#ahsoka and rafa
fanfictasia · 2 years
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katekryze · 8 months
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What if they reunited during the events of the bad batch……
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Okay so I’ve watched the newest Bad Batch episodes now
And it is time for thoughts
Clones are questioning and deserting en masse and I am loving it. Order 66 only overrode them when it came to the Jedi, they didn’t fully lose the personality and individuality they’ve fought so hard to gain ;-;
CHUCHI FIGHTING FOR THE CLONES damn was Dave paid by the Foxiyo shippers or smth? Anyway I am living for it, I’ve had the hc that Chuchi eventually gives up on the Senate and openly full-on joins the Rebellion (earlier than people like Mon Mothma and Bail Organa did) and this fits it perfectly. Also Chuchi continuing Padmé’s fight, I love it
Chuchi got older, and while I’m not a huge fan of her current model, I do like that they updated it in more ways than just better quality. She isn’t the inexperienced senator she was in season 1 of The Clone Wars anymore
It’s heartbreaking that the clones can’t even think of pensions and retirement. They were created to fight, and most likely expected to die on the battlefield someday. They want to die on the battlefield. They have never been offered true humanity, and as such Chuchi’s proposal is almost insulting to them, feels like stripping them of their function, their reason to live, their most important trait
That assassin, what is happening there?!? Had Friendpatine groomed a secret clone task force for such things since their birth? Has he found a way to fully brainwash them with the inhibitor chip? And why was my first thought when the helmet came off that it was Slick of all people?
OF COURSE HIS CONTACT IS REX, Rex who never gives up the fight for his brothers ;-;
It pisses me off more than it should that Rex is staying with Trace and Rafa (or at the very least using their place as an outpost), and we don’t even get to see or hear from Ahsoka. She’s the one who connected them, and while I understand fully that she wouldn’t be on Coruscant anymore, at least some connection would have been nice ;-; They can’t have fully separated already, can they?
Rex has multiple clone contacts. Is one of them Cody? Is one of them Crosshair?
Fuck Rampart. Fuck him so hard. But like not in this way, not in the way that seals the clones’ fate
I love Friendpatine’s updated Emperor model
Okay you know from the beginning that something was gonna happen with Echo, but this is heartbreaking. It’s what he deserves, to stand with Rex again, fighting for their brothers, for the regs, but that doesn’t make it any less heartbreaking. I very much hope that the series will continue to show what him and Rex are up to just like we occasionally get Crosshair focus
It also deeply frightens me. In Rebels, Rex lives with Wolffe and Gregor; not Echo, who he has fought directly beside with much more than either of them. Why would he and Echo get separated again, especially after they’ve both lost so many brothers already? I’m gonna stay optimistic and say Echo went to live with the rest of the Bad Batch again, but I’m terrified
I love the sudden darkness the show has taken after the past relatively innocent episodes. The plot is moving forward again, and while I deeply fear where it is heading, I’m also living for it
Seriously though when can we see Cody and Crosshair again ;-;
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dalekofchaos · 8 months
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Something I would add onto this is the inclusion of Kaeden and Miara and the Martez Sisters. like yeah, so much missed potential and they focus on the wrong things about Ahsoka.
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eyesofthetrees · 4 months
The Martez sisters as togrutas
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spacelesbiandisaster · 2 months
Do you guys think Barriss knew about what happened with Rafa and Trace Martez?
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Because I started to rewatch Clone Wars recently to pickup on lore for a fanfic I pretend to write I started to wonder if Barriss was aware of the Martez parents fate and ended up with a headcanon about that.
So, we a (almost) certain that was Luminara the one who changed the trajectory of a crashing ship who end up destroying the Martinez sisters home with their parents still inside. At least the description that Rafa give us mach her almost perfect:
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I sure that is a lot of beautiful green skin Jedi with the order, even Barriss fits in that description if we really want to push it, but I think it's already common sense with the fandom that Rafa was talking about Luminara. And I couldn't agree more! Luminara being the one involved in this opens up so much room for potential new stories.
Could you imagine a Tales of the Jedi arc with Luminara fighting in the war and having to make difficult decisions such as that to protect a falling republic? How would she deal with her responsibility was a Jedi when the council is constantly sending away to battlefronts? That would be absolutely perfect! I almost with I could suggest to Filoni personally.
