#best smartphone overall
usamultibusiness · 2 years
Upgrade Your Phone: 16 Mind-Blowing Smartphones for 2023!
Are you tired of your outdated smartphone that just can't seem to keep up with the latest technology? Are you ready for an upgrade that will blow your mind? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the 16 best smartphones that will make you want to ditch
These 16 Smartphones Will Blow Your Mind in 2023! Are you tired of your outdated smartphone that just can’t seem to keep up with the latest technology? Are you ready for an upgrade that will blow your mind? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of the 16 best smartphones that will make you want to ditch your old phone and upgrade to the latest and greatest technology in 2023. From cutting-edge…
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weebsinstash · 2 months
I keep thinking of some darker yandere Vox ideas themed around hacking and his hypnosis abilities just because, idk, his obsession developing into the desire to control or pry into your most intimate of parts has been hitting different lately
-I mean, just. Right off the bat could you even imagine dating Vox for a while but being too shy to sleep with him yet and one day he decides he's "helping you" by completely overriding your free will and you're trapped in your own head watching and feeling as you lie on your back as he does whatever he wants. He treats it all intimate and special and it makes you wanna throw up meanwhile he's talking about, how like, 'oh, he was just helping you because you're so anxious, you two shared an intimate moment, he's never been so close to anyone before--'
- sorry, I've just been on soulmate shit so hard lately, so: soulmate Vox with a computer/smartphone/tech Reader and he's just incredibly um "emboldened" by the fact that "you guys match", and the whole, "belonging together" thing. You're his soulmate, and you guys should be sharing everything, right? :) what's your social media? Let him see your friends lists. You don't mind if the hacking stuff also extends to technology stuff outside of your control like peeping at your private DMs right? Oh, do you have the ability to connect your phone with yourself, or other devices with yourself? Better be careful leaving your wifi signal open; he just might jump into it
-Vox installing a virus inside you that tracks your location and things like your heartbeat, oxygen levels, and the current overall state of your body and all its parts. He's basically constantly looking at your... your fucking Sims stats. Are you hungry, tired, horny?
-I mean. When you really consider the possibility of "Reader/Vox are tech and certain human attributes can now be physically altered or modified", that can be both cool and horrifying in of itself. It could really be taken to extremes. Vox doing something to upset you and forcing you to forget about it by hacking into and deleting your actual fucking memories. Deletes memories of friends he doesn't want you hanging out with. Deletes memories of anyone he doesn't like you liking or admiring. Vox trying to forcibly install programs inside of you that can control or influence your personality
-been thinking about how Vox is from the 50s and has electrical powers and how he could in theory personally give you electro shock therapy or could be in favor of having it done to you professionally. If you're a robot like him, he could basically, EMP you and knock you out if he thinks you're "getting hysterical". I just often have ideas about how him and Alastor are from time periods where they threw people into hospitals or medicated people to control them to some real extreme degrees and methods and how this environment might manifest in their behaviors, actions, and opinions
-like me the idea of, you're already in a consensual relationship with him but you're still a little shy but, like, you're happy with him, but, he's so, You Know, that he decides that he just HAS to know more about you and hacks into you or does horrible shit anyways. Plugs into you while you're sleeping to look at your memories or even thoughts if he's worried you're hiding something from him, or even kind of worse, he just. Wants to know everything about you and what's inside your head, including all sorts of menial questions and wanting to know any sorts of habits or preferences or favorite things you have. He's juat utmost violating your body in genuinely the worst possible way by getting inside your actual mind and looking at whatever he wants and it's ranging from, he wants to see why you've seemed kind of anxious lately, to, he wants to know the best way to propose to you, to, he wants to make sure you're not cheating on him (without even the slightest clue to hint you are, he's just genuinely possessive and paranoid), to... wanting to know your favorite foods, colors, what shows do you watch clothes you like: it either becomes a slippery slope of him escalating how invasive he is Or he's just immediately feeling entitled to know everything from the get go
-so I personally don't have any experience in this sort of thing but apparently it can be a pretty big thing between couples that some people REALLY Do Not Like their partners watching porn and I can't help but think of, Reader who is either a new consensual partner/soulmate of Vox or a reluctant one and he's, insulted to find out you've been jacking it to like other people rather than sleeping with him. I'm talking "he's going through your search history" levels of creeping on you about this. He won't stop until he knows Every Single Fetish You Have and he'll use that knowledge against you, either to seduce you or just kind of shame you for not coming to him. Maybe there's even kinks you have he doesn't agree with so now he's like, violating your privacy AND judging you for things you aren't even public about
-you don't even have to be a robot and he has his hypnosis powers so... I also think about... Vox who forces his darling to calm down because you're not "cooperating" aka letting him/whomever else touch you, whether it's him forcing you to also put up with Val, or you're with Vox and Alastor, just Vox being able to completely rob your control of any situation, even nonsexual ones, forcing you to cuddle or try on certain clothes or answer certain questions. He's a greedy insecure egomaniac who's convinced he can buy/force your love no matter what as long as he keeps trying and obsessively finding out every single thing about you. He's pathetic. He's the kinda guy where if he's spying through his drones and catches you with another guy it upsets him so bad he's crying and stalking the dude's entire social media, finding out his name, his address, vowing to ruin his life, sobbing as he screams 'why don't you love me' kind of shit, but, to your face he'll try and be the perfect businessman to sell the image of the ideal partner and eventually husband
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Stardew Valley Bachelors playing Overcooked with the farmer
I played overcooked with my brother today and it gave me this idea. It’s a bit niche but who cares? I don’t ✨
-will scream the entire time
-starts off chill, grows more and more stressed the longer you play
-has no fucking plan whatsoever, don’t even try to explain a plan to him
-just go with the flow with him… it is all chaos anyway
-overall not the best at the game, but he is the most fun to play with out of all 6 bachelors
-he is the opposite of Sam…maybe not entirely
-so he’s really strategic
-will scream the entire time as well (don’t take it personally, he’s s just very passionate about it)
-he’s the grumpy dark cat lol
-loves the very hard levels with the changing kitchens because then he can plan out how you go about it entirely. As I said, he’s a very passionate gamer
-you’ll play the levels over and over again till you have 3 stars…so buckle up 😼
-the last time he played any video game was when he was a child and had a Nintendo 64 🤷🏼‍♀️
-sooo,,,he’s really not good 😭
-he is a well-tempered person, but OH BROTHER
-run for the hills when he loses at video games
-such a sore loser, he’s so eager to beat the levels but he isn’t that good at coordinating his character which puts him in a very rarely-seen temper tantrum
-“WHAT THE?! I DID THE THING SO WHY ISN’T HE DOING WHAT I WANT FOR FUCK’S SAKE !?” (He never says ‘fuck’, so it means he is MAD ANGRY)
-he’s the squirrel with the nice moustache…you know why 😘
-he’s not really the gamer type, soooo he has no clue what he’s doing
-but surprisingly, he is not too bad
-in fact, he gets the hang of it really fast for a guy who never plays video games
-not related to the game, but he loves it when you sit in his lap while playing 🥰 he likes having you close
-since there isn’t one character that really looks like him, he’s taking the narwhal or some other sea creature,,, he just thinks they are neat 🤷🏼‍♀️
-will be so proud of you when you manage to beat a level with 3 stars
-“we make such a great team, right y/n? 😄”
-old-school gamer, baby
-like Harvey, he started his gaming career with Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis, but he never stopped and it became one of his main hobbies
-is a sore loser as well, so he’ll complain about fucking up…A LOT
-stress snacker. If you have snacks on the table, he’ll grab in the bowl and eat them all while you’re playing
-when you win a level, he’ll be way too enthusiastic…I’m talking giving you an aggressive kiss on either the lips or cheeks and being like “WOOOOHOOO WE FUCKING RULE THIS BITCH”
-plays as either the eagle or the calico cat. If there was a chicken, he’d be that lol
-he’s one of the younger bachelors, but video games? It’s not his forté
-he was the kind of kid to play outside, he was rarely in his room doing something…so he isn’t that good 😅
-he is like your grandma who just got her first smartphone
-he doesn’t really get anything and is really just bumming about, so you carry the both of you to at least 2 stars
-he’s very competitive though; so he’ll still try to be good for you (and his ego)
-he sucks ASS sorry baby boy 😭🥹
-his favourite character is the guy with sunglasses 😎 because he looks like him
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silent-raven13 · 1 year
Where did you get that tattoo, luv?
