#trent lane imagine
Trent Lane x Reader
Okay, I've been meaning to out this out, but it's never been 100% to my liking. So I decided screw it, and I'm gonna put it out and maybe go back and fix it later. Edited, and edited, and edited.
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My family had just moved to Lawndale, and I came down to spend time with them. I had just finished my Associates in Parapsychology, and got a job at a local newspaper. After finishing the associates, I decided to take a break from school, a little worn out. I am currently moving all of my stuff into my new room, and while everyone was unpacking their things, I headed out to explore our new town. In all of my wandering I made my way into a dingy basement full of punk- alt bands and people. The current band playing is called Mystik Spiral. They weren’t awful, but they weren’t necessarily good either. My eyes scanned the members of the band and I lingered on the lead singer. His hair was messy and he had tattoos dancing across his arms. He caught my eye and winked at me. The heat flushed up my body, before dancing brightly across my cheeks. I bit my lip and smiled, not being able to look away. Eventually the embarrassment won out and I looked away. Their set finished soon after, but my eyes stayed glued to my shoes.
“Hey.” A raspy voice pulled my attention from my shoes.
“Hey.” I responded rubbing my arm awkwardly.
“What did you think of our set?”
“It was good. A nice change from what I’m used to.” I smiled at the end, throwing him a wink. He chuckled.
“Wanna get a bite to eat?” He asked, pointing behind him to the door.
“Sure.” I shrugged my shoulders. He smiled and I followed him out of the basement and out to where his bandmates were waiting. We made introductions on our way to a pizza place. Trent and I stayed out later than his bandmates, talking for hours. Eventually he drove me home and it was so late I had to sneak in. This is how the next few weeks went, us going out one or two nights a week, staying out late, and sneaking back in. Some nights I even just watch them practise while eating the food they ordered. Tonight though we found ourselves in his room just hanging out.
“So tell me about your family.” Trent prodded. I snorted, falling back onto his bed. He turned his head to look at me.
“Okay, so my parents are tightly wound, and somewhat distant. I'm the oldest of three. My next sister is a few years younger than me. She’s sarcastic, bleak, and sometimes a little too pessimistic. She’s honest though so…” I shrugged my shoulders, as I trailed off. “Then, I have my youngest sister. She is something else entirely. She’s popular, self-absorbed, but she’s also caring and pretty. Her priorities are just different from me and my other sister.” I sighed running my hand through my hair. “So really when it comes down to it, I’m the middle ground between the two of them.”
“Wow.” He drew out.
“Yeah.” I let out a sigh and sat up so I was closer to him. We just sat there in silence, before there was a knock on his door.
“Yeah?” he called.
“Hey, there’s this party my friend and I are invited to, and I was wondering if you would give us a ride?” A girl peeked her head in and asked.
“I don’t know Janey. I might be busy that night.” He turned from her to me. “Janey, this is Charlie. We met a little while ago, and we’ve been hanging out a lot.” I gave an awkward wave.
“Hi. Now what about the ride? Do you think you can do it?” Jane asked.
“Yeah. You’ll have to wake me up though.” She simply hummed and walked away.
I turned to Trent a wide smile stretching across my face. “That was nice of you.” I put my hand on his arm, trying to get him to look at me.
“Eh, it’s whatever. I’m gonna have to push our night back a bit though.” I lifted my hand and waved it dismissively.
I giggled a little, “It’s fine. Look at you being all..brotherly.” He groaned and pushed me away from him. But I saw a blush creep up his cheeks, when I started to laugh harder. The rest of the night we spend on his bed eating bad food, and talking about random things. By the time I checked the clock, it was one in the morning. We decided to call it a night because Trent’s eyes were starting to droop. He dropped me off outside my house. Before I climbed out of the car I turned to him, “Thanks for dropping me off.” I whispered, feeling a loud voice would shatter the atmosphere.
“No problem.” He smiled and I turned to open the door. “Charlie?” He whispered, placing his hand on my arm.
“Trent?” I turned back towards him holding my breath to see what he would do. He looked between me and my lips, before leaning closer. I froze in place, anticipating what was going to happen next.
“Your door is still locked.” He reached over me, and unlocked the door. “There.”
I let out a huff. “Thanks Trent.” My voice was monotone, and I climbed out of the car. “Bye.” I closed the door and waved as he drove off. When I got into the house, I went straight to my room only wanting to be there. I closed the door and almost punched the wall. I fell face first onto my bed, and screamed into my pillow. “AHHHHHHHHH! WHY????” I rolled over and stared at the ceiling until I found the energy to change into my pajamas. I replayed the moment over and over until I finally fell asleep. The next few days dragged on with no surprises, and lots of distractions for me.
Friday finally rolled around and because of the party I didn’t have to rush to get ready for my night with Trent. Daria said that she was hanging out with her friend tonight so I was left alone with Mom and Dad for a bit. It wasn’t too bad spending time with them, but Mom was trying to pry into my life, without outright asking the questions she wanted answers to. Finally there was a HONK from out front. I smiled and got up.
“That’s my ride. I’ll see you later.” I called out over my shoulder as I headed out the door. “Hey.”
“Hey.” He responded as I climbed into the car.
“How was the ride?” I asked, waiting to see if he would bring up what happened the other day.
“It was fine. They seemed excited about the party. I thought it looked lame.” He laughed at the end, but ended up coughing.
“Well that was very nice of you. Almost…” I brought my hand up to my chin thoughtfully stroking my fake beard, “...like a protective brother.” I smiled and turned towards him, he turned and smiled back at me. “Hey, eyes on the road.” I pointed out the windshield, and he turned his head. We just spent the night driving around town, and just talking about nothing. We ended up playing and singing our favourite songs terribly. It was nice to just let go. When he dropped me off, I sat there waiting to see what he would do tonight. As predicted, he did nothing. “Well this was a fun night. Thanks.” I leaned into the car, to say bye.
He smiled at me. “Me too.”