But the way Rafa describe the scene sounds like Luminara wasn't the only Jedi who came see her and Trace...
"Afterwords the Jedi came back and one of them came over to me. (...)"
One of them.
So who are the others?
I believe Barriss must been one of them. Remember this all happened in the beginning of the clones wars while the Jedi were capturing Ziro the Hutt (I believe it was in season 1 or 2). There's is no reason for Barriss don't be around at the time, especially given that she is Luminara's Padawan and they were on curruscant, not too far away from the Jedi temple.
She was with Luminara when that ship start to crash. Maybe she even was the one to made the call to set the ship on the apparently empty house to save the people she saw walking on the street and bc everything was happening so fast so Luminara agreed. And honestly, what other choice did they had? It's not like they knew the Martez parents was inside the house, Jedi don't have x-ray vision, and was their job to save as many life as they could. So the two of them did what they had to do, but later they learn about the orphans girls and pay they a visit. Luminara took the responsibility of talking to the orphans because she was the Jedi master (and probably bc Barriss would had been too shocked to stay put in she situation. She is a teenager girl after all) while Barriss stayed aside watching.
It could had been more Jedi with them, but I believe that is very unlikely given that they were fighting a war. The council couldn't realistic spare 5 Jedi to speak to every orphan the war left, but a Jedi Master and their Padawan seen fit for this quest.
At first I thought that was it: Luminara told the sisters the force would be with them and didn't do anything else about the situation, but analysing further what Rafa told Ahsoka changed my mind:
"(...) Trace and I were left, without a home. Just left there to find our way in their system."
Of course that Rafa could be referring to the republic was the Jedi system and they were left on the street, but being Luminara the Jedi involved I believe she left the girls on a orphanage of sorts and when Rafa become of age she find a place and won the right to bring Trace with her. So they had some kind of assistance after their parents death, but we all know that this kind of system had lots and lots of problems and high chance is they weren't take care properly. Not that Luminara or Barriss could had known such a thing, so they truly believed they were doing good to Rafa and Trace.
But why this is important?, you may ask. What difference does it make if Barriss was that or not?
Well, do you remember what happened to Ziro not long after that?
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He broke way from prison!
Jabba paid Cade Bane (and I think Aurra Sing too) to go to curruscant's prison and take Ziro back to Nal Hutta to pay for the crimes he commit against Jabba's son. The show have two whole arcs about it and both together form one of my favorites stories on the clone wars.
But picture this: Barriss up to that point was very careful to not hurt anyone. On the second battle of geonossis she is talking about the importance of saving lives even when it means sacrificing herself going as far as asking Ahsoka to kill her just to prevent some weird mind controlling worms to spread to the galaxy. This same girl unintentional kill two person to same many on that ship crash and couldn't do anything to truly help the orphans that were left behind. All because of some Hutt crime lord the Jedi and the republic allowed to prospect in Coruscant (Ziro had a damn cantina on the lower levels! With bounty hunters and other criminals running around all the time and no one made anything about it until Jabba's son, another crime lord, order they to act). And like that wasn't enough, Cade Bane kill lots and a lot of people during his mission to "rescue" Ziro.
I can imagine Barriss looking at all that and wondering what was the point of sacrificing the Martez parents on the first place if everything just end up returning to the status quo. The choice Luminara and Barriss made didn't make anyone life better. People still died. The Martinez sisters were alone. And both the republic and the Jedi were conducting their actions base on what Jabba the Hutt wanted.
That could had been the moment she realized the number of wrong thing were happening because of the order and how far they had fallen from their old ways. Barriss was a solder when she should have been a pace keeper and there's nothing she could do that made the Jedi realize what they were doing to her, to all her Padawans friends and to the galaxy as a whole.
Well... Almost nothing...
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My personal theory/headcanon is the Martinez sisters incident were the thing that let Barriss to her radicalization and to the Jedi temple bombing.
She probably decided to stay in Curruscant to try to help the people who live there even though she supposed to stay with Luminara and ended up meeting Letta and her husband Jackal (I think that's how it's spelled) and Letta start to talk about doing this great act to attract attention of the Jedi and of the people and was Barriss was spending all the alternatives she had to resolve the problem in a pacific way she started to agree.
