#top 10 smartphones 2023
usamultibusiness · 2 years
Upgrade Your Phone: 16 Mind-Blowing Smartphones for 2023!
Are you tired of your outdated smartphone that just can't seem to keep up with the latest technology? Are you ready for an upgrade that will blow your mind? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the 16 best smartphones that will make you want to ditch
These 16 Smartphones Will Blow Your Mind in 2023! Are you tired of your outdated smartphone that just can’t seem to keep up with the latest technology? Are you ready for an upgrade that will blow your mind? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of the 16 best smartphones that will make you want to ditch your old phone and upgrade to the latest and greatest technology in 2023. From cutting-edge…
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httech · 2 years
Best Android Phones 2023 | Samsung, Xiaomi, Google | Tech 101 | HT Tech
We'll be taking a look at the best Android phones of 2023. Whether you're in the market for a new phone or just curious about what's out there, this video is for you. We'll be covering the latest and greatest smartphones from top brands like Samsung, Google, Xiaomi, and more. We'll also be taking into account factors like performance, camera quality, battery life, and overall value
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Long Covid activist Meighan Stone didn't want to take her mask off. After pressuring her multiple times, an ER nurse called security on her. This public health failure happened at Sibley Hospital in D.C. These incidents are happening on a regular basis now as mask bans and proposals spread from L.A. to New York. You're not going to hear much about it in the news. When you do, it's framed as a problem for the vulnerable, with blue fascists freely associating masks with crime and hate.
None of the handful of stories that discuss these mask bans mention that we're currently in the middle of a deep Covid surge, at a million cases a day. None of them talk about mask bans in the context of Long Covid in adults and children.
A widely cited study declaring "strikingly low" rates of Long Covid in children was recently retracted due to major flaws in methodology. The researchers who pushed for this retraction are heroes and champions of truth.
Is the media covering that?
Not really.
To their credit, Time did recently run a very important piece on Long Covid in children, focusing on a recent study published in JAMA.
Here's the highlight:
They estimated that 20% of the previously infected younger children and 14% of the previously infected adolescents met that threshold [for diagnosis]. Kids infected before the Omicron wave were especially likely to fall into the Long COVID category. Those numbers are higher than some previous estimates—for example, a recent U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report concluded that only about 1% of U.S. kids had had Long COVID as of 2022. But other studies have come to similar conclusions, estimating that somewhere between 10% and 20% of kids who catch COVID-19 will develop long-term complications.
Media outlets like USA Today and NBC are also covering this study. For once, major news networks are devoting attention to something that deserves it. Of course, they're doing it after years of running stories blaming children's school performance and developmental delays on smartphones and lockdowns.
Earlier this year, The New York Times published a misleading, biased story on the "long-lasting" harm of school closures. And The Washington Post recently ran a story also blaming absences on everything except Long Covid and immune system damage. Even Education Week has run pieces attributing weak academic performance to school closures and stress, not the virus itself. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. Pick a magazine or newspaper and you'll find stories like these, but very few talking about the ongoing harm of exposing children and teenagers to Covid. The ones that do are almost always sitting behind a paywall.
Absence speaks louder than words, and not just about Covid.
In 2022, barely 1 percent of all corporate television focused on climate change. That was, in fact, a record high. A year later, it fell 25 percent. That was 2023, the year we surpassed 1.5C of warming for all practical purposes. It was the hottest year in recorded history, and also the worst year for climate disasters, costing us $600 billion in the U.S. alone. Entire countries shut down because it was too hot for work or school. All that, and the corporate media spent even less time talking about the problem. Meanwhile, one columnist after another published long screeds against doomers and fearmongers, insisting that we still had plenty of time to turn things around.
A compelling piece by Ryan Hagen breaks down the unsettling relationship between western news media and the fossil fuel industry. As he points out, internal reports from companies like Exxon celebrate their campaign to turn liberal news outlets like The New York Times in favor of their own industries, convincing the public they were working hard to shift toward renewable energy when the plan was always to use it like icing on top of a cake made out of coal.
Tireless work by Amy Westervelt has chronicled the impact of these campaigns. As her research shows, climate change has morphed from a topic that 80 percent of the public felt an urgency about to, now, a divisive issue and a point that most people would rather not talk about. On top of that, think tanks like the Atlas Network have made a major push to criminalize peaceful climate protests and turn public opinion against activists. A Yale study found that more than 60 percent of Americans hardly ever hear anything about climate change now.
And if you bring it up...
You're a doomer.
There has been a concerted effort across the internet to paint anyone who actually cares about the future as a deeply unhinged fearmonger. Meanwhile, social media giants like Meta have relentlessly censored information about Long Covid.
Have you noticed?
Nate Bear pulled the curtain back on how the media works roughly a year ago. As he puts it, "A lot of the stories you see in the headlines are the result of a PR agency. And depending on the news, the PR agent might not send out a release en-masse but “sell in” the story as an exclusive to just one outlet... Every day a proportion of all news you read starts at just a handful of these agencies."
PR firms are constantly wooing journalists, creating an atmosphere where conflict of interest is more of a feature than a bug.
Caitlin Johnstone did a thorough breakdown of mass media bias. Perhaps the most egregious example: MSNBC reporter Krystal Ball leveled blunt but accurate criticism of Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and correctly predicted that she would lose against Donald Trump because of all her neoliberal baggage. In response, the Clinton campaign threatened the entire network "not to provide any access during the upcoming campaign." The head of the network told Ball that she "could still say what I wanted, but I would have to get any Clinton-related commentary cleared with the president of the network."
So, she couldn't say whatever she wanted.
Johnstone cites a piece by Jeff Cohen in Salon that also outlines the peer pressure, groupthink, and careerism that dominates the newspapers, magazines, and mainstream news networks in the U.S.
As she further explains:
Journalists either learn how to do the kind of reporting that will advance their careers in the mass media, or they don’t learn and they either remain marginalized and unheard of or they get worn down and quit.
Christopher Hedges, who left The New York Times after a written reprimand for criticizing the Iraq War, has gone on to describe in disturbing detail how the U.S. media caters to the Israeli government, continually overlooking its war crimes. An outspoken critic of U.S. policy, Hedges has endured persecution for speaking the truth, including the cancellation of his news program for defending other writers and real journalists from charges of antisemitism.
Another outspoken critic, Mehdi Hasan, was dropped from MSNBC for speaking out over Palestine. As Sharon Zhang wrote after the decision, "Hasan has been one of the only news anchors on a major broadcast outlet speaking up against Israel's brutality." He was also one of the few news anchors who told the truth about Covid. As Hasan recently made clear in The Guardian, it's imperative for Democrats to take a stronger, pro-humanitarian stance on Gaza and break with Biden's approach, which has sparked outrage and disgust across the left.
Hasan makes a remarkable point in this column, looking to history for cues about how Democrats need to act to ensure history.
It's not vibes.
It's guts.
