#too tired to caption please enjoy thank u
awaaaaan · 6 months
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wickedlittleoz · 1 year
Hello! Would it be okay to request Shimadacest somnophilia? :3 Whoever you choose to be the one awake trying to keep quiet maybe and failing so hard, in the end the sleeping one got woken up and then they ride into the sunrise like a happy married couple 🏇☀️
Only if you're comfortable with that theme ofc!!! Thank you! 💞💞
sooo in truth somnophilia isn't something i normally gravitate towards/enjoy, but what you described sounded so fun and it's actually very similar to a scene i wrote for jealous, brother? so this might not be super hardcore but i didn't wanna say no to such a kind & respectful request <3 and because i'd already written one with genji trying and failing to stay quiet, hanzo is up for torture the task this time~ i do hope you enjoy it even if it isn't exactly what you had in mind.
thanks for reaching out and please do send more ideas whenever! take care!! <3
this takes place before genji's death. E-rated.
It's late.
Well, later than usual for Hanzo, whose sleeping habits haven't been decent since father's death. Sojiro made the clan work look easy, the way he had everything under control at all times. Hanzo is learning that keeping it such takes more hours than a day can suffice.
Though there's got to be a limit, he thinks as he shuts down the computer. Pushes up from the chair, stretches; he's too young to have crackly joints, but alas, more time in the office means less time for training and keeping his health in check.
As he exits the room, he unlocks his phone to a dozen messages from Genji. The last one, from about an hour ago, is a picture of himself in front of a mirror. He has a leg propped up on the wall behind it, off frame, so that Hanzo can see the handle of some... toy that's buried in his ass, while his cock is also in the reflection, and it's hard. The caption reads waitin 4 u.
Hanzo sighs as the picture slowly burns into his brain, where it'll most likely remain forever. He really should pay more attention to his phone, shouldn't he.
Well, he turns on his heels and instead of going to his bedroom, he heads towards Genji's. Better late than never is at the tip of his tongue, but when he knocks and steps inside, he finds his brother fast asleep. He looks adorable, a scatter of sex toys around him on the bed, most likely from when he was digging through them, picking which one to tease Hanzo with. Soft and peaceful, and so very handsome, fully naked still.
Hanzo's cock, which had already been incited by the picture, pulses in his pants at the sight. But it's late, very late, and Genji stayed up waiting for him at least until an hour ago, so there is no excuse to wake him up again.
A bitter flavor coats his tongue as he wonders how awful it would be, or how much Genji would hate him if he sat here and touched himself. Something tells him Genji wouldn't hate him at all – in fact, his promiscuous little brother would probably like to know that even when he isn't trying he can affect Hanzo in such away. And Hanzo wonders if that something isn't just his dick, but he's too tired and too worked up to care.
He locks the door and falls onto Genji's bean bag. From this angle he has a gorgeous view of Genji's hole, still loose from when he had the toy inside, and Hanzo can think back to that picture and imagine that it was his cock stretching Genji to this state. Drool threatens to spill down the corner of his mouth at the thought; he can almost taste Genji from memory alone, so long he has spent licking over every inch of his body.
He feels himself sagging into the seat as he begins to jerk himself, relaxing at last after a long day of work. Sure, he wishes these were Genji's hands, or his mouth or his ass, but the smell and the sight of him will do for now. Little breathy moans escape him and Hanzo bites his lips; he has never really been a loud one, but there's something different in the thrill of having to be quiet. Genji stirs, but doesn't wake, and he sighs.
This bedroom evokes so many memories of time spent here, not as kids, but in this new era of their lives. The one where Hanzo comes to Genji for sex as well as everything else, and vice-versa. Drunk nights and sober nights, angry nights and soft nights, laughter and moans and crying and shouting. They've done it all. And flashes of such moments cross his mind, building on his pleasure, on thoughts of how perfect Genji is and how he wishes the whole world could see it, see Genji, see them.
Hanzo comes with a choked groan, gaze snapping upwards the ceiling, his mouth frozen around the sound that he tries to swallow, but can't manage. He fully melts into the bean bag, throwing his head back and just breathing. He could sleep here, he thinks; he shouldn't, but he could. He feels so relaxed. He can't believe he did something as disgusting as jerking off to Genji when he's asleep and unaware, and somehow it felt so good.
Fuck; he thinks he says that out loud. When he finally shuffles to his feet and starts tucking himself in, his eyes slide over to the bed and-
"Was that good for you?" Genji asks. He's turned onto his back now and his face is still marked from sleep, eyes barely open, but he offers that lewd smile that got them into this mess of a relationship, years ago.
Hanzo freezes in place for a second, caught red-handed, but Genji just laughs. "Come here. I've been waiting for you all night."
He reaches out a hand and Hanzo has no choice but to take it, kneeling onto the mattress and shuffling closer to Genji's body.
"You're wearing too much," Genji complains in murmurs, fingers quick to undo the buttons on Hanzo's waistcoat, then his shirt, shoving it all off his body. Hanzo lets him, always does anyways, but for now his mind is foggy with exhaustion and an orgasm and downright guilt. That is, until Genji takes his chin and pulls him into a kiss.
"You're doing it again," he whispers into Hanzo's mouth and Hanzo knows exactly what he means; Genji always says that he gets too much in his own head sometimes, overthinking even the most inconsequential things. He sighs and almost starts an apology, but Genji kisses him again.
Then it's easy to move onto Genji's body, to awkwardly shove down his pants until they're both fully naked and he fits between Genji's parted legs like he belongs there – which he does. It's easy to kiss down his throat and clavicles, and taste the skin that he'd wished so badly to touch mere minutes ago.
"What took you so long?" His voice is a whine or a moan, or something in-between, as Genji rakes his nails up Hanzo's back.
"You work too much," the usual complaint. "That was so sexy, Hanzo..."
Now, that second part is unexpected. He pulls back only enough to find Genji's eyes.
"What was?" He asks, frowning.
"That you were touching yourself right there, at the foot of the bed," he breathes and his hands are suddenly all over Hanzo's shoulders, chest, face. "Were you thinking of me?"
Hanzo's cheeks are burning before Genji is even finished with the question. The things Genji feels comfortable saying are so wild to him. But they can talk to each other like that, when no one's listening.
"Who else could I think about?" He clears his throat, blush deepening as he forces himself to add, "After, um. That picture."
Genji chuckles softly and never in Hanzo's whole life has he seen anyone, anything prettier. "You liked that?"
He just nods, so Genji, something cheeky and proud in his eyes, adds, "Got that toy after the first time we slept together and for weeks I thought you'd never look me in the eye again. It's exactly the same size as you."
Hanzo doesn't know quite how to react to all that information; the memory of their first time and the period afterwards is bittersweet enough. He'd felt so guilty, falling into physical desire for his own brother, that he'd avoided Genji for days, until he couldn't anymore – sure, he could ignore Genji's presence, but it's impossible to run away from his own thoughts and his own feelings, and everything in him ached for his brother.
But to know that Genji procured a dildo that would match his cock, specifically so he could pretend that he had Hanzo when he didn't... He feels dizzy with how fast blood rushes down to his dick, and Hanzo doesn't think much anymore, just pushes one of Genji's knees to the side and slides right into him. He fits right in.
Their gazes still locked, he gets to watch as flames rise in Genji's eyes, as pleasure makes his brows twitch. He smiles, heaving warmly against Hanzo's mouth. "Nothing like the real you, brother," is a whisper and probably the most honest thing Genji has said all night.
Hanzo feels himself losing control of his thoughts; Genji always knows what to say or do to get him to this point. He presses his mouth to Genji's as his hips pull back, only to slam back in. Moans lost in their throats as he refuses to let the kiss end, hitting home with each thrust. Genji's legs wrap around his waist, heels digging into Hanzo's lower back like he wants more.
He pulls back and off Genji, who stares at him in confusion. "On your hands and knees," he says darkly and immediately a grin spreads on Genji's face, who takes no time at all following Hanzo's order. Offering himself like a treat, even reaching back with one hand to pull his cheeks apart. Hanzo grabs his wrist, pressing only hard enough until he hears a moan, then directs Genji's hand to his own cock. "Touch yourself," he tells him and once again Genji obeys, and when Hanzo pushes into him again he grabs a handful of green hair and tugs.
Is that good enough, he wants to ask, but doesn't manage because Genji cries out, probably loud enough to wake up half the house. He groans, too, can't hold it in anymore. Pulling at Genji's hair to the side so he can see how his face twists in pleasure, how he sniffles between moans, how his lips tremble when he begs, "Harder, Hanzo, harder!"
Hanzo would give him the world when he asks like that. He tugs harder at Genji's hair and pushes his hips faster, to begin.
Genji comes first, with all the stimulation, toppling on the bed. Hanzo lets his hips down gently, flips him over; he lays on his back, legs spread wide, mouth hanging open for when Hanzo looms over him and together they jerk him to completion. He tries to aim at Genji's mouth, but it gets all over, and they laugh in breathy chuckles.
He sits back and just breathes for a moment. All things considered, Hanzo thinks himself a very lucky man.
Once he finds some strength in his legs, he gets up and heads to Genji's en suite, returning a moment later with a damp towel to clean up his brother. His eyes flick to the window; outside, the sun is beginning to rise.
"Sorry I kept you up all night," he says as he gently wipes sweat and cum off most crevices of Genji's body. He means it. This is his life, not Genji's; his brother gets to be spared of this awful legacy that was put onto Hanzo's shoulders.
"Do it again whenever," is almost a demand as Genji tugs the towel from Hanzo's hand, tossing it aside and pulling him down to the mattress.
Hanzo hugs his waist and lets Genji rest on his chest. He has to get the new day started soon; there are meetings to attend to and sales to be made. But that's a problem for future Hanzo. For now, he rests with his whole world right here in his arms.
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just-my-type-x · 2 years
Little White Dress
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A/N: please don't be mad at the fact that i don't open my requests, but i know i wouldn't have time to get through them since I'm currently working on my thesis and i wrote every day for it. So this is a way of me coping with stress and writing something else other than theoretical stuff haha. I hope u enjoy ♥️
Maybe a tw: drinking/clubbing, but not very much, mentions of sex.
Italics - flashback
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I keep my glass raised high as i pass a few dancing people, trying to reach Tristan and Connor on the other side of the club. I excuse myself when i walk between a couple and brush off their cringey comments of how I'm trying to break them apart.
Tristan spots me from a few meters apart and holds his arm out for me to grab on as a wave of people almost sweep me up in their walking direction.
"Thank you", i chuckle and he puts a protective arm around my waist, watching the group walk away from us, unaware of what almost happened.
"Drunk idiots", he swears under his breath and looks at me. "Are you ok?", he smirks and i nod.
"Thanks to you, yeah. Otherwise i would've been back at the bar and not because i wanted more of this", we both laugh when i take a sip of my cocktail. Connor joins in our conversation and it's not long after that the DJ starts playing real music that we can have fun on. We start dancing around, screaming the lyrics of the songs we love, while Con's friend, Lorrie, decides to take pictures and videos of us having fun together. When the alcohol finally sets in, i let myself feel the rhythm and dance around with Lorrie spinning each other around and laughing a lot. It's not long after that Tristan grabs be gently by my arm and pulls me closer to him to dance with him, while Con takes my place. Tristan's hands are on my waist and mine arr around his neck, while we dance to a remixed version of Hips Don't Lie.
I take one more sip of my drink before going back to Tris, who's quick to position his hands on my hips, moving them around, while we try doing some Cha-Cha dance moves.
"You're playing such a dangerous game, Tris", i shout in his ear and he pulls me in closer. His head is glued to mine, his lips close to my ear, his fingers brushing my hair away.
"Dangerous is more exciting", he smirks and i bite my lip as he spins me one more time before the song drastically changes to another one. I need to catch my breath and sit next to Tristan who was already on the couch, drinking from his glass. His eyes follow me closely and i smirk at him. I pull on my short white dress while sitting, so it could cover my legs more and Lorrie is quick to ask us if we want some pictures taken. We both agree and i move closer to Tris, whose eyes still follow everything i do. I position myself on the side, my back touching his side and his arm snakes around my waist, his hand on my thigh. She takes a few photos of us and i start taking pictures of her and Con, then selfies the four of us. I look through some of them, when i feel an intense stare on my back. I turn around and i see Tristan's eyes scanning my body up and down, clearly ditching the conversation he has with Con and Lorrie. I walk over to Tristan and tell him to get out of there, leaving our friends in the club. We get to the hotel and Tris is quick to throw me on the bed, attacking my neck with his lips and teeth, leaving hickeys down my neck and exposed cleavage.
"Fuck, take this down immediately", he groans, his hands caressing my curves through the dress and then quickly taking off his suit jacket. We're both in our underwear when we start kissing each other, heat radiating off our bodies.
"About last night.. We're not gonna talk about last night. That's a great Instagram caption, y/n, but i think it's a bit too much for a picture of you and Tristan at a club", Brad comments about the post of Tristan having his arm snaked around my body while we're backstage. I yawn, still tired after the club and, well, Tristan. I wear a zip up hoodie, so i put the hood on my head to not hear Brad too much.
"That's an amazing caption and it fits the picture very well", i bite back and hold my head against the back of the sofa.
"Well, did something happen? Other than Tris being significantly close to you", Brad chuckles and i roll my eyes. I've had a crush on Brad for years, but you can tell him straight in the face and he still won't figure it out. I know it was wrong of me to sleep with Tristan and he knows it too, but last night neither of us could help it.
"No, everything is alright.", i pull on my hoodie upwards to make sure my hickeys aren't visible at all, but Brad shifts in his seat.
"Are you cold or something? You've been pulling on that hoodie since this morning", he frowns and approaches me, but i take off my hood and frown back at him, letting him know I'm alright.
"I'm just tired and to be honest you're irritating me right now", i try to laugh to make it sound like a joke, but he knows it's true. We've been best friends since high school, he figures out everything. Almost.
He laughs at me and then pulls me by the arms to get up and do something so i wouldn't feel so sleepy anymore. I sigh and give in, standing off the couch. When Brad let's go of my arms, my hoodie falls off my left shoulder and i hurry to place it back up.
"Ok, stop, what the fuck is wrong with you?", Brad asks irritated, trying to grab the collar of my hoodie, but i push his hands away.
