#trans saturnin
thenewsthaturdead · 2 years
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design odznáčku, jež jsem vytvořil dle užasného coming outu Saturnina v této fanfikci, vytvorenou jedním z čumblů všech dob, @teplejtrouba
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transfemme-shelterdog · 4 months
List of small, lesser known queer metal bands:
Sonja – Loud Arriver (Trans woman lead singer) [Gothic metal]
Crossspitter – Dry and Grinding Mouth (Trans woman) [Death Metal]
Pupil Slicer – Blossom (Trans woman lead singer) [Mathcore/Post-Grindcore]
Sunrot – The Unfailing Rope (Enby lead singer) [Sludge/Doom/Drone Metal]
Victory Over the Sun (formerly Cichy Duch) – Dance you Monster to my Soft Song(Trans woman solo project) [Blackened Sludge Metal/Avant-garde Black Metal]
Rage of Devils – Life of Horror (Trans woman solo project) [Raw Black Metal]
Antecantamentum - Saturnine December (trans woman solo project) [Symphonic Black Metal]
A Constant Knowledge of Death - DISSECTING A ONE-WINGED BIRD (trans woman vocalist/guitarist/drummer) [Progressive Sludge/Post-Metal]
Thou – Ceremonies of Humiliation (enby guitarist) [Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal]
Body Void – Atrocity Machine (enby lead singer) [Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal]
SEED – Dun Pageant (mixed trans band) [Doom Metal]
Astral Ruin - Envisaging Extradimensional Encounters (trans woman solo project) [Black Metal]
Agriculture – Living is Easy (trans woman lead singer) [Black Metal]
Underdark – Our Bodies Burned Bright on Re-Entry (trans woman lead singer) [Post Black Metal]
Winter Lantern – Hexen Lied (fully trans woman band) [Black Metal]
Vile Creature - Glory, Glory! Apathy Took Helm! (enby vocalist) [Sludge/Drone/Doom Metal]
Project: Roenwolfe - Project: Roenwolfe (trans woman guitarist and trans woman bassist) [Power Metal]
Transgressive – Extreme Transgression (trans woman vocalist/guitarist and bassist [Same as [Roenwolfe]) [Thrash Metal]
Saahrg – Anagram (trans masc solo project)[Black Metal]
Feminizer – Feminizer (trans woman solo project)[DSBM]
Daughter – Silhouettes (trans woman solo project)[DSBM]
Anna Pest – Forlorn (trans woman singer)[Atmospheric/Depressive/Melodic Black Metal]
Biesy – Transsatanizm (drag queen solo project)[Industrial Black Metal]
Awenden – Golden Hour (enby vocalists)[Atmospheric Black Metal]
A Feast for Lampreys – Graveyard Abyss (trans woman solo project)[Melodic Black Metal]
Dzö-nga – Thunder in the Mountains (trans woman, same vocalist from Feast for Lampreys)[Ambient Folk Black Metal]
Everson Poe – Grief (trans woman solo project)[Post-Black/Doom/Sludge Metal]
Xegren – Black Spell Congregation (trans woman solo project)[Black Metal]
BALLISTA – TRANS DAY OF VIOLENCE (trans woman singer)[Death Metal]
The Hallowed Catharsis – Solar Cremation (trans woman singer)[Progressive Death Metal]
Coven of the Pestilent One - Corrosion (enby solo project)[Black Metal]
Rosa Faenskap - Jeg Blir Til Deg (Gender Queer/Enby guitarist/backing and supporting vocals)[Blackgaze]
Feminazgûl - No Dawn for Men (trans guitarist)[Atmospheric Black Metal]
Soulmass - Despairing Fates (enby lead singer) [Death/Doom Metal]
Tombseeker- MMXXIII (trans woman guitarist)[Death Metal]
Lust Hag - Lust Hag (trans woman solo project)[Black Metal]
Ocean of Ghosts - I am Awake and my Body is on Fire (trans woman solo project)[Doom/Blackgaze]
Lacrimorta - Lacrimorta (trans woman solo project)[Symphonic Metal]
Maru - The Last (trans femme solo project)[Progressive Black Metal]
Wraithstorm - Unseen and Unfound (trans bassist and vocalist)[Funeral Doom]
NOCTORAN - 2023 | NOCTORAN I​-​III (trans woman solo project)[USBM]
Distend - IX (enby solo project)[Post Black Metal]
Desire Line - Lustful Witch (trans woman solo project)[Raw Black Metal]
Lascaille's Shroud - The Gold Flesh of the Sun (queer solo project)[Progressive Doom Metal]
HOLY GRINDER - 10 DESECRATIONS (queer/trans band)[Grindcore]
BATH - Attys (queer band)[Sludge Doom Metal]
Mar - Everything is Alive (queer band)[Sludge Doom Metal]
Unending Grief - Unending Grief (queer band)[DSBM]
Adrianne - Night Songs (queer solo project)[Folk Black Metal]
buriedbutstillbreathing - EXHUMATION (queer band)[Deathcore]
Profundae Libidines - Ce n'est pas un choix (trans solo project)[Avant Garde Black Metal]
Hotel Homicide - Hotel Homicide (gay lead singer/queer band)[Melodic Metal]
DYSPHORIKA - NEKROFIEND (trans solo project)[Bestial Black Metal]
The Andrew Hussie Boogaloo - the only good thing roger ailes ever did was die (queer solo project)[Mathcore]
Ghosts Of Catharsis - Consume the Sky (queer solo project)[Mathcore]
Milkman (cincinnati) - Tape #1 (queer band)[Depressive Post Black Metal]
Sadness - The most beautiful girl in the world (enby solo project) [Blackgaze/DSBM]
Vokonis - The Sunken Djinn (trans woman lead singer)[Doom/Sludge]
bimb0nicplague - Bimbo Torture (trans women band)[Goregrind]
Bury Them and Keep Quiet - Eternal Transience Of Being (trans woman solo project)[Black Metal]
Sleeping Peonies - Ghosts, and Other Things (trans woman band)[Blackgaze]
Dysphorectomy - Demo 2024 (trans woman solo project)[BSDM]
Hectic Polarity - Death in Crimson (trans solo project)[Sludge/Industrial]
Diva Karr - Hardly Still Walking, Not Yet Flying (MtF/Enby vox and noise) [Black/Noise]
GROOMER - GROOMER (trans woman solo project)[Blackened Grindcore]
THMPRSS - Glaive of Hodir / Cloaked Matriarch (Enby solo project)[Black Metal]
