#totally will not be putting sunrise on loop for the next few hours
so... I tried salvia
Yup, I finally did it. I smoked something for the first time. After a lifetime of not being a smoker, I inhaled that shit. It wasn’t easy, I coughed, a lot. I still don’t like smoke. But what I do like is salvia. Damn. People aren’t fucking around when they say that salvia is strong... and weird as hell.
My first experience with salvia was actually chewing it, the taste sucked hardcore and I really didn’t find the effects to be strong enough (granted, I only used a small amount to test how my mind and body would react to the new substance), it went well enough but I wanted to move to the next level: smoking.
It was a few days to a week later that I was finally able to try smoking it, and I had to look up videos on how to even use a bong. I had this tiny cheap thing that I bought off of Amazon because I wasn’t even sure what I was looking for in a bong. I started by putting some plain leaf in the bowl and smoked it, it was truly awful from a physical perspective. Mentally, I definitely felt... different. I tried a few more bowls and closed my eyes and in my head I got some interesting faint 3D tunnels formed out of static. They were spinning. But I also got an image of some evil face grinning maniacally (tbh it looked kind of like the jerma sus meme but it wasn’t super funny because I’ve gotten an evil grinning figure before, off morning glory seeds)
I wanted to smoke more but there was another person in the house, she was going to leave for a few hours soon though so I waited until after she left to continue my experiment. I put on a long YouTube compilation of music from one of my favorite artists. I smoked a little bit more plain leaf but I quickly decided I wanted something more intense. I have a gram of both 10x and 20x, so I got the 10x out and put a pinch of it it into the bowl, lit it, and decided to put my mind into the hands of this new substance. I wasn’t expecting much... but then it hit me. Yeah, it hit me and I was pretty amazed by how quickly I went from mostly sober, to diving into deep hallucinogenic water. It was like DXM and nitrous all at the same time but way stronger than either one.
I kept pulling my hood over my eyes to block the light out, and I took my glasses off, which felt amazing and natural, like scratching an itch and that it was exactly what I needed to do at that moment. I pulled my hood over my entire face but I kept thinking I didn’t want to somehow make it hard to breathe. My entire vision morphed into this three-lobed formation of the little bit I could actually see, repeated on continuous lines in a clover shape. I felt a little overwhelmed, like I had done something that I wasn’t really supposed to do, since I told the other person I wouldn’t try 10x by myself. But at that point I could feel myself sink back, and I felt like I was on a boat in the ocean being rocked gently by waves. I moved my hands back and forth in front of me, mimicking the feeling.
At the end there were these faint 2D panels with these cartoon ape characters looking back at me, like I was supposed to follow them. It started to fade and I opened my eyes, sat up, and the first thing that came into my mind was some nonsense about “hairy gorilla soda bottles”. After it faded a bit more, I looked at the bong just thinking “holy shit!” I felt really good but it was way more than anything I’d experienced before that point. I knew immediately that I wanted to do more.
The second time around, when I started to enter I got a faint vision of a purple cartoon hippo looking over a book that was also a farm with a sunrise, I was a part of a class but I kept disturbing the class by moving around too much. The vision changed and became a lot more vivid, there were these purple and white teddy bears made of hollow rolling tubes, and I was one of the tubes. The tubes were rolling but also moving like on a conveyor belt or something. I was going to get pulled into the “inside” of the teddy bear and I was annoyed by this because I knew it was going to be too dark to see anything in there, and I wanted my “outside” time to be longer.
After I was sucked in there was this version of a house made of those rolling tubes, it was flat, and two of my family members were in front of it, they were also made of tubes and their arms, legs, and bodies were super thin and featureless, I don’t think they had distinct faces either, and they were both reaching into the middle of the front of the house with their “hands” touching. I just wanted to go inside the house. Then I was on this pinched oval type thing, I could see the whole thing and one part looked closer than the other, where there were repetitions of the room I was in, linked to this bicycle chain structure, with gaps between them, on a black background. This was all I could see, but I was also on/in it and it was my what I felt my face was. It kept looping over and over and there was this word/sound/concept that kept repeating and it was really frustrating for some reason because I had to keep repeating this loop. I felt stuck during this part and didn't know when it was gonna stop.
The final scene was this neighborhood of cartoony 2D houses made of thick, round, rubber looking tubes. They were soft and squishy looking. There were families in the houses and grey metal doors underneath each one. I called this place Book Land because it reminded me of a children's book, where everything is gentle and pure and bright. I talked to the dad of the first house and he told his wife about how I wasn’t able to get through because I had to pee too much, but my door was open a little bit. I asked him if he could see me and he said no, he had never seen me even though he knew about me before because the door is open sometimes. There was a close-up of a cartoon purple kid, who looked like from a child’s drawing, but made of the round tubes. She was smiling and looked happy. I was able to open the door enough to get my hand through, it was all purple and blobby and made of tubes like everything else. It stretched across all the houses and I felt like I was doing some kind of educational lesson about sharing “my kind” with the people of this world.
After I came out of it I had to piss really, really bad, so I rushed to the bathroom as quickly as I could, I’m not sure if I just drank too much water while trying to smoke or what, but it was way more intense than usual for me. In the bathroom I was still pretty in it because I kept thinking about Book Land like it was a real place, and I wasn’t sure if me using the bathroom was real or just a particularly normal/realistic part of the trip.
I went back to my smoking spot to go in one last time. I knew I was reaching my limit, though, so I didn’t want to go overboard. Very shortly after smoking it, I got up to pee, I don’t even think I had to at this point, I think I was just unconsciously repeating something I’d done several times before. I kept thinking about Book Land and I also felt like I was in a weird cycle and that everyday life was just a weird cycle and getting up to pee was a part of it. I could see repeating rainbow fractals on the carpet as I walked to the bathroom and I was super happy about it and thought it was totally normal. I remember when I was in the bathroom I kept trying to talk to myself, but it was pretty much only mumbling and partial words that came out.
When I was done I sat down but got up again right after to look at the carpet, because I could see this 3D simple three-lobed snowflake like pattern repeated on the carpet wherever I looked. I kept moving around to see it at different angles and it looked totally, convincingly 3D no matter where I looked. I loved this to no end and just kept looking at the patterns for several minutes. I thought that I should put my glasses on to see the fractals better, but when I did they simply disappeared. At one point an advertisement came on since the video with the music I was listening to had ended, and I became really angry and paused it, saying “NO!” really loudly. I thought to myself that “the children in Book Land cannot be exposed to corporate propaganda  like advertisements. The children in Book Land can only be exposed to pure information.”
After that, I admired the carpet patterns a bit more, then I wanted to go outside. As I went to go outside, I kept looking at the floor the whole time, searching for more patterns, and when the flooring switched from carpet to a flat, wood patterned floor the fractals disappeared. So I was a little annoyed at this and continued making my way outside. I saw one of the cats and thought she was cute, but she didn’t have any fractals on her so I wasn’t super interested in that moment. Then I saw a clover leaf and said “Yes!! There it is!! That’s it right there!!” and sat down on the step to admire this leaf, which really did resemble the three-lobed vision from the start of my adventure, and it looked like the patterns I saw on the carpet as well. I sat there looking at the leaf and looking around, thinking to myself as the salvia wore off more and more.
Over the next couple hours I sat down, thinking about my trip and how intense everything was. I felt really good and at that point I knew exactly why people said that salvia was weird as hell. I kept thinking about the visuals, the feelings, and about Book Land. I hastily wrote some notes down on my computer, which I referred to when writing this, as despite the typos and weird wording, it had the most raw translation of my experience that I could get. In all honesty, I felt pretty accomplished for trying something new and not shrimping out over smoking for the first time, or shying away from how daunting salvia can seem. I knew what I was getting into before I started and I wasn’t taken by surprise at any point.
I know I’m going to try it again at some point, but I’m definitely not going to rush my way into it and push myself too far too fast. I have a huge amount of respect for this drug and the last thing I want to do is screw myself over by getting cocky.
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lettersfromn0where · 4 years
Zutara Week 2020, Day 1: “Reunions”
IT’S ZUTARA WEEK BABEY *smoke nostrils emojis*! Here’s my contribution for Day 1 :) @zutaraweek
Title: the most beautiful thing (that I have never seen) 
Summary: This should be no sweat. After all, Katara's had the entire duration of Zuko's trip to the Earth Kingdom to work herself up to task of giving him news that'll rock his world. That doesn't make said news any easier to get out, though.
A/N: I couldn't be more excited about my first Zutara week! I kinda went back to my roots for this with all of my favorite tropes: clueless Zuko! Affectionate Zuko! Protective/Worried Zuko! Kidfic! Fire Lady Katara! Domestic fluff! Screw Canon They've Been Happily Married For Decades! ...okay, Sarah, that's enough exclamation points *takes the box of exclamation points out of my hands*. Anyway. To kick off Zutara week, this one is just pure fun and fluff, and I hope it brings you joy - because that's the entire reason this exists.
Zuko has a feeling something is up when he steps onto the dock and he’s nearly knocked into the harbor by a blur of…something…flinging itself full-force at him. For a moment he remembers to be worried that this is some sort of improbable and incredibly strange assassination attempt but when the blur settles and he realizes that he’s feeling arms around his waist, holding on for dear life, he lets down his guard.
“I missed you,” the blur that Zuko now recognizes as his wife mumbles into his shoulder. He’s a little shell-shocked – he wasn’t expecting her to meet him – but he smiles softly, moving his arms from their startled paralysis at his sides to encircle her waist. Katara nuzzles against his neck. “I missed you, I missed you, I missed you-“
“I was only gone for a week,” he chuckles, privately wondering what’s going on here but too happy to see her to question it. “But I missed you, too. I’m glad to see you feeling better.”
(Even though it had been a short trip, one she’d been meant to accompany him on but had chosen not to when she’d come down with something the week before, he truly had. He could’ve used her assistance, and her conversation, and the pillow he had to cuddle with as he fell asleep in her absence – because, though he’d never admit it, he’d grown so used to falling asleep with her in his arms that he could no longer drift off easily without something there – was a rather poor substitute.)
“I’m still not feeling fantastic, but I’m doing better.” She leans back a little to look him in the eyes, and her smile is radiant and he almost falls into the harbor for the second time in five minutes. “How was Omashu?”
He groans, and that’s all the detail she needs. Linking her arm through his, the Fire Lady laughs and drags her husband (followed by a retinue of guards whose prying eyes she doesn’t seem to notice) to her waiting palanquin.
To Zuko’s surprise, Katara isn’t very chatty on the ride back to the palace. She’s clearly happy – to see him, probably, but he can’t shake the feeling that the smile on her face isn’t just for him – but a little nervous, too, wringing her hands in her lap. He takes one of them in his, both to still her and to feel her skin against his (something he never gets sick of after several years of touch starvation), and massages circles on the back of her hand. “Are you all right?” he asks, flipping her hand to trace the lines of her palm.
Her breath hitches and for a moment, when he glances up in surprise at the sound, she looks suspiciously close to teary-eyed. “Of course I am,” she says shakily, holding out her arms to him in a gesture for please hug me, NOW, or I believe I might cry. And as a wide-eyed and incredibly confused Zuko takes folds her into his arms, he finds himself at a total loss.
“Are you…” he’s almost afraid to ask. Something’s definitely going on here. What am I not understanding? “Is this about whatever you came down with last week?”
“I’m okay,” she says with a watery smile, sniffling. “It’s nothing bad. Don’t worry, I didn’t get sicker.”
He’s too relieved to notice that she doesn’t outright deny it. “Good.” He lets her snuggle up against him and his heart would be melting right now if Katara wasn’t crying for some unspecified reason of which he remains completely unaware.
(It still is, a little bit, but…this can’t be good.)
Zuko is starting to be very worried about this.
Usually, he’s the earlier riser. He’s up at sunrise nearly every day, so he’s a little taken-aback when he opens his eyes to find Katara’s side of the bed empty, gone with no evidence that she was ever there but a person-shaped impression in the satin of their sheets. “Katara?” he calls groggily, rubbing at his eyes. “Where’d you go?”
She pads back down the corridor from their washroom when she hears Zuko’s voice. “Here,” she calls back softly; though there’s no one but him to wake up in this wing of the palace, it feels wrong to raise her voice in the quiet hours of the early dawn. She tries to smile reassuringly as she slides back under the covers and snuggles up to her husband, sleepily clinging to his neck, but he can’t help but notice that her expression is a little pinched. The relief on her face when she finally lays down is obvious, even though she’s nearly asleep.
“Are you still not feeling well?” Zuko asks, pushing a tendril of hair that escaped her braid overnight behind her ear. “Do we need to call-“
“No,” she mumbles sleepily. “’m fine.”
She drifts off after that, and even a few hours later when they have to wake up, she won’t get out of bed. It’s not like her to sleep in – she’s normally so industrious – but her eyes are heavy, and she looks miserable at the idea of starting her day. Zuko can’t bring himself to protest that she has meetings to attend (she does) or that there are documents to review (there are), but it worries him all day. She’s clearly not over her illness and the fact that it isn’t gone makes his stomach twist.
When he returns to their rooms that evening after an exhausting workday to find her passed out in the same clothes she wore to bed last night, he wonders if she’s moved an inch all day.
Zuko shakes his head. There’s definitely something she’s not telling me, he thinks as she sheds his robes and gets ready to join her in sleep (if he even can). It’s a thought that only feels like a dagger to the heart when she unconsciously presses herself closer to him, so trusting she’s drawn to him even as she sleeps.
He can’t let anything happen to her.
It has been four days of this now, and Zuko is definitely worried - infinitely moreso because Katara won’t let him call in a doctor. One minute she’s burrowed in his arms like her life depends on it and the next she’s yelling at him, and he’s really on the verge of a nervous breakdown now-
“For the last time, I’m fine!” Katara snaps, turning her back to him. She’s been acting out-of-character lately, but this sheer, unadulterated rage is new. “You do not need to call the doctor, I’m not dying, and you’re not helping by worrying about me all the time!”
“How could you possibly expect me not to worry?” he yelps. “Are you kidding me? You’ve been” – he starts to tick off her symptoms on his fingers – “crying, sleeping badly, getting mad at nothing, sometimes not waking up at all, running off without telling me why, looking sick, eating almost nothing and then going and eating weird things at weird times – Katara, you’re not fine. And I can’t just sit here and watch you get sicker anymore.”
She hangs her head. “There’s a reason I’ve been running off,” she says quietly, seated at the end of their bed and looking…defeated. It’s not a look she wears often and Zuko’s already-frazzled brain has yet another item to add to its list of Things to Worry About now. “I’m…getting nauseous a lot.”
“And that’s supposed to make me feel better?” Zuko’s face blanches. “You’re sick and you didn’t tell me?”
“This is exactly why!” she protests, throwing up her hands. “It was only ever going to freak you out, and I was waiting for the right time, and honestly, I kind of hoped you’d put two and two together but clearly you’re too dense to-“
“You’re really sick, aren’t you?” Zuko feels like the room is spinning. “Something’s-”
Katara crosses her arms, her defeated expression turning to one of…amusement? Zuko is rather confused – in an instant. “No, Zuko, I’m not sick,” she says, and he’s pretty sure she’s laughing at his expense. “I mean, yes, I am. I mean, feeling sick. But I’m not gonna die.”
“Then why won’t you tell me what’s actually wrong with you?” Between the information he’s just received and her latest sudden mood swing, Zuko is at wit’s end.
“You really haven’t figured it out yet?” she smirks, and, crawling to the other side of the bed where he stands, she sits up on her knees to stand at his eye level and loops her arms around his neck. “I’m not dying, Zuko. I’m pregnant.”
Zuko blinks a few times to make sure he’s not dreaming (or…hallucinating – it wouldn’t be the weirdest thing he’s ever experienced), and when he opens his eyes again, Katara’s still there, her blue eyes huge and level with his, waiting expectantly for a response.
(Expectantly. Zuko almost laughs at the fact that he’s so addled he’s making accidental puns now.)
“That makes so much more sense,” he says, breathing a long sigh of relief. Now he really is laughing, partly out of the delight that’s managed to seep through the cracks of ‘I need to process this’ and partly out of sheer relief, because she’s okay, and this is good. “So you’re okay?”
Katara rolls her eyes and pushes her nose against his. “Yes, idiot husband, I’m fine.” She leans in to steal a fleeting kiss. “But check back with me in seven months and I probably won’t have the same answer.”
Then it hits him like a ton of bricks, and his eyes are moist and he’s laughing and crying all at once and all he can think to do is reach down to lift her legs, scooping her off the bed and into his arms and pulling her closer than close. He doesn’t spin her (because he will not be a walking cliché…or, realistically, because his arms are trembling and he’s terrified he’ll drop her even though he does this often), but she gives a delighted little yelp of surprise as he cradles her to his chest, pressing kisses to every exposed surface of her face.
“Someone’s happy,” she teases, and he just kisses her.
“I am,” he says after they finally break apart. “Katara, I…” the lump in his throat won’t let words pass by. “I can’t…I’m sorry, this…I love you.”
He sets her back on the bed and she flops against the comforter, pulling him down with her. They’re laying parallel on the comforter on their backs but Zuko flips on his side to get a better look at her. (An awed smile overtakes his face, and he concludes that whoever it was that decided pregnant women glow was really onto something.) Katara notices, and reaches out to ruffle his hair.
“Aww,” she mutters, moving closer. “You’re cute when you’re speechless.”
They’re silent for a moment, lying there to let themselves take it all in, and then Katara takes his hands and sets them against her still-flat stomach. Zuko feels like he should say something, at first, but the thousand emotions running through his mind won’t let him. And that might be for the better, he realizes.
Words aren’t enough for this moment.
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maraudingforflesh · 5 years
guess who’s hype about season 4!!!!!
Bleeding out (5,220 words); todoroki has a panic attack in the kitchen and bakugou helps him out of it and sits with him after. The whole thing is just very sweet and this is the kind of interaction they both deserve
Defend your rival (871 words); bakugou stands up for todoroki after they’ve both failed the license exam and inasa tries to start shit again
Crush? More like crush me. (8,588 words); bakugou has a crush and he’s not handling it well, todoroki has a girlfriend but they both might be a little bit gay
Getting Along (2,634 words); todoroki insists on bonding more with bakugou after overhearing midorya talk about his mom
The Simple Things With You (3,213 words); bakugou being casually affectionate with todoroki is so goddamn soft
in my headspace (8,961 words); bakugou is forced to go to a party and thanks to hallucinations and villains it manages to be even worse than he expected
playing for keeps (6,204 words); todoroki wins bakugou at a hero auction
chicken coop (2,201 words); kissing is a bit of a learning curve for them but they’re working on it
in sickness and in health (3,993 words); todoroki lowkey likes when bakugou is sick bc it gives him a chance to dote on his boyfriend (series now also contains a really cute engagement fic)
I Wanna Wake Up Where Your Love Is (1,529 words); todoroki and midoriya have a heart to heart but deku never really wanted to know THAT much about todoroki and bakugou having sex
Beethoven’s Romance (1,270 words); todoroki and bakugou perform a quick duet in the morning before class
Until Death Do Us Part (2,118 words); some kids have them get fake married and todoroki insists they keep wearing the rings
Of Bats And Cats (2,551 words); todoroki brings home a cat and of course his boyfriend and his cat end up conspiring against him
who would've thought i'd get you (2,164 words); todoroki has a secret admirer who’s trying to take care of him
Senbazuru (21,533 words); bakugou is in a coma and todoroki isn’t taking care of himself in his boyfriend’s absence
Hallow Fate (5,104 words); fem!todobaku, they’re the elite students at a school training murderers
why are you so pretty (23,117 words); todoroki is the beautiful customer at the coffee shop where bakugou works and maybe they fall into one another over time
2:41 AM (2,720 words); todoroki is flirting with bakugou over text and memes and it might be working
Ground Zero: Behind the Explosions & the Explosive Career So Far (1,312 words); bakugou does a magazine interview
of explosions (4,243 words); everything involving bakugou also involves explosions apparently even his reactions to todoroki confessing
It's A Work In Progress (20,465 words); college!au in which quirks/heroes are still a thing. Bakugou is pining and todoroki is oblivious and neither of them are great at maturely handling their feelings
Eyeliner (1,541 words); people start to notice that bakugou wears eyeliner and he’s insecure about the attention
Thirteen Hour Sunrise (14,011 words); Rey end up seated next to each other on a thirteen hour flight and they fuck in an airplane bathroom
Good Boy For A Day (10,347 words); bakugou gets hit with a quirk that puts him in Good Boy Mode and todoroki kinda likes it
better late than never (12,777 words); BODY. SWAP. QUIRK. and holding hands fixes it lmao
loss tinged with hope (20,812 words); todoroki and bakugou are in love until todoroki gets amnesia and doesn’t remember this and bakugou has to retire from being a pro hero. (personal note: hey, dude! Don’t reread this one maybe. It was really hard for you to get through bc it made your chest hurt and not necessarily in the good way. Really well written tho.)
It’s Better to Love And Blow Shit Up Than To Never Blow Up Anything At All (10,742 words); they’re dating and it’s a secret and neither of them are good at handling their feelings, especially with an audience
what love is (i think) (20,209 words); they’re working a case and bakugou wants todoroki and he is relentless in his pursuit and maybe todoroki needs someone like bakugou to keep him from being a total hermit
Direct Would Be the Best Approach (8,652 words); bakugou is flirting with todoroki over text on a burner phone
lover I don’t have to love (70,723 words); bakugou and todoroki hooked up a lot in high school and now they’re working a case together so maybe it’s time to start fooling around again or maybe it’s time for some commitment
damn, if these walls could talk (37,162 words); todoroki, bakugou, and midoriya are snowed in at a haunted hotel and somehow ghosts aren’t as weird to midoriya as the idea of his two friends being into each other
Just Add Sugar (7,074 words); todoroki just really likes to buy things for bakugou and maybe that makes him a sugar daddy even though he has trouble realizing it
First love isn't always the charm (33,399 words); they’re best friends at UA until bakugou catches feelings and todoroki has a crush on midorya and then years later they somehow just pick it right back up almost like they’re meant to be together
cicadas (22,103 words); todoroki brings bakugou home to meet his family for the first time. this fic is just incredibly sweet and they’re so good for each other.
once more, with feeling (25,458 words); todoroki is caught in a time loop and it takes a few tries but he and his boyfriend finally get things back to normal
Half-Assed (10,710 words); bakugou is still a little mad at todoroki and todoroki wants more than anything for bakugou to give him positive attention
I love you, Be Safe (1,844 words); todoroki is most certainly dying and his last wish is to call bakugou and have a normal conversation
Katsuki's Gay Predicament (1,884 words); bakugou wants to take his boyfriend on a date and jirou is lowkey his disaster gay counterpart
wanna put my tender heart in a blender (15,791 words); bakugou and todoroki are totally just friends bc it’s convenient to hang out and maybe they nap together and sleep over constantly and maybe they’re in love but it’s fine - also it’s traumatic to watch someone you love die even if it’s not real so
Safe haven (4,836 words); bakugou should see a therapist after a tough mission but instead he shows up at todoroki’s apartment bc that’s where he feels safe
On the Sofa (2,276 words); class 1A just has to deal with the fact that they take a whole couch for themselves
A Blessing and A Curse (5,000 words); bakugou sleep walks and ends up crashing in todoroki’s room and furiously cuddling him
believe in me, believe in you (4,694 words); bakugou sees the results of endeavor’s abuse and says something to todoroki. Now they’re in this together for better or worse.
I’m tired (1,571 words); todoroki is a prince. Bakugou is his personal bodyguard. They’re both soft. Good content.
a todobaku one-shot collection: as billed this is a collection of todobaku oneshots that I dig. Especially enjoyed:
- Chapter 7: scars and all
- Chapter 8: secret
- Chapter 15: home
- Chapter 17: force of habit
- Chapter 22: stargazing
- Chapter 29: feverish
- Chapter 72: wake me up (or don’t)
- Chapter 73: pro-shipping
- Chapter 76: engagements and insecurities
- Chapter 78: strengths and weaknesses
- Chapter 85: fuck you (i love you)
- Chapter 87: 3 times Bakugou and Todoroki almost kisses & the 1 time they did
- Chapter 88: better than pretend
- Chapter 92: love is... not patient. or kind at all, really
- Chapter 96: mountains of trouble
- Chapter 100: i don’t mind complicated
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hanalwayssolo · 5 years
The Blue Hour
A/N: It’s been a long time since I wrote a reader-insert but I caved because I’ve been thinking about Sam Drake a lot these days and I seriously need deliverance. 
(Also: dedicating this to @oc-musings who’s been generous enough to put up with me on most of dialogue and scenario ideas lmao)
Link on AO3
Sam shows up at your doorstep in a time that is neither night nor day, with the cold, summer air whistling through your porch. He musters all courage as he offers you an invitation: “Come with me, there’s something I want to show you.”
His hands shiver slightly even as he says it. He can see the remains of sleep still lingering under your eyes as you groggily stare at him, and he hopes that you do not notice how desperate he is for you to say yes, and the unmistakable fact that he is really, truly nervous.
“Sam,” you say after a yawn that comes out as a tiny groan, “it’s four in the morning.”
“I know.”
“And you should be in bed. I should still be in bed.”
“Do you mean you want us together or—“
“Samuel.” You give him your most pointed look, but Sam smiles and he knows he’s already winning you over. At least, a little. “What’s this thing that you want to show me that it can’t wait until, I don’t know, maybe noon?”
Sam steps closer, his smile even wider. “Because my love,” he says, “this thing never happens at noon. And there’s no other person I want to do this with. So, what do you say?”
You stare at him again. He’s trying to get a read on your face, as he always does, and in his mind, all he can think of is: Please say yes.
“Fine,” you say after a breathless pause. “Give me five minutes. I’ll go and get changed.”
When Sam showed up to your doorstep moments earlier, every inch of your tired and sleepy body has been inclined to say no, but as Sam drives his secondhand Camaro along the almost empty freeway and underneath a blanket of stars, the windows rolled down, the grassy, summer breeze caressing your face, you’re glad that you have said yes.
You have no idea where he is taking you. He seems decidedly insistent to keep it a secret until you two get to your destination, so you do not bother asking him at all. You’re used to it by now, all these little surprises every now and then that he has up his sleeve that never fails to keep you on your toes. He knows how much you like it, and he knows how he’s good at it, too. He is so good at making you smile that you are convinced that he has made it his life’s purpose to make you happy.
