#transformers caminus
sorsabruh · 7 months
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Papa Caminus reassuring his long lost son with memory issues..
He would give patpats, but that's kinda difficult 😔💔💔
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lets-try-some-writing · 3 months
Blinded By The Light
Moon was not always by Earth's side. Before he found her, he was once mighty. Born of another powerful Titan, he was prideful and content.
That security led to his and his citizens downfall.
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Fengari was forged under the stars. He woke in a pool of protomatter, weak, cold, and yet not afraid. The stars comforted him, and the light of Luna 1 and 2 calmed his anxious spark as he pulled himself free of wires and the remnants of his birthplace. Many cycles were spent watching the celestial bodies above, observing their rotations before a call in his spark urged him to stand and wander.
He remembered it clearly, walking alone on the surface of Cybertron without so much as an inkling as to where he was or where he was meant to go. He was smaller then, and for a time he had been petite enough to be cared for by a small clan of grounders who he instinctively knew were not like him. They taught him to write and speak in their language. Then they showed him how to avoid the things which they called Predacons. The mighty beasts of the skies were of Primus, that much he knew. But they were deadly things that hunted others for fuel. It was strange to him considering his guardians foraged for their energon. 
His guardians often told him that he would not have to fear them once he grew mightier, but while he was still small, they taught him to take care. He respected the Predacons and kept away from them. In turn, whenever they saw him bow his helm in light of their passing, took care to leave him be. Looking back, it may have been that they sensed what he was. But it was difficult for him to tell.
His guardians were good to him, although he could not remember their names. Eventually, once he began to tower over the oldest of his guardians, they took him toward the mountains. He did not understand. But the oldest of the clan, when asked how he knew where to go, told Fengari all he needed to know.
“You have your progenitor’s optics.”
Fengari was not made without reason. He was forged by another one of his kind, one who called himself Caminus. The specifics were difficult for him to discern, but Caminus was ancient enough to have seen the thirteen when they still walked the surface of Cybertron. Why he chose to create life was unknown to Fengari when he was still young, but Caminus was old enough to break away a piece of his own spark and send it forth like a seedling. The spark shard was not guaranteed to take root, but from one of Caminus’s shards, Fengari had come into being.
He was, according to Caminus’s citizens, a miracle. Few shards ever became anything of note. Most turned into plant life or fostered new hotspots. Rarely did any develop into a young Titan.
Yes, that was what he was. He was a Titan, and he was not alone.
“What is your name?” His Progenitor spoke to him in soft tones, for at the time, Fengari was still very small. He sat in the core room of Caminus’s frame alongside the Speaker, listening intently to every uttered glyph with complete and total awe. His Progenitor was massive, and the city that he formed when he remained in alt-mode was both sizable and impressive in the extreme. The elder Titan’s citizens were well-educated and kind, each welcoming Fengari with cheer when he entered their sanctuary. All of it spoke to Caminus’s age and wisdom. 
“Fengari, Titan of Cybertron, forged of Caminus.” He felt his Progenitor’s joy at his words, and in that moment, all was right with the world. He was a true son of Caminus, and he was proud of his heritage. His Progenitor’s love for him caused his loyalty to grow. All was well within Caminus’s walls, for there he knew he was cared for.
For many long vorns, he remained within the confines of Caminus’s walls, learning both the ways of the smaller children of Primus and the customs of the Titans. Caminus’s wards were difficult to understand at times, but it was for that reason that Caminus often took care to encourage Fengari to interact with them. They certainly adored Fengari whenever he asked questions and reached out to interact with their little ones.
The sparklings were so very sweet. Fengari personally found they were his favorite since he could show them the stars with his height.
“Pick us up Fengari! Pick us up!” The little ones swarmed around him with gifts and paints, eager to cover him in swirling patterns and designs that were common amongst Caminus’s kin. They wore their paint to honor their Titan, and while Fengari walked among them, he was happy to bear the red face paint that Caminus and his citizens were known for.
