#tripe gang
3cunty5u · 7 months
Cabbage, aka. vegan tripe. Am I right gang! Join the Tripe Marketing Board at
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fanartlover1234 · 2 months
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Hook always flirts with Y/n.
Daughter of Eris x Captain Hook
Made by a request in dm
Can u do one where the reader plays hard to get with hook?
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Eris as her mother most parted way when she came, too afraid of whaf she might do, her mother was the godess of chaos after all and who knows what her daughter might bring as rumors spread that her father was a powerful wizard.
Y/n liked it that way, it ment she had never have a need to worry for someone crossing her as Uliana herself never dared to touch her.
It ment they feared her and if there is something her mother teached her is thay fear is power.
Everthing is going smooth untill he shows up.
Captain fucking hook himself, almost always at her side amd before she knew the rest of his gang was always around her aswell.
As now she was sitting at a table her elbows rested on her knees as she watched some kids run around.
She flicked her finged amd they triped when a ruck suddenly lifted from the ground and chaos was made.
Hook leaned to her ear and his lips brushed the shell of her ear when he spoke "I love it when you are wicked"
The girl turned her head to him their lips mere inches apart.
"Fuck off hook" she said before getting up amd walking away from the group.
Few days ago, to get a flower they had to kill the deadly bugs around it.
Y/n took her bracelet amd used magic to turn one of the emblems, the scorpion, into live creature.
"So they are deadly right?" Hook asked leaning over rhe girls shoulder to look at the scorpion.
"Yeah like you after a bad nap" she said looking back.
"Maybe it would be better if you were next to me" he said.
"Ill send one of these on you"
Few day pas and the girl wanders around as a soft melody plays in the back round and she sings.
"If theres a prize for rotten jugdement, i guess ive already won that, no mana worth the agroovation thays ancient history been there done that"
The muses come out joining her in her song of heart " Who d'you think you're kiddin'?He's the earth and heaven to you Try to keep it hidden Honey, we can see right through you Girl, you can't conceal it We know how you're feelin', who you're thinkin' of" by muses
"I wont say it"by Y/n
"You swoon, you sigh Why deny it? Uh-oh" by muses
"Its too cliche i wont say im in love, I thought my heart had learned its lesson
It feels so good when you start out
(Ah) My head is screaming, "Get a grip, girl"
"Unless you're dyin' to cry your heart out"" by Y/n
"You keep on denying
Who you are and how you're feelin'
Baby, we're not lying, hon we saw ya hit the ceiling
Face it like a grown up
When ya gonna own up that ya got, got, got it bad?" By muses
"This scene won't play
I won't say I'm in love
You're way off base
I won't say it
Get off my case
I won't say it" by Y/n
"Girl, don't be proud, it's ok, you're in love" by muses
Music comes to an end as the girl whispers the last words to herself "at least not out loud, i wont say im in love" she whispers to herself as the nex part, the only time she will ever say it out loud " im in love with the captain of the seas"
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girl4music · 10 months
If I did a TOP 20 favourite 'BtVS' episodes,... a good majority of them would be from Season 5.
It has a lot of bangers. 'The Body', 'The Replacement' 'Blood Ties', 'Real Me', 'No Place Like Home', 'Buffy vs. Dracula', 'Family', 'Fool For Love' 'Checkpoint', 'Crush', 'Tough Love', ‘Spiral', 'The Weight Of The World', 'The Gift’. These are all fantastic episodes!
I also love the overall arc/plot. I love the character representation and development of both new characters and the ones we know already. The Scooby Gang is at their absolute strongest. I love the directing and writing and acting. I love that everything that happens in it is completely consistent and cohesive. Well put together in a neat little bow with its main themes and storylines. I don't think I have a single negative thing to say about Season 5. And that's saying a lot because I critique the fuck out of my favourite TV shows. You don't even know. I go HARD when it comes to art/ entertainment in general.
And then there's Glory... like I love Dark Willow. You all know that. But Clare Kramer as Glory is excellent!
Season 5 is peak Buffy. The very best of 'BtVS'.
What's more to say? I could watch it over and over and over again and never get tired of it. It's timeless.
I FUCKING LOVE SEASON 5! It's the best singular season of any TV show ever made. Yes. I said that with complete conviction.
When you look at the load of tripe we get today in TV or streaming service art/entertainment, you never get anything this well written, acted, produced or directed. I'll admit - yes, it's because shows are more serialized and compacted down to 10-12 episodes a season now... But for a show that wasn't intentionally made to be singular season serialized and 10-something episodes longer, you still will not see better written cohesiveness and consistency or versatility in serialized TV or streaming service art/entertainment today. It is that well done of a singular season and finale. It makes TV shows today a real joke and it's why I will always stick to the classics. I've stuck my head in every now and again to see what's what on streaming services but I've always been left disappointed - either because it's a load of shite or it's undercut before it really got good. Not enough.
So yeah, I put the likes of Buffy, Xena and Charmed on a pedestal because they honestly deserve to be at the very pinnacle of true art/entertainment production and storytelling and I will be adamant.
Not everything works or is of top quality and there's certainly episodes that have not stood the test of time and aged like fine wine. There is issues too. But compared to what we get today - yeah, no contest.
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ultimateask · 2 years
Gym gang gets together and tries tenkos favorite tripe hotpot place
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aforcedelire · 8 months
Les Vagabonds, Richard Lange
Coup de cœur 🖤 (Vraiment de très bonnes lectures ce mois de janvier !)
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Été 1976. Jesse et son frère Edgar, handicapé mental, sillonnent les routes des États-Unis à la recherche de victimes... depuis plus presque cent ans. Ce sont des « vagabonds » : ils se nourrissent de sang humain pour survivre, ne peuvent sortir que la nuit, et se rétablissent en quelques minutes s’ils se blessent. Une nuit, les deux frères croisent une jeune femme qui ressemble comme deux gouttes d’eau à l’ancien amour de Jesse, duquel il ne s’est jamais remis. Leur route croisera celle d’un gang de motards particulièrement violents, et d’un père sur les traces du meurtrier de son fils.
Quand ma repré m’a parlé de ce livre il y a quelques mois, ça m’a tout de suite emballée : ça me faisait penser à une version glauque et hardcore des frères Salvatore, et ça m’intriguait énormément. Et j’ai adoré ! On suit quatre points de vue différents (Jesse, son frère Edgar, le gang des motards et Sanders, le père) et autant de personnages. Il y en a à foison, ça m’a beaucoup fait penser à la saga du Bourbon Kid (d’ailleurs, les scènes de baston des Vagabonds n’ont pas à rougir de la comparaison !). Alors forcément, je suis charmée. J’ai adoré le personnage de Jesse et son histoire, et j’ai bien aimé suivre Antonia et Elijah. C’est sombre, c’est violent, des tripes et du sang, des règlements de comptes en cascade : je n’aurais pas été étonnée de croiser un tueur en série accro au bourbon au détour des pages ! Le mythe du vampire est revisité avec brio, c’est parfois un peu glauque, un peu poisseux, et c’était GÉNIAL. J’ai passé un super moment ! Le côté personnages damnés un peu paumés qui errent depuis des siècles est génial. (En plus, y’a pas que des adultes qui ont mué, mais je vous laisse découvrir !) J’ai trop trop trop aimé.
26/01/2024 - 28/01/2024
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tripees · 9 months
India Holiday Packages.
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Tripees is offering India holiday packages it's essential to thoroughly research and verify the company's reputation, customer reviews, and the details of the packages they provide. Here are some general tips when booking a holiday package:
Golden Triangle Delight: Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur
Begin your Indian odyssey with the Golden Triangle, a circuit that covers three iconic cities – Delhi, Agra, and Jaipur. In Delhi, explore the historical marvels of Old Delhi and the modern charm of New Delhi. Witness the eternal beauty of the Taj Mahal in Agra, a testament to love and architectural brilliance. Finally, lose yourself in the vibrant colors of Jaipur, known as the Pink City, where palaces and forts narrate tales of royalty.
Serenity in the Himalayas: Himachal Pradesh
For those seeking a tranquil escape, the picturesque landscapes of Himachal Pradesh beckon. Shimla colonial charm, Manali's snow-clad peaks, and Dharamshala's spiritual aura amidst the Himalayas provide a perfect blend of serenity and adventure. Whether it's trekking, paragliding, or simply basking in the mountainous beauty, Himachal Pradesh offers a refreshing respite.