I also think the bombing didn't work out the way Barriss intended to because the girl were a total mess on the Wrong Jedi arc.
Maybe Letta feed the nano droids to her husband a little to early, or they were never meant to be feed the him on the first place (Can you imagine Barriss Offe planning on using a civilian was a living bomb? The Barriss we knew from the second battle of geonossis would rather eat the droids herself!) either way Barriss definitely wasn't in her right mind. Other wise she could had save both Ahsoka and herself from prison very easily by blaming Ventress for all her crimes and this is how:
In the Wrong Jedi arc Barriss a holo transmission were she both learn that Ahsoka and Ventress were together and tell Ahsoka were the nano droids droids were.
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Right after that Barriss proceed to stole Ventress lightsabers and go to the deposit Ahsoka is look for the bomb's disguise was Ventress so she can fight Ahsoka.
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But why she does that?
If her intended was to further incriminate Ahsoka she could had just called the guards who would seem Ahsoka in a room full of nano droids and would go like "Yeah, she returns to the crime scene, there's is no way this kid is innocent".
And if her intended was to incriminate Ventress she should had put her in the room while unconscious. Then she could proceed to fight Ahsoka and stage a situation were Ahsoka finds Ventress there and when the guards eventually show up they would shoot at the separatist rather than command Tano.
So yeah, Barriss was spiraling over guilt so hard she couldn't think straight. And I couldn't think of any other reason in cannon that could had sparkle such reaction (I you know of something else I'm begging me to tell me!).
Barriss had to correct her mistake if the crashing ship incident, but the Jedi didn't listen to her, so she plan something big to gain the attention but her accomplice fuck somethings up and everything gotta way out of control so she ends up killing even more civilians and the rest we can imagine from there: She kills Letta because she was freak out about taking all the blame, end up feeling even more guilt (if this is even possible) and on a desperately attempt to save Ahsoka she tries to blame Ventress but fails spectacularly.
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This is all speculation, but I'm choosing to believe that the Martinez parents death play some part on Barriss's Arc. It really is a tragic event that exposes all the cracks in the role the Jedi said they perform as well as the failing republic as a whole.
I would love to Barriss reaction to that on screen I totally think could be part of a hypothetical Luminara story on a future season of Tales of the Jedi.
But what do you think?
Like I said I planning to write a fanfic that has a great role for Barriss and would be super helpful to her others people opinions on the character, so feel free to reach me out to share your personal head cannons and theorys!
(Ps: I'm still learning english so please forgive me if that was a hard to read post)
(Also could you imagine how funny/tragic would be if both Ahsoka's ex-girlfriend and ex-mother in lawn were involved in the death of her current girlfriend, that being Trace, parents? That is good lesbian drama right there!)
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Ahsoka: I can't believe you saved my life. Rafa: I would not do it again. It really hurt. Ahsoka: But you did do it. Rafa: And I regret it so much.
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stellanslashgeode · 7 months
Fic where a few years after the war ended Ahsoka decides to reconnect with her family and finds out she inherit the old Tano ranch on Shili. But she has to be married before taking legal possession through some archaic Togrutan law.
But that’s okay because the half dozen girlfriends she’s gathered through her travels just follow her around wherever she goes. It’s just her and Barriss and the Martez sisters and Bo-Katan and Kaeden Larte and whoever that other farm girl is and who knows who else and it’s a 90s harem anime?
Asajj pops in as a relationship advice guru who gives horrible advice.
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Star Wars Headcanon (I can't draw this but I invite anyone with any skill level to do so, I want to SEE IT but sadly I am Photoshop illiterate) Instead of being a polite, cruel & cold version of himself, Sith!Obi-Wan Kenobi is literally just *xxxtra* Ewan McGregor as Black Mask, mask included. He owns a nightclub and wears velvet and lace and leather, he has made Commander Cody dance naked on a bar table in the middle of a 79s hostage situation, every undercover Jedi Shadow that tries to infiltrate his organization ends up doing his dirty work and then getting tossed off a pier with extreme prejudice (looking at you Quinlan Vos), he once told Admiral Thrawn his art collection was "gauche", when Jedi!Maul was hunting him down, Sith!Obi went to Dathomir and skinned a bunch of his relatives and then wore the skin over his mask (double mask!) and called it avant garde self expression, and so on ad nauseum.
