#took me so fucken off guard
namenvafan · 1 year
Man, after watching two episodes of Tristamp I don't really get what everyone means when they say it has a different tone. It's still pretty silly and light-hearted. I sure hope episode 3 won't be shockingly dark and viole-
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mj-iza-writer · 9 months
Old leaves and twigs broke under Whumper's feet as they ran barefoot through the woods. He had no idea where he was running too, but anywhere was good as long he didn't catch them.
"Whumper you're just making this harder on yourself", Whumper heard through the trees. They sounded uncomfortably close.
Whumper stopped to get his barings, "that fucken caretaker, how was I even found. Whumpee wouldn't have known where this place was."
Whumper took off again, trying to change directions. He couldn't let Whumpee's caretaker find him. There's no telling what he'd do, especially out here with no witnesses.
Whumper accidentally rolled his ankle with a large stick that slid through the wet leaves. He slid along with it and fell into the muck of leaves.
"Shit", Whumper groaned.
"I heard that", Caretaker yelled, "that means I'm close to you.
The sound of a shotgun being pumped gave Whumper a boost of adrenaline.
"I can't run like this", Whumper tried to stand, but definitely had a bad sprain.
Whumper looked into the trees and found one that he could climb.
Once situated on the limb, he tried to catch his breath. He was sore all over. Caretaker had snuck onto the private property and knocked at his door. Whumper didn't even have a second before the door was kicked in. He dodged Caretaker and ran.
The sound of someone approaching sent chills down Whumper's back.
Caretaker examined the skid mark, "wow you must have gotten pretty hurt here, I bet you twisted maybe even sprained an ankle", Caretaker laughed, "definitely no way you kept running on that."
Whumper held onto the trunk of the tree, he was shaking uncontrollably.
Caretaker leaned against a different tree, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. "I know you're close. I can wait as long as you need me too. I am very patient."
Whumper rolled his eyes, 'great', was his only thought.
He heard Caretaker laugh again.
"I had hoped to catch you off guard, I don't even think you had shoes on when you ran. Your feet are probably killing you from the forest floor", Caretaker blew out some smoke, "we can wait all night if you want, I'm dressed to be out here. I know you are going to have a rough time though."
Whumper looked down at his feet, sure enough they were a bloody mess. He groaned silently when he moved his ankle slightly.
"I want you to pay attention to the fear you feel right now. Knowing that I have the upper hand, and you are at my mercy. This is how you made Whumpee feel all day, every day", Caretaker continued, "you've done some twisted things to them, but don't worry, they are in good hands now."
Whumper looked down at Caretaker. This man was absolutely terrifying. It shook Whumper even more thinking about what Caretaker had planned.
"I know you're up in that tree", Caretaker stated ominously not even looking up.
Whumper's whole body jolted at the thought. Caretaker was aware of them being up there this whole time.
"Do I need to shoot you down, or are you going to get down here willingly and pay for what you've done to Whumpee?", Caretaker dropped the remaining part of the cigarette and stepped on it, "you get a minute before I start shooting, keep in mind I won't miss."
Whumper sighed.
"I can't get down. It was hard enough to get up here", Whumper called down.
Caretaker looked up, "and do you think I care?"
Whumper sighed, then moaned and groaned all the way down the tree.
Once low enough Caretaker yanked him off the tree and threw him to ground.
Whumper lay face down into the dirt. He didn't want to look up.
Caretaker circled, "you know Whumpee is an open book. They were so desperate for love and attention, once they got it, a wealth of knowledge. Get up and kneel."
Whumper groaned as they got up, kneeling made their ankle throb.
"Do I, do I have to kneel? My ankle..."
"You made Whumpee do stuff when they were in pain", Caretaker interrupted, "you didn't care, so why should I?"
Whumper looked down.
"I'm not sure what I want to do with you yet. I can't do something overly illegal, or I risk being taken from Whumpee's care team. I don't trust the justice system though, they won't give Whumpee closure. I think you deserve worse than jail honestly."
Whumper listened.
"Whumpee says to let you go, but I don't trust you. You'll probably go find someone else to hurt or come back for Whumpee. I'm not chancing it", Caretaker frowned.
"You'll never see or hear from me again I promise", Whumper pleaded, "just let me go."
Caretaker circled Whumper, "nice try but Whumpee wouldn't be completely free knowing you were out there, and what if you do strike again. I could be allowing you to go screw with another person's life."
Whumper begged, "no, please, I'm done I swear."
"Get up", Caretaker commanded.
Whumper stood as quickly as they could.
"What was that one thing you did to Whumpee, oh I remember", Caretaker smirked, "let's go back to your house and replicate it."
"Uh no please, just kill me if you must", Whumper fell back down to the ground, "I don't know what you are implying, but I don't want it."
"I'm sure Whumpee didn't want to do it either", Caretaker replied sharply, and pulled them back up, "I can't just kill you, they'd trace it back to me, I can cause an accident though."
"What?", Whumper stumbled as Caretaker shoved them.
"How many situations do you have coursing through your mind right now, hmm?", Caretaker pushed Whumper through the woods, "what exactly do you think I could do to you?"
"I don't want to find out", Whumper replied.
They finally made it back to Whumper's property.
"Let's go inside", Caretaker pushed them forward with his gun.
"I'm serious, can we not do this", Whumper turned toward Caretaker.
"How many times did Whumpee ask you for mercy. After they were found, you went into hiding. You hurt someone, and you don't want to deal with the repercussions", Caretaker frowned.
"I'm sorry, I'll do anything, just please don't do what you are planning", Whumper pleaded.
"Okay, you come back with us, confess to the court, and take whatever they give you. I'm sure you'll receive more mercy from them, then from me", Caretaker frowned, "unfortunately."
"Did you say us?", Whumper questioned.
A police siren sounded making Whumper jump.
"You tricked me", Whumper looked wide eyed at Caretaker, "you did all of this... and for what?"
"Satisfaction. Trust me, if I could have killed you, I would have, but like I said, I don't want to be taken from Whumpee's care team", Caretaker sighed and cleared the gun before handing it to the police, "I received permission to do this so you would confess, and give me some satisfaction. Plus, I was recording so Whumpee could watch you piss yourself", Caretaker grinned, "give them some justice."
Whumper's hands were pulled behind them, and cuffs were clicked tightly around their wrist.
Caretaker pulled out a cigarette box and lighter, and watched as Whumper was arrested.
A police officer stepped up beside them, "how hard was it to not pull the trigger. You had two bullets. I would have had a hard time."
"It was easy, I kept reminding myself that Whumpee was waiting for me. I have other responsibilities to attend to", Caretaker put the cigarette to his lips to light it, "I didn't have time to waste fighting the justice system. The same courts that will let them walk free, would put me in jail. That's why I requested the camera, in case things didn't go my way. Whumpee also begged me not to kill him. I keep my promises."
Caretaker walked into the house a while later, and was met by a curious Whumpee.
"Whumpee you shouldn't be out of bed", Caretaker kicked off his boots and frowned at the trail of my mud, "I thought I got it all off, I guess not."
"H-how did it go?", Whumpee poked their fingers together shyly.
"It went well, they are still alive if that's what you mean", Caretaker smiled, "I scared them, and they confessed. The police were able to arrest them."
Whumpee looked down.
"You seem unhappy", Caretaker knelt down in front of Whumpee, "why?"
"I'm sorry, I am happy, really. Thankyou for everything you've done for me", Whumpee faked a smile.
"But", Caretaker grinned, "you wanted something to happen, you wanted Whumper to have fought back a little, you wanted him to have experienced even a little of what he put you through."
Whumpee looked at Caretaker fearfully, but nodded, "am I bad for that?"
"No Whumpee, you're not", Caretaker ran his thumb across Whumpee's cheek to wipe a tear away, "you went through a lot. It's not wrong to wish that on the person who did it."
Whumpee whimpered as more tears started to fall.
"Aww Whumpee you've been holding in a lot of this, haven't you", Caretaker sighed, "it's okay, how about we go sit down. I do have a video of what happened if you want to watch that. I think it was really funny."
Whumpee nodded.
Caretaker wrapped a blanket around Whumpee and got the video started.
Caretaker smiled as Whumpee giggled at Whumper's begging.
Whumpee wiped some more tears away and looked at Caretaker, "they looked terrified."
"They were very scared", Caretaker nodded, "did that make you feel a little better?"
"A little", Whumpee grinned, "but what's going to happen now?"
"For right now, we have to wait. The lawyers and court will have to deal with it. Whumper didn't look good running away and hiding", Caretaker sighed, "you are under the protection of your care team so no matter what you will never go back to him again."
Whumpee nodded, "can I, can I watch it again?"
"Of course you can", Caretaker winked, "I'm going outside for a smoke while you watch it, okay?"
"Okay", Whumpee grinned at Whumper falling to the floor as they scurried out of the house, "thankyou Caretaker", Whumpee turned to them, "thankyou so much for doing this."
Caretaker winked, "you're welcome Whumpee", he grinned, "I'm glad I was able to do it."
I don't want to talk about how long this has sat in drafts. I hope you enjoyed. -MJ
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet
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codename-adler · 10 months
my niche take (not for canon tho): i quite dislike the wildly popular hc that andrew has tons of piercings… it just doesn’t seem… right? it would fit his style (?) and personality for sure but i just can’t help feeling like he would never? do that? i think the same of tattoos but that bothers me a little less…
ah, this is gonna get me sent to sleep with da fishes...
i am of the same opinion. (i would like to stress here, opinion)
my opinion stems both from personal experience and canon characterization, and it has nothing to with aesthetics. of course, of course, tiny emo beef boy would rock tattoos and piercings. he canonically wears all-black, smokes, wields knives and listens to soul asylum. of course.
however, so much of Andrew's traumas, trauma responses and PTSD are based in physicality.
first, Andrew did not own his body, it being abused and abused and abused, by people he trusted, and people he didn't. the 'trust' part didn't matter; his body was abused. he learned the lesson and kept guard of his body rigidly, tirelessly, violently (the lesson he thought there was; there is no lesson to get from child SA).
second, Andrew took back his body in ways his psyche could understand and accept. SH and hypersexuality. both instances have him in control of every inch of his body. nobody touches, only him. nobody inflicts, only him. before; during; after. Neil is the exception confirming the pattern, the rule.
third, Andrew defends his body against whoever he must. no matter family, friends, team, Neil. his body and subconscious always remember before his consciousness does. again, even if Neil helps start his journey towards healing, trust doesn't really have a say in his defense mechanism. violence it is. violence it must be.
now. say it is a professional tattoo artist or piercer: how long before Andrew trusts them enough? how long before trust doesn't matter and the itch of the past settles into his skin? what if the eyebrow piercing feels too similar to the bottle Drake broke onto his head? what if the forearm tattoos tickle his self-inflicted scars like Drake's kisses did? what if the person ticks off a no-no box of Andrew's mid-session? there are so many variables Andrew does not control, why put himself in the situation and risk his last pebble of sanity?
i think the only way Andrew would get either piercings or tattoos would be if Neil did them. hello fic writers go fucken wild with this one.
personally i'd say it would only happen quite a few years after TRK, when Andrew has matured, possibly when his pro career is over because ouch Exy brawls and piercings don't get along well, but that's just me. maybe just studs, maybe the tattoos are very minimalists and have nothing to do with Andrew's scars, idk.
i'd like to be clear on one thing though: my believing Andrew does not ever have piercings and/or tattoos has nothing to do with believing he does not heal enough to do that, or that survivors of abuse like him are broken to the point of never getting anything done to their body. to me it's like Andreil never saying 'i love you' and never getting married. Andrew, like Neil, like the Foxes, are unconventional, difficult characters whose healing journeys are not pretty nor normalized. but it doesn't mean they don't get to a healthy place, whatever that looks for them. it does not mean they are not okay, and valid in their choices. to me, it has everything to knowing yourself so thoroughly, forgiving yourself so wholly, accepting yourself so completely, that there is no need to hide your body or prove your limits, to your own self or to others. i think it would be much more significant if Andrew one day could simply remove his armbands, and never wear them again, than to cover his scars with tattoos. to allow himself softness rather than arm his presence with more piercings.
again, it's also not that serious. Andrew can have an ice cream cone tattooed on his ass for all i care. give him a dainty little nose ring he sniffs up one time and has to go to the ER to get in unstuck. it's all shits and giggles if you wanna.
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gnrbitch · 1 year
Summer Break Pt.11 - Sanitarium
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Warnings: lol the usual 
Guys also i kindaaaaa forgot to mention that Y/n and John agreed to just be friends oops sorry but now you know!!!
Y/Ns outfit: https://www.tumblr.com/gnrbitch/719360471671734272/yns-outfit-for-pt11?source=share
Pt2 of Day 12, 1986
It was currently 11:10 of the night as Y/n and John walked their way to this party John had been non stop talking about. 
To her surprise, Duff and Mandy never came back home. So Y/n left a note for her brother, telling him she was ‘sleeping over’ at Johns, which wasn’t really a lie, she was gonna crash at his place after the party anyways. 
“You keep talking about this party, what’s so special about it?“ Y/n asked John.
She looked around to where they were heading, and they were getting frighteningly close to the hell house, Y/n prayed that this party wasn’t gonna be there. 
“Its a metal mania party, a band named Metallica” John said 
“Metallica? Holy shit I know them!” Y/n exclaimed as she turned to look at him. 
John turned to look at her, surprised “You know them?”
Y/n corrected herself, “No not like i know them know them, but i know their music, they’re fucken sick” 
John hummed, “Oh right, hey look we’re here!” 
Y/n looked to the house John was motioning to, almost shitting herself as she saw that it was two houses down from the Hell House. She could only hope the guys wouldn’t be there. 
John took her by the hand as he guided her into the house, heavy music blasting through her ears, the smell of beer filling her nose. I wonder what else they have in here, she wondered. 
She quickly lost sight of John, internally cursing him out for leaving her alone. 
Y/n tried to be as sneaky as she can, scanning the room to see if she could catch a glimpse of any of the five men she was trying to avoid. Specifically Slash and Duff, no explanation needed. 
She finally felt safe enough to go wander around, maybe she could find the girl with the blue pills, then her night would go much smoother. 
She roughly made her way to the kitchen, grabbing a beer from a concerningly dirty cooler and practically chugged it. The girl repeated this motion with three more beers. 
Hearing one of her favorite songs come on, she bopped her head and mumbled to herself “Fucken love rem” 
“Me too” said a voice next to her
Caught off guard, she looked to the person standing next to her, the girl smiled and responded “They’re a great fucken band. Surprised to hear them playing here” 
The long haired man chuckled “Almost had to fight someone to play them” 
Y/n laughed and raised her eyebrows “Jesus you must love them” 
And when she said that, she realized who the fuck she was talking to, Cliff fucken Burton. Okay, she thought, keep it cool. 
“Hell yea I do” Cliff smiled, “Plus this is my party, I could play whatever I want!”