"Stop it, it's nothing, why are you so worried?"
"I'm not worried, I'm frustrated, what are you hiding from me?", he reaches back to my collar, his free hand catching one of my wrists. He manages to pull the material away from my neck, stopping in his tracks to analyse my love bites. He follows the trail to my collarbones and swallows hard. "Whose are these?"
"No shit dumbass. Who gave them to you?"
A few seconds of silence fall between us until the doors of the backstage open and Tristan, James and Connor walk inside. Brad's eyes fall on Tristan's neck, that also has hickeys here and there. The plan was that i would wear something to cover my neck, while Tris would be good to go since it's not a surprise when he shows up with some. Brad's grip on my hoodie intensifies and i feel the material tightening between his fingers. His face is white, lips parted and his eyes look like they're about to fall out of his head.
"You've got to be kidding me. You two fucked and had the audacity to even post from the night you fucked?", Brad's angry voice makes the guys' attention turn to him. Tristan's face goes blank, while James and Connor look confused at the three of us. "You have some fucking nerve to even look me in the eyes", he points to, Tris and he swallows hard. Brad turns to me and i pull the zipper up, crossing my arms at my chest. "Are you fucking for real? My best friend? What the fuck, y/n?", his voice cracks because of how angry and how high pitched his tone became.
"What is going on?", James asks confused and Con rubs his temples
"Oh my God.. I should've left with you", Con holds his hand on his forehead
"You knew?", Brad almost jumps next to him, his voice loud
"No, but now it makes sense", he answers and puts his phone in the back pocket
"What makes sense?", Brad's burning stare pins Con
"We left earlier", Tristan almost whispers and Brad tightens his fists
"You what?", Brad's question is barely audible
"What happened last night?", James asks again, almost laughing. I pull down my zipper and capture their attention, their heads turning in my direction. I uncover my hickeys, the trail being observable on my breasts, until my tank top covers it. Brad scoffs and shakes his head.
"You fucking made sure you marked every single piece of her, didn't you?", his voice isn't angry anymore, he's just disappointed. "So you left earlier, didn't you? Did you enjoy having sex with y/n?", the exasperation in his voice makes James and Con move away not wanting to intervene. I walk closer to him and Tristan.
"Can you please stop talking about me like I'm some kind of object? It's the first time it happened and i don't understand why you're so upset. You're supposed to be my best friend, why does it bother you so much who my sex life involves?", angry, i step closer to Tris, crossing my arms at my chest.
Brad scoffs. "You know what, fuck off. I hope y'all are gonna have banger sex from now on. Don't even bother having my phone number anymore, y/n", he says while walking fast away from us, exiting the backstage doors with loud bangs.
"For fuck's sake mate.. His best friend?", Con rubs his temples again. "Y/N, his best friend, really?"
"Stop blaming us ok? He told me a few weeks ago that if he'd let anyone near her ever it would be me. I never thought that if it happened, he'd react like this", Tristan falls on the couch, holding his head in his hands.
"Con, you've had sex with half of our friend group back in Birmingham, he never acted like this.", frustrated, i throw a haribo pack at his chest. "Thank you for having our backs, backstabbers", i say while throwing some tea bags to James too.
I leave the room and hurry outside the venue, seeing Brad lean on the wall, his fists every now and then hitting the wall behind him. He notices my presence and i start walking towards him, him doing the same.
"Why Tristan? Why him out of every male in this world?", he yells and i take a step back. "He fucking.. Look at your fucking neck! He fucking.. For fuck's sake, he covered your breasts! He had access to every part of your body!", his voice breaks and he walks away, his hands in his hair, almost pulling at it. I approach him, but he flinches.
"Brad, please calm down, the fans are on the other side of venue", i talk quietly,not being able to look him in the eyes.
"i couldn't give a damn right now."
"Why the fuck are you like this? Talk to me?", i raise my voice and he faces me, his eyes full of tears.
"The nerve to ask me this.."
"No, Brad, tell me why it bothers you. It's not like you haven't seen me with hickeys before. It's not like you didn't tell Tris you'd trust him with me. Why all this?", i ask, waving my arms around us. He exhales loudly and turns his back at me, staring at nothing. He turns back, looking at me with the same tear filled, red eyes.
"You have no idea how much i regret telling him that now that he's done it. I regretted it even afterwards.", he brushes his fingers over his mustache and chin and takes one deep breath. "I have feelings for you", Brad's voice breaks and a tear falls down his cheek. "And I've had for a while i guess. I just never had the courage to tell you, i thought it will happen naturally and i was wrong. Like i always am", he walks away from me and leans on the wall, holding himself up against it with his arms, hitting it hard with his fist. I immediately walk next to him and take his fist in my hand, covering the bruises with my palm.
"Are you crazy? Why did you do that?", i almost scream and he scoffs, taking his hand away.
"Stop, please. Go back to him, I'll calm down and I'll join you afterwards. I'll be fine.", he turns his back to me but i refuse to walk away. I hug him from behind and refuse to let him go, even tho he struggles to get out of my grip. He gives up and sighs.
"I've been in love with you for years", i confess, his posture stiffening
"I can tell", his voice breaks and i tighten my embrace
"I'm serious. But you can't recognise someone having feelings for you even if they're right in your face. I'm the perfect example", Brad laughs quietly. "Last night was a mistake, we both know it, but it happened and we can't change that.", i say quietly. I let him go and he faces me. He pulls me into a hug and i shed a few tears because of the intensity of the moment.
"I thought i lost you forever", he confesses and puts his hand on my head, kissing my forehead. "I thought I'll never be more to you than your best friend"
"Well, this is the main reason that happened. I never expected you to have feelings for me, so why not live my life? I'm so sorry it had to happen with Tris. It was so wrong of us", i watch his face soften
"Do you still want me in your life?", i ask, my voice cracking
"Don't be sorry. I'm pretty glad it was him tho and not some random dude. I know he took care - good care", he pulls the hoodie away to show the hickeys, "but he didn't have a reason not to be with you, i was always open to a relationship between you and any of my band mates. Until now", he chuckles, "when i realised it's only me i want you to be with. I'm sorry i acted like that. I never thought my best friends will actually fuck", his body stiffens again and i look somewhere else.
He nods, "more than ever. Only if you want me too", he tries to smile, but another tear falls on his cheek
"more than ever", we hug each other, sighing in relief. We decide to go back to the backstage and he bumped fists with Tristan and hugged, before a wave of apologies and and a band group hug.
"You know, she's not really your type, so things wouldn't have worked out anyway", Brad laughs and i roll my eyes as Tristan agrees
"Oh shut up"
A/N: Let me know if u want a part 2 ♥️
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familyfriendlyweed · 3 years
late night snaps (quackity x reader)
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a/n : before we get into the story, i wanted to thank you all for such support on my first post - i only posted it yesterday, and got a hell lot of likes and reblogs and even gained 23 followers, which is insane for me (or maybe i just don’t know how tumblr works, haha)! anyhow, i’m really happy you guys enjoyed it <3 
 it was 02:37 and you were editing your newest video. you had no idea it would take so long, though! even if you were used to staying up very late, you knew you have to put away your laptop and go get some sleep. 
 saving the video as a draft and shutting your computer off, you started to blindly search for your phone, since your eyes didn’t get used to the darkness yet. finally finding it, you turned it on to set an alarm for the next morning when you suddenly saw a snapchat notification from ten minutes ago. it was from Alex. you curiously unlocked your phone and tapped the little notification to be led straight to snapchat.
idiota : hello mamacita
 your face instantly lit up in a childish smile. you started to type your response eagerly like it wasn’t 2 am and you didn’t have online classes tomorrow. 
 you : why hello there, el señor
 you saw Alex’s silly bitmoji pop up as he started to type.  
 idiota : what is my chica bella doing up so late?
 you giggled, getting comfortable in your bed - this meant a long chatting session on its way.
 you : YOUR chica bella? when did that happen?
 idiota : ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! >:((((
 you : fine you big baby, i was finishing editing a new video
 idiota : hmm i see, i see
 you : what about you though? u should get some sleep!!! :(((
 Alex’s bitmoji started typing, then stopped for some reason. you lifted your eyebrow at that. then he continued, but it took a while for him to finish.
 idiota : why, i just couldn’t fall asleep when you were on my mind all the time, mi amor
 your cheeks grew red in an instant. you knew you could handle jokes pretty well, but this was quite too much. Alex never got so far as to actually flirt with you.
 you : eh??? what drugs are u on
 idiota : the only drug for me is you mamacita
 you snorted. you had no idea if he was being serious or not, even if the second option was more likely.
 you : literally go to sleep wtf
 idiota : i’d sleep better if you were by my side ;)
 this was enough for you - you felt as if you got one more message like this from him, you’d die from the hotness in your cheeks. setting your phone down, you made your way to the bathroom before bed.
 you came back five minutes later, only to see your phone full of notifications from Alex. your heart was thumping really hard, you weren’t used to this, but you opened snapchat anyway.
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : mamacita, don’t joke w me like that
 idiota : did you really just leave me on read wtf
 idiota : i’m sad come back :(((
 and at last, there was a snap from him. you were quite scared at this point. with a shaking hand, you opened it.
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 you laughed so hard that you seriously thought you’ll have a seizure. still laughing, you snapped a selfie with a cute filter on (you really thought you looked horrible at the moment), captioned it with “your chica bella had to take a piss u simp” and sent it to Alex.
 he opened the snap almost imediatelly and started typing afterwards :
 idiota : mamacita!!!! you look hermosa!!!!
 you : that’s because i have a filter on lmaoo
 idiota : mamacita don’t let yourself down, you are so beautiful :((
 you started to text a sarcastic reply, but stopped. for some reason, Alex seemed like he was being truthful. he wasn’t joking around when he called you beautiful, that was too affectionate.
 you : ...really?
 idiota : si, si! <3
 you tugged at your lip in a thinking manner. true, you had feelings for Alex, but you never thought he had something similar to you. or maybe... maybe he was just supporting you as a friend. figuring that was probably it, you texted :
 you : thank you quacker B]] ur also v handsome
 idiota : mamacita likes me!!!!!😍😍😍
 you smiled sadly. Alex was definitely playing around. you got lost in thought for a few moments, thinking about how would he act if he was actually in love with someone. would he, perhaps, be more mature? that would be very weird to look at.
 finally coming back to planet Earth, you looked at your phone only to see that Alex has written a shit ton of messages again :
 idiota : i want to see you, mamacita
 idiota : it’s fine if u don’t want to, you’re probably going to sleep anyway...
 idiota : but maybe let’s meet tomorrow?
 idiota : mamacita?
 idiota : ....
 idiota : i’m coming over <3
 your heart gave a leap of embarassment and surprise. why would he even say that?
 you : wait what
 you : wdym “i’m coming over”
 you : no tf ur not
 you : go to sleep
 idiota : doesn’t mamacita want to see muah???
 you : no, that would be awesome, but you should go to sleep, really :(
 idiota : y/n, i already told you, i can’t sleep when you’re on my mind
 you froze in spot, staring at your screen for what felt like an eternity. did he just call you by your name? you knew he only says it in serious situations. deciding to change your tactic, you started texting seriously :
 you : are you like... for real now?
 you : because i know you call me by my name in serious situations, but maybe it’s only a prank, so just answer me truthfully, okay?
 Alex started typing, it took even longer that before, but at last you saw his message, this time without caps, spammed question/exclamation marks, nothing silly at all :
 idiota : i am serious, y/n. believe me, this is not a prank. i just really wanna see you. 
 your heart skipped a beat or two, your face renewed its redness. you felt as if you were dreaming.
 you : okay... i’m really glad. come over, please
 idiota : thank you so much
 you started pondering in your head - how did this happen? how did this silly conversation turn out like this? 
 but what if Alex texted you because he wanted to come over in the first place? after all, he knew how shitty your sleep schedule was. that would be awesome, you thought, a small smile dancing on your lips.
 you checked the snap map only to see Alex about 100 meters from you. wait... what? 100 METERS??? was Alex near your place the moment he texted you for the first time?
 you jumped up, starting to tidy up your messy room up, only to remember you look like poop at the moment - hair messy, face tired, clothes scrunched. 
 exhaling heavily, you tried to change your appearance quickly - you ran into the bathroom, brushing your hair panickily. then you wrenched the makeup bag open and started to rummage through it trying to find some mascara or something...
 ding ding! 
 you froze, your eyes widened. he was already here, what the hell?!
 you quickly put on some mascara, ran into the hallway while brushing your face with your hands from stress (completely forgetting you have mascara on, somehow) and unlocked the door.
 Alex’s figure was dark, since the lightbulb in the corridor wasn’t working, and it almost gave you a fright. but as soon as he engulfed you in a warm hug, the tension in the pit of your stomach vanished. you hugged him back almost unsurely, but smiling.
 “hello, mamacita”
 you giggled. for some reason, you got the strongest urge to cry. probably from happiness, but it still was confusing to you. nevertheless, tears started running down your cheeks, mixing with mascara, probably making you look like you were going to a halloween dress up party. 
 “hey, why are you crying?” Alex asked, brushing a strand of hair from your face.
 “i look horrible.” you laughed, wiping your tears away.
 “nooo, why won’t you listen to me? i already told you you’re beautiful.” he said with a cute pout. 
 “alright, alright, i’m very beautiful, let me down now.” you said, noticing that he was still holding you in his arms tightly. 
 “whatever the chica bella says.”
 he put you down.
 “aren’t you going to turn on some light? i feel like i’ve gone blind!” Alex exclaimed jokingly and you giggled.
 “i’m like a bat, i hate much light, sorry. buuuut i could turn on this little lamp.” you said, making your way to your desk and turning on a cute little lamp the shade of warm pink.
 “perfect.” Alex said, eyeing you in light now. you thought he’ll make a comment about your awful mascara-stained face, but he said nothing, just smiling and looking at you in awe, like you were some princess in a ball dress instead of a tired college student in messy shorts, an oversized t-shirt and two different socks, because you couldn’t find a pair of the same ones.
 “perfect.” he repeated, shrugging with a smile on his face, like seeing you was everything he needed.
 you laughed and hugged him, muttering a “thanks for coming”. Alex didn’t hesitate and also hugged you, holding you as close as possible, as if he let go of you, he’d drown and would never come back to be by your side again. 
 little did you know, he felt the exact same way.
