#trudge x mina
Shoto Todoroki x Reader | First Kiss ❄️🔥💋 PART 5
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Part 1: Linked Here | Part 2: Linked Here | Part 3: Linked Here | Part 4: Linked Here
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Shoto Todoroki x Fem Reader! 💋
Genre: Fluff, Romance, S*xual Tension, Making Out, Smut
CW: MDNI!, A18+, kissing, romance, sexual tension, spicy scenes, lemon, hand job, vague references to Shoto being abused by family, reader experiences anxiety
Link to My Master List
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Your alarm wakes you from a restless sleep. You blearily slap at your phone until it stops beeping and you sit up in bed.
Deep in your bones, you feel upset.
But why? Your fuzzy brain can’t seem to put all the pieces together from the night before. Then in a flash you remember – the text. The sweatshirt. YaMomo.
Oh, right. You had drifted off around 4 am after hours of agonizing and pacing around your tiny dorm room.
Maybe it was all just a weird dream? You reach out your hand and grope along your side table until you find it – Shoto’s phone. You scoop it into your arms and tap it to reveal his bland blue-sky screensaver. There are two texts on the screen – one from you, and one from Momo Yayarozo.
Momo: “Hey Shoto, you left your sweatshirt in my dorm room yesterday evening. Come pick it up tomorrow? Good night.”
Okay so this is really happening. For what feels like the billionth time, you review the facts in your head.
Fact #1: Shoto and Momo are friends. They have always been fairly close and supportive of each other.
Fact #2: Shoto left some clothing in Momo’s room. And it’s a sweatshirt – not a super strange piece of clothing to leave in a friend’s room, right? But regardless, the text indicates that Shoto has physically been in YaMomo’s room.
Fact #3: Momo is hot. That feels relevant to list out here. But you don’t know if Shoto personally finds Momo hot, which is an important detail in this investigation.
It’s probably nothing…but you can’t help the way that a nervous knot forms in your stomach as you re-read the text message for the umpteenth time. Momo and Shoto have always been…close? But how close?
An image forms in your mind of Momo, her beautiful curvy figure leaning over Shoto during a seemingly innocent study session….You shake your head. No! These are your friends! You can’t assume the worst of them. Also, didn’t you seduce Shoto during a “study session” just last night? It seems a bit hypocritical to look down on someone else for doing the same.
You resolve to confront Shoto about this in the morning, to ask him for an explanation as to why Momo is currently in possession of a Todoroki sweatshirt. As you get ready – putting on your uniform, doing a quick skincare regimen, and brushing your hair - your mind swirls with questions and more than a little doubt.
You open your closet and reach for a box of protein bars that you’ve stashed at the bottom, breaking open the box and grabbing a chocolate chip bar for your breakfast.  You toss the snack into your bag alongside Shoto’s phone. Your emotions are all twisted up in the worst way. You’re simultaneously anxious and angry. But what exactly you’re angry about, you can’t put your finger on – are you angry about the situation, about Shoto’s potential two timing? Or are you angry at yourself for agonizing over the whole thing? You’re not completely sure, but you know for a fact that your lack of sleep isn’t doing anything to help.
Scowling, you march out of your dorm room and through the common area, ignoring the various “good mornings” of your friends as you go.
“Damn what crawled up Y/N’s ass and died this morning?” you hear Sero say loudly to Mina and Ochaco as you trudge down the stairs and out onto the quad. You’re too sleep deprived and pissy to care.
As you walk, your phone buzzes in your pocket. You fish it out and look at the screen where a barrage of texts alerts take up residence on your bright lock screen. It’s your group chat with Toru and Mina, appropriately labeled “Girlie Squad.”
Toru: Y/N! What’s the deal!?
Mina: Is everything okay?
Toru: So totally rude of you to ignore us!
Mina: You look like death.
You ignore them; you don’t have the wherewithal to make up an excuse for your sour mood. You make a mental note to respond before class so they don’t suspect that anything too crazy is going on with you. Your phone buzzes again, and you’re about to text the group to back off when you notice that – oh! It’s Honenuki this time.
You open the message and see that he’s linked you to a new song. You click through and it brings you to “This Must Be the Place” by the Talking Heads. You type out a quick text.
Y/N: You moved on to the 80s?                    
Honenuki: Ha. Yeah, 80s New Wave is the vibe this week. You like the Talking Heads?
Y/N: Yeah I’m a fan. “And She Was” is a favorite of mine.
Honenuki: A woman of taste! How’s you’re week going Y/N?
Y/N: Eh kinda crappy. Classes have been crazy, and I’m in a bad mood. You?
Honenuki: *typing*
Honenuki: Yeah the hero course has been tough lately. Maybe this will help.
He sends you another song, this time its “I’m Walking On Sunshine” by Katrina and the Waves.
Honenuki: A serotonin boost. Don’t let a tough week take away your sunshine, ‘kay? Hope the day gets better!
Y/N: Thanks dude, hope you have a good one too.
You smile down at your phone. Huh, Honenuki’s actually kind of cool. You’ve got a sneaking suspicion that Class B isn’t as bad as Monoma’s immature behavior has lead you to believe. As it turns out, they’re all sort of normal. The anxiety is still bubbling around in the pit of your stomach, but having so many friends be concerned about you lessens it a tiny bit. Mina, Toru, Honenuki. It’s nice to have people looking out for you. You hope that after the conversation you’re about to have that Shoto can be a member of that list.
You have a feeling you know where Shoto is this morning, and you’re determined to confront him there.
You walk across campus in the early morning sun, dew sticking to your shoes as you plod across the damp, freshly mowed grass. You come to one of the training gymnasiums and let yourself inside. The ground floor is comprised of a gym entirely dedicated to the peers in your year. It has a ton of exercise equipment and training gear, and is open most hours of the day.
You push open the big double doors to the gym and find Todoroki in the far corner. It’s extremely early and it looks like Shoto is the only guy from your year who chose to get some reps in this morning.
He’s wearing athletic gear – basketball shorts and a tight fitting tank top – and he’s covered in sweat. He shines in the lowlight of the gym, skin glowing as he bicep curls a massive free weight in each arm. He looks like a Greek god, his physique is glorious and his muscles flex with practice skill. If you weren’t so upset, you’d worship at his feet.
He hears the door open and looks up with a start, uncurling his arms in a way that shows off his workout pump. Fuck his body should come with a warning label like: Caution: Extremely hot, do not approach unless you’re prepared to drop your panties.
“Y/N?” He says with wide-eyed surprise. He moves to put down the weights and reaches for a small white towel. He wipes the sweat off of his gorgeous brow and looks at you, confusion in his eyes. You don’t typically lift in the mornings, and you’re already in your school uniform.
You approach him briskly, your steps precise and sharp as you maneuver around various machines and pieces of workout equipment. Your steps echo in the expansive space.
“What are you doing here?” He asks, tilting his head to the side like a dog. He’s so cute you almost forget that you’re mad at him. Wordlessly, you reach into your bag and pull out his cell phone.
“Oh, my phone.” He says blankly. “That’s right, I left it in your room, didn’t I?” He reaches out and accepts the cellular device from you. “Mr. Aizawa caught me on the staircase, so I couldn’t come back to get it. I got a detention, but I don’t think it will be too bad. Thank you for bringing this back to me.” He slides the phone into his short’s pocket without a second glance.
“Did you come to workout with me?” You see there’s a hint of eagerness in his face. He slowly turns around and looks to a pile of free weights in the corner. “What weight would you like to start with? I can go get some for you.”
Before he can turn to walk away, you reach out and grab his shoulder. You feel the definition in his muscles and it makes your knees weak for a moment. Goddamn, girl. Get yourself together here. Cut to the chase.
“Why is YaMomo texting you?” You ask, trying to keep your voice level. “She said you left your sweatshirt in her room.”
Shoto doesn’t seem phased by this. He calmly removes his phone from his pocket and opens up his messages.
“Oh, she did text me. Thanks Y/N.” He types something back to Momo and hits send before pocketing the phone once more. You stand there in disbelief as he acts like nothing odd has happened.
“You’re in your uniform. Do you want to go and change? There’s still plenty of time before homeroom if you want to get a few reps in. I can spot you if you want to do some deadlifts.” He says helpfully, using the towel again to wipe off his perfectly formed shoulders. “I never see you workout in the mornings, did you come just to see me?” He smiles mischievously, but you can tell that he’s genuinely thrilled that you’ve joined him.
“Shoto.” You say, ignoring his offer. “Why did you leave your sweatshirt in Momo’s room?”
“Hmm.” His expression crinkles a bit as he thinks back. “I guess I must have taken it off while we were studying. Her room is pretty stuffy. She has way too much furniture crammed into her dorm. I told her she should get a smaller bed.”
“So when you were with her…you were just ‘studying’?” You prompt, annoyed that he doesn’t seem to grasp the gravity of the situation here. Is he trying to pull one over on you?
“Yes. We did a short review of the quadratic equations we’ve been working on in class this month. YaMomo put together a review session for Kaminari, Jiro and I. Well mostly for Kaminari, but I still found the material helpful.” He stretches, hands behind his head. “Would you like to join our next math review? Momo makes quite a good teacher. She’s a great friend for organizing so many study groups.”
You look at him in disbelief, your jaw hanging open. Oh my god. OH. MY. GOD. Did you stay up half the night blowing A TEXT completely out of proportion!? Holy crap did you just spend hours worrying and agonizing and imagining fake scenarios over absolutely NOTHING!? You’re enraged with yourself. How could you let one tiny text absolutely destroy you like that? You’re supposed to be a level-headed hero! And right now you’re acting like some kind of lovesick middle schooler. Grow the fuck up Y/N! This is not how a normal person acts!
You’re absolutely spiraling inside, ashamed of the way you’ve been absolutely tearing yourself apart worrying that Shoto had two timed you with Momo. How silly. How ridiculous. Shoto and Momo are both you’re friends and somehow your horny Neanderthal brain made them both into enemies at the drop of a hat. You feel like an awful person for thinking of Shoto and Momo in such a horrible light.
“What’s wrong?” Shoto says slowly, bringing you back to reality. Your head is absolutely spinning. You’re exhausted and shaky, anxiety still coursing through your veins. Shoto shuffles forward to get a closer look at you, concerned. He reaches out to put a hand on your waist. “Are you not feeling well?” His voice is tinged with concern and he’s looking at you with such warm eyes it makes you want to die.
“I’m feeling fine.” You snap, and Shoto instantly flinches away at your sharp tone. He recoils almost like a child that’s been admonished. His exposed fear at your harsh words makes you feel even sicker to your stomach. It makes you wonder again at how he’s treated at home. You have so many emotions flowing through you at once that you aren’t sure how to respond. Embarrassed, exhausted and unsure of yourself, you turn and walk away.
“Y/N – wait! What’s wrong?” He calls after you as you quickly weave around the gym equipment.
“I’m fine.” You say again in a clipped tone, not having the strength to look back at him.
You leave Shoto confused and alone in the large space.
You stomp your way to the classroom building. Your stomach is riling and you have too many emotions to count.
You text Mina and Toru in your group chat. You send them a vague excuse about waking up on the wrong side of the bed or some shit. Mina responds that she didn’t sleep well either and Toru sends a heart emoji. You assume all is forgiven.
Much to your class’s surprise, Recovery Girl is standing in Mr. Aizawa’s usual place when you all arrive.
“Does this mean what I think it means?” Toru whispers as she takes her seat. You ignore her, still stewing. You can’t make sense of your feelings right now…why are you so damn angry? You’re certain that Shoto is telling the truth – it was just a study session in Momo’s room. You could easily ask Kaminari or Jiro to corroborate his story.
It’s not the study session that’s making you angry though…it’s the way you stayed up all night obsessing about Momo and Shoto’s friendship. The potential hookup. What it would mean if Shoto was seeing other people, despite your discussion about keeping the intimacy monogamous.
You’re embarrassed and ashamed. And now you’re even more abashed of the way you spoke to Shoto.
“Hello class. Aizawa had to take the morning off to attend to some personal matters, so we’re going to dive into our first Sex Ed lesson today ahead of your English class.”
The class groans.
“Don’t worry everyone, this one is quick. It’s just a stepping stone to our larger conversations.” She says kindly, peering up at them through her thick glasses. “Today we’re just going to chat about interpersonal relationships, specifically about how boundaries and strong communication can lead to stronger relationships. This is going to play directly into your friendships, into your hero work, and, eventually, into intimate relationships as well.”
“Who knows what a boundary is?” She looks around expectantly, but no one raises their hand. Everyone is too nervous to engage. She sighs. “Alright, well to start: when we set a boundary, we establish clear limits or guidelines about how we want to be treated. We may define what behaviors are acceptable to us or not. Can anyone think of a good example of what a boundary may be?”
Uraraka raises her hand. “Could a boundary be asking someone not to call you a certain name? Like if Midoriya told Bakugo that being called ‘Deku’ was crossing a boundary for him, it would be wrong of Bakugo to continue using the name, right?”
“Keep my name out of your mouth, pink cheeks!”
“Sounds like Bakugo is crossing the name calling boundary already!” Mina calls out mockingly, and Katsuki looks at her with eyes full of fire and brimstone.
“Settle down! Yes, Uraraka. That’s a good example of a boundary. Boundaries can also be physical or emotional. I’ll give some applicable examples: during training you may feel the need to tell your sparring partner that you aren’t comfortable with your face or chest being touched. In a friendship, you might set a boundary with that person requesting that they not share private personal information about you with other friends. In a dating relationship, you may set boundaries surrounding physical intimacy. The boundaries you set depend on your feelings and needs, as well as the relationship. The most important part of boundary setting is clear communication. Be direct about your feelings and need for a boundary, and don’t be afraid to verbally reiterate to reinforce the boundary. Any questions?”
You see Shoto’s hand lift towards the ceiling. You look over at him and your stomach rolls.
“Yes, Shoto?”
“Say a friend is mad at you, and you’re not sure why. Can I set a boundary in the future requesting that they be direct with me and communicate their feelings as clearly as possible?” He looks straight ahead, careful not to meet your eyes.
Recovery Girl’s mouth quirks a bit. “That is…an oddly specific question.”
She thinks about it for a moment then smiles at Shoto. “But yes, setting clear boundaries surrounding your communication needs is perfectly reasonable. A good step would be to meet this friend in a neutral area and to request that they have an open and honest conversation with you about how they are feeling and why. Tell them that in the future, you would like to have an open line of communication with them and that it upsets you when you don’t understand their feelings. Be sure to underscore that you want to understand them better, and you care about them. Of course, it is important to note that sometimes your boundaries will not be considered or respected. Your friend may not be willing to sit down with you and have a conversation. All relationships are complex and everyone has their own needs that they want met. The best we can do is be respectful of one another and try to approach difficult interpersonal situations with as much empathy and grace as possible.”
Shoto considers this, and nods with understanding.
“Does anyone else have a question about boundaries?”
Mineta raises his hand but begins speaking without being called on. “I think we all know that my boundaries are to see as much of the girls’ boobs and butts as I can. If the ladies of the class could all respect my boundary by having their assets on display as much as possible, it would be much appreciated.”
The lesson ends there.
Mineta is sent to the Principle’s office and Recovery Girl gives them a long lecture about respect and body autonomy. Present Mic comes in halfway through to start his English class. One look at Recovery Girl’s angry face is enough to send him packing, and he doesn’t pluck up the courage to come back and begin his class until 15 minutes have elapsed.
You think about Shoto’s question and feel a stab of shame. Shoto isn’t the best at understanding people, and he comes from a volatile home life where it sounds like his father’s anger is often weaponized. Of course he’s hurt and confused at your seemingly mysterious anger towards him. You wonder if he’s full of anxiety as well. You really shouldn’t have just left him in the dust this morning.
You glance over at Shoto, but he’s still staring straight ahead. His eyes are focused on Present Mic and the chalkboard, but they look a little glazed over. He’s not taking notes. He’s clearly deep in thought about something. You wonder if he’s thinking about you.
Crap, you really screwed this one up.
The rest of the day goes by pretty fast. There is the usual blur of classes, training, sparring and lunch. Mr. Aizawa reappears for combat training later in the day. He does not share an explanation as to where he has been. Instead, he doubles down on training and makes everyone work twice as hard as usual.
Shoji lays you out on your ass during said combat training and you’re absolutely sure your legs are going to bloom with bruises later on. He apologizes profusely but you shake it off and tell him it was a great throw. The way you had flown through the air must truly have been a sight to behold, as other students are taking a break from their work to come and check that you are okay. Shoji, still incredibly embarrassed, offers to take you to Recovery Girl for a quick once-over.
You catch Shoto’s gaze watching with concern from across the room where he’s sparring with Tokoyami. The momentary lapse in his attention allows for Dark Shadow to hit him square in the chest. He falls back on his own ass and blinks up at Tokoyami with wide-eyed shock.
“You’ve been woefully distracted lately, Todoroki.” You overhear Tokoyami say to Shoto as he pulls the fallen hero back to his feet. “Is everything okay?”
You feel a mixture of shame and embarrassment pool in your stomach as you realize that you’ve been ruining Shoto’s focus. An anxious, terrible thought creeps into your brain…maybe Shoto is better off without you tangled up in his life. You’re a distraction from his hero training, and he from yours. Plus, you’ve most definitely hurt him with the way you jumped to conclusions and then left him to sit with your angry vibes. Maybe for Shoto’s sake…maybe you need to break this off sooner rather than later? You shake your head in an effort to clear the thought from your mind.
“Y/N…are you sure you don’t want to go to Recovery Girl? You’re definitely going to have some nasty bruises from the way you hit the ground.” Shoji tries one more time. You wave him off, starting to get annoyed at the way everyone is dotting on you. Your nerves are absolutely fried.
“No, no. It was my fault for not breaking my own fall. I need to be more careful. Let’s go one more time – but give me a second or two to practice my counter move so we can see if it would be effective against your dupli-arms.” Shoji nods and squares up to you, giving you a moment to collect yourself and get into a position with more leverage. You train together for a few more rounds of sparring before Mr. Aizawa comes around and adjusts your posture to better protect your body from damage. You’re annoyed at the correction, but grateful for the advice.
After combat training, you shower and roll back to the classroom for your final lesson of the day – math. Ugh. You settle back into your desk, taking out your notebook and pencils and trying to convince your brain to cooperate for one last hour.
During the class, Mina passes you a hot pink post-it note that has two quick sentences scribbled out in her neat script: “Stage Two: Rendezvous in the Library at 8pm. Be sure you aren’t followed.”
You roll your eyes at her and tuck the note into your book bag. Mina’s flare for the dramatic could be the thing that blows this whole party operation; you need to keep her in check. You pull out your planner and scribble a quick reminder to meet up with Mina, Toru and Nieto in the evening.
You’re tired and angsty and anxious – to be perfectly honest, you’re not in the mood for a dose of party planning and strategy tonight. In fact, you’d rather take a second, longer shower and spend the evening brooding in your room. You need to figure out how you’ll make things right with Shoto. And you need to determine if hooking up is posing for too much of a distraction to you both. You return to your quadratic equations, morale low and enthusiasm for math crumbling.
The day ends unceremoniously. You pack up your bag, stuffing your notebooks and pens into the small book bag as best you can. Your math textbook peaks out at the top and you can’t zip it all the way. You want to throw it at the wall, you’re so frustrated. What a shitty day it’s been.
Your phone buzzes as you walk through the door. You open it up to see a text from Shoto.
Shoto: Y/N. I don’t understand why you’re upset with me. Will you walk with me back to the dorms so we can discuss your feelings?
Ugh. You totally knew this was coming. You turn and see Shoto packing up his own bag back in the classroom. There are a few other stragglers from Class A – you watch as he attempts to hang back. He looks up at you and finally catches your eye. He looks sad, his expressive eyes shining with more than a little hurt. You nod at him before turning back down to your phone.
Y/N: Of course, I’ll wait for you outside of the classroom.
You loiter outside the classroom door for a moment, nodding at your classmates as they pass through the threshold and make their way back to the dorm building. Shoto is the last to exit; his fine brown leather backpack slung over one shoulder. The bright afternoon sunlight shines through the hallway windows and dances upon his fair face. It highlights the bright scar that encircles his left eye, giving it an almost fiery glow. He’s so gorgeous he could be a model.
“I saw you got your ass kicked by Tokoyami today.” You try to joke, but the comment just comes out lame. The two of you start making your way towards the exit, the sunlight streaming across your bare arms and wrapping you in a glow of warmth. The feeling is oddly comforting. You take a few steadying breaths as you prepare yourself for a tough conversation.
“Yes. I was distracted. I saw Shoji throw you to the ground and I was worried that you were hurt.” Shoto says, straightforward as ever. He fixes his gaze on the hallway ahead, not daring to look over at you.
A flicker of anger and madness licks at your insides. You try taking a deep breath to keep your emotions at bay, but you almost can’t help yourself when you snap out: “You can’t worry about me like that. I can hold my own in battle. I got into UA on my own merits, after all.” A beat. “You need to trust that I can handle myself.”
You’re on edge and upset at yourself, and once again today you’re taking it out on poor Shoto. “I’m not some damsel in distress. I’m going to be a hero.” You say with feeling, adjusting your backpack so the straps don’t dig into your shoulders as much. Damn, you’ve got too many books crammed into this thing.
Shoto is silent for a moment. He turns to stare out one of the large sunlit windows, gathering his thoughts. You give him some time. He takes a deep breath before he turns back towards you, his eyes bright.
“You’re right. I’m sorry Y/N. Is that why you’re mad at me – do you feel that I’ve been underestimating your abilities? Because I assure you its quite the opposite. I hold you in such a high regard, you are nothing but impressive to me.” He turns so he can focus his full attention on you, his mismatched eyes fit to burn a hole through your heart. The kind words roll off of his tongue sweet like honey, and you believe him. He thinks so highly of you. You’ve always known this. And yet, you needed him to repeat it. You need to be reminded, or else the anxious thoughts will have you in a chokehold.
“I truly think you are amazing.” At his words, the prickly anxious energy surrounding your heart and mind dissipates a bit.
“Shoto…I’m not mad at you. I’m not even sure how to explain why I was so dismissive of you this morning.” You say, trying your best to pin down a few of the swirling thoughts in your mind.
“Can you try?” He asks softly. “Recovery Girl said that I should be direct and ask questions. I would like to have an open line of communication with you, because I care about you and it has been hurting me all day that I can’t understand the way you’re feeling. Are you willing to discuss this?”
“Of course Shoto.” You say, trying to come up with the right words to describe your feelings. Your whole body aches from your sparring session with Shoji, and you’re so tired you feel like you could shut your eyes and fall asleep where you stand. Talking about feelings is the absolute last thing you want to do right now, but Shoto deserves an explanation and an apology. You try to adjust your backpack straps again, but it does nothing to alleviate the stiffness in your back.
“Here, Y/N. I know you’re a strong hero and that you can hold your own, but please let me help you with your backpack. It looks uncomfortable.” Shoto reaches out and slips the backpack strap off your shoulders. You feel instant relief – you lift your arms high over your head and feel your shoulders crack as you stretch out the muscles.
“Thank you. I’m not feeling my best.” You continue to run through some basic stretches and roll out your muscles as you explain how shocked you were to see the text from Momo come through the night before. “I wasn’t snooping on your phone, I promise. I would never violate your privacy like that. But I flipped it over and saw the message. I misinterpreted Momo’s text…I thought that when she said you’d left your sweatshirt in her room…well I thought it implied that the two of you had hooked up.”
Shoto’s eyes grow round with surprise, his eyebrows shoot up into his neat two toned hair. “You thought that Momo and I…?”
“Yeah. My imagination and my anxiety went into overdrive and I was up all night wrecked with worry.”
“But Y/N, I told you that I only want to be intimate with you. What reason would I have to lie to you?”
“Anxiety is a brutal thing. I spiraled out of control and assumed the worst. And then when you had a perfectly reasonable explanation for why your sweatshirt was in her room…I was ashamed at how upset and needy I let myself get over the whole thing.” You hang your head in shame, unable to look him straight in the face. “I was up most of the night anxious about the situation and I let it consume me. I was mad at myself, and I took it out on you. I’m so sorry Shoto, that was wrong of me.” Your eyes focus on the floor beneath you.
“Y/N.” You feel Shoto’s hand reach out to take your own. It’s his cool hand – it feels refreshing to have your fingers wrapped around each other in the sunny glare of the wide UA windows. “It’s alright. I’m not upset with you. That makes a lot of sense, and now I understand why you feel the way you do. But I hope you believe me when I say I only want to be intimate that way with you.” He rubs his thumb across your hand lightly, the gentle touch sending goose bumps up your arms. “I like Momo as a friend – but that’s all. I promise.” He squeezes your hand lightly, a physical manifestation of his assurance.
You look up into Shoto’s face and his gaze is open, warm. He repeats: “I’m not upset with you.”
“But you should be!” You burst out, nerves still buzzing. “I was so cold to you this morning, and I clearly hurt your feelings.” You pause, your emotions welling up and bubbling too close to the surface for comfort. “And…and I’m too much of a distraction to you. Ever since we started hooking up, you’ve been less engaged in class and in training. I just can’t stomach the thought of holding your hero training back because you’re too focused on me.”
This is clearly not what Shoto was expecting you to say, because his mouth hangs open in surprise. He stands in the hallway, flabbergasted.
The hallway is silent, save for simple notes of birdsong wafting through a nearby open window.
Shoto looks at you now, narrowing his eyes. “Hey, Y/N…I am going to ask you a question and I don’t want you to think I’m being demeaning here. But…when was the last time you had a full night’s sleep? You look exhausted.”
You blink at him, confused for a moment. But then you realize its true – you’re utterly drained and you haven’t gotten a good nights’ sleep all week. In between late night study sessions and your hookups with Shoto, you’ve really been burning the midnight oil. And then, of course, there’s the way you’d kept yourself up the night before agonizing over the text from Momo…
“It’s been a while.” You say slowly.
“I think that maybe you need to relax a bit. I’m not mad at you. You’re not distracting me. In fact, you’ve done nothing but enhance my life since we’ve started seeing each other more…intimately. You let me just be myself around you. I can’t convey to you how much that’s helped me lately. I need you to believe that.”
You nod. He’s being far too kind to you.
Shoto uses his free hand to check his phone for the time. You see his boring blue sky phone background light up briefly before he re-pockets the device.
“It’s 4:00 right now. Do you have time to rest before dinner?” He asks gently, squeezing your hand again.
“Yes. I don’t have anything planned until 8 o’clock tonight.” You say, thinking back to Mina’s note.
“Good. Then I’m escorting to your room and enforcing a mandatory nap.” He uncouples your hands and marches forward towards the dorms. You follow behind; head foggy with a mixture of exhaustion and relief. Shoto isn’t mad at you.
Within minutes, you’re back in the Class A dorms. Most of your classmates are scattered across the campus – fitting in some last minute training in the gym or working through homework in the library. You feel guilty – you should be in one of those places, too. You need to work towards your goal of becoming stronger, becoming a hero. You voice these concerns to Shoto as he leads you through the empty hallway and towards your dorm room.
“Heroes need rest, too.” He says simply, dismissing your worries with a wave of his hand. “How can you become stronger if your exhausted?” He has a point there.
You turn your key in the lock and push your door open. The two of you enter the tiny dorm and you lock the door behind you. Shoto places the two backpacks on the floor near your desk and turns to you expectantly.
“Where do you keep your comfortable clothes?”
“Um, in the second drawer on the right.” You direct.
He moves to your dresser and opens the aforementioned drawer, drawing out a pair of cream-colored sweatpants and a grey tank top. You don’t have the heart to tell him that the pieces are not a matching set. He tosses the outfit in your direction and tells you to change. Meanwhile, he grabs the water bottle off of your nightstand and walks to your tiny bathroom to fill it for you. You hastily change in his absence and throw your worn uniform in your hamper for washing.
Shoto returns with a full water bottle and a damp cloth. He sets the bottle back on your nightstand and tugs you to your bed. You pull down the covers and climb up into the fluffy monstrosity, tucking your cold feet under the covers.
Shoto climbs up with you and sits next to you. He brings the cloth to your face – it’s damp with warm water. He lightly dabs at your cheeks, eyebrows and forehead, refreshing your skin in an insanely sweet gesture. “My mom used to do this for me before I went to bed.” He mumbles under his breath. “It always helped me sleep better.”
When he’s done, he presses a kiss to your forehead. You flush at the tenderness of his actions, overwhelmed with gratitude but feeling unworthy of his gentle attention.
“Drink some water.” He says before sliding off the bed and moving to ring out the cloth in the bathroom sink. You oblige, grabbing your water bottle and taking several large gulps of the cool liquid.
You feel ten times more relaxed than you had in class today. The loose clothes feel comforting on your aching body, and your face feels fresh and clean from Shoto’s attention. You lay your head down on your soft pillow and exhale deeply.
Shoto exits the bathroom, shaking the excess water from his hands.
“I’m sorry to be such a burden to you, Shoto.”
Shoto looks at you with a piercing gaze, almost angry.
“Y/N. I care about you – it is not a burden to take care of you when you need it. All I ask is that you are more open with your feelings next time. Don’t bottle things up and keep me in the dark.” He walks over to his book bag and reaches inside to grab one of your English class books – The Great Gatsby.
“Alright…I can be more open with you for sure. I’m sorry I was so harsh and mysterious this morning, I was processing too much and I got myself all worked up thinking that you and Momo had…well, you know.”
“Momo and I are good friends. You and I are also good friends but we have a more intimate relationship. There is nothing to be jealous about. As I said - I don’t care for Momo in the same way that I care for you.” He states simply, climbing back up beside you with his book in hand. “Here, turn onto your side and I can use my quirk as a heating pad on your back like last time.”
“You sure? I don’t need you to go to all this trouble…” You trail off as you feel his calloused hand works its way under your tank top. He spreads his fingertips wide as he cradles your lower back in his powerful hand. You feel him slowly start to modulate his temperature and the heat feels delightful against your aching muscles.
“Let me do nice things for you. I want you to relax. Now close your eyes and take a nap – I’ll wake you up before dinner.” He settles in next to you and you turn onto your side to give him better access to your back. He adjusts his position and props himself up against a few of your plushies. He flips his book open with his free hand and starts to read, brow furrowed in concentration.
You drift off, drawing comfort from the heat of Shoto’s left hand. You feel your muscles relaxing into his warm touch, the pains of the day melting like butter on a hot plate. You stretch out your legs into a more comfortable position and bury your face into your pillow.
“Thanks Shoto.” You sigh, letting your heavy eyelids drop. You feel so comfortable and safe; it’s not hard to let yourself fall into a soft, dreamless sleep.
True to his word, Shoto wakes you up two and a half hours later with a gentle shake of your shoulder. You blink up at him, bleary eyed. He smiles down at you, eyes soft as ever. It’s funny that you’ve never really noticed this – his face can be so blank and stoic, but all of the emotion shines through his pretty mismatched eyes.
“Did you have a good nap?” He asks, pressing a kiss to your brow before getting to his feet.
“Yeah…I feel like a totally new person.” You say. And its true – you feel refreshed and 90% better than you had earlier this afternoon. Your training aches and pains are still present, but have subsided a bit under Shoto’s gentle heat. Shoto hands you your water bottle and encourages you to take a few more gulps before getting out of bed. You indulge him, making a show of draining the bottle before you slide out from under the covers. You stand and wrap your arms around him, resting your head in the crook of his shoulder. “Thank you Shoto.”
Shoto returns the hug, taking care to run his hand up and down your back in a comforting gesture. “We take care of each other.” He says simply.
“How’s the book?” You ask as he breaks the hug and walks to his backpack, tucking his copy of The Great Gatsby amongst his notebooks.
“I finished it.” He says, scooping the bag up and onto his shoulders. “I don’t want to spoil the ending for you, but I’ll say this – it’s not a happy book.”
“Oh. Well I wasn’t really looking forward to it anyway. I much prefer sci-fi to the classics.” This seems to surprise Shoto, his eyebrows quirk up into his bangs in a gesture that’s rapidly becoming familiar.
“Sci-fi? Wow, I learn new things about you every day.” His tone is filled with surprise. “You’ll have to lend me one of your favorites sometime.” He checks the time on his phone, his factory default background glowing in the lowlight. “I should get going so I can drop my bag off in my room before dinner.”
“Hold on a sec – can I see your phone?” You hold out your hand, palm open. He looks at you for a moment, curious.
“Is this something to do with YaMomo again?” He asks, handing you the device.
“Not at all – I just noticed you have a basic-ass phone background. I think we need to change it to be more you, ya know?” You say, opening his Internet browser app and going to Google images.
“Oh, I’ve never really thought about that before.” He says, leaning to look over your shoulder curiously. “What are you thinking?”
“I feel like lately when we talk you’ve revealed that you like ocean creatures. That whale pillow on Pinterest? The Squirtle plushie? You seem to really like the sea vibe.” You say, typing a quick prompt into the search bar under Todoroki’s watchful eye.
“Huh, that’s true. I find the ocean to be very calming. And the creatures are usually cute.” He wraps his arms around you from behind as the image results populate on the screen. “Oh – I like that one a lot.” He points at a tiny thumbnail image and you click to expand it. It’s an old Lisa Frank design depicting two dolphins leaping out of crystal blue water. The art features a rainbow background of colorful corals and palm trees. It’s vibrant and filled with energy, and seems to fill Shoto with excitement as he buzzes behind you eagerly.