Nobody really remembers Hubert Humphrey, LBJ's vice president who lost the 1968 election to Richard Nixon by about a percentage point. It's a lesson worth talking about. Humphrey was losing badly because he couldn't stand up to his own party, the Democrats, who were actually very, very pro-Vietnam War. He managed to close the gap considerably in the 11th hour of the race, finally standing up to his own party and promising to end the war if he became president. Hasan wonders what would've happened if he had trusted his gut sooner.
Well, history gives us a few clues. After all, Nixon did end the war. In the decades since, the Vietnam War has gone down in history as one the biggest mistakes the U.S. ever made. Psychologists use it as a case study of entrapment in escalating conflicts. It's a touchstone used to rate our other failures.
Time and again, history tells us that doing the right thing actually serves political expedience far more than vibes.
Democrats could ensure a landslide victory if they would just take a clear stance on our biggest threats and challenges. They could be honest about Covid. They could stand up against mask bans. They could stand up against genocide. They could renew their promise to take on climate change.
We're not seeing that.
Instead, we see the same groupthink and indirect censorship that dominates the news media. It's not a surprise, given how entwined they've become.
Look at what's happening to Taylor Lorenz.
Outlets like The Washington Post and NPR, who pride themselves on their devotion to democracy and diversity, have assailed Lorenz for referring to Biden as "a war criminal" in a private social media post.
Here's the worst part of NPR's story:
Lorenz has also courted controversy, online, in print, and in real life. During the peak of the pandemic, and since its ebb, she has inspired mockery from conservatives over her insistence on wearing masks, even outdoors. She has cited autoimmune issues as the reason.
Look at the verbs here. Far from objective, they describe Lorenz as "insisting" on wearing a mask "even outdoors," and then frame her autoimmune issues not as a reality but as a reason, almost an excuse. For the record, multiple studies have shown that Covid spreads outdoors, especially at crowded events.
This is what writers and real journalists deal with as they try to do the right thing. It's disturbing to watch.
Both Jared Yates Sexton and Sarah Kendzior have expressed an ambivalent reluctance to get on board with the vibes as the DNC hosts their national convention. The kindest thing Sexton can say is that "It was a masterful feat of political theater" as organizers clambered to put down pro-Palestinian protests during speeches and tilted cameras away from violence and toward more soothing, therapeutic shots of Tim Walz with his family.
As Kendzior writes, "Today both the Democratic and Republican parties operate on cult logic, which means they sometimes have the same policies, but wrapped in different rhetoric--because cultists will abide anything so long as their leader is the one pushing it. Policies they would protest if they were carried out by the other side are suddenly deemed acceptable when pushed by their own."
The same goes for media coverage.
It's worth pointing out that Kamala Harris no longer supports a ban on fracking. She no longer supports a single-payer healthcare system, otherwise known as "Medicare for all" which would provide healthcare access to everyone. Her stance on border patrol and police funding have all shifted right. The media signs off on it, saying "Progressives said they’re disappointed but still support her as she works out the best strategy to defeat former President Donald Trump — even if it means leaving their cause behind."
But it's not just causes getting left behind.
It's human beings.
Is it simply a desire or a wish that nurses don't call security on us because we want to wear masks at an ER, like Meighan Stone? Do we have to leave our human rights behind so we can ensure our human rights?
Do we have to lay down our lives for vibes?
That's the current groupthink.
So there you have it.
The media doesn't report the truth. They spend about 1 percent of their time on things that actually matter. Politicians cater to an underinformed public, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy that leads to nurses calling security on immunocompromised patients for wearing a mask, while newspapers and networks fire real journalists for daring to do their jobs.
It's really something, isn't it?
It doesn't help when readers and viewers complain anytime someone salts their mood with the truth. In an era where free, independent content matters more than ever, it's also harder than ever to come by. How are content creators supposed to tell the truth or talk about things that matter when they're constantly being reprimanded, penalized, and punished every time they try?
We desperately need a free press, and we need a public that supports a free press and not silos of dueling echo chambers.
You get what you support.
It's that simple.
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yuurei20 · 1 year
Dorm-Specific Top-Ten Merch List
A top-ten list of the most-liked, dorm-specific Twisted Wonderland merchandise available through Animate's online store (that is still in stock as of October 2023)
#10 Practical Dictionary for Word Selection: Octavinelle Edition
#9 Savanaclaw Smartphone Holder
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#8 Heartslabyul Acrylic Frame
#7 Diasomnia Smartphone Holder
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#6 Pomefiore Glasses
#5 Octavinelle Pendant Watch
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#4 Octavinelle Candy Icon Canvas Pouch
#3 Heartslabyul Tote Bag
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#2 Octavinelle Tote Bag
#1 Diasomnia Shoulder Bag
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Full list + rankings from April 2023 and October 2022
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beansonbread2 · 9 months
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2022 > Jockstrap 'Concrete Over Water' (see full list HERE)
2021 > Self Esteem ‘Prioritise Pleasure’ (see full list HERE)
2020 > Jockstrap ‘Acid’ (see full list HERE)
2019 > Weyes Blood ‘Andromeda’ (see full list HERE)
2018 >Let’s Eat Grandma ‘It’s Not Just Me’ (see full list HERE)
2017 > Richard Dawson ‘Ogre’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Solange ‘Cranes In the Sky’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Kendrick Lamar ‘The Blacker The Berry’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs ‘Two Weeks’ (see full list HERE)
2013 > Oliver Wilde ‘Perrett’s Brook’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > Untold ‘Stop What You’re Doing (James Blake Remix) (see full list HERE)
2009 > Joker - ‘Digidesign’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Lil’ Wayne - ‘A Milli’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Panda Bear - ‘Bros’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Hot Chip - ‘Over And Over’ (see full list HERE)
RULES - A maximum of THREE tracks from any one artist. Songs can be tied in the same position.
THE RUNNERS UP (in alphabetical order)
100 Gecs ‘Hollywood Baby’
Alabaster DePlume ‘Did You Know’
Animal Collective ‘Soul Capturer’ / ‘Defeat’
Aphex Twin ‘Blackbox Life Recorder 21f’
Avey Tare ‘The Musical’
Bar Italia ‘Nurse!’ / ‘My Little Tony’  
Bas Jan ‘No More Swamp’
BC Camplight ‘The Last Rotation Of Earth’
Beabadoobee & Clairo ‘Glue Song’
Beck & Phoenix ‘Odyssey’
Benjamin Spike Saunders ‘I Can’t Impress You’
Big Thief ‘Vampire Empire’
Biig Piig ‘In The Dark’
Blur ‘The Narcissist’
Danny Brown ‘Tantor’ / ‘Jenn’s Terrific Vacation’
Das Koolies ‘Pain Down The Drain’
Dean Blunt & TYSON ‘Rinsed’
Divorce ‘Scratch Your Metal’
Django Django ‘Don’t Touch That Dial’ / ‘Black Cadillac’
Dorian Electra ‘Puppet’
English Teacher ‘The World’s Biggest Paving Slab’
Feist ‘Borrow Trouble’
Felicita ‘Spalarkle (Alys)'
Firestations ‘Undercover’
Hannah Diamond ‘Affirmations’ / ‘Twisted’
H. Hawkline ‘Plastic Man’
Janelle Monae, Seun Kuti, Egypt 80 ‘Float’
Jessy Lanza ‘Limbo’
Jockstrap ‘Sexy 2’
John Cale ‘Noise Of You’
JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown ‘Scaring The Hoes’ / ‘Lean Beef Patty’
Kara Jackson ‘Dickhead Blues’
Katy J Pearson ‘Willow’s Song’
Kelela ‘Contact’
King Krule ‘Seaforth’
The Lemon Twigs ‘Any Time of Day’
Lil Yachty ‘Drive Me Crazy!’