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woahitslucyylu · 4 years
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GIF credit to @intimacypng​. 
Author’s Note: Here is Smut Sunday. Please forgive my lateness. I am a teacher in my real life, and it’s rough in these streets for teachers right now. Thank you for your never ending support, sleazies. You make writing so much fun! 
You leaned into the pillows - the TV’s light bathing your room in a soft glow - as you watched Snapchats mindlessly. Selena was visiting a winery with her new boyfriend, Tina was thrifting somewhere in LA, and he was at a party - was that the clubhouse? You couldn’t be sure. Your thumb hovered over his name again, weighing the implications of watching it again. Swallowing thickly, you replayed his snap again and again - he would already see your name in his notifications, so it seemed harmless to indulge in endless views. 
There he was - his dark eyes staring through you - penetrating your soul even through the video. He was at the clubhouse - Angel’s hulking frame towered behind the pool table as EZ and Gilly flipped off the camera as it panned around. 
“Ay, come through for me and my brothers,” He requested as he winked in the snap, “We trying to hang out with you. Come on, ma!” He spoke as if he were asking for you. His eyes held yours and his smile made your pussy tingle as you watched it again. Why were you torturing yourself? You hadn’t viewed his snap in two weeks and hadn’t texted him in nearly the same. You had pushed him away - worn down by late nights and half-truths, and not even his golden dick could keep you satisfied. You wanted more. You begged for more, and that’s when you knew it was too much. The fight was explosive - the truth dipped in insults, reminding each of you why this wasn’t meant to be. 
You collapsed into the pillows - your phone sliding from your hands as you sulked in frustration. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, trying your best to focus on the rerun of Real Housewives - feigning interest in Kyle and Lisa’s current catfight. Yet, your mind and your pussy continued to dream about Coco. Your phone vibrated in the blankets and the screen illuminated with a notification from Snapchat. Your breath caught in your throat as you opened the app - finding a little blue bubble beside his name. 
“Oh,” You whispered as you clicked the conversation thread and read it again and again. 
go to bed, ma. it’s past ur bedtime. 
You smiled at the audacity. He taunted and teased for foreplay. You knew this game well. 
You held the phone at an angle, snapping an off-center photo of your bent legs and lace panties. You rolled your bottom lip through your teeth - analyzing filter choices and  listening for your conscious to remind you that this was a bad idea. No warning came as you typed a simple caption - 
Can’t sleep, i’m not tired
You held your phone in your hand as you settled back into the pillows. Your heart beating fast as you waited for a response. Would there be one? It was early by club standards. Your home screen read 1:17 - early hours for Mayan mischief. Your phone brightened again - another notification. Your mouth dropped as you opened the thread - his hooded eyes staring at you as he inhaled a blunt, blowing the smoke at the camera. Watching him smoke made you wet. There was something about the way his hands held the blunt and his lips formed the most perfect ‘o’ that left you panting. 
The video was tagged, and you cursed yourself for not reading it quick enough. You replayed the video and reread his message. 
I’ll put u to sleep. 
Your hips wiggled into the mattress as your thumbs hovered over the keyboard. Who was going to speak for you? Your pussy or your heart? They were both lonely, but only one wanted to invite the boogeyman over for the night. 
Shedding your t-shirt, you held your breasts behind your forearm and opened palm. Your nipple piercing peeked through as you chose a black and white filter - sending it without reservation. You held your breath as you sent your reply and waited for his response. 
key still under the mat? be there in 10. 
You squealed as you replied with a simple smiley, dropping your phone onto the plush comforter as you waited for the familiar rumble of a Harley to light the fire in your belly. 
The door creaked as you sat up straighter - waiting for him to shadow your door frame. You stopped listening for footsteps early, when you learned that El Coco didn’t make any noise - a shadow in the night. 
“Hey mami.” His wiry voice electrified your body as you sat up on your knees, drinking in his slender frame leaned against the door. His henley clung to his arms as his eyes studied you up and down. You suddenly felt exposed in just your tank top and panties and for a second, you wondered if it was a good idea. 
“You still not sleepy?” Coco’s half smile was deadly as he shed his kutt, hanging it on the edge of the door, and slipped his feet from his Vans. 
You shook your head in response, your voice was trapped in your throat, but he liked your submissive side anyways. He stood at the end of your bed, his gaze holding yours as he stripped. His pants pooling on the floor, his belt clattering on the hard wood as he stripped his shirt - your breath catching at the sight of his tattooed body. Only two weeks apart, but yet you raked your eyes up and down him, memorializing his image in your mind. 
Coco climbed onto the bed - the mattress dipping as he pushed blankets and pillows to the floor until he kneeled in front of you, matching your pose. The air was thick with lust and forgotten promises as he reached for you. His hand roughly palmed your breast - his fingers rolling your piercing as your nipple hardened under his touch. Coco sat on his heels - watching your body give into him with each swipe of his finger. Your panties wettened with each twist of the metal bar as he tortuously teased you. You could beg or you could play, and you chose to play. 
You held his gaze as you licked your palm and reached for his dick that rested against his thigh.
“Shit.” He hissed as his hand froze - holding your breast as his head lulled back, enjoying your tight grip as you jerked him. Your clit throbbed at the erotic sight - nothing made you come wet like this, watching his eyes flutter behind his eyelids, his mouth slack as he breathed deeply, letting his dominance melt into need as you swiped his tip with the pad of your thumb - his hips rising to meet you. The giggles were reactive; your body flushing with desire as Coco pushed you backward - your elbows catching your body. 
“Don’t laugh, querida,” His knee forced your legs open as his hand slid over your panties, pulling them down, “I can play all night with you.” Two fingers filled you without warning and your hips arched, pushing him deeper as you rocked. “Oh fuck.” You clenched at his fingers and his gravely laugh left you dripping as he called to your orgasm - curling his fingers into your soft walls. “Is it funny now?” He taunted as his thumb pressed against your aching clit. “Oh Johnny, don’t move,” Your hips moved, grinding against his palm. “I found the spot, huh?” His hand rested heavy against your throat - the sounds of your gushing pussy filled the room. The sounds and the sight of Coco’s face above you was enough to send your body sliding into his hands. 
“That’s it,” He mumbled into your neck, his teeth nipping your collarbone, “Is she feeling sleepy yet?” He pulled back - his fingers still inside of you. His gaze stilled you as he pinched your clit - pulling the glistening nub as he dropped a trail of saliva - the sensation strangling moans in your throat as you went limp against him. 
“Not yet. I think she needs one more.” He nudged you - pushing you to roll over. “Fuck, you’re so pretty.” He rubbed himself against your raised cheeks, sliding his tip across your swollen clit as his hands danced across your body - trailing your sides. Each touch left your body tingling. You pressed yourself into the mattress - wiggling your ass against him - begging for his touch. “Don’t be bratty.” His hand came down heavy on your thigh and it jiggled under his assault. 
“Johnny,” You whined as you turned your head, pouting as you looked back at him. “Tell me how bad you want it.” His eyes were clouded with lust as he gripped himself - slapping your glistening lips with his dick. You sighed - he was so close, yet so far, “You feel so good when you’re in me. I dream about it.” Your hand slid between your legs as you slid your knees apart - your fingers sliding into your creamed center. 
“Damn, ma. You really got my attention. Do it again.” He strangled a command as he wrapped his hand around his length - jerking himself in tandem with you as you rubbed your clit - your hips rocking against your own hand. 
“Baby, you feel so much better. Fill me up, please.” You felt yourself dripping down your leg and Coco noticed too as he dipped low - licking your arousal from your thighs. “Johnny, please. I just want to come on your dick.” You pleaded - the edge in your voice clear. 
You felt him press against you as he slid his dick between your folds - pushing into you all at once. 
“Fuck, papi, fuck.” You panted. Coco felt your heartbeat in your pussy - your walls pulsing around him, edged to the brink. Your nails gripped the sheets as you steadied yourself against his powerful thrusts - each time, his sack hitting against you, sending quivers through your body. 
His long fingers tangled through your hair - pulling your head close as he leaned into you. “Oh my god, right there.” Your hips pushed back against him as he buried his head in your neck - hot kisses searing into your skin. Grinding against him, you felt the burn in your belly as his strokes slowed - letting you feel every ridge of his heavy dick. “Yeah, baby girl, I feel you.” His praise was enough as your legs shook with your orgasm. Coco’s tattooed hand slid over your throat, pulling you into him, as you came hard - spilling over the sheets. “Fuck, it’s too good.” He groaned as he fell onto you - his cum warming your insides. 
Your breaths came in unison as you laid connected - his hands intertwining with yours - the most intimate gesture. “Ah, come on, mami, let me go.” He teased as he pulled out - you and him sliding down your thigh as you rolled to your side - wrapping the sheet around your naked body. 
The air was still once more. The passion bubbled over, leaving steaming questions and faint regret in its wake. His hand found yours once more - his tattoos in stark contrast to your unblemished skin. You smiled lazily as your eyes fluttered as sleep slowly came - your last vision of a sleepy Johnny with his lips parted and eyes closed. 
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tchallasbabymama · 4 years
Potential Breakup Fic
Yes, this is inspired by the re-release of the classic “Potential Breakup Song” by legends Aly & AJ. Check out the rest of my Masterlist HERE. Enjoy!
Word count: 2223
CW: Niggas aint shit. Kiana sat on her couch and tried not to cry into her glass of merlot. She took off her heels and got up to unzip her dress and take off her bra since she knew she wouldn’t be going anywhere tonight. She checked her phone again and was met with an empty screen. No notifications, no missed calls. She threw her phone down in anger, and was thankful when she noticed the screen didn’t crack.
“I can't believe this nigga.”
She looked at the clock and shook her head. It was 12:07am, and her 25th birthday was officially over without so much as a word from her boyfriend. Just last night he had told her to be ready by 7, and she hadn't heard from him since.
They had been together, on and off, for three years. They met their junior year at Howard, but didn’t hit it off right away. He was too slick for her liking, but over time he eventually weaseled his way into her heart. His smile lit up the whole room and his big brown eyes could seduce anyone just like that. And he did, constantly. T’Challa was a huge flirt, and it was cute when they were still single and just getting to know each other, but even now T’Challa turns his charm on for every pretty face he sees. Kiana had brought it up to him many times, letting him know how disrespected she felt. He would always say the same thing.
“But entle, I’m just being nice. You know I only have eyes for you.”
She did know that once, but that ended about a year and a half ago when she was casually scrolling through twitter on his phone and caught him cheating.
“Yes, my love?”
“What the fuck is this?!”
“Why are you on my phone?!”
“Don't fucking raise your voice at me, I’m not in the wrong here. I saw a funny tweet and started scrolling when YOU got a text from some bitch named Jasmine talking bout ‘I miss you daddy’ and sending you pictures of her pussy. Care to explain?”
He reached for the phone and she pulled it away from him.
“Nah-uh, talk.”
He sighed in exasperation. 
“If you give me the phone I can explain, sithan-”
“Don’t you fucking ‘sweetheart’ me, answer the goddamn question. How long, T’Challa?!”
“Just once. Eh, one and a half maybe-”
He was interrupted by a throw pillow to the head.
“How the fuck do you halfway cheat nigga?!”
“She just gave me head the first ti-”
“That’s still cheating!”
“Will you lower your voice? You have neighbors.”
“Fuck! Them! Did you even use a condom?”
“Yes, Kiana I’m not-”
“Stupid? You’re not stupid?” Kiana laughed. “Get the fuck out of my apartment.”
“My love, I-”
“Oh now I’m your love? Where the fuck was that energy when you were balls deep in this other bitch?!”
T’Challa stood there dumbstruck. He had never seen Kiana get this angry and didn’t know what to say. He knew he was wrong when he did it, but seeing the tears streaming down her face made him truly regret what he’d done. She had been so busy with school and work that she barely had time for him anymore. He had needs and just so happened to stumble upon someone more than willing to fulfil them. 
He cursed himself for not locking his phone or at the very least, turning it over. 
“How many, T’Challa...” Kiana sniffled.
“I told you, it was only twice-”
“How many women?!”
He froze, not knowing if he should mention Lisa since that was so much earlier in their relationship.
“Oh my god...oh my god...oh my- are you fucking serious?! I-I have to...I have to go get tested, I-”
She looked at him with such fierceness that he shrunk under her gaze.
“I-I am sorry, I didn’t do it to hurt you, I was-”
He was stopped by a heavy-handed slap across his cheek that nearly knocked him over.
“Get the fuck out.” She said, barely above a whisper.
Six months later they ran into each other in the grocery store and decided to catch up over a cup of coffee. Kiana had healed and moved on, but T’Challa was still stuck on her. They had spent almost two good years together before he ruined what they had, and he just couldn’t let it go. He loved her, and he was determined to make it work this time.
Or so he really, truly thought before he met Marci...and Tanisha...
T’Challa knew he wasn’t a one-woman man, but he just couldn’t let Kiana go. His dalliances were never serious, just enough to scratch his constant itching. Sometimes they were a one-time thing, but others stuck around if they were good enough and knew how to be discreet. No matter what though, he always came back home to Kiana because despite his trash behavior, he really did love her in his own toxic way.
However, he didn’t love her enough to double check his calendar before leaving work on her birthday, or any day leading up to it. He had forgotten what day it was, and when he told Kiana to be ready at 7 he just meant for a regular date night. 
It had been a long day at the Wakandan Embassy and Kiana’s Prince Charming needed a drink more than anything. He stopped at the first bar he came across that looked halfway decent. T’Challa walked up to the bar and caught the eye of the beautiful barkeep.
“Hiya, what can I do for you?”
T’Challa smiled his panty-dropping smile and she smiled back, revealing her perfect, white teeth. There was nothing he loved more than a pretty smile.
“Well, miss…”
“Tanisha,” she responded while using both arms to mix a shaker full of liquid courage and ice. His eyes avoided her chest, slyly watching in the periphery only. 
“Well, Miss Tanisha, I had a horrible day at work and I am in need of a whiskey on the rocks. Preferably Jack, but truly anything will do.”
“We all have those days honey. Here’s a double on the house,” she said as she slid the drink to him across the bar top with a wink.
