#trainer bibi
aservantnamedketchup · 6 months
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striaton bunny cafe;;;
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uluthrek · 4 months
inheritance cycle modern au in which all of the dragons are horses which makes eragon the underdog horse girl, saphira the underdog girl horse and brom the disgruntled and disillusioned horse trainer who doesn’t believe in the validity of this sport until he sees the ✨bond✨ eragon has with his horse saphira who is still as blue as she is in canon (don’t ask that‘s just how it works, if you question this, i‘ll track your ip).
and galbatorix is the aggressively eastern european horse girl dad who had some sort of hip injury that brought his eventing career to an abrupt end and now he must vicariously live through his protégé, murtagh, lest he kills himself. and thorn is the very expensive horse galbatorix bought for wish fulfillment purposes and murtagh and thorn are so horribly traumatized by all the stress and pressure of defeating little kids at the pony finals that they ✨bond✨.
oromis and glaedr are their direct opponents and galbatorix nancy kerrigan‘s them (oromis dies like he does canonically because honestly, hunters be like that) so murtagh can get his ribbon. and then there‘s the big final competition and eragon, underdog wonder magic horse girl, goes toe to toe with murtagh, tortured champion to be, and they have this epic horse battle (an 80cm clear round but the atmosphere is very intense) and eragon loses. but then brom delivers this epic speech about idk man like success and passion and whatnot and then he dies which gives eragon the final push to defeat murtagh but OH NO, thorn is HURT from being OVERWORKED and murtagh has an epic horse peril breakdown and tearfully tells galbatorix he‘ll withdraw.
so galbatorix goes „fuck the kid“ and gets shruikan (the very bad very big black warmblood stallion that shows up in every horse girl movie) to best eragon HIMSELF (but not before locking nasuada, the animal rights activist that murtagh has struck up a tentative romance with, in a porta-potty). and then him and eragon compete and it‘s INTENSE (meanwhile, roran and katrina have a sub plot about capturing a flock of runaway ducks that is constantly being cut to during that climactic scene) and shit is looking DISMAL for poor eragon until a vision of brom and also his dead mother, because this is a proper horse girl movie and not some bibi und tina bullshit, and that gives him the strength to defeat galbatorix.
and then he wins and thorn doesn’t die and someone frees nasuada from the porta-potty and she gets to punch galbatorix in the face. and fírnen (who is a horse but also still green) emerges during the post credit scene and meets arya and sets up a cash grabby amazon prime spinoff series and roran and katrina successfully capture the ducks and everyone is happy and there is no more horse peril.
the whole thing takes place in exactly one horse show afternoon. it makes such perfect sense actually you can fit everyone in. nar garzvog‘s at the grill and makes hot dogs. islanzadi does nothing but drink cheap wine and bitch from the sidelines. angela mans the beverage stall and tells everyone who wants to listen (or doesn’t) that toads don’t exist. solembum is the raccoon on her shoulder who violates all fda guidelines by simply existing. orrin is nasuada‘s bitter ex boyfriend who pretended to be vegan for years so she‘d like him only to be dumped for murtagh and his emo swagger in a heartbeat. orik is a shetland pony.
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ask-mimipon · 9 months
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General Info
Travel size: 6" (0.15m)
Battle size: 3' (0.9m)
BFF Mimipon!
Sources of electric
Sour foods
Competitive fighting
Mean Trainers
Identifying features:
Bibi main feature is the little bandana from Mimipon. The second B is always backwards.
Their 'claws(?)' are often split, unlike what a basic Regieleki looks like.
Floats and bounces around Mimipon, like a certain annoying fairy from a N64 game (Hey Listen!)
Can shift size by generating or discharging electricity, prefering to be small when not battling. Which combined with a hate for fighting means they are often seen in their tiny form.
Does not speak, only makes various sounds and noises. However some folk, including Mimipon, can figure out what they mean.
General Info:
Bibi is Mimipon best forest friend (BFF). They met by chance as Bibi had ran away from their old trainer. They are an ex-competitive pokemon that would be taken on regular runs of elite fours and other tough challenges.
Bored of the slog that was keeping up with the meta they escaped one day when the trainer had boxed them for better entry hazard remover. They then found their way into the Hidden Woods and met Mimipon, who's high energy and fun outlook instantly made them friends.
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bread-elf · 2 years
DWC Nov. '22 - Day 4
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Children - Visions
Moving day couldn't come fast enough, but it was well worth the wait. Jiroki and Helsong's children took to their new property in Grizzly Hills more than she could ever hope for, a forest she always felt fond of. The mountains reminded her of him, when the trees still stood tall on Stonetalon.