“Calm yourselves little ones. I do not wish to drop you. I am no longer as small as I used to be.” He laughed as the little ones sat on his opened servos, quickly clambering onto his shoulders and back to begin painting him and putting stickers in places they knew he could never reach on his own. He settled on the ground with a smile and let them giggle and play.
“You are very good with sparklings, Fengari. If you keep growing at this rate, you will likely be ready to set off and begin welcoming citizens of your own.” A caretaker commented merrily as he held a servo out to catch one of the floundering fliers trying to reach his optics. He smiled at their words, his spark flaring in excitement at the prospect of having citizens of his own.
He learned and walked among them until he grew as large as a combiner team of six. Only then did Caminus truly begin offering his insight.
“You are a Titan, Fengari. We protect our citizens until our very sparks go out. That is our design.” Caminus’s glyphs were heavy and grim. Fengari tilted his helm in concern and confusion as he stood before the core of his Progenitor with the Speaker.
“That much I know. It is ingrained in my very spark… Why do you sound so sullen?” Cables emerged from the walls and slithered along his limbs as Caminus’s way of offering comfort. Fengari found himself at a loss as his Progenitor shattered his world.
“Our citizens come before all else, and that includes our connections.” Caminus sighed, and while Fengari did not fully understand, he could glean the grief in Caminus’s words. He was going to do something to separate them. He could feel it in his spark.
“I cannot remain here, Fengari. I must leave this world with my people. We must spread to the stars before I can no longer wake and become naught but a relic of an age gone by.” Fengari had never once cried up until that moment. But as Caminus basked him in grief-addled love, he wept. Tears fell from his optics as he cried at the loss that he had not yet sustained.
Caminus wept with him, although his Progenitor shed no tears.
“Preparations are being made, but until the time comes that I must leave, I will teach you all I can and connect you to the rest of our kin. You will not be alone.” He could do nothing but nod at the time. However, he relished every interaction he had with Caminus as the city slowly began to change. Citizens adjusted their lifestyles as walls retracted and Caminus’s sprawling frame began to compound into something different, something space-worthy.
Predacons took the chance to attack on occasion, and that was where Fengari learned to fight. He could not yet transform, but he used his fists to wrangle Predacons to the ground and keep them away from his Progenitor’s precious people. Of course that was not all he did. Throughout the preparations, Fengari learned and was given knowledge of Cybertron’s surface and the best places to go to care for citizens. Caminus was thorough, and even when his Progenitor was ready to leave the planet, he took the time to move for the first time in millennia in order to watch as Fengari settled on the place he wanted to establish himself in.
It was bittersweet selecting his home ground with his Progenitor high in the skies above him, mere moments away from leaving. However, Caminus left him with one final gift before parting.
“Some of my citizens could not bear to be parted from you. They have decided to stay and ensure you grow strong. Take care of them, Fengari. They will serve you well.” Caminus bid him a final farewell, and as he did so, a small armada of fliers descended from the skies like angels. They came singing and settled upon his now mighty shoulders with smiles.
His very first citizens and his final gift from his Progenitor, his father.
“Why did you decide to stay with me?” He questioned as the last inkling of his father faded into the dark skies.
“Because you are of Caminus, and we wish to ensure that his legacy goes on.” One of the fliers replied fondly. They all smiled at him then, and in that moment, Fengari’s grief was largely forgotten.
He never saw Caminus again, and he never found out what happened to his father while he remained on Cybertron. But with his newfound citizens, he had responsibilities. There was little time to reminisce with Predacons around. He settled quickly, and with the guidance of his wards, he transformed for the first time and learned to morph himself into a home for his beloved citizens. 
He modeled himself after his father, forging towering structures that were both works of art and practical defenses. He did not glitter gold or red like his Progenitor, instead he glimmered like crystal. He was proud to be a son of Caminus, and he was glad to foster his citizens as they grew, changed, and evolved. His presence allowed a hotspot to form around his frame, and from that hotspot, little ones emerged.
He loved them all. He loved his citizens so much that as he spread his roots, he grew walls and warded away Predacons with guns and blasters. Youth faded away into maturity, and as it did so, he finally found himself able to connect to others of his kind.
