#too fast and go with the Obvious route.
bitchfitch · 10 months
there is not a both option because the Vibes I'm going for require Massively mismatched levels of nut-jobbery. The other one is getting hit with a wrench until something interesting happens so neither of them are ''''''safe''''' in this situation.
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faetreides · 3 months
do you think modern!coryo is the type of man to babytrap reader without them knowing ? like by poking holes in the condoms or by replacing reader’s birth control pills with fake ones…
n when you end up pregnant he’d pretend to act all surprised even tho it’s what he’s wanted all along 🙈
cw: no really explicit stuff (putting up the mdni banner regardless bc of the dark content but there is one mention of sex) but there is MAJOR dubcon pregnancy and baby trapping talk, typical coryo warnings especially for this au
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I've talked about this before, but i think baby trapping would be more of a last resort for him or at least wouldn't happen until he could weasel you out of school without you freaking out. Obviously if your relationship was falling apart fast enough before he planned to have kids, he'd make the decision to speed up the process. Coryo's one of those bfs who don't fuck with condoms because he wants to be "close", so I think that he'd go for the swapping birth control pills route.
So, it's either happening earlier in your relationship if he thinks he really needs to prove that what you have is forever & that he's committed, or it happens 2-3 years down the line when he has a more solid hold on you. When it goes down depends on how reluctant you are to commit.
He knows that it's such a hassle finding the right pill for your body. you have to be so consistent, and the hormones/side effects could easily have you thinking they're not worth it if the side effects are bad enough. But if you've found one that's.... fine (you're convinced no pill's going to be 100% perfect & you're tired of trying), then he'd have a harder time getting you off of them.
He'll get a bottle of those sugar pills and swap them with the birth control while you're sleeping. you don't really notice a difference in the sex because let's be real, he's just always like that and the breeding kink is severe. Coryo doesn't act any different, he doesn't have to. Even if this is happening in a timeline where it's far earlier than he planned, it's what he wants, and the satisfaction gives him the glow he knows you're going to have too sooner or later.
One day he gets a phone call from you in the middle of the night and somehow, he just knows it's you because he immediately springs up. You hate phone calls and almost always prefer to text unless you literally have to call someone, so the fact that it must be something serious makes the butterflies in his stomach flutter. Coryo clears his throat and calmly tells you to stay put in your dorm and to wait for him to pick you up, he soothes you through your crying and assures you that he'll send someone over to pick your stuff up and no one will notice.
Once he's gotten you drowning in his silk sheets, he's trying to hold back his smile as he rubs your back and kisses your temple.
"What's wrong, petal? it breaks my heart seeing you all worked up like this."
He frowns genuinely when you don't respond but then you bring a shaky fist in front of him and start to uncurl your fingers around whatever you're holding.
You speak once you've calmed down enough, with a desperate tone as it becomes obvious what's in your hand.
"I- I'm so sorry, Coryo. I didn't mean for this happened at all and I'd never do anything to hurt your future. I- I'm on the pill and I know it's not completely effective, but I never thought that this would happen so soon."
It's adorable, in a way. Of course you didn't mean for this to happen, but he did. And you honestly thought that this was going to ruin his life, you're so sweet, but how could he care about tabloids or gossiping students when he'll have his family to focus on? his grandma'am will be so happy too, his father will just be glad he has an heir.
Still, he lets shock color his face as his mouth drops open. He glances between the pregnancy test and your shaking body several times before making a production out of sighing and gathering his strength. Coryo tenderly encapsulates your hands in his own and presses his forehead against yours.
"There's nothing you could do that would make me not want you and this baby. Yes, we're young and this was an accident, but it doesn't mean that we can't do this. You don't have to be afraid, bunny, you're never going to be alone." His words are firm, so sure of what he's saying that he can actually see the reluctance and fear in your eyes be replaced with certainty and excitement.
He's too serious to say "it's uterUS, babe" but he's so determined to fuse with you so it's basically the sentiment. convinced he gets sympathy pains but hides it. Whispers to your belly when you're asleep about how much he loves you and likes the baby & how perfect of a family he'll be & that he knows the baby's going to be the best older sibling. I've also said before that he'd a toxic boy dad imo, (not in the excusing 🍇way dw, he'd kick his son's ass and say that you can be as obsessive over your partner as you want but you don't do that) so he would tolerate the kid but at the end of the day they're fighting for your attention. I haven't really thought about if he'd use the kid to "innocently" keep tabs on you or further manipulate you by making sure you see how good of a dad he is, but the ideas are there.
First pregnancy gives y'all one kid but the second brings twins.
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ⓒ faetreides 2024
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animeomegas · 11 months
can we get a lil something of shikamaru and his obsession?
Of course! How about a cute proposal?
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Warnings: None
There were few things in the world that Shikamaru wanted more than to be married to you. In fact, had he had his way, you'd have been married at 16 and that would have been that.
But he was scared to move too fast. The countless talks from his father about scaring his obsession away by behaving too intensely seemed to have finally sunk in, at least on this issue, because Shikamaru was too scared that you would think he was moving too fast and reject him.
Having his proposal rejected by his obsession... Just the thought turned his stomach in the worst possible way.
Which is why he was currently 22 and still neither married nor engaged to be married.
He knew that people were confused as to why he had waited so long. He was pretty sure his father believed that he'd already proposed but been rejected, Chouji seemed to believe that Shikamaru was happy without marriage as long as he had his obsession with him, and Ino made it clear that she thought he was too much of a coward to ask.
It was extra salt in the wound that Ino was the closest to the actual truth.
In general though, Shikamaru tried to put weddings out of his mind as much as he could, pointedly ignoring the burning envy he felt when he saw strangers getting engaged and married.
Perhaps it was for that reason that he failed to figure out the obvious when you nervously asked him to accompany you on a walk into the Nara woods.
Shikamaru allowed you to lead him with your joint hands through the woods he knew like the back of his hand. It was your idea to go for a walk after all, so he was happy to let you pick a route.
Stifling a yawn, he hoped you would be ready to head back soon, because he was starting to get hungry and tired, and he had to head to work early tomorrow. He looked up at the sun filtering through the trees and tried to work out what time it was. Perhaps 19:00 ish?
You squeezed his hand, automatically refocusing his attention onto you. He tried his best to remain coherent, but the spattering of sunlight dancing across your skin was doing things to his heart and making it more difficult to think.
"Shika, you alright?" you asked, your voice not making it easier for him to focus.
"Yes, I'm fine," he said breathlessly, trying to knock himself out of his own head.
You only smiled at him, seeming amused.
"This way," you said, pulling him gently along. "I want to visit the clearing with the big silver birch."
"Okay," Shikamaru said, already forgetting any thoughts about being hungry and tired. If you wanted to see the big silver birch tree, then he would go with you. He wanted you to be happy.
Shikamaru had been to this clearing more times than he could count; it had been a favourite place of his to nap when he was a child. But as you both approached, he realised something was off. Is was... brighter than it should be?
He entered the clearly slowly, eyes peeled for any danger, but instead he found the branches of the trees that lined the edge of the clearing covered in fairy lights and pale blue lanterns. In the centre of the clearing were a couple of blankets, a bottle of champagne and two champagne flutes, and a smattering of more lanterns.
"What?" Shikamaru said, mainly to himself. Did someone set this up? What for? He tried to remember if his father or any other clan member had mentioned anything about an event or occasion that would require such a set up. He turned to you, a question on his lips, but when he turned around, his brain stalled completely.
You were on one knee, holding a little black box in both hands. You smiled and fidgeted on the spot.
Shikamaru's heart rate rocketed up so quickly he was surprised that he remained standing. There was no way... Was there?
"Shikamaru, I had a hundred things planned to say to you, but now that I'm here, I can't hold the final question back any more," you said, eyes tearing. He felt his eyes tearing up as well.
"I- I- I-"
You opened up the little box, proudly displaying the simple gold band before asking, "Will you marry me, Shikamaru?"
You were asking him to marry you. He would be your fiancé and then your husband. He would have a wedding with you. His obsession instinct had designated you as his forever for years, but this was you reciprocating that promise of forever.
His knees gave out and he fell heavily to the ground. There was one word filling every inch of his head, pressing against his lips, desperate to burst out.
"Yes," he almost sobbed, desperate to get the ring, your ring, on his finger.
This was one of the best days of his life and he was definitely calling out of work tomorrow.
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mcdonaldsnumberone · 1 year
crush headcanons
gender neutral reader
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sza voice) it’s cuffing season! i need a big boy!
Kunigami moves gently. His sisters have drilled into him the importance of being a gentleman since he was young, and the last thing he’d want is to scare you away. He’s always asking if you’ve eaten or if you want him to walk you home if it gets dark. He might not be the most obvious with his feelings, but if you pay close attention, his actions definitely speak louder than words. He’ll be there in your time of need, and he’s the kind of guy everyone dreams of being crushed on by. While Kunigami isn’t afraid to initiate anything if he feels like the time is right, he’ll be more than happy to wait for you if you feel like he’s moving too fast. Patience is key, and he’s someone who wants to win you over, fair and square.
CONFESSION: Kunigami definitely feels like the kind of guy to take the traditional romantic route! He asks you out on a nice date and confesses at the end after he’s walked you home. He’ll be over the moon if you reciprocate and shyly kiss him on the cheek before promising him another date. He walks back home with a big smile on his face, the place where you kissed him tingling pleasantly like an electric spark landed on it. And boy, is he in for a whole bunch of teasing from his sisters once he steps through his front door.
he’s bringing sexy back!
