#true Mandalorians
adhd-coyote · 3 months
I just. Love Mando’a so fucking much. It’s so great.
They have three different words to describe ways to be stabbed. Bikadinir (to stab with a broad blade; “run through”), chekar (to stab with a small blade, “shiv”), and kalikir (to stab with a narrow blade, “skewer”).
They have one pronoun. Kaysh. That’s it. Buir is just parent, there’s no mom/dad. No son/daughter, just ad, ad’ika, ikaad. Child. Vod can mean sibling, friend, comrade. All at once. Amazing.
They have dozens of ways to insult someone. Di’kut, someone who forgets to put their pants on. Utreekov, emptyhead. Najaat, no honor. Dini, lunatic. Kaysh mirsh solus, “their brain cell is lonely.” Skanah, “much hated person/thing.” Hut’uun, coward. Ge’hut’uun, not even notable enough to be called a coward (how insulting is that?). Demagolka, originating from Demagol, the name of a scientist who was so fucking shitty that his name became the worst insult a Mandalorian could call you. And that insult is child abuser, monster, war criminal, someone with no honor.
And then there’s “shab”, which we don’t have an official definition for, but the fandom collectively agrees it means “fuck.” Because we have shabiir (to screw up), shab’la (screwed up), shab’rudur (to screw with), and shabuir (jerk but much stronger, AKA asshole/motherfucker).
And Mando’ade don’t say “I love you.” They say “Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum.” I hold you in my heart for eternity. Like. Are you serious. That’s so much better than “I love you.” If someone said that to me I would die on the spot.
Mirshmure’cya means “brain kiss.” Slang for headbutt, which is a thing Mando’ade do a lot, apparently. And it’s a sign of affection, too. They show affection by gently bonking their helmets together. How adorable is that???
Oh, and shereshoy. A lust for life “and much more.” Represented by orange on their armor. “The enjoyment of each day and the determination to seek and grab every possible experience, as well as surviving to see the next day - hanging onto life and relishing it.” And that “oy” at the end of it, derived from “Oya!”
“Oya”, which can mean so many things. A war cry before a fight or hunt. A celebration. An encouragement. “Let’s hunt!” “Hoorah!” “Cheers!” “That’s the spirit!”
This post got much longer than I meant it to lol. I’ll stop here. But you get the gist. Mando’a is a wonderful language and I am in love with it.
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padawansuggest · 1 month
Okay so the fact that Obi-Wan’s cooking is canonically considered a War Crime (by Bail at least, idk who else hates it when he cooks lmao, he also canonically hated having to eat at the Jedi refectory because it probably was made to appeal to as many people as possible, and then later on Tatooine when he had to cook for himself he said he felt bad for trashing their cooking… so I think even he dislikes his own cooking) and I like to take things to extremes????? I have the opportunity to do the funniest shit ever.
Obi: *stuck with Mandos for months on end* oh, I mean, since you guys want cultural exchange, I guess I can make a traditional Jedi meal?
True Mandos who are desperately trying to adopt him and Satine: *unknowing of the bomb that’s about to go off* sure!
Months later
Qui-Gon: *puts a giant pot of stew on the table* This is one of our more traditional Jedi recipes.
Mandos: Um. I mean. I don’t know if our people really… vibe with the taste…
Qui: …when have you had Jedi recipes before?
Mandos: your Padawan-
Qui: oh you poor bastards, did any of you get sick?
Mandos: all of us yes we were fighting over bathroom space it was horrible
Qui: oh my god. It’s okay, I can cook. The child cannot. He makes salt cookies. And /likes/ them that way *shudders*
Obi: *laying on the floor in embarrassment*
Basically, the Mandos are convinced Jedi must like horrible things but no. It was just mister I Learned To Like Yoda’s Stew Cause It Tastes Like When I Make Normal Stew. These poor bastards.
