#traumatized bby
"Even fate picks its favorites." @ stelle
Raw lines. Closed! | @blckswnstm
"Then fate should stop."
The response is bitten out curtly, only barely held back from being a snarl. Hands close into tight fists; if not for her gloves, Stelle's nails would have cut into her palms.
Her shoulders hunch, then she whirls around to face the fortune teller, eyes blazing like the dark sun within her chest.
"Is that supposed to be a compliment? Comfort? Fate this, destiny that, that's all I ever hear from people like you! What is it but some sick sort of spectacle to watch? You don't care; whatever makes the most beautiful memory, right? How noble it is to fight against something inevitable, right? Was it her fate to die?" Her voice wavers, threatens to close her throat. She hates it. She hates it. She grits her teeth, face returning to its usual impassivity, but her tone is icy when she next speaks. "To hell with your fate, I submit to no one."
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honeybuckin · 1 year
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" damn , shawty . . . i'm not even trynna do you like that , fo' real . " and he sincerely meant it . osiris was getting adjusted to his new found fame . somewhat assuming that his status would make it easier to lock down a girl he liked . " i know it might seem crazy , but 'm feelin' you . that's all . ain't mean to disrespect you or nothin' . " | @snowedpeach [ . . . ] continued from .
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this panel will never not be funny to me. look at how nia just looks at the fucking bat-robot with the most deadpan expression. she's just so done with waller and all of her bullshit.
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eponatheestallion · 3 months
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lost u traumatized bitch ily (he will reject this love whole heartedly) click here for kholby’s full design of him !!
also heres a little silly drawing of him
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poppy5991 · 1 year
Shoto: Midoriya is always breaking his bones even in training at UA. It’s crazy.
Hawks: Aw yeah, our instructors used to break our bones on purpose all the time in training. So we could learn how to fight with broken bones.
Endeavor: That’s not normal.
Hawks: It’s not?
Endeavor: No, this is one of those things…
Hawks: Things i should bring up in therapy?
Endeavor: Yeah.
Hawks: Ok…I’ll put it on the list.
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puppetmaster13u · 4 months
In your Meat Marionette au (which is awesome by the way), I was wondering if when Dick is shedding the chunks of 'skin' as Nightwing one of their rogues collects some to try and get a DNA sample for whatever reason and just finds the DNA of a bunch of dead people?
Have a good day :D
Oh my, what a wonderful idea and question. @phoenixcatch7 look at this <3
Honestly, as Dick is the first Robin to go through molting, he definitely did leave behind some chunks of flesh that someone definitely tries to sample. (It's not like he or Bruce had any idea that chunks of his body was just going to start... shedding lol)
The question is if they could even successfully do so, or if it's so muddled that it doesn't work. Because it's not just human corpses the Tunnels use, it's everything. Any biomass It can get ahold of (hence why Jason's Red Hood is an amalgamation of pieces of skulls when it comes to the head when his body was destroyed)
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altverse-invertverse · 4 months
Dearest Little Brother Narinder
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Alt version below
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You don’t understand how much fun I had with this
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low-rez-moth · 1 month
So when I first got into DND and learned about drow I was instantly fascinated and horrified. Knowing very VERY little of the race at the time, I started to build my own little drow guy.
Tell me, what is it about drow men that Drizzt is the default character even when you don't know who the fuck that is??
I kid you not, I slapped together a quick character concept and I named him Drixitel, Drix for short, he left the underdark because he didn't agree with the values, he had two swords, was basically a nature ranger guy, and I gave him a displacer beast as a pet.
I went looking for character concept art on Pinterest and I tell you what, I was surprised to find a drow that had two swords and a big black kitty friend. I quickly discovered HIS name was Drizzt, which is painfully close to Drix, and had to sit back and stare at a wall for a bit.
I've kept my little drow guy around and he's changed a lot since then keeping only his name the same from his original creation. It still bothers me how close Drix and Drizzt are by name but I can't see calling Drixitel anything but by the first name he was given. I've waved it off as something like "maybe it's just a common name sound. Like John and Josh."
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flippingatable · 9 months
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fatui harbinger freminet
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dipplinduo · 9 months
Headcanon: The protagonist apologizes to Kieran 3 times a day about ogerpon
Kieran telling them he forgives them doesn’t stop it though
They both live with the guilt of what they did to each other and aggressively apologize frequently
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djcarnationsblog · 3 months
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Gonna be goin' into my first of two weeks of exams y'all, have these two things and wish me luck ig-
Covert Don by @chessman-protocol
Covert-ified Jesse Burnham by me!
