#took me a while because of procrasination
honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Playing Genshin (TWST Octatrio)
Jade Leech
This smug heathen
He is smug as hell-
Honestly I cannot understand myself-
Why I think his gacha pull luck is insane-
He pulls three 5 STARS ON THE FIRST PULL
“Oya oya? I gotten Zhongli, Diluc and...oh! Perfect! A C5 Qiqi! Hmhm~”
Stop flexing-
We get it-
U so lucky
Ok but seriously though-
his team set up is   L E G E N D A R Y
It’s made up of the best 5 stars (and one 4 star) you could think of.
He uses Hu Tao as his Main DPS, Zhongli as his support, Qiqi as his healer and Xingqiu as his sub dps.
I want to believe that Xingqiu was his first ever 4 star that led him to become oh so frickin lucky at every other pull-
And he got attached to him, so-
Co op with him on a date to defeat a Pyro Regisvine while he sits with you on a couch with his head on top of yours,
he slings his arms in front of you and holds his phone, while looking at yours.
He thinks it’s so funny when you pout and complain or just straight up feral rage quit when you lose it about how stupid the pyro regisvines are.
This is now his favorite thing to do after a long day of  chasing idiots down work.
Just relaxing and playing Genshin with his s/o.
So wholesome.
Floyd Leech
He frickin loves this game.
He loves everything about it.
And he wants you to play!
If you already have the app, then he’ll ask you to co op with him!
If you don’t, he’ll ask you to install, and he’ll go into your world to co op with you!
Either way you still play with him-
And I like to think his first 5 star was Klee,
because she’s a cute child that destroys everything
Super fun and chaotic!
And he also uses her as his main dps like Jade does,
just that it doesn’t matter who is good for what role.
So long he likes the character, he puts em on his team
Cmon now Floyd bby
C’ m o n-
Klee is his main dps, Venti is his support (he took his time to grind up primos for this, if he didn’t get Venti, he would rage quit during Venti’s banner-) (he also like Venti cuz he makes him laugh all the time-), Xiangling as his sub dps (Xiangling cooks, she’s cute, but not as cute as you obviously, and he totally gets her weird nature-) and he uses Xinyan as his other support.
No healer
*inhales* FLOYD-
Ok but he stills manages to be pretty good and survive well in the game.
He have you lie on your stomach, while he’s beside you lying on his back on his bed just playing Genshin for hours.
Bonus he brings in the s n a c k s
Super fun playing with him and he doesn’t really get all rage quit mode when you’re beside him.
cuz he’s more happy playing when you’re around <3
Azul Ashengrotto
Sorry man
Ironically and unironically has the worse luck amongst the three.
4 stars EVERYTIME-
Watch him go into a rage quit in his office chair so fcking abruptly.
Ok but we love wholesome Noelle-
He does too, but-
he just salty
He wants Jade’s luck-
his first 5 star was Zhongli-
And the only 5 star he’ll ever get
He tried getting Xiao but only got a shit ton of Beidous and Noelles.
He tried getting Hu Tao but got a shit ton on Xingqius and Chongyuns
He has to REALLY put thought into his team set up.
Benette is his only healer, he got no other healer character which sucks-
Couldn’t even get Jean our boy is sad-
Zhongli is his support, the only thing he’s proud of, Yanfei as his main dps because he likes Yanfei and Xingqiu and literally just completed his constellation for the number of godamn times he gets him.
Sticks with this team, sometimes he uses the actual main team: Traveller (Anemo), Kaeya, Lisa and Amber for the fun of it.
24 hour grind is real my dude-
When he wants to have genshin dates with you, co op with him, expect to see him ask you to roll for him when his desired banner comes out-
He saved up a shit ton of primogems-
he. will. get. the . 5. star. exclusive. 
