#toxic america
stripeyshinans · 2 months
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Duking it out is their love language💜
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des-thefox · 11 days
its so interesting to me the difference between twitter and tumblr suckening ship names like
ofc we have fizzfangs gothgun armored pheasant right like those sre universal
but ive noticed that mostly for ships with gabriel its different
like for gabriel x emizel i usually see it called toxicfangs on twitter cus its like fizzfangs but toxic instead cuz toxic yaoi (yuri, theyre yuri trust but thats a different post) but ive seen bloody rivalry to describe them on tumblr
and then for gabriel x emizel x soda ive seen sucker punch on tumblr but on twitter i see more people calling it toxic waste (hehe i came up with this one and i guess it just became more used by like some people?? i think??) because toxic waste is like a name to call a blend of every drink at a soft drinks station (its not what its always called but ive seen it called that) and also toxicfangs so like
idk just an observation
have a yuriful day tumblr i probably wont ever be back
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justthoughts1310 · 3 months
Boruto is a Gay Manga! Is that so hard to admit???
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So, today I emailed one of the most prominent YouTube Naruto/Boruto commentators an email with the subject line: "Boruto is Gay Manga! Is that so hard to admit?" Now, I admitted in my email that my subject line is clickbait, and I didn't go into intensive well-supported detail. However, I did say, "Why do you keep ignoring Mitsuki's (queer) feelings for Boruto?" The interesting thing about this content creator, and many other individuals, is that he wants Boruto x Sarada to be endgame. However, he doesn't want this because he likes the pairing. He wants this because he actually wanted Naruto x Sasuke to happen, and this is the next closet thing.
Which is crazy right? It's crazy that so many people wanted Naruto x Sasuke to be together. However, I'm sure Kishimoto knows that these same men would swear off Naruto forever, if the main character was revealed to be queer.
So, then you end up with Boruto x Sarada, where Sarada is not Boruto's equal. No, in a patriarchal society she is not Boruto's equal, she is instead the BALL for which men choose to play with and measure their own masculinity. Don't believe me? Sarada is the last Uchiha, and in the first chapter, she (an Uchiha) had to be rescued by a no name male ninja that we literally never hear about again.
Sarada's anime design looks like this pre-time skip:
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And this post-time skip:
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I want to take the time to remind all of you that this is a character design of a 12 year old girl and a 16 year old girl. Both of which are under age, any sexualization of the two is pedaphillic in nature.
Men's sexualization of children goes into their rampant and obsessive need for control at all costs, but I digress.
You know who thinks this character design is awesome and doesn't question anything about it, despite the fact that both outfits are completely impractical for an active duty shinobi? Men.
You know who thinks this character design is disgusting and a complete miss? Women.
Someone who should have been positioned as an equal to the main character in Boruto has become nothing more than an object of men's perverted fantasies both heteronormatively and homoerotically. What do I mean by homoerotically? Remember, the real reason that people want Boruto and Sarada to be end game is not because they think these two have a ton of chemistry. Sarada is a level 10,000 nag that could bring her mother to shame, and men hate being nagged.
The real reason men want Boruto x Sarada to happen is because their pairing is the realization of Naruto x Sasuke.
I, also, need you to realize that a large part of Sarada's character development is the fact that she has a crush on Boruto. In contrast, as far as we know so far, Boruto has a crush on nobody.
Which highlights this underlying ideal that many women have realized for a long time. Men DON'T like women. I don't care where you go in the world. An overwhelming number of men don't like women. I'm not even convinced that many men enjoy having sex with women, because let me tell you something... Having sex with the only goal being to climax is the least enjoyable sex that anyone can experience. Orgasming becomes boring after a while. Try to enjoy the ride.
Yet, climaxing is often the sole frame through which men see sex and sexual completion, while completing discarding the pleasure of women. How do I know, because only 50-70% of women have orgasmed from heterosexual encounters. I imagine that number is 100% for men who have orgasmed while having sex with a woman at some point (probably most points) in their lives.