Hobie relaxed on his bed playing his guitar enjoying making a song for his band. When his best friends, Karl and Riri aren't fighting nazis, and fascist assholes, they go to their underground concerts. It's the best way to fully enjoy the "punk" experience. Whatever that means? It's the best way to enjoy freedom and expression from this bullshit world.
Then his Spicer Society Smartphone ding, he took the specially made phone t to look at it. There's a message from Gwen.
Spder So-City Messages
Gwendy: Hey, you wanna hang out with me and Pav?
Hobs: Sure. What are we gonna do?
Gwendy: Hmm 🤔 Not sure! I'm thinking we can hang out in my world then maybe meet up with Miles... if he's not busy.
Hobie: Oh! I need to check up on him.
Gwendy: Alright. Ask him if he's down to hang out later!
Hobie quickly went on his contacts seeing the first person to pop up, his Sunflower.
Hobie: Hello, luv. Wyd?"
Sunflower💖: Heyy bae!
Sunflower💖: I'm spending the day with Ganke, we're going to Anime Con! ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )◞ • *✰
Hobie pouts, his jealousy is getting the best of hi again. It's not that he has an issue with Ganke, the problem is everyone thinks those two are a couple instead of HIM and Miles. It's always bother him when he sees those two together and random people make positive comments about them.
Oh, you two look so cute together.
OMG, ya'll make a perfect pair.
Awe, ya'll so fierce together!
Can I say ya'll look so gooood together!
There's no words to express how upset Hobie gets when he hears their fucking comments. It's annoying, bothersome, and- DAMN, his jealous couldn't handle it.
What's worst, when he bud in those conversation, the random person would look in shock for the moment. They seem a bit disappointed to find out Miles isn't dating Ganke! What. The. Fuck!
It seems that Miles' best friend is more liked, because he's a handsome fellow. Hobie never felt insecure about his looks before, nor did he care about how others see him, but seeing the love of his life being praised with another man just boils his blood.
For now, he wants his Miles to enjoy themselves.
Hobie: Alright, luv. Have fun 💖 Later, do you want to hang out with me, and the gang?🥹
Sunflower💖: Sure! ☺️ How does 7pm works?
Hobie: Perfect! 🥰
Sunflower💖: Love u! 😘
Hobie: 🥰 Luv u 2!
Hobie left it at that, he got up from the bed to change. When he went to Gwen's world to hang out with her and Pav, he saw them busy on their Smartphone. "Hey, Hobs! Glad you can make it! What's the word with Miles?" Gwen asked being happy to see her punker friend.
"He's free around 7pm. So, what's the plan?" Hobie asked, having one hand in his jeans.
The three were wearing their Spidey suit underneath their basic clothing. Luckily for Gwen, her spider-woman suit is mostly black around her legs, so she wears a casual shirt and jacket with her blue converse. It's an easy fit for her. Hobie always dressed in his punk outfits entwine with his spider-man suit. For Pav, he wore a colorful pink overalls having one strap unlatched for the asymmetrical look and underneath is bright yellow long sleeve shirt.
"I'm thinking we try the escape room! Then, maybe go look at this Hello Kitty store Pav been wanting to go and try this vegan burrito place. They use walnut meat and cashew sour cream!" Gwen explained the plan.
"Hello Kitty?" Hobie asked, looking at Pav.
"She's cute! And i was hoping to look at their designs of Cinnamoroll! In my world, that cute bunny has gold and white colors!" Pav explained.
"Have you ask Miles if he's down to hang out later?" Gwen asked Hobie.
"Yeah, he's busy with Ganke..." He grunts with a slight eyeroll.
The two glanced at each other knowing Hobie is jealous of Ganke for being closed with Miles. Not only that, when Miles was single, he and Ganke would always pretended to be boyfriends to avoid any strangers from asking them out.
They got so used to it they forget they're friends at times. One time, Miles kissed Ganke at a party so casually and his friend wasn't shock instead he wrapped his arm around Miles' waist like it they were a couple. Talk about being super platonic with your best friend. What was worst? Hobie was at that party watching the whole thing, granted he wasn't with Miles, but that didn't stop him from being upset about it. The poor punker got so drunk, he broke down in tear in front of Gwen and Pav. It was an emotional roller coaster!
"Oh they went to that Anime convention? I think I saw a photo of them dressing up together." Pav took out his Smartphone to look through his Spder So-City app to find the picture, "I think they were doing One Piece this time!"
"Right, I remember last year they did Boku no Hero Academia." Gwen said out loud, "Miles was this green guy called... Dino?"
"Deku." Pav corrected. "And Ganke dressed up Eraser Head."
"Who?" Gwen asked, "Sorry, I don't know much on this stuff... only Sailor Moon!"
"Really? I thought you watch anime!" Pav spoke out loud being confused. "You were saying yes to Miles when he brings up certain episodes!"
"I lied... I forget about the shows he mentions. He watches so much with Ganke, and he recommends anime shows with hundred plus episodes! I can only handle twelve episodes!"
"But Sailor Moon has a lot of episodes?"
"Okay, I watch Sailor Moon as a kid, and some episodes here and there. I didn't see the whole thing." Gwen gave a sheepish grin at Pav.
"YOU MEAN TO TELL ME I'M THE ONLY ONE WATCHING WHAT MILES RECOMMENDED?" The wavy haired nineteen year old shouted out while having his smartphone in his hand.
"Yyyu-uh-up!" The blond twenty year old nodded with a weak smile.
"I don't even know any of this stuff you mates are talking about. I know, One Piece, Samurai Champloo, and Demon Slayer..."
"It's because you go to his place and sees him watching those?" Pav asked having to eye on his punker friend. Hobie never seems to like watching television during his free time, so he would watch with whoever is watching.
"Yea, Sunflower always watch the telly." He answered, "At first, I didn't care about One Piece, and got a bit confused about it- but after a few episodes I get it."
"Anime." Pav corrected, "You don't want the fans to curse you out! And it is the best! In my world, the anime is a bit different, but the color schemes!" He check his phone, "Oh, Miles is Zoro and Ganke is Luffy."
He shows them the photo of Miles in a the first Zoro outfit with the bandana tied on his upper left arm, and holding three fake swords. Then Ganke dressed up as Luffy's outfit with a painted red X on his fitted chest.
"Damn, Ganke got jacked up!" Gwen's eyes widen, she didn't remember Miles' friend to be so muscular.
Hobie's eyes were fixated on how Miles and Ganke were giving a big side hug, with their smiles on their faces. It bothers him. The description on Miles' photo said 'My Captain! 🫡' Did Miles really had to write that?
"Dude, I know. I never thought his friend would be sooo.... hot?" Pav admits, then cover his mouth slowly turning an annoyed Hobie, "Sorry, Hobie. I didn't mean it like that!" Then his brown eyes went back on screen looking at Ganke's abs.
"Pav, your drooling..." Gwen giggles having to nudge her friend's sides. "Careful before Gayatri finds out your window shopping."
"No, I was just admiring his straw hat!" Pav hides his blush.
"Let's go." The punker mutters having to kicking a random can from the roof. The other two stood quiet having to bite their tongue from their jealous punker. It's not good when he get one of those moods.
So when they spend their times hanging out in Gwen's world, Hobie was mostly being gloomy, or stare off to distance. During the escape room, Hobie was busy on his smartphone looking at photos of his Sunflower with Ganke.
One photo of them taking a pose with other people, which wasn't too bad. But the next slide was a video of Miles recording himself with Ganke behind him sticking his tongue out.
"At Anime NYC!" Miles said making a peace sign while walking with Ganke.
"Oh my gawd, can we get a photo you two looks so good together!" A young woman cosplay as Kiki from Kiki Delivery Service, then another groups dressed up as Naruto characters, and Attack on Titan cosplayers and so on.
"OMG are you two a couple!"
"Yeah, you two look so perfect as ZoLu!"
"Yeah! You guys look so cute together!"
Hobie's spider-man strength crack his Smart-phone screen being too damn jealous. "Grr..." He growls lowly as he watch his boyfriend nervously laughing it off while Ganke arms around his neck. The disrespect!
"Uhhh, Hobs... you can't use your phone in here." Gwen said slowly seeing the punker not caring about the rules.
Pav being busy solving a puzzle, "Gwen! Hobie! Help me! I'm so confused with this family tree! Jessica's is the step-mother of the granddaughter Sally and twin of Martha, but-but who is she to John, the owner of the house!" He got all panicked and confused by this difficult puzzle.