“Oh, I like that one too! All the colors are really nice. Let’s see how it looks as your phone background.” You smile as you save the image and set it as Shoto’s phone screen. He gives you a brief squeeze around the middle as he hugs you, bringing his chin down to rest on your shoulder as he watches you work your tech wizardry. You feel warm and fuzzy inside – Shoto is truly opening up to you. It feels like each day you chip away at his stoic exterior to reveal bits and pieces of his true self.
You hold up the phone and he unfurls an arm from where he’s holding you. He brings the phone to his face and smiles down at his new technicolor dolphin lock screen. You reach up a hand to cup his cheek tenderly and he leans into the touch.
“Thanks, Y/N. I really like this.” He says, turning his phone every which way to admire the artwork. He’s always surprising you. You’re happy he’s starting to get comfortable showing off his true self.
“Of course, Shoto. You should surround yourself with things that make you happy!” You feel your stomach growl and you remember that dinner is only minutes away. “We should really get going, shouldn’t we?” You both laugh as your tummy rumbles again.
Shoto unwinds his from around your stomach and gets to his feet. “Mind checking to see if the coast is clear? I’ll drop off my bag in my room and then see you at the common area.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You slide off the bed, unlock the door and peer out into the hallway. Thankfully, there’s no one in sight. You have a feeling that most of the class is already down in the common area assisting with dinner preparations.
“All clear.” You give Shoto a goofy little salute before opening the door wide for him to exit. He smiles and leans down to place a kiss on your cheek before booking it down the hallway. He hits the staircase and he’s out of sight in a blink of an eye.
You smile and head back inside your room, moving to change into a top that better matches your sweatpants. It feels nice to be taken care of. You wonder how Shoto knew exactly what you needed in order to feel better. Sometimes he seems so…out of touch. And yet, as soon as you need something he seems to lock in and know just what to do. You suspect that’s the true mark of a hero – seeing someone in need and figuring out a way to help. Who would have thought that Shoto Todoroki would become your own personal hero!?
In the dorm, Class A takes turns cooking with everyone rotating meal prep responsibilities. Tonight, Bakugo, Kirishima and Ida are handling the meal and you know it will be delicious. For some reason, Katsuki has some insane cooking skills. The smell of cooking vegetables wafts up from the kitchen and your stomach growls again in response. You leave your room, ambling down to meet the rest of your class in the kitchen area.
You feel much lighter, much happier. Shoto Todoroki is a goddamn prince of a man.
“Alright, Mineta. We need you to do this for us.”
It’s 8:05 pm and you, Toru, Mina, Nieto Monoma and Minoru Mineta are all holed up in a study room within the Geography section of UA’s oversized library. Nieto purposefully chose this location for your clandestine rendezvous because “no one at this school studies goddamn geography, so it’s the perfect secret meeting spot.”
Mina had invited Mineta with a secret post it note as well. She had passed him a hot pink note in between classes. The note had implied that the two would be having a private meeting to discuss the “raw romantic tension between them.” Needless to say, Mineta had been extremely disappointed to find you, Toru and Nieto all waiting alongside Mina in the geography study room.
After a few not-so-sincere apologies, Nieto and Toru had gotten right to the heart of the matter and explained their master plan and Mineta’s potential role in it. The small purple classmate had listened intently; nodding as Toru unrolled schematics and Nieto explained timing and strategy. He seems genuinely interested in the party plot, and for a moment you think that he might say yes and help you all pull this off.
“What’s in it for me?” Ah, there’s the kicker alright. He looks around at you all expectantly.
Mina crosses her arms and stares him down. “The gratitude of our class and the joy of knowing you helped out your classmates.”
“No way. I want something out of this.” He rubs his hands together, scheming. “If I’m going to participate in this crazy ass plan so that you all can throw some stupid party, I better get something out of it. So here’s my price - 7 minutes in heaven. With each of you.” He looks at Mina challengingly.
“First of all – that’s 21 minutes in heaven. And second of all – majorly GROSS!” Toru bursts out, turning to you for confirmation. You shake your head in disgust as well, ready for Mina to jump in and negotiate terms.
“Absolutely not.” Your pink friend says, her antenna bristling.
“You’re not really in a position to be negotiating, are you?” Mineta leers up at you all. “After all, you need something from me. You should be grateful I’m even thinking about helping out with your crazy scheme considering how much trouble you got our class in last time.”
Mina makes a sour face. Honestly, he kind of has a point.
“7 minutes in heaven is off the table. Name something else.” She spits out, her dark eyes murderous.
“Fine. I get a kiss from each of you. And I get to grope Hagakure’s ass at least once.”
“What!! Why my ass!?” Toru explodes, waving her arms in upset.
Mineta salivates. “Because I have no idea how juicy it is. Just give me one good squeeze so I can truly know.”
“You absolute perv!” Toru roars, reaching out to grab Mineta and give him a good thrashing. You catch your friend’s invisible hands before she can rain down terror on the little miscreant.
“Hey you’re the ones who want to play Spin The Bottle and watch our classmates kiss. You’re just as pervy as me.” Mineta levels you all with a superior look. “I bet Monoma here is getting something good out of this deal, so why shouldn’t I?” He gestures up at Monoma, who up until now has stayed completely silent. This is all part of Mina’s strategy. Ahead of the meeting, she had advised Nieto to keep his talking to a minimum since its likely Mineta wouldn’t trust him.
“What are they promising you in exchange for your help?” The little creep asks Nieto.
“That’s none of your business.” You say, squaring up to your classmate. You decide to play into his insecurities. All’s fair in love and war, right!?
“Look, Mineta. We need your help to get this party off the ground. You’re the only one who can do this job, and it would mean the world to all of our classmates if you went through with it. You’d literally be hailed as the coolest guy in our class. Isn’t that enough? You don’t exactly have the most social clout at the moment.”
Mineta looks at you for a long minute, clearly weighing all of his options. He seems unfazed by your comment about his “coolness” factor.
“Nope. I want whatever he’s getting.” He points at Monoma, who gives him an unhinged look.
“You Class A stooges are so entitled!” He booms, laughing a bit maniacally. Mina smacks the back of his head to give him a hard reset.
“Stay with us, Nieto.” She turns back to Mineta. “Okay in the spirit of transparency, we are helping Monoma get a kiss during Spin The Bottle. To keep things fair, we can guarantee one kiss for you as well. Tell us who you want to kiss, and it will be delivered upon successful completion of work.”
“Heh.” Mineta smirks evilly. “Fine, I accept your terms. For my kiss I choose…Y/N!” He points directly at you, blood dripping from his nose.
You look at your friends and shrug. Unenthusiastically you say: “Fine. Why not.”
“My ass thanks you.” Toru squeaks out, covering her behind with invisible hands. Nieto glares down at Mineta in disgust, but lets you continue to do the talking.
“If this will get our party off the ground, I’m willing to do it.” You look down at Mineta. “Here are the conditions – It’s gonna be a single kiss. Lips closed, no tongue. No groping. No touching. Lips only. Got that?”
Mineta nods eagerly. “Don’t worry. Once you get one taste of these lips, you’ll be begging for more.” He turns back to Mina, awaiting instructions. “So what do you need me to do?”
You all return to the dorms forty minutes later, with plenty of time to get back to your separate rooms before the curfew takes effect.
A battle plan has been drawn out, and commitments have been made. You have a sour taste in your mouth at the thought of your eventual kiss with Mineta, but sacrifices must be made. After all, the fate of the party of the century hangs in the balance.
You make a mental note to make sure that Shoto is cool with all of this – after all, it would be super hypocritical for you to be jealous of Shoto’s non-existent relationship with YaMomo, and then to turn around and give another guy a peck on the mouth.
When you finally make it back to your dorm, you’re riding an absolute high. You and your friends are planning the biggest secret party in UA history, and with the kickass strategy you all have developed, you anticipate the whole thing going off without a hitch. Monoma truly is a genius – you can’t wait to see his tightly orchestrated plan come to life. The man truly loves pulling all the strings behind the scenes.
Thanks to your nap, you’re feeling a bit more rested and energized. You text Shoto.
Y/N: Hey Shoto, you up?
Shoto: It’s only 9. Of course I’m awake.
Y/N: Have time to come through? I want to properly thank you for taking care of me earlier.
Shoto: I just finished some homework, I can come over for a bit before curfew.
Y/N: Perf! I have the perfect idea of how I can return the favor and TAKE CARE OF YOU! 👀
Shoto: I’m nervous. The all caps coming from you is aggressive.
Y/N: That was supposed to be cute and flirty 😉 Don’t be scared!! ☠️
Shoto: Ok. I’ll be down in 5.
True to his word, Shoto arrives in a timely fashion. He slips through your unlocked door like a ghost in the night.
“Hey, Y/N. How was your meeting with Mina and…?”
His jaw drops in surprise when he looks up to find you in nothing but your bra and panties. It’s a matching set – midnight blue and lacy around the edges. You’re feeling bold.
“I was trying to think of a way that I could properly thank you for taking such good care of me earlier…” You trail off, reaching behind him to turn the lock to your door.
“…And I came up with an idea. Get on the bed?” You ask sweetly. Shoto wastes no time obeying your request. He hurriedly scrambles onto the bed with the speed of a teenage boy who’s been promised a sexual favor. You climb up after him, lifting the hem of his t-shirt suggestively.
“Clothes off.” You say, tugging at the shirt a bit to see a flash of his perfect stomach before dropping the fabric from your fingertips.
Shoto doesn’t need telling twice – he strips, pulling the shirt over his head with lightening fast reflexes. His perfectly toned abs glow under the fairy lights, and you lick your lips at the sight. He hurriedly slips his sweatpants down his hips and takes them off one leg at a time, still managing to look graceful despite his frantic energy.
He throws his pants out onto the floor, out of sight. He’s wearing a pair of loose grey boxer shorts, his hardening cock already visible through the thin fabric. You reach out a hand to trace along the outline of his pulsing member, causing him to get even stiffer under your teasing touch. He looks down at you with that heaven-piercing gaze. Perfect.
You lean towards him, ghosting gentle kisses along the curve of his pale neck.  “What do you want Shoto?” You breathe wetly into his ear, running your hand down his bare chest. “Tell me, and I’ll make it happen.” You hear Shoto’s breath catch in his throat at the implication. An open ended offer is a valuable thing – you wonder how he’ll use it?
“I’m thinking…maybe you could do that thing with your hands again?” He says sheepishly, pupils blown wide as he watches you palm at his dick over his boxers.
“You mean a hand job? Are you asking for a hand job?” You say, laughing, as he blushes crimson as his hair.
“I guess I am.” He says, breathing shakily. He leans down into your hair and mumbles “It feels so much better when you do it. I’ve been trying to replicate it on my own but…it’s just not the same.”
You smile. “I can definitely do that for you. Tell me, how badly do you want it?” You ask in a tone that’s barely above a whisper. You squeeze his package lightly over the boxers. He almost moans at the touch.
“I want it…so badly Y/N. Please.”
The light begging sparks something in your core and you’re already so wet you fear you may soak through your panties. Again. Wow, this is becoming quite a bad habit of yours.
“Take off the boxers.” You command softly, and Shoto accommodates – stripping down to nothing. Once again, here is thisa beautiful man buck naked in your bed. It’s enough to make you see fireworks behind your eyes.
He sits there, fully exposed, his cock hard and laying flush against his taught muscled stomach. You long to reach out and take him in your hand, but you know you know you need to be patient.
“Shoto, you said you’ve been trying to replicate the hand job I gave you?” You ask amiably. He nods. “I want you to show me how you like to do it on your own. Show me how you touch yourself, Sho.”
He glances up at you uncertainly through thick lashes, looking between you and his cock with trepidation. “Are you sure? Would that not be…weird?”
“Not at all!” You reassure him. “It’s the best way for me to learn how to pleasure you. I want to see what you like so I can add it into the mix. It’s like hero training – we need to learn from each other to be the best we can be.”
This analogy makes perfect sense to Shoto, who understands the importance of training. “Alright. If it would help. But I feel pretty self-conscious right now.”
“That’s perfectly understandable.” You say, placing another string of kisses to his jawline. “Try not to be too nervous. Remember - we’re just having fun and exploring, right?” You pause. “Plus…it would be really fuckin’ hot to see you jerk yourself off in my bed. So know that I’m completely and totally into this. If that helps.”
This makes Shoto smile. “It actually does help.” He laughs softly, turning his head to capture your lips in a brief smooch.
“Right.” Shoto says, drawing in a shaky breath. He looks at you nervously, before glancing down at his erect cock once more. He reaches for it, wraps his fingers around himself and gives a light tug. You watch as he slowly starts stroking at himself, concentrating a bit more on the head here and there. He glances up at you from time to time, letting his eyes roam across your breasts and the gentle curves of your hips.
You move the straps of your bra off your shoulders, giving him a bit of a show before you reach behind you to unclip the bra all together. You toss the fabric to the floor in what’s rapidly becoming a familiar gesture with Shoto. His breath hitches in the back of his throat as his eyes take in your perfect breasts. He picks up his pace, jerking himself off in a succinct rhythm as his eyes devour your chest.
“Come here.” He groans. You scoot towards him in the bed.
“What do you want?” You ask, voice soft but demanding.
“I want your breasts in my mouth. Right now.” He says, not breaking stride as he continues to work at his rock hard cock.
You reposition yourself so that you’re slightly above him and you lean forward. He can’t help himself – before you’ve settled into a comfortable position, he’s captured one of your nipples in his mouth. He suckles on it, using his tongue and teeth to tease the delicate flesh. The pleasure that shoots through you is unquantifiable. You lean into his mouth and your eyes flutter shut as he uses his free hand to give attention to your other tit. The gratification is so good you hope he never stops.
But then you remember – you have a goddamn plan here. You should be watching and learning to see what Shoto likes. Your eyes fly open and you try to ignore the absolutely incredible things this Todoroki blessing is doing to your breasts.
“Shoto…” You try to get his attention. He looks up at you from down where he’s sucking on your tit and cocks and eyebrow questioningly.
“Shoto, this is fucking hot, but I’m trying to concentrate. Please – show me what you like and talk me through it.” You try to keep your voice as level as possible, even as he pinches a nipple and rubs the pad of his thumb over the delicate nub with his free hand. After a quick moment, comprehension dawns in his eyes and his mouth releases your boob with a wet “pop!”
“Sorry, I got carried away.” His face is red with embarrassment as you slide to sit next to him.
“Don’t be. I like it when you get carried away. You’re so goddamn hot Sho.” You plant a kiss on his cheek. “Now get back to it – and talk me through what you like.”
Shoto looks down at his cock and resumes stroking it. “So I hold my hand like this around it, see?” He demonstrates how he keeps a loose closed grip around his dick, sliding his hand along the base for a few deep strokes before concentrating around the head. “This part is the most sensitive, so when I want to finish I concentrate a lot here. But first I work myself up by starting down here.” He moves his hand down to the base of his dick to show you. “And I’ll tease myself a little as I work back up to the top.”
“Sometimes, I like to touch my…um…testicles a bit. It feels really nice to kind of…uh this is super awkward to explain…it feels good to move them around?”
“I think I understand.” You say, watching as he shows you how he likes to be played with. You let him work at himself until you see shiny beads of pre-cum form at the head of his cock.
“Okay, my turn to drive.” You say, reaching to shoo Shoto’s steady hand out of the way so that you can replace it with your own. “There we go.” You wrap your hand around his hard cock and start at the base the way he explained. You slowly roll your hand midway up his shaft before bringing it back down to the base. Shoto sighs at the motion, his hips flexing in a way that implies that he’s dying to thrust up into your hand.
You continue to tease him that way, coming closer and closer to the sensitive tip of his cock without truly touching it. You can tell by the expressions stretched across his face that he simultaneously loves and hates what you’re doing to him. You grin; enjoying the control you have as you edge him.
With your free hand, you reach down to fondle his balls, trying to mimic the motion he showed you. There’s a sharp intake of breath when you start to shift his package around, and you can tell from the way he bites back a moan that it must feel so, incredibly good to be touched this way.
Finally, you release his cock and bring your small hand to your mouth. You make a show of licking the palm of your hand before spitting cleanly into it. Shoto’s eyes widen in surprise at the crude gesture, but his cock twitches in anticipation.
You bring your spit-filled hand down to his dick and resume jerking him off – this time starting low at the base and continuing all the way up to the tip. Your saliva allows for your hand to slide and glide in a delicious way that it hadn’t previously. Shoto lets out a curse followed by your name at the feeling.
“Fuck, Y/N. Holy fucking fuck.” It’s the most you’ve ever heard him curse, and the lilt of his lust filled voice is absolutely sinful. You grin like a Cheshire cat as you stroke him the way he showed you, focusing on the sensitive head. His breathing is ragged, and he’s absolutely wrecked as you continue to run your lubed up hand along the very tip of his rigid member. “Shit. Y/N. I’m going to - ”
Shoto orgasms hard - thick waves of hot cum shooting up and flowing over your delicate hand as you continue to work at him. His legs jerk with the suddenness of his climax. His breath hitches in his throat and you fear that he’s stopped breathing as his hips roll up, thrusting his cock into your grip over and over and over. You use your hand to milk him for all that he’s worth, being sure to mimic the way that you had watched him grip his dick earlier in his demonstration. The expression on his face is priceless – his eyes are wide and filled with an expression of rapture, his mouth caught open in a small “o.”
Whatever you’re doing seems to be doing the trick, because it is quite a bit before he catches his breath and politely removes your hand from his spent, pulsing cock. He’s over stimulated and panting, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Y/N, that was…” He’s still breathing heavy.
You reach across him to grab a conveniently placed washcloth off of your nightstand (you had a feeling that you’d be needing some cleanup supplies tonight). You wipe the sticky mess from your hand before giving him the cloth. He gratefully accepts, wiping the cum that’s pooled along the defined planes of his stomach and in the well of his bellybutton. “That was incredible. You take direction so well.” He says, his voice a bit fuzzy around the edges as he drops his head back to rest on your pillow.
You lay back with him, moving your clean hand to stroke his hair slowly. He leans into the touch, eyes heavy and half lidded as he comes down from his high.
“I’m a fast learner.” You say, enjoying the soft texture of his fluffy hair as you flutter your fingers through his dense locks. You lay there for a few minutes, playing with  Shoto’s hair and letting him bask in the afterglow. He’s completely naked and gorgeous in the glow of your fairy lights, his pale skin rippling with muscle.
“It’s almost curfew…you’d better get going in case Mr. Aizawa makes a bed check appearance.” You say with regret, wishing Shoto could stay with you through the night.
Shoto turns his head and groans into your shoulder. “But I want to stay here forever. It’s so comfortable here with your hands in my hair. And I’m so tired now.” He almost whines. You smile – a month ago you would have never thought Shoto Todoroki capable of whining. 
“I wish you could stay, too.” You coo, continuing to card your fingers through his mismatched locks.
“I like it here. Maybe I’ll move in. Stake claim on all of your plushes.” He reaches out and grabs his favorite plush from behind your head. He holds it close to your face and waves it up and down a few times, pretending to make it dance. “Squirtle, Squirtle.” He says in a strained, warbley voice. You giggle at his goofy attempt at mimicking the water Pokémon.
Afterglow Shoto sure is chatty. He looks so open and relaxed, his facial features at rest.
“Oh my God Shoto…did you finally look up Pokémon!?”
He hugs the plush to his bare chest and laughs. “I watched 12 episodes. I had to keep watching until Squirtle showed up. I would give my life for the Squirtle Squad.”
This cracks you up. You laugh even harder when you look up and see the way that Shoto is sprawled across your bed – completely naked except for the large Squirtle plush clutched to his chest. You point at him and make a little choked squeak. He realizes how ridiculous he looks and soon you’re both in hysterics, gasping for breath. It’s a wonder that no one has knocked on your door yet and asked you to quiet down.
After a few minutes you both calm down enough to catch your breath. You slide off the bed and scoop Shoto’s grey boxers off the ground and toss them in his direction. He drops Squirtle for a moment so he can shimmy into his underwear. Partially clothed once more, he flops on his back and pulls the covers up to his chin. He tucks Squirtle in beside him. You move to get back into the bed and join him, but he holds up a hand and puts on a serious expression. “Sorry – there’s no room for you. This bed is for card carrying members of the Squirtle Squad only.”
You smile and then paste a theatrical pout on your face. “You goof. How does one apply for Squirtle Squad membership?”
“Hmm.” Shoto brings his hand to his chin as if deep in thought. “You need to pay our membership dues. It’ll cost you a kiss.”
“That’s pretty expensive.”
“Squad Membership is well worth the fee, I promise.” He nods stoically, looking over at the Squirtle plush beside him. “Squirtle can confirm.” He gestures at the plush, which stares up at you blankly with its large embroidered eyes.  
“What does Squad Membership include?” You ponder aloud, pretending to think it over.
“If you join up now, I’ll act as your official heat and ice pack.” Shoto holds up both hands above his face as an offering. “And I’ll make you cum whenever you want.”
“Whenever I want?” You repeat. “Now that’s an intriguing offer. I think I’ll take it.” You lean down and cup his soft cheek in your hand, bringing his mouth to yours. Your lips melt into his and you kiss him soundly. He moans into your mouth, moving his lips softly against your own.
It’s wonderful to be with him like this – so open and having fun like regular teenagers. There’s no pressure to put on a brave face and to be strong heroes in training. In these stolen moments, its okay to just be. You break the kiss and pull yourself up into he bed and under the comforter. Within seconds, you’re wrapped up in Shoto’s arms and he pulls you against his bare chest.
“Welcome to the Squad. Your membership is approved.” He places a kiss on your forehead and you snuggle into him. You take a deep breath, letting your tired body relax against Shoto’s solid warmth. 
You lay in silence for a bit, just enjoying each others company. Shoto’s breathing is slow and even. You can tell he’s feeling comfortable and relaxed after his orgasm. He nuzzles his face into your shoulder and huffs into the curve of your neck. After a bit, Shoto gets too warm and uncouples himself from you so he can pull down the comforter a bit.
“You know, I was thinking…” Shoto rolls over onto his back and crosses his arms behind his head. He’s partially naked and gorgeous in the glow of your fairy lights, his pale skin rippling with muscle. He looks up at the ceiling. “Summer training camp is coming up. I heard that this year we are going for 2 weeks. They plan to put us through a week and a half of training, and then we’ll get a few days just to have fun and enjoy being outside. There will be hiking, and campfires…maybe the two of us can sneak off and just have some time together? No curfews, no whispering. No hiding away.” He turns his head to look at you.
“That sounds really, really nice.” You say, reaching over to give him a big boop on his nose. He smiles at the contact. You love seeing him like this – usually he is so closed off and stoic. Every smile you can get out of him is a prize in itself. “I doubt we’ll truly be able to sneak off given how large and damn nosy our class is…but we can definitely try.”
Shoto closes his eyes, a blissful expression etched across his features. “I just picture the two of us on a moonlit hike, just able to enjoy the scenery together. We can listen to the cicadas and the crickets in the quiet of the dark. It’s such a calming thought in my mind. I’d like to share that moment of peace with you.”
“Orgasms make you talk nonsense.” You joke, trying to ignore the way that your heart is squeezing at his words.
He opens his eyes and scans your face. “You’d like that, though?”
“Of course I would, Shoto. It would be nice to get out of the city and to see some greenery. To be together outside of our dorm rooms. I wish that we didn’t need to sneak around so much…I wish that we were older and that we could just do whatever we want without consequence.” You say wistfully, reaching to grab your phone and check the time. “Crap, it’s nearly 10.”
Shoto pulls you into another embrace, shifting his hands around you so he can cradle your breasts. He plays with your nipples a bit, swirling his fingertips around them delicately. You gasp at the contact, your pussy instantly responding to the touch.  “I can’t go yet – I haven’t made you cum.” Shoto whispers thickly into your ear, pinching a nipple with each hand. You make a strangled sort of noise, sliding a hand down between your legs to give your clit a brief pulse to sate the hungry way its pulsing beneath the smooth fabric of your panties.
“Shoto…if you stay any longer and Aizawa comes around, we’re gonna get caught.” You say in a pained voice as he continues to play with your tits. You can’t let this go any further or you both are done for. “Shoto, you’ve gotta go.”
“But it’s not fair if I don’t make you - ” You move to regretfully remove his wandering hands from your boobs.
“I can take care of it myself this time.” You say, in a sultry tone. “And I’ll think of you the whole time.” You turn to look over your shoulder to see Shoto’s face has gone beat red at the implication that you’ll be spending the rest of the evening masturbating to thoughts of him.
He lets out a shaky breath, still clearly uncomfortable with the thought of leaving you hanging. “Alright, Y/N. But next time, the focus is all on you to make up for it. Okay?”
“I think I can live with that.” You smile, and reach behind you to give him a light shove to leave.
Shoto grins softly as he untangles himself from you, climbing over your body to get out of the bed. His feet hit the ground and he stretches languidly before reaching for his abandoned clothes. He pulls his shirt and pants on unceremoniously as you watch, laughing at the way his soft sweatpants stretch back into place over the smooth curve of his ass.
“You’re too cute.” You say, reaching to pull him back to the bed so you can give him one more quick kiss. He smiles into the smooch, wrapping his arms around you in a warm, steady embrace.
“I’ll text you?” He says softly, resting his chin on your shoulder. “I’ll make sure I take my phone back with me this time.” This earns a laugh.
“Please do.”
“Well, goodnight then.” He kisses your cheek and then makes his way to the door; he peaks out into the hallway before making his usual fast exit. You pray he doesn’t get caught by Aizawa again – he would probably demand an explanation from Shoto.
You lay in your bed, relaxed, staring up at your ceiling. Life sure has been complicated lately – between school, training, an unexpected romance, and the illicit party planning, you sure are having an adventure.
You allow yourself to replay a scene from earlier in your mind: “Fuck, Y/N. Holy fucking fuck.” Shoto curses as you stroke his cock mercilessly, bringing him to the brink of climax. “Shit. Y/N. I’m going to…”
You feel arousal twinge between your legs once again and you bring your fingers down to touch yourself over your panties. You wish Shoto was still here to help – all you can think of is the loving way that he sometimes uses his wet tongue to play with your nipples. You roll over onto your stomach so you can increase the pressure of your fingers against your clit. Mmm. You replay the image of Shoto’s pretty “O” face over and over again as you bring yourself to the brink of climax.
Before long, new thoughts are blooming into your brain. You imagine what it would be like to have Shoto’s fingers on you instead. What would it be like to feel that pretty cock slide inside of you - to be physically filled to the brim with Shoto Todoroki? You’ve never really fantasized about actual act of intercourse before, and you wonder how it would feel to be that connected with Shoto. You picture his voice pitching and sighing as he slides in and out of you, his strong hands bracing on your hips. The thought of Shoto’s thick cock sliding against your wet pussy causes your breath to stick in your throat. Your heart pulses impossibly fast as you use your fingertips to push yourself over the edge, gasping into your pillow. Oh fuck that’s good.
Shoto Todoroki and his hot body are truly going to be the death of you. You can picture your epitaph in your head – “Here lies Y/N. She was brought to the gates at heaven by Shoto Todoroki’s hard cock. May she rest in peace, having known what true ecstasy feels like.”
You smile at that unhinged thought. Your phone buzzes next to you and you flip around the screen to see a text from Shoto.
Shoto: I made it back to my dorm room. Did not get caught this time.
Shoto: Typing.
Shoto: Did you…take care of things?
Y/N: Haha yeah. I just finished. Was thinking about you the whole time.
Shoto replies with a single word.
Shoto: Fuck.
Shoto: Next time, I’ll take care of you myself. I promise.
Y/N: You've already taken care of me so much today, but I’ll hold you to that. ☺️ Goodnight, Shoto.
Shoto: Goodnight Y/N.
You put your phone back on your bedside table and snuggle up in your bed, pulling the Squirtle plush close to you and wishing that it were Shoto Todoroki.
End of Chapter.
HOLY GUACAMOLE!! This chapter ended up being 30 pages - I know in my last chapter post I said that Chapter 5 would focus on The Party - but y'all all of your reactions to the Chapter 4 cliff hanger made me want to create a more satisfying plot line surrounding the YaMomo text. In short - the comments you leave influence the story a lot more than you'd think! So I hope you enjoyed this chapter and Shoto's sweet way of taking care of the Reader. I try to make The Reader a pretty general character so that it's easy to self-insert, but she's kind of developing her own personality which is fun too!
Part 6 is already in the works and partially written. I have most of THE PARTY scenes drafted and typed out, and I'm really excited for you all to see what I've been cooking up for this story arc. I also want to lay the ground work for future arcs as well - I don't anticipate this tale ending any time soon! It seems to take me a month/month and a half to churn out each chapter, so please feel free to check out my other work on My Master List as you wait!
I have been so locked in on this Todoroki story that I've been neglecting one shots lately. I hope to finish a little Kirishima focused fic soon, plus I have an idea for a tale surrounding All Might (the working title is gonna be something like "United States of Smash that Ass" idk its gonna be goofy and All Might is gonna have a huge cock or something stupid like that). TLDR: Keep an eye on my blog for more fun content surrounding our other favorite heroes as you wait for Chapter 6!
As always, thank you thank you thank you for all of your positive comments, messages and reblogs of my work. This passion project has brought me so much joy and I love how much joy it seems to bring all of you. Thanks for joining me on this wild ride, excited to see all that happens next!
XoXo, Red Riot Unbreakable Heart ❤️
Want to join or be removed from the tag list - let me know! Once again, this is an ADULT ONLY blog. The IcyThot club is exclusively dedicated to the Shoto's First Kiss series and will only include A18+. Do not request to be added unless you are over 18. I'm also adding the "sexual content" label/tags.
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writingrock · 24 days
the tale of two lovers [1]
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pairing: barbarian! katsuki bakugou x reader (female) summary: a bard approaches a lone barbarian in search for a story to tell. Who could have known that the barbarian end up being such a romantic tale.
notes: fantasy au, fluff, strangers to lovers, slow burn, bakusquad, barbarian bakugou
word count: 7.1k
part list
part one: chapter list
a/n: I told myself this would be a oneshot and now it's accumulated to six chapters with no end in sight.
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In the heart of this simple town, a rambunctious group of adventurers stumble through the night. Seeking refuge from the cold night. A towering barbarian leads— His broad shoulders clad in woolly animal fur that puffs upwards adding height to his figure. Over his red cape, a scimitar slings over his back serving as a warning to all. Irritation grows with each step, his red eyes darting around his surroundings for shelter.
“Tch.” a grumble leaving his throat as they trudged on, “How hard is it to find a damn inn?” annoyance laced the blonde’s voice. The pink skinned fighter and dragon shifter exchange glances, silently communicating through their facial expressions on how to mitigate Katsuki’s temper. After a brief and wordless discussion, Mina turns to the barbarian.
Attempting to ease the tension, she speaks gently. “Don’t blow a fuse just yet, we’ll find one soon,” Her bright pink skin stood out even in the dim setting, blush pink curls bouncing as she walked, “you’re not the only one who’s exhausted ya know.”. The barbarian rolls his eyes as he moves forward.
Their mindless bickering fills the cool air as they traverse through the town, searching for somewhere easy and simple to stay for the night. Folks that happened to pass by the group could feel their agitation seething from them. Their frustrations would be understood if one simply knew what they’ve been through. Heavy grunts and whiny complaints left their mouths as they searched for an inn. Exhausted from finishing their recent commission that brought them on a long-winded journey.
Finishing their commission feels like a heavy weight has been lifted from the group’s shoulders. They’ve returned to town to meet with their employer for their reward. Despite how antsy the group is for their pay, they’ll have to wait until it’s day. At the very least, they can get some deserved rest after such a long journey.
A warm glow stops them in their tracks. There’s a bustling inn standing with pride in the centre of the town. The windows are aglow with a golden light, casting a warm, inviting hue onto the weathered cobblestone street below. To them, this inn is a warm haven against this cold night. It appears that their earlier frustrations seem to vanish with this finding. Atop the thatched roof there are wisps of smoke curling lazily from the chimney, carrying the comforting scent of wood smoke and roasting meat. The smell alone causes their stomachs to grumble. Hunger finally hit them. Flickering lanterns hang on either side of the heavy wooden door, their flames dancing within their confines. Hanging above the entrance is a creaky sign emblazoned with the tavern’s name, “The Tipsy Hippogryph”.
The heavy wooden door creaks as it swings open, allowing the sounds and scents of the tavern to spill into the night. The tavern's walls, made of sturdy stone and timber, are adorned with flickering torches and a few faded tapestries. There is a cosy, golden glow over the room. Wooden tables and benches, scarred by years of use, are scattered across the floor, most occupied by patrons enjoying their evening. The low hum of conversation and occasional bursts of laughter create a comforting, lively ambiance. The tavern keeper, a burly man with a thick beard and a booming voice, moves deftly behind the bar, filling tankards with frothy ale and serving plates of hearty stew. His wife, a kind-eyed woman with a quick smile, greets the weary travellers.
“Evening.” She greets warmly, “Looking for rooms or just here for a bite?” It’s clear she’s experienced with her work. There’s a homely touch to her that puts one at ease. Her voice is pleasant with a maternal tone, it welcomes all that step foot into the inn.
Bakugou strides up to the counter, his imposing figure catching the attention of a few patrons. He simply ignores them and speaks to the innkeeper. “Two rooms, we’ll share.” He wastes no time getting straight to the point. Not really keen on small talk or talking in general.
The innkeeper gets to work immediately, flicking through the log book to search for the requested rooms. Her hands are fast to hand the barbarian the keys and inform him where they are located. “If yer hungry, our kitchen is still open.” she gestures to the busy meal area by her side. The place is scattered with patrons from all walks of life. Townsfolk, travellers and merchants. They sit hunched over their mugs, deep in conversation, while others sing raucously, their cheeks flushed from the ale.
