=> Dní mesta Humenné
=> Part 2.
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brw · 2 months
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aropride · 1 year
i am so hungry and tired but im literally writing you see my problem ?
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shopcat · 1 year
super weird to feel bad for the fucking cancer man guy 😭😭
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abimee · 2 years
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did i ever show you guys the emote in ardberts left pocket lint. archiefaunt the silver asparagus
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anxious-gymplak · 10 months
co kdybys měl tenhle rok jet do anglie, vídně a rumunska, ale 2023 řeklo: ne 💅
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pepikhipik · 1 year
Pozvánka na bleší trhy v Praze
Květen 2023
Cítíte se zavaleni věcmi? Rádi třídíte? Nebaví vás věci fotit, měřit a nahrávat do online bazárků? Ani věci, které ještě slouží, nechat jen tak u kontejneru? Postavte si svůj vlastní prodejní stánek na jednom z 8 bleších trhů v 8 pražských vnitroblocích a uveďte věci do oběhu!
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Sobota 20. května 2023
Praha 5: Na Bělidle 34 - sobota 10:00 - 14:00 - místní FB událost zde
Praha 7: U Průhonu 46 - sobota 10:00 - 14:00 - místní FB událost zde
Praha 4: Pod Vyšehradem - sobota 13:00 - 17:00 - místní FB událost zde
Praha 8: Za Poříčskou bránou 7 - sobota 13:00 - 17:00 - místní FB událost zde
Neděle 21. května 2023
Praha 3: Radhošťská 18 - neděle 10:00 - 14:00 - místní FB událost zde
Praha 3: Soběslavská 37 - neděle 13:00 - 17:00 - místní FB událost zde
Praha 6: Velflíkova - neděle 13:00 - 17:00  - místní FB událost zde
Praha 10: Aldašínská - neděle 13:00 - 17:00 - místní FB událost zde
Bleší trhy slouží veřejnosti pro prodej a nákup second-hand předmětů v dobrém a funkčním stavu (typicky oblečení a doplňky, vybavení bytu a věci do domácnosti, knihy, hry a sportovní vybavení, dětské hračky, veteš…). Není povolen prodej nových věcí a komerční prodej handmade výrobků. Prodejci si sami zajistí vybavení (štendr, stolek, plachtu...) pro své prodejní místo a po akci zase své místo vyklidí. Za prodejní místo (cca 1,5 x 1,5 m) platí prodejci příspěvek 100 Kč hlavnímu organizátorovi Bieno a registrují se i platí předem, pro konkrétní vnitroblok. Prodejci si nerezervují konkrétní místa - ta jsou přidělována na místě metodou “kdo dřív přijde, ten má větší výběr”. Prodejci zaplacením poplatku souhlasí s podmínkami akce a s faktem, že registrační poplatek se v případě velmi špatného počasí a zrušení akce nevrací. Prodejcům jsou před akcí poslány praktické informace a tipy pro přípravu prodejního místa.
Pro návštěvníky je vstup zdarma!
REGISTRACE PRODEJCŮ: Za prodejní místo (cca 1,5 x 1,5 m) platí prodejci příspěvek 100 Kč hlavnímu organizátorovi Bieno a registrují se předem, pro konkrétní vnitroblok. 
Akci pořádá spolek Bieno a Sběratelka věcí.
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faerociousbeast · 2 years
they changed the one sakura ino scene too 😭😭
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brnomycity · 10 months
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Vianočný stromček, Brno, Zimné trhy
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=> Dní mesta Humenné
=> Part 1.
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garadinervi · 3 months
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Josef Flejšar, Liberecké výstavní trhy, 1972 [Moravská galerie, Brně]
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deepmochi · 2 years
hi!! could you please tell us what are the placements to look for if you want to know what’s the best clothing style to wear? or maybe the aesthetic
thank you 💜
Hello sweetie
Style and Astrology
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I can help you, but you should be the only one who dictates your style. Astrology is a helpful guide for us, only that. Defining someone personal style, it's complex. We have differences, in astrology it may vary on aspects.
The most comfortable style is by far Venus (check sign and house).
By personal preference, my Venus style is my most evident style. So, go and check your Venus sign ruler and the ruler of the 2nd house. However, personal style is complex because it depends on your aspects.
Venus aspects counts a lot.
Venus-moon: more sweet and simple, kinda cute style, or even mysterious. With squares and opposition, this type of style may requires bravery because it's too feminine.
Venus-mars: risky and sensual. Depending on the aspects, this native may be more into a seductive style or reject the idea of it.
Venus-uranus: unique style with touches of rebellion. Not all natives wil be extravagant, but all theses native will be unique. They will try to search something that goes well with them. Other will find them "odd" or "weird", but who cares.
Venus- Asc: they have a "I go with everything and still looks good" vibe. They can see their style most of the tiem. This is very present since young.
