#trace and ahsoka
fanfictasia · 2 years
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katekryze · 8 months
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What if they reunited during the events of the bad batch……
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spacelesbiandisaster · 2 months
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Yeah, I think you made a very difficult de forget first impression Bo...
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aviyx · 1 month
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me and a friend were talking about sanrio x starwars for some reason so like..
i do also have a padme one but it makes me want to pull a padme myself
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voidartisan · 1 year
Welp. It's the end of the semester again, so...
Jedi Council (& Co.) as Things That Have Been Said in My Classes or Apartment
(very long post incoming)
Mace: Obviously this is God's favorite dinosaur
Plo: I will pardon the mime
Obi-Wan: If God punches you in the face, then you deserved it.
Shaak Ti: Did you just misgender my plant?
Sasee Tiin: Never give up on your dreams kids, but remember to lower your expectations.
Obi-Wan: Bless his FLIPPIN' soul
*During a training exercise* Mace: Do you have a girlfriend? Fives: No Mace: Well today you do Fives: Awesome, thank you
Obi-Wan: I'm running on happy thoughts and ibuprofen and I'm running out of both
Plo: Would you like to jaywalk with me?
Even Piell: You're going places, kid. Maybe jail.
Yoda: Willing to steal another, I am
Mace: You know what the best way to avoid Alzheimer's is? Caleb:...exercise? Mace: Die young
Shaak Ti: I'm not sure I would trust anyone with my baby. Especially not a man in tights.
Plo: Last time I got in trouble for using the word "quirky." Ahsoka: No, you got in trouble for applying it to the Trade Federation
Kit Fisto: I'm really glad that oranges are one of the foods that have peels. I mean, look at this thing. If it were just left on the tree it would be unusable. I'm kind of surprised more things don't have peels. Depa: I don't know, I feel like a lot of foods have peels Kit: Kit: Oh maker, you're right. This is blowing my mind. Name one food without a peel. Depa: Doritos Kit: You got me there
Ahsoka, struggling with homework: Brains are hard. Yoda: Hrm. Squishy, I thought they were.
Kit, sitting down between Anakin and Padme: Forget leave room for Jesus, leave room for Kit. Every relationship could use a little more Kit.
Depa: Welp. Made direct eye contact with THAT person out the window
Plo: Would you like to be my adopted daughters? Trace: I mean...sure? Plo: Great! You're in.
Anakin, picking a piece of strawberry up off the floor: Do I have to throw this away now or can I just rinse it off and eat it? Ahsoka: I think that's up to you. Obi-Wan: Risk-reward, Anakin. It's just a piece of strawberry. Anakin: Risk *pops strawberry into mouth* Obi-Wan: THAT'S NOT WHAT THAT MEANS
Quinlan: What the fo' shizzle is goin' on in the House of the Commons my dude?
Mace: There's something about putting artichoke on pizza that feels...unethical
Anakin: You're crazy Obi-Wan: I respect your choice Anakin: I don't
Depa: My onion is growing another onion Mace: Congratulations, you're a grandmother
Kit: It ended in a dance party. All the best movies end in dance parties, like Shrek, Shrek 2---
Mace: I am suspicious of the powders
Oppo Rancis: I can't think of his name. There was this senator, he lied and cheated his way into office--- Obi-Wan: Which one?
Depa: I put so much garlic in this it's hurting my eyes. I can't wait to eat it.
Obi-Wan: I'm having an existential crisis. Yoda: *plays Dancing Queen by ABBA*
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revanisadumbass · 6 months
Ahsoka Tano leaving the Jedi Order and immediately fumbling her way into three different gay fanfiction scenarios and remaining completely oblivious to the sexual tension really was the queer divorce arc of Disney Star Wars.
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Okay so I’ve watched the newest Bad Batch episodes now
And it is time for thoughts
Clones are questioning and deserting en masse and I am loving it. Order 66 only overrode them when it came to the Jedi, they didn’t fully lose the personality and individuality they’ve fought so hard to gain ;-;
CHUCHI FIGHTING FOR THE CLONES damn was Dave paid by the Foxiyo shippers or smth? Anyway I am living for it, I’ve had the hc that Chuchi eventually gives up on the Senate and openly full-on joins the Rebellion (earlier than people like Mon Mothma and Bail Organa did) and this fits it perfectly. Also Chuchi continuing Padmé’s fight, I love it
Chuchi got older, and while I’m not a huge fan of her current model, I do like that they updated it in more ways than just better quality. She isn’t the inexperienced senator she was in season 1 of The Clone Wars anymore
It’s heartbreaking that the clones can’t even think of pensions and retirement. They were created to fight, and most likely expected to die on the battlefield someday. They want to die on the battlefield. They have never been offered true humanity, and as such Chuchi’s proposal is almost insulting to them, feels like stripping them of their function, their reason to live, their most important trait
That assassin, what is happening there?!? Had Friendpatine groomed a secret clone task force for such things since their birth? Has he found a way to fully brainwash them with the inhibitor chip? And why was my first thought when the helmet came off that it was Slick of all people?