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nanawritesit · 7 months
Trent Lane Boyfriend Headcanons! (SFW + NSFW under the cut)
(i just finished daria and have major Trent brain rot… but there’s like no content for him so i guess i have to write it myself :p)
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He writes songs about you all the time (they don’t always make sense but you still appreciate them)
Probably shows his love through physical touch or acts of service because he’s too broke to buy you gifts or take you anywhere nice 💀
He always has an arm around your shoulder, a hand on your waist, or is at least linking pinkies with you. If you’re next to him, he’s touching you in some way
And if you ever need help with chores or a project, he offers to do it for you or help you finish it (which is saying a lot because he’s usually lazy af)
Always gives you his jacket when it’s cold without you even having to ask him :)
Loves to lay his head on your chest and fall asleep after late night gigs… you struggle to roll him off of you in the morning because he sleeps like a log 😭
Calls you his “muse” occasionally
But he mostly calls you a cuter version of your name (like how he calls Jane “Janey,”) or just a simple “Babe” or “Hon”
Most of your dates are at the bars Mystik Spiral is playing at
You’ll hang out there for a while and get pizza afterwards, then probably smoke 🍃 in the tank
He asks your opinion on song lyrics, and you’ll help him brainstorm rhymes
The man is nocturnal so you have a ton of late night phone calls
You’re basically his sugar mama because again, he’s broke and unemployed
You have to reassure him that it doesn’t bother you all the time, in fact he’s *almost* considered getting a job just for you because he loves you that much 💞
(you can call him a deadbeat all you want. i would have no problem supporting my sweet baby girl 😤)
He also gets insecure sometimes that you’ll leave him for someone more educated or successful… you’ll have to explain to him that you don’t care about that stuff and that you love him regardless of it
His idea of a perfect day is just laying in bed with you all day long… he’s big on cuddles, either laying his head on your chest or nuzzling up into your neck :)
Although he also enjoys spooning you, or having you lay on his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair (He’s the best cuddler ever, try to change my mind)
Also loves going to the music store with you, and any other shops you enjoy going to
If you like piercings, you’ll go on piercing dates together :)
If you’re nervous, he’ll hold your hand and talk you through it 💞
Keeping him company while he gets his tattoos
He likes to see what you buy for yourself so he can save up his money to buy you something nice for your birthday or anniversary 🥺
LOVES when you sleep in his t shirts ❤️ He thinks you look so hot
He doesn’t strike me as someone who has a specific type, he just likes whoever he gives with. You could be alternative like him or have the total opposite aesthetic, he just likes you for who you are 🥰
Desperately trying to get him to take care of himself by getting a better sleep schedule and maybe eating a piece of fruit every now and again 💀
Watching Sick Sad World with Jane and Daria
The two of them look up to you because you’re one of the few people they think are cool, they mostly ask you for advice on relationships, school, and resolving their disputes
Jane asking you to help her dye her hair after Daria ruined it 😀
You always encourage her and compliment her paintings, she sees you as a really cool older sister (except not actually because all of her relatives besides Trent are insane)
You try to help them out around the house with cooking and cleaning and buying groceries since their parents are never home
The other guys in the band tease him so hard because he talks about you constantly and always gets so happy when you call :)
Jesse was actually the one who set you guys up, and it makes him so happy to see you together
He keeps a picture of you on the dashboard of the tank just to make him smile whenever he sees it 💞
NSFW: (18+/ MDNI)
Lazy morning sex (even though it’s at like 4 pm) because it’s the best way to wake him up ;)
Having sex in the tank right before a show because he’s convinced he plays better after he fucks you
He’s a switch for sure, mostly because he doesn’t always have the energy to be on top
Really likes long make out sessions where you’re straddling his lap and he can run his hands all along your body
Looooves watching you ride him
But he also enjoys pinning you down and dominating you 👀
The cold metal of his rings against your skin drives you wild, especially when he’s fingering you
Will give you hickeys in the most obvious places because he thinks they look hot
Conversely, he loves it when you leave scratches down his back like you’re marking him as your territory
Listen, this man knows how to EAT 😤 (you’re probably the most nutritious thing he eats tbh)
He loves overstimulating you by making you cum on his tongue and then fucking you immediately after
But he also loves it when you return the favor… he can’t think of any better sight than you on your knees going down on him 😭
He knows that his voice turns you on and uses it against you to turn you on in public (which leads to the two of you running out to the tank for a quickie)
He’s really good at talking you through it 😫
Not super loud during sex, but he does grunt and swear a lot
And when he gets close to finishing he starts letting out some airy moans, mostly saying your name over and over
He’s not *super* freaky but he certainly knows how to show you a good time ;)
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barkingbakugo · 1 year
Trent Lane x F!Reader pt.1
Based off the show Daria No warnings other than drug use Pt. 2
“Okay.” I calmly say to myself as I look down at my drumsticks that were now snapped in half. Having them in the back pocket of my jeans was risky for me but then sitting down..embarrassing. I get up from my couch sighing softly as I grab my coat and keys before heading out the door.
I pull into the small parking lot of the music store and head inside. I had a gig at The Zon in like 30 minutes. It was my first gig with this new band, and I haven’t even met all of them yet. My cousin, Jesse, got me the position of drummer for Mystik Spiral. It was an interesting name I will say. “Thanks.” I say to the clerk before he hands me my small bag with my new drumsticks inside. Thankfully for me The Zon was only a block away from the store. Once inside, I ditched the bag, throwing it in the trash bin. I walked over to Jesse, who raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. “It’s too embarrassing don’t ask.” I wave him off with a scowl as he begins to talk, “We go on in a bit.” I give him a thumbs up in response making my way to the bar and ordering myself a drink.
“You must be my brother’s new drummer.” I hear a blank low tone voice say from the side of me. I look over to see a short-haired girl with dark makeup, I give her a small smile before responding. “Yeah, what gave me up?” She smirks as her eyes glance behind me, “Your drumsticks are in your back pocket. That and my brother always talks about you.” I frown at this information to which she backtracks, “I promise my brother isn’t creepy he just thinks you’re really good on drums.” If anything that didn’t help. “I’ve never met your brother. How does he know what I sound like? If anything I was a last-minute choice.” She pierces her lips together and it looks like she is going to say something but decides not to do so, “You know I can’t defend him on that. That does sound creepy.”
The girl's name was Jane. I had been talking to her for a bit and found her to be pretty chill and interesting. It turns out she has good music taste too. “Y/N!” I hear Jesse shout from the side of the stage. I excused myself before finishing my drink and making my way over to Jesse and the two guys standing next to him. I give a small wave as Jesse talks, “Y/N this is Nicholas and Trent guys this is my cousin.” The pink-haired one, Nicholas, nods with a smile and I return it. There wasn’t enough time for introductions so I took my seat at the drums already on the stage. Thank you to the man before me for letting me play his drums. I raise my right stick at him, and he raises the drink I bought him with a smile. “Hey, we’re Mystik Spiral and this one’s for Daria and Jane,” Trent says into the mic before counting down and tapping his foot for us to start on cue. “When the aliens come, when the death rays hum. When the bobbers bomb, we’ll still be freakin’ friends.”
After the set, Trent returns with beers and hands me one. I lean against the wall and take a sip. “So, your sister tells me you like listening to me play,” I say with a grin hiding behind the bottle. “Yeah, you sound pretty good. We went to high school together. Heard you play in the music room.” He replies in a laidback manner. I respond with a frown and straighten myself against the wall. "You played so loud in the music room that people got headaches in the classroom next door." He grins lightly and continues, "I should thank you for all the quizzes you got canceled." I smile to myself and take another sip of beer. "Your sister made you sound creepy." I chucked. "Yeah, Janey's got a way with words," he said with a slight hint of sarcasm. "I could use some pizza. Y/N wanna come with?" I nod, "Yeah, the only thing in my system is alcohol." We both chuckle as we finish our beers and leave The Zon.
