#trolls begone
semperintrepida · 1 year
Not me out here writing a program to log into my AO3 account and perform a natural language sentiment analysis of the comments in my inbox to identify trolls without having to read their garbage...
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theautumnaldemon · 3 months
Sodikken about to eat a troll. No context.
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pathetic profile. probably just a retarded sodomite or an obese feminist. why atheists always think they're geniuses for believing in the wind and monkey theories? lol
You seem nice. Is this what the love and peace of your religion and the comfort of being blessed by your god looks like?
Tell me more about how your religion is the source of morality and makes you a better, more caring, more fulfilled person. I'd enjoy a hearty laugh.
More specifically, it appears to have made you someone who doesn't understand the world around them and has to substitute "faith" (pretending to know) for actually knowing. Because apparently "magic space wizard casting spells to himself" is a better explanation than decades and centuries of rigorous scientific exploration. The kind that puts masturbating to shame-porn and trolling atheists on the other side of the world - or trying to - a mere tap away. But, you know, science, schmience, right?
You can just say "I don't understand science and the world scares me and I want my magic stories and my binky." We know what you mean.
When you don't understand the world, everything seems like magic.
As you've very well demonstrated, religion retards the intellectual development of its adherents to the limitations of the primitive people who wrote it. Your statement only makes sense in a world where the Earth is flat, the stars are lights in the dome of the sky, and snakes and donkeys can talk. That's when your ideas about the world were formed.
When people ask me why I don't have a religion, I'll show them you, and they will understand. Because if this is how you attract people to your beliefs, then it's no wonder people are leaving these ignorant superstitions in droves.
Keep doing what you're doing. Keep being who you are. Keep doing all........ this.
The world will be atheist in no time.
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empress-hancock · 9 months
You’ve heard of “moid is a slur.” Now get ready for:
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
she's not a transmed, u showed up in her tags pretending to be trying to help her, but look at you now, fake fake fake. glad the post is gone now tho, don't harass my girl anymore.
Alright, let’s talk about your girl @thatstoocute since I’m tired of you and her. She literally propagates transmed talking points like “you need dysphoria to be trans.” Age fakes as a minor to avoid being held accountable along with that.
Asks for help from friends of which I actually was once (back before she was toxic, much to her denial of course 🙄) then pushes them away telling them that they aren’t her friends only to be like now “you never helped me!” I TRIED! This was a repeated behavior pattern btw. I tried to be here, we VC’d for literally hours once. We used to get along just fine.
You don’t fucking know me, all you know is the false shit she parades around as “truth.” I never once harassed her so how about she take the fucking reigns on your leash/collar and reel in her fucking minion and stop playing victim like all of her ex-friends somehow harassed her all of the sudden. It’s fucking pathetic just like the both of you. Get a fucking life, shit-for-brains.
Also I literally do not “pretend” to help people. Ask my friends, I’m compassionate sometimes to a fault to where I end up getting hurt because I wear my heart on my sleeve. I’m the one who got stabbed in the fucking back after putting in emotional labor into someone who clearly wasn’t worth it. Take your petty bull shit and go. Live your life in Japan or wherever the fuck she went, but I’m staying out of it.
@homestrongbad probably sent this btw & is apparently going around bothering other people too, go block & report both of them
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warningsine · 10 months
Reading a horrendous online take like:
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oh im not on of ur dumb moots, just a troll lolllllllll
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
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responding to this in its own post because formatting.
anyway I'm not sure if you mean Uyghur or Crimea but uh.........? ???????????????? what? I.... don't see what you're seeing, apparently.
here's some Uyghur women in traditional dress
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and here's Crimean women
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like that's.... the drawing isn't a caricature, that's their national dress, or at least some of it. I don't........................ look, idk how to tell you this but not all Muslims look the same and not all Muslim women cover their hair? they're Turkic, they wear fezzes. that's not a comment on their religion or gender or race, that's their actual culture. I just.... sigh. man, these are real cultures with real people who practice them, you can't just dismiss them as invalid and prejudiced because they're not the "traditional" Arabic Muslims you're used to. jfc they're not all the same.
look, you seriously think you can roll up to my blog, on fucking anon no less, with zero details or explanation and I'm just gonna take your word for it? especially when I've just been very, very pissed off about the uptick in aggressive and toxic and general shit-stirring fan behavior in this fandom; especially when I've seen multiple harassment and smear campaigns this month alone; especially when I've fucking been victim to one myself; especially when the majority of trolls and anon hate I get targets Ukrainians specifically and the person you're talking about is Ukrainian and their post includes CRIMEA like I'm just not gonna fucking notice that and immediately suspect ulterior motives.
