#traffic violence tw
ananiujitha · 2 years
I live next to a busy multilane stroad
... And it’s just so frustrating that there’s no safe way across.
All the crosswalks are at intersections.
The major intersections have blinding+disorienting turn signals from every direction, plus blinding+disorienting crosswalk lights. I used to be able to shield my eyes, but the lights are getting more powerful, and some cars have additional lights. I once turned away from one set of flashing lights, got hit by another,  and regained awareness 2 or 3 lanes into the stroad.
The state also allows right turn on red.
The minor intersections don’t have as many turn signals, but the state department of transportation has installed extra flashing lights at those intersections so they aren’t safe either.
Now if I take a long detour to use crossings with sliplanes, I can avoid the right turn on red issue, but I’m still afraid I’ll have a seizure.
I have anti-glare glasses, they don’t help, and I have tried sunglasses, they actually make things worse, and I only cross in the middle of the day, but they’re still too bright.
I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.
I have already been hit twice on other local stroads and I fear I will be killed.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 10 months
I made an illegal u-turn to get on some kind of exit ramp, kind of accidentally cut someone off but they just pulled around me and sped away. A little further down the road I come upon that same person pulled over by a traffic cop, see their hand sticking out their window pointing at me, then the cop gestures for me to pull over also. I thought I was gonna get a ticket but the cop just wanted to referee while we fought to the death.
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krashlite · 11 months
lil exercise i did awhile ago hehe
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omgitsbeewave · 1 year
tw(cw???) strangulation, thorns, vines, idk
i've been seeing a lot of interesting things lately... one beautiful color palette for example! "I Thought You'd Always Be Here"
it inspired me so much to draw the guys from au where scott is flower hybrid, mhm
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i love it
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buzzy-bee-117 · 1 year
Martyn didn't care that Scott was his loyal ally, he didn't care about all the time Scott had given to him, all the care Scott had for him. He never really payed attention to the way the merman looked at him, full of passion. He only cared about winning. And win he did.
Scott didn't even think about that fact that his supposed ally had killed him in cold blood with no mercy. Not even thinking about his feelings. He had looked him straight in the eyes as he was murdered. He only cared that instead of someone else killing him it was his partner. His beloved. And he wouldn't have it any other way.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 months
Had a dream where the bad boys were hanging out and Grian was like ok lads let's play murder. And she killed Jimmy violently but like it was fine it was consensual. They made out about it. It was implied to be a world with respawn anyway so Jimmy disappeared after getting cut up and gutted gaystyle.
And then Grian was like Joel do you want to get stabbed too? 🥺 And Joel was like nah mate I'm good 👍. But they did a little kissing anyway and then Joel stabbed Grian gaystyle but again it was consensual and I feel like this all says something about me idk what tho.
I should write this. I was writing it in the dream for some reason.
Also this was my first dream where Grian was definitely transfem. Ok.
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funky-fox-fics · 9 months
Am I the asshole for killing my best friend?
Hear me out, this isn't rage bait, I promise.
So, like a week ago, me (30M) and like a dozen other people went on a camping trip. We didn't really know each other, but we were pretty sure it'd be fun to have a bit of bonding.
Halfway through the trip there, we get lost in the middle of a forest. As if this isn't bad enough, car dies abruptly. Guy who owns it doesn't know what happened. We have no cell service, no car, nothing.
We were standing there, trying to contact someone for god's sake, when a wild animal - a bear, I think - came running out of the forest and injures this guy, S (29M). Badly. Broken arm, wounds, thank goodness it wasn't rabid or something. I chase it off, but everyone realizes the woods are unsafe. Before long, R (31M) and M (32M) decide to split off from the actual group. S pledges his loyalty to me because R and M weren't here. The rest of us split up, and it's only me and S.
Rest of the day goes by. We set up camp at the top of this big sandy hill. S stole a survivalist guide from M so we know what's safe to eat. Two others, J (27M) and his boyfriend, come and we share the stuff we forage. None of us die, which is good.
Next day, we find out someone's stolen the survivalist guide. We track down R and M, and it turns out they have it. They agree to let is take pictures of the important pages (we have solar chargers) if we agree to help them search for stuff. We agree, but they don't let us take pictures of important stuff - like what berries are safe to eat or not. S has a terrible memory but didn't show anyone else, so now only R and M know what is safe to eat. They tell us they don't trust us, which is weird, but S decides to give them some food in return. We take a few of the nonpoisonous food we saved, and we leave it near their little tent.
Except the next day M comes to tell us: R is gravely wounded and may die from his injuries.
I'm shocked. It turns out that a bear had come, attracted by the berries, and now R is swearing vengeance for our mistake.
Everything is a whirlwind after that. R and three others form an alliance against me and S for killing R, the three people join on M's side, me and S are left with J (22M) and his boyfriend. I swear I didn't mean for the bear to come, but it just did.
And then S breaks his leg after he falls into a ravine, and M decides to repay me what I did to R.
Long story short, everyone... dies. I can't believe it, even as I type it out. Everyone is dead. Everyone. I'm sorry if I sound callous, I get like that when I'm grieving. But M tried to come after me, so I hit him in the stomach and- someone stepped on him, and me and J and S and J's boyfriend were trying to defend ourselves, and- well. Everyone died.
Now's where I might be the AH. It came down to me and S, but I swear I could see the ghosts of everyone dead. Me and S were just on the hill, and S was trying to weasel his way out of it, but then S was on the edge and something hissed in my ear in R's voice to kill him and I just pushed him off right there and then.
It was like I'd gone deaf. Everything was silent. I waited there for five minutes, staring at S's broken body, but he was still very dead.
I decided to do what no one else had done, and I took the food and ran away from everything. Abandoned the car and the tents. I don't care who finds it now, it doesn't matter, they'll find my friends first. I ran for a long time, thank goodness I was a cross country runner in high school, and finally I made it to a really small town with cell service. I'm writing this now as I work up the courage to see if I can't get back to Hermitcraft and tell everyone what happened. I know I can't stay there, but maybe they'll hear me out before killing me too. I'm so sorry, S. I didn't mean to kill you, not really. RIP.
So, now, I ask you all: am I still the asshole?
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rachiecrown · 11 months
Rachie Crown back at it again writing something she thought would only be about a hundred words but it turned out to be much longer than she expected uh
Anyways 3L Desert Duo!! But I swapped them! So now Scar is the winner of 3L!
TWs; major character death, graphic depictions of violence, blood, it's the life series what do you want from me
3,884 words
"SCAR NO-!!"
[Grian was blown up by Creeper]
Gasps and shouts sounded out around the group and Scar turned, staring at the crater the creeper explosion had left. Brown feathers floated down and touched dirt, items spilled everywhere. Scar's eyes followed how a particularly round stick rolled to a stop at the bottom of the crater, where Grian was just a second ago.