"Hobie, come on! We're supposed to have fun." Gwen said with a sigh, "Are you really getting jealous over Ganke, again?" She went to help Pav with the puzzle.
Hobie scowls shoving his phone back in his pocket, "Gwendy, you don't understand! They get too close." He quickly solve the puzzle, "And Johnie boy is Jessica's uncle! Why is it everyone sees them as a couple, but if it's me? They look surprised!" A random door open having Pav to go in to solve the next puzzle.
"Well, it's because you and Miles are different from styles and personalities!" Pav pointed out, "Look at you being tall, wearing all black and spikes. Then you got sunshine Miles wearing Jordans and gym wear looking like athlete. Ganke dresses like him or a bit preppy, but they fit together."
"And they are comfortable being with each other, they dorm together four like four years." Gwen pointed out. "Make sense they are so used to each other." Gwen was able to solve the puzzle in the other room along with Pav.
Hobie growls lowly, "And what about me? I know, him the same amount of time. Yet, people look at us as if we're just friends! It's fucking annoying!" Then his phone ding when Miles Spder So-City gets a new post. He was about to check when Gwen stops him.
"Dude, can we finish this first then you can be on your phone?
Hobie sighs, leaving his phone in his pocket. "Fine." Gwen and Pav tries to make his mood as they finished up the escape room. They ended up winning with five minutes left.
After the game, they went to the Hello Kitty store Pav wanted to go, and he ended up buying a big Cinnamoroll. Hobie was on his phone looking at pictures of Miles and Ganke eating ramen and sushi, then photos of them sharing each other food from their chopsticks.
The next slide it was a quick video.
"How does that taste?" Miles asked letting Ganke take a bite of his sushi from his chopsticks.
"It's good. Wanna try my ramen?" Ganke fed his best friend with his spoon filled with ramen .
"Sure!" Miles took the spoon in his mouth and smiles, "Mmm, so good." He happily eats, "I should've order that."
"Wanna switch?"
"Sure! You liked my sushi more, huh?"
"Yeah." Ganke chuckles as they switch their foods. The people in the background awed at them being cute.
Even the waiter said, "You guys are so cute being together. I'm rooting for your relationship!" The two only look at her with an awkward smile.
Hobie bites his bottom lip being very upset. "Count to ten, Hobie. It's just them enjoying themselves to eat." Pav peaks, "That's cute they share their food." He hugs his big stuffed Cinnamoroll being overjoy with his purchased.
"Sharing food from each other spoons and chopsticks is normal with best friends?" Hobie snapped at Pav already annoyed.
"Hobies, chill. Just talk to Miles about how you don't like how touchy feeling him and Ganke are." Gwen said having to pat her wavy haired friend, "Don't take it out on us, sheesh."
"Sorry, mate." Hobie said to Pav, he shoves his phone back into his pocket, "I'm just on edge."
"Hobie, it's okay. I know how much you care about Miles." Pav smiles at him not being bothered by Hobie's attitude. The three continue their hang out until it was time to meet up with Miles.
They were inside the Vegan burger joint since Gwen wanted to try it. Hobie's eyes on the main entrance, then Miles came in wearing a different outfit. His dark eyes soften when his Sunflower smiles at him, then he noticed a bandage on his left arm.
"Hey bae!" Miles went up to his boyfriend to kiss him.
"Luv, what happen to you?" Hobie asked being concerned by his arm then noticed something, "You got another tattoo?"
"Yeah, I did! You didn't see my So-City post?" His boyfriend saw Gwen and Pav, "Hey guys, sorry I'm late. I had to change out of my costume and take Ganke home."
"Luv, when did you get a tattoo?" Hobie asked being a bit surprised.
Miles smiles happily, "Me and Ganke got matching tattoos together. It's our friendship anniversary today, so we wanted to do something together!" Unaware of the dark jealous look from Hobie.
"What? No way, what kind did you two get?" Pav asked being in shock.
"Matching tattoos? Isn't that what couples do? Ain't that a curse?" Gwen glanced over seeing Hobie quiet.
Miles explained, "A lot of people get tattoos with their close friends. Me and Ganke been wanting to get one since he got his first tattoo! So we thought long and hard, and realized we're both One Piece nerds. So we got an X as a symbol of our friendship and loyalty for each other!" His honey-brown eyes soften being so happy, "He's my best friend."
"Awe, that's so cute." The wavy haired teenager puts his hands on his cheeks being so awestruck.
Hobie stood quiet before he decided to walk away. "Bae, where you going?" Hearing Miles' voice.
"I'm gonna take a smoke break." He mutters lowly.
"Let me come with you-" Hobie stops him, "No, Miles. I want to go alone." He walk outside of the restaurant.
Miles frowns hearing his boyfriend sounding upset. "What's wrong with him?" He asked his other two friends.
Hobie inhale his cigarette feeling the nasty bitter tar taste dragging on his tastebuds. Been awhile since he smoke, he rarely smoke cigarettes these days since he got with Miles. He sighs feeling like a fool for getting so worked over his boyfriend's tattoo. Why does he feel so challenged with Ganke?
He hear the front door opening, "I told you I want to be alone, Sunflower." He finally said, hearing his boyfriend's footsteps.
"Gwen and Pav told me you were upset about me spending the day with Ganke." Miles went up to him, his arms wrapping around Hobie's left arm trying to comfort him. "Baby, do you hate it when I'm with him?"
"I dunno." He mutters.
"But you got so upset when I mentioned I got a tattoo with him! Hobie, me and Ganke are just friends!"
"Friends who hug each other all the time? Friends, who share chopsticks and food? Friends who get matching tattoos?" Hobie snapped then stops himself when he saw his boyfriend's eyes widen at him. "Sorry, luv... I am. That's why I wanted to be alone."
"Hobie, me and Ganke are friends! A lot of people are close with their friends. We just vibe that way."
"Sunflower, I know you and him are friends, but I get jealous over it. I think it's because he's better for you." Hobie sighs being upset, "I'm just a bloke with-" Miles grab his face to kiss him, Hobie's dark eyes widen from shock as he felt his Sunflower's kiss him so passionately.
When Miles pull away his tongue slip out of Hobie's mouth, then he gave a hard bite on his partner's bottom lip. The punker winced from the sudden bite his partner made, he blinks when his boyfriend glared at him. "I hate when you talk so badly about yourself. I love you, Hobie. Me and Ganke are just friends nothing more, man. Tsk, you're acting stupid, but you're my jealous stupid man!" He kisses Hobie again to comfort those bottom bite lip.
His boyfriend pulls the nineteen year old into a deeper kiss. "Luv," Hobie pulls away, "I still wish you asked me about having a tattoo. I'm jealous you two have matching tattoos."
"Huh! But I got two tattoos about you, baby!" Miles puff his cheeks.
Hobie kisses his boyfriend this time with more hunger, more need that made Miles' face heated. The punker's larger hands cupping his little Sunflower as they tongue kissed. He mutter lowly, "I don't like sharing you, luv."
"Hmm," Miles pinches his boyfriend's cheek making him winced again, "You ruined the kiss by being too possessive, mi amor. You still have a lot to learn about controlling your jealousy! It's cute when you kiss me like this but you putting yourself down is pissing me off."
"Luv, you love it when I'm like this." Hobie chuckles.
"Hmph, you got mad over a tattoo. I'm not removing it and Ganke is my best friend. You're gonna have to learn!" Miles huffed, "Over a simple tatt-" Hobie kisses him again, "I like it when your like this."
"Dummy!" Miles frowns, playfully hitting his boyfriend's shoulder, "You always gotta be the jealous type." Hobie picks him up with a smile on his face making him blush, "See I like this, but not when you're trying to get delusional about me and Ganke. It's weird, man. It's like me getting jealous over you and Karl. You don't see me going on my phone checking where you're at all the time?" He puff his cheeks again being annoyed.
"You're cute when you're mad at me, Sunflower." He leans over to nose rub his boyfriend's nose, then picks him up letting Miles' legs wrap around his waist. "I would it if we get matching tattoos."
"No," Miles huffs, "Those are curses. I rather let you give me a tongue piercing."
"That can be arrange. I always wanted you to get one." Hobie purrs in his boyfriend's ear, "You'll look sexy with it."
"Bad! I'm already sexy, bae." Miles pinches his cheeks again, "Always ruining the moment!" He playfully smirk on his face. "You play too much."
"I want your attention. You left me all alone today, luv."
"I need you, my darling!"
"You're so clingy! Now put me down."