Beaches and Backwaters: Kerala
Kerala, often referred to as "God's Own Country," is a paradise for nature lovers. From the tranquil backwaters of Alleppey to the pristine beaches of Varkala, Kerala's natural beauty is unmatched. Experience the unique houseboat stay, indulge in authentic Ayurvedic treatments, and witness traditional art forms like Kathakali. Kerala is a sensory delight that leaves a lasting impression.
Spiritual Sojourn: Varanasi and Rishikesh
Dive into the spiritual heart of India with a visit to Varanasi, the oldest living city in the world. Witness the mesmerizing Ganga Aarti on the ghats and explore the narrow lanes filled with history. Head to Rishikesh, the Yoga capital of the world, where the Ganges flows in all its glory. Connect with your inner self through yoga and meditation against the backdrop of the majestic Himalayas.
Cultural Extravaganza: Rajasthan
Rajasthan, the land of kings, is a treasure trove of cultural experiences. From the grandeur of Udaipur's palaces to the desert charm of Jaisalmer, every city tells a unique story. Revel in the local music, dance, and cuisine while exploring the vibrant markets filled with handicrafts. Rajasthan offers a regal experience that blends history, art, and hospitality.
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bwitchburn · 1 year
Whispers of Dawn - Burn Witch Burn
Présentation de projet
Welcome sur WOD/ BWB. Certains d’entre vous ont peut-être connu feu Réversa et la toute première version de Whispers of Dawn… Nous voici maintenant avec un nouveau projet: Whispers of Dawn - Burn Witch Burn, né d’une envie de retrouver cet univers particulier qui a été créé maintenant il y a presque 15 ans, et de le faire évoluer en quelque chose qui nous attirait vraiiiiiment beaucoup. 
TW: déconseillé -16ans: contenu mature, violence
Thème: Urban Fantasy/univers inventé/créatures, sorcellerie, gangs
Règles condensées: 1rp/3 mois, pas de min. mots/lignes, Avatars 200x320px
Ton corps porte les cicatrices de toutes ces années de fuite, de peur et de chaos. Corps décharné, écharpé, lacéré. Stigmates d'une vie d'infortune et d'horreur. Tu as été chassé, enfermé, torturé, ta carcasse servant de rat de laboratoire à ces scientifiques en mal de repentance. Ton âme, scindée en deux et partagée avec cet inconnu que tu n'as peut-être même pas encore rencontré – ton Opposé, mise en pâture pour la rédemption de ceux qui vous ont pourtant créés. Parce que tu n'étais pas comme eux. Parce que tu n'étais pas humain.
Camdann la douce. Camdann l'illusion. Arche de Noé pour une population surnaturelle dont le berceau s'est vu détruit, envolé dans les flammes, perdu dans le néant à la suite de la Révélation. Havre de paix, patrie d'accueil pour tous ceux qui te ressemblent. Terre de mensonges et de perfidie.
Vous pensiez être les premiers. Des êtres surnaturels dotés de capacité hors du commun, dignes des plus grands comics. Et pourtant, vous n'étiez que la seconde génération, née des ambitions démesurées d'un gouvernement avide de créer l'inimaginable.
Bernés, voilà ce que vous avez été. Votre confiance mal placée dans un monde qui abusait de vos intentions pures, de vos envies d'égalité. Traqués, jetés en pâture devant l'ignorance et la bêtise de l'espèce humaine. Des années de tourments, perdues dans l'angoisse et la peur de la déchéance. Celles-ci sont arrivées bien trop vite, brisant tous vos rêves de survie, vous forçant à vous terrer comme les déchets de la société pour lesquels le Global Imperii vous ont fait passer. Diantre, ont-ils même construit une prison rien que pour vous enfermer, vous que tous craigniez, juste parce que vous étiez différents, dotés de pouvoirs et de capacités hors du commun.
Et puis les massacres ont commencé, lorsque vous vous êtes rebellés. Aucune pitié ne vous a été montrée, aucun espoir ne vous a été donné. Vampires, Lycans, Altérations, Sorciers... pourchassés pour les idéaux d'une Couronne dépassée.
Condamnés. Avant que vous ne parveniez à les renverser. La vie semble plus douce aujourd'hui, plus juste avec ce nouveau système mis en place. Plus de prison avec unique raison de ne pas rentrer dans les normes, plus de traques, plus de peur de ne pas vivre jusqu'au lendemain. Plus d'épée de Damoclès, pendant au-dessus de vos têtes et celles de vos Opposés. Et pourtant... Est-ce vraiment le cas dans cette société divisée ? Des Assemblées pour tous vous contenter, pour supporter chacune de vos opinions. Plutôt l'occasion pour chacun de fomenter ses sombres desseins, ne penses-tu pas ? Ne te voilà d'ailleurs pas toi-même, un sourire aliéné aux lèvres, pendant que tu branches la dernière liaison à cette bombe artisanale que tu as fabriquée ?
Tu vois déjà l'explosion dans le coeur de cette cité qui t'a accueillie pour mieux te prendre tout ce que tu possédais. Tu vois les corps alignés, la panique se glisser. Tes tripes s'agitent de contentement tandis que tu enclenches le compte à rebours. Tu ne seras plus là pour le voir, mais cette cause vaut ton sacrifice.
Tu seras le premier. Le premier à paver de sang les rues de Camdann Et tu n'en doutes pas, vous serez toujours plus nombreux. Pour que justice soit rendue, pour leur prouver qu'ils ont eu tort de vous faire du mal. Et tu souris, tandis que tu rejoins le centre de la place bondée. Tu te régales du tic tac régulier de l'engin explosif alors que tu vois – alors qu'il est déjà bien trop tard – la peur se refléter sur les visages autour de toi. Un rire t'emporte enfin tandis que l'explosion résonne.
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mainsparts · 2 years
Sillyfun valley start up
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Sillyfun valley start up movie#
Fred Willard and Chris Parnell, who played San Diego news executives in the first "Anchorman," are back for no good reason, except they must have been fun guys to have on the set the first time around. Pretty much everyone whom Ferrell and McKay have worked with or admired is in this movie, sometimes to the film's detriment. Isn't it time for Ron Burgundy to play the jazz flute again? Let's have another news team gang fight! But Ferrell and McKay have no interest in exploring the themes for longer than it takes to get the laugh. In "Anchorman 2," Burgundy very deliberately unleashes the demons that killed cable news - car chases and celebrity tripe and half-cocked opinions. The relentless skewering that permeated the first "Anchorman" is mostly gone as well. I'm laughing just thinking about it.īut scenes like this also derail any chances that "Anchorman 2" might be remembered as a focused satire. And then, a gloriously over-the-top disaster. The road scene in particular has exquisite comic timing, as the newly reunited news team slowly realizes what the audience has known for minutes - there's no one driving the RV. The Sea World and RV sequences are pretty typical of the entire movie, as hilarious as they are gratuitous. But his oblivious overconfidence still leads him there - after a detour as a drunken Sea World host and a road trip in a recreational vehicle filled with bowling balls and scorpions. Burgundy is an old school figure who wants nothing to do with the next generation of broadcast journalism. "Anchorman 2" begins in New York, on the dawn of the cable news era.
Sillyfun valley start up movie#
It's a tribute to that talent when the movie still comes close to achieving its high expectations. True, the filmmakers and cast coast on their talent throughout the film. Whenever there's a choice between a humorous situation for Ron Burgundy or plot cohesion, "Anchorman" creators Adam McKay and Will Ferrell always choose the gag.Īnd yet it's very funny, a disappointment only to those who expect to see something bold and new. The film is all impulse, making sudden but unpredictable moves only in the vague direction of a point. "Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues" has the narrative momentum of a late-night scotch bender.
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absolutebl · 2 years
Unforgotten Night - One Dumpster Fire to Rule Them All
I expect a monster of steaming trash. I expect giggles of BDSM. I expect heaping tablespoons of deep friend dumpling wrapped sugar coated tripe. 
I will be extremely disappointed if this show exceeds my expectations. 
Let’s do this thing, not with a bang but with a 
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Let’s take that flying fuck at a rolling doughnut... together! (What would a doughnut gang bang be? A slam dunk? A double dipper?) 
Episode 1 - If Your Expectations Are Low, Limbo Under Them 
In case I wasn’t plain enough at the opening, let me make this clearer than a well-hydrated golden shower. The kink rep is gonna be poor in this show. The queer rep is gonna be absent. The business CEO rep is gonna be appalling. The acting is gonna be wooden. The script is gonna be abysmal. I expect scenery chewing so bad we are all farting wood chips out the other side. Your safeword is not reading this blog and not watching this show. Got it? Okay. 
