#tropical zodiac study
suspiriax · 2 years
So Pluto is linked with Fate/the Underworld, & Fate (Moira) balances and avenges the overstepping of natural law. Pluto also rules the sign Scorpio, which is represented by the scorpion as we all know. The Scorpion is also the creature sent by Hekate (another Underworld deity) to punish Orion for overstepping his fate and offending the Gods.
This is just me keeping note and pointing out that the origins of each zodiac and their link to ancient myth & history is soooo very interesting.
Also adding that the reason Pluto is linked to the Underworld and death, is because Pluto was the other name for the God/Ruler of the Underworld. Hades, The Great Mother, The Goddess Nyx, triple-headed Hekate, & Pluto.
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misanthropesheaven · 5 months
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text 1 demetra george // text 2 william lily // text 3 helena avelar & luis ribeiro
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jyeshindra · 10 months
Astrolovations (I)
Hey there! Just noting down some things I observe and connections I make regarding astrology. And yes, I made up a new word. Deal with it.
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You can always spot an Aquarius by that look in their eye and a half smile. Like they're judging you, studying you, and experiencing you all at the same time.
More feminine Aquarians give me cool-girl vibes. They're detached and kind of removed from things, but super chill at the same time. Friendly and open but they have and will express their boundaries.
The more masculine Aquarians can fit that stubborn, know-it-all Aquarian stereotype a bit better. These more unhealed Aquarians are so difficult. Fixed air? Saturn and Uranus dominance? This is not a person who will follow other people's rules. A frustrating energy for sure. I dare say it's giving asshole. LOL
Sagittarius and Gemini make a good duo, but these signs are likely to solely be intellectual. Neither sign is very good at feeling. They aren't emotional! And they may talk about emotions...sure! But don't be fooled!
The most important thing to a Sagittarius Moon? Their freedom! They won't do well in relationships where the other is constantly telling them how to live their life and making critical analyses. Remember this sign is half-man and half-beast. That lower half wants to frolick and go wherever it wishes! If it feels pinned down or caged, it'll fight back or just disappear.
Taureans are always listening. These people are super wise and super knowledgeable but they won't be obvious about it like a Sagittarius or Gemini. It reminds me of how earth has this ability to hold things and fossilize things over time. Taurus kind of has this energy. I think it's the receptivity of Venus in Fixed Earth. AND that Scorpio opposition. Both of these signs are super observant and notice the little details. Their intuitive knowledge is gained from absorbing so much over time and letting that information marinate. It's how they both are able to create such amazing foundations for themselves.
I do believe in cuspy energy. But only cause Sidereal exists. A lottt of people are two different signs in two different systems. Cusps feel like the same sort of situation to me. But also...if you have your birth time you know which sign you fall under, which destroys the whole cusp argument.
I actually do kinda identify more with my Vedic chart than my Tropical chart. I see both energies, but my Pisces Sun/Scorpio Moon makes so much sense to me. Especially once I learned I'm Jyeshtha!
Speaking of Jyeshtha...the voices of these natives are usually distinguishable in some way. I think this may be Mercury-ruled nakshatras in particular (Ashlesha, Jyeshtha, Revati) but I can only feel strongly about Jyeshtha with this one. I mean Charlie Sheen...Donald Trump...even Nicki Minaj. The voices are so distinct. Even my Jyeshtha professor has a pretty distinct, raspy voice.
The way trauma has made certain aspects of my chart invisible to me. Part of what makes this practice so interesting to me is how much of my chart is waiting to be lit up by my own future. There's mysteries inside of me I haven't even met yet.
I think the last four zodiac moon signs (Cap, Pisces, Sag, and Aqua) can deal with their emotions in a very existential way. It's almost like they're thinking about their emotions in relationship to bigger/large concepts or constructs. Their perspective is already geared towards a "bigger picture" so to speak. They'll often handle their emotions in an impersonal way too. Aquarius will rationalize it, Capricorn will likely fall into pessimism or suppress it, Pisces may wallow and succumb to existential dread, Sagittarius will also intellectualize or avoid it altogether!
That's all for this round of observations! Stay tuned for the next edition.
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pubbamoon · 3 months
Western Astrology vs. Vedic Astrology
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Hi and welcome! Happy Pride Month for everyone who celebrates that, by the way. Also, I want to say something before I get into the topic. You know I thank you on almost every post I make for the support you give me. I got over 100 followers and over 1000 notes after just a week of posting astrology stuff here on Tumblr. This rapid growth of my Tumblr account really tells me that someone actually can resonate with my observations and that I'm doing the right thing. Now let's get into the topic! This post is going to be about the differences between Western astrology and Vedic astrology and there's a lot of them. I've been studying Vedic astrology for a year now and I can say that both types of astrology make sense and are accurate, but they're also too different from each other. I'm gonna explain further on this post which differences are present here.
Disclaimer: This post will be based on my own opinion only. I don't force anyone to think like me or to follow certain type of astrology and to judge another type of astrology. My goal is to share the knowledge I've gained for years and to expand someone's horizons if it's needed. That's what my Tumblr account is actually about.
Western astrology is a heliocentric type of astrology where the Sun is placed at the center of this system and that's why the Sun represents our zodiac sign. The natal chart of Western astrology looks like a circle and it reminds of the heliocentric system as well. Western astrology is also a geocentric, because those type of astrologers use the horizon of the planet Earth and they analyze each planet's move while looking at the sky. There's 12 zodiac signs and 12 months.
The Western astrology mostly depends on the seasons (spring, summer, fall and winter) and the signs whose season starts at the beginning of the season (Aries starts the spring, Cancer starts the summer, Libra starts the fall and Capricorn starts the winter) are considered as cardinal signs and the leaders of the zodiac.
The fixed signs are the ones which continue the season (Taurus continues the spring, Leo continues the summer, Scorpio continues the fall and Aquarius continues the winter). That's why these signs are always described as stubborn and undesirable for changes.
The mutable signs are type of signs whose season start between the end of the one season and at the beginning on another season. (Gemini ends the spring, Virgo ends the summer, Sagittarius ends the fall and Pisces ends the winter). That's why they're mostly perceived as adaptable to the almost every situation they're into.
The signs in Western astrology are also divided into a fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) an earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), an air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and a water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). They're also divided into a masculine (fire and air signs) and a feminine signs (earth and water signs).
Keep in mind that Western and Tropical astrology are synonyms, two different words, but have the same meaning. You can use planets from Sun to Pluto in this type of astrology. Same with the house system, such as Placidus or Whole Sign, you can use any other house system you want in Western astrology.
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On the other hand, Vedic astrology is based on the fixed stars, constellations or nakshatras. They are all synonyms. There's overall 27 nakshatras with the 12 signs and each sign has three nakshatras. The Moon and Ascendant (Lagna) are the most important things in someone's Vedic birth chart (Rashi chart or D1 chart) and then the Sun comes after when it comes to the importance of planets. The Moon represents our zodiac sign and our birth nakshatra in Vedic astrology, not the Sun. Each planet rules over the three nakshatras in Vedic astrology. Every nakshatra has its own deity, yoni/animal, symbols and planetary ruler.
The signs go 24 degrees backwards in Vedic astrology, but it depends on which Ayanamsa is used. Vedic astrologers mostly use Lahiri which is the classical and the most used Ayanamsa. You can have Taurus Sun in tropical natal chart, but Aries Sun in sidereal natal chart. Or you can have Taurus Sun in both tropical and sidereal natal chart. It's not always black and white. Mind you that Vedic astrology and Sidereal astrology are synonyms too.
Degrees are so important in Vedic astrology, because the planet with the highest degree in our vedic birth chart is one of the most important planets and it represents our life purpose in general. This planet is called Atmakaraka. The planet at the second most highest degree represents our career and profession and it's called as Amatyakaraka. The planet at the lowest degree represents our partner and future spouse and it's called as Darakaraka. The degrees are important here because of the nakshatras too.
This is how the North Indian style of Vedic birth chart looks like. This is a style of vedic birth chart I use the most, 'cause it's the easiest style for me to analyze someone's natal chart.
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This is, on the other hand, the South Indian style of the Vedic birth chart. You can use whichever style of the birth chart you want.
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Those are the objective differences of the Western and Vedic astrology. Now I want to get into the subjective differences I personally saw while using both types of astrology.
My personal difference between Western and Vedic astrology is that the Western astrology is generalizing and more obvious, while the Vedic astrology is a little bit deeper and more complex. The Sun represents our external presence and how we behave in outside world, maybe that's why the Western astrology is so obvious and why people from the western society are so egocentric and success-oriented generally. Vedic astrology gets more deeper, because the Moon is the most important planet there and it's associated with our inner world, emotions, mind, home etc. The placements from the Vedic birth chart describe more what we are inside, while the Western natal chart describes what we are outside.
Another difference I see is that the Vedic astrology uses religion and mythology, mostly the Hindu one, while the Western astrology doesn't use religion, especially the modern type of the Western astrology. Like I said previously, each nakshatra has its own deity and mythology, while this doesn't apply to the Western astrology at all.
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Okay, that would be it. I hope you enjoyed it and see you very soon. Have all a wonderful day!
Best regards,
Paky McGee
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sussyscurryscorpio · 2 years
Scorpio Placement Observations
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(This picture doesn't belong to me in any way) (These may apply to 8th house placements too. Tell me if it does) (I won't make another post for Saturn and Jupiter. I'll include it in some astro-notes post briefly, if anything)
For Moon, Venus and Mercury, click here
~Okay so, I won't typecast anything but Scorpio Suns are generally more comfortable around their male besties than their female counterparts? Like they don't get the girly shit or they don't like it all the time? But with the "bros", they get the homie feeling? You know?