"Did he really just-!?" Tango started, which Martyn continued with, "He blew himself up!!" Seven different communicators pinged rapidly with messages from the other players, who all saw the death message in the chat.
The realization of what had just happened hit Scar. A creeper had been behind him, and he hadn't even heard the hiss. Grian, who looked so smug in the corner of his eye just a moment ago, had sacrificed one of his precious lives just to tackle a creeper away from Scar. He felt a shaky breath exit his lungs.
The shocked conversation from the other six left Scar's ears as he walked towards the crater, sliding down into it cautiously and gathering Grian's items in his arms. From what he knew, Grian only had two lives left, and since he assumedly didn't have a respawn point, he would be back where everyone else started, surrounded by poppies and lilacs and all other kinds of flowers.
"I need to go see Grian." Scar said, looking up as BDubs and Etho looked into the crater. Scar climbed out onto the grass and took off towards the center of the arena, as fast as his braced legs would let him. To think Grian of all people would be the first yellow on the server.. Scar wasn't sure if anyone was betting on that.
By the time spawn was in sight, Grian was visible sitting heavily against an oak tree, hugging his half-decimated sweater to his chest with his tattered wings wrapped around himself. There were markings on him, which Scar quickly realized were healed over scars left by the explosion, which covered from the top of Grian's head all the way down to his lower stomach on his right side.
Scar slowed his approach and walked the rest of the few dozen blocks to Grian, kneeling next to him. He placed Grian's items down, pushing Grian's wings back and taking his sweater from his hands, shifting it and moving it over his left side. Scar tied the sleeves together in a makeshift poncho.
Grian breathed shakily. Scar could see the shock still present in the avian's now dark yellow and pale blue eyes. Scar didn't know that eye color changed according to the amount of lives someone had. Grian's eyes flicked up to meet Scar's, lowering his hands. Scar noticed how his right eye seemed out of focus, the pupil faded to a dark and cloudy grey.
"Scar, I- I'm so sorry, Scar-" Grian breathed as his senses came back into focus. Scar furrowed his eyebrows. "What are you apologizing for? It's you who got blown up, Gri-" "No, no!" Grian interrupted, frustration leaking into his tone. "It's my own fault for getting blown up, I led the creeper to everyone trying to play a prank like Martyn with his soundboard and-"
It was Grian's turn to be interrupted as Scar held up his hand. "Grian, it's okay- well, no, it's not okay because you just lost a life, but you sacrificed yourself for me, and-" Scar put his hand down and glanced to the side. "You saved my life."
Grian stared blankly, his mouth opened ever so slightly. The avian brought his hands up in front of him almost defensively, his own expression hardening. "Well I-" Scar grabbed Grian's right hand in both of his, squeezing it reassuringly. "And that's why I'm dedicating my first life to you!" He declared. Grian's eyes widened.
"No, no, Scar, I didn't-"
"Let's team together! Come on, let's go to the desert and get a monopoly on cactuses and sand!" Scar pulled Grian to his feet.
"It's cacti, Scar,"
"We'll be so rich, Grian! People want sand and cactus, right?"
And so, Grian found himself on the back of a llama, as insisted by Scar for Grian to not walk, heading towards the desert where sand would surely become a problem for his already damaged wings. Grian couldn't bring himself to protest much against Scar's enthusiasm in his dizzy and revived state. In fact, he knew deep down that by the time he would come to his senses, it would be far too late to leave the desert.
"I'm all for science and discovery! We are the science bros!" Scar sang as he walked behind Grian. The two looked at each other, and Scar saw some sort of strained happiness in Grian's eyes, as the avian didn't pay attention to what was in front of him.
"Science and discov-" Scar cut himself off right as Grian slipped, a scream escaping the blonde's lips.
Scar covered his mouth as the death message flooded his vision.
[Grian fell from a high place]
Scar had to sit down for a moment, his legs giving out beneath him as his communicator pinged rapidly. Neither of the two had seen the ravine in front of them, the ravine that they both knew was there. Scar should have been able to grab him, pull him back up onto the sand, and tell him it was okay, because Scar had him, but Grian slipped a bit too quickly, too far out of Scar's reach.
Shakily, Scar moved himself far enough to look over the edge, adrenaline on the deadly drop beneath him fueling his veins. Items were spilled on the ground. Items and feathers and a lot of blood. Scar felt sick.
Grian was the first red life in the arena, and Grian was allied with Scar. From what he understood, red lives were supposed to be hostile, nervous things, with a lot of pent up frustration that made them willing to do nearly anything to make sure they weren't taken out. All ties and relationships were broken the instant someone reached their last life.
Scar regained the ability to move, carefully making his way down into the ravine. He reached down and gathered Grian's items for the second time, then brought himself back up to the sandy surface. Scar wondered if Grian would be coming back to him, back to their home in the desert, or if he'd stay away.
A hint of red caught Scar's eye, and he turned as Grian emerged from the tree line just a biome over, a large bouquet of lilacs and poppies in his arms. Scar ran to greet Grian, dropping items out of his arms as the damaged avian walked slowly, painfully, into the sand.
The two met and Scar nearly hugged Grian, only to realize how that might not be the best thing to do to someone who just respawned on their last life. Instead, he took in how Grian's appearance had changed.
His yellow eye had turned a deep red, and his blue eye was nearly grey. The pupil seemed fully clouded over, which indicated Grian's sight was fully taken out of that eye. Scar swore those white streaks weren't in Grian's hair a few minutes ago, and not to mention how pale the avian looked. Scar settled his hand on Grian's upper arm.
"Scar, can.." Grian spoke, avoiding eye contact. Grian knew the rules of the arena better than Scar did, and he also knew, better than Scar did, that he had nowhere else to go. Grian pushed the flowers forward against Scar's chest. Scar took them. "Can we still be friends?"
Scar felt his heart sink into his stomach because he knew he couldn't refuse Grian, standing there on his last life with desperation in his lowered eyes. Scar wrapped both arms around the bouquet. "I still owe my first life to you, Grian, as much as you try to deny that. You can't change my mind." Scar settled on saying.
Can't, or won't?
Grian's wings refolded behind him, still horribly singed from his first death. Scar would never know the relief that flooded through Grian, the heavy weight of anxiety lifting slightly off his heart. Grian stepped forward and around Scar, finding that it was still hard to meet his emerald green eyes. He gathered his items and put them back in their proper places.
"Stop staring." Grian almost spat. "Please." He then added in a softer tone. He felt Scar's gaze tear away from his back. Embarrassment hung over Grian's shoulders, since both times, losing his lives were his own fault and not someone else's. It was Grian who knocked the creeper away from Scar, he knew it was there, he led it there. It was Grian who slipped into the ravine, not someone who pushed him.
The avian gave a heavy sigh and just decided to be grateful that it wasn't his last life he lost.