Once Raichi realizes he’s falling for someone, there’s nothing stopping him. He’s got his sexy soccer and nothing but a world of opportunities in front of him, so he’s doing the most to win you over. Whether it be showing off his soccer skills or striking up conversation as often as he can, he’s dead set on making some kind of impression on you. Despite this, Raichi has his soft moments too. He’s a keen observer, and if he notices that you have a favorite snack or a little quirk, he’s bound to remember it. He might be a bit rough around the edges, but he’s a total sweetheart who denies it and gets shy if you bring it up. There’s no fun in beating around the bush and playing mind games, so once Raichi decides he wants you, he’s going to go for it.
CONFESSION: He confesses straight up once he thinks the time is right. He doesn’t like wasting his time on nonsensical things, so he’ll simply come up to you when you’re alone and tell you outright that he’s interested in you. That doesn’t mean he can’t be sweet with it; he spends the time leading up to his confession pampering you in his own way and buttering up to you bit by bit. Even if his words are direct, he’ll get a little embarrassed. It’s truly a rare sight to see: the usually confident Raichi Jingo with shaking eyes and flushed cheeks!
be the support to his main?
Everyone thought the world would freeze over before Nagi would take a genuine interest in anything outside of his video games, but when you walked into his life without any warning, that was the first time Nagi ever actually tried anything. He doesn’t make any drastic dramatic moves, but he cements himself as one of your lazy but trustworthy friends that you can crash with at any time. He plays the role of the pining best friend a little too well (not that he fully realizes it), and one day, when he thinks the chase is more trouble than it's worth, Nagi goes in for the kill. He doesn’t know how to describe the fluttering, nervous feeling in his chest that well, but he’s sure that if it’s you, you’ll understand what he means.
CONFESSION: Nagi kind of just… lets it slip one day when you’re over and chilling with him. It’s one of the late nights where the two of you are lounging around and talking about all sorts of things, when he suddenly stares at you intently and goes silent. When you ask him what’s up, he asks you if it’s normal for friends to feel this way towards one another and more or less ends up confessing his feelings. It’s so like him to get fed up with having a crush and simply making a move for convenience’s sake, but it’s charming if he’s the one doing it!
you’re my, my, my, my lover!
Hiori loves so purely and softly that it doesn’t really take much for everyone to start supporting him! He tends to pine from the sidelines, preferring to appreciate the relationship you have with him than trying to force something further. He wants to support you in your endeavors, so if you ever need someone to provide you some encouragement or to call late in the night when everyone is asleep, Hiori will be there like he always is. Still, he wishes he had the courage to reach out and intertwine your hand in his or to say the words that have always been scratching at the back of his throat. Someday he believes he can work up the courage to do it properly. 
CONFESSION: Hiori writes you a sweet love letter! He spends days, maybe even weeks, trying to find the prettiest words he can think of to fully capture how happy he is around you. He’ll find stationary that reminds him of you and write out his love in neat handwriting. He goes back and forth a lot too, wondering if he should actually go through with confessing to you, but he ultimately decides to take the leap of faith knowing that you’re always encouraging him to do his best! He’ll go out and buy an accompanying gift to give it to you with, and he prays that you feel the same as he does!
denial is a river in egypt!
Kurona acts like there is absolutely nothing wrong with him, knowing perfectly well that he’s screaming crying throwing up sliding down the wall whenever you walk past him or say hi. He’s so completely smitten with you to the point that it’s impressive how well he plays it cool, until people start picking up on how intently he listens to your words or how he’s always the first person to volunteer himself up whenever you need anything. All pining aside though, he wants to respect your boundaries, so he’s quick to read your mood and make his advances based off of you responding to them. Kurona crushes in a way that’s so boylike and cute that it’s hard to not be charmed by it!
CONFESSION: He strikes me as the guy to let it spill one day manhwa-style. Be it at a school festival or graduation day, when the sky is pretty and emotions run high, he’ll realize that he can only play it cool for so long lest he end up losing you. And in that one fateful moment where he can’t hold it in anymore, he’ll let his heart pour out its feelings towards you and hope that you can return even just a little of all the emotions he’s built up over the years. He’s been there for you since day one, and he wants to stay by your side for so much longer.
no hoes in his dms!
Oh, it’s so painfully obvious that Sendou has a crush on you. He gets so terribly flustered and doesn’t know how to act like a functional member of society whenever you’re brought up, let alone do anything to keep his crush under wraps when you’re actually with him. Still, he does his best to impress you. He’ll not-so-discreetly invite you out to practices where he can show off his skills and “accidentally” send you pictures of him looking all cool after a game in hopes that you’ll be swept off of your feet. But most of his time is spent panicking over something he said to you or tripping over his words whenever you ask him a question. He’ll trail after you everywhere, unable to actually work up the courage to ask if he can sit next to you. Please notice him!
CONFESSION: Let’s be real… The entire world (yourself included) already knows how down horrendous he is, that it’s only a matter of time before something sets the whole process in motion. As much as he likes you, you’ll most likely end up being the one to make the first move. If not, his soccer team (heavy on Aiku) will pressure him into confessing because they’re so sick and tired of him gushing over you and want the two of you together to shut him up. Although they all know that he’s only going to get worse when he realizes you like him back.
men should go to war and die!
Kaiser is shameless the moment he gets off of his high horse and falls for someone. He has everything going for him: the looks, the career, the salary… Who wouldn’t fall for him? He’s met with a rude surprise though that love doesn’t work the way he thinks it would, and he actually has to put in the effort to woo someone if he wants his crush to care about him. He lavishes you with gifts, making sure they’re all obviously from none other than the esteemed emperor, and he’s all up in your space if he spots you around. He tends to act like the two of you are already in a relationship rather than it being a one-sided thing, and he’ll dub you all sorts of cheesy nicknames to support his theatrics. It’s a great way of warding off any rivals though.
CONFESSION: As corny as it is, Kaiser would confess to you after a big win… He’ll be the star player, the man of the hour, and the hero of the game, and he’ll direct his attention to you while all the cameras are on. If you prefer something less pressuring, he’ll rent out the most expensive restaurant in town and shower you with a beautiful bouquet of blue roses before popping the question during dinner. It’s horribly tempting to knock him down a peg when he confesses to you, but you hate to admit that Kaiser has his endearing moments.
gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss!
It’s kinda hard to tell what Ness is thinking at any given point. Granted, he does follow Kaiser’s orders like it’s his god-given task, but he’s also surprisingly good at how he feels. Deep down though, Ness loves having your attention! He likes being praised and being acknowledged by you, and it’s hard to ignore his hopeful glances at you whenever he makes a particularly impressive play. Once he can get all his cards out on the table, he’s entirely dedicated to you! It doesn’t matter what everyone else says or what his team wants from him: all Ness wants to do is spend the entire day soaking up your presence. It’s scary how loyal he can be, almost to the brink of obsession, but couldn’t you argue that his undying faithfulness is one of his strongest points?
CONFESSION: Ness confesses first thing after a long season overseas. He’s repressed his feelings for you for so long, thinking you wouldn’t see him the same way and afraid that you’d be put off by his odd mannerisms. But after long days without you in his periphery and the thought of you waiting for him after practices wore him down, and the moment he sees you in the airport, he runs at you and throws himself into your arms. Ness doesn’t want to be away from you ever again, so he promises to bring you with him wherever he goes.
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
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pairing: tommy miller x fem!reader
genre: smut, soft enemies to lovers, minors dni
word count: 3.4k
summary: when you met him the first time him and his brother was your captor, months later he becomes yours, and quickly after that he become a resident of Jackson. You've already forgiven him for his past, but he's not happy with how eager you are to excuse what he's done.
warnings: tommy having a hero complex, tommy lashing out, piv sex, time skips, oral (giving & receiving)
a/n: the format I've written this in is inspired by @littlemisspascal 's getting lost is being found joel fic, which I highly recommend by the way it was amazing, one of my favorite things ever 💜
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The world went to shit, well joke on the world, your life was already shit long before outbreak day. 
It wasn’t for a lack of trying. Nothing just seemed to work out for you. But then all hell broke loose and suddenly it felt like you were off the hook, that you could be someone else, someone you always wanted to be. Someone that you knew you were. Before all this, you were just hurt, felt broken, but still smiled and went about your day. You tried to be good. Tried to be nice. For the most part, you like to think that you succeeded. 
You became a guide. Somewhat similar to Charon, if you spared yourself the thought but instead of guiding the dead to Hades, you guided the living away from it. Things went smooth for the most part, you helped people where they needed to go, killed infected, shot down those who shot first. It was the oddest type of freedom that you felt. 
But life had other plans, and life loved to point its middle finger right into your face. 
It’s a dad and his two kids this time, you were helping them get to the nearest QZ. You cut the fence, helped them through, you knew hunters were lurking nearby, people who survived on killing and stealing—vultures. 
You feel a tight grip on your neck and you’re being violently pulled back. The kids look back at you with horror lingering in their eyes, the dad eager to pull them away. With a deep breath, you manage to force out a smile. 
“Go!” you shout. “You’re almost there!” 
And they run, they run as fast as they can. 
“Fuck!” you hear one of them say, a deep souther drawl heavy in your ear. “Shit, they got away. They had good weapons on them too.” 
“At least we got the one,” the man that holds you answers. “Let’s go back, see what this one has.” 