~I feel people mistake Scorpio Suns a lot to being introverted and like ✨mysterious✨. Like, most Scorpio Suns (Tropical and Sidereal) are pretty chill, and ambivert, if not extraverted.
~Tropical Scorpio Suns are Sidereal Libra Suns. And well, out of all debilitated signs, this one is the least, well, difficult. A weak sun is good. Imagine looking at a very bright sun. It hurts your eyes, that's what it does. In the sign of Libra, it makes the native very diplomatic, very calm, very creative (fine arts or creative writing too even) The IT-girl placement? These people are so well liked. (Maybe the girls are envious from these people?) The guys who have this are so aesthetically pleasing to my Libra Venus. I see you🤍
~Sidereal Scorpio Suns are Tropical Sagittarius. These are the people who might be your stereotypical introverted, mysterious people, but that's generally because of an underlying insecurity, trust me. These people have a no-nonsense approach in life. Like if you're gonna bring me down, rightfully, fuck off. I'm not here for your shit.
~Well, as a Scorpio Sun (Sidereal) myself, I'm the biggest ambivert you'll ever find. I'll be an extrovert with the extroverts and with my introvert bestie, I'm a mild introvert. Haha, she makes me introvert. I love her.
~Also, most Scorpio Suns befriend other Scorpio Suns? I used to lose my mind when I first came across zodiacs. All my friends were Sagittarius Suns (Tropical). Like 5 of them, the closest ones. Or they were Scorpio Suns (Tropical). I didn't know about Risings then, let alone Sidereal. So, I used to always wonder why this is. Now, I know.
~I used to befriend Sidereal Scorpio Suns (Tropical Sagittarius Suns), and those were the closest ones always. I was myself always with them. Other Scorpio Suns always brought out the real me or a part of me I wasn't very open. True Vibe Soulmates, ngl.
~As for the Sidereal Libra Suns (Tropical Scorpio Suns), that was mostly because I have prominent Libra Placements so, comforting.
~Tactical. Freaky hotties. Intense. Bold. The perfect "Lady in the streets, freak in the sheets" placement.
~Not an observation but I wanna fuck a Scorpio Mars. At least once in my life. Call it my fantasy.
~You guys and your strong ass willpower has me weak in the knees. You can commit? A person in today's day and age who can friggin commit? I want it. Please. Take me in.
~Like when you decide to do something, you make sure you do it and that you do it better than any other motherfucker. You go study the depth of the subject and know the roots, like real focusing on the "how"s and the "why"s. "Why is Sodium a soft metal? WHY SODIUM, WHYYY?!!"
~See. The simple logic behind this is Mars is domicile in Scorpio. It's comfortable here. It's in its element. It will show its full effect now. And what does Mars represent? Passion. So, these people are passionate towards whatever they do. And when you do something passionately, you become the friggin best in it.
~Um, you know, with Mars, the Sign is one part of it. I feel more important is the house it is in and what planets are aspecting it. But since we're not discussing that, let's not digress.
~Sex is important? Fuck no. Sex is IMPORTANT. How will you know if you can mate this person for life? Sexual compatibility is essential for you guys. And it's understandable too. The blending of souls through the bodies is utmost to show the love you feel. Words? Mean shit. Actions? Speak louder.
~I don't remember where but I heard this from an astrologer that the difference between Aries Mars and Scorpio Mars is their approach. Aries is represented by the Ram. Scorpio, whereas, is represented by the Scorpion itself. So, when a Ram attacks, it does with its horns. Face to face, head-on confrontation, while a Scorpion does it with its sting, which is on its back.
~What I'm trying to say is when you wrong a Scorpio, they won't react immediately. They'll be like "Oh. Okay" and months later you find all your friends falling out with you, people knowing the shit you did and then you realise, it was the Scorpio Mars person's doing. So, these people will take their vengeance when their enemy would be at their fucking lowest.
~And these people hold their vendetta forever. Forgiveness? What the fuck is that?
~You guys make elaborate plans. Like Money Heist level plans. On a smaller scale could be, um, Mass bunking college or Dating your shitty ex's enemy/best friend as a revenge? Just ideas.
~NSFW: You might have a breeding kink. Just saying. You're all dominating ASF. Everyone. No switching. Just Dominants. Dominatrix. Idk. But you are.
~If you want to manifest something important, like good body, work place stuff, like manifesting the passion, use the color black, purple or red. These are the Martian colors. Red is more for Aries but works. I did it with a blog of mine. Customised it full red. It became an overnight hit.
~Oh and did I tell you you're hot? I'm sorry. You're hot. As hell. Femme Fatale Vibes. Like you can tell me Jennifer from Jennifer's body was Scorpio Mars and I'll believe you. A harshly aspected/placed/afflicted Scorpio Mars gives me Joe Goldberg/ Love Quinn vibes from You. I mean, especially Joe Goldberg cause Scorpio Mars can get stalkerish. It depends on if it is receiving negative aspects from nodes. Like I said, with Mars, sign is secondary. Primary is house and other planetary aspects on it. Not all Scorpio Mars will be Joe Goldberg, come on.
~This happened in another post of mine when I said something about Aquarius Sun and being Hitler-like as an example. Not all Aquarius Suns can be or will be Hitler. One placement does not define you. If it did, you won't need aspects or house systems for it. Pfft-
(I wasn't going to write about Lilith but @lavenderundmintt asked me in the comments, so here goes nothing)
~Honestly, I desperately try to find sources on how to interpret Lilith myself cause whatever I've read never made sense to me based on my placements. I have a Lilith in 1st. And many parts stay, well, conflicted. I'm no Mary Sue in parallel universe as many suggest but whatever. This will be a little shorter. I don't want to fill large paragraphs at the cost of inaccuracies.
~Lilith Scorpio people, I believe, may have stalker-ish boyfriends or lovers? See, with Lilith, you'll experience everything about the sign its in. The roles reverses.
~I just discussed it with a few people how people obsess hard over Scorpio Lilith people. Hookups reaching out, past lovers having difficulty moving on from you. Breaking up then coming back to you? Stalking you on social media? "I'm sorry. I'll change. I'll be better."
~Um, not sure about this but, you might feel uncomfortable in accepting your sexual-ness? Like, maybe, you find sex something taboo or disgusting? Or even to the extent of being Asexual? Or insecure in bed? Its okay if it is true. Many people do and are. But I just, what I'm saying is that after puberty or losing your virginity, you could've find it hard to accept your sexual urges. You could feel unclean/dirty. Might not masturbat3. Reason could be anything, I won't mention any triggers cause triggers are real. If it resonates, you get it and I don't have to say it out loud.
But, I'm just saying. I could be totally wrong here and I'm sorry if I am.
~Oh and this doesn't mean you are unsexy or people don't want to fuck u. You exude a very high, unresistable, sexual aura, many-a-times without realising it.
~You're maybe very submissive? Again, you may not be if it's in, say, 1st house. But just saying, you could attract people through your submissive side. Or "innocence" or "Purity" or wtvr bullshit guys these days find attractive.
~Oh and another very prominent thing I came to know from the discussions. Eyes. Something with eyes that you guys do which drive people insane. Like, you have very hard-to-not-notice eyes. There's power in those eyes which is like very magnetic.
~Needless to say. Lilith isn't a very positive planet. I've seen people discuss how traumas surrounds this planet. And it being in the sexual sign of Scorpio could go anywhere. Not implying anything.
~But one thing I am very certain of. You're unavoidable. You draw people towards you. You're the ✨moment✨
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naisaspalace · 10 months
Vedic Astrology 101.
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What is Vedic astrology?
vedic astrology is an old Indian science practiced for more than 5000 years ago with the objective of studying one's personal harvest gain, wedding, and overall daily activities. It was not originally intended to judge one's character or predict his life.
the proper name of Vedic astrology is: "Jyotisha or Jyotishya (from Sanskrit jyotiṣa, from jyót “light, heavenly body"), It is one of the six auxiliary disciplines in Hinduism that is connected with the study of the Vedas." ( vedas are a large body of religious texts originating in ancient India )
this means that vedic astrology is deeply intertwined with Hindu philosophy and spirituality but that doesn't mean one must be a converted Hindu to be able to study and enjoy the art of vedic astrology.
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Difference between vedic and Western/tropical astrology :
for now, i will not go deep into the main differences between both systems i will only highlight the difference in system (zodiac) utilization and the overall most important details.
Vedic astrologers, use the Sidereal Zodiac, that are calculated planetary positions based on the fixed locations of the stars in the sky. However, due to the precession of the equinoxes, Indian astrologers adjusted their calculations to keep in sync with the stellar positions. Thus, their system is known as sidereal, or star-based.
Western / Tropical astrology, on the other hand, uses the tropical (fixed) zodiac. This system relies on four seasons that represent the Sun’s movement, equinoxes, solstices, as well as the tilt of Earth on its axis. 
vedic will utilize the "whole house system" instead of "Placidus" system meaning that each sign will occupy one whole house instead of only a cusp of a certain house
vedic will also not count the outer planets also known as "pluto ,uranus and Neptune" because those planets are used by the westerns to replace a shadow "imaginary point" called rahu and ketu (lunar nodes) that bring the same "effects" ... although a few astrologers will continue to use the outer planets for transit purposes despite them not being part officially of the vedic astrology approach because those planets are way distant of the earth and don't provide enough evidence of their effect upon affecting someone's life yet for those who choose to include on their overall analyses will use the outer planets as one of significator of generational impactful changes and behaviors ( this will be expanded on a post focusing on the outer planets)
also along with the outer planets, the sideral zodiac doesn't use the asteroids as well!.
and the Vedic considers the moon as the most important planet because the moon is the one responsible for the mind's emotions behavior mood instincts emotional overall state, and feelings. the moon represents our inner self and the sun our outer self.