At the sound of food, the adventurers do not waste any more time. They find a table by the fire. The fire roars in the large hearth, its crackling flames adding to the tavern's warmth. The air is thick with the mingling aromas of roasting meat, fresh bread, and the sharp tang of spilled ale. The scent alone sends them to the edge of their hunger. Eagerly ordering a feast with an abundance of ale to satisfy their stomach. A barmaid weaves through the tables with practised ease, balancing trays laden with food and drink. She exchanges friendly banter with the regulars as she serves them.
In the corner, a minstrel plucks at a lute, singing a cheerful ballad that competes with the din of the crowd. His nimble fingers dance across the strings, and his voice, though not perfect, adds a layer of charm to the tavern's atmosphere. A few patrons clap along, and a couple of children, likely the tavern keeper's, dance near the hearth, their laughter ringing out above the noise. Candles set in iron sconces flicker, casting long shadows that shift and sway with the movement of the patrons. The wooden floorboards creak underfoot, worn smooth by countless feet over the years. The bar is a hub of activity, with patrons jostling for the keeper's attention, coins clinking as they pay for their drinks.
It wasn’t long for the barmaid to come by with their order. As she approached, the enticing smell of the fresh food made their mouths water. Swiftly, she begins to place the platter onto the round, wooden table. ​​In the centre, golden-brown turkey legs are piled high on a simple steel plate. The skin is crispy and glistening with savoury juices. The sight teases the group as they wait patiently for the maid to finish her job.
A basket of freshly baked bread is placed beside the turkey legs. The bread was still warm, the crust crackling slightly as it cooled. The innkeeper had sliced the loaf thickly, revealing a soft, fluffy interior that begged to be torn apart and slathered with butter. Following that is a large bowl filled with baked potatoes. Each potato was perfectly roasted, the skins crispy and slightly salted. A dollop of melted butter pooled in the centre of each potato, seeping into the fluffy interior and releasing a heavenly, buttery fragrance.
Finally, the barmaid props down a wooden pitcher of ale, frothy and cold, with a rich amber hue. The most exciting addition to the meal. She hands out the sturdy mugs. The ale foams up to the brim, a few droplets spilling over the edges and onto the table.
“Thank you pretty lady.” Denki shoots a charming smile at the barmaid, earning a laugh from her. She waves him off before going back to tend the busy bar. The impatient one, Bakugou, grabbed a turkey leg first, tearing into the tender meat with a satisfied grunt. Kirishima and Mina followed suit, each reaching for a leg of their own. In turn, Sero and Denki dove into the bread, slathering it with butter and passing around the baked potatoes.
They settle into the warmth of the inn, enjoying the hearty meal. Laughter filled the air as they recounted the day's journey, from the close calls during their journey to Denki’s less-than-graceful attempt at flirting with the local from earlier. Bakugou, as usual, mostly grunted in response, too focused on his food and drink to indulge in much conversation. As the night wore on, the group began to grow tired. They’ve satisfied their hunger and now it’s time to turn to other needs. Kirishima stretched and let out a loud yawn, his dragon scales glinting in the firelight. "Alright, I’m beat. Think I’ll hit the hay."
Mina nods, agreeing with Kirishima’s words. She pushes herself off the chair and straightens up, “Busy day tomorrow, we should all get some rest.” The other two members rise from their seats except for one. Bakugou stays in his seat, looking down at his ale. Admiring the deep amber colour. It looks rich and inviting under the flickering light of the hearth. A thick, frothy head crowned the top, with bubbles rising lazily to the surface, creating a satisfying hiss as they popped. The ale clung to the sides of the sturdy wooden mug as Bakugou tilted it slightly, leaving a thin, foamy residue in its wake.
“I’ll be here a while longer,” Bakugou doesn’t look up, “Don’t wait up for me.” He tosses the keys onto the table, keeping the spare for himself. Usually, he’d be the first to hit the sack. Always emphasising on the importance of sleep for the body. But his comrades already know the reason for the sudden change. He needs to be alone. Denki and Sero exchange a glance.
"Don’t stay up too late, Bakugou," Denki teased, slapping the barbarian on the back as he walked past. "We need you in top form tomorrow." As he skips over to Denki, Sero manages to ruffle Bakugou’s hair. Not that it changed much, it’s still a mess.
Bakugou rolled his eyes, taking another swig of ale. "Just.. get outta here." He doesn’t have the energy to be foul. The others laughed as they headed upstairs, leaving Bakugou alone at the table. He leans back in his chair, savouring the quiet and the last few bites of his meal. The inn had began to empty out, with only a few patrons lingering near the bar, their voices low as they finished their drinks.
He stays in his seat, lost in thought, with his pint of ale. Mindlessly watching people leave the tavern, lost in thought. Warmth spreads through Bakugou's chest as he takes a long sip. There was a subtle sweetness from the roasted barley, balanced by a hint of bitterness from the hops that lingered pleasantly on his tongue. The finish is smooth, with a slightly smoky aftertaste, leaving a satisfying sensation that made him reach for another sip almost immediately.
Just as Bakugou was about to take a sip, a figure approached his table. It’s a bard, a lithe man with a lute slung across his back and a curious glint in his eye. He wears a wide-brimmed hat adorned with a single feather, and his fingers were adorned with rings that glinted in the firelight. Bakugou has the intention to ignore the man, he isn’t in the mood for company. Especially from some halfwit in a dumb hat.
The bard gives Bakugou a respectful nod before speaking. “Mind if I join you for a moment, sir?”
Bakugou looks the bard up and down, his expression unreadable. “I mind, now fuck off.” he gruffly replies as he takes a sip of his ale, “Go bother someone else.”
The bard’s smile remains steady, unruffled by Bakugou's gruff tone. "Forgive me for intruding," he speaks, his eyes twinkling with genuine curiosity. "I couldn’t help but notice you and your companions earlier. You strike me as a man with stories to tell, and I’m always on the lookout for inspiration for my songs. Care to share a tale or two?" His gaze is earnest, carefully assessing Bakugou’s mood, hoping to coax a story from the reluctant barbarian.
Bakugou leans back, grumbling as he takes another swig of ale. "I don’t tell stories. It’s not my thing."
The bard chuckles softly, sliding into a chair without waiting for an invitation. "Everyone has a story, even those who claim otherwise. Perhaps a tale of a great battle, or a quest that brought you to this town? A man like you must have seen his share of adventure."
Bakugou’s eyes narrow, studying the bard. His instinct is to brush off the intrusion, but something about the bard’s easy confidence and genuine curiosity makes him pause. Maybe it was the warmth of the ale or the unusual openness of the evening, but Bakugou found himself surprisingly open to the conversation. He did have a story— one that weighed heavily on him.
"Why do you care?" Bakugou asks, surprised by his own willingness to engage. On any other night, he’d have tossed the bard out or shouted him away.
The bard shrugs, resting his elbows on the table with an air of quiet conviction. "Stories are what keep us alive. They remind us of where we’ve been, what we’ve survived, and inspire others to forge their own paths. Besides," he adds with a grin, "I have a feeling your story is one worth hearing."
Bakugou is silent for a moment, his gaze drifting to the flickering flames in the hearth. He thinks back to all the battles he had fought, the friends he had made, the enemies he had faced. He isn’t one to dwell on the past, but he couldn’t deny that his life had been anything but ordinary. Especially with the most recent chapter of his story: you.
Finally, he sets his mug down with a decisive thud and meets the bard’s gaze. Perhaps the ale has made him loose-lipped. "Alright, I’ll tell you one story. But just one. Don’t expect me to get all sentimental or anything.”
“I met a woman, her name was …”
Your name was scribbled on the back of a map. That was Bakugou’s first introduction to you. He scowled down at what was supposed to be an intricately drawn parchment, then back up at the merchant. “You’re telling me this costs eighty gold and twenty silver?” His teeth clenched, barely containing his frustration at the absurd price. This flimsy, poorly drawn map isn’t worth half that. The barbarian’s patience was wearing thin—this was the twentieth merchant he’d approached in search of this damned map, and all he had to show for it was what looked like a cheap knock-off.
They were hunting for the map of Niniel’s Veil, an ancient, mysterious elven forest known for its dense, enchanted woods. Those who dared venture into it often wandered lost for years, if they ever returned at all. Information about the Veil was scarce, and what little existed was shrouded in myth and legend. All most people knew about was how difficult it was to go in and out of the forest alive. Bakugou was furious to find that after all this effort, all he was offered was this questionable scrap of parchment.
Niniel’s Veil was more than just a forest—it was a vast, sprawling labyrinth of nature. A forest shrouded in ancient magic and mystery, its reputation known far and wide as both a place of wonder and peril. The towering trees, with trunks as wide as castle towers, reached impossibly high, their dense canopies weaving together like an impenetrable tapestry of leaves and branches. The forest floor was an entanglement of twisted roots and thick underbrush, where sunlight barely penetrated, casting the entire woodland in perpetual twilight. Swallowing anyone who dared to enter. Every step inside the Veil felt like stepping into another world, where the air was thick with the scent of moss and the whisper of ancient secrets carried on the wind.
This forest had once been the sacred domain of elven ancestors, a place of refuge and mystery. It was said that within its depths lay countless treasures and artefacts, hidden away by those ancient elves who had stolen them in times of war and turmoil. The promise of these lost relics had lured many adventurers into the forest, but few had ever returned. Those who did spoke of twisted paths that led them in circles, illusions that played tricks on their minds, and creatures that seemed to be made of the very shadows that filled the Veil.
For Bakugou, entering Niniel’s Veil was not a choice but a necessity. He needed to find a lost piece of his draconic artefact, a relic of immense power that had been passed down through his family for generations. Without it, the artefact was incomplete. The artefact was not just a tool; it was a part of him, tied to his very identity and strength. The thought of it being lost forever gnawed at him, driving him to desperation. It’s been left missing for too long and he intended to do something about it.
He stared at the map in his hands, frustration and doubt warring within him. This map was his best chance of navigating the cursed forest, but its authenticity was questionable, and the price was absurd. Eighty gold and twenty silver for a flimsy piece of parchment that might not even be accurate? It felt like a cruel joke after all he had gone through.
But the alternative was wandering the Veil blind, with nothing but his instincts to guide him. The thought of spending years lost in the forest, of never finding the artefact, made his stomach twist. The merchant watched him carefully, sensing his hesitation, but Bakugou was too focused on his internal debate to notice. As he reached for his coin pouch, a pink hand halted him from doing so.
Mina crossed her arms, tapping her foot impatiently as she watched Bakugou wrestle with the decision. The merchant’s smug grin only made her more irritated. Eighty gold and twenty silver for a flimsy map? It was a rip-off, and she wasn’t about to let her friend get swindled.
“Bakugou, we’re not paying that,” she said firmly, stepping forward. She shot a glare at the merchant. Her voice cut through the tension like a blade, drawing the attention of the entire group. “This is daylight robbery, and you know it. We’re leaving.”
Bakugou’s eyes flicked to her, a scowl forming on his face. “Mina, we need this map. I don’t have time to play around.”
Mina grumbled under her breath, thinking of the possible choices they could make. That is until she takes another good look at the map. That name scribbled on the map. It seems so awfully familiar.
All of the sudden, it clicks in her head. “Thanks for your offer but we’ll have to say no!” Mina stepped in abruptly.
What was she thinking? They needed that map to better their chances of going through the damned forest. Bakugou was about to bark at her but she cut him off.
Without waiting for further argument, she grabbed Bakugou’s arm and yanked him away from the counter. “Come on, guys. We’re out of here.”
“What the hell Mina? We needed that map!” Bakugou barked, fighting Mina as she dragged him out of the shop.
Sero was the first to react, a grin spreading across his face as he watched the scene unfold. “Guess that’s that, then,” he said with a shrug, casually following Mina’s lead. He was more amused than anything, enjoying the way Mina took charge. “Gotta admit, it was a pretty steep price for a piece of paper.”
Denki, on the other hand, looked a bit disappointed. “But what if that was the only map?” he protested, jogging to keep up as Mina pulled them out of the shop. “We might have just walked away from our best chance!”
“Or we just saved a ton of money,” Sero countered with a laugh, clapping Denki on the back. “Relax, Denks. We’ll find another way.”
Kirishima, ever the loyal friend, looked between Mina and Bakugou, his expression torn. “Mina’s right, Bakugou. That map didn’t even look legit. I know you’re desperate, but we’ve been through worse without needing to pay through the nose for something like that.”
Bakugou’s jaw tightened, but he didn’t resist as Mina practically dragged him out of the merchant’s shop. He hated to admit it, but Kirishima and Mina had a point. The map was overpriced, and there was no guarantee it was even real. Still, the thought of wasting more time searching for another lead made his blood boil. He was a man of action, and every delay felt like another step further from his goal.
Once they were outside, Mina finally let go of his arm and spun around to face the group. “Look, I have a better plan. I know how to get the actual map!” She seemed confident. It raised some eyebrows. What did Mina have up her sleeve to guarantee a rare map?
Bakugou glared at her, his frustration evident, but there was no real anger behind it. “You better be right about this, Mina,” he muttered.
As the group walked away from the merchant, Mina could feel the tension still radiating off Bakugou. She knew how important this quest was to him, but she also knew something that the others didn’t. With a sly smile, she stopped the group and turned to face them.
“I didn’t mention this before because I only just realised it, but I actually know the author behind that map.” Mina began, catching their attention. “I took a good look at that dumb, fake-ass map and recognised the name on the back.”
Bakugou’s eyes narrowed. “You what?”
A few months ago, the others had been busy with their own tasks— Bakugou training with Kirishima, Denki and Sero fooling around in the market— Mina had taken some time to explore the outskirts of a small town they’d passed through. She hadn’t meant to wander too far, but something had drawn her deeper into the woods until she stumbled upon a naturally formed dungeon hidden beneath a thick canopy of trees. The entrance had been nearly invisible, covered in moss and overgrown vines, but she’d caught sight of it and felt an irresistible urge to investigate.
Inside, the air had been cool and damp, the walls of the dungeon shimmering with faint traces of ancient magic. As she ventured further, she heard a weak voice calling for help. Instinctively, she followed the sound until she found a small chamber, where a person was slumped against the wall, barely conscious. Their mana and health were dangerously low, and it was clear they wouldn’t survive much longer without assistance.
Mina had acted quickly, using what little healing magic she knew and offering her own supplies to help the stranger recover. As she worked, she couldn’t help but feel a connection to this mysterious individual, and when they finally regained consciousness, she was shocked to learn their identity. The person she had saved was none other than one of the most renowned cartographers in the land, famous for their unparalleled skill in mapping even the most treacherous and unknown territories.
Grateful for her help, the cartographer had offered Mina a unique artefact as a token of thanks—a small, intricately carved crystal pendant. It glowed with a soft, blue light, and the cartographer explained that it was enchanted to allow them to communicate with Mina at any time, no matter the distance. “You’ve shown kindness when you had no obligation to,” the cartographer had said, placing the pendant in her hand. “If ever you need guidance or help, you need only call, and I will answer.”
Sero whistled, clearly impressed. “You’ve been holding out on us, Mina. That’s one heck of a connection.”
Bakugou’s frustration began to ease as he listened, his interest piqued. “And you think this cartographer can get us a real map of Niniel’s Veil?”
Mina nodded confidently. “Absolutely. If anyone can, it’s them. And since I helped them out, they’ll probably do it for a fraction of what that greedy merchant was asking. Or maybe even for free.”
Bakugou finally let out a sigh, nodding in approval. “Fine. Contact them. But this better work.”
Without wasting any more time, Mina reached into her pouch and pulled out the crystal pendant. It was a small, clear gem that glowed faintly with a soft, bluish light. Holding it in her hand, she whispered a few words, and the crystal began to hum gently, a sign that the connection had been made. The blue light pulsed gently as the magic connected, and soon a voice came through, calm and familiar.
“Your name and what you need?” the voice asked, tinged with a hint of curiosity.
Mina smiled, her fingers tracing the edges of the pendant. “Hey, this is Mina from a few months ago.”
There was a brief pause, then a soft chuckle. “Ah, yes, I do remember you. Calling for a favour?”
Mina nodded, even though the cartographer couldn’t see her. “So, I need a map for Niniel’s Veil. Could you get me that?”
The line went silent, the only sound the faint crackling of magic in the air. Mina’s heart skipped a beat as she waited, anxiety creeping in as the seconds ticked by.
Finally, the voice spoke again, steady and thoughtful. “Where are you currently?”
Mina quickly glanced around at her friends, who were watching her intently. “Oh, um—we’re at the town of Leford.”
There was a pause, then the cartographer’s voice returned, sounding pleased. “How fortunate, I’m in Khela. I’ll go over to Leford tomorrow. Let’s meet, Mina.”
Mina’s face lit up with excitement. “Really? That’s great!” She could hardly believe her luck, and her grip on the pendant tightened in gratitude.
“Don’t mention it,” the cartographer replied, their tone warm and reassuring. “See you then, Mina.”
Mina exhaled, feeling a wave of relief wash over her as the connection faded and the pendant dimmed. She tucked it back under her shirt, looking up at her friends with a triumphant smile.
“Looks like we’re meeting them tomorrow,” she said, her voice brimming with confidence.
Bakugou gave a satisfied nod, and Kirishima patted her on the back, beaming with pride. “You really pulled through, Mina. Thanks.”
Sero grinned and Denki let out a whoop of excitement, the tension from earlier completely dissipated. They had a plan, and thanks to Mina, they were one step closer to finding the path through Niniel’s Veil.
You look down at the pendant in your hand, watching the soft blue glow fade away. The magic within it settles, leaving only the cool touch of the crystal against your skin. You turn back to the view of Khela, the prosperous town sprawling before you, its beauty tinged with the golden light of the setting sun. You had just finished your business here, so Mina's call was perfectly timed.
Niniel’s Veil. The name stirs something deep within you, a mixture of pride and apprehension. Your mind drifts back to that forest, the memories of navigating its treacherous paths still vivid. That place was hell to map— an ever-shifting labyrinth of ancient trees and hidden dangers. It had taken you and your father five long years to chart every inch of it, and even then, the forest had resisted your efforts, as if it had a will of its own.
Being a cartographer wasn’t just a profession for you; it was a legacy, woven into the very fabric of your being. From the moment you turned ten, your father had taken you under his wing, guiding you through countless expeditions, teaching you the secrets of the trade. Every line on a map, every curve and symbol, held a story—a story your father had passed down to you.
Your thoughts shift to Mina’s request. Niniel’s Veil. It’s not a place one simply wanders through with just a map in hand. You know this all too well. The forest was a living entity, a place where the unwary could lose themselves for years, or forever. Sending them in with nothing more than a piece of parchment would be a death sentence. And after what Mina did for you— saving your life when you were at your weakest— there’s no way you could let that happen. Besides that, you knew your principles wouldn’t allow you to abandon them like that.
Your conscience won’t allow it. You owe her more than just a map. You owe her your guidance, your expertise. She and her companions would need more than directions; they’d need someone who knew the forest’s secrets, who could navigate its shifting trails and hidden perils. With a resolute nod, you make up your mind. You’ll be their guide through Niniel’s Veil. But first, you’ll have to convince them to accept your help.
When you arrived at the inn in Leford, you found Mina and her companions huddled around a large wooden table, deep in conversation. Their chatter halted the moment you stepped closer, their eyes flicking to the pendant hanging around your neck—the very one Mina had described to them. You could feel their wariness, especially from the blond barbarian who fixed you with a hard, scrutinising stare, as if he were already imagining how he might take you down if needed.
“So, you must be the cartographer,” Kirishima said with a friendly grin, his dragon-like features softened by his genuine warmth.
Bakugou, however, was more reserved, his sharp eyes sizing you up. “You got the map?” he asked, cutting straight to the point.
You nodded, but before you could reach for your satchel, you raised a hand to pause them. “I do have the map, but… I’m not just here to hand it over.”
That got their attention. Bakugou’s eyes narrowed suspiciously, and Sero tilted his head curiously. “What do you mean?” Sero asked.
You gave them a small, knowing smile as you pulled up a chair, sitting down without waiting for an invitation. “Are you guys really planning to brave Niniel’s Veil with just a map?”
Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at you. “What’s it to you?”
You chuckled, leaning back casually in your chair. “Everything. That forest is no joke. I know because I’m the one who mapped it. If you think you can just waltz in there with a piece of parchment and come out in one piece, you’re either fools or far too brave for your own good.”
Mina shot Bakugou a look, clearly trying to defuse the tension. “We appreciate the concern, really, but we’ve been through a lot together. We can handle it.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt your abilities,” you said, your tone still light but with an edge of seriousness. “But Niniel’s Veil isn’t like anything you’ve faced before. That forest has a mind of its own. It twists and changes to trap you, to keep you lost. I’ve seen seasoned adventurers disappear there, never to be seen again. And frankly, I’d rather not add your names to that list.”
Denki looked a little nervous at your words, glancing at his friends for reassurance. “So, what are you saying? That we’re doomed?”
“Not doomed,” you replied, waving off his concern with a smirk. “Just…in over your heads. Which is why I’m offering to be your guide.”
Kirishima leaned forward, his eyes narrowing with suspicion. “What’s the catch? People don’t just offer to lead groups into dangerous forests for fun.”
You shrugged, pretending to think it over. “Well, I could ask for some gold, but honestly, this is more of a personal matter. I don’t like seeing good people get themselves killed when it can be avoided. Plus, Mina here did save my life, so I figure I owe her one.”
Mina blushed slightly at the mention of her good deed, while Bakugou’s scowl deepened. “We don’t need charity,” he growled.
“Who said anything about charity?” you countered, meeting his glare with a challenging look. “This is about survival. You need someone who knows that forest inside and out. Someone who’s already spent years mapping its every inch. Like I said, you can try it on your own, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”
The group exchanged glances, each of them weighing your words. Finally, it was Bakugou who broke the silence, his voice gruff but grudgingly accepting. “Fine. But if you slow us down, you’re on your own.”
You chuckled again, nodding. “Fair enough. Just try to keep up, and we’ll get along just fine.” You could tell your words struck a nerve with Bakugou—no one tells him to keep up. With a smirk, you tossed the rolled-up map across the table to him, watching as he caught it and unrolled the parchment. The group crowded around the map, eager to take a look.
The moment Bakugou spread out the map, the difference was clear. The shoddy, overpriced map the merchant had tried to sell them was nothing compared to this. Your work was meticulous and precise, every detail painstakingly drawn. The map was likely the best they had ever seen, a masterpiece of cartography. Bakugou’s scowl softened as he took in the craftsmanship, a flicker of something like respect in his eyes. He was relieved they hadn’t wasted their gold on that flimsy knock-off.
“Looks like you really know your stuff,” Kirishima commented, impressed, to which you slightly nodded.
Bakugou said nothing, but his silence was telling. His crimson eyes lingered on you for a moment longer than usual, scrutinising every inch of your expression as if trying to find a crack in your resolve. But the map in his hands, its detailed lines and intricate markings, spoke louder than any words could. He might not admit it, but the quality of your work had earned his grudging respect. For someone like him, that was saying something.
With a huff, he rolled the map up with practised precision and rose from his seat, the chair scraping loudly against the wooden floor. “We’re leaving at first light. Don’t be late,” he grumbled, his tone more of an order than a suggestion. Without another word, he turned on his heel and strode toward the stairs leading up to the rooms, his heavy boots thudding with each step.
As Bakugou disappeared from view, the atmosphere around the table shifted. The rest of the group visibly relaxed, the tension that Bakugou’s presence often brought fading away. Kirishima chuckled, shaking his head. “Don’t mind him. That’s just how he is. He’s actually a good guy—just takes a while to warm up.”
Sero leaned back in his chair, a lazy grin spreading across his face. “Yeah, once you get past the scowl and the growling, he’s practically a teddy bear. A really, really angry teddy bear.” Denki snickered, nodding in agreement. “Just don’t tell him I said that. I like my head attached to my shoulders.”
Mina, ever the peacemaker, smiled warmly at you. “He’s right to be cautious, though. We’ve been through a lot together, and he’s just looking out for us. But I’m glad you’re here. I think we’re going to need all the help we can get in Niniel’s Veil.”
You couldn’t help but appreciate their camaraderie, the easy banter and the unspoken trust that bound them together. It was clear that they had faced their fair share of challenges, and the way they talked about Bakugou revealed a depth of loyalty that went beyond mere friendship.
As the conversation flowed, they began sharing stories of their past adventures, tales of battles fought and enemies vanquished, of close calls and hard-won victories. Each story painted a picture of a group that had seen the worst the world had to offer and come out stronger for it. You listened intently, absorbing their words, getting a feel for the dynamics at play.
But amidst the laughter and reminiscing, there was also a word of caution. Kirishima, his expression serious for once, leaned in and said, “Just one thing: Bakugou’s on a mission. It’s personal for him. He won’t tolerate anything—or anyone—that gets in his way. So just…be aware of that.”
You nodded, understanding the weight of what he was saying. They had told you briefly about their journey to Niniel’s Veil. The draconic artefact, the quest they were on—it wasn’t just about survival or adventure for Bakugou. It was about something deeper, something that drove him relentlessly. They didn’t really tell you details. You respected it quietly, not wanting to pry over something private.
Despite the thrill that tingled at the edge of your senses, there was a weight in your chest as you thought about Niniel’s Veil. The forest was no ordinary place—its dangers were real, its curse tangible. Returning there as a guide was a challenge that stirred something deep within you, but it was tempered by the sobering knowledge of what awaited. You knew the risks, the treacherous paths, the way the forest itself seemed to conspire against those who dared enter.
This wasn’t just another expedition. It was a test of survival, a journey where one wrong step could mean the difference between life and death. And yet, you had accepted the responsibility to lead them through it, to navigate the shifting shadows and ancient traps that had claimed countless lives before.
Tomorrow, at first light, the real journey would begin. You steeled yourself for the challenges ahead, knowing full well that what lay beyond the veil was as deadly as it was unknown. But this was your path now, and there was no turning back.
You had long grown accustomed to the early mornings, a discipline hammered into you by your father from a young age. He believed that a cartographer had to rise with the sun, to seize every bit of daylight for the work ahead. Expeditions didn’t wait for anyone, and neither did the maps that needed to be drawn. Over the years, waking before dawn became second nature, ingrained into your very being. So there you were, seated alone at a worn wooden table in the inn’s common room, the first rays of morning light filtering through the dusty windows.
You tore off a piece of buttered bread, savoring the simplicity of the meal as you waited. The inn was quiet, save for the occasional creak of old floorboards or the distant sounds of a town beginning to stir. It was a moment of solitude you had come to appreciate—a calm before the storm that was sure to follow once the others arrived.
Bakugou was the first to appear, his heavy boots thudding down the stairs. You glanced up from your breakfast as he entered the room, surprised to see him pause when he spotted you already seated. It was clear from the flicker in his eyes that he hadn’t expected you to be awake, let alone waiting. There was a brief moment of mutual acknowledgment—him noting your early rise, you noting his surprise.
“Hmph,” he grunted, more to himself than to you as he strode over to the table. “Didn’t think you’d be up before the sun.”
You shrugged, popping a bit of bread into your mouth. “Old habits die hard. Besides, I figured I’d give you lot some extra time to get your beauty sleep.”
Bakugou snorted, dropping into the chair across from you with a scowl. “We’re not here for pleasantries, so don’t think I’ll be impressed by your early wake-up calls.”
“Good,” you replied, leaning back in your chair with a smirk. “Wouldn’t want to set any unrealistic expectations. But I’ll warn you—Niniel’s Veil won’t wait for anyone, not even you. Early starts might just save your hide.”
He narrowed his eyes, but there was a grudging respect in his gaze, as if he was weighing your words. “Just make sure you don’t slow us down. I’m not in the mood to babysit anyone.”
“Babysit?” you echoed with a laugh. “You’ve got it backward, Bakugou. I’m the one making sure you don’t wander off and get yourselves killed. That forest isn’t going to play nice just because you’re loud and stubborn.”
“Loud and stubborn gets results,” he snapped, but there was an edge of amusement in his tone. “But we’ll see if you’re as good as you say you are.”
You locked eyes with him, the challenge hanging in the air between you. “Oh, I’m good, alright. Just try to keep up.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke, the tension taut but strangely invigorating. Then Bakugou huffed, breaking the silence. “Don’t get cocky. We’ll see if you’re still talking like that when we’re deep in that cursed forest.”
You chuckled, the sound low and knowing. “I’ll be fine. Just worry about yourself, barbarian.”
Bakugou leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms with a grunt, but there was a flicker of something that might have been amusement in his gaze. “Tch. We’ll see. Sthyarli.”
The word rolled off his tongue with a sharp edge, his tone laced with disdain. It was clear he didn’t expect you to understand it, let alone respond. But you had spent years travelling the continent, picking up languages like a second skin. Draconic, while not your strongest, was one you had made sure to grasp. It was a necessity when mapping regions native to dragonborn. What began as a practical skill soon became a weapon in your arsenal. One you were now thankful for, if only to wipe that smug look off his face.
You scoffed, unimpressed by his attempt to catch you off guard. “Really? That’s the best you’ve got?”
The surprise in his eyes was brief but unmistakable as your retort slipped out in his own tongue. “Tiamash.”
Bakugou’s eyes narrowed, his expression darkening for a moment as the insult sank in. He hadn’t seen that coming, and for a split second, you caught the barest hint of respect mingled with the irritation in his gaze.
“Hmph,” he grunted, his voice low and dangerous. “Careful. You might just bite off more than you can chew.”
You grinned, unfazed. “Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?”
Bakugou’s lips twitched as if he was fighting back a smirk, but instead, he just shook his head, rising from his seat with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Keep running that mouth. Just don’t slow us down.”
As he turned away, you couldn’t help but feel a small sense of satisfaction. Matching wits with Bakugou might have been risky, but it was also undeniably rewarding. The tension lingered in the air as he stalked off, but it was clear that you had earned a small measure of his respect. There was a sense of mutual understanding between the two of you now—a recognition that while you might not be friends, there was respect born from the knowledge that the road ahead wouldn’t be easy for any of you. And as you sat there, finishing the last of your bread, you couldn’t help but think that perhaps this journey, dangerous as it was, might just be worth it.
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next chapter
a/n: thats the first chapter, the next one will come next tuesday !! be ready for the next one @chocogoldie
sthyarli: idiot tiamash: asshole
border credits: @enchanthings & @adornedwithlight
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grapefives · 17 days
did it or not ?
hoshina + gen oneshots! (separately) x gn!reader
arranged marriaged au! + hurt/cormfort + injuries + denial of feelings + platoon leader reader! + enemies to lovers (?)
warnings; it’s gender neutral reader but… lowkey lenient to male readers, but obviously only if you think hard jajaj, that’s all, also, change of work format! not proof read.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ hoshina soshiro
— he wanted NOTHING to do with you! not even as entertainment to see what could become of you both, NADA
— it’s not that he would argue with you or anything, but he’d speak a little harsher when it comes to you
— constantly asks why did he have to be married when both of you were in the defense force and could die any day
— at least he acknowledges your hard work
— mina actually likes you for him, so she always tells him he should show you affection, to which he gags at.
“ah, hoshina, don’t you think l/n looks good like that? sweaty, covered in monster fluids, look at how badass l/n looks, took down so many monsters…”
“what, are you saying you want l/n to take my spot as vice captain? since your praising l/n so much.” hoshina asks darkly while placing his hands on his hips.
mina shakes her head, expression neutral, “no, of course not, but maybe you should give l/n a nice reward-“
“ugh!” he groans, immediately walking away from her. he knows her expression wouldn’t show much, but he knew her true feelings. she was probably laughing in her head, mentally patting her back for ticking him off.
it didn’t help that you had defeated so many monsters, a few more than him. he eyes you as you flick some monster grub off of your shoulder, looking around to step aside, away from the scene. he hated going back “home” with you, you took the longest showers.
“good job today,” your voice snaps him out of his thoughts, like he said, you took long showers, so he sometimes zones out waiting for you to get out. “i wish i knew how to use blades,” you comment.
he stares at you, fresh out of the shower. your cheeks have a rosy color, definitely from the warm shower you had taken. your eyes weren’t on him, but with the way you said that, it felt like you were looking directly at him. you don’t talk much to him either.
“for a platoon leader your skills are too inadequate,” he bites before going to the restroom. “train more and you’ll be better suited.”
— honestly, you wish he’d at least make fun of you or something, not nag or insult your honed skills.
— you two lived more like strangers that shared a room, little talk yet always around
one day, you two had to face a group of honju. it wasn’t something either of you couldn’t manage, but for some reason, hoshina was having a bit of a hard time. especially with the way you kept missing your shots.
“the heck is wrong with you?” he ask as he slices the honju’s joints.
“the heck is wrong with you? you keep cutting off limbs and letting them fall on me! makes me miss my shots!” you argue as you hop off a wall.
“if we don’t take this one down we can’t help out with the other ones!”
“well if you weren’t all up on the honju then i would’ve shot it down already!”
mind you, you two were still honing your new, growing skills. hoshina was recently risen to vice captain and you as platoon leader.
“and i can’t slice it down because you keep shooting at the wrong areas!”
in the end, the honju got a good hit in you and him. minor injuries of course, but the next day you were sent off in a mission where plenty of platoon leaders were called to assist. hoshina was recently getting inside the house when you trudge up to him, looking absolutely worse than the day before from the honju.
your yored expression was one he’d never seen, mostly because he barely looks at you.
“woah there, did you age in the span of a day?” he finds himself joking.
yet you walk past him and go inside your home.