Liz Lawrence & Steve Mason ‘I Was There’
Magdalena Bay ‘Top Dog’
Martha Ffion ‘The Wringer’
MAY ‘Phone Me’
Memotone ‘Door To The Sky’
MGMT ‘Bubblegum Dog’ / ‘Mother Nature’
Minor Conflict ‘Second-Hand Time / ‘Living Statue’
Mitski ‘Bug Like An Angel’
Mun Sing ‘Waiting In The Car’
Nadine Shah ‘Topless Mother’
Nourished By Time ‘Daddy’ / ‘The Fields’
Oneohtrix Point Never ‘On An Axis’
One True Pairing ‘Frozen Food Centre’
Overmono ‘Good Lies’
Panda Bear, Sonic Boom, Adrian Sherwood ‘Whirlpool Dub’
Patten ‘Walk With U’
Pinkpantheress & Ice Spice ‘Boy’s A Liar Pt.2’
Pozi ‘Failing’ / ‘Pest Control’
Quade ‘Streching Out’
Roisin Murphy 'CooCool'
Rozi Plain ‘Complicated’ / ‘Painted The Room’
Seamus Fogarty ‘They Recognised Him’
Shabazz Palaces ‘Binoculars’
Sierra Manhattan ‘Smartphones’
Slauson Malone 1 ‘New Joy’
Sleaford Mods ‘UK Grim’ / ‘Force 10 From Navarone’
The Smile ‘Wall Of Eyes’
Squid ‘Siphon Song’ / ‘Undergrowth’
Steve Mason ‘The People Say’
Tapeworms ‘IRL’
Terry ‘Gold Duck’
Tirzah ‘No Limit’
Trust Fund ‘London’
Vagabon ‘Carpenter’
Warmduscher ‘Love Strong’
Weird Wave ‘Unrecognise!’
Wesley Gonzalez ‘Dress Rehearsal’ / ‘When I Rot’
Yaeji ‘For Granted’ / ‘Done (Let’s Get It)’
25. Bjork & Rosalia ‘Oral’
24. MF Tomlinson ‘We Are Still Wild Horses’
23. Fever Ray ‘Even It Out’
22. Dorian Electra ‘Freak Mode’
21. Nourished By Time ‘Shed The Fear’
20. ANOHNI & The Johnsons ‘It Must Change’
19. Young Fathers ‘Rice’
18. Kwes, Sampha, Tirzah ‘Open Up’
17. Max Tundra ‘Lights 2023’
16. Squid ‘Undergrowth’
15. Tara Clerkin Trio ‘Marble Walls’
14. Rozi Plain ‘Help’
13. The Lemon Twigs ‘When Winter Comes Around’ / ‘Corner Of My Eye’
12. Animal Collective ‘Gem & I’
11. Max Tundra ‘This Woman’s Work’
10. Water From Your Eyes ‘Barley’
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9. Django Django & Self Esteem ‘Complete Me’
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8. JPEGMAFIA & Danny Brown ‘Burfict!’
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7. Bill Ryder-Jones ‘This Can’t Go On’
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6. Squid ‘Swing (In A Dream)’
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5. Tara Clerkin Trio ‘The Turning Ground’
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4. Lana Del Rey ‘A&W’
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3. Steve Mason ‘Brixton Fish Fry’
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2. Caroline Polachek ‘Dang’
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1. Oneohtrix Point Never ‘A Barely Lit Path’
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quickscaleup · 10 months
Best Ecommerce Website Designing Company in Patna
The website design is a really important tool for creating an appealing website that attracts users and customers. These ecommerce website designs represent your product, and what you are selling.
Thus, you need to make sure your website is relevant to the services you’re providing and can make a lasting impression.
Now, being said that, are you looking for some inspiration for your website designs? If yes, you’ve stumbled into the perfect solution, the website designing company in Patna, Quick Scaleup is your one-way stop. 
Ecommerce website designs 
The best ecommerce website design examples are those that can benefit you in boosting your sales and communicating with the brand and products. Some of the ecommerce website examples are the following,
Theseus is an online shoe store that promises customers the best online shopping experience. It has options such as shopping and return policy and even gives the users the opportunity to pay in installments.
Welly is a band aid campaign and website supplying catchy, funky, and aesthetic band aids. Children die for such cute band-aids and it comes with cute packaging too.  
Hebe’s website is mind blowing in terms of beauty. Its photography stands out compared to other websites. The high-quality photos ensure grabbing the customer’s attention and increasing the sales. 
Now, the ecommerce website examples in India are 
Amazon tops the ecommerce website list considering it is one of the country’s best ecommerce players since it rolled out in 2013. It has grown its market by covering everything from groceries to toys to furniture. 
Flipkart comes second on the list, always competing with Amazon in terms of quality and prices. It was founded in 2007, and is now acquired by Walmart. 
Meesho is a social commerce platform wherein the small business or merchants can deal with the users directly showcasing their products. 
Myntra is the one-stop online fashion destination that supplies with all the brands like Mango, H&M, Chemistry, Allen Solly etc. Myntra was acquired by Walmart making it a live commerce site with a lot of Indians depending on the site. 
OLX has products from cars to electronic goods and even real estate. People can buy or sell on this website according to their preferences. 
Snapdeal was a sinking company ready to be acquired by Flipkart in 2017. But, they did the needful surviving the takeover, and now focuses on products for fashion and home and personal care. 
Jio Mart is an online player that launched in 2020. It became known quickly in over 200 cities in India. 
Shopsy is a social commerce platform launched by flipkart. It’s a marketplace selling jewelry, grocery and home goods. 
Realme store is an online shopping site of the chinese smartphone brand realme. It even sells other electronic accessories.  
Mi store is another chinese smartphone brand Xiaomi selling mobile phones and other products. 
FirstCry is India’s shopping platform for baby products such as diapers, tous, cribs etc. Everything that can be termed a baby is being sold by them. 
Top 10 ecommerce websites 
The best ecommerce website design 2023 comprises of the following ecommerce website list and companies like 
Amazon tops as the world's best retailer and website designs. 
