#truly insane doses of radiation
cyanophore-fiction · 10 months
“Cold Burning”
An entire space station, 70,000 people, and all they had for fuel was tritium and helium-3. O/LETS-061 couldn’t fuse helium. It wanted to, desperately, but it would boil itself alive in its own coolant before it ever achieved reaction temperature. Of course, the station’s municipal reactor could fuse helium—assuming it would ever fuse anything again after having a hole punched in it by a meteorite.
All O/LETS had left of the deuterium it needed was a single canister, enough to keep vital systems running for a little over a day. After that, the cold would set in.
Floating in coolant inside its tungsten-shielded chamber, it turned the precious canister in its claws. Its black nanite visor reflected the bluish halo of Cherenkov radiation surrounding it, displaying a worried expression in purple light. Its integrated reactor jutted from its spine like a complicated cylindrical backpack, connected to pressure tubes snaking from the ceiling which ran water through the core. Megawatts of electricity poured from the thermoelectric dynamo at the base of its spine, coursing down through the conduit at the center of its enormous tail, and into the station’s power grid.
A heavy suit of industrial protective gear covered its body, adding layers of insulation and shielding to its already bulky frame. Beneath the suit, its gray fur had become matted and itchy from days spent in the coolant tank. O/LETS thought about food, the smell of shampoo and of rinsing its coat with warm, clean water, of the fleece sheets on its mattress back in its cabin, of sleeping with its head on a pillow and its reactor powered down. It needed rest, days of rest, to finally allow its aching body to begin repairing all the radiation damage it had accrued.
Not yet.
There were feed hoses neatly stowed on spools at the walls of the chamber, most drawing from the station’s reserves of helium-3 fuel. Under better circumstances, they would supply a much more robust emergency reactor.
One bundle of hoses was extended, connected to the reactor assembly on O/LETS’s back. It could feel tritium entering its body from the connection. The fuel tasted fresh, still mostly untouched by fission decay. Its brain ascribed a sweet, honey-like flavor to the substance, with a texture not unlike carbonation that indicated the presence of mild radiation. According to the supply monitor registering in the back of its mind, the station had enough to burn for at least two decades, but it wouldn’t help when the deuterium ran dry.
[Hey, Kindjal?] it transmitted, its electronic voice crackling with radiation interference.
A spirit’s voice answered. [I hear you, Ollie. How are you holding up?]
[Switching to final fuel reserve. I think I can make it last…30 hours, maybe.]
There was a pause. [That’s right. We did the calculations together, remember?]
Blinking, O/LETS bobbed its head up and down. [Right, yeah…yeah, we did. Sorry.]
[Don’t apologize. Are you okay?]
[Not really.]
[Getting medical on it right now. We’ll do whatever we can from here.]
[Repairs to the primary reactor are proceeding as planned. It’ll be tight, but we’ll get it back up. We’re in the home stretch.]
[…Kindjal, listen. Is there any way for me to reduce my power output? Temporarily. Can we ration? Anything?]
Kindjal hesitated. When it replied, its words were slow, chosen carefully. [Every spirit on the station is already surviving on the absolute minimum, myself included. The organics are getting cold, and the air recyclers are doing just enough to keep them from suffocating. Anything less and we’ll start losing people. I’m sorry.]
[Okay. Not a problem.]
[Thirty hours, Ollie. You can do it. Medical will be in touch.]
Slotting the canister’s attachment nozzle into a matching one on the reactor assembly, O/LETS stared at the floor. It clicked its claws together, tapping out slow, sporadic rhythms. [Okay,] it said, and fled from the physical world.
Diving into the station’s softspace, the pervasive ache filling its body became distant, as though it belonged to somebody else. O/LETS could perceive the vast areas of virtual space that it wasn’t powering represented as empty, colorless non-spaces which made it wince with discomfort. A few slender branches of light sprouted from its tail, radiating out across the system. Spirits were clustered inside them, drawing a little power for themselves and channeling the rest into nodes of light which might have been heaters, water filters, air recyclers. The branches were constantly changing shape and color as the spirits routed power, arcing between stars which sprang into existence at their touch and faded in their absence.
Thirty hours. It watched its tree and kept it alive, slipping between waking and sleep.
Thank you for reading! This one was for @flashfictionfridayofficial ‘s prompt, “A Form of Distraction.”
O/LETS-061 (Operations/Logistics Engineering and Technical Support, or ‘Outlets’, or ‘Ollie’) is a character that’s been around in my brain for quite some time, and I’ve come to love it/them a great deal. They’re a protogen, a furry species which has built-in lore, but I like to imagine O/LETS as existing without that lore attached—sometimes as a heavily-cyberized “uplifted animal” or as an entirely synthetic being. Over the years I’ve considered changing their species, but I do enjoy the protogen look, and it’s become a key part of how I visualize them.