“nice talk.” he grumbles as he follows.
after your shower, you sit at the vanity, with a sleeveless shirt. there are fresh scrapes on your shoulders, your cheek is bruised and your hand are wrapped in bandages. he notices, because you hum softly as you put ointment on the scrapes.
“a mission?” he asks, surprising himself at his worry.
“broke my guns, had to use that blade.” you reply, closing the bottle.
“i told you to practice more close combat.”
“you didn’t say anything, you commented on my bad skills.”
“same difference.”
“if i die one day it’s your fault.”
he frowns, “how would it be my fault?”
and your eyes fell on him. and they gave him an answer he couldn’t hear. you��ll have pushed me so far away that you won’t make it in time when i need you.
— fighting beside you turns to be like fighting alongside mina. he carves a way and you hit, except only on those missions that aren’t nation threatening.
— at some point, he enjoys the teamwork.
— doesn’t show interest head on, he does it in silent ways. (like placing a cold water on your night stand. putting your books back in place when you’re too much in a rush to organize before leaving.)
— your determination for constant growth impresses him, he notices it when you beat him one day on slicing down a small kaiju
and just when he starts to appreciate you, something happens.
“hoshina,” your voice surprises him as he slices through the kaiju.
“l/n, what is it? kinda busy here-“
“uh,” you chuckle, “so are my vitals, have you said that?”
“what-?” he gasps as he dodges an attack, he’s in a tight spot right now.
“yeah!” he hops off a rooftop and slices down the middle, causing a hit, but it’s bot enough yet. “someone back platoon leader! where is everyone?” he barks.
“we’re sending more reinforcements! the kaijus had overwhelmed our troops and many are severely injured! platoon leader l/n please hold out until back up comes!”
“we’re too shorthanded for backup!” hoshina argues. “i’ll finish this and head over!” he grunts as he attacks once more.
“so like, i’m bleeding out,” you say softly.
“how bad is it?” hoshina asks as he finally takes down the kaiju. he’s out of breath.
“VICE CAPTAIN HOSHINA HAS ELIMINATED THE KAIJU IN THE SECTOR!” okonogi shouts, “if anyone can go back up platoon leader, we’ll have victory soon!”
“just how bad is it?”
“the honju is a plant based type! it’s core keeps shifting!”
“and so are my organs, i wanna throw up,” you say.
“you idiot! hide! you can’t keep facing it! how far away am i okonogi!?”
“I FOUND IT’S CORE!” you yell before going silent.
“okonogi? what is it? l/n?” he calls out as he dashed inside the building your squad had been.
the sight was ugly, many officers thrown about, blood and kaiju fluids everywhere.
“where is it?” he asks as he runs across, slicing the vines coming at him.
“uh, go to the control room far back, full of vines and living plants, literally they’ll attack you,” you slur into his ear. “hurry before i get digested.”
“WHAT!?” okonogi cries.
he sees red. no wonder your life force was dwindling. “YOU’RE SO RECKLESS!”
slice after slice, he makes it through and strikes the core. it’s disregarded by him as he searches for you. soon, he stands before you.
he stares at your body, laid there on the floor surrounded by kaiju fluids, in your own blood. you’re breaths are too shallow, too painful.
“you want something…” you say lightly between breaths, “to do with me now?”
“what are you talking about-“
“platoon leader please don’t use your energy! it keeps dwinDLING! MEDICS! MEDICS!” okonogi screeches.
“you… you never look at me… never accepted me,” you smile tiredly, looking at him through half lidded eyes.
the gash on your side is seeping blood. your suit had given up from over exertion.
“can you stop?” he’s kneeling over you, trying to lift you out of the puddle. “if you don’t come back home with me, then i don’t want to go home.”
you close your eyes, there’s commotion far away. medics maybe? “we live like strangers under a roof…”
hoshina grips you, “i’m… sorry,” he bows his head, pulling you close but still so gentle to your wounds. “please know that i am grateful for you… all these years, you’ve also pushed me to extend my potential…”
“platoon leader! vice captain!” a medic calls out as they bring a stretcher.
“well…” you give a shaky breath, eyes closing, “guess i was… bound to… be in your arms…”
“WE’RE LOSING THE PLATOON LEADER!” and everything become white noise to hoshina.
was he going to go home to an empty house? was he going to lose you, after finally accepting that you’re now a part of his life routine, a routine he doesn’t want to exclude? what’s this ache in his heart? he feels cold.
“-out of danger zone,” okonogi’s voice brings him back.
— seeing you frail was never something he expected to see
— you were always standing, as badly as you were always injured, you never showed signs of injury until you two got home or he found you at the hospital
hence, seeing you on the hospital bed wasn’t ever in his mind. you just woke up, smiling at him. your smile is wonderful, he felt like that warmth radiating from you finally brought him back to life. after days of feeling lost, cold and alone, he felt like he was back on track.
“what? wanna be in my arms?” you grin, joking.
and neither of you expected him to take up the offer.
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⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ gen narumi
— literally did NOT ACKNOWLEDGE YOU
— the audacity! you were so annoyed but you understood too, why would anyone want an arranged marriage?
— he’s cute, you loved looking at him even if he was just yelling at his screen when you were both on stand by
— he ARGUES. ALWAYS. just to get a rise out of you but you PISS HIM OFF when you don’t give him the reactions he wants.
“i want to sleep on the left side today.” he huffs, glaring down at your sleeping figure.
you had literally just managed to fall asleep after all his yelling and that bright ass tv. you glared at the wall, your back facing him as he looms over you.
“move,” he demands, shaking you with so much force you want to flip over and punch him.
yet, you close your eyes and roll over. literally rolling OVER him as you make your way to the right side, squishing him and making him yells and fight. still, you let that shove throw you off of him and settle on the right side. you fall back asleep, smiling at his grumpy remarks.
— as pay back he makes you go through brutal training. yet you always get back at him somehow back in the “comfort” of your shared room.
— you’re more serious about the things you have to accomplish outside of the battlefield, he’s not.
— he constantly berates you for your fighting style, just to piss you off
— at some point you lose confidence in yourself. had had been extremely harsh that day and the kaiju managed to make a good example of you. and gen had laughed at you for it.
“have you changed the bandages?” he asks, looming over you when you were trying to fall asleep.
you say nothing, ignoring his presence. yet, he cages you, practically on top of you with both arms to your sides as he glares down.
your eyes snap open. that is the first time he’s ever called you by your name and it had to be your first name? his nerve!
“get off me,” you grunt.
“have you changed your-“ he’s easily thrown off of you by your action, he didn’t expect you to move.
“why do you care?” you growl.
he frowns, “i don’t want you messing up our bed sheets!”
you end up leaving the room, crashing somewhere else. he obviously didn’t chase after you, you aren’t that important to him. yet, he couldn’t sleep, remembering the way you left; angry, hurt. he had gotten used to you sleeping next to him, to you waking him up when the two of you had to assist morning duties.
he honestly felt like he couldn’t breathe well, until you came in the morning to change into your attire. he immediately sat up on the bed, staring at you as you move about. not a hello, not a “good morning captain, gotta wake up now” to be followed by his complaints. not even an acknowledgment, you got ready, freshened up and left. he didn’t like that.
— he lives for attention. for recognition. there should always be someone that gives it to him, yet that was the day he realized you don’t.
— it made him feel like he had to prove himself to you.
“lower the sound to the tv, it’s late,” you day dryly.
“i’m winning! listen to me win!”
you just turn over and go to sleep. when he shouts at his victory, his immediate response is to turn to you. yet, since you’re sleeping, you don’t acknowledge him.
he stomps over to you and forces you awake, sitting you up and practically trying to open your eyelids.
“I WON AGAIN!” he roars, shaking you.
— honestly the relationship is more like child and guardian despite how old you two are.
— he has no plans for a family, said that loud and clear
— same way he tries to get a rise out of you, you do it to him when you catch him training late at night
“this is the third night in a row, captain,” you tease as he freezes mid air attack.
“at one in the morning?”
you laugh, setting down a cold water bottle on the floor. “don’t over do it, or else they’ll notice you’re doing this again.”
— you’re literally always tidying up behind him. he never tidies up.
“l/n, where are my clothes?” he argues one morning.
“have you washed them?” you ask, annoyed.
he pauses. ever since you two married, he’s never really lifted a finger. well, even when he lived alone, the defense force would sometimes always send someone in to clean up. he’s tidy up once a month but it wasn’t often. now that he thinks hard, as he stares at you in the kitchen, it’s always been you doing almost everything.
“why haven’t you washed them-“
“gen narumi i will throw this knife at you, how about you prove you’re good at surviving in your own home the way you survive out in the battlefield?” you bark as you turn back to face him.
you never snap at him like that, it’s always a silent glare or a petty action. never verbal.
fine, he’ll prove he’s good without you.
— he’s never felt like he’s had a place to belong, no matter how much he proved himself worthy
— captain isao was a clear example of his first time feeling a sense of accomplished belonging
and now, coming home to an empty cleaned out house, he wonders why he feels out of place. it freaks him out, it’s been years since he felt like this. he’s proven himself more than capable of being the best at defending the nation from threats… yet.. why hasn’t he done the same to keep a home.
you didn’t give a divorce, simply asked to be elsewhere for a while, off on a mission that even you don’t know how long will last. yet, coming home to this isn’t… normal… anymore. time and time again, he was rejected from homes and hoped orphanages, that desire to have a home long gone after years or not being enough no matter how much he proved himself.
and now, he’s alone in these four walls again. where you had tried to make a home out of. where he, unknowingly, didn’t even have to prove himself worthy of having. of belonging.
“captain gen! how can we help you?”
“i wanna see how platoon leader l/n’s mission is going.” he says dryly.
everyone in the room turns to him, like he lost his mind.
“uh, i-if you don’t mind captain, why would that be?”
“i don’t have to explain anything to you!”
he doesn’t get to watch or hear how your mission is going. captain isao kicks him out, he put up a fight of course, but it was embarrassing to even try to come up with a valid reason. he doesn’t like you, always in his business, in his commodity, in every mission, every training. always cleaning ip after him, always telling him to go to bed early, always telling him to file out reports- always breathing down his neck!
you’re weak. strong enough to be platoon leader but still so weak! always coming home hurt. always needing medicine. always taking breaks during training.
yet, when he finally gets to see you in action again, after weeks of being denied your whereabouts, he finds himself seeing you. actually seeing you in action. you’re different here than in training, than when you had last fought beside him. yet, you could do better. he knows that, so he grows frustrated when he sees you take a hit and miss the perfect opportunity to subjugate the kaiju.
going against the rules, like always, he does it for you. you’re eyes are wide as you see him do just what you were trying to do. so easily. they superiors are barking in your in ears. they’re doing the same in gen’s. yet, you couldn’t hear them, only your anger and your frustration, you’re insecurity eating at you again.
“was i ever, even for one second, enough for you?” you yell, stomping over towards him.
“you had a chance and you didn’t take it!” he barks.
“GEN NARUMI! YOU WILL BE SUSPENDED!” captain isao roars in the in ear.
“for always making everything about yourself!” you jab your gun at him, shoving him a step back. “where’s your teamwork? why do you keep making me feel like i don’t belong here!”
he stares at you, wide eyed.
he… he made you feel like you don’t belong? you, l/n y/n who always did better throughout every mission. you, who always messed with him when he didn’t get along with you. you, who was always levelheaded even to nag at him.
“only the strong survive here! i know!” you seethe, “if you want me out so bad just tell me! don’t insult my skills! my efforts!”
“hey, i’m your captain-“ his argument is weak in his ears too.
hence, he feels, for the first time, like he actually is in the wrong when you growl and walk past him. you stomp off, fuming. are you about to leave the defense force? give him the divorce?
“just so you know-“ he yells, making sure no one else is listening in. “you’re the best thing that’s happened to me.”
you stop in your tracks.
“i’m prideful, i don’t play nice,” he chokes out, “but… don’t leave me.”
you turn around, anger long gone. but you’re still distraught. you’re just dissatisfied. “gen… not now.”
and he watches you leave.
— screw all his kaiju missions. he has to win you back, because just now he’s realizing he had you.
“gen, what are you doing.”
“i need money.” he says as he kneels before you when you finally return home.
you nudge his head with your boot, “get up. how embarrassing, you sure you’re my captain?”
you walk past him, leaving him alone. he huffs, watching you set your belongings back.
“don’t move those boxes!”
“you ordered a bunch of stuff from yamazon for what!?”
“it’s stuff we could need!” he argues.
you sigh and turn around, “like what, gen?”
“uh,” he scratches his head, then gives you an accusatory look, “i don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“uh, yes you do! have you forgotten we’re married!?”
he looks away, unable to form an argument. it’s a surprise, normally he’s quick to fire back at you, but he seems so at bay. it’s…
“disgusting,” you grimace, “what’s wrong with you? aren’t you used to being suspended? what’s with this change?” you look around, “hey, it’s even clean in here, despite all these boxes.”
“yeah so what?” he huffs, crossing his arms. “i’m way better at cleaning than you are, i just don’t like doing slave work often.”
“plus, we’re married,” he puckers his lips as he looks away from you, “aren’t chores like,, shared or something?”
you stare at him wide eyed. is he… for real? he glances at you and you’re heart skips a beat at the blush that crawls on his face. he’s for real. ah, what a darn cute knuckle head.
“this is only going to last a day isn’t it,” you chuckle to yourself.
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rubyreduji · 1 year
sweat pumpin', heart thumpin' — lc
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summary: when you get horny at rehearsal you want nothing more than to go home and take care of your problem, but you get stopped when chan asks you to run a dance with him, in the end you find a way to help each other out
tags: smut (minors dni!), theatre/dancer!au warnings: brief mentions of idol x idol, sweat, age gap (reader is ten years older than chan), explicit unprotected sex, oral (f. rec), fingering, mirror sex, pussy drunk chan, praise, chan is obsessed with the reader wc: 4.0k an: horny theatre adults 🤥 lowkey the reader talks like she’s old as fuck but she’s only thirty-two
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Three hours. That's how long you've been at dance rehearsal. Three hours, yet it feels like it's been a lifetime.
The air in the room is humid from the heat radiating off of everyone's bodies. The studio is a mess with clothes long discarded on the perimeters of the marley and water bottles and dance bags crowding up the walkways. 
Your head and feet are throbbing as you run the routine again. Soonyoung is shouting the steps out as you do them but you've been tuning him out since the hour and a half mark. 
You're a dancer, you love your job, but you don't love five hour long night rehearsals right after your shift at your second job as a diner waitress. Your muscles ache and scream at you as you push them to do the moves again and again and again. There's no stopping though. Not when Soonyoung is in one of his moods and you could cut the tension between him and Jihoon with a knife, as Jihoon glares at the choreographer over the top of the piano. You're not sure if the producer knew those two were dating when he hired them on as the music director and choreographer but it's clear the two of them are struggling to separate work and home in whatever new fight they're in this week. 
Beside you Mingyu stops, huffing a bit before lifting his shirt to wipe the sweat off his forehead. You don't bother trying to hide the way you stare at his body. Everyone here knows he's hot, including himself. So you allow yourself to take a good, long look at his tanned, hardened abs, glistening with his sweat. You try to ignore the tingle you feel in your core but you can't lie to yourself and pretend you're not turned on right now when your underwear has been wet since the start of rehearsal.
Though it may be pubescent, you can't help it. You've had a long day, a long week, and now right before your weekend starts you're trapped in a dance studio with a couple dozen sweaty, sexy dancers. It also doesn't help that you're all dying of heat and stripping off clothes left and right. Minghao's shirt has been off since the end of the first number and Jeonghan's wearing those tiny shorts again, so tight you can see the outline of his balls. It's not just the boys who are driving you mad though, Sana has been walking around with her cleavage hanging out of her shirt and Mina's sports bra does nothing to hide the pebbling of her nipples underneath.
It’s not just you feeling the energy of the room though. You can see the strain of Jun’s dick against his gray sweats and you keep catching Vernon staring directly at Seungkwan’s ass. None of you can help it though, it’s hard not to get aroused by the sound of the pants and grunts surrounding you.
“Okay guys, that’s a ten!” The stage manager calls and you all let out a collective sigh of relief. Your body sags automatically, all of your perfect form leaving your muscles.
You trudge over to your water bottle, gulping down as much of the cool liquid as you can. You don’t want to sit, fearing that if you do you’ll never get up, but your knees physically cannot hold you up any longer and you allow yourself to sink to the ground. You kick off your shoes and dig around in your bag before pulling out a couple bandaids to patch up where your heels are starting to blister.
When you’re sure your break is over you glance across the room to see Soonyoung standing next to Jihoon’s piano, the two seemingly locked in a heated conversation. You’re a bit grateful, knowing that your stage manager isn’t stupid enough to come in between the two of them when they’re like this. Maybe they’ll argue for long enough that rehearsal will end early. If that happened you could go home and take care of your problem.
Even while on break you can’t escape the lust that clouds your brain. Only a few feet away from you, you can see the way Seokmin presses up against Jihyo, whispering in her ear as she giggles at whatever he said, her hand placed on his upper thigh. Just to their right Momo’s hands are all over Nayeon as she helps fix Nayeon’s form for a specific move. God you really hope you’re not leaking through your shorts.
You’re about to get up to start practicing again when Soonyoung walks away from Jihoon and over to the group.
“Great work today everybody. I know we were supposed to be here for two more hours but I’m sure you guys aren’t complaining about getting your weekend faster so let’s release early today. See you all again on Monday.”
Everyone starts to hurriedly pack up, ready to go home or out to a bar to start their weekend off. Your body doesn’t want to move yet so you stay put, now knowing you have all the time in the world to pack up.
Almost everyone is gone when you finally start to pack up. Almost everyone, besides Lee Chan. Just as you’re about to stand up and leave when he walks over to you, his form hovering over you, forcing you to crane your neck to look up at him.
“You know the Valerie part right?”
“Huh?” You’re not sure what he wanted, but you definitely weren't expecting that.
“You’re the understudy for the role of Valerie, so you know the Fast Pace choreography, right?”
“Could you run it with me?”
No. Is your automatic thought. You’re sweaty and tired and horny and you just want to go home. You’re getting one night to go home early and you’re not going to spend it doing even more rehearsing.
Lee Chan is the youngest person in the cast at the age of twenty-two. He’s new to the theatre scene, but his talent far outshines his novice, as shown by him landing the lead role in his first big professional musical. You admire his ambition to rehearse as hard as he can, but a part of you is worried the kid is gonna pass out from exhaustion.
You remember when you were like him, a prodigy back when you started. You had to learn the hard way to stop overworking yourself. Now being in your thirties, you still put out your best work, but without all of the extra hours.
“Kid, I’ve seen you run that number, it’s flawless. Take the night off.” You hike your bag up on your shoulder to try and signal that whether or not he wants to run it, you do not.
“Please! Just once. I promise I’ll be done after that. I’ll even walk you to your car!” Chan begs. You snort a bit at the ending offer, but it’s not enough to fully convince you.
“I’m not putting my Laduca’s back on.” You think about your forming blisters on your feet and cringe.
“You don’t have to! Please?”
Chan’s a cutie, you do have to admit that. Which is why you find yourself sighing and dropping your bag back onto the floor.
“Just once and then I’m going home.”
“Thank you so much!” Chan quickly runs over to the speakers and hooks his phone up. You move to the center of the dance studio, watching through the mirror as Chan hurries back over to you.
The rhythmic beat of the song starts to play and you slip into your stage persona. Your body moves on its own, the choreography ingrained in your muscles as you and Chan move swiftly around each other. You can feel the slight pain in your feet but your mind gets distracted by Chan running his hand down your back. 
You feel his body right next to yours and you try to suppress a moan. Somehow in between all of Chan’s begging you seemed to forget how sexually charged Fast Pace is. Chan presses his body up against yours and you do your best to continue on with the dance while ignoring the throbbing in your core. You’ve only run this dance with the understudy for Chan’s character and while the sexual tension is still apparent with him, you feel like you’re suffocating from it right now. Chan’s hands linger on you, his body pressing a bit too tight to yours.
Your breaking point is when you have to sit on Chan’s knee, his arm hooking around your thigh a beat. When Chan goes to unhook his arm from your leg his hand brushes against your inner thigh, not quite touching your crotch but enough to catch you off guard.
“F-fuck Chan,” you mutter.
“Are you okay?” Chan asks, his hand sliding up your back. You’re sure it’s to comfort you, but all it does is make your brain more fuzzy.
“Y-yeah, you’re just- uhm…nothing. I’m fine. Let’s just start over.”
“...Okay.” Chan moves over to the speakers to restart the song before getting back in place.
The song starts again and you push down every horny thought floating through your mind right now in favor of focusing on the dance. You think you’re doing pretty good until Chan’s body presses up against yours once more and you gasp.
“Holy shit Chan. Are you…hard?” You can feel the subtle press of something firm against your hip that could really only be one thing.
Behind you, Chan whimpers. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I just…you’ve been my celebrity crush since I was like fourteen and it’s a dream that I get to be in the same cast as you. And you’re just so hot when you dance so I asked you to run this dance with me and touching you is driving me crazy but I didn’t mean to actually get a boner and I’m so sorry-”
You shut Chan up by surging forward, capturing him in a deep kiss. Automatically his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you into him as he whines into your mouth.
“Wanted you so bad,” Chan mumbles in between kisses. “You’re so fucking sexy.”
You know professionally you really shouldn’t be hooking up with your castmates, but it’s clear nobody else in your cast seems to care, and if you’re being honest, giving Chan a chance to be with his teenage wet dream really gets you going. So you throw all professional advice out of your mind as you let Chan back you up against the mirrors.
You justify it by telling yourself you need this. Which, you do.
Chan’s hands are impatient as they tug at the hem of your shirt, pulling it up over your head and tossing it across the room. Chan’s mouth moves to the crook of your neck and you’re about to push him away, knowing that it’s gross and sweaty, but you hear Chan moan and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t turn you on even more. Chan’s fingers move up your torso to grasp your breasts, kneading them in his hands. 
You push him away for a moment, allowing you to grab your sports bra and pull it off your body, your tits fall free from the confines.
You can hear the shuddered breath Chan takes as he descends on you once more.
“Fuck, you’re so pretty,” Chan whines. His mouth is sloppy as he kisses at your chest, moving down so he can suck one of your boobs into his mouth. You bury your fingers into his hair, tugging slightly and making him moan against your skin.
“Channie,” you mumble. “Need you.”
“Fuck, yes, yes, okay.” Chan quickly pulls away from you to sink to his knees. Chan’s hands are shaking as he hooks his fingers into your waistband, pulling down your shorts and underwear in one go. Though you were expecting it, you gasp a bit at now being fully exposed to the room. 
You barely have a moment to collect yourself before Chan is throwing one of your legs over his shoulder and diving forward. You moan as you press your back into the mirror, trying to ground yourself as Chan’s lips close around your clit. His mouth is eager as he sucks at the bud, your pussy fluttering around nothing as he does so. 
Chan has a strong grip on your thighs as he feasts on your cunt. His skill is sloppy but it drives you even more crazy knowing how desperate he is for this. You can hear Chan moaning and feel the vibrations of his mouth rumble against your clit.
“Mm, yer’so wet,” Chan mumbles, already sounding a bit out of it. His mouth delves even further, his tongue swiping over your slit and collecting your arousal. His tongue laps at you, exploring your folds and making a mess of his face.
You push your hips further into Chan’s face, needing him against you as much as possible. Needing him inside of you. Luckily he seems to get the message and moves his hand from your hip to the inside of your thigh, trailing up before you feel his fingers brush against your entrance. His fingers drag against your folds for a moment before he pushes them inside you, making you groan out.
He doesn’t waste time picking up the speed of his fingers as he rapidly fingers you, his digits brushing against your walls as he pumps them inside you with no method. You can feel Chan shift under you and soon you hear the plap of his hand as he jerks his cock. His mouth is harsh against your clit as he sucks hard, his own pleasure causing him to work harder on you.
“Good boy, good boy,” you coo as you grasp Chan’s hair tightly, yanking slightly. Your whole body feels sensitive as you buzz with pleasure. You roll your hips against Chan’s fingers, desperate to be filled up even more.
You can hear the high pitched whines emitting from Chan as he gets more and more desperate to cum. It fills your head with a cloudiness that has you pushing the boy away from you so you can pull him to stand against. His eyes are hooded and his face is shiny with your slick but you don’t care, crashing your mouth into his.
Chan automatically grabs you, pushing against your body as hard as he can, sandwiching you between him and the mirror. You two are locked in a lip wrestle as Chan’s hips softly hump against your hip. You break away from Chan for a moment, both of you panting desperately, so you can pull his shirt over his head. Chan takes the moment to fully shed his shorts as well, leaving both of you completely bare.
Chan quickly descends on you once more, pushing your bodies flush. His skin is warm and soft against yours and you hate to admit how long it’s been since you’ve felt something so erotic. Your pussy clenches down, desperate to have Chan’s cock inside of you. The boy is just as desperate as his cock slips between your thighs, doing his best to get any friction against him.
“So needy,” you murmur as you trail your fingers down Chan’s chest.
Chan hums in agreement. “Wan’you so bad.”
“You’re so cute Channie,” you tell him, pressing a soft kiss to his neck. “You ever been with an older woman, baby?”
“No. Barely been with anyone at all. No time.” Chan’s fingers tighten on you as he ruts against you harder. His eyes are glossed over with lust in a way that can only be considered pathetic. You’re obsessed with it though. The idea that you now have this young, inexperienced boy at your will, eager to fuck you.
“You’re sure you can handle me, sweetheart?”
“Yes. Yes. Please. I promise I can handle it. Have all the stamina. I need you so bad. I’ve wanted you for so long, please let me have you.” His cock is leaking all over your thighs as he spreads his precum with each one of his thrusts.
You chuckle slightly. “Okay then baby. Fuck me nice and good.”
“Fuck, thank you. Thank you so much.”
Chan hastily lines his tip up to your folds, rubbing it there just for a second, before fully sliding inside of you. He lets out a long shuddered breath as you adjust to his size, your cunt hugging him tight.
“H-holy shit. Fuck you’re perfect,” Chan whines as he starts to thrust into you. You hook one of your legs around his waist, pulling him in closer. Chan buries his face into your neck, peppering kisses there as he thrusts into you desperate, void of any rhythm.
You tilt your head back and release a soft moan and it mixes with the wet sound of Chan’s cock sliding in and out of you. Despite claiming to be inexperienced, you can’t remember the last time someone has fucked you this good. Though his pace is inconsistent, his hips have power behind them as they roll into you, making his dancer background loud and clear. 
His cock is heavy as it drags in and out of, his girth spreading your walls out as you clamp down on him like a vise. Your mind hums pleasantly now that Chan has started to satiate that hunger that was gnawing at your insides. Chan’s restless as his hands drag over your body, touching you everywhere he can while his lips explore where his hands aren’t.
You can hear him mutter soft praises as he does so, more babbling to himself than to you. He once more takes your breasts in his mouth, lapping at your nipple before sucking the fat into his mouth. His mouth is loud as he works at your chest, getting your tits wet with his spit. You can feel your cunt clench as pleasure blooms in your chest, your body arching up to meet his touch.
“You look so pretty,” Chan tells you, a bit louder than all of his other mumbles. “So, so pretty. Want you to see.”
With that Chan releases his grip on you, sliding out of you and causing you to whine a bit, not ready to feel so empty so quickly. Chan is empathetic though and quickly enters you once more, but not before spinning around so he’s not behind you. You gasp loud as Chan starts to pound into you, even harder this time.
With hooded eyes you stare at the mirror in front of you, watching as Chan ravishes you. You know that objectively you and Chan are both very attractive people, but seeing the physical image of you together is even more than you imagined. You take a moment to admire the muscles of Chan’s arms and the way they’re tightly wrapped around you. Your tits bounce with each thrust and Chan reaches up to paw at them, his thumb brushing against your sensitive nipple.
Behind you, Chan is also focused on the mirror, staring at your forms over your shoulder. His face is screwed up in pure euphoria as he ruts into you with soft whimpers, completely entranced by the feel of your pussy around him.
Chan’s breath is hot against your neck as he starts to talk, his words slightly slurred together. “D’you know how long I’ve wanted t’do this? U-used to watch videos of you dancing and study your form and your body. Your sexy fucking thighs. I’d get s’hard.”
You’re aware that you’re well known in the dancing community, and you’re aware that you have fans, but hearing Chan talk about you like this is on a whole new level.
“‘Member that show you starred in, and the company would p-post rehearsal footage, but they dance were so fucking erotic. I’d, ah, f-fuck my fist thinking about you while watching them. Younger me would pass out if he knew that I’d get to fuck your perfect pussy.” Chan’s completely gone as he talks to you. You’ve never seen someone so drunk on pussy alone, but you find it flattering more than anything else. It doesn’t hurt that Chan’s words are making your cunt leak even more than it already is.
Chan takes a moment to suck a mark into your neck, his fingers trembling against your hips from how tight he’s holding you. His hips don’t stop though, steadily thrusting into you, the slap of his skin against yours making the most delicious beat you’ve ever heard.
As soon as Chan pops his mouth off of you, he’s back to sharing his story. “I think yer’even sexier now. C-can’t stop watching you in rehearsal. Nearly cried when I found out you were on this show. B-but m’glad you’re not the love interest…w-wouldn’t be able to focus with how, fuck, hard I’d be.”
“Chan,” you moan out, his words filling your mind with nothing but a cloud of lust.
His words continue, in the same breathy whiny tone, fucked out and pathetic. “Fuck, touching you like this, shit m’the luckiest man alive.”
Chan’s eyes are nearly invisible from how hooded his eyes are, his face completely blissed out. The mix of Chan’s expression and his words is enough to have you on the edge and you push your ass back against Chan hard.
“Chan, need you to make me cum. Can you be a good boy and do that?”
“S-shit, yes. Fuck, okay.” Chan grasps your waist hard and angles his cock inside of you differently, bumping into your walls until you let out a cry and he knows he’s found your sweet spot. You lean forward, bracing yourself on the mirror as Chan starts to slam into your g-spot, rough and unrelenting. He slips his fingers between your legs, rubbing at your clit to speed the process along.
Albeit, it is still quite a novice level, your vision whites out as your orgasm crashes over you. You drop all your weight against the mirror as your body arches and you let out a scream. Your pussy flutters against Chan’s cock as you pant hard, fogging up the mirror. Your body is hot and sweating even more than after rehearsal but you feel nothing but satisfaction as the tenseness in your body subsides and you come down from your high.
Behind you, Chan slips out of you quickly, just barely being able to pull out before he spills all over your back. He milks his cock for longer than you expect, but then again he is still quite young. Chan’s groans taper off and he finally gets a moment to catch his breath.
You feel completely refreshed from how you felt at the end of rehearsal, your body untensed and your horniness satiated. 
“Fuck, I really needed that,” you say as Chan grabs a tissue from the corner of the room and wipes your back off. “Thanks, kid.” 
“Thank me? Thank YOU!” Chan says as you start to dress yourself. “That was literally a dream. I feel like my life is fulfilled.”
You chuckle at the boy’s words. “You say that like you’re not starring in a musical right now.” 
“I mean yeah, but this was totally different. I wasn’t lying, I think you’re amazing. I’m lucky to even be in a show with you. I really have looked up to you since I was younger.” Chan stares at you sincerely as he talks and you try to not show how flustered it’s making you.
“Well I’m glad that I helped make your dream come true…maybe I can also help some fantasies come true as well.” You send Chan a wink as you saunter across the room to your bag.
You can hear Chan sputter a bit as you bend over (a bit exaggeratedly) to pick up your things. “Wait- does that mean what I think?”
You turn around and smile softly at the boy. “See you Monday, Chan.”
With that you turn your back to him and exit the dance studio, leaving the boy red in the face and stammering. Oh you’re going to have some fun with him.
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queenofthedisneyverse · 3 months
Alien/Cryptid! Kenji x GN! reader
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Based off of this
Warnings: Some violence, cussing, and fear
It was late at night, and you were staying over at Kenji's place. After a few hours of sleeping, you wake up in need of some water. You were in Kenji's bed btw but as you turned over...you didn't see him. No biggie, he's probably in the bathroom or something.
You look over at the digital clock and it's 2:59 AM. So, you groggily sit up and get out of bed, trudging out of Kenji's bedroom to the kitchen. It wasn't the first time you've visited or slept over his house, so even in the dark you know the place like the back of your hand.
But tonight was eerily...quiet and especially dark. Too dark and too quiet. It's starting to feel creepy honestly. Come to think of it, it's never been this dark. Not dark to the point where the light only source of light is coming from the city lights the large open window that sits to the left of the living room.
But you quickly brushed it off, you're an adult, who shouldn't be worried about the dark.
A few more seconds followed, and you made it to the kitchen entrance. Before you could enter you saw a pair of bright blue glowing eyes snap toward you.
Staring. dead. at. you.
You could fully see the eyes. Electric blue sclera's with a slightly darker blue iris. No pupils.
It triggered something in you. A need to run, hide, just do something that gets you away from whatever the hell is staring at you. But for some reason, your feet are planted against the marble flower.
In a small act of...bravery? Curiosity? Whatever it was, it drove your right hand to raise up and search for the kitchen light switch to the right of you. It took some seconds of aggressive hand frantically smacking against the wall for you to finally find it and flip the switch up.
Once the light came on, it was just Kenji.
Kenji who was sitting at the kitchen table with a chicken drumstick in his hand. Who looked like a deer caught in head lights. He knew what you saw and was currently contemplating telling how he was Ultraman which was...technically the only explanation he had at the moment.
Hell...he didn't even know what the other half of him was. His father never really explained exactly WHERE he got his powers from. But now that he's staring at you, he can see your bewildered and...scared expression?!