Nameless Mist - Lifeless (trans woman solo project)[DSBM]
Colossal Death God - despite everything, we're all still here (trans woman solo project)[Math/Deathcore]
Wolven Daughter - Gospel of the Claw (trans woman solo project)[Raw Black Metal]
Greyfleshthered - The Dark Being (trans woman solo project)[Industrial/Electronic/Atmospheric Black Metal]
The Sun Came Up Upon The Left - Sounds We Make Through Wind (trans woman solo project)[Doom/Black Metal]
Leper Angel - Pest (trans female fronted band)[Atmospheric Black Metal]
Bull of Apis Bull of Bronze - The Fractal Ouroboros (trans femme guitarist)[Ambient Black Metal]
Cold July - Maybe it's for the Best (trans woman solo project)[Romantic DSBM]
Sorry... - Drowned in Misery (trans woman vocalist)[DSBM]
Shroud of Blight - Years of Failure (trans woman solo project)[Ambient DSBM]
Shallow Existence - Be Happy, Life is Worth Living (trans woman solo project)[DSBM]
(Many have extensive discographies, and these albums recs are often just starting points, if you enjoy one album from an artist, check out the rest!)
Every single artist here has their music available to stream for free on Bandcamp and/or YouTube, and if you really enjoy it, please give their work a purchase if you can afford it, and enjoy it. <3
Disclaimer: Although I personally know quite a few of these artists through meeting them at shows they attended, or through online conversation, I don't get any kickbacks from sales. Every single artist here is one I genuinely enjoy and have supported on my own.
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astriiformes · 4 months
hi! Sorry to bother--I am also graduating soon and I'm scouring my university library--I LOVED the list you made, do you have any other recommendations you wouldn't mind sharing? frankly you could throw a works cited page at me and I'd be happy
I've certainly got more papers I could recommend, though I can't claim they're all directly monster-related. My actual academic field is the history of science, with an emphasis on the early modern period and early print culture -- I just try to tie it to my other special interests however I can!
If you're interested in monster theory, I definitely recommend various readings on witchcraft and the occult as well -- there are significant links between the early modern witch trials/folkloric beliefs about witchcraft and some of our "modern" monsters like werewolves. Try:
Wolves, Witches, and Werewolves: Witchcraft and Lycanthropy from 1423 to 1700 by Jane P. Davidson and Bob Canino
The Saturnine History of Jews and Witches by Yvonne Owens
From Sorcery to Witchcraft: Clerical Conceptions of Magic in the Later Middle Ages by Michael D. Bailey
Witchcraft and Magic in the Nordic Middle Ages by Stephen A. Mitchell
The Specific Rationality of Medieval Magic by Richard Kieckhefer (who has written a LOT on magic and witchcraft in general)
Male Witches in Early Modern Europe by Laura Apps and Andrew Gow
If you're interested in monster studies from more of a sci-fi/fantasy angle and like reading about speculative fiction, consider:
On the Poetics of the Science Fiction Genre by Darko Suvin (really anything by Darko Suvin is a solid bet, he's a hugely influential scholar in the study of science fiction)
The journal Science Fiction Studies which has a lot of great articles and special issues (including a great one on Frankenstein!)
Colonialism and the Emergence of Science Fiction by John Rieder
For a grab-bag of odd and unconventional papers and books I've found interesting recently, have a look at:
The Soul, Evil Spirits, and the Undead: Vampires, Death, and Burial in Jewish Folklore and Law by Saul Epstein and Sara Libby Robinson
Melancholy as a Disease: Learning About Depression as a Disease from Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy by Jennifer Radden
A Case for a Trans Studies Turn in Victorian Studies: “Female Husbands” of the Nineteenth Century by Lisa Hager
Battling Demons With Medical Authority: Werewolves, Physicians, and Rationalization by Nadine Metzger
And, last but not least, I've only skimmed these last few, but as I'm currently on a huge Dracula research kick, here's a couple articles that have caught my eye:
Rethinking the New Woman in Dracula by Jordan Kistler (this one was especially refreshing to see, given the fact that many academic takes on the subject are.... bad)
Masculine Spatial Embodiment in Dracula by Julie Smith
Information in the 1890s: Technological, Journalistic, Imperial, Occult by Richard Menke
A ‘Ghastly Operation’: Transfusing Blood, Science and the Supernatural in Vampire Texts by Aspasia Stephanou
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spocks-kaathyra · 1 year
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first lecture means first doodle :)) Nal bc I love her dearly. Andy described her as "handsome" and "saturnine" and I went "goth trans woman?? okay got it"
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teplejtrouba · 1 month
Zdravím, chtěla bych se z čistě vědeckých důvodů zeptat, zda přijmeš jméno Saturnin za své druhé křestní či za příjmení? S kamarádkou se nemůžeme shodnout, jestli se v knize jedná o příjmení či křestní jméno, tudíž by mne velmi zajímal tvůj názor. Mimochodem ať už je odpověď jakákoli, velmi se mi tvůj nápad líbí, máš mou podporu a předem děkuji za odpověď :)
Zdravím a děkuji za dotaz, též za podporu mého pojmenování! Moc se těším na to, až to bude možné.
