#too much touching in the third one I'm jealous
ssahotchnerr · 27 days
fluffy aaron request !! reader is on a date that is going so bad when she gets called in for a case so she shows up in her like fancy date outfit and confides in hotch about her horrible date then he offers to make it up to her and takes her out when they get back <3 maybe there’s some room for slight jealous!aaron in there somewhere tehe
it's a date
there's always room for jealous!aaron 🤭 cw; fem bau!reader, mutual pining, a touch of nervous and jealous!aaron, brief standard cm case info, fluff <3
You were the last one to arrive at the BAU, departing from the far side of town and evening traffic to blame.
Consequently, you pulled stares the second you arrived within the roundtable room. Your presence was anticipated, for one, the sound of your heels clacking against the hard floor, and:
A low whistle exited Morgan.
"Look at you." He tossed out, a tickled grin spread wide across his face.
Your current attire was a dress; a fancier, slightly more risqué choice compared to your typical office wardrobe. It was a light beige, your hair was down your back in loose curls, makeup more enhanced than your usual routine. Aaron had to (internally) admit, you looked stunning.
"Hot date?"
"You could say that."
Aaron felt his jaw move. Clench, actually.
"Sorry for cutting your night short." He apologized, forcing his sentence out deep from inside his chest. He turned towards the screen, concealing himself.
"On the contrary," You eased yourself into your chair, eagerly accepting a file from Emily. "Thank you for cutting my night short."
"With this one, you may want to rethink that sunshine." Penelope clicked her remote, illuminating the screen with the latest case photos. "Ain't no rest for the wicked."
The team collectively ran through it quickly; a brutal family annihilator, decreasing cooling off period, the gravity of the situation heightening and a panicked town. Wheels up in 30 to Oklahoma.
As the others trailed out, Penelope hurrying to her bat cave, Aaron slowed his pace. He prolonged securing his files into his briefcase, zipping it shut, leaving only the two of you in the room.
Coincidentally, you weren't in too much of a rush either.
"That bad?"
You huffed in response as your eyes found his. He was met with a hardened, utter annoyance, instead of your familiar warm liveliness.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"There's not much to talk about." The bottom of your files hit the surface of the table, loudly, stacking the few evenly together. "The guy sucked. Interrupted me every second he could. I don't think the restaurant he picked was up to code either. Thank goodness I got the call before our food arrived." You shuddered lightly, in theatrics but also genuineness. "I'm greatly looking forward to pretending it never happened."
There was a carefree airiness within your voice - attempting to wave it off, the simple acceptance of one night gone bad - but small dismay was amongst your words.
"I'm sorry." While Aaron meant his apology wholeheartedly, he couldn't help but feel relieved, for his own selfish reasons. "But I am glad you narrowly escaped the potential food poisoning."
That pulled a laugh from you, agreeing. "But it's fine, really. I didn't want to go anyways, don't know why I did." You shrugged as you disrupted the continual, shared eye contact. While the tail end of your sentence was spoken lowly, it wasn't long lasting, picking up some enthusiasm. "How was your night going?"
"Jack and I were just settling down to watch a movie."
"Which one?"
Your head tilted exasperatedly, face pulling into jealousy. "Really? How fun." You whined gently, wishing your night could have been spent with the two of them. Your preferred choice of company.
"Well, he wasn't too happy it was cut short." Aaron admitted, a loose, downhearted chuckle escaping.
"You'll make it up to him. Perhaps a multiple movie feature when we're back? Shrek, Shrek 2, Shrek the Third... maybe order some pizza too." You suggested, reaching out to touch his arm reassuringly with a gentle smile. "No matter, he'll be thrilled."
Sourcing from your touch, lightning bolts dashed within his arm, feverishly. Aaron soon found himself simply studying your face, falling on the silent side. You were just, you. Extraordinarily kind, beautiful you.
"C'mon, Dave told me if I was late to the tarmac once more, he'd tell the pilot to leave and I'd have to take a commercial." You joked. Although, a small part of you feared he'd stick to his promise.
"Yeah, like I'd let that happen." He rolled his eyes, amusedly shaking his head.
The bullpen was quiet; most had gone home, the overheard lights had dimmed, the team long out of earshot. As the two of you neared the glass doors - Aaron leading - there was an urgency heightening in his chest, mere seconds away from bursting. As if each step forward, he was losing precious time. Any hesitations on the temptations he had felt for months dissolved. Now or never.
"What about you?" He asked, sweetly but timidly, finding a sudden interest in the floor.
"What about me?"
"Who's going to make it up to you?"
"Well," That caught you in a bit of surprise, your feet halting. Aaron turned, his eyes lifting. "That's a million dollar question right there. I don't see anyone lining up to take me on some extravagant outing, do you?" You forced out a laugh, your cheeks fairly blushing.
"Maybe," Aaron replied, his voice wavering with a touch of nervousness. It was rather endearing, seeing him so adorably flustered. "Perhaps the person you're looking for is right in front of you. Figuratively, at that."
A rather charmed expression formed on your face. Eyes brightening, lips pursing upwards, "Are you asking me out?"
"I'm trying." He confessed, his boyish expression just as light as yours. "So, tell me. How am I doing?"
"How about this," You spoke slowly, attempting to suppress the butterflies in your own stomach, hoping to maintain some composure within your answer. "Your next available night after your movie marathon with Jack, I'm completely and all yours."
All yours. He could get used to that.
"It's a date."
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youryanderedaddy · 5 months
Tw: female reader, obsessive thoughts, nsfw, dub - con (reader is intoxicated), hinted stealthing
I'm thinking about a sweet, shy boyfriend who slowly but surely grows insecure, paranoid and jealous.
At first he's everything you've ever wanted - you're his first girlfriend and he does everything in his power to make you feel loved and appreciated.
As time passes, this doesn't change - he's still treating you like a goddess. But you are both different people now. You mature and you change, you blossom into a more radiant version of yourself. You finally get your dream job. As you gain more experience and wisdom, you begin to realize you want more from life than the small provincial town you've spent your whole life in.
In the beginning he supports you fully - he wants to see you happy after all. But then you start coming home later and later, looking more tired than the day before. Your friend circle broadens, and you spend more and more time outside of your shared home. Before the man knows it, it's Friday evening again and he's passively staring at you while you fix your makeup and adjust the tight dress (his favourite), ready to go to yet another networking event - for the third time this week.
You kiss his cheek, telling him not to wait up, just like that - no sweet words, no reasurrings or tempting promises, nothing he can cling onto in the darkness of your empty bedroom. Your perfume still lingers in the heavy air, making him light - headed. He can't stand it anymore - he buries his face in your pillow, savoring your smell, then he wraps the soft plush around his throbbing length and just thrusts, pathetic broken moans muffled by his own hand. He thinks about your smile and your eyes and the way you say his name and--
Fuck, now your pillow is all dirty again. Your boyfriend can't remember the last time he got to touch you directly. Recently you're always too tired or stressed out when you come back home, and though he's been respectful of your wishes, he's just so pent up at this point - all his dreams consist of you in compromising positions covered in silk and lace and nothing else. Just thinking about it gets him hard all over again.
So this night when you come home drunk and needy, climbing over his lap, he doesn't bulge - doesn't push you off. He doesn't like your new life - having to share you with all those people who don't deserve you, having to stay aside and watch as you give yourself away to people who couldn't care less. He's the one who cares about you so much he's going crazy every second you're apart. He's your real family, he's the only one that should matter to you.
And that night as he fucks you raw for the first time in forever, his cock stretching your velvety walls beyond reason, your blissed out moans and cute little cries tell him exactly what he wants to hear. You're finally letting go, finally allowing yourself to feel safe and protected in his arms. This is your home, this is where you belong. Your body is calling out to him to take control - and he intends to do just that.
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sxcret-garden · 6 months
Ateez when they're jealous ღ NSFW Edition [M]
ღ Ateez all members x fem-bodied!reader ღ genre: smut, headcanons (dom-sub dynamics in some parts, semi-public sex in some parts, most of them get more or less possessive) ღ warnings: alcohol consumption in some parts
Author's note: Maybe I went a liiiittle overboard with this.... maybe I'm also very tempted to turn one of these into a full fic....
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He's usually one to deal with his jealousy in a very adult manner and simply talk it out with you. However, after coming home jealous one day and having what was probably the best sex in your relationship up until that point, you've made an arrangement to deal with your jealousy in the bedroom. So it's really become more of a game to him than a pestering feeling to get rid of asap. And today as well, after you've spent a little too much time (in his opinion) having a very engaged conversation with the cute waiter of your regular place to get dinner, Hongjoong can't wait to get home and to drag you off to his bed. And that's exactly what he does, as you're filled with expectation because you didn't exactly miss the evil smirks he's been giving you throughout dinner, and you could guess what would be coming once you're home. He's moving slowly as he crawls on top of you, brushing his lips against yours in teasing kisses, and then telling you to strip naked for him. Will be the biggest little shit ever as he touches you in all the ways he knows will rile you up, and has you cursing underneath him when he pulls his fingers out of you just as you're about to cum. "You're gonna have to beg for it, babe," he whispers, licking his fingers clean. "I'm not gonna let you cum until I know you can't take it anymore."
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Is so shocked when after weeks of suffering he finally figures out that seeing you with your male best friend makes him jealous, that he impulsively decides to get (almost blackout) drunk. What he forgot to consider was that you were scheduled to make dinner with him at his place, and so when you walk in on him having downed what's probably his third bottle of soju you're definitely mad at him. Wondering whether it'd even make sense to try to reason with your drunk boyfriend, you do eventually end up scolding him, but the second you're within reach he pulls you down onto his sofa, crawling on top of you. He's blushing from the alcohol, and usually you'd have found that cute, but today the cold stare he gives you makes you shiver. Worriedly, you ask what's wrong with him, and finally he explains. "I'm jealous. Like really jealous of your best friend. And drinking it away wasn't the best choice but right now I just need to make you mine." You're not sure if you should be impressed how in control he is for the amount he drank or if you should just be insanely turned on by his words, but when you give him permission with a nod it's not like he leaves you any time to think about this further anyway. Has you both naked in no time and pins you down as he fucks you rough, and if you think he'll be satisfied with giving you just one or two orgasms that night, you couldn't be more wrong.
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Doesn't get jealous ever, except for that one time when you had only just started dating and were still in a bit of an awkward phase of figuring everything out together. Now usually he doesn't mind you going out to see your other guy friends, he has no reason to worry about that because he trusts you to never betray him. However, who he doesn't trust is that one guy who very obviously has a crush on you and he wouldn't put it past him to try to steal you away. And so he even went so far as to warn you about it, but you just brushed it off, defending the other guy and saying he's just a friend. And well, when one night your boyfriend witnesses how that guy drops you off at Yunho's place and he's being just a little too touchy before he hugs you goodbye, that's when the jealousy sets in. Needless to say he's upset when you walk inside, and not knowing what to do with that feeling, he simply kisses you. And it's a passionate kiss filled with need, the kind of kiss you've never received from your boyfriend up until that point. Yet he takes the lead, and soon he pushes you up against a wall, hands roaming your body and his lips nipping at your throat. "I don't ever want to see that guy touching you like that again," he mutters, rolling his clothed hard on against your hips, making you throw your head back. "You're mine and nobody else's." When he feels you going limp in his hold and all you can do is agree and whine at his touch, he takes you right then and there, proving to you that nobody could ever make you feel as good as he can.
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When he's jealous he needs reassurance above all else, especially towards the beginning of your relationship. The only problem is that he's kinda slow at figuring out that he's jealous, and so it's often you who picks up the cues before he does. And you know he tends to get sulky and avoidant when he feels bad but can't quite put his finger on why, so one day you decide to try to help him out of that. And so you approach him, telling him straightforward that you want to have sex with him. And pulling him out of his bubble takes a while of hesitation from his side, but when you take him by the hand to walk him to your bedroom, he doesn't protest. Crawling on top of him and making out with him, you wait until you can feel him somewhat relax underneath you. Your fingers of one hand tangled in his hair while the other roams his toned upper body has him melting underneath you, and just then you ask him whether he's jealous, in the sweetest tone you can muster. "I... I think so," he mumbles. "Do you need me to prove to you that I only want you?" you ask, and Yeosang nods. And you'd be surprised how quickly he can go from desperately clinging to you as you get him off slowly, humming praises for your boyfriend, to him flipping your positions around and with a "Sorry, I need this now" he starts thrusting into you, hard and slow. The pace as well as him suddenly taking charge of the situation makes you see stars, and his desperate but possessive groans could make you cum right then and there.
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Seems more helpless than anything else the second he comes back from picking up some takeout coffee for the both of you when he sees a complete stranger flirting with you, and you doing nothing to ward the guy off. And of course he'd be jealous at the sight, but he decides to play the tough guy for now, telling the guy off as he approaches. "Dude, what are you doing flirting with my girlfriend?" He puts an emphasis on his last word, and his voice sounds darker than usual. And though the stranger leaves immediately and you two continue your date as usual, something's off about San once you arrive home. Dragging you off to the bedroom by the sleeve of your shirt, he doesn't say anything and doesn't let you see his face right until he has you pinned to the bed, hovering above you and pressing a fiery kiss to your lips. Clothes don't stay on for long, and when he finally has his hips snapping into you, you have to slow him down from how rough he's being. "Fuck, that guy pissed me off," he mutters as he buries his face in your neck, leaving his mark there. When he has you coming undone underneath him, he doesn't stop, continuing to fuck you towards your next high, and your head starts to spin when you hear his next words, growled into your ear, "Don't ever flirt with another man again. Don't even look at someone else, or do you think anyone else could ever fuck you this good?"
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Well if he isn't a wild card idk what. Gets jealous rather easily, and from him sulking like a kid to him taking charge and dragging you off to the nearest secluded space, anything could happen. It entirely depends on his mood that day, and a bit on the situation too. Mingi definitely needs you to comfort him if it's the former option, but the good news is that he'll be fine rather quickly after you assure him he has nothing to worry about. However, after you've been dating for a while and he's internalized that you're not gonna let someone else take you away from him, that helplessness soon turns into anger at whatever guy is flirting with you. And so one night when you're out with friends, all being a bit tipsy and this one guy just won't stop giving you all of his attention, Mingi eventually shoots up from his seat and drags you to the restrooms without an explanation. Kisses you feverishly after locking up the stall he entered with you, and only when you ask him what's wrong he gives you an explanation. "I don't like the way that guy looks at you. It pisses me off," he hisses, before going right back to kissing you. His hand finding your core underneath your clothes in no time, he starts fingering you, even teasing you about how you're already wet for him, and eventually he'll flip you around so he can grind his clothed bulge against your ass as he gets you off, relishing in the way you're desperately trying to suppress all noises.
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Big switch energy so this can go one of two ways, but after the initial deep conversation you had about jealousy and how you can trust each other despite that feeling sometimes arising, the one thing that's for sure is that you're gonna resolve it with sex.  Even when the jealousy is barely even there, just like earlier today when you had commented to your boyfriend on how handsome one of Wooyoung's friends looks in his latest insta post, he doesn't miss the opportunity to seek proof that at the end of the day you only have eyes for him.  "And what about me?" he'll asks as he walks up to you from behind, hands put on your waist and his lips ghosting above your neck. The tone of his voice gives his intentions away immediately, and it doesn't take long for him to spin you around in his hold so he could kiss you, dragging you off to the nearest surface to have sex with you on (whether that's the bed, the sofa, or the dining table he doesn't care). And it really all depends on your mood whether he'll pin you against it, making you beg for him until he's satisfied, or put all the power into your hands and let you have his way with him until he's the one whining for your touch. One way or the other, the reason for his jealousy will soon be forgotten, because now all that matters is you and him chasing pleasure together.