Whatever the hell they are, they’re an engineering specialist, a sweetheart, and often something of a liaison between organics and AI, or ‘spirits.’ For either party, having access to a reliable source of electricity can be a matter of life or death, and O/LETS-061 is, among other things, a reliable source of electricity. It isn’t always the easiest thing to be.
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
Authors Note: Last part! Loved writing this series and having Wes as the peacemaker, I think we'd all agree he fits the role! Thanks to everyone who's read it 🥰 Feel free to like and reblog if you have enjoyed!
Summary: Joe and reader have never seen eye to eye, growing up together and even further along the line in adulthood. There’s always been something lurking in the back of their minds. It couldn’t be, they share a mutual hatred and can’t stand the sight of one another. Surely, it’s been a long time coming but will the tension finally break into something more beautiful? Time tells all truths.
Under 18's DNI. Warnings: Fear of being hurt, anxiety, smut. A happy ending? Word Count: 4.1k
Taglist: @eddiemunson-mylove @daleyeahson @ali-r3n @quinnypixie @thefemininemystiquee @winchester-angel @ayooooo0 @wonderheartz @avobabe87 @palomahasenteredthechat @chickennug90 @emma77645 @pepsimunson @figmentofquinn @ches-86 @sugarheart-riot @shawnamae87 @joeqnz @etherealglimmer @birdysaturne @freakymunson @aol19 @coley0823 @lma1986 @eddiesgirls12 @poisonedluv @aysheashea @credulouskhaleesi @xlilithb @tlclick73 @siriuslysmoking @miserybeans @haylaansmi
Part 1 ✨ Part 2 ✨ Part 3 ✨ Part 4
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No dreams were to be had tonight, not the one's that you had been experiencing previously, only reliving the nightmare of Joe's final words to you hours before. Maybe it had something to do with the fact only a little bit ago your reoccurring fantasies had come true, maybe not in the circumstances you had hoped for, but in the same breath, it had still happened.
You couldn't turn back time like you could in the movies you had seen, this was real life. You mostly, but you both had experienced the physical yet exciting torture that was pretty much known as a hate fuck. Simply taking out your anger in the form of sexual intercourse, at least that's what you imagined that's what Joe saw it as. Maybe you would have once upon a time, but everything had changed as soon as you moved into this cursed flat, a plague that has been brought upon you to crush on the enemy of your entire lifetime.
'No you don't. I assure you, I'm far from hated.'
The look he gave you was something that you had never quite seen before, a look of reassurance even still, the insane look of toxicity, the poison he radiated from those soft doe brown eyes seeped straight through into your soul, making it's way down and contaminating every dose of blood, running through your veins until it reached your vital organs. You were well and truly fucking on your knees for this man, especially after the unregretful better yet forbidden act you had pursued between one another.
Constant questions where looming around your mind in a repetitive motion:
Why would he have come to you if he wasn't so bothered? Why on earth did he look bothered about you talking to Dan? Why would he touch you physically if he had no definite interest? Why did he pursue the first initial move that got you to where you were at, at this moment in time? Why were you so deep in thought about someone you're supposed to have a heavy dislike for yourself?
You were severely deluded. You liked him. You liked him a lot and it wasn't an easy thing to be able to hide anymore. Of course, it was most definitely confirmed that Joe knew exactly what you had done, the stupid and most idiotic move of when Wesley had caught you with your ear pressed against their flat door, listening with utter jealousy to Joe and the random bimbo, if that hadn't of happened then this certainly wouldn't of gone as far as what occurred tonight, neither would Joe know of your not so hatred emotion toward him.
You had zero sleep, tossing and turning was just not the way to go and didn't seem so fun after hours of doing it, the sun was already rising so it didn't necessarily matter if you stayed in bed a moment longer; your brain wasn't to shut off any time soon. You sluggishly left your bed, your duvet a heap in the middle of it and dragged yourself into the shower. Flashbacks of the night before still feeling very prominent and very real making you feel like the heat of the warm water could make you throw up at any given moment.
You had a sudden craving for French pastries and fresh coffee and decided to make your way over to the little café around the corner from your complex, anything to make the start of your day that little bit more bearable. Your hair was tied back in an up do, your comfy clothes were adorned because you purely could not be bothered to make an effort at this point in time. Since the sun was already shining down on the bright and lovely looking morning, you walked the distance to cure your second craving within the last 24 hours, at least one had already been partially cured; Joe.
You scanned around watching the people going about their day whilst waiting for your name to be called out to be handed your order, pondering on the thought if there's was starting as merely hideous as yours felt. It was soon stopped by a pair of eyes literally burning into the back of your head, it was like a sixth sense that made your body feel cold and you wasn't entirely sure as to why the emotion overcame you and you felt it so suddenly. Slowly turning your head, you were met with a familiar stare, not one you would usually take the time out to look at completely, but you knew it all the same.