Přijmu ho za své druhé křestní jméno! Jelikož vím, že můžu (je v bibli všeho matrikářstva, Jak se bude vaše dítě jmenovat od Knappové), a jelikož mi to přijde tak akorát. Přemýšlel jsem i, že bych ho přijmul za první, ale Saturnin je má nejoblíbenější kniha a seriál/film a nechci si ho nějak poškodit tím, že si to jméno přílišně "zdomácním" a pak bude divný to číst/na to koukat. Druhým jménem lidu zpravidla nikdo moc neříká, pokud si to ten člověk vyloženě nepřeje.
Že bych ho přijmul za příjmení mě v životě nenapadlo, abych se přiznal. Mám svoje příjmení rád, a ač jsem přemýšlel, že bych ho změnil, lid říkající mi "Pan ...." mě navždy přesvědčil o tom, že je správně. (Ač jsou samozřejmě příjmení lepší, Saturnin jedním z nich, a já osobně chovám velkou lásku k příjmením zdrobnělým ženského rodu (tedy Hrdlička, Konvalinka, Konvička a tak dále).) Teď ovšem díky vám polemizuji nad příjmením dvojitým. :-D Ale asi je to už trochu překombinované.
Abych se konečně dostal k vašemu hlavnímu dotazu!
Já jsem měl ohledně tohoto taky poměrně dilema, a osobně jsem se klaněl spíše k tomu, že je to jméno křestní. Když si představím, že se jmenuje Saturnin třeba Petr Janáček, přijde mi přirozenější, aby mu jeho pán, ač je to mírně neprofesionální, říkal "Petře" nežli "Janáčku", jelikož tam mi asi chybí to "Pane" předtím. Když s někým trávíte téměř každý moment všedního dne, nepřijde mi úplně šílené, aby se dostal na metu prvního jména. Ženským služkám se též většinou říká třeba 'Hedviko' a ne 'Omastková', pokud mají s panstvem dobrý vztah. (Ale to, že mu tak říkají úplně všichni, by zase poukazovalo spíše k příjmení, uznávám.) Zároveň on vypravěč obecně má pro každého nějaký 'titul', 'Doktor Vlach', 'teta Kateřina', 'slečna Barbora', a jsem za to, že Dědeček a Saturnin ho nemají, jelikož jsou mu tak blízcí, a Milouš ho nemá, protože si ho nezaslouží.
Můj osobní hlavokánon, má vnitřní pravda, který jsem použil i ve své fanfikci, je to, že je to obojí. Protože Saturnin je přesně ten typ člověka, co by se pojmenoval Saturnin Saturnin.
(Ano, pojmenoval, jelikož v mém srdci je Saturnin trans.)
Snad jsem svůj názor nějak smysluplně shrnul, přenádherný den přeji. :-)
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marlowethelibrarian · 3 months
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x x x
Status: First draft in progress
Genre: Adult Second World Fantasy
Setting: A matriarchal clan based theocracy with inspiration drawn from the Andes, South East Asia and the Tlingit. Queer-norm, but not Trans-norm.
Trigger warnings: Infanticide, Transphobia, Ableism, Implicit Sexual Violence, Abuse
Project Tag | Character Tag | Worldbuilding Tag | Snippet Tag
Rakani has no real place in Suya, where the Priest Queen and her high priests rule the mountain peaks and the clan politics are ever shifting. They are clanless, Okono, an outcast for whom every day is a struggle to survive. Tasked with caring for their aging alchemy master, Rakani makes a risky gamble when they realize they look an awful lot like newest high priest...
Taglist (ask to +\-): @orions-quill, @cowboybrunch, @mantis-lizbian, @saturnine-saturneight
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stepanovo-veci · 2 years
ta trans-mužská potřeba pojmenovat sám sebe saturnin.
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sorikkung · 2 years
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I posted 8,689 times in 2022
That's 6,695 more posts than 2021!
338 posts created (4%)
8,351 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,559 of my posts in 2022
Only 48% of my posts had no tags
#fic recs - 179 posts
#read later - 79 posts
#mischiefing time - 65 posts
#diverseinsertsknet - 35 posts
#stray kids x reader - 33 posts
#male reader - 33 posts
#poly stray kids - 32 posts
#bang chan x reader - 32 posts
#ateez x reader - 31 posts
#tomorrow x together x reader - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#god i am enjoying writing ateez way too much in whats supposed to be a txt centric au 😭😭😭 they were meant to be side characters but 😭😭
My Top Posts in 2022:
good boy gone bad | 3: yeonjun does not hesitate, taehyun hates his friends, beomgyu narrowly avoids getting knifed in his sleep
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a/n: i heard somewhere taehyun throwing knives in the txt dorms is canon. i ran with it.