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You're at a party hosted by a mutual friend of yours, and from the moment you dressed up at home you've known that your outfit choice today is doing something to your boyfriend from the looks he's been giving you. You like the attention, you're not gonna lie, and you can imagine what this night will lead to once you're back in the comfort of your own home, after making him stare at you all evening. However, what you didn't expect were the death glares he's been giving one of your male childhood friends who's been occupying you ever since you walked into that party. You know Jongho isn't the type to get jealous easily, but when he does he usually struggles with expressing it. However, you also know your boyfriend will usually do the right thing anyway, and so when he pulls you into the empty kitchen and locks the door behind himself, you expect him to simply tell you about his feelings. What you certainly do not expect is him backing you up against a counter with a possessive stare glued to your lips. "What's wrong...?" Kisses you instead of answering your question and makes your head spin from the way he runs his hands down your body alone. There's need and anger behind his actions, and in no time he has you pressed up against the kitchen counter, facing the wall now, both your pants and underwear pulled down just enough so he could fuck you from behind, teasing you with just his tip until he has you begging for more, and this really is just what he needed to alleviate his unnecessary feelings of jealousy...
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double--blind · 8 months
(SPOILERS) breaking down how obsessed Andrew is w/his sister bc he's a repressed lil liar and I'm going insane
This post got longer than I intended it to
1. He claims they don't spend enough time apart from each other to even begin missing her so he doesn't even know if he would, but just earlier in the game he was apart from her for probs like 30 mins tops to investigates some cultists and guess what???? He was already missing her 😒
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2. Says "I thought you grew out of this touchy-feely crap" when Ashley asks for a hug, but earlier when he was cooking dinner, he was the one with the inexplicable urge to "pull this broody bitch into [his] arms and force her to stay until she smiles" 😒
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4. Bro just can't keep his hands off her. And everyone thinks Ashley's the clingy one jeez (lol the way he springs apart from her when Mom catches them is definitely definitelyyyy not worth analyzing. nope. not even when it happens a second time on the couch. nope. nooope)
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5. What. What is he thinking here. Don't think I don't see those grey lil blush lines. Is this connected to my third point somehow bc like... 🤨😬 Is "Andrew" is gonna start doing and being what "Andy" was too spineless and afraid of doing?? That's what the vow was partly abt right?? Does that include—
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5. WHEWWW BOY that little flashback with his gf has so much baggage in it I just wanna dissect. His girlfriend's tryna have a serious discussion with him abt his weird sister for the sake of bettering their relationship bc she genuinely loves him, but he just gets caught up in fondly talking abt said weird sister instead??
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6. He's awfully hesitant abt Ashley learning some independence, bc y'know what?? I think he doesn't really want her to stop relying on him. But what do I know y'know
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6. Wants his gf to put tie her hair up in a ponytail, then when she refuses bc he'll pull on it, says it's just "how boys express their love". Well. You know who else puts there hair up in a ponytail??? You know who else's hair he's always pulling on and touching???
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7. The voicemails in his gf's phone left by Ashley are heard by him in his dreams, and his dreams are a construction of his mind utilizing his memories, personal hangups, and knowledge of Ashley. The voicemails irl were left on his gf's phone, and for all we know, he never actually listened to them in person. Bearing this in mind... odds are the things Ashley's saying contain bits of truths he believes within himself, filtered thru her crude, hateful dialogue.
Here. I transcribed one of them...
"DO YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME!? Just because you can fuck him and I can't? You think that's love?! Are you fucking delusional?? Cumdumpsters like you are just that. He will never love you. Not like he loves me. I am the only one. I am everything. I am the secrets you'll never hear. When he lies in bed at night, and when he needs someone to hold on to… It's not you he seeks out. It is me."
8. Claims Ashley's the one with the jealous streak, not him, but I think he's just as bad. The only difference is that Ashley's never given him reason to act on it since all she's ever wanted was him, but at the slightest mention of her gettin it on w/someone else, even as a joke, he gets mad. "OVER MY DEAD BODY!!" he says, when she's jokingly contemplating getting knocked up via the neighbor so an ambulance would come for her. "I wouldn't let them," he says, when she's complaining abt not being pretty enough for the wardens to bang her
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9. Going hand-in-hand with that fact, he's intensely protective of her. Didn't hesitate to cleaver the warden who found her in the closet (probs didn't even BLINK lmaooo he chose VIOLENCE), and when the cake-stealing cultist insulted her just once, he stepped forward just like that
10. In their apt, when they were lying on the floor talking abt jumping off the balcony, he was really caught up in the "romantic" fantasy of them committing a double suicide and dying with their bodies entwined so irreparably by the impact they form one unified corpse "never to be separated!" and they get buried in the same coffin together. UM??? Bro fr thought he was the sane one of the two. That wasn't even true before the cannibalism and demon summoning 😭😭😭
11. This might just be me, but his reaction to seeing the post-sex vision doesn't strike me as someone who's inherently opposed to the idea. Instead of disgusted, he was... flustered?? He acted like she walked in mid-guilty pleasure wet dream. This wasn't a "GROSS THATS INCEST" reaction which is... the most normal reaction to have. That's the face of a man that got CAUGHT bro.
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He asks "we're not like that, are we?" and "why are you like this?" and questions the veracity of the vision, but he never actually explicitly denies wanting the vision to happen, more focused on Ashley and her reaction. He buries the elephant under the rug as fast as he can, bc yeah, it struck a landmine, but it probably wasn't a landmine for the reason Ashley thinks it is. I bet the vision just hit a little too close... :P
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roosterr · 7 months
i'm in denial about the new CoD campaign... but... but... i wanted to ask if you could possibly do anything - headcanon, drabble, anything you want - about Nik? Pretty please *puppy dog eyes* i need some sweetness!! he's sooo <3 ah...
me too anon :,) but i'm always happy to write for my beautiful wife nikolai
nikolai x gn!reader
wc: 550
nik doesn't get jealous if someone hits on you. he's your husband; everybody else can look, but he's the only one who can touch.
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staying at a base with other units – even temporarily – somehow always proved to be a monumental headache for you. whether it was queuing for the cafeteria and the showers, or just having to deal with the other soldiers, you count the days until you'll be home again.
you drift back down from your thoughts to the sight of a sergeant whose name you don't remember approaching you from the training field. they were done for the day, you supposed, seeing as they were all heading inside by now.
you stay put as he marches closer, where you lean against the wall and watch him with a glint of amusement in your gaze.
he comes to stand next to you, not-so-subtly puffing his chest out as he speaks. "any plans for tonight, lt.?"
"hm?" you hum and raise a brow at him, fighting to keep down the laugh that bubbles up in your chest. you can see where this is going. "nothing special. just spending the night at home."
a grin lights up his face. "how about we go for drinks, then? just you and me, i'll treat you." 
"i'm married, sergeant."
"c'mon, he doesn't have to know," his grin turns into more of a smirk, "i can treat you better than him, just let me show you."
"is that so?" you scoff to hide the laugh that almost escapes, "i don't think my husband would agree."
"he's probably a loser anyway, if you were mine i'd show you off any chance i got." the sergeant comes to stand in front of you, and it takes a great deal of restraint to keep your eyes on him and not the large figure approaching over his shoulder. "i bet he doesn't even know how to please you, does he?"
"wow." you mutter, finally letting the smile pull at your lips as a shadow falls over both of you. "you gonna let him talk about you like that?" 
the sergeant frowns in confusion, "wh–"
"let the boy have dreams, милая." nikolai interrupts, a wide grin on his face as he takes his place at your side. he doesn't spare the sergeant so much as a glance, his deep gaze locked onto yours as he slips an arm around your waist. "he will never have the real thing."
as if the world around you has disappeared, and there is nothing but the two of you, nik cups the back of your head and brings you into an adoring kiss. your fingers find the chain that hangs from his neck, curling around it and tugging him ever closer while the other rests against the planes of his abdomen.
you almost forget that you're not alone, lost in the strong hold of your husband, until the third party pipes up again and breaks the spell.
"c–commander," the sergeant sputters, standing rigid as his wide eyes drop to his boots, "i– uh, i apologise, i didn't–"
you go to pull away, but nikolai keeps you close to him with the hand on your head, smiling mischievously into your lips. he moves back slightly, just enough to speak, his lips still brushing yours as he addresses the sergeant.
"leave us, boy," he rumbles, his gaze never leaving yours even as he waves the sergeant away, "the lieutenant is busy."
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holybibly · 3 months
Hello! this is my first time ever putting in a request and if it doesn't inspire you feel free to ignore. I love the idea of Wooyoung just marking someone up like crazy. Neck, chest, boobs, hips, inner thighs. Everywhere! Even better if they have something important the next day so the reader tells him not to and attempts to push him away but he continues like a little leech. Thank you!
Hi Bunny, It's an honour to fulfilling your first request. I like the idea and think Wooyoung really is a bit leech. But who wouldn't want those plump, sensual lips worshipping your skin? I mean, who wouldn't?
The unholy hours are back on the air again, my dear little bunnies.
Wooyoung had a feeling that he shouldn't be so upset about your conversations with the other members. Hell, they were like family to him, and there was nothing wrong with talking to any of them. You can have friends; yes, you absolutely could have had friends, but Mingi was too close to you, Seonghwa smiled too sweetly at you, and... and why the hell were there hearts in Yeosang's puppy eyes when he looked at you? Of course, San was the third person in your relationship, and Hongjoong wrote a song for you for no reason. He wrote a whole damn song!
He hated it so much. Every time he saw that one of them was getting too close to you for his liking, he would be on fire with uncontrollable jealousy. You were HIS girlfriend, not Atееz' girlfriend. His own.
But Wooyoung knew that he had to be in control of himself, that you would always be back with him in the end. But damned, that stupid song never let him rest. Damn that incredible talent of Hongjoong's. He always wanted you for himself; he wanted to be the only one to touch you, to hug you, to smile at you, to look at you with heartfelt eyes, and to be the only one to write a song for you. Unfortunately, Wooyoung couldn't stop you from communicating with any of the members, but he could make it clear to them who you belonged to. He suggested that it wouldn't hurt to remind you of that.
You were happily in the kitchen, humming and preparing dinner, when Wooyoung came home from dance practice. This time, there were no arguments about who would do the cooking. Once again, Wooyoung couldn't help but admire you and feel that he was falling in love with you even more than he already was. You were perfect—perfect for him in every way—and he loved you like crazy.
He could never get enough of the way that your beautiful face would light up when you looked at him, and he wanted to keep that light all to himself.
"Welcome home, baby! Dinner's almost ready, and... Wooyoung, what are you? What are you doing?"
Wooyoung immediately pulled you close to him and started planting light kisses on your neck until you giggled and pulled away from the ticklish sensation. He chased after you as you tried to pull away, but his strong arms pulled you back into his arms effortlessly. His lips were on your neck immediately, kissing you harder than before.
"God, Woo, what has got into you?" You laughed lightly, half-heartedly pushing him away so you could get back to cooking. "Can you at least wait until we have finished eating? I'm not the one who's on the run."
He thought for a moment before pulling you tighter with a loud whimper.
"No. This is absolutely impossible; I missed you so much, your undivided attention." The touch of his teeth on your soft skin made you cry out, "You've been paying too much attention to the other members lately, baby. Can you just be mine?" You could feel the pout on his lips as they glided greedily down the nape of your neck, leaving a trail of aggressive hickeys in their wake.
"Aren't you jealous, baby?" You asked, running your fingers through his hair, tugging lightly at the long strands, giving in, and letting Wooyoung's hot lips leave more marks on you.
Wooyoung pinned you against the counter with his whole body, still desperately biting and kissing your neck. You're sure you'll look like a patchwork of his hickeys and kisses tomorrow. One of his hands is reaching up to turn the cooker off. To hell with dinner, it would make a great breakfast if he decided to let you out of the bedroom in the next couple of days.
"I hate it when they act like you're their girlfriend too; you belong to me and me alone, my love. The way they touch you and the way they look at you are a pain in my neck."
"Wooyoung, we have talked about this before, oh…"
His hand quickly reached under your skirt and cupped your pussy in a rough way. Wooyoung moaned into your skin as he felt the wetness seep through your panties and onto the palm of his hand. Such a sensitive, tender baby; you were already so wet with him. How could he take the risk that someone else might have a go at you?
"I know, I know, sweetheart, but I can't help myself. It's annoying how they behave with you." Wooyoung's lips slid lower, and now he left passionate kisses on the top of your chest, scraping the skin with his teeth and leaving countless hickeys in his wake. "But I'll show them you're mine." The only warning before he bit down hard on your collarbone was his hot breath on your skin.
"Wooyoung, God!" You gasped, the pain of the bite mixing with the pleasure of his fingers as they rubbed your clit through your panties, the thin lace adding an extra layer of stimulation. If there was one thing you were sure of now, it was that Wooyoung wasn't going to stop until you were covered in hickeys and his bites. Sometimes it was a bit too much for you, but it was better than a series of endless tantrums and childish sulks.
Your hands gripped Wooyoung's hoodie, and your eyes closed in pleasure as the touch of his fingers became more demanding and insistent. You moaned, throwing your head back to allow Wooyoung to access your neck and chest even more for his aggressive, possessive kisses. God, there were times when you thought you were on a date with a leech rather than a man.
You were so wet that you were dripping profusely. Wooyoung's hand was covered in a sticky, clear liquid, and the lace pants had become uncomfortably sticky, now more irritating than stimulating.
"I... I don't think that's true, ah-ah, s-seriously, Wooyoung. All the boys are very, uh, polite and nice to me..."
"Exactly, baby. They're all so sweet to you; they always cling to you; Hongjoong even wrote a song for you." Wooyoung's voice was full of hoarse irritation as his lips left your breasts for a second, where there was now a large purple hickey. "And all the other guys around you—you don't see them looking at you, undressing you with their eyes, thinking about how to fuck you. Every one of them wants to stick his dick in you."
You leaned against him, your voice taking on a tone he could only describe as sultry, and pressed your face against his shoulder with a little laugh.
"God, are you ever going to forget that stupid song? That was two years ago, Woo, and by the way, have you really forgotten how you undressed me with your eyes the first time we met, hmm? You almost fucked me right there in the restaurant; do you remember that?"
"That was something different; it was love at first sight, you know? Anyway, I am going to be the one to fuck you senseless, leave my marks on every inch of you, and then I am going to send you back to the members. Everyone will know that you belong to me."
"Is that a threat? Or a promise, Woo?"
"I can promise you that you can't go tomorrow."
You glanced sideways at the half-cooked meal cooling in the pan.
"That's right, isn't it?"
He pulled his wet fingers out from under your skirt, only to immediately put them in his mouth and lick the moisture that was covering them. Wooyoung gave you one of his famous glances from under his lashes before he gave you a wicked smile. The corners of his plump, swollen lips were in a devilish curl.
"Oh, darling, it's a bit of both."
"You are too full of yourself." You giggled and gave him a sweet kiss on the lips before Woo scooped you up in his arms and carried you off to the bedroom. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and held on tight. Your legs are wrapped around his slender waist to keep you from slipping.
"So many promises. You'd better keep them all."
Wooyoung pressed his lips to your ear, the hot breath burning the delicate skin before the tip of his tongue flicked across it.
"You know it's going to happen, baby. I'm going to give your greedy cunt as much cum as it wants. I will bite you until there is blood, until every inch of your skin is the mark of my teeth. I'll screw you so good you'll forget your name, baby.
A few moments later, when you reached your bedroom, Wooyoung let you fall onto the soft mattress, crawled onto the bed after you, and immediately pressed his lips to the bare skin of your thighs.
"Oh? You sound so confident, Wooyoung." You cooed as your hands began to undo the buttons on your top with a wide, cheeky grin. "Terribly confident that your cock will be more than enough to satisfy me."
Wooyoung knew exactly what you were up to, and it was a mockery to the point of madness. It was the oldest trick in the book, and it worked on him like a charm. His teeth sank into the inside of your thigh, making you scream. His tongue immediately ran over the reddened, insulted skin.
Wooyoung tore off your skirt and panties with a growl as he ripped the offending garment from the body of his naughty little baby. You let out a squeal at his harsh actions, the sound immediately turning into a loud moan as his mouth descended upon your skin once more. He moved higher and higher up your belly, trying to leave as many angry purple marks as he could, leaving sharp bite marks on your thighs as he went. As he pulled off your top and bra, he pulled away from you for a second to study his work of marking you—the bright purple and pink flowers that littered your body didn't even come close to satisfying his need to demand.