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viscanpikamine · 9 days
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THEYRE DONE!! young jango got his brand new beskar'gam, ready to fight for his new buir
alt caption "hey guys look at this stray i found lol i'm gonna adopt him, he can shoot"
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yukipri · 8 months
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Jaster Mereel, having just decided that this brave, grubby orphan is going to be his Foundling. His name is Jango Fett.
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phoenixyfriend · 6 months
I think there's a really big difference between "I recognize and respect what the canon is trying to do, but I'll write this thing that goes against it anyway because that's what makes me happy" and "I do not recognize or respect what the canon is trying to do, and am going to do what I like because it makes me feel like I'm smarter than canon."
The former is Anidala writers who just want the sweet and fluffy domesticity in a no-66 AU, because we know it was meant to be toxic and tragic but DAMMIT let us have this. We know they're fucked up and a big part of the message and tragedy is that they're fucked up, but we want to live, if only for a few hours, in that dream Vader had in that one comic l, where Padmé was Supreme Chancellor and they had a son named after Qui-Gon who was also a Jedi. We know it's a dream and a fantasy but It Makes Us Happy.
The latter is people who write the New Mandalorians as enacting cultural genocide and lionize the True Mandalorians because why treat a complex political situation with nuance when you can use a Bad Animation Decision as an excuse to say that Actually the guys with guns are the morally correct party.
"I don't get why people write Anidala as this happy domestic--" delusion is fun and can make you feel better and that's fine if you aren't hurting anyone
"I don't get why people rewrite Satine to reject Mando'a when she speaks more of it than any other named character in TCW and all the signage and writing is in the Mandalorian alphabet--" malice and misogyny, probably
Sometimes, a girl's just gotta complain
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mearchy · 7 months
I’ve almost no understanding of linguistics. But this post and also @thefoundationproject ‘s fics, which include bits about how the Journeyman Protector dialect might be related to Standard Mando’a, have me trying to hypothesize Mandalorian language trees. based on what we know about Mandalorian history.
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I KNOW some of you are language nerds and I also did this in fifteen minutes please yell at me about your own headcanons and also about everything I got wrong/missed/forgot. It would be cool to turn it into a real graph to reference eventually (:
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roachsauce · 10 months
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hey. hey. go read mando’jekai jedi by anonymous on ao3
literally the best feemor tropes all in one fic, and its jaster/feemor canon divergence
plus many funny outsider pov scenes and lots of banter
(i’ve only known orar for one chapter, but if anything happened to him i’d kill everyone in this room and then myself)
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moonagedaydream22 · 1 month
Does anyone else want a show about the True Mandalorians and Jaster Mereel. Not to mention his adoption if Jango Fett. What happened at Korda Six and Galidraan. We obviously know the ending but what about the survivors. I'm just too curious
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amariaamaris · 7 months
I'm convinced that if the Jedi were a little more unhinged and thirsty that the clone wars never would have happened. Hear me out!
My timeline is more than likely going to be completely off on this, but just follow me here.
Like imagine that Mace Windu - or another jedi - for instance is a Senior Padawan or freshly knighted and he comes across the Haat Mando'ade. Let's say he sees Mand'alor Mereel and is just like "smash". Then he sneaks a picture and posts it onto the Jedi.net or whatever and with the picture puts "Smash" and then a poll that has two options: "Smash" and "Pass". Then lets say he sees Montross and is like "Hard Pass" and sneaks a picture of him as well and puts it up with "PASS" and adds in the comments that he has some rancid-ass vibes.
Then all the jedi respond by choosing "Pass" in the poll thingy and they all follow it up in the comments with "100% rancid vibes" and like "stay away" and "danger". Then there is one particular unhinged, thirsty Jedi that's like. "100% PASS... but also like, I could fix him though". And the other Jedi are like "Soldier down!" and "Force-speed Pilgrim!" and "RIP in the chat". Then that same Jedi and like "Okay, maybe I couldn't fix him, but like.... he could fix me!". The follow up responses are just like "RRRIIIIPPP" and "No, don't go to the darkside!" and like "You're taste just went and burned alive on Mustafar."