Co op with him to raid Geovishap, Oceanid, Stormterror and Childe to hear this man rage quit on his bed with you probably laughing your ass off.
ok but jk he thinks Childe is cool-
And he really likes Liyue
Aesthetic and “pay your taxes”
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The Character-Based Reasons Why Sara Chidouin Has the Highest Win Likelihood
So, okay. We all know Nankidai is, first and foremost, a writer. Don’t get me wrong, the art and gameplay are nice, and the music is... there, but Your Turn to Die is fantastic because of the game’s thematic consistency and incredible characters. Which is why the idea that Sara wins so often because she is so trustworthy and is a great leader always seemed like a very barebones analysis to me. Sure, it makes sense, but what would Nankidai convey through that? There’s definitely a message about trust that is implied, that trusting makes a person stronger, but Sara does not initially trust everyone, and not everyone trusts her. Every single character has plenty of people who don’t trust them and who they don’t trust. If anyone is good at working with and trusting people, it’s Reko (even despite her conflict with Alice), who becomes the big sister to this cast of characters. (BTW: this is a really long post. If you don’t want to read it all, scroll to the end and there’s a TL;DR).
So then, for what thematic reason is Sara so likely to win?
Personally, I would attribute her survival rate to another common theme throughout the game: her balance between prioritizing her own survival and that of the rest of the players. While Sara would never truly give her Sacrifice card to someone else, it’s doubtful that she would take the Sacrifice card to save anyone either. No other character has a similar inner balance, except Kanna in the Kanna Lives route (to be perfectly honest, I have not played the Shin lives route because I’m terrified of killing Kanna, so my knowledge may be lacking). Anyway, I am going to go down the list of characters and talk about why they’re not Sara, which I know everyone is just really, really, excited to hear (please don’t fall asleep). (Also not including dolls since our information on them is very limited at the moment).
I’m starting with the absolute worst person to start with: Joe Tazuna. He may not be a candidate, but he is still a character who dies and is thus worthy of an explanation. While he may have procrasinated to reveal that he was the Sacrifice, it was never truly a battle with Joe on whether to sacrifice himself. In the end, he will always prioritize everyone else’s survival. If there was a battle, it was between whether to save Sara right then and there or let everyone else survive, and although his connection to Sara is personal, this is still not self-prioritization.
Then there’s Keiji Shinogi (yes, I’m going by the Wiki order and you can’t stop me). At first, it may seem that logical, levelheaded Keiji prioritizes himself, but in Chapter 3 1-A, he readily accepts the tag if it means saving Sara. Keiji is traumatized by his own guilt, and thus does not seem to consider himself worthy of survival, unless it means being the smart one and thinking where no one else does. He may not have traded for Sara’s Sacrifice card in the Second Main Game, but it’s unclear whether he was planning to before Kanna took it herself (or rather, tried to). I theorize now that Keiji will have a say about his own death in Chapter 3 1-B, and it will depend on whether he is able to balance his own needs with the needs of everyone else.
Which brings me to Kanna Kizuchi, who I think has the most interesting arc in this regard. When the game begins, Kanna is extremely frightened, and we don’t really get to know her priorities since she is most definitely not thinking straight. As Kanna matures and developed into her own character, in spite of Sou’s suggestions to her, we learn she prioritizes other people’s surival over her own when she attempts to take Sara’s Sacrifice card. Now, this is where the disclaimer of “I Have not Played the Shin Lives Route” comes in extra handy, because I expect criticism here. Anyway, given that Sara logically wants to survive, and there are even character reasons to vote for Kanna (her being more ready for death), it seems very likely Sara would vote for Kanna, which would explain her extremely low 2.7% survival rate. This is a reflection of Kanna’s unshaking will to prioritize others’ survival over her own. However, when Shin dies, Kanna realizes she should never again attempt to sacrifice herself (particularly because he became a role model for her), and she begins, just like Sara, to find a balance, wherein she puts herself in danger only when logically necessary, while also caring for everyone else. As a result, and this is very shaky ground, I am putting forth that there are either no routes, or very few routes, from here on out, where Kanna dies. (The one thing I will say about this theory is that it partially contradicts my theory that the game cannot be a simulation because they would not simulate Gashu’s betrayal. While my argument mainly revolves around the metanarrative of prioritization of lives other than one’s own, these themes are reflected within the non-meta of the game itself, wherein Asunaro specifically tailors who receives the Sacrifice, Keymaster, and Sage cards. As a result, Kanna’s character arc revolving around surviving the Second Main Game makes no sense if she would have been the Sacrifice in the first place if not for Gashu. Although, her low win rate could be tied to the high likelihood that she would take Sara’s Sacrifice card).
