided to raid the wardrobe of an old grampa for some reason. You know I love a good sweater but... this ain't it, fam. It's about three sizes too big and looks like it would smell like cigarettes for some reason. And paired with loose white slacks? Nope, I'm out. 
The other team is dressed in button down shirts, which is fine, I guess. Hong Seongjun has one of those thin bow ties that hangs down limply, and Kim Seohyung's shirt is tightly pleated in the front, as if it's made of crepe paper. They look perfectly nice but it seems absurd that they'd be accompanied by dub-rock! It should be more like... James Taylor. Or Sarah McLachlan. 
VCG looks at the teams and says, "Ohh, Chicago!" Because, of course, Soomin is from Chicago. (I wonder what his American name is? Because I feel like he probably doesn’t go by Soomin back in the US.) We're reminded of his lovely performance in Ditto in the first round. 
Soomin and Geonu have joined their names into "Soo-u" and do a little thing and it's, like, whatever, because they forget to use their mics. They're besties with a personal joke that’s funny to them, even if it’s not that funny to us.  
Dahee asks the other team to introduce themselves, and Seohyung says hello. His natural speaking voice is very low and pleasant and the judges react like, wow! Then he and Seongjung give a weird intro that also doesn't go so well so let's just move on. 
The teams do a bit of smack talk and it actually doesn't really feel that good natured. Eeep. 
We flashback back to the rival choosing moment, when Geonu and Soomin were chosen to go the RCPA (Rival Choosing Platform Area). Several teams begin whispering about possibly taking them on, but then Soomin, in his continuing effort to make Americans look bad, addresses the other teams rudely, not using proper honorifics even though they're all older than them. This is extremely insulting to a Korean person in ways that I know I don't fully understand, so if I get it wrong and you are Korean or have specialized knowledge, I welcome your input.
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Despite my incomplete knowledge, I do know enough to know that (a) Soomin is probably being playful and doesn't truly mean to offend and also (b) it is likely that many other contestants, and many Korean viewers will be offended anyway. I really do worry about the way Soomin is presenting himself on this show. Korean culture is so specific about what you should and shouldn't do and if you piss off the voting base, it can be really hard to win them back. It’s not impossible, but… it can be tough. As an American myself I can sympathize -- we often are perceived of as rude by people from other cultures when we do things that would be acceptable, even celebrated, in our own culture. I really like Soomin's voice and I think he could have a career singing, as long as he doesn't alienate the Korean public!!
So yeah, Soomin tries to provoke one of the younger teams to challenge his team -- he comes across as really disdainful of some of the older contestants, which rubs me the wrong way, to be honest. Team Seohyung x Seongjun (I’ll call them Team S&S) seem to be the ones they're calling to, so the rivalry is formed. 
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"Since you invited us here, we'll see you off," says Seohyung, in a vague attempt at smack talk. Then Soomin does a dumb thing where he acts like his hand is a phone, with a call from the taxi driver who is here for the other team, and it's super hacky and cringey but Soomin and Geonu are so proud of it. Sigh. But Seohyung takes it all in stride. He seems like a cheerful, lovable dude, doesn't he?  Some time later, Team S&S is meeting to choose a song and stuff, and Seohyung is wearing a black mock turtleneck with a gray hoodie over it and black coat over that. What is with Korean heating systems? Seongjun is wearing a fleece sweatshirt, so no proper sweaters here.
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Anyway, they're talking strategy. Seongjun was on the same team as Geonu for the first round, singing If You, and he thinks it's obvious that Geonu will want to perform a western R&B pop song. Seohyung points out that since Soomin is from the USA, Soomin also probably will want to sing a Western song. 
Mentioning this really sets off Seongjun, who says, "He only speaks in English. I get sick when I'm next to him." 
Ok, I know that could be a Korean figure of speech and maybe it's not as harsh as it sounds, but woah, dude. Yes, of course, it would be annoying to be around these ostentatious English speakers. I can only imagine how it might feel as a Korean person who is being bombarded daily with more and more English all the time; it would be irritating to have your own language being supplanted by another language, especially if it feels like maybe your own culture is being displaced as well. Also, it would just be annoying to have someone around refusing to speak the language you both speak, regardless of like, geopolitical issues.
But even so, I'm not sure it’s a cute look for Seongjun to say that it makes him feel sick to be around it. When you factor in the obvious animosity that he displayed in earlier episodes on the topic of successful idols like Yeo One or Seokhwa or Woong being on this show, you get a picture of someone who seems bitter and irritable. That's not necessarily who he IS, but it's how he's looking. 
The two guys go on to talk about how Geonu also speaks in English a lot and we get a little montage of Geonu and Soomin speaking English together. (And later on we find out that Geonu introduced himself in English on the first day, which is weird. More on that later....)
