#totally different situations but i'm sharing it. why not.
shiratamahatsumiyo · 2 days
Daniel Park with Daki reader
I know that this seems annoying but thank you guys very much! 200 followers...Wow... I actually didn't think I'd reach this far... Also, thanks for putting up with my BS!
Warning: Swearing, Violence
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• You met Big Daniel on his second week at school. You were absent on the first week because your Leader ordered you and your brother to attack certain gangs and collect information. You weren't informed that school already started a week ago. But then again, would you even care?
• When your classmates see that you're not present in class for days, half of the student body let out a huge wave of relieved sighs, thinking that you transferred schools while the other half kept it in, thinking that your absence is too good to be true. But when announcement you return was heard, Daniel was clueless on what was happening since everyone looked like they're preparing for a red-alert thunderstorm...
Zoe: "Hey Daniel! How was your weekend?"
Daniel: "It was great."
Zoe: "Really? I'm glad! You know, my weekend was so crazy! The--"
Random Student A, running: "EVERYONE UME SHABANA IS BACK!"
Random Student B: "W-WHAT?! THAT CAN'T BE..."
• Once the announcement of your return was shared, the students whispered to one another. Even Zack's goons are quivering. Mira and Zoe looked frightened at what they heard. Jay clenched his fist and a frown made its way to his face. Zack quickly repositioned his sitting posture and is sweating bullets. Meanwhile Daniel is just confused...
Random Student B: "Eh?! They still go here?! Dude, I thought they transferred 😱!"
Random Student C: "I knew this day would come...😔"
Random Student D: "We're totally fucked, man...😰"
Daniel: "U-um... I'm sorry if I don't know, but who's Ume Shabana?"
• Some of the girls stopped rushing and approach Daniel to explain but Zoe beat them to it.
Zoe: "Well you see, Daniel! U-uh...! Ume Shabana is a student in the Beauty Department--"
!!! C R A S H !!!
Zoe: "HOLY FUCK WHAT THE HELL WAS THA?-- I-i mean, eep! What was that?"
• The more the crashing from the across the hallways grew louder, the more the students shifted uncomfortably in their seats. A few students contemplated on grabbing their bags and just leave the classroom.
Random Student B: "Guys, who cares if we miss class?! They might remember that one mistake we did to them! I wanna live 😭!"
Random Student D: "W-what if it gets worse?! What if they bring their brother 😱?!"
Random Student C: "You calm down first 😑."
! ! ! C R A S H ! ! ! ! ! ! C R A S H ! ! !......
????: "AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!"
Everyone: "!!!"
• The crashing sounds stopped and a girl's scream can be heard from the hallways. Everyone, including Daniel, rushed outside to see a rather beautiful but aggressive figure pulling on a girl's ear and shouting at her. A crowd of students from different departments gathered to witness the situation. They know that they couldn't bring your anger down so they can only watch as the girl struggled in pain against your grip...
Freshman Girl: "I-i'm... I-i'm sorry-- OW!"
• ...What? Did he heard that right? Out the window? Daniel's breath shortened and his body froze. Countless memories of him being bullied by his superiors, if not, even other students, flooded his mind. He experienced all the horrible things they did to him... Being treated like a pig. But even HE never thought of a person THIS cruel would go that far by throwing their own classmate out of a window and dealing with it like it's nothing.
• His body moved without him thinking and pushed the crowding students to make way to you. He grabbed the wrist of your hand that was dragging the sobbing girl before you could open a nearby window. You looked up at him and scowled.
Daniel: "H-hey..."
Ume: "Hah?"
Daniel: "Let go of her... P-please."
• The words were stuck at Daniel's throat when he met your piercing glare. The glare that screamed who's superior in terms of dominance. The young man didn't mean to sound pathetic but he had to, so that you won't do the unforgivable.
Ume: "And who are you to order me around, huh?"
Daniel, flinches: "U-um... i-"
Ume: "You're either bold or pretty stupid, walking up to me like that."
• Daniel's somewhat lack of fear made the girls squealed among themselves about how daring and bold he is while the guys are placing bets on who's going to die and who's going to walk out alive. Mira hurriedly went to the faculty room so that the situation wouldn't escalate any further. Some students started pulling out cameras to record the fight.
Random Student E: "AAAHH~! DANIEL~ 😫!"
Random Student F: "Who would've thought that this guy 😳..."
Random Student G: "Is so brave and courageous? Yes, he is~ 😍"
Random Student C: "Ugh, girls 🙄..."
Random Student B: "So who are betting on?"
Random Student D: "That Daniel guy seems capable."
Random Student B: "Yeah, y'know that one time he not only dodged Zack Lee's punches, he blocked it!"
Random Student D: "Oh yeah! I still rem--"
Zack: "I bet on Ume to take down that fucker."
Random Student B: "Crap, he heard us 😨!"
Random Student D: "Stop making us part of everyone's grudge list, man. Ume's is already bad enough 😔..."
• The sounds of noisy, horny, ugly women made your ears ring... This is irritating. The nerve of this idiot to...
Daniel: "!"
• Daniel didn't see the fist coming..........
Random Student B: "W-w-what the fuck 😱?!"
Random Student D: "He... With just one punch 😨?!"
Random Student C: "Oh shit, he's as good as dead 😔."
Random Student A: "E-even the wall... 😰!"
Zack: "Told ya he's a wimp. I won this bet."
Jay: "!"
Zoe: "DANNY!...Dan... Wake up!...call......where are .... Mira!.....eachers?!"
• Daniel felt his head ring and something warm and wet dripping down from his nose. The last thing he sees is Zoe screaming at his face and Jay lifting him up. Everything became blurry before going pitch black as he fell unconscious. He then wakes up in a familiar old house.
Small Daniel: "Mhh... Wha....HUH?!"
• Daniel immediately recognized his surroundings and realized that his bigger body is without conscious and he switched to his smaller body. He tried his best to fall back asleep but after a few hours, he couldn't. He searched in his belongings in a panic for his phone and put on a relaxing ambience video. A couple of attempts after that, he finally fell asleep.
• He finally wakes up in his bigger body with a headache. He blinked his eyes and sees that he's in an infirmary. He looked to the side to see the school nurses standing and admiring his sleeping face.
School Nurse A: "A-ah! He's awake... Sorry to disturb you~ Do you want to rest more 🤭?"
School Nurse B: "How are you feeling, handsome ☺️?"
Daniel: "Uhm... I'm fine, I gue- OW!"
School Nurse A: "Oh my! It seems that Shabana delinquent knocked you out pretty hard 😯..."
School Nurse B: "You shouldn't move so much. You have a cut on your forehead and a nasty bruise on the side 😧."
Daniel: "Sorry, ma'am."
School Nurse B: "Ohh, please! Don't call me "ma'am"! Call me by my name-"
School Nurse A: "He was talking to me 😠!"
School Nurse B: "No, me 😡!"
Daniel: "I wanted to ask... do you happened to know what happened?"
School Nurse A: "Uh well... you see, we heard that you were involved in a fight with Ume Shabana. You were hit-"
School Nurse B: "With one punch 😮!"
School Nurse A: "Yes, you were struck down with one punch- but it doesn't matter, you were trying to protect that girl, right ☺️?"
Daniel: "I-i was..."
School Nurse B: "OMG, you are such a sweetheart. I'm like, so jealous of her 😩."
School Nurse A: "Stop rambling, you dumbass 🙄."
• The nurses insisted that Daniel should rest more and that he's excused from his absence in class. The wall clock hits 5:00 PM, Zoe and Jay came to the infirmary to check up on Daniel. Zoe was fussing over him, reassuring him that he did nothing wrong and the attempt on trying to save the freshman girl was heroic. Jay just smiled, relieved that Daniel is okay. The blonde didn't say much and left. Just then, the freshman girl entered the infirmary with the intention to thank Daniel by giving him treats from the cafeteria. Zoe got a bit territorial despite her positive remark about saving her. Daniel thanked the girl and she left the infirmary skipping happily.
• Daniel asked Zoe what to the violent delinquent and she showed him a video from her phone....
• He couldn't believe it... He didn't even see how you punched him... You were so fast... Too fast... With just one punch, he collided with the wall. The impact was so great, it formed cracks on it... The side of his head was bleeding... You shoved the girl away and complained about Daniel thinking too highly of himself... At least you didn't drop the girl out the window... The video ended with your figure leaving and students gathering around him.
• After that encounter, he made a mental note to himself that no matter how his second body would help him overcome his fears, there will always be a person much more stronger than him. He started attending class a couple of days later. Every girl praised him of his action and even some of the boys acknowledged his boldness of facing you. However, some of them were pissed at him because some people are praising your stupidity.
• He the learned that you are not a person to be messed with. You are beautiful but deadly... reminding him of the obnoxious girls back in his previous school. You are hella strong too! Seriously, how are you so strong? It doesn't make sense that you beat him with just your fist. You also despise being around people of what you deemed unattractive and bully them. Maybe that's why you preferred to go to the Beauty Department. In contrast to your demonic strength, your gracefulness caught him off guard... He really thought that delinquents like you would look brash and intimidating. But perhaps that's another technique of tricking your opponent to think that you're not a fighter.
• You sometimes like to tease a flustered Daniel and flirted with him with a few death threats here and there, but you never meet him again after your brother told you not to. Meh, it's not like you like him or anything, it's just that you're reminding every girl in this school that no matter how attractive they are, the most handsome guys always look at you.
• Speaking of your brother, his impression of your older brother, Gyutaro, was also not so great... The first thing the tall and scary man does when he sees Daniel is threatening him that if he lays a hand on you, he will not be getting it back. The boy, not only kept a distance from you, he avoided you because of that.
• Figured out that the reason why you and your brother were not expelled is because the faculty is also intimidated by you. Whenever they caught you bullying a poor student, you'd change face and act innocently that you are in a particularly bad mood.
• Timeskip to the timeline where Daniel is formed an alliance with Jay, Zack, and Vasco. He figured out that you and your brother were part of a gang called the Twelve Kizuki and were one of the higher ranking ones. You two are fighting for that corrupt politician named Micha- Muzan Kibutsuji by making connections here in South Korea and controlling the districts. You just used disguises and names so that enemy gang members won't recognize you. Muzan ordered you two to eliminate every single person that witnessed their crimes, including Daniel and co.. Your third encounter with him takes place in a ruined building.
• Daniel made the same mistake of charging at you first. You disabled him swiftly even without using half of your power. You were about to dispatch him when his friends arrived to shield Daniel away from you. When the speed and strength of their attacks grew increasingly aggressive, you tried to flee away from the scene and called for your brother. Zack and Jay, albeit bleeding and bruised, quickly caught up to and tackled you before you could run away...
Zack: "Hey! We ain't letting you run away like a coward after we beat you fair and square."
Daki: "I-i wasn't running away! And I'm not a coward!"
Zack: "Pssh! Yeah, right! Not buying it!"
Daki: "I am NOT a coward! I am strong! Far stronger than you!"
Zack: "We literally tackled you to the ground! Which means we beat you!"
Daniel: "Z-Zack- you shouldn't-"
Daki, tearing up: "No... no, it can't be...! I'm one of the Twelve Kizuki! I'm one of the strongest members! I'm supposed to be strong--"
Daki: "!"
Jay: "😶!"
Vasco: "... It doesn't matter how strong you are... As long as you keep training and keep protecting the little guys... Then you're the strongest!!! All you did was bully those who are weaker than you... It's wrong!!!"
Zack: "Woah... Vasco, calm down a bit..."
Vasco, crying: "... I still haven't forgotten about you bullying that Pyeon guy..."
Jay: "😶..."
• The scene went from violent, to childish, to dramatic in minutes. Vasco became too passionate of his statement and began tearing up. Daniel gave him a gentle pat on the back. You suddenly let out a shriek and started punching the ground.
Daki, bawling: "....WAAAAAAHHHH!!!"
Vasco, Daniel, Jay, & Zack: "😨😧😦😮!"
Vasco: "...H-huh?"
Zack: "Are they...?"
Jay: "😶...?"
Daniel: "... throwing a tantrum?"