T’Challa licked his lips and lifted his glass to her before taking a sip of the warm amber liquid. He let out a sigh and his day seemed to melt away. 
Tanisha kept coming back to check on him and they would chat when the crowd died down. T’Challa was on his third double when she came over with a plate of wings.
“You’re an angel.” He dug into the wings and made a complete mess on his shirt, so he went to the bathroom to try to wash the stain out. On his way back to the bar he noticed a very tall and sweaty man leaning over the bar trying to talk to Tanisha. From what he could see, she wasn’t feeling the conversation, but he kept approaching her anyway. When T’Challa returned to his seat she immediately gravitated towards him. This angered Mr. Tall and Sweaty, who drunkenly attempted to punch T’Challa in the face. T’Challa dodged the lazy punch and knocked him out cold with one hit. Security saw the whole thing go down, and removed Tall and Sweaty from the building once he came to. 
“What you got planned for the night, handsome?”
“Nothing at all, why do you ask?”
“I get off at 9, wanna hang out?”
“Good, now here’s a water.”
“Thank you, angel.”
By 10pm he was already halfway inside her, and when his phone started vibrating he was too wrapped up in her to think anything of it. Without looking he quieted the annoying sound and turned the phone off so he could focus on the task at hand.
Two and a half hours later, T’Challa was creeping out of Tanisha’s bed right as Kiana was sliding into hers. She had washed off all her makeup, but she didn’t have the emotional energy to tie up her hair. Normally she would wear one of T’Challa’s t-shirts, but she was too angry with him so she slept in a cute nighty she never wore. She admired herself in the mirror for half a second before bursting into tears and pulling the covers up to her head. She tried to stop crying, but the tears kept coming and she eventually gave herself a headache. How could he miss her birthday?
Kiana got up and threw on her plush maroon robe before she padded to the bathroom to grab some Advil. On the way she noticed her phone getting multiple notifications, the first of which was from her best friend Bebe.
“Have u seen this?! Sis, I’m so sorry. When we slashing his tires? Just 3 tho, this nigga needs to pay $$$.”
“What the fuck is she talking about?”
Kiana clicked the link and saw that it was Bebe’s cousin Darrell’s Instagram Story. Apparently there was a fight at the bar where he was celebrating a coworker’s promotion and he had filmed it for all of Instagram to see. Kayla stared at her phone in shock. There was her aint-shit boyfriend at a goddamn bar on her fucking birthday. She watched him punch a guy in the face on her birthday. At a bar. Without her.
She thought the kicker came when she saw him turn around and flirt with the bartender, but the story after that just about killed her. There he was, leading her out the back door with his hand too far down on her lower back to be simply platonic. Even the caption read “Ooooh someone’s about to get some ‘thank you’ pussy. That damsel in distress pussy hit different!”
Kiana saw red and almost cracked her phone for a second time tonight. 
She grabbed the remaining merlot and downed it before throwing the bottle at the picture of them on the fridge. She watched the glass shatter and cut their faces while the trace bit of deep red wine seeped down the picture like blood. She wanted to trash the whole place, but remembered she would have to clean it later. Kiana started to hyperventilate and felt like she needed to get some air when she heard the lock turn.
“Kiki, what are you doin- are you ok? What happened here?”
Kiana ignored him as she walked towards where she threw her phone, silently pulling up the story and handing it to him. She watched his face go from confused, to shocked, to fearful. No regret, though. 
“Give me your key.”
“Kiana, please let me-”
“The key. Now,” she said with her voice completely devoid of any emotion.
T’Challa assumed she would be angry and yell or throw things, but this quiet storm terrified him. To him, it felt like she didn’t even care anymore. He was right.
He slowly reached his hand out and she snatched the key ring, removing hers and tossing the rest back to him.
“I’ll have your stuff packed by the morning. It’ll be outside my door by 8am. If it’s still there when I get back from work it’s going in the trash.”
T’Challa couldn’t bear the coldness in her voice. Tears rolled down his face and his knees buckled.
“Kiana, please. I can explain, I didn-”
“I don't give a fuck what you did or didnt do. You know why?”
“Because it was my birthday, T’Challa. MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY and YOU forgot it. Not only did you forget it, my gift was you fucking some other bitch and leaving me lonely yet again. So no, I don't care if you fucked her or not even though I know your sorry ass did. I know she’s probably not the only one because I saw how easily you slid on in there in that video. You were way too comfortable, so I don't even want to ask you how many because it doesnt fucking matter anymore. Now you can stick your dick in every fine ass Black girl you see without remorse, oh wait...you were already doing that. So fuck you, get out my apartment before I call my brothers.”
“5, 4, 3,...” Kiana counted as she dialed her eldest brother Trey’s number, ignoring T'Challa's pathetic excuses. “2, 1… Hey Trey, I’m sorry did I wake you up?...Yeah I have a situat- oh look at that, his bitch ass is leaving-”
“I am sorry, Kiana,” T’Challa said one last time before she slammed the door in his face. He could hear her on the other side of the door explaining the situation to her brother, and when she started to cry it finally hit him. Her wails broke his spirit and more tears fell from his eyes. 
He knew Trey would be over soon to comfort his baby sister and he needed to get the hell out of dodge, so T’Challa left Kiana’s apartment and never came back. Not even for his things, which turned out to be the best thing for Kiana because she and her girls got to burn it all up in Trey’s backyard fire pit and finally release that toxic man from her life.
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blazerina · 5 years
Road Trip Ready (Ethan x MC)
Road Trip Ready (Ethan x Allie – Open Heart MC)
Word Count: 1638
Summary: Another regular day in the life of Ethan & Allie – Allie begging Ethan for something he doesn’t want to give in to…will she get her way in the end? Read on to find out.
Author’s Note: I did another one of these a while ago just for fun and was so pleasantly surprised by the response I received. This is in response to a prompt request from @mrswalkerwritesagain about Ethan & Allie going on a road trip but I spiced it up a little bit. Hope you enjoy! I love these two. xoxo Also tagging @parkerattano because I know she’d want to see this and she’s my biggest supporter - love you girl!
Allie glanced at her watch and sighed as she looked out the window of the moving train. She yawned and closed her eyes for a few minutes, leaning forward and resting her head on the back of the seat in front of her. Her last shift had turned into a very late night and she had contemplated sleeping at Edenbrook. But instead, she tried to get home to see maybe she’d be able to catch Ethan for a few minutes. She was unsuccessful in her attempt to spend a few moments alone in person with him.
Suddenly, she felt her phone vibrate in the cross-body bag she wore. Through heavy eyelids, she glanced at the text. It was from Ethan:
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Allie smiled and placed her phone back in her bag when she realized this was her stop. Another day was starting. Another day full of people to heal, co-workers to encourage, and another day NOT see her boyfriend. It felt weird calling him that. He had first been her mentor, then her teacher, also her boss and then…it just happened.  He seemed too dignified and too mature to be considered her boyfriend - but that’s what he was.  
She missed him. Being a doctor herself, she knew all too well the realities of their hectic schedules and the very real issues that kept them both apart.  After all they had been through and overcome together as a couple, there was no way they would let a little lack of quality time, drive them apart. They’d been there, done that. 
However, she knew that both of them were in desperate need of time away. They needed a vacation.  Together. And a few moments to relax and unwind from the stress they were each under every single day. She asked him earlier if they could have a little getaway and that text on the train was Ethan’s reply. 
She picked up the pace as she entered the hospital, realizing she was a little later than she thought. Since their only way of really communicating throughout the day was text, she tried her best to keep him up to date on her day and he did the same with her. She always sent long and elaborate messages, his were short and sweet, but he had made comments on more than one occasion about how much he appreciated them, so she knew they made a difference.   Allie stopped at the entrance of the locker room and snapped a pic – immediately sending it on to Ethan:    
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He was always incredibly slow to respond but Allie was especially proud of herself for being so darn punny this early in the morning.
She almost forgot the most important news from her morning and quickly typed out another update for him, this time getting a reply pretty quick:
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Allie laughed out loud and said hello to a few fellow doctors changing clothes, while she made her way out of the locker room in search for her first patient of the day. She checked in at the nurses’ station and was making her way to room 604 when another text came through for her.
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Finding a supply closet to suffice for a brief photo session, Allie replied by sending Ethan this picture:
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Update – decision made. This is what I went with…photo creds - Belinda in pediatric oncology. She says hello.
Still pleased with herself, Allie walked quickly toward her patient’s room as the ache for her partner grew more and more heavy within her.
A few hours had passed since Ethan heard from Allie. The past few days he was living more and more for these texts from her. It felt as though they were in a long distance relationship as of late with both of their commitments at the hospital piling up more and more, keeping them apart longer than either one of them wanted.
“Damn.” He thought to himself as he realized it was his turn to respond to Allie. He had forgotten.
Seeing her dressed in scrubs would forever be his weakness. He had decided that long ago. Smiling as he frantically typed, he loved teasing her and realized with every message, just how far he had fallen for her.
“Saw you for 5 secs in the cafeteria but got called away…filling up the big one again?” He asked, and then followed up with:
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  Ethan sighed as he remembered he had a few dozen case files to review in his office. He had about an hour between appointments and meetings so he rushed to his desk to see how much he could get done. His eyes were burning from the sting of the screen when the familiar hum of his cell phone shifted his focus from one electronic to another.
“hi.” The text from Allie read.
“this is what I look like…in case you forgot…😊”
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“Took this the other day before going out with the girls. Miss you.”
Ethan felt his heart leap within his chest upon the sight of her and he quickly replied once again:
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Shaking his head but not at all surprised by her response, he continued to focus on his work for a few more minutes before being distracted by an idea; a way to surprise her, that she would never see coming.
“Jeanine – could I have a post it note please?” Allie asked, hanging half her body over the front of the nurses station on floor 5.  
Allie wrote on the note for a few seconds before placing it inside the folder that held all the charts on Mr. Flores in 543, one of Ethan’s most difficult patients – one she knew he had been struggling with for a while.  
She caught a glimpse of Dr. Ramsey chatting with another doctor a few moments earlier. Her heart stopped seeing him right in front of her, but she could quickly see just how tired he was and could tell by his posture alone, that he was exhausted.
Being nosy, Jeanine opened the file and read the note:
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“Honey, you two are so sweet. What is it the kids say these days? Couple goals? You’re it.” She patted Allie’s hand and winked at her before Allie said thank you and went about her business.
Later in the day, it was getting close to the end of Ethan’s shift and surprisingly enough, Bryce (who never texted let along communicated at all) sent Allie a message:
“U on floor 4? Get here now its going dwn”
Curious, Allie raced to the 4th floor just in time to see and hear Ethan chewing out a new intern. Even though Allie had experienced it for herself and knew it was for the betterment of the student, his patient and the overall experience for all involved, it was still hard to see Ethan act this way. 
She bit her lip and winced a few times when Ethan made point after point about using your head and thinking through the details, railing the intern about how people’s lives were at stake. When the worst was over, Allie text Ethan again:
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Stealing away in the same supply closet where Belinda took Allie’s scrub picture earlier that morning, Ethan sighed and decided to give in to Allie’s wishes. But today had been longer than he anticipated and he still had so much work to do. He was grateful for her and the ways she helped him focus on what really mattered in his life. He adored Allie’s sense of humor and tried to match her in his response:
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“You’re so full of it.” Allie responded with the eye roll emoji.  
Ethan snickered as he sauntered back to his office, praying he could have some peace and quiet in order to get his work done.
Not even a few minutes into more work on case files, Ethan’s phone was blowing up – message after message pinged, driving him crazy. He suspected a group message but was wrong.
Girl. Everyone knows my man Ethan is (fire emoji) but check this guy out. Yum. (eyes emoji) (drool emoji) He can train me anytime…know what I mean?! (heart eyes emoji)
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Another message:
Shit. Ethan!! That was for Jackie.  And Sienna. Oh God. I AM SO SORRY. Love you? 
Another message:
Ethan replied.
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Pausing to think just a few more minutes, he then typed out his plan and sent it, knowing Allie would be stunned but also happy.
Also, we are going on vacation. Just you and me. Not sure where, but after your shift, come back to pick me up. We’ll swing by the apartment to pack and then we’ll hit the road.
Allie sent back a “happy dance” gif and Ethan knew he had made the right decision. He needed time with her. She needed time with him. They needed time together and far, far away from the hospital.
A few hours later, Allie was in the parking lot of Edenbrook, waiting on Ethan. 
She was beyond excited about spending some time with him. She didn’t know how long they’d have but even just a few hours would feel like an eternity compared to what they’d been given the last month. 
She snapped a selfie in car and captioned it Road Trip Ready!! Jenner’s here too.
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Ethan practically ran out of his office, down the stairs and out to her car, smiling more than Allie had seen in quite some time. 
He threw open the passenger side door, slammed his body into the seat and quickly kissed her, tenderly at first with the kiss turning into one of longing and desire.
“Hey.” Allie whispered, breathless at the sight of him.
“Let’s go.” Ethan responded, holding her hand and kissing the back of it as his fingers laced with hers.
Later that evening, Allie posted this on social media for all the world to see:
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Trapped alone in a car for hours on end with Dr. Ethan Ramsey. Some may say it’s torture but for me -- this is my happy place. Don’t be jealous. #bouttime #roadtrippin #lovehim
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folklorecostumes · 6 years
A lot of these posters are pictured in either giant bubble letters, rep font or in calligraphy. Can’t do any of these? Download the rep font or font you wish to use, type up what you want in a big enough font size, print, cut, and trace, or glue them down up to you! Of course, write these however you wish!
Hello all! Thanks for waiting so patiently for this list! Because of how long it is and how very excited you all have been waiting for this we have decided to post it into 2 parts to keep the excitement going. Part 1 is linked below! Please enjoy all the ideas we listed below, feel free to send us others you may have and want to share with the swiftie world. We apologize if the formatting on this looks bad on mobile, we are trying to actively make it easily accessible and readable across all platforms!
And lastly, enjoy and tag us in these recreations! We want to see them! We want to help them get seen by Taylor!
Find the Reputation Part 1 list here.
Find the 1989 idea list here and here.
Find the Red idea list here.
Find more costume and poster ideas and tips here.
- Reputation Costumes.
