#troy otto season 3
ftwdb · 10 months
Don't Say Go
Chapter 1
Summary: Soulmates find each other through what is known as The Pull. A sense within a persons body that their soulmate is within reach that guides them to find them. You find yourself following this Pull, guided by vague dreams of a man you can't quite see, until you collapse in the wild and are found by Troy, your soulmate, who has been following the same feeling toward you for days.
Once connected soulmates are able to share emotions through their bond, as well as being able to sense where the other is. But how this force works is very much a mystery still, it can vary from soulmate to soulmate, and just sometimes a connection too deep can lead twist a bond from something beautiful to, well...
Warnings: Dark themes, sexual content, violence, non-graphic description/implications of SA, child abuse and domestic violence. References to addiction. Unhealthy love/obsession/relationships. Soulmate AU. Eventual smut. Love triangle.
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You woke with a start, your hand coming to the thrumming sensation in your chest as you gasped and panted. How many nights had it been now since the feeling had woken you, pulling you from much needed sleep at all hours? You’d lost count.
You wished you could remember your dream, to make the link between the figure you kept seeing in your sleep and the pull in your chest that never faded; a silhouette in the dark, moving closer as you tried to reach out a hand to grasp the shadowy outline.
Sometimes you thought you saw the profile of a face, a strong jaw with a defined nose. Eyes that swam between such a dark hue of blue they seemed black and at other times the gentle colours of a calm ocean. The features always melted away when you woke, no matter how hard you tried to remember them, to scribble down what you could in the small red notebook you kept tucked inside your boot. The images were scattered and jumbled, so close to becoming a complete picture; one your subconscious seemed to tell you held the an answer you didn’t even know you were seeking.
It had started when you’d left the remains of San Diego with nothing but the clothes on your back and the supplies you’d managed to scavange in your backpack. At first you’d thought little of it until you noticed when you headed in a certain direction the feeling seemed to grow stronger.
It had been with shock that you realised it was more than just the grief of all you’d lost, the fear of the dead and the unknown stretched out before you. It was it. The Pull. That was when the dreams started.
Everyone knew about the Pull and you were glad there was no one to berate you for how slow you’d been to realise what it meant.
That your soulmate, whoever they may be, was close.
You’d wandered with nothing but the feeling in your chest to guide you, moving in an easterly direction as you rose with the sun each morning and slept when it had disappeared beyond the horizon at your back at night. There was one morning when you had woken to feel nothing, and it had left you clawing at your skin, painfully aware of the hollowness within you that came with the loss of the Pull.
You’d lain down and grieved again that day. You remembered the lessons you’d been given about soulmate’s, what it meant to be one of the few lucky enough to find their match… and what it meant to be one of the many who never would.
At the start of the rise of the dead you’d witnessed the survivors around you randomly crumple over with an agonising pain, searing so deeply it felt like their hearts were broke in two. This pain… it was how you knew your soulmate was dead.
So as you lay there with your eyes closed against the morning light, you tried to reach inside and find the cord that tied you to someone you’d never met, never known and never would, you waited for the pain.
But it never came.
Once the sun was at its highest point in the sky and you were just beginning to consider retracing your steps back toward the ruins of San Diego - since there was nothing for you here other than sunscorched grass and hopelessness - that it hit you like a punch to the chest. An invisable hand reached between your ribs and pulled. The feeling was strong enough that you felt physically lifted to your feet.
Ignoring the worn state of your boots that were on the verge of falling apart, your tired and aching mucles began to scream at you; but not in resistance of your movement, instead your body urged you on.
You moved as quickly as you could, stumbling over dry earth and crumbling rock. The Pull kept you going, driving you further east. You pulled the map from your bag, stopping even as your feet ached and screamed at you.
Go, you’re so close…
Your head began to swim as you tried to fix your eyes on the lines printed on the page in front of you. You’d marked off your route, making note of any landmarks you passed to keep track of your journey. But as another feeling overtook the one that had been propelling you onward you looked toward the sky and realised just how low the sun had fallen.
It was almost night and your mouth was dry as the paper in your hands. You panicked, realising you’d neither eaten or had anything to drink as you licked your chapped lips and tasted the salt of your sweat soaked skin.
The last remnants of your water disappeared all too quickly as your legs finally collapsed and you hit the ground hard.
That was when you heard it. The low rumble of an engine in the distance. A set of lights appeared and lit the ground around you. You were closer to a road than you’d realised as a truck rolled to a slow stop nearby.
The feeling in your chest tightened. You could barely breath as a door opened and boots hit the ground, sending up a swirl of dust and dirt around legs clad in military gear.
You tried to stand but your head swam even more, the very ground beneath you seemed to lurch upward as your eyes travelled over the oncoming man.
He was tall, the light of his truck illuminated a mess of slightly curled hair and cast shadows over his face. As he moved closer and you collapsed back on the ground, the dry grass scratching at the exposed skin on the nape of your neck, you felt the pull of the bond finally give out as if a spring pulled taught had finally been released. You felt it pass through your entire body, a feeling of relief like when you woke after a deep sleep, stretching out the sleepiness from your muscles as the blood pumped and flowed.
