#top 10 government jobs after graduation
metamatar · 5 months
October 10, 2022
Amit Kumar had everything going for him. After graduating in engineering and landing a decent job, Amit wanted to settle down with his childhood sweetheart Renu. The couple had known each other since Class IX and dreamt of a life together. The only difficulty was that Renu belonged to a Brahmin family and Amit was a Dalit.
With their homes barely a kilometre apart in Garhwa district of Jharkhand, Renu knew her family would never approve of the match. The couple decided to run away and tie the knot in another State. And thus began their tale of unending harassment and tragedy.
The couple married at a temple in Dehradun and got their marriage registered there. They had just about settled down at Paonta Sahib in Himachal Pradesh when, in a midnight raid, the Uttar Pradesh police took away Renu, claiming that she had been abducted. Amit and Renu have not seen or spoken to each other since that fateful night of August 13, 2021.
Amit’s life has been a quagmire of legal battles and dismissed habeas corpus petitions since then. “I fear my wife is no more,” he told The Hindu.
Activists say such tragic situations can be avoided if couples like Amit and Renu are provided safe houses and special protection by the State governments as mandated by the Supreme Court.
According to data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the number of “honour killings” in the country was 24, 25 and 33 in 2019, 2020 and 2021, respectively. Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and Jharkhand topped the list in 2021 and 2020, while Manipur was on top in 2019.
The government in 2021 informed Parliament that there were 145 “honour killing” incidents in the country between 2017 and 2019.
Interestingly, though the NCRB report attributed only 25 deaths to “honour killings” in 2020, it said there were 27 deaths due to casteism and 1,558 due to “illicit relationship”. Similarly, in 2021, 33 deaths were listed under “honour killings”, but 1,544 and 1,532 under “illicit relationship” and “love affairs”, respectively.
So far, only Delhi, Haryana and Punjab have safe houses for inter-faith and inter-religious couples. Kerala has only announced the setting up of a safe house.
In fact, only 21 States have said that they have complied with the Supreme Court directives, which means that they have asked the police officers concerned of a State for strict compliance, according to Dhanak for Humanity, a non-governmental organisation which works with such couples, helping them solemnise their marriages and providing legal support.
The Supreme Court had in 2018 directed that safe houses be set up in every district as well as a special cell in States for couples facing opposition from families and community.
Gaurav Yadav, an engineer from IIT Chennai, said he was working with survivors of “honour crimes” and couples who are in hiding to petition the government for more safe houses across the country.
“Soon we will form an official grouping and petition the government to follow the Supreme Court directives on safe houses and special cells,” Mr. Yadav said, adding that he had organised a convention regarding the same in Delhi recently.
He said though couples had been demanding that safe houses be set up, the State administrations had looked the other way.
An example is of Ravikant Chandrawanshi and Alisha, who had a harrowing time getting married under the Special Marriage Act in Chhattisgarh.
The inter-faith couple at first decided to elope and marry in Bilaspur. However, a lack of support system and security, including finances, saw them return home in Kawardha within four days.
“As my wife’s family were well to do and politically connected, they kept up the pressure on us. Finally, we had to take legal recourse and approached the High Court asking them to direct the State administration to provide the mandated safe house and police protection.
“However, we were informed that there was no safe house and Alisha had to go to a sakhi centre or a women’s safe house,” Mr. Chandravanshi said.
Though the couple approached the highest of authorities, they were not given any police protection either and had to go into hiding for around six months after their marriage.
According to Asif Iqbal of Dhanak for Humanity, most States send the girl to a Nari Niketan after couples approach them. “It is here that the girl is the most insecure as her family mostly approaches her and puts pressure to go back. Many a time, this also leads to what is known as honour killing of the girl”.
Sanjay Sachadev of Love Commandoes, an organisation which rescues and shelters such couples, said, “The need of the hour is safe houses across the country. In almost every case, the police try and send the girl to a women’s shelter and the boy is left to fend for himself.”
A couple who are staying in a Delhi safe house and did not wish to be identified said that they could not have thought of living together had it not been for the security of the safe house.
Mr. Iqbal, whose organisation has helped many couples seek legal recourse to stay together and get married, said that of the distress calls he receives, the most were from Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.
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It's Time to Let Her Know What You Need, Pt. 1
What happens when a call goes awry, and your former trainee finds out?
A/N: Some assault in this part, no over the top schmut yet, folks! ;]
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Medical leave had always been a source of annoyance for you, you would do everything in your power to avoid being placed on the Leave of Absence list. Taking time off work had never been your strong suit. You had never been away from work for this long before, but under the doctor's orders, you had been gone for 5 months. The reason for your leave was due to a particularly bad call that you had responded to, one that you wish you could have avoided. It had started as a typical call, but every police officer gets one of those calls that permanently changes their outlook on everything as they know it. 
You had been in the process of transitioning back to the graveyard shift, it had been a few years since you had worked through the shift cycle that your police department had enacted. Something about too many officers trying to enact tenure to avoid an ‘undesirable’ shift- such as graves. Most hated working the overnight shift. The 8 am-8 pm didn’t work well for most. Family, friends, relationships? They really couldn’t happen very effectively with that kind of work schedule.
The last time you had been on graves, you were training a rookie- she had started as a ride-along, curious to see the inner workings of being a police officer. She went to the academy, graduated at the top of her class, and was soon hired in the same department as you. You had been lucky enough to draw the ‘short stick’, of having to train someone. But that was what you were partially paid to do. You were a Field Training Officer, or FTO, for short. You would rather train people to behave in a way you could trust in the field, than have some bozo, and their shitty work habits bleed into the newbie's habits. 
Notoriously by the book, the joke had always been that you rewrote the book. You were respected and regarded, and your superiors trusted you. That meant the world to you, considering you didn’t have the stability of that growing up. This meant that you got to train the most promising of prospects for the police department. Jennifer Jareau was one of those trainees. She was caught between a career in the government with the FBI, or working in one of the most regarded police departments in the country. Once she had broken into the ranks at SDPD, she left an indelible mark on everyone. There were regulars on her beat who loved the visits she would make to check on the community, making a presence of support known throughout all the businesses in the Gaslamp District kept her patrol’s crime down. The officers she worked with loved her infectious personality, and her “girl next door” charm.
You swore to yourself that you would never- EVER- break the work relationship rule. You knew, as a police officer, that it gets messy. People in the department that fraternized outside of it ended up hurt, more often than not. You had seen it all happen, where significant others had been extorted by enemies, or cheating, injuries, or worse yet- death on the job. Your best friend, Cearra, was on the force and had left because she had watched her partner- a paramedic, get shot in the head during an accident call. Cece had never been the same after that, no matter the therapy, no matter the time. She had taken leave to try and ‘get right’, and that is where you think she went wrong. Too much time away lets you think, it lets you stew and wallow in your pity, guilt, and grief. That is where you are now. Wallowing. Wading. Treading water. 
“Cruiser 24 10-14 on a plate, vehicle is 10-47, driver weaving in and out of traffic, 10-18.”
“10-4. Dispatch 12, ready for your license plate.”
“Edward, Lincoln, George, Union, 6 - 7 - 1”
“Dispatch 12, confirming- Edward, Lincoln, George, Union, 6 - 7 - 1”
“10-4,” you said, keeping your eyes on the vehicle that was now parked at a gas station on the corner, both the young men looking way too young to be driving. 
“10-12 Cruiser 24.” You continued to watch the kid who was driving, he went inside, came back out a short while later with some chips, and went to the pump and put the nozzle in the gas tank. 
“Cruiser 24, the vehicle is 10-71 as of yesterday morning.10-39 shows plates registered to a silver Kia Forte, 2008.”
“10-4, cruiser 24 will be 10-6 on a 10-38, vehicle does not match registered tags.”
“10-4 cruiser 24.”
You drove forward, not flipping your lights on since you didn’t want the kid to run. You drove across the street, and pulled into the gas station parking lot, pulling behind them like you were about to fill your cruiser with gas. The driver's demeanor immediately shifted, and you flipped your lights on. Panicking, the driver pulled the gas nozzle out of the vehicle, slamming it into the receiver on the pump. You had already run out of your car, running forward to try and pull the driver back out of the vehicle. He slammed the door on your non-dominant hand, and you had to reach down to open the car door again, freeing your digits from the car door before he drove off. Running back you hopped in your cruiser, taking off after the burgundy Cadillac.
“Cruiser 24, 10-0 on a red Cadillac CT5, after attempting a 10-48. The driver fled and slammed my hand in the door. Broadway and 2-8 street.”
“10-4, Cruiser 24. 10-32 all units available for a high-speed chase, Broadway and 2-8, Eastbound Broadway.”
“Cruiser 24, you are clear to run code, lights, and sirens through city limits”
“10-4, Cruiser 24 will be 10-3 during chase”
You heard a cacophony of 10-4’s, units copying to move to help, but that all seemed to blend into the background as your hand throbbed and you sped through downtown San Diego. The chase seemed to last forever, with multiple units trying to utilize spike strips and pit maneuvers to disable the vehicle to complete the traffic stop. It seemed that no matter what was done, the vehicle just would not stop. They kept bobbing and weaving up and down side streets, trying to lose whoever was following them. You continued to follow them but noticed the vehicle slowing down. The kid cut across a bustling street to coast into a parking lot for a park. As soon as the vehicle coasted and slowed enough, the driver and passenger bailed out, running in different directions towards the heavily wooded ravine. 
Against your better judgment, you took off after the driver, thankful for all your time spent in the gym at the police department between the weights, boxing, and treadmill, your cardio was top-notch. You could hear the faint sound of doors slamming and yelling coming after you, but everything was easily drowned out by the shortness of your breath and the pounding of your heart. You kept your head on a swivel, not quite sure where the other occupant was. You continued forward, the kid in front of you slowly losing his momentum. You were gaining on him, and looking for anywhere he might try to dip off to the side to get away from you. You battled the rocky, overgrown underbrush and steep grade, as the driver kept running deeper down the ravine. 
“Police! Quit running!” You yelled, trying to get the kid to stop. He looked over his shoulder and tried to run faster. 
The space between you and him continued to close, you were finally within striking distance to bring this guy down. Willing your body to run any faster, you closed the gap enough that you stuck your arm out and grabbed onto his shoulder, pulling him backward to the ground below. You both fell, rolling down the canyon's slope, trying to tackle and wrestle each other as you tumbled lower and lower, grunting with each bump that was sure to leave a bruise. You were certain you had at least bruised some of your ribs, but you weren’t going to let that stop you from arresting this kid. He began to struggle, trying to reach for any weapons you had, while you grappled with him and tried to control his arms. 
Suddenly, he managed to break one of his arms free, and he grabbed your sidearm from your right hip. You feel it whip across your face, shattering your eye socket. You reach your arm around, trying to grab your baton from your left hip and feel the sharp, shooting pain, followed by numbness shoot through your arm. Before your hand could wrap around the handle of the expandable baton, there was another hand already there. You looked through your one good eye, to see the other person had now joined, and had expanded it to its full length. He whipped it across your side, you felt a rib or two crack. The sound of the gun cocking caught both yours and his attention.
“Dude, don’t do it. Don’t shoot a fucking cop, dude!” The second kid screamed. 
“Shut up man! We’re already in too deep! We stole your grandpa's car, we stole someone's plates, we got in a chase, and ran! The only chance we have is to kill her and run!”
“You don’t even know how to shoot!”
“It can’t be that hard. Just point, and shoot. Just like GTA, right?”
“Don’t do it, man!”
There was a flash and a loud bang. You felt the searing pain as the bullet tore through the side of your neck. Another bang and the pain was now burning through the left side of your chest, just above where you knew your vest covered. There was some rustling, and a few dull thuds, and footsteps as the kids ran away. You pressed your hands to the respective wounds, trying to keep pressure on the wounds as you forced yourself to crawl up the side of the hill. You worked yourself up to a large manzanita bush, slumping underneath it as you succumb to the exhaustion and wounds.
Currently, you were seated at the island in your kitchen, staring into your cup of coffee like it was going to magically turn into an exotic creature. The last couple of months had been full of reflection, frustration, and emotion. There had been one constant throughout the recovery process, and that constant was JJ. She had stepped up, taking your place on the graveyard shift while you heal. She had just been moved over to work the admin desk, a requirement before you can be considered for sergeant or lieutenant. During the late nights when you trained her on duty, she spoke of how she desired to move up the ranks, how she wanted to be respected, and revered for her work. She never mentioned a significant other, just a distant relationship with her parents back in a suburb of Pittsburgh. She was a star soccer player and gained a scholarship to Pitt, and from there went to Georgetown. 
