#I was wondering what would be the funniest thing to but on a shirt
eisenartworks · 2 years
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Augh... This was trouble to translate. From what I understand, Genos addresses Saitama politely while Saitama is more casual? I hope I at least managed to portray that in the dialogue. I used the more polite version of money though, bc Idk if just kane works. Idk some kanjis yet, so some of them are in hiragana, sorry!
Genos: Teacher... Next time, I will dress you (his shirt specifically).
Saitama: Eeh? My clothes are fine, besides, I don't have money -
Genos: I'll pay -
Saitama: No way!! (Damned Cloud Strife lookalike!)
Edit: I forgot to say it... But Saitama's shirt says "Bra" lolol
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jarofstyles · 2 months
For fluffy requests: how about harry and yn both had a super long hard week, and they spend friday night getting high together? or drunk/tipsy. I just love intox handsy harry so much.
Absolutely!!! I love mushy H so much.
Check out our Patreon!
Warnings- they’re high, weed mention, cute as hell
“Christ.” She heard the whisper as she looked over from her phone to the man approaching her. He’d gone to go grab some chips, but it was evident that he’d been distracted the moment he walked back into the room.
“What?” The word was laughed under her breath as she tilted her head up properly to watch as he placed the bowl of chips down, getting on his knees in front of her. “Oh- hello?” Large hands pawed at her knees, pulling them apart as he wiggled his way to kneel between them. “What’s goin’ on?”
Harry’s mind was an interesting place that she liked to explore, but when he was high she couldn’t anticipate what he would do or say. It was exciting, in a way, because some of his funniest moments or revelations appeared from this exact scenarios. His eyes were slightly bloodshot as they looked over her face in awe, the bated silence making her raise a questioning brow at him.
“Just…” he licked his bottom lip, sliding his hands up over her thighs. The lack of pants seemed to please him, skin to skin contact making him lean further into her space. “Don’t think you know how much I love you. Didn’t think I could love you more, n’then bam!” He widened his eyes, making her jump at the sudden loudness of the word. “Walked in here and like… swear, my heart grew. Like the grinch or… Oscar the grouch? Whoever the fuck, they’re both fuzzy, green and grouchy, but. It hit me in the stomach and it’s like…. You’re my girl. Call yourself my girlfriend t’everyone. You’re wearing my fuckin’ shirt!”
Like it was the greatest honor of all time, he preened at the vision of her in front of him. One hand slipped under the shirt to grasp her tummy while the other grabbed her hand, pulling it to lay flat on his chest. “See? My heart kicked up a storm as soon as you touch me. S’fucking crazy. You don’t even know that it does this all the time too.” If he wasn’t being so earnest, Y/N would have giggled at how amazed he was at the concept of love. It was stupidly endearing.
“I love you too, baby.” She whispered, putting her phone down so she could hold his face in her other hand. He was right- his heart was thudding hard against her palm. “Thank you for telling me. Are you… what are you doing?”
While she stroked his cheek he had shuffled forward, wrapping his arm around her back and pulling her into his body. Her at the edge of the couch and him grabbing her other hand to put it in his hair before lifting her shirt up and ducking under it. “Woah! What’re y’doing, crazy man?”
“Need t’be closer to your heart.” He mumbled, lips pressing against her chest. It was entirely chaste and she could feel the intention before his cheek pressed against it. Her hand migrated from his chest to behind his neck, the position slightly odd but incredibly sweet. Surely his knees had to be sore from the hardwood but he didn’t care, nuzzling into her as he whispered to her.
“Love your heart. Gonna take care of it like y’take care of me, n’we’re gonna have a nice lil’ life just gettin’ to grow out love for each other. Gonna make you some good food later so you’re all nourished and then we’ll take a shower, but I think I wanna take a nap here.” He sighed, eyes shut as she gently massaged the back of his neck.
“Well… if you want to nap, that’s okay, but you need to get up here. You can’t nap on your knees, baby.”
“Shh. Jus’ for a little bit. Promise, mama. M’fine. Just don’t move n’keep doing that thing on my neck. If I was in a different mood that could probably make me nut, if m’honest.”
“Oooookay. Shh. Go to sleep.” She snorted, wondering how much more he’d have smoked when she wasn’t looking to get to this state.
“Kay. Love you so much, mama. You’re my entire world n’if I dream, it’ll probably be about you. It always is.”
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naokyunnn · 2 years
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with — Rin, Shidou, Sae, Nagi
basically just about what canceled people have done but its blue lock characters
cw: mentions of violence (shidou and sae) mentions of reo x nagi 😭 (they’re not in a relationship here just a online inside joke in their fandom)
disclaimer: all just headcanons, all of em never happened, not canon 🫡
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just some random day his name was just trending on twitter and people just keep on saying that “Rin is a nepo baby but his brother is the famous one” — “he’s only famous because of his brother”
honestly got canceled for no reason and he doesn’t give a fuck
he would wear those shirt with a “nepo baby” text on it
he would also get alot of backlash about his behavior. “he doesn’t wave at his fans” “he doesn’t want to take pictures together” “he flip us off”
he would go live on insta and have the funniest response on his issues (and they’re mostly used on tiktok as reaction vids)
haters wont affect him if he’s the biggest hater in this planet 🫡
and also restored tweets literally just bashing some other soccer players
mainly literally brawling with rin in the middle of their game
“why is he still on the team anyway” “i can’t believe ya’ll still support shitdou” “all this tiktok girlies will make edits of him being this violent, poor rin :((“
people (rin’s fans) hated his guts because he always pick a fight with rin
another mf who won’t give a fuck about the internet have to say
restored tweets. mostly just saying the most horny statement known to man
has cheating allegations too
“bro thinks he’s aiku 😂” — “are they real? HAHWJSHA” — “bro he gets girlfriends?”
he enjoys being a menace in the internet, he’s fine being a clown of it or whatever he just want to piss people off
being literally friends with shidou 😭😭
“no wonder he’s also a meanie”— “yall need to see someone if you guys find red flags like them hot😭”— “gahdam what’s wrong with his hair🤨”
he gets alot of hate already about his attitude
said a slur once
run over a paparazzi once with his luxurious car
but people find it really hard to hate him fully because he always get the best plays whenever he’s on the field, that at the end of the day more people still will be cheering for him
one of his big issue is literally having a own fight with his OWN brother
people think that’s too far already and feels sorry for rin
“poor guy no wonder why he’s so emo he have a brother like this” — “its always the older siblings” — “this whole soccer thing is turning into a drama”
he has very overly obsessed fans
yep. i like to think that aside football, he also streams online to show off his gaming skills
doesn’t care about the hate comments he gets because he know that haters can’t be avoided when you’re famous. BUT HIS FANS ON THE OTHER HAND…
if you said something that he didn’t like the world will most likely know your address or something because his fans are gnna come for you
and his fans will probably bully tf out of his haters too 😭
“nagi stans are krazy bruh dont mess with them” — “those nagi stans need jail time 😬” — “nagi control ur fandom 😐 they’re ruining lives online”
will apologize on his fans behalf
has probably said something homophobic accidentally and didn’t know it was that offensive til he reads his chats
“ayo! HAHAHAHAH don’t you have a boyfriend?”— “reo collect ur man HAHAHA” — “bro why u said that 💀”
would apologize for the lack of knowledge
nagi: guys reo is not my boyfriend, he’s my best friend y’ll
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thanks for reading lads
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Caffeine fix and beyond - Part 1
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A/N: Did I come up with the worst fic title? Lmao. This is for @elixirfromthestars thank you for hosting the cutest writing challenge ever!
Sitting at the Coffee shop AU table, with some sweet treats - “I’m only doing it because you’re cute.”, “Why don’t you tell me what I can do to make your day better?” & Saying ‘I love you’ for the first time.
Find the writing challenge here ☕️
Pairing: Tony Stark x F! Reader
Warning: fluff! One bad coffee pun.
Word count: 2.2k
Tony Stark Masterlist
“Oh look! It’s my favourite superhero!” you exclaimed, giving the man before you a big grin as he mirrored your action.
“And it’s my favourite barista.”
Tony Stark lowered his sunglasses to greet you, shoving them in his pocket before ordering his usual cup of coffee to go.
Happy Hogan, his head of security or the guy who handed him things - as you formerly knew him, was missing today. That was a first. You got to know about his eccentric habits over the course of time, something which you initially found snooty and borderline narcissistic.
It was a sunny day in New York when the genius billionaire walked into your cafe with a caffeine urge to subdue and an air of indifference. He had cut through the line much to your annoyance but the people waiting didn’t seem to mind since it was the great Iron Man who’d just walked into your humble but prominent shop. After making him wait for a good fifteen minutes before giving him his fix, you were introduced to the man who had been observing you keenly from afar while you worked. As time passed, you got to know the man behind the titanium suit, the funniest, wittiest man you’d come across and a broken superhero you had grown fond of. It had come to a point where on days he wouldn’t show up, you would actually miss him.
“No Happy today?” you wondered out loud, raising your eyebrows when he held his hand out for the cup which you were about to place on the counter.
“He’s feeling under the weather. I’ll let him know you missed him.” he teased, taking a sip of the scalding hot beverage without flinching.
“Please do. You know how much I love him in his suit.” you grinned as Tony chuckled, waving goodbye as you watched the man head out.
“Might stop by later tonight, Y/N!” he called out without turning around, making a few heads turn your way before the superhero disappeared.
Shaking your head fondly, you went about your day, tending to the ever-growing line standing in front of you, all waiting for their favourite coffee.
While you rolled out the last of the cinnamon roll batch for the night, you heard the bell outside your door chime, knowing it wouldn’t be anybody other than the man who had quickly become one of your closest companions. He usually ended up in your cafe late at night for a chat, more often than not for a cup or three of his famous Stark brew - as you coined it.
“Are those cinnamon rolls I smell?”
You chuckled hearing his voice float through the empty cafe before the man appeared in the kitchen which was located behind the counter. Dressed in some faded jeans and a band t-shirt, he looked quite relaxed for someone you knew was running on four hours of sleep on a daily basis.
“Yes! Aren’t these a favourite of your best friend? James if I’m not wrong. Ask him to stop by tomorrow, will you?”
One of the things that you loved doing was teasing Tony Stark, the man was so easily annoyed, it was adorable.
“Yeah I’m starting to think you prefer my head of security and my best friend over my company, Y/N.” he narrowed his eyes at you, leaning against one of your work stations while snooping around for snacks.
“Finally you got the hint! You are as smart as they say, Stark.” you poked your tongue out, wiping your hands on your apron before handing him a bag of strawberries which he gratefully accepted.
“Alright, quit it.”
The two of you had quite the chemistry ever since you began talking, it always bordered on flirting and would more often than not lead to banter, something you thoroughly enjoyed and knew he secretly loved too. It had been a privilege getting to know the man behind the Iron persona. The man was generous and kind, he was sweet when he wanted to be and a stubborn prick when he pleased.
For a few moments he remained silent, watching you wrap the trays of cinnamon rolls in plastic before you transferred them to the fridge to prove overnight; he saw how meticulously you cleaned the kitchen before pouring a glass of white wine for yourself and perching yourself on the counter next to him.
“Not driving home?” he asked, concerned about how tired you looked, surely you were doing this for years and he had never seen you this exhausted. Maybe it was something other than your regular baking duties that were troubling you today.
“Car’s with the mechanic today, she’s giving me nothing but grief these days.” you sighed, rolling your shoulders to relieve some tension from your aching muscles. Some family drama aside, it had been a long, busy but fulfilling day.
“So, what ails you, dear child?” you joked, sipping on your wine. Tony would usually beg you to make him a cup of joe by now but tonight, he remained silent.
“Forget about me. Tell me about your day, Y/N.”
Tony rarely asked about this. His visits consisted of rants about technical jargon which you did not pretend to understand, they ended with him bragging about an invention or a girl he scored with the night before. You were more of a listener than a talker anyway, had been all your life, so it was like a natural fit. So this certainly came as a surprise to you.
“I’m serious. I always yap about my day and you always listen. You seem upset about something and I want to know if you’re willing to share. You need a listener too.” he smiled one of those rare Tony Stark smiles that were reserved for special people in his life. It warmed your heart.
He waited patiently as you took another generous sip from your drink, his brown eyes boring into yours, his body angled towards you, letting you know you had his full attention.
“Well, my baby brother is thinking about quitting college. He says he wants to focus on his start-up. You know the one I told you about.”
He nodded, immediately recalling the day you had mentioned about your younger sibling being inclined towards artificial intelligence and expressing the desire to venture into it professionally one day.
“I don’t want him to be yet another disappointment to my parents, Tony. One sibling has had enough trauma to last a lifetime. I don’t want him to go through what I did.” you sighed, closing your eyes to make the stray tears that gathered disappear.