Men are taught from a very early age and are socially conditioned to NOT like women. Even within the Naruto series this is evident. I mean think about it, the woman that Naruto had the most chemistry with (and probably should have ended up with) was a flat-chested nag who didn't appreciate Naruto until he became strong. It's giving incel, red-pill mindset.
Now, who was that woman? Sakura.
Who was she based on? Kishimoto's wife.
Shocking right? Many of you may have had no idea that Sakura is based on Kishimoto's wife. Now, do I think Kishimoto secretly hates his wife? No, but that's irrelevant.
Yes, Sakura is based on Kishimoto's wife, and Kishimoto wrote a female character that men HATE!!! Sakura is undeniably the most hated character in all of Naruto (male or female). I wouldn't be surprised if she is the most hated female character in all of anime.
Sakura is, also, the strongest woman in the entire show (next to Kaguya) and yet, she always needs to be saved. She is stopped and under minded constantly by the most miniscule thing, and then she needs to be saved by Naruto, Sasuke or Kakashi like clock work. Why, because they need their hero moment, and women are but an object. Women are the ball, and the enemy is the opposing team.
Here's the thing: You all need to understand that according to the light novels, under Naruto and Sasuke, Sakura is the most powerful shinobi (male or female) in the entire Naruto Universe (pre-Boruto). However, you wouldn't know that from watching the anime or reading the manga.
Then who is the most beloved female character in Naruto, the one that Naruto ends up marrying and having two super powerful children with? The woman who has large breasts, always cheers for Naruto despite him not knowing she exists, always needs to be saved, and largely keeps her mouth shut: Hinata.
When you really think about it, the entire Naruto series is about Naruto (a loser) chasing after Sasuke who hates him, but what does Sasuke represent? Sasuke represents the pinnacle of athleticism, skill, sexiness, cleverness, fame, and aloofness that a man could ever dream of having. When Naruto chases after Sasuke, he's chasing the idea of masculinity itself. In Naruto's adulthood, he has a more emotionally intimate relationship with Sasuke then he does with any woman: Hinata or Sakura. Naruto surrounds himself with men. He's always around men: Shikamaru, Konohamaru, Sai, and Kakashi. He solely asks for the opinions of men when it comes to major decisions that effect the fact of the entire Leaf Village and World.
The whole Naruto series is a celebration of men at the expense of women. These men have hard-ons for each other.
Now, some might say that it's not sexual, but it is! How do we know that, because Kishimoto created Boruto x Sarada to be endgame. He is approaching the fulfillment of a homoerotic relationship in a societally correct way, when the truth is that he (and all men) want to skip the middle man and have Naruto and Sasuke be together. Yet, at the same time, none of these men want to be gay and be giant fans of something that is gay. Why, because being a fan of something gay makes straight men feel gay, and a man is not supposed to be gay in a patriarchal society.
I watched a whole video where a straight man talked about watching a gay male anime, and it made him wonder for a second if he was gay, simply because he thought it was a good show. Once again, I digress. In a patriarchal society, a man is supposed to gain the respect and admiration of other men all while subjecting, conquering and controlling women. Once again, to reiterate, women are the ball. Women have no thoughts, feelings, autonomy, or rights? Women are not human. After all, why would a ball represent anything other than being a tool of the sport used for the purpose of scoring points?
The Naruto series is a mirror reflection of society, and how men value men, men want men, men desire men, and (straight) men don't give a damn about women. Of course, some do, but many men don't. Women are nothing more than trophies to be shown off and touted around.
All that matters is the male gaze. We see this all the time. Do you know who likes 6 ft tall men, with 6 pack abs, 6 pairs of shoes, who make 6 figures? The giga-Chads if you will. I'm going to give you a hint: It's not women.