I'm tired, in pain, medically speaking I'm not actually in my rational mind rn, it's 9pm and still over 100F, I'm angry as hell and I am so fucking done dealing with annoying pissant anons, I fucking HATE the "uwu just so you know!!! just wanted you to be aware!!!!!!! just looking out for your own good, no ulterior motives~!!!!!!!!!!" bullshit as it is, and I'm not dealing with this.
if you're a troll: begone, vatnik.
if you're yet another fucking toxic pissant in this fandom: begone, pissant.
if you're actually being sincere: what you're doing - by going around on anon and making accusations with zero proof to accomplish something unclear but that LOOKS like manipulative ostracization banking on guilt by association shit - is enabling the previous two groups and you need to fucking stop. I'm not going to take you seriously because why should I, when the only evidence I have (because you have not provided any) is against you? seriously, when I'm WELL AWARE of the smear campaigns and actual literal disinformation, why should I regard you with anything except the highest suspicion? I don't understand your objection against the post and I'm not gonna just conform to the opinion of a rando anon.
I hate, I fucking hate the guilt-by-association shit. do not come to me about the actions of someone else, period. it's not my fucking responsibility or fault or whatever, and I'm going to assume you have ulterior motives for doing so.
I hate this goddamn site and I hate everyone on it. take your roubbles and go, you vatnik/pissant/Calvinist prick. god, I thought I got away from the Evangelists and they're all on fucking tumblr.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 2 months
Evil trolls and bots begone! That includes you Megs and your flying monkeys. by u/Von_und_zu_
Evil trolls and bots begone! That includes you Megs and your flying monkeys. Could it be true? This is the only kind of "censorship" and online "reform" I'm interested in and I hope Musk delivers.https://ift.tt/5HuCRrT to add Dan Wootten has chimed in about this:​https://ift.tt/JvPGTRm post link: https://ift.tt/mUYnJoz author: Von_und_zu_ submitted: April 04, 2024 at 05:52PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
Jade: *has dave in a sack, for some reason*
Jade: audible gasp! my patron troll!
Vriska: don't listen to that goo8er! he's trying to lead you down the path of whatever good people do
Vriska: i'm gonna lead you down the path that rocks >::::D
Vriska: you piss off!
Karkat: YOU!
Vriska: you!!!!!!!!
Karkat: YOU!!!
Vriska: you, infinity!
Vriska: listen up hot stuff, i've got three good reasons you should just walk aw8y
Vriska: num8er one, look at him! he's got that wiggler's 8ent sword thing!
Vriska: right. that's a sickle
Vriska: and you're a sucker
Vriska: reason num8er two, look what i can do!
Vriska: *proceeds to do a one-handed handstand*
Vriska: haha! HAAAAAAAA!
Jade: ....what does that have to do with anythin-
Jade: listen, you guys are kinda not being helpful
Jade: so, begone, or however the fuck i get rid of you
Vriska: that'll work
Vriska and Karkat: *DISAPPEARS*
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brood-mother · 1 year
idk guys but some of us have GOT to get some thicker skin on here and online in general. immediately shutting up shop and deleting everything and going priv indefinitely bc you had a couple of rude trolls isn’t protecting yourself or your space, it’s actively the opposite of that. it gives trolls/antis/flamers precisely what they were looking for (you to shut up and fall off + the feeling of power they get knowing they contributed to it) plus encourages them and other people to keep acting like that, meanwhile you get NOTHING from it you get LESS THAN NOTHING you don’t even get peace of mind...babes just block, delete, and move on! no engaging, no explaining or defending, no fussing and crying, no pithy comebacks, slam the begone thot button and move on!!!
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paper-gold-theories · 2 years
Vanity: Hey Flug, you're a former Villain right? Do you know what's a THOT? Every time I fight with Dark Phantom he always says "Begone THOT!".
Flug: Um well...[awkwardly deciding how to answer, but was interrupted]
GoldHeart, passing by: It means "That Hero Over There". A Villain says it to a Hero when they're really impressed by them.