Sure your parents gave you the upbringing you deserved, but they would never miss a chance to show their disappointment in you after you had quit your well-paying job to open up your quaint little cafe. It had been a lifelong dream of yours that didn’t seem to fit in their ideal world. You were used to ignoring the little jabs and remarks but your brother was still young, and you wanted to protect him.
“Look, I know you still think of him as your baby brother, but he’s old enough to make his own decisions now, Y/N. And you never know, he might be really good, good enough for the heir of Stark Industries to want to meet him to discuss ideas.”
He knew you would never take advantage of the fact that you guys were close and he was willing to do whatever it took to make you feel better.
A lesser known fact was that Tony Stark was quite smitten by you. His best friend knew it, Happy knew it, probably the only person who didn’t know was you.
“Tony, it’s not necessary. You’re being too kind, I just–”
“Nuh-uh. It’s already decided. He will be okay, Y/N. Stop taking his responsibilities upon your delicate little shoulders.” Tony jumped down and placed his hands on your shoulders to give you a little massage. His fingers felt like heaven, making you melt against his touch instantly, you had to stop yourself from letting out a moan that threatened to escape.
“That feels amazing. Do you moonlight as a masseur?” you yawned sleepily, placing the glass away.
“Perhaps. The rest of my services are paid though. Come on.” Tony held out his hand for you and made you stand up.
“Come where? Where are we going?” you frowned, eyelids already growing heavy, the exhaustion of the day finally catching up.
“I’m going to walk you home. Have you eaten today?”
You hadn’t. The day had been busy enough and you wanted to finish the batch of cinnamon rolls for tomorrow, that had eventually led you to forget about dinner.
Meekly you shook your head, making him let out a dramatic sigh.
“What would you do without me, Y/N Y/L/N!”
If anything, Tony Stark would never fail to make you smile. He had a tendency to brighten up a dull day. You found yourself thinking just how much you’d miss him if he wasn’t in your life; not that you’d gather the courage to answer out loud.
He had looped your arm in his as you walked the ever busy streets of New York, grabbing a pizza on your way. This was a new side to him you were shown, one you were sure didn’t come out often.
As you unlocked your front door, you turned to the man beside you who stood fidgeting with the cardboard pizza box.
“Why are you being so nice to me?”
Instead of answering, Tony leaned closer and wrapped his hand over yours on the door knob, his breath fanning your hair slightly causing your heart to flutter hopelessly. Ever so gently he twisted the knob and opened the door for you, his body heat still radiating near you, making you want to lean against that taut chest. If only you could…
He stepped in after you, observing your space with keen interest. Years of hardwork and savings had bought you this modestly sized apartment, right in the heart of New York. The space was a little cluttered but it had a homey vibe to it which matched you.
Placing the pizza box on the kitchen counter, you discarded your bag and asked the snarky superhero who was currently skimming over family photographs if he wanted a drink.
“You didn’t answer my question, Tony.” You said, handing him a glass of wine. This time he turned to face you, a small smile played on his lips as he took in your appearance. Hair messy from a long day of work, minimal make-up and the light in your eyes that drew him in from day one; to him, you were perfect.
“I’m only doing it because you are cute.”
He stated matter-of-factly, reaching for your free hand and letting his fingers entwine with yours. A small gesture that awakened a few thousand butterflies in your tummy.
“You’ve offered to help my brother, you bought me dinner, walked me home, and you didn’t try to sneak a cup of coffee today. All that because I’m cute huh?”
You teased, feeling just a little bolder as you took a step closer to him. It was now or never, you thought.
“Ask me what I’ve always wondered about.” He asked softly, still toying with your fingers which he’d now brought up to his chest. Something in your heart whispered he felt the same way.
“What have you always wondered about, Tony?” Your eyes dropped to his pillowy lips, unable to resist yourself from getting closer until you were only inches apart.
“I wonder why you won’t bake some blueberry muffins for me?”
It took a couple of seconds for you to process and snap out of it, when you did, Tony’s eyes were dancing with mirth. You shoved him away with a groan only for him to grab hold of your arms and pull you close.
“I’ve always wondered how I’ve grown so close to someone I only met a few months ago, I’ve always wondered how someone as beautiful and amazing as you would ever entertain a selfish prick like me..”
You were about to open your mouth to speak but were stopped when Tony placed a finger on your lips.
“I’ve also wondered what it’d be like to kiss you…” his soft murmur traveled down your spine in a delicious manner, making your breathing hitch as his doe eyes landed on your parted lips.
Taking initiative, you gently pressed your lips to his in a kiss that assured you your life wouldn’t be the same again. It was surprisingly tender, contrary to his boisterous persona, soft lips molded into yours in a perfect union making the surroundings disappear.
You smiled into the kiss when Tony let out a small whine, almost as if battling in his head whether to break the kiss or take things forward. You felt his grip on your hands move to your waist, holding you flush against his chest before he reluctantly broke the kiss, resting his forehead against yours, grinning.
“And?” You kept your voice soft, afraid to break the bubble you were in.
“I think I found my perfect blend.”
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mashiraostail · 1 month
Hii! can i request your take on how wyll would react to a partner that is just ridiculously into him? like, they blush and giggle everytime he makes a joke, anytime they talk to him in camp they are def staring at his stomach, they cling to him at every opportunity. that kinda thing.
i LOVE your writing btw
this how i am with Wyll in my play through he goes "well met" and im kicking my legs and giggling
sorry i've been kinda MIA turns out being an adult with responsibilities like lowkey takes up a lot of my time.
Wyll doesn't like to flatter himself, he's the Blade of Frontiers that's special enough. He doesn't also have to be the apple of every wayward adventure's eye, he doesn't have to be anything particularly special to look at. So he doesn't, flatter himself that is, he doesn't immediately think that he's the reason his newest traveling companion is fluttering and blushing and stumbling in every direction. He figures you're just like that, excitable and always happy to see a familiar face in such a treacherous situation. He decides that he's more than happy to be that familiar face for you. It had been that way since your first meeting at the grove, you had reached out and rested a hand on his bicep as you invited him to join your camp and something about the twinge of color in your face and the way you struggled to hold his gaze made him feel glad to have been invited, he accepted easily. He briefly wonders if perhaps your constant watching and nervous fluttering comes from a place of distrust, distrust in his eye, in his pact, and in his history, that concern didn't last long.
As you traveled together it only became worse, the less clothing he had on the fewer syllables you could choke out at him, all of his jokes were the funniest things you'd ever heard and if you had any say in the matter you would always walk beside him. He didn't mind, actually the opposite, and he wondered when it might be time to start flattering himself with the notion that you would enjoy more than just friendly conversation.
He can feel your eyes on him, which isn't unusual, but lately it seems to be more. What could have been mistaken before for an excitability about or a desire for friendship and a familiar face was slowly morphing into something more tangibly lustful. He could feel your eyes on his stomach, gliding down the wiry trail of hair below his navel, darting between the protrusion of his hipbones, down the V of his shirt collar and over the veins in his bicep. When you spoke your eyes fluttered between his face and his body and if it were anybody else he wondered if he would feel as flattered as he did right now.
Often he finds himself looking for a reason to go to you, maybe he likes flattering himself or maybe he just likes you. He'll bring you books to read on relevant topics like mind-flayers and mind-flayer transformations, areas you're going to travel through, enemies you'll have to fall and so on. When the day is out and you all settle in at camp he's usually looking for you first of all.
"There you are-"
You try to not go so dutifully to him, you know your oogling is obvious, you'd feel more guilty if his distaste of it were clearer but you couldn't get a read on him and you couldn't help yourself at the best of times. It was especially hard to get a read on him when he seemed to be looking for you almost as often as you were thinking of or looking at him.
"Wyll." You're sitting by the camp fire, back against a log when you see him walking towards you, or hear him call out for you.
"I was looking for you." He stops barely a foot away, looking down at you. You instantly feel heat rise up your chest, you can feel it pool between your collar bones and climb slowly up your neck, the color burns your cheeks.
"You were....looking for me?" And gods help you, you try to look at his face, his face is as lovely as the rest of him but at night you get to see his uncovered arms and stomach and you can't help but desperately want to see it all.
"I found something for you today, it slipped my mind earlier but I saw it in my pack and remembered you." He's holding a book up, "I hope I can blame this forgetfulness on our unwanted passengers." He taps his temple, "otherwise I fear what will happen to me in my old age."
The worst part of it all is you're extremely capable, Wyll's watched you fell hundreds of enemies by now, and that's in the past week alone. But somehow all he had to do was crack a light joke and you were giggling and smiling at him like a school child. Though he didn't seem disdainful of it, he actually looked rather proud, so the embarrassment about it was reserved for you alone.
"It's a book about the Underdark and the Myconid colonies there. I'm not sure what it was doing in that empty tavern basement but...I guess my old habits can still come in handy sometimes." He shrugs and holds it out to you, "I figured you would like to read it."
"Thank you for thinking of me." You're sure he can see the wash of color over your skin darken, especially so when he reaches out his pointer finger to brush against your hand as you take the book from him.
"Don't thank me, it's easy." He shrugs and procures an apple and a dagger, though he's probably had them the whole time and you only tore your eyes away from his chest to notice now. "Room for one more? I can share this apple as repayment." He nods at the empty spot beside you and tries not to laugh as you flounder to sit up and make room for him.
"What's gotten into you lately?" He's still standing as he begins to peel the apple with the slightly dulled blade, pushing it occasionally against the pad of his thumb, he drops the scraps for the cub and Scratch who come dutifully to him, "you seem jumpier than usual."
What had gotten into you was Wyll's incessant need to test the water with you. He'd sit by you and your thighs would touch and you would be able to feel his breath on your shoulder when he spoke; he'd offer to take your bowl after dinner and cover your hand with his when he did, and he would laugh at you, and rest his hand on his stomach where he must know you would look. He'd watch you preen and purr at the attention, and you would go to him like a moth to a flame and he would celebrate the victory of it as if he hadn't had you all along.
"I'm just...exhausted." You rub your face to sell the lie, and it was certainly a lie, you couldn't feel tired around Wyll only jumpy, clingy and nervous.
"Really?" He frowns, "shall I leave you then?"
His frown was enough to make your chest and stomach bloom with excitement, he wanted to stay with you.
"No! I can't sleep so early.... I'll be up all night. I'd like your company."
You watch the subtle flex and give of his bicep and forearm, illuminated in the firelight, as he rounds the edge of the dagger across the apple's skin, the vein on the back of his hand gently protrudes as the blade of the dagger presses against his thumbprint. Every twist of the dagger brought his biceps to life, the steady strength of his arm coaxing the apple's skin to surrender in slow, deliberate ribbons; and you genuinely aren't sure what to do with it all. You wanted to feel his biceps ripple under your hands, watching the practiced ease with which he moved made you wonder what else he was well practiced for.
"We should have somebody paint you a picture. when we get to the city." He slices of a bit of the peeled apple and offers it to you, "it would last you longer."
"A painting wouldn't do you justice." You take it from him as he sits down, you hear him kiss his teeth and laugh through his nose.
"Careful, you won't like me with a big head. What are you trying to butter me up for, exactly?" He slices himself a cube of the apple and despite the shame anyone else would feel at his previous words you can't help but watch as his teeth sink into the apple with a crunch. You watch the flex and pop of his jaw as he chews and the bob of his Adam's apple as he swallows. If he can tell you're watching he doesn't seem to mind.
"Nothing in particular." You shake your head at him and accept another small chunk of the fruit he was cutting.
"Ah." He twirls it in his hands, "but you are trying to butter me up then?"
"I don't know if I would call it that, I just can't help myself."
"You know, at first I worried you just didn't trust me." He offers a chunk of apple to the cub and scratch before throwing it into the distance, they run after it and he grins, "but now I'm worried I'm becoming vain, thanks to you."
"Vain?" You pique, "why's that?"
"I can tell you're always looking, and I'm preening like a peacock for you. Dunno why, you'd caught something the second you met me, didn't you?" He nudges his shoulder against you before going on, the flush rising again to your face was all the answer he needed, "I'll tell you the truth, if you'd like to hear it, I aim to live by the standards of a gentleman. The kind of man my father would have been proud to raise. I like to do things properly, slowly, deliberately." He sets the dagger down, "but, when we met, I could feel you looking at me at camp that night, the way you talked to me, and preened for me, it felt good. I felt like I wouldn't have minded to throw away those standards, to enjoy you the way you seemed to enjoy me."
"So why didn't you?" You sounded almost petulant, and you were looking up at him with so much earnest that he wondered again what would be so bad about throwing caution to the wind.
"Just because I wouldn't have minded to do something doesn't mean it would be the right thing to do. I am glad to take my time with this, no matter how difficult I find it at times. It's rewarding to...enjoy flattering myself with your attention while I consider, with time, all the ways I'd like to return it. You deserve much more than a lustful, needy, late night tryst, as wonderful as it may sound in the heat of the moment. You deserve all the careful time and consideration I can muster the will power to afford...I only want you to know that I understand you, and I feel the same way. When the time is right, and when I can give you the sort of night you deserve, you'll have me. I promise."