• Cue Gyutaro suddenly appearing behind them. They dodged his strike but he still made a beeline to you. He checked on your injuries and comforted you until your crying stopped. Meanwhile the guys at the back are just weirded out. This guy responded to your call and rushed to you so fast that their eyes couldn't keep up! Which means that he is far more deadlier and stronger than you. He sicced them like they were prey and he was the predator. Expressing envy, hatred, malice and rooted it to his rapid assault. He tortured them and cackled at their pained cries in a morbidly sadistic manner.
• It took them their entire knowledge of skills, the entire night and the entirety of the Burn Knuckles to take just the two of you down... The ruined building that all of you were fighting in has already collapsed its second floor... The pillars are barely holding up... All of them are fatigued and injured, but are still fighting... And on the crack of dawn, they finally defeat both of you.
Gyutaro: "SHUT UP!"
Daki: "YOU SHUT UP!"
• During your arguement, Daniel and Vasco ordered everyone to safety now that the building is starting to collapse its walls and third floor. Daniel looked at your direction and looked back at Vasco. Vasco was unsure of what Daniel intended to do with you but he knows that it's wrong to leave you here to die. So he joined Daniel and carried the two of you outside before the building finally break down. You and your brother argued and argued until...
Daki: "....I wish you were never my brother..."
Gyutaro: "....."
Daki: "Look at us... We don't even look the same...I bet we aren't even related... I bet you made up that story of mom abusing me... I'm better off without you... You're ugly... your only saving grace is your strength!... Now that you've been beaten, you're useless! ....I WISH WE WERE NEVER SIBLINGS."
• Everyone looked at you in disbelief that the two of you still have the stamina to argue. You just sit there with your dislocated limbs while your brother spat insults at your face. You've never seen your brother this angry before... he sounds like he's been holding all of these emotions in for a long time. Daniel's body once again moved on its own...
• Gyutaro stopped his outpour of emotions with a sudden hand gesture of Daniel covering the ugly man's mouth.
Daniel: "... I may not know what it's like to have a sibling, but I know that what you are doing to each other is wrong... you don't mean all those things. You are siblings through and through, even if the world turns its back on you, you still got each other. Despite all the bad things you did, no one will be on your side except your family... You must stick together and protect each other."
Daki, bawling: "....WAAAAHHH!!!"
Daniel: "U-um! I'm sor--"
• The others watched awkwardly as you cried. Daniel is frantically trying to get you to calm down. Huh, who would've thought that THE Ume Shabana the most beautiful, the most graceful, the most deadliest, one of the strongest foe they faced in Jaewon High... Is actually a crybaby?
Gyutaro: "........Ume."
Gyutaro: "UME."
Gyutaro: "UME!"
Daki: "!"
Gyutaro: "....I forgive you...and I'm...sorry too."
Zack: ".... Shouldn't we be...?"
Vasco, tearing up: "This moment is manly."
Zack: "What the hell is so manly about it?"
Jay: "☺️."
• So that's how your relationship with Daniel developed. It has rocky start but it's progress! You were shocked when Daniel, Vasco, Jay, Zack and the Burn Knuckles forgave both of you and your brother and even offered you to join them. Your thoughts went to the memories of your dear Leader. Oh, how you want to be by his side, but now that you've failed, he will throw you away regardless. But you still have your brother with you and your new... Friends? Acquaintances? Whatever. You left the Twelve Kizuki and allied with Daniel. It'll probably take decades to repent for your wrongdoings but at least you have your brother with you.
• A new dawn rises for you and your brother. You've always hated the daytime for how bright it is, but this time it's different. Your demons shall burn away in the light along with your hatred and wrath. Daki is in the past, defeated and burned in Hell.
• You are now Shiraume. No matter how many times you'll be reborn, you will walk with your brother for all eternity.
Daniel: "What are you going to do after all this?"
Gyutaro: "...Stay low for a while. Even if we hand ourselves to the police, Muzan will use his connections to find where we are and kill us."
Daniel: "I guess that's the safest option."
Vasco: "Ume."
Shiraume: "Ugh, it's Shiraume. What?"
Vasco: "Your apology to Pyeon-"
Shiraume: "Right. I'll do it, sheesh."
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erabundus · 1 year
I AIN'T NO COWARD TO USE ANON. First of all, the way you capture all the differences between the puppet's stages of life? Chef's kiss. Kabukimono's innocence and wonder, Balladeer's creepiness and grandiosity, Ren's exhaustion and just wanting to carve a spot for himself. All of it is So Tasty to read be it in replies or hc posts. I love to bits how Ren and Aether pull and push each other around every time they interact. And you!!! You're always so nice and easy to interact w/, a delight to see on the dash and your posts always brighten the day a little more w/ all the shenanigans. So v glad we started writing together. ^^
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pomefioredove · 5 months
only one bed room
summary: it's the sdc and everyone's staying over at ramshackle but, oh no! you're one room and one bed short. being the generous (or gullible) soul that you are, you agree to share characters: all sdc competitors, separate additional info: fair warning I have no replayed book 5 in a while, reader is yuu, reader is gender neutral, rook is rook, most scenarios end in cuddles. can be interpreted as romantic or platonic (nix vil and rook's part)
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Deuce Spade
"I don't mind sleeping on the floor!"
it's a big fat no from Vil. waking up sore and tired is unacceptable, and will affect his performance during practice. he will use the bed, end of story.
you offer to take the floor or one of the many stiff and uncomfortable couches in Ramshackle, but he refuses
what kind of aspiring honor student would he be if he kicked you out of your own room?
so, yes, you end up sharing the bed
he's a perfect gentleman about it
he insists on sleeping on the complete opposite end of the bed
to give you your space, of course
not because he's nervous
obviously it doesn't pan out- he's kind of a messy sleeper, and on the first night you wake up with him sprawled on top of you
you decide not to wake him up
you'd been thinking about saving for a weighted blanket, anyway
Ace Trappola
"you better not hog the blankets,"
takes it like a champ, though he might be screaming internally
he already sleeps in a dorm with three other guys- this can't be any different, right?
it totally is
sharing a bed with someone? someone he likes, who he isn't just forced to live with for convenience?
he's not sure how to tease you about this one without coming off as nervous himself
so he just shuts his trap about it (for once) and accepts his fate
in the end, it's no big deal for a player like him
he ends up hogging the blankets, though. hypocrite.
Kalim al-Asim
he means exactly what he says
not a care in the world
all he's thinking about is how fun this is going to be! just him and his favorite Ramshackle prefect (Grim heard the news and will be staying in deuce's room to avoid any cracker mishaps)
Kalim, admittedly, is not a creature of great thought. he tends to be dictated by his feelings, and he can be a little selfish sometimes
so when Jamil pulled him aside and asked him to just buy another bed for ramshackle, he ignored him entirely
why would he do that? the situation is resolved, and everyone's happy!
well... not everyone, but Kalim's happy!
he stocks up on Vil-approved snacks, insists you two braid each other's hair and stay up late into the night talking with no one to remind you to go to sleep
(he tried to invite Jamil and got the door slammed in his face)
this arrangement lasts approximately one night
when Vil sees the dark circles under your eyes, it's over
you are confined to the couch, and Kalim is forced to sleep alone
Jamil Viper
really. he's totally fine with it.
besides the fact that he doesn't want to cause any more trouble, he's shared beds with his siblings before. no big deal
he just wasn't expecting to wake up with you snuggled against him
but this is fine
totally fine
he's barely conscious and it's early morning, still dark, the time he's used to getting up at
Vil has things covered, right? he can stay here for a little while longer. it would be awkward trying to get up without waking you
it feels nice having something all to himself for once
he smirks, imagining how jealous everyone else would be:
the beautiful, kind, intelligent ramshackle prefect in his arms? oh, the looks on their faces would almost make this whole thing worth it!
but in the end, he decides to say nothing
he wants to keep you all to himself, after all
for just a little while longer
Epel Felmier
"ain't no way I'm sharing!"
that's what he says in his head, anyway. but it's late and he's worn out from practice (and being shouted at) so he just sighs and accepts his fate
of course Vil would make him do it. it's probably because he's the smallest, isn't it?
you can tell he's unhappy with the arrangement (not that he's making much of a secret of it- he's grumbling under his breath all evening)
he starts coming around to the idea when he wakes up holding something warm
his heart jumpstarts and he nearly panics before remembering where he is
and then he realizes the thing he's holding is... you. somehow the two of you had ended up spooning during the night
but, more importantly... he's the big spoon!
he's almost tempted to wake you to announce that he, in all his manly glory, had naturally assumed the most masculine cuddling position!
(yes he sounds ridiculous. just let him have this one)
he lets you sleep, though. just a little more won't hurt anyone, right?
he's okay with the arrangement after that
Rook Hunt
"I will do it!"
Vil isn't even able to finish his sentence before the vice housewarden is practically jumping up and down
pretty much everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief; a volunteer! thank the sevens. otherwise, this could get awkward...
of course, he quite intentionally ends up with you in his arms
but not for any nefarious purpose, he insists!
he's a light sleeper, and can be stirred by any sudden noise or movement
you appeared to be having some kind of nightmare
it reminds him of a small animal caught in a trap, struggling for its life. he can't bear to see it- it's cruel to let a poor creature go on suffering before you can make the kill
of course, instead of killing you (thank the sevens), he decides to comfort you
he presses your head against his chest so you can hear his heartbeat, and he runs his fingers through your hair until you calm down.
then he keeps you there, just to be sure you don't have another bad dream
if you gave him permission, he would gladly be all over you in seconds. kissing up and down your shoulders, caressing every perfect inch of your body, whispering words of admiration
but he's perfectly content just cradling you for now
hopefully, you will continue to have these nightmares and give him excuses to do this again
Vil Schoenheit
"don't argue with me,"
initially, you just gave him the bed
maybe you were afraid of him; maybe you like him; maybe you just wanted to avoid a conflict altogether
either way, you spent the first night on the terribly uncomfortable floor, and trudged through Ramshackle like a zombie the next morning
Vil was feeling guilty watching you
what? he's not a monster
and he's a leader, which means he has a responsibility. and you had so graciously invited them all into your home...
fine! he'll share. he insists, even
when you try to argue, he shuts you down, repeating all that stuff about responsibility and hospitality, blah blah
and he doesn't want the team manager dead on their feet
arguing with him is pointless, so you just agree
he wakes up with you against him, sleeping peacefully
now, if it were you clinging to him- he might have had a good chuckle. can't keep your hands to yourself, prefect? I'm just that irresistible?
but the way he's holding you, the way his arms are so tightly wrapped around your waist, the way he's so clearly pressing you against him...
he hates to admit it, but you're an elegant sleeper. it's almost cute
the tension is relieved from your face, your breathing graceful and steady, and your perfect lips open just a sliver...
he is a perfect gentleman, and would never dream of doing anything without your explicit permission, but for one shameful second he thinks about how easy it would be to kiss you
... and then he quickly puts those thoughts aside and tries to get back to sleep
he doesn't want any dark circles, after all
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skyahri · 6 months
How They Found Out P2 |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake
Summary: The aftermath of your relationship becoming public. Part two to How They Found Out
Warnings: Mentions of sex, marriage, kids. Pretty low key tbh.
Part One
- - - - -
Sasuke Uchiha
What an absolute nightmare.
Once you heard the front door shut, Sasuke basically collapsed on top of you.
He groaned. His night had been ruined, and on top of it, Naruto was sure to cause drama for the coming days.
"It's okay, Sasuke. They were sure to find out anyway."
"Our relationship going public and Naruto catching us having sex are two very different issues, and it's a bit concerning that you think I'm worried about the latter."
You kick him off of you with a laugh and suggest a shower. There was no way your escapades could continue on after all the fuss.
The next morning, you basically had to drag Sasuke out of the house.
He'd been moaning and groaning and grumbling since last night, so much so that he started to sound like Shikamaru.
Who knew Sasuke could complain so much.
Once you were out the door and the second your friend's eyes caught you, they pounced.
All at once, they hounded you about what Naruto may or may not have seen (Naruto has a habit of being a bad storyteller, so who knows what actually went down)
Sasuke refused to answer any questions until the chaos had settled down. They did eventually, albeit reluctantly.
"It's true."
That just sent them all reeling again, begging for details.
You two already discussed what you'd keep secret and what you'd share, so the meeting went pretty smoothly once everyone agreed to keep their composure.
Until fucking Sakura started asking questions about your sex life.
After that, you zipped your mouth and refused to answer anything further.