Men lust over this stuff, men get hard over this stuff, they salivate over this stuff, and obsessive over creating the perfect male body either for themselves, someone else, or a fictional character. I need you all to realize that ALL of those Marvel action shots of Chris Evan's and Robert Downey Jr's bulging muscles, and Chris Hemsworth's nakedness are shots written for men by men.
Have you ever stopped to think what kind of men women drop their panties over?
They are men like Pete Davidson, Dylan O'Brien, Timothee Chalamet, Tom Holland, and Harry Styles (sorry that I only listed white men). This men stand in direct contrast to everything men say that women want.
Look, this post is going long, so I will say summarize with these two points:
Naruto has always been gay, so of course Boruto is going to be gay. Even if Boruto ends up with Sarada, it will still probably be a gay series. The series idolizing, romanticizes and sexualizes the idea of all things masculine from the male perspective.
I think it would actually be the most beautiful ending if Boruto x Mitsuki becomes romantic endgame, because at least Kishimoto will be honest with himself about what his motivations really are. He wants to live in a world in which he can be in an emotionally intimate, vulnerable, and transparent relationship with a man that he admires who admires him in exchange. I think that's what most men actually want (whether that involves sex or not), but men don't ask for that because, well: No Homo. So, instead, we have a male loneliness and despair epidemic.
Now, you make ask justhoughts1310, is it wrong for men to like each other?
Of course not! I am a woman who loves women, values women, admires women, and thinks women are so amazing and beautiful. I am blown away by all that women are.
A large part of the Barbie movie, was the admiration of the amazingness of women despite all odds and obstacles. What I have a problem with is men denying their true desires and motivations, and in turn treating women as a prop in the games that they play to win over the approval of other men. Basically, men. If you want to have a dick measuring contest, leave all of us women and the rest of the world out of it.
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despite everything anya doesn't top because that's gay which she is not🫡
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hetalia-club · 7 months
An entire story told with only two images
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the garden....
America says: Allow me to order for the table gentlemen. Dinner is on me tonight boys. Romano is quietly sobbing into his Italian margarita wondering how things got so fucked. Italy is jittery and nervous but does not know exactly why. This place just feels off. A deep hopelessness through the staff and patrons alike. 10 minutes later the waiter comes back with three plates of this
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America says: What are you all waiting for...dig in. (Hey real talk a second...how come the sign has grapes on it? Shouldn't it be olives? It's not called grape garden. But you know it says on the sign they serve Italian food which is also a lie. It's like if I set up a lemonade stand in my front yard and wrote "Lemonade" on the sign but it was just room temp piss in a gallon jug.)
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karamazovanon · 9 months
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i KNOW the rituals are intricate (or: "in front of my salad??")
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crepegosette · 1 year
can we see more of your BrUSA art? Ngl, it seems like a really interesting ship
what i have for now is a bunch of messy sketches so i'm posting the most polished ones
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also here's this comic (tw morbid humor)
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toxicsludgeyaoi · 8 months
Toxic Sludge Yaoi Tournament: Rusame (Hetalia) Vs Willry (Five Nights At Freddy's)
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(No images provided. Vote for whichever you like more.)
Propaganda below. Note: spoilers for these medias may be below.
Rusame propaganda
No propaganda provided.
Willry propaganda
"Premium grade A toxic old man sludge."
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sergle · 2 years
oh my god I hate twitter canadians
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thekimspoblog · 2 months
It would have been so easy, to end the story with Elena betraying Herbert. But it's so much more interesting telling the version of the story where she stuck to her guns, denounced the bourgeoise, and it didn't matter because the capitalist pigs will destroy everything she loves if she doesn't bend the knee anyway.
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typhlonectes · 2 years
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Phantasmal Poison-arrow Frog (Epipedobates tricolor), endemic to Ecuador
photograph by Holger Krisp | Wikipedia CC
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starlonga · 6 months
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betty-bourgeoisie · 6 months
I think Emil actually could fix Alfred if it weren't for the fact that Al is also dating Ivan
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lvrdrafts · 6 months
A Love Tested By Time
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★ Summary: You're in a five year relationship with Steve and all you want to do is settle down. But does he really want the same with his stressful job?