Ebay is the best marketplace with all the best features and products available. 
Aliexpress is the site offering the funkiest and catchy products with cheap prices. 
Walmart consists of an unlimited supply of organic products.
Wildberries is a popular Russian site known for clothes and household products. 
Ozon is like Russia’s Amazon, offering all kinds of products. 
Flipkart is an Indian ecommerce site dealing with all products like clothes, furniture, electronic devices. 
Samsung is the world's leader when it comes to electronics.
Etsy is another one of the popular sites specializing in handmade, vintage and unique goods. 
Rakuten is another one of the ecommerce sites dealing with cashback programmes.
The ecommerce website design templates that work well with any kind of website design such as apparel, fashion, jewelry or other ecommerce products. These templates create responsive, flexible and retainable online stores. Following is the list of best ecommerce website templates 
Pillowmart can be used for business purposes.
Capitalshop for fashion and accessories.
Fashi’s templates are available for fashion 
The Coza store is for business and ecommerce. 
eCommerce websites are the people’s go to sites for business and online shopping. People don’t like going around comparing products from shop to shop.
For such individuals, these websites are a piece of heaven.
To make sure that your website designs and products are appealing enough to the customers, you can take help from the website designing company, Quick Scaleup.
They have one of the best services available tailored to your customer’s needs.
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murumokirby360 · 10 months
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My High Purity Copper Wire Replacement Audio for my QKZ AK6 Pro IEM review (w/ my paper dolls) - 2nd Half (Final) [Recorded: Dec 8th, 2023]
DeviantART Version: [CLICK ME!]
Hello, December. Here's my 2nd half (and final) of my 'High Purity Copper Wire Replacement Audio' for my QKZ AK6 Pro IEM Earphones, or as I call it my 'audio wire replacement' (, feat. my paper dolls).
• If you haven't seen my '1st half', then please → [CLICK ME!].
BTW: And once again, If you haven't seen my review of QKZ AK6 Pro (from 2022), then I'll provide some links down below. ↓ 😉
My QKZ AK6 Pro IEM Earphones:
• Revealing parcel [Oct 1st, 2022]
• Part 1 (1st half) [Oct 8th, 2022]
• Part 2 (2nd half) [Oct 8th, 2022]
• Part 3 (Final) [Oct 26th, 2022]
So, without further ado, let's get started:
20th & 21st Image(s): ↑
• Here's a preview of installing my two AK6 Pro earpieces to my new 'audio wire replacement'. 🎶🎧🙂 My paper dolls are excited to wear it. Don't you worry, you two. I hope your ears we're fit. Hehe 😅 Nonetheless, here's my 2nd recorded video. 🎦📲
🎦 My Recorded video No. 2 ↑ 📲
• Here's me connecting two audio pieces into one, and it fits perfectly! 🎧🎶😊 Once again, my apologies for the awful background, despite my current smartphone (the Honor 8C) doesn't have noise cancelling / anti-background sound feature. 🚫🎶🏙️📲
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22nd to 24th Image(s): ↑
• [22nd & 23rd Image] Finally, the installation is complete! Care to wear it, you two? 🎧😊 "Yes, please" said my paper dolls. [24th Image] Mmmmm... 🤔 A-Okay, but uhh... I think, would it better if you two wear my headphones over earphones, Okay? 😊 My paper dolls completely agree.
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25th & 26th Image(s): ↑
• Now, let's go to the actual wear, featuring "ME!". 😊 You can see these photos of mine, they fit well on both of my ears just like before 👂🙂👍. Sound-wise, the sound quality is the same as I expected 🙂🎶👌, but say cannot be said for the quality of ear hooks. You see, upon wearing these or taking off after hours of listening, the material for the ear hooks feels quite flimsy than the original one. 🪢 👂🎧🤔 My OG audio wire's ear hooks used to have a solid bend without worrying about. On top of that, the wiring itself feels quite light, making it easy to snap after a long use (, as I predict 🤔). Not to mention, the slippery and glossy appearance of the wiring. Though, I'm not sure if this replacement could last as long as the original one. But, we'll see in the endurance durability pace for my new audio wire. On the plus side, it is as comfy as before without hurting my ears; not even once.
• As of today (Dec 15th, 2023), I have no issues whatsoever, so far. I've tested it on my Honor 8C phone to see the function of the controls (play/pause, and the volume buttons), and it worked well. And with the volume controls on my IEM earphones, I don't have to reach my phone just to adjust the volume for hearing purposes. 🎧📲😊👍
Overall & Asking Price:
• Despite material differences between the OG and the replacement one, I'd say if your OG audio wire was busted after the lifespan was dead, a replacement for your current IEM earbuds is a better choice. 🎶🎧😊👍 Not only the audio wire replacements deliver the same quality sound as the original, but they also it'll save your budget, as well, if you have existing functional IEM detachable earpieces. Because some people like me, don't want to spend another spare of regular earphones with no detachable feature, right? Well, okay I guess that is debatable (BUT). 🤔Nonetheless, I think every IEM budget owners should buy this if they so desire. 😊
• As for the price, I order it from Shopee PH for only ₱ 145 [CLICK ME!] 🏷️. 🇵🇭🛒🌐 There's also an additional ₱10 for the pouch, but I rather not spending it. Considering, that I have tons of pouches to used. 🙂 There's also available on Lazada PH [CLICK ME!] 🇵🇭🛒🌐, as well albeit a different price than Shopee 🏷️, plus there's a Type C variant and different style choices.
Well, that's the end of my topic, and see you in 2024! 🥂🥳🎇
Tagged: @lordromulus90, @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant, @rafacaz4lisam2k4, @alexander1301, @paektu
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tecnologiadachina · 1 year
📱🚀 Descubra os 10 Smartphones Tops de 2023! 🚀📱
Procurando pelo celular dos seus sonhos? Pare de procurar! Apresentamos os 10 smartphones mais bem avaliados em 2023 que vão revolucionar sua vida. 😍📲
✨ O que você pode esperar: 📸 Câmeras de última geração para fotos incríveis. 🚀 Desempenho ultrarrápido que vai além das suas expectativas. 🔋 Bateria de longa duração para acompanhar o seu ritmo. 💎 Design elegante que vai te fazer se destacar.
Não perca tempo! Clique agora para conferir as análises completas em nosso blog e faça a escolha certa para o seu próximo smartphone. 💡💬
👉 https://tecnologiadachina.com/os-10-smartphones-mais-bem-avaliados-em-2023/ 👈
Aproveite as ofertas especiais e atualize seu dispositivo hoje mesmo! Não deixe para depois. 😉✨
#Smartphones #Tecnologia #Avaliações2023 #BlogTech
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studyvisaexpert · 1 year
Top 3 In-demand Careers in Canada: Affordable DLI Programs for Overseas Students
The top 3 highly demanded jobs throughout Canada are Mechanical Engineers, Human Resource Managers, and Developers as per Randstad. It is a Consulting and Employment Agency Firm having 60-plus years of experience in the industry.  