Y/n laughed once again, “You’re in the band right?” she asked 
“Well yes I am” He drunkenly said, his smile remaining on his face 
“I fucken love your band dude, Ride The Lightning is my shit” Y/n said as she cracked open a beer, offering it to him. 
“Why thank you, for the compliment and the beer” He said
“Well of course my good sir” She answered as she was now opening herself a beer. 
“You’re pretty cool girl with no name” Cliff said smiling at her
“Thank you, Cliff” She looked at him, putting a little emphasis on his name, “My name is Y/n by the way, though girl with no name sounds sick”  
Cliff laughed at her comment “Wow, look at me, already being recognized” He joked as he pretended to wipe away a tear. 
Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes, “Seems like your song is over, Cliff, what's next on the menu?” 
And just as Cliff could answer, Iron Maiden started to blast through the house, Cliff widened his eyes and laughed, “Well I guess that” 
Y/n laughed as she heard a familiar voice in the distance, looking over her shoulder, she saw her brothers gold locks heading towards the kitchen. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. She thought. 
Looking back at Cliff, she asked “Do you wanna go sit down or something?” 
Cliff smiled “I’m so glad you said that, my fucken legs hurt” 
“Alright then, lets go” she said as she grabbed her beer and walked out of the kitchen, turning her head to see Cliff following closely behind. 
They sat down on a couch which was quite literally in the middle of the room, and Y/n hoped that with as many people as there were, she wouldn’t be spotted by her brother. 
As they sat down, she saw John and some dude talking (they were also sitting on the couch). 
John noticed her and smiled, “Lars, this is my friend Y/n” he said pointing at her, Lars turning around to look at her. 
“I’m Lars, You guys know each other? Wait are you guys dating?” Lars said with his little danish accent. He spoke very quickly, Y/n noted. 
“No not dating, just friends” Y/n said 
Lars smirked at her, “Well in that case-” 
“Don’t start pulling your moves on Y/n Lars” Cliff said as he looked back to the girl “I’m saving you, he’s a bit of a fucken chatterbox” 
“Hey- Cliff! I heard that! Why are you always trying to-” Lars started as John cut him off 
“Lars what was it that you were telling me about? Some chick you met in New York?” John said, giving Y/n a ‘Thank me later’ look as Lars put his attention back on John. 
Y/n smiled at him as she turned her attention back to Cliff, “How was opening for Ozzy?” She asked, feeling a bit drunk
“It was so fucken cool, greatest time of my life” Cliff said as he smiled, laying back on the couch. 
Y/n smiled along with him, she really couldn’t believe that she was right here, talking to Cliff on this old dirty couch, what fucken luck. 
She turned her head to look at the crowd, and right when she was going to turn back to Cliff, she had to do a double take to see if her mind was fucking with her. But it wasn’t, Slash was staring at her as he stood behind Steven (Stevens back was facing Y/n, just for a little clarity), his eyes burning as they looked back and forth to her and Cliff. 
“Shit” Y/n said aloud
“Whats wrong?” Cliff asked her, his eyes following to where Y/n was looking. 
The pair on the couch looked at eachother again 
“Boyfriend?” Cliff asked 
Y/n sighed “Nope”
“Ex boyfriend?“ 
“I don’t believe you” Cliff sang to her as he smiled 
Y/n smiled and rolled her eyes “You should, theres nothing going on” 
“So why is he coming over?” Cliff told her, nodding her head towards the curly headed man approaching them. 
Y/n looked ahead, seeing Slash walking over to her and Cliff. Shit the girl thought. 
Cliff smiled at her before looking at Slash, “Hey man” 
Slash nodded his head at him before looking at Y/n, “The fuck are you doing here?” He asked 
Y/n rolled her eyes “Don’t start Slash” 
Slash looked at Cliff and smirked, “Don’t waste your time on her, she not worth it” 
“Well i wasn-” Cliff said, being cut off by Y/n scoffing and walking away. 
Y/n pushed her way through the crowd, her frustration flowing through her body as she felt her throat closing up. 
Making it to the hallway, she felt someone roughly grab her arm and pull her into a room. Hearing the sound of the door close, this someone turned on the lights. 
Y/n’s face turned angry at the sight of the curly head in front of her. 
“Fuck you Slash” Y/n said to him, turning around to leave. But Slash quickly closed the door back up. 
Y/n scoffed as she looked to him “What? What the fuck do you want” she said, impatiently. 
Slash stared at her, no words coming out of his mouth. 
“You drag me in here and say fucking nothing” Y/n said, narrowing her eyes at him. 
“I fucken hate you Slash” Y/n said “Why can’t you just leave me alone? Stop fucken tormenting me” 
“Is that really how you feel?” Slash said, smirk on his face. 
“Yea, it is. I don’t know what kind of sickly obsession you have over me, but you have to leave me the fuck alone.” Y/n said, staring right into his eyes 
Slash could laugh, “I don’t really think thats what you want me to do”
Y/n could slap him, anger rushing through her body she said, “It is. Leave me alone. Everything you and I did meant nothing to me.” And Y/n meant it, this was just supposed to be some fun little thing between her and Slash, but he turned it into something fucken ugly. 
“What the fuck do you mean it meant nothing?” Now Slash was the one becoming angry. 
“Figure it out yourself dumbass” Y/n said as she finally made her way out the bathroom, walking to the living room. 
She stopped at the couch she was on earlier, seeing John she spoke up, “Hey, I’m leaving” 
“You’re leaving? Do you want me to go with you?” John asked her 
“No its cool, its not far” Y/n said as she hugged him, “I’ll catch you later alright? Call me when you get home” 
“Okay, get home safe” He said, sending her a little smile. 
Y/n returned the smile, walking out of the house she came across Cliff. 
“Leaving already?” He asked her 
“Yea, gotta get home, it was cool meeting you” She smiled at him 
Cliff drunkly smiled at her “It was cool meeting you too” He said as he bought her into a hug. 
Y/ns smile remained on her face as their embrace ended, “Bye Cliff” she said as she finally left the premises (they were outside, like on the lawn or something). 
The girls smile faded as she made her way home, tears filling her eyes at the anger she felt towards Slash. Fucken asshole.
She sniffled and wiped her eyes as she walked down the streets of Sunset Blvd, wanting to get to Duffs place already. 
Y/n felt someone following her, her head turned to look over her shoulder. She sighed and closed her eyes as she continued to walk, recognizing the silhouette behind her. 
“Y/n” The man called, Y/n gave no response as she began to walk faster. 
“Y/n i swear to god” The voice called to her again. And again, Y/n didn’t say anything. 
Y/n was close to her destination, if she could get to Duffs place fast enough, she could lock the doors. 
And Y/n almost ran to get to the door, and just before she closed it, Slash’s hand slammed against it, opening it back up. He made his way inside and closed the door as Y/n walked towards their room.
“Y/n” He said 
“I don’t wanna talk to you Slash” The girl said as she began to take her jacket off, looking for her pajamas. 
Slash sighed, “Look im sorry” 
Y/n scoffed, “Like thats gonna fix anything” 
“I know its not, but i really am sorry” Slash said, his voice becoming gental 
“Okay” Y/n said, pushing him away as she tried to make her way into her bathroom. 
“Y/n comon just hear me out, look we can make this work” He said 
“Make what work?” She asked, turning back around to look at him 
“This” he motioned between them 
“I- I don’t know. Slash” The girl sighed
“Just give it a chance, look I’ll take you out on a date tomorrow” He desperately said 
“I can’t tomorrow, i’m already hanging with Duff” She said, trying to make an excuse
“Lets go during the night” He quickly responded 
“Fine.” The girl said, turning around and walking to the bathroom, closing the door. 
“Yes!” she heard Slash say from outside the bathroom, the walls were very thin here. 
“Better be a good fucken date Slash” Y/n mumbled to herself.   
LOL i feel like this chapter isnt good.
Anyways I literallyyyyy forgot Y/n was supposed to be 16 LMFAO omg 😭. But im changing her age shes now freshly 18 yasss. Gonna go back and change her age in the other chapters LOL. Hope you guys enjoyed though!!!! till next time xxgnrbitch
Tagged: @hoodiesandicedcoffee
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once upon a time @transmechanicus made a post about land raiders seeming underpowered or undergunned. something to that effect. in hindsight, it was probs about the tabletop gameplay, but, clever girl that i was, interpreted it as “put a big fucken cannon on a land raider” so i did, took me over a year to get around to painting it tho xD lore under the cut
when i posted Brother Maxim, i mentioned that the modifications to his dreadnought were one of two major reasons that the White Talons were accused of tech heresy, LR-6 Inceptum is the other. During the Seige or Barrik IV, traitors deeply embedded in all echolons of power launched a surprise attack on the Bloodhounds fortress monastery, managing to catch many of the marines off guard, however, many of the land raiders had been out on a spur-of-the-moment training excercise, something the Bloodhounds would ensure the traitors would rue. as traitor legion forces arrived to begin the siege in earnest, so to did imperial reinforcements, leading to a years long siege, through which Inceptum would find herself the only land raider remainign out of her sisters, and the only super heavy available on her front of the war.
Eventually additional baneblades could be sent to Inceptum’s front, giving her a chance to return to a proper workshop for a real maintenance cycles. By this point, however, most of the tech marines on planet had been slain, and so the Tobruskan 501st, stationed nearby, lent them engineseers to speed up repairs. The only problem is that these were Tobruskan enginseers, who are known to straddle the line between dogma and tech heresy. When LR-6 Inceptum’s commander inquired about whether or putting a salvaged hellhammer could be considered tech heresy, they replied “yeah, nah, she’ll be ‘right.”
Through the rest of the siege, Inceptum would continue to serve alongside the astra millitarum. When the Bloodhounds, along with what little remained of the other three chapters of astartes that had come to lend aid, rallied at the White Talon mountain range, for which they would later take their name for their ad hoc frankenchapter, Inceptum refused the call. She and her crew had been fighting alongside the Tobruskan and Karelan guard forces or so long and through such fierce battles, that they considered these mere mortals as much a brother as they would any astarte.
After astra millitarum forces had cunningly struck down the leadership of the chaos forces, they began to fight amongst themselves. As several wannabe warlords attempted to be the first to fill the power vacuum, Inceptum spearheaded an attack against the rear of the forces assaulting the White Talons, and alongside the Tobruskan and Karelan guards, rescued the space marines.
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asukaskerian · 2 years
Monthly word count - november
TOTAL: 4 207 POSTED: nope! IN PROGRESS -bleach suburban ot4 (2 194 words) -naruto ABO cherry wine (1 257 words) -bleach ABO pack fuckening (756 words, mostly edits/adds-on) mmmyep, unsurprised here. no external reason, i just... nosedived or something. idk. flops. -- teasers:
-- Naruto ABO cherry wine -- "One cannot simply refuse to consider all possibilities," he mused detachedly, and started slicing himself a band of cloth off the bottom of the man's shirt. The sound of cotton shearing felt very loud in the room for the couple of seconds it took Tobirama and Izuna to get it. "--Scent token." "Masterful deduction." Considering he had gone into an actual ghost rut once from losing track of a still-vulnerable, freshly-bred (or so his instincts said) Tobirama... A bit of cloth that only smelled of the man's effort-sweat and not of his (their) pleasure wasn't going to help a lot, but it was better than nothing. He knew better than to hope the towel Tobirama had used after his bath (if he had used any and not simply jutsued the water off) would still hold any traces of him. ... His hands were so close to Tobirama's hip, the waist of his pants. "You could have asked," Tobirama snapped, tense and unmoving. "I thought you were done, do you even need one or are you just trying to get stabbed?" "If we don't want me to slaughter my way through every daimyo's guard and courtier who looks at me sideways for this mess? Rather," Madara replied absently, and wondered whether he would get away with cutting through the strap of his fundoshi and pulling it free like a street hustler pulling a handkerchief from a sleeve-- "Niisan. No." "I didn't do anything." "Good. Keep doing that." Chuckling to himself, he pushed the thought away. Dumb alpha optimism would be a good way to get stabbed. And then Tobirama would flounce away in a snit, which would be amusing but also very unpleasant. Best that his -- temporary lover -- leave calmly, or even better be left behind as he and Izuna went away, to allow Madara's hindbrain to pretend he would wait for them here. -- bleach suburban ot4 -- Orihime starts clamping locks of Nelliel's hair out of the way. It feels nice. She looks so serious in the mirror, determined to do it right. "I think we all started dyeing it at the same time back then," Nel says quietly, watching the two of them in the mirror. The baby is turning over in her belly, something slow and ponderous. "Hm?" "Most of us were half-Japanese at best. Our faces already..." She waves vaguely at her own face. "I mean, I pass from the neck up, if you don't get close enough to notice my eye color, but I really don't have a Japanese woman's build." The only woman she's ever met who might have a bust-waist ratio approaching hers is Orihime, in fact. And Orihime is still short. Nelliel is taller than some guys out here; her shoulders are squarer, more solid. "Anyway. We couldn't hide it, most of us, so we got into the habit of shoving it in people's faces, I guess. Better be noticed for my hair than for my tits, when I was fifteen." Orihime winces, looks sad. Starts scratching at her skull through the hair bleach like one might pet a cat. "--Ugh, why did this get so sad," Nelliel remembers to say three seconds of bubbling tingles later. "I just mean! I don't look like me with natural hair, but this is... really bright, and my kid--" "Your kid will have the coolest mom," Orihime says staunchly. "And you could -- there are less intense blue-greens. Mossy would look nice? Or sage green. You don't have to go natural. You should keep looking like a faerie." -- bleach pack fuckening ABO -- Fucking smirky bastard. He hoots, insulting, when Grimmjow lunges to claw him, so when he hops over him to dodge Grimmjow goes for the less-friendly rules of hunting and clamps his teeth onto the thigh passing him by. White Zangetsu proves himself to be a normal person by snarling so loud the walls of the cliff tremble in echo. Grimmjow releases him, grinning all teeth out -- then Whitey is on him, trying to ram him back-first into the ground. Growls echoing, they kick and swipe, and roll-- And the black one plucks him from the ground like an errant child, arms slipping under his armpits and lifting him off the ground in a smooth instant. Whitey looks at his face, and bursts out laughing. "You forgot -- you forgot there were two of us, holy shit, heat Grimmjow is so fucking dumb--" "I'm gonna pull out all your guts and knit them into a cozy gut poncho."
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phoenixrising0308 · 2 years
Wacky Drabbles: Nicknames Part (1)
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Books: The Royal Romance ... all of them
Rating: M (18+) Sexual situation and adult themes.
Trigger Warnings in this chapter: 🍋 and a physical aggression
Pairing: Liam x Jessica Garcia (MC)
Wacky Drabble A/U: This story exists on its own and may or may not be a part of their journey together. Traits, personalities, and characters are all the same. Some canon characters may appear but in a different manifestation and by no means exist in that form in Agent Phoenix A/U this is not meant to be anything other than an A/U onto itself. Catch up with wacky drabbles here
The Wacky Drabbles prompt: “What if I can’t see it.”