If you were to ask Wyll he would tell you he honestly had no idea how he kept his head from growing to big to fit in camp. Gods, you were practically purring in his lap and all he had offered up were some honeyed words and close contact. He'd never tell, but maybe it was all a bit self indulgent because gods did he love watching you bloom for him, he didn't mind letting you push the envelope, put your hands on his chest, let them wander a bit, he had more than enough will power to deny himself in the end and it would all be worth it when he finally found the right time to have you, or at least when he finally ran out of will power.
He wouldn't mind waiting until then anyways, not when you gave him enough attention to hold him over for a life time.
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milla984 · 1 year
It's the Great Pumpkin, Spencer Reid
Summary: Spencer and Reader get to spend some quality time together on Halloween
Pairing: virgin!Spencer Reid x fem!reader, virgin!Spencer Reid x plus size Reader
Category: smut (NSFW, 18+, MDNI)
TW/CW: heavy kissing, handjob, fingering, brief mention of an anxiety attack, body image insecurities (both parts)
Word Count: 5.4k
This work is part of the series Spencer Reid, my beloved
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“I am officially traumatized,” Penelope blurted out when the end credits rolled on the screen, “remind me to never watch another Halloween movie with you, guys!!”
You could almost hear Spencer squeak in disbelief. “What?! This is a classic!”
She stood up to adjust her skirt, the one with jack-o’-lanterns and spiderwebs arranged in a casual pattern all over the dark fabric, and the bats standing on top of her fuzzy headband wiggled in different directions. 
“Uh–uh, La Dolce Vita is a classic. This is what goes on in the twisted mind of someone who desperately needed a hug and a large cup of hot cocoa with a ton of whipped cream and sprinkles as a child.”
You smiled as you finished loading the dishwasher, amused by the discussion unfolding in your living room; in your heart you were the greatest admirer of Spencer’s ability to conjure up any kind of random information on the spot but the exact moment you saw him open his mouth you knew he was about to make the situation worse.
“In fact, Barker’s grandmother had a fascination with the macabre. She would often tell gruesome stories which she presented as true tales so he grew up with the fear of being murdered in his own house.” 
Garcia gawked and raised a hand in his direction, simultaneously turning your way. “See?! Forgive me if I don’t think that having my entire body ripped apart by giant hooks is the ultimate frontier of pleasure!”
“And I’ll never look at a puzzle box the same way! What if it’s a brain teaser from Hell and there’s one of those chattering monsters inside?” she added and you had to hold back your laughter because Spencer’s perplexed frown was probably one of the cutest and funniest things in the whole world.
The mustache glued to his upper lip and the cravat he wore over a white shirt and black vest were only adding to it so you forced yourself to remain serious. “I’m sorry… pizza and a movie from my dvd collection were all I had to offer on such short notice,” you said, to which she replied by shaking her long, wavy hair.
“Oh no, sweet pea! You did great, I’m just too attached to the illusion that life is a rainbow to be into the traditional Halloween gore,” she sighed and wrapped herself in a colorful poncho. “Hey, Raven Man! Ready to leave?”
Spencer squirmed: an IQ of 187 and still he was unable to come up with a semi-plausible lie when it came to hiding the truth from his friends. Feeling the weight of her curious stare he swallowed nervously.
“I was kind of considering the possibility of going to the midnight screening of Nosferatu, at the Silver Theatre. It’s the 100th anniversary so the Silent Orchestra will play the entire score live, have you ever heard of them? They use contemporary musical idioms to convey the art of pre-talkies films to modern audiences, they’ve been widely acclaimed for their work.”
Penelope raised an eyebrow. “Midnight screening, huh?! Which means you don’t need a ride home… what a coincidence,” she teased, leaning forward to squeeze you in a passionate hug. “I knew it! I saw it the minute I walked in!”
This time was your turn to shrug with a puzzled expression: Reid and Garcia should have been on the opposite side of D.C. for a relaxed dinner at the Morgans’ after a thorough raid of all the neighborhood porches. However, Derek had called just as they were getting in the car to inform them that Hank got unexpectedly sick and forty-five minutes later All Hallows’ Eve enthusiast Reid (dressed up as Edgar Allan Poe) plus a very concerned Penelope had showed up at your apartment, making you wonder why on earth wasn’t she already busy baking since she kept repeating chickenpox called for the best pumpkin pie ever.
“Well, there goes our plan to keep a low profile,” you groaned as you closed the door behind her, and Spencer’s eyes widened in surprise. 
“How…?! Is this what they call ‘female intuition’?”
“Call it whatever you want but I’m glad she’s not mad we didn’t tell her right away,” you replied, proceeding to wrap your arms around his shoulders, “and I can think of another person who’s probably very happy for you, now.”
Spencer got rid of the fake mustache with a pensive stare. When it finally dawned on him that Garcia’s phone buzzing during your impromptu horror-themed movie night had in fact started out as live updates on their godson’s health and most likely turned into a gossip session about you two as a couple he squinted.
“I almost bailed on going trick-or-treating with them. I didn’t because I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, but I also wanted to see you. It’s our first Halloween.”
You nodded. “Maybe we can still get tickets for Nosferatu. You’re a terrible liar, so I’m sure there really is a midnight screening at the Silver Theatre.”
Spencer stared at you, entranced, then pulled you closer and in a heartbeat your lips met his - a sweet caress, tender and soft, your breaths entwined and your noses rubbing against each other in delicate strokes. You gave him a gentle push and he plopped down on the couch as you placed one knee on either side of his legs to straddle him; one of his hands sneaked behind you, exploring you as if he was trying to blindly map your whole back. 
You felt his other hand on your waist, hesitant. 
Three months had passed since the day you both came to the conclusion you were not “just friends” - three months made of late night phone calls from six different States, of handwritten silly notes you hid in his leather bag each time you drove him to the airport to catch a flight for Houston, three months of you hoping things would eventually move past the PG rated phase.
Three months of your self-consciousness sowing the seed of doubt in your heart, encouraged by the notion of whom he got to share his workspace with: you were no Emily or JJ and even if Spencer wasn’t the type to pay attention to details he frequently referred to as ‘trivial’ you were growing less and less confident.
“It’s fine, you can touch me,” you whispered, guiding his palm to cup your breast. They were pretty difficult to ignore, nevertheless he always seemed to steer away from them as much as he could.
You ran your fingers through his hair until you grabbed a small chunk of his curls; Spencer gasped for air and you brushed your tongue over his lower lip, letting out a muffled moan when the heat between your legs became almost unbearable. You started grinding on his lap to adjust tightly against his body.
“Wait…” he whined, squirming under you.
A second moan escaped from your throat while the pressure of his stiff cock hit your thigh but he shoved you away to free himself and spring to his feet, shaking heavily as if he was experiencing a full blown anxiety attack. 
His cheeks were flustered and his hair stuck to his dampened forehead so that he couldn’t even look at you straight - which gave him the perfect excuse to avoid doing it altogether. “I– I’m sorry…”
“No, no, I am…” you muttered, because the guilt building up in your chest felt so heavy you find it difficult to breathe.
Spencer was standing there, fumbling nervously with the cravat around his neck; his body language was screaming discomfort and he was clearly thinking of an excuse to remove himself from the situation. It was then that the hidden and irrational side of you, the one that desperately feared he would have disappeared forever if you’d let him go, kicked in and a rush of adrenaline came running down your spine.
“Please…” you continued, placing a hand over his, “it’s okay, really… there’s no way to control it, you should know better than anyone—”
“Why? Because I’m a man and men are supposed to have zero impulse regulation?!”
The embarrassment and shame in his voice broke you: you had sworn a thousand times in your mind to do your best to be his solace, yet now it seemed you were hurting him like no-one had ever done before.
“No,” you replied, “because you’re the genius, here, and you should know it’s a perfectly healthy and natural reaction.”
He huffed, visibly irritated at what he must have perceived as a patronizing tone. A different sort of emotion crawled under your skin, sparked by the amount of tension stagnating in the air.
You offered him a cushion and glanced at him with your usual no-nonsense attitude. “Sit down, so we can have a proper conversation? You know, like… functioning adults.”
Spencer pouted for a second, evaluating numbers and statistics about two years and a half’s worth of interactions. The truth was, intellectual affinity was such a familiar concept for the two of you that talking your way through an issue was indeed a synonym for a positive outcome. 
He grabbed the cushion and held it onto his stomach to shield himself from your gaze, though it was purposely focused on his face; you thought it was best to put some distance between your bodies when he sat on the couch again so you folded your legs underneath you, shivering like a cold draft had found its way inside the room.
“Listen, we can both agree this is not your regular, everyday casual topic of conversation… which is why we’ve never discussed premarital sex—”
“I’m not against it,” Spencer rushed to declare, “I’ve assumed it was the same for—”
“Sure, no! Ditto,” you confirmed.
His furrowed brows relaxed while his mouth curved in a timid smile. “Did you know that every person’s intimate relationships follow a script that has been written according to their own individual attitude towards all –uhm, sexual experiences?”
“I did not,” you admitted, and Spencer’s hands started dancing to the sound of his own words. 
“There are sets of guidelines for appropriate behavior, each partner in consensual encounters acts as if they are an actor following a script rather than acting on impulse alone. Researches indicate that women are more likely to initiate contact in well established relationships, negotiating sexual activity in developing relationships can be difficult 'cause both parts have multiple goals to deal with, such as providing relational definitions or following specific standards or morals.”
“Yeah, speaking about relationships… I think we’ve been in one since Christmas, we were just too dumb to say it out loud. And to each other,” you explained. “Sounds like a well-established to me but what’s your take on us?”
He curled into himself. “Every time we’re together I know there’s no other place I’d rather be. I’ve never even imagined it could be possible, I want to feel you even closer… and I’m so afraid I’m forcing this on you—”
“You’re not, I want it too,” you reassured him, “but to be honest I was starting to worry you were not into… me.”
Spencer’s beautiful eyes roamed over you and what you could see was all but repulsion. “Actually it’s the complete opposite.”
“So, what if my script says I’m ready to take things further?” you inquired, inching towards him to tug at the cravat of his costume. 
Spencer cupped your face and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. “Mine is on the same page,” he whispered.
Your fingers immediately went to the vest he was wearing and trailed the line of buttons in a slow movement; you undid them one by one, the hems eventually coming apart to reveal the white shirt underneath.
“Tell me if anything doesn’t feel good,” you purred while you loosened the cravat to uncover his Adam’s apple. The way his muscles tensed as it bobbed up and down drove you crazy, so you teased him with the tip of your tongue - your lips grazing over the short stubble. 
Damn him and his impeccable bone structure: the scruffy look suited him so well it always sparked in you the urge to pin him to a wall and sink your teeth into his tender flesh. You loved how he could sport a smooth, professional style when the situation required it still wasn’t concerned with shaving each morning, almost as if it was an impractical activity which took energy away from whatever he considered to be a priority at that moment. 
You heard something flop on the floor and stopped your ministrations: the cushion he’d been holding over his stomach wasn’t there anymore, meaning you got to notice his trousers were becoming increasingly tight.
You squeezed his knee to make sure he was prepared for a more intimate contact then you slid it even further on his leg, giving him a couple of minutes to adjust to your gentle strokes before you felt confident enough to move the action to his inner thigh.
Spencer gasped, surprised rather than shocked or disturbed by how close you were now to where he was aching, and he leaned back to ease the pressure of the fabric but kept his eyes on you. 
He gave a silent nod in response to your interrogative stare, so you finally traced the outline of his hard cock between your thumb and index.
He jolted this time and muttered under his breath, a deep rasp in his voice you didn’t expect: you were unprepared to hear your name spoken as it was the quintessence of pure desire and you quivered, the throbbing in your ears rolling to your core.
You kissed his temple as you pointed at the waistband of his trousers. “Can I…?”
“Y– yes…” he muttered.
His clothes didn’t have any space left to accommodate his bulge. You palmed over it and felt an impatient twitch, which nearly had Spencer cursing; it was becoming torture for him so you reached for the zipper. 
For a split second the historical inaccuracy of a Victorian era costume featuring a device first introduced years after Edgar Allan Poe’s death hit you - a remark Reid himself would have been very appreciative of, which showed how much you could relate to the way his brain worked. Then you shook out of it and peeled his slacks open.
You crumpled the shirt over his stomach and marveled at the sight of his soft belly, the flawless navel, the dark fuzz pointing directly to his raging erection. With a cautious approach you freed it from any restraint, chewing on your lower lip as you often did when you were entirely focused on a challenging task. 