★ Pairing: Steve x f!Reader
★ Warnings: Toxic Relationship
★ Genre: Angst/ Fluff
★ Word Count: 639
Part 1 Part 2
You didn't know how the argument got so tense. It started with a simple question, innocent enough, or so you thought. "Steve, have you ever thought about settling down, starting a family?" You'd been together for five years, and the idea had been simmering in the back of your mind. After all, your friends had taken that step much earlier in their relationships. Yet here you were yelling at your boyfriend.
"I'm tired of waiting, Steve!" Your voice rose, the pent-up emotions flooding out. "All our friends are getting married, starting families, so what's holding us back? Do you even see a future with me?" You yelled and your voice boomed in this small apartment.
Steve's brows furrowed, and he sighed, the weight of his response heavy. "Y/N, being Captain America is too stressful. I can't just set that aside and jump into a serious commitment. I need more time to figure out how to balance it all."
"More time? Steve, we've been together for five years! How much more time do you need? Do you even realize what you're saying? You're not ready? After all we've been through, you're not ready because of your job?"
Steve attempted to interject, but you pressed on, your frustration pouring out. "Babe you don't understand I need someone who's sure on what the end goal is. Someone who's not going to keep me waiting around while they 'figure things out.' We're not in some romantic movie where a pause button freezes everything. I need to know where we stand in this relationship!"
You flare your hands up and gestured to Steve and you. "I sound so pathetic, really pathetic just saying this" you mumble under your breath but Steve still hears.
"It is pathetic of you to make me seem like the bad guy for wanting time" Steve says in his usual deep voice but this one is laced with accusatory. "I'm sorry that you can't understand how stressful this job is or how I'm not willing to drop everything, to give you the answer you want."
"I didn't mean it like that but I-"
"You always make me feel like I'm failing you just want too much from me." His words feel like venom to you and make you question what other times have you pushed him into doing things he didn't want to.
The weight of guilt settled in your chest. " I didn't mean to make you feel like a failure. I just want to know where we're headed. I thought we were in this together."
"I can't speak to you right now, I need some space to cool off," he said, his tone firm. The weight of his disappointment hung in the air, making the room feel even more stifling.
"I hope you realize how inconsiderate you're being," Steve added, each word a sharp edge to your already wounded emotions. With that, he turned away, leaving the room without waiting for a response.
The door closed behind him, and you were left standing in the heavy silence that followed. You felt so bad for being a bad girlfriend and the loneliness of the apartment didn't make anything any better.
What felt like hours later of crying and rethinking your relationship, the door finally opens and you see Steve standing in the doorway. You look like a mess with your hair messed up and your eyes puffy but those few hours felt like hell.
In that moment, all you wanted was the comfort of his arms and the reassurance that your relationship was still strong. As you reached him, you jumped into his embrace, your arms wrapping around him tightly. The sobs that had racked your body for what felt like an eternity now found solace against his shoulder. Your apologies spilled out between gasps for air.
"I'm so sorry, Steve. I didn't mean to push you. I just want us to figure things out," you cried, the weight of the argument and the fear of losing him making your words tremble. "I-I promise I'll do better just please" your voice cracks and you can't bring yourself to finish the sentence.
Steve's arms encircled you, and for a moment, it felt like the solace you needed. Despite his earlier cold words, he began to soothe you back gently. "Shh, it's alright. I know you didn't mean it," he whispered, his tone softer as he tried to bring comfort to your distressed state.
"You need to realize how much you're demanding from me. I'm not always going to clean up your mess or play into your drama," he added, his embrace conflicting with the frigidness of his words.
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crepegosette · 1 year
Can we see more BrUsa! Please I'm begging you
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have those sketches for now
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