A month later
"I can't believe you're working for the man." I hear a familiar, monotone voice say something behind me. I stop cleaning the table, and I turn to face Trent and see Nicolas and Jesse behind him. I give them a "hi" before they go take seats in a booth, leaving Trent and I alone. I asked Trent how he was feeling after noticing the bags under his eyes. "You look tired. Rough night?" I folded the rag and continued to clean the table as he replied, "Family’s in town; I can’t stay at the house, so I’m staying in the tank." I squint and raise an eyebrow. "The tank?" I asked as he yawned. "It used to be a van." I finish wiping down the table and offer for him to crash on my couch. “That is, if you don’t mind the underlying depression coating the walls." He dryly chuckles and coughs midway before speaking, “You’re funny Y/N, I’ll wait here till your shift is done so we can drive to your place after.” I give him a small smile and he goes to sit with the two duds in the booth.
The drive was okay. I felt like I was making it awkward since I was nervous about him seeing my apartment. It wasn't dirty or anything like that it's the fact I've grown a crush on this guy and he's crashing on my couch. What if he thinks I'm a mess? What if he judges me for the way my apartment looks? I can't believe I'm worrying about his opinion when I've seen him throw up on the side of the road. “Everything okay Y/N?” His voice breaks me out of my spiral. I glanced over at him to see him staring and noticed that we were already at my apartment. "Mhm, just tired. My bad." I reply, gathering my coat and keys in my hands before getting out of the car. “No need to explain, I understand. After every gig I just wanna go lay on my couch. It's tough out there..." He replies as we head to my door and I unlock it stepping inside. I was overly exhausted from today to even unpack what he just said so I just locked the door and made my way to my room. "Cool place." He says walking around my living room and taking an interest in my bongs on the shelf. "We can smoke after I'm out of the shower." I say watching him sit at my drums and grabbing the sticks next to it. "Sick. I'll play you something." He says and I hear him hit the crash cymbal as I head to my room.
As I exit my room with a small bag and hairbrush, I find Trent reading one of my magazines in the living room. "Here you start packing. Was it boring out here without me?" I ask with a smile passing him the bag I brought out. He gives me a grin as he begins to pack the bong. "Yeah, I gave myself a headache playing your drums. How was your shower? Your singing sounded good Y/N." I blush with embarrassment and grab my brush to occupy my nervous state. "By the way can I borrow your toothbrush? I usually use Janey's when I don't have mine." I couldn't tell if he was being serious so I gave him a questioning look. He blankly stares at me and I look for any sign of him joking but I never do. "Uh, I actually have some new ones in the drawer in the bathroom. You can use one of those." I inform him and keep brushing my hair as he goes back to packing.
Trent lights the candle on the table in front of us and I get more comfortable on the couch before taking a rip. "This candle burns so slow...will it grow...will it grow." Trent sings dryly as I cough and hand him the bong to clear it. "Hey-that..." I coughed for a moment before continuing, "That was good." He gives me a tired smile before taking his own rip of the bong. "The feeling of smoke...going down my throat..." I continue with a dry chuckle, "Dryness coats my throat." He breaks out into a series of coughs as I cross my legs and face him on the couch. "I think we should start a band." He wheezed making me smile. He sets the bong down and turns his body to face me. "Thank you for letting me crash here. Anything's better than the tank." He states whilst I yawn, "No problem, you're my friend Trent. None of my friends are sleeping in something that used to be a van." I spoke feeling my eyes get a bit droopy. "I should head to bed now. Feel free to finish the rest. Goodnight." I smile warmly at him and he leans in to place a gentle kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight Y/N." A blush creeps on my cheeks and he pulls back. I noticed him warmly smiling at me, his eyes trailing around a bit and I reciprocated with a smile of my own. "Goodnight," I repeat once more as I get up from the couch. As I head to my room, my smile grows wider. I'm not blushing, you're blushing,
* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚ * 。 • 。° ˚ • ˛ * 。
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angelickisscs · 2 months
suffocating presence ~ angst ‧₊˚
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୨ ୧ ˚₊ pairing ~ trent alexander arnold x reader
summary: your boyfriends negligence leaves you no choice but to roam aimlessly around the streets !
THE AIR THAT surrounded you held a crisp bite to it this night in particular. It clawed at your bare flesh aggressively, leaving wounds to allow itself to get closer to you. Burying itself so deep, that there was not a part of you that did not feel it.
Light came rare at this time, the largest sources being from cars that flew past you, surpassing the speed limit by more than you could imagine. Streetlights sat sporadically placed across the pavement, their brightness not able to live up to its maximum potential like it may have been earlier on.
Everywhere around you had an obvious lack of human life. Shops that marketed themselves as open 24/7 having their shutters closed and locked. People either deciding to stay in the clubs only a couple of corners away or stay asleep in their warm, comfortable beds.
A fox was the only thing you had seen in the past twenty minutes that could breathe. Its dirt ridden fur being a perfect example of what you would look like by sunrise if you continued to walk around aimlessly like this.
You had only just left the clubs yourself but at that point you had your boyfriend nearby. No matter how much you had wanted otherwise, he had firmly stuck by your side, guiding you to his car while you did nothing but lecture him about everything he had done wrong to you in the past month.
Hell, a random woman that had approached him whilst you were still inside had gotten a considerable amount more attention from him. He had done the unthinkable, something that you had swore to never put up with. And whilst apologising when you did not mean it was not cheating, it may as well have been, to you that is.
“You’re serious about this? Walking home?” Trent called from the car next to you, his eyes forming a pattern of looking where he should be before looking back at you. The speed he was going at made him fall just behind your quickening one.
“You are driving in a bus lane.” You pointed out to him as you wrapped your shrinking coat tighter around the parts of your body it could reach.
Scoffing, his knuckles tightened their grip around the steering wheel, “You are walking around by yourself in the middle of the night. I know which one I care about more.”           
It was now your turn to scoff, your head shaking as you did so. You refused to even look at him, the uneven slabs that were a constant threat to your knees taking up more attention than usually necessary.
The heels that you had chosen for the night sentenced you to the worse sentence possible, your body pleading to just have any kind of respite once again, even if it meant sitting down on the mucky ground. You had been standing all night, the only sitting that you had managed, ending quickly with you almost getting out of a moving car. A key word there being almost. Trent was quick on the breaks when he realised what you were about to do, allowing you to safely excuse yourself from his suffocating presence.
“Can you please just get into the car?” He tried, speeding up the car to get a distance from you before bringing it to a sudden stop where he could do so without being in others way.