The thought of when that last life would expire, though, weighed heavily on both their minds.
[GoodTimeWithScar was shot by InTheLittleWood]
Scar wasn't sure how Grian dealt with the pain. The avian always seemed so stone faced regarding physical feelings, and his two deaths were very obviously painful ones, so as Scar sat up in his bed with a horrible pain from an arrow that struck between his shoulder blades just seconds ago, effectively taking his first life, he wondered how Grian's own body felt.
He swung his legs onto the floor and grabbed a large stick - the closest thing to a cane he could get his hands on - and forced himself to stand. Turns out leg braces didn't stick around for respawn, unfortunately enough.
Scar checked his communicator, worried about Grian. He thought, what if Grian was shot instead of Scar? Scar would still be on all three of his lives and Grian would've been gone, just like that.
After scrolling through his communicator for a few minutes while slowly walking out of the small respawn box Grian made for him, he found no death messages regarding his partner in crime.. But they had lost Jimmy, who was just previously on his red life. He pulled himself up a ladder and trudged slowly across the sand, kneeling down and dropping lightly into the trench dug around a base of operations Grian had made.
He gathered his items from the water, grateful to find his leg braces did in fact not get terribly damaged. Scar sat in the water and pulled the braces on, strapping the velcro shut over his boots and pants. He pulled his armor back on and put his items away, finding it more bearable to stand now.
Scar pulled himself out of the ditch and was greeted with Scott, who kneeled and helped Scar up. "What happened, it all went horribly, horribly wrong!" Scott exclaimed. Scar paced to the edge of the explosion radius. "The explosion worked.." Scar mumbled, Scott agreeing with, "The explosion went off, but it didn't kill anyone."
Scar walked down into the trench. "And Jimmy.." He looked back to the base for a moment as Scott followed him. "He's dead!" Scott crossed his arms with an upset shrug. Scar could see the tears in his eyes, and knew that he'd be in a worse state if it were Grian who had been killed instead.
"I know that Grian's somehow still alive, no messages said he died." Scar stated, climbing out of the crater. Distantly, it reminded him of Grian's first death. "Did they take him prisoner?" Scott wondered. Scar shook his head. "Dunno, but I want to know what happened to him."
It was when Scott and Scar were in the forest that Grian ran up to greet them, his wings spread behind him and bouncing with each step. Scar put his hands out and placed them on Grian's upper arms at they met.
"Where were you? I've been across the arena at least a hundred times by now!" Grian exaggerated, one of his own hands grabbing Scar's wrist. Scar noticed Martyn not too far behind Grian, shouting something about his banner that Scar had stolen. Grian's feathers ruffled in discomfort as he turned and glared at Martyn.
A few minutes later Scar finally handed over the banner, which Martyn promptly snatched up and ran with, however, Grian, shouting something about revenge, dashed after the green life with murderous intent and his sword raised. Scar only followed after.
It was after Martyn lost his first life to a skeleton that Grian finally decided to calm down. His angered expression turned to a manic joy and back to a still neutrality. Scar took Grian's arm as they discussed their next move with Scott, then the three ran as some members of Dogwarts followed behind.
Grian glanced up at Scar for just a second as they went to BigB's base, noticing how his eyes had turned from their emerald green to a golden yellow.
"Whoever gets the no kill pass, I don't kill." Scar said, balling up and throwing a piece of paper. Immediately, manic bloodlust took over both BDubs and Grian's eyes, the two scrambling for the crumpled white sheet. Scar watched apathetically as they clambered over each other in desperation, throwing punches and pushing and kicking with feathers flying every which way.
BDubs was first to grab the paper, screaming, "I'VE GOT IT!" and slowly, Scar turned towards Grian, who suddenly looked a lot more pale than he was a minute ago. BDubs whipped out his bow and fired as Scar raised his sword. Grian dodged and dashed.
The sword in Scar's hands was ripped out violently, and a searing pain erupted in his side. He was jerked left and an arrow went flying right into his chest, everything going black instantly.
[GoodTimeWithScar was shot by BDoubleO100]
Scar sat up in bed instantly and grabbed for the spare leg braces he brought into the respawn box. He pulled them on and scrambled for armor with adrenaline fueling his veins.
[BDoubleO100 was slain by Grian]
Scar dashed down the hall and climbed the ladder. His boots were already filling with sand as he sheathed a sword and ran across the desert as fast as his braced legs would let him. He dashed around the cacti wall and into the forest, pausing and crouching down when he reached Grian's location.
Heavy breaths shook their way out of Scar's mouth. Grian stood with Scar's bloodstained sword over a pile of items and clocks and so much blood, his wings spread wide and enchantments smoking off his armor. Scar pulled his sword out, stepping forward, and Grian was on him in an instant. Swords clashed and Grian screamed.
Scar tripped over Grian's foot and landed in the small pond next to them. Grian leaped in as Scar swam back. Both splashed around wildly with Grian's red eye locked onto Scar's own now ruby red ones with hatred and fury. Grian swung and Scar's sword was knocked out of his hands. Grian dropped the sword and grabbed Scar around the neck, submerging him in water.
In the sudden silence of water filling his ears and the sensation of Grian's talons tight around his neck, Scar's thoughts became clear. Bubbles escaped his lips and his hand found his discarded sword.
Scar had really just left Grian's life up to a piece of paper. He had just shown Grian that he meant absolutely nothing, which wasn't true. Grian meant everything, and in a moment of pure stupidity and thoughtlessness that Scar wasn't sure was his own, that was thrown out the window.
Scar jerked Grian's right hand away from his neck, shoving the hilt of the sword into violent muscle. Scar shoved himself up as soon as Grian faltered and gasped for air, coughing his lungs out and struggling to find his breath.
Grian raised the sword, pausing when Scar bowed his head. "You can kill me." Scar told him.
No hit followed the spoken words. Scar lifted his head at the sound of eating, seeing Grian stare down at the water with folded wings as he basically shoved some food from his bag down his throat. Scar tried to make eye contact as the sword dropped from Grian's hands.
"No." Grian said after he swallowed.
"For staying with me all this time, being so loyal after you were the first red on the server, you may slay me and take the enchanter." Scar offered. Grian moved back. "I can't, I literally can't. I don't want to." The avian's voice was small.
Whispers came from the wind. "Fight, no armor, no weapons, fight, kill, blood." Hushed voices from ghosts of other contestants circled around the two, invading their ears and minds. Scar watched Grian's angry eyes soften with tears spilling down his cheeks. It was then that he realized he's never seen Grian cry before.
"Can't we win together? Scar- Can we win together?" He choked out. Scar glanced around, pulling planks from BDubs' spilled inventory into the water. He took Grian's arm and pulled him up to the makeshift raft, and a confused laugh escaped Grian's lips. "Scar, Scar why- what-"
Scar sat on the planks and started scooping water with his hands, rowing them clumsily around he pond. "Why are we in a boat in a pond!?" Grian shouted. Scar felt the raft rock, and they both fell off into the water again.
