#trickster (oc)
Me, derping off on a word puzzle game:
(the kind where you connect letters to make words, not word search)
Letters: S I N L E T
Me, automatically: Ah yes. Sinlet. Smol sinner.
Me: ...Now I want a devil or demon character, or a trickster, or something of the like to call their kiddo sinlet as a cute lil pet name 😭
(no fr please someone make this into a character I'd love to read it 😅)
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zephyrbug · 12 days
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Hoax, herald of the shadowfell: 2024 edition!!🗡🦇🔮
I’m preparing for artfight I wanted to redesign an old fav of mine! Hoax the arcane trickster! I’ll need to make some references of their slight face patterns but after all these year I finally got him someplace I really like! They’ve been a struggle in the past cause I found rendering white skin a challenge and couldn’t quite get the vibes right but were finally here!
(Also I wanted to draw my favorite feywild x shadowfell pairing in honor of pride month so Hoax needed an update haha💜)
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cynicalstith · 1 month
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My rogue, Garrett! Doing some green flame blade shenanigans
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0hmanit · 6 months
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The Juggler and her fucked up dog that understands slugsign and pickpockets money from monkeys
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alienturnipp · 9 months
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River Kingdoms Daredevil, Cayden Cailean enthusiast, dual-wielding troublemaker, aspiring Azata, Commander of the Fifth Crusade 🦋
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i have a pl8 with at least seventy three t8or tots on it right now
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nineraeix · 30 days
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throwing my rogue here in an attempt to hype myself up to make him a proper ref
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kiiingsnake · 2 months
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experimental thing i worked on between finals to keep myself sane
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ang3lgutzy · 1 month
OC Tootsie "Esme" Pops
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Killer sans ig...
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MORE killer sans stuff but its traditional and goes with the lyrics of "Vampire Empire"
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Sorry I forget Tumblr exists um! (I'm silly)
Oh and...
A wip for your troubles :3
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who-datgirl · 1 day
Okay y’all so I have been thinking about the finale since Friday and the more I puzzle on it, the less I believe Ruby’s fairy tale ending was genuine. I of course was a big proponent of the “Ruby is River’s daughter theory”, but I am starting to be one of those people who think she is an unknown member of the pantheon. More specifically, I think she may be the daughter of The Trickster, I’ll go into why.
Let’s start with Ruby’s “mom” in the flashback, her hooded face with humanoid lips visible gives me serious Trickster vibes from SJA. A constant lament was “WHY CAN’T I SEE HER FACE?” Well, The Trickster really doesn’t have much of a face aside from ruby-red lips and sharp teeth. Honestly, why would a 15 year old have such an ominous cloak and where did she get it between the maternity ward and abandoning Ruby at the church? Granted a 15 year old still high on painkillers from giving birth could definitely do some zany shit, but it seems like a stretch to me. If my hunch is somehow correct, I would go so far to say that in the time window they did not see Ruby’s parent crying under the hood, but rather laughing maniacally. In fact, I honestly thought she was laughing when I first watched that scene. If the “mom” is actually The Trickster, then he would definitely have been laughing as he takes great pleasure in messing around with The Doctor and their companions.
The Trickster is the god of traps, which typically involves some narrative that a person falls prey to in order to be ensnared by the trap set for them. Ruby as the child of that entity could totally be able to create narratives that people would happily believe and become a part of, or to put it succinctly: a story. It isn’t any further of a stretch than the god of games having a child that is the god of music.