“Let me the fuck go!” you struggle, attempting to elbow him in the stomach. “You fucking assholes. They were fucking kids.” 
Finally one comes into view, he’s broad—broad enough to stun you into silence. The fear of death lurks around your heart, sucking you into a black pit of realizing that this might be it. He has a glare that could kill, a hooked nose, and, most importantly, a gun. This man, you notice, this man would kill you in a heartbeat. He gives you one last once-over before tilting his head to the other holding you down. 
“Knock her out, Tommy.” 
It’s late. Far too late for anyone to be awake. The embers of the crackling fire had died down, only specks of golden orange shimmering between the ash. You’ve learned the names of your captors; Tommy and Joel. Brothers, you assumed, they didn’t really have to spell it out for it to be obvious. 
You’re not sure why you’re still alive. You remember Joel muttering something about using you as bait, or to learn more about the routes that you seemed to know. Tommy had agreed. 
In another life, another time, you would’ve deemed the men attractive. Especially Tommy. He had a boyish charm to him, longer hair compared to his brother (those poor dark locks had definitely seen better days), and mussed unkempt facial hair indicating that they’d been at this for a long time. You understand, to a degree, why someone might choose this to survive. Some people just didn’t know what else to do. Some people simply enjoyed it; the power, the freedom, the giddiness of not having a system to say no. 
From what you understand, these two just had no idea what else to do. Too far off to reach a QZ, or they simply don’t trust FEDRA, whatever it is they seem to have made a life for themselves neither of them looked happy to be in. 
Your eyes fall to where Joel is sleeping, Tommy’s on watch, which makes you somewhat hopeful, you don’t have the strength to piss off Joel—Tommy you can take a chance with, he seemed softer. Softer like a rose, pricking you if you’re too lax and not careful enough. 
You’ve been captured before, and due to that, it doesn’t take long for you to free yourself from the hard ropes they tied you in. You hold your breath as you move away from the camp, careful not to step on any branches or rubble. You see Tommy ahead, he’s looking at you, the moonlight reflecting in his eyes. You expect him to shoot, to chase after you. 
He continues to stare as you disappear into the night. 
You see a lot of dead bodies by the riverbed. Some infected, some not. You think about turning around, walking back to where you came from but before you can make a decision you’re surrounded. Your hands rise instantly, not wanting to cause trouble. Multiple rifles are pointed directly at you, and you notice a cute black dog but you have an inkling you won’t be feeling the same in a couple of minutes. 
“I’m not here to cause trouble,” you say, the cold seeping through your jacket. “Just lost. I’m not infected.” 
“Naive for you to think we’ll believe you,” one of the horsemen answers. “You mind if we test that out?”
You didn’t mind, but even if you did, you doubt you have any say in the matter. The dog comes forward, ears pressed against his skull, and you instinctively reach out your hand. You can’t really feel the wetness of his nose, but you can imagine it as he presses into your gloved palm. A moment later he starts wagging his tail. 
A horse, along with its rider, steps up and everyone looks nervously at the equestrian. You straighten yourself and notice that even the dog pulls away, the energy she has demands respect, and oozes power. You swallow, looking up at her with both amusement and fear. 
"You can come with us," she says, and without hesitation, one of the men helps you up onto the horse they're riding. Your hands fumble nervously as you grab onto the horse's shoulders, trying to steady yourself.
You’re not dead yet so you must be doing something right. 
You trudge through the biting snow, your skin prickles with cold and the relentless flakes melt as soon as they touch your skin. You shudder. The cold is almost unbearable, but everyone has to pull their weight, no exceptions. Narrowing your eyes,, you spot a lone figure struggling in the snow. The way he moves is sluggish and ungainly, like a snail inching its way along a path.
With a sharp whistle, you signal to your companions to follow. They circle around the body with hesitation; it’s a man, a man that is somewhat familiar to you. The stranger groans and turns to his back, chest heaving heavily, you notice the tremble of his lips, the redness of his nose. You even notice the build-up of snow in his hair.
You know him. You have no idea how he ended up all the way here, but you know him. Getting off the horse, you shake your head. You don't know him, not really. You only know his name and what he represents.
Ian approaches, his eyes questioning as he asks, "What should we do? Should we leave him?"
“I know him,” you say, a hint of amusement in your voice due to the irony. “Let’s take him in. I’ll talk to Maria.” 
His eyes flutter open, a brief expression of confusion appearing on his features. You can’t help but lean over a bit, hands placed on your hips. 
“You’re not dead yet. Don’t worry.” 
But as soon as the words leave your lips, Tommy loses consciousness.
He’s alone at the bar. He’s always alone. 
Initially, Maria was reluctant to let Tommy stay, but for some reason, you vouched for him. You deeply believe that everyone deserves a second chance. A slightly foolish, maybe even childish, thought on your part but you can’t help it. In his eyes you only see parts of a broken man, his belief in the world shattered and gone with the wind. 
Tommy struggles with socializing. He says hi and good morning but that’s pretty much all anyone can get out of him. You’re the only one who knows he has a brother, what he’s done. He’s especially annoyed when you’re around, which you think is a little bit unfair but you digress. He does what he’s told and handy with most things—which is lucky for you, you would hear a handful if he couldn’t do anything. 
You want to talk to him, you have ever since you first saw him again. Hoping that this time it’ll be different, you sit near him not next to him. There are two empty seats between you two. 
“Hi,” you greet him, he doesn’t look at you. In fact, he doesn’t acknowledge you at all. “How are you?” 
No answer. 
“You’re not having any issues right? You know, heating, water pressure, all that jazz.” 
You’re not surprised at the least when he gets up and leave, not a word uttered. He pushes past the crowd and disappears through the door, into the cold. Unlike other times, this is the first instance where anger simmers hot in your gut. You’ve been nothing but patient. But not tonight. He’s going to talk to you whether he likes it or not. 
With anger in your steps, you storm out. Luckily, he’s not far. You find him staring up at the undecorated Christmas tree. Normally, you would find it a somber sight, but you’re too frustrated to think about how good he looks with snow falling around him. 
“Tommy!” you yell out, and he flinches, head snapping to you with wide eyes. “What the hell is your deal?” 
“My deal?” he answers, voice eerily smooth and calm. “I should be fuckin’ asking you that.” 
You’re standing an inch from him, the cold biting into your skin. “My deal? I’ve been nothing but nice to you. Wouldn’t wanna play that card but may I remind you that you’re fucking alive because of me? You could at least not be an asshole.” 
“Sure you wanna go that route sweetheart? Because I could easily say the same thing for you.” 
That night—the night that you escaped, so he did see you. All this time you convinced yourself that it was your eyes playing tricks in the dark. You shake your head, wanting to dislodge the moment from your mind. 
“That still doesn’t answer my question,” you hiss. “Why are you avoiding me? I just want to talk.” 
“Just leave me the fuck alone. You shouldn’t want to talk to me— someone like you… It ain’t normal. I should’ve died that night. I didn’t ask you to fuckin’ save me.” 
You’re taken aback by the silent rage but refuse to show him the effect he has. The only indication that his words had any kind of result is when you take a step back, allowing him some semblance of space. 
“You’re right, you didn’t,” you say softly, slowly. His gaze bores into you. “But I did. And you’re here. I didn’t save you that night to just make a point of who’s the better person. As you said, you allowed me to go that night—thank you by the way—but what are you going to do, just not talk to me? Ignore me? I don’t think that’s fair for either of us.”
You stand frozen as Tommy takes a step closer, his breath hot against your skin. 
"What do you want from me?" he growls, his voice low and threatening.
You try to take a step back but he follows, closing the gap between you. You can feel the heat emanating from his body, a stark contrast to the frigid air around you. His lips curl into a slight sneer, and you can't help but feel a slight twinge of fear.
"You're always so nice, aren't you?" he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "But what do you really want? You want me to be your little pet? Fixing me up like some broken toy. Well, newsflash, sweetheart, I'm not broken. I'm just fine the way I am."
"That’s not—" you say, your voice barely above a whisper. "That wasn’t my intention at all. The world is shit, I just didn’t want to add to it."
Tommy scoffs, his eyes glinting with anger. "But you did by keeping me alive. I did horrible things, things you can’t even imagine. So don't pretend like you understand me, because you don't."
“I know the shit you did Tommy. I was almost one of your victims, remember?”
His eyes drop to the ground, the fire in his eyes finally fading. He takes a quick step back, shoulder slumped, he shakes his head. 
“I remember. There ain’t a day I don’t remember the shit I’ve done—we’ve done with my brother.” 
Tommy gives you one last look before walking away, “I don’t need your pity.” 
Half an hour later, you’re still standing there under the snow, completely alone. 
It’s a dance almost. You find different ways for Tommy to communicate with you. You unlock his anger, his disappointment, his need to be good—the hero, if you will. But to be fair, you can’t take all the credit. It was mostly due to him, you got too close, and he got too frustrated. It was a brief moment of lips touching, then it quickly turned into a desperate ask for submission. You were eager to give, he hated that. Hated that you could when he couldn’t. 
You know that there’s a high chance of other things lingering below the surface, things that he probably hadn’t dared to address himself. 
In the privacy of your bedroom, you’re on your knees for him. Sucking on the tip of his cock eagerly as he stands upright, his hands are firsts that are stuck to his sides. This isn’t the first time, it isn’t the last. By the way salty precum coats your tongue, you know he’s enjoying himself. He has to be, if he wasn’t this wouldn’t be happening. 