Your body craved the warmth that the car could give, the way in which your blood was slowly freezing inside of you beginning to feel like a not so pleasant way to go. But you were far too stubborn. You said you were walking home and that is exactly what you were planning to do.
“We don’t have to talk. I’ll just get you home safely and then get comfortable on the sofa.” Trent made his offer even more appealing though you were yet to stop what you were doing. Your stubbornness was a trait that made you seem even more attractive to him when you had first met but at that point, the harshness of it was directed not towards him but rather a mutual friend of yours. Now it was, he wished nothing more than to obliterate it from existence. That being the exact same feeling your friend had described him after the fact.
Coming to an eventual halt, you threw your head stiffly backwards, “You will be sleeping on the sofa no matter how I get home.”
He had made his way directly behind you, having abandoned his previous plan to stay in the car. The way your shoulders started to drop had a surge of relief coursing throughout his veins within seconds.
“So, you better get home a bit quicker to make it extra comfy for yourself before I get there.” You began walking again, using the fact that you had caught him off guard against him and in your own favour.
“Oh, fucking hell.” He mumbled under his breath, soon catching up to your attempted fast pace that was slower than your usual one.
For a while, he just walked behind you. Your snail like steps not getting you extremely far anyway. Though, having had to chase you around for over half an hour at this point, his patience was running dangerously short.
The feeling of his hand wrapping softly around your wrist sent sparks throughout your body. It was the first time he had touched you that day and you had not realised until that very moment that it was all you had been craving.
“I am sorry, and I sincerely mean that.” Trent began, bringing his free hand up to your face to press a finger to your lips when they parted to let words through. “I need to be putting more time into you and our relationship because they both matter so much to me. I have turned off these past couple of weeks and that was so stupid of me. You fell down my priority list, I admit that, and I regret that. I shouldn’t have ever allowed you to be anything but first on it.”
Your body began to succumb to his words, an eventuality that was finally happening. The way in which he moved his hand from your lips to instead caress your reddened cheek had your mind relaxing its adrenaline usage.
“And because of that, I am not about to let you walk over twenty miles back to our house. So, while I am sorry for all my previous actions tonight, I am not sorry for this.” He said, his calming voice creating a false sense of security within his words. Without your realising, his hands had moved position. He leant over slightly, his shoulder smoothing over your creased dress as he placed you over it.
A slight gasp escaped from your mouth at the suddenness, nothing fully processing in your mind, “Trent, put me down before I scream.”
He laughed at your meaningless threats, using the hand that sat dangerously low on your back to hit your bum.
“I’d rather that then being sat in a police interrogation room where I’m being told that they’ve found you dead in the middle of a random forest all because I went home to get the sofa more comfortable for myself.”
With that, you gave up your struggle, allowing him to carry you to the car. It did save your feet quite a bit of effort anyway.
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mbappebby · 2 years
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Legacy || Seven
Jude Bellingham x Luna Hamilton (OC)
Summary: Luna gets in a bad crash, Jude isn’t there and starts to fear for the worst..
Requested: Yes, by anonymous: Luna get into the a bad crash while Jude is watching with the England squad and he gets worried as he isn’t there in the paddock. Also, by anonymous: Hey! Can you do one where Luna gets into a pretty bad crash and Jude gets all worried as he’s watching as he isn’t at the track, Lewis eventually calls him to tell him that you will be alright x
Words: 1.5K +
Taglist: @i0veless @sidcrosbyspuck @ferrariblues @cinderellawithashoe
“You going to watch the Grand Prix today, bro?” Trent asked as they were walking back inside after training. “Is that even a question?” Jude replied. “I’ll be there too!” Reece said.
“What you guys going to watch?” Marcus asked. “The Italian Grand Prix” Trent told him. “Awh, Jude is supporting his girlfriend” Jadon teased. “Shut up man” Jude mumbled.
“Where is she starting?” Declan asked as most of the boys were in the chill out room now. “P2, Lewis in front and Max behind” Jude added as they all their eyes to the TV.
“Luna, P2 start today. Hoping to keep that position or maybe even go for the win?”
“I’m hoping too, need to beat my dad but hopefully. But you know, starting front row is always amazing so just want to keep that position or maybe go for the win”
“Thank you Lu, good luck today!”
“Thank you!”
“Have you met Lewis?” Trent asked. “Yeah, multiple times” Jude replied. “Bro, imagining have Lewis Hamilton as a father in law” Mason added.
“Jude doesn’t have to imagine it” Marcus said. “That’s crazy, don’t break her heart or you will be dead within seconds” Jesse added.
“All the drivers to be after you” Bukayo said. “I already know, they all gave me a talk when I went to a race not long ago” Jude told them as the race had started.
“—Oh oh, that’s an awful crash there, Luna Hamilton is still in that car that is upside down..”
“It’s obvious a red flag but my gosh, that was awful to watch. She couldn’t go anywhere, she was pushed and her car flipped over a few times and still flipped over now..”
“We will tell you information when we get it, let’s just all pray that Luna is okay”
LH44: “Please, tell me that she is alright..”
GR63: “Is she okay?!”
CL16: “That’s a big one guys, is she okay?”
MV1: “That was Lu, right? Is she alright?!”
LN4: “Please tell me she’s okay..”
SV5: “Is Lu okay?!”
“All the drivers are desperate to know if Luna is alright as all the radio messages come in, I wouldn't be able to describe to you how Lewis is feeling after seeing his daughter crash like that.."
Cameras panned onto Lewis who has his face his hands, a lot of the Mercedes team was trying to comfort him.
Lewis pushed passed the cameras and made his way to the Mclaren garage. The team gave him a faint smiles and patted his shoulders. “Any information?” Lewis asked.
“Her radio was damage, can’t get anything out of her” His daughter’s race engineer said as Lewis kept looking at the screens.
Soon enough everyone was back in the pit lane and hoping that they would get information on Luna soon. All the boys thought her as a younger sister, they couldn’t lose her like this…
Lewis couldn’t lose his daughter like this either..
The cheers from the crowd made all the boys look up to the screens, Luna was out of the car and hopping on one leg over to the ambulance.
Luna gave the camera a thumbs up before the ambulance doors were closed behind her. Lewis let out a sigh of relief as quite of a lot of the drivers came over and hugged him.
“Luna giving a camera a thumbs up there, I think all of us can breathe now knowing that she is okay. A lot of the drivers there, coming over to hug Lewis…how he has stayed this calm watching his daughter crash I won’t know”
“We give you the best of recovery Luna, we will hopefully see you back in the car soon. For now, we are all just so glad you are okay!”
All the boys were shocked when they seen the crash, Jude was just staring at the TV hoping that he was see his girlfriend out of the car, but he hasn’t seen anything yet.