They'd just have to live on not knowing anything.
Shikamaru Nara
After news got out, Ino decided it was her place to convince Shikamaru to, in her words, "be a man and ask her out already!"
He ignored her, convinced she was full of it and brushed her off.
But her words lingered in his head.
Your friends were all beginning to settle down; Naruto and Hinata had just gotten married. Talk of kids had started to circulate in the group.
Were you wanting marriage and children?
The slow buzzing quickly turned into an almost constant fog in his mind. He'd never been so distracted before.
What a drag.
Within the week, he was knocking on your door.
"I need to ask you about something."
Weird. You could read him pretty well at this point, but this energy he was putting off was new.
"What's up, Shika?"
"Do you want to get married?"
Your eyes widened and jaw dropped. When you tried to answer, you found yourself at a loss of words.
"I mean, damnit, I- do you want to get married eventually? Or have kids at some point?"
You stared at him like he had two heads.
"Are you feeling alright? Why don't you come inside?"
He didn't fight you. He walked in and sat at your table in silence while you made him some tea.
You'd pried it out of him that Ino was behind this sudden change, and assured him that things would be okay.
"Look, I never brought it up because I know you're not a feelings guy, buy yeah, I guess I would like to have a family. I thought that's what you wanted, too?"
He got that irritated look on his face. The one he always gets when people ask him to work.
"It is, but,"
"But don't worry about it. I work on your time, so whenever you're ready."
You gave him a kiss on the cheek.
He let out a sigh of relief, glad to have fallen into such a situation with someone who understands him so well.
"Not too long, though. It's been almost two years, Shika."
On second thought, this was a total drag.
Kakashi Hatake
The next morning, you two made sure to bump into his students.
They seemed rather pleased with themselves, that they had been the ones to finally catch Kakashi lacking.
It only took a single look for Sasuke to realize it was all fake. They'd been bested by their sensei once again.
That quick glance he got from Kakashi told him not to say anything to the others, which he hadn't planned on anyway.
"Kakashi sensei, why didn't you ever tell us you were seeing someone?"
He set a hand on Sakuras head and ruffled her hair.
"I try not to share my personal matters with children. That's what friends are for."
Enter Gai, who happened to hear.
"You didn't tell us either, Kakashi."
He just shrugged, sending Gai into a fit.
News traveled fast in the village. What else is to be expected when romance rumors come up about the Hokage?
Kakashi was actually very calm about the whole thing.
Despite dreading this day for a long time, he was actually very content with the outcome.
There had been so much going on when you initially got together. Wars and death and PTSD and all that.
But now was a time of peace. A perfect time to actually start living, and this was just the beginning.
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vidavalor · 1 year
Hey, so...
Have you all noticed *how* Crowley and Aziraphale are drinking in 1941? And by this I mean... that they barely are? <wink>
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Crowley has been drinking for millennia by this point. He gets drunk as Bildad the Shuite in 2500 B.C.. Aziraphale has been drinking since sometime prior to the scene in Rome, which is also when we see them drink together for the first time. *This* scene is 1941 so countless years and meet ups between Crowley and Aziraphale have taken place since and considering how these two drink together in other situations-- like how completely wasted they were in the "eleven years ago" scene in S1-- this one here in 1941 is *interesting.* Why?
Because friends, that is *one bottle of wine* on the table beside Aziraphale and I can still see wine in it above the label, which means what's currently in their glasses is less than the first half of the bottle... which means the glasses they are sharing now that Aziraphale just poured are their first drinks of the evening... and neither of them are really drinking much of it. That signals an intent not to drink very much at all-- the open bottle probably being plenty for the two of them. They're going slowly, without an intention to get drunk, but not really just to savor together a particularly interesting vintage. They don't seem to be noticing or tasting the wine at all. Aziraphale poured them both a good amount but not overkill but both of them so far in this scene just take cautious, *small* sips of the wine... and they don't need to conserve it, ok?
It's not the war. It's canon that Aziraphale has a case of Chateauneuf-de-Pape that he picked up in the 1920s sitting in the back of this shop at this very minute that he doesn't bust open until "Eleven Years Ago" in the future of S1 and Crowley is a bootlegger in this moment in history lol and also they're both literally magic. They could miracle wine from halfway around the world if they wanted to. There's wine to drink if they want to get drunk...
...and they both have silently agreed that they don't want to.
It is the *only* time that they drink together in a scene that we've seen where they have a mutual agreement to not drink that much. Even when Aziraphale *didn't drink*, he still got *food* drunk while Crowley was drinking in the Job minisode.
But when they're having a drink together in 1941, both of them are very clearly, by a kind of unspoken agreement from the vibes in the room, *not really drinking.* Just a little. A few sips that will lead to a glass or two a piece total, at most-- that bottle split between them would be a lot from the air of and the pace of them in this scene.
And I mean... forgetting for a moment that Aziraphale will get drunk without issue in other scenes, we all know Crowley, right? This Crowley...
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In S1, part of *God's narration* lol includes that Crowley and Aziraphale had been drinking for six straight hours in the bookshop together in "Eleven Years Ago." Rome is one thing because they had just had just met up so we don't know how sloshed they got over oysters at Petronius' new restaurant (and would seem likely that they did) but in every other scene when they drink together, basically, they drink quite a bit and both of them usually wind up drunk, especially Crowley.
So why is 1941 different?
Because they're drinking like people who both want to mess around, that's why.
Yeah, people mess around while drunk and I'm sure the same can be said for any of the few Effort-curious angels and demons outside of these two but Crowley and Aziraphale are not a casual hookup to one another-- they're in love, they're best friends, and they haven't been together before after literal millennia of pining and yearning for it. It's not something that's happening while they're drunk. They want to be sober and for it to be special and the evening here in 1941 has really got everything lining up for a perfectly romantic night, if they want it to be. All the rescuing one another and little glances and now Aziraphale's asked Crowley back to the bookshop for a late night drink and they're both drinking like they want it to be tonight.
They're both silently telling one another they want something to happen by the fact that they're drinking with no intention to get drunk. They want to be present. They want to remember. They want each other's explicit consent so they're barely drinking the wine so that it's evident that if things get intimate, it's not because either or both of them are drunk, and no one has to stop over concern over that.
Aziraphale is looking at Crowley looking all dashing, unusually quiet for him, maybe a bit nervous and still hiding a little behind his glasses-- Hell's biggest lush taking the world's smallest, barely-there sip of that wine lol-- and is like how many more tiny sips do we need to take before I can crawl onto his lap...?
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Aziraphale's like omg, the sex is going to be amazing... thank God I don't yet know in this moment that something-- like some Zombie Nazis, probably-- will stop us and we'll still be on trying to kiss one another 80 years from now...
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headspace-hotel · 1 year
I have an essay brewing in my head constantly about lawns. Which, well, unsurprising, since I post about how I hate lawns all the time, but I think the "lawn" and "landscaping" centered way of thinking about Places Outside is a Bigger Thing that Connects to Other Things
(What isn't? Having ideas about concepts is always like this.)
I will introduce my ideas by a situation where they apply: Sometimes life-forms mimic other life forms. One form of mimicry is called Vavilovian mimicry, where weed species in crops grown by humans evolve over time to be more similar to the crops.
Vavilovian mimicry basically helps weeds survive because the weeds are adapted to the care-taking regimen of the crops, and because the human caretakers of the crop can have a hard time telling them apart, which means they might say "Ehh...I'll wait until it grows up so I can be sure I'm not pulling up my crop."
I think there's something similar at work among flower gardens and landscaping...but it's different.
Regular people don't know the name of every plant that might possibly grow in their flower beds, and they often pull up plants they don't know just because they don't know them. They sometimes say they pull up a plant that "looks weedy" or "looks like a weed."
I think to myself...what does "weedy" look like?
This question collided unexpectedly in my brain with an insight I had about invasive species that I could not explain.
I have to get rid of a lot of Callery pear, wintercreeper, honeysuckle, burningbush, privet, English ivy, and other plants that are invasive where I live. And strangely- many invasive plants look similar in ways they don't share with very many native species. They tend to have small, round or squat, glossy leaves, and they tend to have a very dense growth habit.
I can think of several possible explanations: Maybe these species thrive in North America today because of the loss of controlled burning, but their characteristics look so distinct next to native species because they relate to things that would make a species fire-intolerant? This doesn't seem quite right, since it doesn't predict level of fire-adaptedness in native species.
Another explanation is better: they were selected for these traits by humans for their usefulness in landscaping. Dense growth habit would be useful for creating hedges or ground covers. This is why many invasives were originally planted, right? And small leaves might feel or be perceived as less "messy" when they fall.
But I think this is a clue to something else going on. What does "weedy" look like?
Some plants go on one side of "weeds vs. flowers" and some on the other, and it's almost totally arbitrary...so how do gardeners make the call so decisively?
I think about the commonest "landscaping" plants- Knock Out roses, hostas, petunias, begonias, boxwoods and so on- they share a lot of the characteristics mentioned above. Shiny or at least smooth, typically small and squat leaves, dense and compact growth habit.
Then I think about some of the commonest and most important "weedy" native wildflowers, such as goldenrods, asters, milkweeds, Joe-Pye weed, ironweed, sunflower. They all differ from the above in at least one striking way. Mostly, they have hairy leaves and stems, long and thin leaves, and a tendency to grow up tall before blooming. Milkweed has smooth leaves, but its leaves are long and very big. Hmm...
And I think I can guess where this is coming from.
Landscaping and garden designs often look like this
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See how the plants are drawn and arranged to cover a space in two dimensions, mostly not overlapping with each other? This is very easy to plan and design. And those common landscaping plants I mentioned—hostas, Knock Out roses, boxwoods, and so on—are very good at acting just like a two-dimensional representation of them does. Just look, you can see them:
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Now look at those important native wildflowers I mentioned:
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These guys don't fill much space in a horizontal plane, they go straight up. They don't exclude other plants from very much space either. Plants could grow under them and among them. So they're not very good for "filling up" space, and their opener, lankier, less dense shape doesn't do a good job at blocking other plants from growing.
In a garden of North American prairie- or meadow-adapted plants, the plants wouldn't exclude each other and stay within their designated spots because they're evolved to intermix with a great variety of plants.
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"Separateness" is a big part of the typical "landscape" aesthetic. These plants are very neatly separate from each other. This is what looks "neat" and well-kept to us...the opposite of "weedy."
This could mean our garden and flower beds are affected by a selective pressure a lot like the Vavilovian mimicry situation. But instead of weeds being selected to look like intentionally grown plants, the intentionally grown plants are being selected to look different from weeds.
The subtle difference makes perfect sense. In a field, the rule is "leave the plant there if you're unsure" because that's your food. In a flower bed, the rule is "get rid of the plant if you're unsure" because having weeds is more aesthetically unacceptable than having blank space.
The point is: Ecology needs to be a big part of gardening and landscaping, because you are DOING ecology. Even if you don't know the evolutionary principles, you're acting them out.
Just like the ineffable preferences of female birds give the males weird elaborate display structures, ineffable aesthetic "senses" that govern our "built" world slowly turn it into something weird.
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valsverse · 1 year
but i love her !
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summary: to say that leo valdez is absolutely enamored with you would be an understatement. so, why don't you like him back?
pairing: leo valdez x fem!reader
word count: 2.3k
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LEO VALDEZ does not just like you. no, it is much more than that.
leo's feelings for you surpass mere affection. his love for you is deep-rooted and unshakable, transcending the limitations of the heart and mind. he doesn't just love you with his heart, which can falter or stop altogether. nor does he solely love you with his mind, which may fail him one day. no, leo valdez loves you with every fiber of his being, every inch of his soul, and every essence of his existence. his love for you is all-encompassing, unequivocal, and forever enduring.
so why don't you like him back?
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when you first arrived at camp, leo was immediately taken with you. while he had a reputation for falling for girls completely out of his league, this time was different. he knew deep down that he would do anything for you, even if it meant risking his own life. he couldn't pinpoint the exact moment he realized this, but he was sure that you were the one he was meant to be with. despite piper's concerns, leo was undeterred in his pursuit of you.
as you sat at your usual table in the dining pavilion, enjoying dinner with your cabinmates, you were completely immersed in the moment. laughter filled the air as you chatted about your day and shared stories of past quests. just as you took a bite of your dinner, you heard your name being called out loudly and persistently. turning your head in the direction of the voice, you found leo standing right in front of your table. as you tried to recall any previous interactions with him, confusion washed over you. you've only ever spoken to the boy about a grand total of once, and you don't even remember giving him your name.
leo slipped into the empty seat next to you, his smile beaming as he waited for your reaction. gasps escaped the mouths of several of your cabinmates, because, well, isn't it forbidden to sit at another god's table?