He grabbed his avian friend and pulled him up by the arm, both taking heavy breaths from the sudden cut of oxygen the water so generously supplied. Scar rested his hand on Grian's upper arm, which Grian covered with his hand.
The whispers were so loud, like heavy winds from a terrible storm that began to fog Grian and Scar's minds. "Scar, we have to. We have to." Grian said, and the angry whispers quieted. Scar felt his heart in his stomach because he knew from the beginning that there would only be one winner, but he had no idea he would be going against Grian.
"Scar, no matter what happens, I think we can claim this as a double victory, right?"
"Yes, yes." Scar quickly agreed as he threw items into the fire and cacti behind him. Grian raised his fists, laughing each time Scar showed off something from Dogwarts before letting it burn away in the orange flames, much to some of the ghosts dismay.
"Okay, I'm ready. That's it." Scar turned back to Grian, raising his own fists. Grian gave a weak smile that Scar didn't think looked very good on him. "Let's let the ghosts count us in then."
Chants filled the wind, their ears, their minds. Scar tried to remind himself that they were contestants in an arena. "Three," Scar felt a chill go down his spine. "Two," Grian's voice joined the chant. "One."
The two ran at each other, fists colliding with flesh. Scar turned and fell back into a cactus. "Oh, Grian, it hurts! It hurts so much!" Scar gasped. A fake laugh spilled from Grian's lips, which Scar copied, grimacing as he felt Grian's nose crack under his knuckles.
"Scar, Scar!" Grian shouted in a high tone. Scar copied the tone, and if he closed his eyes for a second, and ignored the pain, he could almost imagine him and Grian in a domestic setting, laughing about their day or something the other had done. "It's not even funny, Scar!" Grian laughed out, as if Scar was the one who was laughing instead.
"Grian, it hurts!" "I'm so sorry Scar!" "I'm sorry too-"
Scar cut himself short after he delivered an especially hard blow to Grian. The avian crumpled into the sand beneath him with dying laughter on his lips. Scar knew he could never pull his heart out of his stomach as he fell to his knees, the death message flashing in his eyes.
[Grian was slain by GoodTimeWithScar]
Scar fell on Grian's body and wept.
"Grian, no, no.." he whispered. The ghosts' chants were even louder now, screaming "one final life! Take it! One final life!" Scar shook his head and gathered Grian's body in his arms, shaking and sobbing and holding him to his chest and-
"SHUT UP!! SHUT UP YOU STUPID GHOSTS!" Scar screamed. His own voice shocked him, the anger fueling it so different from his usual yells and shouts. The wind went quiet with impatience, but Scar couldn't bring himself to care. He lowered his head into dirty blond hair, watching with one eye open as the color faded away into white.
"I'm so sorry, Grian, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." He brushed Grian's hair out of his face solemnly, resuming his mourning. He knew Grian wanted to win. He thought Grian was going to win, because Grian was so strong and smart and better than Scar. Grian should've won.
"It's time to go home, Scar." The wind whispered gently. Scar sat upright. Grian laid still. With stifled sobs, Scar stood and carried Grian to the edge of their mountain, where a grave to Scar's llama laid. Scar knelt and laid Grian stomach down. He knew from their time in the desert that the avian never liked to sleep on his back.
With ghosts watching, Scar's hand lingered on Grian's upper arm for just a moment longer before he walked to the edge of the mountain, a cliff dropoff just centimeters beyond his foot. Adrenaline spiked in his bloodstream, and he almost backed off, but he raised his head and spread his arms, knowing that this was the only way out of the arena.
"I don't.. I don't feel good." Scar smiled to the sky. His foot slipped forward, and he fell down, down, down.
[GoodTimeWithScar fell from a fight place]
Grian and Scar stood face to face in the white void between worlds. Scar couldn't see Grian's face, but he knew all too well that Grian's dark eyes were boring holes through him.
It was too bright to see any color, only Grian's silhouette visible to Scar's eyes, yet Scar could tell Grian's body had healed from the horrors of the arena.
Grian spread his wings and walked forward. Scar met him in the middle. He reached and placed his hand on the avian's upper arm.
"No one else will remember this, the arena." Grian's voice echoed. "No one but us."
"Is it because we were the last two?" Scar asked. Grian hummed. "You could say that." Then Grian did something Scar wasn't expecting, as he moved Scar's hand off his arm.
Grian embraced Scar.
Warmth blossomed between the two as Scar wrapped his own arms around Grian with closing eyes, and distantly, he realized he had never felt a hug from Grian before. Grian pressed further. "I'm so sorry you had to win, Scar." He whispered, and honestly, Scar believed he could live with the memories, as long as he went where Grian did.
"Are you ready to go home?" The avian asked. Scar nodded and pressed his face into Grian's hair. "I'm ready." He said.
Scar knew deep down that it was far too late to leave the desert.
[Grian left the game]
[GoodTimeWithScar left the game]
GGRGGRHRRGGAGGSHHSGDHGRAAAAA <-sound of Desert Duo fans going insane (it's me I'm Desert Duo fans)
Genuinely I did not think I would spawn 3k words out of nowhere I thought this was gonna be a short ten or so paragraphs of explanation but I just wrote instead and now I'm in so much emotional pain
Heeheehoo :3 (<- thousands dead, millions more injured)
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fanartfromafan · 1 year
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Why merely Watch the game, when one can Play the game?
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 1 month
To the Nameless Man from the Drunk Driving Prevention Example Video (A Poem)
I didn’t expect to watch a man die today,
but here we are.
They told us that some of the content would be disturbing, and I didn’t doubt them for a moment,
I’ve truly never seen a man get launched that high.
Do you think, if you tried,
you could’ve touched Heaven
with your outstretched fingers?
I wonder what the birds thought,
hearing that great collision and looking down to see you
flying through the air.
Does it hurt,
knowing that you’re dead because of a decision you never had to make
in the first place?
I think you were dead before you even hit the ground, which is some comfort,
though watching you get run over was a special kind of horror.
Oh my god, I exclaim as I see the wheels crush you.
I wonder if the driver said the same thing.
I saw your head catch on the window as you flew out,
your tiny, nameless face a blur in the traffic camera that they zoomed in, in, in.
They say you were drunk—
or, at least someone in the car was—
and the alcohol would likely have numbed your senses
so you never felt the impact.
You were dead long before anyone could try to save you,
long before anyone even could think to.
Perhaps that’s why,
as your arms splay out and your head lolls to the side,
and I can almost hear the bones crunching as you hit the ground,
it’s not as disturbing as it should be
to watch your death
immortalized in an educational film,
meant to scare teenagers like myself into making good choices.