"No!" Hobie carries his boyfriend back inside the restaurant, "This is payback for leaving me."
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nrdmssgs · 9 months
😿Please-please dont leave Riot sad and desperate. I want a happy ending please. 😿
Ok, here's happy mischievous Riot for you, love!
Part 1 Masterlist Fluff
Summary: Christine 'Riot' Vega (belongs to @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot) has a little vacation and Nikolai and Olga 'Zhar' Samoilova show her St. Petersburg.
"Nik, for God’s sake, let go of the poor thing! Get yourself a child and pack them in a thousand layers of clothes!" Olga sighs impatiently, propping her back against the front door.
"I'm not torturing her - just making sure, my little ray of sunshine doesn't catch cold." Nikolai and Christine grin at each other, while he wraps a scarf around her, so that it covers half of her face. "Besides, sokrovishe moye*, you want me to switch to 'getting a kid' routine right now or you're willing to wait till the evening?"
If a gaze could burn through flesh - Nik would already be on fire. It seemed, that every TF Lieutenant, even a former one, got their very own signature death stare. But the overall mood in the room was still jolly, and Christines happy laughter was the best acknowledgement to it.
She was smiling widely ever since Olga calmed her down, Nikolai came back from a meeting and promised Riot, that he'll make his second in command take a day off and spend it with them. Even on the next morning, she looked like a little lantern, lighting up the surrounding space.
On their way to café, Riot planned and executed a full 'drop your friends into a snow pile' operation.
"Captain should have seen this - I could get a raise!" She laughed, while Olga fought her way back on the solid ground and Nikolai held her firmly, not letting her away.
"Stop fighting, feisty thing. Just relax and I'll lift you myself." Nikolai whispered, pressing Zhar closer and ignoring her fruitless attempts to escape.
"You rascal. A scoundrel. Bribed my friend to do that, didn't you?" Every Olgas next phrase was interrupted by a kiss until she gave up and kissed him back.
Riots grin radiated from under the scarf, when Nikolai lifted Zhar and finally let her go.
"You two look, like you're planning some world-class heist!" Christine checked, how her friends came out on a photo she took.
"I look like an absolute sweetheart," Nikolai leaned closer to Riot and took a peak at her smartphone "It's my love, who looks like a predator on a hunt every time, she reads the dessert card."
"Christine, how much would you miss this man if-"
"If you two went on a date this evening? I won't miss him at all. Nik? No, never heard of him. Won't miss this lucky bastard at all."
Olga raised her eyes to her friend and sighed. "I was going to ask your permission to strangle Nikolai alive, but... ok, date it is, I guess."
Nik tried to make some commentary about holding the strangling part till they are back home, but Zhars fingers clasped to his shoulder so strong - they became white.
"Ok-ok, before you kill the poor guy - tell me one thing!" Christine smiled enigmatically and tilted her head slightly. "There's one detail about you, nobody from the TF could describe to me. That being, how come you never talked to each other for years of working together before that notorious operation?"
Olga looked lost, as if she tried to form an answer, but couldn't find the right words. Nikolai on the contrary was relaxed and happy and went back to hugging her.
"Well, we actually talked. Twice even. It just never went that well." Zhar broke the silence.
"Whoa, you made jokes about each other? Or shared some memories from Russia? Or straight started a fight?" Riot had so many scenarios in her head, it was a pity, none of them were close to reality.
"No, I. Well, the first one was my bloop, to be honest. But she got me scared!" It was funny to hear, that anyone could frighten Nikolai, but he went on. "I stumbled upon her in the middle of the night, and she pointed the gun at me, little crazy thing! I was lost, so I... I congratulated her with the Chekist day. It was a first thing, that I remembered!"
"Wait, Chekist as the 'Cheka' soviet secret police?... That controlled the society and executed many innocents? Nik, I love you, but were you out of your mind?"
"He was, Christine." Olga nodded eagerly. "And I didn't point my gun at him - he walked on me in the armory, where I cleaned it! I even have a witness - Ghost was there!"
"Oh yes, I forgot, that I got not one, but two side eyes! Very nice of you, guys! Super-friendly, not intimidating at all!" Nikolai moved closer to Riot just in case.
Zhar squinted her eyes unkindly and took a sip of coffee, letting Nik continue his story.
"The second time was purely her fault. I did nothing wrong, I swear!" Nikolai tried to hide behind Riots shoulders, but it wasn't that easy, considering, how much taller he was, even when seated.
"My fault?!" Zhar made another sip and closed her eyes for a moment. "My best friend came back from the mission, we all went to the pub, where this happy face already was..." She glanced at Nikolai. "There, I learn, that Nik dropped my Kyle out of his copter! My friend could have died. It was only natural-"
"It was only natural for you to wait till I go out, pin me to the wall and threaten me?" Nikolai still tried to hide behind Riots chair.
"I explained, what will happen to you, if it ever happens again. And don't play on Christine's nerves as if you are not a full head taller than me. You could push me away at any moment."
"Na-a-a-ah, I bet somebody just got horny and froze to remember every single moment." Riot chuckled, looking back at Nik.
"Horny? Solnushko*, I got terrified! She reeked of beer - this little trouble could have done anything and I couldn't fight back!" Nikolai pouted.
"Just for the record: I reeked of beer because MacTavish couldn't keep his hands still, and his glass of beer ended up on my jeans."
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't check, how wet your pants were every time we had an encounter. How ungentlemanly of me. The next time you decide to pin-"
"The next time, I'm taking a bloody rope. And a gag..." Olga stood up and disappeared into the depths of the café.
Riot bent and was now suffocating of laughter. Nikolai patted her back softly.
"There's no way, I can make you not tell this story to others, isn't it?" he asked, half predicting her answer.
Riot couldn't master a single word, so she just shook her head.
"Well, at least, looks like I'll have the best date ever thanks to you." He took the menu. "Now, how about we pick you something sweet? This chocolate Ferrero cake looks nice, mm?"
sokrovishe moye - my treasure
Solnushko - sunshine
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Fannish Fun with the Instax Mini Evo
So, a major selling point for the Instax Mini Evo camera is its ability to print pictures taken with a smartphone via an app (and bluetooth). In reality, you can, of course, send ANY picture saved on your phone, how would the camera even gatekeep that, a file's a file. And the mini film comes in many fun frame designs.
You can see where this is going, right?
@dirtyzucchini and I spent a very entertaining hour just now printing various Due South/actor pictures and trying to figure out which adjustments to make (brightness, saturation, etc.) to the images with the app (it has very rudimentary photo editing capabilities) prior to printing, to get the best results.
I call it the "Reference Callum". It's a set of 3. Auto filter for a crisper overall image plus manual brightness adjustment, because the auto function tends towards overcompensating that aspect and needs to be dialed back a little in some (not all, mind you, it's a judgement call) cases.
A while back I experimented with failed prints of my own photographs and hand-sewed them onto water colour paper in decorative stiching (I had to pre-punch the prints with a bodkin type thingie).
We have a jar full of assorted red and green buttons. And what feels like metric tons of scrapbooking supplies...
So, eventually, there will be a mixed media collage of red ships and green ships. Gut Ding will Weile haben.
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scrunkore · 9 months
Scrunkore Media "Thread" 2023: Part 6
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the scrunko core has burned out, rebooting
63) Cassette Beasts (PC, 2023)
This is a really cool monster tamer RPG, it came up with a really fun type interaction system and there are are excellent designs in it especially with the eldritch-style bosses, that's super fun. Big fan of the setting and its unique vibe too, if you've played the game you'll know what I mean about that. Great indie I enjoyed my time with, though the romance feels tacked on and I thought the ending was just Fine. [4★]
64) Doctor Who, Series 6-10 (TV, 2011-2017)
Moffat's entire tenure with the greatest TV show in Britain, knocked out within the year, and honestly I think it was quite good. Plenty of flaws, like his messy ambitions, how weird he is about women sometimes, and how some episodes just genuinely fucking suck, but you get that with every era of the show really. The highs are damn high, especially with Capaldi's Doctor in episodes like Heaven Sent and The Doctor Falls, and I think that's enough to outweigh the bad. And I feel like series 10 in particular is often overlooked more than it should be, pretty strong one that is. No rating, but I love Doctor Who when it's good.