You couldn’t exactly say you had many options in your mind to compare him to but you had done a lot of fantasizing: now that he was in front of you, undressed and defenseless, you were downright mesmerized by—
“What’s wrong?!” Spencer screeched, interrupting your train of thought. “Is it odd? Does it look odd?!”
You shook your head, taken aback. “... odd?! No, why?!” you asked. “It’s just…” you petted the roundness to demonstrate, “I like your tummy so much.”
The way it pressed against his belt whenever he sat next to you on your couch or his was overly inviting and in the past weeks you had to fight the temptation to sneak a hand inside his shirt to squish it, because you didn’t know how he would’ve reacted. 
“Really?!” he marveled, confirming he wasn’t even aware you had a thing for soft tummies. His soft tummy, to be specific.
You smiled and leaned forward to rest your forehead against his. “Are you okay with me doing this?”
Spencer nodded, his eyelids half-closed, so you let your fingertips follow the trail of hair below his belly button; his hardness twitched again when you got near, then you wrapped your hand around it. 
You both moaned in unison, a harmony of pleasure that filled the silence of your living room. You moved along his entire length, feeling the satiny skin sliding over the shaft, and he threw his hair back in a movement that left his jugular exposed: his neck was too inviting and you sucked on it, the groans vibrating in his throat reverberating on your lips.
You gripped tighter when he got used to your caresses. As soon as his muffled whimpers seemed to increase in frequency you circled your thumb over the tip, spreading his leaking precum over the sensitive head. Spencer was at loss for words, a good indication that he was definitely enjoying the moment.
You were enjoying it too; you started to rub your legs together, your imagination running wild and picturing all sorts of scenarios. The mere thought of having him inside of you made you want to touch yourself but you resisted: Spencer was undoubtedly new to this and deserved someone in his life to love him and shower him with attention, so you decided to put his release before your own.
When you twisted your hand at the base of his cock he jumped, missing the bridge of your nose by a few inches.
“Too much?!” you cooed, and he seemed to come out of a sort of drunken stupor.
“No, no… it’s good, I like it…”
You sighed. “Spence, you have to tell me if—”
“It’s really good,” he replied, the urgency sensible in his tone. “Don’t stop,” he pleaded, low-key ashamed of how needy he’d sounded.
You pecked him on the nose as a reassurance you accepted and cherished this version of him: he wasn’t the kind of man to be interested in the crude physical aspect of sex, he’d made it clear. He wasn’t desperate for just anyone to satisfy him - he trusted you to do it, because he knew you were safe in each other’s arms.
You shifted to adjust at his side and returned to your previous occupation; you let your other hand wander over his thigh as a forewarning, then you sheepishly cupped his balls so you could provide additional stimulation and send him over the edge.
He bucked his hips, a loud “Oh, God!!!” escaping from his mouth before he grasped a fistful of your hair. He was hungry for you, his tongue sliding lustfully against yours and his breathing so ragged you were sure he was getting close. 
Kissing him was your drug of choice but you also wanted to watch him come undone, thanks to you, so you turned your head while he tensed: he arched his back and bucked his hips once more, nipping at your earlobe. He became harder as he spilled himself over your fingers, wrist and his own stomach with a feral growl.
You didn’t let go of him, not even when his whole body finally slumped down.
The well-defined jaw and unruly curls falling on his face, now so serene, made him appear like a Botticellian masterpiece. Botticelli would have never painted one of his subjects in such a disheveled state, for sure, but the contrast between his angelic aura and the fact he was sprawled on the couch with his trousers unzipped and his softening cock still in your hand was a vision to behold.
“Hey,” you hummed as he re-opened his eyes and found you looking at him, “you’re too cute to be real, you know that?!”
Embarrassed - yet adorably proud - Spencer lowered his gaze, only to grimace at the stickiness on his belly. And on you. “I made a mess, I’m s—”
“We made a mess. Besides, it’s nothing a towel can’t fix, don’t be sorry,” you said, patting his tummy.
You were almost tempted to ask him how long he’d been saving it for, in a clumsy attempt to remind him you’d fallen so head over heels for him you were not at all grossed out; at the last moment you ruled the joke out, though, stretching your legs to get up instead. “Give me a couple of minutes.”
He flashed you the most awkward smile and you forced your feet to move towards the bathroom. 
You washed your hands under the hot running water and silently watched a part of Spencer swirling down the drain; the floral scent of the soap was now in the air but you could still feel his - coffee and cologne, accentuated by the faint traces of sweat on his skin. 
You had just discovered something new: Spencer was often oblivious of how good he looked (despite the dark circles under his eyes) and that was no mystery, but the idea he might have been insecure about different parts of his body was something you’d never taken into account. If being a couple was the natural consequence of the emotional bond between you - rather than a result of some physical infatuation alone - why was he so preoccupied with your reaction to his half-naked self?
Your brain was going in severe overdrive. 
You inhaled and exhaled a couple of times, your fingers gripping on the honed marble of the countertop, then you dried your hands with a towel, grabbed a fresh one and returned to the living room; the instant you approached your couch you realized Spencer had been doing a lot of thinking of his own, and your heart sank into your stomach.
“Wunderkind, are you alright?” you questioned as you offered him the towel so that he could clean himself up. “What’s going on in here?” you added, tapping lightly on his temple.
He shrugged and proceeded to meticulously remove any trace of his seed from his belly and clothes before tucking the shirt into the waistband of his trousers. “Nothing special.”
His left eyebrow raised, due to an involuntary movement of his facial muscles: it was a flash, a glimpse, the undeniable proof he was hiding something. The sound of your intrusive thoughts and fears got so loud you wanted to scream to cover their noise.
“Your microexpressions say otherwise,” you retorted.
Spencer lifted his head to meet your eyes, mouth agape, and you couldn’t decipher the meaning of such a bewildered reaction. You had always been able to recognize his lying frown, his anxious smile, the suspicious squint and a hundred more variations: you were not a member of the BAU but you were an expert on detecting and classifying his emotions, yet you’d never seen that one before. 
“It’s… uhm, I’m wondering if it was good for you.”
Your heart leaped and bounced back where it belonged. His job required him to be the one calling people out on their behavior, not the other way round; your presence in his life forced him to face a situation in which his skills as a profiler couldn’t shield him from his own vulnerability, so he was in serious need of some consolation.
You bent over to whisper in his ear. “It was.”
“But you didn’t...” he nervously licked his lips, “and I want you to. Just tell me how.”
In the back of your mind you were 100% sure it would have been the right moment to confess you’d been harboring a few insecurities of your own but your fight-flight-freeze response was already answering on your behalf, making you freeze on the spot.
“You don’t think I can?!” he inquired, still convinced his lack of experience was the motivation behind any episode of miscommunication. 
“NO! It’s not about you,” you responded in a hurry, hugging him as he was still seated on the couch. “Or maybe it is… ” you gestured to your whole figure, “I guess I’m a bit worried this isn’t what—”
Spencer wrapped you in an equally sweet hug, his chin dimple pressed on your abdomen. “This is soft,” his hands ran to the back of your knees, trailing up, “it’s so soft I’ve got only one thing in mind every time you hug me and I have to stop myself…”
He stopped talking mid-sentence when you guided his palms over your chest and he finally laughed, fascinated by the feeling of your breasts through the shirt.
If he was so happy at the idea you were starving for his touch and was clearly eager to reciprocate it was time to consider the strong possibility he wasn’t just settling for less. “Do you really—”
“Yes!” he replied, enthusiastically. “But I could use a few hints, you know.”
You knew. “May I sit on your lap, kind sir?”
The ‘are you even serious?’ pout on his face deserved an award; now you were both allowed to act silly without the slightest concern one of you was making fun of the other, high on the intoxicating concept of true intimacy.
You positioned yourself so that you were seated on his groin, your back flat on his chest and your head nestled in the crook of his neck, thanking Mother Nature for the existence of refractory periods. Not that it was necessary, but Spencer hooked his left forearm around your waist to secure you as his tongue glided over the soft skin behind your ear. “How do I start?”
“Step one: make some space,” you tipped him.
He gulped loudly and began to caress your knee, ghosting his fingers along the thigh-bone. You shivered in anticipation and when he tried to reach for your inner thigh you spread your legs apart; he flattened his palm, gripping on your muscles and rubbing back and forth - still keeping some distance from your most delicate spots. 
You turned to offer him your lips. “Tease me… up and down, light touches.”
He did as he was told. When he ran the back of his hand over your mound you whimpered, the oversensitivity being too much to bear combined with the mind-blowing taste of his mouth over yours.
“Isn’t it frustrating for you?” he managed to articulate in between kisses and you rocked your hips against him.
You could already feel the familiar and insistent throbbing, accentuated by the fact that delayed gratification was a real pain; you were dying for him to placate the fire his hard cock had sparked in you, so you grabbed his wrist and guided it over your stomach, down the front of your panties.
He gasped at the feeling of your tender flesh, the curly hair, the dampness - too many sensory inputs to process all at once. “You’re so… warm?”
“Core body temperature is higher than the temperature of the skin,” you reminded him. 
“So warm,” he kept repeating, basic biology facts lost on him because his brain seemed to have switched off. 
His palm grazed over your folds and your legs fell further open to give him better access; you stroked his left forearm and tilted your head back. “Only two fingers now, Spence… up and down. But don’t go straight for—”
You tensed when his fingertips danced on your clit and he gripped you even tighter. “Sorry,” he mumbled, but the sensation was so good you could only smile.
“If you plan to go there it’s left and right. And draw a few circles around, big and small...” you explained before words turned into muffled moans as he put your suggestions into actions.
You were still grinding on his lap, your back glued to his chest, and he took advantage of the proximity to trap your earlobe between his teeth, sucking lightly at each change of the pattern he was tracing.
You squeezed his wrist when the flame inside of you grew fiercer. “You can slip your finger in if you want.”
Spencer let go of your earlobe and paused. “Are you sure?”
“I’ve been thinking about it for weeks,” you admitted, the weight of your secret vanishing in the air like a puff of smoke.
He sighed and shifted underneath you; just as you were ready to tell him he didn’t have to if he wasn’t comfortable with the idea he slid his middle finger past your entrance and you shuddered in his embrace. His hands were elegant, veiny, and his slender digits made for playing piano or reaching your hidden crevices - you had no doubts about it, but judging by how he was sitting still he had more than one question regarding what to do with them.
“How do I feel? Spence...?”
Even if you couldn’t really see his face, you knew he had a confused-slash-excited look on. “Hot… and wet, I never thought—”  
“You like it?”
“Shouldn’t I be asking you that?!” he asked in the cutest high-pitched tone and you laughed, making you both wince at the sudden movement. 
All the words in any existent language put together couldn’t describe the amount of affection you had for him. “I like it, Spence,” you hummed, “and it would be even better if you tried curling your fin— FUCK!” 
Spencer wasn’t one to waste time once he was given a specific instruction.
He pushed his finger forward and curled it as you said, gliding in and out to slowly familiarize himself with the different textures of your inner walls. He adopted a very empirical approach, experimenting several techniques based on what he’d learned not so long before, while you whimpered and moaned his name; he was moaning, too, and so prettily you couldn’t control yourself.
“Spence, I need more…” 
He nipped at your jaw, his long hair tickling your cheek. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You won’t, I promise”, you panted, almost out of breath.
When he slipped a second finger in you realized that his arm wrapped around your waist was the only thing still keeping you in place: your legs were giving up on you, your hips swayed to let Spencer’s fingers plunge deeper as your back arched and your fists closed around his clothes. He was pumping relentlessly, overwhelmed by your wetness and the way you were taking him inside like he was a missing part of your own body; he tried to reach for your mouth and you turned to grasp the nape of his neck.
“Your hands are perfect,” you whined, “you are perfect…”
He huffed, his heart pounding fast. “Are you…?”
“Please... make me come, Spence,” you begged him in a whisper.
He pressed his thumb on your clit and started alternating between rough circling motions and the upward movement of his fingers, as you bucked your hips at a frantic pace; your thighs muscles contracted, you clenched around him and you ears plugged as you climaxed - something that had never happened to you before.
You tugged at his hair and screamed his name, before settling against his body once the tension faded. 
He kept his fingers inside and he cuddled you throughout the aftermath of your orgasm, planting butterfly kisses wherever his mouth could reach and cradling you like his only mission in life was making you feel safe and protected. 
Your self-consciousness awoke first, despite the rush of feel-good hormones flowing in your bloodstream.
“Am I crushing you…?” you mumbled, and he grunted as you wriggled free to lean forward and pick up the towel from the floor. 
He stared at his wet fingers with a pensive frown, then he wiped them clean and turned to face you - now seated on the couch with your legs across his and your forearm rested on his shoulder, so that you could play with his curls. 
“Doctor, you deserve a gold star for your performance.”
He smiled and lowered his gaze for a second. “I’m very good at following instructions.”