“sooo, is this seat taken?” he asked suavely, and you mentally rolled your eyes at his attempt at charm, knowing exactly where this was going.
"well, it wouldn't matter if it's taken or not, because you aren't supposed to be sitting here in the first place."
he only smiled dreamily, seemingly unfazed by your response. the tension in the air grew thicker, and someone let out a snort, unable to contain their amusement at the situation.
it took you a moment to piece together what was happening. leo's sudden changes in behavior around you, the not-so-subtle glances, the smiles, and the way his eyes would light up - it all made sense now, although you didn't want to admit it. leo valdez had a crush on you, and there was nothing you could do about it.
leo leaned forward on the table, his chin resting on his hand. he was brimming with enthusiasm, and you couldn't help but feel just slightly uncomfortable in his presence. "can i ask you something?" he inquired eagerly, his eyes fixed on you.
you sighed inwardly, not wanting to engage but feeling obligated to respond. "do i have a choice?" you quipped, attempting to mask your discomfort. leo didn't seem to notice, too caught up in his own enthusiasm.
suddenly, he pulled out a metal rose from his pocket, presenting it to you with a flourish. "wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked, a hopeful expression on his face.
your siblings snickered around you as your eyes widened in absolute horror. your face felt hot with embarrassment as you struggled to maintain your composure.
"i practically just met you!" you protested, feeling the need to state the obvious.
he had clearly anticipated a different response, going so far as to prepare a metal bouquet in anticipation of impressing you. however, his efforts were in vain. "i'm sorry, but no." you replied firmly, not giving him any room for negotiation.
it was clear that this was not a successful attempt at romance.
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from that day on, it had become the norm for leo to actively pursue you, as he had made it his mission to win your heart. you couldn't deny that he put in a great deal of effort. and he was plenty consistent. for months.
you couldn't help but notice his constant presence, as he seemed to magically appear everywhere you went, making it impossible for you to ignore him.
despite his persistent efforts, leo never pressured you into anything you were not comfortable with. he respected your boundaries and always made sure that he did not cause you any discomfort. it was clear that he adored you, but he never allowed his feelings to dictate his actions towards you.
interestingly enough, it was the reason behind your initial hatred for leo that began to fade away. unfortunately for you, once that seed of doubt was planted, there was no going back. you found yourself unable to justify your previous animosity towards him, in fact, you began to feel guilty for the ill feelings you harbored towards the boy.
after leo's clumsy attempts at asking you out, things became quite awkward between the two of you. you did everything in your power to avoid him, convincing yourself that you loathed him. however, despite your best efforts to push him away, the universe seemed to conspire to bring the two of you together. in fact, you even found yourselves forming an unlikely bond that some might even consider a friendship. leo would somehow magically appear in the same places you happened to be (though he always insisted it was a coincidence), and you found yourself unable to shoo him away as you used to do. yet, despite this newfound closeness, leo's attempts to win your heart remained as elaborate and over-the-top as ever.
from writing your name in fire surrounded by a heart, to asking you out with grand gestures and signs, he never seemed to give up. unfortunately for him, all of his efforts were met with either an indifferent stare or a frown.
maybe your feelings towards leo had changed somewhat, but that did not make him any less unbearable.
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"i just don't get it!" leo complained to piper during free time that day. "i thought me and y/n were making progress, but today she didn't even look at me!"
piper paused from sharpening her dagger and looked up at leo. "what makes you think you were making progress?"
"she let me sit next to her yesterday."
piper couldn't help but let out a laugh, quickly covering it up with a cough. "that was for like two minutes," she scoffed.
leo's face fell. "but i swear i saw her wink at me a few days ago!" he protested.
"she was only blinking in your general direction."
leo mock-glared at the girl. "seriously, you're like an aphrodite kid, aren't you supposed to know this stuff?"
piper rolled her eyes. "shut up. okay, but seriously, come on. think about it. leo, you tend to get infatuated easily and your crushes never last. it's inconsistent. she probably thinks your feelings for her will change once you find someone new."
leo took a step back, not expecting her answer. "but that's not gonna happen!" he retorted, eyes wide with exasperation. "i love her, i swear!"
"prove it to her then." piper responded, running her fingers through her choppy locks. "go find her and prove it."
and that's exactly what he was going to do.
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it's been days since you last saw leo. the usual sight of him following you around, asking to hold your tote bag, or just plain flirting with you is now a distant memory. your tote bag, which he usually holds for you, is now slipping off your shoulder as you sit alone with a feeling of emptiness. you've only seen him run in and out of the workshop, waving at you with the same fire in his eyes but not speaking to you. you keep looking for his head of curly hair everywhere you go, but the inevitable disappointment strikes you every time it isn't him.
although you had been trying to deny it, the truth was that you missed leo terribly. despite his occasional obnoxious flirtations, he was actually quite easy to be around — even more than that, even. maybe you had developed feelings for him that ran much deeper than you ever anticipated. you've been grappling with your emotions for quite some time now, and you were certain that your mask of indifference had already slipped off without your knowledge. you slumped against the wall you were leaning on, feeling the weight of your emotions.
if leo were here, he would have moved you to somewhere you could sit more comfortably, instead of a damn wall. if leo were here, he would have taken your tote bag off your shoulder already, making sure you were not burdened with anything. the absence of his presence now makes you realize just how much he meant to you and how much you miss him.
you pushed yourself off the wall you were leaning against, making your way back to your cabin to sulk, when it happened.
you spotted leo approaching you. his strides were large and purposeful, and you could practically see the determination in his eyes. you could tell he had just emerged from the workshop, his face smeared with soot, but that didn't seem to bother him at all. before you could even react, he had his arms on your shoulders, shaking his head as he gasped for breath, clearly winded from whatever he had been up to. "i've been looking for you everywhere," he said urgently, not giving you a chance to respond.
"okay, look. you know i like you, y/n. you're not like anyone else i've ever met. you're kind, and smart, and funny, and beautiful. and i know that sounds like a lot of flattery, but it's true. i don't think i've ever met anyone who makes me feel the way you do. you make me feel alive, and happy, and.. stuff. and i don't wanna lose that. don't wanna lose you."
he took a deep breath, then continued, "i'm not going to pretend that it was always you, because i've liked other girls before, when i didn't really know what liking someone meant. what i felt for them is not even comparable to what i feel for you right now. it hasn't always been you, but from now on it will."
"i can tell you feel the same way too, even if you try to hide it. you always have a little grin on your face when i come around, and i know you still keep all the things i made for you in your cabin, even though you act like you don't care. but i get it, you're scared. that's okay. i'll prove to you that there's nothing to be afraid of. i'll be devoted and take on more responsibility, because you inspire me to try harder. if you could just give me one chance."
he took a couple steps closer, reaching for your hand, and intertwining his fingers with yours when you didn't pull away. looking deeply into your eyes, he adjusted his grip, his crooked grin indicating that he had rehearsed what he was about to say.
"i guess what i'm trying to say is..." he trailed off, and then pulled out a metal rose from his pocket, just like the one he had given you when he first asked you out. however, this one was special, its intricate patterns reflecting everything that reminded him of you.
"wanna be my girlfriend?" he asked, just like he had all those months ago.
you didn't even hesitate, you just pulled him in by the fabric of his shirt and slotted his lips with yours into a long-awaited, giddy kiss.
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ookaayyy it's been a while since i've read the books so leo may be a slightly ooc here?? or not?? y'all i don't know i'm trying. 😭😭
xx val
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footballfanficwriter · 9 months
Spill the tea
Summary:where Jude is invested in girl drama
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"Hey girl, I've got hot tea for you"
"Yeah, spill it I'm listening"
I'm on a call with Ashley my Best friend who tells me everything, well we tell eachother everything, Ashley and I have been friends for the longest time, we grew up together and she was always there for me way before I even met Jude
"Ok so I just found out that Hannah is pregnant"
"But the plot thickens, remember the boyfriend she said she was dating?"
"Well turns out he's not the father"
"If it's not him then whose the father?"
Jude walks into the house from  training and he waves at me, I wave back at him
"It turns out that Hannah was having an Affair" Ashley says
"An Affair with who"
I see Jude turn his head towards me like my sentence has just peaked his interest and he walks to where I'm sat in the sofa and sits next to me watching me with interest
"The Gardner"
"The Gardner?"
Jude grabs my phone from my ear and puts the phone on speaker
"Whose having an affair with the Gardner?" He asks
"Hey Jude"
"Hey Ash, how are you?"
"I'm good, how are you"
"I'm good,so whose having an Affair with the Gardner"
"But wasn't she with that other boyfriend of hers that she was bragging about?" Jude asks
"Yeah she was, I guess she was cheating on him"
"But, he was such a good guy"
"I know right"
"But there's more tea to be spilled"
"What Is it"
"I swear there's always something happening in Alice's life" I say
"Alice decided that it was a good idea to get surgery, and because she didn't have the budget for it, she went to a makeshift surgeon, and it did not come out proper, it just looks weird honestly"
"Do you have a picture?"  I ask
"Yeah, hang on I'll send it just now"
Ash sends the picture and Jude and I look at it weirdly
"What has she done" he asks
"I'm speechless"
"I don't know whether to laugh or to cry" Jude says
"Why are her lips like that"
"Who ever did this to her needs to be arrested" Jude says
"Where is she now?" I ask
"At her house, she hasn't left eversince"
"Maybe we should check on her you know, see if she's doing fine" I say
"Yeah we should, we'll do it later"
"I'll make her something to try and make her feel better"
"Oh I just got am update on Hannah's situation"
"Turns out the Gardner is actually dating Haley, and he proposed to her"
"He proposed?" Jude asked
"So how are they going to work it out are they going to be one big polygamy Family"
"Even if the do that how is he going to afford to have a baby and have a wedding, knowing Haley she's definitely going to want a big extravagant wedding and she doesn't like sharing, so how is she going to share a husband with someone else?"
"What I don't get is how you're going to cheat on a person, then propose to the same person you cheated on, like do you know how much of a negative impact you have on a person"
"But Hannah is also in the wrong, she cheated on her boyfriend and went for Haley's then boyfriend and got pregnant by him, like that messed up, on top of that they are bestfriends" Jude says
"Ash you know I love you, but i could never be a sister wife with you, with anyone for a matter of fact"
"Don't worry, you're into footballers and I'm into NBA Stars totally different sport"
"Oh I forgot to tell you that Julia is moving" I say
"Julia is moving" They both ask
"Yeah she's moving back to France"
"Something about being caught with the boss"
"She was caught with the boss"
"Well they weren't really keeping their affair a secret, they held hands in the office and they'd flirt in front of people, it was just a matter of time"
"But the boss?"
"Isn't she Lesbian?" Jude asks
"She's Lesbian?" I ask
"Isn't she in a relationship?" Ash asks
"She's in a relationship?" Jude and I ask at the same time
"That's crazy you know"
"It's insane actually"
"But hey you know what these aren't our lives and who are we to judge and Comment on other people's lives"
"So we'll meet in 2 hours to go and check on Alice?"
"Yeah, see you then"
I hang the phone up and look at Jude
"Let me go get ready I wanna see her myself"
"Jude when we get there please try to compose yourself until we get back home"
"Until we get back home?, I'll compose myself until we get into the car and drive off"
"Fine but if you can't keep your side if the bargain, I'll be very upset"
"Ok fine"
2 hours later
There's a knock
I walk to the door to reveal Ash
"Hey babe"
"Hey, you ready to go ?"