65) Mad Rat Dead (Switch, 2020)
MAD RAT MONDAY!!!! I played this game because of the soundtrack, which totally bangs and of course you need that in a rhythm game like this one. Fun one it is too, it has options to make it less challenging and the story is unexpectedly pretty cool. I'm not very good at it, but I beat it and I had a fun time doing so. Rats rule. [4★]
66) Doctor Who: The Lonely Assassins (Switch, 2021)
This is apparently the only good Doctor Who game still officially playable, and yeah, I can see it. Immersing yourself in a mystery contained within a smartphone featuring an iconic monster and fun appearances from existing characters is pretty cool, though it can be kinda janky and there's not that much to it in the end. Certainly an alright experience though. [3★]
67) F-Zero 99 (Switch, 2023)
My only experience with F-Zero so far, the surprise announcement that jumpscared fans of the series before turning out to be a battle royale type game that's actually... kinda good? Chaotic fun with decently engaging gameplay, it's something you pick up and play for a bit before doing something else but don't play for hours once the honeymoon phase wears off. Sure helps add something to NSO, sure hope it doesn't get taken down in a year. [3.5★]
68) Sonic Superstars (PC, 2023)
A good new Sonic game! From Sonic Team! The series really has been popping off lately, and though some people complained about this one, I genuinely think it stands at least close to the classic titles it's following up from. Levels are fun and creative with the only real bullshit being in the optional postgame (which does kind of suck if you're not good), and though the soundtrack has plenty of duds it's still pretty decent overall. Cool cast of playable characters too, and it's great seeing Fang come back, with the new character Trip also being a fun addition. I don't think this is peak Sonic, but for me it was a good time that I enjoyed for the most part. [4★]
69) Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch, 2023)
Oh 2D Mario is so fucking back, this takes the formula that the "New" series was running with and gives it a super aggressive shake-up and an injection of creativity that it really needed. It has a really nice visual look, actually cool level design that is great to run through, fun powers, and a large roster of playable characters including Daisy finally. Not to mention it sounds good, the music is a great important part of it and the talking flowers in every level are honestly just fun. One of the best platformers on Switch right now, I like it more than Odyssey honestly. [5★]
70) Shaun the Sheep: Farmageddon (Movie, 2019)
Bit of a silly watch this was, but in all honesty I'll always be a fan of Aardman's work and this is a pretty fun movie that all ages can enjoy whether they like Shaun the Sheep or not. It's animated as well as you'd expect, does some cute stuff, and honestly I kinda like the music in it too. Just a funny little adventure with that silly sheep and his weird cute alien friend. [3.5★]
71) Suika Game (Switch, 2023)
Suika Game.
72) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe: Booster Course Pass (Switch DLC, 2022-2023)
Dropping a two-year DLC that doubles the track list and adds a bunch of new characters and balance updates to a Mario Kart game we thought was over was a fucking wild thing to do, but Nintendo did it and honestly it worked out quite well. Sure, it's clearly all Tour ports and a lot of them don't look too hot, but for the sheer quantity of it I don't think I can complain too much. They even chose pretty good tracks for the most part, with only a few favourites being left out that I can only assume will be remade in the next game and therefore end up better than ever. I think the game is actually done now, and I think it's probably the best Mario Kart at this point. Not bad at all. [4★]
73) PLUTO (Anime, 2023)
An anime that took ages to get made, and it shows all the polish that much time of production should have you expect (perhaps too much polish with all those unnecessary digital effects). It's a pretty complete adaptation of a much-praised manga about war, robots and consciousness, some strong science fiction with quite good writing based on an old arc from Tezuka's Astro Boy manga. It's pretty tragic how things turn out for most of the characters, but it's so good how it goes about things, and I think it was worth the wait. One of the best Netflix-distributed anime, I'd say. [4.5★]
74) Super Mario RPG (Switch, 2023)
Geno fans have not shut up for years, so how does his game hold up now that it's been polished up into HD? Not bad, honestly. It's a solid RPG experience with simple yet engaging battle gameplay that laid the foundations for other Mario RPG titles to come, and now it's all shiny and stuff. It's a fun journey through a whimsical Mario setting with the quirks you'd come to expect, apparently a pretty faithful remake with only a few new additions and script edits that it sort of needed. I don't think this game is really that special in 2023, but I liked it plenty. Funny that Geno is barely a character though. [4★]
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orangameelectronics · 3 hours
When it comes to power banks, the material they are made of plays a crucial role in their durability and performance. One of the best materials for power banks is aluminum alloy. This material is known for its lightweight yet sturdy properties, making it ideal for portable devices like power banks.
Aluminum alloy is not only durable but also resistant to corrosion, which means your power bank will last longer and withstand everyday wear and tear. Additionally, aluminum alloy has excellent heat dissipation properties, ensuring that your power bank stays cool even during long charging sessions.
Overall, choosing a power bank made of aluminum alloy is a smart choice if you want a reliable and long-lasting device that can keep up with your on-the-go lifestyle.
# Cell type: 10000mAh 1260110*1
The cell type of a power bank is a crucial factor to consider when looking for a reliable and efficient device. The 10000mAh 1260110*1 cell type is a popular choice for power banks due to its high capacity and long-lasting performance. With a capacity of 10000mAh, this cell type can provide multiple charges for your devices, keeping you powered up throughout the day.
The 1260110*1 cell type is known for its stability and reliability, ensuring that your devices are charged safely and efficiently. Whether you're using it to charge your mobile phone, tablet, camera, or other devices, this cell type will deliver consistent power without any hiccups.
# Features
## Three Sets of Equipment, Simultaneous Charging
One of the standout features of this power bank is its ability to charge three sets of equipment simultaneously. This means that you can charge multiple devices at once, making it convenient for sharing power with friends or family. Whether you need to charge your smartphone, tablet, and camera all at the same time, this power bank has you covered.
The simultaneous charging feature ensures that you can keep all your devices powered up without having to wait for one to finish charging before moving on to the next. This makes it a versatile and efficient charging solution for those who rely on multiple devices throughout the day.
Overall, the ability to charge three sets of equipment simultaneously makes this power bank a convenient and essential accessory for anyone who needs to keep their devices charged on the go.
## Strong Light Double LED Flashlight
Another standout feature of this power bank is its strong light double LED flashlight. This feature comes in handy in low-light conditions or emergency situations when you need some extra light. Whether you're camping, hiking, or just need some illumination at night, this power bank has you covered with its powerful LED flashlight.
The double LED flashlight provides bright and reliable light, ensuring that you can see clearly in the dark and stay safe in any situation. This feature adds functionality and versatility to the power bank, making it a useful accessory for outdoor activities or everyday use.
Overall, the strong light double LED flashlight feature makes this power bank a practical and reliable tool for staying powered up and illuminated wherever you go.
## Fast Charging Visible Power Display
The fast charging visible power display feature of this power bank offers convenience and functionality for monitoring your charging status. The power display allows you to easily check the remaining power of your power bank, so you know when it's time to recharge. This can be incredibly useful when you're on the go and need to make sure your devices stay charged.
The fast charging feature ensures that your devices are powered up quickly and efficiently, so you're not left waiting for hours to get back to using them. The visible power display makes it easy to keep track of your power bank's status, so you can recharge it when needed and stay powered up throughout the day.
Overall, the combination of fast charging and visible power display features makes this power bank a convenient and reliable charging solution for all your devices.
## Three Colors for You to Choose From
Personalization is key when it comes to choosing the right accessories for your devices. This power bank offers three colors for you to choose from, allowing you to pick the one that best suits your style and preferences. Whether you prefer a classic black, sleek silver, or vibrant red, this power bank has a color option for everyone.
The choice of colors adds a touch of personality and customization to your power bank, ensuring that it reflects your individual style and taste. Whether you're using it for work, travel, or everyday use, the color options allow you to express yourself and stand out from the crowd.
Overall, the availability of three colors to choose from makes this power bank a versatile and stylish accessory for all your charging needs.
## 22.5W Super Fast Charging
The 22.5W super fast charging feature of this power bank ensures that your devices are powered up quickly and efficiently, so you're not left waiting for hours to get back to using them. Whether you need to charge your smartphone, tablet, or camera, this power bank delivers fast and reliable charging to keep you powered up on the go.
The super fast charging capability ensures that your devices are charged at optimal speed, so you can get back to using them without any delays. This feature is especially useful when you're in a hurry or need to top up your devices quickly before heading out.
Overall, the 22.5W super fast charging feature makes this power bank a reliable and efficient charging solution for all your devices, ensuring that you stay powered up throughout the day.
