#tot critical
ad-hawkeye · 11 months
You can tag this under 50 Shades, but after I read this post from Hoyolab, hoyolab (.) com/#/article/19978642/, if this is true, I am very disappointed about this direction, though it is one I've seen coming. That being said, you've given your thoughts on the writing. In your ideal world, where would the cards post 2nd anniversary have gone, if you had to keep the general situation/environment, but could change up everything else about it?
holy fuck, the way i actually agree with everything in this post. here is the link for those curious, it's a fantastic read tbh.
a few of us in our tot discord have discussed this as well. here are a few brief snippets below.
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sorry for the incoherent mess of thoughts below, words are Not coming easy HAHA.
but yeah... like the post said, barbie is a very good way of putting it.
i used to have the same issue with luke. i'm not a huge fan of characters being good at Too Many Things, especially when there's no flaws to balance it out. it really pulls me out of the story. so like. the more you try to impress me with a character, the less impressed i'll be. which. is why i haaaate artem's newer cards.
see, the thing is, the whole reason why i liked artem in the first place is because of how he felt like the down to earth option. he wasn't the childhood friend/undercover agent/detective/stem genius, he wasn't a ceo and son of the richest family in stellis, and he wasn't literal royalty. he was just a lawyer who worked with rosa. he was bad at talking to people. he was a bit of a homebody. he was LAME. completely inexperienced in romance. he was good at his job, but it was obvious he put all of his skill points into being a lawyer and no where else. his abilities with shooting and cooking were both important aspects to his character, but the skills hoyoverse added beyond that just baffle me.
he wasn't cool, but he was kind and genuine.
ever since second anniversary, there has been absolutely no consistency to artem's character whatsoever.
neil gets mentioned less and less even though he was a major part of artem's life AND character. neil was his father figure, since his parents were rarely, if ever, around. and yet, in recent cards, tot constantly goes out of its way to try and convince us artem's parents did nothing wrong. to add to that, we're lucky if neil is even mentioned.
in earlier cards, it was very clear artem was grieving neil's disappearance (see: entwined fate). it was also clear artem's childhood circumstances were extremely lonely and caused him to try and brush off the neglect because he didn't want to stress out his already busy parents (see: loving memories and his dreams of childhood sr)! earlier cards also hinted at traumatic events and a fear of firearms due to how dangerous neil's job as a lawyer was (see: focus fire).
but for god knows what reason, newer cards said well! fuck all of this! artem no longer gives one single shit about neil! also? honestly? the writers seem confused and disoriented by artem downplaying his childhood issues and just made it so he truly Had no issues with his childhood. which. ok. i guess.
in recent months, we have not had one single card where rosa and artem sit down to talk about how artem feels about neil's disappearance. one single card where artem even openly addresses any traumatic experiences. or emotional neglect in childhood.
remember when focus fire mentioned that a disgruntled mafia member held him and neil at gunpoint because he was pissed neil put everyone else in the gang behind bars?? no?? yeah, me neither! because it's never mentioned again! old tot content implies it was incidents like these, the general emotional neglect from his parents, and neil's disappearance that contributed to artem's closed off personality. but man, fuck that! for some reason!
this doesn't even touch upon artem's romantic and sexual inexperience, which has also been entirely undone. he's a sex god now, i guess.
and let us not forget how artem has learned and forgot the same lessons like, several times. artem did we not learn why jealousy and possessiveness are bullshit in atmospherics, por una cabeza, etc...??? are we really back at this again? and it's not even being addressed as a character flaw anymore? okay! okay. fine! whatever.
but okay. i'm getting off track. you asked me an entirely different question! where would i have liked to have seen the cards go? i think the cards following second anniversary are so... well, nothing that you could probably swap out the plots and avoid losing anything of importance.
honestly, i think artem's cards would have shined the best if they stuck to his original character. so when considering the confines we have now:
artem is extremely emotionally repressed. it'd take time for him to come out of his shell. and his early dating cards do begin like this! it's very endearing! several cards could focus on this progression as he becomes more comfortable and relaxed with rosa. progression into being engaged. living with someone for the first time. please.