Whatever came after that impact,
the screech of those tires and the blare of the sirens, 
the funeral and the legal fees and the collection of your final moments for this conference.
I hope you found some peace.
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marokra · 1 year
“This is a death match for a reason.” Blood splatters his sword and crimson stains his clothes, Martyn walking out of the skirmish victorious. Well, as victorious as he could anyway. He trudged back to the Mean Gills base, making his way through the world painfully slow. The other winners were greeted with the sweet release of death just moments after they had won, after they were left alone.
Not Martyn.
No, Martyn wouldn’t get that luxury. Couldn’t get that luxury. He still had over an hour to live. To “celebrate” his victory. He should be celebrating, really. Yet he couldn’t. Despite winning the fourth death match, he couldn’t help but feel that he had lost.
In that moment, the clock hanging around his neck felt like it weighed a million pounds, The timer ticking down, down, down. It had haunted him throughout the entire event, signifying that his demise was inevitable. It could never be avoided, no matter how hard he tried, no matter how many he killed, no matter how much he tried to escape the sick, sick game he was subjected to. It ticked, and it ticked, the timer dwindling down until no time was left.
And in those last ten seconds before it ticked for the final time, he asked himself a question. A simple one.
Was it really worth it?
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erdasmcnonsense · 2 years
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"Well, for some people murdering is part of it."
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t4tcecilos · 2 years
I might’ve been more in love than he was. I mean how could I not be? He was beautiful, even though there was always something… off about his smile. It glowed in the night, not like a bright light but softly, like a tiny candle. And his eyes…. they were a bright green, more like an emerald than any human eye I’ve ever seen. At least… up until the end.
A TMA x 3rdlife fic featuring Scott and Jimmy and strange happenings!! Heed the tws and enjoy <33 
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redlifedoggo · 4 months
Here's a little drabble about the end of Third Life (this is spoiler heavy, this is your own warning) from a winged Grian's POV.
The heavy desert sun beat down onto Grian's torn and blood-stained sweater -not that that blood was visible on the red fabric.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," they repeated to each other trading hits, but Scar looked considerably worse. He was stronger but far slower and Grian managed to keep pushing him into the cacti.
Scar stumbled out of the ring, confused and disoriented, blood dripping down his face and a bruise beginning to form around his eye. Grian followed him, keeping his bloody and broken body low, easily ducking out of the way of the most of the man's hits. The ones that do connect bruise deep and cause the shorter to hiss in pain.
Scar strikes him hard across the face, a mumbled apology falling from his lips, caught short as Grian shoves hard into him, throwing him off the narrow ledge of the dune, but his body doesn't even hit the ground as his body fades to dust and smoke, a broken smile pulled across his broken lips.
"Scar!" Grian cries, desperate and in despair. He can't truly be gone, can he? Grian had spent so much time with him. Surely, he has one more life left. He stands still before bringing his hands to himself. "No," he murmurs looking around desperately.
He'll come around the corner, won't he? He'll come from the ruins of their house atop the mountain, won't he?
Wind whistles through the sands of the dunes and the world is silent.
The animals had long since been killed, and here stands the last of the people. The last living thing.
Tears well in his eyes as he tilts his head up.
He won.
He won and he should feel victories. It was truly hard earned.
"I don't feel good," he says quietly, no more than a murmur, to the empty blue sky.
Tears drip down his face, hot and boiling under the heat of the sun, but he does not care. He closes his eyes and breathes slowly, but when he opens them again he sees the ghosts of his friends hovering about him and scar stands in the center.
He looks calm. At peace. More than he had since beginning this game.
Scar holds out his hands, beckoning Grian off the cliff.
And Grian grins, delusional and aching for genuine comfort. He steps forward, and again, and again until he is running off the edge of the of the dune with a leap.
For a moment, he is suspended in air as his wings unfurl, stretching to their fullest for the first time in nearly a month.
And he soars, wind bristling through the feathers, sun soaking into his hair, and a grin is plastered to his face.
Only for a moment.
Only a moment of flight before he remembers his primary feathers were clipped when the game begun.
And he falls to the hard ground below.
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lemonsbakery · 2 years
what a great day to shove walfort shippers down a flight of stairs
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Pretzel Chocolate
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Hi guys!
This is a request I add some days ago, I know it kind of the same background as @alessiasfreckles current story. But I asked her before and she kindly accepted it. So thanks to her too ♥ (Go check her work, it really is amazing)
It's a little less sweet that what I usually write with Wally, but I hope you will like it.
TW : Accident, Loss memory, Angst but happy ending
Clearly, you didn’t expect that when you innocently get in your team’s bus back to London. Like your girlfriend Lia, you’re a footballer and that’s how you got to know each other. You quickly fell in love with the Swiss girl and after some very disturbing flirting attempts on your part, Lia saved you from humiliation by asking yourself for a date. You agreed and the rest is history.
You were sleeping peacefully in the front of the bus when the accident happened. Most of your teammates had gathered in the back for a wild game cards, allowing you to catch up on your sleep peacefully. Over time, you get used to falling asleep with Mackenzie’s Australian-sounding curses when she loses, Kristie’s happy exclamations, or Katrina’s laugh.
You have no memory of the accident, you don't know why and how the driver ran straight into a pole, throwing you out of your seat under the violence of the shock and putting you at the top of the list of wounded with a vital emergency when help arrived.
Lia was at a team bonding and will remember perfectly when Mackenzie called Caitlin shortly after the accident, in shock of what had just happened. She will remember the blood that suddenly left her ex-girlfriend’s face and the horrified look she gave her. She will also remember that she needed to be told things three times so that the information was anchored in her brain and that Leah was more reactive than her, taking her to the London hospital where you were having your operation at that moment.
She will also remember the relief of learning that you are alive, but the distress of not knowing when and if you will wake up. Nor in what state. But she will also remember the unfailing support of Leah and Lotte who kept her company in the waiting room for hours.
When you regain consciousness, the first thing you face is a blinding light that make you close your eyes again quickly. You hear different beeps around you, whispers of voices and the sound of a chair being dragged on the floor that makes you open your eyes instinctively.
You are this time facing the faces of several people, who look at you attentively. One of them is dressed all in white, a man of about fifty years certainly who slowly approaches you by looking at you carefully.
"Can you hear me?"
You nod, bitterly regretting your gesture when your vision is blurred and a pain awakens in your skull. You wince and moan in pain, your eyes flickering when one of the two women in the room takes your hand in hers. She seems to be on the verge of a panic attack or passing out.
"Where am I?" you ask, difficulty articulating.
"At the hospital in London. You had a traffic accident two weeks ago. Do you remember?"
"No…" you frown, searching your mind for any information.
"It’s normal" the doctor assures you with a smile, noting a few words on his notepad "Can you tell me today’s date?"