Enamor, that was what you felt whenever she was around you. She made you feel things, things that had long been buried, that you thought you had been strong enough to hide. Between the frequent visits from JJ and the open and brutally honest conversations with your therapist, you had to admit to yourself that there were some feelings for the ocean blues that had been checking on you for the last five months. She was one of the few officers who visited you regularly. Your CO received regular updates from your doctor and your therapist on your well-being, and that is how they would determine how long you would be out of work. You have even begged for admin work, arguing that if Jennifer had taken up your post, you could do hers. They wouldn’t budge, however. You needed time to heal, which they were adamant about. 
You had suffered from a double orbital fracture, 13 fractured ribs, 4 broken ribs, a torn rotator cuff, a hyper-extended elbow, a punctured lung, a gunshot to the clavicle, and a gunshot that had just grazed the side of your throat, luckily not hitting your trachea, artery or major nerves. The cherry on top of the ice cream sundae? Showing up to the boys court dates, because they thought they had killed you. But, with the compounded charges, even at 14 and 17 years old, they were charged as adults due to the nature of their crimes, and sentenced to live the majority of their adult lives in prison. Turns out, they had beaten the younger kid's grandfather, and stolen his car, along with the money he had stashed in his safe. They stole his car, switching the license plates for the plates on a neighbor’s car, thinking that would put off the cops, and not be what attracted them. It was only meant to be a joyride, but the grandfather reported the car stolen once he had gotten himself to the ER. The kids had no idea how to navigate the city, neither of them had driven yet, and that’s what led to them getting lost and not being able to flee. 
Somehow, while trying to locate the two boys, no one had tracked your location down. They heard the gunshots echo through the canyon and had all but run past you, not noticing you under the manzanitas canopy. When news went out over the radio that they hadn’t located you yet, multiple searches went out, and hours later, just before they were going to call off the search for the night- JJ had found you and carried you up the steep embankment. She wasn’t even supposed to be there, but she knew that she couldn’t live without trying. At least, that’s what she told you. You convinced yourself not to believe it. She was just doing her job. What you couldn’t shake, was the few people who had seen her show up at the scene described her as distraught, asking everyone where they had last seen you, where the gunshots had come from, and immediately running towards the canyon. 
When she crested the top of the hill, she was screaming for help, your unconscious body lying before her, blood soaking your uniform. Your blood had saturated her clothing from where she held your body close. Multiple people told you that they had to pry her away from your unconscious body, and she hovered and rode with you to the hospital. She spent her off days, lunches, and nights at the hospital. The nurses found out the hard way to not ask her to leave after visiting hours. They had induced a coma to allow your body to heal and conserve your energy, and when you woke up you had been beyond shocked to see a disheveled blonde asleep in the corner, a binder with administrative procedures resting spread across her chest. Her heavy breathing told you she was asleep, the bags under her eyes told you she needed it. 
Everyone had been exceedingly happy that you had woken up not just for the obvious reasons, but also because they hated to see how this had affected her- as one of the rookies had so lovingly phrased it, “She’s been a nit-picky, insufferable nut job,” allegedly picking apart everyone's performance because you don’t just ‘lose’ an officer after a high profile chase like that. She had been furious that everyone ran past you, which caused your body to go into deep shock because you had been lying there for an estimated 5-6 hours before JJ found you. The chief was stuck between a rock and a hard place, so he was trying to quell any grumblings or grievances you had by giving you all the support, time, and money you needed to stay happy. He knew you could blow this up, but he was doing everything in his power to keep that from happening. 
A knock on your front door brought you from your reverie, so you sat your cup down on the butcher block countertop, mumbling an “I’m coming,” to whoever was on the other side of your heavy front door, Upon unlocking the deadbolt and swinging the door inwards towards your living room, you found JJ standing on the stoop in front of you. She was supposed to be off today, but she was standing there with her over-the-shoulder holster on, a grey sweater, black jeans, and a black blazer. Her badge was peeking out from underneath the coat, and her golden tresses fell in perfect waves as she gave you a soft smile. But for you, it was always her eyes that trapped you, that called you in the dark of the night. Those eyes were in all your dreams and nightmares.  
“Hey, stranger. How are you feeling today?” She asked, rocking her body back and forth, her hands in her back pockets. You had learned working with her that she only did this when she was nervous. A small smile graced your face, as you leaned against the doorframe, crossing your arms across your chest. It was at this moment that you realized, you weren’t dressed in much. It was starting to warm up being the middle of July now, so you were in a black tank top and some cut-off camouflage shorts. You also become very, very aware that you had no bra on… so there was a little bit of tune-in Tokyo happening. 
“I’m okay, Jay. Getting there, slowly. How are you?” Her smile grew as you asked about her.
“Y/N, I'm not the one who got shot twice after being thrown down a canyon and pistol-whipped.” She chuckled, shaking her head.
“I know, JJ. But it’s kinda what we sign up for. I’ll manage.” Her head tilted at the remark.
“Y/N, this isn’t about managing. You need to process all of this properly.”
“I know JJ. That’s why I am brutally honest with my therapist, and take all my therapies seriously. I feel like nothing without working.” You remark, making her smile drop slightly. 
“Y/N/N, your career doesn’t make you- you make you. You need to heal, to take care of yourself, so you can be the best version of yourself- because that’s what you, the PD, and the community need. The best you.” She said, stepping forward, bringing herself extremely close to you, too close for comfort. Your breathing slightly hitched at the movement, and you backed up slightly. “Have you eaten yet? I wanted to see if you wanted to go get food, or order takeout.” She asked, the shy smile coming back to her face. It had been about a week since she had last been here, but you texted and called her daily. She was trying to give you space, but in her mind, she never wanted to let you go again.
“No, I haven’t yet. I was just finishing my coffee.” You respond. 
“You can’t just live off coffee, you know.”
“Tell that to the coffee gremlin living in my head, Jay.” You laugh, letting her in as you open the door wider, walking inside and motioning for her to follow. “Did you have any ideas? Anything sound good?”
“Let's just order in. The diner around the corner sounds good, though. I could seriously use one of those greasy ass breakfast burritos smothered in green chili.” You laugh at her request, nodding before unlocking your phone, scrolling through your apps, and selecting the one that this diner used for delivery. You guys had been there so much, that you had your orders saved, and just hit the reorder button. 
You had just finished a dull shift, it had seemed that the majority of people decided to behave tonight. Just a few traffic stops, seatbelts, or minor speeding infractions were spread throughout the night. While it made the paperwork at the end of shift light, it made your night last forever. You were just finishing changing into your street clothes when JJ ran up to you. Since you were training her, you had spent all night with her, and with it being a slow night, the majority of the time was spent talking about everything. Family, friends, relationships, embarrassing high school stories, you name it. 
“Hey, Sergeant Y/L/N, wanna grab a bite to eat before you head home? I’m starving, and all I saw you eat all night was a package of chocolate-covered mini donuts and a small coffee.”
“Sure, Jareau.I’ll meet you outside. Or did you want to meet somewhere?”
“I was thinking of the diner on El Cajon. Rudfords?”
“That works, I’ll meet you there. I just need to finish up something really quick.”
“Okay, I’ll grab a seat and wait for you. Coffee?”
“Please. And OJ.” You smiled as she waved and ran out to her car. You finished up submitting the paperwork for the tickets you wrote, and Jennifers' performance review for the night. You set everything on the desk of your lieutenant, before walking out to the employee lot, placing your sunglasses over your eyes, and tossing your go bag in the trunk of your car. You sped off, knowing that at this time of the day, traffic can be 50/50. You didn’t want to keep JJ waiting longer than necessary. 
Today must be your lucky day, as it was one of the few times there was hardly any traffic, and you got there fairly quickly. You walked in, removing your aviators and looking around, finding the blonde sitting in a corner booth, two cups of coffee and your cup of orange juice on the table. You smiled, shaking your head as you walked over. 
“Hey stranger,” you slide into the booth, smiling at her as she peers at you over the menu. “Ever been here before?” You ask, seeing her looking over all of the menu. She nods her head, indicating that she hasn’t been here before. “This is one of my favorites. Right down the road from me too. There have been many a late night I’ve indulged in the greasy spoon classics to help sober me up here.”
“Sergeant, you mean to tell me, you’re human too?!” She folded the corner of the menu down, as she whisper-shouted at you. You both started laughing just as the waitress came over to take your order. 
“Hey, Y/N. Same as usual, hun?”
“Yeah, Maggie. I’ll take my usual.” You smiled, handing her the menu. JJ filed the menu back up and handed it to Maggie as well.
“I’ll get what she’s having.” She responded, smiling as the waitress nodded and walked back towards the hostess stand to put the menus away. “So, what’s your go-to here?”
“It’s a greasy, messy smothered breakfast burrito. Perfect for cheat days and days that I need help recovering from a long night.”
“Sounds good. I’m excited!” She rubbed her hands together, making you shake your head at her excitement. You both continued your conversations from the shift, getting to know one another a little bit better. Maggie slid your plates in front of you, and JJ moaned at the smell as the plates came to rest in front of the both of you. 
The smell usually got to you too, but this time, you were distracted by the noise the woman across from you had just made. In the back of your mind, a little voice muttered, “shit.”
“OK, food ordered. Says it should be here in the next 30,” you state, setting your phone back down on the counter. “Can I get you something to drink? Water? OJ? Coffee?” You asked, turning to see the woman sitting where you had been just 15 minutes ago. 
“Water, for now. Thanks Y/N.” She responded, watching as you turned your back to her, grabbed a glass, put some ice into it, and filled it from the fridge. You slid it across the counter to her, a smirk on your face. You briefly thought about running upstairs to change into something more appropriate but decided that it wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen before. 
“So, Jay, I thought you were off today.” You motion to the outfit, and the badge. 
“Technically I am.” She responded, a slight smile on her face as she took a drink of water. You found yourself watching as she drank, the way her neck and chest moved, the musculature making you gulp. 
“Sooooo…you just like to dress in work clothes and wear your holster and badge for funsies?” She laughed, a real, hearty laugh, dribbling some more water down her chin. You reached over instinctively, wiping it away with your thumb for her. 
“Thanks. But no, not for fun. Work is great and all, but far from my idea of fun,” she stood up, shrugging off the black coat and leaving her in the light grey sweater that you had told her before brought out her bright blue eyes. “I had to go pay a visit to the chief.” She responded, sitting back down with a deep sigh. Now that, that caught your attention. 
“Chief? How come?” You sound genuinely concerned, but worry is more accurate. You don’t want her to move, or leave. That’s usually the only reason people go straight to the Chief of Police. Unless there’s a bigger issue. 
“Relax, Y/L/N, it's ok. I have been tasked with creating better processes for chase scenarios, whether on foot or by vehicle, I can’t let what happened to you, happen again. I just needed to make sure that the department has been evaluating procedure changes. O’Connell is scared, you know? He is deathly afraid you are going to point out holes and flaws in the system, and use that for litigation for what happened. I told him you have every right to pursue legal action if you so choose because you’ve been out of work for months, and who knows how long it’ll be before you’re back.” She got quieter as she said the last part. 
“I’ll be back soon, Jayje. They can’t keep me on the bench forever.”
“I know, but it’s not the same. And it doesn’t help that the entire department thought you were gone.”
“Jay, we weren’t even working the same shifts before this happened. I never really saw you except for at the gym occasionally. Once I’m back, that’s what we’re going back to barely seeing each other. I work the opposite shift of you.” She looked slightly panicked and took a deep breath.
“No, not when you come back. Part of the new protocol is going to be shared cruisers. You’ll have a partner, even as a sergeant,” she looked nervous to say the next part.
“Oh god, Jayje, what did you do?” You asked, rubbing your face in your hands. 
“Once you come back on the beat, I’m your partner. I was promoted to Sergeant, they let me pick. I told them I’ll give up my bid for Lieutenant for now, they’re keeping me in admin till you come back, then we’ll be partners.” You sprang up, more excited to hear she got a promotion she had worked so hard for, and she was one of the lower-tenured officers at the department. It was just a nod to how great she is at her job.
“You’re a Sergeant now?! That’s great JJ! When did you find out?” You asked, completely grazing over the fact that she was now your partner.
“I, uhhh found out a few weeks ago. I kinda told them I wouldn’t do it unless we could work together again. I thought we made a good team.” She looked at the floor, suddenly finding her feet incredibly interesting.
“Jay,” you stand up straight, walking around the stools and standing in front of hers. She didn’t look up, so you gently grabbed her chin and pulled her face up so you could look into her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?” You ask first, wanting to get it out of the way. The pained look on her face tells you all you need to know. The FBI's body language and behavior courses were paying off. 