Chapter Summary:  It takes your partner to work day! If you don’t know what Jessica’s job is she is actually an FBI Special Agent and is currently assigned as an Attaché to Cordonia and her counterpart is Drake. Together they investigate a disappearance in Agent Phoenix. While she operates as Liam’s favorite policy analyst to everyone else. Jessica is also an honorary member of the Kings guard* which is why Liam is allowed to be without a Royal detail when he is away with her.  Jessica brought Drake to Quantico for FBI Exhibition competition with other international law enforcement agencies with their Attachés. Drake and Jessica learn way too might about each other.
Song inspiration:  Only Heart - John Meyer :)
Word Count: 2,500 * Please forgive my typo’s and grammatical errors*
Average reading time: 8 minutes
There is an inside joke and a buzzword I borrowed the drabble idea was centered around I hope I’ve done it justice. You will notice a few hyperlinks in the story… I was inspired.
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Quantico, Virginia
Federal Bureau of Investigation, Academy - Hogan’s Alley
Jessica and Drake sat down taking cover behind a wall as gunfire echoed in their direction.
Jessica shouted, “Cover?”
Drake yelled out “Yup!”
Jessica peaked out from behind the wall and opened fire shooting two suspects with her standard-issue Remington 12 gauge shotgun from the floor above her.
Jessica called out “Clear.”
Drake moved across the floor and under a stairwell of the lobby floor of the Dogwood inn portion of the tactical training facility.
From his view, Drake saw the last remaining suspect he aimed and pulled the trigger shooting the suspect in the chest.
A voice on the intercom called out “That’s a wrap. Captain Walker and Special Agent Garcia.”
Jessica and Drake meet in the center of the lobby Drake said, “Couldn’t you just shoot the dumb fuck.”
Jessica rolled her eyes “What the fuck? He had a hostage. I wasn’t a clear shot so I shot above his head to distract him. Then I fucken shot him and the result was a kill shot.”
“I said fucken shoot him! Fire to fucken kill not fucken fire warn! You are an expert marksman you could have taken the fucken shot!”
“Ouch! You fucken hurt my feelings. Liam gave me shit over a fucken gun safety and was a real bitch to me about in the interest of public safety. Liam should be fucken talking to you! This is not fucken Die Hard. It was not clear!”
“Well, Greece’s Attaché and his counterpart are in the lead and talking shit about your shot! Look around Garcia you are the only female Attaché that made it this far in the completion. We did not come here to fucken lose! AND you know what I don’t care what you say Diehard IS a Christmas movie.”
“Yeah, and Clerks is a movie about great customer service.” Jessica took off her Yankees baseball cap and loosen her bulletproof vest.
Drake took off his vest and his Dallas Cowboy hat and jokingly placed it on Jessica head. Jessica took it off and said, “Don’t put that shit on me!”
Drake’s phone vibrated and he rolled his eyes and said, “Most guys are excited about their girlfriend cooking them a pie, turkey or some shit. But here I am getting a million text from Liam excited to see if we won a shooting competition I entered with his girlfriend. We better not fucken lose or I’m gonna give you shit for it. I might even throw my cell phone at that T.V over that displays the standing .”
“Did you just fucken threaten to destroy government property? Leaving Liam to fix the aftermath of your federal crime!”
A voice on the intercom called out “Captain Walker and Special Agent Garcia that’s 98% accuracy and fifteen-minute clearance on this exercise. You guys won the exhibition game. Excellent work.”
Drake said, “ Fuck yeah!” Drake gave Jessica a high five
Jessica said, “We fucken beat those fuckers! Jessica flipped off the 2nd place winners who moments before talked shit about her shooting and mouthed “First place motherfuckers!”
Drake said, “That is so fucken unprofessional Garcia. Liam would be so disappointed.” Drake ruffled Jessica hair then flipped off the 2nd place winners as well and mouthed “98%”
Paddy’s Steakhouse
Jessica and Drake sat at the bar watching the loins and the bears football waiting for a pool table to open.  Drake eyed a brunette from across the room drinking a black cherry white claw.
Jessica held her glass to her lips and said  “Drake, this might be your chance MAYBE she is a princess. Ask her to marry you worse thing that can happen is that she says no and you get all fucken crazy. Jessica chuckled.
Drake put his glass down and said, “You are such a pain in my fucken ass. I’m going to kill you and Liam will fucken put me in prison.”
Jessica said, “No he won’t he would execute you. Anyway, Need an assist?”
Drake huffed “You help me? How?”
“Simple cause a huge embarrassing scene. She comes over to check in on you. Take her to your hotel room … thank me later. ”
“That won’t fucken work.”
“Let’s try your play. I’m going to be a rowdy fucken sarcastic asshole douche nozzle so my friend can save the day. That was your play with Liam. This is my play with you it’s called I’m fucking your best friend and I’m a psycho crazy bitch.”
Drank choked on his drink laughing, “What the fuck? And let that shit go, Garcia, it fucken worked.”
“Did you have to break a bottle of ketchup?”
“Nope, that was Liam he fumbled when he saw you bend down to pick up the fork I threw at you. That night Liam and Maxwell made a fucken pillow fort and they fucken talked for hours about your little fucken date and magical kiss under twinkling stars.”
“Awww.  Let me even the score she could be the love of your life minus the Social Season bullshit.”
“Oh with your magical play. How will I know it’s happening? What if I don’t see it? And I miss mark like you did today. Then I might never find true love.” Drake laughed as he took a sip of his drink.
Jessica threw her drink at Drake and shouted  “You know what I’m fucking your best friend. L-I-A-M. You know the tall blonde with the six-pack abs, the piercing blue eyes you get lost in, perfectly shaped eyebrows, the winning smile, the cute accent, the soft lips that taste like Burt’s bees vanilla chap-stick …” Jessica began to mindless describe Liam.
Drake grabbed a napkin wiped his face and shouted “JESSICA!”
Drake’s hotel room
Drake watched as Emily set a hand on his arm, rubbing it in a way that he thought was comforting.  Emily said, “Drake forget her. Really her loss that girl is a crazy psycho bitch. She is sleeping with your best friend and she throws a drink at you?”
Drake thought to himself ‘Garcia is a fucken genius’ and then said, “I fucken can’t believe it.”
Emily said, “I’m gonna make you forget.” she began to move her hand lower before it rubbed over his crotch. Drake looked at Emily, who had a sultry smirk playing at her lips.
Jessica’s hotel room
Jessica was looking in her suitcase trying to find pajamas to wear for the evening.
“That is a fucken big thick COLOSSUS cock!!!”
Jessica whipped her head back and said, “COLOSSUS cock!?
“Oh yeah, my cock is COLOSSUS.”
Don’t break her drake with her your COLOSSUS cock Drake.
Jessica laid on her bed trying not to be distracted by Drake and Emily having sex in the room next to her. Secretly not trying to be jealous that Drake was scoring and she wasn’t. So she walked over to her bag to get her laptop and grabbed her customized Liam-shaped vibrator he special ordered for her for times like these perhaps Skype sex was in her future.
Jessica called Liam’s phone and it went straight to voicemail. “Hey, Liam I miss you. I want to Skype. I guess you’re busy. Love you bye.”
Jessica turned the switch to her vibrator on then off and rolled her eyes “NOTHING BEATS THE REAL THING. Its been a whole week” and she threw herself face down on the bed “Welp. Maybe I will go read.”  Jessica’s phone rang. “Hi, Liam! Oh, you can’t talk just returning my call…oh no I’m fine. Okay, love you too. Alright bye.”
Drake’s hotel room
Emily outwardly moaned out at that moment, bringing a smirk of satisfaction to Drake’s lips.
Drake kissed down her neck and then down her chest, swirling his tongue over both of her nipples. She tangled her fingers into his hair immediately, arching her back a bit. He glanced up at a beautiful sight. “Your fucken gorgeous.” Drake drawled.
“Less flattery, more fucking,” Emily sassed, gasping when Drake reached down to rub at her between her legs. “You are so fucken wet,” Drake mumbled. Emily moaned, writhing in bliss. “You’re so fucken hot.” He kissed her lips gently before pulling her pants down all the way, throwing them haphazardly to the side.
“69?” Emily asked breathily and grabbed Drake crotch feeling his erection.
Drake said, “What do you want to do with it?”
“I want that COLOSSUS cock in my mouth!!!”
Drake was aroused by Emily taking control trying not to let too much eagerness shine in his eyes.  “Fuck yeah.”
Emily crawled down Drake’s body, turning herself around she looked at his COLOSSUS cock, bulging through his gray boxers.
Emily leaned down, taking Drake’s COLOSSUS cock into her mouth. Drake quickly learned that she didn’t have a gag reflex as she took his COLOSSUS cock all the way almost immediately, not even choking on it. Drake was surprised bucking his hips up into her mouth and feeling as it hit the back of her throat. He got to work in pleasuring her, leaning up to run his tongue over her, swirling around the clit. He felt her moan around him, sending vibrations up his body.
All of the pleasure was making his head spin. He rolled his hips up, fucking Emily’s throat. He licked over her core, sucking on her clit. Her moans all send vibrations through his body.
“Fuck, Emily,” Drake groaned, moving his hips faster. Emily pulled off to get some air, panting and moaning aloud now.
“Oh, Drake!” She cried out. She continued sucking Drake’s COLOSSUS cock, but she went at her own pace this time around.
Jessica’s hotel room
The headboard of Drake’s bed was banging against Jessica’s wall.
“Goddammit, Emily!”
“I love that fucken COLOSSUS cock!!!”
Jessica sat on her bed wearing a Flannel nightshirt her hair in a messy bun with her headphones full blast listening to John Meyer album “Heavy Things” while reading her favorite collection of short stories ‘One Rainy day in Valtoria’ she was on part 11 when a picture frame fell off the wall hitting her head. Jessica threw her book across the room ‘ FUCKEN EMILY! Shut the fuck up already. Drake has a huge COLOSSUS cock!! I get it and everyone now knows at the Quantico Holiday inn!”
Jessica walked across the room and picked up her book and said,“Oh snap,” that reminds me to get me some coconut lime verbena lotion.
Jessica said, “ That girl is going to a neck brace.
20 Minutes later …
Drake’s hotel room
“Alright, come here,” Drake mumbled, pulling Emily rather roughly up toward him. He figured they were both rested enough to continue and moved Emily to hover over him, reverse cowgirl style. She sunk down onto him, moans filling the air.
“Fuck!” She cried out, arching her back. “I love that fucken COLOSSUS cock!!!”
“GODDAMIT EMILY,” Drake moaned, harshly thrusting between every word. He moved his hips roughly.
“Fuck me with that COLOSSUS cock!!!” Emily cried.
Jessica’s hotel room
Drake’s headboard slammed against Jessica’s wall and startling her and she fell off the bed. “This is fucken UNBEARABLE I know to much about Drake too fucken much.” Jessica sat on the floor and called Liam
“Liam, are you busy”
“Love, are you okay?”
“No I miss you and ummm you know.”
“I miss you too and I wish I could Skype so we can you know. I really miss you its 7 days but I can’t right now. I’m sorry love.”
“Maybe later?”
“Of course. God, I’m hungry did you eat anything?”
“Does a fuckton of white cheddar popcorn count?”
Drake’s room
“Fuck,” Drake groaned, thrusting harder. He was pounding the bed frame against the wall, a loud crashing sound ringing through the room.
“I’m close,” Emily whimpered, bringing him back to the moment. Drake was quick to rub at her clit, watching her practically convulse as she came. He hit his orgasm moments after.
30 mins later…
Jessica’s hotel room
“If Drake killed me what would you do? Give him life in prison or execute him?”
“Love, if someone gave you some much as a paper cut I would kill myself but this is Drake.”
“So you wouldn’t kill Drake if he killed me?”
“If my best friend killed the love of my life he isn’t my best friend. Drake is my best friend so it’s not possible.”
“Dammit Liam! That’s completely logical but I didn’t ask a logical question! I asked an irrational one. Give me a fucken real answer to my fucken irrational question.”
There was a knock at her hotel room door. Jessica called out “One sec.” Jessica threw on a robe and walked to the door.
“Some fucken asshole is at my door.”
“Jess, it’s late. Be careful”
“Liam, your big imagination is playing tricks on you.
“Love, you just asked if I would execute my best friend for something he would NEVER do and I’m the one with a big imagination?”
“Okay I will keep one hand on the trigger of the telephone so I can call for help in case someone tries to kill me.
“Love, I worry about you enough don’t release that into the universe.”
“I’m upset you won’t kill Drake in my ludicrous scenario if he killed me. I’d kill Hana if she killed you. I wouldn’t fucken think twice. This is an alternate universe anything goes. Listen the only correct answer here is kill Drake. ”
“Love, you need to calm down for a second. Why are you so moody? Are your getting your period? Do you have M&M’s?” Liam began to whisper “I promise to take my time with you when I see you, touch you everywhere however you want to be touched and fill every inch of you.” then resumed his regular volume “ What can I do?”
Liam took a deep breath and said, If Drake kills you he better kill me too. I swear I would die without you.”
Jessica shouted into the phone and said “So that’s it? You are just going to let Drake get away with killing us! ”
Liam: “I survive on the breath you are finished with”
Jessica: “ I’m sexual frustrated and you are away. So I’m moody as hell right now and someone is going to pay for it in this AU! Avenge my untimely demise dammit Liam! ”
Jessica opened the door putting her hand over the phone. A hotel employee pushed in a diner cart and said, “Here you go three bacon cheeseburger deluxe medium and 2 cherry cokes.”
Jessica said with an attitude, “Yup wrong room. You probably want COLOSSUS cock next door. It’s fucken 1:00 am he probably needs energy for his sexual marathon he is like on chapter 24.”
Liam peaked his head in the room and gave Jessica a glowing smile and said, “Nope, right room.”
Liam walked into the room and took Jessica’s hand and rested it on his chest and said, “Feel my chest when I look at you. You got my only heart.”
Liam gave Jessica a quick kiss tipped the hotel staff and said, “Thank you, we have it from here.” The staff member promptly left. Liam walked through the door closing it with his foot and said, “I have to put an end to this moodiness.”
Jessica smirked and said, “Fuck even in this alternate universe you are still poetic. Is the sex still explosive?”
Liam laughed, “I don’t know. You are going to have to tell me. I would make love to you in all of them.”
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alynicoleee · 9 days
Beginning of Forever: Chapter Twenty Seven
Title: Beginning of Forever (Chapter 27) Pairing: Tim Lincecum / OFC POV: Third Person - OFC Rating: NC-17
Alyssa woke up in the same position that they had drifted to sleep in, tangled in each other's arms. The sunlight was slowly slipping through the curtain and filling Tim's bedroom. Alyssa didn't know what time it was - the amazing night had spilled over into an even more amazing morning. She didn't want to move, didn't want the day to ever end.