And like random people will be so confused because they'll hear random Jedi that are on missions together just out of nowhere say "Smash" or they'll randomly hear "Pass" and have no karking clue as to what they mean by that. 'Cause it's so out of context and the entire galaxy beliefs that they're magical celibate monks.
Then somehow the jedi's habit of doing that with just random ass people in the galaxy gets leaked and/or the Haat Mando'ade hack into their system and find it and they end up in tears of laughter and confusion. Somehow that happening saves the universe or something.
Like a Jedi sees Palpatine and is just like "such a hard PASS" and like "puking in my mouth and crying" and posts that the the Jedi.net and the poll blows up within like an hour with everyone dragging Palpatine in the mud for having "rancid vibes" and "looking like he sells children laced candy" and "big stranger danger energy" and like "hide your kids, hide your wife..." Somehow this leads to them figuring out that he's a sith lord and they off him with the help of the Haat Mando'ade that are just kind of there. 'Cause, these Jedi are unhinged, need an actual night of sleep, like a three month vacation at minimum, and obviously need at least one Haat Mando'ade around to keep them from getting themselves killed by throwing themselves off of karking 300+ story buildings without a jetpack and refusing to wear armor! So, they've decided to adopt/marry the lot of them and are refusing to return them to the Republic. The Jedi Order now belong to the Haat Mando'ade now and they will fight you to keep them.
And yeah, they all just kinda vibe together and save the universe and go on to kark some slavers up.
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nikxation · 1 year
Things I learned today: Jango Fett became Mand'alor of the True Mandalorians when he was the ripe young age of 14.
I love Mandalorians so much y'all.
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padawansuggest · 1 year
Mandos who use stickers on their armor but in a ‘don’t tell mom I got a tattoo’ sorta way. Someone gets a bumper sticker on their ass armor that says dumptruck and ba’buir is so mad for no reason. ‘Check out my newest piece it’s scratch and sniff.’
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fearmypaintbrush · 1 year
Sometimes my brain reminds me that, out of all the mandos who tried to put to words what it means to be a mando, you have the original resol’nare aka the 6 actions, which inspired the canons of honor, which in turn was inspiration for Tor Vizla’s Kyr’tsad (Death Watch) Manifesto, and Jaster Mereel’s Ori’ramikade (Supercommando) Codex.
And I think about the LENGTH differences between a single phrase of six core values, a group of canons, a manifesto and a codex. Like, I can’t stress enough that the reason we don’t have a canon Supercommando codex is because a codex is an entire book, a compilation of rules, lists, values, and priorities grouped together, organized, and put into book form.
And I think of the man who, upon seeing corruption right in front of him in the system he was apart of, his first response is to kill the superior officer who was apart of that corruption. Then when he’s been kicked out for killing a superior, and he sees that the corruption and injustice and dishonesty spread far beyond the Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn, that its everywhere in the galaxy, his response then is to write a fucking book.