And you know he’s doing all of these things now to make up for all those fifteen years that he didn’t get to do so.
You have assured him that there is no longer a need for an act of penance. He insists that this is only an act of love.
And so in this hour that rests between the quiet space of night and day, you let him love you in the only way he knows how. He takes your hand and presses a kiss between your knuckles. Places it closer to his chest. He holds you as though he is still bound to lose you again. There is fear in his tenderness and so you squeeze a little tighter as if to say, I won’t go anywhere. You let the rhythm of his heartbeat flutter in the palm of your hand. All you want to do is to keep its song, to keep it singing for you. But most of all, to just be able to keep him this time around would be enough.
The road twists and turns into a zigzag amongst the shadows of cliffs and forests, and you can slowly hear the distinct echo of rolling waves not far away. The car draws to a stuttering halt, and as you and Sam climb out and trod against the crunch of sand beneath your feet, you finally realize where he has taken you.
Of course. You know this place.
“This is where we had our first date,” you tell him as you stare out at sea and the darkness that still enveloped it. “And where we used to watch the sunrise together.” The air is drenched in sea salt and dew, and the memory rolls back to fifteen years ago when Sam first brought you here armed with a picnic basket, a good bottle of wine, and a telescope, the two of you pointing out constellations and telling each other’s stories of lost civilizations and personal ambitions for the entire night until dawn. Ever since you’ve met him, you’ve known how he’s always had a way to carry the cosmos with him, to bring the dead back to life. After all, he did raise himself back from the dead. Now, he’s determined to give you the stars.
It’s been so long ago, that particular evening. And yet here, the memory of it burns in bittersweet nostalgia that you could not quite erase.
“I was worried you’ve forgotten about that.” From behind you, Sam loops his arms around your waist, presses a kiss on the crown of your head. “Sorry if I didn’t bring a bottle of Merlot this time, though.”
You turn to him and smile. “It’s fine,” you say. “Why exactly did you bring me here, anyway?”
“Well, to watch the sunrise, like old times,” he says with a one-shouldered shrug. “And, there’s also one thing, but I…” He trails off, shoving a hand inside the pocket of his jeans and reaching for the back of his neck with the other. You watch him walk away and step closer to the shore. Over the horizon, the sky is a Monet painting slowly unraveling against the darkness, unveiling solemn pinks and purples. The gentle crash of waves against the shore is the only sound that occupies the sudden silence.
“Sam?” you say after a long, unnerving pause. You can tell he is restless, and his restlessness only makes you nervous. “What’s the matter?”
Sam turns to you, bites his lip, forces out a smile. “It’s… there’s something I gotta tell you, and I don’t know how to do this, shit—“
“Samuel, what is it? You’re scaring me here,” you say sharply. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m sorry, I…” He runs a trembling hand through his hair, takes a deep breath and expels it with a sigh. “It’s just… I’ve been thinking. These last few weeks back with you made me realize something, and it’s...” He swallows. There is a tremor in his words, and this time he walks closer to you, takes your hand in his. “I never stopped loving you, and I don't think I ever will. And I cannot afford to lose you again. I want to spend the next fifteen years of my life and the years beyond that with you and no one else. If you’d let me.”
You stare at him. And before you can even form the words out of your mouth, Sam gets down on one knee and pulls a ring from his pocket.
“I will totally accept if you turn me down after what I’ve put you through,” he tells you, “but I have to make sure nonetheless: will you marry me—“
“Yes,” you say quickly, nearly choking on your own tears. “Yes, absolutely, I’ll marry you.” You pull him up and as you do, he wraps you in an embrace so warm and tender and happy that he lifts you off the ground and you burst into laughter. The sound of it is music in his ears. And as the sun slowly rises in a sky that is sugar almond pink, the warm, sweet breath of the day sighing anew, he kisses you in the slow and gentle minute that passes, and it is the sweetest kiss you’ll ever know.
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queenkaneko · 5 years
Freight Train
Pairing: Colt Kaneko x MC (Ellie)
Word Count: 3500~
A/N: Soooo This one is super long. And there really isn’t much plot. I figured I owed you guys some lighthearted fun. After all the angst at the beginning, things get really cute. I hope you enjoy it!!
Summary: Ellie visits her parents 6 months after her father’s death, then begs Colt to take her to a sideshow to blow off some steam. 
Part Five
6 Months Later
Ellie sat on her knees in front of a pair of tombstones, clutching a bouquet of sunflowers in her hand, they were her mother’s favorite. The last six months had passed in a blur for her. She’d gone through the motions at the funeral, even made a speech, though she didn’t remember a word of it now. It was like she’d been on autopilot after it was over, when she and Colt cleaned out her childhood home, collected his pension from the police station, and drove back to their safehouse in Fresno. After Ellie had gotten the news, Colt had put her to bed, promising to discuss everything else after she’d had a few hours of sleep. While she was sleeping, he went through the house, tucking all the framed photos of her dad away. It was the only thing he could think to do for her, at the time. Ellie never said anything about it, but she was so thankful he’d done that. In the months after, she cried less and less but there was something in her that was broken now, just like Colt. She was harder now and she finally knew what Colt had meant when he said there was no line to cross in the real world. She would do anything to see Hester dead, whatever it took. 
Taking a slow, deep breath, Ellie reached out and placed the flowers on top of her mother’s tombstone and rested her hand there. “Mom...I know you probably wouldn’t approve of who I am now, and that’s okay. This isn’t the life you and dad wanted for me, but it’s the one I’m choosing. If you can hear me, I hope you’ll understand why I have to do this. They killed dad...I have to end this. No matter the cost. But I miss you, and I love you, and I hope some part of you would be proud of me.” Even though tears threatened to fall from her eyes, Ellie blinked them away and looked at her mother’s picture printed on the stone, allowing herself a brief moment to remember.
Next, Ellie turned to the stone beside it and scooted a little closer but kept her hands in her lap. She stared at her hands, picking at the charm bracelet still on her wrist and didn’t look up when she spoke. “You never understood me, so I know you won’t approve of anything I do from here on out and I don’t need you to. I wish you would’ve tried harder to let go of your fear after mom died. I wish you’d taken the time to listen to me. Then maybe I wouldn’t be here without you.” Ellie paused, hot tears threatening to spill once again and her throat felt tight and dry. She swallowed hard and continued. “But I am here, and now you’re not. Like you said, time is a freight train and I know I can’t turn it around or stop it. You’re gone now because of my mistakes. But I will make this right, I have to make this right, even if you wouldn’t like the way I go about it.” Ellie fell silent once again, looking up and blinking rapidly to stop the tears. A few slipped out anyway, and she quickly wiped them away on her sleeve.
Colt emerged from the shadow of the tree he’d been standing under, a respectful distance away, and put his hand on her shoulder. “Elle, I’m sorry but we have to go. We’ve been here too long as it is.” He squeezed her shoulder and Ellie nodded, reaching up to cover his hand with hers for just a moment before she stood. With one last glance over her shoulder, Ellie walked away from the graves of her parents and toward her new life.
The car ride back to Fresno was mostly silent. Colt drove, one hand on the wheel and the other around Ellie’s waist where she sat next to him on the bench seat of her car. She leaned against his shoulder and watched the sunset outside the windshield for a long moment before she sat up and looked at him seriously. “Let’s go find a meet. I need to get my mind off things.” Colt hesitated, unsure if he should let her do this while she was still grieving her father, but Ellie stared him down. “Come on. Please? We could make it a date! Have some dinner, dance a little, maybe make a few grand...” She smiled at him and Colt’s restraint vanished.
“Fine, but I mean it this time, don’t do anything stupid.” He replied, glancing at her for a moment and squeezing her closer. Ellie fell silent again, nodding against his shoulder, as Colt switched lanes and exited the freeway. They arrived at a familiar industrial park on El Segundo just after sunset. There were already several people gathered, showing off their cars, making bets, and a small group had already set up a dancing area by parking their cars in a large semi-circle. Ellie got out first, Colt watching her for a brief moment before following suit, his hands in his pockets. Grabbing her red leather jacket out of the backseat and sliding it on, Ellie’s mind was already racing, forming a strategy for the race later.
She looked over at Colt as an idea came to her and grinned. “Hey, go enter the race. Make everyone think you’re getting behind the wheel instead of me.”
Colt cocked an eyebrow at her, wondering what was going on in that head of hers. “I can see the gears turning in your head, Wheeler. What are you up to?” He’d be lying if he said some part of him didn’t like what Ellie had become after losing her dad. It was messed up, but having someone who truly understood his pain first-hand had helped him cope with his own pain. Six months of holding Ellie through random crying spells, helping her clean out her dad’s house, staying up until sunrise to listen to her as she ranted and remembered, even coming to the funeral which had been incredibly risky for him. Colt didn’t actually attend, it was too dangerous with so many cops attending, but he’d stayed as close as he could in the trees surrounding the cemetery where Ellie could see him if she looked. All of that had made him put aside his own pain, even forget about it, if only for a little while. They comforted each other, both losing parents too soon in life, both desperately needing closure, revenge, on everyone that had hurt them.
Still grinning at him, Ellie shrugged. “They expect you to be competition. They don’t expect me to be able to kick their asses. But we both know I’m going to, and I don’t want them to know it until I’ve crossed the finish line.”
Colt laughed and shook his head. This new Ellie was more confident, more daring and that both thrilled and scared Colt at the same time. He worried she was becoming too much like him, and he knew it needed to be the other way around, he needed to be more like her. Tonight wasn’t the night to push her, though. She might appear happy and carefree to the strangers at this meet, but not to Colt. He saw the sadness in her eyes, the way she wrapped her jacket around herself like armor as she stared him down, daring him to say no to letting her race. Instead, Colt walked over and dropped a brief kiss on her forehead, resting his hands on her upper arms. “Alright, but if we’re gonna do this right, you’re going to have to sell it.” He raised his eyebrows at her meaningfully.
Ellie rolled her eyes at him and looped her arm through his. “Don’t worry about me, just go get us into that race.” She let Colt lead her over to where bets were being placed for the first race. He walked right up, Ellie leaning dramatically on his arm with a silly grin on her face.
With his free hand, Colt pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and counted out several hundred dollar bills, about a thousand dollars total,  before handing them to the organizer. “I want in.” He said curtly.
Without even looking up, the man took the money, asked for a name, and then walked off, scribbling Colt’s name on the list. “Race starts in half an hour, have your ride lined up with the rest by then or I keep your money.” He called over his shoulder. Colt rolled his eyes at his attitude but didn’t have time to respond before a burly man walked over from a nearby black Pontiac Firebird.
The stranger sauntered up to the pair and sized Colt up with his eyes. “Listen, new blood. I hope you’re ready to lose that bet of yours. I haven’t lost a race here in weeks. But I suppose you look like a bit of a challenge. I’ll look forward to kicking your ass.” The man sneered, totally ignoring Ellie.
Feigning a look of innocence, Ellie looked up at Colt. “Babe, are you sure about this? He looks really good.”
Colt didn’t have to fake the eyeroll he gave Ellie, but he did have to resist the urge to smile, forcing his face to remain impassive. “Don’t worry, sweetheart.” He patted her hand on his arm while looking back at the stranger with a glare. “He won’t be so cocky at the finish line. C’mon, let’s go dance before the race.” Without another word, he lead Ellie away toward the group of cars playing music, leaving the stranger fuming behind them. As they walked away, Ellie let out a loud flirtatious giggle and squeezed closer to Colt. Until the race, she would pretend to be another piece of arm candy, then she would show them all she wasn’t to be underestimated.
Colt tried not to laugh at her ridiculous show, knowing it was at his suggestion. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t looking forward to the look on that asshole’s face when Ellie won, especially after she’d pulled off acting like a naive bimbo. Well, until he watched dumbfounded as she hopped up on the hood of a car where a few other girls were dancing to the thumping bass music pouring out of it’s speakers. Ellie was already pulling her jacket off and swinging it around like a drunk sorority girl before he could even reach for her. Colt ran a hand through his hair, unsure of what to do. This wasn’t anywhere near the Ellie he was used to dealing with. He couldn’t tell if this was a cry for help, or part of the act, or both.
From the hood, Ellie winked at Colt with a wide grin on her face. She could feel the beat of the music through the metal frame and swung her hips in time with it, letting go for the first time in a long time. Sure she was doing this because that’s what girls did here, but she was also doing it because it was fun, and fun was exactly what she needed tonight. With a genuine laugh, Ellie did a little twirl and tossed her jacket at Colt, who barely reacted in time to catch it before it hit his face. She didn’t wait to see the amused look he shot her, instead closing her eyes and letting the music wash over her as she danced. Several guys nearby starting wolf whistling and Colt scowled at them before reaching up and gently pulling Ellie down just as the song ended. He pulled her close, his arm around her shoulders and whispered in her ear. “Am I going to have to remind you that you’re mine later?” Ellie laughed and nudged him with her shoulder before pulling him into a heated kiss, sliding her arms around his neck. Colt responded, moving his arms around her waist and pulling her closer.
When she pulled away, he was smirking and she rolled her eyes. “Now there isn’t any doubt and you can ignore the whistling pigs. C’mon let’s go make sure the car is ready for the race.” She replied, letting Colt lead her by the hand to the car, where he popped the hood and they checked everything over. Soon, they were sitting in her car, engine idling at the starting line. The stranger from earlier parked on the right in his sleek black sports car and winked at Ellie mockingly.
Resisting the urge to roll her eyes, Ellie looked over to Colt, making eye contact with him for a moment before sliding over to straddle his lap, she kissed him hard bringing her hands up to his face. After a moment, she pulled away and they grinned at each other before Colt slid over to the other side and Ellie sat down in the driver’s seat. She stared straight ahead, revving her engine, but Colt looked over at the man next to them with a smug smirk on his lips. Before anyone else noticed the switch, the flag was down and Ellie took off with a huge burst of speed. It wasn’t enough, though, the black car sped several feet in front of her. “Shit, he’s good.” She mumbled, shifting gears with practiced speed, already wound up in the thrill of racing again. The punk might’ve gained ground early on, but her engine could make up the difference, she knew. He was likely to burn out in that car soon if he didn’t slow down. All eight cars participating rounded the first turn within seconds of each other and Ellie drifted through it with ease.
Next to her, Colt was reclined with one arm slung across the back of the seat and one hand gripping the safety handle above him. He had a natural grin on his face, the rarest kind for him, and he watched the cars around them, as if daring them to try something. As they drifted through the next turn, he heard Ellie’s triumphant laugh as they passed the black car and he chuckled. It was good to hear a real laugh from her, this was a good sign, she was healing and so was he. Neither of them would be able to rest until Hester and the others were dead, neither of them would ever fully heal, but these moments were so important to him. The moments where he could almost forget his pain and let himself feel happy, whole even.
The final quarter mile stretch raced toward Ellie in the night. She and the black car were side by side. The car swerved to the right, away from her and Colt caught Ellie’s attention, nodding out his window. She just smirked, waiting for him to start to swerve back toward her, then floored it. Knowing what she was planning, Colt reached down, hands shaking only slightly, as he unscrewed the NOS canister under his seat just a bit. Ellie took a deep breath, and hit the button on her dash before gripping the steering wheel, keeping the car steady as she zoomed past. Colt gripped the safety handle in a white knuckled grip, trying to focus on where he was and not the memories nagging at the edge of his mind. They slowed down just before the finish line and Ellie drifted the car in a full 180 degree turn before the car rocked to a stop.
Seconds later, the black car crossed the line as well, the rest still well behind. Ellie blew him a kiss and waved before zooming off to the other side of the lot to park. She was nearly giddy, jumping over to hug Colt tightly. He chuckled and kissed her temple. “Knew you could do it, Elle.”
Ellie pulled back from him with a grin. “Wanna go watch those pricks have a breakdown over being beaten by a girl?”
Colt laughed and pulled her back to him, pressing his forehead to hers. “Not just any girl, my girl.” His heart swelled with pride, she really was meant for this life, she was stronger than anyone gave her credit for. Especially him. Those days were behind them though, he wasn’t underestimating her now. It was still odd sometimes, to have someone to share his world with, but he couldn’t be more sure she was meant for him than he was in this moment. Shaking that thought from his head, Colt jumped out of the car and came around to let Ellie out, taking her hand as she climbed out.
No sooner had they exited the vehicle, the burly stranger from earlier was stomping over to them. Colt took a half step in front of Ellie but didn’t say anything. Ellie raised her eyebrows innocently, enjoying the furious expression on the man’s face. He jabbed a finger in her direction as he approached, glaring at Colt. “Do you think this is a joke? Letting your little Pit Lizard race for you?” The stranger yelled, getting in Colt’s face.
Behind him, Ellie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. “You think calling me names is going to get you your money back? You lost, get over it.” Stepping forward, shoulder to shoulder with Colt, Ellie stared the man down. She watched in amusement as his face turned red with anger and embarrassment.
The burly man took a step towards Ellie but Colt spoke up, not moving from his spot. “I’d think twice about that. Maybe you knew my old man. Teppei Kaneko? We’ve got more in common than a last name. Wanna find out how far the apple falls from the tree?” He spoke firmly but calmly, almost bored. Inside he was a hurricane of emotions but none of it showed on his face. Using his dad’s name wasn’t something he really wanted to make a habit of, not only did it hurt but he wanted to establish a reputation of his own. This guy was getting too close to Ellie though, he couldn’t just stay quiet.
Sure enough, all the blood drained from the man’s face and he took a step back. His father’s name still held weight in their world, even now that he was gone. “I-I didn’t realize.” Was all he said, backing away hands raised. “Uh...Nice racing out there miss. Sorry about the confusion.” With that, he turned and ran back to his car.
“Okay, I think that’s enough excitement for one night. We should head back to Fresno, we have work to do.” Ellie said, watching the man go for a moment before looking at Colt. He looked a little peeved but otherwise unfazed by the encounter. She squeezed his arm gently before heading to her car. Colt went to collect their winnings from the organizer before joining her.
The next day, Colt woke up to find Ellie wasn’t next to him in their bed. Panic seized his chest and he shot out of bed, wearing only his boxers as he ran down the hall to the kitchen. He sighed in relief when he spotted her sitting at the table in the early morning light with a notepad and her open laptop.
Ellie looked up with a raised eyebrow as he rushed in. Setting down the pen she’d been chewing on, she looked him up and down. “You alright there?” She asked, laughter in her voice. Colt’s hair was disheveled from sleep, his face was pale, and he was breathing like he’d just run a marathon. “You have a nightmare or something, babe?” She asked when he didn’t answer, slightly concerned now. Ellie motioned for him to join her at the table, reaching for him.
Feeling foolish for thinking she’d left, Colt shot her a sheepish grin, wordlessly sitting next to her at the table. Instead of answering her question, he asked one of his own. “Why are you up so early?” He glanced at the clock. “It’s 6:30 in the morning, Elle. Come back to bed.”
Ellie shook her head, picking up her pen again before going back to scribbling notes on the paper next to her. “I got an idea in the middle of the night. Couldn’t sleep until I did some digging.” With a sigh, Ellie rubbed her forehead with her free hand. “We need a plan to track down Hester. More importantly, now that the repairs are almost done, we need a crew. You know that.” Colt nodded, they’d discussed this a few times in the past few months, deciding to try and pull Ximena and Toby back now that things were finally cooling off with the FBI. They’d pulled a number of their agents after losing three men to Hester and her lackies. They’d decided it wasn’t worth it, he guessed. Either way, they intended to take advantage of the retreat. It was safe for them to return to L.A but they’d made a sort of second home here in Fresno and Ellie was comfortable here, so Colt had been more than fine with sticking around as long as she needed. He was shaken from his thoughts when Ellie continued. “I think we should consider breaking Mona out. We need her for this. And I found out where she’s being held.”
Colt stared at her, wide awake now, eyes going wide. “You want to what?”
Tags: @poeticscolt @courtesan-of-garage @nazariortega @lovehugsandcandy @maxwellsquidsuit @brightpinkpeppercorn @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction @postcardfromsomewhere @walkerduchess @zaira-oh-zaira @umiumichan @long-gone-girl @leelee10898 @client-327 @desiree-0816 @choicesarehard
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riding-alpacas · 5 years
Best views ever
El Chalten is a funny little village. Imagine your favourite country-side town. Now imagine there is an event on the weekend, let's say a biker event and the whole place is full of bikers. Let's replace the bikers with hikers who are all wearing their walking boots, convertible Columbia pants & Patagucci jackets and you've got El Chalten!
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Totally worth getting up at 4am
It's quite obvious that you come here to do three things only: Sleep, eat and most importantly hike! This place only has buildings where you can sleep in, buildings you can eat in and signs that indicate hiking trails. It's a well-oiled machine and for very good reasons. The hiking is world-class and I totally get why everybody's flocking here. But that also means you need to get a little creative if you are after some solitude.
First things first though. When I arrived here, I actually felt like shit. The cold that I'd been carrying around with me for quite some time turned out to be a bit nasty. So I spent the first three days in bed recovering. Because I was bored (and because the first season of Baby Yoda The Mandalorian was only eight episodes), I decided to visualise my tale of suffering. This is how a typical man flu looks like for me:
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A typical man flu
Pretty straight forward. A little headache and a runny nose at the beginning, then gradually transitioning into coughing over a total period of 7 days (with medication I’m usually able to make it a week instead).
But the one I caught here was different:
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The nasty Patagonian man flu
As you can see it started off very similar and I didn't think much about it. But then it started to step it up a notch and all of a sudden pretty much every body orifice was affected and it all went crazy and in all sorts of directions. Day 7 was when I left Ushuaia, and on day 8 I took the bus to El Chalten by the way - fun times! This thing clearly tried to imitate a typical Patagonian mountain range, so I decided to name it the "Patagonian man flu". Watch out for it and always wash your hands.
Before we get to the more pleasant sections, I also need to spend a few paragraphs with the place I decided to stay at. I don't know how they did it, but Rancho Grande is clearly one of the most overrated hostels I've ever seen on Hostelworld. It starts by not knowing what it wants to be. It's kind of a restaurant with a hostel attached to it. Or is it a hostel with a restaurant out front? And with everything that tries to be two things at once: It's not good at any of the two.
The dorms were underwhelming as they consisted only of a bed and a locker. The bunk beds were tiny and didn't have any rails, the reading lights were so bright they’d scare away Godzilla in the dark, there were no shelves, the kitchen was a joke and the toilets turned into a steam room in the afternoon due to poor ventilation. I definitely expected a lot more at this price point.
The restaurant unfortunately wasn't much better. The bread was dry and the quality of the dishes very average. The common area of the hostel was above the restaurant with a huge void in the middle. I usually go to the common area to hang out but imagine being in a place with a constant restaurant noise in the background. I couldn't stand this for very long, so I saw myself in my dorm most of the time when I wanted to chill. You check in between people munching their Schnitzel and when you brush your teeth before you go to bed you might stand next to a restaurant guest who had one beer too many because the bathrooms between the two audiences are shared. On top of that a disturbing trend continues: I'm not sure if I'm just unlucky but the majority of the people are just super unsocial. They rather hang out with their mobile phone than with actual people. My room mates were the worst at this place: They didn't even tell me their name when I introduced myself to them and they were all just dead silent all the time. What the actual fuck? Anyway, let's move on to the fun part: The hikes!
The first one I did was the Chorillo del Salto trek. It was a short and easy 4km hike to a cute little waterfall and turned out to be the perfect start after spending the previous three days in bed. I chilled out at the foot of the falls for an hour or so before heading back to town. One thing I will miss the most about Patagonia is the water. It's a nice change compared to Oz being able to just dip your water bottle into the closest body of water and drink from it straight away. I think the last time I drank such tasty water was in the North of Sweden a couple of years ago. Apparently this area has one of the world's largest reserves of fresh water and it makes me wonder why we can lay huge pipelines to transfer dirty oil from A to B but not beautiful drinking water.
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I like a good waterfall
The next morning I still didn't feel too great but decided that it's time to give the finger to the cold and just move on. In order to avoid the crowds, I left my hostel at sunrise and tackled the first (easy) day hike: 18km return to Laguna Torre. The first 2km were a bit of an up and down and in between I was welcomed with the following views:
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Mount Fitz Roy means "smoking mountain" in the native tongue
Once I got over these initial hills, it was basically just a long walk through a forrest until the Fitz Roy river appeared on the left. One more kilometre and I was standing in front of the lake with a great view of Cerro Torre. There were some little icebergs floating in the lagoon that fell off from the glacier behind it. My plan to avoid the crowds worked out perfectly as I had the whole place to myself for about an hour until the first people dropped in. The fresh air turned out to be perfect medication, too. I felt significantly better when I returned to El Chalten which meant that I felt ready for the next day hike.
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Look at all these colours
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Acceptable view
I wanted to gradually improve the difficulty of the treks, so the next morning I went off and did the 20km return hike to the foot of Mount Fitz Roy (I still wonder why they named it after a Melbourne suburb): Laguna de los Tres. There are a couple of options how you can do this one. I personally don't like in and out hikes very much and this one had an option to make it sort of a loop. You could take a taxi to a place called El Pilar, then hike to Fitz Roy from the north-east and on the way back take the south-east route to El Chalten. The disadvantage is that you can't really see the mountains on your way in and you'd always turn around on your way back because you missed all the views initially. So I decided to do something else instead. I actually started this hike in the dark. The whole town was still asleep when I left the hostel at 5am in the morning but fortunately there weren't many nocturnal animals to expect (other than the last hike I started at night in Australia where I almost shit myself with that much activity in the bush at that time). The idea was to be at a specific lookout 1.5h later in order to observe the sunrise and see Mount Fitz Roy brightened up in gorgeous shiny orange colours. And as you can see from the first photo above, it worked out and it left me speechless for a minute or two. It was quite a sight and an absolute highlight of my trip so far! I don't think anything will get close to this jaw-dropping moment anytime soon.
Continuing the hike it turned out to be a lot more diverse than the one I did the day before. Having the trails completely to myself, I passed glacial waterfalls, mystic foggy sections and heaps of small creeks with crystal clear waters before getting to a popular campsite very close to the final ascent.