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The houses :
each house has their respect sign ruler and planet ruler :
aries - mars
taurus - venus
gemini - mercury
cancer - moon
leo - sun
virgo - mercury
libra - venus
scorpio - mars
Sagittarius - jupiter
capricorn - saturn
aquarius - saturn
pisces - jupiter
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hi thank you for reading until the end ;) i will make a part 2 and 3 and will also link the parts here once i post them :)
part 2.
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Are certain Nakshatras Doomed in a given World Age?
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Recently I've been researching the less popular but more analytical Vedic School of Thought that superimposes Nakshatras with Tropical Placements. That means that if you cast your chart this way, your Nakshatras will stay the same, but your signs will go back to the positions of your Tropical chart. I respect that idea although I don't fully feel convinced of it yet because I respect the Astrologers that use it (Ernst Wilhelm, Vic di Cara) and because there is some scientific reasoning behind it, given that the Earth's orbit is irregular and tilts over the years, thus changing the calculations, which they call precession of the equinoxes. I admit the mathematical part of it is not my strong suit, I'm a psychic medium that just loves to use Astrology to share her impressions, but I'm not a brilliant mathematician and I'm an even worse physicist, largely due to lack of proper opportunities for a good teacher that would be needed to compensate for my more abstract way of thinking.
/edit months after writing this article I have official transitioned to Ernst Wilhelm's school of thought due to high research accuracy, I recommend this calculator to find your right signs and Nakshatras.
The issue with the degrees of the signs moving at certain historical periods of time is that not all Nakshatra signs and rulerships are compatible with the newly changed Astrological sign values. That creates problems in perceptions of certain Nakshatras in Mass Consciousness in our time. However, if we assume the degrees of Nakshatras as mobile...some Nakshatras are going to struggle at any given time, except for the time when Nakshatras are temporarily perfectly aligned with their traditional degrees (which last happened briefly 1500 years ago and won't happen for millennia to come according to THIS link resource). So due to the precession of the equinoxes, the degrees of Nakshatras are always mobile...which can cause interesting shifts, such as the New Astrological Year starting in a completely different than traditional Nakshatra, so not Ashwini. Right now for example, according to tropical calculations we are entering the Aries season in the Nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada, making this Nakshatra the initiator of each solar cycle for years to come...until the Nakshatra degree changes again in a couple of hundreds of years, and the Aries sign will be ruled by Purva Bhadrapada instead.
Astrologers preaching this School of Thought educate not associating Nakshatras to any specific cycles or zodiac signs, viewing them as seperate entities dependent on the Moon's mythology more than the whole chart or movements of the Sun over the horizon...but I just can't get behind that concept, given that...well, the Nakshatras are still determined by SOME kind of calculations. The Nakshatras are not exempt from the unwavering rhythm of nature. I wrote a lot of posts with elemental associations to the Nakshatra and their planetary rulership (which btw doesn't change even if you go by tropical degrees) because Nakshatras are living entities...and they enter our lives through our charts as a portal...but still based on these new and improved calculations. I can get behind the numbers changing as the planet itself evolves, given the pressure of the chaos of Nature, but it simply cannot be separated from the signs of the planets, as both influence them. Sure, you can study it independently, but the final result is still going to be a planet influenced by both its sign and house AND the ruling Nakshatra.
That creates an interesting result, that in given world ages, certain Nakshatras will struggle to begin with, while others will struggle more in certain padas, making their Divine Energies harder to exist at a given time frame. If I started moving the Nakshatras around in different time periods, we could be sitting here forever discussing all sorts of hypotheticals, so for the purpose of usefulness to this generation, let's stick to the way things are now, and will be for at least the next 100 years, since the changes in degrees are slow (but still, sign calculations already moved almost a whole degree just since I was born and I'm not that old yet lol). Again, to understand my writing consult the table in the link above.
An example Nakshatra that came to my mind, that is perceived really negatively in this world and age is Rohini. Why? Because to have that Nakshatra in your chart, you need to have a given planet in the sign of Gemini. Considered that Rohini is Moon ruled, and Mercury views Moon as its enemy according to planetary friendship tables, Rohini essentially doesn't like being in the Mercury ruled sign of Gemini. Traditionally, Rohini is positioned in the Venus ruled grounded Taurus, which is already problematic to begin with, since Venus views Moon as its enemy too...but the Moon is still exalted in Taurus. The Moon is grounded and settled by Venus, as it has no enemies. The Moon is scattered, curious, but two faced and unstable in Gemini. Now what do we get when we put Rohini, an emotional, impressionable Nakshatra ruled by the Moon, away from Venus and into Mercury? An attention seeking person, that uses duplicity and manipulation to fulfil its need for intimacy. Historically, the Venusian element provided stability of skill and material resources, grounding the Nakshatra energy. Nowadays, Rohini can display more fickleness than form. And it is not even their fault...but the fault of when they were born. In the past, being born in Rohini probably provided one with serious material stability and good family pedigree, which Venus assures, making her a worthwhile wife, or as they say traditionally, the favourite wife, despite her whimsical nature. To understand more about the dark Nature of Rohini in our times, I encourage you to watch this video by @thehiddenoctave, where the theme of manipulation and mind games is explored in depth.
Another interesting example to explore is Shravana Nakshatra, which moves its Rashi from Capricorn to Aquarius. That preserves the Saturnian theme, but adds the energy of Rahu to the mix. Notice the stories that surround Shravana natives. First of all, they get media attention very easily. A lot of actors/actresses with these placements are idolised. Then a lot of them are also viewed as toxic, unstable or taboo breaking (Rahu, but also the Outcaste nature of the Nakshatra). But the media attention so many of them get nowadays...the scrutiny of the tabloids? That's Rahu and Aquarius at its finest. The rise and fall. The highs and lows. My guess is, historically this Nakshatra was more private due to Capricorn's restrictive nature, but has gained more exposure with Rahu...which has also sadly added a lot of trauma to its natives.
Certain Nakshatras are doing better, and still have at least some portion of them in their traditional signs, temporarily letting them off the hook. But that raises an interesting question. What will happen to a phenomenon such as Sun's exaltation, once the vernal equinox moves on to the Nakshatra of Purva Bhadrapada in a couple of hundred years?
Sun traditionally exalts in Ashwini Nakshatra...but that has to happen in the sign of Aries. What will happen when the precession of the equinoxes moves Ashwini completely into the sign of Taurus...where the Sun is uncomfortable, due to Sun and Venus being enemies? The potential for an individual to have a fully working, exalted Sun will be eliminated for that particular time in human history.
And isn't that what we are going towards? Sun rules our independence and individuality...yet we are more and more dependent on technology, connections, societal conditioning, in order to have any freedom at all. More and more finances are required for a person to have any mobility or opportunity in the world. In a couple of hundred years, when the Aquarian astrological dominance intensifies, independence or individuality that goes with an exalted Sun will no longer rely on the power of Spirit, that Aries represents, but be completely dominated by the luck of being born in a stable financial family environment, which Taurus represents. So those who have the power to express themselves are those, who can afford it because they have a stable enough backing. Since Ashwini is partially already in Taurus, we can already see it happening in the world, slowly and gradually.
I understand traditional Vedic Astrologers sticking to perfect symmetrical calculations from 1500 years ago. I understand their love for this perfection scheme. I understand the exploration of the cyclical nature of Nakshatras. I do it myself. But I think that this is nevertheless an interesting concept to explore, that takes Astrology to a whole new level, accounting for very real societal changes gradually taking place in front of our eyes. It shows that Nakshatras behave differently in different timeframes, responding to the world we live in. And doesn't that add a very real and practical dimension to Astrology, its omnipresent influence on Earth as a living being, regardless of the phases its going through?
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siderealmaven · 11 months
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Houses in Sidereal Astrology
The most important part of astrology is the planets and the second most important thing is the houses. The houses in a chart show you where the planets are, what they’re doing, and who they’re doing it with. They provide the context for the story being told by the planets and ground them in reality. Without an exact time to indicate the rising sign of a chart, knowing the houses is impossible.
House significations can change depending on the branch of astrology you’re engaging with, such as mundane, natal or horary, or the zodiac being used such as sidereal or tropical. And of course, each astrologer is going to have their own tried and true preferences that they swear by.
Here’s mine.
(Originally published on Sidereal Maven's Patreon Page as a free post.)
1st House
The Self + Personality, outer appearance of the body, things that happen to you + actions that you take, changes made to your appearance such as: hair cuts, body modifications, surgery and injuries. Personal style can also be found here, such as the types of clothes you wear and how you like to present yourself to others.
2nd House
Food, money, and personal possessions. Your income, how you create it, and who you create it with. Your food, what you eat, how you eat it, and who you eat it with. Your sense of self esteem and personal values can also be found in this house, as we live in a capitalistic society that ties personal possessions and income to our individual worth and value.
3rd House
Siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents and close family friends. Family gatherings, parties and reunions. Primary school, classmates, and neighbors. Your daily commute to work or around your local area. Day trips and short distance travel. Reading, writing, and studying. Social media, radio, podcasts, and self publishing. Private spiritual practice that is engaged with alone or within the home with family members.
4th House
Your parents, their home, and/or your childhood home. More specifically your father(s), father figures, and your paternal line. Your physical residence, the land you live on, agriculture, farming, gardening and real estate. Ancestral lands and ancestral parents, as well as your relationship to them. Family secrets, stories and heirlooms. Your private life. Your own relationship to being a parent if you are one, could be found here.