OF COURSE HIS CONTACT IS REX, Rex who never gives up the fight for his brothers ;-;
It pisses me off more than it should that Rex is staying with Trace and Rafa (or at the very least using their place as an outpost), and we don’t even get to see or hear from Ahsoka. She’s the one who connected them, and while I understand fully that she wouldn’t be on Coruscant anymore, at least some connection would have been nice ;-; They can’t have fully separated already, can they?
Rex has multiple clone contacts. Is one of them Cody? Is one of them Crosshair?
Fuck Rampart. Fuck him so hard. But like not in this way, not in the way that seals the clones’ fate
I love Friendpatine’s updated Emperor model
Okay you know from the beginning that something was gonna happen with Echo, but this is heartbreaking. It’s what he deserves, to stand with Rex again, fighting for their brothers, for the regs, but that doesn’t make it any less heartbreaking. I very much hope that the series will continue to show what him and Rex are up to just like we occasionally get Crosshair focus
It also deeply frightens me. In Rebels, Rex lives with Wolffe and Gregor; not Echo, who he has fought directly beside with much more than either of them. Why would he and Echo get separated again, especially after they’ve both lost so many brothers already? I’m gonna stay optimistic and say Echo went to live with the rest of the Bad Batch again, but I’m terrified
I love the sudden darkness the show has taken after the past relatively innocent episodes. The plot is moving forward again, and while I deeply fear where it is heading, I’m also living for it
Seriously though when can we see Cody and Crosshair again ;-;
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dalekofchaos · 8 months
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Something I would add onto this is the inclusion of Kaeden and Miara and the Martez Sisters. like yeah, so much missed potential and they focus on the wrong things about Ahsoka.
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eyesofthetrees · 4 months
The Martez sisters as togrutas
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aspic31 · 2 years
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*hands you an ahsoka* *hands you an ahsoka* *hands you an a-
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i-am-no-jedi · 3 months
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Here’s some Star Wars phone backgrounds I made a while ago if ppl want them
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magnetarbeam · 7 months
The parallels I draw between Ahsoka and a specific kickass Legends woman have also, ironically, led to one of my single-digit number of disney canon-based ideas, which is an extremely cursed crackfic where Ahsoka spends like 20+ years having to deal with obnoxious competition for her heart from as many of her potential girlfriends as I can shoehorn in (even if I have to disregard them canonically being dead and/or evil), while also doing rebel shit, and it takes them until at least Endor to decide the solution is all of the above.
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stellanslashgeode · 7 months
Fic where a few years after the war ended Ahsoka decides to reconnect with her family and finds out she inherit the old Tano ranch on Shili. But she has to be married before taking legal possession through some archaic Togrutan law.
But that’s okay because the half dozen girlfriends she’s gathered through her travels just follow her around wherever she goes. It’s just her and Barriss and the Martez sisters and Bo-Katan and Kaeden Larte and whoever that other farm girl is and who knows who else and it’s a 90s harem anime?
Asajj pops in as a relationship advice guru who gives horrible advice.
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spacelesbiandisaster · 2 months
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Can we take a moment to appreciate how mesmerized Trace is every single time she looks at Ahsoka?
Her life is in danger, but her girlfriend is doing something cool, so that's alright.
I always gonna admire Trace for immediately take Ahsoka on a date after she fell on her garage.
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They knew each other for less than a day!
Lux Bonteri waited 2 and a half years, Trace did in 5 hours! She must have a immaculate rizz to achieve such a thing.
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halepo · 17 days
A glimpse into Trace thoughts during The Clone Wars s07e06
Day 6 - Outcast
Prompt: rarepairs
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Sapphic rarepairs are the rarest among the rare. The mythical pairs. My god, those numbers.
Me: sees the 'unrequited love' box in the creator bingo WHO THE FUCK DOESN'T LOVE AHSOKA? HELLO???
Femme: I was actually thinking Ahsoka not loving them back
Me: Oh, that makes sense.
Yup, that's how it went.
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bisexualvader · 1 year
Vaderkin pressing Ahsoka with "Live or die." is so funny because they've both "died" twice, once literally and once in a more spiritual/Force related way.
Anakin "died" at the end of ROTS when he fell to the dark side and destroyed everything, including himself.
Ahsoka "died" (in ambiguity) fighting Vader on Malachor when she stumbled in their fight before literally being whisked out of that realm.
Anakin died at the end of ROTJ, restoring balance and killing Sidious, returning later through the Force as a ghost.
Ahsoka died on Mortis, corrupted then killed by the Son, only to be revived by Anakin channeling the dying Daughter's life force to her.
He fights her and puts her in mortal peril, we see the wars where she had no choice but to live fight or die, yet there's little weight to "live or die" (to two people who are the exception in a literal purgatory) beyond the fact that after all Ahsoka has been through, all she has survived and witnessed, the only thing that ever evokes true fear and doubt and uncertainty is Vaderkin himself.
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