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naethjen · 2 years
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Oya Mand’alor
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Mandalorian Code Interpretation [link is found here]
Strength is Life
Honor is Life
Loyalty is Life
Death is Life
2. Honourable Conduct [link is found here]
Honour in self
Honour in the Community
Honour in the Galaxy
Honour Amongst Clan
Honour in Partnership
Honour in Leadership
Honour in Combat
3. Adoption Law [link is found here]
The Legal Definition of Foundling
Foundling Procedure
Disownment of Parent
Community Adoption
Adoption regarding criminal activities
Adoption regarding marital conditions
Adoption Consent
4. Marriage and Divorce [link is found here]
Spouse Definition
Spousal Privileges
Conditions for Legal Engagement
Consent and Age Restrictions
Conditions for Legal Marriage
Conditions for Legal Divorce
Children, Clan and House Considerations
5. Resolnare [link is found here]
The Six Tennent’s Broader accepted conditions
Way Followers Interpretation
Naasaade Interpretation and Redemption of Vows
Noncombatant Interpretations
The Mandalorian Healer’s Code
The Mandalorian Armourer's Code
Codes recognised in Conjunction
6. Clan and House [link is found here]
Definition of House
Responsibilities of House
Definition of Clan
Responsibilities of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of Clan
Requirements needed to be declared Alor of House
Requirements needed to be declared a Major House
7. Language Protectorate [link is found here]
Mando’a in Practice
Rights to change, add or remove words
Script usage and recognition in Mandalorian Space
8. The Position of Manda’lor [link is found here]
Requirements needed to be a candidate for Manda’lor
Commanding body
Restrictions, Compliance and Declarations of Misconduct
9. Education and Cultural development [link is found here]
The Education Responsibilities of Clans
The Education responsibilities of Schools and facilities
Freed Re-education programs and foundations
Religious and cultural rights within education systems
Parental rights throughout education
10. Electoral Process [link is found here]
The Court of Houses
The Sector Governors
The System Governors
The Astro Body Governors
District Electoral Members
Electoral Voters
Voting conditions
Overseers of the Ballot
Postal Elections
Voting Eligibility
Right and Responsibility
Conditions for Referendum, Re-election and Hung Parliamentary Votes
11. Court of Law
Family Court
Criminal Justice Court
Court of Appeal
Military Court
Financial and Business Court
Public Courts
12. Responsibility and due process
Parental Responsibility
Personal Responsibility
Political Responsibility
Financial Responsibility
Military Responsibility
Adoption Due Process
Engagement and Marriage Due Process
Divorce and Separation Due Process
Election Eligibility Due Process
Firearms Licensing Due Process
Verdgoten and Adult Graduation Due Process
Election Results Due Process
Parental Disownment Due Process
Clan and House Formation Due Process
13. Foreign interaction and policy
Foreign Ambassador acceptance
Externa; Ambassadors abroad
Foreign Currency and Exchange
Border Security
Digital Security and Programming Policy
Citizenship and Visa Acceptance
14. Employment within and outside of the sector
Legal age and parameters of employment
Contract and procedure for levels of employment
Foreign policy for Mando'ade working abroad
Foreign policy for outsiders working in Mandalore
15. Property and payment
Land ownership and tenancy
Forms of payment accepted in legal contract
Ownership and registration of vehicles
Ownership and registration of Firearms
Ownership and registration of Non-sentient Animals
Copyright, fair trade and artistic license
16. Beskar
Donations to Foundlings
Sacred right to wear beskar as armour
Conditions for percentage declared
Rights to mine and export
Religious significance
17. Recognised Mandalorian Sects and Coverts
Haat Mando’ade
Way Followers
Creed Bound
Silver Children
18. Armour and Weapon Classifications
Military Issue
Military Grade
Civilian Use
Hunter and Mercenary Equipment
Trade and Specialist Equipment
Journeyman, Protectorate
19. Criminal sentencing
Grievous bodily harm
Criminal Negligence
Medical Malpractice
War Crimes
Demagolkase - War Crimes against children
Sentient Trafficking and experimentation
Financial Misconduct and Tax Evasion
20. Military and Law Enforcement
Mandalorian Protectors
Journeyman Protectors
Home Guard
Manda'yaim Reserve
21. Land Rights and Conservation
Land Ownership
Sale and Redistribution of land
Declaration of Sacred Places
Sector Council Lands, Protectorate Lands, Crown Lands and Stock Routes
Protected Areas
Water Ways
Tenancy, Lodging, and Temporary Accommodations
Public Areas
Squatters' Rights
Sanctioned and unsanctioned terraforming
22. Commerce, Business and Integrity
Currency and Zones
Business Licenses and Legal Procedure
External business practice
Monopoly businesses and Mega Businesses
Banking within the Sector
23. Discrimination [link is found here]
Religious Interpretation
24. Closing Statements
Manda'lor Jaster Mereel [link is found here]
The Translator
25. References
Regarding headcanons for Houses; [link is found here]
26. Contacts and Relevant Supervising Personnel of Note
[This post will be altered as I go, and as amendments are made]
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weepingstars07 · 5 months
Death Watch Jango and Sith Concubine Obi Wan Au
Also known as another au i can’t be bothered writing but would love to read
So instead of Jango being found by Jaster, Death Watch manage to catch up to him while the True Mandalorians go in guns blazing and rescue Arla.