You were already such a mess beneath him that you rubbed your thighs together in the hope of somehow relieving the tension between your legs. Wooyoung, seemingly more aggressive with each new hickey, returned with renewed vigor to his task of sucking out new marks on your chest. Your hands became tangled in his hair, pulling his head closer to you and arching your boobs towards his insatiable mouth. Two of his fingers slid between your wet folds and rubbed against your pink, tight hole before he pushed them inside of you.
"Damn, you're wet." He growled, lifting his head to look at you. "Is your pussy desperate for it? Are you hungry to be stuffed, baby?"
Your pout didn't match the way you rubbed against his fingers.
"You're such a tease, Woo. I know half a dozen other guys who could fuck me good if you weren't up to it. I think San would be the first one in line."
"Baby, you're playing with fire, do you realize?" Wooyoung growled as he forced your legs apart and positioned himself between them.
"Maybe I just want to be on fire; who knows?"
"Hmm, really? Then I'm going to show you how to burn the right way."
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lizzieisright · 2 months
If your requests are open, how about Omega!Abby and Alpha!reader where they mark and scent eachother? :D
Thank youu
thank you so much! I call this one "All The Times When Ellie Williams Questioned If She Still Wanted To Be Friends With Abby" ft. Abby's alpha.
female alpha!reader x omega!abby
Palestine: what can you do
Tags: dead dove: do not eat. a/b/o universe (female alphas have dicks), modern AU, there's some smut. 1.3k words.
Ellie Williams is the biggest victim of your relationship. She thinks she has a right for moral compensation for what she has to put up with, because you two are disgusting. 
(She is jealous)
It starts innocently enough: Abby texts her about how cute you’re and how you scented her totally by accident. Ellie rolls her eyes, but smiles and sends Abby a meme.
The first time when you scent Abby it happens unconsciously. You're hugging goodbye after one of your dates, and as you put your head on Abby's shoulder, you nuzzle into her neck. Abby freezes, while you get confused. And then it dawns on you.
“Oh god.” You say, horrified. Abby is blushing, shocked, but she doesn't smell bad. “Oh god, I'm sorry.”
“It's- it's okay.” Abby says as she touches her neck. She can smell how your scents mixed and it makes her feel giddy. “I like it.”
You grin widely and toy with Abby's fingers, like a lovesick idiot. Abby doesn't reciprocate, and yeah, maybe it hurts your feelings a bit, you don't say anything. Abby is not obligated to scent you back. 
Then it goes to: "I scented her back today and she looked so happy!!" Which is great to know, but Ellie's lonely ass doesn't want to read it right after she embarrassed herself in front of Dina.
When Abby still doesn't reciprocate after the third time you scented her, you start worrying. So you talk to her. 
“Do you want me to stop scenting you? You don't smell uncomfortable, but-” Abby looks at you with wide eyes, probably panicking. “Fuck, I should've asked before I did it, I'm such an idiot.” 
Abby panics more and grips your hands tightly. 
“I like it. Don't stop, please. And you don't need to ask.” Abby smiles gently and you turn into a puddle. Then Abby frowns. “I guess I feel embarrassed, you know- Because my scent is so weak. That's why I don't scent you back.”
You blink. And blink again. It's true, Abby doesn't have the most suffocating scent, not sharp vanilla or god forbid, lilies, but once you know how Abby smells, you can always catch it. And to you it doesn't matter - you smell her on yourself, and this is all you need. Just have a piece of her on you, comforting you.
“I love your scent.” You say and Abby's pheromones burst. “I want your scent on me.” 
Abby smiles, happy to hear it, happy to be enough for you. Then she shyly moves closer and nuzzles into your neck too, making your knees wobble. Your scents mix perfectly. 
It becomes quite a common ritual for you: you nuzzle each other when you cuddle, when Abby sits on your lap, when you sit on her lap, you always bury your noses in each other's scent glands. It's safe and soothing, and makes you both feel like you belong to each other, comforting and protective. And Ellie understands that - it’s cute. You two are cute, and she is very happy for Abby, especially since you look like you genuinely believe the sun shines out of Abby’s ass. So she keeps her teasing to herself and lets you two enjoy each other.
Then one day Dina tells Ellie how scary you are when you get territorial and Ellie thinks she will kill you, but then Dina asks if it’s true that Ellie broke Owen’s wrist for cheating on Abby and Ellie’s bloodthirst subsides.
You can't help it, you hate when other alphas look at Abby and fucking sniff her. She is yours. Abby finds it endearing, because she is so not scared of you, you're safe, but she starts to notice how other alphas turn away when your scent gets stronger. She doesn't piece it together until Dina points it out, when your alpha presence affects her alpha presence.
“You make her so fucking scary, Abby.” Dina laughs while you stare down yet another alpha, radiating aggression. “One day she is going to rip someone to shreds for you.”
Again, Abby would laugh, but she knows alphas are more than capable of doing it. Abby tells Dina about what happened to Owen when he cheated on her and Dina smirks, while her scent changes to attraction. Abby grins, knowing that she just made Ellie look more appealing in Dina's eyes. 
Ellie can live with that. She understands, she also gets jealous easily, and it is hilarious watching you get all over Abby without even realising it.
You get possessive unconsciously: you see an alpha staring at Abby and you wrap your arms around her, rubbing your cheek over her neck, making sure your scents are mixed, and Abby giggles. 
“What are you doing?” She asks and you freeze like a deer, your arms locked around her. 
“I-um.” What are you supposed to say? Sorry, this guy was looking at you so I claimed you? 
“Yeah?” Abby keeps teasing you and you bite her shoulder lightly. 
“This guy was looking at you so I claimed you.” You admit and Abby laughs. 
“Oh, I needed that.” Abby says, taking a breath after laughing at you. “Silly, silly alpha.” 
You huff, but when Abby kisses you, you melt. 
But then you stare her down and honestly, Ellie feels like challenging you out of pure fucking spite. She obviously doesn’t - first of all, because she understands, second of all, because unlike weakass Owen, you will kick her ass. Abby is fucking glowing and Ellie swallows her pride for the sake of her friend’s happiness. 
When Ellie gets “you know I just realised that she is MY alpha. like. she is *mine*. it do be crazy out there” Ellie doesn’t expect to see you next day with two hickeys on your neck and a lovesick grin. Abby looks embarrassed and Ellie makes fun of her for it, but then you growl at her and Ellie starts making fun of you for being so whipped. (she never mentions that you’re wearing marks and not Abby, she is not an asshole).
Abby doesn't use scenting as a form of claiming you, because she thinks her scent is not strong enough. She much prefers to scent you in order to soothe you, especially when you're stressed, because it calms you down, but when Abby gets territorial, she leaves marks. 
It happens for the first time before you two have sex, but you're already getting handsy with each other. You're making out on your couch and Abby smells your arousal, feels your hard-on against her thigh, and you whine so prettily into her mouth when she grinds against you. 
Abby suddenly feels so possessive - she wants to claim you, she wants everyone to know you're hers, and her kisses become rough. You whine when she starts kissing your jaw and then moves to your neck, licking your scent glands with her hot tongue. 
“Fuck, I'm gonna-” Abby sucks a bruise on your neck, just under your scent glands, and you cum, wetting your pants. “Fuck, holy shit- Abby-” You keep whining and Abby growls, sucking another hickey. “Holy shit, baby-” 
She leaves your neck alone and bites your collarbone. Your eyes become red and Abby whines herself when your thick alpha presence starts filling her nose. She pants into your neck, too turned on, and you grip her waist tighter. 
“Please.” Abby begs and you push your hands down her pants, rubbing her clit. “Yes, fuck, right there- fuck!” 
She is so pretty when she cums. 
And okay, it’s all cool. Ellie is cool with everything. But she fucking hates your ruts. Not only it reminds her of her own loneliness, but it also turns you into a fucking idiot. It’s unbecoming.  You’re smart and funny and Ellie, despite her complaints, is actually fond of you. You’ve become one of her closest friends, since when she was really stressed out about Dina and being in love with another alpha, you’ve never judged her and helped her through it. But your ruts come and Ellie wishes she could strangle you.
You're close to your rut, Abby is supposed to study with Ellie in the evening, and your monkey brain needs to make it clear that Abby is yours, even though you know Ellie is not a threat. You actually like her, she is cool and keeps your baby safe when you're not around, but alpha instincts can't be really defied. So in the morning you fuck Abby in the shower and suck a hickey near Abby's scent glands when she cums. She doesn't pay attention: you always play with her neck, so it's nothing new.
So when Abby shows up to their usual study session in the library Ellie is appalled. Abby, oblivious as ever, doesn't even notice it, but Ellie can't stop staring at a hickey on Abby's collarbone: she knows why you put it there, you rut-induced jealous moron.
“She marked you?” 
Abby blushes. 
“You have a hickey.” Ellie nods at her collarbone and suddenly the room smells like arousal. “No, you're not getting horny in the library, Anderson. Have some respect.”
Abby blushes harder. 
“I swear to God Abby.” Ellie hisses and Abby laughs, but the smell of arousal goes down. “Keep your alpha in check.”
“Come on, you know I'm worse with the marking than she is.” Abby smiles. “Last time I made a fucking necklace around her neck because Nora hugged her.” 
“Please, I don't want to know.” Ellie whines and Abby laughs, a manic grin forms on her lips.
“Oh, you know what she does when she is in a rut? She rubs her c-”
“Fuck off Abby! I don't need to know!” Ellie groans, tired of her shitty best friend and her shitty alpha and their shitty sex life. 
“Maybe Dina will do it too, you know.”
Ellie blushes and doesn't say anything, too embarrassed to admit that Dina already did. 
“Why am I friends with you? Why am I friends with your girlfriend?” Ellie shakes her head and Abby laughs. 
Ellie thinks you’re the worst when you’re in rut with how possessive you are, but she has to find out the truth the hard way. Abby comes to lunch all grumpy and pouty, and Ellie smells the sour spice of jealousy in her scent. She doesn’t smell hurt, which is great, but it bothers Ellie.
“She got paired for a project with that bitch who always stares at her!” Abby bursts and Ellie nods. She knows the bitch - a cute omega from your class who always stands too close to you during student guide’s meetings and looks at you like you hang the stars. You keep your distance, but it doesn’t stop the omega. So Abby is furious.
“Well shit.” Ellie sighs. 
“I’ll kill her.”
“I’m not visiting you in prison.”
It sucks, Ellie knows. She also hates seeing omegas smile at Dina, especially since she is so friendly. But Ellie can’t control other people, and Abby can’t too.
So it turns out, Abby comes up with a creative solution. 
There are moments when Abby scents you to claim you. You know she is upset about Ollie, and you keep trying to soothe her until Abby decides to take the matter in her own hands. 
She pushes you on the bed and strips under your shocked eyes, but you quickly catch up and start taking your own clothes off. You reach for Abby to give her a kiss, but instead she pushes you again until you lie down, and straddles your chest. You grin and wrap your arms around her thighs, tugging her down until Abby sits on your face, her hot cunt suffocating you. It’s heaven. It’s pure heaven. You grip her thighs and eat her out like a woman starved, licking and sucking her clit, lapping at her drooling hole and moaning when you taste her. Abby is whimpering above you, but then she finds herself and grips your hair to yank your head down, holding it one place. 
“Stick your tongue out.” Abby growls and you obey, so turned on by your girlfriend you start humping air.
Abby starts to ride your face aggressively, until your damn eyelashes are wet with her cum and you let her, moaning into her cunt as you get yourself off. Abby starts growling “you’re mine” on every tilt of her hips, her puffy clit twitching on your tongue, and you’re done. You cum and Abby keeps going until her thighs trap you and her slick drowns you while she shakes and whimpers on top of you. 
The next day Ellie, poor unsuspecting Ellie, hugs you hello when you meet her in the morning in a coffee shop, and she catches a very strong scent. Abby’s very strong scent. It’s not the one that she scents you with - it’s something richer, deeper, as if her usual scent of fresh roses was condensed and spilled on your fa-
You have the audacity to laugh when Ellie connects the dots. 
“I hate you both so fucking much. Why do I even bother.” Ellie huffs while you laugh, pleased. “Go wash your fucking face, you stink!” 
But you can only smile, absolutely love-drunk. It's fair to say, Ollie backs off immediately after this.
Of course, eventually Ellie makes peace with it.
(She gets her revenge)
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yandere-daydreams · 2 years
Title: Power Play.
Based on this ask.
Pairing: Yandere!Zhongli x Reader x Yandere!Childe (Genshin).
Word Count: 1.0k.
TW: Sex-Doll AU, GN!Reader, Possessive Behavior, Slight Dub/Con Towards The End, Overstimulation, and Spit.
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“Is that all androids are built to do, these days?”
You’d never heard Zhongli so angry – which was to say, you’d never heard him angry at all. He’d only ever spoken to you in gentle tones, delicately, like you’d break if he ever raised his voice or failed to coo in a way that didn’t leave you nodding along and melting into him, but Childe must’ve failed to earn the same luxury.
From where he was sitting on your bedroom's loveseat, you could just barely see his expression, all narrowed eyes and downturned lips, all the same little, jealous tics he didn’t bother to hide whenever you talked about anyone you’d slept with before him, anytime you lingered a little too long on any android that wasn’t him. You were surprised that he hadn’t intervened, honestly, that you hadn’t been slung over his shoulder or dragged across his lap as soon as you came home with Childe clinging to your arm. There was probably something in his programming holding him back, a safeguard to make sure androids didn’t tear each other apart as soon as their eyes met. That, or it was a holdover from his days as a Morax model, and he just wanted to see if he could still make an enemy unit squirm.
Childe, however, seemed unaffected by Zhongli’s hardheartedness. “Master seems to like it,” He sang, letting his head lull to the side as his glassy eyes flickered over you, over your body, limp and exposed underneath him. He was still fucking into you, but his pace had slowed into something repetitive and lethargic, more for your sake than his. For as exhausted as you were, he was still grinning, still in full control of how much force he used and how tightly he held your waist as he dragged you a little farther down the mattress, as he leaned down just close enough to speak directly into your ear, the low edge to his voice sending an involuntary shudder down the length of your spine. “This is… what? The third time you’ve cum for me? If I didn’t know better, I’d say someone’s a little jealous that Master has a new favorite.”
“You don’t—” The air caught in your throat as he rolled his hips, the head of his cock brushing against something painfully vulnerable inside of you. He was less collected than Zhongli, less willing to take long hours to poke and prod and edge your body towards its inevitable breaking point, but Childe still seemed to know just where to press, just how to keep you hot and sensitive and in the palm of his hand. “You don’t have to call me—”
“Oh? Hear that, Xiansheng?” He knew just where to aim, too, which area to target as he let his lips brush against the side of your throat, as his hands drifted from your waist to your chest, taking careful lengths to avoid anything you wanted him to touch with a softened kind of sadism. “Does Master ever make such cute noises for you?”
Your mouth fell open, an unsteady whine escaping in place of anything intelligent you might’ve said, but it was quickly cut short by the sound of sharp footsteps, by Childe’s form being jerked away from yours too suddenly not to catch you off-guard. It took you a moment to process the sight of Zhongli above you, standing next to your bed, one hand tangled in Childe’s hair and the other grasping his jaw, his expression caught between schooled stoicism and blatant hostility. “Open your mouth.”
It was a demand, not a suggestion, issued in the same voice he used when he was telling you to get on your knees, or take off your clothes, or ordering you to give him anything he'd rather take than ask for. Childe’s grin only widened, sharpening into something nearly dangerous. "As if I'm going to listen to such an outdated mo—”
Without waiting for him to finish, Zhongli forced a thumb into Childe’s mouth, prying his teeth apart and again, with no trace of reluctance, spat onto his tongue, a vapid misuse of self-generating artificial saliva. Childe jerked back, more out of shock then revolsion, but Zhongli's grip was iron-clad, only growing tighter as his patience waned. “Can you swallow on your own, or do you need someone to show you how to do that, too?”