“You are Fengari, right?” Bellum was his name. He was another shard of Caminus, one who never found his way to their Progenitor before their father left. He too loved his citizens above all else. They spoke through their roots and shared their experiences. Bellum was red and rustic, preferring a more openly mechanical nature to his city and citizens. However, despite having never met Caminus in person as Fengari had, Bellum maintained the custom of having painted marks on his frame. All his citizens bore the marks, and for that reason, Fengari and his brother mingled, their citizens passing between their cities. The Predacons lurked, but they were not an issue for being as mighty as them, especially not when one of the older Titans wandered and made a habit of protecting Titans like Fengari and Bellum who were immobile.
“I am Mortis. Fear not, for I will guard you and the little ones from the beasts of the skies.” He was bright and highly mobile. Mortis was not a large Titan by any standard, but his strength was in his swiftness and the sheer amount of weaponry he was adorned in. He did not have citizens, instead opting to have a small squadron of fliers hailing from other Titans willing to offer up aid. Mortis guarded them against the worst of the Predacons and often wandered Cybertron’s surface to help protect the clans of wandering mecha who either could not reach the cities of Titans or had no interest in giving their allegiance to one who could house them.
Mortis, Bellum, and others. They were together, and despite the threat that loomed above them all, they were content. They grew, and their citizens prospered. Bellum was filled with nothing but mirth, Mortis was aggressive but stalwart, and the other Titans scattered across the surface who bothered to communicate were kind in their own ways. Nothing worried Fengari. He trusted his citizens and his kin enough to allow himself to fall into a well-deserved recharge as all elder Titans eventually did. 
That was his first and final mistake.
He was stirred from his slumber by his Speaker who bowed before him in tears. He felt fire upon his surface and worried that perhaps Predacons were attacking and damaging him. The pain was manageable, but he felt the heat continue to increase. It was wrong, something was horribly wrong.
“Great Titan, please help us! Fire scorches Cybertron and we cannot endure!” He listened and observed in terror as great swathes of fire came from the nearest star, whipping across Cybertron and cutting down Predacon and Cybertronian alike in equal measure. The fires turned his shining city a startling black, and he could sense his citizens huddling as far in his frame as they were able.
It would not be enough. The fires were only getting hotter and Fengari did not have the time or the resources to take to the stars with any of the security of Caminus and his citizens. He would have to take drastic measures to save as many of his citizens as possible.
It was agony tearing himself up from his rooted position after so long remaining immobile. Citizens were crushed in the transition, some falling prey to shattering streets and falling towers while others succumbed to the heat as their frames failed to endure. Fengari lamented every loss, but he could not stop. If he was to save any of them, he had to transform. He had to become mobile, even if that meant the deaths of a few.
He screamed as cables tore and his frame forced itself to reconfigure. His Speaker cried as more and more were lost, but those who he could save were ushered into his core to hopefully be kept safe. Fire ran along his frame as his limbs reformed and he pulled himself from ash and dust. He screamed and his voice rang out for the first time in almost an entire age. He hardly paid any mind to the pain of his fellow Titans as they too frantically scrambled to escape the fires.
He wasn’t ready to move. It had been too long and his frame was too rigid. He hadn’t had time to prepare, and already he was going to have to transform again. The screams of his fellow Titans told him that the fires were everywhere. He had to abandon the surface, he had to somehow get to the skies. That would be his only salvation. 
“I’m so sorry. I must get us free. We must escape.” He tried to soothe his citizens, but his core temperature was rising as he tried to fight off the fires. Parts of his plating melted as he hobbled and forced himself to walk for the first time since Caminus left. He prayed to Primus, he cried out to his Progenitor, his brothers, and anyone who would listen. It did nothing as he tried to run and force his battered body to become loose enough to facilitate yet another rushed transformation.
Parts of his former city were digging into his frame. The things built by his citizens that had once been so beautiful now tore into him like daggers which he could do nothing to remove as he ran with all the might in his body. He felt his citizens screaming. He heard them in his very spark. He had to run, he had to begin the transformation needed to take him up and away. He had never left the ground before, but he had seen fliers. There had to be a way.