Venus-sun: their style is very personal. They know who they are, it's their full expression. Their personality dictates what they wear; if you know them personally, you know their style sense.
Venus-Neptune: they have a foggy perception of their style. These natives may think their style is simple when in reality others perceive them as elegant or carefree. Their definition is not what perceive at all.
Venus-mercury: it's quite friendly but diplomatic. They know what to wear to make an impression.
Venus-Pluto: vey mysterious individual who love dark themes. They can wear sensual clothes when they want to. This can change over and over. As they go under transformations, they have a new wardrobe.
Venus-Saturn: Mature and kinda strict styling; they like to have a secure sense of style. Etiquette must be respected for them. They have a routine with their wardrobe like I wear [insert shirt] only for college days.
💚Trine/ Conjunction/ sextile
You may accept the balance between the two planets or Astros. The native does know how to balance the two energie sor at least they learnt faster than others, creating a personal sense of style for them.
💚Square/opposition/ Inconjunction
There is friction between the planets or placements leaving the native feeling "incomplete" in terms of style. They don't accept all the parties.
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House will influence too
In the following descriptions, I will mention celebrities. You can check their styles.
Venus in the 1st house, they have a very present style. By present, they are aware of their physical apperance, and they will try to make the best. This give the sense of "you know what they wear, and they look good doing it". It's because they know their impact for good or bad. Their physical apperance is very evident. Angelina Jolie, Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, Beyoncé Knwoles, George Clooney and Katy Perry.
Venus in the 2nd house will search for something grounded and simplistic, with elegant touches. They collect certain clothing items. They may wear something constantly because it's their comfortable item. Appreciation of earth luxurious art and designs. Some can copy other people too. Examples: Paris Hilton, Björk, Bratt pit and Demi Lovato.
Venus in the 3rd house will try light colors that seem more friendly and open minded. It can be that these native prefer dark academy style. They prefer earth colors too or something they like. Example: Nikola Tesla, Robert de Niro, Jeniffer Love Hewitt and Nick Jonas.
Venus in the 4th house represent a home feeling to the native. Trhy may wear things that touches their heart. They wear clothes that they feel safe with. Also, they like to wear nostalgic clothes. It mean they like to recreate old styles. They keep wearing the same style for years. Example: Ariana Grande, Amy Winehouse, Pamela Anderson, and Vanessa Hudgens.
Venus in the 5th house is more fun and lively. They will probably have a balance with adult and cute things. They can also be super creative too.They can be hedonistic and inclined to indulge and spoil themselves with things that they like. Each native likely express themselves with their style. Example: Megan Fox, Milla Jovovich, Mick Jagger, and Janet Jackson.
Venus in the 6th house give a very organize vibe and I know where is stand vibe. They prefer a comfortable fit for them rather than wear something out of place They usually will play safe and sound. Jennifer Aniston, Emma Watson and Will Smith.
Venus in the 7th house presents a well-rounded person, someone reliable. Their style show you that you can trust them, very consistent. Very balanced and not extravagant, but still their style. Monica Bellucci, Bruno Mars and Kate Moss share this.
Venus in the 8th house have a sensuality figure in the majority of cases. There is a period where they wear sensual clothes often, which works as their signature look. The natives are perceive as sensual; they will try to accentuate their attributes. Their style will change drastically from teenage years to adulthood. Kylie Jenner, Miley Cyrus, Jeniffer Lawrence, Sharon Tate, and Demie Moore share this placement.
Venus in the 9th house provides a expansive and expensive style. This depend on the person's experiences. Jupiter rules Sagittarius, glitters and flames, basically art. They will thrive to be the best in their own lane. Kim Kardashian, Pink, Brigitte Bardot, and Marilyn Monroe.
Venus in the 10 house is more about projection to their public image. What we see is what they are. Usually, people care and appreciate them. Their style will vary dependin on the public. Some will risk more than others. Drew Barrymore, Uma Thurman, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman.
Venus in the 11th house prefer a friendlier imagen to them, but they will still wear individualistic clothes. It's not surprise that otherd like their style. Others admire them and they seem to are different from the crowd. Winona Rider, Anne Hathaway, and Lady Gaga.
Venus in the 12th house will depend a lot on their sign, yet they a define style. However, it's seemed that they give us clues on their outfits. They will keep it very secure; their style is their safe place, a windows to their soul. Grace Kelly, Rihanna, Hilary Clinton, Adele, Charlize Theron and Lucy Lawless.
Signs define our style too
Fire signs (Aries-Leo-Sagittarius)
They like to represent their personality in their clothes. These people are edgy and consistent in their values. They will wear what they want, period. Funny, they love vivid colors.
Earth signs (Taurus-Virgo-Capricorn)
A very organized and simple style with certain restrictions. They have a dress code for every occasion, even if this doesn't look like that. They prefer when people let them know the occasions. Their go-to is very simple and comfortable.