But, their home is in the Jade Forest, and today they could officially move into their newly renovated home.
Jiroki called for all hands on deck for this move; all of their furniture and most of their belongings had remained on their property, just stored away in either other buildings on the estate or in their barn. The family gets there as soon as they can to situate the children, before getting all the helping hands set up. Relliea Wilder and her now thirteen year old son, Andorus, live on the Glaivefall property as well in their own little abode. Wearing one of her more mobile leg prosthetics for the day, but the Kaldorei woman sits with other visitors who are helping watch the littlest of children. Nathiria Shadowream visits, the red haired woman here with her own young son, Jaxon, who is best friends with Andorus. The two boys are already off playing on some playsets, but both women are doting on the soon-to-be newest edition to the family. Merli’neath P. Glaivefall, eldest of Jiroki’s children, is heavy with child. She lounges on a chair, nearly entirely encased by pillows as her newly found mate stands by her. A male Sin’dorei in appearance, yet Jiroki now and then could spot the golden eyes flickering to bronze with slitted pupils. The group of adults oversee the two youngest children, Gwen and Cylliah, while Taldreath sits nearby with one of his coloring books.
Estal’anar Glaivefall, sister to Jiroki, puts herself in charge of the kitchen. The frail woman carefully plucks out dishes with trembling hands to unwrap and put away. Her own adult son Mydas and long-standing boyfriend Szadek bring in boxes labeled specifically for the kitchen, while also making sure Estal is well and if she ever needs any assistance. An awkward tension between the two men, a couple hundred years age difference between them as Szadek is human and Mydas is Kaldorei like his mother, but mutually coming together when it comes to Estal or family. The father of Jiroki’s twins, Drax’ara Duskrunner, is here to help as well with one of his brothers. Drax’ara himself and Jason Helsong set themselves busy with putting together a new standing cabinet in one of the new offices downstairs. Instructions came with the package and it got tossed aside almost immediately by Drax’ara, the two beginning their endeavor to assemble the pieces. But somehow the cabinet doors have been installed inside out, and the legs have been put on the top part of the whole thing, and there’s an extra slab of wood neither have any idea where it belongs. The crumbled up instructions are reclaimed, and they start over.
Delo’ran Duskrunner, the brother who has tagged along today, stands outside with Jiroki. Going over some boxes, Jiroki writes on them to label which rooms they are meant to go in, and he brings them to her from the barn. At his heels is his loyal companion, Leora, a night saber now older in her years. Strong and still healthy, she never had any cubs of her own, but took to one that Delo’ran picked out to raise for a child close to his heart.
“Kira, no! Not that way!” One of the Glaivefall twins, Anorah, bounds after a growing cub. The child is all giggles as she tries to catch up to runaway cub, who first ducks under Leora and then wades through Delo’ran’s moving feet, the man instantly pausing in his movements as he’s carrying a box. Not far behind is the second of the twins, Vaeren, huffing a bit as he’s followed by his own animal companion, a young hippogryph named Bibi.
“Hey, watch it! You’re riling her up too much!” Jiroki takes initiative before the actual trainer can, but Delo’ran remains silent, not wanting to get into her crossfire. “We’re moving a lot of things today, she can get hurt.” “Sorry Min’da…” Anorah starts to nearly clam up, however exaggerating, doing so to lessen whatever punishment may be inbound as Vaeren slides up beside her. Jiroki is already aware of habits forming, but she lets out a sigh as she glances towards the house. It’s a big day after all, and the tall woman comes up to bend down closer to them.
“Tell you what- I need your help with something.” She tells the two of them, piquing their curiosity. “There’s a hidden door in the house that leads up to the attic, but no one knows where it’s at. Can you find it?” A little lie, Jiroki knows where it is, but she’s grateful the bait is being bought as their curiosity only continues to grow. “Hidden?” The twins simultaneously speak as they also glance at each other as if on cue. Even if twins, their mental connection with one another still  subtly freaked Jiroki out at times, but it warms her heart as they start to trot off. “We can find it! Come on Vaeren!”
“No animals in the house right now!” Jiroki calls out after them, Bibi and Kira nearly going over them, but Delo’ran now chimes in to assist as he signals with a sharp whistle, causing them to pause. “AND TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES!” Jiroki yells out as she watches the twins barge on in, both flincing and hurriedly kicking off their shoes by the front door. The inside of the house is much larger than what it used to be, more rooms added and now a second floor, and even an attic as well as they just learned.