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The people who slept at the campsite were already on their way down when I tackled the final kilometre of hell. IT. WAS. STEEP. It took me about an hour to get up the last 1000m and I hated every second of it but the reward at the end doesn't need any words:
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Does this need a caption?
I ended up staying here for at least 3 hours just taking in the stunning scenery and going up and down and all around the lagoon over and over again. It was absolutely beautiful and I can totally understand why so many people come to this place. Fun fact: If you compare the ridge line with the logo from the Patagonia brand you might discover some similarities.
On the way back I took my time and similar to the day before a crazy amount of people made their way to the top now. I regularly stopped at the river sections, cooled down my feet and also took a little detour to another lagoon that again looked so inviting for a dip. But with water temperatures around 6 degrees it was relatively easy to resist.
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Beautiful water everywhere
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So clean
The last hike I attempted was the 20km Loma del Pliegue Tumbado. It was supposed to be the hardest hike, but I'd rather put it in the middle between the previous two hikes. Other than the other treks in this area, this one actually went up a hill and didn't lead through a valley. With 1000m of altitude it may sound steep but it was evenly distributed across the whole length, so it didn't feel that bad at all. It isn't a very popular hike and I decided to start it at a decent time in the morning (9am). I actually didn't meet too many other people on the way. It started amid rocky shrubland which reminded me a lot of Australia. If you'd put a wombat right here, it would feel like you're in the middle of Australian bush. After a while, the trail led into a forrest which then turned into this weird rocky landscape that felt like from another planet. Quite fun and entertaining.
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I want to be there when this rock loses its balance
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What planet is this again?
It ended with an impressive lookout from where you could see the whole mountain range, including Cerro Torre and Mount Fitz Roy. From here I had the option to walk up another very steep hill for another kilometre or so but I couldn't see how the view would change dramatically. Lots of effort, low reward - that math didn't make sense to me, so I decided to stay down, have a picnic and just admire the tranquil scenery for a while. Only to fall asleep and waking up from an asshole fly that made it way into my ear. Yes, similar to Australia the Argentinians use this land partly for cattle and with the cattle come the flies... I didn't expect that I'd have to bring my fly net to this trip!
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All together now
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I'm such an artist
All in all I had a fantastic time in El Chalten with some of the best hiking I ever did in my life. In terms of food I tried the famous Locro which was surprisingly minty but a perfect hearty dish after a long day out. I also found a place that served a great traditional Goulash and one place where I had Guanaco Goulash. After seeing my first cuddly Guanacos on my way here, I now simply had to taste them.
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Tomorrow I will cross the border to Chile to go on an adventure that I was looking forward to for quite some time now: I will walk the O circuit in Torres del Paine and will completely disconnect for about 8 days.
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Last Mount Fitz Roy picture, I promise
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A Rose In Harlem
OC x Erik Story
Based on Teyana Taylor’s VII & KTSE
Warnings: Language
Chapter IX: Rize
February 6, 2014
"Ladies, Gents! Find Seats! Sit in them!" All twenty-four models followed Yani's request. We just wrapped our rehearsal, everyone did phenomenal. I can only pray that we get it like this at 583 Park Ave. Yani and I have been thee dynamic duo for the past seventy-two hours. I've been steaming outfits, she's been bagging accessories. I've been designing roll-away walls, she's been contacting every contractor in her contacts to design the black and gold glitter floors.
Honestly, in the past month, Yani and I have been on our hustle. I finished my last shoot and have been on go since. Erik and I have basically been like two ships passing in the night. I usually would leave before him, and come home after he arrived. We never talked about my father's birthday, our kiss..well..kisses. None of it. I've been too busy. Yasin and I have been texting here and there, but I haven't seen him either. He's been understanding about it though. The only person I've been spending my time with is Yani.
We've collectively gotten maybe eight hours of sleep in three days. So now, we're just exhausted and over it. We're trying to get this rehearsal over and done with. The theater's silence is my queue to step on the stage, I do so, scanning my models faces. They're looking like kids on Christmas Eve. So excited for what the next day has to bring. Their faces make me grateful, my smile spreads and everyone breaks out in applause. I decipher a few, "Yeah Syd!" "You did it girl!" and "Woos" in the crowd, I yield my hands up and down, they lower their yells. "Hey everybody, We're down to the wire here. We're less than a day away. We've been working our asses off for a month and a half. I couldn't have ever gotten this done without any of you. I'm excited for everyone to see our hard work. I'm even more excited for you to see your hard work pay off."
I point to Iyo in the control center, He dims the lights and lower the projector screen. "I now present to you.. UPTXWN." Applause rings out as the projector displays a drone clip of High Bridge among the sunrise and Syd's voiceover, "Uptown, Home of the greats. From The Bronx, to Harlem. The place I know, the place I love." The six models she started with appear on the screen, daringly sitting on the railing, laughing with one another in their high end garments. "Our hustles.. It always had this special..thing about it. We always went a little harder. Thought a little smarter. Emerged to the top a bit faster." Photos of me and all of Uptown's finest begins scrolling through from right to left. From a photo of me and Dapper Dan when I was fresh out of college. Diddy and I when I was an intern at Chanel. With Kerry Washington a bit after Save the Last Dance came out when I was twelve. Sistah Souljah, Kid Capri, Bianca (aka Young B), Cam'ron, Juelz, and Jim Jones back when Rock-a-fella were still together, Kalis, and finally, A$AP Mob & me when they were fresh in the game back in 2011.
"And when we're on top, we set trends. We define eras. Their stamps will forever be evident in our culture. Here's mine. Here's UPTXWN." All of the photos scroll backwards and the screen goes black for a few seconds. Images of the Big L tribute wall outside of the Harlem Up Deli Market, in black and white appear, then the same original six models; Sam, Levi, Von, Jade, Deanna, and Cass kneeling at different levels, crowded around the wall. Making sure not to block his face or name. Then Pretty Flako instrumental bangs through the theater's speakers. The TV flake transition changes to the Bailey house shoot. The drone shot pans around the corner of the property, all twenty four models posing looking like royalty draped in over $80,000 worth of clothes collectively.  The visual pans over to a slowed down visual of Nina flashing her bottom grill, her thick frame vibing out to the up tempo beat. Then to Xierra kneeling beside her, giving face in her side profile. The screen shortly displays a wide pan of the property and models again, then switches to Levi. Iyo's suggested scene of displaying the details of his tattoos on his shirtless body-- while simultaneously showing the VVS necklace, the embroidery on the custom one of a kind jean jacket; came out perfectly.
The photos of each model in each of their looks scroll through at the right speed so each detail is fully displayed. Every model stands up, showing off as their photos went across the screen. As Gina's photoset emerges, I turn to the screen so I can roll my eyes. I instantly become reminded of how flirty she was with Erik before Yani had to snatch her up to take these.  Yani stands beside me, peeping the entire scene, "Girl, suck it up. She in it now. Let's get it over with." I shake it off, turning back to the models.  
The park Marcus Garvey Amphitheater scene pops up, it was a gloomy overcast. Which was perfect for the theme. As the looping instrumental repeats, each model was either sitting at the top of the folding seats, or crouched on the seat of the folding seats. The collective total of every look? $110,878. I'm lucky I got such great relationships with these clients and these models didn't fuck up any of they shit. The first visual was Von, on the center stage. His long hair hanging over his entire face. He rocked this black long open hooded jacket, shirtless. Displaying his massive musical themed chest piece. It gave me a grim reaper vibe that I was definitely looking for. The jacket was a piece I asked Chris Brown's people to create for their Black Pyramid line. They fucked with the vision and agreed to do it. Von flipped the bottom of the jacket back with force, the rest of the models appeared on stage, smoke filled the stage floor as the all black visual came to life. Gina and Cass rocked matching contrast dresses, Cass was the only model not in black that day. I put her in a white intricate lace Erdem Dress. Gina wore the matching Black dress.
Jade and Deanna were back to back. Jade was wearing a black deep v neck, with a leather ribbed comme des garcons jacket. With a cascading gold necklace reaching her stomach. Accompanied with black and gold aviator Louis Vuitton shades,  Black ripped Levis I thrifted on the East side, and Jefferey Campbell's Legion booties. Deanna was wearing my favorite outfit of that day. A black long sleeved Oscar De La Renta ruffled shirt with cut out shoulders, a Burberry black ruffled skirt, and black Averil Doc Martin boots. Her bamboos and three finger ring spelling out her name put a street edge on her look that was near and dear to my Harlem bred heart. GG beat every woman's face and gave them the same cohesive smokey eye with the black, In The Spirit MAC lipstick. The only difference makeup wise was Cass' white undereye liner.
Once again the photos of every model starts cascading slideshow style. Johan was my second favorite look for that shoot, He rocked a black high low long sleeved Alexander Wang shirt, black distressed Givenchy jeans, and his personal black on black Ralph Lauren Hi Boots. I was going to put him in some other shoes, but I saw the ones he had on and they looked way better with the fit. We accompanied that look with a black Cuban link necklace, the matching bracelet, and Dolce & Gabana retro flip up  round glasses.
Everyone's rave reactions trigger my tears of joy, it's all of our first times seeing the visual's final product and I couldn't be any more proud. This has really been my baby. I've nurtured it, I've put in the work for it. This moment was like its graduation. Everyone looks at me, "Awwwwww!" Yani gives me a big hug, "I'm proud of you, kid." I squeeze her, "I'm proud of us, kid." I push out a laugh.
The final shoot displayed the brownstones on Mount Morris Park, the street right outside of Marcus Garvey Park. Where my parents' old brownstone was. I only needed my original six for this one, since all twenty-four wouldn't fit on the stoop. That day, it was sunny. Not one cloud in sight. Perfect lighting for the intimate shoot. The theme was spring, specifically, pastel colors.
I dressed Jade in a pastel yellow Ted Baker maxi dress, I accessorized her outfit with vintage canary yellow teardrop earrings with a matching tennis bracelet. She wore some nude Christian Louboutin spiked peep toed heels. She stands up when she finds her face and yells while twerking, "Long Hair! Red Bottoms! Long Hair! Red Bottoms!" Everyone, including me burst out in laughter. She kept saying it so much during the shoot, I let her keep them. Paid the $1,500 tab too. Deanna was draped in a Monroe and Main white two piece suit with black accents on the collar and cuffs. We accompanied that with my personal pearls I got from my mom before she passed, some white Manolo Blahnic pumps, and some VVS diamond earrings while her hair popped in the sunlight. She wore her low cut with a rose gold tint. I put Cass in a pair of nude Emilio Pucci wide legged trousers, a White Alexander McQueen peplum top, and a matching nude blazer was draping over her shoulders. Her accessories was a silver double C Chanel choker, charm rings from Tiffany Co., and a vintage Chanel crossbody, gifted from Karl Lagerfeld himself. He said I needed something old for my collection.
The guys were matching my girls' fly. Von parallels Deanna with a Tom Ford cotton two piece suit,  I laced him with some white Versace loafers with the gold Medusa emblem on the center, with the Cuban link chain Johan wore at the Marcus Garvey shoot, and golden Panthere De Cartier  rounded sunglasses. Levi's parallel was for Jade's look. He wore a pastel yellow Calvin Klein. Accompanied with a large size canary ring on his index finger, and the Burberry vintage loafers. Sam paralleled Cass, in a nude ASOS suit with the matching vest. I kept it simple and just accessorized it with my dad's gold pocket watch and black Stacy Adams dress shoes.
I thought the presentation was over, but then the screen transitioned to me working behind the scenes. Me pointing and directing at the Bailey house, with the wind blowing like crazy, me filming on Highbridge at the crack of dawn, Iyo even snuck some footage of the meeting we had in Morningside Park. It looks like Yani snuck some footage of me putting the image board for the fashion show stage together as well. I'm just admiring the scene of watching the hard nights and amazing days I shared with an incredible team. The last shot was me sitting on my old stoop. I was just reminiscing, thinking of how my mom, dad, and I would eat ice cream in the spring in the same spot. I looked up, as I normally do when thinking of them, put my hands together and mumbled, 'allah , shkraan lak.' The camera was too far to catch my phrase. Afterward I bowed between my legs so I could have my emotional moment to myself.
Everyone hops on the stage to crowd around me and initiated a group hug. Once everyone slightly disbursed, I see Gina still sitting in the audience with Erik, I guess he just got here. I hear the doors open again and see Yasin, smiling at me.
By half past 10, everyone had gone home except for Yani, Nina, Gina, Erik, and Yasin. Nina is waiting on Rashad to pick her up, and I guess Gina is looking to Erik to take her home. She's literally been all up under him since his arrival.
"Tomorrow's gonna go great, babe. You got a great team behind you, you've been super focused. It can't go any other way." Yasin lands a kiss on my temple as I blush at his encouragement. I blink in Erik's direction, he's giving the same look he gave us at Rashad's party. He then grips Gina, pulling her closer to him, "Yeah. You got it Syd. We gon head out. See ya later." with that, Erik and Gina strut to the exit. Nina's phone dings, "Oh, bae is here! See ya tomorrow Syd! We gon kill it, boo!" She hugs me and Yani then jogs out the double doors, "Nice seeing you again Yasin!" he nods, "You too!"
"So tell me something about you, Sin! I've only talked about me when I see you. What was lil Yasin like?" We are strolling down Saint Nick Avenue after getting grilled jerk chicken from King Barka. We decide to sit on a park bench right outside Saint Nick Park to chat since I wasn't quite ready to go home. "Well, I was born and raised in Brooklyn. Flatbush. My moms is from Brooklyn as well. My dad's side of the family is from Harlem, the eastside, but they love uptown just as much." I grin as he continues, "I was a bad ass kid growing up. Always fighting, getting into trouble at school, I even got expelled in middle school." "Well damn! How did you go from that to--" I wave my hands around his silhouette, "This?" He takes a bite out of his chicken and flashes a sexy smile, "My mom sent me to live with my Uncle. The one that retired and gave me the maintenance business."
"Ahhhh, I see. He whipped you into shape?" He snorts, "Oh, he whipped me alright. A lot. He taught me what it is to be a man." "Where was your father?" He continues eating, pausing his story for a spell, "Uh.. He was in prison. He pushed weight for about ten years, he got caught up. He didn't snitch, so he got twenty. He got out after eight years for good behavior." "How's your relationship with him now?" He shugs, "We're cool. We had a little spat when he first got out. I had to be the man of the house for a while for my moms and sisters. I resented him for it." I take a hold of his free hand, "We patched things up recently." "So him and your mom still married?" He nods, "Yeah. Moms held him down. That lady.. She deserves the world." He finishes his dish as he glows at the mention of his mother.
"She had to get two jobs before I turned sixteen and worked with my Uncle. She held down our household for three years, alone, before I was able to step in and help her. After that, she went back to school. She finished the year before my pops got out, now she's a nurse. Doing what she loves to do." "That's great. That's what life is about, doing what you love." "Definitely." He throws away our empty plates and we keep walking down the avenue, "So what do you love to do Yasin?" "I love music." I stop in my tracks.
"Let me guess, you rap?" he sucks his teeth, "Nah, girl. I play instruments. Three; Acoustic guitar, piano, and snare drum." "Ah, okay! When did you discover your talent?" "I was... ten, I think?" "You make songs?" He pulls a slick move behind me, grabbing me by my waist. I roll my eyes as we continue to walk, "I haven't made a song in five years." "Why not?" I feel him shrug behind me, "I've been busy." I turn around to grab his hands, "You're never too busy to do what you love." He smiles at me, I sense the same glow about him that he had when he spoke of his mom. "Especially when it makes you this happy...just talking about it." Yasin closes the gap between us, "Maybe, you're right. Look at you. Doing what you love. You're inspiring Syeda. Beautiful, too." He strokes my left cheek with his palm. I freeze, much like I did a couple weeks back in my apartment with Erik.
Speaking of Erik, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do about what happened since my dad's birthday. I guess Erik knows what he wants, and that's Gina. So why am I freezing? What's stopping me? All of a sudden my inner thoughts are silenced when Yasin seals our distance, gently kissing me. My knees buckle and he hoists me up by my butt, cuffing the bottom of my cheeks. That makes me even weaker, he breaks off from me, "Damn girl. You good?" My eyes flutter as I respond, "Yeah. Yeah. I'm good." I pull him by his shirt to kiss him again.
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agent-hood · 6 years
Five Parallels
1.) Ivar Mayhew’s first reaction to Parker Jensen was something akin to a starving wolf seeing a very small rabbit. An instinctual knowledge that what little she had would fill the wanting void inside him. That isn’t to say he was starving for love or anything like that, but there was definitely something missing, and now he knew what shape it took. Then he saw her own void, recognized the far seeing look in her eyes whenever she inched too close to the edge of, so close to falling in and being lost. So he offered out his hand. giving her an anchor point to hold onto so she didn’t lose herself and, gloriously, she took it. She saw the looming darkness that would consume her, and she fought back. Every time he saw her, she pushed herself, rebuilt herself piece by piece. Like a dandelion pushing through concrete- she blossomed. His first impression of her was wrong. He was not a wolf to be fed, he was a man seeing the first sunrise after years spent imprisoned.
1.) Parker Jensen’s initial reaction to Ivar Mayhew was something similar to experiencing a sunrise after years of missing it, only being seeing the dark chill of midnight and the blinding sear of a midday sun. His personality was warm and patient despite her many issues; not only seeing the looming maw threatening to swallow her whole, but acknowledging all it took for her to just be able to exist with it. And he stood there with her, refusing to let her fall prey to it or to deal with it alone. It was a steady nourishment that she didn’t realize she was lacking. She had been wrong about what she first thought of him. He was more than a comforting sunrise, he was a meal. A rabbit, made of fat and sinew, perfect for sustaining the hungry wolf that was her heart. And she was starving for more.
2.) it wasn’t often Ivar found himself having one of his ‘bad nights’, but this one was just about the worst. A change in the weather made his spine ache and given that said change was an uncharacteristic warm front did nothing to help his comfort levels. He tried everything- pacing and stretching out the muscles surrounding his ‘problem’ nerves, alternating heat and cold, a dose of his ‘as needed’ prescription, but nothing helped. When the tell-tale tingle of his legs numbing began, he resigned himself to a night in his chair, feeling sickly hot and sorry for himself. His bad luck continued when Parker texted to ask if he wanted to get together later, and as much as he wanted to see her he knew he was in no shape to be good company. He shot off the quick explanation and apology, and settled himself in front of his television for a self-pitying marathon of... whatever was on. He fell asleep within ten minutes. His sleep was troubled, influenced by what he was hearing subconsciously and unable to wake up due to the medication he took earlier. It was a garbled mash of bad memories, war movies, and horrors that could have happened on missions. He was in the hallways of Borley, only they were filled with an unending forest, and he was on a mission- the mission. Only before he could even move, the wild hunt was on him, only instead of being gored and impaled on their horns, he was in their teeth. Unending knives chewing into him, setting his legs on agonizing fire. A voice called out to him, from deep within the maw of pain. It was comforting and unintelligible, and he instinctively swam towards it, through the infinite needles and thorns and all manner of things that bit through his skin. He awoke with a start, hands immediately shooting out in an attempt to protect himself from whatever assault was sure to befall him. All that awaited him though was a warm hand caressing his face, while the other laid gently over his own- which he found tightly fisted in Parker’s hair. He released her as quickly as if she burned him, and his eyes darted around to confirm that he was safe and in his apartment- that thus wasn’t some cruel new form his nightmare took. “Parker,” he breathed in relief, subconsciously leaning into her touch. “Wha’ ‘re y’ doing here?” She removed her hand to turn off the television that was still going, and he whimpered at its absence. “You said you were having a ‘bad night’, so I thought I’d come over to make you some soup in case you were sick. I only just put it to simmer and you started having a nightmare, are you ok?” He was thrown for even more of a loop at that; It had felt like the nightmare had lasted years instead of only seconds. He felt certainly felt like it had, like he had just been hit by a truck and it dragged him along for a week straight. he felt the oncoming breakdown that was about to occur, and as much as he appreciated her presence, he needed her to not see him at his lowest even more. “Parker,” he ground out, fisting his hands so tightly on his knees that his knuckles turned white. “‘M about t’ break down- ‘nd I love y’, but I need y’ t’ leave f’r this. I cannae have y’ see m’ like this.” In response, she silently let go of him, convincing him she complied to his wishes for only a moment, before she took him by surprise by tugging his tightly folded form out of his chair and into her lap on the couch. She gently tucked his face into the crook of her neck, and soothingly rubbed small circles on his back. “I’m not leaving you alone during this. But when I’m holding you like this, I can’t see your face, so you don’t need to feel weird about it. It’s ok- you can let go.” At her words, he broke. Frustrated tears and muffled sobs wrenched themselves free from his chest, wracking his body so hard he shook. He wasn’t even totally sure of why he was crying, but logically knew that it happened sometimes. Some days you hurt, nothing went right, and you grew frustrated- culminating in a massive release of tears. But- You can know the ins and outs of something, and still be surprised by its occurrence. He wasn’t sure how long they stayed like that, with him upending his slew of emotion, and her murmuring soothing words of comfort into his hair, trying to even out his breathing levels. Hours seemed to pass like nothing, until he slowly regained himself- now feeling worn out and small. “...feeling any better?” Parker asked, tentatively, still taking a gentle approach out of consideration for him. He was overcome with fondness and gratitude towards her and the care she bestowed upon him. Still feeling weak and embarrassed at himself, he could only respond with a small nod. “Ok then,” she kissed his head and made to stand up. “I’m gonna draw you a bath and after if you’re hungry, I’ll get you whatever you want.” He kissed her palm as she walked away, stretching and shaking his body to wake it up. He had a full charge on his legs, but they were almost completely numb. After a small debate he decided to not bother with the chair- it was only to the bathroom after all. He walked, slowly and carefully, and found that Parker had drawn him the most simple, yet enticing, bath- scalding water with just a few drops of lavender oil (the kind she wore on her wrists when she was feeling fancy). Sinking into it felt like heaven. Actual bliss came a few moments later as she silently slipped in next to him, fitting herself perfectly to his side. He smiled and absentmindedly ran his knuckles over her skin- forging a path from her jaw to her hip. Blissfully, the previous hours were now miles away, unforgotten but irrelevant. And as the water cooled around them, a comfort settled in his chest. which fully blossomed into contentment as he drifted away to a light slumber, assured in the fact that this was a good day- because Parker was there.
2.) It had been months since Parker’s ‘incident’ and at this point she was well-acquainted with ‘bad’ days. What she was not used to, not lately anyways, was being sick. She knew the morning she woke up after a routine mission. The pressure on her chest, the throbbing in her head, the slight run to her nose that made her feel like she was visibly repulsive to every person that saw her- she had the beginnings of a cold. ‘This is fine.’ She told herself as she sluggishly got ready and took Hampton out for a slower than normal walk. ‘I just need to make it through today and then I’ll crack into my stash of ‘the good shit’ and sleep it off.’ Only, once she got to her desk, her stash of ‘the good shit’ (or unregulated Nyquil from Eastern Europe that still had Russian writing on it) was missing. And in its place a quickly scribbled note from one of the technical officers saying how it was an ‘emergency’ and they’d replace it as soon as they could. Fuck. She figured she still had time to get rid of it before it got too bad, and scrambled back to her room to hole herself up in recovery. Once home, she dug her humidifier out of the depths of her closest, filled a small cooler full of water bottles and ice packs, and strategically placed electric blankets in her bed. “...wha’ ‘re y’ doing?” Came a tentative question from the doorway, where Ivar stood looking at her as if she was wearing something ridiculous; which she absolutely wasn’t- she was just bundled up in her thickest sweats and robe she had even though the weather outside was at a sweltering 90. “Oh! Hey Roo’, I’m just uh...” she scrambled, the sudden embarrassment not helping her sluggish thoughts any. “I’m starting to get a bit sick so I’m trying to sweat it out before it gets too bad.” “Y’r gonna give y’rself heat stroke is wha’.” He said fondly as he began undoing all her handiwork. “N’w take y’r clothes off an’ get in bed.” Normally Parker melted at those words, but in this context she could only pout as she began removing her layers of micro fleece and wool-rayon blend. As it usually did, it quickly grew a lot worse. A fever crawled across her body, leaving her dripping with sweat, but too exhausted to wipe any of it off. Her nose became clogged and her chest cracked with every breath that now took effort. Ivar came back in the room carrying a tray full of crackers and ginger ale, and was shocked to see just how far her illness had progressed in the minutes he was gone. “I w’s gone f’r only five min, th’ fuck happened!” He exclaimed, clearly shocked by the change in her state. “Told you it was gonna get bad.” Parker sniffed, feeling unfairly impetuous and difficult. Her body rattled with a coughing fit and he firmly guided her to bed. As soon as she was tucked in he immediately set about to checking her temperature and getting her medicine and feeding her and just generally fretting about her like a worried mother hen. When she told him as much he only nodded in total agreement. “M’ aware ‘f how much y’ hate bein’ cared f’r, bu’ I also know tha’ y’ hate missing work more. So ‘f y’ let me fret about y’ as much as I wan’, then I promise y’ll get back t’ work faster.” As much as it bugged her, she conceded the point to him. “Agreed. Now get your ass under these blankets- I’m freezing and need to steal your excessive body heat.” A wide, enthusiastic grin was her only warning before she was tackled to the bed with his embrace. 3.) Ivar knew that Parker had an ‘ex’. The whole reason why she was so hesitant in the first place to start a relationship (barring the ‘three months of dying’ factor), was because she had just gotten out of a relationship. She didn’t want to make a mistake because she needed to ‘rebound’. He appreciated the reasoning behind it, and left it at that. Which he was now immensely regretting as he saw her idly talking to a blonde archivist; who’s impossibly tall 6’4 frame loomed over hers like a shadow. ‘Oh,’ he realized. ‘He’s not an ex, he’s an ‘ex’.’ And before he knew it he was interrupting... whatever it was they were doing, with a protective possessive arm around Parker’s shoulders and a quick kiss to her temple. “Hey.” He nodded in greeting to the other man, before turning completely to her. “Break f’r lunch?” “Oop, Than this is Ivar, my boyfriend, Iv’ this is Thanarak, he’s one of Cthylla’s familiars and an archivist here.” She said, introducing them both as they made to clasp hands. His grip was a good one, steady and firm, with slight pressure, whether to establish a challenge he couldn’t be sure. But he was prevented from responding by her reply. “And I Can’t, sorry. I’m trying to find an obscure passage from an Edda that purportedly no longer exists, and then I have to translate it.” She sighed, gesturing to the piles of leather bound books that surrounded her on the table. He smiled warmly at her, unable to find her work habits anything but charming, and produced a chilled ‘meal replacement’ smoothie from his back pocket. “Wha’ am I always tellin’ ye? N’ matter how hard y’ work, y’ still need t’ eat.” “This’ll still be here if you go.” A voice broke through, reminding Ivar that they were not alone. “Can’t.” She said definitively, chugging half the bottle without breaking eye contact with the book in front of her. “I’m on a roll. If I stop now I’ll have to start over from the beginning.” “Why don’ I lend m’self t’ help th’n? Dinnae see why Than her’ can’ tell me what y’re looking for.” At her bright agreement (with a satisfying smooch of gratitude), she shooed them away so they could tackle a separate section. “I didn’t take you for the studious type.” The other man said. It was innocuous enough, but Ivar knew when someone belittled his intelligence. “What can I say?” He smiled, making sure his canines were prominently displayed (in a friendly manner of course). “‘M a man ‘f many talents. A keen eye does well watchin’ th’ gate.” “Though, I understand you’ve been out in the field recently. Is that advisable given your situation?” Ivar felt his muscles tense in defense, and fought back the urge to cover the node on his back. “M’ ‘situation’, as y’ put it, is completely manageable. ‘Sides, I only go a’field in support ‘f Parker. ‘M sure I dinnae need t’ tell y’ how unnecessary tha’ is.” Ivar tried not to feel too pleased at the slight frustrated blush that earned, proving his suspicion that Than rarely, if ever, did field work (and certainly never with Parker). “...Thank you, by the way.” The other man’s voice was so hushed, that it was a struggle for Ivar’s heightened hearing to catch it. “F’r what?” “It’s... not my place to say but, even without our past, Parker is well loved here in the archives. And we’ve been noticing her improvement. I can confidently say that you’ve been a major factor in that, so thank you.” Ivar assesses the man before him; non-aggressive body language, honest facial cues, and a scent about him that was somehow both open and unknowable. Ivar smiled(genuinely this time) and clapped a hand on his shoulder. “Y’ act like I have a say ‘n anythin’ when I’ comes t’ her. Now c’mon! Wh’ever finds this f’ckin’ tome firs’ buys t’other’s tab f’r t’night.” They were both sorely disappointed when Parker came bounding around the corner an hour later, book in hand and babbling about how Scribe had it, and had already translated it, the entire time.