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Dom introduction (Kamol). 
Excellent. We begin with the classic black limo, the classic black on black suit, and an actual rolled carpet. Also cameras from the late 80s. Top marks from complete lack of subtly. Also, it is just me who finds Thai accented Korean incredibly odd? 
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Sub introduction (Kim). 
Gurrl! Cosmos? Martinis? Srs? I am beginning to think this is a period piece. 
Right so we got: Bathroom drama breakup. Plus the lonely slide floor sit. Thailand, we have discussed this at length: no singing & no crying. 
For this drama and this drama alone, I will make one exception. Crying is allowed if you put him in eyeliner and those are pain tears. That’s the rule. 
Def no singing. I refused to allow guitars in my BDSM. Wait no, I’d allow them, but they’d always be just out of reach and anyone caught reaching for one would be immediately gagged and trussed. 
*nods in sadist*
Awe, it's really nice to see some of the old Wabi Sabi crew like Sammy and Title show up. Hi cuties!!! The band is back together again, isn't it?
Do not take that as a hint.
Where was I? 
Right actually this a god opening sequence set up, nice plot movement, broken hearted (yet still desired & beloved by all) sub, unsatisfied dom. Clear characterizations and support cast. I’m satisfied. And now for the unforgotten night!
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50 Shades of BL let’s DO THIS THING! 
Okay so we see depicted and established consent, even if there’s no proper negotiation, considering we skipped straight to robes, Imma assume there was some ordered cleanliness and negotiation going on before the robing, and go from there. *nodes in plotonium* 
Those restraints are amusingly lose. That said I have had subs with fastening triggers and their binds were mostly for show, so *shrug*. Reminder for anyone out there interested in wax play (a personal fav of mine) you do need special candles. Finally, a light whipping. Nice tame little intro-level scene. It’s pretty good kink actually, for a BL. 
The aftercare bath scene was actually cute. 
Why is product placement in a BDSM BL SO FUNNY? 
So far this is DUMB and GREAT and I am ALL IN. This was exactly what I wanted. Did you know the B in BDSM stands for bouncy? No? Well it DOES now. 
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Kinky books corner: romances with great BDSM rep
I was asked in comments about this show for kinky books with good BDSM rep:
Alexis Hall's For Real is not only brilliant, hugely romantic, and incredibly well written, it’s age gap (younger dom, older sub). I have issues with no limits play, but given the reverse power differential in the D/s dynamic I’m okay with this one. This is also my hands down favorite Alexis Hall. 
If you’re interested in gay BDSM with a wide rep of different kinks and always done very well executed with established safewords, contracts, and protocols then the Collars & Cuffs series by K.C. Wells is probubly your best bet. Which one in the series is your favorite will depend on your kinks, I like Dom of the Ages. They can be read in any order but do feature lots of cross over characters and an overarching linear story about one dungeon in the UK. 
A personal favorite and for those of you loving Old Fashion Cupcake, there is Not Safe For Work by L.A. Witt which features an out bisexual, mature characters, and a secret office romance. It’s got great communication and all the tension is from work drama not miscommunication. 
For het, I think Natural Law by Joey Hill is pretty good. It's mixed up with a police investigation crime thriller aspect, though. I don’t read much het, so there probubly are better BDSM reps out there now. 
If you want something highly erotic and very queer and poly but mixed up with historical (follow me here), then I remember enjoying Bound to Be a Groom by Megan Mulry but I read that one a long time ago. It’s a quadruple 2 Doms, 2 subs, mixed M/m, F/f, M/f, F/m pairings (they are all with each other in various ways/kinks). 
I’ve linked to Zon because I lazy, some of these are only there, some are wide. Pay the author, don’t steal the books. Nash. 
I’m not claiming they have good kink rep but here’s: BLS with BDSM elements, and a lot of the dark BLs from Japan are very heavy into kink 
A brief list of shows featuring BDSM that I liked: Love & Leashes (Korea - Netflix), Bonding (UK - Netflix), The Secretary (USA). 
Everything kink comes with triggers attached. 
But why is this director so fascinated with faucets? Is it a metaphor? Seriously, that direct are we? OKAAAAYYYY 
Episode 2 - Kamol Repping for the U-Haul Gays
I would officially like to request doomy Thai mafia music be played every time I give a presentation to my Korean overlords, thank you very much. And also when I step out of my private plane? Sound good? 
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I’m of 2 minds over Kamol’s sunglasses. On the one hand, Yoon does look more badass in them. On the other hand, they are ALSO PATENTLY ABSURD.
(Honestly, I am seriously not joking about the presentations. Can you just imagine regression analysis, graphs, and charts only with THAT MUSIC playing the whole time? It would certainly add a bit of... oh I don’t know... je ne sais quoi?) 
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Do I think they think they are being subtle putting the Dom on his knees in this shot. Yes yes I do. Are they subtle? No, No they are not. 
We pause your regularly scheduled snark, to point out that Kim uses pom/khun with Kamol (as we might expect, this is formal and distancing) while Kamol uses chan/nai with both Kim and his bodyguards. I don’t know what this means (chan as used by a man is somewhat informal but not rude, but also not super common), but I find it intersting. (In the research I could find nai as you was usually paired with rao for the I pronoun, not chan). Nai has been pretty rare in Thai BL, but as we move out of school settings I guess we are going to get more unfamiliar pronouns. Nai is technically the slightly less formal version of khun, gendered specifically for a man of equal social standing defined as: นาย • (naai) Cognate with Lao ນາຍ (nāi) a you pronoun “used to address a male friend.” The bodyguards seem to be using the archaic (semi frozen) from of nai back to Kamol (used to adress or refer to a superior male). 
moving on... 
Nothing much happened. We spent too much time with Kim’s ex. The director made Kim cry again (stop it, Thailand). Kim tried to kick out the mafia. The slightly sus stalker character is back with fruit, and the work ladies are all a flutter. 
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Why does this whole show feel like kiddies playing dress up?
We got a bite-size sample of side dishes: age gap + class gap AKA housekeeper’s baby boi meets sexy head bodyguard. ME LIKEY. 
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It’s a bit slow, but ya know what? I’m still not mad about it. 
Carry on.  
Episode 3 - If you’re confused as to whether I like this show, imagine how I feel. 
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Our leads continue to have a basic (and very gay) misunderstanding:
Gay Party The First - Kinky One Night Stand to Get Over My Ex
Gay Party The Second - MINE FOREVER
Been there. Run from that. 
Nothing happened in this episode except the stalker/Dom still wants the sub and the sub still wants his ex. But hey, I remain engaged. That’s something I suppose. Now move aside UN, I got Triage to catch up on! 
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Also, so far, def not enough BDSM. I am disappointed, but then I expected that. 
Episode 4 - The Background Music is Okay, I guess? 
Recent discussions over the craptastic nature of Thai BL credit sequence tunes has made me appreciate this one aspect of this show, if nothing else. The music is fine. 
Look, it’s crystal clear, while Yoon can (attempt) to be in every Thai BL he can’t play every role. CEO mafia Dom does not suit him - I keep wanting to pich his cute little cheeks and ask, “What so serious?"  
What is it with Kamol climbing on beds with his shoes on? First of all: SHOES inside the bedroom at all? Ugh disgusting. Then on the bed? Yech. 
Also, can we talk about how impractically dumb this wee mirror is? 
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"I have a tiny mirror but have you seen the size of my... tattoo?” 
The dinner table “you should speak in a nicer tone” conversation was actually pretty funny. Kamol is a fun character when others are mocking him like I want to. 
I adore the “assistant” and his baby boy ( @heretherebedork​ you are with me, right?) Please make them happen. I know this isn’t Japan (who loves an age gap), but isn’t this MEANT to be a kinky drama? There are more than a thousand ways to be kinky, you know? 
Give Assistant Daddy his baby boy, okay? 
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Look at the little face. He wants P’Daddy so bad. 
Oh wait.
Is that?
Do I feel... 
Expectations happening?
Bad expectations! No BL for you. 
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I can’t believe I have to explain this. But D’Kamol, Kim wants you to TAKE form him SO he can get angry about it SO you push him around and punish him. I cannot believe I have to explain your business to you like this. Your sub is being a brat that means one thing and one thing only: he’s asking for it. Sheesh. Is this BDSM 101? For goodness sake. 