Childe hesitated, but not for very long. You could see his throat move, his eyes flicker from you to the bed to Zhongli, his shoulders slumping as he relaxed in Zhongli’s hold. Zhongli, for his part, clicked his tongue, releasing his jaw and carding his fingers through Childe’s hair, allowing Childe to lean into his palm. “That’s it,” He started, allowing himself a small smile. “See? Doesn’t it feel better to do as you’re told?”
Quiet, small. Almost embarrassed, if you were willing to give Childe so much credit. “Yes, Xiansheng.”
“And you’re ready to behave, now?”
“Yes, Xiansheng.”
“Good boy.” With a low sound of approval, Zhongli pulled away, kneeling beside him and placing a hand on Childe’s lower back. “Tease when you start, not after Master’s—” You cringed at the new petname, but couldn’t bring yourself to say anything. “—already so pent-up. Decide how much force you’re going to use and use it, don’t be so sporadic. And don’t let yourself get distracted so easily, either. You have the most important person in the world directly in front of you. There shouldn’t be anything else on your mind.”
Childe nodded, still subdued, still eerily vacant, and Zhongli hummed, watching on as Childe began to move, again, to thrust into in calculated, powerful kind of way – in a way that couldn’t be more divorced from his earlier, erratic pace. You let out a breathy groan, cool pangs of overstimulation instantly turning into a hot, persistent burn. “Wait, I— I think I’m already—”
“Just like that,” Zhongli encouraged, just loudly enough to speak over you. He leaned back, resting against the headboard and crossing his arms, a broad smirk now painted across his lips.
“And don’t stop until our precious Master is satisfied.”
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chuuyasheaven · 1 year
Heya! Congrats on 400 followers! Well deserved babe♡
I was wondering if you could do Dazai x Fem!Reader and prompt 14 & 15, + brat taming and also breeding kink? Jealous Dazai please
Also, if you make it incest (stepbrother! Dazai) it would be perfect but if you don't do that shit it's totally fine—
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Prompt+K!nk; 14: “Only i can make you fall apart like this. This is a sight for me only.” / 15: “I will fuck this pussy until it’s dripping my cum, understood?” | 3: Brat taming / 11: Breeding k!nk (I’ll include it dw!)
Summary; You have been sent to a mission, but you had to seduce the target in order to complete it. Of course, Dazai watched to make sure no one will touch you, but your ego got the better of you. Guess Dazai has to remind you to who you belong again, right?
Warnings; dom!Dazai, sub!fem!Reader, bratty!Reader (if u squint tbh), brat taming, Breeding kink, rough sex, Orgasm control (basically edging), Jealous!Dazai, petnames, smudged make up, fingering, overstimulation, porn without plot, dirty talk, dacryphilia, teasing, etc.
Format; Fic!
Notes (from me); SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG SCHOOL WAS SO FUCKING WEIRD BESIDES I'M ALSO IN DENIAL ABOUT THE WAY I FEEL ABOUT MY CLASSMATE.. BUT PLS ENJOY ASH! Sorry again, because i indeed feel uncomfortable writing stepcest, so i hope this is okay!!
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The amount of jealousy, Dazai's experiencing right now is actually crazy.
Watching from a distance, where he can watch you, flirting with some stranger for a mission.
Not only that, you were also wearing his favorite dress. The one, that hugged your waist perfectly, the one, that made your tits and ass look like a work of art.
But still, it wasn't for him.
Atleast it was all worth it, you seduced the target, got the information and got out of there. As Dazai's already waiting outside to take you home.
When the door shut behind you, you layed down onto the couch, dying to get your heels off.
Finally, a great mission finally over, it wasn't even that bad, since you had amazing flirting skills. You were smirking all to yourself, relaxing your muscles.
Suddenly, Dazai came on top of you, giving you a kiss before answering your questioning look.
“Such a shame, you wore my favorite dress for someone else, bella..”, he spoke up, giving you another kiss on the lips, slightly smudging your red lipstick.
This kiss was more heated than the last one, but also more distracting, distracting enough for you to not even notice his hand wandering beneath your dress.
As his hand reached his destination, he simply took your panties off, far enough for him to enter your warm cunt.
You let out a surprised moan into the kiss, feeling cool air hitting your intimate area.
“You seemed really focused on what you were doing, too. Very confident during the act, a little too much than you were told.”, he continued to speak, as his fingertips brushed against your, now wet, pussy.
“I'd like to assume that your ego took over you, but that's okay, I'm gonna remind you to who you belong, bella.”, Dazai pushed one finger in.
“I'll make sure, to fuck it deep into your pretty little head, hm?”, as his second finger joined, Dazai started to finger you in scissor motion.
Your whimpers were heard across the room, as he added a third finger.
Dazai was always good with fingering, this is why you were already close to your first high.
But, you think he's really gonna let you cum now?
Because, he pulled all the fingers out, before you could reach your orgasm. You whined at the loss of his skilled fingers.
“Come on, stop whining. I just can't have you to cum around my fingers just now,”, he spoke, while you heard his belt opening.
“When you could paint my cock in your cum, angel.”, Dazai pulled your dress off until your stomach was exposed.
Your panties were thrown off somewhere, but that doesn't matter, because he's already making you squim with his cock.
As Dazai hold your waist, you squirmed slightly, when he almost was inside, he kissed your neck to soothe you a little.
Finally, he's inside, inside of your beautiful cunt.
He almost immediately starts thrusting, beginning slow and deep.
Not that you despised the pace, but since he cut your first orgasm off, you were desperate for the second.
Dazai's thrusts now became faster and rougher, still not fast enough for you.
You want him to pound you as fast as he can, skin clapping being loud, pants and breathy moans leaving him.
“Dazai..p-please..”, left your lips, Dazai being him, teased you again, despite knowing what you desire.
“Please what, bella? Im gonna need you to speak up, darling.”, you had to collect all your strength to form a complete sentence.
“Please..fuck me f-faster. I need it s-so bad..Dazai..!”, did you feel him twitch inside you?
“You do? Well, then tell me, who do you belong to, angel?”, he needed to hear these words, especially from you.
“..t-to you, D-dazai..I'm only yours, please..make me yours..all night.”, this is what he wanted to hear.
“That's right, only i can make you fall apart like this. This is a sight for me only, bella.”
When he finished that sentence, he absolutely let go.
His pace was almost animalistic, skin clapping being heard even louder, but mostly, your moans were being even louder than before.
This pace was so good, you felt another high coming, but just then, Dazai slowed down, ruining yet another orgasm.
You didn't know why, but you were getting frustrated, so frustrated that you felt warm tears falling down your cheeks, truly ruining your make up. Just like Dazai wanted.
Suddenly he slammed his hips as deep as he could, and started fucking you fast again, this time rougher and deeper. Adding to the pleasure, he started rubbing your clit.
More tears came rolling down your face, ruining more mascara. But not because of frustration, because of the overstimulation he just brought you.
“Wh-what's wrong, angel? Why are you crying so much? Is it because of my cock?”, you didn't even answer him.
You felt it come close, Dazai felt his too, you noticed as his thrusts got sloppier.
Desperate for your final release, you clinged your legs around his waist, allowing him to fuck you from another angle.
“F-fuck, you're really desperate, aren't you, bella.? Well, that's fine. I will fuck this pussy until it's dripping my cum, understood?”, how was he so good at dirty talking you?
As a matter of fact, his dirty talk brought you closer to your high, the knot in your stomach close to snapping.
And finally, he let you cum. This orgasm was intense, you felt relieved to finally cum, Dazai followed after.
But suddenly, he started thrusting again, atleast more slower than earlier.
“You really didn't think that i was done now, did you, darling?”
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hoshigray · 1 year
Back at it with pt. ii of the assassin duo! Toji x reader (finally!!): where the reader avoids Toji after the one-night stand, and it goes well for the most part. But can the same be said for Toji? How long can this quiet game go before someone snaps?
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A/n: Am I writing this because I'm spitful of getting a community label on my sugar daddy! Toji x sugar baby! reader fic? Yes. Yes, I am. 🙃 Sighhh. But ya know what, it's all good because you lovelies gave it so much love, so tysm for 3k notes!!! And thank you so much for the 300+ followers!! Y'all are too kind~~~ Since I have no idea how to celebrate, I guess another poll will suffice so pick whichever prompt you'd like to see for next Thursday (as well as a bonus art from me hehe)!!!
Also, for context's sake, this is pt. ii of this drabble that I have written, so please give it a read if you ever feel confused. This fic was long overdue and is WAY longer than I EVER intended for it to be, so I apologize for this hefty piece of work. I do hope you like it tho!!
Also, also: @absoluteindulgence here ya go!! just as I promised ccc:
Cw: dom! Toji x fem! reader - fingering (fem! receiving) - Toji gets a bit possessive/jealous - sex in a public place (workplace) - biting - clitoral play (pinches 2x) - Toji is his coky self but reader doesn't back down - implied overstimulation (fem! receiving) - pet names (angel, angel face, baby, darlin', good girl, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, sweet thing) - third party interruptions (they don't walk in on you two doing the deed tho) - kissing session - edging (fem! receiving) - Toji steals your panties bc he's a cheeky asshat - ayoo Toji and reader catching feelings.
Wc: 5.1k (omfg I'm so sorry y'all lmao)
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The last time you ran into Toji was the "I'll treat you for dinner with nothing attached" mishap you got yourself into. How can you not ridicule yourself for getting caught in such a moment? The man you hate with every fiber in your being practically had you folded like a pretzel, chuckling and teasing you in your most vulnerable state as he used your body in his way fit.
The most unpleasant thing about it was you reminiscing about those intimate moments you had with him that night. When his hot groans made you squeeze tighter on his dick. His thick fingers in your mouth play with your tongue as he kisses the nape of your neck from the back. When you hold him for support while he pounds into your wet folds, the naughty sounds make you bury your face into the crook of his neck.
Or worse: as Toji had his way with you, he called you the sweetest names as if he truly meant them, like he wouldn't mind calling you by them for the rest of his days.
Images of that night continue to haunt you, especially within the confines of your own home, in your own bed. How many nights has it been since you've fought the urge to touch yourself and failed? Losing count says quite a lot.
"Hnngh, shit shit shit...Fuck, y/n, you don't know what you're doing to me, baby." His voice is present in your mind as your fingers rub your clit. You shut your eyes close once you enter a digit inside your opening. "Awwh, are you embarrassed, angel? Don't wanna look me in the eye? No? Heh, then what are you grippin' 'round me for..." Another digit enters between your folds, and you grip your bedsheets while the memories still play in your head. "Damn, sweetie, lookin' so beautiful fr' me, ya know that?" Faster and faster your fingers go, your sensitivity inching higher and higher. "My beautiful darlin'."
And then you release. Cum slides down your inner thighs as your legs shake, your dignity and shame staining the dry sheets.
Damn you, Toji Fushiguro. Through gritted teeth and tears swelling up, you swear to not get mixed with that man from here on out.
And you do just that. Anytime you saw him within the same corridor or room, you would ghost him as if his familiar tall, solid build could never catch your eye. You'd go on about your business, onto the next task, onto the next client.
You didn't even take his missions anymore, nor did he for yours. Everything was going back to where it was before this incident of yours. As if you two never acknowledged each other in the first place.
It was for the best, at least that's what you told yourself. You had to get back to who you were previously, whether that meant being the top assassin or not. Whichever came first, as long as you were nowhere near him.
As for Toji, he could tell what game you were playing the moment your eyes no longer gave him the time of day. And Toji wasn't mad at it either; he preferred the "no feelings attached" approach. So he did his part to not get mixed into whatever you were doing, missions and all.
But as much Toji tries not to, he can't stop thinking about you. The way your hips sway when you walk past him, your voice soft yet stern when conversing with your handler, and when you check your small hands to see if you adequately cleaned off the blood from the mission prior.
His mind can only think of your wrists trapped under his single hand while he stuffs his fingers into your mouth with the other. Your legs and ass tremble as you ride him. Doing your best not to be too loud, but oh, Toji wants you loud. He wants you to let him know he's making you mewl and shriek, not giving a damn if the whole world knows as well. "Haaah—Ahhh!! T-Toji, please...I'm gonna cum, if you keep—Ohhh!"
Hearing you, kissing you, holding you, all of it. All of you. If he could have you close to him, he'd be as swift as a blink of an eye.
But again, he preferred this way. Less trouble, more work.
And it was going pretty alright.
Well, until you start going on missions with other hitmen.
Although your diligent work ethic and astute experience led you to the top, you've also gained respect and admiration from your colleagues, especially your junior subordinates.
And now that you seemed to stop associating yourself with Toji, some of the other guys tried to use this to their advantage to get closer to you and request your aid for some of their tasks.
And who are you to say no to helping others who wish to improve? There's no wrong in doing so.
Except there is a wrong. Its name is Toji Fushiguro, and the last straw was when he saw one of the juniors try to take you out to dinner (to which you declined, of course). He needed to stop this before some poor rookie's head decorated some walls.
Another day goes by, and you go down the hallway from a meeting with your handler, only to see Toji leaning on a wall. You've done this dance several times now. Just keep walking. You walk past him like nothing, easy peasy. Now onto the next task and go see-
You stop in your tracks when someone calls out to you. No, you know who it was that said your name. It's been a while since you've heard his husky voice. You sigh and continue walking.
Toji's brows furrow. Unless you were seeing things he wasn't, you two were obviously the only people in this hall. Stopping at the sound of his voice is evidence that you're aware of his existence. Yet you move right along.
That's strike one.
He gets up from the wall and follows behind you. Toji stares at your figure, and he knows you can sense him. He huffs, cursing you that you got him following you like some lovestruck schoolboy.
"Y/n." He tries it again.
You didn't stop this time, your face in the direction you were heading.
That's strike two.
Toji sucks his teeth. Now this is getting annoying. He takes five giant steps and places his hand on your shoulder, gripping it so you can stop at that spot. "Yo!!" He doesn't bother hiding his irritation.
You free your shoulder from his hand in a swift motion, smacking his arm away. It was a small action, but it gave you enough leeway to hop a few extra meters away from him.
However, Toji was way quicker than that.
He grabs and pins you onto the wall of the hallway corner. You wince as the pain is slight, yet nothing too life-threatening. But that can't be said for the look Toji was giving you. Black brows are pulled down, and his forest-green eyes affirm that he's livid.
Strike three it is.
"I fucking dare you to try and get yourself out of this one," His rough hands are now on your shoulders, but they're keeping you in one place this time. "Try it."
A displeased frown paints your face. "Oh? Are you challenging me? I thought you'd have half the brain to know that's not a good idea."
He sneers at your attempt at sounding threatening. It always worked with others, but never with him. He found you adorable for always trying. "Hmph, your sassy mouth loves to spit out venom," Toji leans his face in, his nose almost touching yours. "Thought I fucked that attitude right out of ya."
You bring a knee to his groin, but again, Toji is one step ahead. Grabbing your leg and pulling it up with one hand while he uses the other to hold your wrists above your head.
Your eyes widen. This position, the memories, it's all coming back to you.
Pull yourself together, damn it!
"Tch, what is this about now, you reckless bear?" You glare at the man, trying to stay calm in this predicament.
"I'm fine playing the avoiding game—"
"You don't seem fine about it now." You cut him off.
"I wonder who's to blame for that."
"What the hell did I do? I carried on with my work and left you alone. Everything was going back to how it used to—"
"I don't think you avoiding me and going on other missions with other guys used to happen."
How you fought the urge to roll your eyes amazed you. "What are you, an elementary schooler? Why does it matter to you what I do with my time?"
"Shut up. You know I've been in this field longer than you have, and when you came into the picture, you always chose to be alone."
"Again," your patience wears thin by the second. "Why does it matter to you?"
Silence. He just stares at you as anger dwindles out bit by bit, but he's in his thoughts as his eyes hone in on yours.
"Well?" You press on while he's stumped. "Why?"
No answer, averting his eyes to the side like he'd find the answer there. Then, they come back to your face. Or rather, your lips.
Your breath hitches. "Fushiguro?"
His emerald eyes return to yours, yet his irritation is clouded in a softer tone. Those eyes now express the hooded look from that night. Toji places your leg onto his shoulder and leans closer to you.
"Shhh," His deep voice sounded more demanding when hushed. "Let me have this. Have you."