“You’re not bad at improvising, either,” you pointed out, “the thing you did with your thumb…?”
“I figured it was only a matter of combining the exact pressure and the right angle. Technically speaking—”
“Spencer?!” you cut him off, before he could lose himself in his own rambling. “Thank you,” you added, kissing him lightly on his lips before you stood up to fix your panties and trousers. “You can tell me all about the mechanics behind one of the best orgasms of my life on our way.”
“Nosferatu. First Halloween together…?” you elaborated when he looked at you in total confusion. “You’ve changed your mind.”
He shifted on the couch, his hazel eyes fixed on you. “Is that okay?”
This time you looked at him with your best ‘is ice cream cold?’ frown: you wanted to spend eternity with him, not just an hour or two more. You climbed into his lap and tangled your fingers in his hair while he cupped your breasts.
“What if I get…? I mean... again?!”
“Well, it’s not going to happen right now, Professor!!" you snorted, and his giggle sounded like celestial music. "But don’t worry, we’ve got the whole night."
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NB: I'm not using my regular taglist for Spencer Reid smut fics but I'm obviously tagging only the users who sent a request. If you wish to be added you can send me an ask or leave a comment below with the request to be added.
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halevren · 2 months
Never Stop Blowing Up Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 3
I have plushie of one of my beloveds with me today. Very special! I also didn't realize it was 7pm already but I had perfect timing because I just made popcorn
"You stopped the cameras right?" Nooooooo
I'm getting gender envy from Alex's hair style and it's. Awful because I'm currently trying to grow my hair out
I wonder if they need all the objects that they were given to get out of Never Stop Blowing Up. Maybe that's why the lights turn on and off. making that theory into its own post
I love this cast so much
crushing style
So much blowing up already!!!!!!
I need Greg Stocks in ways that is concerning to feminism
"Going down?" I love you Jake
uncle meat....
I love Rekha
So thin and weak
I love the dome effects, it really adds to the vibes
Kosher belly roll
i don't care how small the room is i cast fireball
can I just shoot the people unconscious
"What's the status of the elevator right now" "bloody"
slither out
we're here for you rekha
"Not everyone."
G13 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I like Ally's method of collecting fail tokens on non important rolls
"You're my warlord" DOUGGGGG
this is called yelling........
Russell is so stressed
Nat one.
"All that is menopause blood?"
I feel so bad for this shop keep
how is this shopping the funniest thing ever
"Are you going to fuck this couple?" "I'd love to."
I'm having a sexual awakening right now chat. I don't know what kind but it's happening
dang dang dang dang
oh Paula.....
oh nevermind
that's such a good boy ♡
absolutely beefed it. screwed the pouch
hey so. what's this. what is this.
latex throat pocket
throat purse.
jake is slowly bringing up his kill count
"What weapon are you looking for?" "a grenade....." "It's not a gun"
so much giggling
that is terrifying
I would love to see the character sheets at the end of this episode. So much exploding has happened
"I thought I was just like this."
"you HAVE to go to Stanford Liv"
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blue-sunflower-bee · 11 months
I kinda have this comfort headcanon that Mike is genderfluid cause I like projecting my own identity/sexuality onto my fav characters and cause I need some wholesome and gender accepting content (More under the cut)
I feel like Mike has just recently discovered he was genderfluid because he never really thought about questioning his identity cause really...his mind was always full with other things. Maybe he randomly read the word and the definition somewhere and it just...clicked. Or Ness, who's really into the subject rambled about some terms anf what they meant and he went like: "Hold on, thats me!"
He usually just sticks with hoodies/plain shirts no matter what he's feeling like cause it's the safest option...and because he cant afford that many outfits anyways.
When he told Abby, he struggled to find the right words, afraid she wouldn't understand but she does. Kids are smart
Mike told her over dinner and it probably went sth like: "So sometimes I have a big brother and sometimes I have a big sister?" "Uh, yes..." "And sometimes you're neither?" "...yes." "Cool. Can I have some more soup?"
We already know she's creative and likes to draw, maybe she's interested in anything that has to do with crafting and makes pins/bracelets in different colors or sth for Mike in school that he can wear so she knows which pronouns to use.
And to throw in some securitywaiter:
Mike was already dating Ness when he found out he was genderfluid because Ness is really invested with everything that has to do with the LGBT community. He's loud and proud and loves to go to pride parades and stuff. He also introduced him to all the different terms.
When Mike told him, he was really supportive. He even lets Freddie wear a bandana with the genderfluid flag most of the rime to show his support and Mike still wonders where he got it.
Ness changes pet names and compliments depending on how Mike feels
Mike feeling pretty euphoric when she hears a "Hey beautiful" or simply the word "girlfriend" on a girl day
Mike cant really choose a good name for such days, she'd just stick with Mikey or Michel, but feels like they're too plain. Abby and Ness saw it as their job to pick the perfect name and have already spent enough time doing research on different names and their meaning
For some reason I feel like Ness would be good with Make Up and would offer to do her Make Up or help her when she wants to try out something else
Mike actually struggles most days to detect what they're feeling like and just groans in frustration when Ness asks them (cause thats a whole mood) and Ness sticks with neutral terms of endearment when that is the case or uses the funniest pet names ever lmao "Okay, today is just a cute potatoe day then." "Hello my beloved gremlin." etc
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cashmakozume · 4 months
dumpster love
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once upon a time (tf is blue flavoured ୨ৎ)
⟡ m.list
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you felt everything in slow motion. the way the bag of sweets you bought for the team fell onto the ground first and you saw the ground get closer. you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the impact and you hit the ground, embarrassed.
you can hear kuroo's cackle as you lay on the ground and you made a mental note to smack him later. you didn't want to move, you'd rather have the ground crack open and swallow you whole than to face your friends, who clearly are enjoying the show.
"hey, are you okay?"
a voice broke you out of your thoughts. you forgot that you ran into an actual human being. you quickly got up and started apologizing immediately.
"holy shit, i'm so sorry!" you rambled. "i wasn't looking at where i was going and i just fucking ran i'm so- fuck i'm sorry i feel so bad-"
"hey hey it's fine! you're the one who fell." the stranger chuckled.
you started picking up the candy that was left on the ground and the stranger helped you pick up the last few straggling packets.
"thank you, and i'm really sorry about earlier." you smiled at him.
you gave him a wave goodbye and started running towards the gym, where your friends were waiting.
"fucking hell," kuroo started. "that was the funniest thing i've seen all day." he choked out, struggling to even say a few words as he was laughing at your misery.
yaku had tears streaming down his face and kenma was just looking at you with a smile while reaching out for the candy he wanted.
"dude, it was so fucking embarrassing. i didn't even know the guy." you passed kenma the entire bag.
you dragged yaku by his shirt and entered the gym. you were starting to calm down a little and decided to just accept your fate that the three of them would tell the rest of the team what happened and you would be hearing it till the end of time. if it's not the entire team, it would definitely be yaku not letting you live it down.
"hello, thank you for having us!" a familiar voice echoed in the hall.
you froze for a moment and turned around to see the guy you ran into, standing at the entrance of the gym. yaku followed your eyes and started to laugh even harder than before and all you wanted was for god to smite you.
you ran into your new school mate.
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⟡ inch resting...
⟡ the entire nekoma vbc loves their sweet little treats
⟡ coach nekomata appreciates that you come down for practice even though you don't have to
⟡ tbh he also wonders why you don't want to be manager
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note from miyako
written chapter so quick into a smau i'm so sorry BUT IDK HOW ELSE TO DO IT SUE ME
✗⚬メ𝟶, m ♡
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⟡ taglist goes here
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@rinheartshyunlix @cloberrii @staygoldsquatchling02
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80pairsofcrocs · 1 year
baby scarab || 65
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masterlist - marvel masterlist - series masterlist
A/N : THERE IS NO MORE SCHEDULE, IM SORRY also thank you all sm for the support and requests :)))
please enjoy, and don't be shy if you want to be in the taglist, just ask <3, sorry for the long wait
pairings : steven grant x (platonic)reader, marc spector x (platonic) reader, khonshu x (platonic)reader, jake lockley x (platonic)reader, layla el faouly x (platonic)reader
TW : medicine (pills), spidey stuff, violence, language, angst, kinda rushed? kinda angst at the end, many mentions of throwing up, underage drinking, more drunk teen stuff, let me know if i missed anything.
"alright let's go over this again- what time are you supposed to be home?"
"11 at the latest"
"and how will you get home?"
"you pick me up or khonshu walks me home"
"and what do you do if you get uncomfortable?"
"tell evie then call you"
"that's right" marc says and you sigh, feeling your leg bounce up and down due to the nerves.
your first highschool party. technically.
evie went to your school, but you didn't see each other at all. except when she would occasionally walk home.
marc parks the car at the side of the road, and you look over to evies house which was booming with music and colored lights.
and that was when she came out.
she was in a sparkly red dress that only reached to the middle of her thighs, and she had sparkling jewelry in every possible place she could.
you opened the door to step out of the car when you looked down at your own clothing- which consisted of plain black shorts, a white t shirt and jakes leather jacket.
"awwww! you look so cute!" evie compliments and you look down to the sidewalk shyly.
"hey" marc calls out behind you so you turn around. "don't do anything stupid, okay?"
you smile at him. "i won't. i love you guys" you say before shutting the door and walking to evie.
"that guy is familiar.. is he that cabbie that yells at people and causes scenes all the time?" she asks, leading you to the door.
"yeah... that's my dad"
"oh okay- wait- that's your dad?!"
she interrupts you by laughing. "i've heard him yell the funniest things at people-" she keeps laughing as she opens the door.
you laugh along with her until you see the amount of people inside the house.
evie senses your nerves and turns to you. "if you get overwhelmed just tell me and i can hang out with you in my room if you want" she offers and it makes you feel better about going.
"thank you"
"now- for drinks we have apple juice, water, some sprite, and i think someone brought a bunch of alcohol but i don't drink-" she leads you to the kitchen.
"apple juice?" you ask almost excitedly and evie nods.
"well i can get you some and you can go hang out if you want, get to know people?" she suggests and you nod, walking to the huge living room where there's maybe 15 people dancing about on the floor, and you choose to go stand in the corner of the room and watch everyone as they have fun.
that was when someone came up to you.
"heyyyyy! i haven't seen you before! what's your name?!" a boy looking around your age starts, leaning against the wall next to you.
"i'm.. im y/n"
"ohhhhh! evies friend! i've heard so much about you!!" he slurs out taking a huge gulp of whatever liquid was in his red solo cup.
"uhh.. yeah. i'm evies friend-"
"well i'm bradley it's wonderful to meet you- you're so pretty!" he brings a hand up to brush down the bridge of your nose, making you lean away a bit.
"oh- i'm sorry force of habit" he pulls his hand away and puts it in his pocket.
"my ex used to let me admire her" he looks down at the ground and you watch in shock at the boy's dramatic expression.
"but she cheated on me!" he tears up, leaning to you again and hugging you, spilling all of his drink on the floor.
you just stand there and awkwardly pat his back.
"she- she cheated on me with my brother!" he sobs violently into your shoulder and squeezes his arms tighter around your waist.
evie comes back with your apple juice and looks shocked at the position you're in.
"what happened?" she whispers as she comes up next to you.
"this is my new friend bradley. i think he's wasted or something" you shrug and evie chuckles before rubbing his back, making him let go of you to wipe his tears, by dropping his empty cup on the floor.
he adjusts his beanie you didn't know he had on, which conveniently has embroidered writing on it saying 'sad boi' with a frowny face next to it.
he takes your hand in his and kisses it. "i'm sorry- you're just so pretty- are you single? would you ever cheat on me-?" he asks while still slurring his words together.
evie starts leading him away from you. "she's happily married, now let's go" she starts. "i'm just taking him up to the guest room really quick- i'll be right back" she hands you your cup of juice and you nod.
you look down at the wet spot on the floor from when bradley spilled his drink and cringe, moving to another corner of the room.
trouble just always seems to come your way and another boy approaches you.
"what's that you're drinking?" he asks nodding his head at you.
you just stare at him for a moment. "apple juice"
he lets out a single laugh. "yeah? and what else?" he asks completely serious.
you just stare at him again. "it's just apple juice-"
"awww, you got invited to a party and you're not even gonna drink? just a little bit?" he talks to you in a tone a mother would her child.
"come on, just take a sip" he holds his cup out to you and you look inside it, just seeing clear liquid. you could smell it from there and you lean your head away from it.
he chuckles again. "this your first time? come on, just a little"
"no thank you-"
"what are you? chicken?" he scoffs with a smile.
"what? no!" you get defensive, standing up straight.