As he looks up at you, he must feel the fear that begins to take hold of you. The hand on yours tightens around yours, but you are quickly diverted from this by the professional who talks again.
"What year are we?"
This time, you're way more scared. You know nothing about it. You are unable to be even close to the reality.
"It doesn’t matter, everything is fine. Tell me the closest memory of today that you have.”
It’s the nothingness in your memory. You turn your brain upside down, without being able to get anything out of it.
From the corner of your eye, you see the two women exchanging a look, without you being able to understand what it's about. And, when you realize that you cannot give your own identity, it's panic that takes hold of you.
A few hours later, you finally come to yourself again. After your panic attack, the doctor gave you a sedative that sent you into the clouds. You come back to yourself, but your memory is still lacking, despite all the different stimuli tried by the doctors. Aside from getting annoyed and tired, it doesn’t change anything. And it's finally when one of the two unknowns women asks them dryly to leave you alone that it stops. You are grateful to her, you hope that the look you cast at her speaks for you.
You have no memory of your love life, your past, your present or your family. The doctors warned your parents who came immediately, apparently not living very far from London. You learned in the meantime that the two young women in the room are respectively called Lia and Leah, the pronunciation being the same, it confused you a few seconds. But when the brunette mumbled that she was nicknamed Wally, you decided to go for it too. You found out you were friends, Leah showed you some pictures to prove it.
Other friends came to visit you, including Mackenzie who came with a photo album so you could list the people who mattered to you. Lia is very often at your side, discreet, almost mute. You’ve noticed that her eyes get wet sometimes and then she apologizes before leaving your room in hurry.
"She cares about you and is worried" Mackenzie answered kindly at your questions.
"I think I care about her too, even if I don't remember. Seeing her sad make me sad" you mumble.
Mackenzie smiles at you, squeezing your hand in hers. She was in the accident as well and only got out with a slight concussion. Most of the players (you learned that you were a professional footballer) got away without serious injuries. There's only you.
You learned that you play football, like most people who come to see you at the hospital. And you’re playing pretty well. You play for West Ham but also in the England national team and you even won the Euro in 2022. Unfortunately, you are without a screen for many more weeks. So, Lia came back to see you once with photos of the event. You pose there beside Leah and other people who also came to see you. Beth, Alessia, Lotte and many others.
But you don’t remember that either.
Staring at the clock on the walls of your room, you wait for time to pass. Leah and Wally are supposed to come see you and you can’t help but feel some excitement at the thought. You appreciate when Lia comes to see you, she is calm, gentle and always very attentive to your needs. You seemed close before your accident and it’s probably stupid since she’s in a relationship with Leah, but you want to find back the bond you had.
"Hi there!" cheers Leah, entering your room soon after.
She carries Swiss chocolate and some flowers. She put the old ones in the trash to put the new ones on the table. You look at her, lying in your bed, a little bit tired. You had exercises to try to have your memories back all the afternoon, but it didn't go well.
"Thank you, Leah" you answer, slightly smiling. "Are you alone? Where is your girlfriend?"
"My girlfriend?"
Leah frown, looking at you. You frown too, you know you have a bad memory, but you saw both interact together.
"Well... Wally?"
"Wally? She's not my girlfriend" Leah laughs. "She's one of my best friends though."
"Oh... I thought... You look close."
You shrug your shoulders and you see Leah sitting on the chair next to your bed, tilting her head on the side while looking at you.
"We are. But in a friendly way"
She smiles at you and you smile back. You feel like she want to ask you something but didn't. You don't have anything to remember, so you try to work on your intuition to guess things. And you usually are very good at this. But you didn't insist, something else coming in your head anyway.
"We... We only were friends, you and me right?"
"Yes" laughs Leah "Don't get me wrong, you're very cute but..."
There is no but, because Wally is entering the room at this moment. She looks at Leah with a special gaze, making the blonde looking a little bit uneasy.
"Hi" you say, trying to dismiss the tension you don't understand.
Lia's eyes are coming on you and her face softened, giving you a small smile.
"Hi Y/N"
Her accent is special, you asked her where she's from the other day and learn that she's from Switzerland. After that, you asked one nurse what Switzerland looks like and she came back with a travel-themed magazine, the principal subject being Switzerland this month. You didn't ask Lia if you already went there, sometimes she looks so sad about your situation that you want to cry too.
She comes to kiss your cheek, before giving you the chocolate Leah was caring.
"Swiss chocolate. It's your favorite."
You look at the package with curiosity, turning it in your hands. Milk chocolate with pretzel in it.
Your loved ones have been instructed to give you secondary information about your tastes, preferences or things you like. But they must not give you information that you have not looked for yourself before. That’s why you don’t know anything about your love life, some of your past too.
You remembered some things, like how you hate artichokes so much or what your bedroom looked like when you were a teenager. Maybe you should have left this information behind when you think about the number of posters of all kinds that covered your wallpaper.
After hesitating, you open the tablet to take a square and eat it. It's not surprising that it's your favorite, the flavor is exceptional. As you enjoy your chocolate, a picture dances before your eyes. A living room with a fireplace located right next to a TV. The wooden floor is light and there is a coffee table between the sofa and the TV.
"Do I have a fireplace in my house?"
Leah and Lia exchange a look, and it's finally Leah who answers you with a little sorry smile.
"No, you live in an apartment.”
You sigh softly, a little disappointed. You don’t realize that in Lia’s eyes looking at you, there’s hope for the first time since your accident. You strive to engrave this vision in your mind to forget as little as possible.
Lia sitting next to you, you instinctively seek her hand, mixing your fingers with hers. You realized a few days ago that the feeling soothes you and since Lia doesn't seem disturbed by this kind of gestures, you don't deprive yourself of it.
"Did Lia come to see you?"
You look up at Alessia, who has come to keep you company for the day. Her eyes are placed on the chocolate bar opened on your bedside table and a smile decorates her lips. Apparently, your chocolate tastes seem to be known to everyone.
"Yeah, she was here earlier with Leah."
You repost the crossword book that Alessia brought you, as well as some Spanish specialties received by Lucy, with whom you also play in the national team. You are apparently close to her too, but since she plays in another country and you aren't allowed to use electronic devices now, you haven't been able to exchange much. She wrote you several letters though, telling you about her dog, her love life and her life in Barcelona. That’s probably what you’re talking about when you call. It took you several days to answer something in writing, your concentration being still difficult sometimes. But you managed to do it.
"I thought they were together. Lia and Leah"
Alessia looks at you with an expression that mixes surprise, tenderness and fun.
"Many fans thought they were together before they denied the rumors. You remembered Leah’s ACL, right?" asks Alessia before continuing when you answer positively "Lia was very present for Leah at that time. I guess it brought them closer."