“She will be alright” Trent said. “How do you know that, man?!” Jude exclaimed as he walked out of the room. “I’ll go and check on him” Reece added as he left to follow Jude.
“I can’t imagine how Lewis must be feeling” Marcus said. “He’s has to get back in the car after his daughter crashed like that..” Mason added.
“How anyone of them can get back in the car after crashes like these happen I won’t know” Declan said. “They may cancel the race” Bukayo added.
After some time Jude and Reece came back into the room. Just in time, as on the screen Luna was out of the car and hopping her way to the ambulance.
She gave the camera a thumbs up before the doors or the ambulance closed. “Thank God..” Jude mumbled with a faint smile on his face.
“You can breathe now, she’s okay” Trent added as he gave the younger boy a squeeze on his shoulder. “Lewis is getting back in the car, after that?” Jadon asked.
“Lu would kill him, knowing she was the reason he didn’t continue the race. Lewis will win this for her, I’m telling you know” Jude said. “I’m sure he will, then he will most likely phone you when he gets any more information on Lu” Marcus added.
@ lewishamilton
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Liked by neymarjr, judebellingham and 4,267,927 others
lewishamilton: Today just shows all the dangers that come within the sport, knowing you have to you get back into the car after a crash like that happened. For me to get back in that car, knowing that it was daughter that crashed hit me was an unforgettable feeling. I didn’t want to go back out and race, but I knew that Lu would of killed me if I didn’t. That win was for her today. As a parent, you always want to know that your children are okay and safe. I didn’t know that today and it was a feeling I can’t explain..
An update on Lu, she is doing great and thanks everyone for all the kind and supporting messages she has received. She needs to stay in the hospital over night but should be out tomorrow. The only damage is that she has broken her leg, meaning she will be out for a few races but she will be back better than ever. We are going to take so time off social media, but thank you again for all the messages. See you all soon❤️🙏🏾
tagged: lunahamilton
lewishamilton limited his comments
judebellingham ❤️🙏🏾
lewishamilton I’ll call you later, she’s all okay you can breathe❤️
valtteribottas Happy your okay Lu!
k.mbappe Glad she’s okay man❤️
marcusrashford Thank God🙏🏾❤️
mclaren Thank you for the update Lewis!
charles_leclerc Lu, glad your okay sis
neymarjr 🙏🏾❤️
landonorris Thanks Lewis, happy your okay Lu!
georgerussell63 Happy she’s okay man❤️
maxverstappen1 Glad your alright, Lu!
danielricciardo Can’t imagine what you must have been feeling, glad she’s alright man!❤️
mercedesamgf1 Happy your okay lil Hamilton!
“You scared the shit out of me, Lu” Jude said. “I’m sorry babe, I’m okay I promise I only broke my leg which won’t take long to recover” Luna said.
“I know, but still you scared me so much. I felt helpless as I couldn’t do anything” Jude added. “Oh, J. I don’t need to feel like that, I’m here ain’t I?” Luna replied.
“I know, go to sleep now and relax” Jude added. “I will, dad will text you in the morning. I love you, J” Luna said. “Okay, love you too Lu” Jude added.
She was okay.
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foreverisntenough · 27 days
Ooo girl I’m curious if you’re invested in Trent’s life outside of football or do you avoid it for your own sanity 😭💀
I am a masochist apparently so I find myself peeping around some times and it always breaks my heart 😭
I am very interested in some of his off field like endeavors. Fashion, sponsorships, Aura lol, but who he’s dm-ing, hooking up with… I can’t know. I do know but I can’t. I prefer to stay in my fictional lane on here but I definitely know what’s going on.
This might sound weird but sometimes I have moments where I’m like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 this is a real person with emotions and human flaws not some fictional character who I love. I almost get like an ick from both him and from myself or like guilt feeling. I can’t imagine being on his side of things so I try to block it out and just admire from afar and not take things too seriously. All in good fun and love. If that makes sense.
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multifamdomfan12 · 1 year
Trent Alexander-Arnold
Fic Recs
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Fix my daddy
single dad trent, with the reader being liverpool’s physiotherapist
Memory lane
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sunnitheconstruct · 1 month
I can imagine my husband (Trent lane) getting up in the morning groggily turning on punk music n searching 4 clothes 2 wear in his messy room (his aesthetic) but still chooses 2 wear the same jeans n graphic band tee
I can hear him singing the punk lyrics bobbing his head air guitaring talking 2 his dog before he leaves
Very Capricorn id say
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sugarlesswriting · 5 months
i agree that motorcycling doesn't really seem to "fit" trent but it's also very funny to imagine duncan finding out trent got his motorcycle license before him and freaking out. he's like "what the fuck I'M supposed to be the coolguy. that dweeb plays ACOUSTIC GUITAR!!! how does HE have a license before me"
'plays acoustic guitar' 😆
Duncan would think he was a poser. 'He just wants it because it makes him feel cool. I want it because I want to go between cars in traffic and illegally use the bike lane'
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nachobra · 6 months
I’d like a post-college story where Daria meets Trent for the first time since graduation. Daria would be a graduate living at home in Lawndale (confirmed in that one Racked article) and Jane is similarly back at Casa Lane.
hm, I’d imagine daria would stay in touch with trent just from attending mystik spiral gigs & the such. though since daria would have long since gotten over her crush on him, they would just be close friends & i dont know if there’s much to delve into there.
also I find the hypothetical “d&j graduate college & get nice jobs in their chosen fields” future to be kinda bland & I guess too optimistic? I would have jane graduate only to find there’s virtually no jobs for artists that aren’t like marketing/graphic design crap, & daria would flunk out of college because of unresolved mental health issues. some would say I’m projecting myself heavily onto these characters. these people would of course be correct.
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Trent Lane x Reader Part 2
Okay not edited, and not my favorite. It is in first person, but I do have this part, and maybe more. Anyways hope you enjoy!
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part 1
A few weeks later I was in the middle of writing my next article, when there was a knock on the front door. 
“I wonder who that could be?” Dad mused. I simply shrugged my shoulders and went back to writing. A few moments later Daria came in saying her friend was going to stay with us for a while. Jane stepped in a moment later.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, looking between her and Daria.
“I was just about to ask you the same thing.” She just looked at me, seeming a little shocked.
“Well Jane, I hate to break it to you, but I just so happen to live here.” I gestured around me.
“Oh, I didn’t realise..” she trailed off. I replied with hum as her and Daria walked upstairs. I finally finished writing and decided to go to bed. The following day, nothing exciting really happened, until dinner when our doorbell rang.
“I wonder who that could be?” Mom said. I shrugged my shoulders and got up to answer the door.
“Trent?” I asked as I opened the door. 
“Hey Charlie.”
“What are you doing here?” I asked as I moved to the side to let him into the house. “We’re just eating dinner.” He followed me into the kitchen. 