EDIT: i forgot an entire conversation that was meant to take place w felix in dms before this part, if you haven't read it already please go back and read it thanks sorry 🙏
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77 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
good boy gone bad | intros
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86 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
what goes on in neverland. ⇝ ch. 1: rivalry, a bitter past, and a whole lot to prove
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word count: 17.4k
pairings: transmasc!reader x eric, reader x chan, reader x felix, eric x felix, wooyoung x mingi, minho x changbin, chan x felix (see masterlist for full series pairings)
genre: fluff, smut and lots of assorted shenanigans. hijinks, if you will
au: battle of the bands!au but make it gay and horny
warnings: (another) m/m/afab threesome, switch!reader, switch!felix, (physical and mental) power struggle, improvised handcuffs, mild exhibitionism, brief choking, unprotected sex, cumplay, anal (m recieving)
a/n: this only took way too long uh whoops?? apologies LOL anyway dont mind the sudden switch of past tense to present tense, the rest of the series will be present tense from now on, only the prologue is past tense cause its the prologue. hope that isnt too confusing LOL
please reblog and leave feedback if you enjoyed, it's what keeps us writers going :')
tags: @mingirn, @absentcaryatid, @honeybyunnies (apologies if you didn't wanna be tagged just lmk and i'll take you off the taglist!)
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94 notes - Posted March 12, 2022
♕ of princes and princesses ♕ | s.mg, j.yh
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✒ pairing: princess!song mingi x trans!prince!reader x prince!jeong yunho
✒ wc: 16.7k
✒ genre: royalty au, angst, romance, smut, heavy on the themes of queerness and identity
✒ summary:
"Only princesses like princes," you were all told. Mingi figured that must make him a princess, because he knows he loves the Crown Prince of Choeya, Jeong Yunho.
"You're a princess," you've been told, but you know you're a prince - and if it takes recruiting the estranged princess of Reuji to help you prove that point on your last stand, so be it.
Yunho is throwing a gala between the three kingdoms to forge alliances, and has no idea just how successful he will be.
✒ warnings! blatant transphobia and homophobia, verbal and emotional parental abuse, implied dysphoria, smut, anal (m. receiving), mirror sex, first times (mingi is a virgin), both of them have stupidly huge cocks, unprotected sex bc this is medieval times did they even have condoms? usage of the title "sir"
✒ a/n: this piece is very, very, very important to me, so i really hope you'll give it a shot! i especially invite cis readers to give it a chance to boost more marginalised identities within the reader insert community, to help even one other queer person out there feel more seen and normal. any reblogs or feedback would mean the world to me <3
as this fic is about queerness and acceptance, i will happily rewrite it for other queer identities upon request, whether that be trans woman, nonbinary, or any other shade of queerness, so just let me know!
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201 notes - Posted August 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
good boy gone bad | txt, skz & atz social media au [m.list]
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genre: fluff, comedy, a pinch of angst but mostly just lots of pining, polyamory, suggestive content but (probably) no actual smut
au: non-idol au, fake dating au, bad boy makeover au
What's more outrageous to a conservative family than one bad boy rebel boyfriend? Five of them. Hell, why stop there? Sick of pining over your childhood bestfriends and wanting to stick it to your old folks, you decide its time to find as many fake boyfriends as you can to bring along to your sister's wedding. If they're too good on their own, that's fine - you can make them a whole lot worse.
a/n: if you enjoy this, please do reblog and/or give any feedback or reactions you might have! it makes a writer's day and keeps us writing :)
1. two nerd best friends
2. felix is just, a really good friend :)
3. yeonjun does not hesitate, taehyun hates his friends, beomgyu narrowly avoids getting knifed in his sleep
4. hyuka isn't the best at keeping secrets - even his own.
5. y/n has bitches?!
6. felix lee joins the party!
7. bad boy makeover step one: fit check!
8. step two, taking "be gay, do crime" to a whole new level
9. call that the y/n effect!
10. realisations yet to be had
11. other side of the coin
12. one day. for now, welcome to superhell
13. taehyun remembers things and felix is a natural blonde
1. bickering like boyfriends already
15. thirst trapped in the gc
16. mutual blackmail.
17. just bros being bros (dancing gay little circles around each other)
intros [ii]
18. gay update: getting gayer
19. hongjoong likers club
20. intervention, interrogation, indirection
21. a queer indie production film. totally.
22. prove it.
23. for you.
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343 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
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strawberriandromeda · 5 months
Trying to world build stuff in my story and like. Since most of the gods in my story are some flavor of bisexual methinks thats a cultural norm.
Anyways i guess the terms and symbols for sexualities would be these:
Straight- Saturnine bc Capricorn is like the only heterosexual person i guess
Bisexual- no word for this bc it's normal. It only becomes its own word when other words for other identities pop up, and it's like the Telumartan for regular "regulos" or "regulatas" or ordinary being "ordinatas" or whatever idk
Lesbian - "Lesath's/Lilith's acolytes" bc lesbian goddess :). In the language Telumartan it would be said as "lilanthas". Symbolized by lilies.
Bigender/genderqueer people get "Sagittarius's children" bc Sag is bigender :]. The phrase in Telumartan would be "Sakitaros quo samatas" which would be shortened in casual conversation as "sakatas". Symbolized by arrows.
Agender people get "friends of Aquarius" bc yeah Aqua is agender :]. Word shortened in Telu as "aquatas". Symbolized by amphoras.
Gay men get "sons of Leo" bc even though Leo isnt gay a lot of his sons are so yipy. Word shortened in Telu as "solatas". Symbolized by rays of the sun.
Trans women get "Rasalhague's priestesses" bc Rasalhague is a trans girl :]. Word is shortened in Telu as "rapana". Symbolized by sage.