Ah, now that is the annoyed frustration I was expecting from this show. 
Carry on dumpster fire, do. 
And it will burn-baby-burn, for it looks like next week we continue with the Unnecessary Femme Fetalle! Thailand - the only nation where more UFFs are spotted in one year than UFOs in a decade. 
Oh, I am on a roll tonight.
Next week....
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See you then!
Should we be calling this show Forgotten Kink rather than Unforgotten Night? 
Episode 5 - The First Rule of Body-guarding, Don’t Get in the Middle of a Bitch Fight 
Poor Lop stuck in the middle of an A1 class bitch fight.
I do like that Kamol is direct and open about romantic communication, it’s a very Dom thing to do, at least it should be.
The tiger was dumb. Don’t keep tigers as pets you moron.
So I guess they’re boyfriends now?
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Episode 6 - Sucker for Side Dishes Manifests  
There is a terrible party, and a terrible fight sequence, and some terrible dialogue. 
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About what I expected, actually. 
This is a crappy dumb show.
We got the tiniest of scraps of a side dish, but they are so unbelievably cute together. They have both mine and, of course, @heretherebedork​ ’s hearts. 
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Sometimes I think I should rename this blog 
“sucker for side dishes and second lead syndrome.” 
Or is that just a poem I’m writing about myself?
In case you’re keeping track:
Faucets not turned off - 2
Shoes on bed - 6 (3x) 
I’d say “make it stop” but can’t stop the dumpster fire! 
Episode 7 - They’re Separated, What a Relief 
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I do love it when Thailand tries on domesticity for size. 
I have no idea why they insist on leaving that one for Taiwan and Vietnam 90% of the time, tiny gay families are THE BEST. And you know Thailand can handle it.
Ah, now I’m getting all misty eyed over My Ride... 
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I was going to say that the promise of this show is being squandered, and then I realized that it had no promise.
Look, the safety precautions and sending Kim away makes absolutely no sense in any universe even a Thai mafia one. 
OMG! It’s the house again! 
You know, that house. That one house that all the gay boys live in. The only house that exists in all of Thailand. 
That House.
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Look here Thailand. I demand that either:
Someone dies and artistically bleeds all over these floating stairs in a lovely splash of red or
Someone falls off these stairs or (better) is pushed at some point
If you insist on option 2 I will, under sufferance, accept that it be a pratfall crash into the seme. 
It’s only fair, you keep taunting us with these stair. USE THEM as all the gods of BL intended, for murder or comedy.
Those are your only option.  
Honestly, I really kind of liked this episode. The fact that the lead couple is apart for most of it was all to the better. I don’t know what that says about this show (nothing good) but there it is.
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Meanwhile, that secondary couple hug was too much. Age gap gets me every time.
The tentative nature of it and the way P’Daddy really wants to hug back but can’t. These two have more chemistry in one glance than the leads do in chains.  
And NOW A kidnaping. How exciting. 
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Episode 8 - WAIT, no kidnapping? how disappointing 
Is it just me, or did the fight scene improve this time around? That’s nice. 
Still no blood on the floating stairs, but you can’t have everything. Especially not in a Thai BL. 
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I like the fact that they highlighted the flawed reasoning and the weird plot point from the last episode (sending Kim away from the safety of a fortress and a  million bodyguards “for his own good”.) 
But there still wasn’t a good explanation for Kamol’s decision. 
Shrimp trope! 
Thai Language Corner:
At one point I reminded you all that gin กิน (the Thai verb) for “eat” is a double entendre, well here it is being a single entendre. 
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Ooh, and an arse slap! 
A rare and remarkably unusual trope. I shall treasure these moment’s between us, Unforgotten Night, for the rare gems in the cess pit that they are. 
I got to say, a true Dom would make that slap sting a hell of a lot more. The point would be to be remembered for the entire day, every time your sub sat down. 
I’m stuck teaching this BL its kinky business,
Me to Unforgotten Night: 
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Apparently next week we have Jake from Enhyphen* in the role of Kamol’s ex-mafia-boytoy.
* just a little joke don’t coem after me engines
Episode 9 - I keep yawning, is it the gummy or this show? 
Honestly I don’t have very much to say about this episode. I guess they are cute boyfriends? But do we want cute boyfriends from our mafia daddy? I ask you?
Rise up BL fandom, because NO WE DO NOT. 
Eh, don’t bother to rise up. Have a gummy to gnaw on instead. It’s not like Kamol’s gonna gnaw on anything soft and sweet. Even when it’s showering RIGHT THERE.
Speaking of which: obligatory gratuitous shower scene. Everyone say: Thank you Thailand! 
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And some hair drying in a WAFFLE ROBE! Haven’t seen one of those in a while. Hello my old friend.
The side dishes just just got crumby again. 
Very soft crumbs. 
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Meanwhile, plot.
Wait... was there plot? 
Enter Danil former fuck-buddy also the boss/adopted dad’s younger brother. Well done there, Kamol, stepbrothers trope! Sort of. Look he’s as half-arsed about his tropes as he is about his kinks. 
I do like that Kim & Kamol had an adult mature communicating conversation about the situation. That’s unexpected.
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Okay, I made myself a boozy affogato of chocolate vanilla peanut butter ice cream with creme de cacao and chambord on top (DON’T JUDGE). 
The handhold thing in the plane was very cute, I like those little Dommy insights. But the whole vacation house thing was weird. A forced found family dynamic or something? 
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WHY IS EVERYONE SUDDENLY WEARING NAVY? It’s like the mafia does Ralph Lauren. 
WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THIS SHOW? What’s its purpose in life? What is it trying to do? How am I supposed to feel about it? What the point of anything anymore? What’s the point of life? What’s... ooo... 
*distracted by boozy affogato*
And now Kim has gone off sex? Why a sudden blushing maiden moment? 
OH WAIT, RIGHT.... bratty sub. 
He’s asking for it.
NOTE: This is why you should never top drunk. 
In other (not new) news Khom is a strict but gentle Daddy & Baiboon LOVES it and him so much. 
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Meanwhile rando bodyguard sex, what? Three way. Okay. Well isn’t everyone just hella gay allasudden?
My stars. 
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I am not that drunk, right? It really happened. And in the shower.
I guess everyone is getting laid but Kamol tonight? 
Also Unforgotten Night is clearly vested in going where KinnPorsche elected not to, aren’t they? (KP, to my understanding, originally had a throuple in the y-novel.) 
Well, this show is indeed total trash. I mean it takes a lot to make me feel dirty, and this random bodyguard 3 way did it. Not because I’m opposed to group sex, but because with no character development at all, it came entirely out of nowhere. 
One hopes they did too. 
Moving on to Kamol getting some. 
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Gear in the shower is one thing (shudder) but fastened to THE SHOWER HEAD? What what what?
Have I taught you nothing?
Well, no obviously not.
Hay you, tumblr kinksters, don’t fucking fasten your sub to a shower head, you unmitigated morons. It’s one thing to be a monster and quite another to be stupid about it. 
*grumbles about safety precautions and slippery surfaces*  
Where was I?
Bodyguards doing actual bodyguarding? Claps hands, goodie! Dead people in pools! Fun times. 
And then these two fuckers are SO GODDMAN SOFT.
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The torture of it all. 
I lose my tiny mind over the weirdest is shit. 
And the affogato has worn off.
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Alright, ya navy clad slackers, what have we learned from this episode?
No navy.
No chaining people to shower heads.
Got it? 
Episode 11 - Plumbing 
I am three glasses of wine in the sink, so it’s time to start. And also, just let’s get this out front first, no chaining people to plumbing in this episode. No shower arbitrary threesomes. No faucets left on.
In fact, just stay out of bathrooms entirely.
You can’t be trusted. 
What I saw: 
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What I thought of: 
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Right off the plumbing and back to the, erm, plot.
Evil ex is evil in a way that is so one note and awful it’s almost as if he were written by MAME. 
OMG I can not drink enough booze to get through this episode. 
There was this time at this one industry event where there were strawberry daiquiri on tap and it think I stayed up until 4 am drinking them. 
Maybe that would do it? 
Thank the BL gods this ends next week. 
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I’m sorry I just.... could NOT resist. 
Episode 12 - Let’s Flush This Thing
Look I am boozed up for my last Thursday lush day, and we have to finish this show. Somehow. 
Kim is the biggest most immature whiney baby and honestly they just need a Daddy/boy dynamic butt cause (Imma leave that typo for good reason) who else would put up with his nonsense? 