“I wanted it to be a surprise when you finally came back.” Her eyes darted back and forth between yours. You let out a deep sigh, looking up at the ceiling before you respond. “I… I’m sorry if I overstepped… if you want to work with someone else, I understand… I just… I wanted to work with you again. I miss it. I miss you.” She finally said. Your head snapped back down to look her in the eyes, you can tell she is trying to steel her emotions and not cry. Your heart couldn’t handle the look of disappointment on her face. 
“I’m sorry. I should have known I overstepped.”
“I think I read too much into this.” She stood up, reaching over for her coat. You knew it was now or never.
“Jennifer Jareau.” The use of her full name caught her off guard, and she stopped to turn and face you.
“1. You’re rambling,” you held up your hand, one finger raised. The second finger went up, as you continued. “2, are you sure that us being partners is a good idea?” You motioned between the both of you, eyebrow raised in question. 
“Yes, I think so. Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Because, Jay. We care too much. Not in a bad way. It’s just that, everyone I have known that worked in this kind of job and had a partner who did the same, gets hurt. Look at what happened when I got hurt. I woke up from a coma to you sleeping under a rules and procedures binder and you hadn’t left the ER for a week to keep an eye on me. You were distraught, to say the least. It isn’t a bad thing. I would be the same way with you. But, feelings get people hurt, Jayje.”
“So you’re saying that me caring, that anyone giving a shit about the person they work with is gonna be worse than what happened to you?! That someone showing any ounce of emotion while on duty to prove that we aren’t just fucking robots with a badge and a gun is a bad thing?! Jesus, Y/N, they told me you were emotionally cut off, but not like this.” She was yelling at this point, and you heard a knock at the door. Your food arrived. Walking away from this conversation probably wasn’t your best move, but you did it anyway. You turned around, to see her putting her blazer back on. “You can have the burrito, Y/N. I’ll get something on my way home.” You sighed, setting the bag down and turning around, watching as she began walking to the door. 
“Jay. Stop.” She kept walking to the door, not showing any indication of stopping. “JJ. Don’t leave yet,” she continued to the door. “JENNIFER.”
“WHAT?!” She turned to you, her eyes full of tears. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT?!” You surged forward after haphazardly throwing the food on the dining room table and wrapped your arms around her smaller frame. You had always stood taller than her- the only time she was close was when she had to dress up and wear heels. She continued to cry, beating her fist into your sore chest without much thought. You continued to hold her tight to you, rubbing her back, and kissing the top of her head without much thought. The only thoughts running through your mind were how stupid you were to make her feel like this, and how natural it felt to hold her like this. You took a deep breath before continuing, just like you had rehearsed with your therapist. 
“JJ, I think you may have misunderstood what I was trying to say, doll.” You whispered to her, knowing that her head was probably going to be hurting from how hard she was crying. 
“No, I didn’t misinterpret you. I read you, loud and clear, Y/N,” she sniffled, pulling away from you enough so she could look up at you.
“Well, JJ. I would hate to start any partnership off like this, but, you’re a terrible liar,” the look of confusion all over her face made you want to laugh, but you stifled it for this moment. She gasped, slapping her hand onto your chest, where she had just been beating it with a fist, which was also right where they had to go in and fix your collarbone. You winced and made her jump.
“Shit! That’s where your incision is! Fuck! I hurt you! I’m so sorry!” She panicked, backing away from you, tears forming again. 
“Jay, JJ… it’s fine. Look. I’m fine,” you walked up, running your hands up and down her arms. She relaxed into the motion before you continued. “What I mean is, and forgive me if I am putting words in your mouth, but you and I care too much for this to just be a ‘normal’ partnership… I think it is safe to say that you are one of my best friends in the department, and I would go completely scorched earth, off the books unhinged to protect you. Whether it was legal or not. I wouldn’t care if it costs me my career, you mean more to me than that…” You tapered off, seeing the blank expression on her face. “Jayje? You in there?”
“Huh? Yeah, I am. Sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You shrug, dropping your hands to your side, and began fiddling with your fingers. “I guess what I mean to say, Jayje, and I am terrified to say this out loud,” you stop, collecting your thoughts before you continue. 
“Whoa, hun, there’s nothing you can tell me that is going to change my perception of you.” JJ settled forward, now comforting you.
“This…this might, Jay. This is our entire relationship, and if you don’t want to be around me after, I don’t know what I’ll do.” You ramble, your inner terror boiling up to the surface. 
“Y/N, look at me,” she waited for you to look her in the eyes before continuing. “There isn’t a damn thing in this world that’s gonna keep me away from you. If you want me here, I will be here.” You gave her a watery smile before continuing, not wanting to fall back within yourself and chicken out but not telling her at all. 
“Yeah?” You let out a deep sigh before continuing.
“I love you. I am in love with you. Not just in a, ‘we’re best friends’ kinda way.”
“Oh.” She said, her gaze falling to the floor, scanning around for something that she could deem as interesting. 
“Mhhmmm. Yeah. So… yeah.” You begin to back away, not liking the response from her so far, but she grabs onto your hands, pulling you back.
“Well, Y/N,” her hands dropped yours, before reaching up and tracing patterns on your chest. “I guess we’re both lucky.”
“What do you mean?”
“To have a partner that cares so much.” It was your turn to stand there with a distant expression, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. She laughs, bringing you out of your reverie. “Y/N, god, I love you, and how smart you are. But Jesus you are acting like a dumbass right now. Quit overthinking it. I think we are in the same boat here.” She smiles, wrapping her arms behind your neck, sending goosebumps up and down your spine. “See?” She sent you an earth-shattering smile, but your body reacted on an impulse. Sliding both of your hands to the sides of her face, you pulled your face close to hers, her breath hitching as she anticipated what was next. You gently nudged your nose into hers, making those cerulean eyes open.
“You sure about this, Jay? This is a point of no return.” You ask, making clear that she wants this too, giving her an out if there is even an ounce of doubt. 
“Y/N, just shut up. Kiss me, I’ve waited long enough. I. Have. Feelings. For. You.” She smirked as you ran your thumb over her supple, pink lips. There was a sharp inhale, as her eyes darkened at the notion. You lean in, slowly, brushing your lips across hers, a ghost of a kiss. You had never been one to believe in the whole, “fireworks” or “electricity” bit when someone described a kiss, but if you had to guess what they meant- it was this. The feeling of her lips on yours caused your brain to short-circuit. Slanting your head, you find your actions are happening on autopilot- you lean in, firmly pressing your lips to hers. Finally, after so many nights of imagining what these lips would feel like pressed to yours, you know. You are simply amazed at how little effort this takes, giving into the dizzying yet daunting decision to tear down this barrier in (what had been, to this point) a very professional relationship. 
Her soft lips continued to move against yours, her hands running through the back of your short hair, from your neck up to the crown of your head. Yours ran down her sides, wrapping around her hips and lower back, pulling her closer to you. There was a muffled croak from the back of her throat, and a dull ache in your chest from the lack of air becoming more nagging. You unwillingly pulled away, resting your forehead against hers, your eyes closed as you catch your breath. Her hands continued to run through your hair, massaging your ears before they come to rest on the side of your face. A deep breath escapes her lips, and you both open your eyes, 
“Hey, stranger.” You mumble, nuzzling your head into her neck, inhaling the calming scent of vanilla and coconut that you have come to know well over that last few months, as she has been here regularly to check on you. 
“Hi.” Her quietest voice responds, you can tell she’s shy about what just happened. 
“Jay?” You pick your head up, looking into her darkened irises. “You ok?”
“Scared, a little bit. But never better, honestly. I have wanted that for so, so long.” She whispers.
“Why are you scared, Jayje?”
“Because, you’re right. If something like this,” she motions to your neck, her thumb tracing of the pink scar that was developing from the burn trail of the bullet. “Ever, happens again, I have no idea what I’ll do.”
“Hey,” you grab her chin, making sure her attention was on you. “I know, and I know we can’t make guarantees in this line of work, but just know this- I will do everything, and I mean everything I can to come back to you.” Her eyes watered a little bit, so you brought your hand up to run your fingers through her golden hair, resting your hands at the nape of her neck. 
“You can’t promise that, Y/N.”
“Yes, I can. I can’t promise that something won’t happen. But with what I can control? I will always fight, and do what I can, to find you. To come back to you.”
“Y/N…” JJ focused on your eyes, not watching or sensing that you were pulling her close to you once again. 
Your bodies held the same heat, the same desire as before. Only now, it is palpable, tactile almost. You pushed your lips together once more, feeling as though the world was melting away. Her calming scent overwhelms you, sending your mind into a daydream, a trance, if you will. Her whimpers and moans added to the scintillating touches that were being spread across your body. Instinctively, you lower yourself, your hands running from her shoulders, down her back, over the swells of her ass before you tapped the back of her thighs. No words are needed, she lifted one leg to wrap around your hip, with your assistance. Swiftly and efficiently, you brought her other leg up, and had her completely enveloping your body. She raked her nimble fingers through your hair, gently pulling the hair on your head back as you began to walk her to a more appropriate location.
It was times like this when you were glad you lived in a ranch-style house, the only steps you had to contend with were the three to your front door, and two down into your bedroom. Tossing her down onto your bed, her tresses fan out behind her head, as she looks you over with her softest, expectant gaze. Her arms stuck out, as beckoned you closer.
“Too much space, baby. I need you. I need to know what I’ve been missing.” She husks, as she props herself up on her elbows, watching you step closer. 
“Patience love, you’ve waited this long. Let’s savor this moment.” Holding onto her chin, you pull her face up to meet yours, as your knee comes to rest in between her spread legs at the edge of the bed. You slowly begin working off her coat, sliding it down the toned arms you had found yourself staring at a multitude of times, especially at the gym when you both worked out together. You both explored the depth of each other's mouths, this time was more fervent, more profound. The hands that had been resting on your bed now moved to remove the barrier that was keeping you both separate. You eagerly grasped the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head as you broke the kiss apart to rid yourselves of your clothes. She worked the tank top up your body as far as she could in her seated position, growling at the product of hours spent in the gym, particularly of late. She hadn’t worked out with you since your medical leave, so the 3-hour, 7-day-a-week regimen took your physique to the extreme. 
Goosebumps erupted as she ran her nails down your chest and stomach, you flexing on instinct and lolling your head back. Remembering that you were in the middle of removing your tank top, you lifted it completely and threw it off to the side. JJ’s eyes immediately drifted to the scar on your collarbone, and the scar that now wrapped around your underarm. She traced them delicately with her finger before she enclosed her arms around your back. 
“No bra today, hmm?” She kissed your now barren chest, her hands gently scrubbing up and down your back. 
“To be honest, Jay, I wasn’t anticipating any guests today.” You purred, leaning her back down till she lay fully underneath you. You began to unbuckle her belt, slowly unbuttoning her inky black jeans, and unzipping them at a torturously slow rate. You began kissing down her chin, nosing behind her ear before gently nibbling down her neck. You paused, causing a whimper to leave her lips as you slid the denim off of her legs. Instantly your mouth began to water at the sight of her bare legs in front of you. “No panties today, hmmmm?” You mock her tone from earlier, taking in the sight of her before you, nearly nude. Groaning, you roll your head back, before leaning back over her. 
“To be honest, Y/N, I wasn’t anticipating taking my pants off with an audience.” You smirk at her sarcasm, kissing down her collarbone, and to the swells of the tops of her bosoms. Her bra is the only thing between you and seeing her fully.
“Well, darling, there’s a first time for everything.”