Trans men get "disciples of Mercury". Word is shorted as "mahada". Symbolized by clouds.
Aroace people get "Virgo's spirit", called "vanasima". People who do not fit this exactly (ie just aro, just ace, on the spectrum or demi) are called "divanasimas" with the word "di" meaning partially). Overtime distinctions can be made. Symbolized by wheat.
And anyone who isnt clearly defined by these labels all fall under "worshippers of Ichthyes" since he is a very self contradictory deity. It can also be a group term for any other kind of difference since Ichthyes is meant to be a god of people who are usually forgotten. The word for this is "wanasitos". Symbolized by seashells.
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Can you design pride flags for astrological aspects of planets (gay, lesbian, bi, trans, ace, aro, pan…) ? Neptunine, uranine, saturnine, plutonic, martial, mercurial, venutial, lunial/lunar, jupiterian
I'll need a little bit more of an explanation on this so I can get it right. 💙💚
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inquisitor-gayfax · 2 years
40K Femslash Masterpost!
Do you love the setting of Warhammer 30K/40K but often think "gee whiz, it sure could use some more ladies loving ladies"?
Look no further than beneath the cut, where I've compiled a list of lovely 40K femslash fics, including my own!
My Stuff
My fics tend towards either pure fluff or porn with plot/feelings, and are usually lore-friendly unless otherwise specified. As always, mind the tags, please!
At Last, Farewell. Rating: E. Erda/Amar Astarte. What to do when your immortal crush of decades asks an impossible favor? A study in two of my favorite subjects, unrequited love and homoerotic devotion.
Dilectio ex Machine. Rating: E. Vethorel/Esha Ani Mohana Vi. These two have intense chemistry in Mortis and I would die for them. In this fic, I explore what an implied private meeting between them would have looked like.
Slumbering Fury. Rating: G. Vethorel/Esha Ani Mohana Vi. Pure fluff with sleeping beauty elements for my girls. I just think they're neat!
Once Again. Rating: E. Jenetia Krole/Aphone. The closest to PWP I'll ever come, probably. Short smut with feelings for the stars of the Saturnine scene that stole my gay heart.
Luna Moth Wife. Rating: G. Mortarion/Vulkan. A genderswapped, lepidopteran take on the crane wife fable.
Abhorrent Delights. Rating: E. Lotara Sarrin/Sota-Nul. Darker than my usual fare. I could not stop thinking about how much these two would love hating each other, so naturally, I wrote porn about it.
Fic Recs
Saintsbride Series by Calchexxis.  Greyfax/Celestine.  Incredible fits-within-canon-like-a-glove series featuring everyone’s favorite hopelessly in love odd couple.  Beautiful writing and characterization.
Candle in the Dark by guesswhattimeitis.  Greyfax/Celestine.  Look, I’m a sucker for fancy balls, love confessions, and women in suits and this fic has it all.  Sweet, sentimental, and oh so lovely.
For the All-Father by Tiberia1313.  Adepta Sororitas OC/ Adepta Sororitas OC.  More of an action fic with some femslash thrown in at the very end, but what’s not to love about Fenrisian sisters of battle who like each other?  Exciting, with very cool and original details.
The Greater Goods by HaptoLacuna. Human OC/Tau OC/Tau OC.  Dear god-emperor, where to begin with this one?  Second person POV gem written from the perspective of a closeted trans musician on a pleasure world recently captured by the Tau, this fic expertly handles topics like trauma, shame, and instant attraction with heart and a skilled hand.  Also deftly explores the sweet awkwardness of negotiating your first interspecies lesbian threesome.  Heartfelt and sexy as hell.
And There Was Only One Prefab Habitat by CommissarCorgi34. Guard OC/Adepta Sororitas OC.  The title alone!  Slow burn dual POV fic about working together despite your differences with tons of detail and character, as well as humor.  There is, in fact, only one prefab habitat.  Fluffy, feel-good, and really giving me the slow burn I yearn for.
Biceps and Epaulettes by SupremeSylvanasSimp. Mordian OC/Catachan OC.  This one. Phew.  Two very different women escape certain death only to find themselves trapped in close quarters and forced to work together to survive. Incredible setup, incredible characters, fantastic attention to detail and pacing.  I am absolutely hooked and praying for more.  Riveting and human, with wonderful writing. 
Shield of Fire by Robin_Malleus997. Tau OC/Tau OC.  Fair warning that this only has one chapter, but what a chapter it is!  A headstrong pilot deals with forbidden feelings for her superior in the face of looming danger.  The setup, characters, and emerging plot are all A++, and I’m so eager to hopefully see more at some point.  Amazing attention to detail and a perfect example of how to suck a reader in from the get-go.