"Yup, just waiting for Jude"
"Ok, so what did you make Alice"
"Soup, cause you know I figured that she wouldn't be able to eat a lot of things that are solid"
Jude walks down the stairs and greets Ash
Ash decides to ride in her own car on our way to Alice's house
When we arrive there I knock on the door and after a few seconds later the door opens revealing Alice
I turn to Jude and watch his eyes grow bigger, I then turn back to Alice
"Hey Alice we heard you weren't feeling well, so we thought we might check on you see how you're doing"
"Yeah, we heard what happened" Ash says
"Come in please"
"So how have you been" Jude asks
"Is it bad like really bad can you see I got my face done"
"No, it's not that bad, your lips just look more plumb" I say
I hear Jude clear his throat next to him
"I just can't stop looking in the mirror" she says crying
"Oh sweetie don't so that to yourself, I'm sure it will get better, don't bring yourself down like that" Ashley says
"Yeah Ashley is right I didn't even notice it until you brought it up" Jude says
"Yeah, he's right c'mon you must be hungry Y/n made soup for you I'll plate it up for you" Ash says taking the big bowl of soup from my hands and leading Alice to the Kitchen
"What are you doing" I ask him
"What, I thought we were telling her lies to make her feel better" he says
"Jude stop ok"
"But I haven't laughed ever since we got here, though it may be difficult not to I still haven't"
"Fine just stop with the side expressions and stuff"
"Oh c'mon you're going to stand there and pretend that all of this is not funny"
"Unlike you I know how to compose myself and keep my laughter in, and plus we're in her house how rude would it be if we just came in and laughed at her face"
He smiles a little almost like he's trying not to laugh
I sigh
"I give up on you"
We stay with Alice for 3 more hours until we announce that we have to go but Ash opts to stay with Alice until she's better and we promise to occasionally visit
As soon as we enter the car He laughs his ass off
"Let's not even talk about the lips did you see the eyebrows, she can't even lift her eyebrows"
"Wait until we get home"
"I'm not waiting until we get home I'm talking now"
"C'mon, it's not like she can hear me"
"Did you see the nose, it's like this" he says laughing and making the shape of her nose in the air
As much as I don't want to laugh at Alice Jude is not making it any easier not to so I just chuckle
"Her lips are like this, babe look" he says making his lips plump by squishing them together using his hands
I laugh at his comment and the rest if the way Jude and I are talking about Alice and all the things that could have forced her to do this to herself
The rest of the day is spent hanging out and Jude and i making dinner for ourselves then watching a movie then bed
As I'm changing into my Pajamas Jude speaks up
"On a serious note though, l love you just the way you are"
I raise my eyebrow wondering where all of this came from
"Ok, why are you being weird"
"I'm not I'm just saying if you ever decide to get plastic surgery or a face lift, whatever it is, Just know that I love your body just the way it is and I don't want you to be pressured or feel like it's your obligation to make yourself look younger or have more curves or to look a certain way when you're with me"
"Aww, Jude Babe thank you so much, and to make you feel better and to put you at ease, I wasn't even thinking about getting anything on my body done so, you have nothing to worry about, in fact Alice's case just pushed me futher away from the idea"
He breathes a sigh of relief and walks over to me towers over me where he kisses my forehead
"I love you and your body"
"I love you too"
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 3 months
hi, i'm fourteen and i have this friend who asked me if i wanted to try eating her out. not a girlfriend, a friend. i don't have any feelings for her but i do think she's gorgeous and she's probably the best friend i have and the most mature 14 year old i know. i trust her a lot. im definitely not opposed to trying to give her head, either. i'm just worried it might be a bad idea, and i'm anxious that i won't do it right and she won't even feel good. i definitely don't want to have sex this early but does giving someone else head even count as real sex? she wouldn't really be touching me at all, except for she did say she'd want us to make out before i did it, though i'm not entirely sure why, but i am okay with it. i'm also worried about, like, STDs, because i've never been with another person like... sexually, i've kissed other people but i haven't in a while. but i think she might have done stuff with people? i don't know how recently. like... i don't know, do you think this is a really bad idea and we're too young or is this fine? how do you even eat someone out, like, what do you do? sorry if this is annoying i just really need an adult to ask about this and it's not like i can ask my parents since i'm not really supposed to do this.
hi anon,
thank you for asking! I'm really grateful to be an adult that you trust enough to talk with about stuff like this. it's not annoying, and I'll do the best I can to give a helpful answer based on everything you've told me.
I think maybe, in your case, this might not be a great idea right now. it sounds like there's a lot about this situation that makes you nervous in a way that's not fun - the kind of nerves that come from being excited to connect with a new person are one thing, but I'm hearing much more anxiety than excitement in the way you're talking about this.
oral sex (using your mouth) definitely counts as real sex - it's definitely not just putting a penis in a vagina! - and can be just as intimate and emotionally complicated as any other kind of sexual expression. you said you don't want to be having sex at your age - which is totally normal, and completely your choice to make! - and that includes oral sex as well, so maybe it's best if you sit this one out for the time being.
I want to be super clear that I'm not saying this out of any sense that no people your age should be sexual; I think wanted sexual exploration between young teens can be a great way to start exploring sexuality and finding what feels good! but that doesn't mean that every teenager has to be having sex, or that they're immature if they don't. people are ready to explore sex at lots of different ages (and some people never do at all), and none of them are weird or wrong. you could feel totally different in ten years, one year, a month, or even a week, but right now you don't feel ready, and what you feel right now is what's most important.
holding off until you've had time to learn more about sex may also help, because every situation is less scary when you feel more prepared. (it's why they make you spend so many godforsaken hours practicing driving before you can take the test to get your license.) in the spirit of learning, I want to share some resources about some of the things you had questions/concerns about.
this page on Planned Parenthood's website talks about lots of different kinds of sexually transmitted infections (STIs, also frequently called sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs), including how they're spread and how to treat them. I don't want to make STIs sound scary - I recently wrote a whole post about how they really shouldn't be! - but because it is important to know what risks there are if you plan to be sexually active so that you can do your best to minimize those risks, and what to do if someone does catch an STI. an important thing to remember is that, at your age, it might be difficult for you or your friend to get tested for STIs without help from your parents, which may be awkward and unpleasant or totally impossible if you're unable to tell them why you need a test in the first place. that's an important factor in deciding whether or not to have sex!
additionally, here's some info about dental dams, which are basically condoms for oral sex - they're a flat piece of latex, like a condom that got rolled out, that goes between the mouth and the hole.
and to help with your question about how going down even works, I recommend this video by sexologist Dr. Lindsey Doe. you won't be seeing any real genitals in this video, although there is a drawing and some nude Barbies, and you'll probably want to listen with headphones unless you're alone. there are also links to more of Dr. Doe's videos on the topic.
and lastly, for more thinking about this topic, I want to direct you to Scarleteen's answer to help figure out when you're ready to start having sex, which is very good on its own and has links to some other good reading on the topic. Scarleteen is a great resource specifically designed and run to help answer teenagers' questions about sex without judgment, and I recommend them very heavily.
I hope that this has been useful, and helps you feel empowered to make whatever decision is best for you.
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blissfullyapillow · 10 months
┃Blade + “only for the mission”
₊˚⊹♡ Blade x fem reader
₊˚⊹♡ wc: 1,555~
₊˚⊹♡ Warnings: self inflicted injuries + scars (Blade), only one bed trope, fake marriage that develops into very real feelings, totally legit Stellaron Hunter mission, a meddling Kafka & Silverwolf 
₊˚⊹♡ Summary: Blade needs someone to play the role of his wife for a mission, and who else would be a better candidate than yours truly?
₊˚⊹♡ Pillow Talks: I had a random moment of inspiration as I imagined what Blade would be like if he was in a similar situation as Loid Forger. I could see it. (I'm being delusional)
₊˚⊹♡ Masterlist 
‧₊˚ ┊When Blade has to “marry” reader for a really obscure and totally real Stellaron hunter mission he was assigned to
⋆〃You wonder why he chooses you of all people to be in a fake marriage with, but his reasoning is solid
⋆〃“We’ve worked together before, and we tolerate each other. I see no better candidate.”
⋆〃 If only you didn’t secretly harbor a crush on the unattainable man
⋆〃 Surprisingly a really great fake husband
⋆〃 Takes care of you and pays attention to details
⋆〃 He typically hates being cared for, but for you, in this instance, he’ll let his walls down and allow you to dote on him
⋆〃Cue a long pampering session where you unnecessarily give him a head to toe massage on his rare day off work
⋆〃He only allowed you to do it for the mission, though. Just to ensure you’re happy with your “relationship”
⋆〃Typically busy during the day; he gathers intel and often finds himself getting caught up in one too many altercations
⋆〃He starts to feel guilty when he returns home one evening and you fret over his many bleeding cuts, most of them of his own doing
⋆〃He can’t find it in himself to refuse your offer to patch him up. He has to swallow the lump in his throat as you delicately clean and bandage his fresh wounds.
⋆〃A soft, unexpected noise of surprise leaves him when he feels the soft press of your lips against his old scars
⋆〃“It’s only for the mission. I have to be in a suitable condition to continue fighting..” is how he reasoned with himself
⋆〃Yet his heart squeezed in his chest when he returned home the following day, with notably less self inflicted scars, and your radiant smile greeted him. He took notice of the unconcealed relief present within your irises
⋆〃He doesn’t know why, but it makes him feel good
⋆〃He has no idea of just how much of a hold he has on you
⋆〃One evening he brushed past you, squeezing by with just enough room, yet he used his hand to briefly squeeze your hip in passing
⋆〃the way your brain just shut. down.
⋆〃Your legs literally felt like jelly as he glanced back at you, only to send a little smirk your way before he entered your shared kitchen
⋆〃If you didn’t know any better you’d think he was flirting with you.
⋆〃… well, maybe he was.
⋆〃On a different day, when you two are in the process of tailing a person of interest, you wind up needing to share a bed. 
“I can’t believe I slept so well last night.” You whisper. You yawn as you stretch your limbs, your butt bumping against something as you stretch your body in a cat-like manner. “Well, that makes one of us.” Blade groggy voice immediately erases any fog of sleep you had clouding your brain.
You yelp, craning your neck back to look at Blade.
He’s visibly tired, an arm around your waist as you’re suspiciously close to him, even after your stretch.
You make an effort to move away, but he simply drags you back. He won’t admit it, but he couldn’t sleep a wink last night since you both shared a bed for the first time. He almost offered to sleep on the floor when he saw the look of sheer horror on your face when you realized the predicament you were in.
You two got the last available room of the gaudy hotel you were forced to reside in, all to continue tailing the person of interest, but there was only one bed in this room. It was late into the night and Blade was ready to sleep. He wasted no time stripping until the only thing left was his pants, before he snuggled under the covers.
You would’ve found the scene cute if you weren’t too busy freaking out.
“If you don’t get in I’ll drag you.” You know that tone. He isn’t joking. His eye pierces through the dark and you can see them narrow at you. When you still don’t move, he gets up. He ignores your flustered protests as he simply picks you up and plops you on the bed.
It seems you have no choice in the matter.
In that instance, you quickly go through your night routine before joining Blade in bed.
You expected to be kept all night as you tried to retain your composure, but you fell asleep almost as soon as your head hit the pillow.
Lo and behold, Blade was unable to fall asleep.
Your body heat permeated his skin, and he found the sensation to be… pleasant?
He didn’t know how fond he was of the thought, but he knew it was true. Your body unconsciously moved closer to him, and his entire body tensed. You stopped moving for a few minutes, and Blade found himself slowly drifting off.
Unfortunately for him, you wind up inviting yourself into the comfort of his arms.
The content sigh you released melted his heart, and he couldn’t find it in himself to push you away.
And so Blade held you throughout the night, rotating between drifting off and being abruptly awakened when you shifted in his arms.
Since when was his body so hyper-aware of your presence?
⋆〃When Blade inevitably realizes that you hold more importance than just being his lovely ‘wife,’ his attitude begins to change
⋆〃It’s subtle, but you know Blade well enough to catch on to the little hints
⋆〃He’ll return home with little trinkets or gifts, things that caught his attention on the way home. They reminded him of you in a way.
⋆〃What really caught you attention is when he returned home with a beautiful hairpin. He instructed you to turn around before placing it in your hair. “This suits you, and it can be used as a weapon.” His simple explanation makes your heart race.
⋆〃You cherish that hairpin. Every time your gaze lands on it, a very obvious smile lights your features. Blade notices this and it elicits an oddly pleasant feeling within him.
⋆〃Soon the end of your mission draws near, and you find yourself longing to continue the charade. Being Blade’s wife has honestly been a lovely experience for you, as surprising as it is to say.
