jacebeleren · 6 years
transboilink replied to your post: lesbianlinkle:
radley I’m going to oppress you for this
whats wrong with bullying children?
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shellysaurus-rex · 8 years
helo frend! I hear you are the person to see about joining the fatesonas server on discord? If it's not too full I would be interested in hopping in!
it’s never too full friendo!! u v u b we’re always accepting new members~ i’ll send you an invite right away! :3c
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noodlerama · 8 years
hey my dude I know you've said you're okay but positivity never hurts so- I really enjoy following you! No matter who you were or how you thought in the past, I am proud of you for learning and growing and becoming a better person. I love your art and your posts and I'm glad you're being so resilient about all this. Please continue to be so, and I hope things die down so you can have some peace soon!
Aww wow thanks a lot man, you have no idea how much that means. I know I said it didn’t bother me but I really appreciate you choosing to follow me through all this bullshit and sending this thoughtful message, I can’t give enough of my thanks 💖💖💖
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kr--o · 8 years
transboilink replied to your post: honestly if there’s something that peeves the fuck...
fuckin sersiously im so tired of being made to feel like garbage for liking fates
same. if it weren’t for both awakening and fates we wouldn’t have sick titles coming out on mobile or a warriors styled game and heck! even a switch main series fe game like whoa!
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warlordess · 7 years
your anons need to chill smh? First of all, you're a lovely person inside and out. Second, people literally get depressed and unhealthy without enough interaction and attention. Seeking it is healthy so don't use traits like that as an insult??? Besides which you aren't really an attention seeker from what I gather anyway, just open and opinionated. Lastly, if they really dislike you so much they need to just mute/block you and grow up. SMH I'm sorry you're havin to deal with this!
You know, when I was younger, a kid, I was bullied all the time, taken advantage by other young girls in the complex I used to live in who would like me one day when I had something to give them and hate me the next because I didn’t.
In high school, other kids turned this bullying physical. For instance, one guy that I had in an English class the year before spent our woodshop class the next year harassing me with his group of guy friends, talking about me. One time, the class had a project to make toy rockets and, while the teacher was outside testing some of them out, the guy came back inside and chucked a piece of wood at my back and then threw his rocket and hit me in the side of the head. This was because, in that English class from the year before, we had been assigned a project together. Now, this project was the first one I’d ever had that relied on out-of-class work/homework… The boy didn’t contribute more than a page of notes while I did my entire half, so we basically turned in half a project and received a D, and he blamed me for that. While I’d been telling my counselor at the school (and the teachers, and any adult who stood still long enough to hear me) that he had been bullying me, it wasn’t until this incident at the end of the year that they actually did anything about it.
I’ve had empty soda bottles chucked at my head, pencils, then there was the laughing, ridicule, harassment (not as bad but since it lasted longer/more consistently, it should be mentioned).
Bottom line, I spent most of my preteen/adolescent years being bullied and - fun fact - I’ve actually been a patient at the psychiatric hospital I now work at twice during my youth because of depression and anxiety disorders. I was also a patient at a childhood/adolescent psych facility for about a year.
The thing is, through all of that bullying, I didn’t know what to do so I shrunk in on myself, let it happen, let them all get to me. And again, when I got old enough to tell someone about it who should have been able to help, they didn’t bother pursuing a solution until the last week that it would have made any difference. And if there’s any reason not to tell someone that people are treating you this way, it’s because you’ve already tried and tried and failed since nobody listened to you before.
So as a young adult, I grew a sarcastic spine. I still have a lot of trouble asserting myself, but I’m getting a little better (and I’m going on 30 years old so… geez, took long enough). I have this thing where I don’t want to rock the boat, plus I can get emotional when it gets to a point and I don’t want that coming back to bite me in the ass. As the saying goes, if you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all, right? And some people notice this. I have a tell where I’ll avert my eyes and, if I have a beverage, I’ll take a drink from it to occupy my mouth so nothing slips out in the meantime.
Now, while the internet is a terrible, god-awful place sometimes, the one thing I like about social media is that I have my own little corner where I can say what I want, feel what I want. And, if I think what I have to say is controversial/negative, I go out of my way to make sure it shouldn’t be seen by people who don’t want to see it. On tumblr, as I’ve said, I leave posts untagged and abbreviate/split common terms/words that get pulled up in a search. On Facebook, I only friend people I really know so what I post gets seen by the few I’ve screened beforehand. I believe that this is a lot more civil and respectful than a lot of people here. I think that everyone should care enough to do what I consider to be the minimum of social courtesy.
But then it comes down to what’s been happening over the past few days. People shouting at me to get over myself, I’m desperate, I’m an attention whore, I’m ugly, etc, etc. I’m surprised I haven’t received an actual open death threat recently (which has happened in the past, even as an adult). These people chase me down, come to my little pocket room of the internet, my safe space, where I should be allowed to say what I want (within reason, but I wouldn’t say any of the really terrible stuff anyway because I’m a decent human being, or so I think), and they attack me personally over it. So of course I fight back. I crack jokes, I respond in sarcastic GIFs, I give a logical debate as to why they’re wrong about this, that, or the other thing.
Like you said, it’s natural and healthy to seek some attention here and there. People thrive on people. People change people. And this is coming from an introvert.
So yes, when it comes to these kinds of people, I guess I do think I’m better than them. And the reason for that is because I don’t hide behind grayface to attack people personally - or to send asks/make posts at all. And, when I make a mistake - and I have - I pursue a solution or apologize. I’ve done it before a few times since joining Tumblr. (Hell, this happened recently between us but we both realized there was miscommunication, apologized, and moved on without consequence.)