In any case, since Geonu and Soomin are probably going to sing R&B, Team S&S decide to go for a more sentimental song. 
Then Seohyung gives a funny little smile and reveals his musical taste, which is all sappy songs that came out in the 1970s. You can tell that Seongjung isn't quite sure what to make of this weird partner. 
We flash back to the duo-formation moment and find out that despite Seongjung assumptions, he is actually two years older than his old fashioned -- and tall -- partner. 
Seongjung tells Seohyung, "You look like an upright man," and Seohyung says he gets that a lot. He doesn't mind, either, because people also tell him he's handsome apparently. We flash back to a pre production meeting, and a staff member points out that he's very tall. He says he drank a lot of milk. He also says he enjoys watching "car documentaries." What? Are there enough documentaries about cars for this to constitute a genre? I guess so!
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He also doesn't know his MBTI, which for a young Korean person is very unusual. He does seem to be a very specific person, doesn't he? Calm, polite, cheerful, sweet. I like him. I feel like he's someone Lisa Simpson would have a crush on, you know? Like he's quiet and enjoys puzzles?
Anyway, back to song selection. Seohyung suggests "I Don't Love You" by a group called Urban Zakapa. Per Wikipedia: 
"Urban Zakapa is a South Korean R&B singer-songwriter group formed in 2009 by Fluxus Music. ....The group's name is an abbreviation for Urban, Zappy, Kaleidoscopic, and Passionate.... Although the group debuted in 2009 as a nine-piece with four vocalists and five instrumentalists, there are currently only three vocalists due to artistic differences."  
Ooh, sounds like some hot gossip there! 
Anyway, the song went to number 1 in 2016, so even though it's not super recent, it would probably be familiar to the judging panel. Like at least 101% of Korean ballads, it's about a breakup. I wonder how Koreans even have time to fall in love in the first place when they're breaking up so often!
Sample lyrics:
What should I say? / Where do I start? / I’m only hanging my head / You’re looking at me  / In this awkward silence
I don’t love you / I’m sure you already know / Even when I see you shedding tears / My heart doesn’t ache anymore
I don’t love you / There’s no other reason / I don’t even want to say / I’m sorry or forgive me
That’s all / This is how I really feel / I don’t love you / I don’t love you
The original song featured both male and female voices, which helps break up the repetitive monotony a bit. But it really is just saying over and over “I don’t love you” -- without a hint of irony or sarcasm that maybe the singer really *does* love the listener, that they’re just saying it because they’re hurt. You know, like the song Abittipsy by Youhua, where she tries to sound cheery and like she’s fine, but then she admits that she *might* cry later. Nope, this song seems to be straightforward, just “I don’t love you,” periodt.  
Seongjung likes the idea of this song because it would allow them to show off their low pitches, their high pitches, and their "sentiments."
They rehearse in a variety of locations, holding water bottles to be their microphones (cracks me up how they do that). 
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s w e a t e r s
They're confident; practice never lets you down. Hmm… I hear the ghost of my middle school band teacher murmuring, "Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice makes permanent. Only perfect practice makes perfect." 
Did they practice perfectly? I guess we'll find out!
It’s performance day! As they prepare to sing, kindly hyung Seongjung reaches out to Seohyung for a fist bump and says, Let's have fun.
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"Oh, a fist bump! I read an article about this youthful behavior in the printed newspaper I read in the mornings while I drink healthy tea and eat fiber cereal. I return your fist bump in a friendly manner!" -- Seohyung, probably
The judges are like, this song is hard. Uh oh...
Full version without reactions
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My thoughts:
That was nice. It's not really my jam, but the singing was pretty and their harmonies sounded great.
Seohyung has that musical theater voice, with a lot of emotion in his tone. Toward the beginning and again at the end, he almost verges on sing-talking, which again is very musical theater of him. I don't know if ballad-fans like that kind of thing or not. 
Though he has a lovely upper mix, he appears to be a bass, which is kind of cool to find in a field that preferences tenors. A deep voice can add a special color to a group. I mean, what would Stray Kids be without Felix? What would ONF be without Wyatt? Or even Dreamcatcher without Dami, or G-Idle without Yuqi? Those special voices help make their teams a little special. 
Overall I actually like Seohyung's voice more than I would have thought. It's hard to deny his range and the variety of vocal tones he can do. I think the biggest problem in his performance is the way he holds his body and his facial expressions. 
If you have an hour or two to spare, you should watch Jenny Nicholson's amazing take down of Dear Evan Hanson. One thing she points out is that the way you act on stage is different from the way you act for the camera. On stage, it makes sense to bug out your eyes and jut out your chin, because someone at the back of the theater needs to see you. But for the camera, it's just too much. And that’s kind of what we see with Seohyung here. He’s Acting, rather than just living through the song, and it’s a bit too much. 