3.) Parker knew about Ivar’s past at Borley (and the ex), but didn’t realize just how... grand scale everything was until she was walking briskly down it’s marble hallways, trying desperately to keep up pace and listen to the mission debriefing at the same time. Ivar though took to the intensity like a duck to water, as if he never left. The mission itself was fairly benign, a local werewolf pack had been stirring up some trouble, so they asked Ivar to come set them straight since he knew them personally. He initially didn’t want to, having planned to spend the rest of his life sans his old organization, but Parker had thought it a wonderful opportunity. She could finally meet his family, he could catch up with old friends, and finally get closure to his abrupt departure. Only she hadn’t realized that his ex was the reason he left. They had originally been partners and kept their relationship (and short engagement) to themselves as much as they could- but during a mission to contain and redirect the wild hunt he had been gored in an effort to save some civilians. Thankfully everyone survived, but his main sciatic nerve had been severed. He thought it was the right thing to do (especially when the Borley techs gave him a way to walk again), she did not. All throughout the mission she had made comments about ‘how impressive his performance was considering his condition’, and it royally pissed Parker off. Ivar though just shrugged it all off, completely unbothered. He further explained that she probably meant well, but had a bad habit of coming across the worst way possible. Seeing his carefree laugh as he talked about her, like he barely gave it any thought, released a balloon of pressure Parker wasn’t aware she had been holding onto their entire visit. She had been making a big deal over nothing; she wasn’t an ex, she was just an ex. “Maybe so,” Parker agreed as she tucked herself to Ivar’s side. “But if she ‘means well’ again I’m still going to deck her, nobody talks about you with that tone while I’m around.” He just chuckled and kissed the top of her head in agreement.
4.) A common misconception was that Ivar met Parker first, before her twin. While the two meetings were within an hour of each other, Carter definitely made himself known first. He had been sitting, reading the file on the mission he was being assigned to, when a hand clamped over his mouth and (with great effort) managed to drag him into a secluded broom closet. “You Rook?” The strange (that descriptor would remain for as long as the two knew each other, but evolve to something friendlier), man asked, utilizing the extra two inches of height he had over him to loom as threateningly as possible. “Yes, now who t’e fuck ar’ you!” He shouted, getting into a defensive stance as soon as he was released. “Relax relax, look I’m Agent Thorn ok? The twin of the Agent you’re being assigned to? I just needed a word in private.” He lowered his guard, but not by much, assessing that if this man truly wanted to start something, he would’ve by now. “How’d y’ get tha’ information? I’s classified.” “...I snooped duh.” He said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “That’s not important right now! What is important is that you’re meeting with my sister in about 30, and I needed to make sure you’d actually help her.” “Y’ mean do m’ job? Ye’ was plannin’ on i’ thanks.” “Don’t be a dick you know what I mean.” “No I don’! Am I goin’ mad or is this th’ most fucked ‘shovel speech’ ‘ver given?” “Not really- kinda? I don’t know, all I know is that, Parker, that’s her name-”
“I can read y’ dick.”
“Parker is going to try so hard to not need help, and I just need to make sure you won’t fall for it.” He explained, body language telling Ivar that he was clearly near the point of begging. Ivar debating between messing with him, telling him what he wanted to hear so he could get away quicker, or just being completely honest. He was clearly upset and willing to do anything (including kidnapping) for his sister, but as Ivar was about to speak and assuage his fears, his legs gave out the warning beep that they were out of charge. A combination of things happened then: the strange man shrieked and flailed about, smacking Ivar accidentally which threw his head back into the wall just as his legs gave out. The next thing he knew He was waking up in chair, alone. He would later find out that Carter had dragged his body back to where he found him, where his wheelchair sat in wait, leaving him for someone else to find and deal with. Agent Succubus had opened the closet door, only to see the predicament and that it was Carter involved, and promptly closed the door to leave. Their second (and officially first) meeting went a lot better.
4.) Parker has been nervous to meet Ivar’s family, but after spending the past few days with them, her anxiety turned into a comfortable ease- sure that she had made a good impression and developed enough of a rapport to carry on any conversation over dinner. That had been a mistake. Turns out they, his sisters, Siobhan and Olivia, had been patiently biding their time until the night before her departure. It was around midnight when they decided to steal Parker away (complete with ropes), and take her to the middle of the nearby farmlands.
“Sorry f’r the theatrics.” The eldest said genuinely, voice even and warm. “But tradition is tradition.”
“Welcome t’ th’ family.” Olivia grinned, a trustworthy mischief promised with the baring of her teeth.
“So!” Siobhan clapped, shifting focus to… whatever they were about to do to her. “We all like t’ go running as a pack, but since we’re sort of ‘initiating’ you, as it were, we thought you’d be more comfortable if it were just us girls.”
“What do you mean?” Parker asked slowly, mind racing with a fresh wave of anxiety for the unknown. Olivia just grinned again in response and began shucking off her clothes. Parker hastily looked away, only peeking when her form changed from that of the young woman, to that of a sleek tawny wolf.
“You mean you want me to streak? Out in the open? At the coldest part of the day?” Siobhan just gave her an open gesture in return, confirming her suspicions. Rolling her eyes Parker quickly threw off her clothes, finding it a bit childish but overall glad that they weren’t asking her to do something worse or less traditional than streaking.
“You’v’ got a min’ head start.” The other woman called after her as Parker began her mad sprint, already missing the warmth of her flannel.
She was quickly joined by the transformed Olivia, with Siobhan catching up soon after, and Parker allowed herself to enjoy the silly freedom of it all. Running, howling, and laughing into the night- she felt heady and alive, and most importantly, fully embraced and accepted by the family of the man she loved.
 5.) Ivar and Parker came to the same conclusion at the exact moment.
They had just gotten through with a week that had separated them with missions, diplomatic visits, and a two-day stint in the med bay. They were exhausted, but both had agreed into doing a ‘date night’; Nothing special, dinner at home, but something where they could just be alone together for a while.
Parker had tackled the actual food portion, while Ivar had scrambled around working on the living room because ‘atmosphere’s important dammit’, and she had to admit that the candles and music really added a sense of romance to the fact that they were just eating spaghetti on her couch.
The silence that stretched between them was comfortable, both parties too tired to do much more than enjoy the other being there, and it was only really broken when Ivar turned up the soft music and took her hand to dance. They swayed lethargically to Lou Reed’s cover of ‘This Magic Moment’ and Parker could feel his contented sigh as she rested her head on his chest.
She only looked up when he placed a knuckle tenderly under her chin, guiding her lips up to meet his in a sweet kiss. She looked into his eyes and something within her snapped. Unknowingly, her hold on his shoulders tightened as she blurted out “I need to marry you.”
A genuine look of shock crossed both of their faces, and Parker’s eyes traveled to his hand that wasn’t on her. She let out a choked laugh to see that he had already been pulling out a ring during her sudden outburst.
“Did y’ really jus’ cut off my proposal wi’ y’r own?” He laughed, feeling ridiculous and giddy.
“Yeah.” She smiled, burying her face as far into his chest as she could.
“Does this mean y’r sayin’ yes?”
“Well it depends.”
“On wha?!” He practically howled, both of them slowly doubling over in attempt to contain their laughter and mirth.
“If you’re saying ‘yes’ to mine.” Ivar took a deep breath and up righted himself, suddenly serious.
“I cannae say ‘no’ t’ y’ Cariad, so please say ‘yes’ an’ marry me.”
“…Y’know, I could say ‘yes’ to you a thousand times Roo, and it still wouldn’t be enough to let convey just how much I want that. Or how much I love you.”
“’M sure I can get an idea ‘f it.” He slipped the ring on her finger, and once secure, swept her off her feet so that she was being carried in his arms.
“Let’s get t’ work on those ‘thousand yes’s.” He said, voice filled with tempting promise, as he took them to her bed- fully intent on properly celebrating their date night.
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theliterateape · 6 years
Noble X — Episode 5: Tracks
By Mike Vinopal
John’s eyes pop open at the first chimes of his phone’s soft alarm. This day has been Christmas on John’s calendar for many months and his excitement has built exponentially in these final weeks leading up to it. For the time being, John is able to forget about the peculiar experience he recorded before sunrise. This is everything to him. 
John has aspired to record his original music in a professional recording studio for some time and today, he finally gets to do just that. He reloads his backpack for today’s purposes, skipping his typical daily grooming. He doesn’t want to be late and having savored those critical final sips of sleeps, he is now cutting it too close for a shower. Out the door moments after waking, John is riding a wave of unnatural energy. For a man who has slept but a few precious winks, John feels fresh and alert with a laser focus and heightened sensitivity to everything around him. 
He arrives at the recording studio in a flurry of jovial greetings, making himself at home for a long day’s work ahead. First John walks into the common space, putting his contribution of beers and snacks in the fridge, then on into the control room where the engineer, Neil, is expecting him. They bro-hug. Neil's already got his guys working on setup in the adjacent live room.
John sits down on the control room couch, thrumming with excitement, unpacking his notebook, preparing to document as much as he can. His bandmates begin arriving one by one. Jeff arrives first and squeals with delight, gazing through the thick control room glass into Studio A, their office for the day. Minutes later Bryan, Dana, and Mark appear, holding more beers and snacks, their faces alight with glowing electricity as well. It’s Christmas for them too. 
They drift into the live room on the other side of the glass behind Neil as he directs a small crew of interns calmly on microphone setup, sharing his wisdom in the process, a natural teacher. Dozens of microphone makes, models, distances, and angles go in John’s ear. He makes a game of remembering as many as he can, scribbling furiously in his notebook. 
His bandmates are unable to distinguish any cause for concern at John's excitement. This is his passion project. This is tremendously exciting. They have looked forward to this day for a long time too and are relishing this experience. They notice that he is brimming with confidence and ideas and nothing more.
With Studio A set and players in place, they gleefully presses record on the day’s first takes, separated by a wall of glass, the band on one side and Dana in the control room with Neil. John lays down his guitar parts with great gusto, transfixed by the giant Jimi Hendrix poster he is facing, while Jeff thunders with booms and crashes, driving the songs with a steady pulse, and Bryan’s bass supports it all. Dana and John sing scratch vocals to guide them through the songs. They capture solid skeletons of the songs over the next several hours. 
Rotating clusters of John and his bandmates huddle around the mixing board, scrutinizing and celebrating; excitement swelling with each listen, stuck in a song loop for hours at a time as they start dressing them up, layering guitars upon guitars, adding voices on voices, listening intently with each subtle evolution. John’s boundless energy surges further with each carefully crafted layer and before they all knew it, many hours had passed. John orders pizza for everyone and they continue to work. 
The pizza arrives and they break at last and feast! After eating, his bandmates grow drowsy, filled with pizza and satisfaction with what they have accomplished today. John wants to do more, so he stays.
It is only John and Neil now, adding some acoustic guitar in Studio A. Neil suggests calling it a night into John’s headphones at last, to which John concedes. He just doesn’t want to go home. It feels good here and he knows there are demons lurking at home he is avoiding. Nonetheless, he thanks Neil, collects the leftover pizza, and says goodnight. John loads his car and cruises home, adrenaline coursing through his system. He’s beyond exhaustion and seriously considers that he may never need to sleep again. It’s late when he gets home and the workday barrels closer. Sunday is all but over. His mind begins splitting, arguing with itself, both his voices. 
"I’ve got to work with kids tomorrow.” 
"But I’m not even remotely tired. I think I’ll stay up and watch something.”
"But then I’ll be totally wrecked come morning.” 
"You don’t need to sleep anymore. See what happens."
"You’ll be fine. Remember the study? You’re on a mission.” 
 Stay tuned for Episode 6.
Links to previous episodes:
Noble X — Episode 1: Cowardice & Heartbreak
Noble X — Episode 2: New Month's Eve
Noble X — Episode 3: Racing
Noble X — Episode 4: Redlining
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: 38 Fun Things to Do in Tucson, Arizona
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With incredible outdoor adventures, some of the best Mexican food in the U.S. (yes, seriously!), and a vibrant nightlife, Tucson may just be the perfect weekend getaway. Oh, and did we mention Tucson has wonderfully warm temperatures in the wintertime?! (Fellow Midwesterners, take note!)
The population of Tucson is just over half a million people, making it feel like a relatively small city. But dont be fooled there are an incredible amount of things to do in Tucson!
While there are many things to do in the city itself, the real draw of Tucson is what lies beyond. The Sonoran Desert which surrounds Tucson, is one of the only places in the world to see the iconic saguaro cactus, after all.
Were walking you through the very best things to do in Tucson, Arizona from epic outdoor adventures to foodie experiences to nightlife for all ages.
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Our Experience in Tucson
Im going to be honest: Until recently, Tucson wasnt on my radar at all. Instead, I pictured the Grand Canyon and cities like Phoenix, Sedona and Scottsdale when I thought of Arizona.
So when my parents booked a 2-week Airbnb rental in Tucson to escape Minnesotas frigid winter clutches, I asked them, What is there to do in Tucson?
The timing was uncanny, because a week after my parents booked their trip, we were contacted by Visit Tucson (the tourism board) to work on a campaign with them. And all of a sudden, a city I hadnt ever thought much about took center stage in my mind.
When we started planning our trip to Tucson, I truly started to realize why my parents had booked 2 weeks there. As it turns out, theres a lot to do in this southwestern city!
This info-packed guide is full of top tips, where to stay, what foods to try , and everything else you need to know about planning an incredible trip to Tucson.
Things to do in Tucson:
Outdoor Activities in Tucson
Food & Nightlife in Tucson
Art, Culture & History in Tucson
Planning your trip to Tucson:
Best Tucson Weekend Itinerary
Best time to visit Tucson
Where to stay in Tucson
How to Get Around Tucson
What to pack for Tucson
Tucson Map
Disclosure: This trip and article was sponsored by Visit Tucson. As always, all opinions are 100% honest and completely our own. Additionally, this article contains affiliate links. Read our disclosure policy for more information.
Outdoor Adventures in Tucson
If you like getting outside, youll find your bliss in Tucson because there are so many outdoor adventures to be had in the area surrounding this city.
1. Go horseback riding in the desert
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I am going to embarrass Ben for a minute while I tell you something about him few people know: Hes afraid of horses.
Hes looking over my shoulder as I type this and saying, Im not afraid, I just think theyre smart and strong, and we should respect them.
Yeah, okay whatever, Ben.
But to his credit, he agreed to go horseback riding on our trip to Tucson. (Ive been asking him for the last couple of years, and he finally gave in.)
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And you know what? When I asked Ben what his highlight was from our trip to Tucson, the first thing out of his mouth was, horseback riding!. So even if youre not an experienced rider, Bens reaction should give you some encouragement.
It was hands down one of my favorite experiences in Tucson too! We were able to see places we never would have without being saddled up on John Wayne and Mac (names of our horses).
Bobbi, the owner of Houstons Horseback Riding, led our group along the trail. We crossed rivers, ducked beneath low-hanging trees, and trotted past giant saguaro cacti with mountains looming in the distance. The landscape changed throughout the 2-hour journey, and the pace was slow and steady (great for those of us who arent experienced riders).
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The views we got right up next to the saguaros on top of the horses was completely different than the perspective wed get walking on the trail with our own two feet. It was surreal.
And after chatting with Bobbi, its clear how much passion she has for this work. She has been working with horses for nearly her entire life and has passed on her admiration for these beautiful creatures to her children who help run the show as well. I mean, with about 30 horses to care for, the more hands the better.
So not only will you have an amazing experience with the horses, but youre supporting a family run business. Win-win!
Hours: Trail rides start at 9 a.m and 2:30 p.m.
Cost: $85 for a 2 hour walking ride
Book Your Horseback Ride Here!
Are you an experienced rider? If youre no stranger to horseback riding, you can book a private ride where your guide will adjust the speed to suit your experience level.
2. Visit Saguaro National Park
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Saguaro are the huge cacti that adorn the Arizona license plate and serve as an icon of Southwest USA. And there is a National Park just 30 minutes from downtown Tucson that is dedicated to their existence.
Before we delve into the best things to do in Saguaro National Park, lets start with the basics pronunciation.
Say it with me: suh-waa-row
Now you wont embarrass yourselves like we did. (Youre welcome!)
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And because I am fascinated by these cacti, Im gonna entertain you with some fun facts about the saguaro:
They can live to be 150 years old (some even are said to be 200 years old!).
They can grow up to 40-60 feet tall (12-18 meters).
They dont start growing arms until theyre around 70 years old.
They only grow in parts of the Sonoran Desert (a small area in Mexico, southern Arizona, and occasionally southeastern California.
They are expensive! Thats right, some people like to incorporate them into their landscaping, and the large ones can cost upwards of $10,000. The more arms it has, the more money it costs.
One foot of a saguaro weighs around 100 pounds!
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We have a love affair with National Parks. Anyone else?! So it should come as no surprise that the first thing we plotted on our Tucson itinerary was a visit to Saguaro National Park.
And guess what?! It was our 20th US National Park! *cue champagne toast*
Saguaro is divided into two sections: one to the east and one to the west. In the middle lies the city of Tucson. Each side is a bit different. The west side of the park is more densely covered with saguaro, while the east side has more hiking trails and is more mountainous.
Try to see both sides if possible, but if youre short on time, visiting the west side of the park will be the best way to maximize your visit.
Best things to do in Saguaro National Park (with limited time):
West Side Saguaro National Park:
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Drive around the 6-mile scenic Bajada Loop, and stop along the way at the spots listed below (plus any others that pique your interest):
Hugh Norris Trailhead: Hike up the trail for about 5-7 minutes and look west. Youll see tons of saguaro cacti and this spot would be wonderful for sunset.
Valley View Overlook Trail: 0.8-mile one-way (out and back) easy trail that is relatively flat. There are signs along the way pointing out the different types of plants and the final destination is a viewpoint over the vast valley below that is full of cacti.
Signal Hill Picnic Area: This short 0.3-mile hike up signal hill leads you to dozens of 800-year old petroglyphs that were created by the ancient Hohokam people.
East Side Saguaro National Park:
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Drive along the Cactus Forest Drive Loop. It is an 8-mile self-drive loop that takes you to some of the major attractions in the east side of Saguaro National Park:
Mica View Trail: This relatively flat 2-mile return hike starts at a nice picnic area, goes through the cactus forest to East Broadway Blvd and back. You can also start the hike from E Broadway Blvd too.
Desert Ecology Trail: Paved 0.3-mile loop with signs to tell you more about desert plants. Great walk for kids.
Cactus Forest Trail: Splits the East Saguaro National Park from North to South. 5-mile return, mostly flat, but youll be surrounded with saguaro cacti the entire time.
Freeman Homestead Trail: Short 1-mile loop trail easy to do with kids. Youll walk by some of the biggest and oldest saguaros in the park.
Have more time in Saguaro National Park?
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Douglas Spring Trailhead (East Side): This is a 16-mile out and back trail that is pretty flat for the first half and then switchbacks up the mountain until the top. About a quarter of the way on the trail, head to the left for 0.4 miles to see the Bridal Wreath Falls (dont expect a massive falls, but refreshing to see in the desert).
King Canyon Trail (West Side): The trailhead starts opposite of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, this 7.1-mile moderate trail winds its way up to Wasson Peak. Many reports say its tough on the way up and you should start early, but youll be rewarded with an amazing view of the saguaro cacti filled desert.
Hours: Visitor Centers are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. but the park is open to vehicles from sunrise to sunset.
Cost: weekly pass to Saguaro National Park is $25 per vehicle.
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Insider tip: If you dont already have an America the Beautiful Pass, you might want to consider getting one before your trip to Tucson. It will not only cover your entrance to the National Park, but also to Sabino Canyon. Weve put together a guide thatll help you decide if the US National Park Pass is worth it for you.
3. Mountain Biking around Tucson
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There are few things better than being outside, getting your heart pumping, and trying something totally new. And thats exactly what we did on our last morning in Tucson. We woke up before the sun, grabbed a breakfast burrito for fuel, and headed to a trailhead.
Tucson has some of the best places in Arizona if not the best for mountain biking. And whether youre a newbie to the sport (like us!) or a seasoned mountain biker, there are trails suited to all levels.
Important info about biking in Tucson:Here's the thing we wish we would have known before going mountain biking in Tucson... Some of the trails around the city are unsanctioned, meaningyou cannot legally ride on them without getting a permit. And the even sketchier thing is some mountain bike rental companies encourage riders to use these trails without first obtaining anArizonaState Trust Landpermit.
Even after quite a bit of sleuthing, we still can't figure out how a visitor to Tucson could actually purchase one of these permits (as the site to purchase them is broken). Moral of the story: When picking the trails you'll ride, be extra careful to choose only those that are sanctioned. Otherwise, you can be fined (and you're breaking the law).
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Luckily, there are some reputable biking companies that follow the rules and encourage safe riding on trails that are open for the public to enjoy.
Our recommendation:Home Grown Mountain Bikingis a trusted company that offers rentals, shuttle services, and guided rides so you have an expert with you on the trails.Cost: Mountain bike rentals start at $120 per day. You'll find other package options as well as multi-day discounts.
Some popular mountain bike trails in Tucson (that don't require a permit):
Mount Lemmon:Lots of rugged terrain and temperatures that are significantly cooler than you'll find closer to the city, which makes for comfortable biking even in hotter months.
Catalina State Park, Oro Valley:Lots of beautiful trails, like the intermediate track "50 Year". Note: to enter Catalina State Park, you will need to pay $7 per vehicle.
Tucson Mountain Park:Here you'll find 50 miles of trails that are primarily beginner and intermediate levels.
Insider Tip:Download theTrailForks app to get a detailed look at the trail you plan to ride.
4. Explore Colossal Cave
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Stalactites, stalagmites, and bat poo, oh my!
Ive had a fascination with caves since I was a child, so weve visited all different types of caves on our travels around the world. When we heard there was a cave in Tucson, we didnt need much convincing to squeeze a visit into our itinerary.
Located a short 15-minute drive southeast of Tucson, the Colossal Cave has a pretty interesting history. It was once used as a temporary shelter for the Hohokam people (the regions first inhabitants) as early as 900 AD. And later, this cave served as a hiding place for 19th-century outlaws who didnt want to be found.
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To enter the Colossal Cave, you must book a guided tour. There are a handful of options to choose from:
Classic Cave Tour: Good introduction to the cave and suitable for all ages.
Length: 50-minute tour
Cost: Adults: $18, Children (5-12 yrs): $9, 4 and under: free
When: 8 tours a day, depart hourly from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Tip: Reservations are encouraged
Ladder Tour: Navigate narrow passageways, climb ladders, and cross rickety bridges in seldom-seen parts of the cave system.
Length: 1.5-hour tour
Cost: $35 per person
When: 2 tours a day 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.
Tip: Reservations required
Wild Cave Tour: The most adventurous of tours offered, guides will take you to the most remote parts of the cave system. Participants must be fit and ready for a rugged good time! Described as absolutely down-and-dirty caving!
Length: 3.5-hour tour
Cost: $85 (reservations required)
Restrictions: 16 years old and older
When: 1 tour a day at 1 p.m.
Tip: There is an Intermediate option as well as Advanced ($125).
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Our Opinion: Due to our limited time, the Classic Cave Tour was the one that best fit into our schedule. While it was a good introduction, it wasnt anything too different from what weve seen in other cave systems. We wished we had booked the Ladder or Wild Tour, as it would have been a bit more up our alley in terms of adventure!
Learn more about each tour and make your bookings here.
5. Sunset in the desert
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Look up to the skies at dusk and youre in for an incredible show put on by Mother Nature. Seriously though, Tucson is known for having some epic sunsets, so plan to be somewhere special for at least one of the evenings during your trip.
Theres nothing like seeing the cacti start to glow as the sky takes on a pinkish hue.