Worst bodyguards in the world? Likely. 
First mention of gay poly marriage in BL? Unquestionably. 
Bummer these two things had to be combined? Oh yeah. 
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There is a moral to this “story” but I’m not sure what it is.
Don’t combine your BDSM-but-not-really BL pulp with plumbing issues? 
 That’s it, that’s what I got.
You should have heard the disgusted snort noise I made over the white suit handcuff. 
Look, in the end, this dumpster fire got extinguished with a garden hose and all we’re left with is leaky pipes and the smell of damp trash. 
And the only kinks were in the hose. 
Could be worse, I suppose.
Hard to imagine how, tho. 
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I, on the other hand, do have something better to do since I have a nice new little subscription to WeTV and am going to binge We Best Love for the millionth time. I recommend you do the same. 
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sinisterexaggerator · 3 years
Trevor Philips headcanons: Part 1
These are things that have stuck for me as I have been writing my fanfic.
Trevor LOVES owning a titty-bar. Besides TPI, being the owner of said establishment is a perfect fit for his debauch lifestyle.
He’s a boob man.
He LOVES a dominate woman, but submission turns him on, too. Nothing quite like a beautiful girl willingly following his orders or to call him “ sir.” 
He’s VERY protective of his people. HE can shit-talk them all he wants to, or otherwise manhandle his subordinates, but if anyone ELSE tries to it’s hell hath no fury.
Girls that know their music and pop cultural references are a win-win, though he doesn’t give a shit about movies - that’s Michael’s thing.
He HATES being stood up or brushed aside - you better fucking treat him with respect.
He’s a hypocrite. He may sell and smoke meth, coke, and other drugs, but the people he loves aren’t ALLOWED to do ANY of that shit (Such as with M smoking cigarettes, or Jimmy wanting to go drinking).
Don’t you DARE flirt with anyone and let him catch you. You better be loyal.
He WILL make fun of you if you say something he considers to be inane tripe and a bunch of bullshit. He may often UsE THiS KiND oF VOIcE.
He HATES it when women cry, he can’t stand it. He may panic or lose control of himself. He can’t process it. It’s a trigger.
Trevor will choke you during sex and do it RIGHT. You don’t have to worry about him crushing your esophagus. He is an expert on human anatomy.
The reason he has so many open wounds and scratches all across his face and hands is because of the meth mites, that “ feeling “ when he starts to go through withdrawals that makes his skin itch.
He smokes cigarettes. Period. He smokes when he drinks and drinks when he smokes. He doesn’t do it around M because he doesn’t want to be a bad influence, and he will rip Redwoods out of Michael’s hands, but he started after Michael “died” just because he liked the smell; he missed it; it served as a reminder, a comfort to him, and now he can’t quit.
He won’t shun you if you have an emotional outburst; he knows what it’s like and will remain a quiet observer, allowing you to let it all out without judgement.
He would just as soon kill ANYONE who even LOOKS at you - he can sense dirty thoughts from a mile away. If he ever had a daughter, he would be the kind of dad to ward off suitors with a shotgun, running down the front porch after any man who came near his little girl.
He tells Michael that he has forgiven him for his betrayal, but it’s the one lie he harbors within his heart. He can’t, not fully, not yet, and maybe never. He keeps it to himself. His entire life for those nine years post North Yankton was full of hurt and heartache, and most definitely shaped him into the person he is today. He often wonders what he would be like had he not spent nearly a decade grieving for someone who wasn’t even dead.
Trevor would never rape a woman; he is all about consent. He may scare them, chase them around, badger them about it/be pushy, but he would never force himself on them; he respects them too much - chalk it up to the love of his mother. Men, on the other hand, are a different story, though in sex I can see him being submissive to someone like Michael, or at least playing at being submissive though he can turn on you at the drop of a hat if you piss him off. Otherwise, it is to assert his dominance, and sometimes he may just get a laugh out of things, like Wade in a wig for instance, or Floyd in women’s PJs. It’s amusing for him to emasculate those men especially who think they are “tough.” such as gang members.
If T ever finds himself in a situation that seems hopeless to the point he is overwhelmed, he WILL physically abuse himself. He will also do this if he desperately wants to hurt someone he cares about because he knows he will regret it afterward, so he rather beat his head against a wall instead.
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rockyp77mk3 · 2 years
You and a lot of the antieducation gang on the alt right are againnst student debt elimination. Why? Why would you be against something that is good for the country you claim to love? It would help put more educated people in the public and would help with equity. This must happen. Put down your guns and pick up a book ad then you may understand.
Well, it seems that you write in anger. I can only assume it is because you see a time in your near future when the piper must be paid. Since you have taken time out of your busy day to ask questions and make accusations I will do my best to answer in turn.
I am not antieducation. In fact I am pro education of every type. However I must say that what passes for education at many universities is more in line with brain washing than actual education with a free flow of ideas.
I am not alt right unless of course you consider a constitutional conservative alt right. In that case, whatever dude, dudette, or pick your own.
What Biden is proposing in a desperate attempt to boost sagging polls is not debt elimination, it is transferring the debt from those who incurred it to those of us who hold down jobs and pay our taxes. In short it is giving those who made a (Bad) personal choice to go to a school they couldn't afford in order to major in a subject that has no marketable value a free ride on the backs of others. That is not remotely fair. There were options. They could have worked their way through school, they could have gone to a state school, they could have applied for scholarships, or they simply could have made better choices. Why go to a school you cannot afford to major in Feminist Underwater Dance, for example, which has virtually no employment prospects upon graduation instead of going to a state school and majoring in Electrical Engineering where upon graduation employers are waiting in the parking lot outside the auditorium to sign you up? No, you made the choice, you pay the bill. Oh and by the way handing out "Free" money in this economy is certainly not good for the country.
I do not just claim to love my country I do indeed love my country. I have a DD-214 to prove it and I value that document even more than my BA in History.
For the majority these are not educated people in the sense of actual learning. They are people who managed to regurgitate enough second hand tripe to please under worked, over paid, "Professors" of limited experience and very closed minds.
"Equity" as used by the hard left is a fallacious construct. Actual equity is something an individual establishes then works to grow over time. The term as used by the hard left is simply a way of trying to engineer outcomes.
It may surprise you to know that I pick up a book far more often than I pick up a weapon. That admission leads me to believe that when I finish the book I'm reading now I am due for some range time.
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dcbbw · 3 years
Streets of New York
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I’m back, and once again I have no idea what this is. It’s a combination of my love of history, the movie Gangs of New York (which I have never seen), a long-ago talk with @ao719 about Liam and the gang in the era of jazz clubs and fedoras, and this question posed by @kingliam2019.
Somehow, my COVID-addled brain combined all of the above into what is below the cut. It may or may not become yet another WIP series.
This is a period piece (currently 1909-1939), and it is FILLED with crackships. I realize this AU (mobster, mafia, gangs doing illegal shit) is not original, but hopefully my story and its execution are.
THANK YOU to all who read this and encouraged me to go with it.
THANK YOU to all who will read this story; your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you know.
HUGE Thank You to @ao719​ for helping me get this posted! Tumblr is being unhelpful by telling me my posts are too long, and refusing to post, save as draft, or queue them. 
Please excuse any typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. My brain is foggy. Today’s testing results say I’m negative; my body says: Girl, they stupid.
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Song inspiration: Legends are Made, Sam Tinnesz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKVZrbitbd8
Word Count: 2,740
Warnings/Triggers: sexual assault, mentions of blood, child abandonment
Hell’s Kitchen, September 1908
Dusk was just falling over the city as the woman carefully stepped amongst the railway tracks. The subway yard was a faster, albeit dangerous, shortcut to the tenement she now called home. It wasn’t much: A small room with a cracked window, a chamber pot, small stove, and a flimsy cot covered with thin sheets she called a bed.
The room was hot in the summer and cold in the winter, the building overrun with vermin of both the two-legged and four-legged variety; but it was familiar, and the young woman was eager to get there. She, like so many other immigrants who had fled Europe for a new start in a fledgling America, worked in a factory; she was a seamstress in a warehouse a good 20 blocks away, and today was payday.
The woman had stopped at the market before heading home to pick up crusts of bread, eggs, and produce: apples, carrots, potatoes. Her last stop before beginning the trek back to Hell’s Kitchen was the butcher shop. In exchange for darning and mending the dresses of the proprietor’s daughters, the woman received unwanted cuts of meat at a discounted price; today she had received strips of tripe and a few pig ears. The meat and vegetables would make a hearty soup that would last at least a week.
