angela-thompsonn · 1 month
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Reblog If you would love to have my cock😘❤️
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ericacherrys-blog · 3 months
Reblog and Dm to get free nudes
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when you’re doing normal girl things like wallowing in self-pity, making the bed and eating mold sandwich and you suddenly realize you’re not a girl
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innabesedina · 6 months
🌸 Inna A. Besedina - ... Hyperreality 🔘 #Hyperreality #InnaBesedina
Hyperreality 🔘 #Hyperreality #InnaBesedina #Music #TranceMusic #Trance I made this music / melody in a music creation program... Сделала эту музыку / мелодию в программе для создания музыки...
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lejournaldupeintre · 7 months
Gouache and Ink on paper / 18 x 28 cm Briat 2024 – – – Le journal du peintre Les tableaux du peintre Painting news project Twitter – – – – — – – – – – Le journal du peintre Les tableaux du peintre Painting news project Twitter – – – – – – – Le journal du peintre Les tableaux du peintre Painting news project Twitter – – – – — – – – – – Le journal du…
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sleepyslepu · 15 days
Hi i have a question in your UA is kickin a girl or boy sorry if i didn't spell it right
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Kickin in RC goes by He/Him. hes my favorite sweet boy if you can’t tell 🥹
nobody aside from family, DogDay (+ Days parents) Hoppy, Catnap and Bobby know. started transitioning when he was 11-13 years old, thanks to DogDay and his parents he was able to get treatment. Days mom was all for it while Days father was hesitant (more so on the medications and procedures).
I’d also like to mention Days father treats him like his own son, they have a good relationship ever since Kickin could remember.
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sirenpain · 1 year
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Reblog and say hi 👋
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hazel2468 · 2 years
Okay this is apparently a Magic theory blog now. But I just gotta...
I'm talking with the wifey. About the most recent side story, the Ravnica one. And I simply MUST present my theories about Jace, Vraska, and how Norn is a fucking IDIOT.
Spoilers for March of the Machines, but it's been out for a couple of days now so. If you haven't read it yet, tough tiddies.
Okay. My Theory.
Jace is playing Norn like a fiddle, and he saved Vraska.
Jace ALWAYS has a plan. Always. He doesn't leave things to chance- he's just like that. There's precedence for him preserving his mind in the face of some altering or possessing influence (see what happened with Emrakul, where he created a little mental "safe house" for himself. Also see what happened with Vraska- little mental "safe house" for her). Jace is NOT the kind of person who would go to fight the Phyrexians, knowing he might get Compleated, and not have a plan to preserve his mind. I think that, combined with the fact that he was fucking stabbed with a sword made of fucking HALO, makes a pretty good case for Jace being more himself than Norn would want him to be.
Not to mention the whole bit where he just. Dips before Norn gives him any orders. We see in the chapter that Norn is assuming that he already knows what she wants... But we have also seen that Elesh Norn's biggest weakness is her hubris. The way she is so assured of her own rightness has consistently been her undoing. It cost her Tamiyo, Ixahel is rebellious. Even Atraxa, Norn's own daughter, is not immune to individual thought and feeling (saw art and had an existential crisis there, didn't you, Atraxa?).
So if Jace is himself, if he isn't under Norn's control as much as he should be, or even at all. If Jace is still purely JACE. What do you think this oh-so-smart-but-still-so-stupid lovesick bisexual man is going to do?
The same thing he did before. Go after his fucking girlfriend.
The entire Ravnica story, from Vraska's perspective, demonstrates that some part of her is preserved. Her mind is safe from Norn's corruption (and I am specifically calling it that because I think the idea that phyresis and Phyrexians are inherently corrupting and evil is stupid, tired, and abelist as well). She persists in there and, when she "dies", she is preserved.
So when Jace showed up, at first? Yeah- I thought Vraska was dying, and she was just giving herself the closure she needed. Getting to spend just a little more time with her beloved, even if it wasn't real.
But then shit started jumping out at me. Vraska's mind was in a place that JACE created for her. Everything seemed too real. There was a moment when Vraska experienced their kiss from Jace's perspective- how could a memory in her head do that? The way that Jace reacted to things she said (asking to make it right, a do-over, another chance)....
And then Jace telling her "this part hurts", like he KNOWS. The explosion of white light instead of what I frankly would have expected from her death, a fading into peaceful darkness.
And all of this was purely wishful thinking-
And then her fucking body vanished. Ral fucked up the oil in her, and then her body was GONE.
So, current running theory in this house?