“Trent?” Jane asked. “What are you doing here?”
“Dad’s home, and Summer showed up as well.” Jane simply nodded. “This smells good. I guess I’ll just go sleep in the Tank.” 
“The Tank?” Mom asked.
“It’s a van that the band uses.” Jane explained. Mom simply nodded.
“I’ll just go, it’s nice and cold in there. I guess I’ll figure it out. Is that spaghetti?” He asked. Dad responded with a correction of what dinner really was, but no one really paid attention. I know I didn't because my focus was entirely on Trent.
“Trent, would you like to stay with us?” Mom asked, gesturing to the dinner table. He nodded and pulled up a chair, immediately digging in. 
“Yeah, because our house is so empty right now.” I quipped rolling my eyes. When we finished dinner we all started to talk about the sleeping arrangements. I cleaned up my dishes, and headed into the living room, prompting everyone else to follow. The idea of Trent sleeping in Quinn’s room and her sleeping with me or Daria was thrown out there. Daria quickly shot down the idea saying that Jane was already sleeping with her. 
“Well I don’t think it’s fair that I should have to give up my room.” Quinn immediately responded. My eyes happened to roll on their own accord. 
“It's fine, I wouldn’t want to subject him to that either. I’ll give my room to him.” I smiled and patted him on the thigh, letting it rest there when I was done. He leaned back and put his arm behind me, pulling me a little closer. My hand gripped his thigh a little tighter as I leaned over to whisper in his ear, “You would suffocate in the all consuming pink girly-ness of the room.” He turned and smiled at me. “I’ll show you where it’s at.” I stood up and led him up the stairs. I was just getting ready for bed, and pulling the things I needed out of my room, when there was a call up the stairs for Trent.
“Trent! Your date is here!” Dad called out. Trent headed down the stairs, and us girls headed into Quinn’s room to watch him leave for his date. I sat back and watched Daria’s face fall at the sight of Trent with another girl. My own heart was plummeting at the sight, but I held back because my sister was having a small school girl crush. I listened as Quinn and Jane tried to give her advice about getting over him. They looked at me, but I had nothing to say, thankfully Quinn gave some good advice.
Once we all finished getting ready for bed,  I layed down on the floor of Quinn’s room. 
“Charlie?” She asked in the darkness.
“You like Trent don’t you?”
I felt the heat in darkness and was thankful she couldn’t see it. “No..” I laughed nervously, “..why would you say that?”
“Come on, I can see it. From both of you. What’s going on?” She asked.
“I, uh, it’s-” I let out a sigh. “It’s complicated.”
“Complicated? Why?”
“Because Quinn, it just is.” I snapped at her, but immediately felt bad. “I’m sorry, it’s just that I really like him. Really, really like him, and I think he likes me. Just a couple of weeks ago, he dropped me off, and there was a moment. A moment when I thought he was going to kiss me. He leaned in, acted like he was going to, then unlocked my door and backed off completely. Since then, things have been weird, not quite the same. So yeah Quinn I like him, and it’s complicated.” I let out a sigh.
“Well, what are you going to do, because I know he likes you.”
“You’re forgetting one important thing, he still dates other girls. Why doesn’t he just ask me out?” I let my hand land with a thud at my side. “I think the next time I’m alone with him, I’ll talk to him about what happened.” 
“That’s a good idea.” She responded, but I could tell she was fading. Soon she was asleep, but she was snoring as loud as a woodchipper. I tried, and tried, and tried to sleep but I just couldn’t with her snoring. Finally I had enough and moved back to my room. Groaning as I fell into bed, I have never been more thankful for a day off of work. However, if my parents caught me in the room with Trent, I was going to be dead. So I guess when he gets home, I’ll just move back into Quinn’s room. I fell asleep, so exhausted that I quickly fell into a deep sleep. I was stirred awake by my pillow moving. 
“What!?” I bolted upright looking around. To my left, Trent was passed out face smushed into the mattress. I smiled at him, relaxing a little until I heard noises flowing up the stairs. “Crap!” I hopped up and scrambled out of my room. In the hallway, there was no one thank goodness. I made my way to the bathroom, and ran into Quinn as she was coming out. 
“Oh hey, where were you this morning?” She asked. 
“My room.”
“YOUR room?! With Trent?”
“Yeah, but he wasn’t there when I went to sleep.” I responded.
“Why would you go there?”
“Because Quinn, you were snoring so loud I couldn’t even sleep!”
“WHAT?!! I DO NOT SNORE! TAKE IT BACK! TAKE IT BACK!” She insisted. I rolled my eyes and went to the bathroom. When I came out everyone had left, and I was essentially alone, despite Trent being in the house too. I made my way into Quinn’s room and passed out on her bed. 
That night when everyone got home from school we were gathered around the table. 
“Now Trent, what time did you get home last night?” Mom asked.
“Uh, midnight.” He guessed.
“Try again mister.” Mom replied. I zoned out as they talked about what his punishment was going to be. They finally settled on a grounding. 
“I’m just not used to this. At my house no one really cares what time we leave or come home. When I was six, I once slept in a tent in the yard for a month, waiting for someone to come out and invite me in.” Trent explained. My heart ached for him, no one should have to deal with that. Without thinking I reached out and grabbed his hand. I gave a squeeze, and smiled when he squeezed back. There was another knock on the door, and Mom went to answer it. 
“I’m sorry that happened.” I said leaning closer to him. He smiled and tugged my chair closer to him. 
“It’s alright. I’m over it now I guess.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear. I had a shiver run through my spine. My cheeks heated up, and I refused to look him in the eye. 
Mom was there for quite a while talking to someone and finally came back. We had dinner, and we had to endure Quinn talking about her friends, and the stupid things that they do. When everyone was either out or going to bed I made my way into my room. Jane and Daria followed me. 
“So why were you out so late last night?” I questioned. 
“I’m sorry, but it took me and Monica four hours to break up.”
“But you guys break up every other week.” Jane said. “It’s just not meant to be.” Jane shrugged, and left with Daria, to help Jane pack up her things. 
“I guess when put that way, it’s not meant to be.” He muttered. I let a sympathetic smile grace my features. 
“Do you want some help gathering your things?” I asked. 
“I got it. But I do have a question. Why were you here last night? Isn’t that against your house rules or something?”
“Oh that.” I laughed. “Quinn was snoring like a wood splitter and I wasn’t able to sleep. So I came in here.”
“Oh.” He responded. I sat down and took a deep breath. 
“Trent, can we talk about something?” I asked, picking at my nails.
“Of course.” He turned to me, giving his full attention.
“Well, it’s about us, and what happened a couple of weeks ago.” I looked up at him.
“A couple of weeks ago?” He responded. He seemed confused, not sure what I was talking about.