Is there a plucky femme anti-hero heroine who is going to shove a flashbang into his brocade jacket and blow him to smithereens? Probably- I'm not SAYING Ahsoka/Asajj/Trace&Rafa/Barriss/LattsRazzi etc should be crammed into a Birds of Prey style allies of convenience followup illustration (but I'm thinking it kinda fucking loud)
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groundrunner100 · 5 months
If you don’t like the candidates that are on this poll, please ignore this, & keep scrolling. This poll is for Star Wars fans with opinions of A Galaxy Far, Far Away, end of discussion.
To my fellow Star Wars fans, end this debate NOW. It is 2024, & it’s time to end it.
Finally, reblog as to why you voted for a certain candidate(s). Let your opinions be heard.
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femmefighter · 2 months
Chapter 34 - Inikagapi
The Fulcrum trio pair up with the Martez sisters to investigate the new powerhouse in the Imperial defence industries – Morgan Elsbeth.
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beasanfi1997 · 9 months
What If Ahsoka should Met Clone Force 99 realize that Rex, Rafa and Trace Martez Met them on Coreilla? They should too take care of Ezra and they move on Naboo and Ahsoka should help Anakin to protect Ezra from Thrawn and Maul
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margindoodles2407 · 3 months
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I continue to watch The Final Season. Dave what are we doing here
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thecleverqueer · 2 years
Ahsoka and Rex’s last conversation before she went into hiding.
Rex: What do you mean you’re tired of fighting? Look at what just happened!
Ahsoka: … Rex. I can’t keep doing this. I am a threat to anyone that I decide to be around.
Rex: So that’s it? You’re giving up!? I’m going to need help with this, Ahsoka. I can’t save our brothers alone!
Ahsoka: I’ve got a target on my head, Rex! I can’t help you with this, but I know a few people that can.
Rex: …Who?
Ahsoka: I dated this girl in the lower levels of Coruscant, she and her sister, Rafa….
Rex: Wait!? You’re gay?
Ahsoka: This is hardly relevant right now….
Rex: Like hell it isn’t! If I ever see General Skywalker again, he owes me fifty credits!
Ahsoka: What?
Rex: You’re right… It’s not relevant. Never mind, go on…
Ahsoka: You should be able to find them on level 13:13. Trace has a mech bay and her own ship. She’s pretty handy, so she should be able to repair poor R7. Her sister is a little… rough around the edges, but they are no fans of what the Republic has become and should be willing to assist you.
Rex: Her name is Trace? Cute.
Ahsoka: *blushes* She is. Take care of them and keep them out of trouble for me, Rex.
Rex: Understood, sir. Anyone else?
Ahsoka: …I saw Bail Organa at… Padme’s funeral…
Rex: The senator from Alderaan?
Ahsoka: Yes. He… may be organizing something. He urged me to fight, but I can’t put anyone else in danger. I’ve already lost… too many…
Rex: Hey, we both have, sis. At least we still have each other right?
Ahsoka: Thanks, Rex. I think it best for me to lay low for a while out on one of the outer rim planets… Try and live a quiet life… under the radar.
Rex: I’ll miss you, Commander. If you ever need anything…
Ahsoka: I’ll miss you too, Captain. Take care of yourself.
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lazinesswrites · 1 year
I know Ahsoka hasn’t been in The Bad Batch, and we’re most likely to believe she and Rex parted ways after the end of the Clone Wars - it’s probably too dangerous for her to do anything but disappear completely. But also… that’s not really Ahsoka’s style, not when the entire galaxy needs help. And who else would’ve introduced Rex to Trace and Rafa? She might not be right there in the fight with Rex, but I bet they’re still in contact whenever possible/safe, working together to save anyone they can.
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firefly-fez · 2 years
okay the empire decommissioning all clones and discarding them like they’re worthless is horrible and cruel, yes, yes. BUT. with millions of clone refugees scattered throughout the galaxy…. a clone and a togruta travelling together won’t be suspicious anymore, right? our favourite duo can team up again!
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