#transabled positivity
doll-queer · 4 months
I Love you individual who is transabled
I Love you individual who is trace
I Love you individual who is transage
I Love you individual who is transharmed
I Love you individual who is transharmful
I Love you individual who is transspecies
I Love you individual who is transoccupation
I Love you individual who is transaesthetic
I Love all of you
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This blog supports nondysphoric transabled beings
This blog supports nondysphoric transabled beings
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idvampiricemojis · 11 months
I saw this and went what??? You WANT orgasm dysfunction??????? Bby whoever you are that requested it if I could trade you mine for your working orgasms I WOULD
Please 😭😭😭😭
I want to know wtf allos are ranting and raving abt so bad
Also you are so fucking valid, don't let anyone tell you you're not
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*+ ~ Reminders for transintersex folks!! ~ +*
You are intersex
Your reasons for being transintersex are vaild
We accept you in the intersex community
You don't need to prove anything to antis or medicalists
You are not perisex, no matter how much antis will say you are
All of the validation you get is truthful and genuine
Transintersex people should be able to get surgery
You're not a joke to the intersex community
You know more about the intersex community than most people
You deserve love and happiness
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cccat-in-a-meat-sack · 6 months
Shoutout to anti radqueers who struggle with intrusive/violent thoughts!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who sometimes want to identify as transid terms!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who used to be in the radqueer community!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who don't participate in discourse!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who identify as arissomei terms!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who don't like members of the anti radqueer community!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers who have been harmed, indirectly and/or directly, by the radqueer community!!
Shoutout to anti radqueers!!
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🫶 love yall 🫶
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phoenixisrq · 1 month
You are not a horrid person for being transID. Atypical dysphoria is not a box, it includes your experiences as well. If you are DYSPHORIC about not having a disability, or whatever you are dysphoric about, that is atypical dysphoria, and antis can forever piss their diapers about that fact. And, fuck it, if you are transID for other reasons, such as for fun or for coping reasons, nobody can judge your validity but yourself.
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cyberuan · 1 month
I hope that people who's trying to transition to their transid's has a very pleasant and delightful weekends ^^
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honeydew-wecantwo · 9 months
i know people talk about how they as transid people don't fit the stereotype that a lot of anti-radqueer people put us in, but shoutout to the people who do!
shoutout to white to asian transracial people! shoutout to asian transracial people who love cutesy aesthetics! shoutout to people who's transids are mostly just cosmetic and change constantly! shoutout to transracial people who are most comfortable as a handful of races other than just one! shoutout to people who's transid identities are intrinsically connected to their kinks and fetishes! shoutout to transautistic people who found their identity through tiktok! shoutout to people who found their transids through pathological lying! and shoutout to any who've i've missed!
you're not any less transx than the rest of us because you fall into a stereotype. you're valid, and i love you.
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rqmaxstuff · 29 days
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A Trandabled identity under the Transdelusion umbrella, where someone feels like/inner self/wishes to have the cotard syndrome
Cotrard Syndrome: a delusion (sometimes a series of them) that ranges from thinking one has lost their organs, blood, their soul and up to thinking they are dead, a zombie, a ghost or decaying away right now.
Some stop to eat, get depression or insist on getting a funeral for themself.
If its already coined its a alt flag ^^
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transx-mogai-cafe · 9 months
I've always loved that one quote that goes "God blessed me by making me transsexual for the same reason God made wheat but not bread and fruit but not wine, so that humanity might share in the act of creation."
It gets me thinking of all the facets of my self that I have a hand in shaping. I'm transage in the way there are mammals that produce dairy, and I've made some fancy soft cheeses.
I'm transabled in the way that there are apples that I pick and chop up, mix with sugar and cinnamon, and bake into a pie.
I'm transspecies in the way that chocolate is produced from cocoa, melted, and shaped into extravagant sculptures.
I'm reminded that all variations of being trans is a beautiful act of creation.
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doll-queer · 4 months
If you're transid, you have a right to have as much fun with your transidentity as you please just as much as you have a right to be completely serious with it.
You have every right to be the way you are.
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Hey, here’s a transabled positivity post from your local Certified Cripple — I’ve been thinking about how saying like, well I fit your standards and I still think they are shit devalues self-advocacy and frankly invalidates at least half the point, but I realized, and heard from others, that validation of your trans identity from those who are cis in that identity might be a huge support, so 💖
And this is also very much just a transability positivity post in general, regardless of my own disabilities, too.
Your identity is not ableist.
For those who
Are trans in the direction of ability loss: you wanting things that are suffering for others is not invalidation of that suffering.
Are trans in the direction of ability acquisition: it does not mean that you think others are lesser for their disability.
Use, or want to get, mobility aids they “don’t physically need”: you are not stealing resources. There are literally posts within the disabled community about how mobility aids are *not* a limited resource, everyone who needs or wants them should get them if they can, and more demand actually creates more supply.
Present as their identity in any way: you are not faking, not any more than I “fake” when I deepen my voice as a transmasculine and otherwise transvoice person. That *is* real, that is the real you, even if it’s not in your body factory settings.
Can’t present as their identity: hugs, if you want them, or any other display of affection that you would prefer.
Have happily transitioned, or had acquired those changes unintentionally and were happy: congratulations!!
Have transitioned, or had acquired those changes unintentionally, and aren’t happy with them: that does not mean that your past desires were ableist, and that does not mean that your present suffering is your fault.
Are currently transitioning or looking for ways of transition: good luck!
Can’t transition: a display of affection and support of your preference
Don’t want to transition: your identity is valid, and your identity is not ableist, regardless.
And support for all other transabled experiences, all of them, all of you! I will post this now because if I save this into drafts I might not go back to it in a long time.
And happy Disability Pride Month.
It *is* for you too, whatever your experience is.
I am so sorry that transphobia is currently so high.
Your life and identity and experiences are about you, not about others. Their experiences are about them and not about you as well.
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maned-wolfe · 10 months
The trace joy of eating your cultural foods <3
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princesse-du-rose · 9 months
ok just spreading a little positivity before i log off for today.
i love u ppl who r transtrauma to trauma that i am cis for i love u ppl who r transabled to physical disabilities i am cis for i love u ppl who r transabled to mental illnesses i am cis for i love u ppl who r transabled to other mental disabilities i am cis for i love u i support u, u dont need my permission to be yourself but in case you had any doubt today, i love you i support you and you are doing nothing wrong by being yourself
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happy pride month to radqueers. and antis too i guess.
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