“Wow it’s so BIG!” Anorah squeals, Vaeren giggling along with her as they run down into the open spaced living room, then down the halls to the different rooms. Mostly barren, boxes scattered into different rooms and only some of the furniture in, yet room for so many opportunities. They slide along wooden floors and dash into each of the rooms, circling around Drax’ara and Jason before running off. Anorah bounds into her mother’s room and jumps onto the new bed, much bigger than the last one they had. Vaeren nearly skids into the kitchen before he realizes he’s about to bump into the scary looking human that dates one of his Shal’nar’s.
Two others are here as well and are put in charge of helping get the furniture upstairs. Jiroki’s own half brother, a former Illidari named Alldreas Glaivefallen, anchors behind one end of a couch as up higher on the steps is Sheamus. An afflicted human, choosing to stay as such as the more petite red haired man takes things step by step up the stairs, breaking a sweat but keeping up just fine as Alldreas holds steady onto the dead weight down below. They make their progression upstairs.
The front door is open, and in slips a mischievous cub. Vaeren spots Kira right away and gasps before going to get her, but the she-cub growls playfully and nearly paws at him, then bounds around to find Anorah. She pounces, taking the girl by surprise as she comes out of the room and finds herself on the floor. Kira then bounds off and away again, the twins chasing after her as they’re alight with laughter, but don’t think much as they’re heading towards the stairs.
Kira squeezes between Alldreas’ leg and crawls under the couch, making him stop and grunt as his spectral sights spearpoint on the living flesh wiggling about beneath. Sheamus’ glances at him in confusion, until he too feels a mysterious furred being brush against his legs. He yelps and it startles him, causing him to nearly lose his grip, but once Alldreas sees the twins trying to crawl after the cat he reacts. The shivarra-bound hunter expands his ribs until four more arms suddenly rip through his flesh, two on each side, and all of his hands grasp hold of the couch and lift with too much ease. But with the couch comes Sheamus, Alldreas having shoved forward and then up to get a better grip, the human’s gut struck by the arm of the chair and then gripping onto dear life as he’s lifted up with the piece of furniture.
“Sorry Anta’anars!!” Vaeren calls out as he crawls out after his sister and Kira, the trio now dashing off onto the second floor. Alldreas lets out a sigh of relief, then looks up to see the human leering down at him. The demon infused Kaldorei gives a sheepish grin, carefully lowering the couch so Sheamus could get back on his feet, but the human has other beef.
“You could do that the whole time?!” There’s many other rooms up on the second floor, which include rooms for the twins once they’re all settled in. But something snares Anorah’s attention, and she stops to stare at a portion of a wall. Vaeren senses something from his sister, which prompts him to settle down and see what she’s looking at.
“Did you feel that?” Anorah asks, silver eyes looking over the wall. “I felt air.” The walls lining this side of the living space upstairs has a small wooden beam lining parallel all the way across until reaching the stairs, yet she felt a draft coming from this one portion of wall. Vaeren blinks, glancing at the wooden beam. He reaches for it and lightly tugs one way, then the other, and it shifts and something unclicks. A door only moderately hidden from plain sight opens up, revealing a staircase that leads up into a dark room.
Both gasps, bright eyes glancing up. They’ve unlocked the puzzle together, and now are the first to bear witness to a house ‘secret’. It looks dark and eerie, for a moment both pausing as their nocturnal vision adjusts while they continue to gawk. Vaeren ends up moving first, quickly beginning to climb up the stairs and hands and feet. Anorah complains but quickly follows suit, and Vaeren wins once he’s up top.
A spacious attic, it could even act as a room depending on what their parents want to do with it. There’s a window that’s closed, and Vaeren hurries up to it to get it open, and bright light shines into the room as they look down below. “MIN’DA, WE FOUND IT!” Vaeren bellows out as Anorah moves up to stand beside him, both on their toes to look out. His words draw Jiroki’s attention away from a forest troll she’s speaking with. Zim’bowa in fact, in his arms the dying chicken. Their mother gives a thumbs up, but their attention is now shifting to the chicken that will soon be leaving. Kira finds them up in the attic, but both scurry off back down to get outside, the stairway clear this time.
The twins run out barefoot, Kira bounding along full of energy, coming onto the adult’s conversation. “Gonna be a few days…” Zim’bowa says towards Jiroki before they turn their attention to the twins. Already knowing what he must do he squats down, so that Vaeren is in better height to come up and pet Pepito. “‘Eya kid. We’re gonna be leavin’ now for a little while.”