Vraska's mind, her self, was preserved in the mental safe house that Jace made for her. Something we've seen him do in the past for himself in the face of mind-altering forces. Then, Ral fucked up the Phyrexian oil and that really took Vraska apart. But when she went down, she ACTUALLY spoke to Jace. That vision of Jace in her head was the real Jace, communicating with her while he tried to save her. And as for the flash of white light, well, bare with me here...
Halo. Jace was stabbed with a sword made of Halo, and I think its power might have given him the edge he needed to win over Norn's influence. What if he simply did the same thing to her? "This part hurts"- because Jace KNOWS what it feels like for his Phyrexian body to be flooded with Halo.
I could be wrong. I really hope I'm right. Because if WotC gives us this, saves these two, then there is HOPE for Nissa because holy FUCK if they disrespect the fucking gays again with this one... Normally I would say I find it hard to believe that anyone can build up a relationship's significance like Chandra and Nissa's has and then fuck it up, but WotC has done it once.
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turgidscum · 14 days
what is your stance on minors transitioning?
good question. i'll be honest, i've struggled with this answer a lot for a couple of reasons:
a) i knew i was trans as a minor but was unable to transition until i was an adult and
b) i've seen how impulsive teenagers are
as is the case with most of my answers, it's not a black and white. saying minors can or can't transition as a blank is stupid, just as stupid as saying teenagers can't know that they're trans. i did. my friend who transitioned at 15 did. my other friend, however, did not, and later detransitioned before i even had access to t.
i believe teenagers should be able to access hrt so long as a couple of criteria are met.
1. does the child have gender dysphoria
2. has this dysphoria been persistent for more than two years
3. has the child successfully socially transitioned
you may be thinking why two years, which, understandable. the reason is because gd typically presents somewhere before or during puberty. for me, it was before, but i didn't despise my female body until it became less and less male during puberty. i hated not being seen as one of the guys, but that's my own personal anecdote. regardless, gd generally presents or worsens during puberty,
teenagers should be allowed access to puberty blockers so long as dysphoria has been persistent for six months. not a huge amount of time, but enough for one to denote that these feelings aren't just a hyperfixation or a spur of the moment decision, but something that is likely causing a problem. those hormone blockers will then allow the kid to actually determine if this is gender dysphoria or some kind of fear of maturing, which can present somewhat similarly (ie. my old friend).
that six months feeds into the two year requirement, which in-turn means a kid will be on puberty blockers for roughly 1.5 years prior to hrt, which is plenty of time to socially transition for the most part
now, what if the kid has been dysphoric since childhood and persists until puberty age? then the kid can take puberty blockers for a year then continue on to hrt.
kids detransirion, just like adults do. but kids are influential, impulsive, and want to be special. and what better way to feel special and unique than to change your gender? to be autistic? to have ticks?
like all medical conditions, this is something that needs to be taken extremely seriously. there needs to be consistent therapy to ensure the child is happy and mentally healthy, doctors to ensure blood work and everything is okay, and a healthy support system to make sure the child isn't alone in this journey.
surgeries should be for those over eighteen alone. i understand these are life-saving surgeries, but again, teenagers are rash. hrt is reversible (to an extent), reversing surgeries can me.anywhere from difficult to impossible.
but yeah. that's my hot take. lmk what yall think.
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hana-no-seiiki · 6 months
no but seriously do you have a coin slot or a silly willy
😤🙏🏽 okay you know what i’m just gonna ignore how absolutely bonkers you’re being by asking this and answer for the sake of sharing my experience as a trans person and to clarify things.
i have not gotten bottom surgery yet meaning i still have the bussy i was born with. hell i havent even taken testosterone so unless i speak in japanese + in a deeper voice i can still be mistaken as a gal when i speak.
though i do plan on getting a silly willy or whatever in the future.
and am on the path that makes me a silly willy/coin slot maker for other trans people (studying premed to be a plastic surgeon)
but in any case non, prolly ask for consent or word your asks a bit more politely in the future?
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itscoldinwonderland · 10 months
Manspreading specifically to assert my dominance, express my masculinity, and relive my gender dysphoria
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pansyboybloom · 8 months
“Describes something trans men face as oppression”
“Don’t tag this as transandrophobia! It doesn’t exist, trans men are the most privelaged trans people and never face any oppression for being men! uwu”
Damn I like to call this next meal ‘putting words in my mouth’
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rosederrick · 1 year
How do like look 🤗😘
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dogwhizzer · 2 years
'whizzer brown birth name whizzer brown real name' SHUT UP SHUT UP SHTI IP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUP UP
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celestialking · 2 years
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birdie doesnt think sage's hands are hot </3
coming here bc i want opinions
Mhmm 👀 hmmmm 🔎
Idk 🤷‍♂️ looks like hands....now omen...🫣
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sirenpain · 1 year
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How do I looks guys 👦
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