5th House
Children, childhood, and your inner child. The creative projects that you give birth to and nurture into existence. Your romantic partners and lovers, the dates you go on and the things you do together. Sex, sexual health, and baby making. You’ll also find cooking, fitness, sports, and physical activities. Creative hobbies such as art, theater, music, dance, etc. This house can also represent your father’s money + income and how it affected you growing up.
6th House
Job description and work environment. Your coworkers and/or employees that you hire. This could also be creative projects that you consider to be work and self employment. Service oriented work such as; medicine, public service jobs, community service and taking care of ill family members. Pets, veterinarians, and animal related work. Your physical health, illnesses, diagnosis, and treatment is also found here, along with your daily routines of care.
7th House
Partnerships, such as business partners, spouses, and co-parents. Courtrooms, litigation and legal battles. Lawyers, Doctors, Therapists, Astrologers and other professionals that you consult for advice. Rivals and competitors. Open enemies and people/groups/ideologies you find yourself in conflict with.
8th House
Shared finances and resources, especially those you share living spaces or financial responsibilities with. Inter-generational and communal living. Gifts, inheritance, loans, investors, debts and taxes. Death, loss, major life changes and initiations into new ways of being. Mediums and spiritualists.
9th House
Institutions of power such as governments, universities, and religious organizations. Government jobs, leaders, and organizers. Judges, diplomats and ambassadors. Higher education and learning, mass media, journalism, film, and traditional publishing (newspapers, magazines, and books.) Religious leaders, organizers, buildings, and sacred sites. Far distance travel and exploration. Oracles, divination, psychics, astrology, palm reading, etc.
10th House
Public status and reputation, the way you are seen and known by the outer world. Public Personas and your public life. Your mother(s), mother figures and maternal line. Authority figures, bosses, supervisors, and people who hold power over you + your relationship to them. Promotions and scandals.
11th House
Mentors, teachers, guides and helpful friends. Unions, nonprofits, and communities that you are a part of and participate in. Industry partners and allies. Sororities + Fraternities. Students, apprentices, step-children and other people’s children. Child support and custody. Your mother’s money + income and how it affected you growing up. Audiences + fans.
12th House
Foreign or unfamiliar places, cultures, and people. International travel. Immigrants and immigration. Remote work or work from home jobs. New experiences that take you out of your comfort zone. Solo spiritual exploration and experiences. Solitude and isolation. Hospitals, rehab, jail and prisons. Monasteries, convents, or other isolated religious groups. Estrangement + estranged family members.
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supermoongirl9 · 1 year
How to learn how to use the planetary transits 🧵
First, you need to know how to track the transits in your chart - cause that's what matters the most if you want to take advantage of certain transits and be able to mitigate the effects or some others. You can use Placidus or WHS - WHS is easier when you start. And that's when you should definitely use your wheel chart : it's very easy to track transits by looking at it imo. for ex: you have an aries 2H in whs ? well, the sun is currently in aries, thus transiting your 2H (easy, right ?) - and it's the same for all the planets.
Now, let's see how it could benefit you on a daily basis : let's talk about the planets and how each of them can be used for different things.
Imo, the easier planet to use for quick results is the Moon as it's the fastest one : like, you need to send resumes to find a new job ? do it when the Moon is transiting your 6H or 10H for quick results (it works, my family and friends still thank me for that advice hahaha).
Also, what's good to know is that even if some Moon transits don't feel the best or brought annoying shit, at least it won't last for ever - maximum 2 days - so there's that.
The Moon is for quick plans, not too elaborate.
The Sun is the planet changing sign each month (using tropical or sidereal), introducing each season - like rn in tropical the Sun is in Aries, it's Aries season. The Sun can help with the general vibes of that period, as it's staying in one house for 30 days in WHS.
Each zodiac season usually brings similar topics for the native - you being aware of it or not - and it could be good to journal about it to see if some things are coming back. ex: when the Sun transits our 5H, it can be a more romantic time, good for creating art too.
Because YES, the houses are important here and that's why you have to study the topics they're linked to - if you haven't already, now is the right time hahaha. Learning more about the houses AND being able to use transits for good, cool things to do tbh.
For the other personal planets :
✨ Mercury = convos and thoughts about the concerned house topics, could bring more travels esp if it's transiting your 3H or 9H (good time to plan one when it happens). Be aware of Mercury Rx periods, as it happens 3x times a year.
Mercury transiting your 5H can be good for finding new ideas and inspiration for the art you're creating (what you're drawing, painting, writing etc). Mercury transiting your 8H can be good for sensitive convos - telling someone a secret, finally opening up to them etc.
✨ Venus = love, aesthetics, finances; it will particularly impact how you're handling that based on the house it's transiting. ex: Venus 5H ? Good transit to find a cool gift for a child or a lover; good for buying sexy lingerie and sex toys.
Venus transiting your 4H can be a good time to redecorate your home. Venus transiting your 11H can be a good time to organize a party - people will most likely have fun and love it haha.
✨ Mars = motivation, strength, sex drive, anger, fighting for. Well, it could show why and how you could start fights (physical or not) so be careful - like, Mars transiting your 3H ? seriously, watch your mouth.
But it's also a good time to complete a project, feel more motivated - Mars transiting your 6H or 10H ? could be good for you work-wise. Also Mars transiting your 1H or 6H ? good time to start going to the gym regularly - Mars is also physical activity.
For the slower planets that aren't the generational ones - so Jupiter and Saturn - long-term plans can be discussed and it's interesting to see how it will unravel. Those transits are always very interesting to track : Jupiter comes back to the same sign every 12 yo, Saturn every 27-29 yo.
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thehealingcalabash · 3 days
Welcome Post
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My first post here and I am excited to get back to writing. I love writing, had a blog for years, and then life (work, school, community organizing) took me away from it. This blog is a way for me to reclaim my time, do something I enjoy, and geek out on astrology.
I have been studying astrology for almost 20 years...that says a lot about my age, but just imagine that I started studying astrology at 6 years old, lol. I started studying astrology because I was interested in myself and may natal chart placements, and everything about astrology just clicked with me. I just got it. In a few months I was reading charts and I even get paid to read charts from time to time.
I utilize both Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs in my readings. To me, the Sidereal reveals big pictures and patterns and the Tropical reveals how that energy concretizes and manifests.
My signs:
Rising Tropical and Sidereal Aries
Tropical Cancer/Sidereal Gemini Sun
Tropical and Sidereal Pisces Moon
Tropical Cancer/Sidereal Gemini Mercury
Tropical and Sidereal Leo Venus
Tropical Cancer/Sidereal Gemini Mars
Tropical Sagitarrius/Sidereal Scorpio Jupiter
Tropical and Sidereal Libra Saturn
Tropical Sagittarius/Sidereal Scorpio Uranus
Tropical and Sidereal Sagittarius Neptune
Tropical and Sidereal Libra Pluto
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youremyheaven · 6 months
Hello! I've been trying to learn and study verdic astrology for a while now, but can't seem to find the time for it, so your observations and overall all your posts have been incredibly helpful in helping me understand more of the concept(?) and the stories behind each nakshatras that you've been writing about. Though I do have some questions about certain things that I've been trying to find answers for, but whenever I try to find those answers, it seems like there's not much informations about them. Some had sufficient details but it was harder to grasp the exact answers I've been looking for. So I decided maybe I could find those answers from you! Although I'm in no way part of your culture, with how much I've come to understand myself more through your researches made me all the more interested in spirituality and verdic astrology itself! There are questions I've come to be more curious about and would like to hear your thoughts on them!
I'm meaning to find the difference between tropical and sidereal astrology. Though I don't exactly grasp whether or not tropical is the same as western astrology or are they the same thing?
This thus then begs the question whether tropical chart placements can relate to sidereal nakshatras placements. I've been seeing (more like read) that you often mention that if you have these nakshatras placements in tropical, they can have certain relevance or influence since some nakshatras share a sign or stay in only one sign in tropical (I don't really get whether the tropical chart that I searched for is really tropical cause it particularly looks the same as the western chart)
If so (that tropical placements can share similar characteristics to nakshatras at sidereal) to what extend does this influence apply?
If you do answer to these questions of mine, thank you very very much! For making time to answer these questions as well as answering them and would likely satiate my immense curiosity about these topics! Your works have been immensely beautiful and I hope there are more researches to come from you! Have a great day! 😊🌷
thank you, im glad my posts have been helpful!!
these are really good questions and i feel like it will help many people clear misunderstandings or understand things better, so here it goes:
is tropical the same as a western birth chart?
pretty much yes. there are many different types of astrology systems (hellenistic, vedic, islamic etc all based on cultural variations) and there's also draconic, horary, harmonic etc
tropical and sidereal astrology differ in terms of how the zodiac is mapped. tropical astrology does not take the concept of axial precession into account. the sun does not return to the same point in the sky every year.
tropical uses fixed stars whereas sidereal take into account the current position of stars. this is why they say tropical is more simplified and sidereal presents a more holistic view of things.