## PD Bidirectional Fast Charging
Another standout feature of this power bank is its PD bidirectional fast charging functionality, which allows for fast and reliable charging for your devices. Whether you're charging your smartphone, tablet, or camera, this power bank ensures that your devices are powered up quickly and efficiently.
The bidirectional fast charging capability allows you to charge and store power at the same time, so you can keep your devices powered up without any interruptions. This feature ensures that you can rely on this power bank to keep you connected and powered up throughout the day, no matter where you are.
Overall, the PD bidirectional fast charging functionality of this power bank makes it a versatile and essential accessory for anyone who needs to keep their devices charged and ready to use at all times.
In conclusion, this power bank offers a wide range of features and functions that make it a reliable and efficient charging solution for all your devices. From its durable aluminum alloy construction to its versatile input/output interfaces, LED light and display support, and fast charging capabilities, this power bank has everything you need to stay powered up on the go. Whether you're charging your mobile phone, tablet PC, camera, or other devices, this power bank delivers consistent power and performance to keep you connected and powered up throughout the day. With its three sets of equipment simultaneous charging, strong light double LED flashlight, fast charging visible power display, three color options, 22.5W super fast charging, and PD bidirectional fast charging functionality, this power bank is a versatile and essential accessory for anyone who needs to keep their devices charged and ready to use wherever life takes them.
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megaottiptv4k · 9 days
IPTV: How does IPTV work and who is the best provider
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**Understanding IPTV: Revolutionizing How We Watch TV In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) has emerged as a significant game-changer. Defining traditional broadcast methods, IPTV leverages the versatility of internet technology to deliver a comprehensive TV experience that blends live streaming, on-demand content, and exclusive features.
**What is IPTV?
IPTV stands for Internet Protocol Television. Unlike traditional cable or satellite TV, which transmits content through analog signals, IPTV uses internet protocols to deliver television programming. This method allows for more flexibility, better quality, and an enhanced viewing experience.
**How Does IPTV Work?
IPTV works by sending television programs through a broadband or internet connection. It allows the user to stream continuously, hence eliminating the need for downloading. The overall process can be broken down into three simple steps:
Content Transmission: The broadcaster encodes the content and transmits it over the internet. Fetching: IPTV services fetch the content from the broadcaster to store on servers. Delivery: The viewer requests the content, and the IPTV service delivers it over the internet to the viewer’s device. This three-step system ensures a seamless and efficient content delivery, marking IPTV as superior to traditional broadcast methods.
**Advantages of IPTV:
Vast Content Variety: With IPTV, viewers have access to a myriad of channels from around the world, catering to varied tastes and preferences, from sports and news to entertainment and documentaries. On-Demand Options: One of the most attractive features of IPTV is Video on Demand (VoD). Users can watch their desired programs at their convenience, without adhering to a broadcast schedule. Interactivity: IPTV offers interactive features such as pausing live TV, on-demand streaming, and watching catch-up TV, providing a more dynamic and engaging experience. Superior Quality: Due to digital transmission, the quality of picture and sound in IPTV is typically better than traditional broadcast methods, often supporting HD or even 4K resolution. Device Compatibility: IPTV can be accessed on multiple devices, including smart TVs, smartphones, tablets, and computers, enhancing its accessibility. Popular Applications of IPTV
**Live Television:
Streaming live television channels as they are broadcasted. Time-Shifted Media: Recording and watching television programs after they have been aired. Video On Demand (VoD): Streaming individual movies or TV shows from a catalog. Choosing a Reliable IPTV Service Provider
-When considering IPTV, it’s crucial to select a reliable service provider to ensure a smooth and high-quality viewing experience. Factors to consider include:
_Channel Variety: Ensure the provider offers a wide range of channels that cater to your preferences. _Service Stability: The provider should offer consistent service with minimal downtime. _Customer Support: Opt for providers that have good customer support to address any issues promptly. _Device Compatibility: The IPTV service should be compatible with multiple devices to offer flexibility in viewing.
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Megaott: A Leading Choice for IPTV Subscriptions
One of the best sites to purchase IPTV subscriptions from is Megaott. Known for its comprehensive and customer-centric service, Megaott stands out in the competitive IPTV market. Here are some reasons Megaott is highly recommended:
Extensive Channel List: Megaott offers a broad array of channels, covering genres from sports and movies to news and music, ensuring there’s something for everyone. 1/ High-Quality Streaming: Megaott is committed to providing high-definition streams with minimal buffering, guaranteeing an enjoyable viewing experience. 2/ User-Friendly Interface: The Megaott platform is designed with the user in mind, making it easy to navigate and access your favorite content. 3/ Excellent Customer Support: Megaott’s customer service is responsive and efficient, ready to assist with any inquiries or issues. 4/ Affordable Packages: Megaott offers competitive pricing, with various subscription plans tailored to different budgets and viewing needs. In conclusion, IPTV represents a significant advancement in television technology, offering flexibility, variety, and quality that traditional broadcasting can’t match. For those looking to embrace this innovative way of watching TV, Megaott provides a reliable and feature-rich subscription service worth considering.
   By choosing IPTV and a dependable provider like Megaott, viewers can enjoy a richer, more personalized, and more convenient TV experience, setting a new standard in home entertainment
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allonezone · 1 year
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Title: Clearing Brain Fog: Tips to Boost Mental Clarity
Brain fog is a common experience where you may feel mentally cloudy, unfocused, and have difficulty concentrating. It can hinder productivity and overall well-being. Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to clear brain fog and enhance your mental clarity.
Prioritize Sleep
One of the primary culprits behind brain fog is inadequate sleep. Ensure you get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night. A consistent sleep schedule can regulate your circadian rhythm and help your brain function optimally.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can lead to cognitive difficulties. Make it a habit to drink enough water throughout the day to keep your brain well-hydrated. Herbal teas and infused water are also good options.
Balanced Nutrition
A well-balanced diet rich in whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, provides essential nutrients that support brain health. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish and nuts are particularly beneficial for cognitive function.
Regular Exercise
Physical activity increases blood flow to the brain and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that improve mood and focus. Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
Manage Stress
Chronic stress can contribute to brain fog. Practice stress management techniques like deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness to reduce stress and promote mental clarity.
Get Organized
A cluttered environment can lead to mental clutter. Organize your workspace and create to-do lists or schedules to help you stay on track and reduce mental distractions.
Brain-Boosting Supplements
Certain supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B and D, and herbal adaptogens like ginkgo biloba and ashwagandha may help enhance cognitive function. Consult a healthcare professional before adding supplements to your routine.
Limit Screen Time
Excessive screen time, especially on smartphones and computers, can strain your eyes and disrupt your sleep patterns. Set boundaries on screen time and consider using blue light filters when using screens at night.
Mindful Breaks
Take short breaks throughout your day to clear your mind. Stretch, go for a short walk, or practice a brief mindfulness exercise to refresh your mental state.
Quality Sleep Environment
Ensure your sleep environment is conducive to rest. Keep your bedroom dark, quiet, and cool. Invest in a comfortable mattress and pillows to improve sleep quality.
Clearing brain fog is achievable by adopting a holistic approach that combines healthy lifestyle choices and mindful practices. By prioritizing sleep, maintaining proper hydration, eating a balanced diet, managing stress, and incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can experience improved mental clarity and overall well-being. Remember that individual responses may vary, so it's essential to find the strategies that work best for you and your unique circumstances.
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forbettertime · 1 month
Top 5 Cheap Smartwatch That Can Make Calls
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In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected is more important than ever. Whether you’re at the gym, on a hike, or simply on the go, having the ability to make and receive calls directly from your wrist can be a game-changer. But what if you don’t want to break the bank to enjoy this convenience? Luckily, there are plenty of affordable options that offer just that. In this article, we’ll be exploring the Top 5 Cheap Smartwatches That Can Make Calls — perfect for those who want the latest tech without the hefty price tag.
Smartwatches have come a long way, and now, even budget-friendly models are packed with features that were once reserved for high-end devices. Whether you’re looking for a device that pairs seamlessly with your smartphone, or something that stands on its own with built-in SIM card functionality, there’s something here for everyone. We’ll dive into the specifics of each watch, weighing their pros and cons, so you can make an informed decision.
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What to Look for in a Cheap Smartwatch That Can Make Calls
When you’re on the hunt for a Cheap Smartwatch That Can Make Calls, it’s important to know what features matter most. With so many options on the market, narrowing down your choices can be a bit overwhelming. Here are the key factors to consider when selecting the perfect budget-friendly smartwatch:
1. Compatibility: One of the first things to check is whether the smartwatch is compatible with your smartphone. Most smartwatches are designed to work with both Android and iOS devices, but some may offer limited functionality depending on the brand. Make sure the watch you choose pairs easily with your phone, allowing you to make and receive calls without any hiccups.