Vanity: Really? DID YA HEAR THAT P.E.A.C.E!? I'M A TRUE THOT!!!
GoldHeart: [Wheezing with laughter in the background]
- HeroFlugAU (GoldHeart is a troll 😂)
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samspenandsword · 2 years
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Kinktober 2022/23 Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary: Kinktober Day 7 — Costumes with Obi-Wan Kenobi Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Reader; fem!reader with no mentions of her appearance other than a vague costume description. Rating: Explicit, 18+ (Younglings, foundlings, and cadets BEGONE!) Warnings: Explicit sexual content, smut; Costumes, unprotected PIV (PRACTICE SAFE SEX), creampie, mention of fingering, mention of biting kink, Jedi!reader, flirting overload, necking like horny teenagers, inappropriate use of the Force. Word Count: 3.6k
Sam's Pen and Sword Kinktober 2023 Taglist Form
So in Legends, the Jedi go ape for Halloween, and what Kinktober is complete without a good Halloween piece 😉
Also, let me apologize for Tumblr eating the original version of this yesterday 😑 and that it took me longer than I thought it would for me to rewrite it 😬 but I hope everyone enjoys Day 7!
It would surprise most of the general public, but the Jedi Order was in the habit of going, what the academic community called, batshit, for Halloween.
"It's tradition," any Jedi would say to anyone who asked, adopting the most sagely voice they possibly could, all while internally thinking about the costume they'd been designing for half the year. "The younglings enjoy it."
And they did, but any master or knight who claimed it was just the younglings and padawans who enjoyed Halloween was a bold-faced liar.
Every year, the Temple was decorated and spiffed out to the extreme. Fake cobwebs adorned the doorways, carved gourds and harvest plants guarded the thresholds, candles and fake bats hovered through the halls, the scent of spicy and cinnamon crusted treats wafted out from the kitchens through the entire Temple. And there was, of course, no shortage of Halloween pranks. You remembered fondly the year you'd gotten Master Windu good by rigging his mirror to drip fake blood and read "LEAVE THIS PLACE" while fake cockroaches crawled out of his sink. His yell had been heard through half the Temple.
He'd gotten you back. Your master was nothing if not serious, dedicated, and thorough. And with a flair and gift for theatrics too, he'd gotten you back good enough that you'd almost considered never messing with him again.
But beyond the pranks and decorations and special treats every year, actual Halloween night was always a time of great cheer for the Jedi. Kind of an unofficial day off for everyone. The younglings could trick-or-treat, go on scavenger hunts, play games, find their way out of the "haunted" maze that the Room of a Thousand Fountains got turned into every year. And at night, after all the little ones had gone to bed, masters and knights could enter costume contests, go to each others' parties, drink spiked cider, go through the haunted maze Master Yoda and Madame Jocasta designed every year. The little troll and strict archivist could come up with some of the creepiest things every year.
And the day before Halloween was also one of the only days of the year where the public could fully visit the Temple. For certain hours of the day, the Temple opened themselves to the public to come visit the mazes and games and even trick-or-treat themselves.
It never failed to amuse you how many people came by expecting some dull, boring Halloween snooze fest only to find themselves faced with giggling, costumed younglings, knights with cider and rosy-cheeks, and masters with ornate and beautiful costumes and proud smiles, and uncomfortably authentic-looking decorations.
The Clone Wars had changed the way the Jedi handled Halloween. Not a ton, as the Jedi had tried their absolute best to go all-out, for everyone needed a good break from the way, but it wasn't quite as all-out as the years before. The younglings didn't really seem to notice, so you supposed that was good. But many knights and masters weren't able to lend their hand to help in the decoration process, or they couldn't spend as much time, if any, working on their costumes. Madame Jocasta, the healers, and the creche masters had really stepped up that first year, helping to keep life at the Temple as similar as possible to before the war broke out. If only for the benefit of the younglings.
But it was to the benefit of everyone, really, to come home to the Temple and see the candles and gravestones and spiderwebs everywhere. It had given you a sense of peace and normalcy you'd not experienced since the start of the war.