1.  “Gorgeous” – Few options:
      → Draw/or print the baby emoji onto a poster with a speech bubble saying the word gorgeous.
      →  Poster spelling out gorgeous between you and your friends.
      →  One poster with the word gorgeous on it. This song really sounds very bubblegum-y pop so pink and glitter and fluff and flowers can be associated with this. Keep that in mind when designing your poster.
     →  Create your own gorgeous inspired Taylor merch. Get an idea based on how her current merch looks and design a shirt similar but instead of saying like “rep” everywhere it’ll say gorgeous.
2. “Made fun of the way you talk” – Poster with a multiple taymojis of Taylor with speech bubbles including all the extra hashtags, replies, reblogs Taylor’s ever used or said. This includes (find more on tumblr or I’m sure there are screenshots of these all somewhere since she like cleared her tumblr):
     →  Mom-croon
     →  Bae
     →  Emojis
     →  “I think for me, um…”
     →  Pop Tart Squad 4 Lyfe
     →  Can’t find my chill ever
     →  Shifty Swifty Strikes Again
     →  No it’s Becky
     →  Brb going to buy more cats now
     →  Merstare
     →   I stalk because I care
     →  They see me lurkin…They hatin…
     →  Welcome to moo York
3. “Magnetic field being a little too strong” – Glue magnets onto a shirt and create a poster cut into the shape of a giant U-shaped magnet with that lyric written in it.
4. “Whiskey on ice” – Poster of a tumbler filled with whiskey and ice. The lyrics can be written into the ice cubes.
5.  “Sunset and Vine” – Few options:
      →  One person dresses up as a sunset, see the idea above for the “grey days clear” lyric in So It Goes…
      →  Another person dresses up similar to Poison Ivy from DC Comics or one of the other poison/vine related looks listed above for Don’t Blame Me.
      →  Poster with a map street view with a pin at the intersections of Sunset and Vine.
      →  Dress like you’re favorite vine!
      →  Poster cut out to look like a vine video post, you can take pictures with it as if you’re in the vine. Have the caption of the vine video be a cute lyric from the rep album!
6. “You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your face” – 2 options:
      →  Wear a morph suit or shirt consisting of only Taylor’s face over and over—can be where she’s making a funny/weird face or can be just a normal shot of her face. Have a poster saying “you’re so gorgeous” to go along with this.
      →  You and a friend can have two posters, one that says, “You’re so gorgeous, I can’t say anything to your” and have an arrow pointing over to your friend. Their poster will be a giant cut out of Taylor’s head.
7. “Cause you’re so gorgeous it actually hurts” – Poster saying Taylors so gorgeous it actually hurts. Can have a friend hold one that says “(Honey, it hurts)” or you can write that underneath the main lyric in the ( ).
8. “Ocean blue eyes looking in mine” – Poster of eyes, draw them big enough where you could draw waves of water where you’d shade it blue for eye color.
9. “There’s nothing I hate more than what I can’t have” – Typically we don’t recommend this simply because it canget fans overlooked, however it’s funny and cute so here it is: Write this lyric with “(t-party, club red, loft 89)” underneath in a small font, cross them out like that too since we won’t know the name of the after party show!
10.  “Guess I’ll just stumble on home to my cats” – Buy 2 cheap plush cats, maybe at a local dollar store, glue the heads of it onto a poster (or cut holes into the poster and stick the stuffies through, make sure they’ll stay all night though) and write the lyrics. Draw paw prints along the poster. Could pair with cat shirts and cat accessories. Could also glue multiple mini plush cats to an outfit and pair with a poster cut into the shape of a paw print. @taylortreasures has created an outfit similar to this!
1. “Best of times, worst of crimes” – Set of posters for you and a friend to match with.
       →  Times poster could consist of multiple watches/clocks drawn throughout the words
      →  While crimes poster could have things like handcuffs, stolen money bags, cars all drawn throughout it. Turn these poster ideas into two unique outfits!
2. “Struck a match and blew your mind” – Set of posters:
      →  Poster in the same of a match with a flame.
      →  Poster drawing out the words “mind blown” in pink. See link to get a good idea, don’t draw the bitmoji.
3. “Ties were black, lies were white” – Dress up fancy for this! Think Blank Space video but before the outfits get torn up! Poster can read, one a white poster board, “lies were” and then leaving the rest blank. Could write “white” in glow in the dark paint/tape that would only show after the lights go off.
4. “X marks the spot where we fell apart” – 2 options:
     →  Treasure map idea, see End Game “bury hatchets” idea!
     →  Write out your stadium(s) name and draw a giant red X over it and write  “where we fell apart” underneath.
5. “From the first Old Fashioned” – 2 options:
      →  Dress old fashioned—so like pick a decade and go with it! May we recommend the 80s ;)
      →  Poster in the shape of a tumbler that appears to be filled with an “old fashioned”, be sure to include the small details like a lemon rime/wedge and a cherry!
6. “Never had a shot gun shot in the dark” – Poster of the night sky with cutout bullet holes in it. Write the lyric out in mini glow in the dark stars to stand out!
7. “Drivin’ the getaway car” – Few options:
      →  Poster in the shape of a car. Think of a 1969 Camaro or another vintage car that’s often seen in movies involving getaway cars. The lyrics from the chorus can look like its spray painted on the side of the car or front depending on how you face it in the poster.
       →  Poster of the front of a car that’s cutout so you can wear it to look like you’re sitting in the car. Could have fake money hanging off the edges to make it look like money is flying out.
        →  Poster with any of the chorus lyrics with a little drawing of a car speeding away with money flying out or drawing of tire tracks on the ground. Perfect for the “we were flyin’ but we never get far”
8. “Don’t pretend it’s such a mystery” – Few options:
        →  Poster of the side of the Scooby doo van with the lyrics above the word Mystery that’s painted onto the van (omit words “the” and “machine”)
        →  Make a Clue game board involving Taylor scenes from videos/tour pics etc and you can even include Olivia in a little detective outfit and a magnifying glass. Have a few game cards flipped over on the board with the lyrics being written across them.
9. “Think about the place where you first met me” – Met Taylor before? Or even some of her band members, dancers, parents, team? Make a poster with any pictures of these events and the lyrics!
10. “Sirens in the beat of your heart” – Draw a heartbeat line emitting from a police car or the red and white lights attached to the top of them (think the portable round ones’ undercover cops would attach to their cars). Put this idea onto a poster. Could even cut out the shape of the red and white siren lights and the heartbeat line and use glow in the dark tape/paint to make it stand out.
11. “The great escape, the prison break” – Dress up as runaway prisoners or thieves on the run! You can make posters in the shape of giant money sacks.
12. “A circus ain’t a love story” – Few options:
       →  WANEGBT tour outfits from Red tour worn by Taylor and dancers!
                  → This includes ring leader, clowns, acrobats, etc
       →  Traditional circus outfits
       →  Love Story, a classic Taylor song! Dress like the music video or past performances of this song.
       →  Romeo + Juliet
13. “Hit you like a shot gun shot to the heart” – Same concept as above, however instead of a night sky poster, have a large cut out heart with bullet holes in it.
14. “We were jet-set, Bonnie and Clyde” – Dress as the infamous Bonnie and Clyde!
15. “Put the money in a bag and I stole the keys” – Bank robber with a money sack poster. Reference the poster to either show it’s a friend’s (or Taylor’s) money and have novelty keys hanging off the tie of the bag.
16. “I was ridin’/cryin’/dyin’ in a getaway car” – Few options:
      →  Poster using a car emoji, the crying emoji and the skull emoji in the lyrics.
      →  “I was crying to getaway car” pun on you enjoying the song poster
     →  “I was dying to hear getaway car” poster
17. “I made up my mind, I’m better of bein’ alone” – Poster saying you’re better off being a swiftie.
18. “We met a few weeks ago.” – Tribute to if you’ve met Taylor/her team/parents/band/dancers/etc on a poster or shirt.
19. “Callin’ me baby like tryin’ on clothes” – Poster board that’s interactive! Make a cut out Taylor (using the IKP outfit from 1989 tour will be the best option to start) and attach multiple tour outfits or appearance outfits she’s worn with double sided tape or some other adhesive and allow fans to try different outfits on Taylor!
20. “Salute to me, I’m your American Queen” – Few options:
         →  Dress up as a Queen/royalty
         →  America/4thof July inspired outfits
         →  Crown and sash/Pageantry. Sash can say “Miss American Queen” You could even have a fake acceptance speech written out on a poster board that says like “And I want to thank Taylor…”
        →  Poster cut out into the shape of a crown.
        →  “you traded your baseball cap for a crown” relate KOMH to Long Live.
        → Poster saying this lyric and have American Queen colored in red, white and blue.
21. “You move to me like I’m a Motown beat” – Motown beats originated in gospel music but also in the 1970s music industry, use these two to inspire decade looks! The 70s were big on disco.
22. “With their range rovers and their jaguars” – 2 options:
       →  Poster in the shape of the range rover or jaguar emblem.
       →  Wear or make merch that looks dawns these brands emblems.
23. “You are the one I have been waiting for” – Poster ideas:
       →   Typically, we don’t recommend this simply because it can get fans overlooked, however it’s fun and cute so here it is: Write this lyric with “(t-party, club red, loft 89)” underneath in a small font, cross them out like that too since we won’t know the name of the after-party show!
       →  Taylor’s the one I have been waiting for on a poster.
24. “King of my heart” – Few ideas:
      →  Giant heart shaped poster with a king’s crown and mini robe attached to it.
     →  Poster using the crown emoji and the heart emoji.
     →  Going with a significant other? Have them dress up as a King (or Queen) and have them hold a fake heart (think the vampire diaries but less gore ha) or hold a cutout heart poster. You can wear heart shaped sunglasses (think heart eyes motherf*cker vine) and shirt with these lyrics and an arrow pointing to your significant other.
     →  Going alone but like the above idea? You can say you have Taylor’s heart or she has yours instead.
25. “I’ve been waiting” – Poster including how many days you counted down for your tour date(s).
26. “Late in the night, the city’s asleep” – Poster using the visual opening for WTNY that showed the landscape of the city at night. Use glow in the dark stars over the skyline and hole punch the lettering when writing out the lyric.
27. “Your love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep” – 2 ideas:
      →  Make a poster using this lyric and draw out the emotions of hoping, dreaming and dying. Think of the see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil sort of imaging.
     →  “Taylor’s love is a secret I’m hoping, dreaming, dying to keep”
28. “With a school girl crush” – Dress up as if you’re trying to impress your crush on the first day of school! Have a poster that consist of those passing note questions you’d send your crush but have them addressed to Taylor. (ex. Do you like me? Circle one. Etc)
29. “Drinking beer out of plastic cups” – Red solo cup poster.
30. “Say you fancy me, not fancy stuff” – First fancy in the lyric draw heart and draws in the sentence and the second fancy draw diamond rings, luxury items etc. with a large red X through them.
1. “Oh twenty-five years old” – Poster with your age in replace of the 25 lyric.
2. “My love had been frozen” – Few options:
       →  Poster in the shape of a heart that is frosted over and turning blue.
       →  Poster with these lyrics but the word frozen is drawn like the movie poster font for the Disney film.
       →  Winter wonderland type of outfit or poster. Think Snow Queen.
       →  Dress as Elsa, Anna or Olaf.
3. “Deep blue, but you painted me golden” Few options:
      →  Two matching posters saying Deep Blue and Golden painted in the prospective colors.
      →  Matching outfits made from the prospective colors.
      →  “Deep Blue” think the deep sea.
      →  Dress up as a painter.
4. “Picture of your face in an invisible locket” – Make a poster cut out in the shape of a locket, have it folded to open up like an actual locket and have a picture of Taylor in it.
5. “But we were dancing” – Poster with these lyrics, have the dancer emoji drawn on it.
6. “Dancing with our hands tied” –  2 options:
        →  Poster in the shape of a pair of hands tied together.
       →  Poster with these lyrics. Have it split up if you’re going with a group of friends.
7. “Yeah, we were dancing, like it was the first time” – First Taylor show? Make this poster dedicated to seeing Taylor for the first time!
8. “Through an avalanche” – Poster in the shape of a mountain top with the words of the lyrics to appear to be snowballing down the side of mountain.
9. “I’m a mess, but I’m the mess that you wanted” – 2 options:
       →  Dress up like you’re a mess and have a poster to match with the lyrics.
       →  Poster that says you’re the mess Taylor wanted.
      → You’re a mess because of Taylor poster.
9. “Cause its gravity, oh keeping you with me” – Poster with these lyrics but have them begin to fall down and off the poster. Have cut out letters dangle off the poster.
10. “I’d kiss you as the lights went out” - few options:
        →  Poster in the shape of lips painted red. Use red reflective tape to make it stand out.
       →  Poster adorned with miniature red lips all over it. Use glow in the dark tape/paint on the words “lights went out” so it stands out.
       →  Make a cut out poster of the lyrics “lights went out” and fill the letters with glitter, as much as you can. Do a matte finish or laminate it so you can shake it up and have the glitter move around.
11. “If I could dance with you again” – Print out the photo of Taylor performing Holy Ground on the Red Tour, print it large enough that you can make a cutout silhouette of her dancing as a poster. Don’t have the resources to print it big enough? Try your best to sketch the outline! Incorporate the lyrics either into the silhouette or have it as a sort of a halo written around the entire silhouette of her!
1. “Our secret moments in a crowded room” – Poster with the words secret moments being suffocated by a multitude of things such as confetti, glitter, charcoal etc. Have the words pop out of whatever you chose to relate to the sense of a crowded room.
2. “There is an indentation in the shape of you” – Poster cut out into the shape of the indent of a person lying in bed.
3. “Made your mark on me, a golden tattoo.” –  2 options:
        →  Wear those gold jewelry type tattoos people wear to music festivals!
        →  Poster asking Taylor to make her mark on you with her signature.
4. “All this silence and patience, pining and anticipation/pining and desperately waiting” – Few options:
        →  Poster of these 4 adjectives for you and your friends to hold!
       →  Desperately waiting for rep room.
5. “Say my name and everything just stops” – 2 options:
       →  Say my name, Beyonce/Destiny’s Child connection.
        →  Say Taylor’s name and everything just stops.