Also, he hunches his shoulders a lot, which might be a habit of his because he's shy and tall, but it doesn't come off well on stage. 
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Seongjung isn't quite as powerful of a singer, but he's still really good. He appears to be a tenor, so the lowest notes are maybe a little harder for him, but he ends up hitting them ok. He has a slight nasality to his tone, and his upper range is a bit thin sounding sometimes, but I still think he sounds pretty. Also, his full on belts are excellent. He used to be in an idol group (BDC) and he knows how to look into the camera and sell it, but he doesn't vary up his expressions much.
Overall, the whole thing is oddly lacking even though there's nothing at all wrong with it. Doesn't seem fair, but here we are.
I really think the song choice is partly to blame. For one thing, singing about not loving someone is kind of… I don’t know. If you were a judge listening to people sing about not loving someone, would you get immersed in the emotions of it the way you would if you were listening to people talking about being in love? But the other problem is Seohyung’s over-acting. He’s really throwing himself into it, and contrasting with Seongjung’s more natural performance, it feels kind of off. The vocals aren’t the problem at all, though. 
My favorite part of the performance was the harmony right after the key change. Good stuff.
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“I mean, there’s emotions, and then there’s this!” -- Jenny Nicholson
The MNET edit is a bit confusing. Right at the beginning, Eunkwang says of Seohyung’s singing, “ah, he removed a lot of the musical tone.” I think he’s referring to Seohyung’s semi-sing-talking. 
But VCG likes it.
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We get a lot of reactions from other contestants backstage saying that it's really good, and we get the judges smiling and nodding, but we also get the judges making weird faces. 
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I don’t think they’re enjoying it, but seriously you never know. 
There don't seem to be any instant replays. 
Right at the end, Seohyung sings unaccompanied and everyone seems really touched. Then there's a moment of silence, and then soft applause. The singers hug each other, and Seohyung almost rests his head on his older teammate's shoulder. Seongjung has a lot more stage experience and probably helped Seohyung a lot when they were preparing.
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The judges applaud kind of quietly. Backstage, the guys say they think it was really good. 
I paused it here and asked myself, how do the judges feel? And I had no idea. I'm not sure even they know. They had to watch 20 performances over what had to be at least a five hour period, maybe much longer, so maybe at some point they low-key stopped caring. They are still taking it seriously though and are checking their previous scores to make sure they're giving as fair a grade as possible.
Backstage, Choi Suhwan (who sang Sherlock at the beginning of the round) says “They didn’t form harmony. They didn’t sound like a team.” I don’t know if I agree with that -- I thought their voices sounded nice together. 
Sunyoul, who is sitting right by Suhwan and probably heard him, wonders out loud if maybe they picked the song because “they couldn’t form harmony.” I think maybe Sunyoul is referring to the fact that Seohyung is a bass and Seongjung is a tenor. I still think that’s fine for a duet, but what do I know?
The scores are revealed. Their high score is 92, from Solar, and their low score is 80, from, of course, Jaehwan. The scores aren't super low or anything, so they're a bit relieved, but they had probably been hoping for a few 100s. I mean, who doesn’t hope?
Solar says, “You both have nice voices. You can both sing. It was flawless.” VCG agrees. “But… I couldn’t stop thinking that it was ordinary.”
There’s this amazing split screen of Seohyung singing so hard his face is about to fall off, while Solar is just sort of… looking. 
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She goes on, “I was just thinking to myself, ‘Oh, this is the song they’re singing.’ You should pick a song that shows your charms more next time. But this was flawless. I liked it.” So their 92 score came with a mixed review. 
Jaehwan says “Let me tell you this first: This is a very high score for me.” The guys kind of laugh -- a bit of the pressure is relieved. He goes on to talk about how since Seohyung is a musical actor, he sang like he was reading lines. “You made it sound ordinary,” Jaehwan says. “Thank you for telling me,” Seohyung says, with a nice smile. 
Backstage, Sunyoul is still chatting with Jeup and Suhwan, even though the latter team beat him in the rivalry. 
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Donghun looks like he might burst into tears any second. Will someone hug that man, stat? Thanks!
Sunyoul theorizes that it must be hard to change from a musical theater style of performance to a pop style. That’s interesting, because I don’t think any of the musical actors have been particularly successful on the show so far. I’ll have to run the numbers on that later. 
Thinking of sad Donghun reminds me to say, please check out A.C.E.’s new song, My Girl. It’s got a smooth, city-pop/retro vibe, kind of like Cupid by Fifty Fifty or Maniac by Viviz. I like it! Though I do think it was weird to show them singing to really young girls at the end when the A.C.E. is increasingly looking like a group of guys in their late 20s/early 30s. 