Well, now that I’m off my tangent, let’s focus on Q-Taro. At the beginning of the game, Q-Taro, while not the brightest, takes a cold and logical approach. He is willing to sacrifice literal children--Kanna and Gin--because he doesn’t think they’re useful enough. However, his character flips (pun intended) when he presses the button and takes the poison for Gin. Q-Taro realizes that trust and self-sacrifice are noble traits, and he comes to prioritize them over his own survival, as he put his life on the line when he took the poison, when a lower dosage earlier would have been the more logical way to keep him and Gin alive. Q-Taro’s arc is intersting, but unlike Kanna, who becomes a reasonable person, his values flip entirely, particularly because his change was likely planned by Asunaro.
Then you have Shin. I don’t know what he does when he lives, and I have a whole theory about Shin’s 0.0% win rate, which I will possibly write some day and link in later, but I do have some stuff to say about his own character balance. It’s obvious that because of his fear of the win rates, Shin comes to prioritize his own life, despite all irrationality therein. He manipulates and lies for his own survival, mainly out of fear. When Shin realizes that Sara killed him instead of killing Kanna, as she prioritizes emotion over logic, he realizes that maybe he could have trusted her after all, and to die with as few regrets as possible, he gives her the Joe AI. This character change sounds like it contradicts my theory, but given that, at this point, Shin was pretty much already dead, it’s simply an interesting change within him that is representative of the theme of Your Turn to Die. Furthermore, I subscribe to the theory that Shin’s low win rate is a direct result of knowing he has a low win rate (fun bootstrap paradox times (Beethoven’s Fifth plays on electric guitar)), because this causes his self-preservation.
I mentioned Reko earlier, but I think this only needs a brief explanation (important note: I have only played the Reko dies route). Prior to the Death Game, while Alice was in jail, Reko learned that the “weak” do not deserve what’s coming to them. This indirectly causes her own kindness to Nao and Kanna in the Death Game. (Come to think of it, I don’t think this one’s going to be as brief as I thought). Reko enters the death game a changed woman, who already prioritizes the lives of others, and thus is entirely imbalanced. The fact that her past self kills her is beautifaly symbolic of why she died: because she could not balance her priorities, where she only cares about others now (which is why Nao saved modern Reko), and only really cared about herself in the past (because she thought that the “weak” did not deserve her help). As a result, in an act of pure selfishness, the AI, which has Reko’s past personality, kills human Reko. If modern Reko had been more balanced, perhaps she could have explained to Nao why it would make more logical sense to save the Reko AI.
And it’s perfect that Nao should come next. In general, Nao does not think for herself. Not until her suggestion that Sara should run away with her at the end of the Second Main Game did she do anything other than follow earliers or force herself into certain situations. This, of course, relates to the juxtaposition between her and Sara, who is a natural leader. However, it explains why there is not much to say about Nao other than the fact that she is so far removed from the issue of self-sacrifice vs. self-preservation.
Everything Kai did, up until his death, was to protect Sara. His job was to be her bodyguard, and Sara is the person who saved Kai from a life of murder. Kai dies because his silence in his efforts to protect Sara prevented a proper discussion over whether it was worth it to kill the Sage simply because they were the Sage.
Gin Ibushi, much like Kanna, started the game by prioritiznig the lives of others. Unlike Kanna, he did not change, particularly because there was no narrative reason for his change. Even when Gin was about to die, it was up to Q-Taro to decide between self-sacrifice and self-preservation. However, when Gin and Q-Taro were up on the targets, this was a symbolic message to Sara: you must choose between the self-preserving tendencies of Q-Taro and the self-sacrificing tendencies of Gin, who gave out his tokens for free, unaware of the consequences. While Gin has yet to die, his steadfast hold on his self-sacrificing beliefs would explain why his win rate is lower even than Kanna’s.
Gin would often cling to father figures due to his dad’s alcohol addiction, and Mishima was the first to experience this treatment. Mishima cared for Gin, but he knew Nao best, and his instruction that she vote for him would cause his death, because Mishima sacrificed himself for Nao. Mishima is interesting, because his self-sacrifice is less a result of a hope for everyone’s survival, and more about his desire for people to improve as human beings. He tells Nao to give him up when he is an AI, and instructs Reko to break his screen. Although Mishima is perhaps more self-sacrificng than Gin, his understanding of teaching others how to care about themselves is likely why his win rate is higher than both Gin’s and Kanna’s. This may also be a result of the fact that he is older and more capable, but his strange quirks also make him less trustworthy than both Gin and Kanna, which cancels his capabilities out. Thus his self-sacrificing beliefs would kill him, even if his understanding of self-preservation decreases the likelihood of his death.