Jango and Arla are kind of role swapped with Jango as Tor’s adoptive son, favourite assassin and all round punching bag.
Arla on the other hand is adopted by Jaster and believes her little brother burnt to death in the fields of their own family farm. This and the murder of her parents leads to serious anger issues that lead on to a level of violence that puts her slightly at odds with the true Mandalorians. This isn’t to say they hate each other though, she still considers Jaster her father and jaster consider her his daughter. Arla does eventually end up splitting ways with them going off to find her own way in the galaxy.
This world’s Obi wan never escaped Bandomeer and ended up sold further into slavery until Darth Plagueis finds and buys him for Sheev ( i dont think the timeline works out but oh well, wibbly wobbly timey wimey).
Plagueis predicts that Palpatine and Obi wan will be the Chosen one’s parents. (The force actually meant parental figures but sith have never been very good listeners). Obi Wan as a stewjoni is able to get pregnant but has only had miscarriages and still births much to Palpatine’s endless frustration. Eventually he decides Plagueis must have been mocking him and this is only reinforced when he finds a small slave boy named Anakin with the force presence of twin suns. He decides this boy must be the true chosen one and makes him his apprentice. He does not realise how close his concubine and Apprentice become other the years until it’s too late. Anakin does still consider Palpatine a fatherly figure to him but in an an even more twisted way than canon while Obi wan is still his BrotherDad figure.
Obi Wan and Jango meet when they’re both about 18 or 19, after Tor teams up with Palpatine (or more accurately gets himself manipulated into becoming Palpatine’s puppet). Obi wan is used by Palpatine to keep any eye on his Mandalore project which is quite frustrating to him as it means being seperated from anakin.
The boys end up forming a strange sort of bond when realising how badly treated the other his. Its not until Jango is handed the prototype for a clone army made in his image under sith/mandalorian control that he decides enough is enough. In the dead of night he steals the prototype, who he names Boba, from the Kaminoan labs and knocks Obi Wan out and steals him too.
Jango decides that he’s going to stop the cloning project before he has an army of enslaved ade on his hands, maybe kill Tor and then run off into the sunset with Obi Wan and their new child.
Obi Wan’s reaction is along the lines of ‘wtf, your going to get us both killed’ but as the concept of freedom comes closer and closer he agrees on the condition they figure out how to steal Anakin too, difficult because Obi Wan doesn’t actually know what facility they are usually held in.
With a plan now prepared the two set out to conquer evil and live out their happy ever after on some tropical paradise far away from the mandalorians or Sith.
However they what they don’t realise is that be some will of the force the first planet they land on they accidentally bump into a Jedi shadow. Maybe its Tholme or Feemor or someone completely unknown but they are pretty quick to notice Obi Wan looks a lot like the Initiate that disappeared a few year ago become of Yoda’s (however well intended) meddling. This sparks a Jedi manhunt to find this lost soul who they believe has been enslaved by a Mandalorian.
Jaster and the True Mandalorians are running around the galaxy trying to get more info on this army that Tor is apparently building. Arla is reunited with them and agrees to help out.
And …. Thats all I’ve got for now.
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covillain · 1 year
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Another Mandalorian post cause I just love Jaster so much!! Everytime I see a drawing of him I'm immediately soo happy :] This also applies to fanfiction so if anyone has good recs let me know ^^ (Also I messed up his right pauldron so ignore that xD )
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