Anyway, back to the judging. VCG tells Seohyung, “You have a very nice voice. You build that voice to become a musical actor. So what you need to change is the way you sing. You don’t need to change your voice.” It’s hard to tell from the translation, but I think what VCG means is the way that Seohyung was doing that kind of sing-talk stuff, and the over-emoting that I noticed. “It’s very nice to have a bass like him on the team,” he says, tapping into my brain again, and all the judges agree. “It’s reassuring,” says Baekho. “Yes, the bass completes it,” says VCG. “You must protect your voice!” 
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Seohyung seems to appreciate the helpful feedback.  
Meanwhile, poor Seongjung doesn’t get a ton of feedback that we see. I bet they did say stuff to him, though -- it’s just that the show doesn’t care, I guess. 
Anyway, it’s time for the other team, Geonu and Soomin, who are committed to being “happy charms” on stage. The other guys waiting backstage seem to be looking forward to Soomin’s performance. 
We find out that both of them chose each other as the person they most wanted to work with on the show. That should be really cute to me, and you know I love friendship on these shows, but…
Ok, I’m going to be honest with you guys: I find these guys a bit irritating. I know that’s not cool, but I figure it’s better to just be honest about my reaction to them. I’m aware that (1) I don’t know them in real life (2) this is all editing (3) they’re not doing anything really that bad. Despite all that, I find them irritating. So, I’m going to do my best to be honest about what I see, and I apologize in advance if either of these two is your favorite. It's not fair of me to just find them annoying for almost no reason, but it's hard to control an emotional response. Ok! Let's get back to it.
So, we jump back to the duet-choosing moment. 
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We can see that 20 guys are standing on the top tier, meaning that all ten top tier guys chose a mid or lower tier member to work with. Now it’s time for the mid tiers to choose a duet partner. 
The other guys sort of shuffle around a little, but Soomin goes right up to Geonu. “What kind of music does Hyung like to do?” he asks, and Geonu’s face lights up, first with surprise, then with happiness. 
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Bain also approaches, and kind of stands there awkwardly, which makes me feel kind of sad. Here’s the thing: Bain probably went over to Geonu at least in part because Bain didn’t want Geonu to not get picked. Geonu was Low Tier, and Bain was Mid tier, so he may have thought “I’ll rescue my teammate.” (They’re both on Just B together.) Bain and Geonu are the same age, which often gives people a feeling of connection in Korean culture (from what I can gleen). 
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Bain says he’s looking for someone to do a pop song with, and what’s weird is that not only does Geonu not even seem to want to make eye contact with Bain, or say something like “Oh, thanks for the offer, but I think it’s better for us to show our individual colors,” he just ignores poor Bain, who stands there all tall and orange and awkward until he wanders away, and it makes me sad. Maybe this is where my irritation began, with Geonu sort of letting Bain hang in the wind like that. And for all I know Geonu did in fact talk to Bain and it was edited out. IDK. 
Meanwhile, Soomin suggests that they sing “Can’t Take My Eyes Off Of You,” which was the song he did in the Voice Check. Seems odd to suggest it. 
We get a flashback to Geonu introducing himself in English:
“What’s good guys, I’m Geonu, and I’m here to sing my soul out. Vamos!” He doesn’t mention that he’s from Just B in his intro, either, which is also… interesting. Per his online info, his mother is an English teacher, which is how he learned to speak English well. Not sure where he got the Spanish, but hey, a lot of Spanish speakers listen to Kpop so it’s not crazy. 
So I guess the thing is, I can understand how he knows English so well but I do wonder why he would speak it to a group of Korean speakers. Everyone there knows Korean, including Jay, Soomin, and Wumuti, so why not choose Korean as the common language? It just seems like a weird flex, but ok. Imagine if Wumuti had just decided to speak Chinese…? 
Geonu seems to like everything about Soomin, including his hat and the way he sat on the stool, and Soomin seems to like everything about Geonu, so it’s a match made in heaven. They’re very like… I don’t know, like the way two best friends act in 7th grade. This seems to be objectively cute. I don’t know why it bugs me! Am I on crack? 
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Some time later, Geonu’s hair is longer and less pink, and he and Soomin are meeting in what looks to be the same conference room as the one Bain used in another segment, complete with the map on the wall. So I guess it’s safe to assume that they’re at Bluedot Entertainment 
Geonu lists some of his favorite musical artists, including M*ch**l J*cks*n and Chr*s Br*wn, and, thankfully, at least one unproblematic fave, Taeyang. He likes R&B, and Soomin likes pop, so they decide that Pop-R&B, like a song by Crush, would be ideal. They seem to quickly decide on “Don’t Forget” by Crush featuring Taeyeon (a tiny bit). (I say “seem to” because I suspect they discussed this first via texting or something and then recreated the song choice for the cameras later.) 
