#torah torah torah!
scottstiles · 2 months
every jew on the planet better get their asses to a megillah reading this weekend it's time we relearned some fundamental unchangings truths about this world
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tikkunolamresistance · 4 months
In this weeks Torah portion, what stands out to us most is “You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt (Exodus 22:20, 23:19).” We must not perpetrate upon other that which was perpetrated upon us.
The epitome of moral obligation, of G-ds word, is to ensure do not carry forward our pain, or pass it like a baton. The memory of bondage must act as revolution, not an excuse.
Pain inflicted in the name of Judaism is an insult to G-d themself. An insult to our people, history, our core beliefs. Zionism is the antithesis of Judaism.
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theygender · 2 years
The more I learn about judaism the more I wonder where tf christianity got all its bad shit. Why is divorce a sin in christianity when judaism has recognized the right to divorce for nearly a millennia and has codified religious laws for it. Why does christianity consider sex to be dirty (to the point where puritans considered it a sin to enjoy having sex with your own spouse) when in judaism it's considered holy and it's a literal mitzvah to have sex with your spouse on the sabbath. Why does christianity consider it a sign that you're faithless if you question your religion when in judaism that's considered an essential part to developing your faith. I'm probably stating the obvious here but I still can't get over the fact that there's no historical basis to any of this shit before christianity started, it's like christians just said "hey guys what if we took the torah and built a new religion around it but this time it was actively hostile to human life"
#rambling#disclaimer this isnt about individual christians im speaking about the religious trauma i experienced in my own life etc etc#these are just a few examples that I've noticed but they're definitely something#the part about sex in particular shocked me bc sex is pretty much viewed as actively evil in a lot of christian denominations#like you should only do it to create children and if you take pleasure in it (even if its with your own spouse) youre a dirty sinner#there arent as many examples like this nowadays but if you read puritan laws about sex it's like#you're allowed to have sex with your wife basically 10 times a year but you have to be fully clothed with the lights off#and you cant have sex on a holiday or a sunday and you cant touch each other and you have to try as hard as possible to hate it#literally WHERE did that mindset come from?? like for real#in judaism having sex with your spouse is basically considered a celebration of everything holy#and if you have sex on the sabbath (the holiest day in the jewish calendar—above every holiday)#its considered TWICE as holy#make it make sense#this is one of the things people mean when they say that lumping judaism in with christianity as 'abrahamic' religions is meaningless#theyre literally nothing alike#the only similarity is the torah but thats only half of the christian bible and one third of the jewish one#AND christianity interprets most of it completely differently from how judaism does#im tired#greatest hits#hall of fame
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koshercosplay · 1 month
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canisalbus · 3 months
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musings in Machete’s diary
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texas-junk-drawer · 3 months
Torah is such a round word. Like you think of Torah and you think “yeah thats definitely on a scroll” and guess what!! It is!!! Torah is literally the perfect word for what it is.
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writtenfoxscreams · 4 months
So, I know that quite a few people know the Jewish joke: “they tried to killed us, we survived, let’s eat”, and a friend found this chart years ago explaining all the Jewish holidays and fast days through that joke, with one very important addition: TREES.
And since today was Tu B’Shvat, I found myself thinking that this would be a great day to share it.
Enjoy :)) and hag sameach!! <333
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maimonidesnutz · 6 months
how come when JACOB wrestles with a man he gets a blessing, but when I wrestle with a man I’m “displaying inappropriately aggressive behavior” and I “have to leave this Build-a-Bear”???
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hindahoney · 8 months
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Artist: Alex Woz, @/woz_art
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worfsbarmitzvah · 1 month
favorite thing abt judaism is how at the end of torah study there are always at least 5 people who still have a comment to make and we havent nearly made it through all the texts we wanted to get through because we had so many good comments and conversations that it took up all our time
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littleyarngoblin · 1 month
Finished my art book project for a class! Not the usual thing I knit, I’ll admit, but I’m so proud of how it turned out.
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First, the charting was fine but the actual duplicate stitching was a NIGHTMARE to get right. I had to rip out ל so many times 😭
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Making the scroll poles was a Learning Experience involving wood stain and super glue. Sewing on the canvas back was somehow the easiest part! Anyway, I’m super pleased with the result and I’m excited to present it to my class.
Skip the read more if you’re not interested in hearing about my artistic decisions :)
Part of this final assignment was to create something based on items in the library collection at my workplace. There’s a beautiful, giant 19th century Torah that I’ve viewed several times and haven’t been able to forget the sheer comfort and awe of being able to sit down for an hour or two and just read the Torah.
But there are rules to interacting with a Torah (both Jewish and archival rules): do not touch the text. Do not touch the parchment. Do not unroll without assistance. No, we can’t repair the holes and whatnot in this manuscript because 1) she’s super old and 2) we have no idea how to do it (which makes me sad!! She needs a good cleaning)
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I also got to view a teeny miniature Torah from the library’s EXTENSIVE miniature collection.
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So I decided I wanted to make a representation of the Torah that encouraged touch, and interacting with a text through another sense. This one only has the Shema stitched in it (funny, because no one is going to be reading this aloud to a congregation so no one is technically going to hear it). I made the first word blue in the Jewish manuscript illumination tradition, which wouldn’t illuminate just one letter, but rather the whole word, so as not to place one letter above another in importance. The blue is also reminiscent of tekhelet, a probably-blue dye mentioned in the Torah.
I also did not write out G-d’s name because Obviously Not. I’m not an official scribe and I also don’t want smartass or ignorant goyim viewing my art book and going “tehe I know how to pronounce that” when they see the tetragrammaton and just. Saying the Name.
All this to say, I’m so happy with my final project and I hope I get an A.
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tikkunolamresistance · 4 months
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For Jews, people in the process of converting and anyone who’s starting their journey off. We kindly ask that goyim/non-Jews refrain from joining. See our first post and ablout section on Patreon for more details!
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penguicorns-are-cool · 9 months
I'm pretty sure Avraham failed the test
like if I was given a test and the person giving the test very obviously told me that I was wrong and not to actually do the thing, I would assume I failed the test
also, that's about where the torah switches focus from Avraham to Yitzchak. There were no more tests after that, his story just kind of ends. His next big task is to just marry off his son and that's it he's done.
Like, I really don't think he passed that test I think he failed for refusing to question God for giving him a very unreasonable task.
And it's not like others haven't been rewarded for questioning or even fighting authority
like Yaakov is very definitely rewarding for tricking his Dad cause like right after it says he has a dream where God basically told him good job you will have many descendents. Then later on he literally fights an angel and it's a good thing cause he got renamed Israel as part of a blessing and now we're B'nei Israel
And Moshe definitely questioned authority that was like his whole thing. And even beyond Pharoah, he also had to reason with God to get them to not kill everyone.
Even Avraham that time he convinces God to not kill everyone in Sodom and Gomorrah if there are ten good people. There aren't but Avraham's questioning and reasoning with God is portrayed as a good thing.
Also, Judaism is generally very supportive of questioning authority and child sacrifices are very specifically banned in the torah, so It makes no sense that Avraham passed the test because he would've obeyed God even to kill his child. Like that moral is pretty inconsistent with the rest of the Torah.
so I definitely think Avraham failed that test.
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unbidden-yidden · 3 months
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Shout-out to Sefaria for this beautiful drash. This was a really sweet thing to receive in my inbox, and I thought some of you all might appreciate it, too.
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rainbow-femme · 8 months
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Losing my mind. The author just being listed as Moses. The fact that it has 3 stars
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yeoldegodzilla · 4 months
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Medieval Torah ark curtain featuring Godzilla
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