6. “Only bought this dress so you could take it off” – 2 options:
       →  Poster in the shape of a dress, possibly little black dress since Taylor has referenced those forever.
       →  Make an outfit that you can transform from dress to whatever else you want! Think tear away tour outfit!
7. “Carve your name into my bedpost” – Poster of a headboard with Taylor’s name or initials into it, make it look carved in. Could even carve out lyrics or the word reputation.
8. “And if I get burned, at least we were electrified” – 2 ideas:
       →  Two posters of the words Burned and Electrified. Have burned be made or engulfed in flames and have electrified have lightning bolts striking off of it.
       →  Make the poster idea above into an outfit. Use reflective tape and cut out pieces into the shape of flames or lightning bolts and attach them to the outfits.
9. “I’m spilling wine in the bathtub” – Poster in the shape of a wine glass. Cut it so it’ll be on an angle and have red or rose wine sloshing out of the rim.
10. “Flashback when you met me” – Met Taylor/her team/parents/dancers/band? Make this a tribute to them!
11. “Even in my worst times, you could see the best of me” – Make a poster using headlines about Taylor and have them slashed up and covered with positive memories and headlines and all her success. Have reputation written in the middle of it.
12. “My one and only, my lifeline” – Poster made of these lyrics. Could also say Taylor’s my one and only, my lifeline.
1. “It was so nice throwing big parties” – Posters made to look like balloons, party favors, etc. Think Gatsby and vintage since this is a popular theme in this song.
2. “Everyone swimming in a champagne sea” – Make a poster in the shape of a giant champagne bottle and have confetti looking like its pouring out of it.
3. “Feeling so Gatsby for that whole year” – 2 options:
       →  Dress vintage and 1920s Gatsby like.
       →  Use the Great Gatsby font and make a poster using these lyrics.
4. “So why’d you have to rain on my parade” – Make an outfit that looks like you’re a part of a parade celebration and hold a poster in the shape of a rain cloud with raindrops dangling from it. Use reflective or glow in the dark tape for the rain drops to stand out.
5. “This is why we can’t have nice things” – Poster of these lyrics but instead of the word nice, replace with drawn items or emojis of things like rings, money, designer brand labels.
6. “But you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand” – 2 options:
       →  Related to back to Bad Blood, check out our 1989 costumes post to get some ideas.
       →  Where a fake knife attached to the back of your shirt, you can find these sort of props at a Halloween/gag store or at like Party City.
7. “Get you on the phone and mind-twist you” – Cut out of an old fashion rotary phone and have a speech bubble coming out of the speaker portion of the phone to make it look like the person on the other line is saying “mind-twist you”
8. “So I took and axe to a mended fence” – 2 options:
     →  Could recreate a blank space music video or tour look
     →  Poster in the shape of an axe.
9. “If only you weren’t so shady” – Poster in the shape of sunglasses with these lyrics reflected into the frames.
10. “Here’s a toast to my real friends” – 2 options:
    →  Poster with these lyrics and champagne glasses clinking drawn throughout
    →  Poster in the shape of a champagne glass clinking with another, could even make two (or more) separate ones for you and your friends to match.
11. “He-said-she-said” – few options:
    → He said she said is typically hearsay/rumors, so you could dress up as a news reporter.
    →  Using the NYT’s font aka reputation font as a background/filter for the lyrics in a poster. Think of how it looks on the right ride (Taylor’s left) on the album cover.
    →  Poster of a fake headline regarding Taylor. Could recreate the back of the reputation magazine covers. Have the headline be the lyric.
12. “Here’s to my baby” – Poster idea. Do what you think works best with this as it’s a very simple line.
13. “Here’s to my momma” – Poster dedicated to Mama Swift.
14. “Had to listen to all this drama” – Drama poster, it’d be a cool idea if you bought all those crappy tabloids and sort of papier-mâché the word out of all the headlines revolving around drama.
15. “Because you break them” – 2 options:
    →  Poster cutout of a broken fancy item. Could be a broken award, broken watch, etc anything fancy that you deem making.
    →  Make an outfit out of the idea above, wear broke items glued to you.
1. “My castle crumbled overnight” – Poster in the shape of a castle, could have pieces hanging off or broken to represent it crumbling. You could also dress up as a princess/prince.
2. “I bought a knifer to a gunfight” – 2 options:
   →  Foam knife/sword accessory
   →  Poster of the knife emoji
3. “They took the crown” – Crown shaped poster or plastic crown to wear!
4. “My baby’s fit like a daydream” – Few options:
    →  Fit is British slang for attractive or good looking. Make a pun of the word fit and have a poster that looks like a guys six-pack abs.
   →  Poster in the shape of a thought bubble with the lyrics “my baby’s fit” could even use all or some emojis in replace of the words.
   →  Could dress up as a sort of fairy/daydream-y/soft type of persona. So wings, pastel colors, definitely having jewels glued around your eyes and such! Have fun with this look, for makeup lookup festival looks or mermaid looks to get an idea.
5. “I’m the one he’s walking to” – Poster replacing the lyric “he’s” for “Taylor’s. Could have foot tracks painted around the lyrics or even use high heel cutouts from magazines and catalogs rather than painting foot tracks.
6. “Call it what you want” – Paint this in a pretty pastel color in a calligraphy font. Have the background of the poster have a soft feel to it, like cloud and starry like. Could even make a 3D type poster and have plush either as the background or as the letting.
7. “My baby’s fly like a jet stream” Few options:
    →  Poster in the shape of a plane/jet with these lyrics behind the plane in a loop. Think of how planes on maps so dashes to track their paths.
    →  “Taylor’s fly like a jet stream”
    →  Couples costume of a pilot and attendant.
8. “High above the whole scene” – 2 options:
    → Poster of a skyline. Can be whatever city skyline you’d like, maybe even emphasis in the building windows/lights which city; it’d be cool to reference your tour stop! Have the poster cut out to mimic the buildings rather than drawing in a sky.
    →  Could make a poster of a bird since they fly above the scene, as well as planes like referenced above. Could relate this back to 1989!
9. “Loves me like I’m brand new” – Few options:
     →  Not necessarily tour outfit related but don’t want to dress up? Simply buy a nice outfit and only where it the day of the show! It’s brand new. Could even be Taylor merch.
    →  Poster of a giant price tag that has Love written as the amount. The product into written on the tag could say like Taylor Swift. Size: Reputation Stadium Tour
    →  Taylor loves me like I’m brand new.
    →  Poster of a new package or wrapped gift with the tag saying “love you – (name or xoxo)”
10. “All my flowers grew back as thorns” – 2 options:
    → 3D poster of like a thorn-bush or vine type thorn with only a few flowers still left on it. Have the lyrics written or painted out in a deep green cursive font, intertwining with the thorns.
     →  Buy or make a skirt and attach fake flowers to the entire skirt so it is covered. Buy or make a top and attach plastic “thorns” or vines around the top and have them hang off of it so it looks like they are slowly taking over the flowers. Have the top be very dull and lackluster in color but have what is remaining on the skirt be full of color.
11. “Windows boarded up after the storm” – Poster of a broken windowsill with boards covering up the cracked window. You could even make the boards openable like a book so that when you appeared into the window you could see the fire that is referenced in the next line. Have caution tape covering the planks but have the lyrics written repeatedly over the caution tape.
12. “He built a fire just to keep me warm” -  See idea above OR make a poster in the shape of the flame emoji or a log campfire.
13. “All the drama queens taking swings” – Dress up as a baseball or softball player and have your team name be Drama Queens. Make a baseball bat poster with the word reputation on it.
14. “All the jokers dressing up as kings” – Dress up as a joker/clown/fool but masquerade as a king so also were a crown and possible a cape. Make a sign that says “King of Reputation” or that displays the lyric.
15. “They fade to nothing when I look at him” – 2 options:
     →  Poster with these lyrics where it looks like the words are fading off the poster. Use glow in the dark paint/tape to have it still show after the lights go down.
    → They fade to nothing when I look at Taylor.
16. “I did one thing right” – Poster that says Swiftie or Proud swiftie, meant to represent you made the right choice in being a fan of Taylor.
17. “I’m laughing with my lover, makin’ forts under covers” -  Make a poster that is drawn like a bed fort, so multitude of different blanket patterns etc and attach a speech bubble to the top of the poster to show either “hahahaha” or “* giggling *”“* laughing *” to make it look like there’s laughing underneath the sheets.
18. “Starry eyes sparkin’ up my darkest night” – few options:
     →  Dress up in a costume that is galaxy themed. So tons of stars, especially glow in the dark ones, have glitter, moons, a tutu and have it all be in a navy blue. Your matching poster can be in the shape of a shooting star with the lyrics “Sparkin’ up my darkest night.” Use reflective tape or glow in the dark paint to stand out!
    →  Poster cut out of eyes and have the galaxy drawn in them rather than simply coloring in a regular eye color.
   →  Could have a lit match or sparkler shaped poster.
19. “I want to wear his initial on a chain round my neck” – Make a poster of Taylor’s initial’s and wear them like a necklace. Think back to when flavor flav wore a giant watch.
20. “Late November” – Poster of this exact lyric but have it big enough where you can decorate inside the words and have it fall themed.
21. “Would you run away with me? (Yes)” – Make a poster asking Taylor if she’d run away with you. Have it set up like a check yes or no question and have a paw print or 13 stamped in the yes box.
1. “There’s glitter on the on the floor after the party” – Few options:
     →  Glitter, glitter glitter! Wear sparkly outfits (think NYE) and have body glitter all over you. Have fun and extra glittery makeup looks and have a poster of these lyrics written out in glittery puffy paint.
    →  Have a poster made that looks like you’re staring down at hardwood floor and have a spilled glitter container open, glitter all over the bottom of the floor with the lyrics written out (think written out as if someone took their finger and just wrote it out in the pile).
     →  “After the party” – reference the end of your show with this, rep room.
     →  “There’s swifties on the floor after the party(concert)”
2. “Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby” – Poster cut out and drawn to look like you’re carrying a pair of high heels. Look at some of the heels Taylor’s worn for previous tours and outfits and recreate them on a poster.
3. “Candle wax and polaroids on the hardwood floor” – Few options:
     →  Burning candle poster, could be a simple candle, could be in a jar like the ones she uses frequently, or it could be decorated with things that remind you of Taylor and Reputation.
    →  Polaroid poster (1989).
    →  Poster of burned out candles and dried wax on the floor (look up the candles Taylor loves to have in her home and create the logo for the posters) and polaroids scattered on a hardwood floor (reference the opening lyric idea to get how to picture this.) Have the polaroids be pictures from the reputation magazine.
4. “Don’t read the last page” – Poster of the opening/dedication page of a book with this lyric written in it. Either make it look like the author purposely wrote it, OR have all the prewritten info from said book be information about Taylor and the reputation tour and use her handwriting from 1989 and have it look like she handwrote “don’t read the last page” as a note to the next reader. Make it look three dimensional by having the page look like it’s about to be turned to the next.
5. “But I stay” – Make a poster of these lyrics but make it big enough that you are able to write inside of each individual letter. Write the speech Taylor gave about how she felt her hands were tied behind her back but swifties always defended her (it’s a clean speech). Could even write long live lyrics.
6. “I want your midnights” – 2 options:
     →  An analog clock striking midnight
    →  Or a digital clock (think the old digital though where the numbers physically flipped rather than it being just animated) and have the numbers look like they’re changing from 11:59PM to 12:00AM.
7. “But I’ll be cleaning up bottles with you” – Poster of a recycling bin that is piling up with empty champagne and wine bottles. Have all the labels on the bottles be song titles or lyrics!
8. “New Year’s Day” – Few options:
     →  Dress up like its NYE/NYD. This means glitter, 2018 hats and glasses, champagne, confetti and streamers, dresses or skirts and crop tops. It also means holidays, so you could reference a few other things as well with this.
     →  Poster drawn out of the NYE ball dropping. On the countdown screen you could either write the lyric (full or just NYD) or you can write how long you waited for your show.
     →  Simply just sketching out the words New Year’s Day however you may want.
     →  Midnight kiss, so a poster of lips.
     →  “Ring” in the new year. Could be a poster of a bell or a ring.
9. “in the back of the taxi” – Dress up like a taxi or make a poster of the backside of a taxi with the silhouette of two people sitting in it. Have the license plate reference reputation or swifties. Be sure it’s a NY plate.
10. “I’ll be there if you’re the toast of the town, babe” – Few options:
     →  Could do a large poster that looks like a champagne glass with a tag/ribbon hanging off the stem (think like seating cards) that says Toast of the Town.
    →  An award poster (like an Oscar or such) but instead of it saying Best Picture etc it’ll say “Toast of the Town: (name)” You can either write your name or Taylor’s name or even Joe’s.
    →  Poster of a cut out magazine cover you can take photos in (or make it look like an Instagram post) and have the little blurb on the “cover” say this lyric. Make the magazine a reference to the rep mags.
11. “If you strike out and you’re crawling home” – Baseball or softball player costume with a poster in the shape of a bat. Could even have two posters for you and a matching friend where the bat is broken in half and you’re each holding a split end.
12. “Hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you” – Few options:
     →  Reference long live. Whether it’s by poster or you want to recreate the long live tour outfit!
     →  Poster of the word memories but have it being spelled out by photos from previous tours, Taylor with fans, from previous album booklets. Tumblr likes/posts, etc.
    →  Met Taylor/her team/band/dancers/parents/etc? Wear an outfit or make a poster using pictures and memories from that moment.
    →  Poster of the word memories being hugged/squeezed. Don’t have to draw the entire body, just arms wrapping around the word.
     →  Have a poster in the shape of a jar and have it labeled Memories and then fill it with your favorite Taylor memories. So love the Speak Now album? Write the words Speak Now in big block/bubble letters in the jar. Keep doing this with words of memories you like. Don’t have the words overlap, simply cut off a word if it doesn’t fit. Make it seem full but not unreadable.
13. “And I will hold on to you” – Poster of this lyric just as is. Maybe make it written on a music sheet or on piano keys. Could also write Taylor will hold on to you or I will hold on to Taylor.
14. “Please don’t ever become a stranger” – Poster dedicated to her 6 albums.
15. “Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere” – Poster collage of all the photos of Taylor laughing.