The song itself is perfectly pleasant, the kind of song you’d put on to listen to in the background while you’re doing something else, but it’s hard to imagine someone being like, “oh yeah, this is my favorite song in the whole world.” The lyrics talk about the singer’s hope for his relationship for the future, that even if they break up, that they’d never forget each other. 
If you and me become estranged someday / If we could never see each other / Don’t forget, Don’t lose / Even if you are holding someone else’s hand / If you are somewhere I cannot go to /  Don’t forget, Don’t lose 
The lyrics keep repeating 잊어버리지마 잃어버리지마, ijeobeorijima ilheobeorijima, which means “Don’t forget, don’t lose”. (See, that’s the -jima ending for a negative command again! We’ll all become fluent in Korean eventually!) 
Once they’ve chosen the song, they take a break and make up an elaborate handshake. Soomin says he doesn’t have a hyung, and Geonu feels like his real hyung. That’s sweet! I know intellectually that that’s sweet! 
Then Soomin has to leave to go back to Chicago for a bit, and then after he comes back they’ll have ten more days to practice. So this gives us a hint of the timeline. Based on both their hair, I’d say at least two weeks has gone by since the Pre-4 mission taping day when they’re meeting in the office. Then Soomin is going to go back to Chicago for some period of time and then when he gets back they have another ten days. This suggests that maybe a much as month went by between the Pre-4 Mission and the 2 vs 2 Rival Mission. 
They chat via video call, and even do their handshake virtually. They’re both excited about the arrangement of the song that was made for them, and practice a little bit. Soomin says he can tell how much Geonu has been practicing. They’re speaking Korean together, which is again kind of interesting given that when they’re around other people, they choose English. Maybe they were just deliberately speaking English to speak more privately around the other people…?
When Soomin gets back, Geonu says he smells like Chicago, which is not the compliment he may think it is, and they get to do their handshake thing. They seem really happy as they rehearse together and just sort of hang out saying SOOUUUU! 
And that brings us the performance!
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Full performance without reactions
My thoughts:
I should note, first off, that normally, when I hear a song over and over I start liking it more, almost against my will, but the more I hear this song the more boring it is to me. And maybe if I liked the song more I’d be more forgiving of the performance overall. Again, I’m just being honest. 
This was an ok performance, but I’ve heard both of these guys sing better than they sang this time.
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Soomin was on his s w e a t e r game, for sure, and he really has a lovely voice. But here he sounds a lot breathier than he had been before, and maybe even a tiny bit hoarse. It didn’t sound bad, don’t get me wrong. I think it sounded lovely. Just maybe he wasn’t in the best condition when they taped? I still am interested in what he’s going to perform next. 
Geonu really didn’t float my boat with his performance. I’ve heard him sing much better than this, so I’m not sure what happened. His first few notes sounded nice, but as it went on, to me, he sounded nasal, slightly shrill, a bit pitchy, and almost like his throat was clenching down as he was trying to sing. It just didn’t sound right. I think his worst moment vocally is at about 0:47 in to the Youtube version of the performance. It’s almost like he has something caught in his throat. 
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Also, um, the dancing. Not sure about that.
I remember liking Geonu on I-land, and I’ve heard him sing better than this, so I guess maybe he was nervous about performing well with his new American dongsae/friend, and/or just nervous in general about staying on the show. I think Geonu might benefit from some targeted vocal lessons because he does strange things with his throat and upper palette. His natural vocal color is so nice that if he just had some more training on how note to sabotage himself vocally, he’d be wonderful to listen to. 
Their harmonies sounded nice -- those were some precise harmonies, and they must have practiced a long time to get them right -- but I also am not sure I loved the contrast between their voices when they took turns singing. Geonu’s voice has a sharpness to it and Soomin’s is so smooth that it makes Geonu’s voice sound worse in contrast.
Which of the two duets should win -- this one, or Team S&S from earlier? In the end, I didn’t love either of them, so it’s hard to say. Of the four voices, I continue to like Soomin’s the best, but if I had to listen to one of the two performances over, I think I’d rather listen to the boring ballad performance instead of the boring R&B song performance, and I think the problem is Geonu. That’s such a bummer because I’ve been converted into a big Bain fan and I want to cheer for Just B. Hopefully, Geonu will win back my good opinion in the future! I’m certainly not committed to hating him or anything like that. 
In the MNET edit, everyone seems to really love Soomin’s voice and no one thinks he sounds hoarse or strange, so maybe it’s just me. Soomin gets some instant replays, and they both get happy judge reactions.
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Eunkwang may or may not be enjoying the song.
The last line of the song is “Don’t forget this song,” which is why everyone reacts by saying “I can’t forget it!” 
Everyone seems to particularly love Soomin’s voice, but the overall vibe is positive. Backstage, poor Seongjung mutters, “I don’t want to go home.” 