⋆〃Unbeknownst to you, Blade holds similar sentiments.
“It’s not like we’re going to get married and live happily ever after.” Blade’s grumbled words serve as motivation for your fierce retort.
“Why not?”
His head whips around, his wide orbs stare deep into yours.
You hold his gaze.
His lips part in surprise. Honestly, he didn’t expect such a response. A strange part of him likes the idea, and his cheeks flush at the mere thought.
You start, blinking your eyes owlishly at Blade.
The ‘Pardon’ was very uncharacteristic of Blade, and the pure shock in his tone is borderline comical.
It causes you to break character, and soon you’re giggling as you clutch your stomach. Blade is not amused; he closes his eyes as his arms wrap around the shattered blade he carries everywhere.
When you finally stop laughing, Blade is the one to say something first.
“Is marriage with me something you seek?” His question is knowing in a way; it’s almost as if he’s seen right through you, and your breath hitches at the terrifying thought. Were you becoming too obvious in your affections? Well, that question has a blatant answer, but still!
“U-Um..” “Be honest with me.” His words are rough. His eyebrows are furrowed as his eyes slowly open to peer at you. His orbs hold your gaze. You couldn’t think of a believable excuse even if you wanted to.
“I… yes…” You squeak.
You think you see his shoulders visibly relax once he hears your answer, but you must be fooling yourself.
He quickly closes the distance between the two of you. You squeal as he harshly pulls you into him, and your voice is soon muffled by the rough caress of his soft lips.
Your arms instinctively wrap around his neck.
He groans; your touch ignites something within him that has been dormant for far too long.
He quickly pulls away, only to say, “I’ll make it happen. For real this time,” before his lips seal yours once more.
Well, this was an unexpected outcome.
But an entirely welcome one nonetheless.
⋆〃When you both return to the Stellaron Hunter HQ, hands intertwined, Kafka and Silverwolf are the first to greet you.
⋆〃Upon the sight of your intertwined hands, Kafka’s smirk only deepens. Silverwolf rolls her eyes as she releases a dramatic sigh. You watch in confusion as Silverwolf fishes for something in her pocket, before she hands Kafka a stack of credits
⋆〃“Welcome home lovebirds. How did the mission go? Judging by the looks on your faces, I see it was successful.” Kafka is all too pleased with herself.
⋆〃Blade is a bit confused, still in the dark, but he acknowledges Kafka’s statement.
⋆〃”What of it?” Is his gruff reply. Kafka only smiles, a knowing glint in her eyes, and Silverwolf has a similar look of content on her features
⋆〃Who knew the Stellaron Hunters loved to play matchmaker?
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wiisagi-maiingan · 2 months
I love watching youtube videos about tiktok and influencer drama, mainly because I'm completely disconnected from stuff like that (I have never watched an influencer video in my life) so it gives me the thrill of true crime without the tragedy exploitation aspect, but sometimes I also feel completely disconnected from the youtubers too?
Like every youtuber has to offer up a million disclaimers about how they aren't judging influencers or whatever and that's usually fine but like. I do feel that there ARE points where people need to be judged for the content they're sharing and promoting and profiting off of!
"I'm not judging tradwives or saying their content is bad—" I am!! I am absolutely judging tradwives! Extremely harshly! Because the entire "tradwife" movement is conservative propaganda based on misogynistic and patriarchal ideas about history with no basis in reality or in our modern world! And tradwife influencers explicitly target young women and especially teen girls and try to convince them to put their entire lives in the hands of their husbands, which is a horrific recipe for domestic abuse!
These women making hundreds of thousands of dollars off tiktok videos (and often coming from extremely wealthy families) are out here telling young girls that they don't need an education, that they don't need their own income, that if they're just pretty enough and obedient enough then they'll find a rich husband and never have to worry about anything ever and it's fucking scary! And I don't know why we are tolerating it!
We know what happens when people, especially women, give up complete control to their partners. We know what that leads to, resentment and extreme control and total lack of options when things go from totally fine to constant arguing to violence. These influencers, who ARE making extremely significant personal incomes from their jobs as influencers online, lie through their fucking teeth about how perfect it is that their husbands do everything for them and all they have to do is take care of the kids and home (with the help of nannies and housekeepers and personal chefs off-screen. . .) and about how they've escaped from capitalism, meanwhile the people actually in those situations who AREN'T making all that extra cash are either already in abusive relationships or they're in incredibly precarious positions where they could end up abused or thrown out with nothing in an instant.
I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to be a homemaker or stay-at-home parent. I don't think it's wrong to not want to go to college or have a 9-5.
But you NEED options. You need full access to your own money that can't be monitored or controlled by a partner. You need access to a vehicle. You need a life outside of your home and family, especially friends who are willing and able to help you if needed. You need the ability to survive on your own in some way. Because if and when things go wrong in the relationship, THOSE are the things that will save your life.
Also remember that again, these tradwives DO have jobs and their jobs involve selling a fake lifestyle and fake ideals. They are getting paid BIG TIME for the shit they peddle to you, whether that's through the millions of views they get (both from genuine fans and from haters, the algorithm doesn't know or care about the difference) or the many sponsorships they get, they have incomes that they are not disclosing. They have help that they are not disclosing. Many of them started out with extreme wealth but lie through their teeth and cosplay as fucking homesteading peasants. It's all a lie to sell shit to you. Don't buy it.
Disclaimer: Please do not nitpick this post, it's very late and I'm ranting and if this leaves my circle of followers I will regret it deeply. Be nice. Tradwives dni, you're all annoying.
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thinkingotherwise · 4 months
Requested by: misticbullet Please do more fanfics with bad girl vibe with suo and the rest, or preppy girl from all girls school in sailor uniforme like one from akebi's sailor uniforme, i'm a total sucker for good girl bad boy situation relesh
Not sure if I got the preppy girl vibes correctly.
Also, I'd surely add some other stories with this dynamics and the bad girl/boy reader, because it's really fun and on point with the series.
Choji Tomiyama x fem! Preppy Girl! reader
He's such a deadly cinnamon bun
TW: blood
Tumblr media
Even with his funny shirts and a big smile, Choji inspired fear in your friends but not in you. You got along really well since the day he complimented your keychains attached to your bag. Seemingly the only "strange" thing about your elegant and stylish appearance. At the same time, his T-shirt brought a smile to your face, leaving both of you grinning and richer by a new friend.
You got more attached to each other, the more time you met. He brought you so much joy so easily and, you could say, stupidly. You really did appreciate the different and more relaxed way he was compared to your classmates.
All the rumours your friends told you about him being the leader of Shishitoren, the fights he got in, and the race for the strength he constantly found himself in, didn't have that much effect on you. Of course, the first time you saw his bloody fists and dark eyes was very shocking, you even took a step back trying to calm yourself before you could run away from him. And so after talking and him sharing in excitement that his fists were finally heavier and more powerful you only grinned at him and congratulated him. He reminded you of a cute puppy, a cute but feral puppy.
As mentioned it wasn't strange for you to see him covered in blood but to see him at your school gate with blood over his T-shirt was new. He just got too excited to share something with you and had to do so right after the fight.
You came out of school with your friends and immediately you heard all sorts of mutters from around you.
"Why is he here?" Someone behind you whispered.
"Oh my God!"
"Is that blood?" A couple of voices echoed.
Then your eyes meet the figure that caused all this disturbance. His eyes searched the crowd constantly moving from one leg to another and swinging side to side. When he finally found you he smiled brightly and waved in your direction.
"Oh, (Y/n)! I was waiting for you." Choji said and eagerly bounced toward you.
Seeing that your friends hid behind you grabbing at your arms and using you as their shield. You knowing such a delinquent made them question if you had some trouble or got into some unwanted company.
"Hi Choji, what happened to you?" You asked when he stopped before you.
Your friends and people around gasped at the friendly attitude you shared with some thug, covered in blood and with bruises lining his body.
"Oh, that? Just some weak guys that went out of line. Had to set them straight." He replied cheerfully and you could see the people around shivering in fear at the temporary change in his voice.
"I see, then good job keeping them in their place." Your monotone voice made him very happy.
When you felt your friends' grips tightening around your arms and shoulders once again you sighed and shook them off. You reached into your fancy bag and took out a pack of wet tissues. Taking one you stepped closer to him and your hand reached toward his face.
"Here, let me help you with the blood." You proposed and your friends gasped dramatically making you roll your eyes.
"(Y/n), don't come so close to him." One of them said trying to come to you and bring you away from the boy but you just raised your brows at them.
"Oh, come on, it's not like he'll bite you." You said sarcastically, but you knew that he could if he was provoked, you wouldn't put it behind him.
"Eeek." At yet another sound from your classmates, you had enough.
You grabbed Choji's hand leading him out of the school grounds and on the way to some quiet place.
"I'll see you guys later." You told your friends not even sparing them a look.
"Are you sure?"
"Will you be alright?" They asked worried about you.
"Yes, don't worry." You turned briefly toward them and sent them a small reassuring smile before continuing with Choji by your side.
He was unusually docile, but you blamed it on his after-fight excitement and need to share the whole story with you.
When you were far enough, you sat on the benches near some playground. You gave him the tissue and he finished cleaning his face up as best as he could without seeing where the dry blood was. Then he searched his jacket's pockets before grabbing something and showing it to you. From his finger dangled a cute little charm and you tilted your head.
"What's that?"
He grinned at your question.
"Ah, yes! Here you can have it. I got it from the kid I helped." He said before shoving it in your lap.
He then started telling the story in much more detail, talking about how heavy his fists were when he saw the kid in trouble, and when he beat up the guys. And you, you listened to him going on and on while playing with the fuzzy charm.
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fairuzfan · 10 months
hello!! I don't know if this is appropriate (pls do not feel obligated to answer) but i was wondering what were ur thoughts on the israeli grass-roots movement Standing Together. I first found out abt them through a tumblr post that shared this substack article (https://theconnector.substack.com/p/if-its-not-helping-then-shut-the). the article immediately put an extremely bad taste in my mouth towards the movement and its founders, but i dont know if i'm being overly-critical of them.
Hey thanks for sending this in. No worries, it's totally ok. I was actually debating whether or not to publish this, mostly because I was afraid this would distract from Gaza, but I decided that it's imperative to stop normalizers from squeezing their way into the movement. Remember, the demands of the Palestinian people begin and end with liberation. Everything else is irrelevant and pointless to the cause.
So first off — I don't think you're being overly-critical of them at all. The first red flag of both this article and the group themselves is that they often exchange "Palestinian" with "Arab" and "Israeli" with "Jewish." That right off the bat shows me they have no respect for Palestinians and see Jewish people and Palestinians as mutually exclusive categories. I've spoken on this blog before about how racist it is to assume no Palestinian is Jewish and vice versa and this group really illustrates the forced division they imagine within their own goals and wording.
The article itself is quite anti-Palestinian in its erasure — it talks about avoiding words like "genocide," and "apartheid," and "ethnic cleansing" because "they are serious people trying to actually get something done." I really don't understand why not using those words makes you a serious person. If anything, it erases a description of how to define what it happening to Palestinians.
The whole redefinition of "peace" in this article and group is just calmness. These people are not advocating for peace in which families are reunited and land is given back — they are advocating for a muted version of the status quo of the current political system, just with less obviously fanatical governments. Peace cannot be attained when the people directly affected cannot have a say in defining it. They won't even say the word "apartheid." It's not some scholarly word with no meaning — it has actual consequences and effects on people (click). Palestinians are tried in military court. Their movement is monitored and restricted. It means that there are different legal systems for different people (click)! If you reject that this exists, then you're not interested in making the lives of Palestinians better — you're only interested in making your own life more comfortable.
As soon as you remove our ability to say words like "genocide" and "apartheid", you remove our ability to determine what happens specifically to Palestinians based on racism. By only saying "Palestinians are getting killed" an Israeli can come in and say "well so am I, by Hamas! Let's work together to end the killing" when it ignores that this is a systematic effort to completely wipe out all trace of Palestinians from the world.