No, no, no, no, NO! The last thing he wanted was you to be frightened of him.
Speaking of well, YOU- you were currently contemplating whether your boyfriend/husband is a cryptid and whether you should run your ass up outta there or not.
Come to think of it, Kenji has always been...off to you. Not in a bad way...well, sort of. You weren't really sure what to think of him you just knew something about him was strange.
Sure, he looked human, sounded human, and acted human. But in a world where uncanny valley, cryptids, skin walkers, and Mandela catalogues exist, you are aware that anything can act human for a certain amount of time.
Especially if it wanted something in particular and right now...you didn't know what Kenji wanted from you. He could of just lured you in to eat you or possibly something much worse than that.
The more you thought about it, the more you felt scared. What kind of creature is Kenji?!
This caused you to back up, only two feet. But this action was an indication enough to tell Kenji you were petrified.
SHIT! he thought
And now, without fully thinking about his body reactions, his eyes blinked. But not in the normal way, he blinked...horizontally. Not with his human eyelids...but with ones...BEHIND HIS EYELIDS!
Kenji felt when he did and cursed himself for it, he knew where this was going.
As soon as he did that you yelled, "WHAT THE FUCK?!- Nope"
And... you sped off. You didn't know where you were going. It sure as heck wasn't the direction of the door. You just wanted to get away from him.
"Y/n wait, please!" Kenji yelled as he chased after you.
Lock the doors?! Oh hell, he's going to kill me! which is what you thought.
So, for a minute or two you both "played" a game of zigzag and "catch the human/run away from the glowing blue-eyed creature coming after me".
It didn't help that it was dark, so when you looked back all you could see was blue eyes gaining on you QUICKLY. Which raised the question....was it the sound of your footsteps or did he see in the dark?
It was the latter, he can see surprisingly well in the dark. Hence why there wasn't a light on in the kitchen. Why would he need to pay extra money on the light bill when he can easily navigate in the dark?
But the thought that he can actually see exactly where you were going when you couldn't.
There were times he did catch you, mostly when you tripped or painfully bumped into something, and tried to get you to calm down and understand but you only clawed, punched, slapped, and kicked your way out of his grasp.
"Y/l PLEASE I'M NOT A MONSTER! I'M ULTRA-" Before he could even finish, he got an elbow to the face. This would be the second time.
Honestly, this was pissing him off. Why wouldn't you understand that he's not a monster?! Wait a minute...you were headed toward the door...shit! He can't let you out. Not like this, not with you afraid of him.
Just in time, Mina came in and grabbed both of your arms and lifted you in the air. She turned the lights on as well.
You and Mina could see the damages you caused to his face. The bloody nose and bruised cheek are a true indictor of that. He looked...very tired of you at the moment.
As you wriggled and squirmed Kenji spoke calmly, you weren't listening obviously.
"Let me go!"
"I won't tell anyone what you are I swear, just please-"
"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD Y/N, SHUT UP SO I CAN SPEAK" He yelled with high venom and fury in his tone, which made you jump.
"Kenji, Y/n is in a very high state of stress and perpetual fear, Yelling at them isn't going to help" Mina calmly interjected
The young man breathed in deeply because she was right. Yelling wasn't going to solve anything. But it's not like planned to keep doing it. He just needed you to listen.
"Y/n, baby, my love, I need you to calm down. So I can explain, can you let me do that please?" His voice was calmer, and he looked a lot more sincere.
In fear of what might happen if you denied, you nodded and kept quiet.
"Ok...so....I'm Ultraman."
You stared at him as you raised a brow...Ultraman?! Like the superhero that fights Kaiju's? That Ultraman?!
Is all you could say
Ok this is all I got for now, let me know how you feel about it. If you want a scarier version and/or a Kenji with a more alien form lmk. But as always, reblogs and comments are appreciated.
I also formerly apologize if it's a little lackluster
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bunnyywritings · 3 months
got my period this morning and it hurts so much, my entire body is like shaking because of these stupid cramps so i wrote up some period comfort with my favorite gentle giant mezo shoji
no warnings really, this is like college!au UA so… yeah, could be read as afab!reader, (y/n) used once?, shoji calls reader: honey, sweetheart, lovely, my love, i also think i mention the term “lady problems” and didn’t notice until now, that’s my bad, this is for ANYBODY who experiences a menstrual cycle
mezo shoji x afab!reader
Waking up to a blaring alarm was never pleasant, it was even less ideal when you body was throbbing in pain. As you shut it off and buried your face in your pillow, a suspicious slick feeling between your thighs made your stomach churn.
Reaching below the covers and feeling the damp fabric of your shorts was the final nail in the coffin. “Dammit…” you whined, slowly hauling yourself out of bed.
Luckily your sheets had been spared but you couldn’t say the same about your underwear.
So, you trudged to your drawer and picked out what you had dubbed your “period undies”, a comfortable pair that wouldn’t squeeze at your bloated tummy and covered in various stains that you had never successfully gotten rid of, a pair of comfortable sweats, and a baggy pullover you had stolen from Shoji.
On your way to the shared bathrooms, you texted Momo to ask her if she had any pads she could bring you, relieved when she promptly responded she’d bring you one asap.
So as you used the bathroom and cleaned yourself off, you wrapped your towel around your waist and met her outside the shower area.
“You are a lifesaver Mo…” You grinned, sheepishly taking the pad from her fingers.
“Oh don’t worry about it.” She scoffed a laugh. “Would you like me to make you some tea for after your shower?”
Your eyes watered, lips pulling down in a soft pout. “Yes please…”
“Okay.” She smiled, squeezing your hand before giving you your privacy.
After showering and changing, you finally made it back to your room and lo and behold, there was a mug of hot tea sitting on your desk and two midol capsules beside it.
You could cry.
Instead, you cranked the AC unit in your room, hoping Aizawa wouldn’t notice, and crawled into bed.
Scrolling through tiktok and sipping on your tea before being lulled into a nap.
Shoji was disappointed that he hadn’t seen you at breakfast but he just brushed it off as you having slept in.
But as the hours ticked by and the clock struck 12pm, he began to grow a little worried.
“Hey, Mina?”
The pinkette looked up from her switch and smiled up at Shoji. “What’s up?”
“Have you seen (Y/n), by chance?”
“Hmm no, I actually haven’t seen ‘em all morning. Sorry Shoji.”
“That’s alright, thanks.”
Just as he turned to walk back into the kitchen, he jumped at the sudden appearance before him. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” Momo smiled. “(Y/n) is probably still in bed. They started their period this morning.”
A few years ago, even the vaguest mentions of any “lady problems” would have sent Shoji into a flustered state but as he grew older and once he had been around more women, and you, he was a lot more educated on the things that you go through.
And at this new information, he frowned. He remembered how much pain you experience during your monthly and he grew worried. Especially since you hadn’t eaten yet.
“Got it, thanks Momo.”
So, he grabbed his keys and made a small trip.
The first stop was the vietnamese restaurant down the block, picking up some beef brisket pho and to the convenience store to stock up on few snacks he knew you craved during this time.
Once he returned to the dorm, he plated up your food and an iced barley tea and stacked it on top of a tray, heating up a hot water bottle and carrying it up to your room.
When he was met with silence when he knocked, he gently pushed the door open and there you were, curled up underneath your duvet, arms surely hugging your abdomen.
Lips turned downward and eyebrows pinched, he placed the tray down onto your desk and softly shook you from your sleep.
“Hmm?” Your sleepy grumbling was adorable, eyes squinting underneath the sudden light in your room. “Sho?”
“Yeah, honey…how’re you feeling?”He brushed your hair away from your face, hand falling down to cup your cheek.
“M’okay…cramps are really bad this time…”
“Mmm I’m sorry.” He cooed, loving how you leaned into the warmth of his hand.
“S’okay, not your fault.” You smiled, easing his worries, that’s when you turned your nose up and sniffed at the sudden aroma in the air. “Is that-“
“Pho? Yeah, I picked some up for you just now. Was worried that you hadn’t eaten anything.” His heart dropped when you looked up at him with teary eyes, worried he did something wrong.
“Sho…” Your bottom lip wobbled. “You went through all that trouble, for me?”
“Wasn’t any trouble at all, sweetheart. Anything for you.”
His tone was so reverent, you had no doubt he meant it. And it was true.
You could ask for the world on a silver platter and he’d move heaven and earth to do it for you.
“T-Thank…Thank you.” The tears poured over, spilling down your flushed cheeks.
“My love…”
“I’m sorry…don’t know why I’m crying.” You sat up, burying your face in your hands.
“Don’t apologize, lovely. I understand. Now, why don’t you scoot up a bit. I’ll sit behind you and you can eat something. Hmm?”
Content in doing so, you scooted up and let him settle behind you. His arms wrapping around your midsection, big hands holding the water bottle just below your lower stomach, loving the way you melted into him as you ate your late breakfast.
He loves to sit behind you when you were on your period so his body heat would ease the ache in your lower back.
Hooking his chin over your shoulder so he could watch you eat. You hated it but he loved seeing you eat.
There wasn’t really a specific reason. Maybe he just enjoyed seeing you be taken care of…regardless, he loved it.
He loved you.
Once you finished your fill, he placed the tray down on the floor by your bedside and laid down with you.
Knowing you loved being little spoon.
His hands had replaced the water bottle once it had cooled down, his finger tips kneading at your flesh, chuckling softly when you preened and basically purred like a little kitty cat.
“Let’s take a nap, hmm?” He muttered, littering kisses to the back of your neck.
“Sounds good to me…” You slurred, halfway under the spell of slumber.
And later on that evening, when you had bled through your sweats and onto the bedsheets, and his shorts, he quieted your embarrassed cries, shushing you with a tender kiss. He warmed up your towel and shooed you back to the showers, stripping your bed of its sheets and shedding his own shorts, opting to change into some sweats.
He simply put the soiled objects into the washing machine, on a cold cycle, and once your shower was finished, he scooped you up and brought you to his room. Giving you another one of his hoodies and pulling you into his bed.
Reassuring you that he wasn’t at all grossed out and you shouldn’t be embarrassed. There are some things you can’t control, and this was one of them.
Sheets could be washed or replaced, same with his clothing.
But you? You were the most precious thing on earth to him. Nothing could take that away.
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gloomwitchwrites · 24 days
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An Unexpected Catch: Boromir x Female Reader
Chapter Specific Warnings: canon-typical violence
Word Count: 3.1k
Chapter Two
While investigating an attack on a Gondorian settlement, Boromir finds himself run through with a sword and tossed into a nearby river. When death seems dangerously near, Boromir’s body washes up to shore, tangled in a fishing net. A young woman living alone finds Boromir and brings him home to care for him. As Boromir physically heals, he finds that his heart is also missing something important.
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // an unexpected catch masterlist
The rains that come in the Night bring early morning mist and low clouds.
Upon his horse, Boromir observes the hazy horizon. The tall grass around his horse’s legs is dew-kissed and wet, darkening the horse’s coat until it appears black. The mist clings to his armor, creating a slick covering on the metal. When Boromir returns to Minas Tirith, the royal blacksmith will need to inspect it, cleaning it properly to avoid potential rust.
“Captain!” Brennan, one of the men that is accompanying Boromir trots forward, pulling up beside him. “The scout has not reported in.”
Boromir briefly glances at him before returning to scan the horizon. Even with the low clouds and mist, he can see enough.
Something dark stirs in these lands—awakening with malicious intent. It is palpable like the way butter sits salty and thick on the tongue when not evenly spread. It is heavy in the air and lungs, a vice around throats and hearts. It is a battering ram. It is everywhere.
Faramir is in Osgiliath.
The city conquered. Retaken. Conquered again. Mostly in sections, but it’s continuous. Unending. A brutal task that Boromir is only fighting because his father wants it so.
All who lived there are gone, moved to Minas Tirith. Boromir doesn’t know when it’ll be safe to return.
It might never be.
The orcs grow bold. A shadow is at their backs, spurring their forward momentum and bloodlust. As if they are sucking the darkness into themselves, they are relentless, fueling themselves on whatever drives them ever onward.
“What was the original report?” asks Boromir.
“Raids, sir,” answers Brennan. “Corsairs along the river. Mercenaries from the East. Mostly.”
“Mostly?” counters Boromir. “What other beings move along the Anduin?”
Brennan shakes his head. “Report didn’t say. Only that the Corsairs come and go. They advance and retreat in equal measure.”
“No pattern?”
“None that’s been revealed.”
Boromir nods, but there is no comfort. Acting on little information is a risk, and they are few in number.
“We will forge ahead,” replies Boromir. “Slowly. Keep to the trees. Avoid open ground.”
Boromir does not intend to engage. This is to gain information to relay back to Minas Tirith, to figure out a path forward.
The party is only ten in number on horseback. Boromir gathers the reins, and they depart, descending from the large hill they look out on to draw up next to the tree line. On the other side is the Anduin. It’s far enough that they cannot see it but close enough that Boromir swears he can hear the water.
They follow the tree line for several leagues. The day does not lighten. The skies remain grey and gloomy.
Boromir raises his fist, and the group halts.
He narrows his gaze, unsure of what he’s seeing.
“Do any of you see what I see, or do my eyes deceive me?”
“Looks like smoke,” replies Brennan.
“Or dark clouds,” adds Alden, scratching at his beard.
Boromir frowns. “Is there anything in that direction.”
“Likely a settlement,” answers Brennan. “Or a small village. Might not be on any maps expect local ones.”
Turning toward his men, Boromir keeps his tone even. “We will approach from the forest. Move slowly. Stay alert.”
Turning their steeds toward the forest, they enter one by one, trudging slowly through the undergrowth. The canopy swallows them up like a leviathan. Around them are large trees, and Boromir feels small—as if everything is tight and cramped.
To move through the trees, the group has to split, forming two lines.
At the edge of the tree line, Boromir brings everyone to a halt.
There is a town. A small settlement of a couple dozen buildings. To the left is the Anduin. The dock there is empty expect for a few fishing boats.
Some of the buildings still smolder. The rest are just blackened carcasses.
Boromir sees no bodies. Orcs would leave plenty behind. They rarely—if ever—take prisoners. Corsairs certainly kill but they tend to withhold their blades for profit. Living souls mean income. They can exchange hostages for coin, or take them to faraway places to sell them. Everything is a profit for them.
But there may still be bodies. Boromir just can’t see them.
It is he that takes the first step out of the trees. The others follow behind at the same pace, their hands on their weapons as they enter the settlement.
It is incredibly quiet. Hardly any noise. No birds or buzzing of insects. Only the occasional crackle of singed wood falling in on itself.
Moving like ghosts amongst a graveyard, they find themselves at the center of it all, and still, there are no bodies. Only blackened buildings.
“Captain,” murmurs Brennan. “Look.”
Boromir follows Brennan’s outstretched arm in the direction he indicates. There he finds a partially collapsed building. The door is open, hanging on its hinges, ready to fall off at the slightest gust of wind. Draped across the threshold is a pale arm, hand pressed into the earth as if the person tried to claw their way to freedom.
As a group, they approach, but it is Boromir who dismounts first. Brennan and Alden follow his lead while the others remain where they are. Cautiously, they examine the door and pale arm. Boromir leans in, only to find more the arm and who it is connected to.
It’s a woman.
Brennan kneels beside her, fingers pressed to the inside of her wrist before checking her neck.
Without speaking, Brennan turns in Boromir’s direction and shakes his head.
She’s gone. There is nothing that can be done.
Boromir nods his head, indicating that they should enter. He takes the lead, Brennan at his heels as Alden lingers back a bit near the door. They step around overturned furniture and over fallen beams.
“Touch nothing,” whispers Boromir.
It’s a small space, and reveals little. Bending at the knees, Boromir leans in to examine scorch marks along the floor that look like claw marks.
Behind him—distantly—there is a soft whoosh of air like a change in the wind.
A brief shout—quickly cut off.
Brennan and Alden draw their blades and charge toward the door.
“Wait!” says Boromir but they’re gone.
More shouting. The ringing of metal striking metal.
He sidesteps a beam and comes up short.
“Come out! We know you’re in there!”
Beyond the door are Corsairs. Not a handful. No. There are at least five of them to every one of Boromir’s men. But there aren’t many of his men left.
Most are down.
Boromir can only see about five of them on the ground in front of the house. He doesn’t see the others, but with how calm and unbothered the Corsairs are, they’re likely gone.
“Come out! Last chance. Won’t be lenient if we have to come in there.”
Muttering under his breath, Boromir exits, sword raised high, ready to swing.
The Corsair at the front of the group laughs. His black hair is thick and slightly tangled in a knot at the back of his head.
“Put your sword down. No use fighting.”
Boromir does not relent. He does not lower his weapon.
“A soldier of Gondor does not bow down to those poised to do evil.”
The Corsairs blinks, and then bursts out laughing again. He points, hand gesturing vaguely toward Boromir. “Armor is shiny. Fetch a pretty price.” He tilts his head to the side. “Bring it to me.”
Boromir is alone. Utterly alone.
Five Corsairs descend on him, and Boromir swings, hacking through two and ducking a third blow. This is easy. This is nothing. All the training is now natural, and Boromir is only an extension of his blade.
Until he isn’t.
Until there are far too many to fend off.
He lifts to swing again, but there is resistance in the swing. A pinch that becomes a sting and then bright, blinding pain.
Boromir glances down.
The Corsair holding the sword that sticks from his side grins wickedly before yanking it out.
Red comes with. Surprisingly dark.
The world spins. Boromir lands on his knees, and then all he sees above him is the grey sky.
“Take the armor. Then toss them all in the river.”
“I know. I know. Quit chiming. Giving me a headache.”
The bell does not cease. It continues to ring—loud and sharp in the small room.
That is its one job. It’s singular purpose. Your father designed it to be so.
The string that connects to the bell runs along a small tube in the ground which leads out to the fishing nets by the dock. Whenever the weight shifts past a certain amount, the bell will ring, indicating that it’s ready to be checked.
Depending on weight, the bell will give a soft chime or a loud one.
Right now, it’s loud. Angry.
And your father isn't here. He's been called away to serve in Gondor's navy. It's just you keeping it together.
When it was just the two of you, the amount of work didn’t seem so bad, but now that it’s just you, checking the nets consistently simply isn’t possible. It takes up too much time in your day, and hauling them up is a two-person job.
But with the bell ringing like it is, you’re going to have to check, even if you know it’ll take up far too much time.
Pushing your hair back and out of your face, you put on a fresh dress for the day. It’s simple. Meant to get dirty from garden work and wet from checking the nets. Grabbing your apron off the back of a chair, you tie it around your waist, exiting into the garden.
Opening the coop first to allow the chickens out, you then pop your head into the small barn.
“Hello, Daisy,” you coo, rubbing the cow’s side. She replies with a soft croon of contentment.
The two pigs snort in your direction but remain where they are. The sheep attempt to stick their heads through the wood slats to reach you.
“Behave,” you scold, pushing Tulip’s head back into the pen. “You’ll get stuck again and I’m not spending my day removing the boards to free you.”
Tulip baas a sharp reply.
Even in the barn you can still hear the bell from inside the house.
It’s misty out. A bit chilly.
The animals need space. They need to walk around and graze, but with the weather like it is, they might prefer to stay inside. Lightly chewing on the inside of your cheek, you decide to open the pens.
“Have at it,” you mutter, knowing you might regret this later when you try to round everyone up.
Following the stone path to the river, you gaze out across the landscape. There are dark clouds in the distance. At first, you think them storm clouds, but they appear far too dark for that.
Everything is odd now. There are whispers. Rumors of a spreading darkness.
But you are completely isolated. You are near no villages or settlements for a league or two at least. Whatever you have heard, it’s from passing travelers on the roads to said villages. When your father was called up, he didn’t know until he took a trip to town. They sent no one to fetch him, and the summons had come months ago.
“Strange,” you murmur, frowning at the dark spot in the sky.
Heading for the lever to raise the fishing nets, you sigh heavily, not wanting to do this at all. This is the part you hate the most. It takes an extreme amount of upper body strength, which is why it is a two-person endeavor.
Without your father to help you, you have to put your full weight behind each downward push.
Wrapping your fingers around the handle of the lever, you go up on your toes, and then allow your body to naturally fall downward, using your weight to crank it.
Everything moves. Turns. Creaks loudly.
You repeat the process until you’re sweating and the coolness of the air no longer kisses your skin with a chill.
Eventually the net begins to rise. Sticks and twigs and dead leaves appear. Not unusual, but there is typically movement in the water at this point. The fish don’t want to be dragged to the surface. They will flop about, the water around them churning with their wiggling bodies.
But there is nothing.
Not fish. Something…else.
Pausing, you step closer to the edge. Falling to your knees, you reach down into the water and push leaves and sticks out the way to get a better lock.
“Uinen’s tears!” you exclaim, jumping back.
It’s a man.
There is a man in your net.
Frantically, you reach out. Using the water’s natural buoyancy, you turn the man over. He is pale, and twisted in the twigs, hair a dark fan around him.
There are no fish. Just him.
With an urgency you didn't possess before, you go back to the lever, heaving yourself against it over and over again until your feel the wood biting into your skin. Once the net is high enough, you unclasp the lock, pushing forward, the net swinging toward you as it comes to hover over the dock.
You reengage the lock, and then the net settles, expanding outward to rest against the wood, opening wide to reveal everything inside.
The man tumbles out. Unresponsive.
Falling to your knees next to him, you push his wet hair of his face. Fingers pressing to his throat, you pray that you will find live beneath them.
There is nothing. Only silence. Not even a flutter.
As you reach up to remove twigs and leaves from his hair, there is a soft brush of breath against the inside of your wrist. Pausing, you bring your hand back, hovering your palm above his mouth.
And then—
It comes again. Soft, but there.
He is alive. This stranger is alive.
With both hands pressed to his chest, you shove down, over and over again. His body convulses, and you dart backward, turning him on his side and he purges brackish water from his lungs.
Coughing, the stranger groans, and you rub his back in an attempt to soothe him. He leans forward a bit, one hand pressed into the wet wood beneath him, cheek firmly squished against the dock.
He’s wearing nothing but plain pants and a tunic. He does not wear boots. Not even socks. From what you can tell, there is nothing that identifies him as belonging to any one person or place.
A stranger in your net.
An unexpected catch.
The stranger takes in big gulps of air, eyes still closed. His hand shakes slightly before he pushes himself onto his back. That is when his eyelids start to open, and you lean over him.
You don’t dare touch him.
“Do I behold an angel?”
You blink, stunned. “A—what?”
Eyelids fluttering, the stranger slips back into unconsciousness.
“Wake up,” you plead, grasping the sides of his face, checking for awareness. “Please.”
His breathing is even, but he’s out again.
Releasing the sides of his face, you survey the rest of him. His clothes are completely soaked, clinging to his skin. They reveal a muscled body beneath. But that isn’t all. On the stranger’s left side, there is a large dark spot in the fabric, and a small tear.
Slowly, you pull it up.
Your heart drops into your stomach.
The wound in his stomach is red and swollen. It’s bad, but might not yet be fatal. You’ve seen far worse. Helped heal worse. A wound like this will take time though.
While part of you wants to understand who this man is, it’s far from the most important thing.
“How am I to carry you?” you ask, as if he can answer.
If he were conscious, the stranger could help. But the man is out cold, and no matter how you try to rouse him, he won’t wake.
You don't want to drag him but you can't carry him.
“Oh, Uinen. Help me.”
Not that you expect an answer. You have to do this on your own.
Leaving the stranger on the dock, you rush back to the house. Grabbing a sturdy blanket, you head for the barn, bridling the horse, and attaching the contraption your father built for towing large objects.
Returning to the stranger, you do your best to push him onto the blanket. You half yank, half roll him onto the blanket before tying everything up.
“All right, Bessie. Forward now. Slowly. That’s it. Good girl.”
Bessie begins her ascent up the path. With the incline and oddly placed stones, she takes it slow, and you stay behind her, taking care to protect the stranger’s head. The process is slow, and takes up precious time, but Bessie makes it to the top.
From there, you guide her as close to the door as possible. Pushing the door wide, you return and detaching the makeshift sling. Bessie is too big to fit into the house, and this is the part where you have to drag the stranger into the house.
At least the blasted bell isn’t ringing anymore.
Your bed is too small. Choosing your father’s, you change course, dragging the stranger into your father’s bedroom.
You bring the stranger to a rest next to the bed. Taking a deep breath, you hook your arms underneath his armpits, and attempt to lift.
You fall right on your butt.
“Angel,” murmurs the stranger.
Leaning to the side, you gently cup his cheek. The stranger’s eyes are slightly open, awareness returning.
“I can’t lift you on my own,” you murmur, unsure if he’ll understand.
But he does.
The stranger nods. He’s a little out of it, but he assists in draping his arm over your shoulders, shifting his weight as you lift his upper half off the ground.
Groaning, you manage to get him partially onto the bed. Grabbing his feet next, you lift his legs, and then he’s in.
The stranger sighs, then winces, eyelids closing yet again.
His clothes will need to be removed and changed. Skin will need to be cleansed and any wounds checked over. The one in his side will likely need to be stitched closed. You’ll need blankets. A fire to keep him warm.
Already, he shivers.
Are there people looking for him? People searching? Or is he utterly alone? No family to speak of.
Lightly, your fingers brush the edge of his hairline. His hair is starting to dry. Small patches have turned auburn. It’s a lovely color.
“Whoever you are,” you murmur. “Wherever you come from. I’ll make sure you return.”
@coffeecaketornado @glassgulls @foxxy-126 @km-ffluv @sweetbutpsychobutsweet
@singleteapot @tiredmetalenthusiast @glitterypirateduck @miaraei @cherryofdeath
@ferns-fics @ninman82 @beebeechaos @smileykiddie08 @whisperwispxx
@weasleytwins-41 @thewulf @firelightinferno @protosslady @fstwdsstuffandthaaangs
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sunarots · 2 years
secret santa !
a part of the baby it's cold outside collab from @k0dzu1
pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
summary: katsuki had always denied his soft spot for you, until christmas comes and his present says otherwise...
word count: 0.8k
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"we're gonna get caught!"
katsuki leans through the window and sighs, preparing to climb back into his dorm. "jeez, if you're so scared."
narrowing your eyes at him, you give him a nudge back out the window. "i'm not scared, i'm just saying," you deny, waiting until there's enough space for you to climb out after him. "is it... is it icy out there?"
katsuki breathes out through his nose, what you think is a laugh, and shakes his head. "it's grass. no, it's not icy."
you push yourself out of the window completely, the snow crunching beneath your boots. you pull the window shut so it's barely open, trying to make sure there would be as little of a draft as possible.
you don't entertain him with a response, instead changing the subject. "so, where are we going?"
starting to walk, katsuki doesn't answer you directly. he gives a suspicious "you'll see" and leads you away from the dormitories and towards the trees behind the building. you hesitate before following him, glancing over your shoulder and considering going back inside. instead, you urge yourself after him, refusing to let him use this against you.
"hurry up, you're so slow," he calls back, pausing to let you catch up to him.
you hug you jacket closer to yourself, trudging through the thick layers of snow. "it's dark, i can't see," you defend yourself, taking cautious steps towards katsuki. his eyes roll at your reply, a hand outstretching. "what-"
"we'll never get there unless you hurry the fuck up, dumbass." he takes your hand in his, lightly pulling you forward and leading you over tree roots and towards an opening.
you stand still at the sight, overlooking the city lit by streetlights and the stars. thick layers of snow cover everything, the winter weather making it all the more beautiful. "wow."
katsuki doesn't say anything, tightening his hold on you and pulling you forward a little more to a snow-coated bench. he pauses, letting your hand go to remove his gloves. you don't question him, looking back to the city. there's nobody outside at this time in the morning, you and katsuki the only people in existence.
you're not startled by him using his quirk to melt the ice, calmly turning to watch as it melted and dried in only a minute. you sit before he does, shuffling into a comfortable position.
he sits beside you, his arm pressed against yours despite there being enough space to spread out. neither of you move, watching the city stand still.
"how did you find out about this place?" you finally ask, tearing your eyes away from the city to look at katsuki.
he doesn't meet your eyes, continuing to stare ahead. "i just did." he goes silent and waits, thinking over if he should continue. "and then i thought of you."
your eyes go wide as he faces you, cheeks reddening. you watch the heat of his breath shake in the night air. "me?"
"yeah. i thought you'd like it." his cheeks burn more than yours, realisation of his situation seeing in. "i mean-"
"i do like it," you tell him truthfully, heart beating faster. "do you think they'll know we're here?"
"no." katsuki shakes his head and smiles. "it's christmas eve. everyone's thinking about christmas, they won't care. and they won't find us here even if they did." he bows his head, fixing his gloves on his hands. his hands shake from the cold and the nerves.
"um... who did you get for secret santa?" you ask in an anxious attempt to break the silence. "i got mina and didn't know what to get her at first, but then i saw this super cute-"
"you." you stop talking, turning your head to the side.
"this isn't your present," he quickly adds, looking at you in the corner of his eye. "it's back in my dorm, you'll get it tomorrow." he looks at you finally, then at his watch. he stands, holding a hand to you. "we better go back, though."
katsuki's heart skips a beat when he hears the disappointment in your voice. he almost considers staying longer just for you, but shakes his head at the idea. "we can come back tomorrow when there's more time."
reluctantly, you trail after him with your hand in his. you kick the snow beneath your feet, slowing you both down in an attempt to savour your time together. katsuki looks over his shoulder at you, your eyes fixed on the path.
it's silent back to the dorms, katsuki being the first to speak when you both reach your room. "so..." you look up at him, waiting for him to continue. "what did you think?"
"it was really beautiful. thank you, i loved it."
katsuki smiles fondly at you, nodding his head. "good. i knew you would." he pushed open the window to your dorm for you to climb through, his hands falling to his sides.
you reluctantly climb through, turning around to face him. he stands still outside, staring at you. hesitating, you lean forward and press a kiss to his cheek. "goodnight, katsuki."
cheeks flushed red, katsuki grunts and nods his head. he wordlessly backs away with butterflies in his stomach.
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coopigeoncoo · 1 year
The Whole Dang Zoo
Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Female Reader
Mentions: Female Reader, humor, fluff, nicknames, pet names, traditionally female animal nicknames, traditionally insulting animal nicknames, implied sex offscreen.
Summary: It wasn't hard for Todoroki Shouto to start using pet names. What was difficult was figuring out when he should stop.
"A rat, Todoroki?  You called your girlfriend a rat?" Mina screeched in disbelief.
"They're actually very intelligent and clean animals."
Continue reading below, or follow the link to Ao3!
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Back during his early days at UA, Shouto had to learn to navigate a great many new things: friendships, rivalries, and the beguiling labyrinth of unspoken social conventions involved with human interaction.   
Shouto liked to think that he learned from his mistakes and adapted quickly.  He no longer heated leftover fish in the communal microwave and only needed an occasional reminder that people found it intimidating and not a sign of intense interest when he maintained eye contact for extended periods of time without blinking.            
But some situations proved more difficult for him to navigate than others because he simply did not have the appropriate context to frame them with.  So when fliers appeared on the bulletin board by the front door of Heights Alliance advertising two different events happening at the same time, he simply chose the one that appealed to him more; a relaxing movie night in over a round of laser tag at a local arcade.  
Shouto hadn’t even considered the possibility that these events had been organized with strict gender boundaries in mind because using any attendance criteria other than interest seemed wildly illogical.  So when he appeared in the doorway of dorm lounge that weekend, clad in his comfiest pajamas and bearing a small caddy of his usual hair products as the flier requested, there was only a brief moment of shocked confusion on the girls part before they cheered loudly and guided him over to a huge nest of blankets on the floor.  
Hagakure shared her lip mask with him, Ashido painted his toenails a stunning Prussian Blue, and Yaoyorozu had generously lent him use of her head so he could follow along with Uraraka's instructions on how to make a reverse fishtail braid.  He'd had an incredibly lovely evening with the girls and had unknowingly chosen his side of the class gender divide.  His unwitting decision was validated hours later when the rest of the Class A boys returned to Heights Alliance sopping wet and sporting a wide variety of injuries, from Bakugou's split lip to Kaminari's incredibly swollen double black eyes.  Shouto watched them shuffle miserably, many sporting pronounced limps and moaning in pain while he snuggled down deeper into a fuzzy sherpa throw and sipped contentedly on a cup of lavender tea.  
Sero broke away from the pack and stumbled into the kitchen, pulling a can of milk tea from the fridge before trudging towards Shouto, his wet socks squelching inside of his house slippers with every step.  He held the can out to Shouto's left side with a pleading grin.
"Can you heat this up for me, man?  It's been a long night."
Shouto took the can and steadily increased the temperature of his palm, gently heating the tea up and returning the can to Sero, who thanked him profusely before collapsing onto the couch with a groan.  Sero popped the top of the can open and took a fortifying sip before rolling up the legs of his sweatpants, revealing large welts running up both of his legs.  
"You look terrible," Shouto stated blandly.  "What even happened tonight?"
"Well, uh- we thought it would be funny to throw Bakugou into a river," Sero laughed nervously, rubbing at the back of his neck. "And in our defense, it was!  What happened after was way less amusing though."
"Oh?  What happened after?"
"Bakugou made us regret throwing him into a river."
"Ah," Shouto said, examining a particularly wicked looking bite mark under Sero's knee. "That would do it."
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From then on, Shouto was 'one of the girls' and joined them for their regularly scheduled activities.  Shopping trips, smoothie runs, cookie decorating classes, Survivalist Training, volunteer dog walking, and plenty of movie nights on the days they were too tired to venture out into the city.  