“Forgive me.” He begged his citizens as he screamed. Fires grew, and scorching whips assaulted his face as he tried to look up to the stars and find a place to break through the atmosphere where the flame was not as brutal. His very fuel lines seemed to bubble and boil alongside his optics. Tears of energon fell from every orifice, but he could do nothing but force himself onward as thrusters tore their way out from under his armor, and city structures fell away in favor of the streamlined form of a space cruiser. 
His vision fizzled and turned into a mess of pixels and colors as he finally leaped and pushed his broken body to function. The screams of his fellow Titans fell silent, and along with them, he felt the sickening cracks of hundreds of frames shattering within his own. 
His thrusters roared as he tore through Cybertron’s skies and far away from the burning world he once called home. Primus would endure. He was safe from the fires far below the surface. But everything else was burned and black. Nothing remained, and most importantly, his citizens were no more.
The transformation had been too harsh. Those who had not fallen to the heat of his core or the flames outside had been crushed to death as he tried in vain to save them. He should have gone slower, but panic fueled his desperate flight. He was alone.
He watched for a time with increasingly failing vision as he wept over the loss of his citizens. But he saw no other Titans flee to the stars. He could no longer feel them, although that was to be expected without roots. There were no others, and for all he knew, he was the last of the Titans that lingered upon Cybertron after Caminus left.
The world around him became a mess of color that only came into focus when he drew near. He could no longer see as he used to. The fires had taken his home, his family, his citizens, and his sight. Everything, gone in an instant.
He had thought himself safe. He had basked in the rays of peace and brilliance. But now? His arrogance and pride had brought him low.
He was blinded by the very same light he once adored.
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planetformer-central · 3 months
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I've been working on oc refs to take a break from requests. Its surprisingly fun.
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randomationality · 1 month
random ass transformers headcanons that suck (some is for AUs ive made)
-Megatron is a big back
-Sunstorm has the most angelic most ethereal most soul-levitating most beautiful sounding singing voice ever (Jazz invites him for karaoke a lot)
-Starscream and Thundercracker know Vostos (Vosian language ig idk) very well leaving Skywarp to be the plastic one only understanding swear words and yes and no
-Even though they can speak it, Cybertronians CANNOT read English (ignore anytime they did in shows and comics please and thank you)
-Jazz has the most inconsistent music taste ever like EVER ever like you can legit catch him listening to jpop
-Despite Starscream not being a big fan of animals, the only one he ever actually slightly enjoys being with is Buster (he also hates snakes)
-Optimus has dad humour, Elita has 'today' humour but isnt cringe about it, and Meg has Polynesian humour (projecting ethnicity onto favourite characters fr)
-The seekers like volleyball
-Sunstorm is the tallest seeker
-Cybertron is more blocky and geometric while Caminus is more organic shaped
-Jazz cannot go one minute without pure silence, he NEEDS the music
-If Megatron was a student his best subject would be English
-(got this from @ask-a-bot) Starscream really enjoys drawing landscapes and scenery
okay thanks for reading through my really bad headcanons
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
I wish the Lost Colonies' cultures and biological quirkw had been delved deeper, especially how they would viciously clash with modern Cybertron, both pre- and post-War.
I mean, I think it's really interesting juxtaposition between the deep scars of Functionism versus the other worlds' sources of prejudice and discrimination. Camien devotion and deification of Solus versus a Cybertron with no femmes with Megatron's and Optimus' cult of personality as well as atheism and agnosticism, especially among their respective inner circles. Cybertron's complete desolation and Eukaris' lush and lively greenery. The meritocracy of racing-obsessed Velocitron. Prion had minicons with multiple alts, and Devisiun yielded split-spark twins. The people of Carcer are those of wardens living in a prison.
Do the Camiens think of their Titan's homeworld as cold and lonely? Would they think of those from Cybertron suffering from disorders from the lack of close, intimate connections and no true community?
