#traditional acupuncture
renuvenate · 1 year
Impact of Acupuncture on Mental Health: Benefits and Insight
Website: renuvenate.co.uk
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Acupuncture plays a crucial role in mental health, restoring energy balance and promoting overall harmony. When combined with conventional treatments, acupuncture can enhance mental well-being by complementing psychotherapy, enhancing medication strategies, and amplifying lifestyle changes. Acupuncture can enhance receptivity to psychotherapy, alleviate side effects associated with medications, and support lifestyle changes like exercise, diet, and stress reduction. However, it is essential to approach this integration with careful consideration, including collaboration with healthcare professionals, informed decision-making, and individualization.
Acupuncture's historical legacy, grounded in traditional Chinese medicine, intersects with contemporary challenges like stress and anxiety. Its mechanism of action extends to the nervous system and stress hormones, fostering a balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic responses. Acupuncture's complementary role can enhance the effectiveness of conventional treatments and empower individuals on their wellness journeys.
Renuvenate, a clinic in Bromley, welcomes individuals seeking acupuncture in the Bromley area. Read The Role of Acupuncture in Mental Health, explore its benefits and role in managing stress, anxiety, and more.
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disease · 8 months
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System of main meridians with acupuncture point locations
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allsadnshit · 9 months
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Excerpts from "Lao Lao And The Great Crocodile" 2023
Published in Nobody In Taipei Loves Me on Substack
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asumiverde · 8 months
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i just think theyre neat
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glnaturalhealthcare · 2 months
Acupuncture Essendon-Moxibustion Brunswick
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Acupuncture Essendon-Moxibustion Brunswick
Experience the natural healing power of acupuncture for pain relief in Greenvale, where our skilled practitioners help you regain your comfort and wellness. Complement your treatment with our expert herbal medicine services in Westmeadows, tailored to enhance your recovery and overall health.
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ener-chi · 5 months
Journal entry time! TL;DR More fun acupuncture point tid-bits, starting to work in the library, and being more intentional with my time and energy
Alright! We've been learning the Bladder Channel in school, which is the longest meridian in TCM - 67 points! There is a lot to memorize. But here are some fun tidbits and facts!
-You can treat pretty much every organ in the body by treating the bladder channel on the back - each organ has its' own specific point on the bladder channel called a "Shu-Point"
-Fun fact about the Shu-Points! If you are having issues or pathology with a specific organ, oftentimes that is reflected in the Shu-Point. For example, that specific spot on the back could be feeling cold, heavy, achy, damp, etc.
-BL60 - a point on the ankle - is cautioned against use if the patient is pregnant, as using it could accidentally cause a miscarriage! Also related, it can also be used to promote labor if it is difficult, or to help with a retained placenta.
-Also related - BL67 - a point on the pinky-toe - can be used to help treat Breech Presentation Labor! If you don't know what that is, Breech Presentation is when the baby is turned the wrong way in the womb. If born Breech, it could cause damage or birth defects, or even death of the baby if the umbilical cord gets wrapped around the baby's neck.
Fun fact - the World Health Organization recognizes acupuncture as a proven, effective way to treat Breech Presentation Birth. That blows my mind! That means that it has been studied and scientifically shown that acupuncture is effective at treating this. Isn't that wild? That like. Just regular needles. At places away from the uterus - like the wrists - could have such a profound and proven effect on the body - or even a body within another body. Crazy.
In other news, I started working at the school library this week. Honestly genuinely the easiest job that I've ever had. It's a really small library, and barely gets any traffic - so I will have most of the time that I spend working to myself to study or do whatever I want.
It will only be for a few hours a week, but that's enough time for me to study - or dig into some books. I was finding some really interesting books that I'm very curious and excited to dig into. Interestingly enough, there's like at least 6 or 7 Reiki books that I found that I'm interested in. There's also a lot of books related to energy medicine, which I'm interested in. There is also a book about Qigong Therapy with TCM and acupuncture. I am prolly going to look at that first - because I am interested in it, but mainly because the book is normally like $400 and I would prefer to not have to buy it myself lolol
I have been working on spending my time in more... intentional, ways. I feel like in the past I've spent just so much time on distractions or pleasure-seeking - mainly video games. I have decided to take a break from gaming and spend some time studying and meditating and some other stuff, and honestly I'm shocked at how much more mental clarity I have. I'm also more happy - I have more time to do things that I actually find fulfilling and not just pleasurable. And meditation has been going well, too. I have been doing mindfulness meditation, and I can already start to see the benefits and effects from it as I become more aware of my mind and thought processes.
I think that's it for now. I've been busy playing a bit of catch-up now that I'm feeling better and more recovered after the flu last week, but it's been... really, really good actually, and I'm very grateful.