Suitably, it can be anticipated that overseas students arriving in Canada can be inclined towards pursuing study programs that will equip them to get ready for careers in these highly demanded fields. You can avail of guidance and counseling from the Best Overseas Education Consultants in India for better insights to plan your studies in Canada.
So with the aim of assisting overseas students in their pursuit of achieving their objective, we have here compiled the top 3 DLIs - Designated Learning Institutions. These institutions offer affordable study programs to assist overseas students in establishing their careers in the highly demanded three employment sectors in Canada.
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You must note here that the below comparison is based only on the tuition fees from the institutions and does not include the complete fees (Health/dental, Student services, Recreational, etc). Unless specified, the estimates for tuition fees are for 2023-2024 and in CAD.
For compiling the below lists, we have compared the highly popular DLI in every Province in Canada as per the QS 2023 World University Rankings. The comparison of the DLIs was crucial as these Canadian educational institutions have been authorized by the Government of Canada to accept overseas students. By studying at these establishments overseas student graduates can get the PGWP - Post-Graduation Work Permit.  
Job # 1: Developers
The first place in the list of Randstad's top 10 jobs in Canada trending in 2023 has been occupied by Developers. These code and design programs according to the needs of users: from Business Accounting Programs to Smartphone Apps to Operating Systems.
Usually, individuals in this role have a Computer Science background. All the ten DLIs assessed for the list offer programs in Computer Science. The most affordable are offered by U-Manitoba, Memorial, and UPEI.
(Note that only general estimates are offered by Memorial regarding tuition instead of program-specific costs inclusive of overseas students.)
1.   UPEI – A full year of tuition fees for Undergraduate Overseas Students is projected to be $6, 570  for Faculty of Science Programs
2.   Memorial – The tuition fees for overseas students is estimated at $20,000
3.   U-Manitoba - Undergraduate Overseas Students are required to pay tuition fees of $20,400 annually for the Science Program
The DLIs with highly expensive programs are:
·         McGill: $58,158.90 annually approximately for the Bachelor of Science program
·         UOT - $60,510 annually approximately for the Bachelor of Computer Science program
Job # 2: Human Resources Managers
The second highly demanded job in Canada according to Randstad is HR Managers. Generally, individuals in these roles supervise the human resource functions of a company inclusive of hiring and workforce management.
Again, all the DLIs assessed offer a study program related to HR. However, a few institutions offer a complete 4-year Undergraduate Program while others provide Certification Programs with a duration of less than 12 months.
Nevertheless, the most affordable programs in HR for overseas students are at:
1.   Dalhousie: $3,135*
2.   UOT: $6,051**
3.   UPEI - $6,570 yearly tuition
* HR Management Certificate Program at Dalhousie is inclusive of 3 courses each having duration of 12 weeks
** Estimations for a half fee for the course are offered by UOT for their Certificate Program in Human Resources Management
The DLIs with highly expensive programs in HR are:
·         UBC – annual tuition fee for overseas undergraduate students is $58,153.50 for Bachelor of Commerce program students
·         McGill - annual tuition fee for overseas undergraduate students is $65,604.30 for Bachelor of Commerce program students
Job # 3: Mechanical Engineers
The third highly demanded job in Canada according to Randstad is Mechanical Engineers. Individuals in these roles develop and design machines that resolve human issues find ways to automate and control manufacturing systems and resolve diverse environmental issues.
The most affordable programs in Mechanical Engineering for overseas students are found at the following institutions in Canada that have been listed along with the respective tuition fees estimates:
1.   UPEI - $6,750
2.   Memorial: $20,000
3.   UNB: $22,297; for overseas students studying Engineering program
The DLIs with highly expensive programs in Engineering are:
·   McGill: $59,654.40 annually approximately for the Bachelor of Engineering program
·   UOT - $65,410 annually approximately for the Bachelor of Engineering and Applied Science program
So this was a brief comparison of the DLIs/educational institutions in Canada with the most affordable tuition fees for the top 3 highly demanded occupations.If you wish to enroll in any of the top 3 highly demanded career study programs in Canada, contact Study Visa the Best Study Abroad Consultant in India.
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msclaritea · 1 year
As Harrison Ford and Stallone Age, Where Are Their Replacements? – Variety
May 21, 2023 7:00am PT
‘We Used to Treat Movie Stars Like Gods’: Hollywood Grapples With Loss of Young Star Power
By Brent Lang, Tatiana Siegel
CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 18: Harrison Ford attends the "Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny" red carpet during the 76th annual Cannes film festival at Palais des Festivals on May 18, 2023 in Cannes, France. (Photo by Andreas Rentz/Getty Images)
The hottest package at this year’s Cannes Film Festival stars a 76-year old action star and is a reboot of a movie that first dazzled moviegoers in 1993. That’s a time, in case you forgot, before TikTok or smartphones, Facebook or Amazon, or any number of technological changes that have reshaped our world and the movie business along with them.
And yet, “Cliffhanger,” with Sylvester Stallone bravely summiting the mountain again, is seen as one of the most commercial scripts out there for buyers hoping to make an adventure film that can traverse borders and bring crowds. With a nod to the younger audiences who will be needed to turn up if the movie is going to replicate the original’s blockbuster status, the producers teased that casting is currently underway for a (presumably younger?) actor to share the screen with Sly. But who will that be?
“Over the last 10 years, we’ve done a really shitty job of creating a new generation of movie stars,” groused one sales agent.
And a look at some of the projects on offer or premiering at Cannes seems to bolster that argument. There’s “Breakout,” an action-thriller featuring 75-year old Arnold Schwarzenegger that will be directed by “Expendables 4” filmmaker Scott Waugh; “Lords of War” with 59-year old Nicolas Cage returning to a role as an amoral arms dealer that he first played nearly two decades ago; “That’s Amore,” a rom-com with a 69-year old John Travolta; and “The Rivals of Amziah King,” a crime story featuring a 53-year old Matthew McConaughey. In most cases, these actors have been famous, globally so, since the 1970s or ’80s (McConaughey, a relatively newbie, had to wait until 1996’s “A Time to Kill” to make his mark).
On Thursday night, the increasingly geriatric nature of the star system was on full display at the Cannes Film Festival as an 80-year old Harrison Ford walked the red carpet for the premiere of “Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny,” for which he donned the fedora he first wore in 1981’s “Raiders of the Lost Ark,” and is still well-preserved enough to unabashedly doff his top (“I’ve been blessed with this body,” he said sheepishly when asked about his shirtless scene at a press conference). Ford does get an assist from some of those technological breakthroughs, appearing 35 years younger in key scenes thanks to the magic of de-aging CGI...."