His lips press onto yours before you deny him. Toji finally frees your hands to cup your face, and his tongue runs through your teeth, waiting for permission to enter. You should be fighting this. You have to fight it. But your mouth opens for him, and your hands grab his shoulders for stability.
You moan sweetly when he slides his tongue into yours, your balance starting to fail you. "I'm still on one leg, you asshole." You manage to say in-between kisses.
Toji laughs a bit before changing your position, pressing your back against the wall with your legs wrapped around him. Once you're comfortable, he's back on attacking your lips. It gets rougher and more passionate, teeth clashing and biting your bottom lip.
He groans when a hand pulls on his hair, his hands grope on your ass lovingly. He breaks up the kiss, you two catching your breath. He gazes at you, "You too, huh?"
Your lips quiver when you turn away from him and nod. He snickers. "Look at you being all shy. You were talking with a lot of sass not too long ago, and now you can barely look at me." He draws his face closer to your neck, giving it sweet kisses and tiny bites that cause you to gasp. And Toji was enjoying your reactions. "Knowing that I'm the one that can make you like this — Mmmph, makes me want to fuck you here and now."
And that's what you want. You won't admit it, but he already knows that. The cooperation with him at this very moment proves it. You want him just as much as he does you.
"Y/n! Where are you?"
The two of you freeze when another voice comes from the other side of the hall. Then you remember a rookie who needed help with a mission today, and you were headed to see him right after your meeting. And now you're pressed between a wall and Toji fucking Fushiguro with your legs wrapped around his waist.
If he sees me like this with Fushiguro, I'm finished!
"T-Toji," your whisper grabs the older man's attention. "You have to put me down. They're waiting for me."
Toji squints at you and then a look of realization. The grin that creeps on his face alerts something in your brain, and you don't know if you like it or not. There's little time for you to come to a proper answer because Toji moves away from the wall and brings you along for the ride. Your arms hold around his neck so you don't fall off as he enters a room and locks the door.
You're now in a tiny conference room with the lights off, only the sunlight peeking through the blinds of the sole window in front of the round table.
"What are you doing, Fushigur—Ack!" Toji throws you onto the table. The pain from your head distracts you from the fact that he's pulling your pants off in immediate haste.
His chuckles sound dangerously low. "So you thought I'd just let you go on some mission when I already have you right where I want you?" Toji spreads your legs for your undergarments to be displayed, whistling at the lewd image of a damp spot on the piece of clothing. "Oh, sweetheart, not with these cute lil' panties of yours."
You were about to get up and grab for his neck, but a finger pushed into your pussy through the cloth. A squeal slips out, and you're quick to cover your mouth.
"Careful, princess," his big hands pull your panties off you, and they meet the cold floor. His middle and forefinger slide up and down between slick-coated cunt has you biting your lip, and Toji likes the determination. "Don't want whoever lookin' for you to walk in on us. This pussy is for my eyes to see only."
"Haaaah...You're such a bastard, Fushiguro—Ooohh!!" Toji pushes his finger into your clothed opening, his free hand coming in the clutch to cover your voice.
Toji leans close to your face with the vibrations of your mewls rippling through his palm while his thick digit plays with your slit. "I mean it, kid. Don't play with me." You nod meekly, and he kisses your forehead for your obedience.
"Hmm, I wonder where y/n went. Hopefully, they didn't forget..." You can hear the voice of your subordinate on the other side of the door as if he's directly in front of it.
Another finger is added into the mix, and tears start to form as you wince through the pain of your nether lips being stretched. You try calling out to Toji, yet it's no use with his big warm hand dwarfing your sobs.
He does remove it, though, using it to maneuver your head so he can lay kisses on your neck. Your choked hiccups sound like sweet notes to his ears. "So good fr' me, sweetie. You smell so fuckin' good. Who're you trying to pull?"
"No-No one...Ahhhh..." You answer in gasps while his digits scrape your inner walls, your mind turning to mush. "I'm not trying anything— Oh fuck..."
"Bullshit." Toji groans and bites your collarbone, and a sharp gasp leaves you. "All this attention, all these rookies gawkin' at you like you're their prize."
"Why? You jealous, Fushiguro?" It wasn't meant to be a snarky comment, yet there was some spice. The glare he gives you sends a chill down your spine. One is sent back to show that you're standing your ground despite the humiliation you're going through.
You're about to say some more; however, you hear the doorknob jolt, and the clench of your velvety walls around Toji's fingers doesn't go past him.
"Huh? Why's the door locked?"
The shock on your face lights a lightbulb for Toji as a big grin takes over him. "Yeah? This space is occupied." He calls out to the person behind the door, the petrified look on your face only fueling his mischievous fire.
"Oh shit, Mr. Fushiguro!?" He snickers at the other's response. "S-Sorry! I didn't mean to disrupt you! I was just looking for someone."
A brow is raised when Toji turns his head to the door. "Who?"
You send your knife-piercing eyes his way, but he still doesn't face you. This motherfucker...
"Y/n," the rookie replies sheepishly. "They said they'd help me and a partner of mine with a mission. But I haven't seen them for a while..."
Please don't ask where I am. Just go somewhere else—Oh God!!
Toji's fingers fasten the pace, and you quickly cover your mouth before the person, oblivious to your absence, gets any inclination of where you are. And it gets worse when Toji's thumb flicks your clit prompting a choked cry. Oh, he's such a cruel man.
Toji hums with a sly smile as he peers at your writhing figure. "Oh, really? Didn't know that."
"By any chance, do you know where they went?"
You can't vocally tell him anything, so you rely on your eyes to convey your anxious pleas, orbs begging him through streamed tears and hooded with shame.
But Toji won't let you off that easily because the fun has just started. He whispers, "Say my name, baby." You blink with scrunched brows. "Say my name like you did that night."
This is too fucking much for me! Your mind is going through waves of turbulence. Of all people to be in this situation with, it has to be the fucker getting a kick out of this!!
Before you think up another sentence, a stinging sensation jolts your body upwards to him. Toji sneers playfully as his fingers leave your soaked folds and pinch your clitoris, your reaction too adorable for him to not stop tormenting you. "C'mon, sweetheart, say my name with your cute ass voice."
Your mind is clouded in this euphoric atmosphere that you can feel the climax inching closer and closer. Your lips are now swollen from having to bite them constantly. Another pinch has you screaming in silence, and you're pushed to accept your fate and give him what he wants: your submission.
"Hic-T-Toji, please," eyes hooded in a fuzzy haze, you reach out for his face. He obliges as you caress his cheeks. "Too much, 's too —hic... too much..."
His jade orbs focus on your dazed expression. A smile pushes his scar up for his teeth to peek through. "There she is. That's my good girl." He draws in to kiss you, his body weight pushing you down on the cold table surface. However, a knock from the door behind him halts him from moving any further. Toji clicks his teeth. Fuckin' brat.
And he removes himself from you, especially his fingers that were warm inside your cunt. The sudden subtraction of them have you exclaiming in soft whimpers. The orgasm you were so close to achieving is ignored and slowly depletes. You feel as though you could cry through the sensitive.
Toji whispers a quick apology and licks his digits marinated with your fluid. Then he marches to the door and opens it enough for half of his body to be visible. The rookie jumps at the tall man looking at the other with the most terrifying scowl. "What?" His gruff voice carries authority, and your pussy throbs as you watch him handle the younger hitman.
"S-Sorry, sir! I asked if you've seen—"
"No, I haven't seen them. Why not ask their handler since they just had a meeting together."
"Oh, okay...Well, excuse me!" Your junior quickly bows at the intimidating senior and scampers out of the scene.
A heavy sigh leaves Toji as he closes and locks the door, "Fuckin' finally." The exasperated tone of his tone falters when he turns to you, replaced with the returning lust. "Now, where were we..." His hands undo the knot around his pants and loosen the hold around his hips.
When his dick is set free, you can't help but gawk at such a thing. Seeing it for the second time is just as — if not more — menacing as the first. The girth and size alone has your mind in a whirlwind, questioning how that even fit inside you in the first place.
Nevertheless, it's no use thinking about such matters because Toji aligns his cock around your folds. When he feels you tense at his veiny organ, he rubs your thighs tenderly to coax you. "Relax fr' me, angel." Hesitation is shown as you nod, but you even your breathing and prepare for him.
Toji pushes his length into you with every breath you take, and it's difficult to adjust to the foreign organ intruding into your poor hole. You grimace every time the tip is shoved against you. Tears finally fall down your face which are wiped by Toji's calloused fingers. "I know, honey, I know."
It feels like forever just having the tip of Toji's dick enter you, and when it does, oh, it does. A loud gasp exits your lips from the intrusion, and inaudible babbles fly out as he pushes his length, stretching your vulva as it ventures deep within you.
Toji, on the other hand, shivers as your inner walls clamp around his cock. "Jesus...This pussy is still so fuckin' tight." He hisses through gnashed teeth. Once the base of his member reaches your opening, you two take a moment to recollect yourselves.
"Hmmm, damn, I missed this." He grinds his hips into you, his hands posted on your hips to savor the clenching feeling of your pussy. "Heh, bet that brat of a subordinate wouldn't know how to handle you like I do."
Even with your mind foggy and senses at an all-time high, you give the older man a look of annoyance. You make your cunt squeeze hard on him, the unexpected action catching him by surprise as he lowers himself to you, using all his willpower not to cum so early.
Before he can curse you out for the unforeseen kegel, you cup his face to have him look at you. "For God's sake, can you not mention him while you're fucking me, Toji?" Your voice hushed for him to pay close attention, but your beautiful dazed expression distracts him. "I'm not thinking about anyone besides you."
You don't even give him a chance to his answer because you pull him into a kiss and moan sweetly into his mouth. He groans and slowly rocks his hips into a stable rhythm.
His thrusts gradually get faster and faster, rearranging your legs around his waist so you don't go sliding on the table surface. Your pants get sporadic, and your cries are a little louder than earlier. But not too loud for the whole building to hear, only for him.
The slap of his balls hitting your ass is so vulgar to the ears that you hide your face. "Cut that out, sweetheart," Toji wastes no time removing your hands and holds them down with his. A feeling of deja vu blossoms in the air. "Don't try hidin' away from me, baby. I want to see all of you."
A sudden burst of confidence fuels your sentence. "Then fuck me like you deserve all of me."
A fire is ignited in Toji, and a sudden deep thrust is thrown at you out of nowhere. Your sobs only propel him to continue piston his length into the deepest parts of your gummy walls.
The conference room is filled with nothing but the sound of your sexes smacking together, skin slapping against each other, and groans and moans in heavy puffs and pants.
"Haahh! Haaaaah!! Tojiii, Tojiiii," you whimper as his pumps go erratically fast, shivering beneath him as your legs cage him.
"Oh fuckin' shit," Toji curses with eyes shut, removing one hand from yours and snaking it down to your clit, using his fingers to press down on the sensitive bud.
Your orgasm climbs back up, and you want to claim it this time. "Toji, 'm gonna, gonna c—Ohhh!!"
"Yeah? Gonna cum for me, sweet thing? Gonna cum on my dick like the good girl you are?" You nod lazily. Toji doesn't buy it. "Use your words, baby. Is that what you want?"
"Yes, Toji, yes!! Please, I want it!!"
And he gives it to you as the pads of his fingers swipe on your bud rapidly. Your release comes crashing down on you when your cunt spasms around the girthy length. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, and your body jolts with every wave of pleasure.
Toji isn't far from his peak, so he doesn't stop pounding into you for a few seconds. The hilt of his cock slams into your slick-covered opening, and you cry from the impact on your aching chasm. He fills you up with his own come and rests his body on you. His heaving figure feels pleasant on top of you.
The two of you begin to calm down as you finish each other's climax. Toji breathes on the crook of your neck and leaves a trail of kisses. "Fuck, pussy felt way too fuckin' good —kiss— Don't think I'd like the idea of sharin' you with the rest."
You shake your head and chuckle at him, placing your hands behind his neck and playing with his hair. "Whatever you say, you possessive loser."
Toji lifts his head and kisses your forehead before your lips, the two of you indulging in this tender moment as if nothing outside this space matters to you.
That is, until another knock on the door alerts you both, and Toji has to resist the urge to break the table you're lying on. Withdrawing from your embrace, he shouts at the person ruining his time with you. "Look here, brat! I told you this space is occupied!"
"I'm aware. That's why I came to get you." The different voice has Toji realize it wasn't the junior from before but his handler. Shiu Kong? "I was told by some rookie that you were in this room."
Toji groans as he puts his pants back on. For your sake, you keep your mouth shut and let the two men converse through the door between them. "What's up?"
"I just got you into a big operation. The client wants to meet with you to discuss plans and all that fun jazz. So meet with me outside the building whenever you're ready." And with that, Shiu's footsteps falter away from the room.
You finally get up from the table and grab your panties. Or, at least, look in the direction of where your panties should be. Looking to the left? Nope. To the right? Nada. Where did they go?
You hear the click of the door opening, and you run behind an office chair to hide your bare lower body. The culprit was Toji leaving to meet his handler, but what caught your eye was the familiar piece of clothing swirling around his finger. His childish smirk was plastered on his face. "Mind I borrow these for the rest of the day?"
Your face goes hot with unease. "Quit it, Fushiguro! I can feel your cum going down my legs, so hand it over!"
But he doesn't, stuffing the undergarments in his pocket, to your immediate horror. "Nah, I think I'll need 'em, ya know. A lil' motivation for me while I'm gone."
His dumb laugh fills his ego, but it stops when he sees you pick the chair up and throw it at him. He barely escapes as the furniture loudly bangs on the closed door, running away from the scene to meet up with Shiu.
It's the first time you lose your cool with Toji, and all you can think about in this room of shame and humiliation is why did you get yourself tangled up with the older man again!?
"I'm sorry for the sudden disappearance. Something came up on my end, and I had to take care of it immediately."
You found that subordinate later that day and apologized for your abrupt disappearance. They were accepted by the other, who nervously chuckled at your politeness.
"Oh, it's fine, y/n," he scratches his neck and looks to the ground. "I was just worried something happened with you, but I'm sure that wasn't the case since you're so good at what you do!"
You offer a small smile for his compliments, maintaining a calm composure so he doesn't see through the tiny nervous part of yourself. Oh, you don't even know the half of it, junior.
Your smile makes the younger hitman blush, but something catches his eye from behind you. "Huh? Oh, Mr. Fushiguro is back from his mission!"
You perk up at what your peer said, looking in the same direction he was. Shiu Kong was walking up with Toji tailing behind him. You greet Shiu with a brief bow, and he mirrors the action in return.
Once your eyes land on Toji, he's already grinning like a child with a hand rustling in a pocket, and you know what's inside it. "Hey, y/n." His patronizing tone doesn't go overlooked, causing your cheeks to heat up.
Your gaze averts from his cocky demeanor, yet you greet him. "Welcome back, Toji."
The look on the younger hitman across from you displays nothing but perplexity. Even Shiu Kong's brows shoot up with what you said. The junior is the first to say something. "Y/n, y-you just called Mr. Fushiguro by his first name!"
"Yeah, that's a first." Shiu agrees as the cigarette between his lips bounces at every word. "You only refer to him by his last name."
You blink once. You blink twice. And then it finally hits you. Oh shit.
The heat in your cheeks spreads across your face, and your lips lightly tremble as you try to explain yourself. But Toji beats you to the punch as he snakes an arm on your shoulder and brings you close to his chest, resulting in a squeak that your lips fail to suppress. He sneers at the younger man staring at the interaction.
"That's right, y/n and I have gotten pretty close, as you can tell." The grin on his face has a harmless glow, but those sharp emerald eyes of his are shadowed with a dangerous connotation. "After all, she is my special girl." Your subordinate gulps.
Toji snickers, satisfied with the younger hitman taking the hint. He then turns to you, and you do the same. "And as for you, darlin'," He leans in to whisper something in your ear. Something only for you to make your eyes wide and your breath still.
"Next time I see you with this brat, don't think I won't fuck the shit out of you with him watchin'. Show him just how special and good you are fr' me."