“You are?” The beginning of dread stirs inside of Vaeren. “Are… Are you coming back?” “I will be, yea…” This is harder than the troll anticipated. “But… Not Pepito. Ya’ remember de stories o’ Bwonsamdi I be tellin’ ya’ about?” The name alone sends shivers down the troll’s spine, but he endures for the sake of Vaeren, who nods. “He got a mighty temple in de Zandalar islands. All de spirits o’ troll kind go ta him. An’- de companions o’ troll kind…” Bluffing, but not much is needed as the boy’s eyes are beginning to speck with tears. “Me visions be tellin’ me ta go dere next. Maybe we can go dere one day an’ explore. But, for now… it be time ta say goodbye.”
If Zim’bowa had known how attached these children would get to Pepito he wouldn’t have exposed them to this curse in the first place. It took awhile before he could finally pull away and begin his departure, the twins with heavy hearts saying goodbye to their first pet, even if he wasn’t theirs in the first place.
Away from the estate he walks in silence, Pepito no longer able to keep up with him. Cradling the chicken in his arm, the troll looks down. For many years he has had this chicken, through personal tribulations and helping aid all Zim’bowa has treated in the last several years. Zim’bowa found himself surprisingly choked up. But he sets his resolve, still having much to do, and decisions to make for his long, long, long time friend. “I haven’t decided what ta do wit’ ya’ yet.” @daily-writing-challenge
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kpoptimeout · 2 years
K-Pop Debuts and Comebacks for the 4th Week of November 2022 (Nov 21-27 2022)
Nov 21
No releases.
No 22
BOA - Forgive Me
Queen of K-Pop BoA returns with this rock-infused track!
TEMPEST - Dragon
Rookie boy group TEMPEST is back with an powerful and confident performance!
Nov 23
HYNN - Bad Love
Singer-songwriter Hynn returns with this heart-wrenching ballad.
NTX - Old School
Rookie boy group NTX brings back the 90s sound in this comeback!
TO1 - Freeze Tag
Up and coming boy band TO1 returns with this high energy
Nov 24
Kang Daniel - Nirvana
Top male soloist Kang Daniel shows his charisma and moves in this smooth comeback!
Woo - Me
Woo Wonjae return with an introspective piece.
Nov 25
Talented solo vocalist BIBI is back with another intriguing piece.
Nov 26
No releases.
Nov 27
Indie korean rock band THETHE drops this experimental track!
Onestar - We Got Lost
GP999 vocal trainer Onestar returns with another beautiful ballad.
THETHE - Bingle Bangle
Indie korean rock band THETHE drops this experimental track!
Which is your favourite release of the week?
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whimsyc0tt · 2 hours
Professor Clove's Observations: Maushold
[Begin Audio]
"Professor Cordelia Clove, audio log. It's... September 25th, 3pm, and I'm in the East Province, Area 2, of Paldea.
I've never seen a Pokémon that mimics the family dynamic of human beings quite like Maushold. The combination of various Tandemaus's--
Tandemice? Is it Tandemaus's or Tandemice? Or just Tandemaus? Tandemice seems right. I'll have to ask Milo-- -- The combination of various Tandemice doesn't have to be blood related. The young Tandemaus will simply find others and group up. Now, I'm more of a behavioral specialist than a biologist, so I'd love to find more facts about Maushold in general-- For example, do they exhibit any shared thoughts or hivemind abilities once conjoined? If not, what makes four individual creatures one Pokémon? Of course the same could be said about Execute. Pokémon are so inscrutable sometimes.
I believe we can learn a lot from Maushold. Even in their fur pattern-- the shirt and pants-- have human-like connotations. Judging from that fur pattern, it's likely that they take after us, and not vice versa. However, Maushold's teamwork is unquestionably solid. They work so well together, they're classified as one Pokémon. This kind of teamwork can only be envied by most human families and by Pokémon and their trainers. They learned from us, now how can we learn from them?
I've taken a few hours of ambient video to study their behaviors both alone and with other Pokémon, namely Bibi and Buttercream, as well as footage of wild Tandemaus and Maushold battling against Ampere to study behavior in combat situations.
Research for the future-- Maushold as family and couple's counselor assistants, Maushold to heal family trauma, especially in adolescence."