Rather than fully design a new costume this year, you'd borrowed pieces from all your old costumes to cobble together something new. You were quite proud of it. And anything that hadn't been reused was donated to your clone troopers, who the Jedi had openly invited to the Temple to join the celebrations. You'd had bins of materials and fabric and makeup and wigs and old costume pieces to give to them. Some of them had been quite thrilled at the sight, having never had a real Halloween before.
And no one did Halloween like the Jedi.
You were, in short, a pirate. And not a pirate like Hondo Ohnaka, the menace. But a traditional sea pirate, with a compass, a cutlass, a big feathered hat, tall buckled boots, a sweeping red coat, and sparkling gold jewelry. You'd had to alter some of your items, like adding the feather to the hat, and adding some extra buckles to your boots, but overall, you were proud of how you looked.
Someone else seemed to be appreciating how you looked as well, judging by how he'd rarely taken his eyes off you since you'd come into the room.
The people who said Obi-Wan Kenobi was subtle had obviously never made an effort to pay attention any time he even opened his mouth, because the man was not subtle. Refined, yes. Precise, yes. Distinguished, sure. Subtle?
Everyone who was anyone knew that the reason Anakin Skywalker was so flashy was because he'd learned from Obi-Wan.
The man himself looked very distinguished right now. He always did. But right now he was dressed in a form-fitting, tailed suit of black with red trimming. It had a high collar, and his copper hair was slicked back into a more severe swoop than usual. Though, you noted with amusement, there always seemed to be one strand that refused to stay in place. That strand was currently being brushed back by Obi-Wan's fingers, encased in black leather gloves. His other hand grasped a simple black cane, and he wore stylish boots of shining black.
It was not a usual look for Obi-Wan, who you were used to seeing in beiges and tans and tabards. But Force, if he didn't look frustratingly handsome in the fitted black.
He looked paler than normal, and more tired, but you guessed that was because of the dim, colored lights of the mess. At least, until you got closer and saw he was wearing makeup. Nothing extreme. Just enough to give him a paler complexion and dark circles under his eyes.
Obi-Wan's eyes remained locked on you as you grew closer, his mouth quirking into that charming half-smile, half-smirk of his.
The sight of it always made your insides flutter, and you smiled back as you reached the small group congregating by the dessert table.
"Not eating, Master Kenobi?" you asked, eyeballing Anakin and Ahsoka as they crowded around the table.
Obi-Wan flashed a grin. A grin that showed a pair of shining, white fangs. "While it looks delicious, the feast tonight is not quite to my tastes, my dear."
It took a lot for you not to burst out laughing. "Yes, not quite rich enough in iron, I suppose."
Obi-Wan's grin flashed more genuinely.
Ahsoka caught sight of you.
"You look great!" she cheered. So did she, with grey makeup and shredded clothing, she looked like an incredible zombie. She even had done her montrals to look like they were rotting and decomposing.
"You too, 'Soka," you said. It was nights like tonight that reminded you of just how young she was. And how much she needed tonight to help her feel like a child again. You side-eyed her master, who was young himself. He wore brown leathers not wholly unlike his usual clothing.
"And what are you supposed to be?"
"Uh, I'm a pilot?" Anakin stared at you like it was the most obvious thing in the galaxy.
"I told him it was a stupid costume," Ahsoka said.
"Rex agreed with me."
Anakin ignored her, saying to you, "I'm a fighter pilot from Naboo."
"Reliving your glory days?" you teased. Anakin had told the story of the Battle of Theed more times than you could count.
Obi-Wan spoke before Anakin could think of a response. "Doesn't the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps wear orange?" he asked, innocently.
Anakin scowled, and you and Ahsoka just about fell over laughing.
Obi-Wan's eyes never left you for long. He felt magnetized to the sight of you, whether you were wearing a costume or not. But something about this... The collared, white ruffles of your poet shirt dipped tantalizingly over your cleavage. Nothing considered immodest, but enough to attract Obi-Wan's attention like a fly into honey. The jaunty sit of your hat and fluttering of your lashes seemed entirely more seductive than you usually were, and Obi-Wan couldn't get enough of you even on a regular basis. Your jewelry glittered in the low lights like the kyber of the Ilum ice caves, every glow and shine drawing him further and further in, ready to receive what you would give him. And with the way your skintight leggings curved over your legs, framed by that coat and tucked into those karking boots, Obi-Wan thought you looked more like a siren than a pirate.
Obi-Wan blinked, and found that you were looking at him.