rosa and artem's dynamic has like, vanished in recent cards. which is a goddamn shame, because their more comfortable dynamics in his railroad, revisiting youth, and snowfallen secrets cards are so charming! they joke around! artem's sense of humor pokes out! they act like real PEOPLE! they're silly! they're nerds! they're equals! i'd keep this dynamic instead of it just being artem flipping back and forth between sex god and "yes i will do whatever you want [insert player name here]"
neil. please, can we focus on neil. what being a lawyer means to artem. how neil influenced that. how artem feels about neil being gone, how artem feels about neil's possible betrayal of the nxx?? he could always have an arc of going through the stages of grief, or learning to look at things through a new lens. being sad neil won't be around for milestones. etc.
the incidents implied in focus fire. okay, being held at gunpoint is pretty uhhh fucking traumatic. did any other events happen bc of neil's status? his parents' statuses? is this why he is so emotionally repressed? is this why he takes the law so seriously?
his parents. can we stop acting like his parents did nothing wrong. please. his parents used to be portrayed under the "well meaning but ultimately very flawed" light, which i adored. it was grey. it was human. maybe artem could learn that it wasnt right of his parents to be so nonexistent in his life. his parents can still love him and make mistakes. maybe he could rebuild his relationship w his parents? maybe once he realizes what he went through wasn't normal, he can be angry, and work through it. idk! anything! please!
more focus on rosa. her studies. her exams. anything. her family. her past. her hobbies. her teaching artem something. rosa talking about her issues. pelase. Please.
it truly feels like his original writers got swapped out, and the new ones have no idea what artem's charm was in the first place. they have no idea how his character even works, so they're just desperately trying to attach Cool Hobbies to him bc they think he's more boring than the other boys when like. that's the fucking point, that IS his charm.
gosh this was so long and i'm sorry if it's like. UNREADABLE or if i totally missed the point but this was like. Freeing to type out. thank you for reaching out anon, it turns out i had more thoughts than i expected!! hope you're having a lovely day! : )
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Headcanon that the boys were first introduced to Lou Jitsu through Splinter scrounging up an old movie to watch through a grainy projector. Splinter wanted to hype himself up at the time, to see a version of himself - however fictional - succeeding and being happy.
He watches, and smiles, mouthing along to the dialogue and outright whisper-shouting “HOT SOUUUP!” whenever it comes up.
Nestled in his lap are his four new sons, still learning the world around them and heavily reliant on their new father. They watch with wide eyes how lively their guardian looks, how happy he sounds, and they turn to watch the movie closely. Because, for as young as they were, they could recognize the source of their father’s joy.
So naturally, they come to associate Lou Jitsu with their father’s smile, and in turn, they feel happy themselves. To them, Lou Jitsu will always be a source of joy, and always make them smile, even if they forget why as they grow.
They’re not just movies for the four of them - they’re the distant memories of a warm lap and a smiling face.
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mellohirust · 2 years
so we all agree that dsmp volume 1 is ours forever now right. right. i love you fanon i love you canon-divergency i love you aus i love you fanartists and fic authors and game devs and musicians and cosplayers i love you dsmpblr etc
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mossbone · 4 days
"Why what? {Why what?}"
"Why'd you give her more power?"
"It must be done {It must be done}. For you {For you}. For us {For us}. ...The fate of the world {The fate of the world}. What else do I have to give? {What else do I have to give?} Except for myself {Except for myself}."
"You didn't have to do this. We fought so hard."
"I love you."
"I love you."
[The collar folds away.]
"I love you...what makes you think that might have changed? I love you."
[The shadows withdraw.]
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
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etoilesbienne · 2 months
scariest part of this is how many qsmp admins use tumblr like sorry guysI didnt realize so many of you guys were here i hope my critical posts weren't too bad .
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tbartss · 1 year
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eisenartworks · 2 years
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Augh... This was trouble to translate. From what I understand, Genos addresses Saitama politely while Saitama is more casual? I hope I at least managed to portray that in the dialogue. I used the more polite version of money though, bc Idk if just kane works. Idk some kanjis yet, so some of them are in hiragana, sorry!
Genos: Teacher... Next time, I will dress you (his shirt specifically).
Saitama: Eeh? My clothes are fine, besides, I don't have money -
Genos: I'll pay -
Saitama: No way!! (Damned Cloud Strife lookalike!)
Edit: I forgot to say it... But Saitama's shirt says "Bra" lolol
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docholligay · 4 months
Doc what was the weirdest culinary practice that you saw on your trip?
Oh my god. Oh my god. I have discovered the basis of a massive English stereotype that has permeated American media for literal decades.