[End Audio]
0 notes
keynewssuriname · 8 months
MP krijgt na 18 jaren weer training van Koninklijke Marechaussee
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Leden van de Militaire Politie (MP) in Suriname worden na 18 jaren weer door de Koninklijke Marechaussee getraind in de controle op de echtheid van authentieke documenten (Document Security Course). De trainingen worden verzorgd door experts van het Expertisecentrum Identiteitsfraude en Documenten (ECID). De laatste keer dat er een training in documentencontrole in Suriname is gehouden, was in het jaar 2006. Maar terwijl de trainingen stil lagen, heeft de wetenschap op het gebied van documenten- en identiteitsfraude zich in de afgelopen 18 jaren wel verder ontwikkeld. Dit heeft volgens luitenant-kolonel Roy Samuels, commandant van de MP, zeker wel in het voordeel van criminelen gewerkt die via de doorlaatposten Suriname probeerden binnen te komen. Maar ondanks de blijdschap bij deze criminelen is het de Immigratiedienst van de MP toch gelukt om een groot deel te onderscheppen, de valse paspoorten in beslag te nemen en personen weer terug te sturen naar hun land van herkomst. "Wanneer je je wilt verplaatsen, gebruikmakende van een andere identiteit of een ander paspoort of vervalst paspoort, dan moet de afdeling Immigratie van de Militaire Politie dat onmiddellijk kunnen herkennen. Men moet in staat zijn om die criminelen door middel van documentencontrole aan te houden. Daarvoor is deze training. We zullen de kennis die we vergaren gebruiken op onze grensposten", aldus overste Samuels. De MP-commandant is bijzonder verheugd dat de Marechaussee eindelijk weer met zo een training is gestart. Uit de 60 personen die getraind zullen worden, zullen de beste cursisten aan het eind worden geselecteerd en opgeleid worden tot trainers. Deze Surinaamse trainers zullen dan verder ingezet worden om ook andere diensten te trainen. Rob van Bokhoven, directeur Internationale Aangelegenheden bij de Dienst Terugkeer & Vertrek van het ministerie van Justitie en Veiligheid in Nederland, overhandigde enkele spullen, waaronder ook een Edison computer aan de MP. De justitiefunctionaris bleef stilstaan bij de goede samenwerking tussen Suriname en Nederland die al jaren bestaat. Luitenant-kolonel Erik van Assen, hoofd ECID, merkte op dat een land moeilijk alleen opgewassen is tegen identiteits- en documentenfraude. Daarvoor is samenwerking belangrijk. "Identiteitsfraude en documentenfraude zie je overal terugkomen. Ook in de georganiseerde criminaliteit. En daarom is het van zoveel belang dat we hier zijn", benadrukte hij. Volgens het hoofd van het ECID zullen er meer trainingen dit jaar worden verzorgd. Zijn streven is om aan het eind van dit jaar de eerste groep trainers in Suriname te hebben opgeleid. Naast leden van de MP, zijn er ook cursisten afkomstig van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, International Business en Internationale Samenwerking (BIBIS). Read the full article
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degibusdesigns · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: ASH Bibi Black Suede Hidden Wedge Sneakers EUR 38.
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chucklepea-hotpot · 2 years
for the ask game: Wilhelmine Klemm, Bibi Fellner aaaaaand Kalli Hammermann hehe
SHIT LOTTI, I completly forgot this one in my drafts, I am so sorry 😭
get them randomly assigned as your lab partner for a whole semester: i went through all of the questions over and over, and for each i thought the best option would be kalli, but i think for this one here I am gonna go with Frau Staatsanwalt since she seems trustworthy when it comes to getting shit done.
get trapped with them on a broken elevator for ten hours: broken elevators are my own personal horror 😭 I'm gonna say Bibi because I know nothing about her yet and that would be the perfect situation then I guess
they’re your employee trainer for your new job at McDonalds: and for this I'm not only gonna say Kalli because he's the only one left, but also because I'm 100% sure he'd never yell at me
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aservantnamedketchup · 2 months
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come to Humilau City for the uh.....scenery...
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aitakatta · 3 years
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I posted 540 times in 2021
12 posts created (2%)
528 posts reblogged (98%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 44.0 posts.
