djlethal187 · 4 years
What's Good S/O & #Thankyou to everyone for all the #Birthday Wishes💯❤🔥‼💎🔊 #djlethal187 #birthdayfit #designerjunkie #givenchy #topend #topshit #exclusive #vibes #birthday (at Downtown Denver) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC6gNNxgE8N/?igshid=svivlo4mgek9
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andrej-food · 4 years
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Fried ice cream with blueberrys and cream.
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eff-b-blog · 5 years
Do I not speak the language of everyone or am I just lost?
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1100101gncd-blog · 6 years
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lettershepherd · 6 years
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mielycumbia-blog1 · 7 years
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lazyylatina · 3 years
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oatmeal 😋
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Weird half dream I had the last two days because I fell ill (and my head was killing me while coming up with that):
So young Vander and young Silco wanting to start a revolution, but are just at the beginning and have no real plans so gar when it just so happens that a little Vi and baby Powder somehow fall into their hands. Not exactly knowing what to do they take them in for the time being because hey, no one else is around for them. The real problem with that starts very soon, though, because Powder is still a baby and they don't have any milk for her. Of course they then start frantically look for someone who can provide it, but even after the issue is resolved, Silco kinda doesn't want to let Powder go and so he tries to find a way to get to feed her without other's help.
He argues with Vander in the bar about it and of course his partner thinks he's gone crazy, because why going through such trouble for that and "you do know we've got no time, no experience and not to forget nothing to provide a baby with! That is until you go topside and search for a substitue!"
That läßt sentence was actually meant sarcasticly, but to Vander's horror he sees Silco suddenly looking contemplative. Like, "oh no, you are not thinking about what I said, do you?"
Oh yes, he is. Because you see, this is one of the huge inequalities they have to live down here: there is no real (healthy enough) milk substitue for babies, and the only way they have chances to survive is either having a mother or someone else who can provide milk, if the mother herself can not. But try to find someone can be difficult, so this is real struggle for people down here.
Sooo, why not start with something that will be beneficial to the them?
"Let me get this straight, you want us to go topside, find a place to raid for milk substitue and bring it down here, just so you can keep a baby??" - "It's not just about one baby, it's about everyone's babies! And for the revolution of course!"
Vander sincerely doubts this will gain any following but to his surprise many support this approach (after some hesitation of course, but once the man spoke up and told the others how his wife is struggling with feeding their newborn, they quickly started to agree).
Anyway, they really raid a shop on topside, it goes fairly well, and Silco and Vander proudly show everyone what they got for them.
The hype is short lived, though, because surprise there is actually a reason this milk substitue isn't sold anywhere in the undercity: it's a powdered milk and has to be mixed with water... Yea, try to find some clean water here! You do not want to drink any of it in any form unless you're suicidal.
Sooo that was kind of a bummer. Can't even have nice things because environment is even too toxic for that. You can imagine how mad that made Silco and also Vander. This means serious business now, because this is not acceptable!
Let's say it got kinda confusing after this, but I can tell you this movement went really far and kinda out of hand almost, because topsiders could not comprehend why someone would steal babyfood and such things and it's still theft, of course, so they must be punished.
The final act is, that Silco decided open confrontation about the problem is the only way to get through to those top-ass-hats. So he and Vander along with a small group goes with their children/babies in arms over the bridge to biggest place right in front of the damn council and starts a casual smalltalk with a random person. And while he's got Powder in his arms, she begins to cry and "oh what should we do, we don't have anything to feed her with?"
And this is the point where the "riot" begins because "you think we are here for some sightseeing? Guess what we came here to make a fucking request for our children you ignorant topshits!“
And suddenly there are emerging more and more people from the undercity with their kids and then the screaming gets louder that not even Silco can hear his own wirds of accusation anymore. It's a nightmare on a sunny day in Piltover.