She breathed a sigh of relief when the toe of her tattered shoe fell upon dirt and grass; so intent on her task, the woman never noticed the man who had been following her since she passed the water tower several feet back.
He was young, perhaps the woman’s age; like her, he was an immigrant. Unlike her, he was unemployed. The lad had spent the day looking for easy marks to steal from to replace the few coins he had lost in an earlier game of dice.
He couldn’t go home empty-handed.
The woman was the answer to his prayers: Focused on her task and not her surroundings, and she had a bag of groceries. Her attractiveness was an unexpected surprise.
When he saw her safely cross the tracks, he made his move. He nimbly and quietly leapt over the live rails and tackled the woman from behind just as she reached the hole in the fence erected to keep trespassers away from the railyard.
The push knocked the woman to the ground, face first. The bag of groceries flew from her hands; as she attempted to catch her breath, her blue eyes watched the apples roll away, their bright red skins now covered in dust.
The pair tussled, but the man prevailed. He roughly turned her over onto her back, slapping her cheek and spitting in her face as he ripped the gray smock from her body; an evil smirk lifted a corner of his mouth when he heard one of the pockets clank with coins. The woman’s screams filled his ears; his fist hitting her temple silenced them.
The woman’s blonde hair lay splayed against dusty brown earth as the man heaved and grunted atop her. When he was spent and had filled her with his seed, the man lay against the limp body, panting heavily; he could smell his hot, foul breath. Hearing chatter and footsteps from the crowd of workers headed to home, taverns, and houses of ill-repute, the man scrambled to stand.
His eyes took in the naked woman beneath him, blood and semen spilling from between her legs, and he kicked her in her side before grabbing her dress to steal her wages and returning her meager groceries to its paper bag.
Wiping his forearm across his sweat-dampened brow, the man gave one last look to his victim. “Thanks, darlin’,” he drawled before he and his bounty stepped through the opening and onto the streets; he turned left, whistling jauntily as he made his way home.
January 1939, Auvernal
Newly crowned King Bradshaw Achilles stood on the cobblestoned terrace off the Auvernese Palace’s grand ballroom. His features were briefly illuminated by the match held to the end of a clipped Cuban cigar: Skin tanned by the Mediterranean sun, with the merest shadow of scruff and stubble lining his jaw and chin; brown eyes squinted in concentration; a slightly off-kilter nose, due to a rugby accident in his younger years.
The air had a slight coolness to it, for which he was grateful. He didn’t particularly care for balls. It was all muted lighting with women reduced to coiffed hair, shiny jewels, and slinky dresses; the men were merely cravats, cigars, and shiny wingtips.
Thank God Isabella wasn’t in attendance. She was in the Riviera with their children, soaking up sun and spending his money.
“Congratulations, Bradshaw. She’s a beauty!”
Bradshaw extinguished the match, taking a few puffs before acknowledging the good wishes. With a boyish grin, he replied while shaking the greeter’s hand. “I sincerely hope you are referring to my lovely wife, and not the racehorse I recently acquired.”
Barthelemy Beaumont gave a hearty laugh. “The bride, of course! She’s extremely … fetching.”
Bradshaw raised an eyebrow; The Cordonian King’s appetite for beautiful women was known all over Europe. “Thank goodness I have her here in Auvernal, then.”
The edge in his tone was unmistakable. King Barthelemy caught it immediately. He cleared his throat as he adjusted the lapels of his tuxedo. “I’m quite happy with Regina and our family; I would never think to test the boundaries of our friendship.”
“Glad to hear it,” Bradshaw exhaled a plume of smoke towards the night sky.
Quiet between the two men before Barthelemy spoke. “I would like to arrange a discussion between Cordonia, Auvernal, Montissero, and Greece before the end of the week. That Hitler person in Germany is becoming a … problem.”
Bradshaw waved his hand dismissively. “He’s a rabblerouser. All talk, no action.”
“He’s rousing all the rabble! AND building a large military from the brightest and strongest of his citizenry. If the rumors are to be believed, he needs to be stopped before he declares war on allof Europe. Whatever opinion the world has of the Mediterranean, we are still part of Europe and as such, need to be prepared for all possible outcomes.”
“Bradshaw?” The voice was soft, feminine, tentative.
The Auvernese King turned, a wide smile on his face. “Eleanor, my love! Come join us,” he invited with an outstretched arm.
The Queen allowed herself a small smile before gracefully crossing the terrace, her heels never slipping on the slick stones. Her thick, blonde hair was done in a Grecian braid, her dress a one-shouldered column of cream-colored silk.
Barthelemy quickly bowed, muttering “Your Majesty” before straightening; he gave Bradshaw a last look before heading back into the ballroom. “Consider what I’ve said.”
Eleanor’s cornflower blue eyes looked between Barthelemy’s retreating form and her husband’s face with a questioning expression. Bradshaw shook his head slightly. “Nothing to worry about; he wants a meeting to discuss the news from Germany.”
Eleanor pursed her lips as her brows furrowed in concentration. The new Queen had a reputation for being intelligent, quick-witted, and a knack for reading people.
She was Bradshaw’s second wife and had worked closely with him on political reform for women’s rights and protections for nearly two decades before the relationship turned personal.
Laying a delicate hand on her husband’s arm, she advised him to keep the meeting. “It’s my understanding that the Führer has been in discussion with Russia and Japan. Secret discussions.”
Bradshaw looked at his wife through narrowed eyes, his brows furrowed in thought. “Are your sources reliable?”
Eleanor nodded in affirmation. “Extremely.”
Bradshaw dropped his cigar into an outdoor ashtray before pulling his bride closer to him. He placed a kiss in her hair. “Well then, how can I refuse my Queen?”
July 1909, Hell’s Kitchen
The midwife had an unrolled cigarette pressed between her lips, dangling dangerously from a corner of her mouth; her hands were deep inside the young woman’s birth canal as she tried to pull the infant within from its confines. Her ears felt as if they were bleeding from the mother’s keening wails and pain-filled screams.
“PUSH!” she ordered in a raspy voice, the toll of a life-long tobacco habit.
Her brown eyes raised, taking in the young woman’s face over the mound of stomach between them: pale, sweaty, tear streaked. Her startling blue eyes were bleary and red-rimmed; blonde hair lay in limp strands against her cheeks and head. The woman took a deep breath before raising her upper body; she felt muscles strain painfully against the obstacle still inside her.
The midwife gave a grunt of satisfaction when she saw blood-speckled flesh come into view; the cigarette lost its precarious hold and fell to the floor when she realized she was looking at the baby’s ass.
“Cheeky fucker, ain’t ya?” she muttered, pulling gently at the newborn’s body.
The mother panted heavily, her head laying against a grungy pillowcase. “Is it … here yet?”
The midwife, Lucretia Nervakis, wiped her forearm against her forehead to prevent sweat from stinging her eyes. Even with the window open, the small apartment was sweltering. Pots of boiling water didn’t help matters.
She knew the child was unplanned. A quick look around the sparsely furnished room told her the baby was unwanted as well; there wasn’t even a baby bib in sight.
“No,” she replied with a longing look at the now-snuffed cigarette on the wooden floor. “Bastard’s ass first, so I need this next push to be long and hard. Ya hear me?”
“I don’t feel good,” the woman confessed in a weak voice.
“You’re gonna feel dead if you don’t get this fucker out. Now, PUSH!”
January 1939, Upper East Side
Liam Rys had his hands folded behind his head as he lay on his full-sized bed; he was fully clothed except for shoes and his Savile Row suit jacket. His handsome face was marred with a slight frow of impatience as his deep blue eyes lazily raked over his lover’s body, which was clad only in undergarments.
“Hana, hurry the fuck up, please. It isn’t every night I get to show off my lady at the hottest club in town.”
Hana Lee glanced at him through the mirror, her lips in an “o” shape as she carefully applied lipstick. Her honey brown hair was swept up in an elegant French roll. “You OWN the club Liam, and your cousin Olivia manages it!” she reminded him.
Liam half-shrugged. “I still don’t take you there every night.”
After rubbing her lips together, Hana spritzed expensive French perfume from an atomizer bottle. The liquid was cool against her skin. “Will your wife be there?”
There was no accusation in her tone; Liam and Riley were officially separated, and had been for over a year.
When he left her to be with Hana.