As the years passed and their responsibilities as Heroes increased they still did their best carve out time to meet up once a month when their schedules allowed.  Sometimes only two or three of them would be available, but tonight was one of the rare nights when the stars had shifted into an auspicious arrangement (Shouto was unsure exactly about what celestial positioning that was, but Mina would likely explain it to him if he asked) and Shouto found himself once again reunited with all the Class A girls in Jiro's apartment.  
Toru had been the last to arrive, toting along a large bag stuffed full of DVDs she had picked up at a rental shop near the station.  
"Sorry I'm late!" She called, pulling out the DVDs and laying them down on the coffee table for everyone to peruse as they filtered in from the kitchen with drinks and snacks. "The station was crazy packed and I had to wait forever for an open car to show up!"
"Oh yeah, they shuffled everyone over from the circle line because of damage from a villain attack during rush hour," Ochako mused, tapping the cover of a romantic comedy excitedly with her finger. "This one, I think.  I've wanted to see it for ages and missed it when it was in theaters!"
"That was when we got shipped over to New Zealand for the summer, right?" Tsuyu asked, snagging the DVD with her tongue so she could read the plot synopsis on the back cover. "Hmm.  Looks fine to me.  The run time isn't too long so I wouldn't be late getting home.  What do you think, Shouto?"
Without sparing a glance at the cover, Shouto simply nods his acquiescence.  "What we watch doesn't matter to me.  I'm just here for the company," he said, ladling up mulled wine into a mug from the pot simmering on the stovetop.    
Jiro groaned miserably as she plopped down into an overstuffed armchair. "I tried watching a Rom Com with Denki and he just made farting noises anytime someone's butt was on screen.  Shouto just stands in my kitchen and talks about how the best part of watching a movie is my presence and I just- ugh!" Jiro screeches, solidly punching a throw pillow.  "It's. Not. Fair!  It should be illegal to be so sweet, Shouto!"
Toru paused, a handful of popcorn floating forgotten as she pulled out her phone.  "Jiro is right.  I have to report this crime on Hero Net.  I'm sorry, Shouto.  You're going to be a wanted man now," she tsked sadly, typing on her phone one handed.  
Shouto furrowed his brow.  "I wasn't wanted before?  Then what was that "Most Desirable Man" award all about?"
Jiro decided to stop punching the throw pillow and opted for screaming into it instead.  
Ochako shook her head, laughing.  "Your girlfriend is so lucky, Shouto!"
"You think so?  I worry sometimes," he sighed, rounding the back of the couch and taking his traditional spot on the right side of the couch with his warm side facing in for when one of the girls inevitably sought to warm up their chilled feet against him.  
"Really?" Tsuyu prodded, sitting down next to Shouto.   "What about?"
"Well, she's my first girlfriend.  I just worry that maybe I'm not doing all the things she's expecting me to do?"
"Do you go down on her?" Mina asked as she popped the DVD into the player.  
"Often," Shouto nodded. "And with gusto."
"Good man," Momo said, patting his shoulder firmly as she passed by on her way back to the kitchen to refill her mug.
"Pft, don't worry then!  She's fine," Mina assured him, dropping onto the ground by Ochako's feet.
"Sometimes I wish that I had more experience.   Maybe if I had dated someone else before her then I wouldn't be so worried about accidentally ruining everything," Shouto sighed.
“First relationships are definitely rough,” Ochako agreed. “But it’s not like you’re going in alone, we’re all here to give you advice if you need it!”
“Maybe they are,” Tsuyu mused. “But don’t ask for my advice.  I’m a disaster in relationships.  But I will take you out drinking if you break up though.”
“That’s a horrible offer and I hope I never have to take you up on it.”
Tsuyu shrugged and sipped her wine.  “Eh, it’s there if you need it.”  
“Ignore her!” Jiro shouted, her face flushing increasingly as her mug emptied.  
“Yeah!” Ochako agreed.  “Oh!  Maybe you’ll get some ideas from watching the movie- like vicarious experience!” 
“Do you think that would work?” Shouto asked, critically examining the smiling couple freeze-framed on the DVD menu.  
Ochako shrugged.  “We won’t know if we don’t try.  Momo, hit play!”
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By halfway through the movie everyone was well into their cups; laughing too hard at the trite one-liners and swooning every time the main couple made intense, unblinking eye contact with each other.  
“When I do that people complain I’m intimidating them,” Shouto grumbled.  
“It’s different when you're in love,” Momo sighed.
“Shh!” Mina hissed at them. “The best part is coming up!”
Everyone leaned in towards the screen, rapt with attention, as the couple drew close together, their lips a hair's breadth from touching. 
‘Who could have predicted that the accidental fire at your pie factory would lead us here?’ The woman sighed dreamily, staring up into her co-star’s face.
‘It’s funny that it took losing all those desserts for me to discover something even sweeter,’ The man said, running a perfectly manicured hand across her cheek. 
“That isn’t funny at all.  People could have died in that fire,” Shouto chided.
“Shh!” Mina shushed him again. 
‘You think I’m sweet, do you?’ The woman giggled.
‘I do.  Why don’t you come over here and give me some of that sugar, Kitten?’ 
Shouto hadn’t been expecting the high-pitched squeals that the girls let out in cacophonous unison and was quite startled by their vocal response.  
“Are you all okay?”
“Yes,” Toru sobbed.  “It’s just- the pet names.”
“The…pet names?” Shouto asked, befuddled.  
“The names you call people when you’re in love,” Momo explained.  
“When used correctly, pet names can trigger deep emotional and physical responses,” Tsuyu clarified.  
“Like ‘Kitten’?” Shouto questioned, his voice caressing the new term gently.  
Jiro screamed into her misery pillow once again while Mina patted her leg comfortingly.  
“Yeah,” Mina sighed.  “Just like ‘Kitten’.”      
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The radio played softly in the background while you ran an impatient finger down your phone screen, desperately scrolling in an attempt to figure out where exactly the unnecessary backstory ended and the recipe actually began.  Distracted on two fronts, you didn’t realize you were no longer alone in your apartment until two arms wound themselves around your waist, pulling you backwards and away from the kitchen counter with a firm tug.  
“Woah!” you say, startled as your back impacts Shouto’s chest.  “Hello, there!  I didn’t realize you’d come in!  I wasn’t expecting you this early.”  
“A few of the girls have to be at work first thing in the morning, so we finished up earlier than we normally do.”
“Oh, that’s a shame.  I know it’s hard for you all to coordinate everyone’s schedules.”
Shouto hummed in agreement, dropping his head down into the juncture of your neck, his lips barely hovering above the surface of your skin.  
“Speaking of schedules, how’s the rest of your night looking?”
You spare a glance towards the counter where a handful of ingredients for dinner are waiting for you to chop and measure.  “Well, I was going to cook dinner, but I haven’t started yet.” 
“So, you have some time?” he whispered huskily, pressing his lips gently onto your shoulder.  
Giggling, you reach a hand back and thread it through the hair at the nape of his neck.  “Maybe I do.  You have a specific activity in mind?”
“Nothing in particular,” he said, hand wandering under your shirt to stroke the soft skin of your belly. “Just wanting to spend some time with my girlfriend.  Is that okay with you, Kitten?”
“Oh, yes,” you gasp, breath catching at the whispered endearment.  “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!”  
Grinning madly, Shouto swept you up into his arms and carried you down the hallway towards the bedroom.  
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Sunlight was just beginning to creep in through the cracks between your curtains and the wall when you felt Shouto's lips press gently against your forehead once, twice, three times with a devastating softness that tickled your skin.  
"Shou?" You mumbled, using clumsy fists to rub the sleep from your eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.  Go back to sleep."
"Mmkay," you agree readily, already snuggling back into your pillow.  
"I'll see you later, Duckling," Shouto whispered sweetly, closing the bedroom door behind him with a gentle click.
"...Duckling?  Wha' happened to Kitten?" You muse briefly before the creeping fingers of sleep on the edges of your consciousness drag you back into their grasp.  
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That Saturday you're out shopping at a flea market on the weird side of town when you saw it; an obviously unlicensed Endeavor figure with a hilariously misprinted face.  His wobbly oval eyeballs stared off into wildly different directions and his lip color was offset enough that it looked like he was sticking his tongue out in distaste.  You snap a picture of it and immediately text it to Shouto, moving to pocket your phone when it begins to ring loudly.  
"Hello?" You greet, pressing the phone into your shoulder with your ear as you spin the Endeavor figure around in your hand, snorting when you realize that the body was actually recycled from an All Might figure and painted over with Endeavor's costume colors.  
"I don't care how much that figure is.  Buy it."
"Aren't you supposed to be patrolling right now?" You laugh, raising a hand to flag down the vendor before fishing around in your purse for your pocket book.
"I'm with Denki right now and he agrees that this is much more important.  Hold on-," shuffling filters in from Shouto's end as he moves the phone around.  "Denki says to give you his regards and to buy as many of those Endeavor figures as they have."
"Tell Chargebolt I say 'Hello'.  And there's just the one figure, I'm afraid."
"Damn.  Well, that's okay.  It'll make a great gift for Natsuo."
The sudden sound of screeching tires fills your ear and you distantly hear Chargebolt yelling Shouto's name.  
"I have to go now, duty calls.  I'll talk to you later, Mongoose," Shouto says quickly, ending with a wet smooching sound before he hangs up.   
You stare at the screen of your phone dumbly, Shouto's profile image smiling gently at you from his contact page.
"'Mongoose'?" You utter, completely baffled by the nickname as you clutch the dopey Endeavor figure tightly to your chest and wander distractedly to the next market table.
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Your coworker sat across from you in the restaurant booth, rolling utensils up into napkins and sealing them with little paper rings while you worked on wiping down a large stack of sticky laminated menus.   
"Okay, 'Duckling' was sweet, but I agree that being called 'Mongoose' is a little odd," she agreed, dropping her completed napkin rolls into the plastic bin beside her.
"Right?  But those aren't even the weirdest ones! Just in the last week I've been a puffin, an armadillo, a fruit bat, and a chinchilla!"
"Chinchillas are cute," your coworker pointed out, rubbing at a water spot on a spoon with a spare napkin.
"Yeah, I didn't mind that one," you agree, spraying cleaner onto a menu.  Your cell phone, stowed safely in the pocket of your apron, buzzed sharply as a new text rolled in.  Bypassing your lock screen, you quickly examine the new message before groaning loudly and flipping the phone around for your coworker to see.  
'Look, it's you!' The message from Shouto proclaimed right above an attached picture of a droopy-faced blobfish.   
"Huh.  I think I'm starting to get a little offended on your behalf."
The part-time worker, a somber and unexcitable teenager, was sweeping close to your table and you beckon her over.  She pulls out her left earbud as she approaches your table, leaning heavily onto the broom at her side.
"What do you make of this," you ask, holding the phone up in front of her face. "I need a second opinion."
She examined the message carefully before leveling you with a serious stare.  
"I think that Todoroki Shouto could call me the meanest, nastiest, names under the sun and I would still write him a thank-you card and take him to meet my Grandma the next day."
You and your coworker pause, considering her words.
"She's right," your coworker nodded, resuming her utensil rolling.
"Oh, yeah." you agreed, responding to the blobfish picture with a shower of emoji hearts. "One-hundred percent.  Thanks for your perspective!"
The part time girl nods before stepping back towards her dust pile, pushing her earbud back into place.
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It had been a couple of months since Shouto had been able to make it to Girls Night, having been caught up repeatedly testifying in a long running criminal trial.  It was a smaller gathering this time, just him, Mina, Ochako, and Momo crammed around a small Cafe table with flights of coffee lined up in front of them.  
Mina sipped from a particularly dark brew, cringing at the bitter notes and quickly pushing it in front of Ochako for her to dispose of.  Ochako smiled gleefully, picking up the relinquished mug and adding it to her collection of beverages.  
"I'm so glad that you were able to join us tonight, Shouto," Momo said, spooning a helping of sugar into one of her cups of light-roast.  "You've been so busy these past few weeks we've barely heard from you at all."
"I know," Shouto sighed.  "Work has been crazy and I've been spending all my free time over at Emu's apartment."
Ochako choked on her coffee, coughing wetly as Mina thumped soundly on her back with a flat hand.
"Ah, 'Emu'?" Momo inquired with wide eyes.  
"My girlfriend," Shouto replied, picking up the next cup of coffee to try.
"You- you're calling her Emu?" Ochako sputtered, still hacking into her arm.  
"It's kinda' cute," Mina said, tapping her cheek thoughtfully.  "Unusual, but cute.  I mean, it's not like he's calling her Whale or Pig, right?"
The girls all laughed while Shouto shifted uneasily in his chair.
"What's wrong with Whale or Pig?" Shouto asked with a tight voice.  
"Well, calling someone a whale implies that you think that they're overweight.  And calling someone pig means that you find them disgusting."
Shouto's eyes widened and he made a pitiful whining sound deep in his throat.
"Oh, Shouto!  Please tell me you didn't-" Momo begged.
"I did," he groaned miserably, dropping his head down into his hands.
"You can't just call your girlfriend random animals!  There's precedent for choosing appropriate pet names!" Mina shouted, aghast at Shouto's unwitting faux pas. 
"Well, how was I supposed to know that?  I thought you just picked whatever animals you thought were cute!" 
"You think whales are cute?" Ochako questioned.
"They have very soulful eyes!" Shouto shouted defensively, pulling out his phone and navigating to the past month's texts, pushing the device into Momo's hands.  
"Read through here and tell me how badly I've messed up," Shouto begged.
"I'm sure it isn't that bad," Momo said comfortingly, scrolling down through the chat log and sharply wincing.
"What?  What is it?" Mina called out.
"Ah- he called her a Cow.  And a Rat."
"A rat, Todoroki?  You called your girlfriend a rat?" Mina screeched in disbelief.
"They're actually very intelligent and clean animals!" 
"Oh, God," Ochako moaned into her hands, mortified on your behalf.  
Shouto whined pitifully and dropped his head onto the table with a loud thunk, barely missing a steaming mug of Arabica blend while the girls patted his arms and cooed comforting assurances as he wallowed.  
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Pulled from the bathroom by thundering knocks on your apartment door, you peer cautiously through the peephole before undoing the security chain and multiple deadbolts that had been securing your apartment for the night.
"Shouto?  What are you doing here?" You ask with concern as you gesture for him to come inside.  He was in a state of absolute disarray; his hair messed uncontrollably and panting for breath.
"Here," he wheezed breathlessly, pushing a half-wilted bouquet of hydrangeas and daisies into your arms.  "I'm sorry they aren't better.  The only place open this late was the convenience store by the laundromat and these were the only flowers they had."
Cradling the sickly bouquet delicately in your arms, you raise a hand to Shouto's face, cradling his cheek gently.
"They're lovely, Shouto.  Thank you for thinking of me.  But you didn't come by my apartment this late just to give me flowers, did you?"
Shouto clutched your hand to his cheek as he shook his head.  "No, I didn't."  He took in a deep, shuddering breath as he gazed at you desperately.  "It has recently been brought to my attention that I have made a grave error in regards to how I address you."
"How you address- Oh!  Is this about all the nicknames you've been giving me?"
He closes his eyes, wincing deeply as he nods.  "I didn't realize that some animal names held derogatory connotations.  I ran over here as soon as I realized how unintentionally cruel I've been.  I couldn't stand the thought of you going a single minute longer thinking that I didn't cherish and appreciate everything about you."
"Oh, Shouto," you laugh.  "Thank you for the apology, but I figured all that out pretty early on."
"You did?"
Humming in agreement, you press yourself into Shouto's embrace, resting your head against his sharply jutting clavicle.  "You don't have a malicious bone in your body, Todoroki Shouto.  It was pretty obvious that you were being sweet.  Strange, but definitely sweet."
He sagged against you, awash with relief.  
"Thank goodness," he sighed, pressing kisses to the crown of your head as he looped his arms around you.  "I was so worried you were going to leave me."
"Please, it will take more than a few mildly insulting animal names to get rid of me."
He snorted into your hair.  "I'm sorry I called you a Cow.  And a Pig.  And a Rat.  And a Whale."
"Hey now, whales have very soulful eyes."
"Thank you!" Todoroki exclaimed. "That's what I was trying to tell the girls!"
Giggling, you wrap your arms around his neck and draw him backwards towards the couch.
"Speaking of the girls," he said, reaching into his pocket and withdrawing a folded sheet of paper.  "They helped me come up with this list of triple vetted, pre-approved, pet names that I can use." 
You take the list from his hand, opening it up and scanning the contents before balling it up and tossing it over your shoulder.  
"Hey," Shouto protested. "We worked hard on that list!"
"And I appreciate that effort, I truly do.  But I don't want my nickname to come from Uraraka or Ashido.  I want my name to come from you."
"Yeah?" Shouto beamed, letting you pull him down onto the couch so you were both lying together, him hovering above you while you discarded the bouquet with a gentle toss onto the coffee table.  
"Uh-huh.  Think about it; there are probably thousands of Kittens and Bunnies in Musutafu.  But I'm willing to wager that I'm the only Blobfish."
"You're definitely my only Blobfish," Shouto laughed, pushing your cheeks together so your face was squished and puffy just like your animal namesake.
"Schtooop!" You sputter out from your smushed up fish lips, laughing.  
"Not until I've kissed these irresistible Blobfish lips," Shouto said, sucking in his cheeks and making a fish face of his own as he lowered his mouth towards yours, your distorted lips slotting together bizarrely.   He pulls back with an exaggeratedly wet smack, finally releasing your face back into your control.  
"Oh, that was awful," you lament, swiping at the saliva smeared across your face from your sloppy fish kiss with the hem of your shirt.
"Yeah," Shouto agreed, wiping at his own face with his shirt cuff.  "That was really bad.  Let's never do that again."
He pulled you close, running a tender finger down the slope of your nose, tapping the tip playfully.  "You're still my beautiful Blobfish though."
"Whatever you say, my wonderful Walrus."
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kiatheinsomniac · 2 years
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──── 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀 & 𝐀𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃 ˊˎ -
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: a commission from @mirroredpaladin of her OC and Alucard ♡
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Adrian 'Alucard Tepes x Mina Belmont (OC)
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: canon-typical threat, alcohol abuse
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Your viridian eyes squinted in the darkness as you peered through the trees up ahead, vision spliced by branches and trunks. Were those lights in the distance? You remained wary as your hand brushed reassuringly over the hilt of the rapier at your hip, comforting yourself with the knowledge it was there and readjusting the strap of your lute over your shoulder. You knew that you had to be close to the Belmont Hold by now. But why were there lights up ahead? Shouldn’t it still be abandoned? And why was it so quiet? You hadn’t encountered a single night creature since your journey to the Hold began to draw towards its end. 
Night creatures. Those servants of Dracula’s army were the very reason why you were returning to the ruins of your childhood home. You had spent long enough away, long enough surviving in your amateur – in the eyes of a Belmont anyway – monster hunting skills. You had seen enough homes burn, enough people die and you could only help so many of them. You needed to do more; you needed to hone your skills, bring them to others, reconcile with the past that you had been running from. It had been long enough. 
Your eyes fought to see in the silvery moonlight as a cloud passed over the sky, squinting at the treetops as you continued down the path. Were those turrets? Surely not, your home never reached so high and even so it had been burned to the ground. But they didn’t look like the branches of trees either, they looked too distant. You trudged onwards with a newfound speed, eager to get to the bottom of this mystery and cursing the crescent moon for not providing you its full light. 
You stepped over the underbrush, the sound of a familiar stream trickling nearby filling your ears. The flap and hoot of an owl nearby in the otherwise silent night. You spurred onwards as you drew towards the treeline that you knew would open up into the clearing wherein the ruins of your home and the Belmont Hold resided but you froze the moment you set foot on the grass, lush from not being overshadowed by trees. 
Beside the Hold stood a great and terrible castle with pointed architecture that climbed up into the sky like a threat to breach the heavens. It stood menacingly tall, casting its shadows over the skeleton of your childhood home beside it and your eyes then caught onto the scaffolding surrounding where you knew the entrance of the hold to be. 
You had been gone for a long time, yes, but certainly not long enough for anyone to build such a towering structure. And you knew of only one castle in the world which could move as if by magic. 
Dracula’s Castle. 
You froze for a moment as you considered your next steps. Going into the castle certainly wasn’t an option. You were in no shape to fight Lord Dracula himself but you were also weary from your journey and had a job to do. Instead, you made your way around the back of the Hold, sticking to shadows and keeping low whenever necessary. 
A pulley system had been put up in order to lower anyone down into the gaping hole in the ground that now functioned as the door to your family’s hold. What a waste of all the magic that had once been put into its secret entrance. You could only assume that Dracula and his servants had destroyed the entrance as a means of bypassing its magic. But surely Dracula would know how to decipher such a lock? That didn’t add up and you took a mental note of it so that you might get to the bottom of it later. 
You used the pulley system to make your way down what had once been spiralling stairs which had seemed such a task to ascend in your childhood. Thankfully, you found that the Hold itself was not in such a state as its entrance and so you began to sweep the hold, stalking the aisles of books, weapons, artefacts and trophies upon each floor before deeming that the remains of your childhood home were safe to sleep in.
You started a small fire in the fireplace, intending for it to just warm you from the cold outside and go out while you slept, before dragging a sofa over. You took out your blanket from your pack and laid it over your body, your sword on the floor beside you in case you should be startled awake in the night. 
Your aching muscles sighed and unwound in relief at finally, finally having something other than the ground to sleep on. You had stayed at inns for the first leg of your journey but you found that it was far too costly and you had to prioritise food instead. It had been weeks since you had a pillow beneath your weary head. 
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
When you woke, the fire was out and it was noticeably colder in the room. The smell of wine and some other reeking bodily odour invaded your nostrils and you peered through your now messy copper hair to see a tall figure looming over you. Like a viper striking, your hand shot down to the hilt of your sword but you were unable to lift it, the man’s boot-clad food already stepping on the rapier’s blade. 
Upon seeing your fighting instincts awaken with your mind and body, the man’s hand shot to your throat in an attempt to pin you down but you swung your legs up to kick him in the side of the head, making him stumble backwards. He fell into the armchair behind him and you tried to shoot to your feet despite the blanket tangled around your legs, your rapier now in your hand with its end pointed to the man. He simply groaned as he collided with the chair and his body language, paired with his smell, told you that he was drunk. Advantage to you. 
“Who are you and what are you doing here?” You asked, not wanting to hurt him in such a sorry state if you could help it. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” He replied, rubbing the side of his now pounding head as he squinted up at you against the lights above your head. You didn’t miss the pointed fangs that peeked out from behind his lips when he spoke. He was a vampire – this surely couldn’t be Lord Dracula? Drunk and seemingly defenceless at the end of your blade. No, this couldn’t be him; so where was he? 
“I’m here because this is my home… well it was. What’s your purpose-” the tip of your blade kissed his pale cheek, “-vampire?” 
“I’ve met the last of the Belmonts and you’re not him.” His silvery eyed glared at you, the liar pointing her blade to him. Your breath hitched when a cool sensation pressed to your throat and your green eyes shifted to the side, seeing the hilt of the longsword that was hovering at your throat. Perhaps he had intended to make you stand down but, instead, your blade came to rest at his throat too. Now you were even. The sword to your neck had been such a shock that it took you a moment to process his words. 
“You’ve met Trevor?” He didn’t miss how your eyes widened hopefully. He merely hummed a yes, “Where is he now?” 
“Somewhere with his lady.” 
“His lady?” Your voice asked quietly. Had it truly been so long that you didn’t even know you had a sister-in-law now? Hell, were they even married or just together? You’d been away from your older brother for too long, that much you were sure of. Okay, so this wasn’t Dracula and he clearly knew Trevor very personally. Just who was he? You would need his trust to pry out the answers to all of these questions that were flooding your mind. “In my pack,” You nodded your head slightly in the direction of it as you lowered your sword to your side, “there’s a coat in there with the Belmont crest on it.” The vampire eyed you warily before pulling out the coat from your pack and indeed finding your family’s crest upon it. 
“How did you happen upon this?” He asked after examining it.
“Did Trevor really not mention me? Wilhelmina? Mina?” He merely looked unimpressed before recognition crossed his expression. 
“Mina whose cat ran away?” He recalled when he had poked fun at Belmont’s family Hold, suggesting he might find mummified cats between the shelves and he had scoffed before making some comment about Mina’s cat actually running away. It was the only time he had mentioned your name. 
“Yes!” You exclaimed. His sword left your throat, levitating vertically behind him instead. Now that he looked at you, he could see some similarities between you and your brother in the structure of your face, even if the colour of your hair and eyes were vastly different. He concluded that you must be half-siblings. Your face suited you more than his – or maybe Trevor was just a pain in the ass and that made Alucard a bit biassed. 
“We should talk elsewhere about what we’re both doing here. You look hungry.” You opened your mouth to protest that speaking just here was fine but your stomach interrupted you before you could get a word out. 
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
You looked down at your empty plate of what had been rice and fish as Alucard downed the glass of wine he had poured for you but you refused. He drank his own and yours. Trevor truly had only mentioned you once in a passing comment? Even given how much time their trio had spent together, he really hadn’t told them about you. It was your own fault for running away, you knew, and it’s why you were back in the first place – to finally carry out your duties as a Belmont and to reconcile with your past, your big brother included. You never thought you’d be sitting at a dinner table with Dracula’s son either. 
You were wary of the bodies staked outside, his reluctance to narrate who they were and his overindulgence in alcohol but he had described those bodies as ‘those who tried to betray me’. All you had to do was not cross him, it seemed. If he was as close a friend to your brother as he claimed to be, you had no intention of betraying him anyway. You were desperate to meet Sypha who sounded so collected and intelligent and who may well be your sister-in-law soon enough. 
Trevor had left him to make something of the combined knowledge of the Belmont Hold and Dracula’s Castle. You were here to protect and tutor yourself in the knowledge of your family’s Hold. You both decided that you would stay in the castle but he had laid down a few rules. You stay in your designated section of the castle at night and he wouldn’t intrude on your space. At first you had argued that it was unfair that he had free reign of nearly the entire castle but he had reminded you that it was his castle now and so you could hardly protest that fact. 
“Now that we’re both filled in on why the other is here, you should rest. I interrupted you earlier.” 
“Right…” You stood from your chair and insisted on cleaning up since he had been the one to cook for you. It was a near sorry sight to watch him cook while clearly drunk but he insisted and the food had tasted fine enough in the end. “Good night, Alucard…” You murmured in the doorway, hoping that he wouldn’t overindulge himself in the alcohol. 
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
Living with Alucard had started off as much more difficult than you had anticipated. After your little chat when he allowed you to stay in his castle, he became very distant and you rarely ever saw him, let alone spoke with him. Any time you did see him, it was usually stumbling around the entrance of the Castle with an empty bottle or two nearby, spewing curses in Romanian like venom to the two rotting corpses on the doorstep. He stank and often left dirty dishes behind himself in the kitchen, never properly cleaning up after himself. 
One day, when your hunger tore you away from your studies in the Belmont Hold, you returned to the castle to find Alucard passed out in the doorway. You had tried to get him to his room by throwing his arm over your shoulder once before when you found him like this but that had only earned you hostility, flashes of fangs and insults as he insisted he was fine and you weren’t to touch him as he stumbled back to his room. You couldn’t allow yourself to leave him on the doorstep but you also didn’t feel like having your kindness thrown back in your face either and so you stepped over him to collect a bucket and over him once more as you made your way to the little stream nearby to fill it. 
Upon returning to the Castle, you promptly dumped the cold water over his body. 
“Up you get.” You crouched down beside him at a safe distance, “You look a state and you smell it too. Consider this a prelude to the bath you should go and take.” He let out a long groan and glared at you from behind thick, blond lashes. “I get that you’re going through a tough time, Alucard but wallowing in stench and booze isn’t going to solve anything. Consider this me being cruel to be kind.” 
“I don’t want your kindness.” 
“You don’t want it or you don’t deserve it?” You threw back, knowing well how hard kindness could be to accept when guilt was gnawing at you. He went silent at your accurate observation, telling you all you needed to know. “How about this: you wash up so I don’t have to smell you anymore and I’ll cook dinner for the two of us? I never did get to return that favour after the first night here.” He stumbled to his feet and as much as you wanted to reach out to help steady him, you knew that he would still need a little distance. 
“Sure…” He mumbled. 
“There you go, I’ll see you in a bit, Alucard.” 
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
That was the beginning of you helping Alucard to heal. You would spend your evenings with him to try and curb his drinking and it seemed to work quite well. The two of you would even venture down into the Hold together and he would assist in your studies and research, learning many things himself along the way. Eventually, this morphed into the two of you grabbing some books from Dracula’s library and curling up at the foot of a sofa in front of a fireplace in some drawing room or another. On some nights, the books would be ditched completely and you would strum a tune on your lute for him, your voice filling the room. 
He washed regularly now, would indulge in your company and you had a rotation for who would cook meals that day. He was healing, it seemed, even if he had yet to talk about what had made him want to drink so heavily in the first place. You knew not to push him too and you were sure he felt the same way. He didn’t completely trust you and you understood because you felt the same way about him, no matter how much you enjoyed his company. 
Tonight was another one of those nights spent in a drawing room of the castle with a little pile of books nearby but your brain felt fried and you could no longer take in the words upon the pages, opting instead to mark your place in the book and lean back against the sofa. You reached for your lute, plucking each string to check that it had not slipped out of tune before Alucard took your hand in his, shocking you not only with his cool body temperature but the gesture itself. He himself seemed surprised at his boldness as a faint pink dusted his cheeks.
“Come with me; bring the lute.” He instructed as he rose to his feet and you followed suit. He reached for your hand again but with much more shyness this time, the back of his palm merely brushing against your before he hooked his little finger around yours and he led you through the complex corridors of the Castle that had served as his childhood home. He was being far more touchy than he ever had with you before and it made your heart flutter in your chest, pulse thrumming slightly in your ears as he finally led you to a grand dance hall. On the far wall was a short stage where a harpsichord stood and he led you over to it, pulling up a chair for you as he took a seat at the stool. 
“That song you played last week, I learned it.” He gave a small smile and you adored the little flash of his fangs within it. He usually spoke in a way that mostly kept them concealed behind his lips but it was heart-warming to see him finally letting his guard down around you. 
“Okay…” You replied, his smile spreading to your own mouth, “Let’s see what you’ve got.” Your fingers slid down the neck of the lute until they were in place and with a few taps of your foot to count down, a duet began to dance through the hall. It was incredible, that he had been so attentive to this song of yours that he had learned to play it by ear – truly also a testament to his skill but you supposed a noble like him would have had music implemented into his learning curriculum. You couldn’t erase the smile from your face as he turned to you by the time the song was done, the faint plucking of your fingers against the strings softening into silence. 
“Mina… I really enjoy your company, I just want you to know that.” He was being uncharacteristically open with you and a large part of you was relieved by that because it felt like you were finally being given that needed push to do the same. The two of you had circled around one another in distrust for long enough, distrust had given way to reluctance and now it seemed that the two of you were finally giving in. 
“So do I…” You replied honestly. You wanted to know more about Alucard, you wanted to know everything so that you could tell him everything about yourself but you knew that while tonight was a leap, it wouldn’t be the end of this prickly trust and, as long as he kept on smiling like he was now, you were more than content with that. 
“You always play such wonderful music for me. Shall I return the favour tonight?” You set your lute aside and eagerly nodded your head, getting up from your chair to instead join him on the stool, keen to see how this instrument was played. And oh, how adorable, he seemed rather flustered by your decision to change seats. 
Two hours passed like minutes and you found yourself leaning your head on his shoulder to watch his hands dance across the keys, eventually closing your eyes to just listen to the romantic melody until you could hear nothing at all. By the time the song finished, you didn’t flood him with compliments as you had with every other composition and so he turned his head just enough to see your eyes closed, lips slightly parted as you inhaled and exhaled steadily, asleep. 
“My, I hope I haven’t bored you into slumber…” He murmured quietly, rather amused. Careful to not wake you, his hand reached up to caress your warm cheek, feeling your breath fan gently against his hand. To think: a Belmont falling asleep on the shoulder of a dhampir. But you weren’t just some monster hunter, no, he had seen your mindset through all these evening conversations with you and you did not see him as a monster. You saw the good in everything before you saw the bad, you believed that it was choice that made monsters, not nature. One could not help what they are born as but they can decide who they will be. You had reintroduced optimism to his life where he had allowed himself to drown in pity, loneliness and despair. 
He didn’t know how to thank you enough. 
He yearned to be closer to you but he still found himself unable to trust, knowing it would ruin him should you break his fragile heart that he longed to just place in your palms because it belonged there, with you. You had healed many of his wounds but he knew that the one healer he must depend on now was time. Likewise for you: he knew that there was a rift between you and Trevor, even if you hadn’t explicitly explained it to him. Adrian suspected that you were here to try and reconcile with him and so you would have to wait for your brother’s return to do so. 
His hand on your cheek moved downwards to pick up a lock of your fiery-copper hair, bringing it to his lips for a soft kiss, finding that any other sort of kiss would be highly improper. You were a lady and it was his duty as a man to respect that. 
Adrian wanted so dearly to love you but he knew that he must learn to trust you first and oh the anticipation of it all could eat him alive. 
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Birthday surprise
- cadet!reiner x cadet!bertholdt
Warnings: gay relationship?, cliff diving, hidden relationship, bad spelling
Summary: it's reiners birthday and he just wants to spend it with his man, but his friends had other plans...
"Happy birthday!" Said bertholdt kissing reiners forehead.
Reiner quickly put his finger to bertholdts lips.
"Someone could see you!" He panicked.