I guess it went pretty successful for them, because the next scene I remember is Vander and Silco in really nice white and creamwhite suits (well, more fancy vests, Silco with a white shirt underneath a creamcolored vest and Vander the other way round) and they were exchanging wedding vows and after that a little Powder in a flowergirl dress and Vi in a cute little suit run at them and they both are scooping each one of the girls up and exit the building (I don't think it was a church, but a temple hall or something?)
Anyway, outside there is waiting a crowd and they are getting into a open carriage that drives them to the bridge to escort them back to the undercity.. But they hält halfway across the bridge, gett off the carriage and walk the rest of it followed by their people.
Gods this was a lot, I don't even know what to say about that.. I just had to get it written down before I fogot most of it.. Well, for me it was definitly amusing imagining it, so at least I had fun in my head despite the fact I wanted to throw my brain out because the headache was killing me 👀 Btw I remember seeing a picture of young Silco holding baby Powder in his arms when I browsed through pinterest but I can't find it anymore 🤔 well, that probably sparked this whole thing, so thank the artist for that, I guess xD
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asmosmainhoe · 4 years
Hi there um I don't know if u will accept my this but wondering if u could a very savage mc that if u inslut her she will give a spicy comeback how would the brother react to her
The brothers with a sassy s/o
Gender neutral MC (It says she/her in the ask, but I didn't really use any gendered pronounces in the headcanons sooooo)
Warnings: cursing
Finds it super entertaining when you diss someone else like his brothers, but the fun stops when you sass him or god forbid Lord Diavolo. Our prince takes it with humor though and laughs at your comebacks so you don't have to worry about being locked up in a dungeon for treason like a certain demon.
When you and the brothers sit at the dining table and you completely destroy them Lucifer can't help it. He simply can't hide his amused smile.
"And what are you smiling at huh? You always think you're topshit, but can't even say anything to Diavolo."
Lucifer chokes on his food. "What did you just say to me?"
He gives you a two hour lecture about how you should show him more respect, because he's the head of the house yadda yadda yadda. Do you listen to him? Not at all.
He quickly sees how nothing he seems to do or say affects your behavior so he simply stops trying and makes sure he doesn't end up in the crossfire when you drag someone.
Honestly? He thinks it's super cool and tries to be like you, but fails.
His eyes are shining whenever you sass someone who was mean to him. Of course he says that he can handle those situations just fine by himself, but we all know that isn't true. Mammon never admits it, but he loves seeing his human step up for him.
"Mammon, you're so stupid that it hurts."
You immediately step in between before the white haired demon can even react. "And you're so full of shit that I can smell it from over here."
Ngl Mammon is a bit scared for your safety. After all you're insulting demons here. They're not people you can just mess with like that, but he doesn't even think about stopping you. Your comebacks always crack him up. Especially when you sass Lucifer.
Mammon once said: "Lucifer will get mad at ya."
The water he was drinking came right through his nose when you responded with: "Well, that bitch ass chicken wing emo boy should stop whining like a baby and maybe he would be a bit more relaxed."
He loves the conversations he has with you, because just like Mammon he gets tears in his eyes from all the laughter.
Whenever you play video games and you sass an opponent he's dying.
"Stop hitting me with that big ass sword you slut!" Boom! Levi is on the floor screaming and desperately trying to get air.
100% tweets your comebacks. You're famous because of him.
Honestly he doesn't even mind leaving the house. Wherever you go he will follow. I mean who would want to miss out on your sass and creative insults? Not this man that's for sure. He has a small notebook with your greatest comments in it.
This man immediately falls for you the second he sees that you're an absolute savage. It gets even better when you insult Lucifer.
"That four winged fUCK-"
"You go, Babe!"
Satan purposefully provokes you to get you all riled up. It's beautiful how merciless you are when you're on a rampage.
We all know that Satan knows no limits too and everyone who engages a fight with him ends up as a complete idiot. Except of you of course.
He actually enjoys the "fights" he has with you. You two make a competition out of it and the first one who's at a loss for words loses. Levi keeps track on your points.