Wow! First off, they forgot about Tom Cruise, Mr. Deepfake, who's over 60. I don't think this is so much they've neglected to make new stars, it's that that lane is being choked by some of the very actors mentioned, who want to stay in the limelight but don't really make big box offices. They're just known. THEN there are powerful, male led groups pushing ONLY actors that appeal to them, not really audiences and especially not female audiences. THEN, there's the talented actors we all know now are being blocked from big budget pictures by the former group mentioned. Honestly, I think the groups running Hollywood actually DON'T want movie stars anymore because then they can mistreat and abuse everybody, equally.
Shout-out to whomever wrote this crap Variety article, with a whole two digs at Marvel, as though it were the real problem. I'm glad Johnny Depp cussed your asses out at Cannes.
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hmatrading · 1 year
List of Best Trading Apps in India 2023
The world of trading has become more accessible than ever before, thanks to the rise of trading apps. With just a few clicks on your smartphone, you can now buy and sell shares in real-time from anywhere in India. But with so many options available, which trading app should you choose? In this article, we've compiled a list of the top 10 best trading apps in India for 2023. Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting out, this comprehensive review will help you find the perfect app for your needs. So let's dive right into it!
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List of the Top 10 Trading Apps in India
Zerodha:  With over 3 million users, Zerodha is one of the most popular trading apps in India. It offers a user-friendly interface and low brokerage fees, making it an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced traders.
Upstox: Another top-rated app is Upstox, which boasts a simple yet effective platform for buying and selling stocks. It has competitive pricing and advanced charting tools to help you make informed decisions.
Angel Broking: Known for its extensive research capabilities, Angel Broking provides valuable insights into market trends that can help investors maximize their profits. The app also features a range of financial products like mutual funds and insurance.
Groww: A relatively new player in the market, Groww has quickly gained popularity thanks to its zero-commission policy on stock trades and easy-to-use interface.
Kotak Securities: This app by Kotak Mahindra Bank offers seamless integration with your bank account, allowing you to transfer funds seamlessly between them while trading shares or investing in mutual funds.
Sharekhan: With more than 20 years of experience in the market, Sharekhan is known for its robust research reports that provide detailed analysis of stocks from various sectors.
Edelweiss: Offering customizable watchlists and charts along with real-time news updates, Edelweiss makes it easier for investors to stay up-to-date with current events affecting their investments.
HDFC Securities: This app by HDFC Bank provides access to global markets along with local ones at affordable prices while providing comprehensive research reports covering several industries
ICICI Direct: ICICI direct allows you not only trade through mobile but also via call-n-trade. Their simplified version makes it perfect even if you are a beginner
Axis Direct: Last but not least AxisDirect comes equipped with all essential features including personalized alerts, easy order placement and comprehensive market analysis tools.
Complete Review of All Best Trading Apps in India
When it comes to choosing the best trading app in India, there are plenty of options available. But which one is right for you? In this complete review of all the best trading apps in India, we will take a closer look at each one and help you make an informed decision.
First up is Angel Broking. With its user-friendly interface and advanced charting tools, Angel Broking makes it easy for beginners to get started with trading. It also offers low brokerage fees and instant fund transfer options.
Next on our list is Zerodha. Known for its no-brokerage policy, Zerodha has quickly become a popular choice among traders in India. The app offers various features such as market depth analysis, advance charts and technical indicators.
Groww is another great option for those looking for a seamless trading experience. Its simple design allows users to navigate through the app with ease while offering commission-free investments in mutual funds.
Kotak Securities’ mobile application provides real-time updates on the stock market along with research reports from their team of experts giving you valuable insights about specific companies' performances based on their financial history.
Edelweiss Trading App combines investment opportunities with insightful advice from analysts making sure that traders make informed decisions before investing money into stocks or mutual funds
These are just some of the top contenders when it comes to finding the best trading app in India - but ultimately, your choice will depend on what suits your needs as an investor or trader.
To sum up, in this article we have discussed the top 10 trading apps in India for the year 2023. We have reviewed each app based on its features, user interface and overall performance.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, these apps offer you a seamless experience with no brokerage charges and easy access to market data.
Angel Broking, Zerodha and Kotak Securities are some of the popular names that provide unique features to make your trading journey smooth. Edelweiss also offers reliable services with advanced charts and tools.
Groww is another great option for beginners as it has a simple user interface along with low brokerage fees. nifty bees share price can be easily tracked through Angel One while Old Mumbai Chart provides historical data essential for analysis.
Each app excels in different areas making them suitable for different types of traders. So choose the one that best fits your requirements and start trading today!
After analyzing and reviewing the top 10 trading apps in India, it is evident that each app has its unique features and benefits. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, there is an app on this list that will suit your needs.
From Angel Broking's seamless user interface to Zerodha's low brokerage fees, each app offers something special. Other notable mentions include Kotak Securities' advanced charting tools, Edelweiss' research reports, and Groww's zero brokerage platform for mutual funds.
Choosing the best trading app in India can be challenging. However, by assessing your needs as a trader and comparing them with the offerings of these top 10 trading apps, you can find one that perfectly suits you. So go ahead and download your favorite trading app today
Related - https://hmatrading.in/best-trading-app-in-india/
Source - https://sites.google.com/view/list-of-best-trading-apps
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williamsonjace · 2 years
10 Must-Have Modern Kitchenware Appliance 2023 Every House Needs - JMeta Home
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You've come to the correct spot at JMETA HOME, if you enjoy cooking but need more time or if you're frightened of cooking yet need to start but need to know how. The presence of a variety of helpful modern kitchen home tools is the first step toward a simplified and practical cooking experience. The correct kitchen gadgets and devices may make cooking enjoyable and straightforward. The modern kitchenware home appliance may cut your prep time in half, simplify little culinary activities, and support you with time-consuming and complex procedures.
I have the ideal suggestions for must-have home modern kitchen gadgets and products, whether it's time for a complete kitchen equipment update or you're searching for the perfect present-giving idea for a home cook, a new aspiring chef, or yourself, just because you deserve a treat!
What are the Top 10 Kitchen Gadgets You Must Have in 2023?
1. Cosori Air Fryer Max XL 5.8 Quart:
This air fryer, also on the top selection for 2022, is once more on the list for 2023! There is a solid reason why air fryers have become so popular over the past few years. They quickly prepare fried items without adding extra calories from oil or igniting your kitchen with hot fat. But the main issue that most air fryer users have is that the capacity is almost always inadequate.
Your prayers have been answered with the Cosori Air Fryer Max XL 5.8 Quart, available in several colors. Your favorite fried meals will cook up quickly in this enormous air fryer.
2. Mercer Culinary Genesis 5 Piece Kitchen Knives:
These knives are built to last! From the experts of all things cutlery, it features incredibly superior blade durability, a nonslip Santoprene comfort grip, NSF certification, and is backed by an incredible warranty. Almost all of the knives you'll need for cooking at home are included in this essential 5-piece set a paring knife, a utility knife, a bread knife, and a chef's knife.