"Don't worry there all outside waiting for you," bertholdt smiled before rolling off of him.
"Oh?" Reiner asked.
"Mm mm no I'm not telling you," Bertholdt grinned.
Reiner sighed kissing bertholdt on the cheek he jumped down from their bunk.
Pulling on his shirt and pants he slipped into his boots, making his way to the door.
Opening it he almost fell back in surprise.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone was there holding a huge makeshift banner.
Reiner was completely taken aback stumbling backwards slightly.
"What- what is this?" Reiner stumbled over his words.
"Bertholdt told us it was your birthday so we planned a party!" Connie beamed.
"Hey bertholdt said not to tell him," sasha poked Connie's ribs hard.
"Oh I mean ah-" Connie fumbled to save himself.
"What he means is happy birthday reiner!" Thomas did jazz hands in the air.
"Yeah!" Mina backed him up.
"I uh, I don't know what to say," Reiner scratched the back of his head. "I mean thanks guys but-"
"Ok party time," Eren punched the air.
"Wait a minute guys-"
"Shawdes said no, so we'll have to sneak out," crista said.
"But that's not stopping us!" Sasha squeeled.
Bertholdt and Marco both grabbed Reiners arms and started dragging him off.
"Wait hold on guys where are we going?" Reiner blurted out.
"Too your party!" Armin grinned.
Somewhere along the way a blind fold had been placed over reiners eyes.
When it was removed he was facing the lake.
"Um why are we here?" Reiner looked to Bertholdt for help but Bertholdt just winked and pushed him foreward.
"Last one in is a rotten potato!" Cried Sasha jumping head first off the cliff.
"WHA?!" Reiner exclaimed.
"Your on!" Connie and Eren cried simultaneously.
"I don't think so!" Yelles jean. And they all followed sasha over the cliff edge.
Very quickly it was just Reiner and Bertholdt on the cliff.
"Come on let's go!" Bertholdt took of his pants and started unbuttoning his shirt. Reiner followed suit.
"Wait!" Riener grabbed Bertholdts arm just before he went over the side.
"What?" Bertholdt turned back confused, usually it was Bertholdt being sensible.
"Well it's just," reiner sighed, "your a rotten potato."
"Excuse me?" Bertholdt frowned.
Quickly riener pushed bertholdt back and leapt over the cliff edge.
The air blew at his hair, and pinched at his bare chest and legs.
The water stung as he crashed into it his shins and arms taking most of the blow as the air was knocked from his lungs.
He resurfaced gasping for air.
Just as he caught his breath he was drenched in more water as Bertholdt hit the water next to him.
"That was a dirty trick!" Bertholdt pouted.
"You'll get over it," beamed Reiner.
"Bertholdt your the rotten potato," cried Connie.
"Anyway I'm the birthday boy," reiner smirked. "I'm your birthday boy," he whispered.
"Hmm what was that Reiner?" Bertholdt tilted his head.
"Oh nothing," Reiner swam off to where the others.
Soon swimming got boring.
Everyone was cold and tired. Not to mention soaked.
So they all got dressed and returned for lunch.
"So what did you guys plan next?" Reiner said through a mouthful of potato soup.
"We didn't plan this far ahead," Marco said apologetically.
"Oh, cool," Reiner said.
"I was thinking we could play cards back at the dorms?" Armin suggested.
"We'd get bored quick doing that," jean yawned.
"We should totally go in to town!" Mina exclaimed.
"Yeah!" Thomas agreed.
"Why are we in town again?" Asked Connie as they trudged down the hundredth row of shops, all selling perfumes and frilly skirts.
"Stop complaining connie!" Ymir said loudly.
"Ymir don't be mean," crista slapped her lightly.
"Hey don't be mad at me," ymir shrugged.
"Ah here we are!" Said Mina as they turned another corner they saw a sweet little bakery.
Walking inside they saw the inside was elegantly decorated with flowers and little painted ornaments.
"Hello Mina, what can I do for you?" The woman behind the counter was short and plump with wild grey hair and smile wrinkles.
"Hello Stella, it's my friends birthday and I was wondering if you had enough sweets for us all?"
"I have just the thing!" Stella went through a door and when she returned she was holding the biggest cake they had ever seen. It had two teres and was topped in caramelised apple.
"How much?" Mina asked taking out her purse.
"For you and your friends nothing, but may I ask whose birthday it is?"
"Mine ma'am," reiner raised his hand.
"And whats your name young man?" Asked Stella.
"Reiner Braun, ma'am."
"I hope you have a wonderful birthday Reiner."
"Thank you," reiner smiled back at her. And they all left.
Once outside they returned to the compound.
Mikasa stoll a knife from the kitchen and they all had a slice of the cake.
It was a fruit cake with raisens and currents.
They all chatted meraly as they ate. Blessing Stella's kind heart.
Eventually the cake was all gone and it was dark outside.
"We should all go to sleep before shawdes makes us run laps, good night," with that everyone returned to there cabins.
As everyone readied themselves for bed Bertholdt came up behind Reiner and rested his chin on his shoulder.
"So did you have a good birthday?"
"Yeah, kinda wished I'd just spent it with you in bed but this was fun!" Reiner whispered back.
"We can cuddles know?" Bertholdt whisper asked.
"Ok," they both climbed up I to their bed and shuffled against each other. Reiners face buried in bertholdts chest.
"Good night my birthday boy," he kissed reiners head.
Reiner chuckled and looked up at his boyfriend.
"Good night," he beamed and kissed bertholdts lips.
"Were turning the light off!" Called Marco.
"Ok!" Reiner called back rolling his eyes but still smiming. And the last thing bertholdt saw before dark ess consumed them was Reiner beaming with joy.
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vegetafan72 · 3 years
Valentine Fandom Ask Meme #9
Fandom used this round: Yu-Gi-OH 5Ds
I could potentially add all of Yugioh, but I don't feel that's fair since I haven't finished DM or Zexal yet, am currently still watching Arc-V, and haven't started Vrains. (Not sure if I'll watch Sevens and I refuse to watch GX except maybe the last arc where I hear it gets serious)
Also SPOILERS for the entire show! SPOILERS
Your favourite non-canon ship?
Probably Ushio/ Trudge x Mikage/ Mina. I like the cops together; its cute and a better relationship for Mikage.
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping?
Ya know, now that I think about it, I never really liked the Yusei x Kiryu/ Kalin ship, but I'm not so against it now that I reflect on it. Its got some good angst in it, I tell you what. And it feels more likely and interesting than Yusei x Bruno (which I still don't ship).
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)?
I'd guess it would be either Yusei x Sherry or Crow x Aki.
For Yusei x Sherry, it seemed pretty heavily implied that Sherry had a little bit of a thing for him. When she thinks of turbo dueling connecting their hearts, she imagines the two of them naked. Yeah, it might just be a metaphor, but she's still picturing him with no clothes. Sherry also seems quite focused on Yusei and, if I remember correctly, part of the reason she sided with Z-One at the end was to prevent Yusei's prophesied death. I'm not sure if its an unrequited crush that is canon or not or if its rare, but I don't see a lot of people talking about it.
For Crow x Aki, I do like them mostly as friends and definitely prefer Aki with Yusei, but I do think Crow and Aki have the foundation to become a good couple. But I think I've only ever seen one fanfic that had them as a ship, so I'm assuming its not very popular.
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of.
Any variation of Yusei and/or Jack and/or Crow so Kizunashipping, Kingcrabshipping, etc. They were raised together as foster brothers so I see them in a sibling dynamic and I adore that brotherly bond for them. There's nothing wrong with shipping them together though since they aren't actually related, so for those who like those ships, go ahead and enjoy them. They're just not my cup of tea.
What is your most fluffy + happy ship?
... All of them have angst... It's kinda impossible to not have angst in 5Ds since it was a pretty serious Yugioh series. I guess Crow x Aki would have the least angst, at least involving them together as a couple.
What is your most angsty ship?
Probably, Jack x Carly for obvious reasons. Carly literally got murdered, Jack agonized over not knowing what exactly happened to her, he finds out she's his enemy, has to duel her and attempts to die with her, has her die in his arms, and admits multiple times that she was the woman he loved, even having that be a big part of his speech in the final duel against Godwin.
And then the next arc they acted like none of that happened which is angst inflicted personally to us through bad writing, not from something that was part of a realistic flow in the story for the characters.
A non-canon ship that should be canon?
Hmmm, I don't think there's anything I ship that I think should be canon. The only thing I can think of is Ushio x Mikage, but Ushio did have a canon one-sided crush on Mikage so its technically not non-canon.
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time?
I knew about Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly for a long time before I really watched the show and I thought they were pretty cute without having much context, so I guess they count.
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have?
Yusei x Aki. They both have done their best to help each other and they have such a great level of trust too. I feel like at the very end, in that famous goodbye scene, they are so in sync that they don't even need words to express how they feel. I want that level of familiarity and relaxed coexistence.
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl?
Lua/ Leo x Luca/ Luna. Literally, they are twins, not to mention little kids. I do get that they are super latched on to each other and I've been weirded out by Lua blushing at Luca at least once, but still, come on guys. Its just gross.
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship?
Well, the only canon character I ship with Crow is Aki, but I do ship him with an OC I made in the 3DS game, Over the Nexus. So instead I'll say I can only see Ushio and Mikage with each other. Ushio really doesn't have any other options and I don't ship Mikage with Jack, who would be her only other option.
What is your favourite canon ship?
Hnnnn, that's tough because both Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly are amazing. Hmmm, if I absolutely had to pick one... UGH. I CAN'T. Seriously, I can not do it. I love Yusei and Aki for their support and trust in the other, but then I love Jack and Carly's cute dynamic of big, intimidating guy loves goofy, ball of sunshine girl. Both? Both. Both is good.
Name a ship that deserved more content.
Actually, I think I might have to say Ushio x Mikage here. I really liked the idea of them getting together, but the idea gets sort of dropped after Ushio overhears her trying to confess her feelings to Jack. Maybe it got mentioned or alluded to once or twice after that, but eventually it just disappeared. I also haven't seen any fanart, fanfics, or anyone even talking about them that much. I think they could have made a great background couple and deserve more content.
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom?
I've seen some hate for Jack x Mikage. I don't even ship it, but I think its hated a little too intensely by some people. It is unhealthy maybe on Mikage's side, but you could easily spin it to not be. I don't think its that bad, its just not for me.
What is the first ship you had?
Again, I knew about Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly beforehand. I probably shipped Yusei x Aki first.
Is there a ship that made you realize something about yourself?
Is there a type of ship you always go for?
Just whatever strikes a cord with me I guess.
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you?
Freaking Jack x Carly. Don't get me wrong, I still ship it, but the writers just acting like none of their development happened was stupid, poorly handled, and honestly insulting.
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you?
Maybe Crow x Sherry. I saw people talking that one up like crazy, but they didn't even interact till the very end and, even then, I didn't think it was anything ship worthy. I mean, she tried to use his kids against him. Crow had more chemistry with Aki in that duel than he did with Sherry. I just don't get it.
Have you ever created fan created content for a ship?
I tried writing a Jack x Carly fic, but I got kinda stuck and wrote other non-ship stuff involving Jack instead. I might go back to that old fic again, but I also have a new idea for a story with them. I may just do both. I also want to do something with Yusei and Aki and Crow and my OC at some point, I just need to come up with something I feel like I can write for them.
I've also drawn Crow with the OC, but only once and was just a doodle to see if I could draw them decently.
Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship?
Well, the only thing I've properly created was a doodle so I have to say that by default. Although, I was pretty satisfied with it. lol
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have?
I... sort of ship Crow with myself. I know I ship him with my OC, but she's not really me; she's her own person. I have a lot of self-ships and I'm always embarrassed to admit to them, but I still do. I can't help falling in love with Crow. You can't blame me; he's absolutely adorable.
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans?
I started shipping Yusei x Aki and Jack x Carly a little bit before I started watching the show because of fans praising them so yes.
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships?
Well, obviously they need to get to married and have children and live happy lives together. That's the best happy ending for couples.
Is there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed?
Lua x Luca. Because ew. That and Divine/ Sayer x Aki. I don't know if anyone legit ships that but I have seen it in tags for fics and it disgusts me. I hope its only shown to be a bad thing because that is certainly not a healthy relationship.
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to.
Yusei x Aki. Yep, I actually liked that last scene between them. I think it conveyed that they clearly loved each other without them having to say it aloud. Words weren't needed. I think its safe to say they got together at some point.
Name a ship that deserved better in the end.
Oh, Jack x Carly! There's no other ship to put here. The writers did them so dirty. He just left her behind with the other two fangirls because 'women are a distraction' and she was just going to wait for him to come back? Dark Signer Arc Jack would never leave her behind. She's 'the woman he loves', REMEMBER WRITERS?! REMEMBER WHEN HE SAID THAT?!
Anyway, I'm freaking salty as hell.
Is there a character you have several ships for?
Aki I ship with Yusei, Sherry, and Crow.
I guess Crow is tied with her because I ship him with her, my OC, and myself.
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for?
I mean, all us Scoopshippers ignore the WRGP because of Jack x Carly sucking. I actually don't hate that whole arc, but it definitely has a lot of problems. The biggest one is Jack x Carly just suddenly not being a thing.
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom?
I guess I get a little annoyed with Faithshippers complaining about Yusei and Aki not confessing their feelings at the end (because they didn't need to say it ya'll. They knew), but I don't dislike the whole fandom for that.
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Never Mine💔
| Masterlist | Kaminari Masterlist | Navigation |
You discover why your boyfriend has been acting differently as of late, much to your dismay.
Chargebolt/Kaminari Denki x F. Reader (Ft. Jirou Kyouka)
Warnings: Angst; Cheating; Barebacking; Creampie [18+]
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"The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies."
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It had been nagging you for a while now. That feeling in your gut that settled into the pit of your stomach. Your longtime boyfriend, Kaminari Denki, had been acting different. It had been occurring for a few months now. You've told yourself many an excuse to give logical reason for it. There was one that you wouldn't touch. Wouldn't even go near. There's no way your Kami would be doing that.
You wish you were wrong.
It had started after he returned home to you after a team up mission. He had been gone for nearly two weeks. You weren't picked to be one of the Heroes to participate, much to your dismay, but Kaminari was. As a matter of fact he was the only member of the Bakusquad to be chosen. It would be alright. You figured you could spend your time holding things down for him at the agency. Not to mention the rest of your friend group to keep you company.
You were excited for Kaminari. Honestly. Even though you'd miss him you knew it would be a great chance for him to be showcased without Dynamight or Red Riot around to show him up. You helped him pack his luggage a few days beforehand. Helped him prepare an itinerary for the times he didn't already have scheduled by mission superiors. Even looked up places to eat or see if he happened to catch any downtime at all.
It was when he timidly brought up a particular aspect of the upcoming mission he failed to mention yet that the unpleasant feeling had it's seed planted into your subconscious without you knowing. More specifically, it was a member of the team he'd be working with that he was just informing you of. Just a day prior to his departure. That he'd be working closely with her.
His ex. Jirou Kyouka.
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Kaminari slowly stepped up to the couch where you sat tapping through apps on your phone. When you caught sight of him approaching in your periphery you turned your gaze up to him and smiled. "Hey Babe." Your cheery greeting faltered slightly when he saw him nervously rubbing the back of his neck. "H-hey Beautiful. I, uh, wanted to let ya know something about this mission." You turned your body to better face him. "Okay", you replied apprehensively. Denki wasn't usually one to shy away from you after all this time. He must be nervous about whatever it is. "Go ahead." Kaminari let out an awkward chuckle as he began to explain how he was going to be joined up with Jirou soon.
Very soon.
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"I see." Those words were all you could give in response at first. Had it been earlier in your relationship you may have felt more leary of his upcoming trip. Back then you had assumed that you had both grown and matured since attending UA and had the added benefit of having spent years together under your belts. Kaminari and Jirou had been together during second year and into third. When they broke up it was amicable despite how hard it had been. Denki and you had begun dating before graduation and the rest seemed to be history.
Any reservations you had about the pair had dissipated over the years. He assured you he no longer held feelings for her. They were just friends. You had nothing to worry about. You admit you had a hard time believing it wholeheartedly at first, given they were each other's first loves. You swallowed your doubts and trudged forward. You loved him. He was your first after all.
There were times throughout when you found that your paranoia began to surface. It was an unwelcome feeling. That feeling. You felt it when you heard Mina sarcastically quip that they were "too close". Felt it when you swore they both seemed to be unaccounted for short instances during night's out on the town with the gang (maybe they both had to use the bathroom at the same time?). Of course you felt it when you swore you saw them lock eyes from across the room with looks on their faces you swore you saw but couldn't place.
You said nothing about it. Never brought it up to Denki. He loved you. There's no way he'd betray you. Not after going through so much together. Besides that notion the last thing you wanted to do was seem like a crazy girlfriend. It felt like high school drama to you, and you didn't want Kami or your friends to start thinking of you as petty. You assured yourself that you must be feeling somewhat jealous. Yeah, that had to be it. It was all in your head. Any looks you thought you saw were just two dear friends that had history and thought fondly of one another.
Needless to say during the night before he was to leave in the morning you got little to no sleep. It was that damn feeling again. If you were being honest, you were a little disappointed Denki had waited to tell you. After letting you know she was joining him you had asked him how long he knew. You still aren't totally sure why the question popped out. In your mind you figured he was nervous to tell you because he just found out himself. However you were a little surprised to find out that he had known since being informed about everything in the first place.
Denki snored alongside you, sprawled out comfortably on his back. Oblivious to your mind racing with so many thoughts. So many things you wondered about. You shifted to lay on your side and face him. Your eyes looked over his peaceful features as he slept soundly. He was still so laid-back as always. He certainly wasn't losing sleep. Kami never acted like a man with something he was hiding. Like he ever had a dirty, little secret to be kept under lock and key. Never looked as if he ever had to keep up appearances for such things as having skeletons in his closet. You decided that was enough for you to go on and figured you'd attempt to get some sleep. Closing your eyes, you would be given no such relief that night.
It was on the forth day of Kaminari being gone when you felt as if things started to seem different to you. Maybe not totally different just...off. Having been on task forces and various missions yourself you knew that they were unpredictable. Anything could happen at anytime. However Denki was somewhat of a creature of habit for you. There was always a call at the end of the night before he went to bed. At the very least a text, or meme, so you knew he was alright and didn't worry. Unfortunately, they started coming in few and far between; despite your texts to please let you know he was doing alright.
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There are times throughout your life when you look back on this whole situation you wonder about the butterfly effect. What if you hadn't forgotten your lunch? What if you had just bought something quick and went back to work? Would you be living the same life blissfully ignorant, or would heartbreak still eventually rear it's ugly head at you.
When that time of day came and you realized your lunch was sitting in your fridge back at your apartment you made a choice. You would stop by Kaminari's agency and see if he wanted to grab a bite. You drove over a little before your lunch hour, ensuring you'd both have plenty of time to go out and eat before getting back to the grind. You parked in the adjacent garage and took the elevator to the floor he was on.
As you made your way to Chargelbolt's office you noticed the lights were out. When you tried the door sure enough it was locked. That was strange. He wasn't supposed to be out on patrol until after lunch. Maybe he had the same idea as you? A familiar laugh sounded from a nearby break room and you went over and peeked your head inside. When you found Kirishima's bulky figure chatting and laughing with some Sidekicks you stepped inside with a smile on your face.
"I knew I heard Red Riot in here!" At the sound of your voice your old friend spun on his heel, flashing you that wide, sharp smile of his. He cheered your name and you both met in a tight hug. It was harder for everyone to get together as of late with so much Hero work on your plates. "What're you doin' here?", he inquired happily as you both pulled away. "I came to see if Denki wanted to grab lunch."
Hearing that statement made Kirishima's smile drop. "I thought he was...with you." As he trailed off his face twisted into one of confusion before turning into something you couldn't put your finger on. "Nah, I was gonna see if he wanted to grab a bite since I forgot my lunch but I guess he had the same idea." You shrugged and his eyebrows furrowed deeper. Seeing him blink at you with that unreadable expression was beginning to make you uncomfortable. The gears were turning in his head and you weren't sure why he got so serious so suddenly.
"Well, I'll just head out now. I took up enough time stopping here. I'll see ya around, Kirishima." You smiled as you leaned in to hug him and he returned it the best he could but you could still tell his mind was elsewhere. You couldn't see it drop slightly as he hugged you a bit tighter this time. "I'll see ya, [Name]." When he softly said you name it was filled with such emotion you didn't know what to think of that either.
You began walking out of the room and turned to give him a wave goodbye but you missed him pulling out his cell after and hitting someone's contact. Missed him hold the phone up to his ear long enough to get sent right to voicemail. Missed how his face then twisted into a look you definitely would've been able to recognize: anger.
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On the drive to your apartment your mind was flooded with thoughts of where your boyfriend was and why one of your best friends suddenly clammed up when you mentioned him. Later you'd realize why it felt like you both had pieces of a puzzle that you needed to complete the whole scene, but didn't know to tell the other what you had at the time. You were so deep in thought when you pulled into the parking lot of your apartment building you didn't notice a familiar car parked down a ways. You noticed that your boyfriend's car wasn't there though.
Still pondering the things rattling around in your head you threw your keys aside when you entered your shared apartment. You had thrown your head back to glance at the ceiling as you let out a sigh while you kicked off your shoes. Otherwise you'd notice two pairs of shoes you'd recognize nearby. You made your way to the kitchen and bent down into the fridge. That's when you heard sounds that had you jolting upright and freezing in your spot.
There are some noises that have your blood running cold before disaster strikes. The creaking of wood before a collapse. The particular snarl of a dog before it lunges to bite and it's too quick for you to do anything about. For you, it's the familiar sounds of what you know is your bed creaking and muffled voices. You weren't sure what you wanted to do. Your mind was telling you that there was an explanation for it all. That gut of yours though, your gut knew better. That feeling was back.
You had to see for yourself.
You quietly and carefully stepped down the hall towards your shared bedroom. The door was cracked open a bit, making the noises clearer for you.
"Fuck, my pretty g-girl...I'm not gonna last much longer."
Your boyfriend followed up his statement with a pleasured groan. At the sound of his voice you slapped your hand over your mouth. You froze immediately and the tears began to fall. You could hear the whimpering of his companion and knew exactly by the tone who it was with him.
Your heart felt like it had been set on fire before dropping to the floor. How long had this been going on behind your back? Since that mission? Before the mission? You felt like an idiot for not believing what your gut was telling you all along. You wondered about all the times he called you "Sparkplug" or something similar. Were you always a stand in for Kyouka? Even since back in UA?
How could you, Kaminari?
Your mind apparently found enough strength to fight still. What if this is an elaborate prank Denki is pulling? You could only hope. Finding the courage, you unstuck yourself from your position and continued to inch towards the door. When you were able to peer inside you didn't have a view of your bed, but you did have one of your vanity mirror. Whatever was left of your heart dissipated at the sight it held for you.
Kaminari's lean back was facing the mirror as he thrusted into Jirou over and over. Her ankles rested on his muscular shoulders. From standing in the doorway you were able to see that this was truly no prank. His cock was indeed drilling into her cunt over and over again. By the sounds they made as a result of their fucking you could tell they were near completion.
"G-gonna cum, Baby. Want Daddy to breed you?"
Jirou didn't miss a beat. "Yes Daddy! Please breed me! Ahh!" Your hand was still clamped over your mouth but your eyes squeezed shut. Not only was he cheating but he wasn't using protection. Did he do this with any other women? Should you get yourself tested just to be sure and put your mind at ease?
You couldn't listen anymore. You turned and slowly made your way back down the hallway towards the living room and lowered yourself down onto the couch. Unfortunately for you, before you could get out of earshot your heard the slapping of skin increase and grunts that you were positive signaled the end of their rendezvous. Nothing like adding insult to injury. You lowered your head into your hands and cried.
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You aren't sure how long you sat there. Now you were on the couch with your elbows rested on your knees and your cheeks resting on your fists. Tears trickled down your face as you silently cried. Cried for the disrespect you were given. Cried for the end of your relationship with Kaminari. Even cried for the end of your friendship with Jirou. It was all over and done for. You wondered if anyone else knew and declined to tell you, keeping their dark secret alongside them. You thought back to Kirishima's reaction earlier. Was he putting it together before you had the evidence play out in front of you?
The sound of approaching voices broke you from your thoughts. You didn't turn your head but continued to stare at the blank television screen. From your periphery you saw the two come into view from the hallway. He seemed to have an arm around her waist and they were laughing. You could tell that they immediately froze at the sight of you. Your anguish turned into rage as you sat there but you remained silent and unmoving. That seemed to rattle them more as you notice their heads turn to look at each other.
Jirou was the first to move as she carefully made her way over to the door and put on her shoes. She paused, facing you, before going to the door. You could tell she reached out for you but turned to look at Denki who shook his head 'no'. Heeding his warning she retreated to the door and quietly left. Kaminari, who didn't even have his shirt on yet, swiftly put it on as he stepped closer to the couch. Closer to you.
"Hey. Look, Babe...I-.." You didn't give him a chance to say whatever the hell it was before you interrupted him. "How long?" Denki stuttered a few times as he tried to gather his words and that was all the answer you need.
Long enough.
"You were never mine. Were you?" The sound of your broken voice was enough to crush Denki's own heart. He should have known being so selfish would never turn out good. It never worked out for anyone who wanted to have their cake and eat it too. No one.
"We're done." You wanted to scream at him but at the same time you just wanted him gone. "Get out." You weren't bothering to view anything from your peripheral vision anymore. You didn't care. You wouldn't have cared if you saw that his expression twisted into that of hurt and regret. You wouldn't have cared if you spotted the lone tear that crawled down his normally brightened face. You wouldn't care when he made his way to the door and put on his shoes. You wouldn't care when he spared you one last glance and without another word walked out of the apartment you shared for the last time. Walked out on the life you shared together. Walked away from you, forever.
You lowered your head, planting your face back into your hands and bawled your eyes out. After a while you curled into the fetal position right there on the couch. Still crying, you would do so until you fell asleep in that very spot.
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Before you passed out you had texted your superior at the agency that you would be out sick the rest of the day and most likely the following day as well. You spent that time crying on and off. During the times you felt more anger than sadness you would take advantage and box up as much of Denki's stuff as you could.
Not just his belongings, but anything that was for the both of you, or gifts and things he bought for you throughout the years. You probably should have just chucked them in the trash but you figured 'let him give them to Jirou'.
Two nights later happened to be the gang's monthly karaoke night. Kaminari and Jirou sat in her apartment, Denki's new home, and discussed whether they should go. They knew they couldn't hide forever and everyone would find out about them sooner or later. They opted for sooner. Rather rip the bandaid off then wait. What if you were going to be there? Denki was sure he knew you enough that he was confident you wouldn't be going. If you did show up, the pair decided they would do the first respectful thing since their sordid affair started. They'd leave and give you the time and space to hang out with everybody.
Denki was right though. You weren't going. You had actually forgotten about it at first. It was when you got the text from Mina asking if you were still going that it popped into your brain. You simply responded with 'No. Sry.' You had already changed your plans to spend the night wallowing in your sorrow and your pajama pants as you ate whatever Mochi ice cream balls were left in your freezer.
Kaminari and Jirou would walk in the door to the karaoke bar a half hour late. Denki had taken Kyouka's hand in his and gave it a reassuring squeeze as they made their way inside. The place wasn't so crowded yet and it didn't take long for them to spot their friends. Shinsou sat at the bar and turned his head to catch a glimpse of the two making their way over to the rest of the group who occupied a booth across the room. A half smile curled onto his face when he saw Kaminari, but when his eyes quickly shifted to see you he saw Jirou standing hand in hand with him instead. His eyes widened in shock before his expression turned into something dark.
The couple made their way to the group and waved as they closed in on them. A round of greetings were heard before anyone really realized the implications of the pair standing before them. After what happened with you the other day Kirishima was first to acknowledge the revelation. His face was blank as he braced himself when they had walked over. He looked between them at their joined hands and let out a heavy sigh. He knew what happened before even having to be informed. "Bro...not cool." The disappointment in his voice was clear as day. He lowered his gaze and shook his head. "Not manly, at all." Kirishima wouldn't meet their gaze or speak to either of them for the rest of the night.
Most of the group, like Sero and Mina, sat there confused. They were here together, holding hands. Did that mean you and him broke up? It must have, right? Good ol' Bakugo, who you happen to know is smarter than the average explosive bear, took in the sight before him as well as Kirishima's reaction and wasn't long behind his best friend in realizing what the Stun Gun Hero had done to you. "The fuck is wrong with you, Dunce Face?!", he roared. Kaminari rubbed his neck nervously and Jirou looked away. It would take actually being told for the others to realize the change that was happening around them. Bakugo and Kirishima stood up to leave the booth, having been seated at each end, and made their way to sit at the bar. They didn't want to be anywhere near the two right now, or "anytime soon" as Bakugo would bluntly say.
When Kaminari turned to watch his closest friends leave he was met with someone's fist hitting him in the face. Hard. He landed on his ass and Jirou would spend a good amount of time afterward tending to his blackening eye.
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You were flicking through the television channels most of the time you were sat in front of the TV. It was hard to concentrate on watching anything, not to mention it always seems like sappy, lovey-dovey programs come on at the worst time.
A loud knocking at your door forced you to sit up straight at the sound. Who would be knocking this late? Denki had called and texted you throughout the whole next day after he destroyed your relationship but you never answerered either. You had wondered if Jirou knew about it.
Now you sat looking like a slob. Eyes puffy from crying all day. You had barely slept since everything went down, sleeping on the couch until you purchased a new bed, and it showed. You knew you didn't look anywhere near presentable to go open the door, let alone entertain a guest, even briefly in your doorway.
More knocking snapped you out of that train of thought and when you heard your name softly called from the other side you decided on answering it. You now knew exactly who it was and figured if you could be with anyone right now it would be them. You padded over to the door, undoing the locks and opening it to reveal a slightly frazzled Shinsou. He seemed to be slightly out of breath, as if he just rushed to your door.
"Toshi? What're y'doin' here?" Your voice was hoarse from so much sobbing. Not to mention you hadn't spoken to anyone in two days. "I came here as fast as I could." Shinsou's violet orbs eyed you carefully, taking in your sullen appearance before carting his hand through his hair. You spotted his bloody knuckles and gently took his hand in your own. Before you could ask what happened he filled you in. "I punched him.", he calmly stated.
Your eyes went from his hand right up to his face as you met his gaze. You opened and closed your mouth a few times to speak but couldn't find the words. Your mind was already exhausted. By the surprised look on your face Shinsou decided to elaborate a little more. "He still came to fucking karaoke...and he fucking brought her." It was almost too hard to take the fire Shinsou held in his eyes and you looked away. You attempted to blink away the tears that were building but you knew by experience from the last 48 hours that it would be impossible.
You felt the soft touch of a finger catch the falling tear before he stepped closer and enveloped you in a hug. He smelled like his usual cologne mixed with the faint smell of bourbon. You closed your eyes and slowly inhaled, letting the scent soothe you. He ran a hand down the back of your head as he smoothed down your hair. Your eyes closed when you felt him kiss the crown of your head. After standing there for a few minutes Shinsou broke the silence with his words.
"Want me to brainwash him to go play in traffic?"
The question was quiet and laced with sarcasm and so very... him. You laughed. A small but genuine laugh for the first time in days. "Not just yet.", you replied with a smile. Shinsou hummed in response and you turned your head up to look at him, still allowing him to cradle you in his arms. "Toshi, will you sit with me?" A small smile appeared on his lips as he looked down at you. "Of course, Kitten.", is all he replies and follows as you lead him back inside you apartment.
You both take a seat on your couch side by side. As you curled into him you hand him the remote and instruct him to put on whatever he'd like. You let out a content sigh as you slowly closed your eyes. "Thank you, 'Toshi.", you quietly commented, "You don't have to stay very long if you don't want to." Shinsou looked down at your tired form as he rubbed soothing circles on your back and along your upper arm. You were quickly falling asleep and he felt pride swell in his chest that he was the one to make you feel relaxed enough and safe again.
He would never disrespect you and try something so soon, or even let you know about his secret, but Shinsou Hitoshi had been in love with you since first year at UA. Ever since he got to be so close to you during the Class A vs. Class B trials. It was love at first sight, you were absolutely beautiful. However, he fell for you completely once you stood by him and your teacher Aizawa and spoke to him so friendly and genuine. Even after knowing what his so-called "villainous" quirk was. Even after he blatantly said he wasn't there to make friends. You proved him wrong that day.
He walked away becoming friends with you. He hated seeing you end up with Kaminari back then, but you were so happy and that made it bearable. Now he wonders if he had just been honest with you from the start: would you have ended up with him instead? Would he have unknowingly become your hero and saved you from your current anguish?
He didn't allow those thoughts to consume him at the moment. You and your well-being were the only important things right now. As you drifted off into a much needed slumber you could just make out your name and his words whispered into your hair. "I could stay here with you forever."
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lovinkiri · 2 years
Just A Speech
Katsuki Bakugou x GN!PR Manager!Reader
Description: You love Katsuki to death, but being his PR Manager was one of the hardest things you'd ever do. Especially at award ceremonies.
Author's Thoughts: Was thinking of being Bakugou's poor PR Manager and I was like "but imagine marrying him too"
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You sighed, crossing your arms as your husband did the same. Reaching up, you pinched the bridge of your nose. And for a moment, the only sound that could be heard was your shoe tapping against the ground.
Katsuki Bakugou. You loved that man with everything in your being, but God he made your job harder sometimes.
All you wanted him to do was say a few words when accepting his reward. That's it.