Last but not least of the non-Sara characters, we have Alice Yabusame. Now, on this one, I am probably missing the most information, since I have absolutely no idea how he dies in the route where Reko survives. However, I can say that in the route where he survives, despite his understanding at the beginning of Chapter 2 that Reko had changed, he was unable to accept that the unchanged Reko was not human. This implies that Alice wants a version of Reko who both cares for others and values strength, suggesting a need for balance. I also know this is a big change from his attitude towards the beginning, where he believes that everyone should be as self-preserving as possible, and not get in anyone else’s way. The fact that Alice has to die to accept Reko’s change (I think???), it makes sense that his self-preserving tendencies would place him in the bottom half of win rates. Again, this theory is weakened by my ignorance.
Joe’s likely inevitable death contributes to Sara’s fear of the Sacrifice card, which perfectly balances her lack of desire to manipulate others with her desire to preserve herself. Sara is also often given the choice between wanting to win or escape with everyone, and the fact that character moments often hinge on her response illustrates Nankidai’s thematic goals. The choice between Shin and Kanna’s deaths, while about emotion and logic, are also about choosing between preserving oneself (voting for Kanna, who cannot contribute to Sara’s survival) and preserving others (Kanna is TOO YOUNG TO DIE). I do not mean to suggest that saving Kanna was necessarilly the “correct route.” Quite the opposite, in fact. I mean to suggest that the fact that Sara is presented this choice and that she does not have an immediate answer is exactly why she is so likely to win.
TL;DR i drone on about how sara is special and not like other characters, and how she cares about people but also about herself, so that’s the theme and stuff. there’s also a long, pretentious rant about the symbolism of reko’s death. and a doctor who reference. there’s also a weird amount of parantheses.
(credit to @sip-of-depresso for having the conversation with me which sparked this theory)
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toranekooo · 3 years
Not exactly a request but your reaction pictures are so cute !! If you opened request for them I will zoom fast ah they're so lovely yk? 💜
aaaaaa i'm glad you liked them, ma'am! it took me a while to make them because I kept procrasinating it ლ(^o^ლ) But I'll remember that! They take quite a bit longer to make (at least for me lol) than other icons but I'm glad people are interested in them! ♡(ӦvӦ。)
Tumblr media
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deathlyhogwarts · 7 years
Draco Malfoy x Reader
Request: You’re probably busy, so no rush, but ohhh my gooooood is there any way you could continue that Draco Drabble? 40 and 21, I believe? Only because you had me hooked and now I want to know more 😱
A/N: a lot of you have asked for part two, so here you go! (after a long time. soz, i just love procrasinating) xx!! you can find part 1 here . also, hope it lived up to your expectations!
It’s been a week. A week since you and Draco broke up (though it wasn’t an official break up) and it was an understatement to say that you were sad. You were devastated, because as corny as it sounds, you truly cared about Draco and believed you were starting to fall in love with him, which apparently, was your greatest mistake.
He hasn’t tried reaching out to you, he thought it was the best to keep distance until he got his emotions in the right place, to figure out whether what he was feeling for you was real and strong enough to try and ask you for another chance. He was tired, really tired, he has spent nights thinking about it, barely sleeping, but what pained him most was seeing you, heart broken. He’d notice the dark circles around your eyes when you’d show up to eat, ー when you’d show up to eat, because the first days you wouldn’t even do that ー he’d notice your eyes red and he just knew you had been crying. And it was his fault. And it made him feel horrible, because as much of an asshole he was to other people, he never wanted to be an asshole to you. He didn’t know why he was doing what he was doing, he just simply didn’t know what commitment was, he never had a serious relationship before and he knew very well that wasn’t an excuse to be a douche. If he came to you with this excuse, he’d have been slapped physically, too. Emotionally, he had already been slapped; the fact that you broke up with him made him feel sad and he didn’t understand that at first. If he did have feelings for you, then why in the world was he looking at other girls?