Velocritron descended from the scientists of Navitas, and they utilized the scorching heat to derive alternative sources of fuel. Do they scorn the deprived worlds for not searching for solutions?
How do the Eukarians view the others that cyberformed their planets? Do they see Cybertron and the others as sterile and lifeless; their civility is a cheap, hollow mimicry that hides their teeth and claws?
The Carcerians developed an austere culture that prioritized keeping their Titan on complete lockdown to the point sacrificing themselves to achieve that goal. How do they view Caminus' offering to dismantle himself so his own children can thrive in such a harsh environment?
How do diplomacy and common courtesy differ from each planet? The language and food? The behaviors? The relations with nearby neighbors, both mechanical and organic?
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novafire-is-thinking · 7 months
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And I love them both ✨
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askvectorprime · 3 months
Dear Vector Prime, have you ever had a Headmaster partner?
Dear Aegis Agent,
I have indeed. Allow me to continue my tale of the ultimate Titan Masters, and I promise your curiosity will be satisfied.
While Arcee was tracking down the Titan Master hidden on Caminus, a separate mission was being carried out on the colony world of Biosfera—known to the locals as Eukaris. Grotusque, Twinferno and Repugnus journeyed there to find another Titan Master, this one believed to grant incredible fireblast. The Monsterbots were not Optimus Prime’s first choice for the mission, as he worried their bellicose disposition would create conflict with the native population—but with the so-called jungle planet having no roads to speak of, only Autobots with bestial alt-modes would be able to handle the terrain.
As Biosfera had been largely insulated from the Autobot-Decepticon conflict, the Monsterbots expected its inhabitants to be pushovers, who would do little to impede or expedite their search one way or the other. Instead, they arrived to find the planet on the brink of all-out war between the four major tribes. Something was terribly wrong: the kinds of weapons being amassed were beyond even those used by Cybertronians in their raw destructive potential. Still, the Monsterbots decided the brewing tensions were none of their business, and decided to focus on searching for the Titan Master.
It was at that point that I was forced to intervene. I materialized in their midst, which proved to be something of a miscalculation: they were taken by surprise, and turned on me immediately. Naturally, I am no lightweight, but I must admit the three of them had me on the ropes. I forced a time-out, separating us from physical spacetime, to allow us to communicate without violence. Once they were prepared to listen, I told them what I had seen.
In the future, Biosfera is an irradiated wasteland. Algorithmic engines crawl over the ash, feeding carbonized trees into immense furnaces, liquid metal pouring from foundries to coat the planet, constructing some kind of superstructure… to uncertain ends. The few survivors of the global devastation have shed the last vestiges of their organic biology, becoming purely robotic lifeforms in order to weather the potent radiation.
The Monsterbots refused to believe me without proof, and so I removed my head, Safeguard. Repugnus briefly swapped Dastard for Safeguard, and saw in his memory banks what we had witnessed of that apocalyptic future. Begrudgingly, the Monsterbots agreed to help us, and we separated, each to visit one of the four tribes.
High in the mountain eyries of the Cloud Walkers, Grotusque and Fengul discovered that they had forged a partnership with the Decepticon Fangry, who had given them a powerful attack jet. At the same time, Twinferno and Daburu found the Scale Walkers to be strategizing with Krok, who had armed them with an unstoppable armored tank. So too were the Wave Walkers consulting with the crab-like Squeezeplay, and as I discovered, the Fur Walkers had welcomed amongst them the ferocious Horri-Bull. It was obvious to us that the Decepticons had completely infiltrated the planet’s tribes, and were deliberately stirring conflict between them. Unfortunately, stirring conflict was the Monsterbots’ specialty, and they each started fights with the Decepticons on sight, leading to them quickly being ousted from the other tribes. Safeguard and I had the most luck, managing to convince the chieftain of the Fur Walkers that they were better off without the “guidance” of Cybertronians—though unfortunately, this included ourselves.