Hope everyone has a wonderful night!
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
I read the first chapter or two of the unofficial translation and the acupuncture stuff just kinda put me off, that's too close to quackery for me to take it seriously, so I was wondering about your thoughts on it
oh. oh buddy. listen if you care about medical accuracy like,, at all,, this is definitely not the novel for you lmao
personally acupuncture is not for me, i have a strong fear of needles so the thought of anyone sticking needles into my body is terrifying, but i also feel that way about any kind of shot so i am probably not the best person to ask. as for whether it is quackery,,, maybe it's just that i'm not a native english speaker but that sounds like a loaded word lmao. i think it has to have some benefits, but definitely not to the level some attribute it. i would group it along with chiropractic (which by the way rakiel also does). useful for some people if done correctly but only if accompanied by actual medical advice lol.
plus. i think most people forget how recent most modern medicine is. for a long ass time herbal remedies, acupuncture, moxibustion, things we now consider as outdated or primitive or outright barbaric,,, well they were all that were available at the time. it was the best they could do. it wasn't that doctors and healers of that time didn't want to do better, they literally couldn't. and some of this stuff is still deeply tied to some cultures, is still respected as traditional methods of treatment. to call it quackery feels just,,,, a little icky.
now rakiel is from the modern era, but still, he's not someone who tries to scam people by offering fake miracle treatments with acupuncture or whatever. he's just offering whatever help he can with what he knows to do.
and really this is a fantasy novel. massive spoilers ahead but like. rakiel talks with his goddamn organs. he can get a diagnosis by taking people's pulse. he cured fucking covid with the help of a dragon. his own bone dragon takes x-rays by sneezing. damian uses his excess glucose to make mana blasts. medical accuracy is well behind us.
so like. i get why you could be put off by the treatments he uses, they're not very accurate and are definitely being exaggerated for the sake of the plot, but. they're not much more outlandish that everything lloyd is doing in tged lol. i think it's just that most of us are less familiar with civil engineering that we are with medicine and, uh, basic human anatomy, so we can more easily call bullshit on some of the wild plot devices ajksdka
i am very interested in your thoughts tho! please tell me if you read further and what you think of it!
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hopeldx · 2 years
Oboro seems to like to mention Shouyo no matter whom he's talking with 😂
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after fighting with Oboro , Gintoki got dark circles round his eyes too. (is it infectious?🤔)
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Many people guessed that maybe Oboro kicked Gintoki in this scene so that katana won't rip into Gintoki. (he's really ...)
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Relief from Allergies: The Healing Power of Acupuncture
Generated by Practina AI and Daniel Fielder, LAc Understanding Allergies and Acupuncture Treatment Allergies are a common affliction that affects millions of people worldwide. The symptoms, including sneezing, itching, and congestion, can be debilitating and impact daily life. Many individuals seek relief from these symptoms through conventional treatments, but there’s an alternative approach…
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renuvenate · 1 year
Top Health Benefits of Acupuncture
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Website: renuvenate.co.uk
Acupuncture aims to balance a person's qi by inserting microscopic needles into the skin, activating the body's healing processes, and restoring harmony. It is based on the principle that qi flows through meridians and can be blocked by toxins, stress, trauma, hormones, and food. Acupuncture is used for pain relief, general health enhancement, and promoting the body's innate healing capacity. 
Acupuncture is a safe and effective treatment for various illnesses, including pain, chronic pain, and menopausal symptoms. It increases endorphin levels, which help reduce pain, unlike opioid medications, which have adverse effects and addiction.
Acupuncture is known for its long-lasting benefits, such as improved AMH hormone levels in PCOS patients. Patients should consult licensed acupuncturists for safe and effective treatment. Acupuncture offers numerous health benefits, including stress reduction, chronic pain relief, digestive problems, immune system enhancement, sleep improvement, and migraine treatment.
It physically rewires the brain, reducing stress and anxiety, and improving the nervous system's balance. Acupuncture also promotes the development of natural killer cells, enhancing blood flow and intestinal activity. Additionally, it may be superior to Western medicine in treating sleeplessness due to its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Read Top 7 Potential Health Benefits of Acupuncture, to learn more. Visit Renuvenate to book your acupuncture therapy session.