16. “You and me forevermore” – Poster of the word forevermore. When I hear this line, I think of a clear night sky, glitter, love, passion so incorporate that into this creation. Maybe have it made out of stars or hearts, or have it made out of flowers. Whatever you envision when you hear this.
1. Make poster that looks like the popup stage in the reputation VIP tour box, make it out of papier-mâché newspapers.
2. Snake poster.
3. Use the dialogue from the LWYMMD end scene as funny posters.
4. Meredith and Olivia posters.
5. Reputation/REP poster cut out using the rep font.
6. “There will be no further explanation. There will be just reputation”
7. Lots of gold and metallic colors, glitter.
8. TS/TAS Initial Poster
1. “Pavement she once decorated as a child with sidewalk cross” – Poster that looks like a sidewalk drawing.
2. “Her skin was spattered with ink” – Use body paint to spatter ink on your arms and clothes. Make a poster using the same idea. Maybe use the word snake in some of the spatters.
3. “She rose slowly” – Poster of a flower slowly blooming.
4. “Avoiding old haunts and sidestepping shiny pennies” – 2 options:
      →  Poster of a ghost (think emoji)
     →  Poster of a penny or writing out this piece of the poem using pennies (or drawing them if you don’t want to waste the money)
5. “Way of phone calls and promises” – Relate this back to All Too Well or LWYMMD. Have a phone poster with a speech bubble writing this line.
6. “Waded out into the dark, wild ocean up to her neck” – The ocean is almost all unexplored so have fun with this line. You could do mythical mermaids or sirens. Or you could make an outfit out of seashells and seaweed. Your poster could be a cutout of a wave.
7. “And in the death of her reputation, she felt truly alive” – This is a GREAT quote for a poster and to really sum up the entire reputation era.
1. “Cross your fingers” -  Poster of crossed fingers.
2. “Wish on lucky numbers” – Poster of a number cutout related to Taylor. (13, 22, 1989)
3. “Rest in Peace, to your naïve bravado” – 2 options:
     →   Poster of a gravestone addressed to your naïve bravado.
     →  Dress up as a zombie (zombie Taylor) and where a tombstone or have written on shirt “Here Lies my Naïve Bravado”
4. “Secret garden gate” – Poster of a flower garden. Have it three dimensional so use craft flowers.
5. “Each new enemy turns to steel” – This line reminds me so much of Yellow Flicker Beat by Lorde in the line “I’m locking up everyone who ever laid a finger on me” Maybe make a poster combining these two ideas.
6. “You’ve grown to hate your pride and to love your thighs”
7. “But Darling, it’s going to be okay”
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mirrorballparkers · 7 years
museum dates — peter parker
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requested: nah. idea popped up into my head randomly.
tagged: @ttholland @t-oodles @cmonspiderling
- yo so i fucking am a god damn art geek myself, so why not write this? also, i am SO SORRY that it’s been so long since i’ve posted any fics. i’ve just had a lot going on personally, and also had a lot of job interviews (I GOT A JOB !!). not to mention i’m taking a college placement test this week so i’m just a mess. but, i digress. ENJOY THIS FIC! thanks for being patient, lovely humans. 
warnings: a shit ton of fluff and a reader who legit has NO CHILL and peter is such a soft, sweet human bean. 
summary: cute art headcanons with peter parker
- you grew up on art. always going to the local art galleries to discover new artists and collect some of their paintings and sculptures
- you’d always gush to peter about a new art piece you bought or a new artist you discovered
- “babe! oh, my god, look at this new Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun piece i got !!  isn’t it absolutely alluring?”
- you’d sometimes feel bad that you geeked out so much, but peter thought it was so adorable. you had so much passion in your eyes, voice, and physicality it made his heart go fucking wild.
- “keep going, pumpkin. tell me more please.”
-when he told you that he got the two of you ticket to the museum of modern art
- your heart busted a nut
- you literally smothered peter with a bunch of kisses, so happy and thankful  that he would do something like this for you. it wasn’t very cheap to visit museums these days.
- peter thought you geeking out was so cute
- he researched for hours and hours to find the best museum just for you
- when you got to the front entrance, you couldn’t wipe the smile off of your face and you were jumping up and down like a little kid because, actual nerd
- “HOLY SHIT. peter, this place is so beautiful. the detail, the atmosphere, my heart is bursting right now you don’t even know how excited i am right now. this is the best day ever. ”
- peter would just be looking at you with heart !! eyes !! because you were so cute and this genuinely made you happy and excited.
- he was very proud of himself for researching until 4 am on a school night for the best museum in new york
- you were more excited to be with peter though just sayin’
- when you saw him looking, you got a little embarrassed
- “sorry..didn’t know i was acting so childish”
- you calmed down
- for 0.5 seconds until you two entered inside then ya heart went ‘SKRRRAAA PAP PAP PAP PAP PAP’
- you held onto peter’s arm and you were like: !!!! looking around at everything
- it was so mesmerizing !!! like you had never seen a place filled with such unbelievably beautiful pieces your heart busted a nut !!!
- peter would sling his arm around you and kiss your head like a soft cutie
- he was usually too shy for that shit, he prepped himself in his head
- ‘don’t be a pussy, she’s your girlfriend just do it. YOU’RE SPIDERMAN.’ he’d tell himself in his head
- walking around the museum and honestly your heart was busting a nUT everything was so mesmerizing and PERFECT.
- you’d jump up and down like an actual child holding on to peter’s arm as you’d hand the lady in the front your tickets.
- “hi, yes my cute ass sweet ass boyfriend bought me these.” you’d say while doing finger guns.
- taking those typical pics where you’re standing in front of some art piece !!
“should i put a hand on my hip..?”
“maybe like idk uh just stand still. pretend you’re just posing for a picture.”
“but how will i know you already took it? i don’t wanna be standing here forever, pete. there’s a whole bruce nauman exhibit with my name on it.”
- peter would make a clicking noise for you to know when he took it so you wouldn’t be standing and hurting your feet. he was a considerate boy.
- he thought you were so cute !!! screw the painting, you were the actual art
“ ew my hair looks weird here let’s take another”
“shut up you look cute af babe”
- peter was whipped so he did as u asked n took more for u cuz the more photos of ya cute ass he would be able to have in his phone and show aunt may how pretty u looked after the date
- “no,no, delete that it makes my butt look bad.”
- peter would blush n shyly say
- “but u have a cute butt…….” bRO
- he wasn’t lying homie thought ur butt was cute
- Even though u would get a lil embarrassed you’d start to get a little more confident and feel ya selffff
- “okay out all the 60 that i’ve taken of u doing cute lil poses i think we have a winner. ALL OF THEM, YOU’RE BEAUTIFUL.”
- you’d gasp every single time u saw a sculpture or a painting, anything
- “babe look at this one !!”
“ooh look at this one lOOK AT THAT DETAIL AND TEXTURE”
- peter giving you all kinds of sweet kisses to assure his feelings for you
- cheek kisses
- nose kisses
- temple kisses
- he’d even pull you to a corner to low key make out with you
- SO !! MUCH !! KISSES !! AND !! HUGS !! 
- peter would hold your hand to his heart and just smile, feeling so warm and happy he was with you
- getting yelled at for touching things
- sassing the workers for getting yelled at for touching things under your breath
- “ the fuck? you don’t tell me what to do fuck you.”
- peter would calm you down but inside he’s like “that’s my baby girl !!”
- linking pinkies as you walk through all the exhibits
- peter wouldn’t even be paying attention to the art
- he dead ass would be just looking at you the entire time, so !! in love !!
- “why’re you not looking at this Ian Chung piece babe?”
“why go to an art museum when i can just look at you for art.” he just !! said that !!
- you’d get all shy and shit
- “aww, my pretty girl.”
- he’d always check to make sure you were hydrated
- “babe you want some water? i haven’t seen you have water all day and i just wanna make sure.”
- “wanna stop and have some water?”
- “do your feet hurt? it looked like you were limping just now.”
- he felt like he was bothering you, but really you were really tired and sore, possibly dehydrated from the hours and hours of walking.
- “i think we should sit down, sweets.”
- you’d finally agree after he told you that you looked kind of pale, so the two of you sat down on a bench and you rested your head on his lap as he played with strands of your hair
- before aunt may picked you guys up, you two went to the gift shop
- you bought so !! much !! amazing !! things !!
-  peter lost you at least 3 times
-  he kind of lowkey panicked every single time because you were his precious daffodil and he’d freak out if he lost you
- “hey, where’d you go?”
- “daffodil, you need to stop wandering.”
- you picked out cute matching rings, even though it was incredibly cliche.
-  you had at least 5 items in your hand: a coffee traveling mug, a shirt, magnet, and two hats. you didn’t need two hats bitch what the fuck.
- peter wouldn’t dare to let you spend all that money on you
- “peterrrrr, it’s fine i have money. you’re already buying the rings!”
- this soft boi was too stubborn and bought them for you anyway
- “your total is 32.50.”
- you’d already put the hat on the second you walk out the gift shop and peter thought it was so cute, so he snapped a picture without you seeing it and captioned it as: ‘she’s so extra, but i like her a lot so it’s fine.’
- putting the matching couple rings on for each other as if ya’ll were about to fucking get married.
- taking snaps of each others hands with the rings and putting dorky captions
- your whole body was aching from all the walking so peter would be all cute and give you a piggy back ride to his aunts car
- when you got in the car, you rested your head on his shoulder completely worn out.
- peter was VERY excited to show aunt may all the pictures he took
- “hon, these are all of her, not the art.”
- “what’re you talking about, may? SHE IS ART.”
- you fell asleep on his shoulder bc it was going to be a very long drive home.
- he’d be very sweet and take off your shoes for you so your feet wouldn’t hurt anymore
- peter eventually fell asleep too, hands intertwined with yours and his heart very full
- it really was a perfect date.
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toukenra · 7 years
I actually have a weather request too. XD It's been a strangely hot October, the heat has been near unbearable and the Saniwa thought, since they were done with work early, they could bring some cold water to everyone. Reactions from Mutsu, Tomoegata, Hasebe, and Kenshin pretty please~! ❣️
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Honestly, (I feel like absolute trash. AHAHAHAHAHA~~) I’m so sorry for being so inactive guys! It’s been such a trying month. Due to the colleges going on strike for more than a month–I had to play catch up with my school work (I had to write 5 tests in a week once I returned from being away. Right now I’m almost more than half way through the course load. I also really want to keep my 90 average so I can qualify for free tuition next semester).
I’m really sorry again for being gone for so long. I’m honestly surprised I have not yet had a mental break down. Also, I might/might not be online in the next few days because I am starting to have symptoms of a cold and sore throat (It was -15 the other day–and being the idiot that I was–I left my house not dressed for the weather to get to work).
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I’m so sorry to Mod Panacke! I’m supposed to be the older one but I have been so busy and inactive, I feel like I have let you down! So sorry! 
Enough of me rambling about life. I have finally (finally) made time to write and hopefully I’ll be able to tackle another request today. 
Underneath the Cut for being too Lengthy. Please do enjoy.
-Mod Catharia.
“Mutsu-san, why don’t you take a moment to rest!”
He immediately perked up and made his way over as soon as he heard your voice
…Even if it was 50 meters away from where you were standing
You pat his shoulder as he engulfed you in a big hug, not particularly minding that his clothes had a few spots where dirt had been smeared from working in the fields
You gently give Izuminokami and Kashuu a small wave as they slowly make their way over, looking  a bit annoyed that Mutsunokami was easily able to establish skinship with you
You slowly bend down to the tray you had placed on the ground prior to calling the group over
A rather large plate of Onigiri and Mochi was perched on the tray as well as three cups of freshly brewed tea was staring your charges in the face before you choose to spoke up
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“I’m sure you must be tired from working in the fields. Why not have a small snack?”
“Thanks Aruji!”
If you have not seen Katsugeki then you should have an idea about how happy this sword would be when eating….
And a bigger grin would be plastered on his face if Aruji decided to keep him and a few others company
Can you imagine Kashuu stuffing his face with food, looking slightly sullen as you served Mutsu more food. LOL
You spending time with them no matter how busy your schedule says a lot and that you care for their well being
After snacks, the group would pick up on where they left off work, returning to the field as you cleaned up
“Thanks Aru–” Kashuu started but was immediately interrupted by the energetic Uchigatana beside him
“Thanks for the snacks, Aruji!!” Mutsunokami yelled from the field
“You’re very welcome!” You laugh while waving away at the group as you make your way to the kitchens to bring the dirty dishes
In your peripheral sight, you can see the two swords from the Shinsengumi surrounding their unsuspecting comrade before placing him in a chokehold
“A-ah! Hey! What’s going on!?”
“You’re acting too close to Aruji!”
“We couldn’t even have a conversation with Master because you kept talking even with your mouth full!”
“It’s both your own fault you didn’t speak up!!”
“Why you-!?”
“I won’t let you monopolize Aruji!!”
You yawned openly and slumped over your desk, not caring about the papers that begun to crumple underneath
To hell with your supervisor for sending you all this work…They can wait! After they made you wait for supplies last month!
You eventually turn your head and noticed Tomoe who had been assigned as your secretary that day and was working on various documents
For a few minutes, you noticed the taller man looking a little tired than usual and it made you slightly worry…
It was quite hot that day and you have not seen the Naginata even take a sip of water since he had started working hours ago.
Also, He’s been rubbing at his eyes since the past hour…
He’s probably feeling sluggish because of the heat as well…
You silently checked your schedule and noticed that you didn’t have a vacant spot but still decided that a break was in order
Surely, Tomoe must be tired and hungry at this point
Silently, you got up and walked over to the nearby table that housed a pitcher of water and a single glass
Usually, you were the only one working in the office and that explained why there was only one cup
You immediately poured a good amount and made your way over to Tomoe, gently placing the glassware in front of him
“I think you should take a break for a little bit Tomoe…” You begin and push the glass towards him. “I haven’t seen you drink anything and it’s pretty hot out.”
“T-there’s no need Master…” The bespectacled man mumbled as you returned your desk to open a drawer which was filled with some prepackaged snacks.
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“Catch!” You toss the older man a pack of Pocky before opening a pack for yourself and settling back behind your desk. “Take a break Tomoe…I don’t want you getting a headache and a heatstroke. No buts!”