There was an impossible sweetness in the moment, something she had never experienced before. Alyssa couldn't explain the feeling, but it was such a great feeling, such a strange high. She couldn't believe how many times Tim had made her cum without having to use a toy or her own fingers to get her off. The intense pull she felt toward him was magical; she felt safe with him.
She turned over softly, not wanting to wake him, and just stared at his features for a long time. He looked so peaceful when he slept. His face was soft and relaxed, a glow radiating from his skin. She smiled as she continued watching him sleep. She was in the midst of reliving the experience in her mind and thinking how lucky she was when his eyes fluttered open.
She smiled as Tim's eyes adjusted from sleep and he noticed her staring at him.
"Hi," he whispered.
She ran her hand down his cheek as she responded, "Hi."
He leaned in to kiss her and she giggled, she could definitely get used to this.
Tim pulled back and smiled, "Are you okay?"
Alyssa scrunched up her nose before replying, "I am. But I'm curious why you keep asking me?"
She could tell that the question caught Tim off guard and he remained silent for a few seconds before responding, "I guess I just don't want to hurt you, physically, emotionally, whatever. Every time I learn a little more about you, I want to protect you even more. I want you to be okay. So I'm going to keep asking you, over and over again. Is that okay?"
Alyssa smiled wide as she snuggled into his chest and Tim's arms gripped her tighter, "Can I tell you a secret?"
Tim leaned into her as he responded, "You can tell me anything and everything."
She paused for a moment wondering if it was too soon to say it - their relationship was still so new, barely over a month, and she didn't want to scare him away. But something inside of her told her to just say it, "I feel really fucken safe with you. I don't have to pretend with you. I can let down my guard around you, be vulnerable, and not feel like you're going to judge me. You make me feel safe."
Tim pulled back and then leaned and gave Alyssa the most passionate kiss that let her know that it wasn't too soon to say it. She could feel her eyes water with emotion and when he pulled away a tear trickled down her face.
He wiped the tear from her eye as he spoke, "You have no idea how much hearing that means to me. This relationship seems to be moving at the speed of light, and some times it scares me, but I wouldn't change a single thing. And knowing that you feel safe with me just makes me believe how right this really is."
Alyssa couldn't help it, the tears spilled over as Tim spoke. She was happy, for once she was truly happy. She snuggled up close to him and they just snuggled in silence for a moment until Tim spoke.
"Want to take a shower? We're a sticky mess."
Alyssa nodded, and as Tim helped her out of bed she flinched lightly. She was sore, but a good sore. She was clinching the bed sheet around her as if Tim hadn't already explored every single crevice of her body but he didn't say anything, just smiled.
She stood in the doorway of the bathroom and watched as Tim pulled out extra towels out of the closet for her and turned on the shower head. As the water fell he turned around and smirked, "You have to let go of the sheet at some point."
Alyssa could feel her face heating up, she had never been comfortable in her own skin. He reached out his hand to her and she shyly took it, letting the sheet fall to the ground. He led her into the shower and she could feel her body relax the minute the hot water hit her skin. As the water fall over her, Tim wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered in her ear, "What are you thinking about?"
She turned around to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "You're so patient with me."
He leaned in and gave her a soft peck before responding, "Why wouldn't I be? There's no hurry here, there's no pressure. There's nothing wrong with being nervous, feeling uneasy or confused. It's just you and me, navigating this together - adjusting to each other's needs and wants. We figure it out together."
Alyssa smiled as she spoke, "So wise."
Tim shrugged, "Therapy does that for you."
Alyssa cracked up laughing and jokingly pushed him away. He pulled her back in and kissed the top of her head, "That was a good one though".
They kept their shower sweet but sensual, washing up and down each other's bodies and trailing kisses throughout. But that's as far as Tim allowed it to go, telling her that he didn't want her to think that she owed him anything.
Alyssa was surprised and semi confused. This was the first time that a man didn't demand more of her, the first time a man took their time to pleasure her, thought about her first, and put his needs last. She didn't think such men existed, all the ones she encountered always wanted something from her and were upset when it didn't happen or if the night was cut short.
It was the best feeling to be understood and listened to even without ever saying a word. The best feeling to have her feelings strongly considered alongside his.
Tim wrapped her up in a towel and Alyssa hugged herself tight. He carried her and sat her at the edge of the sink, eliminating their height difference. Alyssa pulled her hair back and stared straight into Tim's green eyes smiling. She could look into his eyes for hours.
He pressed his forehead against hers and whispered, "I'm going to ask you again, are you okay?"
Alyssa giggled. Now that she knew he asked because he really cared she didn't mind it as much. "Just on thing. Can I borrow a shirt?"
Tim laughed before kissing her, "Anything you want".
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namonaki-pharaoh · 7 months
I am fucken whereezing omg 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I honestly never saw anyone confuse it with “buy that” so this took me off guard. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just cant
I really needed this laugh tonight
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pink-sunrise-56 · 10 months
Sun’s Angel (01)
Fucken hell it’s 4 am and I haven’t slept-(well I actually slept all day 🫣) and my hyper fixation on fairy tail, Greek mythology and angels(Christianity, despite my dislike for the history and some people who are from this region, but that’s on trauma ✨)
Here is part 1💫
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🕊️ first person view🕊️
As I stumbled out of the alyssum they kept me in for these 8 years after,
‘I was found in a destroyed city, I was sent on a decade long mission. The city was destroyed by a monster, a god, they people prayed and worshiped for centuries, decided he was bored and thought his devotees were a plaything.
When the council found me I was exhausted and the deity was destroyed to ashes as so was his followers.
They assumed I went rouge and slaughtered the innocent.
That is how I was sent to that alyssum, but I did make some acquaintances .. Jellal, Cobra, Midnight, Ultear. They were all people I could use my telepathy magic on within the prison.’
I looked up the rising sun, I outstretched my white feathered wings, soaking in the sunshine. I sighed softly as I ascend into the sky.
I notice I’m still in fiore. Which is good.
I take a deep breath as I send out a light gold aura of magic out to synchronize myself with the area.
My guild!
I grin in victory as I set off at a high velocity to where I sense my friends!
As I come in closer I notice the guild has changed….for the worse..
I slowly descend as I hover only a foot off the ground as I stare in disbelief of what happened to my home.
I drop myself to the ground on my feet as Ī cautiously walk towards the doors, it’s early morning so no one really should be here.
I guess I was wrong as I hear noise from inside.
‘My hands are shaking.
I’m shaking.
I’m scared.
Why am I scared?
I have nothing to fear?
They are my family.
My family I haven’t seen in 8 years.
I sucked in the crisp morning air as I opened the door.’
‘I was not expecting for everyone to stop.’
And stare.
I mean I do look different, I’m wearing convict clothing, my hair is longer, messy, greasy and knotted.
I look outright exhausted.
Wendy was the first to speak up.
“Zazriel… it’s you.. you’re alive..” I was expecting her to cry so I wasn’t surprised by that but I was taken off guard by her hugging me.
“Oof!?” I yelp as I fall to the ground with her on top of me hugging the dear life out of me.
And that was cue for everyone to either cry or bombard me with questions.
I grunt as I move Wendy into my arms as I sit up, I always saw her my little sister.
Makarov approached me.
“What happened.. Zazriel, Macao said after we disappeared and a year later he gets a leader that you have been convicted as a criminal and traitor.”
I look at my guild.
‘Ok I can do it.’
“I was supposed to kill a deity that took longer then expected..and he destroyed everything. Slaughtered all of the civilians even when I moved to safe places. The council thought I did it. Even though they knew I was a god slayer.”
I spoke with venom In my voice.
Gramps nodded.
“How did you get out?”
Ī immediately looked away and started to sweat.
“I broke out..” I let out a nervous laugh.
He let out a tired sigh.
“This.. is something.. I will have a talk with other people I know that can help out with this, for now get changed and knowing my guild we will celebrate your Return!”
He laughs.
Wendy moved off of me,
“Zazriel!” My ears perked up at the sound of Mira’s voice, oh how much I missed her.
Ī immediately sped over to her.
She handed me some of my old clothes.
I smiled at her as I walked into the bathroom of the guild and changed into something comfy.
☀️☀️☀️that is all I can write for tonight 😭 I spent a hour editing and writing, I haven’t wrote a lot since high school ☀️☀️
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sn0tcl0wn · 2 years
nothing like growing to love a character and then being struck with the realization that the media youre consuming takes place in new york during the year 2001 and that can only mean one thing
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luno-614 · 2 years
Part 2 Cheaters don’t get cuddles .
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Hey everyone so extreme warming !
If you aren’t 18 or older I suggest you don’t read it because this chapter deals with rape, sexual harassment and murder please read with caution if you get triggered easily. I just want all of you to be safe and have a great day or night :3❤️I love you all !!
Looking at the white card in your hand and looking at the last bag of groceries you needed.
“ call now or go back inside..”
You sighed and took the bag with you stuffing the white card down your pocket.
“ later..”
you were putting the stuff away close to finishing,when your eye caught the red case phone on your floor .
“ messy as always keigo…”
You picked it up and the screen turned on showing messages of a girl reading the name it was his secretary.
‘ I’m glad the bitch is out of our lives !!’
‘ I did this for you !!!’
‘ why did you send me a court order ??!!?’
‘ I love you more then she will ever love you !!
‘ that fat bitch poisoned your mind !!’
‘ I know you didn’t want it but I know you love me !’
‘ I’m not going away that easy !!’
‘ she will never believe you!!!’
‘ she will never know!! She will never love you !! She will never believe you !!’
You had to take a step back and just for the curiosity building up you entered the old password you remember. ( your anniversary day)
And saw photos of Hawks with bruises,bite marks and other brutal marks you knew that wasn’t your doing.
“ that crazy bitch she …she raped him …”
You continue looking you found that he was going to send her to court a private one.
You found out she did have a quirks and a strong one too. Yet when you met her she was so nice and sweet she told you she was quirkless she wasn’t a fan of Hawks but she was in love love love with Endeavor
“ fucken liar ..that whore touched my keigo …”
You were fuming about this. How can she even do it ! You trusted her ! You pushed keigo way when he was in his time of need .
“ keigo !”
You remembered he was in your room and you ran to your room hearing happy barks and whines quickly adding it to be Bud. You opened the door and found keigo completely naked ass cheeks to the wind.
“ AHHHH!!! WHY ARE YOU N-Naked??!! .”
You quickly turned around embarrassed It’s not like you haven’t seen it before but it caught you off guard being the hero in all his glory.
A deep blush rose on your face
You stepped away from the door
“ K-me-Keigo we need to talk once you cover yourself meet me at the living room.”
You walked and waited there
Soon you hear steps walking towards you .
It was him he had a frown and his wings looked smaller then last time.
“ keigo I will listen to anything you have to say .. just please be truly honest.”
You sat down on the couch hinting the seat next to you.
Keigo sighs and sits next to you he was thinking what to say
“ ( Y/n) will you believe me ?”
He sat up straight and looked into your eyes with a pleading look.
You nodded answering yes and, he looked at you with disbelief but then he took a deep breath stretching out his red wings.
“ alright it all started that day ..”
—( keigo’s explanation)——-
-At your old shared home aka keigo’s home —
He was there preparing the house for your arrival. He told you he went to work but in real life it was his day off and the same day he was going to tell you how he felt. How he wanted to start a home together .
“ Thank you Miko ! ( Y/n) will love this !”
He put the last touches on all the bouquets he got you all your favorite flowers
( and his too since this was a speacil day for both too :3)
He stretched and smiled at miko happily his wings were puffing up in excitement.
“I can’t wait to see her face!”
“ anything else you need assistance with?”
Miko a short thin woman with blue hair and white dead eyes looked at keigo and waited for the orders .
“ yes ! There is Miko it’s a bit heavy but it’s a box in my kitchen can you get it ? I need to get something from my room .”
Miko nodded walking towards the kitchen not making any noises .
That’s a thing he like about Miko she was quite and respectful she wasn’t like his other secretaries who would throw them selfs at him. He never liked that but when he met you .
It was like a punch in the face .Mainly because you punched him thinking he was going to harm you. That night you patched up his black eye while apologizing.
He asked you out with his charming self and you said
“ No , I said I was sorry about punching you but that doesn’t mean I’m letting you hit it. Plus Mr.Hawks I have seen how you break hearts. I’m fine with mine being in one piece. “
That’s when he was hooked , don’t worry you didn’t give him a right hook no it was more like left one this man had to learn not to sneak up on you while trying to ask you out .
You were a huge challenge he wanted to tame but he learned you weren’t a challenge you were the love of his life.
He learned to slow down for you and understand you what you hated, what you liked ,and why you were pushing him way for so long . He changed himself for you. Maintaining he’s new self was a challenge and you saw how he was trying and putting all his efforts for you. So you asked his to eat some chicken and that night you were really happy about eating chiken .
So Keigo was ready for that big next step with you and he needed the last piece the ring .
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He went up the stairs to his room . Not noticing a small shadow following behind.
“ got you .”
Keigo smiles at the red box at his night stand and takes a deep breath of relief.
“ relief smells a lot like candy .. extremely sweet candy.. ew “
He turned around and Miko was there her white eyes now purple her hair now pink and the smell came from it .
“ m-Miko … what’s going..on?”
He passed out on the floor dropping the ring .
“ I can’t let you do this …. You are supposed to be mine .. keigo if I can’t have you willingly I will do it by force .”
She took off her clothes slowly letting them drop to the floor and kicked the red velvet box out of her way.
“ that ring is supposed to be mine.”
Her hair turned into a red color her eyes still purple .
Miko took a deep breath and dragged keigo on the bed and undressing him ignoring his cries to stop since his body was numb. The only thing snapping him back to was when he heard your voice . His one and only you . Yet you ran away he was apologizing to you but his body fell to the floor cries of desperation. He called endeavor that night crying about what happened he scrubbed his body clean to the point his skin was bleeding and red.
Keigo looked at you and had tears streaming down his cheek. They weren’t small no it was huge tears snot coming out his nose his wings were deflated and his eyes held so much pain.
“ I always thought you were too good of me and cheating on me …. I’m sorry for ever doubting you (y/n) .”
“ keigo .. she ra-“
“ I know what she did to me …that’s why I’m taking her jail like the criminal she is …”
He was broken . He was just there sitting lifeless staring at your wall.
So you held him . “ I’m going to beat the shit out of her ..”
He chuckles and looks at you
“ how ? You don’t have a quirk ?”
You smirked at him
“ If i was able to give the pro hero Hawks a black eye and a left hook I think I can body slam her to hell .”
You both smiled and let out a few giggles . Yet the room felt empty and you both knew why .
“ keigo … Umm.. sorry i know it’s weird but I have to know .. did you ever loved me ?”
He looked at you shocked. Quickly turning his body towards you .