You knew your husband hated speeches and as his partner, you could support that. But as his manager? You couldn't just let it go.
So there you two stood, outside of the ceremony room. Trying to sort this out before they called his name.
"Katsuki, it's just a few words. You don't even have to give a speech. Just a couple of sentences." You pleaded with him, looking up at him.
He scoffed and looked back at the door, only a few words leaving him. "I don't wanna."
It was said so childishly that one half of you wanted to laugh and kiss his pout, while the other wanted to throw something.
You sighed in frustration. "Please, Katsuki, I don't want much from you. You know we have to tread carefully. Especially since you yelled at that kid last week."
He looked back at you quickly, getting upset at the memory of how quickly he was judged for the misunderstanding. "That kid fuckin stayed in a collapsing building to get an autograph from me. Of course I yelled at him."
You walked over, quickly cupping his face in your hands. "I know that babe, but they don't. Maybe this is your opportunity to clear things up?" You suggested.
Katsuki immediately relaxed at your touch, leaning into your hands and grumbling under his breathe. "... Can we just go home?"
"As your manager, I can't let you do that. I'm sorry, Kats." You pecked his lips.
"Woah, sneaking away to get frisky? Where was, this Katsuki in college?"
You both turned to Mina, what was leaning out of the door with a grin. Bakugou rolled his eyes, leaning up and instead taking one of your hands in his.
"What is it, Raccoon Eyes?"
"I think your turn is coming up. Good luck, Y/n." She giggled before going back inside.
"Why the hell did she say good luck to you?" Bakugou asked, raising an eyebrow. You looked up at him quietly.
"You. You're why." You thought to yourself.
You guys made your way back inside the room, Bakugou pulling out your chair for you to sit down. You thanked him quietly for as he pushed it in, getting a small grunt in return that you knew was just a quiet "You're Welcome".
As soon as Bakugou went to take a seat, they called out his name to claim his reward. Everyone around you clapped, the heroes he attended high school with cheering with you.
Sighing, he trudged up the stage and simply took his away with a grunt that you knew meant "Thank You".
Of course, no one else knew that so it looked pretty bad to the rest of the guests.
The two of you made eye contact before he slowly approached the podium with the microphone. You grinned, happy that he had decided to do this for you.
"I honestly hate giving speeches. But my partner really wants me to, so... Thanks for the reward I guess."
There was a pause and you laughed nervously under your breath. But then he continued.
"There's something I think everyone should ask themselves at some point: 'What does it mean to be a hero?'. Growing up, it meant being number one and being the best. But as a pro, it means wanting to protect and save everyone."
Katsuki looked around the room, forgetting why he was doing this for a second. Then his eyes fell on you.
"That's right," He remembered.
"Being a hero is some difficult shit. Not just because you get hurt or because of what you risk every day on the field. It's because you know you can't save everyone. And so when kids run into collapsing buildings, it scares the fuck out of us. We have to push that fear aside and pretend we can save everyone, but at the same time we still have to remember that one mistake could be fatal."
Murmurs began to spread throughout the room. The heroes were smiling, but the look on there faces was bittersweet. Happiness that Bakugou was talking about it, but solemn because the feeling he described was all too familiar.
"Even I get scared. So if you're gonna cancel me or some shit for that, then fine. I don't regret a damn thing. I don't want to be the harsh hero who yells at kids for putting themselves in danger, no one does. But someone has to."
With that, he walked off of the stage and returned to you. Everyone began to clap and you could see the look of understanding and respect they held for him.
But Bakugou ignored it, simply taking his seat next to you and throwing his arm behind the back of your chair.
"I'm so proud of you, Katsuki. I love you, you know that right?"
"Yeah, yeah, love you too."
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maddieg0531 · 3 years
Bakugo x fem!reader
Synopsis: After a rough day at training camp, Y/N feels she isn’t good enough
Warnings: Breakdown over self-esteem issues, reader established quirk, swearing (cuz Bakugo) 
Word count: 3295
A/N: Sorry for this trashy post. I had the idea but couldn't seem to put it on paper right. 
You have been waiting for this for weeks. Training camp. Class 1A gets to go out into the wilderness and train for a whole weekend. But more importantly, you get to spend three whole days with your crush, Bakugo. Of course, he will be focused on training and getting stronger and not you but at least you get to be around him.
Once y’all arrive at camp Mr. Aizawa gives y’all exactly five minutes to put your stuff up before you start training. Right off the bat, he throws y’all into the woods to fight off him and other teachers pretending to be villains. This training exercise goes on for a while and of course, y’all lost. I mean come on, it was a pop quiz of an exercise against the professionals. What did you expect? Mr. Aizawa being the jerk he is, makes y’all spend the rest of the night doing training exercises. You’ve been here for three hours and you are already exhausted.
When Mr Aizawa finally lets y’all have a break, you trudge back to the mess hall and collapse on the first table you see. The bakusquad follows suit.
“Gosh, I can’t believe he threw so much on us in the first few hours of being here.” Kaminari groans.
“What did you expect?” Mina questions.
“I don’t know. I thought maybe we’d chill the first night.” He responds while laying his head on the table.
“Tch. It’s training camp idiot. We didn’t come to mess around.” Bakugo responds roughly.
“Oh and I suppose you could go for another hour, unlike the rest of us weaklings who can’t handle it?” Kaminari quickly regrets his sarcastic remark as Bakugo glares daggers at him.
“Hah?! You wanna go Pikachu! Let's fucking go!” Bakugo slams his hand down on the table.
“Guys, chill! I think Y/N is asleep.” Kirishima points to your sleeping figure next to Bakugo. Bakugo's demeanor immediately shifts to keep from waking you. He slowly sits back down, being sure not to shake the table. 
"Tch, whatever." Normally his backing down would send up red flags to his friends, but he has always been like this with you. Your quirk makes you sleepy, so after training, it wasn't uncommon for you to fall asleep. Bakugo is careful not to wake you so that you can regenerate energy for your next training exercise. He is careful with you after training and tries to be careful in training. Although he always ends up having to go full force because you are a force to be reckoned with. Your quirk is hella strong. You can control energy. So you will take the energy waves surrounding you and bend them however you need. It can be used as a weapon, protection, or any kind of manipulation. The only problem is that it takes your energy too, so it often leaves you tired after training. One training session against Bakugo took a hard toll on you. Immediately after, you collapsed into his arms. He carefully took you back to the dorms and let you sleep on the couch. Ever since then he's been a comfort place for you when you get tired. 
Bakugo looks over at you sleeping, a form he's seen many times before. Something about the moonlight coming through the window and hitting your face just right, makes you look beautiful. He can't help staring at your sleeping figure. Your skin looks so soft and shines in the light. Your lips sit slightly parted as even breaths escape them. You look so peaceful. His thought process is broken as Mr. Aizawa walks in and announces, "Go to bed!" 
You jolt up from your position at his words. You rub your eyes, unaware of Bakugo's on you. He turns his gaze away as you look over at him, "Did I fall asleep again?" 
"Yeah, you always do, idiot." He replies curtly, "It's time for bed, finally." He gets up and walks off without another word. You watch as he walks away, his muscles flexing through his hero outfit. He always does that. Says something brief and then walks away before anyone else can say anything. You get up and head to your room in the opposite direction. 
The next day is hard. Mr. Aizawa has strict training regiments set up all day with only a short break for lunch. He focuses on each of your weak spots and has you do specific training for it. Yours, of course is how tired you get from your quirk. Because of it, it means you can't fight as long as the others can, especially if you have to go all in. So he has you focusing on not using as much of your energy to use your quirk. You spend all day on it and barely make any progress. You collapsed twice and had to take several breaks. The whole class is given a break for dinner before going into a partner training exercise. You spend the break asleep to regain your energy. 
"Hey, get up! It's time to go." You feel a rough pair of hands on your shoulder and look up to see Bakugo shaking you awake. You blush at the slight contact. It's not like he's never touched you before, but you can't help blushing every time. You get up and make your way outside. 
"So, I'm going to break you up into teams and you are going to be up against each other. One team is the rescuers and the others are the villains. The villains have a hostage hidden in the forest. The rescuers' job is to safely rescue the hostage. Once the hostage is safe, the session ends. The villains have to guard the hostage and take out the rescuers. If the villains successfully take out all the rescuers then they win. All might will be your hostage. Got it? Good. Recovery girl is here so don’t be afraid to go all in, as long as you don’t kill each other.” Mr. Aizawa breaks you up into teams and you get paired with Bakugo, Tsuyu, Iida, and Jiro. Y’all are going up against, Uraraka, Mina, Shoji, Sero and Hagakure. You feel awful for your team because you are worn out already. Todays training took a toll on you and you’re not sure how much help you’ll be. 
Your team is up for the training session. Mr. Aizawa gives you all earpieces to communicate with each other. Of course Bakugo takes lead, “Me and Y/N are gonna take out the villains, you extra’s get the hostage. Headphones, you’re on surveillance. Tell us if anyone is coming.” 
As much as they don’t enjoy being bossed around, no one protested because they know it’s a good plan, except you. “Bakugo, are you sure you don’t want Iida or Tsuyu to go with you? I don’t think I’ll be much help.”
“Tch, shut up.” And once again he walks off before you can get in another word. 
You run after him, “Hey, I’m serious. I really think someone else would be better for this.” 
“You know damn well that’s not true.” He huffs as he crouches behind a tree to look out.
“But I-”
“Shut up before you give our position away.” 
You crouch next to him and look around. You wish he would listen for once. You’re worn out and won’t be able to go all like he’ll want you to. As you both sit and survey the area, you hear Jiro come in on your earpiece. “There’s three people to the north, moving south. I think their hostage is to the north west because I hear people talking over that way. Iida and Tsuyu are moving around the outside edge of the forest to grab the hostage.”
“We’re moving in on the other three.” Before y’all can move, you get hit from behind. Acid flies towards you, barely missing your head. Bakugo blasts in the direction of the acid. Before he can reach Mina, Uraraka drops from above onto his back. You heave yourself off the ground only to be met with a blow to the stomach. Hagakure is somewhere around you but you can’t gain enough footing to figure out where. You try to feel the energy around you to locate her, but you barely get a read before she does her signature move and flashes you in the eyes. You bend the energy from her flash back at her and you hear her stumble back. You take the opportunity to retreat behind a tree. You are exhausted. You can barely get up from a kick to the stomach, let alone fight back. You manage to get a shaky idea of where everyone around you is. You can feel the massive energy from Bakugo’s blasts to your right and you barely catch Hagakure’s energy next to you before she hits you again. This time you are able to dodge out of the way. You shoot an energy blast her way but you are too slow. She dodges and it barely misses Bakugo behind her. You can see him still fighting Mina and Uraraka. Normally you could shake Hagakure but you can’t seem to find the energy too. You start to grab the energy around you too form a prison around Hagakure. You manage to make two walls, when Jiro chimes into the earpiece. 
“Warning: Shoji and Sero are headed your way. They faked us out. The hostage wasn’t over there.” 
Her warning was a bit late because you feel something wrap around your waist. You were so focused on making the prison, you didn’t even notice the energy incoming behind you. Sero throws you up against a tree and you lose your progress in trapping Hagakure. Your head throbs at the impact. Sero tries to trap you but Iida swoops in before he can. You feel useless. You lost so much energy that you can barely handle one person. Normally you’re a hard match for Bakugo and now you can barely hold your own. You aren’t going to give up. Your team needs you. You lift yourself up and grab the energy surrounding you. You make a bubble around your person and make your way to help Bakugo. You could feel your bubble thinning the longer you hold it. You make it to Bakugo just as your bubble breaks. Uraraka immediately swings at you. You manage to dodge and swing back. You decided to go to Bakugo because he puts off a lot of energy you can take from. His explosions are good source of energy. That’s why you two works so well together and why you are such a hard match for each other. You grab an energy wave left over from Bakugo’s explosion and wrap it around Uraraka. Another powerful thing about your quirk is that people can’t really break your energy. Since energy cannot be created nor destroyed the most people can do is disperse it which is still hard to do since they can’t see it. Before you can tie her hands together, Uraraka let’s something go. You look up to see a tree branch falling towards you. You brace for impact but Bakugo blasts it out of the air before it can hit you. 
“Fucking pay attention.” He grunts out before Mina sends another shot at him. 
You take another energy wave and tie up Uraraka’s hands. You tie her against a tree and try to focus on fighting Mina. You and Bakugo are fighting her, Bakugo making a bigger contribution than you. Y’all are close to pinning her down when you feel energy snap. You look back at Uraraka to see she managed to disperse your energy tie on her hands. You swear to yourself knowing damn well it wasn’t strong enough. Before you can grab another energy wave, she touches her hands together, indicating the release of something. You look up to see multiple branches falling from above. You dodge one only to be hit by another. It knocks you to the ground, blood running from your head. You’re pinned down by the branch. Your vision starts to blur, most likely from a concussion. All of your energy feels depleted. You’ve done so much today, you don’t think you can go on any further. You look over to see a blurry Uraraka release something else from her hold. Quickly looking back up, you see a rock falling down towards Bakugo. You aren’t sure where the strength came from but you manage to form an energy shield over his head just in time. The rock bounces off onto the ground next to him. The energy shield breaks as you lose consciousness.  
You blink open your eyes only to be blinded by bright fluorescent lights. You squint and look around to see you’re in the medical room. You rub your eyes as they adjust to the light. You look over, surprised to see Bakugo sitting next to you. 
“Bakugo?” You wince at the rasp in your voice. 
He looks up at you, eyes widening, “Y/N, you’re awake.” You almost think you hear relief in his voice.
“How long was I out?” You ask.
“The training session ended about an hour ago.”
You swear to yourself. Of course you passed out. You’re so weak. “Did we lose?”
“Did that concussion mess up your head? Of course we didn’t lose. You were on my team remember?” His signature smirk lines his face, “We distracted them enough that they forgot about headphones. She grabbed the hostage and brought him back to safety.”
Even though you won, you can’t help but feel pissed. You did nothing to help your team. You passed out for fucks sake! They would have been better off without you. You’re so damn weak. If you can’t deal with a simple training exercise, how do you expect to be a hero? The overwhelming emotions rush over you like a tsunami and pour down the front of your face. You don’t want to cry in front of Bakugo, but you can’t help it, “Gosh, I’m so damn weak.” 
“Hey, didn’t you hear me? We won.” Bakugo moves closer to you, softening his voice slightly.
“Yeah and I didn’t do shit to help. If it weren’t for me y’all would have won faster. All I did was drag you down. I worked all damn day on my quirk and all it did was wear me down. Dammit! I’m such a loser! I can barely handle a fight without having to take a fucking nap. I couldn’t fight a single person, let alone help you. I’m so pathetic! How do I expect to be a hero if I can’t even handle myself in training?” The tears flow faster and harder the more you talk. It’s only when Bakugo cuts in that your mind stops running.
“Hey! You know damn well none of that is true. If it weren’t for you we would have lost. You were knocked out and pinned under a tree and you still managed to save me from that stupid rock. You tied up Uraraka. Sure you may get tired but that’s why it’s called a weakness. We all have ‘em. You keep working on them and get stronger.”
“That’s the thing though. I did work on it and didn’t even make a dent! My energy was weak. I’m fucking weak! I tried to tell you not to take me along but like always you don’t listen.” 
“It doesn’t happen in a day idiot. Do you know how long I’ve been working on my weaknesses and still haven’t fixed them? You’re not weak. I picked you for a reason. Because I know damn well what you’re capable of. You don’t think I couldn’t see that you were tired? Yeah I could tell and I still chose you. Because I know you’ll always have my back. No matter how tired you are. You will always do your best to help others and keep getting back up. You know what would make you weak? If you didn’t keep going. If you stayed down after the first blow. But you kept going and that’s why I chose you. It’s why I’ll always choose you. It’s why you’ll make a great hero. You are one of the strongest people I know. So don’t you dare say you are weak because you are far from it.” Bakugo didn’t even realize he was standing up at this point because he just couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand to hear you talk bad about yourself when you are one of the best in the class, maybe even better than him. 
“Yeah right. I’m nowhere near strong. Look at me, I’m crying like a baby.” You look away in embarrassment.
“Bullshit! You are strong. You can handle yourself on and off of the battlefield. You’ve been there for me more times than I can count. How the hell can you not see what I see!” 
“What do you see then, huh? Cuz I don’t see anything but a weak little girl who can’t even handle her emotions.”
“Really? Cuz I see a strong, beautiful woman who can handle anything life throws at her. I see a girl who gets back up no matter what. Who is always there for others and would sacrifice herself if it meant saving someone. I see a girl who has been through shit and still held her head high. I see a girl who has been there for me when I couldn’t do the same. I see a future pro hero who could easily be top three one day. I see you, Y/N. The amazing, kind, strong girl that I fell in love with.” In his passion Bakugo doesn’t register what he said until it was to late. 
You look up at him with wide eyes, “What?”
“Uh-I uh..” Bakugo doesn’t know what to do. He looks down at the floor embarrassed.
“You-you love me?” The tears stop running down your face. You wobbly stand up to look at him.
“Well, yeah. It’s what I said isn’t it? I get it if you don’t like me back.”
“I do.”
Bakugos eyes snap up to yours, “You do?”
“Of course, stupid. I have for a while.” You playfully hit his chest.
“Can-can I kiss you?” His cheeks are tinted pink, his voice in a hushed whisper. You only nod your head in response. He gently cups his hand around your cheek. Slowly, he puts his lips against yours. A spark rushes through you at the contact. You immediately deepen the kiss, having waited for this moment for forever. He places his other hand on the back of your neck further deepening the kiss. Your hands travel up to his hair, lacing it between your fingers. You could live in this moment forever. Unfortunately, you have to break apart for air. He rests his forehead on yours. His breath fans across your face. He looks into your soft eyes, “I’ve been waiting to do that for a long time.” You can’t help blushing at his statement. You hide it behind another kiss. This time you aren’t so gentle. You smash your lips against his passionately. He reciprocates the feeling. You stay there until you have to break apart for air again. Stupid that you need oxygen. You could live off of Bakugo’s kiss forever. He holds your face in his hands, wiping away your previous tears. “Don’t you ever say you are weak again, got it?”
You bury your face in the crook of his neck, “Only if you promise to be there for me when I feel like it.”
He pulls you tighter against himself, love filling his heart, “Promise.”  
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oh-mydarling · 2 years
Keep You Close
Pairing: Delia x Mina x Daughter!Reader
Word count: 3.4K
A/N: For sweet Molls @lanawinters-ily​ I love you <33
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It was raining when you trudged home from school, sheltered under your umbrella but still shivering with the chill in the air. You supposed it was pathetic fallacy; the grey palette of the skies reflected the dull tones of your emotions as you made the journey home, feeing so tired and so numb lately. School was taking it out of you, and you couldn’t quite put your finger on it, but something was wrong. You were just so drained. 
The brightness of the academy stood out amongst the grey around you as you turned the corner at the end of the street. Relief washed over you; school was done with and for just a few hours you were free from the unending obligations you were pulled apart by. 
Upon entering, you dumped your bag down at the door and made a beeline for the kitchen, immediately switching on the kettle to make tea; it was your afternoon routine. You'd always make yourself a cup of tea and take one up to your mother in her office, as long as she wasn't teaching. You’d have a little catch up and chat about your days before you went back downstairs to do work in the kitchen until your mum came home. you weren’t blessed with the powers descending from Cordelia, and so you were a student of the school a few blocks away, which left you with mountains of homework to complete each evening. 
You opened the door to her office, greeting her with a little smile as you placed down the mug on the corner of her desk, “hello darling, thank you,” she smiled, briefly looking up from her paperwork at you. You shuffled over to the sofa and sat down on it, huffing slightly, “how was your day?” 
You thought for a moment on how to respond; you always felt free to complain to your mothers, but you didn’t like to overbear them with your stuff. They had plenty of their own. 
“It was okay, just pretty draining,” you sighed, earning a sympathetic smile from your mama as she placed her pen down to focus on you, “draining? How so?” 
“Just a lot of work and not a lot of time. Can't keep up.” you mumbled, getting up from the couch to go back downstairs to get on with said work. 
“Take breaks honey!” Cordelia called behind you as you left the room, making you smile a little as you descended the stairs. 
You were still sat in the kitchen when your mum got home from work, greeting you with a kiss on the head and sitting with you to discuss what you were working on. You watched her go upstairs to shower and change and you saw her come back down alongside your other mother, making their way to dinner with the rest of the girls. You had tried to stay put, hoping you could eat after you were done, but Mina came to drag you away, linking arms with you to walk you into the dining room. 
After dinner you were straight back at the kitchen table, trying and failing to catch up with your work, but it wasn’t until later in the evening that you finally sought a real solution. 
It was dark outside now and most of the girls were in their rooms. The house was winding down and you were exhausted, energy being dragged out from you each moment you spent fighting sleep. Eventually, you had wandered up the stairs to your mothers’ room, a timid knock on the door and a quiet mumble of ‘come in’ landing you laid across the foot of the bed. 
“Hello you,” Mina mumbled, putting her book down to focus on you. She could see the pout on your face and the sigh you released when you laid down told her that something was up with you. 
“I’m tired,” you grumbled, eyes closed as you curled in on yourself at the end of the bed. 
“Do you want a head rub?” She asked softly, smiling tenderly at you. You nodded in response though made no effort to move, making her chuckle. 
“Darling, I can’t reach you there, shuffle up a bit,” 
You shifted as little as possible so that she could reach your head easily, not wanting to hurt her back by leaning down to you, and her hand fell to your head. 
You closed your eyes, laid next to her as she ran her hand over your head, watching the fluttering of your eyes and the even breathing that rose and fell in your chest as you finally began to relax for the first time today. 
The door to the bathroom opened and you opened one eye, watching your mother emerge wrapped in a white towel with a smaller one wrapped around her hair. She stood at the foot of the bed, smiling at you curiously with her head cocked to the side. 
“Hi lovely,” she smiled, sitting down on the edge so she could rub your back. Nothing was overtly wrong with you, but both women could sense you were deflated, and it was rare that you came in and sat on their bed without chatting endlessly, so they knew you needed a little extra comfort. 
They stayed silent, just holding you close and waiting for you to speak: “I think I need a day off tomorrow.” you mumbled, hiding closer into your mum, scared they would scold you for asking. 
“Okay baby we can do that,” Delia said softly, squeezing you comfortingly, “can you tell us why?”
“I’m so burnt out, I’m tired,” you began to cry, and Mina coaxed you to sit up so you could lay against her chest and she could cradle you, kissing your forehead. She looked towards Delia with worry in her eyes, waiting for the supreme to think of a solution. 
“Okay darling, tomorrow you're staying home, okay? A mental health day,” your mama smiled, so happy you felt comfortable to talk to them about this. 
You smiled at her, relieved that they didn’t push any further for an explanation. You didn’t have to set an alarm tomorrow, or interact with all those people, or worry about your lessons. Tomorrow was yours. 
You stayed in their room for a little longer, crawling into bed with your mum while your mama went to the bathroom to change. When she climbed into bed the three of you snuggled under the duvet, watching an episode of a mindless comedy show that Delia had suggested, wondering if perhaps it would get a laugh out of you. 
You were leaned back on Mina, her hand in your hair, and your bent knees were laid against Delia, who rubbed your legs gently, giggling to herself at the programme. 
When it became too difficult to resist sleep, you kissed them both on the cheeks and bid them goodnight, throwing a shy smile their way as you wandered off to brush your teeth and crawl up in bed, relief washing over you at the realisation that you didn’t need to get up tomorrow. 
         ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ────── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Delia was stood at the window with a coffee in hand, watching you in the garden. She had abandoned her work to come and make a drink, and since spotting you she hadn’t been able to take herself away from the window. You had a blanket sat under the sun with your crystals charging in its rays, nestled in the long grass like jewels sparkling in the daylight. There was a book holding down the corner of the blanket, stopping it from curling against the wind. You had a water bottle laid down on the centre of your blanket and leftover orange peels from your snacking. 
Now, you were rummaging in the flower beds, picking out some flowers for the bouquet you always liked to have in your room. Your hair was whipped around in the spring breeze and there was a look of such joy on your face that your supreme mother couldn’t help but grab her phone out of her pocket to snap a photo of you, smiling at it before she sent it to her wife, your other mother. 
She stayed there watching you, smiling at the response Mina sent: ‘beautiful girl 💜🤍’ and eventually she wandered to the back door, wrapping her arms around herself to stop the breeze from penetrating her thin blouse as she made her way out to you, “hi darling, how are you feeling?” She asked, sitting herself down on your blanket and picking up your book, flicking through it to see what you were reading.
You smiled, walking over to sit with her with your flowers in hand, “I’m okay. I needed this,” you smiled timidly, leaning into her as she wrapped her arms around you, kissing the sun kissed hair at the top of your head. 
“I’m so proud of you baby, I hope you know that,” you laughed, rolling your eyes playfully, “yes I know, you tell me every day,” you laughed, kissing her cheek to express your gratitude. 
“Your mum is coming home early today, what would you like to do this afternoon?” She asked, carding a hand through your hair. You sighed, never very good at making a decision, “hmm I don’t know,” you thought for a moment, but truthfully, you were already feeling so much better than yesterday. 
“Okay sweet girl, well you have a think, we can just sit out here together, enjoy the sunshine if you’d like,” she smiled, kissing your head a final time before she shifted, preparing to stand up. 
She walked back towards the door, “just come and get me if you need anything, okay?” She said, blowing you a kiss when you nodded at her, alone again outside in the garden while classes continued on the inside. 
Delia often called you her little pot plant, with how much the sun seemed to charge you. You thrived off the warmth on the skin and you felt so sleepy and content as you lay down on the blanket, allowing yourself to drift off in the garden, curled in a ball on the centre of the grass and your music playing in your headphones. Stevie Nicks sang you a lullaby and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep out there. 
When you woke back up, yawning and stretching like a cat, you shuffled back into the house, having checked the time on your phone. You were pleasantly surprised to enter the kitchen and see your mum at the kitchen table, sipping on a herbal tea you couldn’t quite identify, her eyes fixed on the space in front of her. 
You walked further into the room and she noticed you, placing down her tea with a gentle smile, “hi darling,” she mumbled, voice warmer than usual. You smiled, coming over to sit next to her, “hi, how was work?” 
“Oh, “ she groaned, “same old incompetent colleagues making my life harder,” she grumbled, and you laughed lightly, 
“Good thing you’re home early then,” you replied, to which she nodded with a snort, sipping her tea. 
“Is mama teaching?” You asked, wondering why she was sat here alone, but before she answered you got up and walked to the timetable Delia had nailed to the wall, highlighting her scheduled classes so her students knew when she was free. This confirmed your suspicions; she had twenty minutes left of class before you were all reunited. 
“How’s your day been?” Mina asked, eyeing you carefully as you wandered around the kitchen aimlessly, relatively anxious for your other mother to return. 
“Nice. I picked flowers and laid outside all day. The weather’s gorgeous,” you smiled, noting the raise of her eyebrow; Mina wasn’t a huge fan of the warm weather, not like you and Delia, and she couldn’t think of anything much worse than roasting outside all morning. 
“I’m going to take my stuff from the garden upstairs,” you smiled at her, running back outside to gather your things and climb the stairs to put them away in your bedroom. You ended up getting distracted, laying on your bed on your phone, and you didn’t even realise how long it had been until Delia poked her head around your door, laptop in hand “hi love, did you see mum’s home?” She smiled. 
“Oh yeah! I was with her, I just brought my stuff up here from the garden,” you explained, getting up to follow her out of the room and into her office. She sat her things down in her desk while she told you about the lesson she had just given, promising to make sure you were caught up on the few lessons you had missed today, before you both descended the stairs and joined Mina back in the kitchen. 
Cordelia went straight to the kettle to make herself tea; she never liked to drink coffee in the afternoon, “does either of you want tea?” She asked over her shoulder, and you both declined, settling into a relaxed conversation at the kitchen table while you snacked on some popcorn you had dragged out from the cupboard, smiling when your mum’s hand occasionally slipped into the bag, retrieving some for herself. 
“So,” Delia asked, joining you both at the table with her mug of tea, “how should we spend this afternoon?” 
You shrugged your shoulders in response, happy to go along with anything. Mina looked to you for an answer, too tired from her day at work to have much of an opinion. 
“Mm okay, how about we pop to the high street and get some things then we come home and relax in the garden?” Cordelia suggested, which both of you thought sounded pleasant enough. 
You settled on driving, not wanting to get too hot walking to the shops, so you were sat in the back of the car with the wind weaving through your hair, Delia driving and Mina watching you in the windscreen mirror, trying to make sure you really were okay. 
Delia parked the car at the side of the street and you all hopped out, linking arms with your mum while your mama walked a beat ahead, scanning the street for the shops that she knew you would all three enjoy. 
First she dragged you both into a metaphysical shop, earning a tight smile from Mina and a little excited bounce from you. Of course, your mother was the supreme; she knew exactly how to procure most of these crystals from more reliable sources, but there was something about the magic of being surrounded by crystals that you just adored. You ended up drifting away from your mothers, eyeing the little shaped crystals, and you picked up an amethyst heart for your mum, a clear quartz one for yourself, and a rose quartz one for your mama. When you had paid, you crossed the shop to Mina who wrapped an arm around you while Delia went to purchase a few items. 
The next stop was the book shop next door; Delia had put you on a book buying ban, but she supposed she could give you a free pass on a day like today. After way too long wandering around and dragging both women with you, you walked out of there with a book you had been eyeing for a few weeks and a wide grin on your face. 
Throughout your afternoon out you had been begging your mums for sushi for dinner, so you ended up back in the car driving to the most local restaurant. During the journey, Delia had called Zoe and her voice echoed throughout the car as the two discussed whether or not the girls would like any. 
“I’m sure they’d love it, but there’ll definitely be a few who won’t eat it,” Zoe mused. 
“Mm I think you’re right, maybe we’ll stick to the planned menu and I’ll just have sushi with my girls. Would you like any?” Delia asked, turning into the restaurant carpark. 
Zoe politely declined, and Delia hopped out of the car, asking you to go with her despite your protests; she needed you to choose your favourites. When you were in the restaurant you huddled into her side, waiting your turn while you eyed the sushi, revising your order before you go to the counter. 
After 10 minutes or so you were leaving the shop, but not before being dragged into the grocery store next door. You trailed around, impatient to go home and eat your sushi, “Can I go wait in the car?” You asked your mama, but she shook her head, amused at your demeanour, “We’ll be quicker if you stop pouting,” and so you smiled at her, following along so you could get out quicker. 
She picked up a punnet of strawberries, a bottle of white wine, some ice cream and a bunch of flowers for Mina, and eventually you followed her out of the shop and joined your other mother in the car. 
“I thought you were only getting sushi,” she commented, to which you snorted, 
“yeah, so did I!” though truth be told you were craving strawberries, and you guessed that if you played your cards right they'd let you have some wine too. 
When you arrived back at the coven, the girls had already sat down to eat; you could hear the bustle from the dining room and the clinking of cutlery as you crossed the building to go to the kitchen at the back. 
“Sushi in the garden?” You asked, a hopeful tone to your voice. Your mum grumbled minutely but of course she agreed, so you and your mama took everything out to the garden while Mina sat down, pouring the wine into three! glasses, clustering them all in the patch of table that the umbrella hid from the sun so they didn’t warm up. 
You followed Cordelia out with plates in your hand and sat down at the table, a spread of sushi, strawberries, breadsticks and hummus, wine and veggie sticks in front of you. 
You were eating mostly in silence, but your mama couldn't stand the quiet, “so baby, do you think you'll be okay to go to school tomorrow?” She asked you, patting your thigh under the table. 
You nodded, mouth full of sushi that you didn't quite want to spray everywhere, and you swallowed quickly so you could reply properly, “I just needed a little break, today was perfect,” you smiled, thanking them both for always understanding your needs. 
When you had eaten, you insisted on cleaning up as a thank you for your day, so you watched through the window as your mums relaxed outside, sharing quiet speech and gentle touches as they sipped on their wine, so very in love that it gave you hope for your own future. 
When the kitchen was clean, you made your way outside, playfully dumping yourself in your mama’s lap, who cooed at you, “aww my little baby,” she joked, squeezing your cheek as you rolled your eyes, laughing lightly. 
“Mummm,” you gave Mina your best puppy dog eyes, “can I please have some more wine?” you fluttered your eyelashes at her, ignoring the way Delia snorted behind you. 
Mina stared at you blankly, waiting for you to stop with the dramatics, “one.” And you squealed in response, grabbing the bottle to refill your glass. You had tried to add a little more but Delia stopped you with a quick “ah ah ah, that’s enough” so you figured you should be grateful for what you had. 
The rest of the evening was spent laid on the grass, nibbling strawberries and reading your book, soaking up every bit of sun. Delia had dragged her chair further down the patio so she was in the sun, her shoes and socks kicked off and her blouse untucked from her trousers. She lay back with her eyes closed and a smile on her face. 
Your mum sat where she had been all evening, slowly sipping on her wine as she sat watching the garden; the birds flying past and the speed of the clouds that ran through the sky above you. She kept an eye on you too, making sure you were well enough to go to school tomorrow. 
When you did finally go to bed that evening, your chest was light and your face ached from the smiles you had worn all day. You felt happy and loved and safer than ever, and so incredibly grateful for your mum and your mama <3 
taglist: @loverofallthingssarah​ @lanawinters-ily​ @imstacysmomtm​ @goodegrrrl​ @twistedpoeticjustice​ @max-the-d0g @billiedeansbitch​ @lovelypeasantjellyfish​ @isle-of-earle​ @cordeliass​ 
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