Your good kitchen knives will last the longest if you wash them in hot water with non-abrasive dish soap and towel dry them. If you take these two simple measures, a decent pair of knives will last a lifetime. Never put your kitchen knives in the dishwasher, and get them frequently sharpened by a reliable cutlery sharpening firm at least once or twice a year.
3. Master Plus Wireless Bluetooth Instant Read Smart Thermometer:
A reliable, quick-read thermometer is a must in every domestic kitchen electronic device on Earth. With the connected smartphone app, you can unwind while keeping an eye on the progress of your cooking. The Master Plus Bluetooth Smart Thermometer from Traeger Grills has two thermometers in one and a 165-foot wireless Bluetooth range. The cordless, battery-operated probe measures the internal cooking temperature of the meat or food you're preparing and the surrounding air temperature. The days of needing to "guess" if an item you are cooking is done or at a temperature that is safe to ingest are long gone.
The Meater+ smartphone app allows you to remotely monitor the probe from the comfort of your couch as your meals cook to perfection. It is compatible with iOS, Apple, and Android-powered devices. The app also has a sophisticated algorithm to predict when it will do your dish cooking so you can schedule the rest of your dinner around that time.
4. Four Pieces Bamboo Cutting Board Set:
Every kitchenware appliance in the world has to have a set of cutting boards that are safe for knives. All the most popular sizes are included in this 4-piece bamboo cutting board set from Royal Craft Wood. Using the proper cutting surface is essential to maintaining the edge of your blades and preventing damage to your kitchen surfaces and your knives. Cutting boards made of bamboo are food-safe, ecological, and naturally antibacterial. These cutting boards made of natural bamboo wood can last a very long time if you take good care of them.
5. Rollup Silicone Dish Rack:
When cleaning the dishes, who likes a mess? Do your countertops and the floor have water dripping all over them? Rollup Silicone Dish Racks are available in various sizes to accommodate almost every kitchen sink. Roll out the dish rack over the sink once you've finished washing the dishes to let them drip dry without worrying about contamination from a dishtowel. 304 stainless steel is a rigid material that can support up to 33 lbs. BPA-free and easily washable if necessary for sanitizing reasons in your dishwasher.
6. Multi-Tier Lid, Pot & Pans Organizer:
We all need help keeping our kitchens organized. Particularly with our pots and pans and their annoying lids, which perpetually vanish or relocate to the back of the cupboard where you can't readily find them.
You can effortlessly arrange all your pots, pans, and lids in the 88-TierPot and Pan Organizer so that they are neatly stored and easy to find in your cabinet. This utterly adjustable pot and pan tower, designed with heavy-duty use in mind, enables you to modify it to accommodate almost any cookware you may have, no matter how big or tiny.
7. Douro High-Temperature Silicone Cooking Utensil Set:
Made in the USA from sturdy, high heat-resistant silicone is the DiOro High-Temperature Cooking Utensil Set. Most other silicone utensil manufacturers can only tolerate heat up to 400 degrees. To enable safer cooking at greater temperatures, the DiOro Utensils are heat resistant up to 600 degrees.
Your family and food will be secure from toxins that could seep into your food from other offshore-manufactured cutlery because these are constructed of BPA-free, food-friendly material. Use silicone utensils without concern for scratching or gouging your cooking surfaces since they are safe on all types of cookware, including non-stick.
8. Anova Culinary AN500 Professional Sous Vide Precision Cooker:
Professional Sous Vide Precision Cooker is always left out on every kitchen counter. You can cook almost anything perfectly at home using sous vide or a precise water bath since the food will never grow hotter than the water temperature you set. Whether you're cooking eggs, chicken, meat, pig, vegan or vegetarian dishes, or any other cuisine, it makes no difference.
9. Stainless Steel Mandolins Slicer:
The VEKAYA Stainless Steel Mandoline Slicer is made of attractive stainless steel and is simple to store. It offers razor-sharp cutting precision without the fatigue of using a knife. Perfect for people who value consistency in their cuts, slices, or shreds. With simply a turn of the dial, the integrated, ultra-sharp blade does both standard and julienne slicing. Pieces can range in thickness from paper-thin to 9 mm.
This stainless steel mandoline slicer is smooth and steady, allowing you to quickly complete extensive slicing or shredding jobs. It also comes with safety gloves and blade protection of kitchenware appliance.
10. Silicone Ice Block & Ice Ball Mold Set:
All things whisky has gained enormous appeal in recent years. These silicone ice molds are perfect if you enjoy, adore, or admire whisky. For cooling down your favorite bourbon, whisky, brandy, or cocktail spirits without the immediate dilution that you get with small standard ice cubes, use these sturdy silicone ice molds to create six of the ideal substantial single cubes and six 2-inch spherical ice balls that it can fill the ice ball mold quickly and easily thanks to the supplied micro funnel. Both silicone ice molds may be stacked to further assist you in conserving crucial freezer space. Modern kitchenware manufacturers and appliance exporters ensure high-quality products to meet customers' requirements.
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onenettvchannel · 2 years
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THIS JUST IN OVERNIGHT: The Owl House releases a Sneak Preview at the NYCC 2022 for a Final 3rd Season [#OneNETnewsEXCLUSIVE]
GRAVESFIELD, CONNECTICUT -- The faces of voice actor and actresses including a show creator (Dana Terrace) had now been shown a sneak preview at the New York Comic Convention 2022 (NYCC) in Manhattan, New York, United States of America (U.S.A.) where the show panel started last Thursday afternoon at 3pm (October 6th, 2022 - Eastern local time) and it was located at the Room 405 in Javits Convention Center. This was after a follow-up for a severe cliffhanger per 2nd season finale before it reaches a final 3rd season.
OneNETnews can exclusively reveal the situation as one smartphone video obtained by Poo Master showing the first 6-minute episode in a sneak preview of "Thanks to Them". Based from the said smartphone video, it was absolutely stunning where the audiences have fully paid to watch. Here's a rundown of it.
Luz Noceda, few of the Hexside students and a part-time Golden Guard nephew named Hunter Wittebane, who was escaping earlier than a committed murder suspect of Empr. Philip "Belos" Wittebane -- returns home safely via a portal door in Gravesfield, Connecticut, U.S.A.
Noceda greets her and tearfully states that she's back from the other dimensional world of Summer Camp, rather than a middle school field trip at the Gravesfield Middle School (GMS) where she can disliked for some reason due to her own personal fandom of Azura. Luz Noceda's mother named Camilia discusses about a true story and a hot issue of Empr. Belos after he was defeated overnight from a child villain kid known as The Collector. Hexside students told everything to the public.
Meanwhile, Noceda shows a family photo like a museum at the top left after her father dies before the said show. Her part-time impersonator named Vee, just before Episode 1 started and was explicitly trespassed & pretended to be Luz Noceda in disguise across the Gravesfield area. She knows all the truth in Demon Realm of Bonesborough where Noceda left off temporarily in a corrupted portal.