“ of course I do ! You are the best thing that has happened to me ! You are always there when I need you the most . You are the one who took care of me on my heat cycle and you are the only one my heart has ever truly loved someone. “
He took your hands and held them tightly . He looked into your eyes they didn’t hold any lies it was true every word he said .
You felt your cheeks wet and your vision became blurry.
“ you were going to-to ask me to m-marry you ? “
He smiled and nodded
“ Yes! all those flowers and gifts were for you I’m just sorry the surprise was extremely ruined .”
He than placed two fingers under your chin “ do you still love me ?”
‘ did I still love him ? Enough to go back and even marry him ..?’
You held on tightly and looked at him .
“ when se you with her my heart completely broke ..I thought you didn’t love me and I was doing something wrong … and it was no ones fault only her to blame ..”
Keigo with his redwings covered you completely.
“ keigo.. I love you ..I’m just afraid I don’t want to loss you again not like that …”
He patted your backs and nuzzled you next letting you get out your emotions.
“ I’m sorry keigo I’m being selfish..”
He looked at you shocked. “ Dove how are you being selfish?”
You looked up at him and hugged him back .
“ she hurt you ! She should be rotting in jail for what she did to you !”
You buried your face in his chest hearing his heart beat
“ and i hurt you too …I wasn’t there when you needed me the most I’m sorry keigo for walking away without hearing you..”
He shook his head
“ I would have walked out too if I was in your shoes how can you believe all that .. even i would have trouble understanding.”
He kissed the top of your head and rested his head on it .
“ yet you took care of me when I got hit by that quirk. I knew you honestly wanted to throw me out the window .”
You both smile yet continue to stay the way you both are.
“ and you listened to me and not shamed me or victimized me for that … I know I’m tainted but I- “
You raised your head cupping his cheeks “ you’re not ! Don’t ever say that ! You are still you they will never change that and I’m still going to love you and help you keigo … that’s if you will let me .”
You slowly let go of his checks looking down at the couch .
“ please ( Y/n) don’t leave me .”
Keigo took your hands nuzzling against them.
You smiled and nodded
“I won’t leave you big chicken.”
He let more tears run down form happiness.
“ Dove I want cuddles!”
You pecked his lips and smiled
“ come on you deserve cuddles .”
He picked you up spinning you around laughing his wings were out and his feathers were flying around causing you to laugh with him .
“ I love you (Y/n) I know I’m some days late and I left the ring at my house but will you marry me ?”
“ keigo I love you so much and that would make me that happiest person in the world to be by your side .”
You both hugged each other taking in your new titles of fiancé.
“ oh ! I forgot keigo ! Do I still have it ?”
He put you down and saw how you dashed to your room .
“ have what ?”
You smiled at him
“ follow me !”
He did And saw you in your knees under your bed he smirked liking the view and bam you popped out holding a black box. His eyes widen was that what he thought it was ?
You got up and dusted your self.
“ you were taking forever so I decided to get your ring Im not going to lie it was to give you an ultimatum but it looks like you were actually beating me to the punch this whole time so keigo .”
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You dropped to one knee and opened the small box smiling at him
“ Would you ma-“
“ YES!!!” You we’re tackled to the floor with a wave of kisses and yeses ( is that how you spell that??)
“ haha you are heavy keigo ! Come on I have to put you your ring you big chicken.”
You both sat up and took his hand he looked excited about this more then when he asked you to marry him .
Slowly slipping the ring matching his eyes and beautiful wings.
“ let’s cuddle now my big chicken .”
He took you in his arms and rested you on the bed getting comfortable next to you .
Admiring his new ring and his new forever partner giving you a big kiss so sweet and with passion.
“ I can’t wait to marry you .”
He stroked your cheek lovingly slowly falling to sleep in each other’s embrace just waiting for the day to say I do.
Extra ——
Endeavor was waiting on that phone call the whole day.
“ did you stay a kid .. forever..?”
He glared at the city and felt his phone buzz it was a text message keigo asleep next to you
‘ he grew back and was extremely tired :) sorry for the late reply !’
He nodded to himself and put his phone way.
“ so Miko .. how do you wish to die?”
Miko with a quirk cancellation cuff . She was crying due to being beating to an inch of her life.
“ I-I’m sorry…. Please don’t do it.”
He stood over her his flames burning with rage.
“ you didn’t stopped when he was crying and begging ?”
That week Miko was no longer an issue to you and keigo .
I hope you enjoyed Endeavor wedding
gift. :3
I hope you enjoyed it :3- Luno :3
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mavrintarou · 3 years
Once Again
Writemyseoulaway > mavrintarou
Paring: Suna Rintarou x you (f-reader) Warnings: none in particular? None Y E T. Summary: Your biological clock is ticking and Rintarou offers to help you. 
Note: something new with this new account - I’ll slowly migrate my other works over eventually. This will be a mini-series.  .
“Absolutely not.”
You sat there like a child getting scolded by their parents. After trying to explain a quarter way through- Suna Rintarou already cut you off many times repeatedly telling you no.
A big part of you held back your amusement, you’ve never seen Rin lose his shit before over anything.
He had invited himself over to your condo unexpectedly when you had all your paperwork and laptop out with the procedure of artificial insemination. You had three profiles laid out with notes scribbled in red ink with the pros and cons.
His visit took you off guard and distracted you and you forgotten your whole ordeal that was sprawled all over your dining table. You asked him if he was hungry because he was always hungry. You told him to help himself to whatever was in the fridge while you stepped away to use the bathroom.
When you returned, you froze in place seeing his back is faced to you and he’s peering down at all paperwork.
His head slowly turns, and his jaw is sharp. He holds the paper, partially now crumpled by his fist. “What the fuck is this?”
After sitting there quietly listening and telling you how dangerous this procedure is, you finally realized, you didn’t need his opinion nor needed his approval. “Rin, you have no say in this. If anything, you’re my best friend, you should support me.”
“You can’t-“ he shouts, standing up abruptly and running his hands through his chaotic hair. He takes a deep breath before turning around to face again, “this is a complete stranger we are talking about.”
“You’re going to go and sleep with a complete stranger and have his baby? Absolutely not!”
You weren’t even sure why he was so upset.
“Rin,” you pat the spot beside you, but he sits on your coffee table instead in front of you. You grab his hands in yours, “I’m not sleeping with him. This is all artificially insemination, meaning I’ll get his sperm-“
“Absolutely not.”
You sigh before continuing, “and it will be frozen and ship to the clinic I’m going to, and a procedure will happen where the sperm is then inserted into my eggs and then the---”
“That sounds horrific.” Yes, you knew that.
“I know.” You answered tiredly.
The concern on his face is something new to you, “then why are you doing this?”
“Because I want a baby!” you blubbered out desperately and then exhaled deeply. You break away from his eyes and apologize, “I’m not getting any younger, Rin. My biological clock is ticking and…”
“Then have my baby.” . . .
Your mind is hazy the following day at work.
“Think about my offer.” He said quietly before leaving your place.
You couldn’t lie, you thought it was a dream that Rin offered to give you a baby. His baby.
“Are yer’ fucken crazy?” you blurted, accent coming out and all. “That’s hardly anything to joke about.”
“I’m not joking,” and you knew he wasn’t. Rin might tease you all your life that you’ve known him, but he has never joked about anything that was a serious matter. “I’m serious, I’ll help. Don’t do this shit.”
The paper that was half crumpled is now fully crumpled up into a ball and tossed somewhere.
You pull away from him, pressing both sides of your temple to ease the tension in your brain that’s trying to comprehend what just happened.
Rin calls your name, “think about it, what if this person you choose, he’s not even 100% honest with what he wrote in that shit. Do you really want to risk it?” He grabs your wrists, pulling you until you’re sitting upwards again. “You know me. You know who I am. I can give you a baby.”
. . .
For a couple of nights in a row, you could not sleep without hearing Rin’s voice repeatedly saying then have my baby. You had countless dreams of either being pregnant or having a male figure there with you though you cannot see their face. Or it would be a dream of you holding a baby in your arms with another faceless male holding his arms out and saying, “come to daddy!”
“Wow Director Y/l/n are you okay?” you secretary asks that morning when you made it into the office.
You gave her a tried smile and assured her you were fine. Makeup failed to cover the dark circles around your eyes.
As soon as your second meeting of the day was over, you were greeted unexpectedly by a visitor waiting outside your office. He leaned against your office door casually with one ankle crossed over the other and his phone in his hand as he scrolls through it. He finally looks up, sensing you and stands up straight, waiting for you.
“Mr. Suna has been waiting here for you for 20-minutes now,” your secretary informs behind you.
You walk up to Rin and even with your heels, he seemed taller than you remember. It was obvious why he is at your workplace, a place that everyone seems to now welcome him since he comes often.
Walking around him you opened your office door with him trailing right after you. You kicked off your heels and sit on the arm of your couch. Your hand claps on your lap as you look at him, “Rin,” you greeted, “what are you doing here?”
He is dressed casually, khakis with a black shirt and a sweater over. “You weren’t picking up my calls.”
“But I texted you back, right?” You had high hopes that if you didn’t speak about this topic with him, he would forget about it.
Wishful thinking.
He walks towards you and sits down on your coffee table. “I couldn’t trust you that you wouldn’t go head and choose a sleezy guy to give you a baby since you weren’t taking me seriously at all.”
“You’re right, I’m not taking you seriously at all because Rin, you matter too much as my best friend than the father of my baby. How will I live the rest of my life hiding that from my child? And… you have to take it into consideration to what if, my child looks identical to you.” You pause to allow him to absorb that information. “What will your future wife say if she saw my child. And wouldn’t you think it will be weird if my child calls you uncle when you clearly know you aren’t their uncle?”
“Okay,” he agrees calmly, too calmly, “you have a point, I don’t want to be their uncle.” That struck your heart, how do you have a child and not have Rin be a part of their lives. This was something you weren’t prepared for.
Rintarou was your friend since middle school. You two were troublemakers together, always getting stuck cleaning the classrooms as punishments for being late to class for over-sleeping in the study rooms. When you got into a physical fight with some girls of a different school, he was the one tending your wounds afterwards (while scolding you). Three months before graduation, you discovered your feelings for Rin after he dates his first girlfriend. Rumors spread after his girlfriend confronted you. You didn’t deny nor admitted to the rumors until Rin asked you, and you said yes.
For almost 3-months, neither of you spoke to each other. It was the Miya twins that forced you two to talk it out and at last, things went back to normal.
Even after almost 8-years, your feelings stayed the same and you never brought it up again. You carried on with your life, dating only once in those years while you lost count how many relationships Rin had.
Rintarou is your friend, and you won’t tarnish that.
He smiles, “let me be their father then. Let’s get married and we can start a family.”
Your heart pound hard against your chest and the cogs in your brain has stopped spinning. You stood up and walked away, putting distance between the two of you. Was he crazy? He is crazy. First he offers a baby and now he is offering to marry you?
Your long-held breath expelled, “thank you for your kind offer, but I cannot accept.” You shook your head in disbelief. “You are crazy.”
He mirrors your expression, “you’re crazy for choosing a random stranger. You know me inside out.”
You inhaled sharply, you had to take a deep breath before you carefully speak your next words. “I like you, Rintarou. Still. Since high school days.” You look at him straight in the eyes, so he can see exactly how you feel spilling your feelings. “But you’ve made it clear that you don’t see me that way and that’s completely okay. So please,” you pleaded, with your voice and your eyes, “don’t make it hard for me.”
He is silent and that’s what scares you.
“If this is some sort of guilt you’re feeling, stop it. I don’t need it. I don’t need you to feel obligated to help me. I don’t want you to help me.” He watches with his sharp fox-eyes. “You have a wonder career that you have worked hard to get where you are now. But your career also requires more than 100% of your attention. Just look at how many of your teammates are married with a family? None.” You pointed out, “I don’t want to marry, but if I do, it’ll be someone who will be able to give me more than 100% of their time and commitment.” You offer a small smile, “I like you, Rintarou. You’re my best friend and someone I hold close inside my heart, but I cannot choose you for those reasons.”
His tongue pokes the inside of his cheeks and your breath hiked. You knew that look, that’s the look that he is about to say something ludicrous.
“So,” he says again, catching your eyes this time. They illuminate and it makes you shift on your feet, “100% of my time, eh?”
You tilt your head in confusion watching him say a brief goodbye and leave without another word.
. . .
E/n: no editing yet. 
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Kinktober day 9
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Camgirl w/ Enji Todoroki
Listen. I don’t want to fuck Endeavor, I do not! I don’t care if by the end of this fic you’re like “damn Maddie seems a tad bit horny for flame-o-hot man,” it is not true. he’s stinky. 
warnings: Sex work, cam show, masturbation, cum play, sugar daddy themes,
word count: 1,300 (about)
summary: If you ask any hero nerd they’ll tell you that Endeavor’s biggest weakness was over heating, but in reality his biggest weak spot was actually pretty girls
Enji was a rich man, which means he was allowed to be particular. He got the best of everything. Best of Food, Clothes, and Porn. God did he love some high-quality Porn.
He didn’t like the scripted stuff He preferred camgirls. He had gone through quite a few girls before settling on you. He liked how deceptively innocent you were, he almost felt dirty each time he watched you shed your innocent facade to fuck yourself stupid. Your schedule also matched his fairly well so he never had to miss a stream.
Enji got comfortable and watched the timer tick down until it finally hit zero and your face filled the screen.
Cute was the only way to describe your set up. Soft lighting and baby pink bedspread covered with stuffed animals and small throw pillows. you were dressed in white lingerie and matching stockings. He could see the outline of your nipples through the lacy white fabric, a promise of what was to come. you smiled and leaned closer to the camera letting everyone get a long look at your chest. “Hey everyone it’s been a while,” you purred sitting back on your knees. the messages came in steadily, horny men just like him waiting for you to give them a show.
I missed you, Baby girl
Is that a new set Princess? naughty
Hey Sweetie~
Enji never typed his own messages, it wasn’t worth the effort, but something was amusing about seeing others so desperate for your attention.
“Did you all miss me?” you asked cheekily pulling your full lower lip between your teeth, suddenly your face went cherry red, one of the messages catching you off guard.
“Of course I missed you all, I always cum so hard during these shows,” you mumbled squirming uncomfortably. Enji’s cock twitched hardening in his pants seeing you flush so cutely.
“What should I do first?” you asked reading the chat.
“take off your bra,” he muttered to himself. you seemed to read his mind trailed your hands up and down your chest, palming your breasts through the painfully thin fabric, your nipples hardened under your touch making Enji growl,
“tease,” he snapped, punching the donation button with one hand and pulling out his cock with the other. The comments were flooded with people begging for you to just do something. Enji stokes himself and watched as you finally reached for the clasp.  