You nod thoughtfully, playing mechanically with the pen you always have in your fingers. You did remember Leah’s injury, which kept her away from the World Cup you apparently competed in last summer. You have a few images in mind, like kangaroos you saw with Ella or a laugh when Mary showed you a video of Alessia traumatized by a turkey.
You miss those moments we stole from you, and you can’t remember them. It’s frustrating and it makes you very sad sometimes. You wish you could get your life back, but it’s not working right now. Your parents come to see you regularly and show you photo albums of you as a child, with your brother and cousins. You seem to be numerous and you seem to be in the youngest of this generation.
"You’ll remember, Y/N" Alessia says gently, putting a hand on your knee.
You give her a little smile before you nod. Yes, you will remember. You have no choice.
Several things have been put in place to help you regain your memory. You have a medical treatment to take every day, you have psychotherapy and hypnosis sessions and you also have a sports routine to respect. This last thing isn't a bad idea since you are a professional footballer and if you want to get your life back, you must stay fit enough.
Sometimes you are accompanied by one of your friends, and today it is Mackenzie who helps you to return to your room. No release date has been given to you, but according to your doctors it will not be long. You don't know where you will go however, it has been highly recommended to you not to live alone for the moment. You didn’t have the guts to ask anyone. You would like to ask Lia if she would accept to host you for a while, but for a reason that you cannot determine you retreat every time you are about to ask her the question. And it’s been a few days now.
So, you are fucked up when the doctor comes back to see you in the room after your shower while you and Mackenzie watch a game on television.
"Did you find someone to have you when you left the hospital?" asks the doctor.
You feel yourself blushed and you see Macca’s face turning in your direction.
"Um… Mackenzie, I haven’t asked you this yet, but if you’re okay, I thought about you?"
Just a beautiful liar.
"Oh… yes, of course. I thought… whatever. Of course, my guest room is at your disposal."
"Thank you" you answer with a slight smile.
The next day, when Lia comes to see you and you tell her that you are going to settle for a while with Mackenzie, it would be hard not to see her face fall. You don’t understand the pinch in the heart that it makes you, but she recovers quickly, making sure that she is very happy to learn that you are better.
"Will you keep coming to see me? At Macca's?" you ask, almost timidly.
A few seconds pass during which she looks at you intensely, before nodding.
"Of course. If you feel like it"
"It would make me very happy."
She smiles at you, but with that sad smile that doesn't reach her eyes, before diverting your attention to the newspaper she brought you. You listen to her read you the latest news and you decide to offer yourself a new square of chocolate that Lia brought you, that you save with precious care. Barely in your mouth, you feel a new image coming before your eyes, pushing Lia’s voice in the background.
You’re in the same living room with the fireplace and the TV is on this time. There is a presence beside you and you hear a laugh, a laugh that gives you a strange sensation in the hollow of your belly. When you open your eyes, Lia doesn’t seem to have noticed anything. But these images caused a question in your mind and you interrupt the reading of the Swiss.
The brunette raises the nose of the newspaper with a curious air, looking at you attentively.
"I just… don’t take this question for what it isn’t, but I’ve never heard you laugh since you came to see me."
"It’s not really a question" ended up answering Lia after long seconds of silence.
She’s not wrong and you bite your lip, looking for the best way to put your point of view in a better light.
"I just don’t want you to feel obligated to come here, if it weighs on you. I love your presence here, but if it’s too heavy for you…"
"No. It’s important for me to come and see you."
Your eyes cross for a few moments and you only see sincerity in the green eyes of your interlocutor. You end up smiling and holding out a hand that she doesn’t hesitate to grasp. Only then do you notice the ring she’s wearing on her finger. It’s not an engagement ring, but the kind of ring you get for duck fishing at the fair. You find it strange that Lia is wearing something that is quite suitable for children.
"What is this ring?" you ask curiously.
It reminds you something, but you feel like you’re looking for a needle in a fog. Lia seems to have understood, since she looks at you briefly before answering you.
"What do you think?"
You bite your lip, searching again and again. Lia gives you time and unlike the exercises you do for your memory, you feel no pressure. Lia exudes kindness and the way her thumb caresses the back of your hand helps you a lot.
"I gave it to you."
You leave the ring colored rainbow to focus your eyes on Lia whose face is suddenly radiant. You don’t remember all the details, but you do remember the decor around you when you take out this plastic ring from its paper packaging. And of your insistence on putting it on Lia’s finger, the latter accepting not without rolling her eyes.
"Yes, it’s you" confirms Lia in a soft voice despite the excitement that seems to have gripped her.
"I don’t remember when it was" you mumble in an apology tone.
Meanwhile, Lia got up from her chair to sit on the mattress of your bed, on which you are sitting too. She always have her smile, a real smile this time. And when she affectionately passes her hand through your hair, you feel like butterflies in the hollow of your belly.
"It doesn’t matter" Lia gently says "It will come back. I know it."
You want to kiss her suddenly. You wonder what sensations her lips might give you. But, before you can answer this urge, knocks are made at the door of your room, letting in Katrina, Clara and Harper.
"I’ll leave you with your new guests" decides Lia.
You’re having a hard time covering up your disappointment, even though you’re happy to see Harper.
"I’ll see you tomorrow before we leave for Manchester." Lia informs you before putting a kiss on your head.
"Why does Lia looked sad when I told her I was going to live with Mackenzie?"
You are walking Leah Mom's dog with Leah, during a rather cloudly afternoon. You doctor asked you to stay in shape and because you're not ready to go back to training, you do as much as you can to move. You go to the stores walking and your coach sent you bodybuilding and endurance exercises to do every day.
Leah looked at you for some seconds, before answering you. You know you were friends before your accident, but you don't know if you talked to the other a lot. Still, you feel safe with her. You know you can talk to her.
"I feel like you already know the answer for this question."
You bite your lip, looking at Bella running after ducks. And Leah running after Bella soon after, trying to protect those poor ducks. When the blonde come back next to you like nothing happened, she pats your arm.
"Talk to her. Wally really cares about you and I'm sure she misses you"
"She said she will still come to see me. But she never came" you mumble, without looking at Leah.
You don't understand. You thought you were close and Lia's absence made you realize that you maybe have like a crush on her. Which is stupid, why in the world would she have interest in someone broken like you are? But you still miss her.
"She's going to kill me for saying that" Leah sighs, pinching the base of her nose, before looking at you "She thinks you are developing feelings for Macca. Like romantic feelings"
"What?! That's the stupidest thing I ever heard since my accident."
Well of course Mackenzie is sweet and you understand why she was your best friend before and you really like the idea that you can still have that after all that. Of course, you don't know her like Caitlin or Alanna does, but of all your teammates, she's the one you’re closest to.
Leah shrugs and call Bella to going back home.
"Like I said, talk to her."
You hum for any answer, your hands stuck in the pockets of your jogging and the brain turning a thousand an hour. It’s only after saying goodbye to Leah on her doorstep that you realize that it doesn’t explain why Lia would stop seeing you if you were really in love with Mackenzie.