Draco’s mind was a very strange place, probably that’s why he was an asshole, because he didn’t think much; because he was afraid of his own mind and the dark things that were lying in there.
With that being said, one day, however, he realised what a great mistake he had made when he saw you with someone else.
It was Saturday and you were in the library, reading. Draco, totally randomly, was in the library too, writing an essay he had due Monday. He didn’t know you were in the library, though.
As you were reading, a guy approached you, sitting in the chair next to you and starting talking a bit louder than you should in a library, causing Madam Pince to shush you two up. That caught Draco’s attention, looking up from his paper to see who was upsetting the librarian (just out of curiosity, he was completely bored, so anything was a distraction) and saw you. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of you, but then he saw another person next to you, hugging you and talking to you. He frowned, suddenly feeling like he wanted to punch that guy in the face. Were they friends? Obviously, they were more than that as they were sitting so close to each other and hugging. Did she move on that quickly? He wouldn’t blame her, he was horrible with her, but something about you being with anyone else made Draco’s heart sink. A week ago he was hugging you, he was kissing you, he was your boyfriend. Now, you two wouldn’t even talk.
But if he didn’t have strong feelings for you, would he be this jealous? Was it because he wanted all the girls for himself? Clearly not, he wasn’t that obnoxious. But the sight of you with another guy, made him really realise what he lost.
And it was time he got you back. Or, at least, tried.
During class, he kept glancing at you while you tried to do your potion, you tried to do it perfect. He smiled at how you sighed dramatically and pouted everytime you got it wrong; she was really cute, Draco thought.
After Potions ended, Draco gathered his things as quickly as possible; he wanted to talk to you, finally, when he realised that what he was feeling was real. He was really nervous, he knew you were probably starting a thing with that guy, so he didn’t get his hopes up, he just wanted to say something, anything. He wanted to prove he wasn’t the guy you thought he was ー a cheater, a liar ー although, he wasn’t sure he had any proof at all.
“Y/N?” he asked really quietly, while everyone else was exiting the class room. He thought you didn’t hear him, he barely heard himself, but you did. You froze, halfway through putting everything in your bag. You froze when hearing his voice.
You took a deep breath and turned around. “Yes?”
Draco was taken aback. It was the first time in a week he had looked directly into your eyes; they were cold and held sadness, sadness caused by him. Guilt took over Draco. And your tone, it was like you were talking to a stranger, even though it was just a simple ‘yes’. He was used with hearing your warm voice. “Could we, er, talk?” He tried so hard to keep eye contact with you, but as much as he tried he couldn’t. If he would, he would start crying right here.
You looked at him hesitantly, but sighed. “Yeah.”
He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn’t know how exactly to start. Why didn’t he think about what he was going to say? He was so determined to talk to her and convince her to give him another chance, but he ever thought about what he was going to say. Clever.
“Well?” you asked, impatiently. Deep down, you wanted him to say something that could make you forgive him. But was there something that could make you forgive him?
“I’m sorry,” he started, gulping. “I know it’s not a good way to start and you’re probably gonna roll your eyes, b-but please, could you listen to me for a bit?” He frowned, looking into your eyes.
Your face softened, but not enough for him to notice. You sighed. You missed him so much, you wanted to hug him right now. But it wouldn’t be right. He did wrong, not you. You nodded, waiting for him to speak.
“I know I hurt you, I know and I feel like a shit bag for that. You had every right to break up with me, yell at me or even punch me because I know emotional pain doesn’t even compare with physical pain,” he said, running a hand through his platinum hair. “But I just want you to know that… I care about you, I always had, and I know it didn’t seem like it and I feel really bad for only realising how much I do only after we broke up.” He paused for a few seconds, then continued.
“This week I have realised a lot of things, how I really feel about you and I love you, Y/N, I really do.” He looked at you to see any kind of emotion, but your face was emotionless. “And I don’t have any explanation as to why I did what I did throughout our relationship, but I’m sorry, I really am. I know that doesn’t make any difference, butー”
“It does,” you interrupted him. “It does make a difference, because at least now I know you’re not a heartless asshole,” you said, wanting to smile, but kept it.
He smiled for a few seconds, then it disappeared. “I completely understand if you go out with someone else, I am not entitled as your boyfriend anymore, but I just want you to know that I still care for you.”
“Well, you’re lucky I’m not going out with anyone, then,” you said, rolling your eyes.