Some top spots around Tucson for sunset:
Gates Pass
Saguaro National Park
A Mountain
JW Marriot
Tucson Mountain Park
Mount Lemmon scenic drive
6. Get a view over Tucson from A Hill (aka Sentinel Peak Park)
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Look to the horizon and you shouldnt have a problem spotting A Hill, which, as the name implies, is adorned with a giant letter A made of rocks. This tribute to the University of Arizona is not only a town icon, but it marks one of the best spots to get a view over the city.
As long as the sky is clear, any time of day will grant you a sweeping view. Get an early morning start here and view the city beneath blue skies.
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Or come for that golden hour glow and stay after the sun goes down to see the city lights begin to sparkle. Just know that after the sun sets, this is clearly a makeout spot, which is slightly awkward...
Alternative: Are you looking to get a workout in instead of taking the easy way and driving to the top? Pat yourself on the back, and then head to Tumamoc Hill. The trailhead is just a few minutes drive past the starting point of Sentinel Peak. This short but steep climb is a 3-mile round trip with a 700-foot elevation gain.
7. Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum
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I hate to admit it, but unless it is truly something special like the Met in NYC or the Uffizi in Florence I dont always prioritize fitting museums into our travel plans. Honestly, Id rather be outside or eating which I suppose could be my life motto.
However, once we saw reviews for the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, we decided to squeeze it into our itinerary. I mean, its the top-rated Tucson attraction on TripAdvisor (earning 5 stars with more than 8,000 reviews!), so surely it has to be worthwhile, right?
Honestly, after checking it out, I would say it depends. I know thats annoying to hear when trying to plan your itinerary, but keep reading to see if it is an experience thatll float your boat.
First things first, dont think of this as a typical museum... It's more of a zoo blended with a botanical garden and a dash of museum thrown in there for fun.
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Youll find a huge variety of exhibits and lots of information around the park. To really explore everything thoroughly, youll need at least 2 hours.
Here are some of the main exhibits:
Raptor Flights
Hummingbird Aviary
Cave & Earth Sciences Center (the cave is artificial but pretty convincing)
Botanical Garden
Indoor Play Area for kids
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One major perk to visiting the museum is your entrance fee will help contribute to their ongoing conservation and research efforts. One of their primary missions is to understand, connect people to and protect the natural systems of the Sonoran Desert Region.
Considering that the Sonoran Desert region is home to one of the greatest varieties of plants and animals out of any desert in the world, you can see it is pretty important work.
Interested in hearing more? Check out their website to see their current conservation and research projects.
Our thoughts on the Desert Museum:
Our favorite parts were the cave and gemstone exhibits. We are big rock nerds, so this part was especially cool. Theres even a little piece of rock from the moon on display which Ben geeked out about!
We think this would be a fun activity with kids (though we arent experts on the whole subject of children just yet!).
Honestly, zoos usually arent our thing (but thats a topic for another time). So we werent all that fond of the animal exhibits at this museum.
There is a small pool with stingrays where people can pay a small fee to touch them. We personally try to avoid any animal attraction that encourages touching.
Summary: Overall, this attraction is very well put together with accessible paths, frequent water fountains and toilets, lots of informational signs, and activities for children. You can learn a lot here and spend quite a bit of time exploring it all. However, if youre short on time, going into Saguaro National Park and Sabino Canyon are going to be even more worth your while.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Adults - $21.95, Seniors (65+) - $19.95, Children (3-12) - $9.95, Children (under 3) - Free
8. Go hiking in Sabino Canyon
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Sitting in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains, Sabino Canyon Recreation Center draws more than a million visitors annually. And for good reason: This place is absolutely stunning and packed with adventures for all types of travelers.
Encompassing two gorges: Sabino Canyon and Bear Canyon, you can choose to hike along paved or gravel paths, or you can save your legs some work and hop on a shuttle (for a fee).
Bear Canyon Shuttle: $6 adults, $4 ages 3-12; leaves every 30 minutes
Sabino Canyon Shuttle: $10 adults, $5 ages 3-12; leaves every 30 minutes
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Seven Falls Hike
5 miles round trip
917 feet in elevation gain
If youre up for a challenging hike (thats well worth the effort), look no further than the Seven Falls Trail. You can hop on the Bear Canyon shuttle and get off at the last stop, which is at the trailhead. (Alternatively, you can skip the shuttle and hike the 2 miles to get to the trailhead.)
From here, its a 2.5-mile hike to the waterfalls that cascade over granite rocks to form pools that are perfect for taking a refreshing dip!
Important note: This trail requires some creek crossings, so be sure to check the conditions at the visitors center before attempting the hike. And be sure to carry plenty of water, as youll be hiking in some exposed areas and it can get very hot.
Cost: $8 per vehicle to enter Sabino Canyon
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Good to know: If you have a National Park Pass, youll get into Sabino Canyon for free!
Planning your itinerary: Wed recommend combining a visit to Sabino Canyon and a drive up to Mount Lemmon (described below) on the same day since they are in the same relative area. If you plan to visit the DeGrazia Gallery as well (#19), you can tack it on the same day since its not far from Sabino Canyon.
9. Scenic drive to Mount Lemmon
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When we started planning our trip to Tucson, at least three different people told us, You absolutely have to make the drive up to Mount Lemmon.
And were so happy we listened because it was one of the highlights of our trip. We only wish we had allotted more time to it.
This 40-mile drive snakes back and forth as it winds up through the mountains. There are viewpoints, pullouts, trailheads and campgrounds very frequently along the drive, so there are plenty of opportunities to stretch your legs and scope out the views.
Youll notice a drastic drop in temperature as you make your way up the mountain, and depending on the time of year, you may even start to see snow (a crazy sight when youre coming from the desert!).
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At the very top of Mount Lemmon, sits the tiny town of Summerhaven, which is basically a handful of vacation homes and a few small stores. Satisfy your sweet tooth by sampling fudge at the General Store and ordering a cookie at the Mount Lemmon Cookie Cabin, and continue to drive to the Marshall Gulch Picnic Area where you can enjoy your sweet treats with some real food you packed!
Insider Tip: One of our friends messaged us and told us to go to the Cookie Cabin, for huge and delicious cookies. Sadly, we got the text too late. So if you have the chance, go to this mountaintop log cabin and order a giant cookie for us, please!
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Another fun thing to see is the (tiny) Mount Lemmon Ski Valley before you begin your drive down the mountain.
How long does it take? The drive is roughly 42 miles from downtown Tucson and takes about 1 hour 20 minutes from bottom to top without stopping. Wed allot at least 3.5 - 4 hours for the drive up and down the mountain with a few stops along the way.
10. Explore Catalina State Park
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Catalina State Park | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Sitting at the base of the Santa Catalina Mountains, this state park is a haven for desert wildlife and is home to more than 5,000 saguaros.
Come to Catalina State Park put a few more miles on your hiking boots or to have a relaxing picnic surrounded by nature.
Hikes in Catalina State Park:
Romero Ruins Interpretive Trail: This short and easy loop is 0.6 miles and has just 68 feet in elevation gain, making it a good hike for most people. The trail brings you past some historic dwellings and archaeological sites that are marked with signs.
Romero Pools: This 4.9-mile out and back trail is rated as intermediate, and has a 1,047-foot elevation gain. Your efforts will be rewarded as the trail culminates at some beautiful pools.
Cost: $7 per vehicle
11. Drive through Tucson Mountain Park
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Another park in Tucson? Yep, thats right!
You will pass through the Tucson Mountain Park on your drive to the west portion of Saguaro National Park. And actually the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum and Old Tucson are both located within the parks boundaries.
There are no entry fees, and unless youre looking at your map, you might not even realize youre inside the park at all.
Insider Tip: Be sure to stop at the Gates Pass viewpoint for an epic look over the valley. It is especially beautiful during golden hour. There are a few nearby trailheads too, so youll have the chance to stretch your legs if needed.
12. Visit Kitts Observatory
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Kitt's Observatory | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Are you as big of a space geek as Ben?! If so, a trip to Kitts Observatory might be right up your alley. You can visit during the day to learn about telescopes and all the work that goes on behind the scenes, or you can take a night time tour and see the stars. But be sure to check the weather before you book.
Also, if the weather is cold, be prepared with warmer clothes because it can get even colder up on the mountain. Bring a good pair of shoes too because there is quite a bit of walking in the tour.
13. Tour Biosphere 2
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Biosphere 2 | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Could you live in a bubble for 2 years?! Thats what 8 scientists did back in 1991 when the Biosphere 2 was first introduced to the world. Their goal was to study how a mini-biosphere would work with as few outside variables as possible.
Today, you can visit Biosphere 2 and tour the different ecosystems which range from rainforest to the ocean to a model city. The guided tours take you through various stations and highlight the ongoing experiments happening in the Biosphere.
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Inside Biosphere 2 | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Some tours are included with the General Admission fee, while other tours have an additional cost. Tours can take around 2 to 3 hours. Plus, getting to Biosphere 2 from the center of Tucson is roughly a 50-minute drive, so youll need to dedicate a good portion of a day to this excursion if you add it to your itinerary.
Hours: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily
Cost: Adults: $21, Kids $14
Check the Biosphere 2 website for more details on times and prices.
Fun Fact: If this is Biosphere 2, where is Biosphere 1? Well, youre living on it right now (aka Earth!). Mind blown!
Food & Nightlife in Tucson
Foodies are in for a treat because Tucson is packed with incredible dining options, especially when it comes to Mexican cuisine. And night owls will have a long list of things to do at night, from sampling the best local craft beer to enjoying live music on the town.
14. Eat ALL the Mexican Food
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One of the things we were most excited for on this trip was the food. Mexican food, to be precise. #allthetacos
Being that this city is just over 60 miles from the border of Mexico, it should come as no surprise that Tucson is known for having a killer Mexican food scene. In fact, Tucson is the first UNESCO City of Gastronomy in the United States!
Psst! If youre a foodie, youll love this intro to the Tucson culinary scene!
The worst part of the food in Tucson was that we couldnt eat it all. Well, that and the fact that our weekend in Tucson obliterated our meager attempt at doing the Whole30 in January. I mean, Im not going to go to a Mexican food Mecca and not eat as many tacos, tamales and guacamole as possible. Its against the laws of nature.
If youre still reading my food-crazed ramblings, youre probably wondering where you can find the best Mexican food in Tucson, and youre about to be rewarded, friend.
While you dont have to look far to find good Mexican food in Tucson, were sharing some top recommendations, from super authentic hole-in-the-wall spots to refined Mexican restaurants with an exceptional dining experience:
Los Tacos Apson: Tiny, unassuming shop with authentic fare and a generous salsa/topping bar. We ordered a handful of items but our favorites were the taco al pastor and taco hass (carne asada, queso, chili verde); and as we were leaving, a local recommended we try the taco rasuada (grilled ribs) next time! This is also a great spot to try a caramelo, Tucsons take on a quesadilla (cheese and lots of meat grilled between tortillas).
Bocas y Tequila: Popular spot, especially with the university crowd, it seems. The tacos were super tasty (albeit not very hot, but we were there at a super busy hour!). The elote (Mexican street corn) was also very good.
Cafe Poca Cosa: An upscale Mexican restaurant with a menu that changes daily.
Taco Fish: Come here for fresh ceviche and tacos de pescado (fish) or camarones (shrimp).
Penca: Contemporary Mexican fusion with a chic atmosphere.
Mi Nidito: Serving Tucson since 1952, this place is a local legend known for large portions, delicious food, and as a place Bill Clinton once ate.
Taqueria Pico De Gallo: Best known for its award-winning fish tacos, this is another local favorite for authentic (and cheap!) tacos.
Taqueria Porfis: While the menu is small, thats okay because what they do, they do well. And the item theyre most famous for is their potato taco, which is stuffed with carne seca, tomatoes, lettuce, sour cream, and you guessed it potatoes!
Rollies Mexican Patio: Known for their rolled tacos, this cute and colorful cafe makes a great lunch stop.
El Charro Cafe: Set inside a century-old home, this restaurant serves up large home-cooked meals in a charming, yet casual atmosphere.
Fun Fact: This is the nations oldest Mexican restaurant run continuously by the same family.
Street Taco and Beer Co.: Good for late night bites, street tacos, and tequila cocktails.
Insider Tip: We read that if you want to find really authentic, no-frills Mexican food, head to the neighborhoods south of 22nd Street. And 12th Ave, which runs north to south, has a dense concentration of amazing Mexican restaurants.
These streets are part of whats known as the Best 23 Miles of Mexican Food (aka a 23-square-mile area in the city thats known as the best Mexican food north of the border).
15. Try a Sonoran Dog
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Im not usually one to order hot dogs, but when we learned that Sonoran Dogs are a must try specialty from this region, we had to give it a go. For research purposes.
And lets just say Im pretty happy I made the sacrifice in the name of work. And while Sonoran Dogs arent something I would eat on a regular basis, they are pretty damn good.
So what exactly is a Sonoran Dog, you ask? This tasty blend of American and Mexican cuisine is comprised of bacon-wrapped hot dog, topped with pinto beans, chopped tomatoes, onions, mayonnaise, mustard and jalapeo salsa, all stuffed into a soft, sweet Mexican bun called a bolillo.
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Rumor has it that there are two rival Sonora dog establishments in Tucson that both claim to serve the best:
BK Carne Asada & Hot Dogs: Winner of a Sonoran Dog locally-judged blind taste test against El Guero Canelo, it is definitely worth a try. They also have a large menu of fantastic Mexican fare, some may say the best in Tucson.
El Gero Canelo: With 3 locations in Tucson, this is a Tucson must! We sampled the one on Oracle road, and it did not disappoint. The combo of sweet, spicy and savory is an explosion in your mouth. Youre gonna want more than one.
After a little research, we chose to try our first Sonoran Dog at El Gero Canelo. While we dont have anything to compare it to, it was pretty darn tasty! If you have the time (and room in your tummy!), try them both on your trip to Tucson to determine the winner!
16. Sample Vegan Mexican Fare
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Most restaurants featured on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives are laden with grease, layers of cheese, deep-fried everything, and meat. Lots of meat.
But an exception to this is Tucsons beloved Tumerico, which was featured on this hit series in 2018. This local favorite serves up scratch-made Mexican dishes with a menu that changes daily.
While clearly very popular, the service was fast, the prices reasonable, and the food delicious.
Our recommendations: The menu is constantly changing so we cant give specific recommendations, but if there is a taco made with jackfruit, TRY IT. You will thank us! Also, the turmeric lemonade was seriously yummy.
Moral of the story: Even if you do eat meat, Tumerico is well worth a visit.
Good to know: Tumerico is closed on Mondays.
More vegetarian options in Tucson
While these are not Mexican restaurants, here are a few other good options for vegetarians/vegans visiting Tucson.
Charro Vida: While not fully veggie, this Mexican-Mediterranean fusion restaurant (located close to Tohono Chul #35) donates proceeds to local school gardens throughout the region in partnership with the University of Arizona. Just looking at their menu makes my mouth water...
The Tasteful Kitchen: A somewhat upscale restaurant that specializes in vegan, gluten-free and raw cuisine. And while youre there, be sure to check out the mural depicting Mother Earth on the side of their building.
Urban Fresh: Casual cafe with plant-based wraps, salads and soups.
Zinmans Food Shop: carry-out spot with a patio, serving an eclectic assortment of dishes with influences from around the world.
17. Grab a cup of Tucsons best coffee
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My name is Katie, and Im a coffee addict. If you are too, youll definitely want to start your day at Exo. Praised as the best coffee in Tucson, Exo does it all, and they do it well.
If you want to switch up your order and get something a little more unique than your everyday latte, order a chiltepin cold brew, which is made with spicy peppers!
And if your tummys a grumblin pick up one of their super tasty breakfast sandwiches, breakky bowls, or to keep the Mexican food theme going, try their breakfast tacos!
18. Visit a Farmers Market
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When you combine locally grown produce, artisans selling their creations, and food vendors all in one place, youve got yourself some farmers market bliss.
With a handful of farmers markets around the Tucson area, youll likely be able to squeeze one during your trip.
Here are 3 farmers markets that are closest to town, and are easy to work into your sightseeing schedule:
Rillito Park: Makes a good stop if youre headed up to Catalina State Park, Tohono Chul, or over to Sabino Canyon.
Oro Valley: Stop here on your way to Catalina State Park.
Rincon Valley: Make a stop here on your drive down to Colossal Cave.
We visited the market in Rincon Valley on our way to the Colossal Cave, and while not huge, it was a nice stop to browse some local artists work and nibble on kettle corn!
Hours: All the markets listed above have the same hours.
Winter Hours (Oct. - Mar.): Saturdays, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Summer Hours (Apr. - Sept.): Saturdays, 8 a.m -12 p.m.
These farmers markets are all put together by an organization called Heirloom Farmers Markets, and you can find more info here.
19. Go on a Food Tour
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Im someone who gets serious FOMO when it comes to food.
When visiting a city thats known for its food scene, I feel like I should try everything, which is not exactly an ideal habit for my waistline or my wallet.
If you can relate (yay, Im not alone!), youll want to keep reading because I recently found the cure: Food Tours!
Food tours are a way for you to try a little of each (my favorite!). Plus, your guide usually brings you to local spots you wouldn't find on your own, and gives you insight to the citys history, culture and culinary scene.
So if youre interested in food especially Mexican food (Tucsons pride and joy!), you might want to consider adding a food tour into your itinerary.
There are two companies that run highly-rated food tours in Tucson:
Tucson Food Tours
Taste of Tucson
Weve taken food tours all around the world, and wish we had time to take one on our trip to Tucson. Guess weve gotta save something for our next trip, right?!
20. Hang out in Mercado San Agustin
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This square just west of downtown has a collection of high-end boutiques, produce vendors, artisans and eateries surrounding a pretty courtyard. We were there on a rainy day (a rare occurrence in Tucson!), but with nice weather, this would be a prime spot to wander and grab a bite.
Insider Tip: We were told that Seis Kitchen is amazing, and La Estrella Bakery also looks really good. Try them out and let us know what you think!
21. Eat a flight of Ice Cream
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Can I confess something? I have an ice cream problem.
Someone once told me, No matter how full you are, theres always room for ice cream because it can fit in all the cracks! And I think Ive taken those words a little too seriously over the years.
This is coming from someone who almost missed the last train of the day in a tiny Italian village because I *needed* to get gelato. And someone who has (successfully) completed more than one ice cream eating challenge.
So lets just say you should consider me something of an expert on the topic of ice cream.
When I heard about the ice cream flights (yes flights!) at The Screamery, I told Ben we had to make it part of our itinerary.
And when I found out it was right across the street from our hotel as well as another highly rated ice cream shop (Hub), I told him we better go to both. Ya know, in order to research as many flavors as possible.
The Screamery: Tons of unique flavors to choose from, reasonable prices, and the option to have a flight!
Flavors we loved: Sweet Cream Honeycomb and Rough at Sea
Hub: A little more expensive, less choices, and no ice cream flight option (dang it!). But still seriously good ice cream.
Flavors we loved: Queen Bee and Mexican Hot Chocolate
Overall, theyre both really good choices. I think the ice cream was pretty similar in quality, so choose the one that has flavors youre more excited about.
22. Sample the best Craft Beer in Tucson
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While not exactly the level of craft beer scene youll find in Portland, Tucson has a decent amount of breweries in town.
If youre a purveyor of craft brews (were right there with ya!), here are a few breweries youll want to check out:
Dragoon Brewing Company: Open warehouse-style brewery with a great selection of all kinds of brews. We sampled a flight here, and it was our favorite beer of the breweries we visited in Tucson, but a bit outside the center of town.
Barrio Brewing Co.: Rustic-chic brewery close to downtown with happy hour specials.
Public Brewhouse: Tucked in a dark alleyway, they brew a mean Belgian Dubbel. Worth a stop if youre exploring 4th Ave. Seems to be a pretty new spot, and popular with locals.
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Pueblo Vida: Small, hip spot downtown with lots of unique fruit-forward IPAs and complex malty dark pours.
Gentle Bens Brewing: We wanted to visit this brewery just because of the name! Well, that, and it looks like they have some good brews!
Crooked Tooth Brewing Co.: Highly rated brews with a typical brick wall interior. Flights come on a skateboard!
Borderlands Brewing Company: German Chocolate Cake Porter, need I say more Okay I will: female head brewmaster, daily food trucks, & massive murals on the wall.
Iron Johns Brewing Company: Fantastic micro-brewery with crazy concoctions in the heart of downtown.
23. Soak up some speakeasy vibes
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Weve been on a speakeasy kick lately. And Ive gotta say, Tucson has a few great options if youre looking for handcrafted cocktails, and a mysterious, 1920s-esque atmosphere.
The Independent Distillery: Pre-prohibition style bar serving their own spirits and enticing cocktails.
Surly Wench Pub: Good for a couple of drinks in what they call an industrial goth bar. The vibe we got was new-age biker bar but apparently the burgers are good.
Club Congress: Throw on your shiniest flapper dress and striped suit and step back in time to this historic bar. Not only do they host the best 1920s themed parties, they have a jammed-pack event calendar including rock bands, cabarets, free yoga and stand-up comics.
Tough Luck Club: In the basement of Reilly Craft Pizza (an old funeral home!), youll find this cozy cocktail bar. Oh, and outside is a beer garden if you prefer a more casual vibe.
24. Tequila toast at JW Marriott
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When in the Arizona desert it only seems right to have some tequila! And do you know what the best kind of tequila is?
FREE tequila!
Now that Ive got your attention, lets talk about how to get that free tequila, shall we?
The JW Marriott is in a stunning location that gives new meaning to the term desert oasis. But even if you dont have the budget to splurge on a $250-per-night room, you can enjoy unrivaled views and a free tequila toast at sundown.
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Simply show up to Salud, the Marriotts on-site bar and restaurant, to take part in their nightly tradition of raising a (complementary) shot of tequila and share the legend behind the classic Mexican cheers, arriba, abajo, al central, en dentro.
And of course as soon as the story is over, everyone gathered there is invited to raise their glasses and make a toast as the sun sets. Tequila is passed around at 5:30 p.m., so be sure to arrive a bit earlier to get a seat by a firepit and enjoy the view.
And if you feel so inclined, try one of their specialty handcrafted cocktails or order your liquor straight up from their selection of more than 150 tequilas. Who knew there were so many tequilas?!
25. Mezcal Tasting
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Tequila gets a lot of hype in the US; but in Mexico, people are all about the mezcal!
We learned a lot about mezcal during our travels in Oaxaca, and have been really interested in tequilas smokier cousin ever since.
Whether youre a mezcal connoisseur or youve never heard of the stuff until now, doing a mezcal tasting is a great way to learn more about Mexicos favorite spirit.
While theyre best known for coffee, each Thursday starting at 7 p.m., Exo Coffee hosts an hour-long mezcal tasting at their onsite bar.
While sipping on samples of several high quality mezcal (they have a collection of more than 150 mezcals!), proprietor Doug Smith walks guests through everything youve ever wanted to know about this liquor. This informational tasting costs $20 and reservations are not necessary.
And if Thursday doesnt work for you, tastings are also offered Wednesdays and Sundays between 6 - 9 p.m. for $25. For these tastings, you must make a reservation in advance.
If youre not interested in a full tasting, you can always come during their bar hours to enjoy beer, wine, or mezcal cocktails. They have a great happy hour from 6 - 8 p.m., where cocktails are just $5, and beer and wine are $1 off.
26. Get your giggle on at a comedy show
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Weve realized that comedy clubs almost always guarantee a night of fun! Plus, its a great way to spend an evening in a new city, and most big(ish) towns around the world have at least one comedy club.
Tucson is no exception. There are a handful of comedy clubs, but it seems that Laffs gets the biggest national names in stand-up, so we decided it would be a good way to spend our Friday night.
We gave the address of Laffs to our Uber drive and had no idea what to expect, but when we pulled up to a strip mall on the outskirts of suburbia, we were a little surprised.
And when we walked inside, we soon realized this no-frills club was not going to win us over on atmosphere. So we crossed our fingers that at least the show would be good
Lets just say that we were clutching our stomachs from laughing so hard for the next 90 minutes!
Weve been to enough comedy shows to know its not as much about the atmosphere as it is about the people on stage. The comics themselves are what are going to make the experience belly-hurts-from-laughing-so-hard good or just alright.
Theres always the off-chance that youll hate the comedians style of humor (which has happened to us in a comedy club with a top-notch atmosphere!).
We were at Laffs on a night with great talent, and hopefully youll catch a great line-up as well! Our advice is to read up on the comedian who is performing to see if youll like their style, or just show up with an open mind and ready for a laugh!
And dont worry, you wont go hungry or thirsty. There is a long list of cocktails with quirky names, a small selection of beer, and a menu of pub food and snacks.
Laffs has a handful of shows each week:
Thursdays: 8 p.m. Open Mic, free show!
Friday: 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.
Saturday: 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.
General Seating: $12.50
Preferred Seating: $17.50
You can pay in advance, or you can make a reservation but pay at the door.
Check out their schedule to see upcoming shows.
Psst! If youre into improv or are looking for a family-friendly comedy show, Unscrewed Theater might be more your scene.
27. Spend the evening at a Film Bar
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Check Casa Film Bar's Facebook Page for New Showings
Looking for something fun and lowkey to do at night in Tucson? Oh, we have got just the idea for you!
Combine craft beer, food trucks and movies (three of our favorite things!), and youre in for a great time. Youll find this magical combo at Casa Film Bar, which is something of a local secret.
Essentially a bar inside a video rental store, come on a weekend night and youll be able to enjoy a movie showing with a craft brew (or wine or coffee).
They play films ranging from 90s classics, like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to little-known indie films, to brand new Oscar nominees (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was playing while we were there, just 6 months after being released in theaters).
Casa Film Bar Schedule:
Films & rotating food trucks: Thursday, Fridays & Saturdays (check their Facebook page for showtimes and to see which food truck will be there).
Smartphone Trivia: Tuesdays from 7 - 9 p.m. (free to play & winners get prizes)
Food Truck only: Sundays 6 - 8 p.m., Pop's Hot Chicken is the Sunday evening staple
Not only will you be supporting one of the few standing video rental stores left, but youll be able to check out a local hot spot and have an all around good evening!