You can awlays see a proud smirk on his face when you destroy the others. He's like: "Yes, this is my partner. You better don't mess with them."
Just like Satan he's completely head over heels for you.
You can hear a loud overdramatic gasps coming from him followed by him yelling "oh snap!" when you drag someone. He loves it. It makes you even more attractive than you already are.
Demon angrily: "I think you should-"
You gasping: "Hold up you can THINK?!"
Asmo is sitting right next to you and clapping excitedly while giggling.
"MC, you're so funny! Oh please spill more tea!"
It doesn't take him two seconds to join in when you're being sassy. He either sasses them too or stands next to you and nods after every of your sentences.
It's safe to say that Asmo is your personal cheerleader in those situations. No, scratch that. He's your personal cheerleader 24/7.
You seem so sweet and so kind and then BOOM!
This boy is honestly so shook! He chokes on his food the first time he hears your comebacks.
It's like you don't fear anyone! Tbh he admires that endlessly. You're so honest and confident and don't hesitate to put the people who are rude to you in their places.
Finds it super sweet and honorable that you make an exception for him, but he's confused as to why you're giving him this special treatment.
"Oh, Beel, my baby boy why should I sass you? You're too kind and sweet!"
You and Belphie are the official Beel protection squad.
You shut everyone down the second they even think about talking bad about your big boy.
I just ugh- I think we can all agree that he needs to be showered with love and affection.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the sassiest of them all? Belphie has to admit that it's in fact you. Honestly you have him wrapped around the finger with your attitude. It makes you super interesting in his eyes and it's like he's glued to you after he saw the savage in you.
He never thought that someone other than Satan could reach his level of sass, but you prove him wrong every day.
His eyes start to shine when you drag the others.
Also loves provoking and challenging you to see who actually deserves the crown. You of course.
"You think you can sass me, MC?", he asks with a smug smirk.
Oh widen your eyes innocently. "Oh? Belphie, do you even know how sass is spelled?"
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lespaulcd · 5 years
[Photographers]: Topshit Photography di Borut Peterlin
[Photographers]: Topshit Photography di Borut Peterlin
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E’ da un anno circa che ho sottoscritto al canale youtube “Topshit Photography” e devo dire con molta soddisfazione. I videolog di Borut Peterlin sono molto specifici e li trovo assai interessanti per gli argomenti trattati. Devo dire che effettivamente c’è molta affinità di interessi nei singoli temi e mi trovo sempre a mio agio ad approfondirli con il suo punto di vista.
Molto simpatico, sta in…
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andrej-food · 3 years
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#ribeye #egg #zucchini #grill #top #meat #food#gostilnapezdirc #semic #belakrajina #kolpa #mirnagora #izvirrekekrupe #welcome #topshit #visitbelakrajina #visitsemic (at Gostilna Pezdirc v Beli krajini) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRGfRfyMf7H/?utm_medium=tumblr
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
Missionary or doggystyle i'mma topshit~
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nachosforfree · 4 years
How wack is it there's some 12 y/o right now who thinks you're the coolest thing ever? That some child admires you very much? That you're some kid's favorite artist?
That is really weird to think about
I don't think I'm really anything special, just a teenage sanders sides fan artist who gets wayy too many ideas into his head, but y'all act like I'm topshit sometimes and it's kinda weird gkskfkdn I'd never consider myself someone to actually have fans but...
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chaiza · 6 years
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Everyone shines, given the right lighting... #az#photoshot#lighting#realshit#cactos🌵#deserts#modella#modellife#happylifeシ#fun#exciting#topshit#mountainstories#fulllife#asian#asianprincess#fit#fitness#azdesert #thanks for this photo @scottjoshuadere #amazing_shot (at Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpQn2USlnuJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=v6dk3biogqry
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mielycumbia-blog1 · 7 years
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intelintel · 7 years
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Če n'kamr ne greš, s pa skos doma 😜🌲 #roblek #nature #igslovenija #našegore #mountains #forest #hike #trailrunning #topshit
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