You figure that he enjoys fighting against it until he breaks. When he surrenders himself to it, to the pleasure, to the primal need to take, he pins you down and fucks you with everything he has. All his frustration seeps into you, each stroke deeper than the next. You enjoy that he’s rough, you enjoy feeling the lingering sting on your skin long after he leaves. 
Looking up, you swallow him further down. He’s not overly thick but long, the dark curls at the base trimmed but still looking untouched. Tommy thrusts forward, the head of his cock brushing the back of your throat. Your nostrils flare as your lungs convulse with the need to cough, he notices but doesn’t pull back. Instead, you feel two hands cradling the back of your neck, pulling you further down his length, making you take him whole. 
Your eyes go wide and squeeze shut right after. You feel him throbbing in your throat and you swallow, again and again, which prompts him to drag his cock out slightly only to bury himself back into your throat. Your jaw aches, spit dripping down the corners of your lips as you flatten your tongue over the underside of his cock. A faint growl echoes from the back of his throat, you swallow again, he fucks your mouth as he would your wet cunt. Tears flood your lashline, you can barely breathe. Your throat tightens around him. 
“Fuck, don’t close your eyes,” he grunts, the dark curls at the base tickling your nose. “Look at me. Look at me like you always do.” 
The Look, is something that you still don’t quite understand. He says it often, telling you to look at him the way that you do, but you emphasize nothing special when you do end up looking at him. It’s just your normal gaze. He only asks for it when he’s inside you. 
You slowly open your eyes, your lashes wet and stuck together. His thumb smooths over the patch of skin right under your eye, his chest stutters, muscles growing taut under your gaze. 
Ironically, he closes his eyes and lifts his head as if staring at the ceiling. He doesn’t utter another word after that, your lips raw from the way he thrust forward. You feel the twitch of his cock, thick ropes sliding down your throat. You never tire of the taste of him. Not sweet, not bitter. You enjoy the brief moment he forgets where he is, that soft noise escaping his lips, the juvenile way his thighs shake—those are the things that make you ache for the taste of him. You’re an addict. 
But so is he. 
Your palms press into the smooth surface of the bar counter. Tommy lurks behind you, cock pressing inside, fingers making dents into your warm skin. It’s late into the night, you’re not sure of the exact time but you know it’s late. His one hand slips between your legs, he feels how wet you are, how needy you get for him. He presses a finger to your clit, the pads of the digits moving in deft circles. 
A sharp moan parts your lips, back arching as he pounds into you, the sound of skin against skin loud, yet not enough to pierce the sound of the snowstorm outside. A dose of pleasure buzzes through your veins, electricity crackling across your skin as you feel his length press deep inside. His fingers grasp your throat, pulling you up until his lips tickle your ear. He heaves, his warm breath fanning your skin. 
“Tell me I’m a good person,” he chokes out. “Please.” 
“You’re good,” you answer slightly out of breath. You touch his neck, the position slightly straining but worth it when he holds you tighter. “Such a good man—and I mean that.” 
Your eyes widen with shock when he slides his tongue into your mouth. Tommy doesn’t kiss you often, if at all, but it lights a fire under your stomach. It burns you from the inside out, the smoke of it making your mind spin. Your eyes flutter close and you take a deep breath, he grinds his hips, your insides pulsing around him. 
“I don’t care even if you’re lyin’—” 
He releases you and you stumble forward, hands finding purchase on the bar counter once more. But you can’t hold your position for long, not with the way he’s hammering into you, reducing you into a babbling mess. Your hands slide, your upper body completely falling over. Tommy doesn’t pause, he doesn’t even slow down. He presses you further into the surface.
“Because I know that you are.” 
Tommy suddenly pulls out, a sharp gasp rips from your throat, your cunt clenching around nothing. Before you can protest, however, he turns you over and pushes you. He kneels between your legs, lips finding the tender folds of your pussy. 
Your head falls back when he licks into you eagerly, tasting himself and your arousal. His groans vibrate against you, your thighs threaten to close, the meat of them pressing into both sides of his face. 
His lips press against your clit, suckling and teasing it in a way that drives you wild. His tongue moves in circles as he pushes two fingers, curling them and applying pressure. Without a second thought, you fingers thread his hair, tugging him closer. Arousal pools between your legs.
Your breathing becomes labored and your body starts to shake. Your eyes roll back as your entire body shakes. Your hips buck against him as he continues to bring you over the edge, your cries of pleasure echoing off the walls of the bar. 
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, you collapse against the bar counter, your body still shaking from the intensity of the orgasm. You can feel your skin tingling, your heart pounding and your head spinning. Tommy stands, a hint of pride lingering in his dark eyes. You continue to breathe and watch as he fists himself, the tip of his cock a shade darker when he comes thick ropes over your stomach. You hiss at the heat, the feeling of having a part of him staining you. 
Tommy pulls up his pants, and you notice as you get dressed, he’s avoiding your gaze. You’re too satisfied to care. He licks his lips, which you found was a nervous habit he has and offers you his arm. You hadn’t expected it, but indulge in the gesture by taking it. 
“Let’s get out of here before someone sees us.” 
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masterjedilenawrites · 5 months
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@dragonrider9905!!! I have sat on this prompt for way too long 😩 I almost let it go but I already had a few hundred words written out, so I went ahead and added a few hundred more to finish it. It's a lot shorter than it could have been but oh well... maybe it's something I add to later? Anyway, hope it was worth the wait! 😬
Tech x reader | 1.1k words
Content: references to reader being a little dumb/having bad ideas, descriptions of traps and peril, mostly comedic with some heart
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Fact: Your family was missing, and the only hope you had of finding them was by teaming up with a group of tenacious clones called the Bad Batch. You were restless in your search for them, doing all you could to keep up with the Batchers as they chased after clues.
Fact: You were not the brightest star in the sky. At least when it came to mission plans. You'd led them on wild goose chases, miscalculated various risks, and almost burnt down the ship one time. To say it was fitting you be banned from any strategy meetings was simply a given after a certain point.
Fact: Tech liked you anyway.
He wasn't sure why, given the obvious differences in the ways your minds worked. He was methodical, technical, and realistic; you were hasty, abstract, and idealistic. He was content to work on plans until they were perfect, while you were quick to take action, even when you weren't sure what those actions were. He was intellectual, you were imaginative.
And yet, despite all these differences, all the ways you two just never saw eye-to-eye, he found himself drawn to you anyway. He got close whenever he could, picked your brain on whatever he could think of, just to see what your answer would be. He looked forward to seeing you each day and couldn't help but prioritize your well-being just a little higher than any others'.
The rest of the Batch didn't quite hold the same fondness. They were polite enough, and you did have some good times laughing around campfires. But they had drawn a hard and fast line around letting you call any shots on missions. Tech was fittingly put in charge of holding you back. He could listen to your dumb and silly ideas all day, but he would also know to never let those ideas turn into actual plans.
For a while, the arrangement worked. Tech kept you from interfering without making you feel bad. And the rest of the Batch was able to continue making progress toward finding your family.
But then one day, they got themselves in a mess so bad, not even their own bold strategies could fix it. They were on a rescue mission. A kidnapped senator held hostage in a mansion on an outer rim planet owned by Separatist sympathizers. Supposedly the senator had been the last person to see your family. You and Tech stayed behind in the Marauder, watching the heat signatures of the rest of the Batch make their way through the labyrinth of rooms in the mansion, coaching them around corners and keeping them one step ahead of any enemies.
They had made it to the senator easily enough, but then a whole slew of alarms and booby traps went off, a completely unaccounted for defense system. Every counter measure known to the galaxy seemed to be deployed. The holopad lit up in Tech's lap, while the comms link in your hand vibrated with panicked voices. Chaos.
Tech tried his best to get them out safely, but every new exit route he picked had a threat worse than the last. They were trapped.
"I'm trying Hunter, I'm trying!" he snapped as his fingers swiped back and forth on the holopad, desperately trying to find even the smallest chance of escape.
"I have an idea," you offered, but even if you had been allowed to have ideas, your words were lost amongst the chorus of yells and shouts through the comms.
"The hallway you came from is full of soldiers now, both stairwells are booby trapped with grenades, the back hall to the servant's quarters is on fire..." Tech was explaining as he did one more thorough sweep of the options.
What about the air vents? asked Hunter.
"They're being filled with venomous bees as we speak."
Jump out the windows? Echo asked.
"You're hundreds of feet up. No way to scale down. There's anti-air turrets that'll shoot down the Marauder as soon as I get it off the ground. And I'm pretty sure the glass is shatter proof anyway."
"I have an idea," you tried again, louder this time, but Tech waved a hand at you to be quiet.
The room's filling with water now! came a moan from Wrecker.
Hurry up Tech, Crosshair hissed. We're running out of time.
"I know!"
You'd never seen Tech lose his cool like this before. This really was a bad situation. It didn't even matter about the information the senator may have about your family. They could all die if you didn't act quickly. And seeing as Tech wasn't interested in hearing you out, you decided to waste no time arguing and just jump right into your own plan. You were fairly confident it would work. Maybe 60%. Which was better than your usual calculation of 50/50, and certainly more than anyone else was coming up with at the moment.
You jumped out of your seat and rushed toward the ramp. This got Tech's attention. He looked between your empty seat and the mayhem emitting from the technology in his lap a few times before finally running after you.
"What are you doing?" he asked just as you jumped onto the muddy ground of the forest you were camped in.