Water signs (Cancer-Scorpio-Pisces)
Very elegant and nice. However, they usually just go with a specific style that feels comfortable to them. Again, their comfortable looks are not our go to looks.
Air signs (Gemini-Libra-Aquarius)
They go with their flow; These natives have a very particular style, but it's their style. Their aesthetic is so personal if you look closely.
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fcb-mv33 · 1 year
Okay you know the thing is I’m really not bothered a whole lot about the booing Max gets, it shows how immature those people at the race this weekend were but what I do get bothered by is the hypocritical actions when it’s done to max.
I think it’s really funny how last season we had zero media place call out the abuse Max got at Silverstone, Monza, Brazil, Abu Dhabi and Austin. Max has things thrown at his car, his mother was chanted about by Ferrari fans, his family were being threatened and abused for the latter part of the season yet there was so little response from the media. In Austria we had the Sky Sports team making a massive deal out of people cheering when the two Merc drivers hit the barriers to a point they went into the crowed, putting Max fans on tv and asking why they cheered. You had questions in Hungary 2021, Zandvoort 2021/22 and Austria 2022 being posed to Max about the fans booing his rival but I’ve not once seen the same energy.
We never have Checo or the three British drivers getting asked about their opinions about the booing towards Max or the hate he is constantly receiving online and in person. We never see the media take a stand and talk about the abuse gets, instead most of the time they have actually laughed at it and made a mockery of Max. We had three drivers last year making jokes about Max boycotting Sky sports last year because of the online abuse trhy have caused towards him. There is so little care for the mental health of Max, and while I do understand he doesn’t give a shit I still don’t think those drivers, who advocates for men’s mental health should have mocked him for protecting himself.
I do get annoyed seeing the hate Max gets ofc but I get more pissed off at the lack of care formula 1 and the media show. If you have these campaigns about ending online abuse yet you leave one driver to deal with it at every weekend, at every post he posts then how is that fair?
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cogbreath · 7 months
what's happening with thyrell? (forgive me if i have the url slightly wrong)
so im sure you've heard abt ppl discussing abt if aaron bushnell was trans or not, which in itself isnt inherently bad, but there was some ppl starting to take this as far as claiming that the real reason he self-immolated was related to the VA not wanting to cover bottom surgery anymore for transgender ppl under their care. tyler among many MANY others have taken issue with that specific thing because even if the intent isn't meant to be wrong, its still distracting away from the main and stated reason he did that. His intent was gaza. No matter what his identity was, he was specifically doing this over and in relation to gaza, these were his stated motivations. many white queers r stating so much passion and concern with bushnell than they are about the many many queer gazans that deserve eyes on them. This is what tyler's point was and the points of the rest of us as well. Here's the thing. People are saying that tyler is responsible for harassing these ppl and causing the op of that post to deactivate, when at NO point did he ever on his blog send anyone after anyone, he legit cropped all screenshots of ppls urls irt it. All it was, was a critique of the racist implications with the lack of focus on gaza that bushnell was ASKING for. thyrell started saying bogus shit blaming tyler in particular for all this. when ppl started to point out how the claims weren't even accurate to what tyler was actually doing, thyrell responded by saying anyone who believes in the point tyler was making should be "taken out back and shot". I shouldn't have to explain why the escalation of those kinds of violent statements when you're in a disagreement with ppl who are brown & black is far far from appropriate.
Addiitionally, he's allowing his followers to claim any of us who try to discuss this off anon to be fakes or trolls or claim we are making up the racism. when theres a known history on this site of black ppl getting our personhood erased under the pretense we are political trolls trhying to sew division or something.
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bwoahtastic · 1 year
Okay but Seb and Lewis waking up the next morning and start looking for Max cause he’s not in the little nest they made for him and the last room trhy check is Nicos and find Nico curled around lil Max who’s v contently curled up with Nico🥺
Maybe one of the pack like Charles or Jenson coming back and tries to talk to Nico about why he’s so scared to give in and be the best momma to Max that they no he is😭
oh plss seb and lewis panicking cos where did little Maxy go?! they look everywhere but cant find him until they look into Nico's room and find Nico curled around Max with the pup having his face tucked in Nico's neck, purring loudly.
Nico denies enjoying pup snuggles after but everyone sees right through him with how sweetly he looks at Max! And plss jenson going to talk to Nico asking him why he cant give in cos he would be so so sweet as Maxy's momma! And Nico just spluttering and trying yo say he wont be a good mother but then Maxy comes toddling over and excitedly wants to show Nico the drawing he made and Nico is so sweet and lets the pup babble so patiently!
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n3hmof1sh · 2 months
Oh wait did someone block me?? I feel like I remember going onto a blog and seeing taht it was a ghost blog but trhy were interacting with a mutual like 2 mins ago
Im not mad or anything I js wanted to say this (bc like men we air out our thoughts like dirty laundry)
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