Despite his wife’s very public relationship with Rashad “The Dom” Domvallier, she refused to grant Liam a divorce. Riley was fond of telling anyone who would listen that when she was put in the ground, she was going as Mrs. Liam Rys.
“Probably,” Liam exhaled a deep breath.
There was a time he had loved Riley madly, almost foolishly and who could blame him? Riley was sunshine: warm, bright, dazzling. But one thing people tended to forget about the sun: it burned.
“Mama Lu will be there to make sure Riley toes the line, and the business meeting shouldn’t take long,” he assured Hana. He glanced up at the wall clock. “You have exactly three minutes to be fully dressed and ready to go, or there will be consequences,” he playfully threatened as his palm rubbed along his crotch.
A mischievous expression crossed Hana’s delicate Asian features, a knowing smirk curving her crimson-painted lips. She extended her leg, her face falling forward as she scrutinized her hosiery.
“Oh, my … is that a … run in my stocking?”
July 1909, Hell’s Kitchen
The Mother
The woman moved slowly around the hot room; she was light-headed, and her sex throbbed from both pain and the blood flowing from her center. She blindly grabbed her few possessions, mostly clothing and a few toiletries, haphazardly tossing them into her battered suitcase.
She ignored the wailing of the baby lying on the soiled sheets of the cot.
The product of her rape.
The source of her hurt, shame, fear.
Doubled over and nearly delirious from the aching, she made her way to the kitchen; in the cupboard was the metal box that held her savings and papers which affirmed her as an American citizen. Words swam before her eyes, and she shoved everything in the pocket of her flowered house dress.
Once everything was packed, she grabbed the suitcase with one hand and the baby with the other.
She nearly dropped the infant as she clutched her stomach, uttering a groan of pain as a rush of red warmth flowed down her legs. The woman took a deep breath as she straightened up. She just had to make it to the dockyard, less than three blocks away.
She was returning home on the next available steamer.
To Auvernal.
Later that evening, a now bathed and fed Lucretia Nevrakis veered off the still-crowded streets into a darkened alley; she had been to the corner shop to purchase papers to roll her cigarettes. The night air was heavy with humidity and rife with pungent smells. She was a few steps into the passageway when a baby’s wail cut the still air.
She paused, looking around her.
No one.
Her eyes darted about both the alley and along the open windows of the brick tenements before determining the cries were coming from a covered trashcan. Eyes narrowed in suspicion, she lifted the metal lid; her only reaction to the naked newborn atop chamber pot dumpings, old newspapers, and rotting produce was to lift her eyebrow, belying her inner struggle.
One minded one’s business in Hell’s Kitchen; that, and keeping their head down is what allowed folks to live to see another day. Which would explain why the baby was still in the trash. No one wanted to get involved: it meant cops, paperwork, possibly another mouth to feed and clothe.
Lucretia raised the lid to replace it over the garbage can; she delivered babies, she didn’t take care of them. And yet, she hesitated. Out of the children she had birthed who were populating the neighborhood, not one of them had been unwanted. Unplanned, unexpected … but their parents had kept them.
Her hand wavered as the infant continued to cry. Finally, she set the covering on the ground.
The baby had mooned her.
It was meant to be.
With a last look to ensure she was alone with the child, she lifted the baby she had delivered hours earlier into her arms. She stared down into a face nearly red from hours of wailing; the child’s face was scrunched, its tiny hands curled into fists that moved frantically.
Lucretia swayed gently, making soothing noises as she did so. Ever so gently, she ran long, slender fingers through soft blonde curls as she stared into blue eyes. She exhaled a shaky breath as she began walking towards the apartment she shared with her brother and sister-in-law.
“Looks like it’s you and me, fucker,” Lucretia muttered.
The child quieted, but the midwife knew it was hungry. And needed bathing. She shifted direction; she wouldn’t be going home tonight. The infant needed a wet nurse, she needed to stock up on evaporated milk and nappies.
She looked back down into the child’s face. “You need a name,” she said.
Lucretia walked quickly, determinedly to the home of Miss Betsy, the neighborhood wet nurse. The large, black woman had a look of shock and surprise on her face upon opening her door to Lucretia Nevrakis. Her wide brown eyes fell to the naked infant in the midwife’s arms.
“Who’s baby you got, Lu?”
Lucretia didn’t speak, instead bustling past the wet nurse, entering the apartment.
“Mine. And I need your help. He needs a good, long feeding and a warm bath.”
Betsy looked askance at the midwife; Lucretia hadn’t been pregnant the entire time the two women had known each other.
“Yours, huh? What’s his name?”
Lucretia gazed at the child’s face, the ghost of a smile on her lips.
Tagging: @sirbeepsalot @jared2612 @ao719 @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @ofpixelsandscribbles @debramcg1106 @marietrinmimi @merridithsmiscellany-blog @queenjilian @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @indiacater @kingliam2019 @bebepac​ @zaffrenotes​ @liamxs-world​ @choiceslife​ @ac27dj​ @the-soot-sprite​ @gnatbrain​ @hopelessromanticmonie​ @amandablink​ @mom2000aggie​ @cmestrella​ @iaminlovewithtrr​ @liamrhysstalker2020​ @queenrileyrose​ @ladyangel70​ @gkittylove99​ @neotericthemis​ @twinkleallnight​ @umccall71​ @superharriet​ @charlotteg234​ @busywoman​ @gabesmommie1130​ @jessiembruno​ @tessa-liam​ @phoenixrising308​ @beezm​ @gardeningourmet​ @lovingchoices14​ @sincerelyella​ @foreverethereal123​ @janezillow​ @mainstreetreader​ @angelasscribbles​ @lady-calypso​ @emkay512​ @jovialyouthmusic​ @21-wishes​ @princessleac1​
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eddiemcnson · 2 years
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mental wounds not healing
          life’s a bitter shame
                 i’m going off the rails on a crazy train  [meet: eddie munson]
who’s that? oh it’s (EDWARD) EDDIE MUNSON. i hear they’re TWENTY-TWO and are known as THE FREAK around CHICAGO/HAWKINS TRAILER PARK. they’re also a EMPLOYEE/ (ASPIRING MUSICIAN) at ‘SHADY RECORDS’,. they’re known to be ENGAGING+HUMOROUS and MOODY+OVERBEARING. some people say they remind them of :
the smell of smoke, cologne and vanilla
browsing through a stack of vinyls and cassettes for half an hour until ou find the right one
the overwhelming expectations that come with being a ocietal outcast
a bandana in your back pocket, no matter what outfit you’re wearing
tw drug mention, death mention
what’s left to say about eddie ‘the freak’ munson - props to jason carver for the most inventive of nicknames - that hasn’t already been speculated aobut? the list goes as follows: freak, metalhead, trailer park trash, dungeon master, outcast, drug dealer, murder suspect, runaway, satan worshipper. miss anything?
after the dust settles, after that whacky fucking week, after chrissy's incident happened and he was on the run and in the ‘upside down’, fighting vecna - after all that has passed, after he’s cleared of all charges, he actually manages to army crawl his way towards that D in miss o’donnell’s and he graduates. two years late but hey, he got there. it’s like he predicted - eddie walks on stage, flips the principal the bird, snatches his diploma and runs like hell. the week after graduation his van leaves hawkins trailer park for the last time in a long time - eddie’s wasted no time.
;he drives around for a bit, settles in chicago. college is just ... not gonna be an option, but he’s got his music and a new band and he knows they’re going to take off, he just knows it. they play small venues but the crowd is bigger than in hawkins - fucking everything is bigger than hawkins, he thinks to himself - and even though he’s still labeled ‘weird’ and ‘freaky’ in chicago, there are just...a lot more weird, freaky people here than in hicksville indiana. so he’s not complaining. the opposite, actually.
still, they make a decent amount of money from their gigs but not enough to support themselves so eddie finally caves, takes that job at ‘shady records’. pay’s awful but his boss and co-workers are fucking angels and the people coming are never looking for belina carlisle or eddy huntington, no, they’re asking for the smiths and van halen and eddie’s face lights up everytime someone asks for his metal recommendations.
so, chicago is not what he expected but he’s making it work for him. he’s got a decent amount of friends there but ... eddie can’t deny he misses his hawkins friends. the hellfire club, the upside down gang. so he comes back every few weeks, checks in with his uncle and may mayfield, catches up with his friends. eddie’s not ‘officially’ the head of hellfire club anymore, in his absence he has passed his dungeon master duties on to the only worthy candidate, one will byers. but eddie still takes his time in chicago to plan some epic campaigns for when he pays hawkins a longer visit.
his boss has closed the store for the summer, taking the time to take a road tripe around the states, but he’s payed eddie in advance and hey, he’s not complaining, he’s packed his bags and drove back to hawkins to move back into his old room for the summer. a little apprehensive - staying in hawkins that long, that town always meant trouble. but mybe this time would be different.
he’s been back a couple of weeks now - and he’s still adjusting, because there are some things that one could do and say in chicago but....not in smalltown indiana. he’s back to being looked at funny and being called a ‘freak ‘ -though he has to say he sort of likes the attention, he doesn’t really stand out that much anymore in chicago - and no one’s asked him if he’s ‘flagging’ yet, which is a question he hears regularly but hey, he still keeps that bandana in his back pocket, just in case.