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darkphoenix07 · 1 year
Sex after argument
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Paring : Choi San x Reader
Genre : Heavy Smut
Summary : Playing games with his friends went wrong and you end up getting punished for being a bad girl.
Warning : Degradation, Humiliation, Orgasm mess, Rough sex, calling names.
You never knew that you playing dare with the other Ateez members will be this much chaotic until you started it. Gladly, you were saved by your boyfriend, San, who always saved you from some childish dare his members were giving you.
"Kiss Wooyoung on the cheek," you are so done hearing Yunho's third time telling you to do something really stupid. They like to tease San using you which is damn clear now.
"No, change it," San says squinting his eyes, he looks like he is about to break Yunho with his eyes.
"Come on, it's just on the cheek, why are you making it a fuss?" Hongjong asks San who looks more uncomfortable than you.
"Yeah, it's nothing much," you tell them as it feels unfair how you are not doing the dares properly but they are.
You move towards Wooyoung, leaving San's hand which were on yours the whole time you were playing. Wooyoung, who was sitting on your right, comes forward to take the kiss.
You kiss his cheeks and he starts giggling, "It must feel good getting kisses from, y/n. Right, San? You are so lucky. Man, I'm jealous."
You roll your eyes but San looks like he is in another world. His neck veins looks popped up, his grip on the whiskey glass gets strong. You look at him and he looks sick to you. So, you keep your hand on his thigh rubbing, "Babe, are you alright? You don't look fine."
He looks at you hand and orders, "Take your hands off me."
You couldn't quite believe your own ears, so you want to be clear, "What?"
"I said, take your hands off me," San says and you immediately take your hands off him because of getting scared. You don't understand why did he get mad all of a sudden. Maybe this is the first time he looks this mad, normally it is always you who got mad. But you felt humiliated by the way he talked with you in front of his members.
"What happened to you? Why are you behaving like a jerk, San?" Seonghwa asks not liking his behavior either, specially when everyone noticed you're embarrassment.
"You know what, San? Fuck you," you tell him and start walking which didn't make San feel right. Maybe he was being too much possessive that he ended up hurting you.
He gets up following you, "Y/n, I'm sorry. Wait," he keeps calling you but you have gone outside the house already.
You don't understand why did he have to react like that just because you kissed his best friend on the cheeks playfully. It didn't make any sense to you. On the other hand, San was mad and upset because he hurt you, not intentionally but he did after all.
You reached inside your apartment and was about to close the door but someone grabs the door, "Y/n, please!"
The familiar voice of his make you look at his eyes filled with guilt but you were mad too. So, you just walked inside the house and he gets in closing the door.
"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't like how you kissed him," San says and you storm out in front of him, "Are you an idiot? It was just a normal kiss and Wooyoung is my friend too. I can do whatever I do with my friend, why would you get mad like that?"
You calling him idiot for being jealous started making him more jealous. One thing keeps working in his mind, she is now fighting with me for him.
"Why are you exactly mad, Y/n? Because I got mad, I humiliated you or I am not liking the fact that you touched someone else than me?" He asks you with a very calm tone but wrath in all of the words.
"Have I ever told you anything when your fans would hug you, hold your hand or you would look at all of them with the same lovey-dovey eyes you show me? No, I didn't because I understand you, trust you, you don't."
"Why are you bringing my fans into this?" He gets more mad not quite understanding your actual point.
"Seriously San? Are you gonna act up with me because of your fans now?" You look up at him in more devastation.
"Didn't you do the same for Wooyoung whom you met because of me?" He asks you, bending over you.
You two are just inches away, so you retreat pushing him away, "Are you insecure that I might leave you and hold his hand instead?"
"Y/n, don't!" He tries to stop you but you don't.
"No, tell me, San. Are you afraid that he might fuck me better than you d-" he cuts you off shouting, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!"
"MAKE ME IF YOU CAN!" You scream back not even caring what you said.
That's all it took him to walk up closer to you, pull you by your hands towards him harshly and press his lips on yours forcefully.
You start hitting his chest to push him but his grip on your arms gets stronger. His hand reaches up on the back of your hair, pulling them down, "I will make sure you can't say a word without my name tonight," his threat makes you so worked up, so soaked that when he kisses you again, you end up crossing your hands around his neck pulling him closer while kissing him back. And fuck his lips on yours always fits so well, like they are perfect for your lips, made just for yours.
His hand still pulling your hair to make way inside your mouth feels so good, you don't understand why. You wanted more of his anger, you wanted him to make sure to teach you well how you are only his and he is yours.
He releases the kiss for a break and you taunt again, "That's all you can do, sweetheart. You are just a soft little baby of mine, can never be the monster."
You knew what that threat meant, the kiss meant but you need that fire, the wrath to stop the burning between your thighs.
He feels frustrated, challenged by your words, "I never knew you would like to see this side of mine," and pulls you by hand just to drop you on the sofa table which causes the vase on it to fall on ground and break.
Getting on top of you, pressing your jaw, leaving his finger marks on your cheeks, "I will make you regret asking for it."
"I've never regretted a thing, Sana" you tell him and he flashes you a smirk, "We will see that when I will eat you out and you will beg me to stop," and fuck his dirty talk, they start making you drip so bad.
Doesn't he know very well that you are just a little slut of his and you can not think of any men but him always when he fucks you so good.
When he rips off the party gown he gifted you yesterday, you couldn't help but understand how mad he actually is or else he would never rip something he has gifted. You try to grab his hand when he tries to unhook your bra but he grabs your hands instead, "You better not interrupt, or else I might keep fucking you till next day," his burning eyes have started to scare you a little. Can your sweet boyfriend turn things like this? You never even imagined he could talk about all these.
But damn when he took off his denim jacket, you missed those abs, those tattoos on him, how well they fit together. You couldn't take your eyes off him that you didn't even realize when you become full naked from half in no time.
"Spead your legs as wide as you can or I will," he orders you and you follow obediently because it's enough, you don't wanna mess with him anymore, just a little too much was fine but things are getting out of control, he might kill you by teasing.
As soon as you spread your legs, you can already feel him savouring your cum but hell, he doesn't touch your clit, doesn't make your raging pussy calm. Why would he do that to you? Why would he make you squirm for him this way?
"Fuck, baby. I can't-" he has never eaten out like this, like his tongue ramming your pussy areas, your slit but not where you exactly want to.
"I'm mad at you but your pussy tastes like the best chocolate in the world," he praises you while spreading your legs more grabbing your thighs as he places your legs on his shoulder. God, his hands are making your thighs look tiny to you.
You grab his hair not being able to take his abuse but gladly he doesn't say anything. And when he starts tongue fucking you, you start losing your mind. Your eyes keep rolling from the depth of his despair and you feel like if he doesn't fuck you right now, your might stop breathing, "Fuck me, please! I am fucking sorry, fuck me for God's sake," you scream but he keeps eating you out, "Sana, please. I can't-I," you cum into his mouth and feel him sucking all of it like it's nothing but something he always prefers to eat.
And when he looks at you, "Fucking is a reward, baby. You haven't done anything good to be fucked," why would he say that? Yes, you were a bad girl. He could just punish you but why like this?
As he again starts licking you out, you again beg, "I swear, I will be a good girl from now. Only your good girl, please fuck me, Sana!"
But he doesn't listen. You try to pull him up towards you still begging like you are about to die like this. Your pussy is throbbing so bad, your legs are shaking. You grab your own breasts to stop them from hurting but it's too bad. You've done it and you are getting it. This is the best night of your life yet so fucking painful.
"Please baby, I won't kiss anyone else but you. I swear," you tell him begging again and he finally looks at you smirking like the devil he has become tonight.
"That's my girl," he says standing up where your pussy is in his sight as you're still spreading for him. Your swear dripping from your chest as you're pressing your breasts, massaging them staring at him as his cock comes to your view.
The man he is tonight is so blissful.
He throws his boxer on the couch and takes his cock by his left hand. His cock has become your medicine, your need right now, the only thing that can save you.
He takes your legs, still standing and makes you cross them around his waist. As he enters you with force, you yelp not being able to handle such an amusement.
"Damn it," he growls as you moan when he starts destroying your inside.
Your skin slapping with each other for your already wet, creamy pussy as he keeps moving. His eyes on yours and him moving your legs to get inside you more and more every time filling you with all of him.
"Do you hear yourself, baby girl? How soaked you are?" He asks you and you says yes moaning.
"You are my whore, do you understand it? Mine," he says and you nod.
"Say it, baby. Say it out loud," he says fastening the pace as you nod again, "I-I a...am...your who...re, only yours."
"You're so fucking shameless, y/n. I love it. I love being the reason of your shamelessness," he says as your orgasm start coming at its edge so as his. But as soon as you are about to come, he pulls out coming all over your tummy not letting you cum.
"Why?" You asks as tears roll down from your eyes.
"Because you don't get to cum to for being such a brat," he says as he touches your tummy messing your breasts with his cum and gives you peck like he didn't just fuck you without letting you cum.
Before you can protest he leaves you because he won't be able to see you like this if he stays here a single moment.
"Asshole!!!" You scream getting up and hear him chuckle in his room.
Guess who is back btw 🫥🫥
@theaufanartist @hwanchaesong @littleninja97 @fudgeflyssworld @loosmyshit @pinki-minki @sanshinee-world @harusoraa @kitty4hwa
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neverinadream · 14 days
Helpful Hands
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Summary: Puppies, complicated chess moves and scoops of delicious ice cream won't stop Christian from making this very normal massage awkward.
Pairing: Christian Pulisic x Fem!Reader
Requested: Nope
Warnings: fluff, possible friends to lovers, fade to black smut (i'm sorry, you'll have to use your own imagination for this), masseuse!reader, roommate!christian, suggestive language, one mention of cheating, i think that's it....
Notes: i really don't know how i feel about this one, i'm really sorry. it's been two months since i last wrote a fic for christian and it just felt harder to get back into the swing of things this time around. if you enjoyed it then feedback would be very helpful
"Getting you to move in with me was probably the best decision I’ve ever made," Christian smiled, a groan cracking through his curved lips as your hands worked the front of his thigh. He rested his arms behind his head, laying comfortably on your bed. Most of his workout sessions ended like this. "Not everyone can say they have their own masseuse at home."
"No," you shook your head, keeping a giggle trapped behind closed lips, "they just have girlfriends and wives."
He lifted his head, catching your eyes as you looked up at him through your lashes. Pretty long lashes that he always thought would be soft to touch.
"Sorry, where's your boyfriend again?" He hissed out as you dug your thumbs harder into his thigh. "Okay, got it," he mumbled, shaking his head, "still a touchy subject." He goes back to looking up at the ceiling. "All I'll say is I'm glad I never got to meet him."
"You did meet him," you corrected him, adding more oil onto your hands.
"Properly," he now corrected you, "not through a phone screen. A guy who cheats doesn't deserve the woman he's with."
You pause, taken by surprise.
"You good?"
"Uh, yeah," you rushed out, nodding your head, returning your focus to his thigh, "keep saying things like that and you might, one day, get yourself a girlfriend."
"I have had girlfriends before, you know," he laughed, the sound light and charming.
"Yeah, when was that? The third grade?"
"Oh! Are we still jealous about Bethany?" Christian asked, turning his head, looking for a distraction as your hands work on his upper thigh, spying the bottles of massage oil lined up on your bedside cabinet. Some were unscented, but others had jasmine or vanilla written in curved script. "Which one are you using?" He coughed to clear a groan lodged in his throat. "The vanilla one?"
"Yep." You don't look up, too concentrated on removing the knot from his thigh. "I ran out of the other one." The other one being Christian's preferred oil. He hadn't told you it was his favourite but you had picked on the little hints each time you used it.
"Still smells great," he mumbled, taking a quick peek at your hands.
They drifted closer to the bottom of his boxers, the tips of your fingers brushing accidentally against the black material. But unlike Christian, who had been holding in a breath until your hands moved lower, you weren't bothered. You were playing the part of a professional, a role you were so comfortable and confident in. He was just trying to think of puppies and anything that was the opposite of your hands on his body.
Applying more oil to your hands, you swapped your focus to the opposite leg.
At first, you hesitated but eventually run your thumb over the small scar below his knee. It was old and faded, just like you hoped the memory of how he had gotten it was. He responded with a soft hum and you try not to smile too much.
His legs were strong, a testament to all his years of training, but they still wore the scars of past injuries. There weren't many but still enough for you to know what he's overcome to get to where he is now.
"I was never jealous of Bethany," you mumbled, nibbling on your bottom lip, pressing gently into the spot above his knee. He lifted his brows. "I got to hold Zachary's hand that day who, for a third grader, was so much cooler than you."
"Yeah, but who's cooler now? Me or Zachary?"
"Ouch," Christian chuckled, bringing his hand down to dramatically clutch his chest. His arm flopped down to his side and he tilted his chin to look down at you again. "Well, you're cooler than Bethany," he mumbled, giving you a half smile. You were cooler than most of the people he knew, but he kept that to himself.
"That's a lie, she's breaking records and winning trophies–"
"–yeah, as a surfer–"
"–which is pretty fucking cool!"
He shrugged his shoulders, taking it no further.
"God, fuck!" Christian tipped his head back, his eyes closed as you worked your hands harder into his thigh. "Do you have to do it so hard?"
"You know, it wouldn't hurt like this if you didn't work yourself so hard," you muttered, rolling your eyes, pushing your thumbs harder into his muscle. You were in the right mind to tie him to a chair on his next day off, force him into doing a day of nothing. "I think you forgot what the definition of having a day off means."
He exhaled through his nose, clamping his mouth shut as another guttural groan forces its way up his throat.
"I hope you don't talk to all of your clients like this."
"A client means they pay for this," you told him, gliding your hands up to the apex of his thigh and down again, "and since I do this for free, you don't get the special treatment."
One eye opens, the side of his mouth twitching. "Special treatment, huh?" Again, you rolled your eyes. "What's that include?"
"A quick tug," you joked, applying more oil to your hands, "all the old men love it. Now, turn over."
He rolled over onto his front, subtly grinning, feeling your eyes dance over his back and down to take a quick look at his ass. It was no crime for you to look and he didn't mind the attention either.
He propped his chin up on his forearms and turned his head back. "Don't I get a quick tug?"
"In your dreams."
His grin wasn't subtle anymore, replying, "I'll see you later then."
Your breath hitched but you shook it off. It was better to ignore the fuzziness that reoccurred whenever he dropped a line like that than to play into it. Delusion was never your favourite shade to wear.
"With lines like that, I'm surprised you don't have women queuing outside your bedroom door," you mumbled, switching your attention to his right calf.
He uncrossed his ankles and laid his legs straight, eyes falling shut as you rubbed your hands over him. Puppies. Scoops of delicious ice cream. Complicated chess moves that left his brain fried. He squeezed the pillow and willed himself to think of anything but the friction of the mattress combined with the soft rubbing of your hands.
His knuckles strained against his skin, squeezing the pillow harder, as you moved onto his hamstring. You chuckled to yourself; he hated this part.
"So, we're back to bullying me, are we?" He cleared his throat, coughing to dislodge another groan.
"If I don't, then who will?"
He chuckled. "My sister, maybe."
"Deedee's a sweetheart," you gasped, freeing one hand to poke his side. His body jerked and he rolled onto his side, his arm coming out to slap your hand away. "What reason would she have to bully you?" You peeked up at his hair, the short brunette strands damp from the shower and messy. "Other than your hair? Billy Ray Cyrus called, he wants his mullet back."
He pointed a finger at you, avoiding your question. "I think you secretly get off on bullying me."
"Perhaps I do," you played along, tucking your ankles under your bum, sitting up on your knees. "Perhaps I'm dripping right now."
He inhaled a deep breath and tried to steady the rush of desperation and desire surging to his cock. You didn't just say that. He shook his head. There was no use. He was going to repeat your words over and over in his head the next time he found himself fisting his cock.
"You-" His eyes rolled back and his mouth betrayed him, curving into half a smile. Shaking his head, he ran a hand down his face and wiped the smile away. "You can't say that."