28. Live Music in Tucson
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While Tucson certainly wont make the cut for top live music cities in the US, that doesnt mean you should give up hope on catching a performance. In fact, as we wandered around downtown and along 4th Ave, we heard more bands performing than we could count!
From hipster bars to honky tonks, and century-old theaters to swanky resort patios, youll have plenty of choices when it comes to choosing a spot to catch some tunes.
Here are some of the venues in Tucson that regularly host live music:
Thunder Canyon Brewery: Large brewery downtown that hosts live music.
La Cocina: This restaurant has a large menu and an even bigger patio, complete with cafe lights and live music on the weekends.
Club Congress: Its hard to beat the atmosphere youll find in Club Congress, though most acts that come through here require you buy a ticket in advance.
Ches Lounge: Yummy cocktails and beer with an outdoor patio and stage for music.
Exo Coffee: Not just a coffee shop, Exo also has a mezcal bar and hosts live music most weekend nights!
Hacienda Del Sols Terraza: If you prefer your live music with a side of class and a bottle of fine wine, the patio at Hacienda del Sol is a good place to catch some jazz or classical tunes as the sun sets.
29. Nightlife on 4th Ave
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Being that this street sits directly between the university campus and downtown, it draws a young student crowd as well as a mix of young professionals and tourists. And lemme tell ya: It comes alive at night!
You can find all sorts of quirky bars, restaurants of all kinds, cafes with poetry readings, and shops selling everything from cowboy boots to hippy garb.
Walk down 4th Ave and pop into any establishment that strikes your fancy.
30. Brunch in Tucson
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Need a pick-me-up after a big night out on 4th Ave? Lucky for you, Tucson has some amazing brunch options thatll get you feeling like yourself in no time!
Insider Tip: If youre looking for a kickass Bloody Mary to start your day, Elliotts on Congress is where youll want to go. Their infused vodkas make a great base for the drink, and if you like spicy, order the Habanero Bloody for a real wake up call!
And even if youre not hungover, who doesnt love a good brunch?
Seasonal fruit, eggs, flaky pastries fresh outta the oven, housemade jam youre speaking my language! Oh, and we cant forget about the mimosas and bloody Marys.
Tucson has a healthy variety of brunch spots that are sure to strike your fancy:
Prep and Pastry
Cup Cafe
Baja Cafe
Five Points Market
Cafe a La CArt
Art, Culture & History in Tucson
For lovers of all things art, history and culture, theres no shortage of ways to fill up your time in Tucson. Were sharing some of the top things to do if you want to delve into this citys history and art scene.
31. Hunt for Street Art!
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Tucsons street art scene is off the hook!
Ermmm do people even say off the hook anymore? Im going to assume no, but still, you know what I mean.
Youll notice colorful murals covering the sides of buildings all over town. Depictions range from desert scenes, to whales and fish, to cultural references, to random but pretty paintings of birds
You really wont have to make much of an effort to spot murals around town, but if you want some direction, here are some of our personal favorite murals in Tucson (and their location pins):
Whale mural by Joe Pagac
Goddess of Agave
Greetings from Tucson Postcard
Girl in Barrio Viejo (Across the street from El Tiradito)
Girl by Charro del Rey
32. Visit Mission San Xavier del Bac
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One of Tucsons most iconic buildings, the Mission San Xavier del Bac is a not only a historic landmark, but it also still operates as a church to this day. If you happen to visit on a Sunday, you might just see a church service taking place.
This building is a beautiful example of 18th-century architecture, and has been nicknamed the White Dove of the Desert. As you wander around the mission and church property, youll notice influences of Renaissance, Byzantine and Mexican architecture styles.
If youre interested in hearing about the churchs history, consider taking a guided tour. They are free to join and dont require making a reservation. Simply show up at the museum entrance to join in this 45-minute tour. Tours run quite frequently, but timing depends on the season. Check here for tour hours.
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Feeling hungry? If you happen to be visiting Mission San Xavier del Bac on a weekend, keep your eyes peeled for food vendors from the Tohono Oodham Nation who often sell frybread tacos in the open-air market space just across from the mission.
Frybread is pretty much just what it sounds like, a dough (sort of similar in appearance to naan) that has been deep fried to golden deliciousness. This traditional Native American staple is then topped with different ingredients, either sweet or savory.
Weve tried frybread tacos once before, and theyre really tasty. Theyre not all that easy to find in most places, so do yourself a favor and try one while youre at the mission!
Mission San Xavier del Bac Hours:
Hours: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Cost: Free, donations welcome
Insider Tip: If you arrive in Tucson at a reasonable hour and arent too tired, wed recommend heading straight to Mission San Xavier from the airport, as its quite close (and a bit out of the way to come from downtown Tucson). Alternatively, you could stop for a quick visit before heading to the airport on your way out of Tucson.
33. Visit the historic Hotel Congress
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It might seem strange that we have a hotel on our list of things to do, but hear us out...
Nestled right in the center of downtown, Hotel Congress is the stuff of local legends. Built just after the turn of the 20th century, it was here that John Dillinger, an infamous American gangster during the Great Depression era, was arrested and brought to jail.
Although he later escaped, Tucsonians take great pride in the fact that Dillinger, a prolific bank robber, was caught in their city. They are so proud, in fact, that there is an annual celebration and recreation of these events which takes place each year in mid-January (we were actually there for it!).
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Hotel Congress still retains its quirky, colorful, historic charm. And walking into the lobby feels as if youve stepped back in time. Grab a drink at one of the many onsite bars, or catch a concert at Club Congress. And if you want to spend the night, the historic rooms are cozy, however, there is a caveat...
Our honest opinion: We stayed at Hotel Congress during our trip to Tucson, and while we would definitely recommend stopping in for a drink and checking it out, we would not advise staying here unless youre in Tucson to party.
They dont try to hide the fact that this hotel gets loud like really loud at night. There are even ear plugs in each room. Lets just say we did not sleep very well during our entire 3 nights in Tucson.
Interesting Fact: It is said that Hotel Congress is haunted! While were not ones to really believe these things, we did have a very weird experience where our closet door swung open suddenly. And at night, the 2nd floor where we were staying smelled like smoke from a fire. Spooky...
34.DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun
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If youre an art buff, the DeGrazia Gallery in the Sun makes an interesting stop. This is a gallery dedicated to the works of one man: Ettore Ted DeGrazia.
Dont worry, I hadnt heard of him either; but DeGrazia is pretty well-known in Arizona.
So who is Ettore DeGrazia? Well, heres the short version:
DeGrazia was born into a family of Italian immigrants who lived in a mining camp in rural Arizona. Ettore later enrolled at the University of Arizona, and created a life around his passion: art.
In adulthood, he married (twice) and bought a 10-acre plot of land in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains which would become both his home and gallery.
His works were underappreciated for many years until his oil painting Los Nios was selected by UNICEF to be printed on a 1960 holiday card, which sold millions worldwide. DeGrazias fame spread during the next decade, drawing hundreds of thousands of visitors to his gallery each year.
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Visiting the Gallery in the Sun
A visit to the Gallery in the Sun will leave you in awe at the sheer amount of artwork DeGrazia created in his lifetime. The museum has a rotating collection of more than 15,000 DeGrazia originals! Anyone else wondering how he had enough hours in the day to make all of this?!
DeGrazia liked using all different mediums. Youll see oils, watercolors, sketches and even pottery on display. And another impressive fact is that the gallery was designed by DeGrazia himself.
When you visit the Gallery in the Sun, not only will you see DeGrazias artwork, but youll also be able to walk through his home and his private chapel, both of which are on the property.
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., daily
Cost: $8 for adults, $5 for ages 12-18, children under 12 are free
35. Wander the gardens at Tohono Chul
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Hailed as one of the countrys best botanical gardens by Travel + Leisure, Tohono Chul is popular with locals and visitors alike. Covering nearly 50 acres, this is said to be a place where nature, art, and culture connect.
But were not gonna gloss over the fact that when we visited in mid-January, there wasnt all that much to see due to the transition of seasons.
Wed imagine during other times of the year, there are more things to see. Weve heard March is particularly beautiful with the desert flowers starting to bloom. They also host occasional live music and other events throughout the year.
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Our Opinion: Before planning your visit, wed do some research to see if it will be worthwhile during the season in which youre visiting. Perhaps between the months of March and May there would be more to see, as the desert flowers are in bloom during this time.
Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 .p.m.
Cost: Adults - $15, Children (5-12) - $6, Children under 5 - Free, Seniors (62+) - $13
36. Explore Barrio Viejo
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Translating to old neighborhood, Barrio Viejo is just that: a section of Tucson that still has old charm. Sometimes called the real "soul" of Tucson, you can drive around and see colorful Spanish Colonial architecture and find authentic Mexican restaurants.
While some parts of the neighborhood are lively, there are other sections that have a run-down feeling.
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We drove around Barrio Viejo for a while trying to find some of the beautiful, colorful adobe houses we had seen pictures of.
So to point you in the right direction (and minimize your time spent driving around in circles like we did!), here are some points of interest in Barrio Viejo (Note: please be respectful in this neighborhood because people do live here):
Colorful houses on S Meyer Ave and W Kennedy St (and further south on Meyer Ave until 22nd St)
El Tiradito Shrine (described below)
El Minuto Cafe: Mexican restaurant next to El Tiradito
The Coronet: brunch and late night food
Five Points Market & Restaurant: cute and lively brunch spot
Cafe Desta: popular Ethiopian restaurant
37. Visit El Tiradito Shrine
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If youre exploring the Barrio Viejo neighborhood, make a quick visit to the El Tiradito Shrine. Stopping here only requires a few minutes and to the naked eye its nothing too special.
It is scattered with candles, flowers, and images of saints. But this is no ordinary shrine, folks. And once you know the legend behind this shrine, its kind of an interesting place to see.
Nicknamed the wishing shrine, El Tiradito is the USs only Catholic shrine dedicated to a.... wait for it SINNER! Scandalous, I know. But thats not even the crazy part.
Heres the short version of the legend of Juan Oliveras, the man who is buried beneath El Tiradito Shrine: Juan, a young ranch-hand, is married to his bosss daughter, but soon becomes infatuated with his mother-in-law (yep, you read that right), and makes a move. The two carry on an affair, which is eventually busted by the husband/father-in-law/boss. Ouch!
He gets so angry that he kills Juan right there before escaping to Mexico, where he is later murdered. The wife allegedly kills herself, and after all this horrifying drama and death, the daughter (who, by the way, we should mention is pregnant with Juans child) hangs herself as well.
It is said that Juan is buried beneath El Tiradito, a shrine that people visit for all different reasons. Some come out of sheer curiosity about the legend and others see it on a things to do in Tucson list, like this one!
But there is another group of people who come to this spot: Those who empathize with Juan and have similar love triangles in their own lives. It is said that if you write your wish on a piece of paper and have good intentions, it will come true.
Just behind the shrine is a crumbling brick wall, and if you look closely, youll see scraps of paper stuffed in the holes between bricks, many of which are wishes from past visitors.
This shrine was almost demolished when the city was building a new highway, but people in the community fought to preserve it. Perhaps they want to protect history, or maybe some people are protecting their wishes!
38. Step back in time at Old Tucson
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Old Tucson | Photo Credit: My Mom ;)
Walk through what looks like a scene straight out of a John Wayne film, and watch as actors from the Wild West perform demonstrations and stunts.
Old Tucson is an amusement park of sorts, complete with a town hall, a saloon and a haunted mine, like all good Western desert towns have.
We didnt have enough time to visit Old Tucson during our weekend trip, and to be honest, it didnt really seem like our type of place. However, if youre looking for things to do in Tucson with kids, this could be a fun activity for a family.
Be sure to look up the schedule of events to time your visit right.
Cost: Adults: $21.95, Children (4-11): $10.95, Children under 4: Free
Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (times may change seasonally)
Best Tucson Weekend Itinerary
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Are you overwhelmed with the massive list we just gave you?
Dont worry, were going to help you pare it down a bit. Below, weve listed some highlights you can choose from based on your travel style:
If you love the outdoors:
Visit Saguaro National Park
Hike to Seven Falls in Sabino Canyon
Drive up to Mount Lemmon and stop on the way for hikes and lookout points
Explore Romero Ruins in Catalina
If youre traveling with kids in Tucson:
Do the Classic Tour at Colossal Cave
Sonoran Desert Museum
Go horseback riding
Order an ice cream flight at The Screamery
Visit Old Tucson
If youre into food:
Eat a Sonoran Dog
Check out our list of top Mexican food and try as many as you can!
Have a leisurely brunch
Order an ice cream flight at The Screamery
Go on a Tucson food tour
Try a vegan Mexican meal at Tumerico
If youre an art & culture lover:
Check out the Degrazia Gallery in the Sun
Explore Barrio Viejo and visit El Tiradito Shrine
Visit Tohono Chul botanical gardens (if the time of year is right)
Spend an evening at Casa Film Bar
Visit the Tucson Museum of Art
If youre into nightlife:
Tequila toast at the JW Marriot at sunset
Go brewery hopping
Scope out some live music
Grab a drink at Hotel Congress
Head to 4th Ave after dark for a night on the town
Do a mezcal tasting
If youre on a budget:
Do the scenic drive to Mount Lemmon
Go on a scavenger hunt to find as much street art as you can!
Watch sunset at A Hill with a view over Tucson
Have a picnic lunch
If youre craving adventure:
Go mountain biking
Go horseback riding
Book the Ladder or Wild Cave Tour at Colossal Cave
Hike to Seven Falls in the Sabino Canyon
Best time to visit Tucson, Arizona
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Tucson is a great destination year round, however it can get quite hot in the summertime (albeit a dry heat). June is the hottest month in Tucson, with average highs soaring to 103F (40C). Yikes!
For the most comfortable temperatures, plan your trip to Tucson between mid-September and mid-May.
Even during December (Tucsons coldest month), the average temperature hovers just above 50F (10C) and it rarely dips below freezing. This weather will feel downright balmy to anyone from the Midwest (peace out Polar Vortex!).
Being that Tucson is smack dab in the middle of the desert, there is little chance that rain will ruin your vacation (unless youre traveling during the monsoon season of July and August). We arrived in Tucson on a rare rainy day, but by the next morning, most of the puddles had evaporated and there wasnt a cloud to be seen!
Another thing to keep in mind about this desert city is that temperatures can drop drastically from midday to evening. Be sure to pack layers to keep warm during the nights.
When Do the Desert Flowers Bloom?
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It depends on the plant, but the flowering season is from mid-February to mid-June, with the biggest blooms peaking from mid-March to late April. Each year is different depending on rainfall, freezing temperatures during the winter, and springtime weather during the growing season.
Where to Stay in Tucson
Most of the time when were visiting a city, we like staying downtown so we can walk places and be near all the major sights. But depending on your interests, Tucson is a place where wed actually say you dont need to stay in the city center. As you can see from reading our massive list of things to do, many of Tucson's major attractions are on the outskirts of the city.
Weve rounded up some recommended Tucson hotels and Airbnbs below, with a mix of locations in the city as well as some that are a literal desert oasis.
Hotels in Tucson, Arizona
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JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort
In the foothills of Tucsons Mountain Park, sits the massive JW Marriott Tucson Starr Pass Resort. With easy access to Gates Pass and the Western Side of Saguaro National Park, this resort has a great location. It also has 3 golf courses, 4 restaurants (with a daily tequila toast!), and 3 outdoor pools, you can really enjoy your stay in Tucson.
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Azure Gate B&B
Located in NE Tucson, this charming B&B is a quick drive to the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area or the East Side of Saguaro National Park. Included in each stay is daily ( breakfast, an onsite pool, and free parking.
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Hotel McCoy - Art, Coffee, Beer, Wine
This modern hotel is perfect for a couple or a family who wants to stay a little bit outside of downtown. There are murals everywhere (check out the pictures!), an excellent staff, and a daily continental breakfast.
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Hotel Congress
If youre looking to stay downtown, Hotel Congress has an unrivaled location. Add to that its historic charm, and you might be ready to book. However, we would be remiss if we didnt mention that this hotel is directly above a club, and it can get incredibly loud on weekend nights.
So loud, in fact, that the hotel provides guests with ear plugs. If that doesnt scare you away, then you might love staying at this historic property.
Airbnbs in Tucson
There are tons of amazing Airbnb options in Tucson. Overall, they are very reasonably priced, and some even have pools. Just take a look at some of the Airbnbs we hand-selected for you!
Insider Tip: Find out how we set our Airbnb filters to find the best properties anywhere in the world!
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'Case Study' Guest House: Charming guest house and hosts. Youll have the entire place yourself with a full kitchen and a rain shower in the bathroom. Southeast of Downtown. Check Availability here.
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Historic 4th Ave Herbie House: Beautiful studio apartment in the 4th Avenue Neighborhood. Close to bars, restaurants and the metro stops. Check Availability here.
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Sonoran Desert Retreat: This inexpensive but lovely place is located in the Catalina Foothills close to shops and restaurants. This would be perfect for a couple looking to get away from the busyness of town. Check Availability here.
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Self Check in Airbnb - Near I-10: This cheap Airbnb is located in the northern suburbs of Tucson and is great for a solo travel or a couple wanting to mountain bike the local tracks. Its a small, clean studio, but it has everything you need for a basic stay. Check Availability here.
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Tucson Poet's Studio: This Santa Fe Style studio comes with a beehive corner fireplace and a small lounging outdoor pool. Its pretty close to central Tucson just a few blocks east of the university, so its a great location for exploring. Check Availability here.
Psst! Is it your first time using Airbnb? Follow this link and well give you $55 off Airbnb!
Getting Around Tucson
While Tucson itself is a relatively small city, youve probably noticed that most of the major attractions are outside the center. In order to be able to see the best things to do in Tucson, you really do need a car to get around.
Rental Car
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If youre flying into Tucson, you can pick up your rental car at the airport. We usually reserve cars through RentalCars.com because we have used them before and they have the best deals for rental cars. When searching I found deals around $36 per day for a standard sedan, which is all you would need in Tucson.
However, this time, we tried reserving our rental car through our American Express Platinum card and we found the same cars for about $23 per day! This saved us about $40 over the 3 days we were visiting Tucson. Head to this article if you want to learn more about the travel credit cards we use to get free or discounted travel.
When driving in Tucson: Be aware that some areas have speed traps enforced by cameras, so keep an eye on your odometer.
Uber or Lyft
If you plan to have a few beverages out on the town, dont risk driving. Instead, order an Uber to get you where you need to go. Downtown Tucson is not that big so rides are pretty cheap.
In Tucson there is a Light Rail metro line called the SunLink that connects University of Arizona to the 4th Ave District to Downtown (Centro) and finally to the Mercado District including Mercado San Agustin.
For a single one-way fare it costs $1.75, but you can purchase a 1-Day SunGO ticket for $4.50 which is good for 24 hours.
What to pack for a trip to Tucson
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Camelback (if you think youll be hiking a lot)
Daypack for hikes
Chacos or other hiking shoes that wont get too hot
Closed toe shoes (for horseback riding or mountain biking)
Layers (it gets cold at night and hot during the day)
Swim suit (if your hotel has a pool)
Reusables: Weve been kind of living in a bubble in Oregon where plastic bags are banned and many establishments encourage you to bring your own reusables, or provide a somewhat eco-friendly option (like wooden utensils and paper straws).
While many Tucson restaurants and accommodations, like Charro Vida, Boca Tacos y Tequila and Hotel Congress, offer eco-friendly options, there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to reducing unnecessary waste (just like many other cities around the U.S.).
We had our reusables packed (as we always do!) which helped a bit, but it was still a challenge.
Responsible Travel Tip: Pack your reusables (listed below), and eat inside restaurants as much as possible to avoid waste like styrofoam and plastic utensils.
Its difficult to avoid it altogether, but wed recommend bringing the following to help you reduce the waste you create:
Coffee tumbler
Utensil set (great for picnics!)
Reusable straws
Reusable bag (one that stuffs up like this is great!)
Water bottle
For more tips on how to reduce your waste while traveling, check out our article on 18 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Plastic Use Everyday.
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We want to hear from you!
Are you planning a trip to Tucson? What things are on the top of your list? Do you have any additional questions for us? Write to us in the comments below and well do our best to get back to you!
Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/38-fun-things-to-do-in-tucson-arizona
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
The 2020 comeback to record highs resembles storied market revivals of the past
A pedestrian wearing a face mask looks at a smartphone while passing in front of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) in New York, on Monday, July 20, 2020.
Michael Nagle | Bloomberg | Getty Images
At a certain point in the wee hours, it’s both late and early.
For those who’ve been partying hard, dawn is a signal things have gone far enough – or maybe too far. Among those who’ve been lying low, sunrise is a fresh start, offering the chance to get things done.
Which brings us to the current stock-market setup.
The S&P 500 is up 50% over 100 trading days, taking it to the edge of a record high, making this rally the strongest in history and, by some interpretations, ending the shortest bear market ever. Based on some tactical, calendar and sentiment indicators, this powerful rebound is looking mature and prone to slow down or slip back in the short term.
Yet the angle and speed of the market’s ascent also make it resemble most closely the powerful moves off decisive and sanctified market bottoms of yore, ones that kicked off long bull markets and signaled enduring economic revivals to come. What to make of those?
Hesitation Near the Highs
The market’s difficulty last week in pushing above the February S&P 500 closing peak level of 3386, despite a few game attempts, is partly explainable by the numbers alone. If nothing else, the tape has had to absorb whatever mechanical selling came its way from traders locking in the break-even level and profit-takers using it as a target and device not to get too greedy.
Yet the market comes to this point just as professional investors are showing more optimism and aggressiveness in playing the upside than we’ve seen since before the Covid-shutdown crash. Rampant buying of upside options bets has the put-call ratio stretched near multi-year lows.
The equity exposure level of the tactical money managers tracked by the National Association of Active Investment Managers clicked above 100, a very elevated reading suggesting performance-geared pros are roughly all-in.
Retail investors have been less willing to trust this comeback rally in the face of severe economic stress, yet even here, a nearly $5 billion net inflow into domestic equity funds at last report was the highest in nine weeks.
Coming just as Apple ran to the cusp of a $2 trillion market capitalization and Tesla soared anew on the fundamentally substance-free announcement of a 5-for-1 stock split, it all suggests an emerging complacency that could make further easy upside difficult and leaving the broad market ill-positioned for any adverse surprise.
Resembles past significant bottoms
Yet from a broader angle, the market action — accompanied by an improving cadence of most economic measures — places the past few months in close alignment with some storied market revivals of the past.
Here the S&P since the March 23 low is set against the strong rallies off the 1982 and 2009 bottoms, and the resemblance is hard to discount.
Even if the comparison has merit, the pattern shows this rally is running ahead of those prior instances, so no one should be shocked if progress stalls or the S&P corrects a bit soon.
But there’s a debate worth having over whether these historical instances are good precedents for today. The five-week, 34% collapse in the S&P 500 was less a classic bear market than an event-driven crash.
The sharpness and speed of the downturn — and the immediacy of the overwhelming liquidity and fiscal response from the Federal Reserve and Congress — forestalled the kind of grinding, purgative action of typical bear markets, which wrings out excesses and resets valuations lower. There was also not the shift in market leadership that usually occurs in the crucible of a bear market.
And, perhaps crucially, not much of the prior bull market’s gains were disgorged.
Like 1987?
As this chart from SunTrust’s Keith Lerner shows, prior generational market lows – ones that launched long-lasting bull markets – came when the trailing 10-year annual returns for the S&P 500 were depressed. At the August 1982 bottom, the prior decade had delivered annual total returns below 3% over the prior decade; on 2009 it was -4.5%. On March 23 of this year, the S&P was still up 9& annualized since March 2010 – around the average long-term gain.
This could make the latest episode a bit more like the 1987 crash – a dramatic and traumatizing jolt after years of strong gains.
The losses from the ’87 break were relatively quickly recouped (though far less quickly than this year’s). That was the moment that the Fed began conditioning investors that it would rescue markets. And stocks did pretty well over the next couple of years before hitting another mild bear phase, before resuming a nice uptrend – just not as strong as from ’82 or ’09. (The recent comeback also tracks pretty closely with the ultimately doomed rebound from the 1929 crash, incidentally – a less hopeful parallel.)
This discussion is mostly about setting short- and long-term expectations, not a means of handicapping the outlook in any precise way.
Even if the rally arguably appears slightly ahead of itself, the underlying message of the tape is encouraging. The market has helpfully broadened out lately beyond huge growth stocks toward cyclical areas like global industrials, transportation stocks and housing-related names. The S&P has deflected negative seasonal tendencies in August so far. Corporate credit has performed extremely well, with compressed borrowing costs supporting equities.
And while professional investors and a new cohort of novice stay-at-home traders are edging toward overconfidence, markets can certainly trend higher for a bit even while the in-crowd is showing swagger. And the Wall Street establishment and core retail investors are relatively cautious, a partial offset.
And what if the market’s strength is a reaction to governing authorities having modeled a way to short-circuit adverse economic feedback loops, cushion against disorderly default cycles and demonstrate the effectiveness and massive capacity for aggressive fiscal support? How many P/E points is that worth on the S&P 500 if investors can count on that kind of protection in the future?
So while most of the fun has probably been had in the short term, and the push toward a new high might initially represent a moment of culmination rather than continuation, investors shouldn’t dismiss the chance that it’s not so late in the grand scheme.
from Job Search Tips https://jobsearchtips.net/the-2020-comeback-to-record-highs-resembles-storied-market-revivals-of-the-past/
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charllieeldridge · 5 years
21 Things To Do in Koh Phangan, Thailand
With all of the things to do in Koh Phangan, it’s nothing short of paradisiacal. Its golden beaches and turquoise water are rivaled in beauty only by its own towering palms and lush jungle. The island sits in the Gulf of Thailand and thrums with energy 24/7. There are numerous incredible places to visit in Thailand, but make sure you put this island on your list.
From the bustling streets lined with food stalls to the serenity of secret beaches, there is an endless list of things to do in Koh Phangan, but here are my top 21.
1. Experience The Full Moon Party
Ok, so my first one isn’t unique, but the rest are!