I added 102 tags in 2021
#loona - 20 posts
#akb48 - 18 posts
#red velvet - 12 posts
#twice - 11 posts
#yeri - 9 posts
#stayc - 9 posts
#haseul - 7 posts
#wjsn - 6 posts
#joy - 5 posts
#mina - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#but clc need to gtfo out of cube cause cube can barely manage 1 gg at a time never mind 3
My Top Posts in 2021
no wonder i’m so depressed i’ve had yume no kawa on loop in my brain for a week
3 notes • Posted 2021-07-24 19:14:41 GMT
oomf changed her carrd so i got inspired https://jinviseul.carrd.co/ 💜 its very basic & not finished but i love it so much more now
3 notes • Posted 2021-05-22 14:55:52 GMT
i was tagged by @rebootcult (tysm!!) to do the random questions tag <3
name / nickname: bee / shann
gender: lesbian <3
star sign: aries
height: around 5'2 or 3 idk
birthday: march 24th
favorite bands: loona, akb48, red velvet, hkt/ske/nmb/stu48, twice, day6, sakurazaka46, snsd, gwsn, nature & bvndit
favorite solo artists: boa, iu, taeyeon, heize, ga-in, yukika, utada kikaru, liSa, minami.... etc etc
song stuck in my head: better by boa
last movie: the holiday
last show: victorious lmao
when i created this blog: 2 years ish ago
last thing i googled: yoshizawa hitomi
other blogs: @birdeer
do i get asks: nope
following: 190
why did i choose this url: aitakatta by akb48 is literally one of the only songs that cheers me up no matter how i'm feeling <3
average hours of sleep: like probably 10ish
instruments: I'm trying to learn the ukelele
what i’m wearing: pjs and a big yellow hoodie
dream trip: going to japan with my gf <3
fave food: curry and fries
fave song: atm it's keibetsu shite ita aijou by akb48 / next level by aespa / better by boa
tagging : @lgbtjinri @bilf @zhujieqiong @luvuv @breadlov @bandearg @girlbestie @babyseulgii
5 notes • Posted 2021-06-06 15:44:20 GMT
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i was tagged by @timeforthemoonnight to go here and make a trainer card!
tagging : @dotae @scoupslipgloss @officialswanlake @6imbo @dayoungs @zhujieqiong 
9 notes • Posted 2021-01-29 20:48:25 GMT
tagged by @dotae to do this! tysm <3
tagging @timeforthemoonnight @eyedi @luvuv @scoupslipgloss @officialswanlake @itgirljoy @soft-jihyo @yerisus @6imbo
name/nickname: shann / bee
gender: woman??....?
star sign: aries
height: 5′2
birthday: 24 march
favorite bands: day6, nflying, local natives
fave solo artists: taemin, heize, yukika, boa, eyedi, bibi
song stuck in my head: cry for me by twice, dream of you by chungha
last movie: captain america the winter soldier 
last show: new girl
when i created this blog:  oct2018
last thing i googled: romania forest
do i get asks: nope :(
following: 172
why did i chose this url: aitakatta by akb48 just sparks joy
average hours of sleep: around 7ish
lucky number(s): 7, 13
instruments: i can play hot cross buns on a tin whistle
what i’m wearing: black long sleeve and houndstooth slacks
dream trip: japan, amsterdam and greece
favorite food: chicken tenders and fries <3
favorite song:  dumb by bvndit, 11gatsu no anklet by akb48 and futari saison by keyakizaka46
top 3 fictional universes i’d like to live in: animal crossing world or like a faery realm or something
9 notes • Posted 2021-01-28 17:42:46 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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Whyyyy are soles on trainers so THICK right now??? Or why am I so unfashionable?! Everything looks like platform heels and I want something low pro and it’s impossible to find. Kate’s bibi mint velvets are my dream shoes but nothing like them exist I’m constantly 10 years behind the trends. Maybe in ten years I’ll be salivating over platforms but right now this is breaking my heart
Hahahaha I'm sorry anon, I know I don't know you but this is the kind of thing that I would say and then immediately think "wow I am way too young to be talking like my grandmother" haha. I don't know your age or anything but I saw this thing recently which really rang true to me. When you're young you sometimes look at older people and think "why don't they dress in a more modern way? Why can't they keep up with trends?" And I thought that even as someone who was never exactly trendy. But now that I'm at an age where people in the generation below me are adults who participate in online conversations and see me as old, I realised that we all are perfectly aware of what the trends are we just choose not to follow them because we think they're stupid haha. I'm sorry, no amount of money will make me think bucket hats should be brought back.
But fashion is totally cyclical really. I grew up in the Spice Girls era so platforms were the thing and the 90s is currently the "in" decade with young folk so they may be drawing inspiration from that (and the 90s stole it from earlier as well!) So I just say wear whatever makes you happy.
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charcherry-weekly · 3 years
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 63
Hello everyone, Aeons Edgeworth, temporal detective here. Things have been going smoothly lately. Its a lot more lively in this house, that's for sure.
Making it Big on the Web
Early this week, I decided to begin work on a website for the dungeon crashers. I figure it would be a good idea to have it as a resource to those that are curious about our group and what we do. I spent much of this week working on perfecting the stylesheet and putting together some pages. It is currently not quite in the condition to be brought online yet, as there are more pages that need to be made. For some reason, when viewing it in the Brave browser, background elements meant to be stuck to the bottom only reach the bottom of the content if it doesn't reach the scrollbar threshold. The way I fixed it was to simply make the sidebar a bit bigger with some light list spacing, so it would reach the scrollbar threshold easier in most standard resolutions. As a note, I have been viewing my webpages at a resolution of 1920x1080.