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ppnuggie · 2 years
      CAFE CON — g1!cons x reader
    『 thundercracker ,, soundwave ,, gender neutral human reader 』
  -> cafe con au w/ reader
  — fluff ,, sfw ,, crack ,, second pov
  — cons in bunny suits have been on my mind 👁 if youre not sure as to what it is ,, its my au where the decepticons have a cafe called ‘cafe con’ and the autobots have ‘bot bakery’ and their rivalry is between each other n who has a better establishment n stuff ,, tho the cons wear bunny suits and the bots are catboy maids 😏
• you were new in town ,, having just moved to the city after graduating to look for jobs and stuff yknow
• whilst walking down the street you saw a cafe ,, labeled in a soft font with light purple coloring read “cafe con” ,, whilst it was an odd name you didnt bother to question it as you walked inside
• the interior was nice ,, a black - white - purple - and a dash of light green for a color scheme ,, it almost reminded you of an 80s diner with the checkered floor ,, the juke box ,, and the booths and bar stools
• you had waited to be seated ,, taking in more of your surroundings as you saw that the people running this cafe happened to be the new mecha aliens from cybertron that everyone seemed to know
• well ,, almost everyone ,, since you never saw them up close and this was your first time seeing them ,, as you’d always thought they were some silly government experiment
• however you weren’t expecting to see them ,, running a cafe in what looked like those bunny suits that you’d see women wear ,, not a onesie but those ones you’d see on a inappropriate magazine that your dad would stash away
• it was surprising to say the least ,, though you suppose they had to make money someway or another ,, and money was money
• it didnt take too long to be seated ,, your waiter being a blue mech with sort of wings behind him ,, he was quite taller than you ,, he seemed about 10 or 11 ft
• he introduced himself as thundercracker and gave you a menu ,, letting you scan it over for a drink for starters ,, which you looked at the variety
• the names were foreign and strange ,, yet intriguing as the picture beside them looked quite delicious to drink ,, though you settled for “evening novastorm” which was a fruit juice mix with a bit of honey and some sugar
• he left with that ,, and when he turned around you noticed the little fluffy cotton tail attached to his bottom ,, eyes quickly diverting away and staring elsewhere to not seem rude for staring at an alien’s ass
• when he returned and handed your drink ,, you didnt waste any time and took your first sip ,, flavors flowing along your tastebuds ,, it was sweet and lovely ,, the taste of pomegranate with a bit of strawberry present within the drink
• you told your waiter it tasted lovely ,, to which he smiled softly at and asked what you’d like to eat for the evening
• you took another quick scan ,, giving a shrug of your shoulder and said you’d like to try the ‘stardust cheesecake’ and he had left once again
• the experience so far was lovely ,, people around you chattering and having their own meal choices ,, all the food around looked appetizing
• a plate had been set in front of you ,, thundercracker leaving afterwards to sit the other people down
• the cheesecake was white ,, almost pearly white ,, with purple sugar powder and a bit of blueberry drizzle ,, with two blueberries up by the top crust
• it smelled divine ,, cutting yourself a slice and taking the first bite ,, blueberry and another flavor you had no name for had overflowed your senses ,, it tasted almost herby yet had a sweet tang to it
• when you had finished your small snack and did a bit of a job application applying ,, you asked for a check and got ready to leave
• the one who worked the cash register was also blue ,, with a bright red sunglasses almost look over where his eyes would be ,, his name tag read ‘soundwave’
• you paid and left a nice review ,, placing a large tip in the jar and leaving feeling quite joyful about your recent experience ,, making a mental note to return another time
• across the street was another sort of establishment ,, in big and bold blue letters had read “bot bakery” ,, wanting to visit there one day
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sirwow · 1 year
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Oo you like reading oo.. in addition of posting wraiths call intro I give you all the current pikmin character summaries I have with it tehe
Alt text under the cut for those who dont wanna zoom in on the images
A Father of 2 and a reserved average man. Grew up in a relatively uneventful life but with a constant want to escape to the stars and see the unknown. His parents, while passable, admittedly instilled early ideals of how a good family should be and often normalized their fighting that seemed a bit more then most families but nothing he couldn’t get through. Jumped jobs after failing to pass biology in college and ended up staying at hocotate freight for 15 years. Eventually quit when pushed to his limits of risking his life.
A young, quiet and usually estranged guy with dreams of being a cook. Growing up he was immediately dumped with his nana as his father had him by accident and neither him or his GF really wanted to raise a kid as they were busy enjoying the prime of their life after highschool. Nana didn’t mind raising another darling but admittedly had some of her own issues that lead to some strange or sometimes even cruel ways of raising Louie. If he didnt help with something or caused trouble, he’d be locked outside to let off steam but often ended up walking off into the hill side for sometimes days at end. He only saw his father when he came by for more money from his dad. Hocotate freight was his 6th job after dropping out of highschool and the only one he held for awhile till quiting when he actually really did need money and was getting stiffed.
An engineer fresh out of college now working with his best friend to try and make tech to solve the food crisis n help his family. Alph was born the second youngest in his family and though never being close to his parents, was very close with his two eldest siblings and studying under his grandfather Drake w/ Yorke. Upon his recommendation from Yorke and Drake, the capital of Koppai’s top college accepted him to get his bachelors. After 2 years he meets Brittany in a Bioengineering class and become fast friends. He starts to drive her to college and they get each other drinks. After graduating together they’re selected to be the assistants to a possibly world saving mission.
A botanist with a hope to solve the world’s food issue with her best friend but finding herself constantly stone walled by officials. Brittany once lived the high life in Koppai with her well off mother, safe from the world’s famine. Unfortunately her mother fell horribly ill when she began college and passed shortly after, leaving Brittany to move in with her Aunt Bea and cousin Nelle. She had to grow used to her new life in a much lower end of the city and deal with her grief, being relatively lonely for the next 2 years. This is until she met Alph in college and found his willingness to push on despite his situation inspiring and became friends with him. Often calling him late at night to vent or meeting up on the beach at 10 pm to hang out. Eventually after graduation she was selected to be a team botanist on an incredibly important adventure
A lonesome ranger with lots of fame for his adventures but little to show in friendships or any kind of companionship past his pet duck. Growing up an orphan, Charlie always yearned for love and found it In his orphan mate Don. Growing up they were best friends and the local trouble makers but with time and joining a government program together they turned from friends to something more. Together they became known as an unstoppable duo across koppai and eventually did several odd job government missions with Yorke and Nelle as their crew. Upon their 5th anniversary though, Don proposed to Charlie and his nervousness about their dangerous job got the better of him, saying no. Afterwards he couldn’t bear the broken heart eyes of Don, ghosting him for 2 weeks straight. When Don finally did catch him they had a massive blow out and broke up. Charlie continued his job as a ranger but now was completely alone for most all his missions. This was until he was asked to go on a important mission to a relatively unknown planet to save the world and the government officials wanted him to get to know his crew that would be coming with him.
minor chars
A stay at home mother and avid jewelry maker. Though her husband Olimar is always away she does her best to take care of their kids despite feeling a bit neglected herself. As such she usually finds her own solace in small time jewelry making whenever she’s alone at home with nothing else to do. Due to a past with a mother chastising her and saying she’d never get some things in life, Penelope can make very impulsive choices when she feels she has an opportunity. This helped her meet and marry Olimar but also making some much more horrible decisions when finding his hidden stash of money. Olimar raked her across the coals for this once he got home n now she gives all her money she makes from jewelry back to him to repay slowly. She still suffers from impulsive behavior but in a better light like buying their kids nice things or taking olimar out as much as she can.
The first child of Olimar and a lover of creatures and the unknown. Terry has always had a fascination with creatures since he was 7 (as long as he doesn’t have to touch them) and since his dad’s adventures to pnf-404 he’s been longing to see it for himself. When his dad switched jobs though, their family had to make a move from Hocotate to Giya meaning a new home and new school for Terry. Terry had a friend group on Hocotate but now he’s become the punching bag for his love of biology and science. Things only felt worse after his dad left again for his mission so in a fit of spite (and stupidity) he decides to just sneak out on a taxi to see PNF-404 and surprise his dad. This to say the least did not go to plan
The 2nd child of Olimar and princess of the house hold. Lebe being young and quick to please has always being the more social of Olimar’s kids. She was quick to forgive their mother aswell but her need to be perfect still remains after. She never liked hocotate’s small town she grew up in and has been in love with Giya since she set foot on their new home. Lebe became a popular new girl in class in contrast to her bullied brother but she thought it was just a older boy thing. This was until Terry left for school one morning with Lebe and disappeared from school and home after dropping her off. Lebe did her best to act brave in the situation like her mother but she can’t help but be scared for her brother.
Once when Terry and Olimar were walking home from school on Hocotate, a soft whimpering sound caught Terrys attention and dragged his dad to the bushes. Inside was a small pup only a few weeks old who seemed like the runt of the litter. Terry easily convinced his dad (as a dog person) to take the dog home to take care of. Penelope was already tired from having another kid to handle so she was pretty resistant about having a dog to worry about aswell but it slowly grew on her until she agree with Olimar to adopt the dog. Olimar named him Bulbie after the Bulbs (Hocotate version of a mushroom) like pattern on his back n has been a loving part of the family since.
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tomblomfield · 4 months
Taking Risk
I just spent a week talking with some exceptional students from three of the UK's top universities; Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College. Along with UCL, these British universities represent 4 of the top 10 universities in the world. The US - a country with 5x more people and 8x higher GDP - has the same number of universities in the global top 10.
On these visits, I was struck by the world-class quality of technical talent, especially in AI and biosciences. But I was also struck by something else. After their studies, most of these smart young people wanted to go and work at companies like McKinsey, Goldman Sachs or Google.
I now live in San Francisco and invest in early-stage startups at Y Combinator, and it's striking how undergraduates at top US universities start companies at more than 5x the rate of their British-educated peers. Oxford is ranked 50th in the world, while Cambridge is 61st. Imperial just makes the list at #100. I have been thinking a lot about why this is. The UK certainly doesn't lack the talent or education, and I don't think it's any longer about access to capital.
People like to talk about the role of government incentives, but San Francisco politicians certainly haven't done much to help the startup ecosystem over the last few years, while the UK government has passed a raft of supportive measures.
Instead, I think it's something more deep-rooted - in the UK, the ideas of taking risk and of brazen, commercial ambition are seen as negatives. The American dream is the belief that anyone can be successful if they are smart enough and work hard enough. Whether or not it is the reality for most Americans, Silicon Valley thrives on this optimism.
The US has a positive-sum mindset that business growth will create more wealth and prosperity and that most people overall will benefit as a result. The approach to business in the UK and Europe feels zero-sum. Our instinct is to regulate and tax the technologies that are being pioneered in California, in the misguided belief that it will give us some kind of competitive advantage.
Young people who consider starting businesses are discouraged and the vast majority of our smart, technical graduates take "safe" jobs at prestigious employers. I am trying to figure out why that is.
Growing up, every successful adult in my life seemed to be a banker, a lawyer or perhaps a civil engineer, like my father. I didn't know a single person who programmed computers as a job. I taught myself to code entirely from books and the internet in the late 1990s. The pinnacle of my parents' ambition for me was to go to Oxford and study law.
And so I did. While at university, the high-status thing was to work for a prestigious law firm, an investment bank or a management consultancy, and then perhaps move to Private Equity after 3 or 4 years. But while other students were getting summer internships, I launched a startup with two friends. It was an online student marketplace - a bit like eBay - for students. We tried to raise money in the UK in 2006, but found it impossible. One of my cofounders, Kulveer, had a full-time job at Deutsche Bank in London which he left to focus on the startup. His friends were incredulous - they were worried he'd become homeless. My two cofounders eventually got sick of trying to raise money in the UK and moved out to San Francisco. I was too risk-averse to join them - I quit the startup to finish my law degree and then became a management consultant - it seemed like the thing that smart, ambitious students should do. The idea that I could launch a startup instead of getting a "real" job seemed totally implausible.
But in 2011, I turned down a job at McKinsey to start a company, a payments business called GoCardless, with two more friends from university. We managed to get an offer of investment (in the US) just days before my start date at McKinsey, which finally gave me the confidence to choose the startup over a prestigious job offer. My parents were very worried and a friend of my father, who was an investment banker at the time, took me to one side to warn me that this would be the worst decision I ever made. Thirteen years later, GoCardless is worth $2.3bn.
I had a similar experience in 2016, when I was starting Monzo, I had to go through regulatory interviews before I was allowed to work as the CEO of a bank. We hired lawyers and consultants to run mock interviews - and they told me plainly that I was wasting my time. It was inconceivable that the Bank of England would authorise me, a 31 year old who'd never even worked in a bank, to act as the CEO of the UK's newest bank. (It turned out they did.) So much of the UK felt like it was pushing against me as an aspiring entrepreneur. It was like an immune system fighting against a foreign body. The reception I got in the US was dramatically different - people were overwhelmingly encouraging, supportive and helpful. For the benefit of readers who aren't from the UK, I hope it's fair to say that Monzo is now quite successful as well.
I don't think I was any smarter or harder working than many of the recent law graduates around me at Oxford. But I probably had an unusual attitude to risk. When we started GoCardless, we were 25 years old, had good degrees, no kids and supportive families. When fundraising was going poorly, we discussed using my parents' garage as an office. McKinsey had told me to contact them if I ever wanted a job in future. I wonder if the offer still stands.
Of course, I benefitted from immense privilege. I had a supportive family whose garage I could have used as an office. I had a good, state-funded education. I lived in a safe, democratic country with free healthcare. And I had a job offer if things didn't work out. And so the downside of the risks we were taking just didn't seem that great.
But there's a pessimism in the UK that often makes people believe they're destined to fail before they start. That it's wrong to even think about being different. Our smartest, most technical young people aspire to work for big companies with prestigious brands, rather than take a risk and start something of their own.
And I still believe the downside risk is small, especially for privileged, smart young people with a great education, a supportive family, and before they accumulate responsibilities like childcare or a mortgage. If you spend a year or two running a startup and it fails, it's not a big deal - the job at Google or McKinsey is still there at the end of it anyway. The potential upside is that you create a product that millions of people use and earn enough money that you never have to work again if you don't want to.