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ultimateask · 1 year
May we plz have gym gang enjoying Tenko's favorite tripe hot pot after a long and exhausting day of working out?
They do very often ;) https://ultimateask.tumblr.com/post/703358075694874624/gym-gang-gets-together-and-tries-tenkos-favorite
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stillness-in-green · 2 years
Chapter Thoughts: 359, Place of Learning
Sorry for the lateness on this one, gang; was tied up with other writings. Look for next week's to be more timely, and in the meantime, hit the jump!
"The messenger-bodyguard said he'll be going up top too!"
I hadn't caught this in just the scanlation, but comparing the official here to the leaks for Chapter 360, I guess that'd be Mirio, huh?  I suppose he or whoever put down his game piece in the planning session figured he wouldn't be much use against Shigaraki—his phasing is great, and his fighting style even better, but a normal human punch is not going to do anybody much good against Noumu-style toughness.
Comparatively, his phasing probably allows him to get around the interior of the structure much faster, which is an advantage when supplies need to get from one point to another ASAP.  But then when ShigAFO turns into an enormous barricade of hands, well, being able to phase suddenly looks a little more useful top-side, huh?  I had been wondering as of the end of this chapter why he hadn't been with his Big Three compatriots from the start, so I'm glad to see this little nod.
The business course stuff:
I have somewhat mixed thoughts, but on the whole, I rather like it.  On the one hand, I think "promoting heroes" has a tang of propaganda to it, which is rather at odds with the (nominal) objectivity of something like news footage or documentary filmmaking.  Of course, any kind of information can be skewed by its presentation, but it seems to me that talking of hero promotion, of image and presentation to the masses, is inherently embracing a certain narrative you're trying to put across.  Spiral Stack Hair Boy there even says it outright: He and his classmates are preserving a record of Heroes Victorious.  They are not there to preserve a record of e.g. The Tragic Death of Shimura Tenko or what-have-you.
On the other hand, I like Spiral Stack firing back—against an uncommonly young parroter of the "you kids and your cellphones" complaint!—that having records of events is valid and extremely important work.  He remains vague about "past wars",(1) but given how recently and repeatedly Skeptic and Dabi have demonstrated the impact of being able to choose how to frame a story,(2) the heroes would be wise to stop letting villains control the narrative!
In short, I'm dubious of the narrative that the Business Course kids are presenting, but I like that the story is engaging with the idea of how the events it's portraying look within the world.  It's good follow-through from earlier iterations of the topic, from aforementioned villain meddling to all the eyes on Endeavor, and even the whole discussion about heroes-as-entertainment versus heroes-with-human-needs.
Bakugou Stuff:
I like the jolt of panic in Bakugou's eye when ShigAFO breaks his arm; it feels like a relatively rare expression for him.
I had jotted down in my notes, "Bakugou thinking about the gap is good Endeavor paralleling," but I gotta say I liked it better before it got localized with baseball metaphors.  I already know there's a baseball OVA coming out, Caleb!  You don't need to remind me of all the inane tripe meant to move keychains and vinyl standees we're getting instead of anything remotely interesting!
I don't have anything in particular to say about the whole "Bakugou is, in AFO's opinion, closer to Deku than anyone else."  Frankly, as frustrating as it is being a villain fan at times, I'm extremely glad that I have barely any investment in Bakugou and negative investment in Deku, because I can't even imagine how much it must suck to be an even-keeled fan of either character trying to find any content that isn't vapidly OOC or vindictively mean-spirited.  Good Christ, the spoiler tags were still a shitshow two full weeks after the initial leaks for this chapter.
Aizawa (and Mandalay):
The electromagnetic interference could be legit, but also feels a bit retconned, particularly the handwave of Aizawa protesting that she got Midoriya a bit ago, so why can't she now?  Is the erratic communication going to serve a dramatic purpose at all?  Is it just to keep Hori from needing to update the reader on what Deku ran into last time we saw him when he isn't ready to transition scenes yet?
Also, Aizawa, exactly how fast do you think Deku is going to get here from halfway across the country?  Japan is seriously not that small.  Honestly, the American jets picking him up really is your best bet.
I enjoy his desperation, though.  S'good crunch.
On UA and the Big Three:
Man.  They really did just take the whole school up, huh?  Somehow I'd been under the impression that it was a fake, that Troy Fortress, not UA itself, but nope, that's absolutely UA.  What happened to all the refugees?  Are they still in the building, or hiding out underground?  Were they evacuated out to the refugee housing on the campus before the school took off?  But then why didn't one of AFO's spies contact him to let him know?  What was the point of the whole thing where the facility connects to Shiketsu if the school was just going to fly off into the sky alone?
It's—a shame, I guess.  I feel like there ought to be a lot of power in seeing the school trashed like this—it's been the main setting of the series for three hundred and fifty chapters!  It's the place where a bunch of friendships have been made, powers forged, little day-to-day victories and losses accumulated, all things a student would remember upon seeing their high school demolished. 
Also too, the symbol that UA represents is in ruins, the Number One Hero School that produces the very best heroes, the ivory tower the students were kept in that controlled what knowledge they gained and, for a very long time, cut them off from the world and the people they were training to protect.
UA needed to go down, I think, as so many other structures in this society do, but I wish the one toppling its towers could be Shigaraki Tomura, who once wanted to be a hero, for whom the whole building has been converted into a deathtrap rather than—per the title—a place of learning.  Instead, we get the AFO Vestige, whose only attachment to hero schools has been plucking promising quirks out of them like grapes from the vine.
Further, the students we get reacting to the destruction aren't the students I'd expect—the students of 1-A, the ones whose schooling we've spent the entire series watching.  Sure, the Big Three, as seniors, spent three times as long there as the main cast, so I'm sure they have a lot of regrets seeing those thrashed classrooms.  But the audience has never been privy to Mirio and the rest's school lives, so what they're remembering and mourning here is entirely opaque.
The only emotion I feel looking at the three of them is sympathy pangs for Suneater, because Suneater's one of my favorite students, and he gives me moe aggression.  That's entirely down to my being predisposed to empathy for Suneater when he's faltering, however, not because the story's given me any reason whatsoever to care about his feelings about seeing his school trashed.
Also, to come full circle back to the messenger/bodyguard, it's kind of eyeroll-inducing that Lemillion is now parroting the talk about holding out until Midoriya shows up.  Maybe it's just to make Bakugou look more singular next week, maybe it's the streak of pragmatism Mirio learned from Nighteye, but it does feel kind of a shame that the young hero who ran ahead to fight Overhaul solo is now also trapped in that mentality that only One For All can strike the necessary decisive blow.
I critique him now, but Mirio will have a much better showing in the next chapter, and I'm looking forward to writing quite a bit about it.
Odds & Ends:
Hori's dedication to Ame-comi-style sound effect lettering continues to impress.
Oh my god, Nejire's girlfriend complaining about her hair.  XD  I did laugh.
Shigaraki's hair not even getting solid black outlines anymore, even in closeups.  Good stuff.  Wish I wasn't so soured on the anime so I could more genuinely anticipate seeing it in color.
That heavy black silhouette of Shigaraki against the shattered outline of UA fuckin' rules.  Wish it was more "him."
1: But talking about concrete records of wars at all is a possibly interesting choice, given Japan's noted tendency towards historical revisionism re: Japanese warcrimes.
2: Not just Dabi's video, but also Skeptic's doctoring of the Deika footage.
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Bb: *walking through the door of fang gang movie night and “triping” immediately to see who will catch her first*
It’d be Harry, it’d always be him 😔
Like no matter who’s the closest he’d barrel through everybody just to do it
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