Mewtwo Psychic Boogaloo
On monday, a postal robot from the DPS (Desertian postal service) dropped off a package at Gene's Garden, containing an occupied master ball on a small pedestal. Reportedly, there was also a note with it:
Try your luck! Can you earn the respect of the mighty Mewtwo? This Master Ball has been modified so that only a trainer chosen by Mewtwo can remove it from the stand. (Push the button to let Mewtwo out so they can evaluate your abilities!)
A few pokemon trainers showed up to the bar, curious about what was going on. Heir of Time Rise Emit decided to be the one to let Mewtwo out of the ball for the evaluation. They looked upon the group, and requested telepathically for the trainers to let out all of their pokemon, so that they could tell their trainers what they really thought about them. Mewtwo apparently used their psychic powers to allow their pokemon to speak.
Samus Kitten's wooloo, Bibi, offered some insight about her trainer, as well as a sentiment of admiration for their cuteness. Rise's torracat Shadow, offered a window into the life of a feisty cat with a well-rounded routine. Brae Emit's full team found it difficult finding things to say, until their leader, Stella the clefable, was prompted to speak up. She mainly spoke of Brae's merits as a well-seasoned trainer, evident from just how much Brae had accomplished in the Galar region. At the end of the evaluation, Mewtwo ultimately chose Rise, though Rise initially showed hesitation and intimidation. Reportedly, they shook hands and exited the bar together, on their way home. Page of Rage Jovin Castle wound up arriving at the bar late, and caused a ruckus with his unfiltered counterpart, Jo. I myself did not attend due to my prior history with Mewtwo back in the SBARGv2 session.
I had tried to befriend Mewtwo long ago but they had no interest in staying put, even though I just wanted to get some snacks for them or something. It makes me wonder how much they've been through since then, especially considering the whole thing involving the Seals under Chaos Obama.
At this point, Mewtwo has been with Rise for a few days, and while things are calm, they are still acclimating to their new living situation. I can only hope for the best for them.
Pokemon Surveywork
Recently, I've been going out to a few places in the charcherry area, largely to do some pokemon training, sightseeing, and light research. Since I recently got an ultradex, this is made much easier. I managed to get some berries from Brae to plant, which have as of writing grown quite a bit, but have yet to fully mature, despite my use of time powers to shorten the growth process. While planting, I encountered a basculin. I had Golby engage in battle against it, and it was quite a heated fight! I had thought Golby had the upper hand, nearly knocking out the fish, but apparently it knew flail, and slapped Golby like no fish had ever slapped before. Golby probably would have gotten knocked out under normal circumstances, but somehow held on. It was a quick finisher, but I knew I'd have to get Golby back home to recover. Nick still hasn't replied to my message about the healing machine, so there's still no pokemon centers to go to yet. I think Charles mentioned at some point that they had some spray-on potions though.
Later in the week, after Golby recovered, we checked on the berry trees that had been planted. There were a lot of pokemon in places, even in the rain! I saw some cherubi, some petlil, some poochyena, and a few others. At some point, we encountered a pachirisu, just sorta scurrying about. I decided to try and catch it. Worrying about type disadvantage, I tried initially just throwing balls at full health, which the pachirisu just sorta batted into a nearby ravine with their tail.
After two failed attempts, I finally sent out Golby to fight. Thankfully the confuse ray made things much easier to handle, though at one point the pachirisu wound up toppling off the edge of a cliff, and I had to get Golby to break their fall in time. Thankfully they didn't get down too far, and hadn't gotten knocked out from the tumble. The capture was fairly straightforward after that, and soon I had a pachirisu on my team. Before trying to get back home however, I had some pokeballs to clean up, since its not a good idea to litter the forest floor with stuff like that. I got one ball recovered, but the other one I couldn't get to before running into a sus impostor amoongus (fite me). With Golby a bit beat up from the previous fight, I decided instead to abscond the heck outta there. You do NOT want to mess with a mushroom. Who knows what kinds of spores and powders it could have used against me and Golby.
We made our way back to our home in Desertia Town and I focused on patching up Pachirisu's injuries, getting zapped at least twice in the process. I do wonder if it was a good idea to catch such a high-energy pokemon, as it is quite the task trying to keep up with it.