"yes you are! just take a sip you pussy!" he shouts, making a couple people turn around to watch the exchange.
you notice the cup was about half full of probably many different kinds of alcohol, so you yank it from his hand and chug the whole thing in one breath.
you throw the cup down while the small crowd watching you cheers in delight.
you feel a sudden urge of confidence as a girl comes up to you while her friend pours both vodka and tequila in a red cup at the same time until it was almost all the way full.
you look to the boy from before and he nods. "come on my new friend! don't pussy out!" he jokes and you take the cup, again chugging the whole thing without taking a breath.
the crowd goes wild as you wipe the excess liquid from your mouth and you start coughing due to the sting of the burning sensation in your throat.
you throw the cup down again. "another!" you yell, causing the boy next to you to pour the tequila into your apple juice.
you take a breath before chugging that as well, then crushing the cup in your hand after feeling your stomach gurgle.
you put a hand to your stomach and breath slowly, feeling something reach your head.
now everything felt.. fuzzy. like when you try on your friends glasses and see how blind they truly are.
or taking your own glasses off and not being able to see shit.
you stumble back into the wall behind you and the boy wraps an arm around your shoulder and shoves another drink in your hand.
"drink up, you're the life of the party now!" he shouts, earning cheering from everyone again, who's attentions were all on you.
you slowly bring the cup to your lips when evie takes it from you, and you get surprised at the fact that she appeared out of no where.
"what are you doing?" she asks and then turns to the boy that still had an arm wrapped around your shoulder.
"did you pressure her into doing this?" she asks him angrily and he moves closer to you.
"nah, she just isn't a pussy" he looks over to you and turns your head towards him with his thumb and forefinger on your chin.
before you could register what was happening his lips were on yours and when you realized it you pushed him away and tripped him so that he was on the ground below you.
you bent down and grabbed a handful of his shirt and got in his face. "what the fuck is wrong with you?! you can't just kiss someone like that- i have a boyfriend!" you slam him back down and walk away, evie following you.
you find yourself in her kitchen, which was void of people, sitting at the island on a barstool.
"you okay?" she rubs your arm. "i'm so sorry about him- he's always like that"
"why are you friends with him?" you counter and she sighs, sitting on the stool next to you.
"he acts all goody goody in front of my parents and blackmails me into inviting him to parties" she says and you look to her.
"that.. that's not right.." you shake your head and she smiles at you.
"it's okay. he's just annoying" she scoffs and you let out a laugh.
"yeah like who just kisses someone like that- i don't even know his name!" you laugh again. "oh my god casper is going to be so mad at me. "you mumble, putting your head in your hands.
evie rubs your back. "he's not, he'll understand" she starts. "do you want to come dance with me?"
a couple hours later- about 10:30- you were guzzling down all the drinks people were shoving in your face.
they were all cheering you on for not passing out considering you've probably drank the equivalent of a whole bottle of vodka of all the types of alcohol in the house.
you were just about to drink some more when evie approached you again.
"heyyyy y/n- how about we take a break-"
"but evie! i'm not a pussy!" you retort and she takes your wrist and drags you from the crowd.
"hey- why'd you do that..?" you manage to slur out.
"i think it's time for you to go home- but! i had fun! and you had fun and i'll invite you over again but i think it's passed your bedtime"
"i ain't got a bedtime-"
"yes you do, now are you okay to walk home?"
"yeah i got someone"
"...okay.. well i'll see you later okay?" she leads you to the door and you adjust your jacket.
"y-yeah" you stutter, then hiccup.
evie softly smiles at you before closing the door and khonshu appears behind you.
"you are not well" he says and you turn around slowly, and stumble down the stairs from evie's house.
"i'm fine- m' jus' tired all of a sudden" you close your eyes for a second and when you open them you're right in front of the door to the apartment.
"i am a god. don't be stupid" khonshu says, walking through the wall into the apartment, and you try to do the same only to end up hitting your head on the door.
"fuck!" you shout, trying to get the key out of your pocket to unlock the door.
let's just say when you get inside, marc is giving you a really weird look as you try to lock the door again.
"did you have fun..?" he asks, getting up off the couch to approach you and you struggle to get your shoes off.
"yeahhh" you say, almost tripping off your shoes to go and hug marc, leaning all your weight against him.
he was surprised until he smelt a familiar aroma. he takes your face in his hands and sees how bloodshot they are.
"have you been drinking?" he asks and you nod.
"i had some apple juice" you start laughing.
marc looks down at you in shock. "you- you reek of alcohol" he tells you and you look back up at him.
"well b'cause i'm not a pussy" you explain and he sighs.
"dude she is drunk" jake points out.
"i think you mean wasted" steven corrects.
"hey i can hear you!" you yell at the mirror, seeing steven put his hands up in surrender.
"and i'm not drunk!"
"oh yeah? tell the time" marc argues.
you slowly turn to the digital clock on the oven. "i am not drunk!" you say to the clock and marc sighs tiredly.
marc takes both your shoulders and guides you to your room. "you stay here, i doubt you've eaten anything lately" he makes you sit down on your bed to go get pop tarts from the kitchen.
you sit and begin to not feel well, like as if you swallowed acid.
marc comes back and see you visibly turning pale- and rushes you to the bathroom.
right as you get there you empty your guts into the toilet- and it burns even worse coming back up than it did going down.
you threw up for almost a whole minute and once you were done you were a sobbing mess.
marc carefully wiped the puke from your bottom lip with a wet towel, and used a different one to place against your forehead.
"take it easy-"
"dad! i'm sorry! i- i was being called a pussy for not drinking an' i don't like being made fun of anymore for i drank a little bit!" you cry, and marc just picks you up and carries you to your bed, setting you down and adjusting the cold cloth on your forehead.
"it's okay, kid. we'll talk in the morning okay? we love you" he says, gesturing to the pop tarts and glass of water. "please drink some water, okay"
"goodnight darling"
"buenas noches, dulce niña"
you woke up twice in the middle of the night to throw up.
and both times your dads were there to calm you down and make you drink water so you didn't get a headache.
they brought you pedro and luna who cuddled with you, knowing somehow that you were sick and needed a pick me up.
and it was the dreaded morning now, where you woke up with a pounding, ear splitting headache.
you groan and squeeze your eyes shut, running your hand down your face only to open your eyes and see steven sitting at your windowsill reading a book.
"what.. what are you doing..?" you grumble, trying to adjust to the light.
steven closes his book and sets it down beside him. "care to tell us why you came home drunk?" he asks.
"i don't know.." you say quietly, still feeling some effects of the alcohol. "i just.. it happened so fast" you sit up and sway a bit where you sit.
steven looks at you expectingly and you look away from him. "look- i didn't know there were drinks there-"
"so why did you do it?" marc asks, deciding to front. "do you know what underage drinking can do to you? you could've been poisoned" he starts and you scoff.
"poisoned by a bunch of seniors?"
"don't get smart with me right now. we can't keep fighting y/n" he ends quietly.
"it's been months since our last argument, but i can't let this slide" he says, making you look over to him sadly. "please explain yourself. and don't lie, please"
you look over to marc before starting. "this guy.. he kept calling me a pussy so i only drank a little bit.. at first" you add at the end.
"and everyone started cheering- so i took that as a good thing- so i started chugging cups of.."
"cups of what?" jake asks from your mirror.
you shrug nervously and marc shakes his head.
"that's extremely dangerous, y/n. you're lucky there wasn't anything too toxic in it- you could've gotten very sick!" he shouts and you nod.
"i really regret it.... i really shouldn't have done it. i feel like shit right now" you tell them honestly and marc nods.
"we need you to promise anything like this won't happen again" marc says and you nod.
"i promise dad- i mean it" you look into his eyes as you promise.
he nods and helps you up off your bed to bring you into a hug. you hug marc back until you feel your stomach acting up again.
jake sensed something was wrong and fronted to rush you to the bathroom.
once you got there you knelt in front of the toilet and spilled your guts again.
jake watched in pity as you finished, flushed the toilet and sat back against the bathtub on the floor.
you looked up at jake. "i'm sorry papa.." you whispered, looking down at the floor after.
"just.. clean up the kitchen and scoop the litter box. that's all for now" he tells you, so you smile and stand up, hugging him before he gently pushes you back.
"brush your teeth first, puke breath"
"fuck you, papa"
and of course, all three of your dads were thinking about all the activities from last night even after the first time you were forced to go to bed.
the first time you woke up, it was to call casper. to tell him you were drunk and that somebody kissed you and you felt super bad- and you needed to make sure he still loved you.
he said yes even though you were crying so hard you were drooling all over yourself.
and then you got forced to go back to sleep.
and then when you woke up the second time, it was because you were hungry- no, starving.
you ate two packages of pop tarts and some black olives. you almost ate the raspberries before marc hurried in because he heard noise, and helped you as you threw up again.
you slept soundly throughout the rest of the night, and now back to the present.
you ate some plain toast on the couch next to steven and the cats, who were cuddling on the armrest to your right.
"you feeling any better?" steven asks and you nod.
"thank you" you start. "definitely never doing that shit again- i hate throwing up" you shiver at the thought.
"glad you learned your lesson" steven says, and you lean your head against his shoulder as you start to fall asleep again.
steven smiles down at you, turning the tv off so he could get some sleep as well.
a nice sleepy morning for all of you, without anything to worry about at the moment.
except the fact you got wasted the night before and threw up a bunch.
but you'll be okay.
you'll all be okay.
A/N : love you guys, and i know exactly how many chapters are left >:)
taglist ---
@alexloveskili @ihatemyselfmorethanmydepression @thebiggestsimpshrimp @guyinachair27 @astrobuzzsstuff @mooonlight-and-stars @moonlighting87 @mateihavenoidea @inactive-things @alondrashultz @femalemarvelself @queenthorin1 @haileymorelikestupid @jvdethirlwall @justtiredandvibing @winterfrostsarmy @themapoftinyperfectthings @littlebird101 @atzlena @httpslinow @arrowurboat @m-brekker @lifeandbandmembers-blog @adamcarlsenslvr @violet-19999 @seninjakitey @bestgirlpip @panic-in-the-multiverse @in-between-the-cafes @branolagar @bl6o6dy @annoyingmarvelreader @bee-a-cool-kid @buzzitsbeee @wintergirlsoilder2 @crow-carcass @you-bloody-shank @distinguishedmakerpandapatrol @valiantphantomangel @50shadesofcrocs @rayrlupin @kingshitonly @brekkers-desigirl @hutaos-gh0st @kayane28 @nevaeh-jasso @lizlil @scarabgrant @luvxxee @certainchildmentality @yikesitskennawrites @alexisabirdie @zlatolait-writes @thursdaywritings @izzzzy-the-amazing @angrykitsune01 @kult6 @deadthings-pdf @0scars1saac
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sam wilson x teen!reader headcanons
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 634
request: yes / no
original request: omg hi!! i absolutely adore your writing 💕 would you be open to doing some headcanons for sam wilson and a teen!reader? have a wonderful day, love <;33
dynamic: sam wilson x teen!reader
characters: sam wilson, reader
a/n: heh inspiration struck so two in one day it is 😈😈 i LOVED writing this request omg. i'm totally obsessed w/ sam wilson so i was sooo happy this was requested!! ty anon :D
taglist: @nutellani @thecloudedmind
(fill out this form to be on my taglist!)
sam gives such older brother vibes to me
like no matter how old u are he’ll always treat you like a little sibling
well he and bucky both
at this point they’re a package deal
a lot of ur time is spent settling their argument
“hey, y/n. who pulls off this hat the best?”
“y/n!!! pancakes or waffles??”
“y/n tell bucky he’s wrong.”
theres a lot of that LMAO
anyways i feel like he would make u do stuff with him
like fun little adventures
y’all learned to crochet together
and u were pretty good ngl
but poor sam kept missing stiches
you made little frogs and his looked not rly like a frog
but u loved it anyway ofc
the two of you usually do grocery runs together
that’s like high time for ur gossip 😏
i mean guys this is sam wilson
he def knows a LOT of stuff
but he’s really engaged with like ur school & home life
he always makes sure ur ok
he is totally the type to text and call regularly
he would go to ur parent teacher conferences if u needed him to
and then he’d tell u all his thoughts about the teacher after 😭 
he’s rly perceptive with emotions
i mean he was a therapist like what do u expect
but whenever he senses ur down he’ll do something really nice
and like cook u something
bc sam can COOK
like COOK
and he’ll try to make you laugh
which always works because he’s actually hilarious
speaking of he’s so funny on missions too
he’s always talking on the earpieces and like he’ll just say the funniest stuff
and he swears like a sailor JUST SAYING 🤪
he’s so the type to swear in front of you all the time but then the moment u swear he’s like “what did you say 🤨🤨”
also he always is asking u fashion advice
“ok y/n. blue shirt red pants? or red shirt blue pants?”