This view is obviously elitist - I'm aware it's not attainable for everyone. But, as a country, we should absolutely want our smartest and hardest working people building very successful companies - these companies are the engines of economic growth. They will employ thousands of people and generate billions in tax revenues. The prosperity that they create will make the entire country wealthier. We need to make our pie bigger, not fight over the economic leftovers of the US. Imagine how different the UK would feel if Google, Microsoft and Facebook were all founded here.
When I was talking with many of these smart students this week, many asked me how these American founders get away with all their wild claims. They seem to have limitless ambition and make outlandish claims about their goals - how can they be so sure it will pan out like that? There's always so much uncertainty, especially in scientific research. Aren't they all just bullshitters? Founders in the UK often tell me "I just want to be more realistic," and they pitch their business describing the median expected outcome, which for most startups is failure.
The difference is simple - startup founders in the US imagine the range of possible scenarios and pitch the top one percent outcome. When we were starting Monzo, I said we wanted to build a bank for a billion people around the world. That's a bold ambition, and one it's perhaps unlikely Monzo will meet. Even if we miss that goal, we've still succeeded in building a profitable bank from scratch that has almost 10 million customers.
And it turns out that this approach matches exactly what venture capitalists are looking for. It is an industry based on outlier returns, especially at the earliest stages. Perhaps 70% of investments will fail completely, and another 29% might make a modest return - 1x to 3x the capital invested. But 1% of investments will be worth 1000x what was initially paid. Those 1% of successes easily pay for all the other failures.
On the contrary, many UK investors take an extremely risk-averse view to new business - I lost count of the times that a British investor would ask for me a 3 year cash-flow forecast, and expect the company to break even within that time. UK investors spend too much time trying to mitigate downside risk with all sorts of protective provisions. US venture capital investors are more likely to ask "if this is wildly successful, how big could it be?". The downside of early-stage investing is that you lose 1x your money - it's genuinely not worth worrying much about. The upside is that you make 1000x. This is where you should focus your attention.
A thriving tech ecosystem is a virtuous cycle - there's a flywheel effect that takes several revolutions to get up-to-speed. Early pioneers start companies, raise a little money and employ some people. The most successful of these might get acquired or even IPO. The founders get rich and become venture capital investors. The early employees start their own companies or become angel investors. Later employees learn how to scale up these businesses and use their expertise to become the executives of the next wave of successful growth-stage startups.
Skype was a great early example of this - Niklas Zenstrom, the co-founder, launched the VC Atomico. Early employees of Skype started Transferwise or became seed investors at funds like Passion Capital, which invested in both GoCardless and Monzo. Alumni of those two companies have created more than 30 startups between them. Matt Robinson, my cofounder at GoCardless, was one of the UK's most prolific angel investors, before recently becoming a Partner at Accel, one of the top VCs in the world. Relative to 15 or 20 years ago, the UK tech ecosystem is flourishing - our flywheel is starting to accelerate. Silicon Valley has just had a 50 year head start.
There is no longer a shortage of capital for great founders in the UK (although most of the capital still comes from overseas investors). I just believe that people with the highest potential aren't choosing to launch companies, and I want that to change.
I don’t think the world is prepared for the tidal wave of technological change that’s about to hit over the next handful of years. Primarily because of the advances in AI, companies are being started this year that are going to transform entire industries over the next decade.
It doesn't seem hyperbolic to say that we should expect to see very significant breakthroughs in quantum computers, nuclear fusion, self-driving vehicles, space exploration and drug discovery in the next 10 or 20 years. I think we are about to enter the biggest period of transformation humanity has ever seen.
Instead of taking safe, well-paying jobs at Goldman Sachs or McKinsey, our young people should take the lead as the world is being rebuilt around us.
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wonhoscumrag · 11 months
At ease, Captain Part 1
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Erwin x Fem reader (black coded i guess? didn't really specify but its what i had in mind if you wanted to know)
Fluff, kissing
total word count: 2.4k
You were a captain of your own squad in the scout regiment and you worked hard to get that position. Just because you became captain did not mean you were going to slack off. Instead you worked even harder and your dedication and commitment caught Erwin, your commander’s attention. One day he called you to his office after a meeting. He spoke about his respect for your achievements and he said he needed your insight on a mission. “The Royal Government has been requesting for us to do recon work outside the walls.” Erwin explained to you while rolling out a map. “It’s a simple job to do but the regiment has been stretched thin ever since Wall Maria was breached. I’ve been trying to push back against them because we are still in the midst of training the new recruits but they’re staying firm about their decision. Any ideas?” You felt like he definitely already had one in mind but he was testing you for some reason. Call it a hunch or the amused glint in his eyes that disappeared in a second. 
You took in the information carefully and tried to think of a response “Sir, I believe that the best thing for us to do is to go along with their request but set up smaller bases closer to the walls. As for the new recruits, they have almost finished their training so you can try to negotiate a reasonable timeframe to the government on when we would start our expedition.” You spoke clearly with your head high. He mulled over your words and broke out into a small smile like he expected that exact response from you. “Thank you Captain, you’re dismissed.” After that day, he would call you into his office whenever he had the time. At first you only discussed regiment business but over the course of the passing weeks and months, you started discussing your personal lives. “Why did you join the corps?” He asked one day while gazing out of his window. You lifted your head in surprise at his question.
You had your head down while diligently writing a report to send to Commander Pixis. He turned to face you to listen to your response, giving you a look you couldn’t quite describe. Somewhere between somber and curiosity. “Oh..uh well I was mostly in it to get a cushy job doing patrol with the Military Police. But during my training I found I was good enough that I finished within the top 10 at graduation and in a very hasty decision I decided to join the corps.” He took a moment to ruminate over your words before giving a simple hum and turning back to the window. There were moments like this where you had no idea what was going on through his head. You would have given anything just for a second to understand what he was thinking about. Your close friendship made it harder for you to simply see him as your commander.
Of course he was attractive, but in the past it was okay to dismiss it or let the thought cross because you only saw him once in a while at a very far distance. But now, being in close proximity to him at all times made it harder for you to deny he was attractive. And the way he held himself, his entire demeanor just sparked something inside you. You felt your core get hot every time he made a grand speech to the scouts, or when he took control of the room during meetings when things would get too intense. Your thighs would inadvertently clench every time he spoke in that deep commanding tone. You could always feel your heartbeat quicken when he would gaze at you intensely. You thought you were good at keeping your feelings for him hidden until Levi and Petra called you out while you were cleaning the kitchen together. You were talking about members of the military and Erwin came up. “I mean yeah I trust him wholeheartedly and he has the most potential to help humanity advance against the titans. Also it’s nice to have a boss who actually listens to us.” You tried to maintain a tone of respect while talking about your commander. 
“Oh really, I was unsure if you still thought of him as our commander considering all you do is eyefuck him during every meeting.” Levi lowered his mask to make a quick jab at you before going back to dusting. You gaped at him before looking at Petra while she was giggling at his remark “sorry cap, you’re not as subtle as you thought you were.” You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes while trying to ignore the growing warmth on your cheeks. ”I do not eyefuck him, thank you very much. I look at him like everybody else” You aggressively set down a mug while glaring at the back of his head. “Hey, be careful with those. Don't take out your sexual frustration by destroying our cutlery.” Petra did her best to save the situation by stepping in and grabbing the second mug you finished cleaning before you could set it down again. “Hey now let's not fight, it's not that big of a deal trust me. You’re not the first to find him attractive and you won't be the last.” You took a deep breath and tried to calm down. She was right and you appreciated her effort but that didn't make you feel better. You decided to drop the topic anyway to save yourself further embarrassment. 
After that debacle, you made sure your next cleaning shift WASN'T with Levi but you also became self-conscious about how Erwin perceived you. He was a very observant man, if Levi and Petra could tell then he definitely already knew. Every time you saw him, you headed in the other direction. It wasn’t like you were avoiding him...well actually yeah you were avoiding him. But you had good reason, you knew he was going to notice so you had a very limited time frame to think about what your next move would be. Later that week, you sat in your room pacing back and forth. At the moment, you had two options, make a bullshit excuse or come clean. The first option definitely wasn’t gonna work. You liked the state of your relationship and you knew how much Erwin valued honesty and trust. Lying straight to his face was a recipe for disaster. The best choice would just come clean about your inappropriate feelings for your boss and hopefully not get demoted while you still had your dignity.
You took a deep breath before opening your door ready to head to his office, unfortunately you didn’t need to walk that far. Actually, you didn’t need to walk at all. Erwin was standing right in front of your door, hands raised and ready to knock. Every thought you had about mending the situation escaped you in a millisecond and all you could do was stare at him with wide eyes and an empty head. “Captain” He raised an eyebrow at you, it had been a while since the two of you had spoken one on one and he wanted to ask you if everything was okay. “Sir” you automatically went into a salute. He acknowledged your gesture and gave you a look telling you to relax and although you lowered your hand, your body remained stiff. He gave a sigh before asking you “May I come in?” You stiffly moved away from the door to let him in. Erwin raised an eyebrow at your mechanical movements but he abstained from making a comment. When he walked in, he made his way towards a chair in front of a desk in your room. Even while sitting, he still looked bigger than you. Even though this was your own space, he made your room feel foreign. For a while no one spoke. You stared at the ground refusing to look up at him because you knew he was staring at you with that same intense gaze he used when he was strategizing. Before you could try to think up something to say, he interrupted your thoughts. “So I take it you have been avoiding me?” You almost got whiplash from the speed at which your head flipped up when you heard his question. He knew. “Well-um…it’s not- Listen sir” You quickly fumbled over your words. 
You wanted to cringe so badly at the foolishness that was being let out of your mouth, you didn't even want to think about the secondhand embarrassment your commander and current crush had to put up with from you at this moment. Every stutter and tremble in your voice made your heart race faster and faster. The butterflies you had in your stomach felt like angry wasps. He paused before getting up to walk towards you. “Captain, it’s okay. I know how you feel about me. I’m not going to discharge you.” You started to walk backwards while doing your best to countdown from 10 to calm yourself down. Although his words weren’t intimidating, his demeanor was. Erwin was the type of person to hold eye contact with you every time he spoke to anyone. Even in a situation like this, his slow steps paired with his stern demeanor activated your fight or flight response. Your thoughts were halted when you felt yourself hit the door. Even though you were rooted to your spot, he still continued to walk towards you until he stood right in front of you. “Thank you for not firing me, I promise this won’t impact my work ethic whatsoever.”
You nervously played with a braid in your hair while looking down. Erwin placed a finger under your chin and lifted it up to face him. He leaned his face closer to yours. You felt your mind start to get foggy, and your senses were flooded. The only thing that was clear to you was the man right in front of you, all you could hear and see was him. “Captain, when your commander is addressing you, you should be paying attention.” His voice was unusually soft but still clear; giving you no other choice but to face him while speaking. You tried to maintain eye contact with him but your gaze kept flickering to his lips.“Commander-“ you started to speak but were interrupted. “Call me Erwin” he murmured before gently placing his lips onto yours. His lips felt soft and inviting. You instantly felt the angry wasps in your stomach turn back into butterflies and you felt like you were on cloud 9. You were immediately brought back to earth when you felt him start to pull away. In a moment of panic you chased your lips to meet his. The feeling was so good you didn't want to end it just yet. Erwin felt you freeze up when he kissed you and thought maybe he came on too strong and tried to pull away to give you some space. Before he could step back and apologize for his actions, he felt your lips onto his in a split second. 
The moment you reciprocated the kiss, Erwin groaned loudly into your mouth and it was the hottest thing you ever heard. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed your bodies as close as he could. You both relished in the feel of each other’s bodies. It had been a while since you had been with someone, and an even longer while since you had kissed like this. Because of this you tried to not overthink your movements but that task became more difficult as time passed. Erwin felt you start to second guess yourself and decided to change tactics. Your thought process was instantly broken when you felt his tongue trace your bottom lip, a silent way of asking you to open your mouth, you gladly accepted. He slipped his tongue into your mouth and you let out a soft whimper at the feeling of him skillfully swiping his tongue around your mouth. You had been going for so long that your lungs were begging for you to take another breath. In the split second you pulled away to take a breath of air you were brought back to reality of the situation. You were currently in your bedroom making out with your commander who you were still unsure of if he liked you back or not. 