"And why not? You did just ask me to give you a handjob?" He sighed because it was true. "Besides, degradation isn't really my thing." His eyes widened as you snapped yours to look at him. "Hypothetically," you shyly smiled, "I would prefer to take care of you than call you a whore."
"Jesus, woman," Christian groaned, rolling onto his back. His hands come up to hide his blushing face. More words to replay over in his head. "You're making it very hard for me right now."
You covered your mouth, the smell of vanilla dosing your senses, and caught a giggle in the palm of your hand.
"What?" He jutted up onto his elbows. "What is it?"
"What did you just say?" He looked at you confused and you let out a soft sigh. "Repeat what you just said," you rephrased, the tiniest slither of a smile playing on your lips as you tried your best to help him understand, "I'm making it what for you?"
He cleared his throat. "I said, you're making it very hard for me right now."
"I know," you whispered, biting your bottom lip, "I can see that."
A loud groan sounded over your giggle as he looked down to see his cock bulging inside his boxers. His body had finally gone and betrayed him. He threw a hand over his crotch and the other over his face.
"This is bad," he laughed at his embarrassment, "I'm sorry." He didn't know what he was saying. "Maybe take it as a compliment, I guess."
"Oh, please, do you think you're the first person to get a boner during a massage?"
The pink tinge in his cheeks darkened to crimson red, his freckles dotted amongst it like a constellation of stars.
"No," he muttered from behind his hand, "but you're my best friend." An excuse as old as time. "This is just going to make things awkward for us."
"You're the only person here who is making this awkward," you countered.
He lowered his hand and exhaled a deep breath. "You don't find..." He waved his hand in the air as if he was trying to catch the right word from the air. "This," he settled on, "awkward?"
You shook your head at him, shoulders shrugging nonchalantly. "Like I said, you're not the first person in history to get hard from a massage."
You giggled as he groaned, the sweet notes teasing his cock. "Please, don't laugh like that," he winced, throwing one arm over his face, "you're just making it worse."
You pan your eyes, just for a quick second, down to the source of his awkwardness. Curled fists resting on your lap now itched to take care of him. Your fingers unfurled and tapped impatiently against your thighs. "Can I?" You asked, the thought brought warmth to your cheeks and flooded your core.
He peeked out from under his arm, catching you squeezing your thighs together. "Can you what?" The colour in his cheeks had subsided, but they still held a hint of pink. "Don't look at me like that," he warned, moving to sit up, "not unless you want to do what you're thinking about."
Your mouth twitched. "And what am I thinking about?"
"I don't know," he admitted, sometimes you were hard to read, "but whatever it is has you squeezing those pretty thighs together." Pretty. It made your belly fuzzy.
"Would you let me do it?" You asked, leaning onto your hands.
He shuffled closer, bringing his hand up to your neck. Goosebumps rise as he ran his fingers along your skin, his touch soft as if applying too much pressure might break you. You looked down at his mouth and watched him wet his lips. His bottom lip was pink and teasing you to kiss it, and you fought hard to restrain yourself.
Nothing was going to happen unless he said so.
"You're so beautiful," he whispered, hooking his knuckle under your chin.
Up this close, he could see all the details that made you beautiful. Every mark. Every freckle. And any scar. It quickened the pace of his heart but broke it too, knowing you had once loved someone capable enough to ruin that beauty.
You licked your lips absently. "Answer my question."
"Yes, please."
"Come on," you purred, resting your hand on his thigh. The strong muscle flexes, your touch a shot of electricity through him. "I think we can do better than that."
Christian chuckled. "Are you going to make me beg for it?"
"Maybe," you smiled, listening to his breath hitch as your hand creept closer to the apex of his thigh, "something tells me you might just be good at it."
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Football Taglist: @thoseboysinblue @kickinganddriving @lizzypotter14 @brasiliangp @chilwellspulisic @notsoattractivearenti @swimmingismywholelife @lovelynikol16 @masonsrem @hischierswhore @in-my-body-bag @laurasstufff1 @mountchilly @spicysainz @kathb59 @emcv1427 @gagaslonina @afterpills @pulisicsgirl @ricciardhoe3
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nyxthejinx · 1 year
I just saw your open for request post and want to commission an Cyno x gn!reader, please? :) a fluffy and spicy drabble would be lovely. Maybe smth like.. the reader is good friends with Cyno and Tighnari but the reader went on a journey thru teyvat and met the Aether (traveler) on their way and since then they traveled together and been thru much so they have a connection ofc and then when the reader and Aether visit sumeru and they meet Cyno - he will get all jealous? Cause he sees how close they are and he fears that he missed his chance with the reader? But obvsly its not like that and yeah. A lil bit of making out at the end, please? cause Cyno needs to let out some steam after his jealously :^)
Thank you for doing requests btw!
FIRST. It took ages but I was able to sell my soul in exchange for inspiration only recently, I'm so sorry. SECOND thank YOU for asking, I wasn't sure about this until the 3am among us potion made it work. THIRD beautiful pfp, akaza bb fr i love him a normal amount I promise. FOURTH it's 5 am, literally I'm not kidding, I tried to proofread and all that but I don't even know what's my name anymore so I'm sorry for typos and shit. FIFTH I hope It makes sense, enjoy 💀
𝐓𝐖: Fluff and obviously spice (making out, vague allusions to the dirty deeds ;) ), use of petnames (dear, love), lemme know if I missed something.
𝐅𝐭.: Cyno, Aether (but he's your homie) - GN!Reader
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.5k
𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨: Rendezvous - Little Mix (god this song is such a banger)
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Cyno fears nothing.
"Cyno, this is Aether."
Cyno fears one thing.
He'd felt so happy after reading your last letter. You said you'd be back in a few days with a special surprise, but honest to Archons the fact you'd be coming back to him - for him, he’d wanted to say, but not dared to- was enough of a present.
He surely wasn't expecting that this "surprise" would be none other than the Traveler who's saved Sumeru, though. A charming blondie who drifts a bit too close to you, in Cyno's opinion.
"We met in Liyue, he's amazing." You smile, squeezing the blond's shoulder. "He's a well known traveler across Teyvat, even in regions he has yet to visit!"
"I just help those who need it, not that much of a big deal."
Aether blushes and rubs his neck. Aether blushes. And you're touching him in a way that only close friends do.
It's fine, Cyno wants to think. You're allowed to do whatever you want in your life, he sure as hell won't stand in your way. He already stepped aside back in the days, as you excitedly told him how one of his worst fears came true you were leaving for adventure.
Everything to make you happy.
But his mixed feelings would always get in the way and unleash endless internal conflicts. It wasn't simply about not having you around, it was some kind of longing sitting inside his chest and screaming at you not to go.
It was the distance that made him realise: he was, and still is, far too in love for his own good.
And Aether could get in the way of that.
"We meet again, Traveller." The General nods, pushing down such shameful thoughts. "I'm glad to see you are both fairing well."
"It's all thanks to [Name], actually." Aether nudges you in the ribs. "They're really helpful, no matter the task."
You smirk. "Oh, what an honour. The traveller complementing me, a common, mortal nobody."
"Hey, I'm not that annoying!"
"Maybe. But you sure snore at night. That is annoying."
"Wh-! I don't. I know for a fact-"
No, you don't sound like close friends. You sound like a married couple. What just happened in this handful of months? Did Cyno hesitate too long and lost his chance? Now that he had decided to expose his deepest feelings?
"You guys! Paimon is starving here."
Paimon's shrill voice cuts short the bicker, as the Matra's jaw clenches. Good time, credits to Paimon, but seeing the two of you stroll towards the tavern didn't ease the knot in his chest the slightest.
Your laughter wasn't addressed to him nor to his uncanny jokes. He wasn't the one making you smile.
He was the moon and he'd just been eclipsed by the Traveller's brightest light.
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Dinner was... Gut wrenching, to say the least.
You'd known Cyno long enough to tell apart his feelings even as he wears that stoic facade of his. While Paimon and the Traveller didn't have a single clue about the situation, you could feel his dry gaze burning holes on both of your figures, as if the sun had ascended back to the skies and everything around had turned desert.
He was feeling something you'd never quite seen within him.
It took you a bit too long to realise that the fair, lawful General Mahamatra was jealous, of all things.
He was so subtle with it, carefully hid his resentment in his voice and choice of words, in his gestures and mannerisms. But worst of all he didn't propose a single joke during the meal, not even when you laid the chance on a silver platter for him.
That had your mind reeling for the rest of your time together, and even afterwards, as you waved goodnight to Aether and Paimon. As you walked these streets you still know by heart with your dearest friend by your side.
As you choked on the thick air surrounding the two of you.
Maybe you should've left Aether out of it, for the first day, at least. Cyno hadn't seen you in so long, perhaps he didn't like the way Aether inadvertently hogged your attention the entire time when all he wanted was to hear about your adventures.
Yeah, you'd been an idiot for that one.
But, you still had an ace up your sleeve. Quite literally. One that would grant you his forgiveness and hopefully help you say the words to him.
Because of course, it took you less than a week far from him to realise you were smitten for this dad-jokes-spitting being.
You patted your side as you approached Razan Garden in all its glory, and sighed at the feeling of the rectangular box still inside. You could do it, you had to! It took you months of preparation, you wouldn't let it go to waste.
"[Name]." Cyno's voice was soft, as if to match the atmosphere lingering in the marble gazebo. He'd stopped a couple steps ahead of you, but didn't turn to meet your eyes. "My congratulations and best wishes."
You alt abruptly at that. Where the hell is it coming from?
"Uh, thank you?" You quirk a brow. "Did I do something special without knowing?"
He chuckles under his breath. Yes, you are special and he's grateful a being so perfect can exist in this world and is part of his life. But he would never tell you that.
He turns instead. His eyes rich with emotion, gentler. "I'm beyond glad that you found the right person out there, [Name]."
Oh. Oh.
"I only ever hoped for your happiness and well-being, during this period of time."
"Cyno, wait a sec-"
He takes a step forward. "If I had to voice my honest thoughts... I must admit I couldn't find peace of mind knowing you would've been out there alone."
"But I see you're perfectly capable of handling your own," the man sighs, shakes his head. A small smile curves his lips. "Just like you've always done."
And then he's placing loose hands on your shoulders, as if he's in some kind of automatic mode and has to finish the speech at all costs.
For a moment you think he's gone absolutely senile. "Still, I'm relieved you have someone who can watch your back, now. He's a kind-hearted person, level headed, the best you could wish for-"
"Archons' fucking sake, Cyno! Will you hear me out a damn second?"
Cyno almost jumps back, taken out of his weird reverie, but you're quick to trap his face between your hands. You're close, closer than you'd wanted to, unfocused in your frustrated fervor. So much his breath warms the apple of your cheek, as it wasn't burning already.
You take a breath and force more words out before you can cower away from it. "I get where you're coming from, I neglected you today and acted like a shitty friend. And I'm sorry for that."
You lower your gaze to the ground. Now or never. "But it's you, okay? It's always been you! I could travel across all Teyvat and even Celestia, but it's you and just you. So drop that thing you're on about please."
That was disgustingly corny. But hopefully did the trick, you guess.
A beat passes. Then two. You don't see his face, you don't have the courage to take a look at the mess you've made. Him being jealous didn't mean he liked you, not necessarily. Maybe you should've given him the TCG deck and call it a night.
Another beat goes by.
"So... You and Aether are not...?"
He's gonna be the death of you.
You groan, a guttural sound that shouts exasperation from the deepest parts of your chest. All rationality goes to hell as you drag him closer and slam your lips together.
You're kissing him. Archons you're kissing him-
There's no time for Cyno to react. You're pulling away in a frenzy, hoping the ground will open for the Abyss to swallow you right now. You kissed one of your friends only to prove that you're single, and in fact attracted to them. Could it be worse than that? More humiliating and disrespectful to him?
"I'm so sorry!" You wave your hands around. "I shouldn't have without your permission! Are you okay?"
You search his expression for any sign of discomfort; he looks absolutely flabbergasted, but somehow weirdly composed like a bronze statue. His lips -god you'd just kissed them- are parted in the slightest, his eyes wide and yet still. The calm before the storm.
He's showing yet another sentiment you've never really seen him wear.
"Again." Cyno says.
You blink. "Uh?"
You feel his hand slither behind you and circle your waist, as he pushes your body closer. His skin is running hot like the desert's sands and you curse at his choice, or better lack of clothes.
His silver hair falls like a curtain, his eyes sharp. Dangerous, even, if you're not careful enough.
"Please, do it again. I think I've just seen the gates of Celestia." He mutters close to your lips.
That sounds more like him. You can't help but snort at his choice of words, shuddering all the same. The implications of said words dig a flaming hole in your chest.
"How can you be so smart, but dum dum at the same time?" You whisper, one hand traveling to the back of his neck, the other busying itself with stray locks of hair.
And you dip in for another kiss. One you sigh into, one that can be called kiss, actually. It's slower, but full all the same, scorching hot, pushed by feelings that were repressed for too long.
Cyno locks his free hand at your nape, never possessive, although firm. Small sounds bubble in the back of his throat when you bite at his lower lip, then backs just enough to mutter a couple words.
"Can you really blame me? It feels like a dream coming true." He pecks your lips, then presses his forehead to yours and closes his eyes. "I was scared you'd chosen him."
"So, all those pretty words from before?" You exhale a breathy laugh, cradling his jaw.
"I'd give away everything I have and am if it meant you'd be happy. I could only wish you the best and support you." Cyno smiles, pouting after the next words leave his mouth. "But it doesn't mean I would be fully content with the outcome."
Your brain has turned to mush. This man is too dangerous for this world, a hazard for you and your poor little heart that feels like exploding. It's a threat to your common sense and rationality. But most of all, it's damaging your brakes.
What he's telling you should not be legal.
"Archons, come here." And you kiss, and kiss, kiss again and again. You map each other's bodies with your hands as if it was the last time you'd be seeing each other. You press your mouths, clatter your teeth, intertwine your tongues.
You're straight up devouring in the dead silence of the night, in a public space. But as indecent the sounds you're both making are, it feels as if the world around blurred and blended into nothingness.
You've found yourself with your back to a wall, somehow, a couple buttons loose, skin hit by the cold air of the night. You -surely more clothed than Cyno- are an absolute mess, whereas his appearance doesn't falter much even at your hands' mercy.
It's unfair, he's unfair. He has no right to be this damn perfect even in the face of chaos.
"Not here, Cy." You manage to utter. "Let's go home."
His hand stops halfway up your shirt and he detaches from your neck with a small grunt, red splotches forming already thanks to his work. He doesn't sound pleased with your choice, but wordlessly complies, knocking you off your feet and picking you up so easily it's unfair.
And embarrassing.
You deadpan. "Seriously?"
He finds your eyes, suddenly composed as if nothing happened. "You seemed quite unstable on your legs, dear."
You're audibly gasping at that, whacking his chest and glaring daggers. "You!"
"Let's continue it home, now."
Cyno is really going to be the death of you, in many ways you'd never even considered.
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It's almost dawn when you finally let yourselves snuggle up to each other in the peace of your home. More like his home, since yours needs more than a bit of cleaning after months of disuse, but he's made it clear already: everything that's his is also yours.
Cyno traces patterns on the bare skin of your arm, as you card through the knots on the back of his head, formed after... Recent activity. He seems too lost in your touch to even be awake, when his fingers stop.
"What was the surprise, in the end? Was it the confession?"
Your hands still, your face tightening at the question. When did you even... Oh, right.
"Would you be satisfied if I said yes?"
He pinches you.
"You should know that what has been of this night matters more than anything, to me. Of course I would be satisfied." Cyno raises a thin brow, as his hand starts to descend agonizingly slow, leaving a trail of goosebumps in his wake. "Was I not clear enough about my feelings? Perhaps you need a reminder-"
"Whoa, hold your horses, General." You chuckle, planting a kiss on his forehead before leaning over to your bedside table, where your bag had been thrown previously. "There was no way I'd come back empty handed after all these months, yanno?"
You pull out the wrapped box, place it in his hands. Cyno stares at it quizzically, but opens the packaging with care after you nudge him in the side.
Oh, his expression is so, so priceless. Cute, too cute, so cute you could die right now on the spot for excess of sugar in your blood. He looks like a kid who's just received the toy he oh so wanted and ranted about.