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fruityyamenrunner · 2 years
astrology podcast today has our hero, the neotrad rationalist astrologer of Actionable Astral Insights, in dialogue with some betelgeuse brain new age astrotherapist of the "everything is a dream, dream a dream... nothing is negative or positive... the reason people hit me as a child is because I didn't love myself ... let's learn to dream dream quantum consciousness dream" deeply wounded fantasist type.
it's difficult to listen to. new age man is doing most of the talking and justification. neotrad is interjecting with some criticisms that astrology is a rational business and it's not actually compassionate to blame people for their own problems even if you taboo the word "blame" but new age man believes since he lives in a new age (defined or at least outlined by him as "an age in which people know about the transsaturnine planets and lesbians have babies via ivf, so life has been transformed beyond recognition) his, and therefore the world consciousness, has advanced beyond the basic mojo of neotrad, which he calls "classical/prequantum" "saturnine consciousness"
neotrad tried to stick out a conciliatory hand and say that there is some space for trans-saturnine spheres in trad stuff in the form of the sphere of the fixed stars and the firmum mobile. new age man is sure that this has nothing to do with what he's talking about because, fundamentally, his core vibes are the New Age of Democracy and Psychology
He is bringing up an example of a great artist, how they have a placement which would make them an artist and one which would make them a computer janitor. he doesn't like to call a placement "negative" because this would be "poison", "sabotage" and would "destroy their free will" and so lead them into the (only implicitly) positive first choice, so (implicitly) an astrologer should not do that. neotrad says "actually the right answer can be rationally worked out in this framework if you brrrrr" which new age man rejects because it's Not Seeing The Person - "consciousness does not appear in the chart".
it's fascinating because new age man is right for the wrong reason. he's entirely wrong about the world having been transformed on every level, that quantum mechanics has any relevance, but it's not like neotrad is any more right, and just has more moving parts he consults and selects or ignores (but with a rationale!) before doing some interpersonal relating vibe emission -- he *also* believes the universe is a spiritual learning and development mechanism that can be shown by astrologers!
how do you really make a preference between on the one hand, some saturnine (and he rly is) fellow who is acting the Stoic and saying that the mechanism of the universe keeps throwing out hundreds of Signs (from a cosmic mechanism we do not talk about) which provide reasons for events in your life and also direct you to give him money and attention and on the other hand, some flummy Uranian (to be determined) who is up front that he is all about the vibes and morally justifying events without admitting that's what he's doing, and the chart is just a means to keeping you coming to therapy.
They are clearly never going to agree about the appropriate professional presentation, but they are dividing two major parts of the market between them.
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m4a1-shermayne · 4 years
Piss donderglutes a trans attention seeker just called you a bitch lol. You gonna take that, little bitch? Saturnine-powerbomb . CommieGangRise
Literally who?
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Shaw & Skadi for the kid meme!
Name: Sigvid Skadisson Shaw. I know it should be Shawson BUT FUCK THE RULES. “Sig” is a pretty standard prefix for a lot of Norse names from the word “sigr” meaning “victory” and “vid” from the Old Germanic “widu” for forest. Gender: Masc and male-presenting but beyond that I’m not sure? Trans man? AMAB non-binary? Look, he uses he/him (maybe they too) and people THINK ‘man’ when they look at him, that’s all I know General Appearance: Tall and beefy, he couldn’t NOT be. Medium pale skin that gets even paler in winter but tans easily in summer. Black hair, or so dark brown it might as well be black, and very dark eyes. His hair, unlike both parents and most of his Asgardian brethren, is actually kept short, and while he has a beard, it’s not the big one. The reason for this is functional; short hair is better if you’re spending a lot of time in the wild. Stuff gets stuck in long hair, it can get tangled in branches at the worst times, it’s hot in the summer, and it can literally freeze in the winter if it gets wet. His attire is very much out of a Viking fantasy, but less on the “heavy armor” end of things and more on the “wearing lots of furs and skins” side. He doesn’t look like someone you want to fuck with, but he also doesn’t look like he’s going to war. He carefully avoids any kind of dangling amulets, charms, or other jewelry that could get caught on anything, but he’s got a sort of leather toolbelt containing various survival tools made from wood, bone, etc. Personality: Sigvid, as you might guess from his attire and the reasons for it, is an outdoorsman. Not as a hobby, not as a lifestyle, but an EXISTENCE. He thrives in the natural world as Sebastian does in the business world, finding ways to survive in even the most adverse of situation. Whatever Mother Nature is doing around him, he can not only make it through it, he can work it to his advantage. His closeness to the natural world, his close observation of it, means that he sees both the facts and errors in his father’s mentality. He sees that the strongest predators will pick off the weakest prey, that the winter will take those who do not prepare, that mother animals will neglect and even devour their young if they’re sick or runty. He also sees that prey are more aggressive than predators, how some creatures will adopt and nourish infants that are not their own or even their own species, how some will share their kill with no benefit to themselves, and how even the smallest and most humble animals can make it through things that the larger, so-called stronger ones did not. Sigvid is very pragmatic, like his father, very practical, very self-preservationist. He has to be. But he’s also very spiritual, not in a way that connects to some distant god, but the world around him, to earth and nature. Not some idealized hippie-dippie conception of nature as a loving mother that is always in balance, but an acceptance that it is a greater power that he cannot control, he can only hope to survive at best. It keeps him humble. It also gives him a much wider, more relative perspective on things that is not human-centric, or Asgardian-centric for that matter. My Shaw often says that he admires human accomplishments above all else, that no other animal has built cities, computers, cars, and so on. And he is correct in this. But Sigvid always points out, how many termite mounds has man built? How many times do humans migrate thousands of miles using an innate sense of the Earth’s magnetic fields? How many fish have we hunted by literally sensing the electricity in their bodies? Yes, humans are “the best” if we judge them by standards HUMANS MADE. Judge us by the base standard of any other species, and we flop. Same for judging any species by the standards of any other. Nothing is “more” or “less” evolved than anything else, more complex does not mean better, and nor does being bigger, stronger, meaner, or even smarter mean a species is “better” or “more evolved” either. Survival of the fittest is not about that, nor about individuals; it’s about how well a species fits its environment and niche. A slime mold is just as evolved as a person. Sigvid is very passionate about this, though he’s not the type to speak up most of the time; he’s stoic and saturnine, used to keeping his mouth closed and his thoughts to himself, because most of the time there’s no one to talk to. And that also means he’s learned to exist without the validation and approval of others---ironically, something that is much like his father, learned in a completely different environment.