Let’s start with the most obvious and popular thing to do in Koh Phangan. The majority of people who go to Koh Phangan do so for the Full Moon Party. The party takes place on Haad Rin Beach every month and brings in around 30,000 party-goers. To get the full experience, cover yourself in UV paint, drink alcohol from a bucket, and party until sunrise. If you’re into parties, this is definitely one of the coolest things to do in Thailand.
Where: Haad Rin Beach
When: Every full moon
How: Stay in one of the many accommodations near Haad Rin Beach and then walk to the party with the other neon ravers
Cost: The party is free so just budget for however much alcohol and paint you want to buy
2. Go Diving at Sail Rock
Sail Rock is without a doubt the best dive site in the Gulf of Thailand. The rock is about an hour’s boat ride from Koh Phangan and suitable for divers of all levels. Star players at this dive site include manta rays, barracuda and whale sharks.
Where: Sail Rock, situated between Koh Phangan and Koh Tao
When: Year-round but the best diving conditions are from April – October
How: Book a diving tour from one of the reputable dive schools on the island
Cost: 2000 – 2500 Baht ($70-80USD)
☞ SEE ALSO: Things To Do in Bangkok – Top 13 Awesome Things You Won’t Want to Miss
3. Gorge on Thai Food in The Thong Sala Night Market
The energy in the Thong Sala Night Market alone makes it one of the best things to do in Koh Phangan. But, that’s not why you go. From steaming bowls of pad thai to fresh falafel slathered in hummus, the night market is a foodie paradise. There are so many incredible foods to try in Thailand, with markets usually offering the best.
Where: Thong Sala ($4 in a cab from Haad Rin)
When: Every night
How: Just rock up with an empty stomach and order anything that takes your fancy
Cost: 150 Baht ($5) for dinner and a beer
4. Hike Up Khao Ra (one of the best things to do in Koh Phangan)
I bet you didn’t think you’d be hiking on this party island, did you? If you’ve done your packing properly and have what you need to hike in comfort, this trip is well worth doing. The round trip up and down takes around 3 hours depending on your pace and it is a pretty easy climb – you don’t need a guide.
While the path is well-maintained, it’s not marked very well. There are a few intersections where you’ll be unsure of which way to go, but after about 100m, you’ll see a sign…you might have to backtrack a couple of times. Click here for more details.
Where: In the North of the island
When: Either early in the morning or late in the afternoon to avoid the midday heat
How: Start at Khao Ra Retreat and Guesthouse and follow the path from there
Cost: Free
5. Get Wet at Challenge Phangan
Have you ever watched Total Wipeout on TV and wished you could do it? Well, since this is one of the things to do in Koh Phangan, you can! This water-based obstacle course is so much fun and will have you in stitches as you bounce, flip, and faceplant into the water. Grab some friends and enjoy. Click here to learn more.
Where:90/22 Moo 1, Bantai, Koh Phangan
When: Every day 10am – 6pm
How: Hop in a cab, they’ll know where to go
Cost: 500 Baht ($15)
6. Go To The Half Moon Party
If you aren’t going to be in Koh Phangan for the Full Moon Party but still want some UV rave action, this will sort you out. The Half Moon Party takes place in a huge open-air venue and has three music stages: psytrance, house and hip-hop. The festival doesn’t book big names and has a maximum capacity of around 4,000, making it much more low-key than the Full Moon Party.
Where: In the forest, north of Baan Tai
When: One week before and one week after the Full Moon Party (every half moon)
How: Every taxi on the island will know how to get there
Cost: 1,500 Baht ($45) at the door
7. Enjoy The Sunset From Secret Mountain
Sitting atop a steep hill is Secret Mountain, a local restaurant with unparalleled views. People tend to head up here in the late afternoon to eat and drink while they watch the sun set over the horizon. From way up there, you get panoramic vistas over the island and you can even see the Ang Thong Islands rising up out of the water. This is one of the best things to do in Koh Phangan at the end of the day.
Where: 42/3 Baan Nai Suan, Moo 2. Click here for more.
When: Every day just before sunset
How: Either drive to the top of the hill or hike if you’re feeling energetic
Cost: 50 Baht ($1.50) to use the pool, 500 Baht ($15) for food and drinks
8. Eat Some Israeli Food at Paprika
Israeli food might not be the first thing you want to eat when you get to Thailand, but if you need a break from pad thai, Paprika has some of the finest culinary offerings on the island. The food is fresh, delicious, and cheap; and the portion sizes are more than sufficient even for a big eater like myself.
Where: Moo 6, Haad Rin
When: Every day 11am-11pm
How: Walk there from your accommodation in Haad Rin or get a cab
Cost: 300 Baht ($10) for food and drinks
9. Explore The Ang Thong National Park
If you want adventure and activity, put Ang Thong National Park at the top of your list of things to do in Koh Phangan. The park comprises huge green islands that loom dramatically over the water. Housing secret caves that can be explored by kayak or simply by swimming, the park makes for a seriously cool experience.
Where: In the Gulf of Thailand between Koh Phangan and Koh Samui
When: Year-round or April – October for the best weather conditions
How: Boat tour
Cost: 1800 Baht ($55) for a speedboat tour
☞ SEE ALSO: Things To Do in Chiang Mai – A List of The Top 17 Best, 21 awesome things to do in Chiang Rai and Things To Do in Pai. If you’re heading to other islands, don’t miss the awesome things to do in Koh Lipe. There are so many amazing places to visit in Thailand
10. Kayak Around The Island
If you are the kind of person who likes to explore solo, as opposed to in a tour group, then grab yourself a kayak and start paddling. Most beaches have kayaks for hire but find out what the currents at that beach are like before you commit.
Wok Tum to Koh Ma along the west coast generally has calm water as well as pristine hidden beaches to which you can paddle. Always heed the advice of locals before setting off, and ensure you have proper safety equipment on board (life jacket, water, etc.)
Where: Anywhere, but Wok Tum to Koh Ma is a good bet.
When: Whenever you want
How: Go to the beach and hire a kayak
Cost: 150 Baht ($5) per hour
See Also: Cost Of Living in Thailand – A Guide For Expats, Travellers & Digital Nomads
11. Trek to Bottle Beach
Conde Nast Traveller called this beach the best in Koh Phangan and I have to say I agree. The trek through the jungle is challenging and you will seriously regret it if you don’t lather yourself in bug spray beforehand, but it will all be worth it when you get there.
Altogether, it will take you about an hour and a half to complete the trek from Coconut Beach to Bottle Beach. This was probably one of my favourite things to do in Koh Phangan!
Where: The island’s North Coast
When: Year-round but avoid November as this is when the rain is heaviest
How: Go to Chalok Lam and then carry on to Coconut Beach. From there just follow the path all the way to Bottle Beach.
Cost: Free
  ☞ SEE ALSO: Backpacking Thailand – The Ultimate Travel Guide
12. Learn How To Cook Thai Food
Want to impress your friends at your next dinner party? Learn to make Thai food. Seriously, it works. Have a look at this highly-rated Thai cooking class run by a local woman. You’ll visit the market to source the ingredients you’ll be cooking with, then learn how to make traditional Thai dishes. Best of all, you get to eat everything you make at the end.
Where: Meet at Pantip Market, Thong Sala 
When: Check the schedule
How: Check availability and sign up here
Cost: $53 for a half-day class
13. Hire a Motorbike and Explore The Island
Most people who hire motorbikes on Koh Phangan will live to tell the tale. However, there are some idiots who think wearing a helmet is uncool and speeding around corners is fun. These people get injured. Do not be one of these people.
If you’re safe and you drive sensibly, hiring a motorbike will be one of the best things you do in Koh Phangan. It gives you the freedom to explore at your leisure and stop whenever you see something interesting. Speaking of renting a motorbike, the Mae Hong Son Loop is a popular, beautiful journey you won’t want to miss. 
Where: There are rental places all over the island
When: Year-round
How: Hiring a motorbike is easy but you may need to hand over your passport as a deposit. Make sure you take photos of the bike before you ride it in case they try to blame you for any dings the vehicle already had. Don’t ride without insurance either.
Cost: 150 Baht/$5 per day
14. Detox at The Yoga Retreat
After running around the island, taking in all the things to do in Koh Phangan, a detox is very much in order. The Yoga Retreat is hidden away in the jungle and offers retreats ranging from a week to a whole month. During your retreat, you will spend hours meditating, doing yoga, and feasting on vegan cuisine. If you don’t have time for a full-blown retreat, the Yoga Retreat also offers drop-in yoga classes.
Where: In the jungle, ten minutes from Haad Salad Beach
When: Every day
How: Taxis are your best option
Cost: 300 Baht/ $9 for a drop in class
☞ SEE ALSO: Top 10 Foods To Try in Thailand
15. Relax in The Baan Tai Herbal Sauna
If you went a bit too hard at the Full Moon Party, you can get all of those toxins out of your body by sweating for an hour or two in the herbal sauna. They also do massages here if you want a bit of extra pampering.
While most think the only things to do in Koh Phangan involve partying to some degree, Koh Phangan also offers tons of ways to relax and is actually a popular place for retreats.
Where: Wat Pho Temple, Baan Tai
When: Every day from 2pm-9pm
How: Taxi
Cost: 100 Baht/ $3
16. Feast On Seafood at Milky Bay
Where better to feast on seafood than on a tropical island? Situated on the edge of a white sand beach and boasting a pool looking out over the sea, this is the very definition of food with a view. Milky Bay is perfect for peaceful dining in the glorious sunshine, and is one of the best restaurants on the island.
Where: Baan Tai
When: Every day
How: Taxi
Cost: 500 Baht/$15 for food and a drink
17. Get a Massage
What better way to nurse your post-Full Moon Party hangover than by being kneaded like dough by a deceptively strong Thai woman? Prepare yourself, these massages are hardcore and at points, you feel like you’re being folded up like origami. But, the pain is worth it for the light and limber feeling you get afterward.
This isn’t just one of the top things to do in Koh Phangan, it’s one of the best things to do in Thailand in general! Don’t leave without getting one.
Where: All over the island
When: Anytime
How: No need to book for most places, just walk in
Cost: 300-1500 Baht/$10-45 for an hour depending on the quality of the establishment (street masseurs will charge a lot less than those in proper salons)
☞ See Also: Ayutthaya Historical Park – The Ultimate Travel Guide
18. Meditate With Phra Olarn
Experiencing mindfulness and connecting with yourself on a deeper level can really make a difference to the state of your mental health. Phra Olarn uses special breathing techniques and walking meditation to enhance wellness and peace of mind. Whether you’ve meditated before or not, this is definitely worth trying out.
Where: Wat Samai Kongkha
When: Every day
How: Taxi or walk from Salad Beach
Cost: 30,000 Baht/$930 for a 7 day mindfulness retreat
19. Sunbathe On Thong Nai Pan Beach
Thong Nai Pan is exactly what you would expect a beach on a Thai island to look like. Pearly white sand, lush, swaying palms, and turquoise water that glimmers under endless sunshine. Grab yourself an ice-cold drink and while away the hours as you get your tan on.
Where: On the Northeast Coast
When: Every day
How: Stay in Panburi Village and go from there
Cost: Free
20. Snorkel At Mae Haad Beach
Snorkelling is definitely one of my favourite things to do in Koh Phangan. There’s a lot going on in the water around the island and lucky snorkellers will have the chance to admire tropical fish, coral, rays and other marine wildlife.
Where: North Coast
When: During daylight hours, every day
How: Either bring your own snorkel gear or hire it on the island
Cost: 100 baht/$3 per hour
21. Take a Day Trip To Koh Tao
Think you’ve done all the things to do in Koh Phangan? Hop in a boat and head off to neighbouring Koh Tao (Turtle Island). Although it may be smaller and quieter than Koh Phangan, there are numerous things to do in Koh Tao to keep you busy…it’s also a great spot for chilling out.
Koh Tao offers some world-class scuba diving, and affordable PADI certifications. If you’re into diving, a visit here is one of the best things to do in Koh Phangan.
Where: North of Koh Phangan
When: Year-round
How: There are boats that leave regularly throughout the day from Haad Rin and Thong Sala piers
Cost: 400 Baht/ $12
Bonus! See The Waterfalls
Tired of the gorgeous sea? Koh Phangan is home to numerous cascading waterfalls, but make sure you check out Paradise Falls, Phaeng Falls, and Than Sadet, which is an important site for Thai people due to the inscriptions left on the rocks by King Rama VI.
Ready for Koh Phangan?
Touching down in Thailand for the first time is an experience unlike any other. From the second you leave the airport in Bangkok, you are swept up in a cacophony of color and noise. It is exciting and new but also a little overwhelming. Koh Phangan offers some respite from the 24/7 chaos of the capital.
Koh Phangan may be buzzing with energy, but it also has peaceful enclaves where you can escape the world for a moment. It offers a mixture of natural beauty and adventure opportunities and combines serenity with adrenaline. It’s a curious and unique place that you’ll just have to discover for yourself to truly understand.
Some images in this post are courtesy of Shutterstock. Check them out for royalty-free images and videos.
Goats On The Road Recommended Resources
For Koh Phangan, Thailand
✓ There are so many adventurous things to do in Koh Phangan. It’s important to make sure you have adequate travel insurance before embarking on any trip, but especially one where you’ll be partaking in outdoor activities such as snorkelling, diving, kayaking, hiking, etc.. World Nomads covers almost all adventurous activities that you can think of. Click here to get a free quote and learn more about this popular travel insurance.
✓ We recommend purchasing eco-friendly products for your stay in Koh Phangan. We’re personally trying to reduce the amount of single-use plastic that we use, and encourage you to do the same during your travels.
To avoid purchasing plastic water bottles while in Koh Phangan, consider buying a water bottle with a built-in filter such as LifeStraw or GrayL, or get yourself a Steri-Pen. In terms of utensils, this bamboo set is great for picnics on the beach, while these glass or metal straws are perfect for cocktails, fruit juices or a glass of water. Say no to straws and plastic utensils, bring your own. 
✓ There are numerous affordable places to stay in Koh Phangan. Goats On The Road uses and recommends Booking.com due to their excellent prices, and cancellation options. We also frequently use Airbnb when we want to book a short-term apartment. Click here to search for accommodation in Koh Phangan on Booking.com, and click here to sign up with Airbnb (you’ll receive a free $35 credit!).
Top Hotels, Hostels & B&B’s in Koh Phangan
Mad Monkey Koh Phangan – rated “Superb” 9.3/10. If you are looking for the best social atmosphere on the island hosted by the largest, most experienced hostel chain in Southeast Asia, look no further than Mad Monkey Koh Phangan. Located walking distance to Thong Sala pier and the night market, you can easily get to the hostel. The property is slightly hidden in a small pocket giving privacy and the ability for the hostel to create a friendly social atmosphere. All rooms have air conditioning and a personal locker. The largest dorm is 8 beds while most are 4. Dorm rooms go for about 250THB ($7.88USD) while privates are around 750THB ($23.66USD)
Moonstone Studio – rated “Superb” 9.1/10. If you’re looking to stay on the gorgeous Haad Rin Beach (which is also the venue for the Full Moon Party), then check out this accommodation. Just a 3 minute walk brings you the beach, while the property itself is surrounded by palm trees and offers sea views. The studios offer guests a refrigerator and a kettle, plus the rooms have air-conditioning, a TV and a balcony. If you want to be in the action, this is a good bet. Studios go for around $35/night in the high season. Click here to learn more and book this accommodation.
Alcove Bungalow – rated “Superb” 9.0/10. This property is located on the west coast of Koh Phangan. Although it’s in a bit more secluded area, there are bicycles and motorbikes for rent, day trips can be arranged, and you’ll find water sports like snorkelling and SUP. There’s also an onsite restaurant serving Thai and French cuisine. The bungalows here are tastefully decorated and offer air-conditioning and ensuite bathrooms. Double bungalows go for around $35/night in the high season. Click here to learn more and book this accommodation.
Castaway Beach Bungalows – rated “Superb” 9.2/10. If you’re looking for a chilled out place to stay, which is located right on the sand, then check out these beach bungalows! The wooden bungalows offer amazing views, 4-poster bed, a fridge, a balcony and a hammock. Next door you’ll find a funky beach bar – great for meeting other travellers. Double bungalows start from $60/night in the high season. Click here to learn more and book this bungalow.
Le Divine Comedie Beach Resort – rated “Superb” 9.0/10. Located just 8 kilometers from Haad Rin Beach, this property offers affordable luxury. There’s an outdoor infinity pool and an onsite restaurant serving up Thai and Burmese food. Each of the rooms are uniquely designed and offer private balconies, air-conditioning and a minibar. Deluxe Double Rooms start at around $45 – $60/night in the high season. Click here to learn more and book this accommodation.
Top End
Panviman Koh Phangan – rated “Superb” 9.1/10. This place is something out of a dream! For around $100/night, you can enjoy this luxurious retreat overlooking Thong Nai Pan. There’s a spa, infinity pool and 2 beachfront restaurants. The modern, superior double rooms offer a sea view, private balcony, air-conditioning and much more. Double rooms start at around $100/night. Click here to learn more and book this accommodation.
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  The post 21 Things To Do in Koh Phangan, Thailand appeared first on Goats On The Road.
21 Things To Do in Koh Phangan, Thailand published first on https://travelaspire.weebly.com/
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mubal4 · 6 years
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Javelina Jundred – Race Wrap Up
 Well, it was a pretty unique race to say the least.  My first experiencing running 100 miles last year was much different. A point to point, from Flagstaff to the Grand Canyon in the AZ high country, with a total of about 50 racers. To this past weekend, a total of about 600 runners, a looped course, a nutty halfway point aid station, costumes, a party scene at the start/finish line, in the Sonoran Desert.  Couldn’t really have been much closer to completely opposite, but, at the end, it was the same, we finished the race in a day, and I came out as a different person than what I started.  Of course, many thanks to https://www.aravaiparunning.com/ for putting on an amazing event.  To all the aid station volunteers, medical staff, safety folks and hundreds of help throughout the entire weekend, we appreciate it all.  To the incredible participants, no matter what distant you ran, or toed the line for, congratulations on showing up and getting outside of your comfort zone; it was a pleasure sharing the day and night with so many of you.  To Jimmy Dean, Todd, Jeff, and Andrew, who I all spent some time with on the course, thank you for keeping me going and, it was such a pleasure sharing some miles with you.  You guys are incredible.  To the dude dressed up as a devil, yes there were many folks in costumes, including Fred Flintstone, actually carrying a makeshift car around, but the dude dressed as the devil, that took some hallucinogenic aids prior to start, that laughed straight while we were running for about a mile, hope you finished safe, together, and mentally stable 😊!!!  Yikes! It was an experience all together. The folks dressed in costume where a trip; the party going on at Jackass Junction and Javelina Jeadquarters was refreshing each time I passed it by, keep you going.  You didn’t want to stay too long at either and get sucked it, but you did want to take a minute and soak up the experience a bit; was weird, exciting, freaky, and fun.  Shared a number of laughs throughout the 100 miles with many people.  
 The biggest bit of gratitude, of course, goes out to the best crew out there, and, hands down, the best damn pacer in the ultra-community.  I will begin with Isabella, my eldest daughter, although she was back east for her birthday weekend, she set an alarm, to wake up at 815am PA time to call me, 515am AZ time, before the race started to wish me the best.  Something has to be said about your 15-year-old daughter making that sacrifice; may not mean much to others but meant the world to me.  She even made it back Monday morning to celebrate her birthday with her Godfather (aka best pacer) Bryan Shane and I; at least for a few hours before she crashed the rest of the day.  I guess she was tired from the long weekend……. Bryan and I had no sympathy 😊!!!  To my youngest daughter Alaina, I am so proud of you.  She hung out Friday night for a few hours and then was back to see my finish my first loop, Saturday morning and didn’t leave our basecamp until after 1am Sunday morning; only to come back by 630am to watch us finish it up.  Not a complaint, from what I was told, the entire time. She got me food, water, and clothes when I came in each loop and was a breath of fresh air each time I got to see her.  
 Robin – no matter what shape I might be during these races, you are my rock. So steady, even, and calm and I know, you know, the shit that I am processing.  And, you make it seem like, “cool, get some fluids, food, body good……. great, see you in a couple of hours.” No bullshit just get to work and that is what I am so grateful for, with you, during these races, and, in many times life. You help me understand not to make it more than what it is, and that is running 100 miles.  We knew what we were out there to do, we knew we had plenty of time to get it done, and, you were making sure we were focused on getting it done, not anything more.  In these moments, when my mind may not be clear and focused on the task, you bring it perspective.  Thanks for all the sacrifices you continue to invest into this sport and me.  I see it, I understand it, and I am grateful for it.
 Bryan – what can I say brother, we got another one under our belt, wasn’t pretty all the time but we have another story to tell.  Your support at base camp was remarkable, and, even though at the moment when you were inflicting tremendous pain and discomfort rolling out my legs, it/you kept me going.  You ensured I was getting what I needed, when I needed it, and knew where my mind was. Having you there, someone that understands this shit as much as you do, is a difference maker.  On the trail, we had our moments of laughter, smiles, and fun. There were moments of silence, suck, and suffering.  An incredible sunset, moonrise, and sunrise (twice 😉).  We had some of our deep conversations, like we sometimes do, about the kids, life, how grateful we are, and the journey that we are so blessed to be on.  Having you to be able to share these moments with, as I said in the texts leading up to it, “it’s special.”
 For me, having these four (sort of) to share this type of experience is amazing. Listen, I did 6 ultra-marathons’ in 2018 and the 100-mile distance is a special, special experience.  Now, this was only my 2nd, but I have been fortunate enough to share it with the same crew (minus a few folks….).  There are always special moments and events we can be fortunate to share with those we love.  However, when you have the opportunity to combine something you are incredibly passionate about, that has the ability to push you beyond thresholds, and share that experience with so many that you love, well, that is pretty friggin special!!!!!  How great is that?  As I write this, the experience still hasn’t set in, but I do feel a bigger sense of fulfillment this year than last.  I made a commitment this year, to let it soak in; to enjoy it; and to really, really reflect and appreciate what we did.  It is a big deal and sometimes, I am not good at giving myself enough credit.  I am making a point this time to do it.  
 I will share though, for all the stuff that I am grateful for with the race, it was a grind, and I am truly, truly grateful for that!!  Maybe a little off statement, right? But it was, from about mile 18 on, all those things you expect to have happen in an ultra, well, they happened, in some form.  It started w/ the knees, then the quads, then the hips and then the calves; and for most of the race I was battling something with the stomach, that just wasn’t right. So, most of the race, there were no surprises.  Even after 80 miles, when the bottoms of my feet, and most of my toes, began blistering, I still wasn’t surprised.  Sure, it hurt, there was pain, and I even bitched a bit to Bryan and then we just laughed it off, because, no matter what was going on with my body, which, again, wasn’t out of the ordinary for this type of race, I didn’t let my mind sit in a valley for more than a second.   Yes, climbing a technical section with blisters on your feet, rocks shifting, sucked; wanting to run and your legs just not listening to your mind is incredibly frustrating; trying everything you’ve heard and learned to get your stomach to settled with nothing working can be a bitch, it they were all as they sound; but we acknowledge it, and we pushed it away, made it to the next aid station, and kept moving forward.  Overall, it wasn’t terrible, because again, there were no surprises.  I guess the blisters were a bit out of the ordinary since over the last year, I haven’t had an issue there but, it has been a year since I went this distance. But the frustrations didn’t linger and that is the mental part.  I had mentioned last week, I was taking the time to focus on the mental part of the race and that investment helped.  Last week, I knew there was going to be shit that I was going to have to overcome.  By running through some of those scenarios, and most of them we covered, I was prepared to handle them.  Even the heat, I think it was in the high 80’s maybe, it hit 90 and that is one of the big factors that causes so many to drop in this race.  Hell, of the 600+ to start, 360 finished, just over 50%.  From 1030am to about 4pm it was hot, but we knew what we had to do; ice on the neck, keep the body cold with ice wherever you can, ice in the bottles, and ice-cold sponge baths at each station.  I think we did a good job keeping the body cooled and stating hydrated.  So much so that when the sun went down it got a little chilly. You will see in the picture me with some long sleeves on for the last 20 miles.  
 This was special because of whom I got to share it with; but it was also special because, no matter what the son-of-a-bitch through at us, we pushed through it.  I remember, at a point where I was battling through something, I was talking about “the plan” and Bryan said, “a plan is always great until you get punched in the face.” That was a giggle moment 😊!!! But that is exactly the point. Last week I talked about having a plan, but I knew it was going to get tossed out the window.  And, true to the ultramarathon stigma, I got punched in the face……………………But, we punched back, and kept moving forward.  There are so many moving parts to finishing a 100-mile race; so many things will go wrong and so much shit will inevitably happen. Having put in the work, having the right team with you, having the right mindset, and being grateful can take you a long way, appreciating where you are, at each step, when that plan goes south and letting go of what’s to come, helps you enjoy the journey so much more; and, is a much better story to tell.
 “All of life is an ultramarathon.” – Moe Beaulieu
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melissaswimbikerun · 6 years
California: The Ultimate road trip
Normally I keep this blog about my triathlons/training and staying away from my usual mundane life. However for the last 22 days I have led a much more colourful existence road tripping around California and Nevada. And, just so I don’t stray away from the main theme of this blog, I did do a triathlon during my trip! So here is a write up of our time in the USA. Also there is more to come as we are only the first part of our journey as our travels continue on to New Zealand now.
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Outline of our route and 2100 miles traveled 
On Monday 20th August Nathaniel and I began our journey. We said goodbye to our loved ones and got on a flight from Manchester to Los Angeles.
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Jessica and I at my leaving party
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Ready for our adventure at Manchester Airport
We arrived at Los Angeles International at 3pm local time (11pm Greenwich mean time - so we soon got quite blurry eyed!). After security and collecting bags and bikes, we got a taxi to meet our home for the next 22 days. Meet Oliver, the converted Dodge Campervan!
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Oliver the campervan 
After some paperwork we set off on the road. We stopped at one of the biggest supermarkets that I have ever seen. Very tired by this point it was a struggle to scout the miles of shelves for food and equipment. We spent far too long searching for a coffee-maker (which was probably the only thing in the world this massive supermarket didn’t sell).
We drove out of the city and eventually got too tired to function any more (it was about 5am UK time!!) so we pulled over in a quiet lay-by in the Angeles National Forest and stayed there for the night. (Luxury, I know!)