Interview With a Warlock
Yesterday as of writing, I had an interview with Warlock of Time Coleman. It was a rather calm and largely unsurprising interview, but honestly I needed a calm interview after the bombshell interviews I'd been getting into lately. We had a nice talk about things for a short while. Currently he is reinforcing the dome surrounding the town with magic, which he has primarily been working on at night. This has made for a very colorful display across the glass of the dome for the past few nights. According to Coleman, work on the protection system will continue for another week and a half, at which time a test of the system will be performed, with proper forewarning. I do hope that Coleman is taking this job at a steady pace.
I think that about does it. Charles decided to send some games to Thoren and June, and apparently got a toy mouse from Jasprosesprite in return. Still no idea what's going on with that. Now if you all excuse me, I have an electric squirrel to tend to.https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/286/charcherry-weekly-issue-63
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Tag yourself: Dinge, die ich bei Google gesucht habe
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bibi und tina remix
Tokio Hotel - Durch den Monsun
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Attack on Titten
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taisrimoli · 4 years
Tumblr media
Bom dia pessoal! #Pense nisso!!😉 Vem comigo!⚠️Nutricionista e Personal Trainer #Nutricionista #PersonalTrainer #SaoPaulo #AvPaulista #ItaimBibi #VilaLeopoldina #TaisRimoli (em Itaim Bibi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CHZ-lTPFB0y/?igshid=1h389w9ya0nx5
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ceo-of-choco-bibi · 4 years
GRG Pokemon HCs
Because Pokemon is my childhood and because I can; Really sorry for the lack of content but I just got my exams done!!!!! I’m gonna fail third lang but that’s ok; Hope yall are doing well :DDD
BG Info: -Ranking system hierarchy is basically Champion/Elite Four/Gym Leaders/Regular Rankers. There can be more than 8 Gym Leaders, the most recorded was 15 at a time. -The top 5 rankers are the Elite Four/Champion. There’s a specific set for each region, but there’s also a global rank system. The strongest trainers of every region come to this annual championship voluntarily. If anyone wants to challenge for the title of Champion, they’ll have to defeat all four of them (or the other three if they’re a current global Elite Four.) -The next top 100 rankers can choose to have their own “gym leader” position and settle down at an area and build their gym. Their badge will be eligible for champion battles. Regional battles only need 4 badges from trainers, while the global one needs 10. -If they decline (most do, and just continue travelling) they can still keep their “ranker” badge/position.  -If they accept (maybe like 20 of them do) (mostly players that are in a guild so they can build gym at guild base) (brings “glory” and players to your guild) they have to choose a type to main and use. (-The system is quite flawed because Giga has 5 gyms and most of their trainers are rankers. ) -Your personal attribute ties to your pokemon type. Some people just can’t work with pokemon that don’t correspond to their attribute. Others just simply find it easier and less tedious. That’s why trainers usually specialise in 1 or 2 types and keep their team that way. -Of course, balance with different types is useful. But travelling players usually have a set type team because their personalities work well together. Only real serious rankers use multi-type teams.  -Region doesn’t really matter since they can transfer anytime. Giga settles in Unova and it’s mostly taken over. Yopi favours Alola because of the people. Grass Roots doesn’t have a base, but they like travelling together and are currently in Galar for fun.
Master Swordsman -Was the champion of his season once, and then elite four for a while (the champion is ever-changing because of the number of competitors) (at peak the champion changed twice in a year) (don’t mistake the elite four and champion for weaklings though, in this universe they truly are really good trainers) (the kind that actually uses meta strategies) -Dragon/Water Type user -Elite Four during Zara’s Guild. -Team: Dragonite, Venusaur, Slowbro, Mega Gyrados, Primarina, Gible Drip Soup -Still quite a newbie to being a trainer. Wants to try the championship.  -Fire/Steel Type User -Hoenn Region  -Team: Torracat, Darumaka, Eevee, Salazzle, Onix, Flapple Cocomori -Past mercenary of Giga. Took half her pokemon and left. -Fairy/Steel Type User -Unova Region -Team: Alcremie, Komala, Aegislash, Bisharp, Phantump, Rufflet Choco Bibi -Low Ranker. 97th spot. Uses a lot of special moves.  -Psychic Type User -Johto Region -Team: Meowstic, Ledian, Golem, Bruxish, Xatu, Gardevoir Tempest -Ranged Pokemon skill user. Quite near to being a ranker. Ranked 125th. -Flying/Fairy Type User -Johto Region -Team: Eldegloss, Rotom Fan, Ribombee, Sigilyph, Mega Scizor, Hatterene
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