We regrouped, and the Monsterbots decided to resume their search for the mythical Titan Master hidden on the planet. I hoped that in the course of our hunt, we would stumble across a centralized base of operations for the Decepticons, which might produce the evidence we needed to sway the tribes. As it turned out, we were being followed: one of Twinferno’s heads spotted a bird flying overhead, and recognised it not as one of the Cloud Walkers, but as the Decepticon Wingspan. Twinferno almost flew up to take out the snooping Decepticon, but I was able to convince him to hold. We waited until nightfall, and when Wingspan left to make his report, we quietly followed.
He led us to a foreboding tower of steel, a weapons factory hidden in a barren valley. Inside, ensconced within the topmost chamber, we found the true mastermind behind the hostilities: the lost Titan Master, Scorponok. Once, he had commanded one of the Titans of myth, but he had been usurped by the alien Lord Zarak. Driven to madness by this defeat, he had begun traveling the galaxy in search of new evolutionary pathways. On this remote and primeval colony, he found them: and now, his machinations had brought him to the precipice of his return to power. In the fallout, once the biomechanical natives evolved into a purely mechanical existence to survive the nuclear winter that followed, he would use a planetwide relay to reach out and upload his consciousness simultaneously into thousands of bodies—becoming a gestalt lifeform on a scale that would surpass even the Titans.
Well, we certainly weren’t going to stand around and wait for that to happen! The Monsterbots made short work of Wingspan and Horri-Bull, but Scorponok was far from finished: he recalled the jet and the tank from the tribes, and they joined together to form the almighty Overlord. One Titan Master formed his head, while another plugged into his chest, right alongside Scorponok himself—giving the combined giant three times the power.
As it happened, deploying Overlord turned out to be a miscalculation: unbeknownst to us all, skillful trackers from the four tribes had followed us to Scorponok’s lair, and when they saw that the Cloud Walkers’ and Scale Walkers’ new weapons were in fact one and the same, they finally had proof that they’d been deceived. They raced back to their homes, to urge their leaders to begin peace talks. Unable to take down Overlord, we beat a hasty retreat, and he split into his individual components once more to menace the tribes.
Unfortunately, the nuclear submarine Scorponok had built for the Wave Walkers remained in play—and once he gave the command, it launched its payload, sending a dozen missiles up into the atmosphere. Converting to starship mode, I flew after them, and began an arduous process to disarm the bombs. First, I froze the missiles in time, halting their trajectories but maintaining their velocity relative to the planet’s rotation in space. Then, with a boost of power from Safeguard, I isolated each individual warhead, accelerating time to allow billions of years to pass in what was, from our perspective, mere cycles. During that time, the fissile material experienced many half-lives’ worth of radioactive decay… until finally, the payloads were rendered inert. Although I had saved the planet from nuclear fallout, the missiles still had enough raw explosive power to cause untold destruction—and I was powerless to stop them. The radiation from the warheads needed to go somewhere—and although spread over a short period, it was still a strong enough burst of gamma rays to cause a chain reaction, unleashing an electromagnetic pulse which knocked me offline and sent me plummeting into the ocean.
The rest, I heard after-the-fact, once the Wave Walkers dredged me up and brought me to shore. The Fur Walkers and Scale Walkers united, ambushing Overlord’s tank half, while the Monsterbots waylaid the jet—just long enough for the Cloud Walkers to intercept and destroy the missiles in midair, before they reached their targets.
As for Scorponok, he was able to slip away in the confusion. The Monsterbots were frustrated to have failed their mission, but after seeing the sheer destructive potential of his fireblast, they knew it was for the best that Cybertron would have to do without his power. They resolved that when Scorponok next appeared, they would be ready and waiting to settle the score.
Back on Cybertron, the situation had gone from bad to worse: Powerhouse’s seismic forces disturbed Trypticon from his hibernation, and he awoke very hungry indeed. After consuming several Titan Masters, including Powerhouse, and gaining their abilities, Trypticon lay waste to the Autobot defenses, felling Fortress Maximus. Just in time, Iron Apex arrived from Caminus, merging with Magnus Prime to form Omega Prime, who was able to drive the beast back to the Praetorus Wharf.