Erwin smirked when he noticed you breathing heavily and felt confident enough to continue his movements. He decided to give your lips (and lungs) a break and set his sights on your bare neck. He peppered a trail of wet kisses starting from your jaw and moved down to your collarbone. You moaned at his endless assault on your neck. “Erwin, wait” you whined. You latched onto his neatly parted hair and gave a weak attempt at pushing him off of you. He didn't budge however and all you heard was him softly chuckle into your neck. “We really should talk about this” you managed to heave out. You felt like your blood was on fire and it took every muscle in your arms to push him away. You managed to keep him at an arm's distance “You know how I feel but you haven’t given me an answer yet on how you feel.” Before he could give an answer you heard a knock on the door. “Captain, Sasha got caught hoarding potatoes again”  In the span of a couple of seconds you watched Erwin shift back into his commander mode. You cleared your throat “Three laps around the base” Erwin raised an eyebrow at your soft approach to discipline. “And one- uh two weeks doing mess hall cleanup” you waited in bated breath as you heard the footsteps start to disappear away from the door. Slowly opening the door, you looked out into the hallway. “All clear” you whispered to him. He walked past you and stopped at the door frame. “Lunch in my office tomorrow?” He phrased it as a question but because he was still in work mode so it sounded more like an order. “Wouldn't miss it” you smiled.
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 7 months
10 facts about: Callisto Plinth?
Her grandfather is obviously Sejanus, but her grandmother is Tigris Snow
She and Finnick have been friends for years, both meeting through Tigris but also because he's the Capitol's golden boy
Getting some very strong Callisto x Jude x Finnick ot3 vibes but either way, she and Finnick were the tabloid darlings constantly speculated to be together (and have absolutely hooked up)
Finnick is the one who makes Haymitch and Plutarch promise to get Callisto to 13 because of her help in the revolution
She had top marks in the academy and has been aiming for a government job after graduation
She found Dr Gaul's records of the 10th games completely by accident (well sort of, she was sneaking around looking for information on Sejanus and found the recording that Snow sent an the records were there too)
She's been using her charm and money to get close to Snow's inner circle, finally gets a job interning for his personal assistant going into the Quarter Quell
She wasn't raised by Tigris, but the two are very close and Callisto visits her a lot, Tigris is also the one who gets her involved in the rebellion
Callisto has a reputation for being a party girl but she specifically created that image because parties are a good place to make & meet her connections (it's much less suspicious to bump into someone at a party and exchange pleasantries than to be spotted having a secretive meeting)
She also deliberately created the image of being just another rich girl so that people will underestimate her and not expect her to be part of the rebellion
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Our Constitution
          I refer you to The Constitution of the United States of America, the basic law of our land upon which all of our laws are based. Our renowned forefathers, as bright, intelligent, and farseeing as they were, could not, in their wildest imaginations, have foreseen the world in which we presently live, a world of travel into space, computers, the internet, advances in medicine, and on and on. When you read our Constitution, you read only what it says. What it means is another matter. Its meaning must be interpreted in terms of “today”. Our forefathers knew that. That’s why they provided us with a Supreme Court to interpret its many applications.
          Some will argue that our Constitution is inflexible. Others will argue the opposite, that it is flexible, with changes in customs, the times, etc.—an argument still unresolved; but, it seems to me—I believe—certain provisions of our Constitution are unquestionable, our illustrious and infallible Supreme Court notwithstanding. I read that ours is a government of the people. We are a Democracy, a Democratic Republic, with a representative government to represent us the people—All The People, All 100% of us. Do I hear any arguments for that? I read about equality—we are all equal under the law, and we all have equal opportunity to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Do you think?
          Am I just whistling in the wind? Do you believe in the same Constitution in which I believe? Now we all know that, in the beginning, the blacks were left out of the picture—after all, they were slaves, and everybody knows slaves weren’t people. Slaves, then, were, sadly, property to be bought, sold, raped, pillaged, whatever. Even our Civil War with the loss of over half a million lives didn’t solve the problem. Even President Lincoln’s executive order, the Emancipation Proclamation didn’t complete the job. It wasn’t until the Great Society of President Johnson and his Civil Rights Act that any real semblance of equality for blacks occurred. Even then, have we received them as equal? Under our law they are. Do we have equality in voting? Think about such things as gerrymandering, voting restrictions, voter ID, job discrimination, inequality in education, etc. It took over one hundred years to fix the black problem; but, is it fixed? I don’t think so. Just look around. It’s not fixed and that has to change.
          Let us look at inequality of opportunity from another aspect. You graduated from community college (because of costs, a rapidly growing trend today). John Doe graduated from a prominent Ivy League school. Who is more apt to be appointed to a high office in government; or, if you are a child of a commoner, how apt are you to be accepted into a prestigious school in competition with the child of a prominent leader even if you have the qualifications and the money? Where is the equality of opportunity there? We don’t have equal opportunity in America, and it becomes more fleeting every day with the rapidly increasing gap in income and wealth between the haves and have-nots. What happens to the guy who worked his way up the ladder only to be shoved aside by another who began in the middle or, worse yet, at the top?
          Speaking of the immense increase in inequality of income and wealth between the haves and the have-nots, God created this earth for all of us—not just the 10% or 0.1% (If you don’t believe in God, have your way; the Corporatocracy and Power Elite, our Shadow Government, seemingly don’t either). So why should some earn hundreds percent more income than those below them who work just as hard, if not more so? They are more talented, you might say. Talent is a gift of God. It’s a blessing. Talent isn’t earned. I do believe one more talented should earn more. In some instances, maybe much more, but should they be paid hundreds of percent more as so many of our CEOs are today? Also, should they pay far less taxes than we do, as they now do? Should they not pay according to their ability to pay (Fairness demands that comparisons be made in terms of percentages of income)? Some, including many corporations, pay no taxes.
          Let us come back to the subject of voting. I see absolutely nothing in our Constitution about Corporations. Nowhere do I see any mention of Corporations as people. For many years, Corporations have been deemed legal entities for the determination of liabilities, taxation, ownership issues, etc. I believe that to be in the interests of the people. That’s acceptable. I read the mention of God and man in our Constitution, but nothing about Corporations. When our Supreme Court, in effect, declared a Corporation’s money as equivalent to free speech in direct competition for the votes of the American people, they were wrong. At this point, I’m not sure they weren’t corrupt. Our Congress has sold out. That’s a matter of record, i.e. campaign contributions, and lobbyists, so what’s next? I don’t know, but I do know that Corporations should not be allowed to vote. They are not people. People were created by God. Corporations were created by man to serve—not to rule. Our present condition must and has to change.
          To understand, all you have to do is look at the overall (the big) picture. These people are already in control. Contrary to our Constitution, they are running our government today. We didn’t vote for them. We the voters, in our lack of due diligence, have let it happen. We must now take it back. We still have the power of the vote. If we didn’t, they wouldn’t spend so much money every election to win. Vote only for those candidates who represent the direct interests of the people. Vote issues rather than party. Vote for a Constitutional Amendment to get money completely out of politics (If you leave even a little bit in, they will find a way to cheat). Vote for a Constitutional Amendment for voting reform—the right to vote for all citizens. Vote for Constitutional Amendments for universal access to single-payer national healthcare, and Social Security. Vote for comprehensive tax reform—a progressive tax system for all based upon one’s ability to pay, including Corporations, and control over Corporate Inversion (Tax avoidance by moving abroad). Vote for those who promote Fair and open trade—no more secrecy. Vote for those who advocate mandatory government-sponsored education, pre-K through college or trade school (Everybody has a trade, a job, i.e. can support themselves). Our nation needs a free and educated people—leaders. We don’t need a people encumbered with hardship, poverty, and student debt.
The very survival of our great nation depends upon our taking back our country from government by the Corporations and Power Elite less we become their slaves—the route in which, I believe, we are now going. Our government is us. The character of our government, any government, is a direct reflection of the character of our people. It’s past time for them to do the will of the people rather than the will of the Corporatocracy and Power Elite who have no sense of caring about anything except the price of their stock—quality products and efficient service to customers, loyalty to employees, dedication to their country notwithstanding. From: Steven P. Miller @ParkermillerQ,  GatekeeperWatchman.Org Founder of Gatekeeper-Watchman International Groups Saturday, October 7, 2023, Jacksonville, Florida., Duval County, USA. Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/gatekeeperwatchman, https://www.tumblr.com/gatekeeper-watchman, GatekeeperWatchman.Org Twitter: @GatekeeperWatchman1, @ParkermillerQ, https://twitter.com/ParkerMillerQ, https://twitter.com/StevenPMiller6
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shivam95 · 17 days
Engineering Management Salary: What You Need to Know
If you're thinking about pursuing a Masters in Engineering Management (MEM), one of the big questions you probably have is: "What kind of salary can I expect after graduating?" It’s a fair question, and in this post, we'll break down what you can expect from an engineering management salary and what factors impact how much you’ll earn.
Why Choose a Masters in Engineering Management?
A MEM degree is perfect for those who want to combine their technical engineering skills with business and leadership knowledge. It’s designed to prepare you for roles where you manage engineering projects, teams, or even entire departments.
So, why is this degree in high demand?
Diverse Career Options: You can take on a wide range of roles, from project management to operations and consultancy.
Competitive Salary: MEM graduates generally earn good money, often higher than those with just a standard engineering degree.
Industry-Relevant Skills: MEM programs teach you real-world skills that employers are looking for, which is a huge advantage in today’s job market.
Factors That Affect Your Engineering Management Salary
When it comes to determining your engineering management salary, several factors come into play. Here’s what can influence how much you’ll make:
Location: Where you work matters. Big tech hubs like Silicon Valley or New York usually pay higher salaries compared to smaller cities.
Industry: Different industries offer different pay. For example, tech, pharmaceuticals, and energy sectors often pay more than government or education roles.
Experience: Naturally, more experience equals more pay. Fresh graduates earn less than someone with five or ten years in the field.
Job Role: Your specific job title will also impact your salary. Roles such as engineering or operations managers, which involve more responsibilities, generally have higher pay compared to entry-level positions.
Company Size: Bigger companies with larger budgets tend to pay better than smaller companies or startups.
Average Engineering Management Salary by Region
Here’s a quick look at what you can expect to earn based on where you work:
1. United States
In the US, engineering management is one of the best-paying fields. Engineering management salary typically start between $80,000 and $120,000 per year. With experience, you could earn well over $150,000.
2. Canada
Canada also offers solid salaries for MEM graduates, although it’s slightly lower than the US. Expect to earn between CAD 70,000 and CAD 100,000.
3. Europe
In Europe, countries like Germany and Switzerland are known for offering high salaries. MEM grads can expect to make between €65,000 and €100,000. The UK also pays well, with salaries ranging from £50,000 to £80,000.
4. Asia
Salaries in Asia vary by country, but Singapore and China are particularly good for MEM graduates. In Singapore, salaries are typically between SGD 70,000 and SGD 110,000. In India, entry-level salaries for MEM grads range from INR 10 to 25 lakhs per year.
Top-Paying Jobs for MEM Graduates
If you’re wondering what specific roles offer the best engineering management salary, here are some of the highest-paying job titles for MEM graduates:
Engineering Manager
Salary: $110,000 - $160,000 per year
Engineering Managers oversee projects and teams, ensuring everything runs smoothly and on time.
Product Manager
Salary: $90,000 - $140,000 per year
Product Managers handle the development and launch of new products, working with various teams like engineering and marketing.
Operations Manager
Salary: $80,000 - $120,000 per year
Operations Managers focus on improving efficiency and ensuring smooth day-to-day operations.
Project Manager
Salary: $85,000 - $130,000 per year
Project Managers lead specific engineering projects, making sure everything is completed on time and within budget.
Long-Term Earning Potential for MEM Graduates
The great thing about a MEM degree is that your salary has the potential to grow significantly over time. As you gain experience and take on more responsibilities, your earning potential increases. Many MEM graduates move into senior roles like Chief Operations Officer (COO) or Chief Technology Officer (CTO), where salaries can easily go beyond $200,000 per year.
If you're considering a MEM, it’s clear that the earning potential is strong across various industries and locations. Whether in the US, Canada, Europe, or Asia, an engineering management salary provides great financial rewards, especially as you move up the career ladder.
The demand for professionals who can manage engineering tasks and business operations continues to grow, making a MEM a valuable investment in your future. So, pursuing a MEM might be the perfect next step if you're ready to boost your career and secure a high salary.
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talent4ucompany · 26 days
Discovering the Highest Salary Jobs in India: A 2024 Guide
As the job market evolves, professionals in India are increasingly seeking out which is the highest salary jobs in India. With advancements in technology, finance, and healthcare, the landscape of high-paying jobs is changing. This article delves into the top paying jobs in India 2024, offering insights into lucrative career options and what they entail.
1. The Quest for High Salary Jobs
The pursuit of high salaries is a common goal for many professionals, leading to questions like which job is the highest salary in India? The answer varies across industries, but certain roles consistently emerge at the top due to their specialized skills and market demand.