"I'm going to knock on the front door and ask them to stop hurting our friends," you explained, never breaking your determined stride. Thankfully you were parked close to the tree line, and then it was only a short walk across the lawn to the mansion.
Tech blinked. "What?"
You were already several paces away so he shook himself and ran to catch you.
"What?" he asked again as he spun you around by the arm. "That's your plan? Just asking them to stop?"
"I'll ask nicely," you shrugged. "They're not droids, they're people. So who knows, they might just listen."
"But that's not... You can't just... Wait..." Tech sputtered as you turned heel and began walking again.
"Or maybe they'll want to negotiate," you called over your shoulder. "It'd be better if you were there for that part."
You did pause, turning slightly to give him a questioning look, waiting to see if he'd follow.
Tech was dumbfounded. Asking the enemy to simply stop didn't follow any line of logic or reason. He looked down at the holopad he still had clutched in his hand, knowing it wouldn't show him any more hope than it had before. Five heat signatures - one for each of his friends and one for the senator - were huddled in the middle of a room that was trying every which way to kill them. And there was nothing he could do about it.
Nothing, except to listen to you.
"This is by far the stupidest plan you've ever had," he said, meeting your earnest gaze. He took in a deep breath, already picturing the lecture he'd get from Hunter for daring to entertain your idea. But what choice did he have? He cared too much to let them perish. And, if he was being really honest, he cared too much about you to really believe you were as dumb as they all said.
So with that, he turned off the holopad and squared his shoulders, ready to follow your lead, logic be damned.
"Of course I'll help."
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Every Character Tag: @dangerousstrawberrypie, @justanothersadperson93, @arctrooper69, @sleepycreativewriter, @techie-bear, @theroguesully, @cw80831 
Bad Batch Tag: @kaijusplotch, @rebel-finn, @lucyysthings, @marvel-starwars-nerd, @nekotaetae, @severalseashellsbytheseashore, @lackofhonor, @flowered-bicycles, @foodmoneyandcats, @nahoney22, @dangraccoon 
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fourstarsoutofnine · 10 months
Pining’s for trees.
Four x reader:mutual pining.
A/n:for the Lovely anon who asked for reader and four pining over each other. The name of it is lame I know 😭 but I worked it into the story in a cute way! Also this isn’t proofread 💀
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It was killing the both of you. Stolen glances from across the camp, one’s stare boring holes into the other as you both went about your tasks. Things left unspoken, unknown—honestly it was killing everyone.
The rest of the chain was so bored and annoyed with how you and the smith were acting. Honestly! It was ridiculous! It was obvious the two of you were smitten for each other, so sweet Hylia, for her sake and theirs, just confess!
But, no… no, no no no. That was far too easy. You two had to be content with daydreaming about each other so much you didn’t listen to plans, or calls for dinner… it was sickening.
Currently, you were on one side of the camp trying to figure out how to weave a daisy chain and four, as always, was fixated on you and the beautiful and intricate way your hands delicately held the stems of the flowers, weaving them in and out of each other. You were incredible. He wondered how someone could be so—so perfect. He almost hated how he thought about you. Well—not really. He just hated how he wondered how your hands would feel in his hair, or your lips on his. He shouldn’t be thinking like that when you weren’t his—but Din, there he was; watching you make a crown for the royalty he certainly thought you were, and thinking about how your hands would hold his face and tell him how much you love him.
Somebody had to do something. Fast. The others couldn’t take this anymore…
“Smith.” The old man called and he was snapped for his thoughts.
“Hm???” He asked, now more alert than he’d been all day.
“You and y/n go do some scouting. We need a lay of the land….and while you’re out there… do us all a favor and tell them your feelings.” He grinned. “It’s sickening to watch you two pine back and forth. Pining’s for the trees.”
The old man watched with a laugh as the smith’s face bloomed a bright red and he nodded nervously and stood, walking over to you.
“Hey—“ he cleared his throat. “Hey, y/n…”
You looked up with a soft smile. “Hi, smithy.” Smithy… that was almost as good as hearing his own name from you. Almost.
“Ah—hi…uhm—the old man wants us to go scope out the land… I guess checking for monsters or something before we pack up and move… probably to get the best route in mind….”
“Oh! Yeah—sure!!” You stood, gently keeping hold of the unfinished crown and putting the other daisies into a bag that rested on your shoulder and against your hip. You walked with him in what you thought was comfortable silence—but he was freaking out internally. It’s not that you weren’t freaking out, you were just better at not letting it show than he was. He always prided himself on being stoic, but in reality he had one of the worst poker faces you’ve ever seen.
“Hey, are you oka—“
“I’m in love with you.” He blurted and smacked a hand over his mouth. He watched mortified as your eyes widened.
“I—I’m sorry I-…. I didn’t mean to just—“
“Are you being serious?”
“….yes..?” He got even more nervous, if that was even possible.
“I’m in love with you too…”
“Wait, really??”
You just giggled. “Yes, really… I’ve been stuck in a rut for so long with my feelings for you… you haven’t felt those holes drilled into your back with how much I’ve stared?”
“I could ask you the same thing…” he laughed. As did you. “So… all in favor of exploring these feelings..?”
You both raised your hands.
“All opposed..?”
Nothing but the wind blowing through the leaves of the forest, shaking down leaves to fall around you like something out of a movie scene.
“I’ll take that as a no.” He grinned proudly. Finally. No more longing stares and stolen glances. From now on, it would be sitting beside each other, and glances followed by winks and blushing. Pining is for trees, and you two are the lovebirds that sit on the branches.
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ell0ra-br3kk3r-writes · 4 months
The Phoenix and the Crow
part thirty
pairing: kaz brekker x fem!reader
genre: netural
el's thoughts: i really like this part :) enjoyyy
series masterlist
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Kaz sped through the upper cells, sparing brief seconds for a glance through each grate. Bo Yul-Bayur would not be here. And he didn’t have much time.
Part of him felt unhinged. He had no cane. His feet were bare. He was in strange clothes, his hands pale and ungloved. He didn’t feel like himself at all. No, that wasn’t quite true. He felt like the Kaz he’d been in the weeks after Jordie died—before Y/N— like a while animal, fighting to survive.
Kaz spotted a Shu prisoner lurking at the back of one of the cells.
“Sesh-uyeh,” Kaz whispered. But if the man recognized the code word, he didn’t acknowledge it. “Yul-Bayur?” Nothing. The man started shouting at him in Shu, and Kaz hurried away, past the rest of the cells, then slipped out to the landing and charged down to the next level as fast as he could manage. He knew he was being reckless, and selfish, but wasn’t that why they called him Dirtyhands? No job too risky. No deed too low. Dirtyhands would see the rough work done.
He wasn’t sure what was driving him. It was possible Pekka Rollins wasn’t here. It was possible he was dead. But Kaz didn’t believe it. ‘I’d know. Somehow I’d know.’ “Your death belongs to me,” he whispered.
The rows of cells stretched on and on, infinite, impossible. There was no way he would find Rollins in time. But it was only impossible until it wasn’t. Until he sighted that big frame, that florid face through the grate in an iron door. It was only impossible until he was standing in front of Pekka Rollins’ cell.
He was on his side, sleeping. Someone had given him a bad beating. Kaz watched the rise and fall of his chest.
Kaz hung back now, feeling the delicate weight of his lockpicks like an insect cradled in his palm. Wasn’t this what he wanted? To see Pekka brought low, humiliated, miserable, and hopeless, unable to get a hold of his bearings. The best of his crew is already dead on pikes. Maybe this could be enough. Maybe all he needed was to finish him once and for all.
The lock on the door gave up easily to Kaz’s picks.
Pekka’s eyes opened, and he smiled. He hadn’t been sleeping at all.
“Hello, Brekker,” Rollins said. “Come to gloat?”
“Not exactly,” Kaz replied.
He let the door slam shut behind him.
‘Where the hell is Kaz?’ Y/N paced in frustration in front of the incinerator, the dim clang of alarm bells filling her ears, rattling her thoughts. Yellow Protocol? Red Protocol? She couldn’t remember which was which at this point and it drove her mad. Their whole plan had been built around never hearing the sound of an alarm.
Inej had secured a rope to the roof and dropped down a line for them to climb. Y/N had sent the rest up with Jesper and Matthias, along with a pair of shears she’d located in the laundry and a crude grappling hook Jesper fashioned from the metal slats of a washboard. Then she’d cleaned the splatter of rain and moisture from the floor of the refuse room and made sure there were no scraps of rope or other signs of their presence. There was nothing left to do but wait—and struggle to get a hold of herself.
She heard people shouting at each other, and a hail of stomping boots through the ceiling above. Any minute, some intuitive guard might venture down to the basement. If they found Y/N by the incinerator, the route to the roof would be obvious. She’d be damning not only herself but the others as well.
‘Come on, Kaz. I’m waiting for you.’ They all were. Nina had come charging into the room only minutes before, gasping for breath.
“Go!” she cried. “What are you waiting for?”
“You!” Jesper shot back. But when they asked her where Kaz was, Nina’s face had crumpled.
“I hoped he was with you.”
She’d vanished up the rope, grunting with effort as Jesper trailed up behind her, leaving Y/N standing below, frozen with indecision. Had the guards captured Kaz? Was he somewhere in the prison fighting for his life?