2. i do think tropical and sidereal are two halves of a whole. tropical astrology provides a very simplified overview of the psychology and attributes of different signs whereas sidereal helps us gain a deeper understanding of who we are.
i think its hard for some people because they deeply identify with being a leo for example and realize that actually they're sidereal cancers, the tropical chart kind of represents your ego and external attachments and sidereal shows your hidden/repressed/shadow side. ive heard many people say that it was a journey to go from heavily identifying with their tropical chart and feeling disconnected to their sidereal chart to eventually coming to terms with and embracing it and in turn those parts of themselves. its like doing shadow work. but this is just my personal opinion
i say that even tropical placements can relate to some of the sidereal takes because i dont think you cease to be the person you are just because you switch systems. if you're a tropical pisces and a sidereal aquarius, its possible and alright to feel drawn to pisces energy or both those energies. since its essentially based on how we're looking at the positions of these stars in the galaxy, we can't really say what we feel connected to or what we dont. astrology is not a perfect science. there are elements of pisces in aquarius, of aries in pisces and so on and so forth. its best to not think in arbitrary terms because all of us have many influences that shape us.
idk what you meant by tropical chart looking the same as a western chart bc theyre the same😭😭😭
3. i feel like i answered this above but like i said i feel like everything is a meeting point of many different energies. like Revati (since we're in Revati season) belongs entirely to Sidereal Pisces rashi but i definitely associate the tropical fire sign chaos with it because they're tropical Aries'. obviously this is just how i think of and perceive them. I think it also has a lot to do with how the elements are perceived in tropical vs vedic. In tropical astrology water is mostly understood as this tranquil, reflective, moody energy but in Vedic there is more complexity to every element and a lot of emphasis on the destructive nature of water (UBP, Ashlesha, Jyeshta etc all fall into water rashis) even fire is understood not only as severe and dynamic but also purifying with its scorching heat.
Revati is the birth nakshatra of Saturn, the exact exaltation point of Venus and is Mercury ruled in Pisces rashi which is Jupiter ruled, so that's like 4 different influences right there lol
i know ive used sidereal and vedic interchangeably throughout this post but just wanna say that vedic astrology uses the sidereal system of looking at the stars. but obviously vedic astrology is a whole separate system rooted in indian culture and hindu mythology etc (its like how milk is used to make ice cream, milk is not ice cream but it is USED to make ice cream, if that makes sense??)
also usually i feel like whatever major placements you have in tropical somehow shows up in vedic too?? like if you have a stellium in say virgo, maybe in vedic you have a mercury ruled nakshatra in your big 3. i feel like the overall influences/themes etc often repeat themselves but obvi there will be variations too
youre welcome!!<33 hope u have a good day too bestie<33tysm for reading this far<3
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dreamanduality · 1 year
Modality & the Zodiacal Signs
This writing is issued in 2 points of emphasis. If you are looking for basic information on the Modes stick to the bold text, for a more intermediate explanation of the modes and signs include all.
I am not including the physical characteristics, because in my opinion this gets carried in ways that need a deeper understanding of the moon and ascendant as well as temperament, but I have included very limited details of ailments since we cannot talk about body parts without mentioning their association to health.
As the sun moves North and South of the equator the yearly course is marked by four critical turning points. These are the solstices and equinoxes which initiate the seasons.
Dividing this movement into 12 equal portions of 30 degrees marks the zodiacal signs. These markings can vary based on the system, whether it is tropical, sidereal, or western sidereal—which has caused confusion & great debate. This is for another time though and for the purpose of clarity, I will be using the Tropical Western system as has been used in the tradition of Western astrology since the 4th century BCE.
Basic differences between these systems:
Sideral provides more of an outer or transpersonal perspective of the souls in relationship to the galaxy that both exists and that we may see post-existence through the shining of dead stars.
Tropical provides the of our relationships to the Sun, as it pertains to our experience on earth.
Both are valid and accurate providing a different landscape or served perspective.
The Zodiacal signs in the nativity serve 3 primary functions in Astrology
To truly understand the variations and historical development I recommend that you take the to time read the source material listed at the end.
The bush broad strokes into something like an ancient class-like system. As images with mythic associations give us the shape of behavior and allude to physical characteristics. When framed as configurations we can see familial or interpersonal relationships of the native. And as residences, this articulates resources and power the native holds or has access to. The constellations themselves were likely set up and are used as such to be the dwelling places of the gods/planets.
For this reason, in the study, a firm understanding of the planets should come before and not after the study of the zodiacal wheel.
Moveable Modality
Moveable or Cardinal signs issue the modality of the beginning of seasons. Corresponding to the first degree of Aries-Spring, Cancer-Summer, Libra-Autumn, Capricorn-Winter.
These signs are action-oriented and are the initiators of the zodiac; loving to start new things. Moveable signs are great at taking risks and making changes but can also be impulsive and restless.
beginning of seasons
needing to take action
quick and immediate
When examining these astrological signs, we see behavioral impulsivity, impatience, and difficulty respecting the limits of resources and people we must consider this subjectively. When framing the modes from Aries to Capricorn, this spontaneity or essence of taking action should be placed on a spectrum with the qualities of elements and lords marking how an action is taken.
The objects associated with the moveable modality are dynamic, action-oriented, sharp, and tactility aligning with the moveable modality's association with agitation and taking action. The events associated with this mode are dynamic and change the atmosphere or theme quickly.
All of these signs are tropical, meaning environmental climate needed for creation.
Aries - The Ram
The characteristics of this sign are bestial (animalistic), terrestrial, quadrupedal, semi-vocal, unprolific, mangling, free & single, lustful & lewd. Classified as; masculine, equinoctial, spring, fiery, and diurnal.
Personality; noble, bold & bright, inconsistent, unruly, arrogant
Northern and of the East Wind timing and actions taken are commanding a crooked short ascension.
Rulership is Mars as Domicile, the Sun 19 is exalted. Venus finds themselves in Detriment here and Saturn 19 reaches Fall. In triplicity with the Sun and Jupiter and finding bounds for Mercury 13-20, Venus 1-12, Mars 21-25, Jupiter 1-6, and Saturn 26-30. Decans; Sun, Venus, and Mars.
Head of cosmos and of body and face. When looking at medical astrology can show ailments in the ways of; headaches, poor eyesight & blindness, afflictions to teeth & hearing-possibly deafness, Hansen’s disease, concussions & cerebral hemorrhaging that can lead to stroke, and bouts of anger.
Cancer - The Crab
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, amphibious, mute, broken, fertile, single & servile. Classified as; feminine, solstitial, summer, nocturnal, and watery.
Personality; regard for reputation, popularity, changeable, inconsistent knowledge, wandering, cheerful
Northern with the North Wind finding a long, straight ascension.
Rularship is the Moon as Domicile, Jupiter 15 is exalted. Saturn finds their detriment here and Mars 28 reaches fall. In triplicity with Venus and Mars and finding bounds for Mercury 14-19, Venus 8-13, Mars 1-7, Jupiter 20-25, and Saturn 26-30. Decans; Moon, Mercury, Venus.
Ascendant, breast & ribs of the cosmos and body. Including the chest, spleen, stomach, and posture which can include medical ailments corresponding to the physical location, as well as edema.
Libra - Scales
The characteristics of this sign; are human, vocal, whole, unprolific, violent, single & servile, lustful & lewd. Classified as; masculine, equinoctial, autumnal, diurnal, and airy.
Personality; good and just though malicious, desires the goods of others, irregularity yet oversees balance, weighing, and measuring.
Southern with the West & Southwest Winds timing and actions taken are straight & obeying, long ascension.
Rulership is Venus as Domicile, Saturn 20 is exalted. Mars finds their detriment here and the Sun 19 reaches fall. In triplicity with Saturn and Mercury and finding bounds for Mercury 7-14, Venus 22-28, Mars 29-30, Jupiter 15-21, Saturn 1-6. Decans; Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn.
Subterranean of the cosmos, following in line with the hips, hind parts, groin, bladder, and colon with a medical decrement in these areas as well.
Capricorn - The Goat
The characteristics of this sign; are bestial, amphibious, very wet, unprolific, the cause of evils & troubles, semi-vocal, dual & servile, mysterious/mystifying, and violent. Classified as; feminine, solstitial, wintery, earthy, and nocturnal.
Personality; good and simple, hard-working, stewarding, insomniatic, planning of great things, caring, mischievous, fickle, making mistakes.
Southern with the South Winds, timing and actions taken are crooked & obeying, short ascension.
Rulership is Saturn is Domicile and Mars 28n exalted. The Moon finds their detriment and Jupiter 15 reaches fall. In triplicity with Venus and Moon and finding bounds Mercury 1-7, Venus 15-22, Mars 27-30, Jupiter 8-14, and Saturn 23-26. Decans; Sun, Mars, and Jupiter.
Setting/descendent of the cosmos, knees, and fibrous tissue/tendons that unite the muscle to the bone. Physical ailments can show as; hunched or curved spine, low vision, disability, severe or chronic mental illness, back injuries caused by backbones, and abnormal discharge of humors.
Fixed Modality
The middle of the seasons comes with an air of self-governance, in that action has to be on the terms of that taking action. This is when deep rooting happens, through caution and planning to make sure that action has lasting intents for effect.
When examining these astrological signs we see stability, determination, and persistence. Fixed signs are resistant to change and like to maintain the status quo. When framing the modes for Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius they are loyal and reliable but can also be stubborn and inflexible. The essence of inflexibility should be placed on a spectrum of a sense of security from that which the qualities of elements and lords are marking how the action is taken.
All of these sign are solid, which emphasizes that capability of the dependability and patience required for long term goals.
middle of seasons
needing to maintain
slow and steady
The objects associated with the fixed modality are conservative, hard to move, solid, steady, reliable, and long-lasting aligning with the fixed modality's association with stability defensiveness, and endurance. The events associated with this mode are stable and last for a long time, a long wait.
Taurus - The Bull
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, terrestrial, quadrupedal, semi-vocal, unprolific, broken, violent, servile & single, lustful & lewd. Classified as; feminine, spring, earthy, and nocturnal.
Personality; good, hardworking & handcrafting, preservation, loving of pleasure and music, industrious, noble, agricultural.
Northern and of the South Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding a crooked short ascension.