The judges key in their votes, and we find out their highest and lowest votes: 95 (Solar) and 86 (Baekho). 
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They’re so happy and surprised that I want to be happy for them, but it’s tough. I can’t help but be a little annoyed at this. I don’t think it’s really right that this team should win over the first team. There was nothing at all wrong with the way the first team sang, while Geonu’s performance was, in my informed opinion, pretty flawed. I know he’s capable of better, but he didn’t sing super well on the day they recorded this performance. I know Soomin sounded nice despite his hoarseness, but it just feels like favoritism. 
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The guys back stage don’t look thrilled, either. Bain doesn’t seem happy for his teammate particularly. Kim Seongjeong, the leaping lizard, and his teammate Gwangseok, look irritated or at least incredulous. Jeong Inseong from KNK, front row with the maroon hair, has a thousand-yard stare that doesn’t seem happy. Jung Intae, front row right in the white shirt, looks a little disgusted. Maybe you interpret their expressions differently than I do, but they don’t look happy, and the guys generally seem pretty happy to cheer for one another when someone does well. I just get the impression that they think the performance wasn’t really that great.
Solar, who gave the 95, begins by praising Soomin’s voice and “vibe.” She tells Geonu that when he’s by himself he seems ordinary, but when he’s on a team, his presences is special. I don’t know how I’d feel about being given feedback like that.  
Seungkwan from Seventeen agrees with pretty much everything Solar says. He says that Soomin is so good, it’s a little annoying, and adds, “This calm and languid charm comes across as sexy when he sings.”
Hey, child who told me to KMS because I referred to Gunwook from Boys Planet as “sexy”, are you going to write hate letters to Seungkwan? Because Soomin is the same age now as Gunwook was then. Yep, I’m petty. I do not like being told to KMS. I will hold a grudge against anyone who tells me to KMS. 
Ok, sorry, deep breath. 
Anyway, it’s impossible for me to think of Soomin as sexy, because I have met waaaayyyy too many guys like him at youth hostels across the world, but I guess maybe he would be to someone else. I leave it to you, dear reader, to decide for yourself. 
Seungkwan tells Geonu that he likes Geonu’s dancing-like gestures. But low-scorer Baekho disagrees -- disharmony on Team Pledis! -- saying, “The reason why I gave the lowest score is that I thought that Geonu’s gestures were a bit… too much.”
Eunkwang’s feedback is a little confusing, I think mostly due to translation issues.  I think what he was saying was basically that Geonu was a bit out control -- not just with the gestures, but the whole vocal performance as well. He didn’t have good breath control, so the pitch suffered. The edit highlights the exact portion that I picked out as Geonu’s worst moment as well. Hey Eunkwang, if you noticed that like I did, why did you give a score higher than 86? 
It’s time to find out who won the round, and the first team comes back out on stage. Everyone says the scores are close, but they’re not really that close. It seems obvious that Geonu and Soomin won, and they have, 636, to 601. 
If you do the math and remove the highest and lowest scores from each group’s total, and find the average of the remaining five scores, Team Geonu x Soomin had an average score of 91, while Team S&S had an average score of 86. As Wendy says, “Ah, my heart hurts.” 
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Soomin and Geonu do a cool-guy handshake thing to celebrate.  
Dahee asks Team S&S to say something about the fact that they’re up for elimination. 
Seungjung says, “I’m the one who chose Seohyung, and since we’ve lost, I feel….”
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“... I’m so sorry to Seohyung. I’m a little sad for myself as well.” 
The judges reassure him that he did a good job.
Seohyung, ever cheerful, says, 
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“Whenever I perform on stage, my belief always is, ‘It won’t be perfect, but let’s have no regrets.’ Today, the stage was not perfect at all. But I put everything into it, so I have no regrets. I’ll remember all the good things you’ve said, and continue.” Awww! That's great. He's a charming dude, isn't he?
The judges tell him he’s well spoken, and then he and Seungjung walk off stage arm in arm, with Seungjung still apologizing.
“I’m sorry…”
Backstage, Seongjung starts to beat himself up again -- “I could have done better…” -- when he interrupts himself and says firmly, “No, we did a great job!” Nice! Love that. 
And that’s basically the end of the episode! We see a preview of the next round, featuring a distressing lack of sweaters but a lot of other fashion statements, and get the current voting standings. The top five is the same as last week, and the top 9 has been the same 9 people since voting started. The only major changes this week compared to last week is that Yoon Inhwan is up 8 spots and Taewoo is down 7 spots. But nobody has changed to a different zone of the list, if that makes sense. People who were part of a losing 2x2 rivalry team are marked with a *. People who haven’t performed yet in the 2x2 rivalry mission are in italics. 