"It's not just any deck," You explain. "It's a deck made of cards I've gathered around from different regions. Some were more challenging to get, but I've been playing with you for a long time, haven't I? Of course I'd win."
Meanwhile Cyno takes the liberty to browse its contents, and just like you said, they're not from Sumeru. He's barely ever seen them, some are literally unknown, and he's ecstatic at the sight. How long did it take? How much effort?
"This is…" there's no right term to describe it. "Wonderful. You are wonderful, [Name]."
He goes for a hug and you feel like your bodies fit perfectly in each other's arms, as if it was meant to be. Right now, all that matters is this. And it will always be for all you care.
You smile into his shoulder, smooch the base of his neck. "Is it too early to say 'I love you?'."
"I would actually say we're late, Love."
"I love you, then, you Dum-Dum."
"I love you."
"You are like my asthma. You just take my breath away."
You make sure Cyno slams his head as you throw him off the bed.
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DON'T copy/repost my work. REBLOG instead! ©nyxthejinx
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lovemyromance · 3 months
Azriel, the "entitled incel" of the Bat Boys
So I started laughing my head off as soon as I typed the title for this post. Because it's honestly so, so ridiculous this is even an argument people are using against Elriel.
Let's take a quick trip down memory lane, because people are calling Azriel entitled because of the following excerpt:
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This man, is so desperately obsessed with Elain, that he is questioning his religion, their GOD (The Cauldron) on why the woman he loves was given to another. He is tortured over it, losing sleep thinking about it.
How does that scream entitlement? Is it because he says the "third sister was given to another"? Because Rhys assumes "You believe you deserve to be her mate?"
Azriel did not even consider the possibility of a future with Elain because she already has a mate. Not because he's only lusting after her, but because he is convinced that he will not get the woman he loves. He has such low self-esteem and image issues that he doesn't think himself worthy of even touching her skin, and you think he feels entitled to her?
Or is it the fact that you decided he just wants a mate? Nowhere in this bonus chapter does Azriel say he just wants a mate, btw, so not sure where that argument came from. Also, if Azriel just wanted a mate, why tf would he go for the only mated female in his proximity?
Wouldn't he, I dunno, latch onto any available single lady in Velaris over the mated and now forbidden Elain Archeron? I believe a relevant analogy is:
If I had a group of friends I hung out with, all consisting of married couples, basically, and I was the lone single friend. OF COURSE I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE AND OF COURSE I WANT TO BE MARRIED TOO? But....even if I wanted these things so desperately, my first choice for love would not be the married guy in my friend group, whose wife lives far away. Like, no. That's not who I'm going for first, or second, or ever, even.
So then why is Az only showing feelings for Elain? He's had sexual relationships before, why can't he just find someone else, why is he still obsessed with Elain?
Also, the incel thing is such a joke. Yes, he has romantic, sexual thoughts about Elain. And that somehow...makes him disgusting and toxic?
Are we just choosing to ignore Rhys's thoughts about Feyre? How these two mfs nearly risked their lives from a trauma-bargain because they were too horny to show enough self-restraint to not f*ck in the goddamn sky?? Those poor pedestrians of Velaris.
Are we just choosing to ignore Cassian's thoughts about Nesta? Like literally every other sentence from his POV was about her thin frame and massive tits, for ffs. He was absolutely chafing for her 99% of the day. But no one had a problem with that?
Cassian even stated he's jealous of Rhys, what Rhys has with Feyre, their bond. But we just decided to ignore that little tidbit too, huh?
And I know this entire argument is just performative. Because if Azriel had shown any even mildly romantic thoughts about another *ahem* character, that side would be screaming from the rooftops in joy. That's just a guess though, given how much they reacted from just platonic banter and something about sparky glow glow warmth in the bonus chapter. If you give a mouse a cookie, I guess.
Either way, I actually read the books, so Elriel is the only answer for me.
I mean, I thought it was obvious.
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aibloomie · 1 year
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✧ featuring — childe, scaramouche, xiao, yoosung x gn!reader
→ this was going to be strictly genshin characters but omg yoosung, my love <3 I'm a sucker for him. should I make an nsfw version?
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━ whenever he's jealous over you hanging out with anyone, you can bet that he's just going to be third wheeling you the entire time. he can't help it !! and he doesn't do it in a snobby "I want to ruin your fun" kind of way, but he's your boyfriend right? so yeah, he's going to be following behind you and your friend like a puppy and be making small comments, trying to join in on the fun. he'll literally pop out of nowhere and be like "hey what a coincidence!"
━ when the two of you are finally alone you'll hear him sigh in relief. if you point out what he was doing, childe will just pretend to not have a clue of what you're accusing him of. "what? no way! I promise, I just happened to see the two of you walking when I looked out the window. I'm glad I got to say hi to your friend."
"you're glad you got to say hi? childe, you did way more than just that." you playfully hit his arm, finding his jealous side oddly cute. "you were definitely bragging that entire time."
"was not." childe retorted.
"was too!"
"...was not."
then he pulls you close and kisses you sweetly on the lips with a smile <33
━ childe doesn't get insecure over the situation that caused him jealousy because he's pretty confident, trusts you completely, and knows his worth, but not in a cocky way. he knows he still needs to put in effort, so without even realizing it, he'll get a lot more touchy and sentimental with you after the situation. he'll keep playfully flirting with you (his specialty), telling you that he loves you, and keep holding you close.
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━ he gets really moody !! but he's conflicted because on one hand he wants to be upset at you and make that very clear, but at the same time he just wants to be consoled? and he doesn't quite know how to express his feelings clearly without it looking like he cares TOO much, so he just resorts to making snarky remarks at you, like, "oh? why don't you go talk to them again?" and "I'm surprised you even have time to be here considering how many times they ask you to hang out." OR "back from your little date?"
━ he makes it way too easy to tell he's jealous. he doesn't show it in the nicest way, or in a manner that's a form of healthy communication. he's scared you'll leave him, but he won't tell you because vulnerability still scares him
━ the MOMENT you head over to scaramouche and kiss him, he'll immediately melt, with all the jealous thoughts swarming in his head beginning to fade away as he focuses on the present and the affection you're gifting to him. his fear of abandonment is slowly being healed, because you're showing him the concept of trust and loyalty again.
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━ xiao himself doesn't quite understand the feeling of jealousy, but he does get it very often. it's mostly because of the way he sees others interact with you oh so perfectly, while he still struggles with communication and building proper relationships. he's scared someone will charm you enough to finally make you leave him.
━ shows his jealousy by becoming more distant, because he doesn't know if he's worthy of fighting for you and he doesn't want to get hurt. so his sentences will get shorter, and his touches will become softer to the touch until you can no longer feel them. it's hard to reach him when he's in an emotional slump, but just the fact that you're with him shows that it isn't an obstacle or deal breaker for you. you just have to accept the fact that he needs time to come around
━ in times like these you can comfort him by expressing that you want him to accompany you to town events, or that you want to show him off to people. it sounds silly but it makes him feel so included, because he feels like an outcast </3
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━ he doesn't get angry or possessive, just very sad and insecure. he'll need a lot of reassurance in any way possible from you— whether it's comforting him verbally and telling him not to worry, or by latching onto him and smothering him with kisses until he cracks a smile and returns back to his cheerful self
━ he feels dejected whenever he sees you post a picture or any form of media with someone he feels could threaten your relationship. he'll just sulk under some blankets and obsess over the post, sending you some text messages and asking when you're coming back. and yeah, you can definitely tell his change of mood just by his texts because he stops using emojis and cute sentences– he basically makes it really obvious without even trying to
━ it would definitely be for the best if you introduced him to whoever the person was, otherwise he'd have a slight obsession with trying to figure out who they are himself
━ gets very clingy !! like as soon as you're back and have given him proper reassurance, he won't leave you alone for the rest of the day. he just wants to lounge on the sofa while cuddling together and watching something on tv, or maybe sit next to each other under the same blanket while playing a multiplayer video game together.
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hauntedwitch04 · 1 month
Hi 😊
Could I ask for a Castiel Novak x plus size reader smut, please??
Castiel seems like a cute puppy by the way he looks.
Reader is super insecure about her body but she wanted to do Sam and Dean a favor and went to a bar/club with them. Some skinny chicks come up to reader and bully her cause of her body, when Castiel arraived and protects reader. They are talking outside, go to the Motel and castiel praises her body from head to toe
A/n: Hiii! I'm so sorry to be this late, but uni is killing me and I had litterally wrote it between train stops :) I hope you like it and respect your idea, with love Becky
Castiel Novak x plus size!reader
Words: about 1.7k words
Warnings: a bitch (she is a vamire so literally a monster), hating about your look and just a super cute and fluffy Cas ;)
Requests are open I Ask
My masterlist-Join the Taglist-Buy me a coffee - Patreon submission
You knew that this choice of yours wouldn’t have brought you anything good, but no one could say no to Sam’s puppy eyes. You cursed the entire friendship with the Winchester brothers the moment you sat at the bar. 
They had a new case, a vampire it seems, that seduced women at this bar where you are right now, brought them home and then killed them. And obviously the second they understood that they needed a decoy turned to the third resident of the bunker with soft eyes and a question on their lips. Now you are sitting on a very uncomfortable chair, in a little skimpy dress that leaves little to none to the imagination of who you have near. You always had a bad relationship with your body, and when you saw the dress that Dean bought for you to go on the hunt you just wanted to run away and hide in your room feeling the little confidence that you have dissipated. Castiel on the other hand, felt your discomfort and didn’t really understand why you felt like that and decided to ask you about this feeling. “Why do you feel this bad? Dean has a great taste in dress, with all the porn videos-” Said the angel looking at you, while you felt your cheeks become red with embarrassment. 
“Yeah Cas we have understood.” Blocked him Sam, while he turned to look at you, with a concerned look. “Hey, by the way you don’t have to do this, you know it right? We can always find another way to hunt this vampire down.” 
You tried to find the courage to say what you felt to them, but the feeling of letting them down was too bad so you put a fake smile on your face and just lied another time to them: “Don’t worry, it’s not that. It’s just, I don’t think that this color suits me, you know.” You responded, and within a second, with a snap of his finger, Cas changed the color of the dress to your favorite, while still looking at you with his eyes, of a light blue that the same sky was jealous of it. 
“Thank you, so much better now.” You said, taking the dress from Dean's hands, and going to your room to change. After you arrived, you closed the door behind you and took a deep breath, thinking of how you will find the courage. 
You are lost in your thoughts when a man comes near you, and asks if you know where the bathroom is . You smile at him and give him the direction to find it. He smiles back at you, and thanks, before going where you told him. You return your attention back on the drink you have in your right hand, since you decided that there is no way you are doing all this shit sober. Dean and Sam are close by, just a few meters behind you, looking for signs of the monster you are hunting. You feel the phone buzzing near your hand, you look at it and you see a message from Sam. 
<<Everything ok?>> 
<<Yeah, he just wanted to know where is the bathroom.>> You texted back at him. You are about to ask him how long you have to stay, since you are starting to get really uncomfortable, when a hand takes place on your shoulder, and makes you turn in the direction of who is touching you. You see its owner is a young and pretty woman, with long blonde hair on her shoulder and a fake nose. You are concerned if you can even breath from how small the little dress is, her fake boobs look like they are gonna explode from the pressure. 
“What do you think are doing?” She ask you, and you look at her, while you don’t really understand what she is talking about. 
“Sorry, I think you are talking with the wrong person?” You say, trying to go back in the comfortable position you found moments before her arriving. 
 "No, bitch, I'm really talking to you. What do you think you're doing, hitting on my man? Well you are so wrong. Do you really think someone like you could ever be interested in anyone, I mean have you seen yourself in the mirror? The poor guy would certainly get crushed if he tried to sleep with you. And don't you think this dress is a bit too much for you, you certainly have a lot of nerve to put on something like this showing everything that is wrong with you.-" The girl is interrupted by you, who quickly grabs your things and runs out of the club. Dean seeing this abrupt escape calls you on the phone to find out if everything is all right, not having heard, but having seen that a woman, not very kind in her own words, had approached you in a threatening manner. You, as usual in these cases, lie to your friend saying that you merely couldn't stay inside the freaking club anymore and would be back inside in a few minutes, trying not to let him hear through your cell phone the urge you have to cry.
Once the call with Dean is over, alone, you finally burst into tears, releasing the tension you had been building up for the past few minutes.
You spend a decida of minutes sobbing in the farthest, darkest corner of the parking lot, hoping no one sees you, when you suddenly hear a rustling of wings.
Turning around, you see Castiel, looking worriedly at you as you try to wipe away the tears left on my cheeks.
"Dean and Sam found the vampire; she was the woman who attacked you. Her victims must have been girls she had seen at the bar, and taken in a rage of anger and jealousy, she killed them." He explains, not immediately asking why you were put that way.
"Great, I would say case closed. Come on it's time to go home." You say then walk to where the Impala is parked, but Castiel rests a hand on your arm and stops you.
"The guys sent me to see if I was okay."
"I'm perfectly fine. That woman did nothing to me while I was at the bar."
"Maybe physically, but I can feel that you are in pain. Can I help you in any way?" The angel asks, and you can't help but melt at his words. You've always had a slight crush on Castiel, ever since the first times he helped you and the brothers, unable to deny that he is a charming man, but since he's been spending more and more time with you the simple attraction has evolved into much deeper feelings. Feelings that you are afraid to externalize to the beautiful angel in front of you.
"Yes quiet Cas, everything is fine. Only you know what they say, the truth hurts." You comment as you give a fake smirk. Castiel looks at you confused as he bends his head slightly to the right.
"What do you mean the truth? What did that woman tell you?" The angel asks, suspecting that there is much more to it than you try to hide.
"Nothing, really, never mind." You repeat, but this time Castiel is not fooled by your matter-of-fact answer, and laying two fingers on your forehead, he sees the events that took place just before: the painful words of that girl and all the sadness you felt at hearing them.
When he pulls away from you, you couldn't tell if the angel is more angry or pained as he looks at you. Quickly and without warning, he wraps his arms around you, and you can almost imagine the feel of his wings wrapped around your body: soft and fragrant, like his clothes.
"Sorry, I know you shouldn't look inside other people's heads, however, you were lying to me and you are hurting, and I couldn't leave you to suffer, but I had to know why you were suffering so." He tries to explain, before holding you tighter in his arms, and moving his head from the crook of your neck so he can look you in the face. "Don't believe a word that woman said. You are the most perfect living being I have ever seen, and believe me I have seen many throughout history, but nothing I have ever known compares to you. If I didn't know what angels are, I would say that you are one, in fact if they asked me I would say that you are my angel." She confesses at the end in a whisper so light that you could swear you were imagining it, but confirming her words are her eyes looking at you with such adoration that you feel you could almost catch fire.
"Cas...I don't know what to say I-"
"Don't say anything then." He tells you, smiling. "For once try to take a compliment without saying anything in return." He continues, and you can't help but blush and lean your forehead against his chest to hide the blush that had appeared on your cheeks.
"In fact maybe you know there is one thing you could say." He says a few seconds later, as you stood in silence for a moment enjoying that moment of calm.
"What?" You ask curiously, as you raise your face to look into his eyes, not realizing that your lips are extremely close.
"You might say yes when I ask you in a little while if you would like to go out with me tomorrow night, to eat at that restaurant you like so much." He proposes, as he looks intensely at your lips and with difficulty pulls away from them to look into your eyes. You can't help but giggle.
"You really do spend too much time with Dean." You comment, shaking your head.
"Maybe, but at least it taught me how to tell the girl I love how I feel." He says, before leaving a kiss near the corner of your mouth and then untying himself from your embrace and walking toward the car, leaving you shocked standing still in the same spot for several minutes.
"Hey, are you okay?" Dean asks you, who without your noticing had arrived next to you. You simply nod. "Well then it's time to go unless you want to have a romantic date with the cop at the station." He comments, winking. You blink and realize that you really need to get moving.
After all, a date tomorrow you already have. 
@harleycao @supernatural-lvr @evansstan-akya
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