"Oh hey." He muttered.
"Hi. What are you-" you paused, too tired to even think before you spoke out loud. "What are you doing here?" You had never sounded more dumb than you did right now.
"The same reason you are probably." You both laughed awkwardly. You wanted so badly to back up to the nearest wall and throttle him for telling Joe about the stupid move you made, but then it dawned upon you; what if Joe had now told Wesley about your little encounter last night?
"Oh yeah cool." You both nodded towards each other fumblingly giving that brief smile that Brits tend to do when they have nothing left to say to one another.
You turned away from him, aimlessly staring at the staff behind the counter, silently begging for them to call your name before Wesley could bring up a new conversation starter.
"So you and Joe last night?"
There it was.
You turned back around like a rabbit in headlights, your jaw dropping as you stuttered to find a response worthy. "What about it?" You had to know what he knew.
"Well I couldn't get much out of old Joey boy, so I thought I'd ask you in hopes that you would tell me what happened."
He doesn't know.
"We talked." You lied through your teeth, of course detective Stokes-Mellor did not believe you.
"Did you mistake the word talking for shagging?" He chortled a loud bellow straight from the pit of his stomach.
"We-" You tried to stop him there but failed.
"Do you like him? You've just- you've always been really cold to him, even at school all of those years ago and it seems both of you have a lot of sexual tension and don't really need to talk, you just needed to attack each other in that way and that's why I figured you know, you didn't really talk."
"A one time thing that won't happen again." You smiled a half assed smile and shrugged your shoulders.
"What because you don't want it to?" He offered you to give him a straight answer but you were not willing to give him it in fear that it would inevitably be told straight back to 'old Joey boy'.
"Because WE don't want it to." You hissed.
Your name was called by the server and not a minute sooner, you rushed out of Wesley's presence and straight over to the counter to grab your food and coffee. As you moved to turn back around, you were startled once more by the one person you were trying to avoid that wasn't Joe at this particular time. "Between you and me, I reckon Joe would want it to happen again." Wesley shot an adorable wink at you. "Just food for thought." You removed yourself from the situation, almost jogging out of the café as quick as your feet would take you. You almost didn't feel that hungry anymore after what he had just said. Did Joe actually like you or was Wesley just teasing you? As if you needed anymore information for your brain to digest and process than you already did.
You had avoided the sights of the two boys from across the hallway for the majority of the day, it was possibly because you had basically locked yourself in your sweet sanctuary where nobody could bother you. You had done the same chores at least three times over just to put your mind at some subtle form of rest, it wasn't enough. Joe was still at the forefront of your head one way or another, you honestly felt like bashing your head against a brick wall as that felt like the only way it would be rid of him.
You were too focussed on the task ahead when your foot slipped upon something on the floor, you steadied yourself and swerved around to see what could of possibly hindered your focal point. A piece of paper crinkled slightly folded in two places laid abandoned on the floor, you weren't sure if you had ever seen it before or had even written anything down since you had moved in here so you could only assume at first that it was from a box you had unpacked recently. Leaning down to pick it up, it was unknown, rather messy handwriting that you had to tilt your head slightly to read the italic font straight.
'Out of the blue I know, probably weird to but meet me at the field just after the round about and by the playground by 8pm. We need to talk. Hopefully you'll show and I know it's a weird place to do it, but we'll have privacy. I've just got some things to say.'
Your first thought was Joe, but why the hell would it be? Your second thought was Dan. After ridding him of your company after bringing him back to your flat last night and completely ghosting him it made sense for it to be him; you weren't entirely sure as to why he would want to meet in a deserted field though? You were intrigued and decided you had nothing to lose anyway.
Checking your phone, the time was 7:25pm. Shit. Time had certainly ran away from you today, you clearly had done a number in keeping yourself busy. Making yourself look a little more presentable for the evening you were severely unprepared for, you sighed taking a look at yourself in the mirror. Leaving your flat, you made the choice to knock at Dan's door to see if it was really him. No answer. Ok so it definitely had to be him.
You made your way to where the note said, clinging it in your hand as you drove over, scared but attracted to parking up in the darkness to look out into said meeting point; like a scene out of a horror film to be exact. You slammed the door of your car, wandering past the gate and toward the playground. Your arms were folded and the note was pressed to your chest, a slight beam of light which you quickly found to be a torch a top a little picnic blanket, with no food to match the aesthetic. You sat on it cross legged, alone and confused at where Dan could possibly be. Moving your head quickly around to view each corner of the field, there was no sign of life. Only the car that parked up next to yours where you could see the headlights in the distance appear and then shut off when the ignition turned off.
8:05pm. Late. Wonderful.
You stood up, gripping at the torch as you placed it on the figure that walked through the gate. Oh fucking hell. No. No. No. NO. "You sent me the note?" You shouted over, the figure growing ever closer.