2. Battery Life: Battery life is crucial, especially if you plan to use the call feature frequently. Look for a smartwatch that offers a good balance between battery performance and feature usage. Some cheaper models may require daily charging, while others can last for several days on a single charge, even with regular call usage.
3. Call Quality: Call quality is another essential aspect to consider. A Cheap Smartwatch That Can Make Calls should still provide clear audio for both you and the person on the other end. Check user reviews and product specifications to ensure that the watch delivers good microphone and speaker performance.
4. Features: While the ability to make calls is a standout feature, it’s worth considering what else the smartwatch offers. Many models come with fitness tracking, heart rate monitoring, GPS, and notifications from your smartphone. Think about what additional features are important to you and how they enhance your overall experience.
5. Build Quality: Don’t overlook the build quality, even if you’re opting for a cheaper smartwatch. Durability is key, especially if you plan to wear the watch daily. Look for materials like metal or sturdy plastic, and check if the watch is water-resistant or waterproof — essential if you want to wear it during workouts or in various weather conditions.
Choosing the right Cheap Smartwatch That Can Make Calls is all about finding the best balance between price, features, and functionality. By keeping these factors in mind, you’ll be well on your way to picking a device that not only fits your budget but also meets your needs.
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riverkvgd581 · 1 month
No Time? No Money? No Problem! How You Can Get Flood Cleaning Services With A Zero-dollar Budget
Steps to Take For Hurricane Preparation in Wilmington NC-Hurricane Preparation for Wilmington, NC: Steps to Minimize Damage and Ensure Safety. Wilmington, located on the coast of North Carolina's southeast, is no stranger to hurricanes. These powerful storms bring strong winds, heavy rain, and potential destruction. As a resident or business owner in this historic port city, it's crucial to take proactive measures when hurricane season approaches. The following essay will outline the steps you need to take in order to minimize damage and ensure safety before a hurricane hits.
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Firstly, understanding the risks associated with hurricanes is vital. In Wilmington, storm surges and flooding are common threats due to its coastal location. It is important to know whether your home is located in an evacuation area and where higher ground may be found.
Second step: Create an emergency plan. This plan should include various scenarios, such as evacuation routes and meeting places for family members if you become separated. Make sure that all family members understand the plan and what they should do during a storm.
How To Explain Sewage Cleanup Near Me To Your Boss
Thirdly, an emergency kit can be crucial for survival in the aftermath of a storm when resources are not readily available. Your kit should contain non-perishable foods, water (at minimum one gallon of water per person per day), medications with extra batteries, personal hygiene products, first aid supplies, copies important documents in waterproof containers and cash, since water damage company wilmington nc ATMs might not work during power failures.
Next on the list is securing your property. This includes trimming trees that may fall on your home or power lines, installing storm shutters or board up windows, securing loose objects outside such as patio furniture that could become projectiles, reinforcing garage door and ensuring proper drainage to reduce flood risks.
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Insurance checks are equally important. You can avoid financial ruin by reviewing your homeowner's policy to ensure that you have adequate coverage for wind and flood damage.
Communication plans are also necessary, as normal means of communication may not work during severe weather conditions. Install emergency alert apps on your smartphones or radios powered by batteries so you can keep track of the storm's progress.
If authorities order an evacuation of Wilmington or the surrounding area due to a hurricane, don't hesitate to leave immediately. Follow the planned route and avoid flooded roads at any cost! Remember that you can replace your belongings but not your life.
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For those who decide or need to shelter in place because they are not in immediate danger areas - prepare your home by filling bathtubs with fresh water for flushing toilets if necessary; turning refrigerators/freezers settings down to their coldest setting prior so food lasts longer during potential power outages; unplugging electrical equipment susceptible surge damages; securing exterior doors using deadbolt locks or wooden dowels sliding tracks sliding glass doors etc. ; moving valuables upper floors case flooding becomes an issue within home itself among other precautions specific each individual situation/location within Wilmington area affected by Hurricane warnings/advisories issued local state federal authorities accordingly time manner given circumstances hand respectively overall general welfare everyone involved therein thereafter henceforth forthwith hereupon thereupon thusly hereby herewith thereby wherefore whereas ergo therefore consequently pursuant thereto whence wherewithal hitherto hereafter hereinafter aforementioned premises considered...
After the storm, recovery efforts begin. Check with neighbors to see if they need help cleaning up debris or salvaging what is left. Contact insurance companies and start the claims process. The community as a whole draws closer together. Every dark cloud has a silver lining. Indeed, perseverance and resilience are hallmarks of human spirit.
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In conclusion preparing hurricanes well advance goes long way towards keeping oneself loved ones property secure face natural disasters like those frequently experienced along Atlantic seaboard specifically beautiful yet occasionally beleaguered region surrounding historical cultural gem otherwise known Queen City sea herself Wilmington NC Godspeed good luck god bless!
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foxnangelseo · 4 months
Apple To Invest More In India
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As per undisclosed sources familiar with the matter, Apple Inc. is reportedly revamping the management of its international businesses to place a larger emphasis on India, reflecting the country's growing importance in the company's overall strategy. This move marks a significant milestone as India is set to become its own sales region at Apple for the first time, signaling the surging demand for Apple's products in the region. As a result, India is expected to gain greater prominence and visibility within the company.
The decision to focus on India could be a strategic move by Apple, given that India is one of the fastest-growing smartphone markets in the world. By prioritizing India, Apple may be seeking to gain a larger market share in the region, which could help the company offset slowing growth in other markets. The company's recent launch of an online store in India is further evidence of its commitment to expanding its presence in the country. Last quarter, despite a 5% dip in total sales, Apple achieved record revenue in India. The tech giant has set up an online store to cater to the region and plans to open its first retail stores there later this year. During the last earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook highlighted the company's significant emphasis on the Indian market and compared its current state to its early years in China. He mentioned how Apple is leveraging its learnings from China to scale in India. China is Apple's largest sales region after the Americas and Europe, generating around $75 billion in revenue per year. Apart from boosting Apple's sales, India is also becoming increasingly critical to the company's product development. Key suppliers are shifting to the region, and Apple is partnering with manufacturing giant Hon Hai Precision Industry Co. (also known as Foxconn) to establish new iPhone production facilities in India, according to Bloomberg News. Apple has been expanding its focus on the Indian market in recent years, and the company has been making efforts to improve its sales operations in the country. In 2020, Apple launched an online store in India, which allowed the company to sell its products directly to consumers in the country for the first time. This move was seen as a significant step for Apple, as India is one of the world's fastest-growing smartphone markets. If Apple is restructuring its international sales operations to put a more significant focus on India, it suggests that the company sees significant growth potential in the Indian market. Apple may be looking to increase its market share in India by focusing on pricing, localizing products and services, and building relationships with key partners in the country. It remains to be seen how Apple's restructuring will affect the company's operations in other regions. However, this move is undoubtedly a positive sign for India's tech industry, as it shows that major global players are taking note of the country's potential as a growth market.
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This post was originally published on: Foxnangel
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techycompany-doral-fl · 2 months
Phone Display Repair Near Me: Why TECHY Doral is Your Best Choice
In today's fast-paced digital world, a broken phone display can feel like a catastrophe. Whether it's a cracked screen, unresponsive touch functionality, or annoying display glitches, finding reliable and efficient repair services is crucial. For residents of Doral, Florida, TECHY Doral is the go-to destination for all your phone display repair needs. Offering top-notch services, competitive prices, and unparalleled customer support, TECHY Doral stands out as the premier choice for phone display repairs near you.
Why Phone Display Repair is Important The display is arguably the most critical component of your smartphone. It serves as the interface between you and your device, allowing you to interact with apps, make calls, send messages, and consume media. A damaged display can significantly impair your phone's functionality and your overall user experience. Ignoring a broken screen can lead to more severe issues, including:
Decreased Usability: A cracked or malfunctioning display can make it difficult to navigate your phone or use apps effectively.
Potential for Further Damage: Continued use of a phone with a damaged display can cause additional internal damage, which can be more costly to repair.
Reduced Resale Value: If you plan to sell your phone in the future, a damaged display can significantly decrease its value.