"You look amazing, Obi-Wan," you said, smiling that breathtakingly gorgeous smile at him. "Very classic costume."
Kriff, you were just so beautiful. And tempting.
There was a touch of mischief to Obi-Wan's returning smile. You wouldn't know it was there unless you knew that Obi-Wan could be a little shit when it suited him.
"And you, my dear, look... dangerous."
Your core instantly tightened and your breath hitched. And judging by the continued, pleasant, mischief-edged smile on Obi-Wan's face, he knew it.
"You're only saying that because you know I can beat you in lightsaber combat."
Obi-Wan continued to grin, entirely too charming for his own good.
"That's part of the reason, yes."
You smothered the smile that wanted to grow, instead saying, sternly, "I am not sharing."
"But, my dear —"
"No! Senator Organa gave me that bottle of wine as a gift, you are getting none of it. I know you, Kenobi. You'd drink the entire thing before I even got a drip. It is being saved for a special occasion."
Obi-Wan swept his gaze around the room, observing the festivities and celebrations. "And tonight's not special enough?"
"Your charm hasn't worked on me in years, Obi-Wan," you said. It was a lie. His charm had worked on you from day one and continued to do so. You'd stopped fighting it long ago.
And he knew it.
"Are you quite sure about that?"
Whatever response you could give was cut off by an impressively petulant groan from Anakin.
"Maker, would you two stop? I'm trying to eat."
Your mouth stretched into a grin, one that made Ahsoka cackle and Anakin try to backpedal.
"I take it back, Obi-Wan. I was lying before. Your charm does work on me. In fact, it works so well that I have a confession to make."
You turned to him, draping yourself to his front and your lips falling into a lovelorn pout.
"I have fallen madly in love with you, Obi-Wan. And I can no longer bear it. Tell me it is returned, my love. Tell me and spare me the pain of living without you any longer. Tell me, my love, and let us depart at once. I know someone on Alderaan, and though I know it's rushed and unorthodox, they would be happy to marry us this night!"
"Oh, Force, spare me —"
Obi-Wan ignored his former padawan, locking his amused, but oddly fervent gaze with yours. The hand not holding his cane wrapped low around your hips.
"A love like ours cannot be denied. A love so pure is surely written in the stars." He flashed his fanged smile. "Join me, my love. Let me give you all the freedom the seas have to offer, and an eternity to spend with me. The eternal night will not be so cold when we have each other to spend it with. You shall be mine, and I shall be yours. Forever. Welcome my bite, and share in our immortal love."
You couldn't keep in your laughter anymore, ducking your head down to burst out into furious giggles. Ahsoka wasn't much different.
"Eternal night? Immortal love???"
"You didn't like it?"
"I think I threw up in my mouth a little, but otherwise I loved it. Use that next time you flirt with Ventress, she'll be so caught off guard you can capture her."
"That's not a bad suggestion."
Ahsoka collapsed into giggles again when she saw that Anakin was simple staring into the distance, an agonized grimace etched on his face.
"Shuts him up every time," You nodded to Anakin and bumped your hip to Obi-Wan's.
Obi-Wan gave you an amused smirk, slowly shifting until your hips were touching again. Your skin was set alight where you touched.
"Like nothing else."
You laughed.
* * *
The gasp left your lips, quiet and hushed in the glow twilight streaming through the windows. His beard felt exquisite against the skin of your neck, and you sighed at the kisses he placed along its length. 
His cock felt exquisite, buried as it was so deep inside you, pumping tenderly, almost teasingly. 
Obi-Wan’s fangs had long been discarded, but he was still latched to your neck as if he were looking for a place to latch on. 
You almost wanted him to.
As if sensing your desires, and he probably could, Obi-Wan sucked your skin into his mouth and nibbled it gently with his teeth. You gasped in his hold. 
“That’s it, darling,” Obi-Wan cooed. He released your neck with a lewd suck and kissed your jaw. “Let me hear you.”