2. Top Paying Jobs in 2024
Based on current trends, here are some of the best high salary jobs in India to consider in 2024:
Data Scientist: With the rise of big data, data scientists are in high demand. They analyze complex data to help organizations make informed decisions, earning an average salary of ₹10-20 lakhs per annum.
Artificial Intelligence Engineer: AI engineers are responsible for developing AI models and algorithms. Their expertise places them among the high-income professions in India, with salaries ranging from ₹12-25 lakhs per annum.
Blockchain Developer: As blockchain technology gains traction, skilled developers are sought after. These professionals can command salaries between ₹10-18 lakhs per annum.
Investment Banker: This role remains one of the top paying jobs in India, with salaries often exceeding ₹20 lakhs per annum, especially for those in major cities like Mumbai.
3. High-Demand Jobs with Good Pay
Many industries are experiencing growth and thus offer high-demand jobs in India with good pay. Notable mentions include:
Cybersecurity Specialist: With increasing cyber threats, organizations are investing in cybersecurity. Specialists in this field can earn between ₹8-15 lakhs per annum.
Healthcare Professionals: Doctors and specialized medical practitioners continue to enjoy high salaries, with top professionals earning upwards of ₹20 lakhs per annum.
4. Best Career Options with High Salaries
When exploring the best career options with high salaries in India, consider these fields:
Information Technology (IT): The top salary careers in the IT sector in India include software development, cloud computing, and IT management. These roles typically offer salaries ranging from ₹8-20 lakhs per annum.
Finance: Top paying finance jobs in India include roles like financial analysts, portfolio managers, and financial consultants, with salaries averaging ₹10-25 lakhs per annum depending on experience.
5. High Salary Government Jobs in India
Government jobs also offer competitive salaries, especially in high-ranking positions. For instance, Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers and other civil service roles can enjoy salaries ranging from ₹15-25 lakhs per annum, making them attractive options for many.
6. Best Jobs for Engineers in India
Engineering graduates can find numerous high-paying roles across various sectors. Some of the best jobs for engineers in India include:
Petroleum Engineer: With the energy sector booming, petroleum engineers earn between ₹10-20 lakhs per annum.
Software Engineer: As tech companies expand, software engineers can earn an average salary of ₹8-15 lakhs per annum.
Identifying which is the highest salary jobs in India can guide career choices for aspiring professionals. As industries evolve, staying informed about emerging trends and roles is crucial for maximizing earning potential. For a detailed analysis and more information on high-paying careers, visit The Talent4U Insights to explore the best opportunities for 2024.
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studyjagat · 1 month
Top 10 Reasons to Study Online MCA
A postgraduate computer science degree program that prepares students for professions in information technology is the Master of Computer Applications (MCA). It is a three-year program to provide a comprehensive understanding of various computer concepts and applications. Let's explore the top 10 reasons why opting for an online MCA in India is a strategic choice:
Vast Career Opportunities:
● MCA graduates have a diverse range of career options to choose from, including software development, systems analysis, database administration, network engineering, cybersecurity, and IT consulting.
● They can work in various industries such as healthcare, finance, education, government, telecommunications, entertainment, and e-commerce.
● With the increasing digitization of businesses and society, the demand for skilled IT professionals continues to grow, creating abundant opportunities for MCA graduates to explore different career paths and domains.
Lucrative Salary Packages:
● Due to their specialized skills and expertise, MCA graduates often command attractive salary packages in the job market.
● Salaries for MCA professionals vary based on factors such as experience, location, industry, and specific job roles.
● In addition to base salaries, MCA graduates may also receive bonuses, incentives, and other perks, further enhancing their overall compensation package.
Continuous Learning and Skill Development:
● The IT industry is characterized by rapid technological advancements and evolving trends, necessitating continuous learning and skill development.
● MCA programs provide students with opportunities to enhance their technical skills, programming languages, and domain knowledge through coursework, projects, workshops, and hands-on experiences.
● Lifelong learning is essential for MCA graduates to stay updated with the latest technologies, methodologies, and best practices in the field, ensuring their continued relevance and competitiveness in the job market.
Dynamic and Ever-Evolving Industry:
● The IT industry is dynamic and constantly evolving, driven by innovations in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud computing, big data analytics, and the Internet of Things (IoT).
● MCA graduates must adapt to changing technologies, industry trends, and market demands to remain competitive and excel in their careers.
● The ability to embrace change, learn new skills, and innovate is essential for MCA professionals to thrive in an environment of continuous disruption and transformation.
Job Security and Stability:
● With the increasing reliance on technology in business operations, MCA graduates enjoy job security and stability, as their skills are in high demand across industries.
● IT professionals are essential for maintaining and optimizing IT infrastructure, developing software solutions, managing data systems, and ensuring cybersecurity, contributing to the overall efficiency and competitiveness of organizations.
● MCA graduates with strong technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and adaptability are well-positioned to secure stable employment and advance in their careers over time.
Global Demand for IT Professionals:
● The IT industry has a global reach, and MCA graduates are sought after by companies and organizations worldwide.
● With the increasing globalization of businesses and the rise of remote work, MCA professionals have the opportunity to work for multinational corporations, startups, consulting firms, and IT service providers located in different countries and regions.
● The ability to collaborate with diverse teams, adapt to multicultural work environments, and communicate effectively across borders is valuable for MCA professionals working in a globalized world.
Networking Opportunities:
● MCA programs frequently give students the chance to network with peers, alumni, and professionals in the field.
● Networking events, career fairs, guest lectures, and industry visits allow MCA students to build relationships, exchange ideas, and learn from experienced professionals in the field.
● A strong professional network can help MCA graduates access job opportunities, receive mentorship and guidance, and stay connected with industry trends and developments throughout their careers.
Entrepreneurial Prospects:
● MCA graduates with an entrepreneurial mindset and innovative ideas have the opportunity to start their own tech ventures and startups.
● The skills acquired during the MCA program, such as software development, project management, and problem-solving, provide a strong foundation for entrepreneurship.
● MCA professionals can leverage their technical expertise, creativity, and business acumen to identify market opportunities, develop innovative products or services, and build successful startups that address real-world challenges and disrupt industries.
Contribution to Technological Advancements:
● Studying MCA enables graduates to play a significant role in driving technological advancements and innovation.
● Whether through research, development, or implementation, MCA professionals contribute to the creation of cutting-edge technologies that shape the future of society.
● From developing new software applications and algorithms to optimizing existing systems and processes, MCA graduates have the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to technological progress and advancements in various domains.
Personal Fulfilment and Passion for Technology:
● For many MCA students, pursuing a career in computer applications is driven by a passion for technology and a desire to make a positive impact through their work.
● Studying MCA allows students to pursue their interests, develop their skills, and fulfil their potential in a field that they are passionate about.
● Whether it's solving complex problems, building innovative solutions, or contributing to societal advancements, MCA professionals find personal fulfilment and satisfaction in using their technical expertise to make a difference in the world.
In conclusion, the decision to study MCA (Master of Computer Applications) is a strategic investment in one's future driven by a multitude of compelling reasons. From the vast career opportunities and lucrative salary packages to the continuous learning and skill development inherent in the dynamic IT industry, MCA offers a pathway to personal fulfilment and professional success. The global demand for IT professionals, coupled with networking opportunities, entrepreneurial prospects, and the chance to contribute to technological advancements, further solidify the appeal of pursuing an MCA degree. Ultimately, whether fuelled by a passion for technology or a desire for job security and stability, studying MCA empowers individuals to embark on a rewarding journey of growth, innovation, and impact in the ever-evolving world of computer applications. So, why study MCA? The answer lies in the limitless possibilities it offers to shape a bright and fulfilling career in the realm of technology.
🔹 Visit our website 🌐 www.studyjagat.com for admission forms, process, important dates, requirements, fees and eligibility criteria.
📞 For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact us at +91-9910902164. Our expert counsellors are here to answer all your queries and guide you through the admissions process.
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komal7676 · 3 months
MBBS Fees in Uttar Pradesh & Saraswati Institute of Medical Science Hapur
Are you interested in becoming a doctor and want to know more about MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh and specific colleges like Saraswati Hapur Institute of Medical Sciences? Let's explore the details together!
Understanding MBBS Fee in Uttar Pradesh:
When you think about studying medicine, one of the first things that comes to mind is the cost. MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh
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 can vary widely depending on the type of college chosen. There are mainly two types of universities: public and private universities.
State Colleges: These are usually the cheapest options. For students who score well in entrance exams like NEET, government colleges are a great option. These colleges have relatively low tuition fees, often making them a top choice for students from a variety of backgrounds. Studying in a government college in Uttar Pradesh can cost around INR 20,000 to 70,000 per year.
Private colleges: Private colleges usually have higher fees compared to government colleges. However, they often have more modern facilities, experienced staff and sometimes better infrastructure. If you want a private college, you can find fees between 10-20 lakhs per year. It is important to consider these factors when considering your options.
More about Saraswati Hapur Institute of Medical Sciences:
One prominent private college in Uttar Pradesh is Saraswati Hapur Institute of Medical Sciences. If you're considering this college, here's what you need to know about its fees and offers.
Sarasvati Institute of Medical Sciences Hapur is known for its quality education and advanced services. The fees shown here reflect the comprehensive education and resources available to students. Fees for an MBBS degree can be expected to be around 12-14 lakhs per annum. It may seem like a lot, but the investment is worth it for many because of the facilities and environment the institute offers.
Why choose Sarasvati Hapur Institute of Medical Sciences?
Choosing a medical college is a big decision and Sarasvati Institute of Medical Sciences Hapur offers several advantages that make it popular among students:
State-of-the-art facilities: The institute offers state-of-the-art. facilities such as well-equipped laboratories, a large library with extensive medical resources and a simulation center that aids hands-on learning.
Expert Faculty: The professors and lecturers at Saraswati Institute of Medical Sciences Hapur are highly qualified and experienced in their fields and provide advanced training and guidance to the students.
Comprehensive Curriculum: The curriculum is designed to cover all aspects of medical education from basic science to clinical practice and to ensure that students are well prepared for their careers.
Supportive Environment: The College provides a nurturing environment with opportunities for extracurricular activities, student clubs and community service that promotes balanced development.
Financial Planning and Scholarships:
Paying MBBS fees in Uttar Pradesh, especially in private colleges like Saraswati Hapur Institute of Medical Sciences, can be difficult for some families. However, there are several ways to manage these costs:
Scholarships: Many colleges, including Sarasvati Institute of Medical Sciences Hapur, offer scholarships to deserving students based on merit or financial need. These possibilities should be explored and implemented in due course.
Education Loans: Several banks offer student loans specifically for college students. These loans usually have reasonable interest rates and repayments that start after graduation.
Part-time jobs: Although medical courses are demanding, some students work part-time or do internships to help cover their living expenses.
Making the right choice:
Choosing a college in Uttar Pradesh and understanding MBBS fees requires careful consideration. Whether you choose a government college or a private institution like Saraswati Institute of Medical Sciences Hapur, it is important to think about your personal preferences, financial situation and long-term career goals.
Remember that investing in education is a step towards a bright future. By planning wisely and staying informed, you can make the best decision for your medical career. Good luck on your path to becoming a doctor!
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Sure shot Tips To Choose The Best BCA College In Kolkata
Admission to many undergraduate colleges all across Kolkata is at its full capacity. However, getting admission to the right undergraduate course and the best college is not a cakewalk. There are various points that one should keep in mind when choosing the right college. This blog will take you through the points that should be considered while choosing one of the best colleges for BCA( Bachelor of Computer Application).
Point you shouldn't miss while getting admission to the BCA college
College affiliation
Detailed curriculum of the course 
Specialisations offered
Campus infrastructure 
Eligibility of the course and fee structure
Career opportunities after graduation in BCA
Placements record
College affiliation
The first and foremost thing a student should check before making a choice is whether the college is recognized by the UGC or not. The importance of the degree rises in the job market only if you pursue it from a university which is recognised by the government and courses are certified by AICTE. Amity University programmes are recognised by AICTE and are one of the top-ranked universities in India offering BCA and BCA honours. 
Detailed curriculum of the course
The duration of the course is 3 years. This technical course is divided into six semesters over three years, during which the expert faculty at Amity University Kolkata trains students in advanced computer knowledge. Amity University has a dynamic curriculum which is updated from time to time as per the latest technological advancements. The courses it offers are as per the international standards. 
A teacher has a major influence in shaping the future and igniting the path of its faculty members. Amity University Kolkata has the best faculty members with 3 qualities-
(a) It has a flexible faculty member who listens to the doubts of the students and resolves them.
(b) Interactive classroom learning environment
(c) Expert in the subject knowledge.