“T-thank you Aruji.” You smiled softly as you returned to your work for a few minutes and at the same time having a few ocassional bites of your own food
After an hour or so, you finally look up and see Tomoe’s head lowered on the desk and you assumed that the poor man had fallen asleep …not that you would blame him
The Naginata had always been a bit stubborn like Hasebe but he was a good individual who tried his best to serve you
Standing up, you walk over to the mounted fan and made sure that the breeze reached the sleeping man before resuming your work
First of all, What makes you think he’ll let you serve him?
More than half the inhabitants of the Citadel had stripped down into a plain white shirt or otherwise had remained shirtless
…And because of that, you had decided to just stay in your office since it was quite…for lack of a better word, dangerous…
The only sword that remained dressed appropriately–like in his full battle outfit even with the sweltering heat–was Hasebe
You were low-key a bit disappointed that the Uchigatana remained fully clothed…Hey, a girl can dream…Right?
The two of you were working in comfortable silence and had shared a pitcher of water while sitting across each other
Occasionally, the brunette would take sips of water, conscious of the amount he was drinking in front of you
You, on the other hand, could care less…If you were given the chance, you probably would have hiked up your skirt well above the appropriate length
At some point, you had gotten so sluggish that you reached for the nearest filled glass and gulped it’s contents without a second thought
You didn’t even notice the Uchigatana’s wide eyes until you placed the now empty glass down
You blink at Hasebe covering half his mouth with his face burning
“Hasebe, Are you alright?”
“…A-Aruji…The glass.”
“T-That was my glass…”
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Ignore the Caption But I’m pretty sure he would have a breakdown because of you
A second passed and you could feel embarrassment creeping into the cracks of your soul and you immediately covered your face
You had actually drank from Hasebe’s glass…which is equal to indirectly kissing him….indirect or no, you still kissed him…
“I-I’m sorry! I-I’ll grab you a different glass-!” You get up abruptly and Hasebe tried to calm you down.
“No,no…It’s alright, Aruj–” The warrior was interrupted when the pitcher of water accidentally toppled to the side and it’s contents spilled over you secretary.
“Oh my God! I’m so sorry, Hasebe!”
You were about to take out your handkerchief when you realized that the water had made his undershirt see through…
You could not pry your gaze off the man as he slipped off his button down shirt and you could barely hear his voice as he spoke
Who could blame you?? It’s so rare to see Heshikiri Hasebe half dressed…These are the moments that you live for anyway…
You finally snapped out of your thoughts and scrambled to go get Hasebe a towel from the cupboard, too embarrassed to face him
“I’m sorry! I’ll be back Hasebe!”
Instead of you giving him a glass of water, you basically gave him a refreshing shower in your office…
It seemed that YOU needed that glass of water instead…Cough* Thirsty ArujiTM
…Never mind the wet documents since you got to some delicious eye-candy anyway. YUM.
The young boy was seated in one of the rooms facing the courtyard, watching a few of his fellow Tantous playing
You gently walked over and placed a glass of water beside the sword, making sure not to startle him
“What are you doing here by yourself?” You smile in a friendly manner
“Ah, Master.” The blue-haired Tantou looked up at you before you bent down on your knees. “I’m just cooling down after training.”
“Hmm…Would you mind if I keep you company then?” A small nod from the boy was all you needed before settling on the seat beside him while taking a bag of pretzels, hidden in your belt. “Here, have a snack. You must be tired.”
“Are you sure, Aruji?” The blue-haired sword asked hesitantly before you placed the small packet into his hands.
“Mhm. Go right ahead.”
“E-erm…Alright, J-just a bit. then” The Tantou smiled faintly as he gratefully opened the small bag while reaching for the glass of water, tilting his head towards you in a small bow. “Thank you.”
For a few moments, you and the small warrior remained quiet as you watched a few others were passing along the scenery, occasionally having you and Kenshin a wave.
“Did you finish all your work, Aruji?” Your little companion inquired as you took out the fan you had tucked into your obi
“Yes. I was just making my rounds but it’s just too hot to be walking around.” You sighed as you began to fan yourself gently nudged the Tantou to move closer to you.
“Come closer, Kenshin…so I can fan you as well.” You pat the space between you two before Kenshin moved almost hesitantly
You almost laugh as the sword leaned much closer once he felt the breeze from your fan
He’s such a cute kid and he always tries his best…Surely, if brought up properly he could be as charming as Azuki Nagamitsu….
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Unknowingly, you had started patting the Tantou’s head gently, lost in your own thoughts as you continued to fan the both of you
A few more minutes pass until, the two of you finally began to feel a little more drowsy than usual-blame it on the heat–and fell asleep
It was only when Shokudaikiri Mitsutada and Koryuu Kagemitsu passed by, noticing the two of you sleeping rather precariously in the open
Once the two of you were woken up, be prepared to be lectured a bit by the Citadel’s resident cook for being to carefree
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aegyotrashcan · 7 years
Free Time | Tiffany Fluff
Anon: can u do an snsd scenario where youre a model under sm and they want to date you but your schedule is too busy, but they're persistent and they keep trying do be with you and you date them in the end. could this be with either tiffany, sooyoung, or yuri please
a/n: I’ve been having Tiffany feels lately so I picked her hehe. And I hope you enjoy this ~
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Tiffany is told every day that she’s beautiful, so much so that the words have lost their meaning. She’s learned to smile politely, to act modest as interviewers, management, staff and even her group mates compliment her looks. Of course, compliments are always flattering, no matter how many times you hear them, but they do loose their power. Her heart no longer stutters at those words and instead she finds herself thinking ‘I may be beautiful but not as beautiful as Y/N.’
Trends come and go. Keeping up with the latest fashion fads and most shocking celeb gossip is difficult and mostly impossible. Although you don’t try to be trendy, although you don’t try to stand out; you do. There’s a quirkiness to your beauty that draws people in, that made SM accept your application to model for them, and that makes people want to plant your face on the first page of every magazine.
Offers came in constantly, your manager having to squeeze your different appointments into the few hours available in a day. With an ice cream advertisement filmed at seven am this morning, you were immediately hurried into a car and driven to your next schedule.
As you sat in the dressing room, getting your hair tugged at and your makeup touched up, your manager reads the script to you.
“Alright, Y/N, I know you’re tired but this is very important. It’s your first modelling shoot with a fellow SM entertainer and not just any entertainer but a member of Girls Generation. You’ve worked with Vogue Korea before so I’m sure you’ll be familiar with the photographers directions, as he’s praised you in the past.” He continued on, explaining the photographers idea for the shoot and the direction he hopes to take the shoot in.
You sip at your coffee, nodding and pretending to listen. Honestly, you were hungry and your cheeks ached after smiling for three hours straight to film the ice cream commercial. And you rejoiced at the thought of at least getting to eat ice cream, only to find out that real ice cream is often not used in advertising. It melts too quickly so toy models are used instead. The same goes for most food commercials, explaining why food never looks as good in the ads.
You were grateful for all the job offers but your requests for days off have gone so far unheard.
“Excuse me,” a voice interrupts.
The two women doing your hair and makeup pause, giving formal greetings and slight bows to the visitor, before continuing their jobs. You noticed them share a look of amazement and if you didn’t already recognize the voice, their faces would have given it away.
Girls Generation member, Tiffany Hwang, was stood by your manager.
“I just wanted to properly introduce myself, as this is our first time working together.” Tiffany speaks to you, eyes holding yours without falter. It’s nerve wracking, to look Tiffany Hwang in the eyes.
She was your bias, the woman whose photo cards you always wanted and whose poster was hung by your bed. You used to look at it for encouragement, as you dreamed of being a model in the same company as her.
And now she stood before you.
You smiled at her, not caring anymore that your cheeks hurt from this morning. “Hello Tiffany. I’m a really big fan so I’m very honoured for the chance to work with you. I hope you forgive my amateur mistakes and guide me through the shoot.”
Your manager seems pleased with your squeaky clean response.
She laughs, eye smile even more striking in person than cameras could do her justice. “Oh, please, you’re no amateur! I’ve bought many magazines with your photo shoots in them, as you could say I’m a fan. I know you’ll do well and I’m hoping I can shine as brightly as you today.”
She leaves soon after, after her manager calls her and the staff have just finished your touch ups. You take the opportunity to down your coffee before hurrying to the bathroom. Once you finish and wash up, a staff member is leading you to the shoot where the photographer is outlining his image to Tiffany.
He greets you with a brief handshake, his grip a little too tight for comfort. “Ah, so wonderful to be working with you again! I’m sure that with two beautiful people, today's shoot will be effortlessly flawless!”
The shoot continues on, with single shots as well as shots with Tiffany. The concept was a “girlfriend/boyfriend” theme, with natural makeup, modest clothes and intimate poses. There were no outfit changes so it doesn’t take long for the shoot to finish, a round of applause to be heard and you and Tiffany to be ushered back to the changing area.
As a Girls Generation member, she had her own dressing room and you bid her farewell, thinking this would be your last time meeting. After changing into your own clothes and returning the clothes for the shoot, you’re surprised to find her standing by your door.
“Oh, hello again.” You bow your head, hoping the honour was still visible. You wanted her to know that you truly meant your words, no matter how staged they might have sounded, and that you really were a huge fan of hers.
She smiles. “Can I walk you to your car? My driver’s stuck in traffic, so ..”
“If you don’t mind then I see no harm in it.”
As you walk together, a foot apart, it’s Tiffany that makes conversation. She compliments your modelling and praises the shoot. “I really was nervous to work with you, I hope you believe me when I say that. All your pictures turn out beautiful but none do your true visual any justice.”
You laugh bashfully and a little in disbelief. A member of Korea’s biggest girl group just called you a visual. Now this was a dream come true, even more so than being accepted by SM or than earning the affection of those who look at your photos.
“And not only are you beautiful but you seem very funny and kind. And I would like to spend more time with you. If you’re free someday maybe we could grab a coffee -”
“Oh!” You gasp, step faltering. “Oh! Oh, my, m - me? Um, I’m very flattered and I would love to go on a date but I - I’m just so busy and I never have any free time and -”
“It’s okay, I understand what that feels like. But I don’t mind. In fact, it would be nice to see someone who understands me in that way.”
“I really want to say yes but I just have no free time, ever, at all. None. I’m so so sorry, I truly am.”
You’re passing through the entrance doors to the building and you see your manager waving at you from inside the sleek, black car you were driven around in.
You turn to her, unable to make eye contact. “I hope this doesn’t make you think poorly of me. I’m only declining because I would have no time to devote to you the love and attention that you deserve. And for that, I’m very sorry.”
Three months have passed since your encounter with Tiffany. The only time you have to think about your encounter is the three seconds it takes you from getting into bed to falling asleep. Otherwise, you’re too busy and tired with schedules to even think about eating, let alone her offer of a date.
Your schedule today is an audition for your very first drama, that everyone tells you will be a role you’ll get easily. Apparently the director is a fan of yours and even mentioned having you in mind for the character. But however much people told you this, it did nothing to ease your nerves.
Modelling was your comfort zone, at this point. You knew how to smile, how to control your expressions and your body. Acting, however, was entirely different. Although the new project was scary, there was something exciting about it too.
As you sat outside the audition room, with six other nervous people, you read over the section of the script you would be auditioning with. You’re so into the script that you don’t hear someone walk up until you’re tapped on the shoulder.
When you look up, you notice the shocked look on the other peoples faces before you even realize who you’re looking at.
“Oh, Tiffany?”
She smile brightly. “I just wanted to wish you good luck! Though I’m sure you’ll do great anyway.”
“Oh, thank you. I hope so.” You can only laugh nervously, fiddling with the script in your sweaty grip.
The door opens and your name is called. Tiffany gives you another reassuring smile and that’s all you remember. Your nerves fuel you on and through the audition to where you walk out, dazed, not really sure what happened.
Tiffany is sat where you once were and jumps up when you exit the room. She walks with you, away from the waiting room, and once out of ear shot she asks, “So? How do you think you did?”
“I .. I don’t know. I was so nervous that I don’t really remember anything.” You laugh and when she laughs, you feel somehow reassured. Tiffany has a calming presence, you realize. It’s something you want to be around always.
“Well I’m sure you did great. Are you free now, by any chance? It’s Taco Thursday in the canteen, if you wanted to join me?”
You almost agree until you remember, “I can’t. I have a hair appointment in an hour. I’m really sorry.”
“It’s okay, I know what you’re going through, there’s no need to apologize. But, hey, can I get your number? If we can’t meet up, then maybe we can still text.”
You’re not sure if you’re surprised or not when, an hour into your hair appointment, you receive a text from Tiffany. There’s a photo of a taco captioned: My third one so far ~
While you’re happy to see her eating well, there’s also a ball of guilt that sits heavily in your stomach. She should just quit it. You’re too busy to devote any time to her so a relationship is the last thing you’re looking for, right now.
As you go to respond, the hairdresser decides to usher you to the sink and it’s as if the world is reminding you that you have no time, no time for yourself and no time for a significant other.
Three more months pass by and at least once a day, Tiffany will text you. Sometimes it’s a sweet message, reminding you to eat. Other times, she’ll send you pictures of her new hair or new nails. And sometimes, she ask if you’re free to meet up, if you’re around to go to dinner or a cafe. It hurts you every time you deny her, no matter her persistence and resilience until one day you respond;
[13:47 pm] Yeah, I’m still in SM. Wanna meet in the canteen?
The response is almost instant.
[13:49 pm] Of course! I’ll see you soon ^^
You tell your manager than you can’t make your next schedule. “Make something up,” you tell him, as you walk away.
Initially, you had pushed away your thought to do this. You were afraid of the consequences, of being in trouble or getting fired. But now you realize how much your manager needs you, how dozens of other companies would be dying to have you work for them if you did get dropped, so that idea is no longer something you simply dream about.
It’s something you’re doing.
If you can make your dream to be a model come true, if you can meet your idol Tiffany Hwang and get her phone number, then you sure as hell can take a break when you need one.
Tiffany spots you enter the canteen and look around for her, so she waves to catch your attention. As you sit, you realize she already has two cups of coffee in front of her. She pushes one towards you.
“I’m glad you finally found free time,” she beams.
“For you, I’ll always try.”
And as someone in the same lifestyle as you, she knows how hard that is and how powerful those words are. She smiles and you know she understands.
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