During the battle, I had been impressed by the bravery of Metalhawk, and so before returning to the Realm of the Primes, I entrusted with him the power of my spark—much as my father, Primus, had done long ago to create the Titan Masters in the first place.
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robotlcangel · 4 months
(Link to og post)
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Cant say I like starscream being the villain I really was hoping that the main conflict of season two would be the mia autobots and newly released cons struggling to assimilate with humans and the non mia autobots, like there’s a real big disconnect between the two groups, and the Terrans are just in the middle of it, especially if the mia autobots sympathize with the decepticons and have an aversion to the active autobots, I really thought we would finally have a tf piece of media that would finally stop the “starscream is always destined for being evil” especially with how he has a connection with hashtag and genuinely cares for her, but no starscream is a probably gonna be a mid villain, the ONLY role where it would be interesting if star was the villain is if his schemes are against the autobots and especially megatron how how heavily persecuted the cons are and that they had to fight to barely survive especially if they didn’t want to be in jail, I just hope they do something interesting, like humans having civil unrest because cons are being “accepted” in to society and them protesting it, I would be even better if this persecution and fear mongering affected the autobots and Terrans. Also it literally make no sense for them to be attacking the maltos THEY LITERALLY JUST HELPED THEM FIGHT MANDROID, maybe starscream is having a manic episode or megatron did something to really piss him off
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But if the evildoings of the cons is just them doing childish bs then I’ll gladly watch that
Also nightshade is not mentioned once all the rest of the malto kids are but not them
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which if their by the wayside that will be really disappointing because imo they are like the most interesting Terran and the one who has the most opportunity for character growth, especially with how open minded they are, this either mean they become a minor character (which would just be bad writing and a wasted opportunity) or the become a decepticon, AND THEY TOTALLY SHOULD IT WOULD BE SO INTERESTING IF THEY WERE ISOLATED EVEN MORE FROM THEIR FAMILY BECAUSE THEY ARE A DECEPTCON, please con nightshade 🙏🙏🙏
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(This will be them in season two)
Also also this seems like a very hashtag heavy season which I am very excited about especially because she’s has cool ass powers and she’s my second fav (nightshade will always be my number one ☝️☝️☝️🔥🔥🦅🦅) and I think why it’s hashtag centric season is because starscream is the main villain, and she’s one of like 5? People he likes and seeing someone she’s close too be all evil and shit will probably fuck her up even more.
So in conclusion all I wish for is for lesbian and decepticon nightshades, windblade(PLEASE), and for starscreams motivations to be interesting
The only thing I can do is be hopeful 🙏🙏
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earthstellar · 1 year
Transformers Posts for Disability Pride Month 2023
Since I’m disabled and obviously love Transformers lmao, I’m probably going to be talking a lot about disabled bots and disability in various Transformers continuities etc. a bit more than usual this month! 
So, this is going to be my compilation post, to gather up everything in one spot. (Plus I’m linking some of my older posts which touch on the theme of Cybertronians and disability.) 
New Posts for 2023: 
TFP - Cane User Ratchet 
IDW 1 - Caminus: The Disabled Titan 
IDW 1 / Various - Headcanon: Hearing Disabled Megatron 
Old Posts: 
Various - Cybertonian Sign Language and Chirolinguistics 
TFP - Soundwave and Multimodal Communication (Including Non-Verbal)
More will almost certainly be added as the month goes on! 
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geek-antic · 1 year
face paint
sometimes I find myself thinking about the cultural differences between transformers from caminus and transformers from cybertron. especially about how on caminus red face paint indicates your a cityspeaker.
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 meanwhile on cybertron it means your a gladiator. 
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And it’s so freakin funny to think about scenarios where windblade would get confused for a gladiator not only because of her facepaint but also due to her carrying around a sword. huge missed oppertunity to not have rumble and frenzy see her and go “OOOOh scrap! they got gladiators on caminus?!” and then they go there to relive some glory days only for them to end up in a dance battle instead because they couldn’t find the nonexistent gladiatorial matches and apparently people on caminus are really into music and dancing.
they’ll bring soundwave next time for a beatboxing match
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luxnovas-draws · 1 year
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Caminus Ambassador and Ally of the Autobots Windblade!