“What do you mean? I saw you in the library, with that guy…” he trailed off, looking at you.
You frowned, then you understood what he was talking about. “Oh, that guy. That’s my best friend’s boyfriend, not mine. Do you seriously think I’d move on that easily? I still love you, as hard it is to admit, but that doesn’t change anythingー” you stopped yourself from talking, when Draco gulped and his eyes watered.
“I understand,” he whispered, looking at the ground. His voice was trembling, tears pricking at his eyes, wanting to roll down his pale cheeks. “I just wanted to let you know that the relationship wasn’t one sided, I still have feelings for you and I’m really sorry I hurt you. If I could take your pain I would, believe me.”
He stood there, staring at the ground, with tears filling his eyes. Was he telling the truth? Of course he was, he was crying, for goodness’ sake! He wouldn’t have even bothered to tell you all this if it wasn’t true. You sighed deeply. You hoped you wouldn’t regret this. “Draco?” you whispered.
He looked into your eyes. He could barely see you through his tears. You frowned; you hated seeing him like this. “I forgive you.”
He blinked, the tears rolled down his cheeks and he looked at you in wonder. “You… do?” he askes confused.
You nodded, closing your eyes. “Yeah, I do. But,” you added, “it still hurts. I know you want a second chance, I want to give it to you, but I don’t wanna get hurt anymore,” you whispered, now your turn to look at the ground.
“No, no! I promise, Y/N, it won’t be like that, not anymore. I love you,” he promised, a bit desperately. He took a step closer, lifting your chin with his finger so you’ll look him in the eyes. “I love you. It’s only you.”
You smiled sadly. “I love you, too, Draco.”
He leaned in and pressed his lips onto yours, kissing you gently. For you, it was like a kiss after months of being apart, but for him it was like something new. Was this how it felt to really love someone? Because if it was, he wanted to hold on to this as much as he could.
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honey-milk-depresso · 3 years
Genshin: Fall ; s/o is a mute fatui 3 (Xiao)
part 1, part 2
“ You’re in love with s/o, Xiao.”
In love with a fatui?
He starts to contemplate.
Love? What even was love?
He never had or made any deep connections with anyone other than Rex Lapis, 
But even so, he never felt like how he’s feeling now towards him.
No matter how many times he tried to distant himself away from you,
seclude you,
avoid you,
he couldn’t help but make a u-turn back to you, pampering you in his own subtle way.
Like the time you were sleeping on the roof of the inn so soundly on a quiet midnight.
He used his sleeve as a blanket to protect you from the chilly air.
He’s never did that to anyone, and him only realizing his actions when he sits down next to you. He scowls a bit, but he stills shifts closer to you. 
Your soft snoring is all that could be heard.
He closed his eyes and relaxed.
Or the times he saw you talking to other shady treasure hoarders, and they threatened you. 
Of course you were unfazed, and you were pretty strong to hold them off yourself,
But he still came up front and pointed his spear at one of them before glaring at them.
After they ran away, you pouted at him while going back to the inn and gave him a “Could’ve dealt with it myself” look.
He just huffed, and folded his arms.
“Don’t give me that look. They were annoying me more, and they were too close to the inn.”
I mean he was annoyed.
But mainly because they were near you.
He tried his very best with all his strength to avoid but to know avail.
To the point he just gave up and just let his body move closer to you
You slept beside the adeptus again, blade still in hand in case someone strikes, but you trusted Xiao whole heartedly as he did trust you.
The more he spent time with you, the more he realized of how attached he was to you.
He hated it. He hated the fact that some fatui who couldn’t speak rests with him every midnight, and that he concerned over your safety so often knowing very well you were capable of protecting yourself.
His thoughts were cut short when he felt a weight on his shoulder. He stiffly turned his head to find you resting against his shoulder, indicating that you had fallen into a deep trance.
He sighed as he felt his face heat up. Since when has he ever felt this way? And because of a fatui at that. He felt angry at himself for letting you take a toll on his emotions greatly, but he took off his sleeve and wrapped it around you as a blanket, pulling you closer to him as he put his mask on.
He crossed his arm with the mask covering his pout and red tinted cheeks.
He hates it, but....
he doesn’t really hate the fact you’re the cause of his sudden feelings
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