You undid your bra letting the straps fall from your shoulders. Your arm crossed in front of your chest catching the cups before they fell. Enji waited with bated breath as you slowly pulled the clothing away revealing the perfect globes of your breasts, topped with pebbled nipples. Fuck you were gorgeous.
your eyes skimmed the comments as you pinched and tugged at your breasts. You smirked and read one a loud “Take that pink pillow and hump it,”
This time you didn’t bother teasing your audience. you fit the tiny pink pillow between your leg and slowly rolled your hips. As cute as these panties were they did nothing to stop your wetness from leaking right onto the pillow.
You moaned at the feeling and dropped your head, hunching your body over the pillow.
“F-Fuck it feels so good,” you moaned biting your lower lip arching back showing off your body as you rutted your hips back and forth.
Your tits bounced with every thrust of your hips and Enji could see a dark spot forming on the little pillow.
“Should I cum on this pillow what do you think?” you panted
If it were just him, he would have edged you longer and made you beg to orgasm, but he was overwhelmed by people telling you to cum. you did as they asked claiming the first orgasm of the night. Enji grunted squeezing tighter around his own cock you were gorgeous when you came, your skin glowing with a sheen of sweat, your breasts heaving as you caught your breath. you pulled off your soaked panties showing the camera the dripping fabric.
The message board was filled with people begging to buy those panties from you, you smirked and slide the fabric into your mouth sucking your juices and moaning at the taste. Enji’s hand move on its own faster and faster up and down his cock imagining the taste of your wetness for himself.
“what next? you asked pushing your hair out of your face.  you turned the camera a selection of toys, vibrators, but plugs and dildos but only one caught his eye
The Endeavor one
Use the Endeavor one
that big blue one
You picked up the heavy toy, easily ten inches long and as thick as a soda can with a bulge in the middle before tapering out at the base again, it was the same design as his hero costume, mostly blue with a flame design along the silicone balls. It was a special limited-time item, they had sold out in minutes, it seemed you had been lucky to get one. you slowly ran your fingers over the toy-like you were jerking it off, worshiping it with your hand.
“Big toy I don’t know if it’ll fit in me,” you whined, before reaching for a bottle of lube and slicking the cock. “You think He’s this big in real life?” you asked thoughtfully. then giggled “I’d pay for Endeavor to fuck me,” you bit your lower lip again “bet he’d fucken brake me,”
Enji gulped on the other side of the screen. the blood pounded in his ears. what a fucking coincidence. You fingered your pussy wide for the camera before lining the toy up with your hole.  
“What do you say everybody should I put it in?” you asked only to be flooded with messages and donations.
Enji slowly slid his hand down the length of his shaft timing his motions to yours pretending it was his cock being shoved inside of you instead of that hunk of plastic. You took the length so well, the toy filling you up as you screamed in pleasure.
He muttered deft praise into the camera stroking you up in time with your own thrusts. He couldn’t help but imagine how well you would take his cock.
your head lolled to the side and you read the comments. Some telling you to rub your clit or show more of your ass, but one comment caught your eye. you couldn’t help but laugh
“if I’m going to fuck an Edevour toy I should call out his name too? is that what you want you freaks?” you snorted. the chat seemed to agree,  you threw your head back and lifted your hips shoving your cunt into the camera as you fucked yourself.
“Endeavor Endeavor! Oh Fuck Endeavor,” you screamed. bucking your hips with a fever.
Enji had wanted to time his orgasm with yours but hearing you scream his name had made him cum on the spot. For a second he just looked at the sticky white substance as it dripped from his fingers. He hadn’t cum like that since he was a teenager. He cursed, the spell broken, and whipped up the spilled seed from his abdomin. He watched mesmerized as you shoved the cock, his cock, deeper and deeper into your drenched cunt until you reached your own climax. His cock was hard again, aching to be touched. He gulped and began palming his cock again.
“W-well I think that’s enough for uh for one show yeah?” you asked sounding completly wreaked before bidding your audience goodbye before shutting off the stream. Fuck, he’d never been blue balled like that. He grunted and slid into your private messages. He needed more, he needed to hear you moan for him again.
How much for a private show?
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𝐼 𝐿𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝒴𝑜𝓊
Pairing: ATEEZ Park Seong-Hwa & Reader
Warnings: It Is Very Long, I Curse At The End, And It’s Suggestive So . > . 
Inspiration: This Was Actually Requested! (But I Added Some Of My Braincells So Some Of Them Were Sacrificed)
Requested By: @bonbonhwa​ -- Thank You So Much!~
Basic Idea: Anniversary!~~ Established Couple, First Time Having It. 
Type: Fluff & Suggestive (First Time Doing A Combo!)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
“Hmm? Hyung, what are you doing?” Yun-Ho asked as he peaked and saw Seong-Hwa entering a few websites. He didn’t see them clearly but his eyes were able to catch the silhouettes of notes, hearts, chocolates, hotel bedrooms, and flowers.
Seong-Hwa flinched and turned off his phone, placing it in his pocket while clearing his throat. His cheeks softly flushed with a shade of pink as Yun-Ho chuckled. “I see~ Is something special going on?” he asks as the elder nods.
“(Y/N) and I are going to celebrate our anniversary next week..” he responded while smiling softly, remembering the first time you both met. It was sort of anti climatic but it is definitely a good time to remember.
To summarize it, you guys get back in 2019. You were a foreign University Student studying in Japan and Seong-Hwa was there because of KCON. You both met accidentally when you bumped into him in a hotel -- he was staying there while you were there for a conference.
You guys were then friends for a very long time -- maybe three to four years. It proceeded until the day that he couldn’t take it anymore and kissed you. 
Unfortunately, you were still unprepared as you believed that he already had some crush on another girl who was an idol. Plus, you were finishing your Bachelor’s Degree.
You did like him. A lot. He also did, which is why he was a bit discouraged by your reaction after the kiss -- shy and worried. You then expressed your worries and ended it with a joke; “Ask me to be your girlfriend on Christmas Day”. And he did so, taking your joke seriously. But that is how you both started dating.
“Interesting~~” Woo-Young hummed as the eldest sighed out, knowing that the youngers were going to tease him. “Does Manager already know about this?” Yun-Ho asked as Seong-Hwa nodded, “He does, I’m a bit sad that I won’t be able to celebrate Christmas with you guys and ATINY though..” he trailed off as Hong-Joong entered the room and patted his back.
“It’s ok, we all understand why Christmas is such an important date for you,” he comforted as the older smiled…
At Incheon Airport, Seong-Hwa was waiting for you. He was a bit impatient, looking around sporadically to see if he could spot you before you spot him. He looked down at the watch that you gave him the first time you celebrated his birthday.
He then looked up and saw you walking out, looking at the opposite side, seemingly looking for him too. He quickly walked over to you, and tapped your shoulder. You turned around, beamed and hugged him tightly as he chuckled at your reaction.
“Hwa!” you squeal as he hugs you back. Your head was leaning on his chest, making you hear his heart softly thump. He then petted your hair softly, wanting to kiss you but being unable to because of the mask that you both were wearing. “I missed you,” you coo as you look up to him, he then gives you a sweet eye smile -- the same eye smile that made you fall in love with him. “I missed you too, babygirl,” he whispers, making you feel butterflies in your stomach.
You guys then reached an amusement park, Seong-Hwa’s Manager leaving your suitcases at the hotel. “C’mon,” Seong-Hwa called as he held your hand tightly, “I know you wanted to reminisce about your childhood and to have fun after your stressful exams,” he smiles as you fake cry. Your cry sounded real, making Seong-Hwa get worried, turning around to see you.
“Hwa!~~” you cried out, hugging him, making him notice how you were acting. He sighed in relief, flicking the top of your head softly, “Don’t scare me,” he chuckled as you laughed. “Thank you, Seong-Hwa,. I didn’t know what to get you..” you looked down as he looked at you with soft eyes.
“Baby.. Look at me,” he said while lifting your face up by your chin, “You being my side is already a gift,” finished, making you wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him down to kiss him. He softly gasped, as you caught him off guard. However, he quickly kissed you back, and later you pulled away -- holding his hand again. “Let’s go!~” you said excitedly as it had been a long time since you’ve had fun.
You guys went on a carousel, ate cotton candy, took a quick break while visiting an aquarium and even drank some hot chocolate in the cafe that was in it. As sunset came by, Seong-Hwa basically became a cuddle bear. He walked behind you while wrapping his long coat around you. Supposedly it was “too cold” for you, and even though you were fine with the cold, you didn’t say anything as you missed his hugs.
The last ride that you guys took was the Ferris Wheel. You knew about Seong-Hwa’s fear of heights, which is why you asked him if he really wanted to. “I want to, because I want you to be happy.” he said firmly, which made your heart skip a beat. You smiled at him as he rubbed your head softly.
In the Ferris Wheel, you sat beside Seong-Hwa, holding his hand all the time. As the capsule that you guys were in reached the very top, the sun shone right into you guys. You then took this chance to calm him down by kissing him sweetly.
He immediately responded, kissing you back with the same softness and passion, holding your hand ever so slightly tighter. You then used one hand to cup his cheek, the warmth of your hand making his heart burst in joy. You both then leaned on each other’s forehead, breathing out softly as the capsule slowly descended.
At the hotel room, you walked out of the bathroom, seeing Seong-Hwa in the bathrobe, drying his hair with a towel while the bed was covered with the petals of your favorite flower. “Hwa?” you asked as he smiled at you, “Do you like it?” he asked while patting the spot beside him.
You nodded, sitting behind him. “Let me dry your hair,” you said as he hummed. You then grabbed onto the towel, softly rubbing the water droplets off his hair. It was a silent and sweet moment, which was cut off shortly when Seong-Hwa turned around.
“.. You know I love you a lot.. Right?” he whispered as you nodded, slowly, fear creeping and engulfing your body. He then kissed your forehead, his left hand cupping your left cheek while his right hand guided your left hand to his heart. You felt it beating, quickly and strongly. You felt his aura go confident yet soft and fiery. You were confused.
He then smiled, “Is it ok.. If I make you mine.. Tonight?” he asked as it caught you off guard, making your cheeks feel heated. “H-Huh?” you questioned as he smiled, “Like this,” he whispered -- his lips connecting to yours like magnets. Fireworks went off in your hearts, the heat slowly rising as your lips danced like a waltz, in sync and gracefully.
He slowly pushed you back to the bed, pinning both of your hands with one of his. Kissing your neck and nibbling on it softly, making you gasp at the new feeling. He kept on kissing, trying to find your sweet spot. After a small second, he found it, making you moan out, feeling more fireworks burst in your heart.
He smiled against your neck, sucking on the spot to create a mark on you. “Seong-Hwa!~” you moaned out as he then pulled away, looking down at the bright red mark. “Are you okay?” he asked as you nodded. He then freed your hands from his grasp, ready to sit back up, feeling that you were unprepared.
However, you caught him before he left, wrapping your arms around his neck. You then looked away, a bit scared yet prepared. “Seong-Hwa.. Please?..” you whispered out, catching his attention. “Yes?” he teased as your cheeks felt heated. You closed your eyes, being unable to answer him. “So, I have your permission?” he whispered in your ear as you shivered from his breath.
“Yes..” you answered as he smiled. “Thank you for trusting me, babygirl,” he said, kissing your forehead softly while he untied your bathrobe’s ribbon. You squeaked, covering yourself before he parted the bathrobe. He chuckled at your reaction, “Don’t worry.. I won’t bite.. Do you want a safety word?” he asked as you gulped. “I.. I think I will be fine..” you whispered out as you slowly moved your hands away.
Seong-Hwa then cupped your left cheek, caressing your cheek and proceeding to kiss you again. His other hand massaged your tummy, making you feel the tingles. He then pulled away, his black marbles showcasing multiple emotions -- love, happiness, lust, and passion.
He untied his bathrobe, as you sat up, slipping out of yours. “I.. Want you,” you said confidently as he smiled.
“Babygirl, there aren’t enough words for me to express how much I love you.. This is only our second anniversary -- our second year of being a couple but I am sure that in the future, I want to be the man that puts that ring on your finger and call you my wife.. Are you ready, my love?..” ..
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hello~~ I am finally back momentarily lol.
I had a rough two weeks because of Quarter Exams and I had multiple mental and emotional breakdowns but I was able to push myself back up so it’s all good.
For the person that requested it, I hope you enjoyed it! It was a bit hard to combine both the Fluff and Suggestive -- I tried my best! 
(Please also bear in mind that school has fucked me up so I ain’t doing too well but I’ll slowly recuperate and bring back more stuff for you guys!)
HOWEVER -- I was also able to get better because ATEEZ CAMEBACK
Like holy shit. 
They chose violence. 
All in all they all fucken crushed it. It was amazing to see ‘em perform and it was great to hear Min-Gi in it. I hope that he is still resting and getting better! I’m sure he’ll be back with the boys soon. 
San brought back his demon, so did Seong-Hwa (these two fellas killed me with their facial expressions and vocals). Yun-Ho in all black was a blessing. Center and Black Hair Yeo-Sang was supreme. Hong-Joong’s new hairstyle in the MV was cool. Jong-Ho’s vocals!~ Woo-Young and his sexiness. Like. Violence. They chose Violence. 
Overall, I loved everything about this comeback. Take Me Home is beautiful as fuck and I love this entire album. 
Hopefully y’all have been taking care of yourselves, take breaks when you need them, drink water and I hope y’all have a good day, afternoon, or evening!~
Use your imagination!~~
Thank you for the support, leave requests, and have a great day!
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poptod · 3 years
Pull the Stars Out of the Sky (And Gift Them to Me), pt. 7, (Ahkmenrah x Reader)
Description: Protection.
Notes: idk when i started writing smut so willy nilly but here it is, another fuckening. Pretty big warning though: dubious consent. It’s clearly consensual later on but at first there is no given consent. WC: 6.8k
He had yet to leave your side, taking you with him in every which direction as he, in his own words, marketed himself. It was a process that consisted of being charming and making witty jokes; simple things that had people trusting him. You stood mostly silent beside him, wringing your hands, stuck in distant thoughts. If anyone referred to you, you didn't notice.
They did, though––but if anyone asked about you, Ahk would make up a quick explanation, one he knew you wouldn't mind.
Your silence was originally your constant state, traipsing about the palace with a chain keeping you at Ahk's side. Over the short course of time between Amun first awakening and coming to stay with the Persian nomads, he had already grown used to your laughing, the snide comments always on your razor-sharp tongue, and that lively spark that filled your eyes whenever your heart thumped in your chest.
"You're quiet," he murmured as the two of you walked. You gripped reins in your hand, keeping your camel with all your bags beside you.
"I don't... like travelling with people," you said through gritted teeth, side-eyeing a group of whispering friends to your left.
"It's safer, isn't it?"
"For you," you mumbled bitterly.
"Oh, you're above joining in a caravan?" He said with a teasing lilt.
"I am simply experienced in this," you said, sure to speak under your breath, "and I know how to take care of myself."