The next morning, Noceda and friends have now plans to renovate a portal house and other things in life. Lumity Studios, who were owned and managed by an honest lesbian couple (Amity Blight) shows the best highlights between Seasons 1 and 2 using the final version of Windows Movie Maker via Microsoft Surface laptop per exclusively obtained from our news team -- under the operating system of Windows 10 or lower. All of the Hexside friends showing off a total fashionable makeover to buy new clothes altogether here at the Human Realm of Connecticut.
Willow Park checks in the bathroom and was traumatized to see Empr. Belos on mirror. Hunter was now decided to have a personal haircut to change his own look while trimming the hair with his girlfriend of assistance like a barber individual. By late afternoon, a failed attempt to return home from Connecticut to Bonesborough at the Demon Realm.
And finally, instead of hot rainfall weather... The actual earth rainfall is safe to play. The Lumity couple kisses the second time under the rain clouds but, not at this moment for now. Noceda restricts her own magic from the Demon Realm and heads back to school for this year's Halloween at the GMS.
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For now, 3 new special episodes is on its way for next weekend with 44-minutes of televised runtime. The other 2 will premiere next year in 2023 as PopVerse and Polygon reported. Streaming and convention fans are excited to tune in on national TV and streaming online.
The magical journey begins for a final 3rd Season of The Owl House premieres October 15th, 2022 at 9pm EST / 9am in Manila (next day on Sunday) / 8pm CST. LIVE and EXCLUSIVE on Disney Channel & Disney XD in America. Catch-up is available for Season 1 & 2 on Disney+.
SOURCE: *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=93KsViU0-tw [Referenced YT Video from the Poo Master] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C5hgbH9hJY [Referenced YT Video #1 from Disney Channel] *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TwjqRIZMJg [Referenced YT Video #2f from Disney Channel] *http://thefutoncritic.com/listings/20220921disney20/ *https://twitter.com/DisneyTVA/status/1578022269536067586 [Referenced Tweeted Image #1 from the DisneyTVA] *https:/www.thepopverse.com/watch-the-owl-house-panel-at-nycc-22-with-dana-terrace [Referenced Mini News Article from the Popverse] *https://www.polygon.com/nycc/23391072/nycc-the-owl-house-panel-exclusive-clip [Referenced News Article from Polygon] and *https://twitter.com/OwlPhibia/status/1570139628774236160 [Referenced Tweeted Image #2f from the DisneyTVA]
-- OneNETnews Team
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foodandbeverages · 20 hours
Online Food Delivery Services Market Size 2023 Global Industry Share, Top Players, Opportunities And Forecast To 2033
The online food delivery services market size is anticipated to advance, attaining a value of US$ 41.94 billion in 2023. According to a market analysis of online on-demand food delivery services, usage is expected to develop at a CAGR of 10% until 2033. By 2033, the online food delivery services market is projected to reach a value of US$ 101.32 billion at the current pace of growth.
Customers are moving online rapidly, which has led to exponential expansion in the e-commerce sector. These changes in consumer shopping patterns result from various factors, some of which are industry or nation-specific, while others are the result of global trends.
Information Source: https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/online-food-delivery-services-market
Mobile Internet and 5G Reshape the Online Food Delivery Landscape
Customers now have access to an array of various applications, including online meal delivery services, owing to improved network connectivity and an upsurge in cell phones. Users of smartphones can easily make orders with their chosen eateries by browsing a list of establishments. Even the most isolated regions now have smartphones. The opinions of online ordering have changed as a result of how simple it is to set up meal delivery apps on smartphones.
Globally, the number of people using mobile internet has significantly increased. Rapid network infrastructure development has increased network connectivity across developing nations, making remote access to mobile applications possible. The introduction of 5G technology enables faster surfing speeds to improve the online ordering experience and create fresh potential for food delivery services online market expansion.
Challenges and Opportunities with Commission Rates for Online Food Delivery Services
Restaurants are significantly constrained by the commission fees imposed by delivery platforms, which can be anywhere between 15 and 30% of the cost of a meal. These commissions’ controversial nature has been highlighted by certain American governments placing caps on them. Platforms have experimented with different restaurant commission rates and terms to allay these worries, but the results are still up in the air.
The spread of “dark kitchens” and delivery-focused business models complicates the problem. Since they have reduced overhead expenses, these models may more easily handle high commissions and frequently have higher visibility on platforms. As a result, they can displace conventional eateries and take a larger portion of the online food delivery services market. The gloomy kitchens present a chance for conventional restaurants to adjust by opening far-off delivery-only locations.
The dynamics of the restaurant sector are being altered by legislative measures, platform agreements, and the emergence of delivery-first business models, all of which significantly impact commission rates on restaurants.
“The future of online food delivery services is wider than cost-effective operations. New operating models are likely to surface. Niche markets, including online grocery and alcohol delivery services, could catch up with the momentum and be instrumental revenue streams for market players,” opines a lead analyst at FMI.
Key Takeaways
The United States online food delivery market to acquire a market share of 23.5% by 2023.
By 2023, Germany is going to retain an 8.5% online on-demand food delivery services market share.
Japan may keep striving to possess a 4.7% online food delivery services market share by 2023.
By 2023, Australia may own 2.6% of the market share.
By 2023, the United Kingdom may hold 6.2% of the online fast food delivery services market.
China online food delivery services industry to record a CAGR of 12.5% through 2033.
India online food delivery market to register a CAGR of 3.1% through 2033.
The platform-to-consumer sector is anticipated to grasp 60% of the global market by 2023.
Over the projection period, platform to consumer distribution is anticipated to flourish at a CAGR of 9.8%.
In 2023, it is predicted that the category of mobile apps may possess 38% of the global market share.
Over the anticipated period, the mobile application segment is anticipated to develop at a CAGR of 9.7%.
Competitive Analysis
There is fierce competition in the online on-demand food delivery services market. Expansion, mergers & acquisitions, and partnerships to achieve consolidation and enhance their offers are the main tactics used by businesses to strengthen their market dominance.
Recent Advancements
Delivery Hero SE paid USD 150 million for Hugo’s food and grocery delivery verticals in October 2021. The acquisition aims to broaden the company’s presence in the Caribbean and Central American regions.
Just Eat Takeaway.com acquired Grub Hub in June 2021 to enter the online meal delivery services market in the United States. This acquisition aims to help the larger group get access to the world’s most appealing online meal delivery markets, including the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, and Germany.
Key Online Food Delivery Manufacturers
Just Eat Holding Limited
Postmates Inc.
Uber Technologies Inc.
Key Segments
By Delivery Type:
By Channel Type:
Mobile Application
By Payment Method:
Cash On Delivery
By Region:
North America
Latin America
Asia Pacific Excluding Japan
The Middle East & Africa
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usmantech · 8 days
click the link
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