‘He’s Kaz Brekker.’ Even if they locked him up, Kaz could escape any cell, any pair of shackles. Y/N could leave the rope for him, and pray the rain and cooling incinerator were enough to keep the bottom of it from burning away. But if she kept standing there, waiting like a child, she’d give away their escape route, and they’d all be doomed. She wouldn’t have the blood of her friends on her hands. She carried enough regret on her shoulder already.
She looked back to the door with a small flicker of hope only to be let down. She groaned in vexation, “Screw you, Kaz Brekker.” She felt her heart clench in her chest at the thought of leaving him behind but shook her head quickly. There was nothing to do but climb.
Y/N grabbed the rope just as Kaz hurtled through the door. His shirt was covered in blood, his dark hair a wild mess.
“Hurry,” he said without preamble.
A thousand questions crowded into Y/N’s head, but she only stopped to ask one. “Fine?”
She nodded, swung out over the coals, and started to climb. Rain was still falling in a light patter from above, and she felt the rope tremble as Kaz took hold beneath her. When Y/N looked down, she saw Kaz bracing himself to sling the incinerator doors closed behind them.
Y/N put a hand over hand, pulling himself up from knot to knot, her arms beginning to ache, the rope cutting into her palms, bracing her feet against the wall of the incinerator when she needed to. She gritted her teeth, her lips sealed shut, as she continued to pull herself up.
High above, the Elderclock’s alarm bells still clanged like a drawer full of angry pots and pans. What had gone wrong? Why had Kaz and Nna been separated? And how were they going to get out of this?
‘Breathe.’ She sucked a sharp breath in through her gritted teeth and tried to blink the rain from her eyes, muscles bunching in her back as she rose higher.
Y/N grunted when Matthias and Wylan grabbed her shoulders and hauled her up the last few feet. “Thanks.” She tumbled over the lip of the chimney and onto the roof, drenched and trembling like a half-drowned kitten. “Kaz,” she gasped. “Kaz is on the rope.”
Mathias and Wylan seized the rope to pull him up. Y/N wasn’t sure how much Wylan was actually helping, but he was certainly working hard. They dragged Kaz out of the shaft. He flopped onto his back, gulping air. “Where’s Inej?” he panted. “Where’s Nina?”
“Already on the embassy roof,” said Matthias.
Y/N heaved as she pushed herself to her feet and placed a hand on her lower abdomen, rubbing quick circles to release the pressure in her muscles.
“Leave this rope and take the rest,” Kaz said. “Let’s move.”
taglist: @katherinereid @littlecat21 @jahayla-parker @maliciousbrekker @brekkershadowsinger @brekkers-desigirl @clunaes @wonderland2425 @bookloverfilmoholic @karensirkobabes @bookworm-center @el-de-phi @so-get-this-sammy @skittleabyss @crispy-croke @cometsghost @auttumnsayshi
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lemotmo · 1 month
While still forever sad we didn’t get to see these scene in the episode itself, I kinda have to wonder now if they cut so many of them because of them making buddie to obvious to fast. Like if they are trying to do it correctly and set the pieces up for it where they need to go, seeing all of……that? Would have just completely obliterated their ability to do so because it was just so many loud choices being made there lol.
Oh, I like your thinking Nonny. Those were some... interesting choices they made for sure. I wonder what it was like filming all those rather charged scenes. They must have been cracking up all the time.
But yeah, I think you might be on to something. This was all way too blatant and in-your-face (literally in some cases 👀). If they are going the slowburn route and having them slowly discover what exactly they mean to each other, this might have been waaaay too much to show.
Next to that, whether we like it or not, Eddie is in a relationship with Marisol and Buck is currently dating Tommy. It might all have been a little too much for the general audience to handle for two men involved with other people.
I, on the other hand, would have loved to see ALL of it. 😇
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guesst · 1 month
MANHWA REC LIST PART 3 courtesy of @ihavenobigbrain
have tried my best to put in all the nice platonic manhwas i’ve read! theres still a bunch of romance but fun and games and lightheartedness is the main focus of these for sure 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
first of all i will rec the obvious and popular ones so they dont get missed becuse they are Popular for a Good Reason:
the s classes that i raised (super good, ive read the novel mostly but the manhwa is JUST as great. mc is collecting people like pokemon)
trash of the counts family (amazing art, little dragon child, mc is collecting people like pokemon)
also gonna plug some ones from the previous rec posts just cus i truly believe they are some of the best non romance manhwa: susu, han; i see you; the tale of goldiluck the black kitten
okay onto the actual recs !
HILARIOUS. genuinely so good, pretty underrated too (in that i havent seen anyone talking about this?) but it has a main character who isekais into a second male lead and decides to stay awayy from the leads — this fails miserably, obviously, and its comical. the misunderstandings, the unlucky run-ins… also the mc is a priest and theres a pretty interesting magic system and worldbuilding!! and as a final bonus the art is nice. genuinely so fun to read, highly recommend
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favourite manhwa of all time tbh its the only one ive bought a physical copy of (so far, anyway.. hehe). has a romance sub plot but the characterisations, relationships, plot development etc is exquisite. the family relationship takes precedence here especially in the first few arcs, the characters are REALISTIC, the art is gorgeous…, i love it so so much highly rec if you havent read it already. i guess this doesnt fall as much into light-hearted, because there are quite a lot of heavy moments… but its nicely balanced out with the comedy n all so i’ll put it in anyway :]
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super cute! this one is a school romance and it doesnt have many chapters out but its simple and the two mains are adorable. its a nice fluffy read and the artstyle is also lovely.
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jdjsjd can you tell how this goes from the title? speaking of which i type it from memory and i cant find the tab i had it open in so it might actually be “his daughter the hero” not “his hero daughter”… not sure. anyway i havent read much of this one but the first few chapters alone had me screaming the dad and his lackey are idiots please read it for him. he loves his daughter but this is backfiring on him so badly djrnfj
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^ idiot lackey, everyone
you would assume the war god goes to war! but no. he picks up a little girl and then he’s like. ok mine now. and the rest of the manhwa is spent getting money out of people and living in the woods in his homemade mansion with his daughter and the mamy many sidekicks that they pick up along the way. lovely art, lots of funny moments, plenty of action -- this is a martial arts story -- n the side characters are great (especially the governor lol) .
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there arent many chapters out for this one (24 i think?) but im so invested already. as it stands this is centred entirely around the isekai’d main character and her new family, there is a heavy dose of angst about identity issues but every chapter has a new misunderstanding and it has me rolling fr ,, oh also the mc’s new brothers are her stepsiblings but they shoot down that romance route really fast and their relationships are so entertaining if it keeps going the way it is this will definitely become a favourite. heres an out of context foot pic
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AMAZING TRULY AMAZING the character arcs in this one are so !!! yummy !!! mc time travels n endeavours to correct her actions n save people and in the process makes sm friends and all the characters have depth and grow and theyre all so !!! lovable !!!! the friendships in this one are amazing even without the romance subplot (and also speaking of romance, its a slow burn mainly cus sigrid is as dense as a brick but its NOT frustrating because it actually makes sense for her character!! like im usually the first one to move on from a thick fl but honestly you cant help but cheer them on) its so so good, i love it
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this one is an isekai romance with again some lovely character arcs :D the main character is pretty depressive but its also got plenty of light/funny moments to balance it out, and the plot centres around her learning to take care of herself and becoming more confident,, i love the characters a lot ! they care a lot. the romance does get a bit cheesy at times but it really is so wholesome with solid characterisation n its completed too so you have a nice 3am read.
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urgh one of the best kid leads ever, plenty of plot and the art is gorgeous as well like its a winner all around okay. as it stands its on an indefinite hiatus (author had cancer and i assume is still recovering or just taking a break for a while) but season one is already completed and its an excellent family centred read with a few mysteries scattered here n there also did i mention the entire family is so yummy. im so gone for the butler fjddjdnndd
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simultaenously super funny and somewhat angsty. this is one of those dungeon manhwa but the caveat is each of the mc's brothers has a different trope going on (time travel, became demon king, isekai'd) while mc is a decent potion maker and has to deal with all their bullshit (affectionate). it handles family issues and balances it with comedy perfectly. the main character is really really likeable and you cant help but cheer her on. so far its almost entirely platonic but i spy a few male leads lol
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romance manhwa again !! fjdmcjf the author of this one looked at all the classic miscommunication and misunderstanding tropes and noped the fuck out its so easy to read because you will NOT stress out and the male lead is so cute also. they play with the typical gender roles so fl has the knight aura while the ml is the damsel. its great and the characterisations are also awesome. big big fan. look him
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iirc this is actually either malaysian or indonesian, not korean i think..? its mostly slice of life iirc n its been like.. 2 years since i read it so the humour might be . slightly outdated haha,, the cast is pretty diverse which is cool and there are a few angsty backstory chapters scattered here and there but on the whole it is chock full of shits and giggles if you want silly times. the only caveat is there isnt an official translation afaik so like… fan translation will have to do djfnc
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back to romance ! romance manhua this time, slice pf life office type of thing and its pretty much just fluff. its a cute low stress read for times where u just want to sit down n smile about something and the characters r not thick about everything like they can be in SOME romances fjfnf and also the art is lovely! look at the cover, thats what its like the whole way through.
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mad underrated djfhdn it’s pretty chill, its a story about a human girl working at a salad restaurant on a planet full of cats. the art is super cute, the cats have jobs and all but they also act like cats and its great dhsks like the owner of the restaurant likes to sit in random cardboard boxes. its been a while since i read it but there is not much romance (if at all??), but plenty of cats and shenanigans. heehee
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read it for him !! its also complete and its not particularly long either btw forgor to say
this one … i think is a manga actually? in colour?? its about a random oni kid that gets picked up by a high schooler’s family. very very cute art, it’s short and sweet and i will repeat very cute.