Due to the size and needs of a caravan such as Mahud's, you would need to stop thrice a day, each time setting up a little bit of a home at the riverside. Inbetween those breaks, your legs ached with a familiar burn. Long walks had been your staple for a long while. Though your long break from the lifestyle had left you a little out of shape, your previous experience allowed you to navigate your way back in without too much trouble.
Ahk was taking the physical exertion overall well, despite his aching hunger. The stops would allow him to eat, a fact he was very happy to learn, going by the massive grin on his face when you pointed it out. At a few points he was partial to complaining, but always ceased if you glared at him.
The next stop for the slow-moving caravan was by an outcropping stream flowing from the Nile and out into the desert, allowing a small oasis to grow further from the river itself. Although there appeared to be no fruits growing on the tall trees, a few men and women took up nets and spears, wading out into the water to look for fish.
Numbness filled up your legs as you collapsed on the ground, leant against your camel who had also drawn to its' knees. Heat had already pooled in your face and in your feet, burning from the long day, and ready for anything to drink.
"Here," Ahk said as he rounded a bush, kneeling beside you in your shady, isolated spot.
He handed a cup to you, filled with hot tea. Not the most satisfying drink, but it was safest, and you dutifully sipped away. As you watched the other travellers Ahk shifted his position, scooting nearer to you and pressing himself to your side. Instantly his heat began to overcrowd your senses.
"Ahk, it's too hot for me to be touching anyone," you said, shifting away with your back to him.
You probably should've expected him to pull you into him and keep you there, which made you feel all the more foolish when he did it anyway and you didn't expect it at all.
"Ahk..." you whined, half suffocated by his arms wrapping tight round your chest, his face buried in the back of your neck.
"Mmm," he hummed as he took all of you in, nuzzling you with his nose. "I am... tired."
"I'd be astounded if you weren't, but you can't sleep. It's still day and we won't stay here long," you said matter-of-factly, pushing his face away from you.
"I'll just keep you here," he decided, his voice muffled through the fabric of your shirt. "Sleep forever."
"Right," you said, rolling your eyes.
You wormed out the moment he loosened his grip, much to his disappointment.
By nightfall the distant murmurs of a city sounded from ahead, blurred with singing crickets and the steady flow of the Nile beside you. Ahk had spent the rest of the day trying to cheer you up, mostly with bad jokes, but the sentiment was nonetheless there. Still, being surrounded by people for the past fourty-six hours had already taken its' toll. You hardly spoke, your chest felt caved in on itself, and your eyes were trained on the ground below you.
The city ahead, while heralding certainly crowded streets and filled taverns, would suffice as a hospice away from people who had come to learn your name. Whispering in your ear, Ahk informed you this was the city Piye had wanted the two of you to stay at for a little while. If things got worse, you'd move further south, and if they got better, you would return north down the nile.
While at first you tried to sneak away without Mahud noticing, Ahk insisted on giving the man a proper good-bye, and backed this up with the fact that you had been lent a camel. You wouldn't be able to take it with, but it was still a nice consideration for the trip to Aswan.
"We'll be stopping here," Ahk said once Mahud's attention was on the two of you. "We're to meet a friend soon."
"Ah, then I wish you safe travels," said Mahud, patting Ahk on the shoulder with a firm hand.
"Thank you. To you and your family as well. Will you be staying here tonight?" Ahk asked as he gestured to the outer markets of the city, filled with traders who came from far away to make their living, and couldn't afford a roof over their heads.
"I believe so. Tomorrow we make our money and head off again."
"Good luck to you then," Ahk said, silently urging you to say your own farewell.
"Good-bye," you said quietly, bowing your head respectfully.
As you entered the outer rim of the city, the first thing you noticed was the quiet. It wasn't all that late––the sun had set only a little while ago, and it always did that much earlier in the day during the colder months. So you kept your footsteps quiet, instructing Ahk to do the same when he didn't pick up on the eerie silence.
With no one around to direct you every which way, you had to rely off what memory you had of Aswan, as little as it was. You had visited several times, but never for very long. Most of the city was still unexplored to you.
The long light of burning torches cast itself upon the street in front of you, approaching from around the house to your right. Instantly you were darting for cover, hiding the whole of your body behind a large barrel, while you watched Ahk look around the corner.
"Ahk, you fucking idiot, get over here," you hissed, the pounding in your heart begging him to listen to you.
He looked over his shoulder, finding you mostly-hidden, and quickly made to do the same. His spot was on the opposite side of the street, guarded by a practical wall of broken-down stalls. Once Ahk was fully secured you slipped back behind the barrel, calming your quickened breath as footsteps passed you by, numbering somewhere in the tens.
Only when you were fully assured that whoever passed you was not coming back, you joined Ahk in the middle of the road and continued onwards.
"Did you get a look at them?" You asked immediately.
"Yes, but... I'm not sure if I actually saw what I saw," he said, his brow furrowed intensely.
"What does that mean?"
"They had these.. heads on them, feathered and beaked, with massive eyes. Fucking jacked, too," he muttered, pausing to check both ways before crossing the next street.
"Like your Gods?" You asked.
"Like Horus," he said with a nod. "What on Earth are they here for?"
"Just guessing right now, but they might have something to do with you."
He took your hand, and after a long while of searching the streets, you found yourself at the step of a tavern whose lights had long gone out. Again, strange; neither of you remarked upon it, but you did turn to each other with dubious eyes. The smell of mead still came from it, not yet soured or rotten.
Ahk took a cautious step forward, reaching for the door and easily pushing it open. Inside there was the expected darkness, surrounding the knocked-down chairs, broken tables, and spilt beer. Both of you stopped, your shadows stretching before you on the wooden floor as you scanned the whole of the abandoned room. The bar, where you were sure there was once an attendant, was left unmanned and covered in shattered cups, sticky with sweetened alcohol.
The door behind you swung shut, making you whip around. Fortunately it was only Ahk letting go of the door, leaving it to join you nearer to the center of the room, where you could try and peer over the counter.
"Um..." you said.
"Good evening," said a voice, accompanied soon by a man popping out from behind the bar. "How may I help you?"
"Uhhh.. what... what, uh, happened here?" Ahk asked, his expression contorted as he glanced around the room.
"Nasty Egyptian soldiers. They've wrecked up the place, and every time I fix it they come back in and ruin it, so I stopped fixing it. The party's upstairs, if that's what you're after," he said with a too-bright grin on his face.
"Really? And they don't notice that you're up there?"
"Well, they are bird brains," the man said as he leant in, though spoke in a much quieter voice.
"Wait, are they the soldiers with the bird heads on them?" Ahk asked as a revelation came to him.
"Yes, sir. Where've you been?"
"Travelling for the last couple days. How long have they been here?"
"About a week or so now," said the man, looking away as he recalled. "Heard they're crawling all over the other cities, too. So you folks want a room?"
"... sure," you said in a quiet, low voice when Ahk failed to answer.
He handed you a wooden coin with a symbol engraved with fire, informing you that the door with the same symbol was yours. There were no locks and he made sure to tell you that, as well. After offering to carry your bags and earning a 'no,' from you, he pointed you up the stairs, and returned to his spot hidden beneath the bar.
"Odd man," Ahk whispered to you as you climbed the steps.
"Ahk!" You scolded, hitting his shoulder. "We're still in earshot."
How the Horus soldiers hadn't managed to find this place was beyond either of you, as the moment you entered the upper floor you were bombarded with the tunes of dancing music, twirling and playing with the veins of each listener. The thick scent of searing meat filled the whole of the room, rivalled only by the scent of sloshed beer. Most of the food and drink came from a single corner, where a large cask of beer had been set up alongside a furnace, where the one manning the food also managed the distribution of drink.
All around you, people sat and stood, dancing in the middle or resting on the sidelines. Every crate and usable chair was taken up, most people taking seats on the floor instead in great groups of public conversation. You instinctively grew closer to Ahk, trying to keep as far away from others as you could, even as he began to wade through the crowd.
"Hey, don't you think it's a little loud in here? Won't the soldiers find us?" Ahk asked a random stranger, who had happened to stand as the two of you passed her by.
"Egyptian soldiers are hardly valued for their intelligence, young man," she said with a knowing chuckle, before continuing on to the bar.
"Told you," you murmured in his ear as you watched her disappear in the crowd.
"Oh, shut up."
After setting away your bags and manually jamming the door, you rejoined the party on the second floor, partaking in what food and drink you could afford. Piye had given you a good deal of money, but you had no way of knowing how many days or months you would have to stretch that amount across. It was better to keep a good eye on your finances, something Ahk didn't know much about, and left in your capable hands. Though, that hardly stopped him from complaining.
"We got more food when we were staying with Mahud," he whined, his cheek squished against your shoulder.
"That's because it didn't cost any money," you said.
"You are a cruel lover."
"I am, but this has nothing to do with that since we are not lovers."
"We're not?"
"No," you stated, leaning your head back against the wall with closed eyes. "We are, at best, accomplices."
There was no ignoring the sudden change in his energy. He grew quiet, as he so rarely did, and hardly moved to breathe.
As he sulked, you took care to remind yourself of what he was capable of––the strange things he'd said to you, even if they weren't entirely harmful, that had set you in a month-long mood of unease.
"You will stay here. Any attempt on your behalf to leave and I will have to punish you. Understand?"
"Then I am a prisoner," you said, your voice hoarse and broken.
"You are what you make yourself," he said in a much more stern tone, looking down at you with knowing, wary eyes. "If it is a prisoner, then so be it. But you will be, throughout all actions and situations, mine."
"You belong to me."
He had not relented in his usage of that claim. In times of peace, in political unrest, he had kept you with him. In times of great bounty, of danger and uncertainty, you had not left him once, and you wondered how sick you would've gotten if you were to go back in time and tell your freshly-met self that you would spend the longer half of a year with him.
You supposed that, in the end, you had joined his collection. The only catch was that it cost him everything else in his ownership, including his kingdom. And yet he seemed perfectly content to lean on your side, even if harsh words came before the silence, and to wait till you returned his affections.
As he touched your shoulder, his muscles went lax, letting him fall limp against you. The moment he intook your scent he was gone, hypnotized by his own adoration for you.
Though your mind fell into a quiet stupor, dancers still circled the room in beat with music. For a moment you wondered how they'd react if they found out the Pharaoh was in their midst.
Aswan was a very Egyptian-type city considering it was still within the borders of Nubia. That meant less worker camps, less fear of Egyptian soldiers, and less knowledge on the impact the Pharaoh stressed upon higher up Nubian cities. Keeping that in mind, you assumed they would try to cozy up to him––spend some of his riches, flirt a little––however it was also possible they worshipped Amun and had already heard of Ahk's treason.
Music began to fade from your mind as the faint sound of footsteps sounded from below you, seeping through the cracks in the mud and wood. They appeared more succinctly the closer you listened, and soon you could identify the number, all marching in unison.
"Ahk," you shook him awake, eyes trained intensely on the floor, "we need to get out of here."
"What?" His sleepy face gave way for concern. "What? What's happening?"
"There's soldiers coming," you said, your grip on his arm tightening.
"Well – the man at the front said they come by every now and then. They haven't found the upstairs yet, they probably won't now," he said.
Muffled voices muttered from below the floor. Ahk opened his mouth to speak again, but you quickly silenced him with your hand, carefully tuning back into the conversation beneath you. A loud crash was followed by silence, and that combination had you jumping to your feet.
"What is it?" Ahk asked, much more panicked now that he noticed your own fear.
"They're coming upstairs," you said as you backed up through the crowd, disturbing those you bumped into.
"They're – oh fuck." Ahk's expression dropped. "The soldiers are coming!"
Ahk yelled his warning over the music, certainly loud enough to assure the soldiers that there were, in fact, people up here. Lutes and harps stuttered to a halt, the pounding of footsteps now clear through the walls.
Panic seized the partygoers. People trampled over one another reaching for their belongings casted aside, hurriedly adjusting them back onto their bodies and making for the windows. Like rats they climbed out, writhing over each other into a mass of fabric and limbs, followed eagerly by you and Ahk. Massive backpacks made it so you were the last out and the only two to see the soldiers yourselves.
The pounding door had you stuck in a trance, only able to back up towards the window. As it slammed open, you finally caught sight of the falcon-headed soldiers, their sharpened spears and sharper eyes, staring empty-minded at you as Ahk pulled you out the window.
"This way!" Came a voice from above you.
You and Ahk quickly looked up, finding a young woman offering you a hand from the rooftop. Ahk took no hesitation in grabbing it, allowing her to hoist him upwards. When he reached down to find your hand, he felt nothing, and panic struck his heart like a searing knife. He ducked his head down, watching the room upside down.
Muscled arms wrapped around your chest and face, blocking your mouth from making practically any sounds at all. The only sound you could make was from kicking your legs frantically.
He jumped back to his feet on the roof, spinning round to the woman who had helped him.
"I need a sword," he said in a rush, desperate eyes already begging.
"Um – ask Imar, I believe he has one," she said, pointing to the man who worked at the bar downstairs. Ahk thanked her in a rush and left.
"Imar!" He called as he jumped from one building's roof to another, approaching where most of the party-goers had gathered. "I need a sword, or a weapon of any sort. Crossbow even."
"I've got a sword, but I need it. There's a stock of axes over there. Don't know who they belong to, though, so take at your own discretion," he said. Ahk once more gave his thanks before running off.
The kink in your neck had only gotten worse the more you struggled, spiking pain down your spine and into your skull each time the soldier's golden bands pressed into the side of your neck. Your already travel-worn shoes were now nearly in shreds, pulling and pushing on the rough gravel roads, occasionally cutting the soles of your feet open. Thus far you had not been allowed to speak, one massive arm nearly cutting off your oxygen supply.
Although you couldn't tell for sure where they were dragging you, you assumed it was towards a temple, as the buildings around you slowly grew more complex and well-kept. A temple seemed a proper place where you could be thrown into whatever underworld Amun lived in.
Being a commodity fought over should've scared you more. There was a panic seizing your nerves, but you were numb to the surprise, instead saving your energy till you could outsmart the soldiers.
Squawking interrupted your harsh breathing, crying out from behind the falcon soldier. You opened your eyes to the dark of night, spying through the shadow-filled alleyway a running figure, followed by the heads of soldiers falling from the city's silhouette. It was then you recalled a very important fact––Amun and his soldiers might've been strong, but Ahk held within him a hunger unlike that of the starved. The hunger of the rich––of pigs and cannibals. A hunger that terrified you to your core.
The first soldier in your sight that emerged from the shadow of buildings soon stopped in its' tracks, tumbling down past its' own knees as the falcon head slipped off human shoulders. Your shocked eyes watched intently, darting upwards to see Ahk with a broad axe.
His blade came down on the last remaining soldier walking behind your captor, blood splurting from the veins and splattering on his face. Much of it landed on your foot, leaving a trail of red as you were dragged, legs still shakily kicking.