“sam do you really want to look like one fish two fish red fish blue fish”
“yeah i guess you’re right 😞”
he always acts sad and then the moment you feel bad he’s like “GOTCHA 😜”
also whenever he’s away he’ll send you a ton of pictures
a lot of them are selfies of him and bucky and steve 
and they’re so funny
like he’s not trying to be funny but he literally is like a facebook minion meme mom
oh also no offense to him but he’s an AWFUL driver 😭 
like he goes way too fast and his music is so loud
but he lets u choose it so u don’t mind 🤩
it’s always kind of fun going in the car with him
you always text natasha a picture of u with him in the driver’s seat in the background and you say “if i die u know why”
and she just goes “have fun”
you and him go on runs together
and that’s rly fun
well ok ik running is hard
but as a runner its sooo much more fun suffering through it with someone else 🥳
whenever u run u do that like shareplay thing on spotify
and he always judges ur music like 😑
ok mr “i listen to the same album for like five months in a row”
oh he is so the type to take u on like one on one lunches and stuff
i think that’s smth the avengers would do with their younger members to make sure they’re alright
and he always does it with u bc ur best friends ofc ‼️
y’all are so petty to each other
but u do really think the world of him
and he thinks the world of you too 🫶
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strawberry-circus · 2 years
What I think the Ghosts (TM) would wear to a Halloween Party if they were alive and in some sort of modern AU. Because they’re dorks and would totally throw a costume party.
Pat: Goose from Top Gun. It’s very clearly homemade and he’s very clearly proud of it. He looked around for all the parts for weeks. He spends the entire night quoting the movie to people. He also made a mini Maverick costume for Daley and is printing photos of them together for his scrapbook. Usually, he goes for more traditional spooky costumes if he can help it. But this time he couldn’t resist the idea of going as his favorite character.
Captain: His work uniform. He refuses to go out in public without looking somewhat professional and Halloween is no different. Nobody has seen him without a tie on and people are wondering if it’s permanently attached.
Robin: He doesn’t wear one because he kinda forgot Halloween was a thing until someone gave him the address to the place. He does, however, wear a very appropriate T-shirt for the occasion. Either one of those “This is my Halloween Costume” ones or some kinda shirt with a slasher on it.
Humphrey: Whatever was left in the bargain bin at the shop. He also forgot it was Halloween, but he doesn’t want to show up without being dressed up. So he scrambles around town piecing something together at the very last minute. He does this every year and what he goes as is anyone’s guess.
Mary: She apparently is a master at making herself look as much like a murder victim as possible. Fake blood and guts galore. Every year she shows off her insane makeup skills and freaks people out at the market while she buys refreshers for the party.
Julian: either a sexy version of some conservative politician or one of those spoof costumes like an inflatable breathalyzer. He thinks this is the funniest costume ever and Robin agrees.
Kitty: She goes as one of those cute couples costumes but forgot to ask anyone to match with her so she’s just one half of a joke. She spends the whole night saying that she’s “Jelly of course! Like peanut butter and jelly 😊” and when someone asks her where’s the peanut butter she just toddles away.
Thomas: He goes as the love interest in some obscure indie film from 2013 and is so upset that nobody gets who he is, but he’s also weirdly giddy that nobody ‘truly understands’ his mind. (It’s literally just normal clothes but he spent a lot of money to make it movie accurate)
Fanny: She refuses to dress up and is very adamant about how she doesn’t like Halloween or any of this modern commercialized tripe. Yet every year she shows up to the party, and every year she gets really into it. The most you’ll ever get out of her costume-wise is a silly hat after a lot of back and forth.
Alison and Mike: They usually match every year. Nothing too fancy, but something cute and simple to keep up with the theme. Just your usual zombies, ghosts, ghouls, and what have you. Though, once in a blue moon Mike gets that special glint in his eye and tries to pull off something really elaborate. It usually blows up in both Alison and Mike’s faces and it doesn’t turn out quite right, but they have fun and that’s what matters.
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muchadoaboutstartrek · 10 months
Not really grapplers but I guess, similar (?) @tinderbox210
Happy birthday to La'an Noonien-Singh
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Of strawberry fruit cakes (happy birthday La'an)
AO3 link
La'an walked through the doors of her quarters, sighing in relief as the stress of the day finally melted away upon setting eyes on the familiar surrounding - or, in this case, the dark shadows of it. Her quarters were her safe haven, a place she could always go to when she needed to take a break or in this case relax after a long and exhausting day. And exhausting day it was.
She frowned, taking a step further, her interest peaked as the lights failed to turn on, something that has never happened before.
Exasperated, she angrily tore off her hairband from her hair and raked her fingers through her hair, perhaps a bit harsher than it was necessary to untangle the complicated knots. After a long day of security checks all over the Enterprise (on top of her normal schedule) thanks to the actions of some idiotic ensigns that thought smuggling illegal eggs on board was the funniest thing, the last thing she needed was some sort of electrical malfunction when all she wanted to do was take a shower and crawl into bed.
"Computer," she gritted out, beyond frustrated at this point, "lights at 40 percent." She blinked, narrowing her eyes when the system failed to come up with any sort of response, the room eerily silent and just as dark as when she first stepped foot through the door. "Computer, locate the source of problem." Once again she was met by silence, gritting her teeth in annoyance she pressed her fingers into her eyes, fighting off angry tears. "Computer-"
"Computer, lights at 40 percent." The sound of Spock's baritone voice made her squeak, her whole body flinching as the lights came on and the vague shapes in her room finally came into focus.
"Holy fuck-" the rest of her curse got caught somewhere halfway out of her throat, her teeth biting down on her tongue as she pressed her palms on her knees, fingers digging into the pants and leaving creases. She breathed heavily as her heart pounded in her chest, her arms shaking. She looked up at Spock that was seated in her chair, his back perfectly straight despite the fact she just cursed up a storm in his presence which would usually earn her at least a raised eyebrow. "You," she pointed her finger at him, one of her hands pressed to her chest as she finally stood up straight once again, "scared the crap out of me."
"I apologize." His voice was quieter than when he gave the order that shortened her life span for about 4 years straight.
Her heart finally beating in it's usual rhythm, La'an relaxed, her arms falling limply to her sides. "Sorry I cursed you out, I just didn't expect you here tonight."
"I am aware." He stood up, his hands held behind his back in a very formal stance she usually associated with his duty form. Despite the serious posture, he was dressed in a plain black shirt and gray sweatpants, starfleet issue. "It was my intention to surprise you, however, I seemed to have frightened you instead."
"No, no. It's okay. Sorry." She heaved out a sigh, her shoulders slumping. "Today has been... not great."
An emotion flashed across his face in a speed of light, something she took notice of, but it was gone too quickly for her to figure out a correct one. "I seemed to have made an error and failed to encorporate your additional duties of the day into the my calculations."
La'an let out a weak chuckle. "What exactly have you been calculating?" She asked, genuinely interested since it was not unusual for him to preform a social experiment during his free time - over time she got used to his unusual way of phrasing things and has grown quite fond of them.
Spock shifted on his feet, she took notice of the lack of socks and smiled, something she has not yet gotten used to since he seemed to do that only when he was uncertain of his answer or nervous. The action made her frown, wondering if his reaction had something to do with their romantic relationship and whether or not he was coming in here to voice his concerns.
However, every bad thought that she had vanished from her head in an instant once Spock brought his hands in front of him while taking steps in her direction, therefore reducing the distance between them. In his hand, there was a strawberry fruit cake with a single candle on top of it. The sudden realization of the day and the date dawned on her, his thoughtfulness pushing tears to her eyes. The rush of positive emotions combined with the piled up stress that accumulated during the day made it increasingly difficult to push back the tears that made a reappearance in quick fashion, the salty liquid escaping from her eyes and rushing down her face, turning her cheeks into black waterfalls.
Spock's face immediately fell, her reaction mistaken for a negative one. He cleared his throat. "I did not mean to cause you emotional distress. Please, forgive me."
La'an laughed through her tears, bringing up a hand to wipe her eyes, her face practically split in face by her watery smile. "No Spock. I'm not sad." She reached out with her arms, grabbing his forearm and pulling him towards her. He went willingly, allowing her to snuggle into his chest while she composed herself. "Quite the opposite, actually."
He was silent for a few moments while he processed her response even though she could feel his confusion rolling off of him in waves. "Are tears not usually a sign of negative emotions?"
"Yeah." She chuckled. "But they can also be a sign of happiness."
"I see." He stated reassuringly even though she could tell he couldn't fully grasp the concept. "Still, I apologize for making you cry." His unoccupied hand rubbed her back in a soothing way, the repetitive motion making her sink into his chest even further, feeling almost like she was melting.
"I forgot it was my birthday." She whispered, her cheek pressed into his collarbone. It was not a lie, she absolutely forgot it was 8th of December, the gregorian calendar only used informally nowadays and there weren't a lot of informal days on a starship. She felt Spock shift, tilting his chin down to look at her as she looked up at him. "I didn't even look at the calendar this morning."
"It is very common to dissociate from the civilian way of measuring units when one is surrounded by military schedule." He stated logically, his warm eyes gazing down at her with open affection. "I am very fortunate to have been one to remind you."
"Hmmm. You're quite right." She hummed, raising on her tiptoes and tugging on his shirt simultaneously in order to make him bend down and pressed their lips together. It was a chaste kiss, merely a brush of lips upon lips but it still made butterflies do that little dance in her stomach that always had her feeling like she was floating. Considering that she was held down by an artificial gravity in the first place, that phrase might not even be entirely inaccurate. They sighed in unison as they parted, their arms still wrapped around each other firmly, basking in the warmth that their bodies emitted. La'an dropped down on her heels, clearing her throat and raising an eyebrow at him. "So?"
Spock tilted his head questioningly. "So?" He repeated in confusion.
La'an smirked. "Can I have my cake now?" Spock seemed lost in thought for a second, almost as if he forgot about the existence of the before mentioned cake that made her break down into tears in the first place, before a light bulb (ironically) seemed to have gone off in his brain and he brought the fruit cake in front of them for her to inspect. "Strawberries." She almost purred in satisfaction as the smell reached her. "My favorite."
"Indeed." Spock agreed and produced a lighter, seemingly out of thin air, in order to light the candle. The warm glow of the candle made the honey rings in his eyes appear brighter and La'an found herself drowning in his irises for a fraction of a second before Spock broke the silence once again. "Make a wish La'an."
La'an closed her eyes for a second, pursing her lips in faux determination and furrowed her brows, before she opened them and blew out her candle. Spock's lips stretched into a lazy smile as he watched her, her own expression mimicking his in a way that she was sure made her look like an absolute lunatic, but she was too content at the moment to care. "Can I eat it now?" She asked in an almost child like wonder and impatience as Spock took out the used candle and disposed of it safely on her desk for him to remove later.
"Of course." He didn't even finish his sentence until the end before the treat was almost ripped out of his hands, La'an's teeth sinking into the biscuit and pudding. She let out a moan as the first taste hit the nerve endings in her tongue, the stress of the day evaporating completely as she munched on her dessert. Some of the pudding got stuck on the corner of her lip, something she didn't seem too concerned about at the moment but Spock couldn't help but notice. He raised an eyebrow and brought his thumb to wipe at the smudge before he brought it up to his lips. La'an followed his movement with hungry eyes, her pupils dilating as she watched him suck it from his finger. For a moment she wondered if he was unaware of the picture he was painting but the fact that he maintained eye contact while preforming a lewwd action told her exactly what she needed to know. Spock sent her a falsely innocent look that she dismissed with a raised eyebrow before he smiled at her warmly once again, uncaring of the emotional display now that they were away from prying eyes. He tucked a strand of her wild hair behind her ear, the pads of his fingers grazing the shell and making her shudder. "Happy birthday La'an."
La'an hummed, the heat simmering low in her belly as she sent him a sultry look in response to his obvious seduction. Every atom in her body seemed to be vibrating with energy, every electron charged with sexual tension. Even as the last molecule of fatigue left her body in the wake of the fading memories of the day - La'an could tell that the night was far from over and still very much so young. So instead of jumping on him and climbing him like a tree, she took another bite of her cake and muttered to herself. "Happy birthday to me indeed."
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woodsfae · 11 months
B5 s03e07 Exogenesis table of contents • previous episode
I try to pay attention to ships' names because they can give hints to the nature of a character or a thematic element, but today's is pretty oblique. The shuttle Dyson. Is it for Dyson physics? The interactions of quantum elements with physical matter from a quick wikipedia romp. Or is it another dyson that I don't know the reference for? Fun theorizing.
This newly minted Lieutenant seems plot-relevant!
Marcus the Ranger is hanging out on B5, it seems. I wonder if it's one of those times they talk about someone to remind the audience they exist, but they don't show up in the episode.
Yikes! The Dyson people are doing weird alien bugs melding into humans shit. Dr Franklin's probably gonna do more coke-fueled medical work.