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furryrainbowscreature · 2 months
Just- Angel Dust
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pink-pone · 1 year
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pure terror
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2amtechnicolor · 2 years
some thoughts about guilty yuno...
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ok so yuno's crime is obvious. she had an abortion.
the fandom seems to see her choices as "is abortion good or bad" but i think that may be...over-simplifying things a bit?
let me preface this by saying i am pro-choice, it's not my decision what someone else does with their body, they need to do what's best for them.
that being said...being pro-choice also means accepting the choice not to have an abortion.
i feel like yuno's story is the most oversimplified simply because the majority doesn't see abortion as something morally wrong. but we're missing the fact that yuno does.
"I have no intent to say abortion isn’t murder. I’m a respectable murderer."
"But if you refer to the law, regardless, I can't be accused of murder."
Yuno wanted to be voted guilty. But why?
"Kotoko is someone I would never want to make my friend, though. She’s the type who picks a conclusion from the very beginning and won’t actually talk with you."
"[The audience] Arbitrarily deciding that I’m pitiable. Arbitrarily making up a backstory for me. Creating a personally idealized version of me. Creating an acceptable version of me."
In Yuno's first MV, most people picked up on the fact that she's doing compensated dating and that it resulted in an abortion. She outright confirms it in her second VD. But then we the audience decided what her reasons were because the majority of people who get abortions don't regret them.
I don't think Yuno wanted to get an abortion.
When you look at her from that angle, a lot of her contradictory behavior begins to make sense, and you begin to see how she fits into Milgram's moral dilemmas. Her story is still a story about choice...but instead of being about her choice to get an abortion it's about her choice to decide to keep her child.
There's a lot of reasons why someone in Yuno's position wouldn't want to have a child.
She's 18.
She's not in a stable relationship with whoever the father would be.
She doesn't have a steady job besides comp dating that we know of.
It was really easy for the audience to come to the conclusion that "she got an abortion because she didn't want to be pregnant." In that case, she's innocent right? She did the best choice for her, so she did nothing wrong.
But if Yuno did want her child...It's no wonder why she's so disgusted with her innocent vote. She was pressured into an abortion she didn't want, and has learned everyone thinks it was for the best. That we know what's best for her, and not herself. If she was voted guilty, I don't think it would be punishing her for the act of having an abortion...but the act of folding to someone else's demands.
If I was in Yuno's position I would abort. But I am not Yuno. I have no right to decide what is best for her. And if we look at the lyrics of Umbilical...I genuinely think she wanted her child.
Verse and Chorus 1 read to me from the first time I heard it as her singing to her child.
"Just the two of us I feel a little tingle inside Our love links us together Just me alone, the warmth starts fading away Let’s reload the warmth"
Verse 2, is her to the child's father, who wants her to abort.
"Am I a bad girl? Please don’t answer What do you want to do? Please tell me"
"Just the two of us I finally found it The lies are endless Just me alone, it really is lonely Let’s reload the warmth"
She's lying about her true feelings to become what this guy wants her to be. But she wants a child.
In Tear Drop, there's a scene where lights flash behind her. Pink, blue, pink, blue, pink, colors associated with child genders. A tear falls from her face, before the final flash. And the final flash is?
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Four negative pregnancy tests.
This seems to me to parallel the balloon in Umbilical.
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Four round balloons, but one heart. Four failed pregnancies, and one successful one.
She blew up this balloon herself. She wanted these balloons. And when she's falling at the end of the MV, it's her balloon that saves her.
We didn't listen to her. 
Yuno doesn't think she's a bad girl for having an abortion. She thinks she's a bad girl because she killed the child she wanted.
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thefandomcassandra · 3 months
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[Image ID: a white lineart drawing of young Athena Cykes with RGB chromatic aberration on a black background. her face is blacked out only one eye is visible, and she's crying. she's splattered with blood. to the left of her, white text reads "Something's wrong with mom". the word "wrong" is scribbly and also has chromatic aberration. ./end ID]
You ever just...wanna hurt your favorites? Me neither. Anyway uh...love you Thena. I'm slowly getting better at drawing your hair.
(I unironically love hand lettering.)
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mita-vittua-olivia · 4 months
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