Campus infrastructure 
This is the most important factor that you cannot overlook while choosing the college for pursuing the BCA course. Amity University is one of the top 10 BCA colleges in Kolkata whose campus is equipped with hi-tech laboratories, modern classrooms, well-stocked libraries and multicuisine cafeterias.
Eligibility of the course and fee structure 
To get admission to Amity Institute of Information Technology applicants should have qualified  10+2 in subjects like Mathematics, Computer Science, Informatics Practices, or related fields. The first-year non-sponsored semester fee is 0.67 lakh rupees. Additionally, students have the option to pursue two degrees simultaneously, with the second degree available online. The eligibility criteria for this dual-degree option include a minimum of 50% in 10+2 with relevant subjects. The program spans four years, and the first-year non-sponsored semester fee is 1 lakh rupees, while sponsored students pay 0.9525 lakh rupees.
Career opportunities after graduation in BCA
A BCA graduate from Amity the best college for BCA in Kolkata can do pretty well in all the disciplines similar to Btech graduates. Some of the career options available after graduation from BCA are-
Technical Analyst
Data Scientist
Web Developer
Digital Marketer
Software Developer Trainee
Banking Sector
E-commerce Executive
Cyber Security Expert
Blockchain Developer
Apply Today!
More than 60% of BCA graduates from Amity University Kolkata have secured placements in the leading companies in India. To get admission to the best BCA colleges in Kolkata you can apply online at Amity University's website and book your seat. 
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/sureshottipstochoosethebestbca/home?authuser=1
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educationtech · 3 months
Top 10 Career in Mathematics in 2024 after BTech - Arya College
After completing a B.Tech in Mathematics and Computing, numerous career options are available across various industries such as finance, software, telecom, pharmaceuticals, consulting engineering, and government organizations. Some of the top career options include:
Investment Banker: Provides financial services, including investment-related news and industry knowledge. Investment bankers typically have a bachelor's or master's degree and help businesses and individuals make financial and investment decisions.
Financial Analyst: Offers financial assistance by collecting and analyzing data to help businesses and individuals make financial and investment decisions. Financial analysts need strong analytical and math skills to interpret financial data.
Software Developer: Designs, researches, and develops software programs for various companies. Software developers are responsible for developing the underlying system that controls devices or runs applications.
Data Analyst: Responsible for analyzing and interpreting data to help organizations make informed decisions. Data analysts use their math and statistical skills to identify trends and insights from large datasets.
Additionally, students can also opt for higher education in fields such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Mathematical Modeling, Economics and Finance, and Image Processing. They may also have the opportunity to travel to universities and research centers abroad for their projects. For those interested in pursuing a career in mathematics after engineering, there are options to study mathematics in India through various exams like JAM and opportunities abroad through Math GRE, General GRE, IELTS, and TOEFL. Some popular master's degree programs include:
Master of Science (MSc) in Mathematics: Provides advanced training in pure and applied mathematics, preparing students for research or teaching careers.
Master of Science (MSc) in Statistics: Focuses on statistical theory, methods, and applications, with opportunities in data analysis, forecasting, and quality control.
Master of Science (MSc) in Actuarial Science: Evaluates financial risks and uncertainties, with applications in insurance, investment firms, and pension funds.
The average salary for a B.Tech Mathematics and Computing graduate is around Rs. 7 LPA but can vary depending on the company, experience, skills, and job role. Top recruiters in this field include Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, World Quant, and Goldman Sachs
What Are The Top Exams For B.Tech Mathematics And Computing
The top entrance exams for admission to B.Tech Mathematics and Computing programs in India are:
1. JEE Main: This is the most important exam for admission to NITs, IIITs, and other centrally funded technical institutions. Candidates need to secure an All India Rank between the opening and closing ranks released by JoSAA.
2. JEE Advanced: For admission to IITs, candidates must appear for JEE Advanced after clearing JEE Main. The cutoff ranks for top IITs offering B.Tech Mathematics and Computing are:
IIT Delhi: 156 - 312
IIT Hyderabad: 601 - 925
IIT Kanpur: 444 - 910
IIT Kharagpur: 897 - 1451
IIT(BHU) Varanasi: 1271 - 1674
IIT Guwahati: 641 - 977
IIT Goa: 4437 - 5695
3. State-level entrance exams: Some states conduct their engineering entrance tests for admission to state-level institutions.
4. University-level entrance tests: Private universities like Amity University and SRM University provide direct admission based on their entrance tests or 10+2 merit.
The eligibility criteria for B.Tech Mathematics and Computing is 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as mandatory subjects. The average course fee ranges from Rs. 3.34 Lakhs to Rs. 20.17 Lakhs depending on the institute.
These responsibilities encompass a wide range of tasks aimed at advancing research initiatives, securing funding, promoting collaboration, and ensuring the successful development and implementation of research projects within academic and research institutions. Arya College of Engineering & I.T. is the Best college of B.Tech in Jaipur Rajasthan.
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kccitmblog · 4 months
Should I do a B. Tech CSE from a private college?
There are two types of top engineering colleges in Delhi NCR: private and government-run. The majority of people think about the private engineering colleges in Delhi, believing that they would be better in terms of costs and admittance requirements. We would have favoured government engineering colleges over private ones twenty years ago.
But after glancing at the most current trends, we can't say the same!
Studies conducted in the last few years have shown that private engineering colleges in Delhi have higher admission rates than government colleges. The key question at this point is: why? We'll explain how private engineering colleges in Delhi can support you in your engineering career in the discussion that follows.
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The top 10 reasons why enrolling in one of the top private engineering colleges in Delhi could be quite advantageous are listed above.
Cutting-edge infrastructure
One of the main benefits of attending private top engineering colleges in Delhi is having access to cutting-edge facilities. All facilities, including classrooms, labs, restrooms, workstations and benches, projectors, and more, have been upgraded to enable students to become more engaged in their studies and learn from real-world scenarios. The government colleges don't have these kinds of facilities.
Possibility of an adaptable collegiate lifestyle
To ensure that students may study comfortably and without feeling under a lot of strain, the majority of private engineering colleges in Delhi have implemented flexible living programs. For instance, some top engineering colleges in Delhi NCR’s timetables have two break periods, or you might choose flexible college hours to fit your schedule. In your third and fourth years, you can also ask your lecturers for permission to finish your assignments or study at the library.
Enhanced facilities for pupils
Private engineering colleges in Delhi offer better facilities, such as a better cafeteria and medical room. Regarding establishments of government, the same cannot be said. In fact, because the cafeteria's menu isn't particularly clean or varied, most institutions require students to bring their own meals. Another major drawback is that the majority of government universities lack common areas where students can unwind.
Incredibly intelligent and friendly teachers
Compared to government colleges, faculty, professors, and lab assistants at private engineering colleges in Delhi possess greater knowledge. They are up to date on all the newest technological developments in any field we are discussing. Aside from this, they are more amiable and would always support you in times of need. One of the main advantages of attending a private institution over one affiliated with the government is this.
Improved opportunities and professional development
In a private engineering college in Delhi, you can take career grooming workshops where professionals will talk about various roles and responsibilities in various sectors. Additionally, you'll be aware of your abilities to land the job you want. You can seek advice from the experts if you are unsure of how to hone those skills. In addition, there will be more chances for you to participate in seminars and internships, which will allow you to gain greater insight into the culture of the real workplace.
Relevant Course Curriculum
The top engineering colleges in Delhi are aware of how important it is to keep engineering curricula current with the rapidly changing field. These top engineering colleges in Delhi NCR regularly update their curricula to include new, relevant material for aspiring engineers. The new curriculum might assist students in remaining current and prepared with pertinent knowledge and engineering abilities. Engineering graduates can qualify for lucrative career prospects with education and training that is relevant to the modern workforce.
Complete Development
The private engineering colleges in Delhi provide a strong emphasis on inclusive education to help students build their leadership skills and experience working in teams. Extracurricular activities, training in personality development, and international seminars for exposure to real-world domains are all provided by private engineering institutions. It helps engineering candidates develop the confidence and the soft skills they need to perform to the best of their abilities in a variety of professional contexts.
Promoting Creativity and Offering Scholarships
The best private engineering colleges in Delhi education provide students with practical training that will enable them to advance and innovate. Engineering institutes lead workshops that assist students in developing and applying their theoretical knowledge to reach a mastery level and become future innovators. Promising students with limited financial resources can apply for scholarships from prestigious private engineering colleges in Delhi. Aiming for academic success makes bright engineering students eligible for scholarships that could enable them to pursue master's degrees in engineering.
Private engineering colleges in Delhi have a greater reputation and credibility than public colleges and universities when it comes to employment chances. Getting into a private engineering institution that is doing well and earning top grades will help you become well-known in your field and secure your ideal job.
Engineering Career Prospects
When designing systems, materials, and structures, engineers take into account the constraints imposed by cost, safety, regulations, and practicality. The engineering field encompasses a broad spectrum of individuals and scientific and technological specializations. Since the dawn of time, when people invented basic devices like the wheel, pulley, and lever, the idea of engineering has existed. The construction of military engines is the origin of the term engineering, which was coined in 1325 and is derived from the word engineer. To produce qualified engineers for the future, the top engineering colleges in Delhi NCR place a strong emphasis on matching industry standards for engineering education and training.
Average Salary of B. Tech CSE with AI and ML
The average starting salary for students studying in B. Tech CSE with AI and ML is INR 4.1 LPA. Professionals with two or three years of experience usually make between INR 6-8 LPA. An expert in artificial intelligence with three to five years of expertise might earn five to twelve LPA on average.
Data Scientist – INR 6 LPA
Machine Learning Engineer – INR 7.5 LPA
Research Scientist – INR 9 LPA
AI data analyst – INR 3 LPA
Big Data Engineer – INR 7-8 LPA
Robotics Engineer – INR 3.5 LPA
AI Engineer – INR 8 LPA
There is little doubt that private engineering colleges in Delhi prioritize their students' futures over those of public engineering universities. To encourage and motivate engineering students to pursue careers in the field, they invite professional specialists and visiting professors and staff to speak to the students.
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amitypunjab · 4 months
Extraordinary features that make Amity the Best College For B.com hons In Punjab
Commerce students have a promising future because of the high-paying career options that they have after their graduation. They have the opportunity to work in several departments like sales and business development. If you are a student searching for b.com honours colleges in Mohali Punjab, Amity University Punjab is the ultimate college choice. Throughout this article, we will be discussing the few extraordinary features that make Amity the best choice for commerce students interested in pursuing B.com hons as their career choice.
Extraordinary features that make Amity the first choice
1. Excellent placement record 
Amity University’s placement history is unbelievable with 36000 jobs provided to its students. In the previous years, the university alone provided top placements to more than 8000 students from various branches. More than 500 companies have participated in the placement drive of the university. Even during the lockdown when companies were expelling their employees Amity University successfully provided placements to more than 1400 students.
2. Advanced infrastructure 
The university has various sports clubs and academies such as Amity Football Clubs Chess Academy Riding & Polo Academy. It has a separate on-campus hostel facility for both boys and girls with 24/7 electricity and high security with CCTV cameras. The campus is equipped with hi-tech labs and smart classrooms. 
3. Top Ranking 
Found a place in the top 10 emerging commerce colleges
Amity University was placed among the top 10 emerging commerce colleges in India today. This means that it is one of the most credible universities for newcomers to receive education from.
No. 1 private commerce college in North India
A leading news channel India Today granted Amity University the status of the top private commerce college in North India. This speaks magnitudes of the quality of education the university provides to its students.
Ranks among the top 3% of universities globally
Not just in India but globally Amity is famous for its world-class education. Every year many students from all over the globe come to this university to pursue their higher education.
Producing the most employable graduates
Each year the university invites top companies who offer jobs to the students.
Ranked 57th among all the government and private universities 
Amity University has achieved one more milestone by being ranked as one of the top universities under 100 in India. 
4. Teaching staff
Amity one of the best b.com honours colleges in Mohali Punjab has teachers who are themselves the product of top universities globally. Teachers not only focus on theoretical learning but also on practical learning.
Career prospects after the completion of the programme 
Graduates from the field of commerce have many career options to select from such as finance, accounting, marketing, and management.  Students get possibilities in many corporate firms, financial institutions, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Some notable careers include:
Business Consulting Firms
Accounting Firms
Professional accountant
Tax Practitioner
Banking & Insurance
Policy Planning
International Business/ Foreign Trade
Budget Analyst/Planning
Inventory Control and Management
Treasury & Forex
Merchant Banking and Investment Banking
Higher education in India/abroad
Pursue an advanced professional certification course
PhD programme in reputed universities/ research institutions
Students have the chance to pursue b.com hons in Punjab University, Amity University or any other university but the important points cited above should be kept in mind for making a sound decision. Admissions open!
Source: https://sites.google.com/view/best-college-for-bcom-hons-au/home
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