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look him! hes so small ! he likes baseball!!
BONUS REC which doesnt fit the mood but i think more people should read it: the goldfish osushi. i wont elaborate anymore but its truly… your heart will be touched after it lol
also if anyone has more to add to this list (preferably things u think r underrated !! and no orv because everyone automatically recs that to me and im tired ajfndn) please do i would also like recs. also also if anyone has requests i love making lists
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perfectlovevn · 3 months
hi idk how familiar you are with stardew valley gameplay (i am autistic about it and have put in 500+ hours) so feel free to answer these to the best of your ability
what's milo's overall pace like, and how much does he care about progression within the first two years of a run? any crops he particularly likes using? does he prefer cultivating crops or raising animals, or does he like them equally? how good is he at each of the main 5 skills (farming, foraging, fishing, mining, combat)? any villagers he particularly likes? how much does he care about the dating and marriage aspect, and if he does, favorite bachelor/ette? what's he think of krobus? i'm guessing he's the kind of guy to go community center route on every run, but what's he think of joja? what about pierre? the junimos? anything else noteworthy on how he plays the game?
these questions are mostly directed at pre milo but feel free to answer for violence/manipulation if applicable
Hello! I haven’t played Stardew valley in a while (I have however been into Rune Factory and Potion Permit), but I will try to answer your questions.
Milo I think plays Stardew mostly to relax, so he doesn’t stress too much about progression. I think he likes crops that have trellises like grapes, hopps and green beans because he likes the way they look. Otherwise, I think he will plant mostly anything.
He likes raising animals more. I imagine has a bunch of rabbits and names each one of them. He gets sad when he has to sell them. Probably makes little plushies out of them as well when he knits/sews.
I think he’s the best at farming and foraging. Then mining and fishing. He doesn’t like combat too much because he doesn’t like the sound the insect monsters make. If he has to go down there, he tries to go as fast as possible.
I think he likes Evelyn. He likes that she makes him cookies and is kind. I think he would also like George but it might take a bit to warm up to him.
As a romantic, I think he would like the dating aspect. For bachelors, I think he’d like Shane and Sebastian. Shane mostly because he’d probably feel bad about him getting drunk and he likes that he can get blue chickens. Sebastian, he would probably think is very cool and he likes the little frog event that happens. For bachelorettes, I think Emily and Abigail. Emily is probably pretty obvious since she likes making clothes and Milo likes hand crafts, so it kind of just fits. Similar to Sebastian, he’d probably think Abigail is very cool and wishes he could use a sword like her.
He thinks krobus is pretty cute. Would maybe try to make a plush or sew him on something. Definitely community center. Feels kind of wary of jojo mart. Seems okay with Pierre, though is kind of concerned when he doesn’t want to show his wife his stash. Loves junimos. Thinks they’re adorable. I think also he would spend a lot of time decorating his house. It will be filled with a lot of plushies that’s for sure.
Violence and Manipulation probably don’t play as much, but I don’t think their taste would change all that much from Pre Milo.
Phew that was a lot. I had to do some research since it really has been a while since I played stardew.
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wolfsbaneandthistle · 4 months
I think the most scary part of hard sci-fi settings is that there wouldn’t be bread.
Like no planet besides earth would have actual yeast. Wild yeast can be found in the atmosphere, and unless it’s introduced in ridiculous amount another planet just. Wouldn’t have it. Even if introduced it might not be able to thrive.
And like, one obvious work-around is having a yeast equivalent on the planet; which is pretty feasible since fermentation is such an easy way to produce energy. A LOT of things use it in real life and alien life almost certainly would too. But in hard sci-fi where there’s a lot of realism, there would be very little chance that any alien yeast equivalent would be good for bread. If the yeast doesn’t live for long enough, if it doesn’t rise fast enough, or if it’s just. Not safe for humans to eat. It wouldn’t be good for bread
The other work around would be really good trade routes transporting packaged yeast. And every other material for bread.
BUT if you’re going slightly less hard sci-fi and you DO have edible equivalents for flour and uh. Buttermilk. You can just make bread with baking soda. Because you can mine baking soda, apparently. It’ll be denser and taste different from regular yeast bread, but it’s still bread.
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reiynm · 10 months
Reiyn- listen—
Listen to me
If you ever have the chance or patience, whenever you're bored and/or don't feel like doing much or have anything in the way
You should make a SFW Alphabet for your yandere. (And only if you're comfortable, an NSFW one too)
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I'm on my hands and knees here...
The world DEMANDS IT /j (no pressure just a suggestion ❤️❤️❤️)
Okay! Okay!! OKAY!! 😂
Just the sfw version for now tho, I'll tag you if I do a NSFW one ;D
Probably broken english btw I had to pass my english dictionary to my roommate and I don't know when I will get it again urg ;w;
SFW Alphabet
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) He's not particularly affectionate 🤔 But with you… He'd always be on you, if you'd let him!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Hard to say… Before he met you, he wouldn't let anyone near him, let alone cuddle him. So I would say he likes it but only with you.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He will never break up with you and he will never let you go.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) Your hands and your forehead, but he just likes to smooch you (no matter where). And he loves to bite your bottom lip before kissing (if you're comfortable enough with him)
i = i love you (how fast do they say the L-word?) Don't say it often but only because for him it's just obvious. He wouldn't go to so much trouble if he didn't love you xD Bro literally kidnapped you after all.
j = jealousy (how jealous do they get? what do they do when they're jealous?) Very jealous, and reacts to it very VERY badly. Can get nervous if you show a little too much attention to anyone. Situations where he could become jealous are to be avoided at all costs. He always has an eye on you, especially on the "roommate" route. If someone gets a little too close to you, even in a friendly way, you can be sure that this person will disappear the very same day (and no need to ask questions, he'll deny everything…)
o = open (when would they start revealing things about themselves?) Bwaha good luck with that. If you want to know stuff about his past or his life, you'll have to spy on him, because he'll never tell you anything. Never.[SPOILER] The only thing you know for sure is that he's not a bodyguard. It's an excuse he uses to not scare you.
p = patience (how easily angered are they?) He has the patience of a Saint. Seriously, even after all the times you try to escape xD The only thing that makes him freak out or lose his patience is attacking him and/or managing to hurt him (Y/N will learn it the hard way)
z = zzz (what is a sleep habit of theirs?) Sleep with one eye open. If you try to do anything against him while he's sleeping, it won't work. He always shamelessly invites himself into your bed (no matter the path you choose) and wants to have Y/N against him when he sleeps.
P.S: I love @pica-bunny heacanon about his body odor. So now he smells like pine trees :D
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milkiematcha · 2 years
HELLO- First of all, you're literally the blog with the best Jeno smut. FEEDING ME MORE JENO STUFF 😩
So can I request Jeno with a dacyphilia kink? Just him being a huge sadist and gets off on you crying on his dick or from edging/overstimulation 🏃‍♀️💨
- can I be 🍀 anon?
ahh you're so sweet<33 you can absolutely be 🍀 anon!!
this was all written at 1am, so pretend its proofread. i went the overstimulation route but if you want an edging version please tell me!!
jeno was the sweetest boyfriend you could imagine having. notes in your lunch, flowers all the times, and knowing you so perfectly it felt crazy sometimes. but god, if he didn't love seeing you cry around his cock.
how could he not, when your eyes would get all wide and tears would form at the waterline, dripping down your flushed cheeks? how could he be anything but obsessed with the way you try to catch your breath, little whimpers leaving your lips as salty tears dripped down your pretty face? and you, his princess, were oh so easy to make cry.
you were so sensitive, it was obvious in the way your thighs try to close around him whenever his fingers brushed your wet panties. and it was made even more clear in the way you became overstimulated so easily if he even brushed his fingers over your clit after you had already cum once. and as perfect as jeno was as a boyfriend, he could not possibly deny himself the pleasure of seeing you become a sobbing mess from just having him inside you?
when jeno lured you into bed and started nipping at your thighs, why would you suspect his plan to reduce you to tears and whines? after all, he let your thighs rest on either side of his head while he ate you out, not fighting the way they gripped his head when you got close to cumming, and he wasn't even holding you down to keep you from wriggling away.
as soon as you came from his tongue, he pressed you down into the bed and just wouldn't. let. go.
his tongue kept flicking over your clit, one of his hands shifting from holding you down to teasing your enterance, then to thrusting two fingers inside you, despite your whines and already teary eyes.
"nono stop, it's too much" your words were hushed by another knot already forming in your stomach, fingers tugging at strands of his hair clutched between his fingers.
"you're a good girl, right?" he'd mumble, still concentrated on getting you to cum. "good girls don't whine, they take what i give them."
your orgasm had tears dripping down your cheeks and your fingers so tangled in his hair he had to reach up to detach your hands. and fast enough to give you whiplash, he was back to being your perfect boyfriend, wiping your tears with his thumbs and cooing praise at you.