“In the car. I’m just going to come out and say it. That night I thought you were going to kiss me. And you didn’t. It looked like you were and felt like you were, and then you didn’t. Am I imagining it? Were you really going to, or am I just seeing things that aren’t there?”
“Charlie, now isn’t the time for this.”
“Then when is Trent? Because at this point it never will be.”
“I just can’t do this right now.” I opened my mouth, but he held up his hand and cut me off. “Don’t ask me why. Just don’t!” 
“What did I just say?! Don’t ask! It doesn’t matter or do you not listen? I don’t want you, and I don’t want to talk about it with you!”
My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, before finally closing. 
“Fine. Fine. Whatever.” I waved my hand dismissively as I headed out the door, before pausing. “I guess I’ll see you whenever.”
“Charlie! Just…wait.” He trailed off as I  locked myself in the bathroom. 
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barkingbakugo · 6 months
Trent Lane x F!Reader pt.2
Based off the show Daria No warnings other than drug use and this not being proof read
Considering today was absolute crap I'm considering going for black. Wouldn't be surprising if the rest of the week were to mirror today. I could think a bit more positively and go for a dark purple but then it could be argued that's also a depressing color. Maybe I shouldn't paint my nails, I always end up chewing it off anyways. I could do both black and dark purple to save myself the headache of not being able to- "I think you should do red." Trent had been rolling a joint for us, trying to make a decision on which color I should do. He was right.
"Red is cute." But I still think black and dark purple would be too. Now I'm deciding between three colors. Crap.
"Her heads gonna explode." Jesse says from the corner of Trent's room setting a CD in the player and skipping to the song he wanted. I sighed silently as I relaxed my face from its frown.
"Well here," Trent says softly before passing the joint to me, "Relax a bit Y/N." I take the joint and the lighter that's sitting in the middle of the bed before getting the joint ready as I light it.
"Sorry. I get overwhelmed when I have to many options." I said twirling the tip of the joint so it didn't burn unevenly.
"You can just paint Trent's nails black, mine purple and yours red." Jesse says as if it were obvious. He was always able to help me make a decision or sometimes he would just talk so much nonsense I forget what I'm deciding on.
"What would I do without you." I say giving him a soft smile placing the joint between my lips.
"Your head would explode." Trent says with a playful grin across his lips. My smile grows and I let out a chuckle but it only makes me choke on my smoke. My eyes begin to water as I begin coughing into my arm.
Oh. My. God. It just bitch slapped me
After my coughing fit and handing over the joint to Jesse I lay back on Trent's bed letting my feet hang over the side of the bed. Feeling the bed shift below me I look over to see Trent coming to lay beside me. I shoot him another smile feeling a blush tickle my cheeks. I close my eyes for a moment feeling the pot hit me already only to open them again to find him inches away from me. Goosebumps ran down my arm as I felt his breath lightly hitting it. I actually and quite literally hated myself for not being able to stop my goofy ass smile from forming as my blush grows.
"You should paint my nails first." He says softly as I meet his gaze, his eyes seemed to linger on my lips before slowly trailing across my face as if he wanted to remember every feature.
He’s done this before. Him kissing me on the cheek a few weeks ago was only the beginning. It was as if he were testing the water with me. Giving me lingering gazes during practices, holding my hand in his jacket pocket when it’s freezing outside and Jesse's taking his time putting our instruments away in the van. I have been keeping quiet about this, but truth be told, I didn't really mind it. Maybe he didn't want anything from me at the moment or perhaps I am just misinterpreting everything.
However, I don't think I was, especially considering the way he was staring at my lips with such intensity that it felt like he was devouring them with his eyes. I hoped Jesse was too high to notice us as he went through Trent’s CD's. I could feel my heart beating hard against my chest as I felt myself inching closer to him. We were close enough that our breaths became one. I closed my eyes as he closed the gap between us. He leaned over me, his hand resting on my arm as his thumb ran gently across my skin. The kiss started out soft and tender but quickly became a bit more passionate. I felt a slight nip on my bottom lip as he deepened the kiss. I could feel his fingertips trail down the back of my neck, pulling me in closer. As I took in his taste and touch, I felt my lips curl into a grin. But just before I could melt into the kiss Jesse interrupted us.
“I actually think I wanna paint my nails red.”
Trent lets out a chuckle into the kiss while he pulls away from me. As Jesse flips over the CD to read the back, thankfully he still hasn't been paying attention to us. I can feel the warmth spreading across my cheeks as I smile, letting out a chuckle myself.
“Red it is.”
❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
"Holy..." I breathed as I looked up at the big bright sign of a juicy hamburger. Trent and I had been walking for a good thirty minutes ever since I talked his ear off about craving fries. "You said it was at most a ten minute walk from your place."
"That's how long it takes me in the van." Trent looked up at the sign and shrugged lightly before gazing blankly at me. A flat smile lays firmly on my lips as I meet his gaze nodding lightly before speaking, "Oh you're lucky you're cute."
He gives me a relaxed smile and takes my hand gently running his thumb across my knuckles, "Thanks babe." His voice was low and raspy but his words were filled with admiration. I couldn't stay annoyed at him, not when he looked at me that way. "Let's go get you a burger."
"I'm going to be thinking about that burger for a long time," I say before taking a sip of my drink. "It was perfect."
Trent slouches a bit in the booth yawning as he tosses his wrapper onto the table. "Yeah, it was pretty good. I'm not excited for the walk back." He replied slouching his shoulders now. I could feel the dread radiating off him as it washed over me. I sigh softly and mirror his slouch, "Thanks for reminding me."
"We could just stay here." I suggest.
"Rot into the booths together."
I hummed softly with content and smiled. My stomach felt like it was going to explode. I needed a cigarette, but I was too tired from eating, so I let out sigh. “If only we had the tank.” I say earning a long sigh from him now. I chuckled softly at his tired reply, and then we fell into a comfortable silence. Trent closed his eyes letting the muscles in his face relax and my eyes begin running over his face. His eyes were tired, with dark bags underneath, most likely from staying up all night playing his guitar or just sleeping too much in general. My eyes fall to his goatee and I could instantly feel a frown form on my face. I could never tell if I liked it or not. He let me shave it off once but the sideburns didn't look good without the goatee. I let out small laugh remembering his reaction to seeing himself in the mirror. His eyes open and and he smiles softly watching me.
“I love you.”
“You what?” I asked just giving him a blank stare despite the fluttering my heart was doing. We've been together for four months now since the day we kissed on his bed. He's shown me affection in ways I never thought possible, but he knew what those words meant to me. There is no reason for me to think he's lying, but I still can't shake my doubts. My parents made it their mission to not ever tell me they loved me or even show any once of it to me but I don't hold it against them anymore. That being because I don't view them as human, they might not even have souls.