You and Obi-Wan had lasted exactly one hour before needing to sneak away from the festivities to enjoy each other. The combination of having not seen each other much in the last months, both busy as war generals, the calming normalcy of the Halloween celebrations, and the rare sight of each other in costume was intoxicating to the both of you. Obi-Wan could barely keep his eyes off of you, so gorgeous and alluring in the way you flitted around, visiting with friends and family you hadn't seen in months, complimenting the younglings on their costumes, making sure your men were having fun. And the way you always looked back at him, periodically, and just often enough that no one but he would notice your desire. And your focus felt laser-trained on him, constantly aware of his presence and how it related to you: how far away from you he was, whether he was facing you or not, even when he was blinking or flicking away that bothersome piece of hair that never stayed in place. You were aware of all of it, and the curve of his back, and the way his hands looked in those gloves, and the way the dark colors of his costume made his hair more red than usual.
And combined with the way his signature in the Force kept pulsing, wafting over your skin and mind in a tease of a caress, you both could barely stand to not sneak away after an hour.
And now, with Obi-Wan buried as far as he could be inside you, you pressed against the bookshelves of his Temple apartments with those tight leggings rolled down to your knees, and his costume unfastened to reveal the muscled expanse of his chest, pressed tight to yours, you caressed each other with the Force as much as you did with your bodies.
Obi-Wan's signature normally felt like he did: steady, calm, deliberate, with a layer of mischief and humor hiding underneath it all. But right now, it rippled across your awareness with a sort of insistence, an insatiableness, and it only made you keen into him.
"Let me hear you," he encouraged again, lips dragging from your jaw to your cheekbone.
"Obi-Wan," you gasped, and your presence in the Force wrapped around him as firmly as your arms did.
The urgency from earlier had calmed a little. Where earlier you and Obi-Wan had nearly scrambled, removing just enough clothing to where you could feel his chest and that he could slip his fingers inside you to discover you didn't need much prep, the haste had calmed into something more languid. Now with his cock inside you, you could take the time to enjoy the feeling of it. It had been so long since you'd felt him. You could take the time to bask in the way it dragged in and out of you, and simply enjoy the weight and stretch, in no rush to reach your high.
And you could relish in the way Obi-Wan kissed you. The soft scratch of his beard on your skin, the tickle of his wayward strand of hair on your cheek. Obi-Wan kissed you how he handled his lightsaber: beautifully. Precise, deliberate, with enough push and pull to let you know he was having fun with this. That he enjoyed kissing you.
That he was as much a master at this as he was at Soresu.
And all the while he continued to thrust into you.
"So beautiful," Obi-Wan murmured, breaking away from the kiss with a little suckle to your lower lip. You sighed into him, closing your eyes and leaning your head back as his thrusting sped up just the tiniest bit.
"Missed you," you said, voice breathy from the embrace of his presence. It suddenly overwhelmed you, like you were only now realizing that yes, he was here, he was with you.
He was inside you.
You clenched around him with the sudden rush of emotion, making Obi-Wan moan.
He began to thrust faster.
The long coat you wore barely did anything to cushion you against the press of the bookshelves on your back, but that was the last thing you cared about right now. Right now all you could think of was the heat building inside you, the rush of arousal, and the weight of Obi-Wan's presence and own arousal, rising around you like the rising of the tide and you were the beach it would inevitably crash into.
You welcomed it. You wanted it.
Obi-Wan sensed it, grunting and thrusting hard into you.
Time began to pass in a haze of pleasure, your mind absolutely spinning with it. The pressure inside you built like a storm, gathering and compressing into a molten center that would eventually snap and release. And at the center of the whirlwind was Obi-Wan. Absorbing and giving you everything you wanted. Everything you needed.
You wanted to absorb and give everything back to him too.
So as your feelings began to rise, it brought you closer and closer to your high. And Obi-Wan could feel it, groaning with each wave that washed over him. It brought him closer too, and his pumping grew faster, and harder.
"Obi-Wan!" you gasped, clutching hard to his back.
His head had fallen back to your neck, and his lips brushed the skin of it with each encouragement he murmured.
"Beautiful," he said. "Let go, darling. I've got you."
You needed nothing else, your body seizing in the most intense and steady climax you'd ever experienced.
As you came, your presence in the Force swelled and glowed, like a beacon for his own release. And Obi-Wan rushed to meet it, thrusting only a few more times into your fluttering walls until his own end crashed over him.
The seed he spilled inside you was incidental compared to the tangling of his presence in the Force with yours, the way it crashed into yours and wrapped around it like they could merge into one. It made you gasp, feeling like every part of you, from the blood in your veins to your mind to your heart was ignited into starlight. And it along with the warmth splashing against your walls reignited your orgasm.