Rulership is Venus as Domicile, the Moon 3 is exalted. Mars finds themselves in Detriment here and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with the Moon and Venus and finding bounds for Mercury 9-14, Venus 1-8, Mars 28-30, Jupiter 15-22, Saturn 23-27. Decans; Moon, Mercury, and Saturn.
The house that is sign falls in is Weath bringing off the Cosmos. Ruling over the neck and tendons of the neck, and esophagus. Aliments that are considered involve swollen neck glands, suffocations, eye injuries and diseases, and skin issues that erupt.
Leo - The Lion
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, terrestrial, quadrupedal, semi-vocal, free & single, barren, lewd, and broken. Classified as; masculine, summery, fiery, and diurnal.
Personality; well-tempered, good, insubordinate, notable, hates work, intellectual, tyrannical or kingly, short-tempered, domineering, and arrogant.
Northern and of the East Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding a straight long ascension
Rularship is the Sun as Domicile, with no planets exalted. Saturn finds their detriment and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with the Sun and Jupiter and finding bounds for Mercury 19-24, Venus 7-11, Mars 25-30, Jupiter 1-6, Saturn 12-18. Decans; Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.
The Heart of the cosmos, the heart itself, and all the this around it like the ribs, tendons, hips, and also the vascular effects to the eyes.
Scorpio - The Scorpion
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, terrestrial, scaly, fertile, broken, mute, single & servile, and cause of foul smells. Classified as; feminine, autumnal, watery, and nocturnal.
Personality; knavish, secret plotters, sorcery, cunning, insatiable, deep thinking, treacherous, rogue-like.
Southern and of the North Wind, timing and actions taken are straight & obeying a long ascension.
Rulership is Mars as domicile, with no planets exalted. Venus finds their detriment and the Moon 3 reaches fall. In triplicity with Venus & Mars and finding bounds for Mercury 12-19, Venus 8-11, Mars 1-7, Jupiter 20-24, Saturn 25-24. Decans; Sun, Venus, and Mars.
Scorpio is the fifth house of the cosmos, ruling over the genitals, bladder, groin, and buttocks. Ailments that can be noted are dimmed vision, tumors, cancers, kidney stones, and the development of fistulas.
Aquarius - The Water-bearer
The characteristics of this sign are human, winged, rational, vocal, unprolific, single & free, violent, wet, and very cold. Classified as; masculine, solid, wintery, airy, and diurnal.
Personality; fearful, single-minded, handicrafts, concealers, deceitful of opinion & truth, misanthropic, and malicious.
Southern and of the West Wind, timing and action taken are obeying & crooked short ascension.
Rulership is Saturn as domicile, with no planets exalted. The Sun finds their detriment and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with Mercury & Saturn and finding bounds for Mercury 1-7, Venus 8-3, Mars 21-25, Jupiter 14-20, Saturn 26-30. Decans; Moon, Mercury, and Venus.
Aquarius is the eighth house of the cosmos, which emphasizes the concern of death. Areas of the body are the shins, legs, and tendons of the lower legs. Ailments that could be considered of the body including but not limited to; arthritis, dopey, some mental illnesses, limb disabilities, incontinence, filariasis, edema, and jaundice.
Common or Mutable Modality
The common modality is ambivalent, variable, and combines the other two modes in a wavering, rapid impulse.
When examining these astrological signs, we tend to see a more adaptable nature with a focus on communication and flexibility. Common signs are often able to see multiple perspectives and are great at adapting to new situations. When framing the modes for Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces, they are often seen as intelligent and curious, but can also be indecisive and inconsistent. The essence of adaptability should be placed on a spectrum with the qualities of elements and lords marking how the action is taken.
All of these signs are bicoporal meaning, of two bodies.
end of the seasons & change in climate
combines other modes
tendencies of inertia
multiplicity in action
diversity in response
The objects associated with the common modality are everyday objects that have multiple uses; versatile, adaptable, and able to change direction easily aligning with the common modality's association with flexibility and adaptability. The events associated have multiple points of impact and are unpredictable and change rapidly.
Gemini - The Twins
The characteristics of this sign are human, winged, vocal & pleasing to the ear, barren, whole, dual & free, and rational. Classified as; masculine, spring, airy, and diurnal.
Personality; fond of discourse, articulate, teachers of voice, working in education & writing, interpreters, commerce, poetic, critics, occult matters, business, and wealth & currency.
Northern and of the (south) West Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding & crooked, short ascension.
Rulership is Mercury in domicile, with no plants exalted. Jupiter finds themselves in detriment, and no planets reach fall. In triplicity with Mercury and Saturn, and finding bounds for Mercury 1-6, Venus 13-17, Mars 18-24, Jupiter 7-12, and Saturn 25-30.
Aquarius is the 12th house of the cosmos and there are no illnesses directly connected to this sign in the references below, but the areas of the body connected to the sign are the hands, shoulders, arms and fingers.
Virgo - The Virgin
Characteristics of this sign are human, winged, barren, vocal, and dual & free. Classified as; feminine, summery, earthy, and nocturnal.
Personality; industrious & practices handicrafts, concerned with the body, modest, mystical, writers, calculating, occult matters, human shape of justice/moral shape of justice, and scrupulous.
Northern and of the South(west) Wind, timing and actions taken are commanding & straight long ascensions.
Rulership is Mercury in domicile, with Mercury exalted. Jupiter finds detriment, and Venus 27 reaches fall. In triplicity with Moon and Venus, and finding bounds for Mercury 1-7, Venus 8-17, Mars 22-28, Jupiter 18-21, and Saturn 29-30.
The cadence of the the cosmos and of the southwest, meaning within the metrics of falling sound and cadent houses. Hidden parts of the body, innards, upper intestines, loins, and belly.
Sagittarius - The Archer
The characteristics of this sign are human & bestial, terrestrial, second half quadrupedal, first half vocal & second half semi-vocal, broken, dual & free, and mysterious. Classifies as; masculine, autumnal, fiery, and diurnal.
Personality; critical, good & just, generous, great-souled, to lose and find things, loves reputation, riddling, authoritative, social fellowships, prevalence, and versatile.
Southern and of the East Wind, timing and actions taken are obeying & straight, long ascensions.
Rulership is Jupiter in domicile, with no planets exalted. Mercury finding detriment, with no planets reaching fall. In triplicity with Sun and Jupiter, and finding bounds for Mercury 18-21, Venus 13-17, Mars 27-30, Jupiter 1-12, and Saturn 22-26.
The cadence of the cosmos, meaning within the metrics of falling sound and cadent houses. The house of forced work or servitude lacking recognition. Ruling over the thighs and groin, with the possibilities of epilepsy, weak sight, baldness, falling from heights, danger from 4 legged animals, injury from barb like objects, animal attacks, extra limbs, and birthmarks.
Pisces - The Fishes
The characteristics of this sign are bestial, fertile, wet, aquatic, broken, mute, and dual & servile. Classifications are; feminine, wintery, watery, and nocturnal.
Personality; of two minds, turns things from bad to good, of/in service, inconsistent, erotic, wandering & dreamy, restless, working on/with water, complicated, sociable, and popular.
Southern and of the North Wind, timing and actions taken are obeying & crooked, short ascensions.
Rulerships is Jupiter in domicile, with Venus 27 exalted. Mercury finding detriment, and Mercury 15 reaching fall. In triplicity with Venus and Mars, and finding bounds for Mercury 17-19, Venus 1-12, Mars 20-28, Jupiter 13-16, and Saturn 29-30.
The good cadence of the cosmos, and the house of God. Ruling over the feet, ankles, sole of the feet, and tendons located here. Finding the possibilities of arthritis, poor posture, gout, diseases of the humors, vitamin c deficiency, STI’s and afflictions from debauchery.
Additional Notes to consider:
When terms like violent or destructive are used this is because the domicile or exalted planet is malefic.
Being whole implies strength, and that these signs are less liable to accidents.
Bestial codification notes on the core instinctual action of the individual.
Free versus servile; the implications of a free sign defines a poised posture, running, standing tall and to be servile or of servitude defines poor posture or slouching, sitting & fatigue, and possible wearyness of the mind.
In single form we consider independence and in dual form this is being with others/companionship.
Vocal is to be a good speaker, semi-vocal of few or select/disorganized verbal communication, and mute or the lacking of voice implies little speech, and stuttering through verbal communication.
Refrences to being unprolific, fertile, or barren is in relationship to the potentials of procreation.
Traits are assumed to be seen through the Asc and Moon sign weighted more heavily and subjectively—as both of the points signify the body.
Source Material:
Teucer of Babylon
Encyclopedia of Astrology
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astrologycharts242 · 11 months
Astrology observations (Regarding facial features.)
In my early videos I posted about this so you can watch the videos for visual observations. You would notice that people have the facial shape and even have similar facial features of the animals represented by their sun zodiac sign. For example Taurus people head's are shaped like a bull's head.
This method is tricky though because it works both ways for sidereal and tropical. For example a sidereal Aries sun might have very similar facial and cranium features of a ram. Now that same person is a Taurus sun in tropical. Then I would see that person looks like a bull in a way.
I'm more confident in this method working for the sidereal sun signs. It gets tricky though but not every zodiac is represented by an animal or can look like a crab. For example cancer sun people like triple h from the WWE would have very thick wide skulls. They have big heads *pause*. Then Leo suns would have receding hairlines. It doesn't have to be actually receding but their hairlines start way back similar to how a male lion's hair pattern is. As a result they would have big hairlines.
The Jewish sect jesus was a part of studied astrology this way. They would put a lot of emphasis on the ascendant though to determine features like if someone will grow a "patchy," beard.