What Sets TECHY Doral Apart When searching for "phone display repair near me," you'll find several options. However, TECHY Doral distinguishes itself through its commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and expert repair services. Here are some key reasons why TECHY Doral should be your first choice for phone display repairs:
Expert Technicians TECHY Doral employs a team of highly skilled and certified technicians with extensive experience in phone display repairs. Whether you have an iPhone, Samsung, Google Pixel, or any other smartphone brand, their technicians possess the knowledge and expertise to handle any display issue. They use advanced diagnostic tools to accurately identify the problem and provide a reliable solution.
High-Quality Parts Using substandard parts for phone display repairs can lead to further issues down the line. At TECHY Doral, only high-quality, OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) parts are used for repairs. This ensures that your phone's display will function as well as it did when it was new, providing you with a seamless user experience and peace of mind.
Fast and Efficient Service In today's fast-paced world, being without your phone for an extended period is not an option. TECHY Doral understands the importance of timely repairs and strives to provide fast and efficient service. Most phone display repairs are completed within the same day, allowing you to get back to your routine without significant disruptions.
Competitive Pricing Quality phone display repair services shouldn't break the bank. TECHY Doral offers competitive pricing for all their repair services, ensuring you receive excellent value for your money. They provide transparent pricing with no hidden fees, so you know exactly what to expect.
Comprehensive Warranty TECHY Doral stands behind the quality of their work with a comprehensive warranty on all phone display repairs. This warranty covers any defects in materials or workmanship, giving you added assurance and confidence in their services.
Convenient Location Convenience is key when searching for "phone display repair near me." TECHY Doral is conveniently located in Doral, making it easily accessible for residents and those in surrounding areas. Their central location ensures that you can drop off your phone for repairs and pick it up without hassle.
Exceptional Customer Service Customer satisfaction is a top priority at TECHY Doral. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff are always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. From the moment you walk through the door, you can expect a welcoming atmosphere and exceptional service.
How to Prevent Future Display Damage While TECHY Doral is always ready to assist with phone display repairs, taking preventative measures can help reduce the risk of damage in the future. Here are some tips to keep your phone's display in top condition:
Use a Screen Protector: Invest in a high-quality screen protector to guard against scratches and cracks.
Invest in a Durable Case: A sturdy case can provide added protection against drops and impacts.
Handle with Care: Avoid placing your phone in pockets or bags with sharp objects, and be mindful of where you place it.
Avoid Extreme Temperatures: Exposure to extreme temperatures can damage your phone's display. Keep your device within a safe temperature range.
Conclusion When it comes to "phone display repair near me," TECHY Doral is the trusted choice for residents in Doral and beyond. With expert technicians, high-quality parts, fast service, competitive pricing, and exceptional customer support, TECHY Doral ensures your phone is in the best hands. Don't let a broken display disrupt your life – visit TECHY Doral for reliable and efficient phone display repairs today.
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localiq-123 · 2 months
Elevate Your Digital Presence with LocaliQ Digital Media
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In today's fast-paced digital world, having a strong online presence is essential for any business. LocaliQ Digital Media understands this need and offers comprehensive services in website designing, website development, and logo designing to help businesses stand out and succeed.
Website Designing: Crafting Unique and Engaging Experiences
At LocaliQ Digital Media, we believe that a well-designed website is the cornerstone of any successful online strategy. Our team of experienced designers works closely with clients to create visually appealing and user-friendly websites that capture the essence of their brand. We prioritize responsive design, ensuring that your website looks great and functions seamlessly on any device, whether it's a desktop, tablet, or smartphone. By focusing on aesthetics and usability, we create engaging digital experiences that keep visitors coming back.
Website Development: Building Robust and Scalable Solutions
Design is just the beginning. Our website development team at LocaliQ Digital Media takes your vision and turns it into a fully functional website using the latest technologies and best practices. We specialize in creating websites that are not only visually stunning but also robust and scalable. From e-commerce platforms to content management systems, our developers are skilled in building custom solutions tailored to your specific business needs. We ensure that your website is fast, secure, and capable of growing with your business.
Logo Designing: Defining Your Brand Identity
Your logo is often the first impression potential customers have of your brand. At LocaliQ Digital Media, we understand the importance of a strong, memorable logo. Our talented designers work with you to create a logo that reflects your brand's personality and values. We take the time to understand your business and target audience, ensuring that your logo stands out and makes a lasting impact. A well-designed logo is a critical component of your overall branding strategy, and we're here to make sure it communicates your message effectively.
Why Choose LocaliQ Digital Media?
LocaliQ Digital Media is committed to delivering high-quality digital solutions that drive results. Our holistic approach to website design, development, and logo creation ensures that all aspects of your online presence are cohesive and effective. By partnering with us, you gain access to a team of experts dedicated to helping your business thrive in the digital landscape.
Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to revamp your existing online presence, LocaliQ Digital Media has the skills and expertise to help you achieve your goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can elevate your digital presence and set your business apart from the competition.
Invest in your future with LocaliQ Digital Media – where creativity meets technology.
Join With LocaliQ on Social Media Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Quora, Youtube
Contact : 8121433374
Website : www.localiq.in
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wartiztechnologies · 2 months
Unleashing the Power of Ecommerce Development Services
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In the digital era, ecommerce has revolutionized the way businesses sell products and services, offering unparalleled opportunities for growth and expansion. A robust ecommerce website not only enhances customer reach but also boosts sales and improves brand visibility. Wartiz Technologies, a leader in ecommerce development services, leverages cutting-edge technologies and industry expertise to empower businesses with powerful ecommerce solutions. Let's explore how Wartiz Technologies unleashes the power of ecommerce development.
**1. ** Customized Ecommerce Solutions:
Wartiz Technologies begins by understanding the unique needs and goals of each client. They offer customized ecommerce development services tailored to specific business requirements, whether it's building a new online store from scratch or enhancing an existing ecommerce platform. By integrating advanced features and functionalities, they create scalable and flexible solutions that drive business growth.
**2. ** Responsive and User-Friendly Design:
With a focus on delivering exceptional user experiences, Wartiz Technologies prioritizes responsive design for ecommerce websites. They ensure seamless navigation and optimal performance across devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones. A user-friendly interface coupled with intuitive design elements enhances usability and encourages conversions, maximizing the effectiveness of ecommerce platforms.
**3. ** Ecommerce Platform Integration:
Wartiz Technologies integrates leading ecommerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, or develops custom solutions based on client preferences. They provide expertise in setting up product catalogs, managing inventory, processing payments securely, and optimizing checkout processes. Seamless integration of third-party plugins and APIs further enhances functionality and enhances the overall ecommerce experience.
**4. ** Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Digital Marketing:
To increase online visibility and attract organic traffic, Wartiz Technologies incorporates SEO best practices into ecommerce development. They optimize product pages, implement strategic keyword targeting, and ensure fast page load times to improve search engine rankings. Additionally, they offer digital marketing services including PPC campaigns, social media marketing, and content strategy to drive targeted traffic and maximize ROI.
**5. ** Security and Payment Gateway Integration:
Ensuring the security of customer transactions is paramount in ecommerce. Wartiz Technologies implements robust security measures and integrates reliable payment gateways to safeguard sensitive information. They comply with industry standards such as PCI DSS to protect against fraud and provide customers with a secure and trustworthy shopping experience.
**6. ** Analytics and Performance Monitoring:
Continuous monitoring and analysis of ecommerce performance are essential for optimizing business outcomes. Wartiz Technologies sets up analytics tools to track key metrics such as sales performance, visitor behavior, and conversion rates. They provide actionable insights that enable businesses to make informed decisions and refine their ecommerce strategies for greater success.
**7. ** Support and Maintenance:
Beyond development, Wartiz Technologies offers ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the smooth operation of ecommerce websites. They conduct regular updates, perform backups, and provide technical assistance to resolve issues promptly. Proactive maintenance helps prevent downtime and ensures uninterrupted online sales and customer support.
Wartiz Technologies excels in unleashing the power of ecommerce development services by combining technical expertise with a customer-centric approach. Whether you're a startup or an established enterprise, partnering with Wartiz Technologies can transform your ecommerce vision into reality, driving revenue growth and enhancing customer satisfaction. Their commitment to innovation and excellence makes them a trusted partner in navigating the complexities of ecommerce and achieving sustained success in the competitive digital marketplace.
If you're looking to harness the full potential of ecommerce for your business, consider collaborating with Wartiz Technologies to leverage their comprehensive ecommerce development services and propel your online presence to new heights.
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