A lot of this, obviously, comes from Skadi. He was at side her since infancy learning to hunt and track, learning the difference between wood sorrel and white clover, how to tell when a moose is about to charge, and what it means when the woods go quiet. This connects deeply to Skadi’s Jotunn side in particular, which in Norse lore are thought to have symbolized the inherently chaotic and uncontrollable nature of, well, nature! Though Sigvid would not, nature it’s chaotic, it’s actually very ordered, people just don’t bother to understand what’s inconvenient to them. But where he differs from Skadi is that he’s not a Disney princess. Animals don’t hang out with him. He doesn’t nurse injured creatures back to health. He doesn’t keep pets. He does not see them as friends. They are not less than him, but they are not allies, they are beings he co-exists with, avoids, or eats. At least, until a thylacine started hanging out with him. Yeah, a thylacine. The extinct Tasmanian tiger. Who knows where it came from or why he’s attached itself to him, but he’s very adamant she’s not a pet and he hasn’t named her, but she is THERE. Sometimes. She isn't at his side like a dog, it's more she's following him from a distance and she pokes her head out from the trees somewhere. She's not a pet. She's more a parasite. But unlike Shaw, Sigvid doesn't use that term in a bad way, and he's fine with her presence. He's just curious where the hell an extinct Australian animal came from? Obviously, Sigvid is not interacting with people a lot, but when he does, he’s far less awkward or boisterous than people expect. He doesn’t have the overt weirdness people expect from a hermit, nor the bombastic warrior cliché of an Asgardian, or the vicious stereotype of a Jotunn. He has a quiet but overwhelming elegance, not like an aristocrat but like a great stag emerging from the forest. He chooses his words carefully, and can say much with just a few. He walks the middle ground between judging by individuals and judging by species; he does a little of both. He has preconceptions and generalities that he believes in about each group, but also believes in room for exception. After all, he’s not what a lot of people expect, is he? Despite this, he’s frequently misread as disliking people, but he doesn’t. He is utterly neutral on them, he just prefers his own way of life. Likewise, he tends to be very neutral towards individuals, and this also is often misread as dislike. One thing he does dislike though, is when people try to endear themselves to him by talking about how they agree animals are better than people, or say stuff like you know only man kills for pleasure. . . .this actually just annoys him. Firstly, a lot of animals do kill for pleasure. Secondly, when people say animals/nature is better than people. . . .they’re forgetting that people---humans, Asgardians, Jotunn---are animals too. This is just another way people, of any sort, try to insist they’re something special and different, whether in a negative or positive way. It doesn’t impress him. What impresses him tends to be how well people work within their niche, whatever niche that is. Like Shaw, he doesn’t really judge in terms of conventional morality, but a person’s success----Sigvid’s definition of success is just much wider. Like, maybe you dive for a living---are you a good diver? A great cafeteria worker? The best toilet cleaner in the tri-state area? He admires that and he commends you. When he is angered, he stays quiet, and his response is swift and physical; he either leaves or strikes physically and then leaves. When he feels sufficiently bonded with someone. . . he is still quiet. He appreciates a person who doesn't need to be filling the silences between them to feel comfortable and kinship. And kinship for him is rare, but he's not lonely----just also not adverse to it, as many assume he is. People assume a lot about Sigvid, and most of it is wrong, but he's also very chill with it. Sigvid is a very chill guy.
Special Talents: Besides the obviously mentioned talents for hunting, tracking, foraging, survivalism, and nature knowledge? Many people think he’s some kind of seer because he’s good at predicting storms and such, but actually he’s just very good at reading the signs most people aren’t attuned to. He also presumably has the attributes of Asgardians and Jotuns (super strength, etc) but if he has a mutant power, it has yet to manifest. Also cannot assume a Frost Giant form. Who they like better: Skadi, though eventually he does respect his father for performing so well at what he does
Who they take after more: I think both equally in different ways Personal Head canon: -He really likes amethyst geodes. -He finds a lot of manufactured foods, like chips or snack cakes, to be WAAAAY too strongly salty or sweet for him to stomach, is allergic to Red Dye #40, and he finds the taste of domesticated animals to be weird. - Not much of a dairy person, but ghee is good -Dislikes when people stereotype hillbillies as stupid; as in like, people who are genuinely living in the hills and mountains of the American Southeast, they're an interesting people with their own unique culture like any other group that lives off the land in isolation---which he respects---and not interchangeable with typical rednecks. -He doesn't typically carry anything with him that's not a necessity, if he knows he's going to be seeing people soon, he will pick up knick-knacks he finds in abandoned places and distribute them like a weird Santa Claus. Who, he's met, by the way, and according to him, Father Christmas is something of a badass. - He will always buy your homemade soaps, and I have no idea what he's doing with them. Yes, maybe he's using them in the normal intended way but IM NOT SURE?? - Pops up in art museums. People never expect him to be here, in these cathedrals dedicated to human creation, but he is. I think he views art a bit differently than the average person, but he's there all the same. - He's an Aquarius but there is a LOT of Saturn in his chart - The first Midgard movie he saw was Forrest Gump. He was expecting it to be about something else because of the title, but he enjoyed it and LEARNED THIS DANCE Face Claim: n/a
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teplejtrouba · 2 years
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Je snad něco více saturninovského než pojmenovat sám sebe Saturnin?