For several minutes, the room was full of nothing but moans of ecstasy and the warmth of the Force. Until finally, in unison, yours and Obi-Wan's bodies relaxed, and the air settled into a calm. Your Force presence still mingled with his, a steady, rhythmic, comforting embrace.
Obi-Wan kissed you. You smiled into it.
"Glad you took out those fangs," you murmured into him, never fully parting your lips.
He smirked a little into you, capturing your lips once again before responding. "Thought you liked the costume."
"I do." You stroked your hand up the fabric on his back and over his shoulder, fingers trailing across the copper hair of his chest. "But knowing me, I was going to catch my tongue on one of those things, dislodge it, and accidentally swallow it. And that would've really ruined the mood."
Obi-Wan burst out laughing. The sound of it was so warm that you couldn't help your soft smile.
Obi-Wan gently pulled out of you, and you could feel the sticky mess of both your releases begin to smear across your thighs. Obi-Wan disappeared briefly, grabbing a towel from his refresher. He cleaned both of you up, and after you both fixed your clothing and you fitted your hat back on, all evidence of what had transpired was hidden.
Until the both of you could bask in each other once again.
Likely later tonight. You and Obi-Wan were insatiable.
"Ready to go through the haunted maze?" you asked, grinning.
Obi-Wan kept a neutral expression. "Of course."
Your grin widened teasingly. It was no secret that the haunted maze was not Obi-Wan's favorite Halloween tradition. "Don't worry, Obi-Wan. I'm sure Anakin will be more than happy to hold your hand."
Obi-Wan's lips quirked. "You're assuming Anakin will actually want to go in there."
It was no secret that Anakin didn't exactly like the haunted maze either. You and Ahsoka, on the other hand, loved it.
"Are you kidding?" you scoffed. "All I have to do is call him a chicken and he'll be running in there."
Obi-Wan smiled fully now. "I bet that Alderaanian bottle of wine of yours that he only lasts five minutes before screaming."
You smirked. "Three minutes."
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Taglist: @twistedstitcher27 @rexxdjarin @frietiemeloen @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @jedimastersovi @hnnybee @sleepingsun501 @virginoliveoil @HeyHawtDogs @rosmariner @sunshinesdaydream @adikas-world @theroguesully @dangerousstrawberrypie @kraytclaw @lindsaygallof @misogirl828 @thefact0rygirl @mxkyrie
Sam's Pen and Sword Kinktober 2022 Taglist Form
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I’m sorry I don’t mean that to sound so cruel I just was trying to say that the troll may use that as ammunition. Love your blog btw.
buddy wtf i had a heart attack seeing those asks please put a tone tag first.
unless it wasnt sarcasm in which case a cursory look at your blog reveals you to be a hetalia fan. which is on my dni. begone
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honeybeewhereartthee · 5 months
For some reason there's a cult for Kanata now. And man it was something. Through that being said the trip to the beach still continue!
"uwah... The sea... It's calling for me..." Kanata beams as he stares at the beautiful sea. His eyes sparkle at the sight of the glorious blue water yet before he run toward it from his excitement. He stops on his steps and twirl to look at you.
"My dollmaker, shall we play in the water?" Offering his hand to you, you laugh as you accept it. "Sure sure~"
You cannot help but effected by his cheerfulness and skip with him in the sand then proceed to walk onto the water till the water is above your head....he is not swimming nor where you.
"heeellllppppppppp...!" you scream but as you did for the first time --Kanata who have turn into his doll form cause he realize dolls is not supposed to be on water like the sea-- someone already have swim toward you and have taken you out of the water while you held doll Kanata in your arms safely.
Yet you pass out in the idea that you seems to forget how to swim nor did Kanata knew how to swim. Gott it was the second time already.
When you wake up, the young miss on your bedside or the place your sleeping at beside. "Sorry was it you who save me again?" You felt bad cause it's probably bothersome for her. "...will you really not pay attention to me cause I'm not like those things?"
"no. You got it wrong, it's also the fact that I refuse to be in jail." You pointed out that you saw her as a baby. She did not accept it, rather be the deaf at the idea. "I have decided." She stood up smiling and giggling in Trump. "I just have to find a way."