Corwin the new Lieutenant is going to get Susan Ivanova's best subtle grilling as to his allegiances. Can't wait. But till then, some Marcus harassing a sleeping vendor by quoting the Scottish play to him.
And then a meeting with another Ranger who gives him the funniest information report imaginable. Not so much sharing information as making sly allusions to what may be. Funny and dramatic. It is interesting seeing Marcus work. He's like a local liaison, coordinator, recruiter, and information gathered all at once. I guess you have to wear a lot of different hats when you're in a small start-up with limited staff and a ever-widening scope.
I love the sheer medical garb and ppe, and also like the new mesh arm and shoulder layer Dr Franklin is modeling. Also like the 3d imager! The alien bug is now wrapped around the dead guy's spinal column and is imaged like criss-crossing threads. I enjoy this medical mystery for Dr Franklin. He could use some enrichment, and if there aren't mass causalities it might be almost relaxing for him.
Looks like Marcus's absent colleague/contact has fallen in with a new crowd. A crowd of people all infected with this new-to-Stephen parasite? What would a parasite's agenda even be? And the vendor who wasn't feeling well is missing as well.
Listen new Lieutenant. Listen to me closely. Susan Ivanova is not hitting on you right now. She is the second in command of Babylon 5. Obviously she wants to informally assess a new Lieutenant under her command!
Funny that Garibaldi was enthused about the idea of hanging with Marcus and inviting him to things, but now that Marcus himself is asking him to do something, he doesn't wanna hang. And I actually laughed at Marcus's clever wordplay. He didn't lie at all, but strongly suggested that Garibaldi cares a lot about the issue and is asking Dr Franklin to help Marcus. He must have studied at the same Aes Sedai school as Delenn!
Shenanigans are afoot at the old vendor's quarters! His shirt is all jacked up and his back is pulsing! I don't like that! Or all the parasite-distributers with guns.
Stephen and Marcus are asking the same questions I am. What are the parasites' motives? What are their aims? What are their actual effects on the humans?
Dr Franklin thinks the parasite takes control of their neural system. I wonder if they are trying to transport themselves somewhere, or survive somehow. Garibaldi's point about why they would be targeting people from Down Below is a good one.
Marcus is sassy! I like him. He's very roguish. He and Dr Franklin will be fine. I hope they enjoy their field trip together!
I hope Susan is fucking with this guy right now. Just tormenting him over the roses because he panicked and lied and said he found them lying on her doorstep.
An unsettling conversation with the person who says he "was once Duncan, but is now Vindrizi." And he says they are just trying to survive. dun dun! This still has the potential to be a mostly enriching field trip for Dr Franklin. And it's a great further introduction to Marcus. I like him tremendously.
Susan's testing the insubordinate waters is kinda sorta subtle. But she does get the necessary information. He would report another officer whom he say speaking or acting against Earthdome. They will have to work around him!
Oooooh, gossiping about Susan Ivanova! Franklin likes her. Marcus is concerned that she seems more distant now than when he first came on board.
Marcus: "I sense in her a key as yet unturned." Dr Franklin: "What does that mean?" Marcus: "I don't know, but I think it will be fascinating to find out."
dude is just saying allegorical things and then admitting he doesn't even know why he thinks that. Lol. But somehow it's charming?? What a little smartass (affectionate). Dr Franklin thinks so, too. And I love that they're failing the reverse bechdel test (I jest, I jest).
Stephen is right that Marcus is not Ivanova's type. We all her know her type is blond and telepathic with a tortured backstory.
This has been a very fun plot. Stephen has two patients in one, and Marcus just took out two guards in one plot! And got Stephen's Link and triggered a security protocol! Finally, some backup is on the way. There's just enough time for Marcus and Stephen to discover the aliens' tragic backstory and suddenly be required to negotiate for their safe passage to the recently-arrived security team. But they do have wrap up their little prison break first!
Aha! Information sharing! The person who was once Duncan says that all the humans there volunteered, and that they will all have a better life this way.
Aww, and they have a hell of a backstory! Less tragic, and more epic. Living histories. Less parasites, and more a holy order of record-keepers.
This is a wonderful little story. Very epic. Another of those cool details of worldbuilding. Also it's fucking hilarious how Stephen Franklin is like "I will only allow this if I get to medically oversee it every step of the way."
Oh, and here does come the tragedy. Duncan's…symbiote? left him so Duncan could convince Marcus and Stephen they were telling the truth, but the separation caused damage and he wouldn't be able to rejoin without permanent damage. But at least he feels inspired to go really live and see some amazing things with the rest of his life. And I think he's wise to say that we should all wake up and decide to be special.
Lol, Susan wasn't fucking with the Lieutenant Corwin about the roses. Inadvertently, that guy has played a hell of a prank on both her and Marcus! Hah!
Ivanova, throwing the roses on the bar: "Keep em!" Marcus, beaming and picking them up: "Thanks! I will!"
Really laughed hard at that one.
Alright, I'm starting to see where some of you acquired your crushes on Marcus! He's cute and charming! And very nonthreatening. I wouldn't mind being buds with him. He seems genuinely really an entertaining person to hang out with.
This was overall an interesting and fun episode. I enjoyed theorizing about it. I can't discern a connection between the name of the shuttle the symbiote record keepers arrived in and any plot. If you have thoughts on that let me know! It also isn't often you see symbiotic relationships with bug-like critters. I know now that DS9 was accused of lifting a lot of details from the original B5 pitch, but I wonder if this isn't a nod back the other way, especially since Trill symbiotes were introduced in TNG, which predated the B5 pitch if I'm not mistaken.
next episode
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gothamslostboy · 1 year
Hello! I was wondering if you could write a fic with a ftm prompt? I was thinking David x Micheal (ftm) or any of the lost boys characters with something relating to a ftm? Sorry if it’s a bit vague! Some comfort or fluff is really nice! Thank you so much! - 🦝
A/N: hey 🦝! Sorry this took so long. I love trans Michael. I’d also like to apologize, I got lost in the story and there’s not as much comfort fluff as I originally planned. I hope you still like it:]
Decisions Transpire Here
Michael, We’ve been waiting at the boardwalk for 20 minutes. Don’t they teach manners in Ariz- I turn around at the sound of David’s voice, and though I’m only frozen for less than I second, it’s too long. By the time I’ve thrown myself to the floor, he’d already seen me. I should’ve locked the door.
That what I think it is? Of all the times for David to barge into my room, this had to be one of the worst. Reaching up to grab my testosterone vial, I tuck myself under my bed after 3 missed grabs. Umm, heroin? Yes. Yes it is. I do my best to sound convincing, but my panic slips through. Damn that’s a bad cover. No one would just stand in the middle of their room to do heroin, much less inject it in their thigh. I’ve only been hanging out with these guys for less than a month and I’ve already blown it. What? The noise of David’s feet coming closer drown out most of his laughter.
Relax Michael, you’re not the first transgender person I’ve come across. Oh. He figured that out much quicker than I thought he would. I guess just wearing my binder and boxers probably helped there. Uh, oh. Cool. My mind is racing as we sit in silence, trying to figure out where the conversation goes from here. We moved away from Phoenix for a fresh start, a place without dad, where no one except my family would know that I wasnt always a Michael.
David tosses himself onto my bed, a cloud of dust hitting my face on impact. A begin to cough, and I hear a very ingenuine whoops. The bed frame creaks as he makes himself comfortable. Come on, time to come out, Well, in the other way. Bad enough you’re late to meet up with us, do you really wanna stand the boys up entirely? I push down my embarrassment as I slide out into view. Picking myself up, I place my vial on the nightstand and scan the room for a clean shirt.
We agreed to meet at 8:00? How is 7:28 late? I gesture towards my clock, the red numbers glowing in the darkened corner of my room. Clocks wrong. It’s now, he stops snooping through my nightstand just long enough to read his watch, 8:36. I push my head through my neck hole, pulling my jeans up swiftly as a grab his wrist.
Shit. Sorry man, let’s go. Ump bup bup! David twist his hand until he has a hold on me. Let’s talk for a second. I scoff out my nervousness as I try to discreetly release his grasp, to no avail. What about the guys? Aren’t they just waiting for you to get back? I’ll let them know we’ll be a second. He scoots to one side of my bed and essentially drags me on the other. Oh yeah? Didn’t know you had a secret landline from my room to the middle of the boardwalk. He has a smug smile, like what I said was the funniest thing he’s heard tonight.
Don’t worry about it Michael. Why’d you duck under the bed? The abrupt shift into seriousness almost makes me want that stupid grin back. I mean, why’d you come in without knocking heh heh, people do weird things. I want to look at the floor, but I can’t escape this stare down I’ve entered with David. We won’t judge you. We all have something, different about us. The way he emphasizes his words sends a chill down my spine.
If there was a way to make you biologically male, would you do it? I Tilt my head, trying to figure out what David’s doing. Well, duh? No matter the cost? Even if it makes some see you as a monster? I shift in my spot, unsure what his game is here. I mean, they already do. Might as well be the true me. What ever he’s trying to do, it seems I answered correctly.
He moves to his feet quickly, striding towards my door. Believe me, you’re no monster Michael. remember you’re answer. There’s a change of plans, we’re going to the cave. Why? I’m going to give you what you want, all it’ll take is a drink. I dont realize he’s serious until after I’m already laughing. You don’t believe me? He turns back to face me, leaning down to eye level with me on the bed. If that was possible, every trans person in the world would’ve done it.
It’s true alright Michael, he extends his gloved hand to me as he straightens his stance. Do you really want to miss out on the chance because you don’t trust me? What will it be? A leap of faith, or a mortal life never knowing? I take his and and do my best to ignore the part of me, screaming danger.
What the hell, what’s the worst that could happen?
——— TAGS ———
@britany1997 @g4ywastaken
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sharky857 · 27 days
was that teacher written out with toxic positivity in mind? (in amirs flashback in your fic)
It pretty much was. :°D
And, as everything else in those flashbacks (both Amir and Jun's), it was also inspired by RL experiences, some witnessed, and one first-hand. :°)
Infodumping further details under "keep reading".
The unnamed "special needs" teacher She's been inspired by a combo of teachers I've seen across my school years and "unlicensed assistive personnel" (for Pasta speakers: ye olde "OSS", aka: "Operatore Socio Sanitario"). A common trait I've noticed with both categories was this "forced positivity" which they would interact with their students/patients, no matter what. I always found that mildly irritating, not to mention, at least as an external observer, it looked more like they were "baby talking" the single person. ---
Amir's fuglyass flashback Vaguely inspired by an episode happened in HS. One of my classmates, as well as another bunch of us, was good friend with a student from another class. In time she started to develop a crush, because he seemed so kind and also always ready to crack a good joke, and she also went this close -> 👌 to ask him out on a date. Next thing we knew, this classmate of ours one morning came in like a Quite Upsetty™ Wrecking Ball and, when we asked her wtf happened, she said that she saw that other boy leaving his own classroom with the only special needs teacher of our school (along with that teacher's small bunch of "special needs" kids, mostly students with Down syndrome), and then, in that genuine shock, she blurted out that "I was about to ask a[n R-SLUR here] out!! 😱" while also saying to be very glad she never mustered the courage to ask him out sooner. (On the flipside: unlike what happened in the fic, in my school there was a virtually non-existent bullying towards the so-called "special needs" kids. They were all treated the same way as any other of us by the other students) ---
Jun's fugly flashback Loosely inspired by an episode happened to yours truly in MS. For context: it was some time in late spring, and unless you're attending some kind of expensively private school, there's zero dress code in Italian schools. The context is to say that it was not unusual to see tween and teen boys completely bare-chested during recess, especially considering that they would've never missed an opportunity to play either football (NOT the American kind) or, more rarely, basketball. Anyways! During one of the post-lunch recess times, there was this usual bunch of kiddos playing football without their shirts. Me and another bunch of girlies were some several feet away from the bunch of kiddos (our school yard was just that vaste). Some girlies had zero problems in voicing their own teenager-like, hormonal-induced thirst over the kiddos. I was just staring silently, mostly trying to grasp what they were even seeing in those boys several feet away (tweensie Sharkey had several years to come before learning about the wonders of "ace" AND "aro" :°) ). One of the girlie noticed and asked me who I was "drooling after". I just spat out the name of the one I was randomly staring at. Next thing I knew, not even two days later that same kiddo came to me during another recess time and asked me something on the line "why tf are you saying we're going out together?" To which the already social-anxious me promptly sputtered as the brain entered a BSOD-like state. The other kiddo probably took it as a weakass attempt to make up an excuse/a lie on the spot to cover something up, and next thing I knew (again) was him saying something on the line: "Just stop that. You know that no one would EVER want to go out with you". (MS was the funniest of times, yes. :°) Alas, I was no "Jun". So at that time I just sucked everything up, gave another reason to be made fun of for the next week or two, and never knew who I should've thanked for all that.)
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