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moontrinemars · 2 years
A Proposal for Studying Tropical and Sidereal Placements in Tandem
These are my own ideas based on individual research. Credit if you reference. Refer to my blog bio for more.
We have been born into an early time in creation. We may feel as though the world is old, because of how short our own lives seem by comparison, but we are still living in what is projected to be the early childhood, if not infancy, of the universe.
I have a working theory that, without putting the onus on any force in particular, the patterns of the universe work out such that they align with the capacity of its inhabitants to interpret them. Thus, I suspect it is less than incidental that the breach between Tropical and Sidereal placements began when it did.
The existence of this breach does not necessarily imply that one school of astrology is wrong and the other is right: I suspect that instead, it signifies a need for astrologers to analyze the difference in the way that either methodology's calculations are expressed in reality, to come to a more nuanced understanding of how the patterns we glean from astrology interact in reality.
I believe that the tropical zodiac and the sidereal zodiac are both legitimate systems with their own respective meaning and significance, ideally studied in tandem.
While the difference between sidereal and tropical placements are relatively minimal at the moment. It will only grow as time goes on. As such, the distinction between how each placement is expressed may seem minimal now, but it will become more obvious as time goes on, because the difference will grow.
For example, when tropical and sidereal placements were in sync, people may have been born tropical Gemini and sidereal Gemini Ascendants. Now, people like myself might be tropical Cancer-sidereal Gemini Ascendants. In some time, people will be born tropical Leo-sidereal Gemini Ascendants, then tropical Virgo-sidereal Gemini Ascendants, and so on until, eventually it comes full circle to double Gemini again.
So back when Tropical and Sidereal placements were aligned, and thus they impacted the native toward the same thing, there was no real need to distinguish between the two zodiac systems. But now with nearly a sign's difference between the two, astrologers often subscribe to one system over the other based on what aligns with their personal interpretation of events and individuals.
I suspect, as this gap grows greater, particularly once the systems are squaring one another and thus enter new rounds, the truth that either correlates with respective aspects of reality will become more obvious, and the legitimacy of referring to both not just on their own but also in tandem will gain traction among astrologers.
If this sounds like a potentially viable theory to you, and you want to be ahead of the curve, there is value in figuring out the impact of either system on the individual. Personally, I have my own working hypothesis - keeping in mind that I'm young and I have plenty more experience to gain and research to conduct:
Tropical placements are best referenced for key insight into lived circumstances. Sidereal placements are best referenced for insight into purpose and fate.
The tropical zodiac is best for circumstances. It reflects the impact of reality in this life on the native. The sun is valued more because of its significance to choices, which define our circumstances.
It is also why western astrologers, who mostly use the tropical, zodiac, treat the north node as benefic but regard both nodes as less important. The nodes are illusory, so they may drive natives to pursue change for the betterment of their circumstances, but they do not exist in physical reality, which makes their effects less tangible or obvious.
The sidereal zodiac is best for fate. It reflects the purpose shaping the current reincarnation of the native's soul. The moon is valued more because of its significance to foundations - which ultimately construct or lay the path to our fate.
This is also why vedic astrologers, who mostly rely on the sidereal zodiac, consider Rahu malefic but place more value on the nodes altogether. The nodes are illusory, representing visions of the life path with disconnection to reality, which may disrupt karma. However, because they represent illusion and higher powers, together the nodes are seen as pretty significant.
You may ask, then what about the draconic zodiac?
Here's how I see it. The draconic zodiac is determined by aligning the north node in the chart with a placement of 0º Aries. So? Well, the north node is the illusory unfamiliar. It is a mathematical object that represents newness and potential. Aligning it with Aries, the sign of inception, instigation, and beginnings exposes who we are when we passionately pursue a brighter future, and when we strive to embody an unfamiliar, and more powerful version of ourselves.
This is why I think using the whole house system with Aries ruling first is necessary in draconic charts - it places the North Node at the cusp between the self of the 1st house and the unknown of the 12th house.
These are my thoughts on the subject - for now. Hopefully further research and experimentation will lead to more insight, but in the meantime, I hope this was interesting, and thanks for reading ♡♡♡♡
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naisaspalace · 7 months
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Vedic astrology 101 p2
PS 1: hi i will continue my thread but this time i will make it longer! and realized that not only people that were familiar with tropical will be the ones that are searching for vedic so i will teach like i am talking to someone who is just starting to practice astrology.... i am apologizing to not thinking about this earlier.
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the basics
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Mars, the red planet, is known for its dry and fiery nature. It is associated with masculinity and owns two signs, Aries and Scorpio.
aries is the natural significator of 1st house alongside mars and scorpio is the natural significator of the 8th.
the first house mainly represents yourself your, face your, physical appearance, your health, your ego, your brain, and can also indicate skin problems like acne and scars.
the eighth house represents death, longevity, debts, overall life problems such as depression and sudden events, and mental illness.
on the positive side, it can bring the native good intuitive skills.
he becomes exalted at 28 degrees in Capricorn and debilitated at 28 degrees in Cancer. he reaches moolatrikona (Great results) at the sign of Aries.
mars prominent nativity represents an appearance of high stature and a blood-red complexion.
this planet is closely linked to desires, ambition, and the senses. While it is considered a malefic planet, it also grants quick mental activity, extraordinary muscular strength, strong determination, and leadership qualities. "With Mars on your side, you have the opportunity to excel in any area of life you desire."
this planet rules the Tuesday.
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In Vedic astrology, the Sun holds the position of a king, as it is at the center of everything. It represents the masculine influences in our lives, such as our fathers, husbands, and sons. The Sun symbolizes authority and our relationship with the government. While it represents our innermost self, we often only show our outer self or ego. It gives us the ability to lead, a desire for fame, ambition, optimism, and a strong will to overcome challenges.
sun rules the 5th and it represents creativity, fun, happiness, enjoyment, and love. It symbolizes your intellectual abilities alongside your ego and your potential to think outside the box.
the 5th also represents our silly romances and the way we flirt and also represents our children.
the sun is  exalted in  Aries 10 Degrees ,debilitated in  Libra 10 Degree, and reaches MoolaTrikona at Leo at 20 Degrees.
this planet rules the Sunday.
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In Vedic Astrology, Mercury doesn't have a specific gender; it takes on the characteristics of the zodiac sign it is placed in. Mercury holds the power of language and discrimination, so its negative influence can deeply affect a person. It also governs youth, playfulness, leisure, sports, and social connections.
Similar to the Moon, Mercury represents the mind in astrology, but it focuses more on the analytical aspect while the Moon deals with the subconscious.
mercury rules gemini and the 3rd house alongside virgo and the 6th
gemini and the 3rd house both represent our intellectual mind and our communication style alongside our elder siblings, our neighbors , small studies (school) and short travels
virgo and the 6th house both represent our daily routine and our enemies (open enemies) and our work routine alongside general diseases like the flu.
mercury exalts himself on his own sign virgo and gets debilitated at Pisces and reaches moolatriokona at virgo.
this planet rules the wednesday.
mercury is an eunuch meaning he (the planet) has no gender and he is young.
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In astrology, Jupiter is often referred to as the "Guru" because it guides us from ignorance to wisdom. It represents various aspects such as knowledge, spirituality, religion, higher education, research, philosophy, and optimism. In Vedic Astrology,
Jupiter is also associated with children and is known as the "Putrakaraka". Its main characteristic is expansion, which means it amplifies the area of life it occupies in a horoscope.
For instance, if Jupiter is placed in the 11th house of income and gains, it tends to enhance wealth and prosperity. Jupiter is considered the significator of affluence, generosity, righteousness, inherent goodness, and wisdom.
Jupiter is also known as a benevolent planet that gives abundantly without any expectations. Its placement in a birth chart determines a person's spiritual beliefs, mindset, faith, religious inclination, and materialistic status.
jupiter rules Sagittarius with the 9th house and pisces with the 12 house
sag and the 9th house both represent higher studies like religious studies and college also represent our luck and the 9th house also represents the relationship with our father.
pisces and the 12th both represent the subconscious mind, which is the house of salvation and dissolution.
he gets exalted in  Cancer, debilitated in  Capricorn and reaches MoolaTrikona at Sagittarius.
this planet rules the Thursday.
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PS2: i am not using 100% of my own words to describe all the planets because i do not feel confident yet so this is all a mix of other people's thoughts with my owns all mixed up to help you guys.. I hope i can become more confident soon.
PS3: from venus to the end of the post i will be including my own thoughts mainly.
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in vedic astrology, venus represents our 2nd house, the house that represents our face characteristics,our self-esteem and how we overall deal with money.
the 2nd house is represented by the sign of taurus the bull.
venus also rules the 7th house, the Libra house, which represents how we deal with relationships ... it can be with our husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, or wife, and also how we deal with partnerships like business ones.
[But Vedic astrology puts a lot of enfaces on the 7th house because on the chart overall the houses are divided into different categories that i will explore later on but eventually once you start to read the books and study you will see the 7th being often *only* described as the husband house
to explain this i will have to introduce a concept call "Kendra houses" the angular houses: 1,4,7,10 meaning the most important houses of a horoscope
1; yourself , 4; your home and emotions, 7; your partner or partneships overall and 10; your carrer. ]
now back to libra sign, here is where we find justice or try to make justice try to be fair. overall this is how i would describe libra sign.
venus gets exalted at pisces sign and debilitated at virgo and venus moolatrikona is at 0-15 degrees of libra.
the western deity of venus is aphrodite ( there are many deities but i just quoted one) and to vedic there is maha lakshmi :).
this planet rules the Friday.
