#torchwood captain
ncutii-gatwa · 7 months
really makes me laugh seeing some people complain doctor who is gay now. babe THIS aired in 2005. doctor who has been gay a long damn time get with the program
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animenga2023 · 10 months
Warrior Nun Season 3 Announced By Netflix
Rather than Warrior Nun returning to Netflix with a collection of episodes like its first two seasons, executive producer Dean English confirmed Season 3 will consist of a trilogy of movies. to know more...
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itsatorchwoodthing · 5 days
i fear doctor who will never introduce a character in the absolute peak way they introduced jack harkness - compliments girl’s ass, smiles at the camera and then touches guy’s ass, icon
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captain-ghost · 1 year
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doctorwhoisadhd · 5 months
literally its fucking crazy that they introduced jack and were like "yeah so his former employer stole two years of his memories. also thats not his real name" and not ONCE in the entire time he was on tv over the course of 54 episodes did they ever think of explaining literally a single nother detail about any of that
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theangelofbrahma · 3 months
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i was thinking about this then i forgot about it and then i woke up dreaming about him again
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kinnsporsche · 6 months
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— In his own time. Would you go back to yours? If you could? — Why? Would you miss me? — Yes.
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captain-jayne · 6 months
how do you explain to people that never watched doctor who that this is the biggest slut in the universe and was actually pregnant 8 times
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atnialljanto · 4 months
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stephen9260 · 13 days
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Y'all talk about the ninejack parallel but Jack and og Jack were doing the exact same thing before it was cool
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ebenelephant · 2 months
look i've been partaking in fandom for a number of years now but nothing so far has affected me quite so much as ninejackrose, and doctorjackrose in general. i feel nauseous just thinking about them.
because you have the obvious angle; they seem so in love, then jack is abandoned and waits for the doctor for 150 years only to find that rose is gone and the doctor a) has a new face and b) has moved on. after they left him, after all that sincerity and affection, they just carry on as normal as though he'd never been there to begin with. but also, rose clearly doesn't know about jack's immortality, so we have to ask, what does she think happened to him? what did the doctor tell her? how do you even begin to untangle the fucked up ethics of that one?
rose made this man immortal because she couldn't bear to think of him as dead, and no one even told her he'd died in the first place. she was nineteen. the doctor was over nine hundred. jack was in his thirties. she made him into essentially a perfect companion; somebody who the doctor loves, and who he cannot outlive. a reminder of rose's boundless capacity for love, and ten can barely even bring himself to look him in the eyes.
by the time ten meets him for a second time, when the daleks invade, jack is already older than him. jack is more than a thousand years older than him, in fact, because he was buried alive in 27ad and was forced to live for a millennia as a prisoner to the earth and to his own brother. jack finds a new family, finds somebody to love, and they all die. rose gets an imitation of the doctor to love in a world that isn't really her own; their lives will be a blink that the others won't get to see. the doctor also finds love and a family, and also loses them - every version of them.
they meet in a prison millions of lightyears away from where they first met – thousands of years after, depending on who you ask – because jack heard that the doctor needed help. he's barely aged; the doctor has had two faces between this one and last time. she recognises him immediately, though he mistakes someone else for her.
they still remember rose.
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animenga2023 · 10 months
The Witcher Season 4 FIRST LOOK Preview & Theories
While The Witcher Season 3 only just launched, it’s already been renewed for a fourth season — but there’s a change coming. In Season 4, Liam Hemsworth will step in as the titular monster-hunter Geralt of Rivia, the role Henry Cavill originated in the first three seasons. to know more...
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itsatorchwoodthing · 1 month
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literally the plot of the doctor dances
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dentpx · 10 months
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Being an adult is so crazy i have to navigate the world like I’m not constantly thinking about Jack and his messed up life
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doctorwhoisadhd · 3 months
jack harkness is the funniest character on the planet simply due to the SHEER AMOUNT of times someone will turn up from The Past and he had a thing with them. its to the point where the surprising thing would be if he HADNT fucked them. like yeah ok yet ANOTHER one of Grandpa Slut's exes is here. Unsurprising
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