She’s watching a movie with her own girlfriend when you come back home. Since they have been waiting for you to eat, you sit at the table with them and try to stay focused on the discussion, but your mind is elsewhere. You are relieved to have the opportunity to find the calm of the guest room, in which you decide to offer yourself a new piece of chocolate offered by Lia.
You were disappointed to find that no other square allowed you to remember other things as the first two times. This is the last squares you have left; you will have at worst the excuse to want extra chocolateif you need excuse to contact Lia.
Lying on your back, on your bed, you swallow the last chocolate crumbs you have left, your eyes fixed on the ceiling.
But, while you don’t expected more, a new flash comes dancing before your eyes.
The same living room, the same television, the same fireplace and the same laugh. Except this time when you turn your head, Lia is sitting next to you. She looks much happier than you’ve seen her since you opened your eyes. And the way she looks at you… Like you’re the most beautiful thing she’s ever seen.
When the image dissipates, you blink several times.
You remember.
Not necessarily in every detail and in order, but you remember.
You remember Lia, how much you hate that nickname of Wally that others give her, your relationship, your first kiss and the long weekend she took you to Switzerland.
You remember.
Your hands shaking, you’re getting out of bed. You’re as wrinkled as if you’d been running a whole game. Other memories are jostling in your head, but the only thing you want now is to go see Lia.
"I’m going to Lia's!" you shout at Mackenzie down the stairs.
You barely take the time to throw your coat on your shoulders before going out and slamming the door. When you see the rain falling on London, you congratulate yourself.
It’s with frowns that Lia picks up her phone some time later. There’s basically no reason for Caitlin to call her so late.
"Lia? It’s Caitlin… Listen, I’m calling you from Mackenzie, she doesn’t have your phone number and uh… Did Y/N make it to your house?"
"Y/N? No? Why would she be at my house?"
Other voices are audible behind Caitlin and there are different noises before Mackenzie’s voice sounds in the phone.
"She left my house almost two hours ago, without her phone, telling me she was coming to your house."
"She’s not here" Lia replies, standing abruptly on her couch, feeling panic take hold of her. "Why did you let her go by herself?"
"I thought she ordered an Uber or something. But without her phone…"
"Do we call the police?" asks Lia.
"They will laugh in our faces" replies Katie’s voice, which is apparently there too.
It’s not surprising if Mackenzie went to see Caitlin. But this is probably not the time to ask these questions.
"I’ll go get my car and do some research in the neighborhood" Lia decides.
After deciding to do the same and giving herself directions not to turn in the same places, Caitlin and Lia hang up their phones before starting to look for you.
For your part, it’s not very glorious. Persuaded to find the way back to Lia’s house now that your memory has returned, you have dug into the streets without thinking too much. Except that you suddenly had a hesitation, then another and a third, which eventually led you to no longer know where you are. Or where you’re from.
To top it off, it’s still raining and you haven’t taken your medication to fight your chronic headaches since the accident.
Long story short, you are now in tears, sitting on a sidewalk of an unknown street, in the rain.
Finally, while she had lost hope, Lia sees your silhouette sitting out in the light of a lamppost. Her cry asking Leah, who came to the rescue, to stop, gives her a start of cardiac arrest. But the blonde obeys and Lia hurries out of the car, running in your direction.
You jump suddenly when someone sits next to you, your first reaction being to get as far away from that person as possible. But you realize quite quickly that it’s Lia and anyway she doesn’t leave you much choice by squeezing you suddenly in her arms. Hard.
“God, are you ok? What happened?” Lia asks, taking your face between her hands to look at you.
“I thought I can remember where you live, I needed to see you but then I got lost and I didn’t have my phone with me.”
“Why didn’t you call me?!”
Lia raised her voice a little and you flinch, but the Swiss woman seems to regret it as soon as it happened. She takes you once again against her, her arms firmly tightened around your body. It makes you feel safe. You’re tired, exhausted to be honest. But you know you still owe her an explanation.
“I wasn’t sure you will take my call. You said you will come to see me, and you didn’t even if I’m at Macca’s since almost two weeks now, and…”
“I’m so sorry” Lia cut you, looking at you with tears in her eyes. “But I just… I couldn’t.”
“It’s ok” you breath before staring deep into her eyes “I remember.”
A silence passes. Lia is looking at you, too.
“I remember. My past, my childhood memories. It’s you who have a fireplace in your living room. I remember you, mein Schatz. I remember us.”
After that, it went a little chaotic. When Lia starts to cry for good, Leah almost gets out of her car, but then she see you both kiss and she understands. She takes her phone to ring Caitlin and let you some minutes before taking you both back in her car. She drops you at Lia’s, giving you one big hug before leaving you.
Hours later, you’re in Lia’s bed after a good hot shower. Lia gave you some fresh clothes and you can’t stop smelling them. They smell like her, like your girlfriend.
Your girlfriend who is actually looking at you like you will disappear at any moment. You can’t blame her though, so you just grab her hand and take her against you to kiss her.
“Why didn’t you tell me everything?” you mumble after the kiss.
“They didn’t want me to. They said it would be too much for you or that you won’t remember everything if we told you the truth. Your brother fights with the doctors against it, but he didn’t have the last word. I should have fight against it too, but I wanted what was the best for you, and they were the doctors, so…”
Lia shrugs, her head on the cushion, still looking at you. You can’t imagine what she went through.
“It must have been so hard for you” you whisper, stroking lightly at her face
“It was. But I knew I had to do if I wanted to have you back at some point. But then after you choose to go to Mackenzie’s and I kind of freak out. What if, even if you remember in some days, you realize that you’re in love with her and not me anymore?”
“I don’t. She always had been my friend, nothing more. It has always been you, since we crash your team” you add with a smirk.
You met Lia during a friendly game between Switzerland and England in 2022. Leah Williamson had made the presentation between you and since then you never stop talking. She asked you on a date after two weeks of texting, you said yes and everything went great since then. Even if you’re a West Ham player dating an Arsenal one.
“I thought you were with Leah, the first days after the accident” you confess at your girlfriend.
Lia frown, looking at you oddly.
“Why did you?”
“Dunno. You were like always together, but I understand now. I’m glad Leah was there for you.”
You are confident in your relationship. Even if the fans seems to like Lia and Leah together, you trust your girlfriend and your friend deeply. Plus, you’re kind of a fan of their friendship. Maybe people would find strange that your girlfriend went to live with another girl like Lia have done when Leah was injured, but you didn’t. You know how good Lia’s heart is.
“I love you” Lia whispers, before kissing you.
You smile against her lips and she doesn’t let you the time to answer before kissing you once again, hard this time. You let her. You still can tell her how much you love her later.
It’s way longer than I thought at first 😅
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