I think as the season went on, Ruby subconsciously created her own happy ending and bio parents piece by piece. Finding her parents seemed to be a process of creation as it unfolded. The DNA scan in 2046 only showed Ruby’s DNA twice. After defeating Sutekh though, 2024 UNIT was able to seamlessly find some ordinary and flawed woman eager to reconnect with and apologize to her abandoned child. Her bio mom is even willing to reach out to a presumable one night stand from 20 years ago, catch up with him, and see if he wants to become a father figure after two decades. Also the origin of Ruby’s name through a street sign that seemed to not exist in the footage, until it suddenly did, felt like an actual change to the timeline. I have nothing against this ending per se, it just all felt deliberately too perfect as if reality was bending entirely to Ruby’s deepest desires. To top it off Ruby somehow pulled the exact narrative of 10 and Rose’s goodbye for 15 and herself, almost as if unconsciously she tuned into one of The Doctor’s deepest heartbreaks to reflect how horribly she felt about leaving them.
I don’t think Ruby’s real story is close to done. I think her perfect ending will start to show cracks, and the reality of it will seem more created than true. Eventually we may even see her wake up to the truth of her power in time for The Trickster to come in and truly fuck around with things for her and 15. It would be interesting to see her owning her power to send her own bio parent into a narrative that The Trickster could never escape.
There is just too much that went unaddressed. How did Ruby conjure snow? Why was Maestro so disturbed by her hidden song that they said there was something seriously WRONG with her? How did she fold her own timeline back in 73 yards? Why were people so terrified of or infuriated by the apparition that we now know was Ruby? Did the Ruby in the distance tell people about her ties to the Pantheon of Discord? Did the apparition know the truth of Ruby that is hidden even from herself? Why would Sutekh care about the hooded parent more than anything else he creeped on during his centuries attached to the TARDIS? Is he a Jerry Springer fan, obsessed with “you ARE/ARE NOT the parent” reveals?
One final thing that makes me think they may pull a child of The Trickster into the story. In SJA before Elisabeth Sladen passed, they were planning on revealing that her adopted daughter Sky was really The Trickster’s child all along. The episode never aired as SJA could not go on without Elisabeth. I could see RTD honoring her show by making that story canon through Ruby. After all, Ruby too is an adopted daughter.
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If you don't mind, I desire more of Trickster because who wouldn't like a lill guy such as him
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Oh!! I think I never shared their backstory here!
Trickster is a character from a FNaF based story I worked on before Behind The Codes (in 2020). He was and still is mute, though he talked in some comics I made.
In the Familiar Traces story, Trickster is based on the Marionette character and performed as a magician to entertain kids. Only April was able to see and talk to them, though he never replied back.
Trickster was this mysterious and unknown figure she kept seeing in her dreams, and they always had something to show her, so they were constantly gesturing and doing magic tricks to grab her attention.
He is all grown up now!
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boiling-potato · 3 months
Trickster but with that viral dress thingy
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Which color do you prefer?? :33
This took longer than expected but I'm still getting bombarded with School works so I had to stop every once in a while, I'm just glad I got to finish this and show it to you guys. I miss drawing my ocs (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
Reference below 👇
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eldritchdraaks · 1 year
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Earlier in the year I started work on a big collage of every version of Viiveh I've ever come up with. I got really far with it but eventually burned myself out before I could finish. I was stuck in the shading phase and needed to adjust the color palettes across the whole piece. Since I'm not sure when or if I'll ever finish this, I wanted to put it up online and share a nearly completed version.
I'm really happy with how this turned out, regardless. 25 different Viivehs! I called it "Viivehs in a Trenchcoat"
Shoutout to @taikeero-lecoredier for inspiring this whole thing!
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0hmanit · 5 months
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More from Pearl & the Juggler and their interactions with different slugcats
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zephyrbug · 2 years
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Veil the air genasi, arcane trickster and former collector for the merchants of the unseen flame 🌬🗡🌀 it’s rough when you try to rob a wizards tower and end up getting a magical artifact fused into your hand...but hey the invisible mage hand and grumpy bird familiar make it worth it^^
A Veil redesign!!! it’s been a few years since I designed and played her (and her lil crow familiar) She was such a menace and one of my all-time favorite characters to play! I need to get around to redesigning her divination wizard gf so I can draw them together again 💙 ✨
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rosenfey · 3 months
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⊱ making my way through battahl.
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