He sits up in the booth and sets his hand on the table holding it open for me to take. I lean in to take his hand and he gives me a gentle squeeze. He intertwines our hands and it pulls a smile onto my lips. "You're the coolest girl I've met. You‘re my muse Y/N...and you actually make me want to practice. I have a passion for music but I never had motivation and drive until I met you. That and you clean my room when I'm too tired to. There's no one I'd rather spend days sleeping with."
I chuckled with a light blush and took his other hand in mine that was on the table, "Well you're pretty cool yourself, we're a pretty cool couple." I teased before lightly biting my lower lip and continuing, "I love you too." Trent's smile grows and he places a kiss on my hand. "Even though it's not all the time I wouldn't share my toothbrush with just anyone."
"So that's whose toothbrush you've been using, I was afraid you stopped brushing altogether." Trent and I both look over to see Jane and Daria standing at the end of the table.
"Y/n we have a ride home," Trent says grinning before turning his attention back to his sister. "You haven't crashed the tank yet have you?"
Jane smirks, "Maybe a few scratches but it's nothin' that wasn't there before. Now one of you move, Daria and I are getting burgers." I scoot out of the booth and sit next to Trent on the other side. Jane goes to order while Daria sits in my previous seat.
"Where did you guys take the tank?" Trent asks Daria while wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.
"It's a long story but hopefully telling you we kidnapped an incompetent football player won't raise any questions." She dryly jokes. I liked Daria, sure sometimes I can't tell when she's being serious contrary to her deadpan personality but she was chill.
"Hey don't be spilling all our business now," Jane says coming back over and sitting next to Daria. "Y/N you need to convince my brother to get some new wheels." She says looking over at me now.
"I'm surprised the wheels are still on that thing." Daria adds making Trent and I chuckle.
"Trust me I've already been making him save whatever money he gets. I love you but I don't trust you driving my car." I say letting a soft chuckle leave my lips and looking over at him resting my hand on his thigh.
"That's okay Y/N, I understand. I wouldn't trust me either." He responds just as the burgers get set on the table. That was fast, our burgers took twenty minutes to come out. The girls begin eating their burgers letting Trent and I break off into our own conversation. "I like it when you say I love you. It's hot." He whispers in my ear making me blush lightly.
"Oh hush." I say placing a hand on his chest and pulling him in for a small kiss but he lets the kiss linger before slowly pulling away. "I'm happy we don't have to walk home now."
He pecks my lips once more, "Yeah, that way we can get home faster."
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
a thing people don't seem to acknowledge in Batman is that Bruce would hold two types of galas: one for general audiences, and one for the society set. the second would be only for old money types, and Kate would always be in attendance, even while she avoided the fundraising galas. simpler foods, simpler decorations, smaller crowds (but only slightly), and guests would bring out their heirloom jewelry. Bruce would have to host these to a) maintain enough of his social status to push through any legislation or create his charity projects, b) keep an eye on all the rich Gothamites so he knows who's doing what and can harass them while dressed as a bat, and c) keep up appearances so no one knows he's the aforementioned bat.
and then there's the other type of gala, where there would be fundraising. tickets to it would most likely go on sale to the general public at a slightly later date than the members of whatever club is technically hosting it. there would be limited seats, but there wouldn't be any kind of credentials to get in. some tickets would get raffles off in various contests, maybe a radio call in or some promotion at a museum or something related to the fundraiser itself. while a lot of the glitterati would be in attendance, this is likely an event that any given rando would attend, just for fun because they wanted to see what it was like... or for the celebrity guest.
and this is the part that gets to me. because there's so much that a story could do by situating some character as the celebrity guest. and there are so many of them to choose from!
any superhero would be a major draw, and most superheroes canonically spend some time doing charity work like this
Diana or Arthur would be an additional draw because they're royalty, and it wouldn't have to be called a superhero thing
Dinah is a chart topping rock star
Zatanna is the world's foremost stage magician
Luke Fox is a world champion MMA fighter and inventor
Basil Karlo is a famous and dramatically respected actor
Simon Trent is probably not popular enough for all that, but that depends on the popularity of various revivals of his show
Lois Lane is one of the top journalists in the world, multiple award winner, household name, and generally thought of someone whose speeches are fun and interesting to listen to
we have a lot of CEOs available, depending on the type of fundraiser: Ollie, Ted Kord, Lucius Fox, etc.
Stella Maxwell, while also a CEO, is of the motivational speaker persuasion and could be a draw on that front
also imagine if Bruce forced Lex Luthor to do it
Theo Teth-Adam would probably be interesting from a certain perspective, and you could definitely guilt him into it
Boostie is??? an influencer??? or something??? maybe he's not popular enough to drive the show on his own, but he probably knows the people who can
Gar is definitely popular enough social media to be a draw, especially if you imagine it's the actor version
I want to go with the version of Arthur Brown who's a popular game show host but that seems like it's pushing it
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graficanofolks · 2 years
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monkeyqueen22 · 4 years
Everyone who have wattpad or quotev fanfiction.net archive of our own.
Could everyone please please Write Trent lane x oc or reader from daria show fanfiction please
It was a old 90s
Daria was old a an American adult animated sitcom
It have 5 seasons
Series ran from March 3 1997 to January 21 2002
And it have 2 movie is it fall yet and is it college yet
please please please~👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🥺🥺🥺🥺👏🏻👏🏻
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ariana-senpai · 5 years
Trent performing a song that he wrote about you without realizing you’re in the audience.
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(For anon)
After spending weeks pouring over the lyrics and getting the sound just right, Trent Lane had finally written the perfect song to express how he felt about you. His feelings toward you came on so suddenly that he had to get them down right away.
He wasn’t ready for you to hear it just yet, though. And once he found out you’d be out of town and unable to make his next show, he decided that he’d play it in public, at least once, before playing it for you.
“This next song is new. I wrote it for, uh... someone that couldn’t make it tonight.”
It was their last in their set, and although there wasn’t much cheering, the band thanked the crowd anyway. Trent found Jane afterward so he could give her a ride home. She told him that she thought the song was meant as a eulogy thanks to his introduction.
“Hey, Trent.” He hadn’t heard you approach and was surprised to see you - though he didn’t show it.
“Hey, Y/N. I thought you couldn’t come?”
“I got back early. I got here right when the show started.”
“Cool. So... what’d you think of the new stuff?”
“It was more romantic than I’m used to from you guys.”
“That’s the point.” He quietly shooed Jane away so that you two were left relatively alone. He was silent for a moment, debating internally about his next move.
“Hey, Y/N, did you like the song?”
“Yeah, sure. It was different, but it was good.”
“I, uh, I wrote it for someone.”
“Yeah, you mentioned that on stage.”
“Right... It was for you. I wrote it about you. Do you wanna go get some pizza together?”
“I... Yeah, yeah I’d like that. Is this, like, a date?”
“Yeah, it’s a date.”
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