The man, who had been holding a rifle in front of his face as he glanced around into the darkness, gasped. He said something then, but your ears were muffled by the sound of rushing water.
Before the dizziness swallowed you up and you fell into utter darkness you felt the smile stretch across your face. You tried to speak but your dry throat could only groan.
You didn’t see the way the man lowered his gun and stepped closer, his eyes fixing on the rise and fall of your chest. You were breathing slightly too fast and the signs of exposure were obvious on your skin. He heard footsteps behind him and gestured for one of his men to go to you as he took a step back and observed the girl he’d been dreaming of for weeks.
“Troy, we need to get her back to the ranch if she’s got a chance in hell of waking up.”
Troy made a sound in his throat, an affirmation, as the other man lifted the girl with ease and moved her onto the backseat of Troy’s truck.
He could now observe her more closely in the light. She was thin, long limbs covered by filthy clothes. He wondered how long she had been wandering. Had she felt it too? The never-ending ache in his chest had left him searching the wilderness day after day under the guise of searching for supplies or defending the perimeter from the dead, or those who saught to take what they had.
Once his eyes had settled on her face and he’d known it was her it was like the need in his body, as strong as a need for water after a long day working in the sun, bled from him completely and he felt whole.
So why, as he stared at the unconsious woman from the front seat of his truck, did he feel so…
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watchingthescreen · 6 months
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why gay people never flirt normally?
from ftwd session 3 deleted scenes ;P
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otto-troy · 5 months
And here’s a photo from when the old man told Jake that he wasn’t adopted
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justaskingtoask · 22 days
freudian love triangle of the year (2017) | FTWD Season 3
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roll-of-royces · 7 months
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Had to rep the #1 FTWD boi.
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thesameselfdestruction · 11 months
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Hate to see you go, but love to watch you leave,Nicky
1st post on my trick blog wooo 🥳
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themuselesswriter · 1 year
FTWD x Supernanny Titles; Random Crossover
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Do y’all watch Supernanny to remind yourself kids aren’t adorable or are y’all normal?
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muselessart · 5 months
Lyn & Troy at their wedding day
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I tried to draw it as i recall that we developed it and yes, they were wearing matching blues!
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otto-serena · 7 months
Troy/Lyn Bazaar Life Headcanons
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After the Ranch the pair go to the Bazaar with Nick who is going after Alicia. This is where Troy and Lyn get married. Nick is the one to plan their wedding and it turns out pretty nice.
After getting married Troy and Lyn decide to reside at the Bazaar for a bit, to finally breathe. This is probably the first inkling of a normal life with one another beside their trailer at Broke Jaw.
They trade some supplies they have to get a small room to stay in and both of them get small jobs to keep earning. Troy probably does something killing walkers, and Lyn does something with medicine.
At some point Laurel decides to cut her hair short and doesn't tell Troy, she just cuts it shorter and goes back to their room like nothing happened. Probably freaks him out a little bit and it amuses her.
At some point Lyn convinces Troy to go shopping with her in the Bazaar, and they go to a few shop mainly looking at clothes, and Lyn makes Troy try on a ton of different hats and takes a few pictures of him with a polaroid she bought.
Troy and Lyn have a run in with a small group that at first tries to rob them, but they quickly put an end to that, which then puts them on the Proctors's radar.
At the Bazaar they are really trying their best to just live a domestic life with one another, or at least the closest they can get to one.
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clhampir · 1 year
troy otto was such a good villain
terrible person. but a great villain
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ftwdb · 2 months
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Mood Board for my TroyxReader soulmate au fic "Don't Say Go."
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Troy really pulled the Isaac Lahey fashion sense with an apocalyptic twist and i love him for it
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watchingthescreen · 5 months
this scene in season 3 in which nick looks at old couple at the ranch, dancing and obviously in love and troy fucking shows up, asking him out on the date. and like a few minutes later nick tops troy and they pant and all. it was gay as fuck. love it <3
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ants-personal · 1 year
i just know fear is gonna bring back troy just to kill him again smh
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justinewt · 11 months
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Meet Nikki Clark before reading <3
Summary: With a complicated past, Nikki tried to lead a normal life after getting out of rehab for the umpteenth time. She got to nursing school, she wanted to help people but... she got expelled for taking drugs from the infirmary and Madison managed to prevent the school from pressing charges if the young woman left. A normal life overall. It wasn't the worst thing had happened to her but at least, she had some medical training and she still could help. For a while, everything was normal for the Clarks. That is, until an unknown illness started affecting the citizens of Los Angeles, turning them into undead beings relentlessly seeking human flesh. This incited a catastrophic chain reaction that will bring down civilization as they knew it. 
[Status: ABORTED] -- i'm too lazy (and busy with other fics)
Words: 4.1k
Chapters' list:
SEASON 1 (2015)
Chapter 1 - Fear Begins Here
Chapter 2 - Canary in The Coal Mine (TBA)
Chapter 3 - The Body Keeps Scores (TBA)
SEASON 2 (2016)
SEASON 3 (2017)
SEASON // (////)
!! My fanfiction follows the events/timeline of the TV series!! (lots of seasons 1,2,3 etc spoilers to expect)!!
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