It's like saying, "Don't say you have arthritis, say your joints hurt. And well, that happens to everyone, so let's just find a way to stop all our joints from hurting!" Then you work with people who fundamentally don't understand your pain and symptoms, oversimplifying your situation to the point of malicious universality. Sure, everyone's joints hurt, but my joints are hurting because my immune system is attacking them, not because of old age. You can't help my arthritis the same way you can wear a heat/cold patch to sooth your joints — there are other problems you're ignoring that all work together to cause me systematic pain and might cause bigger problems in the future if left untreated properly.
Similar symptoms don't mean similar causes and ignoring that is fundamentally ignoring the root issue and attempting to trivialize Palestinian's suffering. As soon as you take away the words to describe our situation, it doesn't sound so bad, does it?
Now, basically, the... weirdest part of the article is this excerpt:
People like him in Israel are very aware of how the left here is talking about them, and it’s not helping. “You can call me a colonizer or a settler,” he declared, “but I’m not going anywhere. And neither are the Palestinians.” When people chant, “Palestine will be free,” he said, “we Israelis hear, ‘without you.’ In the same way that a lot of Palestinians hear the ministers in Bibi’s government speak and think they want to do the same thing to them.” The problem as they both see it is that we are caught between two polar opposites. “Hamas believes in Greater Palestine,” Green said. “And on the other side we have people who believe in the idea of Greater Israel.” Indeed, that concept is in the charter of Netanyahu’s Likud Party. “Both sides have very problematic governing bodies,” he added. And the status quo of maintaining the occupation and managing the conflict has been exploded now.
Well, first off, Hamas is not the only one who believes in "Greater Palestine." Palestinians around the globe have been fighting for that since 1948. Second off, it's quite odd that you would center yourself in the wake of the ongoing slaughter of 10,000 people, with no end in sight. Right now, I would assume you'd be advocating for an end to the mass killings first and foremost, but you seem to be more worried about your right to stolen land.
Third, this completely erases the violence done to Palestinians the past 75+ years in favor for a "peace" that will only allow citizens of Israel comfort in their lives. Sure Palestinian citizens of Israel might have more comfortable lives, maybe (although I doubt it). But what about Gaza, which has been ravaged by Israel? What about the people in the Occupied Territories, whose economy depends on Israel, which controls it? What about the millions of refugees around the world who can't so much as see the place where they grew up because they've been exiled? The colonization of Palestine by Israel is not so old — there are people STILL ALIVE who participated in the massacres of Palestinians in 1948 and 1967 and walk around without facing any real consequences for that. My great-grandmother had seen both and she only passed away a couple of years ago. Where is the "peace" for her? Where is the "peace" for millions like her who still dream of going back to their childhood home?
This group AND the article tries to cloud your view into illustrating two opposing groups with equal power. They aren't. Palestinians, unfortunately, endure systematic oppression both within Gaza and throughout Palestine. Each and every time they try to resist peacefully, they've been shot, abducted, or imprisoned. The Great March of Return is one such example. BDS is also an example, yet that has constantly been outlawed by American governments. There have been a plethora of Palestinian artists, writers, and filmmakers who have been silenced or killed for advocating for a Free Palestine. Most recently, this included Heba Abu-Nada who was an award winning poet and writer who was martyred on October 20th after getting shelled by an Israeli missile. Ghassan Kanafani also was assassinated last century. The list goes on. Palestinians have no hope of "changing the system from within" because that internal change will always depend on the mercy of the Israelis that pretend to ally themselves with the Palestinians. Someone in Gaza cannot leave their refugee camp and go back to their ancestral home because no one in this group is advocating for that — and remember, the right of return is an essential part of the demands of the Palestinian people and we cannot ignore that for a forced "peace" that favors calmness over actual justice.
Now as we examine the group themselves, here is their mission statement/goal:
Standing Together is a progressive grassroots movement mobilizing Jewish and Palestinian citizens of Israel against the occupation and for peace, equality, and social justice. We know that the majority have far more in common than that which sets us apart and only a tiny minority benefits from the status quo. The future that we want-peace and independence for Israelis and Palestinians, full equality for everyone in this land, and true social, economic, and environmental justice — is possible. To achieve this future, we must stand together as a united front: Jewish and Palestinian, secular and religious, Mizrahi and Ashkenazi, rural and urban, and people of all genders and sexual orientations. As the largest Jewish-Arab grassroots movement in Israel, we are committed to creating an alternative to our existing reality and building the political strength to make this transformation possible.
Yet again, they are separating "Palestinian" and "Jewish," reinforcing this dichotomy that's so harmful. AND they're interchanging "Palestinian" and "Arab," which erases the diversity within Palestinian society. A group that makes the distinction between "Palestinian" and "Jewish" shows that they are not interested in the restitution of Palestinians but rather solidifying their own position within society by emphasizing a false dichotomy between "Palestinians" and "Jews" with no potential for overlap.
They mention "true justice" but "true justice" doesn't exist if there are no reparations towards the people who have been exiled and displaced, murdered, and tortured the past 75+ years. Justice is not an abstract concept — it is adhering to the demands of the people most impacted by systematic oppression, which is the Palestinians.
Looking at their leadership, there are only a couple of Palestinians with the vast majority of them being non-Palestinian. Sorry, but I'm wholly uninterested in "peace" and "equality" movements that are not made up of majority Palestinians. It's only common sense that you would expect such a movement to be led by Palestinians themselves — but this group seems to use Sally Abed as a token Palestinian who furthers their narrative of wanting "peace" in Israeli society. And even looking at their action items, you can see they make a point about emphasizing safety for the *Israeli* citizens above all else, stating that their far right government does nothing to serve the citizens of Israel. They claim it will also bring safety for Gazans, but how? You can advocate for a change in the government, yes, but if the people in Gaza are subject to getting their rights taken away based on the whims of whoever happens to be in power then no amount of "internal" activism in Israeli society will help them. They will always be at the mercy of the people who have a vested interest in erasing the people of Gaza and the West Bank so that they may take over their land.
Please remember, the civil rights movement of the 60s and the BLM Movement of this century were led by and FOR Black people of the United States because they were the ones making the demands for a change in their circumstances. Because at the end of the day, the people who are the most oppressed deserve the right to decide how their future appears and should not be dictated by the oppressor in any way.
This group tries to make a separation between the "Israeli people" and the "Israeli government." Right away, I have to laugh. They act as if the colonization of Palestine is too old for anyone to remember its origins — no. I had family living in Palestine as recently as '67. Maybe *this* generation didn't choose to settle in Palestine, but the previous generation did. And the generations before that. Before 1948, Israel didn't even exist. Hell, before a couple hundred years ago, BORDERS didn't exist. Not to mention, mandatory conscription means that most civilians will have been directly part of the suppressing forces, making them liable for the material effects of colonization. Why are people so resistant to the idea of undoing colonialism and its effects? I cannot think of any other reason than because they have a vested interest in keeping those borders up, in emphasizing nationality because they're one of the groups of people that is benefited from the establishment of a "Jewish State."
So in that, unless you call for an end to the idea of the "Jewish State" in Palestine, then I cannot think of you as a sincere advocate for Palestinian rights — this group especially plays at normalization of a muted version of the status quo rather than actual justice and reparations. The "Israeli advocates" within this group will benefit first and foremost in their own activism — therefore it's hard for me to view them in a positive light.
All activism for Palestinians should center around giving Palestinians reparations, as well as giving reparations to all indigenous victims of colonization. I think this group only tries to muddy the waters to make people forget what they're fighting for. I honestly do not understand why liberation scares you, if it means that no nation-state will have complete and total power over you and your family.
"Free Palestine" is an anti-colonial movement. Such a thing is possible — but you have to try to make it possible. Those against the unending liberation of all people are one of those who have the most to benefit from the continuation of colonization.
Right now, your main concern should be the people of Gaza and the people of the West Bank, and ensuring their safety and longevity in the face on continued erasure. "Peace" is all well and good but who exactly gets to define that? Who gets to benefit most from it? Unless you can unequivocally answer "ALL Palestinians," then you're not an ally — you're only interested in helping yourselves.
Remember — the fact that we even had to fight for our rights is itself an injustice. At the very least, ask the people who are most affected what they want before you listen to Israelis who have a vested interest in keeping the state of Israel alive.
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shadowshrike · 6 months
Interfering with Halsin's Portal
It's pretty well known that there are a few situations you can get in where Halsin is well and truly angry rather than disappointed or worried, but I don't think a lot of folks know one of those situations is if you mess with his portal to the Shadowfell. It's a heartwrenching bit of acting. It's also fundamental to the plot of my in-progress fic Girdled Roots, so I figured I might share it with the other Halsin-lovers out there who have never seen it.
EDIT: Please be aware this is datamined dialog and may not be visible in game. It appears to be intended to trigger if the player attempts to enter the portal, which I don't believe is possible in the final game, or at least I couldn't find a way in the most recent version. Sharing this is simply to enjoy the incredible acting and get some plot bunnies moving, not to make any commentary about the game's canon.
Halsin's Initial Reaction
Halsin: No! Stop! Halsin: It's gone... that was our one chance. You've doomed this place to darkness! Halsin: I warned you - told you this was my burden to carry. Why didn't you listen?
The pure rage and despair is visceral. Prior to this, Halsin mentions this portal has been a century in the making, but he's so calm and measured (even upon success) that it is easy to dismiss just how much agony has plagued him as he hoped to make things right. This chance is everything to him. It has guided his every action for a century. It is a hundred years of work, prayer, and guilt to rectify the horrific fate of both land and people that came to nothing because a stranger he trusted refused to listen to him.
The portal breaking is the only time we hear Halsin speak the truth of its importance to him without a hint of emotional regulation. He is wild with pain. This man who is always thoughtful and slow to anger in the face of horror with the wisdom of age and suffering to guide him has become too overwhelmed to show any kindness.
Player response
The player is given several different ways to respond, and Halsin's reaction varies a surprising amount depending on how understandable their reason is. In most cases, he states that he needs to be alone afterward.
Option 1: I'm sorry - I acted on instinct. Halsin: Words won't repair what's been done to this land. Nothing will... I need to be alone.
You can hear the ache in Halsin's voice, but he's somewhat understanding of this response. He projects more sadness than unchecked rage. The player has admitted to making a mistake, and Halsin isn't the type of person who hold onto vengeance when an apology has been made, but he's not naive or people-pleasing enough to say "it's okay" or offer comfort either. The safest thing for everyone is for him to step away to grieve when there is nothing more to be done.
Option 2: I did all the work here - I couldn't just let you take the glory. Halsin: Glory?! There's no glory here. Now there's nothing here - only shadows and the total absence of hope. Halsin:  There is nothing more to be said... I need to be alone.
Pure fury radiates from Halsin's response if the player focuses on the idea of being some grand hero rather than actually caring for the outcome. What the player did was an unforgiveable act, dooming everything that Halsin holds dear, and you have the audacity to complain about not getting glory from it. Again, he steps away, but this feels more like he's doing it because he believes you're worthless to reason with rather than because he needs a moment.
Option 3: I saved your grove - I figured it'd be best if I handled this as well. Halsin: We were this close to healing these lands. Now your arrogance has torn open the wounds once more. Halsin:  There is nothing more to be said... I need to be alone.
Halsin is still frustrated with this response and unmistakably angry, but it's significantly toned down from the idea of wanting to go through the portal for glory. More like he thinks you're a self-important idiot than a truly terrible person.
Specialized player responses
There are also three special responses you can give if you have a particular class or diety.
Druid: I thought my powers were equal to yours. Halsin: It wasn't just power this needed - it was wisdom, understanding. I suffered along with this place for years trying to understand the curse... and it seems I will continue to do so. Halsin:  There is nothing more to be said... I need to be alone.
Interestingly, he responds much more intensely to a druid than some of the other player choices. It might be in part because he feels like a druid should know better. He lectures the player like an Archdruid would initiates in his Grove, alternating between angry and explanatory, trying to get the player to understand why they were wrong and the sheer magnitude of their error. He ultimately ends in a much more resigned place here rather than personally resentful. Like a father-figure being forced through further life trials because of a child's foolish indiscretion. Frustrating, but inevitable.
Selunite: I trusted in Selûne to guide me through the shadows. Halsin: My friend - I wish you had trusted in me.
This is probably Halsin's most simple response with the least vitriol. He fully understands this answer, even if he's disappointed by it. The fact he calls the player 'friend' suggests a certain tired acceptance of this being a natural behavior for a Selunite trying to do good. We don't see this calm in other responses where Halsin was surprised by the player's choice.