Jay Chang* ⊖
Donghun* ⊖
Wumuti ⊖
Seunghun* ⊖
Seokhwa* ⊖
Hwanhee ▲1
Yeo One ⛛ 1
Park Jeup ▲1
Jeon Woong* ⛛ 1
Bitsaeon* ▲3
Taehwan  ⛛ 1
Geonu  ⛛ 2
Jeong Inseong ⛛ 1
Sunyoul* ⊖
Kang Hayoon ▲2
Neon* ⊖
Hong Seongjun* ▲2
Lee Gwangsuk*  ▲3
Bain ⛛ 1
Jung Soomin ⊖
Hyukjin ⛛ 2
Park Joo Hee ▲1
Yoon Inhwan ▲8
Kim Minseo  ⊖
Hong Sung Won ⛛ 3
Kim Seohyung*  ⛛ 1
Choi Su Hwan ▲2
Lim Sang Hyun ⊖
Lee Min Wook ⛛ 3
Hwang In Hyuk ⊖
Kim Sungjung* ⛛ 4
Ma Jaekyung  ▲1
Kwon Eui Bin ▲5
Jang In Tae ▲6
Jo Hwan Ji ⛛ 1
Choi Ha Ram  ⛛ 1
Lim Jun Hyeok ▲2
Jeong Yunseo ⛛ 2
Taewoo ⛛ 7
Ji Yeonwoo ⛛ 3
Ok, gang, that’s a wrap on episode 4! I finished it before Episode 6 came out, which means I’m actually catching up a little. I’ll see you in the next one, when we dive into Episode 5. The first performance will include Yeo One from Pentagon, if that sweetens the deal. See you then! 
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lindsaywesker · 9 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting at my desk, in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day.  Welcome to the weekend! 
Wow!  Here we are again: Friday!  Where did that week go?  No, seriously, where did that week go?
Last night, I posted ‘Deaths Of 2023’.  A long list of truly great people that contributed to my life and, for that, I am eternally grateful.
On Saturday, we’ll buy our meat from a wonderful Irish butcher we have in Harlesden.  They know the expensive and cheap cuts of meat that the residents of Harlesden like! 
Really hope you can join me tomorrow at 1.00 p.m. for ‘The A-Z Of Mi-Soul Music’.  The Letter S (Part Six).  No Executive Producer this week, just me playing with myself. 
On Sunday, I will do a huge shop at Sainsbury’s and, as the weather is saying 13 degrees, Josiah and I will probably go to park.  On Monday, you will get Too Much Information Tuesday, so that – instead of crap Christmas cracker jokes – you’ll have some amazing facts to discuss around the dinner table!
Before the year is out, I will do two brilliant gigs: December 29th at Cinnabar in Stevenage, and then New Year’s Eve at The White Lion, Streatham. 
For me, 2024 is already looking jam-packed with every minute accounted for!  Once I get back from Jamaica on January 8th, it all kicks into action!  At my two places of employment (two), I am very busy!  If working five days a week is free-lance, what the hell is full-time?  In fact, the rest of my time will be taken up doing all the other things I do: prepping for my show, radio broadcasting, club gigging and, of course, reading and writing!  Really looking forward to ‘Ibiza Soul Week’ in May, and really looking forward to ‘Soul 4 U’ in Birmingham in September.  Plus, there’ll be assorted cool gigs here and there!    
Have a fabulous and funky Friday!  I love you all.  You’re probably thinking, “You don’t even know me!” but, if people can hate for no reason, why can’t I love?
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hannaswritingblog · 2 years
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OKAY so about that suggestions. I have few, but in case u won't accept it, I just send it all in one ask. If there is anything u like, then I will just send another ask with only that one request or something <3
(oh and im everywhere seeing reader as she but u can make it non binary or sth if you would like!!!)