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tfhomebound · 2 months
A place called 'Home'
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Dear 13th Prime,
It’s been so long since we last heard from you! How are you faring? What have you’ve been doing since the last time we heard from you? And your family? How are they doing?
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"I hope I will be just as good a leader as my siblings when I am done with my studies!"
In my AU each of the Primes have a colony of first era Cybertonians that would one day evolve into the many cities and colonies that are connected to Cybertron.
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planetformer-central · 5 months
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Yes I have ocs. Its been a heck of a long time, but here's Doctor Hotwire and his son Jumpstart.
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randomationality · 2 months
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struggling with tryna finish this drawing (might as well talk about them 😔)
My two seeker OCs Core and Castillo, they're cousins !!
They were both forged on Caminus, except Core doesn't have the pattern watchumacallit? (How I see Cam-bots, the pattern-thing is like engraved onto them I guess) I mean, he DOES have it, it just glows in the dark?
Core is older than Castillo by a few stellar-cycles. He's THAT edgy intimidating character who's actually such a silly funny guy, but he only shows that side of him when he's with his circle of friends. He doesn't show it around others because he was judged for it, and was always told to 'grow up' and 'be a real mech'. Stink, aye? Also, he has a crush on someone (It's my medic OC, Medikai. I couldn't think of any other name for her, I'm sorry)
Castillo is more lively and brighter than his cousin. He's the one that mostly introduces Core to other bots, which gives him the privilege to sneak insults of him while doing so. Castillo has a lot of friends scattered across Caminus and Cybertron, so when the two travel somewhere, there's a chance he'll know someone there. Core's the opposite, he only has four.
Their relationship is pretty much like me and my sister's. Arguing, then laughing hard out, side-eyeing each other in silence when someone says something unfunny, and all that other sibling bond stuff.
Nicknames because funny:
Cory, CC or Coryxkenshin
Casco or Tillo
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Okay, so I'm thinking about linguistics on Cybertron, especially between city-states and caste influence.
I want to emphasize that I don't know jack shit about linguistics, so feel free to jump in if I'm using the term wrong or I'm veering into weird/silly territory.
Because of a lot of fanon interpretation and Bayverse, I'm viewing Cybertronian/Neocybex as ridiculously tonal and, unlike humans, are able to vocally include subglyphs -(sub)harmonics that closely act like written Chinese characters or Japanese kanji.
I'm really stressing the written part because Cybertronians have the capability to able to differentiate a word's very specific meaning without going through all the context surrounding it. So instead of vocally explaining that their names or meaning is "this," people already know.
Think of the name Miko and how many of us already immediately think of shrine maiden. But there are different kanji variations of Miko, so the meaning changes to exemplify certain characteristics or future aspirations.
There is a culture clash between dialects as names can rise from different conventions and inspirations. Hence, the IDW Megatron joke of his name being derived from neutron, the bomb. And TFP Megatron from the Fallen.
In terms of dialect by regional/city-state differences:
Kaon and Tarn: highly forceful and the underscores of territorality (mine versus not yours); very direct and clear cut; incorporated meanings with biolight usage and plating noise
Vos, Praxus, and Polyhex: aggressively stresses the group/flock/cohort rather than the individual (even Starscream with his me/I has a lot of accompanying subglyphs that stresses his position as the second-in-command to the Decepticons, Air Commander, and leader to the Elite Trine), very conscientious of social dynamics and ranks, pecking order is strictly held yet contains fluidity to be challenged, use of more "animalistic" noises, body language with wings/panels, expanded lexicon for spatial relationships during traveling operations
Iacon: emphasis on social hierarchy via one's occupation (aka their caste); formal and cold as it utilizes the least amount of subglyphs (viewed to be academic or stem from it); purposely more general rather than specific
I'm willing to bet the Lost Colonies of Cybertron had developed their own unique flavor of Neocybex/Cybertronian, especially without the immense pressure of Functionism.
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