Sharran: The Shadowfell is no place for non-believers - I couldn't allow you to soil it. Halsin: I should never have trusted an ally of the Dark Lady.
If you've ever taken Halsin along with Shadowheart in Act 2, then you know he is absolutely scathing toward her and her faith. He likely isn't as angry if a Sharran breaks the portal because it is utterly predictable. It merely confirms a truth he already knew and talked himself out of. That Sharrans cannot be fully trusted in matters of their goddess, even if one was good enough to rescue his people from the goblins.
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inthestarsme · 9 months
Solar return observations pt. 1 ✨
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‼️ Do not reproduce, repost or use any of my content without my consent. If you ever repost anything, you need to always mention my page ‼️
Hey guys! I hope you've been having a great christmas time! I'm starting a new little series, bc honestly, i haven't been observing anything new when it comes to birth charts lately, but i've really been into solar return charts, which is why i really wanted to make this. As you might have seen, i had already posted another observation which included some observations on solar return charts, which i deleted bc some of the things i shared didn't resonate with me and i only want to give you content i can truly stand behind. But i am mentioning this, bc i'm going to include some of the solar return observations i made in this post, so don't be confused if you think you might've already seen this on one of my posts.
If you do not know about solar return charts, i would recommend you to look it up beforehand. I am not the best at explaining this kind of stuff, but there are other astrology pages who have amazing introductions for people who are getring into solar return charts. Please look them up and then come back to this!!
Before we start: these are just my personal observations. I am by no means a professional astrologer, and i don't want you coming for me because you disagree with me on the meaning of something. If you want to correct me, feel free, but i will not tolerate any hate or disrespect (which means you will get blocked).
‼️Trigger warning: mentions of bad relationship experiences, bullying and mental health struggles ‼️
Sooo let's go!
Jupiter in the 8th house conjunct neptune in 7th house: Although of course this can show different in every persons life, for me in the year i had this placement i didn't meet my rich husband who was my wonderful soulmate. Instead i only dated one guy who in the beginning seemed very great but turned out to just be using me for intercourse. In general the guys i've met who were interested in me seemed quite stable and like good people, but turned out to actually be known by close ones as f-boys. So if you have this placement in your solar return chart, please beware. It might look better than it is, as neptune is also about illusions and in the 7th house of relationships, this can mean you might not see who the person truly is, and with jupiter in the 8th house, it could be because they might be using you for sexual endevours, or you might be more into sexual endavours than usual and thus give another person the illusion you might be into more to get access in that way (which: please don't do that. there is people out there who are willing to give you that without you having to betray them. it's not fair to someone who is trying to actually build a relationship).
Neptune conjunct the Descendant with Chiron in the 7th house: Adding to the last observation: the year i started dating my first boyfriend who was very toxic and completely used and betrayed me was the year i had neptune, the planet of illusions, in a very close conjunction to my descendant. Also, like chiron (the wound we cannot heal but which can heal others) would indicate, this whole situation sent me into quite a mental health crisis, which i didn't even realize until about 2 years later. it really messed with me, so please be careful if you have this placement. i still learned a lot about relationships, and i feel like i now would never again get into a relationship without being 100 percent certain about the persons intentions and so on, but it was still very unpleasent. So, please be careful.
Saturn, Pluto and Uranus in the 4th house: Whilst Pluto and (especially) Uranus can totally mean you moving because they are very much about change, i wouldn't say the same about saturn in the 4th house. Saturn is usually more about restrictions and difficulties. Of course there could be difficulties with your landlord for example, which might cause you to move, but otherwise, i think saturn here is more about not being able to move freely in your home or you feeling bound to your home for some reason. This can of course vary in interpretation depending on other aspects and planets, it could also be about problems with you family. It very much depends.
North node conjunct uranus in any house: Whatever house this placement is in, you might experience some significant change in this area or might learn something about this area of your life which will change it significantly. For example, a friend of mine had this in his 7th house and during that year, after a lots of years of being in an polyamorous relationship, they went back to a monogamous relationship because some things had appened, which made them realize for them to keep on having a healthy relationship, a monogamous relationship might be better. I also had this placement in my ninth house and during this year some things happened which significantly altered the way i handle my studies in college.
Stellium in 12th house (with sun and moon): You might be going through a phase where you are in more solitute and a lot of things you didn't know about will come to light. I am currently experiencing this, and i could totally feel the shift. I feel it kind of was like my last solar reutrn year i had so many experiences with traveling and meeting new people, that i kind of feel like an "experience fatigue". it felt like i was making so many new experiences, and focused on making more and so on, that i forgot to put meaning and intention behind those. So now i just want to slow down and still make experiences, but also focus on my inner world, on learning new things about myself and also work on some mental health stuff. also, i feel like there has been a lot going on behind the scenes on how people view or say about me which i don't or didn't know about, like for example one year a go, a comment i made on youtube got about 6000 likes and people were bashing me so hard in the comments and i didn't even notice until now 😭 idk, i hope whatever is going to be revealed isn't too harsh (the comments were bad but honestly, i didn't mind. it's not the first time i've gotten hate on social media lol). the 12th house is generally not considered to be very positive, but for now i feel like it is mostly about me time and discovering new things about myself.
Sun square pluto: I read something on the tumblr page "lavishlyleo" about this placement being a very difficult placement which can last for a looong time, and i looked it up: i've had this placement since i was about 14 years old. now, i've had quite a rough childhood, but me having to deal with that and having to process it and simultaniously starting to experience more bullying and so on started around this time. i think beforehand i knew my life wasn't the greatest, but i could still move through it and be very happy and content because i had a great friend group and a lot of other good stuff going on. the fact of me having to realized how the things i have gone through were so fucked up and how they messed with me was soo much harder tbh. but now this placement has been easing up a bit and will go away in about two years and i have honestly been doing so much better than the years beforehand, especially when it comes to my social life! i am so excited on seeing how life will be as soon as this placement finally goes away.
Chiron or lilith in the 11th house: As these two are more harsh and about experiencing some bad stuff to also learn and develope, having this in the 11th house may not be a good sing of you keeping your friend group and maybe losing those. Or in general just having bad experiences with groups of people.
I will leave you with this now. As the year progresses, i will see how certain placements play out in my and other peoples life, so i can give you some more observations i made. But i hope you enjoyed this!
Sending out love and please keep safe! Until next time byebye 🩵
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thrillered · 2 months
"You Know I Mountain Dew It For Ya" | Spencer Agnew X Reader | Pt. 11
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Part 11: Apologies
The entire day had gone by and still no word from Spencer. You knew he had to have seen it, and knowing him as well as you do, you knew he listened to the song. You just hoped it was enough. 
While the Spencer situation wasn’t necessarily going well, online was sparking with excitement about Birds of a feather. The hashtag had been trending all day and you once again were in a bright spotlight on the public stage. You had received texts and calls from friends congratulating you on your second successful song in such a short amount of time. Everytime your phone buzzed or rang your heart skipped a beat, hoping you would see your favorite contact pop up, but it never did. 
Feeling defeated, you decided to go for a drive to clear your head. You didn’t have a destination in mind, allowing yourself to think about nothing but the road in front of you. Before you knew it you had somehow ended up at your ramen place. You’d never gone alone, this was an experience you only shared with Spencer. You decided that since you were already there you would stop in and get food. 
You walked in, immediately becoming emotional at the comforting scent of broth and spices. Mrs. Ito greeted you, walking with you to one of the small booths. 
“The usual?” She asked, smiling at you. 
“Actually, I’m getting something different today,” You said. You went on to recite Spencer’s go-to order, hoping it would make you feel a little closer to him. 
“Where’s your boyfriend?” Mr. Ito asked, joining his wife's side as he placed a glass of water down on your table. 
“He’s, uh, he’s not my boyfriend,” You finally explained, sadly. “And he’s not coming today, it’s just me.” The words hurt to say. It felt wrong doing this without Spencer but you were already here and thought this might be good for you. 
You scrolled on twitter as you waited for your food, liking different tweets about you and smosh. It didn’t take long for your food to come out, you politely thanked Mr. Ito as he set the steaming bowl in front of you. 
Soon after the door opened again, the small bell chiming as the door swung inside. You glanced up towards the door, shocked to see Spencer of all people, shrugging off his light jacket. 
“Ah Spencer! Welcome!” Mrs. Ito greeted warmly. It didn’t take long for Spencer to notice you. You looked away as soon as he looked at you, feeling an intense pressure under his gaze. 
“Oh, hey.” He said, walking the small distance to your table. 
“Is… Is that my ramen order?” He asked, recognizing the toppings and smell of the broth. 
“What? No.” You replied quickly, “Okay, yeah it is.” you admitted. 
“Can I sit?” Spencer asked, a flattered smile gracing his face. 
“Of course.” 
You sat quietly for a moment, moving the noodles around in your bowl as you avoided eye contact. 
“So…” Spencer began, “I thought it was our unspoken rule to not go here without the other.” 
“Well, technically i'm not anymore” You said, gesturing to him.
“So…” You mirrored. Another silence permeating the space. “I’m sorry.” You said quietly, shrinking into yourself. 
“Okay.” Spencer returned. 
“I was so scared, Spence. I am so scared.” You continued, the words falling out of your mouth without much thought. 
“Why? Do I scare you?” He asked.
“No! What? No. I-” You sighed, shaking your head, trying to figure out what you wanted to say. “I’ve spent the last years becoming okay with just being your friend. I’ve been totally in love with you for… well for forever. And when you told me you lov-” You stopped yourself, afraid to say it. “When you told me what you told me I realized everything was gonna change and that was so scary. I shouldn’t have left. I know that. But I woke up to your warmth, your smell, your soul, all next to me and my fight or flight kicked in I guess.” 
You weren’t sure you were making any sense. You hadn’t looked up from your soup, scared to face whatever emotion Spencer was feeling. “And when I got home I called Amanda and she helped me calm down and then I talked to Shayne at work and when I tried to talk to you, you ignored me, probably rightfully so.” you explained, wanting to be honest with Spencer as much as you could. “And if you never want to see me again I get it because I have been so unfair to you.” 
For the third time since Spencer sat down there were no words. Just the sounds of the traffic outside and the muffled conversation between Mr. and Mrs. Ito from the kitchen. 
“I would never, not wanna see you again Y/N.” Spencer expressed. “I gotta keep you around. Birds of a feather, right?” 
Your eyes shot to his, a small smile playing at his lips. “You heard?” 
“I couldn’t stop listening to it.” He admitted, blushing a little. “I forgive you Y/N.” He stated, knowing you wouldn’t believe him if he didn't say it explicitly. “I wasn’t the most fair to you either.”
“Truce?” You asked.
“Truce.” He agreed. 
Spencer came back to your apartment with you, taking both of your food to go. You sat on the couch together, playing your third grand prix of mario kart, making each other laugh as you joked through each race. You paused as the last game ended, Spencer coming in 2nd and you in 3rd (a computer Waluigi beating both of you).
You turned to him, leaning your head on the couch to face him. “Will you spend the night?” You asked. “I can’t really run away this time.” 
“You thought I was going to leave?” He asked, pulling you closer to him and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. 
“I was just making sure.” You smiled, leaning into his side.
You stayed that way for a while, just enjoying each other's company after the few days without it. You looked up at Spencer, admiring him. 
“What? There something on my face?” Spencer asked, noticing your gaze. 
“Yeah actually, let me get it for you,” You said, sitting up, brushing your thumb across the corner of his mouth before kissing him. 
“That was the corniest shit ever, you literally just babygirlified me.” He joked.
“I mean I can stop.” You shrugged, scooting away from him jokingly. 
“No you don’t” He replied quickly, grabbing your waist and pulling you back to him, catching your lips with his. You sighed into the kiss, feeling incredibly grateful you made up. You let out a squeal as he pinched your sides, hoisting you onto his lap and deepening the kiss. 
Unlike the first time, this kiss wasn’t so slow. It was full of passion, the pent up frustration from being apart manifesting itself through wandering hands and clashing teeth. 
Spencer broke the kiss for air, “Never leave me again.” He pleaded through heaving breaths. 
“Birds of a feather, right?” You mirrored his words from hours ago, making eye contact before connecting your lips again.
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