Neville Longbottom (HP, 5 year) x reader - with prompt "Do you find me brave yet?". I have that idea that reader comes to him after that fight ("The Battle of the Department of Mysteries") and his nose is still broken and he feels sorry that that propercy was destroyed bc of him, and Reader comforts him and maybe,,, idk, maybe he says something ala "do you at least find me brave now?" and reader says that she always thought of him as brave bc he is Gryffindor after all and she knows him since second year,,,, or something like that :D
Penguin (gotham) x reader - it would taking place in season 2, when he was still at the top, and reader would be a second most important person to him after his mother, anddd he would go to her and ask her to go to his place on a dinner and he would just, ya know, flash his well-being to reader, and to her it would be silly and cute and there would be smooch on the cheek from reader bc hes the best heheh
Jim Hopper x reader - it would take place somewhere after season 1. He and reader are fbw, and fic is about Jim visitng him, but this time with flowers and wearing his fabulous flanner, and asking her on a date in a 'hopper way' (whats that mean? idk maybe 'if I read the signals wrong then you won't see me again." bc he wants to sacriface himself all the time omg). cute cute
Susan Pevensie x bestie!reader - its day after valentines and both girls are talking about all these chockolates susan got from boys, while eating the same chockolates. Susan probably would feel little bad for eating them, bc she doesnt feel anything to these boys but reader is like 'nah, we dont want to waste them right" and so on
Edmund Pevensie x gf!reader - they are going on a costume party, and at the moment are still at home, and edumnd is going as a king, and reader as a queen and Edmund says something cheesy like "you would be perfect queen for me" or idk just,,, I mean he would think that he would take her as his wife in Narnia when he was a king there, right, and would somehow say that aloud. ANYHOW they would end up beeing blushy mess bc it was so sweet
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maybe you will like something hehe
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It's actually good that you send me all the suggestions in one ask - it would be okay too if you send them separately, but I probably won't be linking the asks in suggested fics anymore, so I don't need them that way, and it'll be easier for me to have this just one post. So don't worry! And you don't need to resend anything later (unless you have any new ideas, you can send those!!! haha)
For the reader's gender, I decided I'll write with the female reader more often so it's okay if you see it this way too, but there will be exceptions and I can already see one of your ideas would be an exception. We'll get to that in a while though :D
For the ideas, I really love number 1 and 3-5. Those suggestions are therefore accepted. :D I was going to go into detail why but I feel like I'd be just repeating myself. So yeah, I'll just say that. I'll put them on my to-do list in a moment. ;)
For suggestion 2, I think I'll have to reject it. As much as I love Penguin and Gotham... I don't know, I don't really feel it at the moment. I might come back to it later but not now. This is the idea I'd likely write the gender neutral reader though - coding the specifically as female would feel wrong to me. I won't go into much detail since I don't want to spoil things for you, but people who have seen season 3 probably know what I'm thinking about.
But yeah, 4 out of 5 suggestions are accepted and I actually feel inspired for them so that's good. I should work on everything in the next few days, as well as on my own ideas. As I said, if anything else crosses your mind, you can also send it later and I'd love to give it a thought. :D ILY too 💜
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Music Meme
🎶✨ when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, and publish. then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨🎶
I was tagged by @papermint-airplane, @hazely-sims, and @simsdastra, and, um. I have to warn you: I am old. I am decrepit. And like, the below isn't one of my five songs, but if you want a sense of my taste in music in general, this song sums it up perfectly.
That is your warning label, okay? Okay great, you've agreed to proceed at your own risk. Or (the better choice) not to.
I am just going with the last 5 songs from my last shuffle. Also I don't Spotify so you get Youtubes, sorry.
With Everything to Lose - The Style Council
I don't even know what genre you call this... bossa nova? The Style Council is what Paul Weller did with his time for a few years after he disbanded The Jam, but before he became an unpaid publicist for Oasis.
If none of the words in the previous sentence made any sense to you, congratulations!!! you are fabulously, wonderfully young!!! Today, all I ask is that you cherish it. Cherish it, and maybe kick a Boomer for me. I can't, I got bad knees.
Russian Roulette - Lords of the New Church
Hahaha see warning above the cut. What'd I tell you. This shit is so old it's in 4:3. Not that you exactly need it in letterbox or, you know, at all.
Voyage to Atlantis - The Isley Brothers
I love The Isley Brothers in general, but this one in particular. For yeeeeears I heard "Atlantis" as "Atlanta," and I was a little confused how the city of Atlanta could be called "a paradise out beyond the sea," but then I figured it was just poetic license (and not that I was ignorant, which, yeah. 🙄)
Menswear - The 1975
I am prone to getting stuck on songs, playing them too often, making myself sick of them, then banishing them from my hearing because I hate them now! Most of them are never allowed back in my presence. They are permanently ruined.
But I've been stuck on "Menswear" since it came out and I think that was ten years ago? More? The band is definitely kind of [gestures upward at warning] but "Menswear" can stay. 🫠💖 (Also, that blouse on Matty reminds me of this Flight of the Conchords bit. 😂)
Dagen efter dagen derpå - Thomas Helmig
The dagen fucking what now? I don't actually know! I would have to look it up, because I don't speak Danish (and neither do the Danes). I happened on this while fucking around on TuneIn years ago. Like most of my stuff it's very old--1980s? The production screams 1980s so probably. Anyway, I just pretend it's in Simlish when it pops up.
I am not sure I have anyone left to tag who hasn't been tagged already, but I'll do my best: @oasislandingresident, @ysasimblr, @tsims, @miss-may-i, @sugarssims, @distantloner, @pixelwalnut, @anemovictorious, and anyone else who wants in; ideally at least a couple of you so I can pretend I have fulfilled the obligations of this tag meme. 😇
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