#MŮJ NEJOBLÍBENĚJŠÍ HLAVOKÁKON V CELÉM VESMÍRU#kámošníci#trans saturnin činí tak 90% všech mých myšlenek#dává mi to hroznej smysl. je to hrozně správný na nějaký základní existenční úrovni#knižní i seriálovej saturnin#ale přivedla mne na to ta scéna ze seriálu kde jiří říká že markus aurelius je lvice#a saturnin se s podivně melancholickým výrazem dívá do prázdna#a odpoví. že nikdo není dokonalý. pane#a v tu chvíli jsem byl jako. jo. saturnin je trans. konec diskuze#pojmenoval jsem se po něm. teda. zatim ne oficielně. ale až budu moct. druhý je saturnin#ale prostě všichni historický trans lidi byli tak hrozně moc odvážní až je mi z toho do breku#až trochu bláznivě odvážní. ten typ lidí co by v poloprázdné kavárně nejenom koukal nebo přemýšlel. ale bombardoval lid koblihama#taky myslim že byl saturnin na chvíli u námořnictva. nebo minimálně vždycky chtěl být. proto to tetování#když se obléká do toho námořnického oblečku ve kterém poprvé uvítá jiřího na hausbótu#podívá se v zdrcadle na sebe s kapitánskou čepicí a na všechny jeho kotvy a usměje se#prostě tohle je hlavokánon co je mě přišitej a přilepenej izolepou a přitavenej a přirostl ke mě a nikdo mi to nevymluví#saturnin#zdeněk jirotka#trans#trans saturnin#česky#čumblr#obrození#to umčo je dost hrozný. to první je když jsem tam tak ňák naplácal barvy bez většího míchání a druhý je pokus o záchranu#která skončila jako docela vyblitej kekel. ale nevadí. něco na tom asi je#nějak#my art
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syrupwit · 5 years
Putting this under a cut because it’s not only long, but simply too hot to handle. Alexander “Saturnine In His Judgment” Doublemustard DNI.
Posted December 3, 2019. Fics are listed alphabetically by title.
I tried to include all the AO3 mandatory warnings. Please let me know if there are more things you’d like me to warn about.
The Cage by Myminator - Rape/Non-Con, E, 8.3k, PWP, heavy BDSM with a dominant Dib and a caged, submissive Zim.
Candy is Dandy? by Largishcat - E, 5.9k, a fresh and hilarious take on the Zim-goes-into-heat trope. I’m still thinking about the melted sour patch kids.
Conquest by stoicscripter - Rape/Non-Con, E, 49.2k, a classic for a reason. Dib captures Zim and, uh, has his way with him. The Tallest come in at a certain point. Heed the tags.
Blanket rec for all douxdamian’s work -- lots of Top Dib + Dubious Consent. HEED THE TAGS.
Enemy Mine (and Only Mine) by Rachello344 - Dubious Consent, E, 5.7k, WIP, PWP, Top Zim. There are bondage, tentacles, breeding kink, oviposition... and emotions. ;---;
Flush by p0rk - E, 45.7k, WIP, an older Dib flushes his psych meds down the toilet and embarks on a fraught, fairly kinky relationship with Zim. Heed the tags -- p0rk also provides handy summaries in the end notes of each chapter. This is my favorite currently updating WIP.
Height Treason by Klei - E, 111.7k, WIP. If you haven’t read this yet, prepare to be amazed. This fic has everything: humor, friendship, alien biology, a plot, Tak’s ship making me feel things, a cameo from Sergeant Slab Rankle... Go read it.
In the Name of Science by NescientAtaraxy - E, 1.2k, PWP, fucking machines + Dib spying on Zim. The part about the computer is like, aaaahhh.
In Which Zim Gets Mad that His Nemesis Doesn’t Want to Ravish Him by DesdemonaKaylose - Rape/Non-Con (offscreen/past), E, 6.6k, dystopian sexual worldbuilding and an ice cream date. AND MY HEART. Yes, that’s my summary for this one.
Learning Your Place by meependa - Rape/Non-Con, Underage, E, 1.6k, Top Zim + Dib in a closet! Oh no.
Least Friend (Or Five Times Zim Was Genuinely Scary) by Largishcat - Graphic Depictions of Violence, M, 13.2k, “Dib had another nemesis for two weeks in ninth grade until Zim stabbed him in the throat.” Additional warnings for animal death and gore. The characterizations in this are like *various hand/finger-shape emojis connoting strong approval*.
Mindless Self Indulgence by creepymura - E, 17.1k, WIP, a set of connected one-shots ft. Trans Dib and various themes. These are like... super well written.
Oleander by Chipper_Daily - Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, M, 11.6k, Dib wakes up in space. Obsessive / codependent / generally very messed up relationship. HORRIBLE REVELATIONS. Good.
On The Table by Dissipating_Mango - E, 2.1k, PWP, very emotional vivisection play (Dib-->Zim). Established relationship.
A Temporary Position by Dissipating_Mango - E, 30.6k, WIP, mating cycles/in heat. This is one of my favorite takes on this trope -- I love the feelings in it, and the way the plot has been developing.
Trembling Beginnings by Dissipating_Mango - E, 8.9k, Zim steals Dib’s coat and has a sexual awakening about it. First time.
Zim Survives Spring Break by mxrbidly - E, 7.3k, WIP, Mothman!Dib + mating cycles/in heat. I’m afraid I’ve run out of words for the evening, but I’m hooked on this one and invested in what happens next.
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