"no your being silly obviously were born in the different timeline..." You reason out but she already ignoring you as she left the room as if going to seek something. You just stared at the door, wondering what type of bad omen you made cause you might have cause more trouble again.
"don't 'worry' about it dollmaker. If she wish for it. I might able to 'give' a hand to it." Kanata voice spoke somewhere in the room. You look around and saw him in his doll form, drying in one of the hanger beside the window.
"you look so silly." You walk toward the drying Kanata and poke his fabric to see if his dry or not. "Should I squeeze the water off you?" You suggested. Since you notice his still drenched.
"Ah... Ok." He nodded his head before you take him off the clip. You carefully squeeze him with little pinch in the limbs and there. He giggle each time.
"there you go." After a minute or two. You look at the semi dry doll who bounce off your hand before transforming back to his human form with fizzy hair as well some marking that almost not visible in your eyes.
"Let me brush your hair for you." You look around for a comb before asking him seat beside the bed as you comb his hair.
"pretty hair..." You mumble as you carefully brush his hair. "Thank you ~ " his happy with your praise. As you brush his hair, you wonder about something. Like that scene from confrontation with crazy mobs.
"how did you know that?" You cannot help but ask. "Ah? Know what?" He turn to look at you.
"The secret of those people.." you made him turn to look at the front again so you can return to brushing his hair.
"their souls is quite loud." He begone. "Loud?" You wonder what he meant by that.
"People souls are honest, they tells all the burden and things they thought as weight off their shoulder to those who can see or hear them.. they become less radiant and fluffy as the life they live takes troll on them." He pokes one of the fluff besides him that rolled around before hitting his face, making him giggle.
You don't understand what he means, nether does the little fellow on your head does. He never heard such bull crap before. But then again, Kanata Shinkai have been full of mystery since long time ago.
"can you do that to me?" You ask nor really serious about it.
"Ah.... I can't.... "
[ wow so his really saying crap.]
"... Because technically your soul is not with you... It's only your body thats here... Frozen by a 'magic' to be 'preserve' the life with a ring that connected to where your soul is.... Is very far yet close. Yet boundary of time is quite a life years afar if you think about it."
He turn to look at you again, look at where you soul supposed to be but sees the soul of ritsu that helps you maintain your form in this time as well. It was very interesting as he hear ritsu words of calling him out being full of mystery.
"that's sound dangerous..." You don't understand much but a body without a soul??? Is that even possible.
"there's many things in the vast universe that's seems impossible. Through anything can be possible it's matter of you believing it's a possibility or you shutting out the idea with knowledge from others... Ah...." He find himself confuse on his own words. That's getting complicated to explain this.
"Ahh... Next question please..it's getting very hard to explain." He would explain more if he know lots of things but he doesn't have all the knowledge in the universe and beyond. He felt depress for not being helpful but you pat his head.
"It's ok. I kind off understand what you mean. Your so smart Kanata ~" you smiles at him., reassuring him he did good. He finally felt his mode lifted and smile at you. He looks so beautiful when his happy.
"ah.... What's that?" You were looking at his face and saw something. You lean closer to look what it is and realize it's... Scales? "Why do you have scales???" You ask as you lean away, Kanata stares at you in daze as he was so close to you just now. Almost no distance....
"oh no.... I felt 'exploding'...!" He held his face feeling how warm it is. "Ah? Why is my face 'warm'... " He was confuse what's wrong with him which cause you giggle a bit but remember about the scale yet when you look at his face, his scales is gone and Kanata trying to make sure his Alive after experience embarrassment for the first time. "Your so silly." You pat his head. The blue haired doll looks at you.
"I guess so... Eheh." He can only chuckle with you..he would look for answers later.
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babyboiboyega · 1 year
Had to read what that anon said three times to even grasp what they were saying. Don't listen to those people, take as much time as you like! I know I would take years to update each chapter if I were you. And since it's my birthday, I will share some of my privileges! No one can say anything mean to you for the rest of the week! Begone fools 🤺
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Firstly, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I hope your day is amazing and full of love and joy hun! I’m thankful that you’re seeing another birthday- and I hope that you see many more!❤️
Secondly, 🥹 you would share your birthday privileges with me?? That’s literally so sweet of you😭thank you bby
Yeahhh I just remind myself that for every troll like that, there’s at least one other person who enjoys what I do- and people like you keep me going and motivated, so thank you, truly! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
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