I’ve found what I felt was the safest, most appropriate way to assert myself and state my opinions clearly and it’s taken me almost three decades to figure it out. And I refuse to let my voice and what little built up self-esteem I’ve accumulated over the course of my life be eaten away by these nameless, faceless people. At the very least, that’s one lesson I’ve learned that’s stuck with me. They’re meaningless.
They’re so scared to stand behind their own opinions that they won’t even attach a name to themselves. At least I have that going for me.
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inspiritingplums · 6 years
((Anyway hi to new followers! I’m the mun, Lief. I’m a trans man and use he/him pronouns and am 26 years old.
My handle for my art is ‘bedheadedhero’ and my ooc tumblr is ‘transboilink.’ I’m more active on my twitter though, which is ‘faroshscales.’
I’m shy and sometimes a little clumsy at socializing but I do my best! Nice to meet you and thanks for following.))
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Gay Cas + Destiel moodboard for @transboilink
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hollylu-ships-it · 7 years
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First Commission down!
Ordered from @transboilink
Requested their Pokeshipping fankids “Rain & Coal Ketchum”
This was interesting b/c i don’t usually sketch for finished product. :D Thanks for the commission!
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meztliel · 7 years
Tagged by @tea-and-acorns thank ya! 
Rules- answer 11, ask 11, tag 11
1. If you could live in any fantasy world, which one would you choose? Does the Pokemon world count? Lol. Fantasy worlds tend to be too brutal for me to wanna live in them. But, I would like to live in Middle-Earth, preferably The Shire, Valinor, or Lothlorien during more peaceful times. 
2. Composition notebooks or regular ones?  Regular
3. Favorite Disney princess? Belle 
4. Extroverted or introverted?(or ambiverted?)-  Introverted AF
5. Favorite musical?  Does Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame count? If not, Les Miserables, I suppose. I’m not really into musicals other than Disney ones. 
6. How many countries have you been to? Besides where I live (U.S.), just Mexico. 
7. Would you rather live near the ocean or a mountain? Mountain 
8. Favorite person in history? I’m not sure tbh. So many great people who did great things, but also not so great things. I’ll go with Frida Kahlo
9. Favorite flower? Orchid
10. Favorite live-action Disney movie? Beauty and the Beast or the 1994 live version of The Jungle Book 
11. Coffee or tea? Coffeeeeee
My Questions:
What’s one of your fondest childhood memories?
Favorite cult film?
Would you rather live without books or without music?
What’s your aesthetic?
What’s the last song you listened to (by choice)?
Last book you read?
When did you first join Tumblr?
Fictional character you’d like to either: be friends with or date
Do you have any pets, and if so, can I pet them (plz)?
Name something that makes you happy
Tell me something random about yourself
I tag @kairi-yajuu @redasuki @betaruga @smol-bluemage @arofili @rickseriastar @moonmyobsession @spocketlaine @transboilink @odetosebastiana @7khaleesi if you guys want to! Otherwise ignore, it’s cool :)
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jacebeleren · 8 years
oh my god calvin are you really translating that map, as your brother I am proud and surpassed
okay like this is kinda WILD the sheikah text is actually romaji for japanese text and theres a bunch of TYPOS in the original text so WOO
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breathofthewild · 8 years
@transboilink IM SHAKING
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kr--o · 8 years
transboilink replied to your photo: when you and your bro bond over judging tf outta...
they laffin at newsies suspenders
that’s just cruel, instead they’d allow newsie to join in
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warlordess · 8 years
slides in at an ungodly hour after seeing ur pics to say. frend. ur a cute. paps and disappears
I don’t know what “paps” means but thanks for the compliment that makes no sense because, as I’ve said a million times before, I’m fuuuuuuuuuuuuugly.
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jacebeleren · 6 years
transboilink replied to your post: transboilink replied to your post: ...
everything. bullying radley on the other hand is a national pastime, often broadcast on telev
“I’m Radley And I Think Bullying Is Something That Is Ok To Do”
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warlordess · 8 years
Also for Leverage, because it's such a great show. What episode really hooked you early on when you were first watching it? What about it caught your eye?
Well, I don’t think I got into Leverage when it first started. In fact, if I remember correctly, it was a customer at an old job that told me about this fantastical show (I think we were talking about shows like Burn Notice, which is also known for being a smart con show, though from a much different and more violent angle).
So anyway, again, if I’m remembering this right, my first exposure to Leverage was during The Bank Shot Job, which was more than enough for me to get hooked right away, though I was more hooked on the general concept than any of the characters or ships. You know, it’s not like I knew anything more about the show beyond that it was about conmen, so I started watching the occasional episode (working two jobs usually got in the way, plus I lost cable/internet access for a couple of years back then due to my low income).
Now though? Now Leverage is still my number one favorite show even years after its cancellation. I love it. I love everything and everyone. It is the best. And it’s great to meet someone else who feels the same love as I do for this show!
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warlordess · 8 years
ok, just a randomly selected question, but as far as pokemon characters go was there ever one you looked at as a role model or admired as someone who had a character trait you wanted to improve in yourself? :3c
Well hello there random citizen who has been liking/reblogging a few of my posts over the past few days! Lol.
Honestly, no, I don’t think there’s any character in the Pokeani-verse that I looked to as a role model. I mostly latched on to Misty because she was already someone I felt I related to… Well, in some ways. I probably relate to her more now as an adult than I did when I was a kid since I suffered from depression when I was younger and was often ostracized among the other kids for being overweight and stuff. I was a pretty quiet stick in the mud that got treated like trash by those around me and veeeery rarely, I would blow up and fight back (verbally, I mean).
Now I speak up for myself far more frequently to the point that people think I’m a terrible person or something but I don’t really care about that as much as I used to.
Anyway, what I’m saying is that Pokemon was not the series in which I was looking for an inspiring role model. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t find characters I loved in the end!
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