Lake Tahoe
It was a 400 mile drive to Lake Tahoe. We could distract ourselves from the journey by the scenery as we drove along the Sierra Mountains. We stopped for lunch at the beautiful Mono lake.
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Having an interlude from driving at Mono Lake
We arrived at Lake Tahoe at around 5pm and it was more beautiful that we could have imagined. The biggest bluest lake surrounded by mountains! We were staying at Meeks Bay Campground for 6 nights. It had its own beach and each site had a BBQ and fire pit. We had to put all our food and toiletries in a bear lockers so the bears can’t get hold of anything.
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The beautiful lake Tahoe on our loop cycle 
The bear thing made me scared of venturing to the toilet block alone in the night for a few days. We never did see a bear in Tahoe though. One morning we did wake up and find the bear locker wide open, however the only thing we found eating our food was a pesky Blue Jay pecking at the loaf of bread! (We must not have closed it properly). The biggest mammal we saw was a beaver swimming in the creek near our campsite. He was a good spot.
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The crystal clear lake was beautiful to swim in and we swam most days. The 2nd day we cycled the 70 mile loop of the lake with a cafe stop leaving the hilliest 16 miles to cycle with full bellies and 3 pints of beer each inside us.
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Incredibly scenic cycling at Tahoe
We didn’t do too much at strenuous as we were tapering for the Lake Tahoe middle distance triathlon at the weekend. We did some running which I found really difficult - probably due to the 2,600 meter altitude that Meeks Bay was at!! At least we had a few days to acclimatise to the thin air.
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Relaxing at the lakeside beach post ride
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Pancakes for breakfast!
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Checking out the triathlon venue 
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Nathaniel and I during an altitude trail run 
Lake Tahoe middle distance triathlon
The morning of the triathlon it was an early wake up at 5am and Nathaniel and I scrabbled around in the cold and dark having cereal and gathering up all I triathlon stuff. It was a short cycle up the road to the triathlon venue.
We had already registered the previous day so we had plenty of time to prepare before the start. Than racked his bike next to me and transition and I guided him where to place his shoes and race belt etc. It was really nice to have him doing a triathlon with me, get we were both quite adamant to beat each other.
It was freezing waiting for the triathlon to start and we found the warmest place to wait for the delayed start was actually in the lake. The gun went off 15 minutes late at 7:15am.
The swim:
It was hard to site the bouys initially due to the sunrise but after the first turn it became easy. The swim was relatively uneventful- apart from losing my swim hat early doors, which I just stuffed down my wetsuit and continued hatless. There was no big groups to draft and I found myself alone for the majority of the swim except when I caught a man up near the end of the swim. I came out the water 6th Overall and 2nd Female. Leaving Nathaniel 15 minutes to claw back.
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The bike: After running up a gigantic hill in T1 during the usual fumbling with my wetsuit I was off on my bike. Out on the road there was a guy to pick off. I felt strong on the flat, TTing along on the drops of my road bike. The course consisted of 2 out and back North portion (flat) and 1 our and back portion south (so very hilly). Approaching the turn around point I could see one other woman in front. I overshot the first turn in fact because a competitor in front carried on zooming up the road. I have learnt better than to trust other competitors so did a double take and looked at my distance - this was the turn around point! During the outs and backs I was making some progress against the woman in front and was keep Nathaniel at bay on the flat but it was soon time for the hills... This is when it started to get ugly!! The hills destroyed my legs as I picked off many competitors, only to be over taken again on the long technical descents. My legs began to struggle at the south turn around but I had caught up the woman in 1st place. I overtook her at a pace (proving a point, I guess). I think she must have seen me as a threat as she cycled away at a pace I couldn’t keep on the next hill. I could see Than on my way to T2 - still about 15 minutes behind (It’s out that he had a puncture on the first portion of the hilly section or he would have been sure to eat into my time buffer!)
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The run. (A.k.a. The struggle!) After a speedy T2 (I got an applaud from the crowd for my discount and another competitor complemented the speed of my T2), it was time for the run. Heading off like a bat out of hell I began to struggle with my breathing - I needed to check my pace. The path soon turned off the concrete back and soon turned into a technical dirt track and, at one point, even a sandy beach! The air was hot and dry and, now, dusty. I chatted to another competitor, whom later learnt my name and gave me encouragement whenever he saw me. He soon ran off in the distance as I struggled controlling my breathing in the altitude. Exhaustion and altitude forced me to adopt a run-walk strategy. I expected Than to come cruising by any moment - but he never came (i presumed that he was having a worse time than me!). As I approached the finish I was going over scenarios in my head how I could brag to Than about my victory without putting him off another triathlon.
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Smiles at the finish line Up the hill to the finish and who should be standing there with a beer but Nathaniel Manning!! I was extremely confused. Maybe he had pulled out?! Nope it transpires that Than was also confused as he had indeed “finished”. Later we discovered that he and some other competitions had missed at 1.5 mile section near the start of the run course which was poorly signed. Than thought I was ahead still and was worried when he looked about at the finish. He apparently also asked the medical tent for me... I’m dubious as he also had time for 3 beers in all this worrying and looking!!... Anyway a record was set - officially my slowest middle distance triathlon at 6 hours and 7 minutes!! Then again it was the hardest middle distance I have ever done. I still kept hold of 2nd female overall and came 1st in my age group. Nathaniel also got a prize for 2nd place in his age group (coming a good 20mins ahead of 3rd so we didn’t confess about the unintentional shortcut!). We were awarded with beer glasses and trucker hats! Cheers. And also Nathaniel is game for another triathlon... yet he still has to complete an actual middle distance triathlon!!
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Las Vegas.
Following the triathlon we stayed one more night at the beautiful Meeks Bay and BBQ’d the biggest steak you have ever seen! The morning after we packed up Oliver, the campervan, and drove back south over the mountains and then the vast empty dessert - we were heading to “Las Vegas Baby” (the comment that Than would intermittently yell whilst popping the horn!).
The masses of sky scrappers appeared out of the desert and closer we got the buildings grander and the traffic heavier.
We found the Venetian hotel and waved goodbye to Oliver in the hands of the valet parking. After a long wait to check in we opened the door to the best hotel room I’ve ever stayed in (I’ve lived a sheltered life or maybe it felt it in comparison to our Campervan).
Vegas was everything I expected it to be big, fancy and at the bottom of everything fake. I wanted to give the city a chance.
We had a quick flutter on a slot machine before heading to our dinner reservation at The Cut. It was my treat for Nathaniel’s birthday which I regretted when the bill came - totalling US $500 (a bargain considering there was a wine on the wine list for $24,000!!). However it was the most delicious steak however Nathaniel had to finish it as a migraine had ruined my appetite.
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Than and his expensive belated birthday steak 
We ended that night with a bit of Blackjack. $100 down I retired to bed. 
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The second day we explored all the lavish casinos, trying our luck with a few chips as we went. We made our way down the strip to the New York New York hotel were he had dinner and watched a Cirque de Soilei show.
The following morning we had went on a tour of the Grand Canyon. Firstly we got to see areal views from the small plane and then driven to 2 different view points. Our photos really don’t do the Canyon justice - it’s size is just incredible! Landing back in Las Vegas we pigged out on the final night in the Bellagio buffet. Apparently the best buffet in the world but I don’t have much to compare it still. But it still being full the majority of the next day if good - then it was!!
Views over the Grand Canyon 
Mammoth Lakes.
We decided to visit mammoth lakes on our way to Yosemite. It was a good decision as this place is beautiful. We stayed up from the town at a place called Twin Lakes: aptly named due to the 2 lakes surrounded by granite cliffs and waterfalls.
We easily found a campsite on the first night. However, unbeknown to us, it was a big bank holiday weekend in the USA (labour day) so we were demoted from campsite to car park for the second night.
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Views from our run in Mammoth
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We did a beautiful run from twin lakes to Mary lake and around Horseshoe lake. Then lunch before we cycled up mammoth mountain to the panoramic view point. This tough day deserved beer so we stopped at Mammoth Brewing company tasting rooms. Than came out with a huge tasting platter and we selected our favourite for a few more pints (conscious that we had to cycle 4 miles up hill home!).
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Cycling in Mammoth 
Than bought me a lovely tankard from the tasting room however I couldn’t hide my disappointment that it wasn’t a mammoth brewing co cycling jersey.
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Tasting at Mammoth Brewery 
Yosemite National Park.
We were lucky enough to get to camp inside this breath-takingly beautiful National Park and did we make the most of it?!? 74 miles of footpaths and scenery was explored. Our legs ached but we will remember those spectacular views forever.
On our first full day with did a very ambitious 10 mile walk which ended up being 17 hilly miles however we were rewarded by seeing a bear walk across the footpath. A few days later we saw a bobcat on the footpath before he jumped back into the mountain rocks. Along with plenty of deer and birds of prey we have seen a lot of exciting wildlife.
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At the river next to the campground
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Nathaniel took over map reading after the 17 mile walk we did on the first day (which was supposed to be 10)
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Walking up to North Dome (Via Indian rocks)
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Half dome in the background
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The bridge over Yosemite falls
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Vernon falls in the background
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Cooling off after a long walk in the river
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Admiring a giant redwood
San Francisco
After 6 days of paradise in Yosemite it was time to continue travelling. Headed to the west Coast for San Francisco. San Francisco is a lively vibrant city which had a cool feel to it.
We swam in a beautiful outdoor lido in the Mission district which was full of lane swimmers and was a joy to swim laps in. We camped near a surfing beach and nature reserve due to the lagoons. During our 2 nights in San Francisco we did plenty of cycling. The first day 50 miles exploring north of the city and finishing with a burger and a pint in Sausilito.
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At Alpine dam
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Climbs in San Francisco earn you good views
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perhaps the most iconic view
The 2nd day we did a 35 mile loop going through Muir wood. Afterwards we cycled over a very busy golden gate bridge with tourists crashing hired bikes constantly!! Over the over side of the bridge we had BBQ and tasting treats at the Presidio picnic before heading down the highway 1 back towards LA.
After taking 2 days to venture down the HW1. Seeing the sea otters at Monterey on the way. We checked into a hotel in LA ready to fly to New Zealand, our next adventure.
0 notes
gatorfruit-moved · 6 years
hey! do all the cute questions you want to do 💙
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
More cereal than milk, I don’t like drinking the cereal milk afterwards
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
Hell yeah it makes me feel alive
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
Hall passes
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
Black or with raw honey for tea, sometimes a bit of sugar or creamer with coffee but I refuse to put milk in my tea
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
Eh, I kinda like it tbh. I got the stupid crooked smile, it just looks bad in pics
6: do you keep plants?
I try but Ohio is the worst. I want to keep some succulents and cacti.
7: do you name your plants?
Occasionally, I had three succulents and one had a name, I think it was Via or something else with a v
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
Mostly drawing but sometimes writing. If I’m feelin “free” I play really distorted guitar or bass and if I’m sad I can play a mean flute
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
I love singing in general man
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
Equal between side and back even if I am restless, I cannot do stomach
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
Nobody speaks Italian dipshit
12: what’s your favorite planet?
Uranus, no not because of anus jokes, it’s my dominant planet and it’s also just neat. I like saturn too.
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
Playing donkey with a few people at GSA
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
Lots of animals, 100% we would have two sphinxes and a snake, art and instruments everywhere
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
I don’t need to google it lmao, I took astronomy last semester. It’s a pretty basic one but Uranus is on its side
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
Ravioli boiiiiiiiiiii
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
I wanna try real dark blue
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
I mean Nick likes to quote me, “I drown my sorrows in latin pop”
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
I keep a really inconsistent journal. It’s mostly writing but like three sketches are in it.
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
Brown, needs more love
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
My marching band sling bag which is fucked up and has been almost everywhere with me since the summer of 2016, its been covered in mud, burnt, almost shredded with a pocket knife, almost fell into the middle of a lake
22: are you a morning person?
Not at all
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
Play video games in the morning and wander around with Mack when he’s up for it
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
I’ve broken into kiddie pools in the middle of the night multiple times
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
My grey street style converse
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
Cinnamon bby
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
He’ll say something rude then immediately say “Sorry I love you”
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
God yeah, I don’t really remember the situation but I remember the feeling
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
I don’t like socks but I refuse to wear tennis or dress shoes without them cuz of my nail phobia. The colors don’t matter unless I’m going to something formal. I cannot sleep with socks unless I’m freezing my ass off
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
Mack and I couldn’t sleep during my birthday party and we decided to go check the pool times and got locked out of the room and the other two were asleep so we sat in the hall for about an hour
33: what’s your fave pastry?
Macarons, I love poffertjes but they aren’t really a pastry
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
I still have Purple Kitty from when I was little, the fabric on him is tough af like why is he made of that
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
I like a nice pen and stationary set with a wax seal too but I don’t use them often enough to own anything
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
I’m really neutral rn but I’m listening to blackbear
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
It’s not a matter of liking it but my room is really messy
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
Misophonia a bitch man. I’m also really aggressive about it being zo-ology not zoo-ology, venomous not poisonous, saying snakes are slimy, shit like that
39: what color do you wear the most?
Pfft black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
I have Opa’s dog tags and the ring I got on Kelley’s Island
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
When the Moon Was Ours
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
I don’t, I’ve only really been to Starbucks
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
It wasn’t stargazing but I did comment on the stars the other night with Audra, Nick, and Mack while they talked about how fucking cursed Falls is. The last real stargazing I did was with Kennedy this summer.
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
The other day, it only lasted a little bit before Carson ruined it. Dove sounds are calming.
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
No, I overanalyze everything
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
I’m really bad at puns oops. I don’t think it counts as a pun but one of my favorite jokes is people who don’t understand the difference between etymology and entomology bug me in ways that I cannot put into words.
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
Fucking green beans
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
I mean I’ve always been afraid of chickens and had a nail phobia
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
I like it but I haven’t for awhile. I honestly can’t remember it.
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
Disney funkos but it isn’t that odd, I like the bat stuffed animals with the loops on the back
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
Brown Eyed Girl and Crazy Little Thing Called Love for a girl that people I know irl will immediately recognize
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
Finally some good fucking food is a good one, absolute unit, Mine, sKINNY LEGEND
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
I haven’t seen Heathers or Pulp Fiction but the others are Quality
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
I’ve chewed up a leaf to prove it wasn’t plastic, drank a cup of sweet and sour sauce, shoved a cucumber down my throat, a lot of weird shit
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
I like listening to people get excited over things
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
It makes me sad because of grief I’m not listening to it
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
Nick is wine mom for all his tea. Mack is vodka aunt because we’re dumbasses together, we’re gonna be each others’ kids’ cool uncle.
59: what’s your favorite myth?
Honestly I have no fucking clue, Caeneus is neat
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
I’m not a huge fan of poetry but I can appreciate it, Poe is a main mans
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
I like to give people bad sketches. I got a leaf once.
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
I don’t usually have juice but if I do it’s orange
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
Oof I’m a huge mess
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
Blue I think but I can’t get to a window rn
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
Micah or Uzii and Abbas
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
I like natural ones, I made a daisy and wild clover one that was almost perfect, it needed some kinda bigger flower
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
I like them a lot
68: what’s winter like where you live?
Freezing and comes out of nowhere, once I wore shorts and a tank top one day and my winter coat the next
69: what are your favorite board games?
I don’t really play board games but I like donkey, a card game
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
No, I usually watch my friends when they use one and laugh at them when they freak out
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
I like english breakfast and green, especially the kind they have at hibachi but it’s only available for restaurants
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
God yeah but I don’t do it.
73: what are some of your worst habits?
Biting my nails, retelling stories, there’s a lot more
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
A pseudo-skater, loved more than they think, supportive like nobody else, knows just how to make me feel better, possum kid, rat parent, this ungendered thing is difficult, angry, accidentally yells shit they shouldn’t
75: tell us about your pets!
I’ve got Petey, an anxious boston that’s going grey too early, Pete aka Little Bear, a frenchie that licks too much and looks like your stereotypical black french bulldog, Petunia aka Bug, a nutcase boston with a white face and black ears with a little bit of white on the ends, and Pig, a frenchie that likes biting noses with one floppy ear and bug eyes that doesn’t look like a dog. There’s also Dabb our uromastyx. I call him a scaly puppy because he is.
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
Finishing a final
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
It’s not really the kind of cute this means but I was upset, leaned on Mack, said I felt like shit, and he made me let him hug me normally without saying a word. I got a lot of good hugs during the cast dinner bc when I cry I don’t stop and everyone who looks at me cries. Damian prob was the cutest cuz he’s usually more reserved emotionally and was really wild but then he was quiet and sad.
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
Pink, teal, and purple. I hate it.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
Oof I forget what his eyes look like oops. I knew someone with eyes the color of deep tunnels in that dark wet clay earth with flecks of gold and stripes like tree bark
82: are/were you good in school?
Ehhhh, I’m not good at turning things in
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
I like a lot of blackbear’s stuff
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
I have a lot of plans like the cadmium symbol, a cosmo, a calavera, a snake diagram, a hyena, a testosterone molecule
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
I read some stuff on webtoon like Darbi, Lackadaisy, and Lil Char and the Gang
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
I didn’t know that was a like a thing, I thought that was just how some albums are
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
Coco damnit, also Stand By Me
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
I really love pop art
89: are you close to your parents?
I guess? They’ve just got personalities I don’t really like
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
Pittsburgh babey!!!!! I love the hills and the style of houses and the energy of those people that bleed black and gold and the yinzers I can understand perfectly and the mountains that are so easy to get to and the art scene and the zoo and primantis and aaaaaaaaaah I love Pittsburgh.
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
Pittsburgh and L.A. like always. Going to Disneyworld for a band trip spring break.
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
Only a tiny bit
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
Pompadour mohawk
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
Oof most recent I think was my art teacher Miss Harry
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
I procrastinate so bad dude
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
ENTP, aquarius sun, gryffindor
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
A couple months ago I did the gorge for the first time. I haven’t gone on a good hike for awhile and it upsetting. I love hiking so much.
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
Blackbird, Here Comes the Sun, For Forever, This Is Home, there’s a fair amount
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? Why?
Go back five years and tell myself to not talk to A and to just accept myself earlier, it’ll life better, to join wrestling, to ask her out, to just do shit, stop hesitating. To talk to Mack, he’ll be one of the greatest people you’ll ever meet. Give Cadmium all the love you can. Tell Opa you love him and spend more time with him.
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gnomesagetion · 7 years
Missing Gears - Chapter 9
Things always go wrong when something good happens. For example: The Thunderbirds were just starting up when Gordon Tracy was the only survivor of a holfoil crash. An engagement of a Tracy son and an ex FBI agent when someone is out to get International Rescue. But sometimes good things come from the bad things in our lives.
Read on: Fanfiction.Net AO3 Wattpad
All sorts of social media sites had the hashtag ‘Trachester’ trending the two days before what the press could only describe as the biggest wedding since Prince William and Kate’s. For Americans, it was a basically a royal wedding. Of course, no one knew where the wedding was happening. The happy couple had kept that detail a secret with Naomi promising that they would publish wedding photos so that the public would have their fill. The Bachelor and Bachelorette parties were held and both parties had fun. The Bride’s party was the first to arrive in New Zealand. They had booked a few hotel rooms across the road from Matamata’s shopping centre. Perfect for last minute snack runs. The Groom’s party arrived in New Zealand the day before the wedding. Their hotel was on the main street, located directly opposite from Matamata Primary. Other guests for the wedding couldn’t find much accommodation in the area so many opted to stay in Hamilton, the nearest big city or in Auckland two hours away from the small rural town. Lady Penelope had offered FAB 1 as the wedding vehicle so Parker and she had decided to stay at the same hotel as the Bride’s party. Everything was going to plan.
In Naomi’s hotel room, Naomi and her friends were putting the final touches to their makeup and dresses. Bouquets were adjusted. And Naomi was nervous as she looked in the mirror. What if she tripped over while walking down the asile? What if she mucked up the vows? “You ready for this?” Caitlin asked, putting a hand on Naomi’s shoulder. “Yeah. No. Yes. Just nervous,” Naomi replied. “You’ve faced worse. Marriage is not facing several baddies to save one civilian. It’s two people promising their lives to each other, helping to build something new,” Siobhan said. “I know,” “M’lady,” Parker announced as he entered the hotel room “Your car awaits,” Naomi turned from the mirror and faced her bridesmaids. “You can do it,” Megan said. “You’re ready,” Emma agreed.
Cameron watched from his hotel room. He’d chosen to stay at the same hotel as the bride. Phase one of The Voice’s plans was to kidnap Gordon Tracy, then slowly work the way up the chain. Virgil Tracy. The soon to be Naomi Tracy. John Tracy. Scott Tracy. And finally, little Alan Tracy. Jeff Tracy would be crushed, unable to find his precious family. Then International Rescue would cease operations. Then one by one, they’d all die. The Voice would get what he wanted. Cameron would get the exposure of International Rescue. But for now, Cameron would let the family have their little slice of heaven. So, Cameron watched the bride’s party get into two separate cars. Three bridesmaids – College Student Wood, Miss Coulson, Chef Falconer – got into the first car. A simple black car. The bride and Maid of Honour got into the pink six wheeled Rolls Royce owned by Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward with Lady Penelope’s butler driving. He watched the bride’s party leave the hotel area. Cameron hoped that their happiness was worth it.
“You ready little brother?” Scott asked. “I was ready when I proposed,” Virgil answered. That was true. He was ready to marry the love of his life. But he was nervous. “You were ready since she rescued me in New York,” Gordon rolled his eyes as he adjusted a cuff link. “You’re nervous,” John concluded. Virgil raised an eyebrow. “I work in communications. You learn to pick up a few emotional queues,” “You’re gonna be fine Virg,” Alan said “You’re nervous which is totally natural. It’s your big day. You don’t want to mess up,” “Alan’s more ready for this wedding than I feel I am,” Virgil commented. “Don’t let Dad hear you say that. He’ll have kittens,” Scott laughed. There was a knock on the door. “Speak of the man,” Gordon muttered, getting up from the bed he was perched on. He opened the door. “It’s time,” Jeff said “Let’s get going. Don’t want the bride to beat us,”
Dean Turner was old. Not old as in greying hair, dentures and decaying body, but old as in he’d seen a lot and done a lot. Dean and Julie couldn’t have kids; both were too old. But Dean had a kid. Sure, he was a member of her family, but he wasn’t her father. He was her uncle. He hadn’t been there for the birth of his niece. He’d only seen her a few times in person. He wrote a letter every Christmas to her along with some money for birthdays and Christmas. Dean got a letter back every year in his sister’s handwriting. It had been a stroke of bad luck that had caused Dean to get more involved with Naomi Winchester. Naomi became Dean’s daughter – he was the one who taught her how to drive, the one who watched her drive off at sunrise to California for college. He was the one who was giving her away at her wedding. He was nervous. His niece was all grown up. She was going to start a family. “She’s your daughter as much as she is your sister’s,” Julie slipped her hand into Dean’s. “You always know what I’m thinking,” Dean smiled. “That’s because I know you,” “That you do,” Dean agreed. He saw the groom’s party entre the church. Jeff Tracy let his sons go in and walked over to Julie and Dean. “Today’s the day,” Jeff said. “Yeah. Wish Ruth and Maurice were here to see their little girl,” “Lucille would have loved to be here too,” “I better get inside, she’s meant to be here any second from now,” Julie kissed her husband and went inside the church. “I always thought this day would have turned out differently,” Dean said “I would be sitting in one of the front rows next to my sister and nephew. It would be Maurice waiting out here for her,” “So did I. But this is what the day is and it’s just as marvellous,” A car drew closer. “You better get inside Jeff,” Dean said, “They’re here,” Jeff nodded and went into the church. Two cars pulled into Matamata Bible Church’s undercover driveway. The first car was black, and Dean knew Naomi’s bridesmaids Emma, Caitlin and Siobhan were sitting in there. The second car was pink – something that Dean could never see on a Rolls Royce again – and Naomi and Megan were sitting in the back seat. Dean opened the door for the black car and helped the three bridesmaids out of the car. The man Dean had been introduced to as Parker helped Naomi and Megan out of the pink car. Parker nodded at Dean. Dean nodded back. “Afternoon Uncle Dean,” Naomi smiled at her uncle. “Hey Garden Gnome,” Dean smiled back “You look wonderful,” Dean held out his arm and Naomi looped hers around it. Megan passed Naomi a bouquet of white flowers. “Thanks Uncle Dean,” Emma and Caitlin started walking towards the door, Siobhan and Megan falling instep behind them. “You ready?” Dean asked. Naomi nodded, and they too walked towards the door.
Virgil looked at the doors that lead to the church auditorium. Through the clear windows he could see some of Naomi’s bridesmaids walking towards the doors. It was actually happening. The doors opened. The bride’s party came through them. Virgil shallowed. The bridesmaids wore light purple dresses. The dresses matched the ties Virgil’s brothers wore. The flowers they had were white. A blank slate. That was one of the themes Naomi and Virgil had interwoven into their wedding. The date. The white flowers holding the green and purple ribbons. Music started playing. Naomi was led in by her uncle. She looked beautiful. Well, she always looked beautiful, but she looked extremely beautiful in her wedding dress. People, friends and family, stood up and looked at the bride. Virgil took a deep breath as the bridesmaid lined up along the stairs. Caitlin across from Alan. Emma across from Gordon. Siobhan across from John. Megan across from Scott. Virgil watched Dean shake Jeff’s hand. Dean walked up the stairs towards Virgil. Virgil shook Dean’s hand. Dean then turned to Naomi and helped her up the stairs. The uncle hugged his niece and went to sit next to his wife. “Ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, today we celebrate the joining of Virgil Tracy and Naomi Winchester in holy matrimony,”
“Do you, Naomi Elizabeth Winchester, take Virgil Grissom Tracy to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love and to hold even in sickness and death,” “I do,” “And do you, Virgil Grissom Tracy, take Naomi Elizabeth Winchester to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love and to hold even in sickness and death,” “I do,” “Then by the power vested in me by the Holy Spirit, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride,” Virgil and Naomi kissed each other for the first time as husband and wife. The crowd of people who had come for the wedding stood up and cheered. Dean and Julie Winchester and Jeff Tracy had tears in their eyes.
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