So you know how the English conquered so so so much of the world, and had a massively powerful navy, and basically invented dogfighting, exhibited WILD ASS podling energy during the Blitz, and YET, for many generations the American understanding of them has been as being precious and effete and feminine? Weak, even? How did this happen?
I now know. I have gotten to the bottom of it.
They all eat fucking burgers with a fucking knife and fork. Like, cutting into it, as if it were not a sandwich, delicately piercing it with a fork, and then using that fork to place it tenderly in their non-rhotic little mouths.
My wife and I went to a pub when we first landed in London, and the table next to us had burgers and were all eating them in this disgusting display of cultural ignorance, and my wife leaned forward and whispered, "Why are they eating it with a fork??"
Me, in panicked whisper: "They just do that!!"
My wife, eyes wide, picking up her fork: "Are we supposed to??"
Me, scowling: "No! We invented the damn thing! It's a sandwich! You eat it with your hands!"
My mother, it was one of the first things she noticed. I cannot tell you how bizarre this is to fucking see as an American, because, I am going to tell you even though someone is going to come into my inbox and claim they are a Cool American, most Americans are going to raise an eyebrow if you eat a hamburger with a knife and fork. It's like drinking a beer out of a crystal coupe, you're allowed to do whatever the fuck you want, but we ain't wearing silk gloves in the bar, Your Ladyship. I cannot fucking imagine the microplaning of my soul that would take place if I tried this in a local bar. I would be forcibly ejected on a spiritual level.
I know someone is going to take this insanely personally and tell me all the reasons that it's better to do this, but this is like me telling Chinese people you should eat noodles with a fork because I personally find it easier. It's insane. Barmy, even, shall we say. No salt and pepper on the tables? I can cope, no problem, i brought my own this time. Having to beg for another drink, and the bill, while simultaneously having them add the tip so I have to ask to take it off? Great, call it a service charge and pretend this isn't worse than tipping, fine, I'll play along. But this burger thing, get the fuck out of here. I love you, I love you so much and so many things about the country are so cool but also i am going to slap The Queen's King's Silver out of your hands onto the floor.
(I wish I could find it now, but I read a reddit comment about how this guy went...i think it was actually not the UK, but it was a burger joint in Europe and the chef was delighted to have AMericans and got so happy when they ate it with their hands. It was very cute. But yes, it is very very strange to eat burgers with silverware in the US) EDIT: SOMEONE FOUND IT
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I do think people overestimate how mad Fearne is going to be about Orym’s deal. He’s moving in with Nana forever? She loves her Nana! She’s always intended to go back to the Feywild, maybe this moves her schedule up a little… maybe he’s a little further than she’d like, but Nana would never hurt someone Fearne loves. Now she just has to maneuver everyone else in her treasure box of friends back with her and Orym.
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frogs-in3-hills · 1 year
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just look and see, this forest i made for you
[Image ID: A digital illustration of Fresh Cut Grass from Critical Role. It has a colorful and messy pixellated style. FCG is standing in a field of flowers with his hands clasped in front of him, looking down over the grass with a sense of warmth. Tree branches frame him from high up on either side. Behind him, in sharp contrast to the bright colors of the rest of the piece, there is a black panel shaped like an explosion right behind his head. It shows a loose, scratchy looking sketch of a one eyed creature standing over his old party members, with hints of red indicating blood splatters. FCG is turned away from the panel, ignoring it. End ID.]
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cocoabeean · 11 months
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stream doodles from a couple days ago, i love this boy genius and their cringe dad
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ad-hawkeye · 11 months
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💍 artem's second anniversary mood board 🥰
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shadowkira · 2 months
I want to go home and work on art. >:l
I should not have said in the tags that tonight was dragging. 💀
We just had a rush of incoming patients, here's the check in times:
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faeiapalette · 1 year
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I never noticed this before (most of the time i just focused on what i heard from the audio tab and what i see on the transcript but today i went to watch the whole game play.) but in Laito’s brute ending, i’ve always thought that they were staying in the living area of the church, turns out they were in the Sakamaki mansion -> after she lost conscious, he brought her to the church?? 🤔
What’s the meaning of this action, i wonder….
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rapidhighway · 1 year
So let's hope that my prof won't make me come out in front of a group of strangers because of my project idea huh :>
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natureismynature · 2 years
Watched Dimension 20: Fantasy High to cope and to distract myself from cr3e33 and now I am stressing out about highschool drama that is squeezed perfectly in the middle of a "let's save the world for the second time!" adventure... I am not okay TvT
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