angelkittycore · 10 months
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i'll take 500 for things that never happened, alex
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crazy to me that gently stating that, hey, this post is coming off as ableist, maybe self reflect on that, is now apparently trying to dictate how others should feel and what they post on their blog. (i got annoyed really quickly because they got defensive which like.. ?? hello? i was trying to help.)
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news flash but you do not get to post ableist shit that makes other borderlines and narcissists feel bad about their own disorder being stigmatized and demonized in the tags and then act like you have the freedom of speech to do so willy nilly just because it's your own blog. freedom of speech protects you from the government, not the angelkitty. (jokes aside, what they originally posted could be interpreted as subtle hate speech for disability/mental illness!)
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lycarael · 2 years
Rant/Flashback — On (Rarely) Writing
I used to write prolifically purely for my own amusement, but I've experienced a lot of trauma involving my private writing being seen by eyes belonging to people who did not have my consent to read it; being forbidden from writing about certain things under threat of punishment; and being forced to destroy my own writing in ways such as being made to throw my journals into fires using my own hands and being watched intently while I deleted my documents and emptied the trash file at their behest.
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pale-flowers · 2 years
my room smells like my big sister's room used to smell.🥰💅🏻🌈✨️🔮
i cant rly explain it, it just does. and im happy.
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lakestranger · 2 years
Any other systems feel like they might be splitting again rn? Bc we feel like we are and we aren't sure what is going to come of it. Newbie is welcome, but we are very I'll prepared considering we only have communication between like 4 or 5 of us.
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katniiss · 3 years
our conversations ain’t long but you know what is…my list of life traumas
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guavabat · 4 years
i find it mad unfunny and sad that i can’t turn my weirdness and perpetual misery into great works of art or music..... can i just be cool?
yeah I get that. a few years back the Big Thing on traumablr (lol remember when we called it that) was writing poetry and I remember reading the poems people wrote and feeling so envious that I was never able to collect my feelings in a way that I thought was meaningful or poignant or hell, even just pretty. 
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angelic-dismay · 2 years
good morning traumablr
lets stay alive today ok
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angelkittycore · 1 year
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blog is best viewed on desktop, on the actual url. read my abt/byf page before following, obviously. if you're a mobile only user then use the browser version or something idk?
dni > typical dni criteria, radinclus/radqueers/transx/transid/pro-paras, narcissistic abuse truthers, truscum, baeddels, transandrophobia truthers, ai fanboys, biphobes, discoursers, comship/profic/proship/consang/sals/ykinmk/misuse the word puritan, fakeclaimers, harass people based on system origin, "q slur" taggers, fujoshi/fudanshi/himejoshi/himedanshi, anti selfship/fictos/yumejin, antikin/antialterhuman, punk elitists/skinheads who aren't SHARP/poseurs, rp blogs, abused kid/adult aesthetic seekers (including those who are into traumacore purely as an aesthetic and aren't using it to vent or cope), cgl/re /ddlg/abdl/sexualized age regression, nonsystem littles, regressed littles who cannot and should not handle serious dark topics, "mutual abuse" truthers, think revenge against your abuser is abusive, think anger is toxic, think homicidal and suicidal ideation is wrongthink, yanderes/irl yanderes/yanderecore aesthetic seekers (borderlines who reclaim yandere aspects but are critical of it are fine), bad media enjoyers (omori, fnf, hp, hetalia, HH/HB, etc.), going to break common and clearly stated boundaries (such as this dni, screenshotting and reposting posts that have reblogs turned off, etc.)
well that was. very long. newayz i really don't bite lol i just find the above kinds of ppl immensely insufferable n harmful. im usually freindly and love talking 2 people but i do that mostly on my main. i also fallow from my main in case u forgot!
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