He held a finger up to his lips, hushing any muffled screams that might've come from you. Whatever he had planned, you let him do what he deemed necessary, and kept quiet to avoid the suspicion of the soldier restraining you. He raised his axe high above his head, as though he were to strike you down. Terror filled your eyes when the blade came screaming down, splitting the soldier's head in two before it could ever reach you, leaving no mark on you but the pouring blood of the falcon head. The grip on you loosened, and as you pushed yourself away the corpse fell to the ground.
Blood and nerves squelched as Ahk tore the weapon out of the skull, a horrible crack resonating in the empty street when the base of the skull finally split. He panted, droplets of blood falling into his open mouth as he turned to you, eyes frozen and wide.
"You alright?" He asked softly, in a tone so out of character from his current state.
"... yeah," you breathed out.
The axe clattered onto the ground, followed shortly by Ahk falling to his knees. From there he crawled the short distance to you, gently wrapping his arms around your middle, and pulling you into his lap. He buried himself in your neck, hid away in your warmth. The blood covering his midsection soaked through your shirt.
"Ahk, we need to leave, you know there's more of them," you said, though you did not cease in stroking his hair.
"I know," he mumbled, pressing himself tighter to you for a moment before releasing. "They didn't hurt you?"
"Nothing but bruises," you huffed. "Let's go."
You kept near the entrance to the tavern as Ahk wandered back inside, checking behind the counters and in the attic for any trace of the fleeing people. From the roof you could hear muttering, though you couldn't see anyone, and you could vaguely make out the words they were saying.
"Are you the one they're looking for?" A woman asked.
"I did anger an Egyptian god, yes," Ahk said with a curt nod.
The man from the downstairs bar appeared from over the horizon of another tall rooftop. He was drenched in sweat, practically glowing in the dim moonlight.
"These are the ones they want," she said, gesturing to Ahk.
"Really?" He said as he dusted his hands off. "The hell did you do?"
"I, um, attacked a God in order to save my.. um... Amoke," he answered rather sheepishly.
"You cannot stay here," Imar said firmly.
"I'm sorry, but we have many other people looking for protection. We will not risk them for two people who have private business with whatever kind of God you worship," the woman said.
"I understand. Keep safe. Do you have any ideas on where we could go for the night?"
"Try the old graves up on the hill. They hate desecrating the dead," she said before sending Ahk back off down the stairs.
Footsteps drummed for a moment before the door swung open, revealing the Pharaoh still covered in blood. By now it had dried, leaving much of it to flake off his clothes and skin, now a muddy brown instead of the vibrant red of before.
"Have you ever slept in a grave before?"
You had expected him to ask, considering what you heard of the conversation, but you weren't wholly convinced he would actually allow himself to sleep in a tomb.
"A long while ago, I died for a little while. Well, I guess not that long ago. Two or three years. My brother killed me," he began as he started off down the steps, taking you with him as he directed you through the streets, "and I was buried. Piye returned from their banishment shortly after and dug me out of my grave... used their gift to give me life once more."
"... you're really expecting me to believe that?" You asked, almost ready to burst out laughing.
"You saw Amun come to life. There are flowers growing out of your arms. What part of my story is unbelievable to you?"
"Right," you mumbled. "Good point. So... did you sleep in that grave or something?"
"It's complicated, but I was conscious for some time, locked underground. Not Piye's magic. Khonsu's, I believe. Either way, it's not horrid if you have someone with you," he said, patting you on the back with a smile.
"Did you have someone with you?"
His expression fell, the hand on your shoulder going with it.
"I did," he said softly, offering no more than a bittersweet twitch of his smile.
Ahk caught it before you did––the trampling of numbered footsteps, growing steadily louder the closer you came to the upcoming street. You remained within your own thoughts, plagued by questions, and mostly ignorant to the slowing of his pace. Eventually he had to grab your hand, forcing you to hide behind the shadow of a tall building. You opened your mouth to say something, but he set his hand over your mouth, staring at you with an intensity that had terrified you only a little while earlier.
"They're coming," he mouthed in your ear, breath barely passing his lips as he spoke.
Steps grew louder and he pressed himself against you, squishing you to the wall with his chin on your shoulder. Pressure tightened around your chest, constricted your breathing, hastened the beat of your heart as you relied solely on your hearing.
Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.
The clattering of armor, weapons, and shields rang through the marching steps, sending the imagery of shining, sharpened stone and arrows glinting in the moonlight.
"We need to go," he said beneath his breath.
Before you could ask what he meant, his hand encircled your wrist once more, pulling and forcing you down the other side of the alley. Chirps and squawks came from behind, making your pulse rush and swell beneath your skin. They would find you––bird brains though they were, they were still soldiers of a God, with eyes adapted for darkness. They would pull you into their hell and murder your... your Ahk.
Your Ahk.
You arrived back in your body when Ahk turned into an open, empty street, running uphill as he trained his sights on the tomb-filled mountains.
"We're not actually going to stay in a grave, are we?!" You asked as you ran, trying desperately to keep up with the long strides of the former Pharaoh.
"It is our safest bet," he said, tightening his grip on you. You still attempted to squirm out, however fruitless your struggle, and the proceeding panic had you soaked entirely in fear.
He kept you running till your legs burned, till he was fumbling over his own steps, too full of adrenaline to fully control his feet. Pebbles, rocks, and dust filled your sandals, scratching at your skin as it clung to your sweat. Your throat was still too tight to take in enough breath, leaving you part-way wheezing. Soon your own legs began to give way, scraping your knees and palms across rough dirt.
"Come, up," Ahk muttered as he helped you back to your feet, casting wary glances towards the city still ringing with the cries of falcons.
A few more minutes of scrambling up unused paths and you came to the foot of the hill, where the first graves had been set up. The long tunnels led into darkness, to a place you had never been before, where death would paint every wall. Few things in life truly terrified you––death was not among them, but the cruel afterlife of the Egyptians did. The tales you'd heard of the spells necessary to memorize, the weapons, the escorts, the protective magic one needed to have to brave what they called Duat had done that to you.
He didn't take to the first grave you saw, whose door was sealed shut from the outside with rope and wood. In fact he took you past halfway up the hills till he finally found a hole in which to hide, shoving you into the overwhelming darkness, and shutting the door partway.
All that you could hear was the trembling of your own breath, echoing in the empty, dank chamber. Despite the chilling cold the ground beneath you seemed wet, as though it had rained within the earth.
Clicking came from somewhere in front of you. Instinctively you pressed yourself against the wall, surprised to find not a cave wall but a carved granite wall. A flame burst before you as you realized this, revealing the whole of the cave, each wall covered in paintings of life and magic. Hieroglyphs lined every scene, rivalled only by the collection of yellow and white stars painted onto the lapis ceiling.
Your eyes scanned the walls around you and the ceiling, wandering down the pillars and towards the dirt floor. Across from you, Ahk leant his back against the wall, a flicker of light dancing on cloth ripped from his skirt. Now the material covered only the upper half of his thighs, leaving little to your imagination as he drew nearer to you.
"I'm afraid Nubian graves don't quite compare to the luxury of Egyptian graves," he said, setting his hand on your knee and running it up your thigh.
"When will we leave?"
"When our hunger becomes too great."
Ahk might've had good impulse control and lots of self control, but you did not.
"That'll be in days!"
"You're not very patient, are you?"
"Not when I'm stuck in a fucking tomb!"
"Screaming won't do you any favors, Amoke," he reminded you with a quirk of his brow.
Though you hardly had the consciousness of mind to recognize what he was doing, his hands had set to separating your legs, wedging himself inbetween them instead.
"I don't think the volume of my voice has anything to do with our predicament," you said scathingly, crossing your arms and turning away.
"Well, no, but you will hurt your voice. And my ears. This is a small room."
He had a point, but you were adamant in your decision to avoid his gaze. So instead you looked to the floor, your arms still crossed, and a small pout on your lip. Your eyes widened as you felt warmth on your neck, soft and somewhat wet. Ahk was kissing at your neck, one hand dangerously high on the inside of your thigh and the other squeezing your waist, in the middle of a tomb.
"What the hell are you doing?" You asked, beginning to worm in his grasp. The curt movements soon turned to struggle, your heart racing as he simply held you tighter, biting harsher at your neck.
"I could've lost you so easily today," he said softly between the ministrations of his lips.
"Amun almost kidnapped me, too, and you didn't act l –" he bit down and you gasped, "like this."
He simply chuckled and continued.
"I wanted to," he admitted after a moment. "He had no right to do anything to you. I've already lay claim."
"You're mine. I found you first." Motions began to grow rougher, hands tightening on you as kisses became hurried and desperate. "My beautiful little toy... I won't let you go, never."
"Ahk, we're in a grave," you said, attempting to pull his hands off you.
In one swoop his hands caught yours, pinning them above your head. The weight of his body still rested between your legs, keeping them apart, and allowing him access to push and grinded himself against you. His strained breathing kept your shuffling feet company, a distraction from the heat welling in your stomach.
"You are a most beautiful sight," he murmured against your flushed skin. "Truly fit to be a god yourself."
The fear rushing through your blood was one unfortunately familiar––that same fear when you first met him. When he tied you to his bed for hours. When he stood above you with angered eyes, scanning the whole of your over-exposed body.
"This isn –"
"You told me you didn't love me... do you remember that?"
"... yes," you said, still unable to meet his eyes even as he pulled away to look you in the face.
"Then I suppose I have nothing to lose," he murmured, leaning into gift the softest of kisses, barely gracing the bow of your lip, "as all I want in this realm is your love."
"And what of your kingdom?"
"My kingdom is my duty. I do not enjoy ruling, but it is something I must do for the safety of families who now rely on a government to protect them. You, however..." he trailed off for a moment, biting into his bottom lip with a grin, "... you I enjoy very much."
A quick kiss to your lips and he resumed what he started, letting your entwined hands fall in favor of feeling you. His touch slipped up your shirt, feeling the heat of your skin until it grew too much to bear, and he began untying the knots of your clothes. Once he pulled the fabric off your shoulders, he leant back to pull his own coat off. The space gave you ample time to wriggle out of his weakened grasp, though you barely raised to your feet before he grabbed your ankle, pulling you back down and scuffing you in the process.
You turned onto your back, watching with heavy, quickened breaths as he pulled you to him till your hips met, hands and piercing eyes pinning you into place. For a split second an image flashed before your eyes––rope in his hand, silk beneath you, and a servant watching it happen. You shook your head to clear it away, opening your eyes in time to see him lay you flat on the earth.
"I love you," he murmured with a reverence so deep you could swear there were tears welling in his eyes. The hands on your hips slowly ran up your waist and over your chest, squeezing and teasing your senses. "Beautiful..."
He dipped down, like a hand of God descending from heaven to grasp the unholy that sits beneath. Kisses landed on your sternum, trailing up towards your neck, where his nipping teeth had already left dark marks. Unsure what to do with yourself, you let your hands sit above your head and allowed him to do as he pleased.
"I have waited forever to indulge in you," he said, the heat of his words beneath your jaw.
Your eyes flew open.
Haji warned you about this––or maybe it was Naguib, but he didn't seem to like you all that much. Either way, you recalled a spare bit of information given to you concerning the Pharaoh; he might've originally locked you in the castle to have his heirs. Was this what he was doing? Giving into what he'd first taken you for?
"Will you give me this?" He asked, inches away from your face, your leg kinked up upon his hip.
"The easiest form of love," he said through a crack in his voice. From here you could clearly see what you'd spied earlier––tears. "I cannot seem to win your personal love. But I will take anything you give me, and I want this."
"... what?"
He ground his hips into yours, till you could clearly and distinctly feel something hard pressing against you. A soft groan fell from him. Part of you already knew what he meant, but another part was still stunned into stupidity, your wide eyes nothing but empty.
"I need you," he murmured.
Even with all the thoughts in your head, you couldn't manage a single word. Your mouth hung open, gasping when stimulated, but mostly silent with your own confusion. There was an appeal to Ahkmenrah––his beauty, his intelligence, his humor. Quite the array of good traits even without the fact that he held massive amounts of power, or did at one point. Yet you still couldn't let go of what you'd seen him do. It loomed over you like an eclipse, blocking your thoughts and stilling your mind in its' presence.
He didn't have the strength within him to stop himself. He would need your ardent refusal, even though he knew silence was a quiet no, to regain his control. It was a funny thing, seeing him so desperate––a man as composed as him, as aware of himself as him would be remiss to be such a shameful sight.
And it was you.
You driving a Pharaoh to his knees. You taking a man whose very essence was his control over his identity and tearing his image apart. Making him a devil in his people's eyes. You weren't even asking him to ruin himself, to take himself apart just to appeal to you even in the slightest––he was doing that himself. Willingly.
Your chest felt concave upon itself as he continued, numb to the realizations in your head. He pulled off your skirt, the ties in your clothes, till both of you were nude, him still locking your body to the ground. From this angle he could thrust against you, almost fucking your thighs as your wetness grew. Gasps and moans built in your mouth despite your efforts to keep an even expression. He delighted in your own embarrassment, laughing when you squirmed with your eyes shut tight and a hot blush on your face.
"Gods, you are... perfect," he said, devolving into a long, soft moan as the head of his cock began to prod at your entrance.
A rush of excitement––or perhaps just the simpler anticipation––ran through you, and you couldn't stop the sounds that left you as he pushed in. He stretched you, filled you perfectly, and for a moment you wondered if you had been denying yourself a taste of bliss. 
As he kissed you, bitter iron filled your mouth and painted your tongue. At first you wondered if he had bitten too hard (or if you had), but in a short time you realized it was the dried blood, still caked onto his face and body.
Blood passing between your lips. Mingling with your breaths and moans. It became hard to distract yourself with the forceful thrusts of the Pharaoh above you, your mind instead set fierce upon your sense of taste, and the watchful, hooded eyes Ahk looked down on you with.
He soon noticed your sudden daze, and his thrusts slowed down, going deep instead of fast.
"Are you alright?" He asked softly, though he didn't stop his movements entirely.
Your wetness squelched slightly, making you shut your eyes tight with embarrassment, your arms coming to hide your face from sight. Of course, Ahk was having none of that––he took your arms, carefully pinning them to either side of your head.
"A little shy, are you?"
"... this is my first time," you finally mumbled, turning away so you wouldn't have to see his reaction.
He stopped grinding into you. But you couldn't help yourself––you wrapped your legs around his hips, pulling him back into you and moaning when he was fully sheathed.
"Fuck," he groaned, eyes rolling up into his head. "Perfect little pet."
He pinned you to the floor as he finished, keeping you from scrambling away. There he kept you, warm on his cock, filling you with his seed as you whined helplessly.
Although he made an effort to take care of you, gently stroking your skin and kissing away what marks he made, the whole of the day left you both exhausted, and the bout of 'exercise' certainly hadn't helped. In the end you asked him to stop worrying and simply sleep at your side; he acquiesced, using his arm as a pillow as he faced you.
"Still hate me?" He asked, and though they would've been teasing words out of anyone else's mouth, you found sincerity in his expectant eyes.
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