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saturn is the karma planet, I would also describe this planet as the main difficulty of every person's life. because with Saturn there's a job that we cannot run from there's a responsibility that we must fulfill or at least work with to make our life better
saturn rules the 10 and 11 houses of the horoscope, the 10th house is the house of the Capricorn sign usually described as the goat and the crocodile
[ the 10th house is part of the kendras and represents our career, but its not the only way to find out about ones career goal or orientation]
the 10th is also our reputation, our karma, and what part of our lives is exposed to the world (we choose to make such parts public)
saturn signs are opposite the luminaries houses ( capri is opposite to cancer (4th) and aquarius to leo (5th)
capricorn, just like the other earth signs are usually keeping their mind busy to not pay attention to their emotions (because the earth houses are opposite the water houses.)
now the 11th house is the house of gains, the gains we work hard to receive. the house is represented by the aquarius sign which is often described as the antisocial sign BUT the 11th house is the house of social groups as well as social media
[the 11th is part of another group called trikona houses but i will talk more about this later]
what happens to Aquarius is that they often choose to be with social justice groups or something that can actually have a social impact that can end up helping other people, mostly the most unfortunate people.
"leo or the sun or the 5th = i should have attention vs aquarius or saturn or the 11th = I think we should have attention, we should be famous together. "
not saying that an aquarius cannot be egoistical or whatever other names you desire to call but usually they feel this inside urge to be a part of a group. (and i'm not calling leos egoistical)
saturn just like jupiter is a teacher but hes methods are harsher.. because he teaches us that most things can only be obtained by hard work and discipline
saturn represents the order but it also represents the thieves because one cannot exist without the other.
the 11th is the results of the expression or creative talent one have at the 5th, is where you find the result of such talents or hobbies.
saturn is exalted at libra and debilitated at aries and moolatrikona at 20 degress of aquarius
this planet rules saturday
and is also a eunuch, usually described as a old person who doesn't have libido.
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the moon rules the 4th and the sign of cancer and is the most important planet of Vedic astrology because it can describe the nature of one's mind.
the fourth house represents our emotions, our home , our most private stuff ( like thoughts, dreams or anything one likes to keep private from everyone), and our mother or relationship with our mother and motherly figures.
how was my life when i was a kid? did i have comfort? did a had enough? was i happy? such questions are usually answered by the 4th Lord and/ or the moon.
how is my mental health? How do I usually deal with my emotions? i am happy or sad? how do i express my emotions? do i run from my emotions?
such questions, to me, are related to our fourth house and the moon.
i have to be honest i feel like the moon is so complex yet i have no words to simply describe it because I feel like the moon is everything
and also is related to our roots, like my birth country and if i overall find joy around my cultural place or dislike it
[ the moon is also magic, but i will expand this when i talk about the nakshatras]
the moon gets exalted at taurus and debilitated at scorpio and her moolatrikona is at taurus
this planet rules the monday.
PS4. so theres an exact degree for each planet dignity but i could not find them so i did not put them here because each place says a different thing.
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1.2 the south and the north nodes of the moon
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rahu and ketu are the nodes that eclipse the moon
rahu is the artificial sun and ketu is the artificial moon
Mythology According to Indian Mythology, Lord Visnu had decided to make the Deities (the seven planets) immortal.  Visnu had churned up the sea in order to extract a sacred nectar called amrita, with the intention of making the planetary Gods immortal. Visnu had all of the planetary deities lined up in order to receive the nectar potion. However, a demon called Rakshasha, who was dragon-like in appearance had sneaked in and disguised itself as a deity, in order to become immortal. Once Visnu had realised that he had been fooled into giving the nectar to the demon he took out his sword and chopped the demon in half. The head of the dragon became Rahu and the tail became Ketu, but now they could not be killed, as they had received the nectar. When the nodes, Rahu and Ketu saw how angry they had made Visnu, they did penance to him and were eventually given planetary status. So Rahu and Ketu are a very powerful force that operates in our lives to control the karmic influences and situations through the Rahu Ketu axis. The symbol of Rahu represents the dragon’s head and Ketu represents its tail Following this event, Rahu and Ketu gained the status of planets, and could influence the lives of humans on Earth. Rahu and Ketu became bitter enemies with Surya (Sun) and Chandra (Moon) for exposing his deception and leading to his decapitation. For this, Rahu pursues them and attempts to consume the Sun and Moon. Since Rahu is the head without the body, the Sun and Moon exit from his throat when he tries to swallow them This recurring cycle creates the grahana, an eclipse of the Sun and the Moon, which represents the temporary revenge of Rahu..
so to simplify one asura ( sura meaning god and asura meaning demigod) drinks a forbidden potion that grants immortality and the sun and moon notice this and went to tell Vishnu proceed to cut this asura head and separate the head from the body
creating the rahu ( the head without body) and the ketu (the headless body)
in astrology rahu represents our future and ketu our past lives and the gifts we got from it.
rahu also represents illusions and false imagery and ketu represents overall detachment.
rahu and ketu are ALWAYS opposite to one another on the horoscope
example: rahu aquarius and ketu leo.
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rahu represents the head without the body, meaning it represents mind obsessions and material desires, as rahu is very materialistic.
rahu is the illusion, the maya ( illusion) one must break in order to advance
often we get confused, tricked and lost on whenever house rahu is situated at because hes often casts illusionary tricks on us (thru this area)
rahu is also responsible to fame and he can grant you fame
rahu is the north node meaning is our destiny or our overall purpose in live is to achieve such place (the house where the rahu is place)
rahu behaves like saturn , meaning he deals with drugs, poisons, over-ambition, power play, hidden knowledge BUT don't be confused because unlike saturn rahu is not a teacher but a trickster.
and rahu also co rules aquarius and the 11th. (because aquarius traditionally represents the 11th)
"Rahu's element is air. It deals with all aspects of air related activities air travel, Air accidents, Aviation, Pilots etc. Other significations of Rahu include students of Astrology, metaphysical knowledge, witchcraft, skin diseases, small pox, deception, politics, political manoeuvre, inventions, scientists, execution, diseases, disenchantment etc." - komilla sutton.
rahu also represents anything that is foreign.
by having a trickster nature rahu is said to have "joy" or find happiness at the 6th house, house of virgo yet this "shadow planet" or node have no dignity
many will say rahu is exalted at taurus and debilitated a scorpio , others will say he get exalted a virgo and debilitated at pisces but he does not have dignities. but this also depends like by which teacher you are studying because it can change a lot between this two
so rahu is good at 2nd house / taurus and bad at 8th/ scorpio
rahu rules 3 nakshatras: ardra (gemini), swati ( libra) and shatabhishak ( aquarius)
rahu is the agent of "maya" meaning hes purpose is to lead you away from the spiritual path or the ketu path.
i will expand more on other posts.
rahu day is saturday.
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ketu is a headless body therefore represents detachment since ketu doesn't have a head to think about things he only is able to feel emotions
ketu is similar to mars and co-rules scorpio/ the 8th
"Some of the signification of Ketu are Ascetics, assassinations, trouble through cats, clairvoyance, contemplation, desire for knowledge, deep thinking, imprisonment, poison, intrigues, magical powers, poverty, mysticism etc." - komilla sutton.
ketu is fire, the fire that purifies and his goal is to take us to the spiritual path yet his nakshatras ( constellations ) are often showing destructive behavior in other to reach such path.
ketu is represents the beginning, ketu rules the first constellation (ashwini, aries) that is said to mark the beginning of life
and by looking at ketu we can see which kind of talents one got from his past lifes (usually you see those child singers at an early age as an example)
one will only reach rahu thru ketu = meaning one will only reach one destiny if they works on their ketu
if Ketu is conjunct a planet is said that ketu blinds the planet, depending on the sing, house and planet the result can be either good or bad.
ketu is the opposite of rahu where as rahu likes material ketu doesnt like and so on..
ketu rules the nakshatras : ashwini ( aries) , magha ( leo ) and mula (Sagittarius) .
my personal description of ketu is that it represents our trauma those traumas we cannot, for some reason, leave or cure them, often trauma is described as our "comfort place" .. now before you say anything our comfort place is not necessarily the place where we find joy, our comfort place is the place that we are stuck at, often times, due to trauma many keep stuck and cannot move one and therefore one cannot progress and this is where i like to say that Ketu mainly can represent if is working negatively
im not saying that ketu causes trauma yet i like to use the trauma example to explain or at least try to explain how we behave on the are that ketu is at and to explain further i will use other ketu meanings
ketu also is detachment as ive mentioned but not explained yet.. we are detached from the are where ketu is at
example: 3rd house ketu is described by a person who usually types without paying attention, and speaks before thinking, if the person have brothers this person will not be found of them or have a good relationship... overall everything that is represented by the third house the individual will not feel like he should give attention to such matters like "ive already memorized the keyboard so i am not even paying attention" and thats why the individual cannot reach a better place like this person usually can be found of writing but they never actually make any effort to study about what i need to be studied to become a writer and therefore they never get better and this how it becomes a "comfort place" because they dont care enough to make such changes and until they do not make changes they will not arrive to their destination = rahu
and its not easy like you're basically telling a person to care about something they simply dont but that is where you will find the root of the problems.. just because you memorized the keyboard doesn't mean you will not make any mistakes and overall if you become better you can help many people as well
another personal characteristic is that ketu also brings obsessions but they are emotional ones, meaning those where your emotional state take control and you end up destroying everything.
PS5. overall i don't believe that i will make you understand the nodes because its not an easy subject but i hope i was able to help you at least understand a point or the basics
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end of part 2 and yes it was longer and i took a long time to finish this i just hope i am able to help introduce people to vedic astrology
i will open my dms for questions and my readings are open as well.
part 1.
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