"you did so well, baby. you can keep doing good, right? gunna let me fuck you like the good girl you are, right?" he'd murmur, already stripping off his gray sweats and tossing them out of view. the nod you gave was necessary affirmation, but simultaneously useless because he could just tell from the way your eyes shone that you wanted more.
he wanted you to ride him, because of course he did. your tears shone so much brighter when you were on top, and how could you deny him when your head was so foggy from pleasure? and he was doing most of the work anyways, his fingers curled into your hips as he lowered you onto his cock.
and god, the stretch was enough to make your lip tremble and your eyes brim with tears again. and to jeno, you just looked so perfect, so pretty with your hands resting on his shoulders and your fingers digging into his skin, no doubt leaving crescent shaped marks on his tanned skin but he didn't have the capacity to care because you looked that gorgeous.
and when he thrusted up into you, it was enough to strip away the last of your sanity and send tears dripping down your cheeks, your body shaking slightly with contained sobs. you could feel yourself losing control again, your body slipping back into the pleasure of overstimulation while it continued to cry out from the feeling.
"you look so pretty." jeno mumbled into the air, hand slipping down to stimulate your clit more, forcing you to bury your face in his neck just to try to calm the sobs. "just cum one more time for me angel, one more time."
the feeling of his cock brushing perfectly against that spot again was enough to send your orgasm crashing over you, your head going completely blank to anything but the drag of jenos cock inside you while he chased his orgasm.
and to jeno, you looked prettier than ever with tear streaks running down your cheeks and mindless whimpers and whines leaving your swollen lips. so pretty that it sent his orgasm crashing over him too, his lips attaching to the sensitive spot on your neck to muffle his groans.
jeno was the perfect boyfriend, but who said he couldn't enjoy your tears once in a while? after all, he always brought you flowers the next day, so doesn't that even it out?
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laurfilijames · 9 months
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Like My Dreams
Characters: Pete Dunham, the GSE boys, Steve Dunham
Words: 820
Warnings: Mentions of near death experiences, scars and bruises/wounds on face and neck. Mention of blood and trying to control bleeding. Broken leg/use of crutches. Swearing. Drinking
Summary: Steve takes Pete home after he is released from the hospital after almost succumbing to his injuries from the fight with Tommy and the NGO.
A/N: I love Pete and he deserved so much better, so I'm fixing it. This will be a series and will follow the plot of the film aside from the obvious...
This introduction is short, but sweet, and I just needed to get it out of my system and have this hooligan be okay again 💗
If you're interested in being tagged in this please comment, send an ask or DM me!
A big thank you to my friend @stealfromthedevil who lent me her expertise in British slang so I could get it just right 💗
Pete Dunham Masterlist
Each bump in the road made his head hurt, but even with that, Pete couldn't wipe the smile off his face.
He was going home.
"Bruv," he pleaded one more time, "I really just want to stop in for a pint and see the lads. I don't think that's too much to ask considering you were almost an only child again."
Steve gave him an exasperated glance, his lips thinning even as Pete's grew into what he obviously thought was a convincing grin, and focused back on the road with a sigh.
"And I'll remind you how I almost fucking kicked it, too."
"Yeah, yeah," Pete sang, a solumness washing over him as he looked away from the scar on Steve's neck and out the window, recalling seeing his older brother bleeding out while his hands and clothes were stained in his blood as he had tried to apply pressure to the wound that nearly took his life.
He stayed quiet for the rest of the drive, not wanting to go home, and definitely not wanting to go back to Steve and Shannon's even though they nagged him to, his heart yearning for some form of normalcy after all he'd been through and the days upon days he'd lay stuck in a hospital bed.
The lads had all visited, of course, usually to the disapproval of every nurse and doctor in the vicinity, each member of the GSE doing whatever they could to help the leader of their firm see through to another day.
Pete hadn't been paying attention to the route Steve was taking when he realized they had stopped out front of Brigid Abbey Pub, his brother giving him a somewhat defeated nod as he switched the ignition off.
He was home.
If he didn't need fucking crutches to walk because of his broken leg, he would've ran inside, but instead remained as patient as he could as Steve helped him out of the car, the motion from sitting to standing making him dizzy, and walked slowly with him through the door.
The air inside felt different; the all-too familiar smell he could recount just by thinking about it suddenly seemed foreign, and the usual buzzing feel of The Abbey had fizzled out, almost as though he had actually died.
As he hobbled through to the back table and their usual spot, other patrons began to take notice, whispering and nudging their mates to turn and see both Dunham brothers, alive and almost-well, returning to the place they would always be known as legends.
They were all there; Dave, Bovver, Ned, Ike, Keith and Swill, nearly mowing each other down to get out of the booth and off their chairs to get to him first.
"Aye, aye! Take it easy, lads!" Pete warned through a laugh, all of them quickly settling and taking turns in opting for a gentler hug than they would've liked in seeing the still-fragile state of their mate.
It was a fast and frantic spill of words and stories as they all struggled to talk at once, making his head pound from the sudden excitement, but he smiled through it, having missed his crazy and loyal brotherhood more than he ever imagined.
Steve watched from the bar as Terry fetched their beers, happy to see his brother laughing and breathing, his eyes watering as the emotion of almost watching him die came over him for the billionth time.
"You alright, Major?" Dave asked, coming up to help him bring all the pints over to the table.
"Yeah, yeah, fine," Steve blinked, "I'm just- it's just nice to see this."
Dave smiled, his own eyes reflecting the light more than usual, and clapped a hand on his shoulder. "Yeah, it is, isn't it?"
They finished their round and ordered another, Pete planted firmly in his seat and refusing to leave yet even though Steve tried to usher him out the door more than once.
"I'll take him round to yours when he's had enough, eh?" Dave offered, and not wanting to rid his brother of the first good thing he'd had happen to him since his brush with death, Steve agreed.
"Cheers, Dave. Always the responsible pilot," Steve nodded, getting his wallet out of his pocket and tossing a few notes on the table for more beers. He looked down at Pete, those boyish blue eyes beaming up at him just as they had all those times he was a kid getting into trouble, the scars and flaws on his face unable to take away from his high-spirited expression.
"You," he pointed, "Go easy."
"Yes, mum!" Pete called, hitting his hand on the table in celebration.
Steve walked through the bar, smiling and shaking his head when he heard Pete say to them in the distance; "Aye! I wanna hear all the eulogies you cunts wrote out for me. Better have been singing my praises!"
Part 1
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tenleaguesbeneath · 1 year
Random thoughts toward a D&D-alike attribute generation system:
Things I like from 3d6-in-order:
You don’t meet your character until you generate them. Rather than coming up with a character concept and fitting it into the rules (or bringing in a preexisting character and importing them), you learn about your character through the process of generating them.
Characters have unexpected strengths; a character is not entirely predictable from their class.
Things I don’t like:
Tends to generate mediocre and boring characters. Very high odds of getting all/almost all stats in the 9-12 range, which is boring.
Can generate unbalanced parties
Basically everything else
A thing I’m neutral on:
Not knowing your character class until you roll
I’m thinking about something using card draws. You get a certain number of draws, and every draw adds a minor positive feature to your character, or possibly negates a negative one.
I think I’d line the suits up with classes. Going with the classic four, Diamonds-Thieves and Hearts-Clerics are the obvious pairings; the tarot suit equivalents suggest Spades-Fighters (Swords) and Clubs-Mages (Wands). Arguably, the tarot suits could be used all around; coins for thieves and cups for clerics, but that leaves a question of what to do with the major arcana (tbh, probably best left out).
Then each card in each suit needs to be assigned an ability. Probably I would use enough draws in character creation that abilities don’t have to be exactly balanced (it’ll average out over enough draws) but none of them can be too powerful for a first-level character to have.
How many draws? Five is probably too few, thirteen (a full bridge hand) is probably too many.
For abilities, I’m thinking:
Always-on bonus to melee damage (replaces the bonus from a high strength score)
Always-on to-hit bonuses
Extra HP (replaces the bonus from a high constitution score)
Better starting equipment (yeah, this one gets obsoleted pretty fast, but it helps you survive long enough to obsolete it)
Weapon specialization?
Auspicious divine influence?
AD&D’s only bonus spells were a cleric-only thing for high wisdom. I could see having it give spell slots that, for non-clerics, can only be used for certain spells. especially for healing spells.
I’d put any destiny stuff here, too. If your character is prophesied for something or cursed in some way, that’s a hearts thing.
Really though anything to do with clerics depends pretty deeply on how clerics work and I’m not happy with that.
Stealth bonus (importantly, this applies whether or not you’re a thief)
Bonus vs surprise attacks?
Criminal contacts?
Otherworldly contacts
Chance to understand strange languages
Improved chances to identify magic/if you’re using classic-style chance to learn spell rolls, improved chances there (D&D3 equivalent would be a spellcraft skill bonus)
If I’m doing the AD&D2 thing where specialist wizards are rare, some might be empty prerequisites (drawing the 4 of clubs during character creation means you can specialize in evocation but if you don’t play a wizard it doesn’t do anything else)
I might also consider penalties (analogous to low-stat penalties) for short suits. If you have no clubs in your chargen hand, you’re illiterate, for instance, With a lot of draws, I might include penalties for singletons as well, not just voids.
I might also consider some chance for bonuses for pairs, threes, and four of a kinds, but probably only for face cards. Any bonuses that exist for those are things that only some characters are getting without other characters getting an equivalent, with the only “cost” being that you have to be spread a little thin to have them (not counting the luck needed to draw them)
If I go the tarot route, I’d have major arcana add significant benefits, but at a tradeoff. Some of them might just straight-up have “get this, lose this,” while others would have something like “pick another card you’ve drawn from this character to lose and get this, or lose this card,” but what they offer I’d make pretty wild.
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