#toxic curiosity
loveyourlovelysoul · 6 months
Being curious is good, as it can help you dig much more into the knowledge of yourself and life in general, but it has to be done in a good and healthy way for yourself. If so, it's stimulating, it helps you grow and explore just for the sake of it, not to impress others or be validated. We accept outcomes that maybe do not meet our expectations, but also "failures" (we don't deem them as real failures: it's simply a learning process that may have ups and downs, so we accept them anyway). It's not something forced, it comes naturally: we only are genuinely curious about that answer. And it stops there.
But it may happen that we become so driven to know all the details of something that we keep digging for answers without paying attention to the emotional consequences of it all, and that's called toxic curiosity. This often happens after a trauma: you need to know everything you can (and be in control of it this way) to calm your emotions, to find answers to your questions; not knowing can cause you too much discomfort so you rather impulsively search and even potentially hurt yourself with the answers. Not knowing may make you think you will be left out of something, so you keep digging more and more and more.... The answer you find, can cause you excitement or pain, according on its nature: you're too emotionally invested into finding it (and this keeps you hooked even further than a simple answer). It's an addicting cycle: it seems to bring you satisfaction after every discovery, but in reality it just damages you from within. It becomes an obsession (like continuosly checking people on social medias or knowing every little detail of something), more than a simple natural need. And, at times, it may even take you to the point of forgetting about your own life and needs. If this is your case, it's good to try and regulate this trait, to learn to regulate your emotions and accept the discomfort of not knowing. Sometimes some answers can really hurt you and block your healing journey as well as they can be too traumatizing, so it's worth to really work on this aspect.
There's also a useless curiosity which is not as harmful but not helping you either. It's about finding answers on a whim but forgetting them immediately, and jumping to the next one: it's the act of mindlessly searching that brings you comfort/adrenaline. It helps you distract yourself from other more impending and more important events; it helps you procrastinate (and procrastination generally happens to avoid something we don't wanna do for various reasons). To keep searching like this at times may deplete your energy and numb your mind, as you mostly focus on stuff that is unimportant to pass the time and distract yourself. It's all about infos you don't even need. It may be worth checking what this procrastination is about for you or if it's simply about passing your free time in a specific way (be aware of not wasting your energies like this; and if you happen to do this before sleeping, try to stop at least 30 mins to 1 hour before going to bed or it may make it harder for you to fall asleep).
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milesfingers · 6 months
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coooldair · 2 months
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roseyjustice · 2 months
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Finally got some designs down for pre-troupe Ezra and his co-worker/best friend/ situationship, Qyn !
I may ramble about their lore later but here's some bonus doodles that are a slight peak at their relationship a bit more :)
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i-did-not-mean-to · 11 months
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yuripoll · 1 year
CURIOSITY ROUND: Battle of the Band Lesbians
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Rock it, GiRL!! || How Do We Relationship? || Hello, Melancholic!
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thedragonagelesbian · 5 months
'i promise i will not betray your trust. you kept me by your side despite the menace that i am'
gale. gale. gale.
do you think that's part of how he rationalizes staying with yiseeril. that he views himself as a menace equal to her. that she didn't cast him aside despite that, so he won't cast her aside.
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perotovar · 10 months
i figure it might be easier to put both of these in one post lol
Rules: Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up, then tag 10 people.
tagged by @iero thank you so much <3
bulletproof cupid by placebo
sniper by deadmau5
let them in by pvris
you were right by crazyeightyeight
shadow lady by portwave
desire by meg myers
i've seen it all by while she sleeps
far away by jose gonzalez
androids dream of electric sheep by ghostemane
to a friend by alexisonfire
Rules: Shuffle your 'On Repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people.
also tagged by @iero thank you!
love is a... by pvris
bloodline (health remix) by northlane & health
take me back to eden by sleep token
blood by bad omens
fantasmas by twin tribes
every you every me by placebo
ghost of me by make them suffer
pale shelter by tears for fears
schism by tool
the summit by spiritbox
no pressure tags: @kedsandtubesocks @djo @mrsquill @lunapascal @heroeddiemunson @nicolethered @daggertongue @toxicanonymity @swiftispunk @userparamore
do one or both or neither, it's up to you! lol
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redstrewn · 1 year
Sorry i just keep thinking about the line "his nice guy act is bullshit" like that seriously is living rent free in my mind like. Like. Leader is not nice.
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stardusteyes · 1 month
So I actually managed to finish the Yandere!Carter AU. Idk how many people are actually going to be interested this concept that’s a little out there even for me, but I’m just glad I got this over with.
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emilyjunk · 3 months
When my obsessive personality starts to take the reigns again then I know it is going to be ok
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marzipanandminutiae · 2 years
Somewhere within my being there is an extremely cold take about the Cabinet of Curiosities episode “The Outside“ being an analogy for a high femme lesbian coming out
Think about it
Coming out can be a long, painful process wherein you frequently lose the support of loved ones – or they try to support you but just don’t know how best to do it. You may end up having to cut some people out of your life if they simply can’t get onboard. Furthermore, sapphic femininity tends to often be more over-the-top and exaggerated than that displayed by mainstream straight women. Indeed, straight men often find it offputting, much in the way Keith does. Coming out can even be expensive for some people, if they end up losing financial support due to homophobia
Couple that with Stacy‘s makeout scene with the lotion woman, and the way the other women at the bank constantly touch each other (and her, when she’s been “transformed“), and you have a recipe for extremely off-base interpretation that I’m almost certain the writer never intended
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merkerlers-fairytales · 6 months
I feel like Arc and Bea very quickly became "If we smushed Hazbin and Supernatural into one story and then made them Christian"
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fruitsilly · 11 months
the more i hear about gomens2 the less willing i am to watch it. not particularly encouraging words i'm hearing tee bee aich
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soliamuerto · 2 years
okay, so i have a probably stupid question
if we all want byler rain kiss like in the middle of the season or something, and hawkins is still supposed to be swallowed by the upside down, my question is: does it even rain in the upside down? 😭
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summerkng · 2 years
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headcanon about our muses | accepting
【@verbatimsfm​​ sent a raven】: 👥  loras
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renly used to think what he felt for loras was nothing more than LUST, their precious time spent together behind the closed doors of storm’s end a mere pastime activity, a way to cope with his constant boredom. until he noticed the way OTHERS looked at loras, and the way it made him feel.
jealousy— what an UGLY thing to experience .. the boy was exquisitely beautiful, and rich, and undoubtedly talented with a sword. it was only a matter of time before he’d be off to live a glittery life and eventually find someone whose company he’d come to enjoy more than renly’s .. the possibility AGONIZED him, which helped him realize that his feelings were beyond lust, beyond anything and everything he’d ever felt before.
hence why he always displayed LESS affection compared to loras. pretended to have loved him moderately, pretended to be the BETTER party in the relationship, pretended like he wasn’t the one who ought to be afraid of losing the other.
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