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Acupuncture: Your Natural Stress-Buster in a Chaotic World
In the hustle and bustle of modern life, stress has become an unwelcome constant. It’s the nagging worry that keeps you up at night, the tension in your shoulders after a long day, and the knot in your stomach before a big presentation. We all experience stress, but when it becomes chronic, it can wreak havoc on our physical and mental health. While there are countless stress management…
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livingwellnessblog · 1 month
Acupuncture Point - Celestial Window (Si16 - Tian Chuang)
Small Intestine 16, known as "Celestial Window," is a vital point in Traditional Chinese Medicine, facilitating communication between the mind, body, spirit, and cosmos. Modern science reveals its effects on neural stimulation, pain modulation, muscle rel
Acupuncture Point – Celestial Window (Small Intestine 16 – Tian Chuang): Physical Usage: The acupuncture point Celestial Window (Small Intestine 16), also known as Tian Chuang in Chinese, is located on the lateral aspect of the neck. It is positioned in a depression between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. This point is used in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to address various…
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ener-chi · 6 months
Here's a 5am update because I have the flu and this fever is keeping me up and have nothing better to do, so (: TL;DR Reiki, School Changes, and Experimenting with Acupuncture Points
First off, I kind of had like a "Reiki Re-Awakening" as I'll call it. I was doing laundry and mine had some extra time so I was in the community room bored, and just peeking under the TV at me from the perfect angle from where I was sitting was a Reiki book.
I hadn't heard of it before (and ya know, this screams of synchronicity) so I picked it up and thumbed through it, and immediately decided to borrow it.
The book is called Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein. It is... incredible honestly. It talks about Reiki and some techniques in new ways that I hadn't heard before and it really clicked with me. It also blends in some TCM concepts, which I immediately latched onto. I would highly recommend this book honestly - just be aware that if you aren't Reiki attuned you won't be able to do Reiki or anything in the book until you get your attunements (:
Anyways, the timing of this book and everything else in my life - Reiki just like. Completely enveloped me. I have been just SURGING with Reiki lately, and just been doing soo much Reiki work, on myself and others. I have had some things happen when doing Reiki that are nothing short of miracles. It blows my mind every single time.
So yeah. Basically Reiki is a very very big part of my life and my practice now. I think eventually I would LOVE to do Reiki and acupuncture concurrently. I'm super curious about the effectiveness of it - but I suspect highly of it.
Speaking of which - school! I had some big realizations regarding this. I realized that I have been so busy trying to be good at school that I wasn't actually learning any of the material, and that I kind of have forgotten why I am here in the first place.
I remembered that the whole reason that I came to this school was to study energy, and to study Qi - what it is, how it works, and how to manipulate it for different purposes and healing etc.
Because of this, I realized that I needed to switch my degree plan. I was in a dual masters/doctoral program, but I realized that didn't suit me and that I need to switch to the MaC program instead.
The difference is herbs. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) isn't just acupuncture - it's also moxa, bodywork, a few other things - but especially herbs.
The dual program is 4.5 years, and 1.5 of those years is just straight up herbs. And I realized that while learning herbs would definitely help me treat people in a deeper and more effective manner - it's irrelevant to what brought me here in the first place - to study energy, and Qi.
So yeah. Some big changes, but really good and necessary ones. Also, now that I've rekindled my passion, I've been having a lot of fun experimenting with acupuncture points and energy work and stuff.
Like me and my partner got pretty sick with the Flu this weekend (still dealing with it). But it's been really interesting to experiment with acupressure on different points, and seeing how it feels but also how it helps my symptoms, which surprisingly is alot.
Like my partner was having a really hard time with sleeping due to a nonstop cough, and I was able to help their cough subside and breath easier. They also had a frontal headache that they almost had instant results with.
And for me - I've noticed that acupressure on certain points was able to help some nausea that I've had. But not even 30 minutes ago I've been up with a terrible fever, and I did acupressure on certain points in a certain order to clear heat, and my fever like immediately started going down and I started feeling better and now I think it's almost gone as I'm typing this (:
It's very cool and fascinating to me that I am able to achieve such results with simple acupressure, no needles - needling would be much more effective.
But that's exactly what I want to study and experiment with - I want to be able to affect my Qi and other people's energy and bodies with my own energy and Qi. I am fascinated with the idea of treating according to TCM with more energy woek and qigong than needles, and I am really excited to start learning more (:
Anywho, I think that's it for now. Thanks for reading! Hope everyone has a wonderful day today!
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painflame · 1 month
Alternative medicine in Gurgaon at Painflame offers Acupuncture, Naturopathy, and Ayurveda for holistic healing. Our personalized treatments address chronic pain, stress, and overall wellness, providing natural solutions tailored to your needs. Experience top natural therapies in Gurgaon for optimal health and lasting relief.
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glnaturalhealthcare · 2 months
Chinese Therapeutic Massage Glenroy-Needleless acupuncture Pascoe Vale
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Chinese Therapeutic Massage Glenroy-Needleless acupuncture Pascoe Vale
Looking for effective fertility support or relief from back pain in Craigieburn and Greenvale? Discover the benefits of acupuncture tailored to your needs, with personalized treatments designed to boost your fertility and alleviate discomfort.
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