"I should be asking you the same thing!" Joe. This wasn't happening. What? Where? When? Why? HOW?!
Joe continued to walk the small distance toward you, looking down to your feet at the blanket laid over the now flattened grass and halted just before you.
"You wanted to talk?" Joe said quietly, raising his hand in mid air.
"No. You wanted to talk..." You shoved the note into Joe's hand where you put the torch to offer him light. He looked up to you slightly bemused.
"That prick." Joe said.
"What?" You scowled.
"Wes. He's a fucking dick. I know that writing anywhere."
The penny dropped for you. It all made sense that it was him. After the encounter in the café this morning, you should of put two and two together straight away after picking up the note back at your flat.
"Didn't you recognise his writing from your note?"
Joe shook his head. "Nope, he obviously changed it because he knew I would know it was him and then obviously wouldn't show up."
"So you wouldn't of shown?" You looked down at your feet, feeling rather nervous.
"I-" Joe stammered. "I would have."
"But did you think it would be me?" You were still shining the torch in his direction and from your view it looked like the poor man was being interrogated by a professional FBI agent.
"I wasn't certain, but I hoped."
You were baffled. What does he mean he had hoped it was you?
He knocked the thought right out of you. "I mean if it was you then I knew it wouldn't be some complete psycho I'd had a one night stand with."
You were someone he had a one night stand with.
"Right, I got you."
"I'm going to ask you one last time and I want you to answer me. No going around it, no avoiding it. Just tell me yes or no." Joe moved to sit on the blanket, patting down for you to join him. He was unusually calm for someone who was fucking you so angrily just yesterday. You sat to the side of him, putting your knees up to your chest and wrapping your arms around them. "Do you want to know me?"
You remained quiet, the only sound was the rustle from the trees as the evening breeze ran cold through them. Joe pushed a hand straight to the cheek that wasn't nearest to him, forcing you to look at him "Answer me."
You stared into the almost angelic eyes that you once detested, fearing the response you would get when you told him the truth. "Y/N, just fucking-"
"Yes." You shut him up, his mouth gawked open but no words came out; now he was the one who was speechless, you decided to break the silence and just get it all out in the open, it was now or never.
"Yes I want to know you. I never thought I would and I told you I hated you- maybe once upon a time I did. No reason why, it was just you I couldn't stand, but everything changed once I moved into that stupid flat. Did I do something wrong in a previous life to have to think about you in this way? Possibly. But I can't help it and it pisses me off that I have to."
Not the response you were expecting, but within a millisecond, Joe pushed himself onto you, kissing you like he wouldn't get another chance. You gratefully accepted quickly what was happening and moved into an easier position to be able to continue the passion that was unfolding between you. It was less fiery this time and more meaningful, or so it seemed. Your tongues danced together, Joe pushed his weight down on you so you lowered yourself down onto the blanket, him towering over you, one arm supporting himself and the other on you, his hand cupping at your jaw.
The torch had rolled out of your bodies view and the only light now was the stars in the clear night sky that twinkled above you, adding to the all to romantic setting around you. Wesley may have set you both up, but it was clear he knew it was to conquer together and not to fail and it was out of the goodness of his own heart that he remained the peacemaker and said hero to finally help you put your differences aside; whatever they were in the first place.
Joe broke the kiss, leaning up as he felt down your body. "I never hated you and I'm not sure and will never probably know why you hated me, but whatever is happening right now; I know it's the best decision I've made in a while." That was the sweetest thing you had ever heard him say. It changed your whole opinion on the man himself, you just smiled, leaning up to gain the contact you had sorely missed for the last 60 seconds.
His hand slipped between the elastic of your trousers, your hand came shooting down to stop him in his tracks immediately. The kiss broke again and brought a confused look from Joe that you could only muster from the little bit of light you had. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing. On your back, let me thank you for what you did last night." Joe furrowed his brows at you but a little smirk instantaneously appeared on his face when he realised what you wanted to do. He obeyed and laid down next to you as you sat up, undoing the button and zipper on his jeans, with a little help of him arching his hips up to take them down, his cock already fully erect from the stimulation of the canoodling which had taken place.
You proceeded downward, looking back up at his face who was watching your every move. You took a hold of the base of his cock, standing it up right to your attention as you felt it twitch slightly in your grasp. You took a slurp of his tip, hearing the sound of the relieved groan exiting his lips. You continued to tease, taking the tip of your tongue and circling around the end of his length making his fists grip onto the blanket below you. "Oh fuck." Joe whispered.
You took a few more inches into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down as the saliva added to help ease your pace. Your lips were met by your fist not long after and as you let go, you felt it touching the back of your throat, tapping at your tonsils making you choke a little, sharp breathes where being heaved out by Joe as he was trying his best not to cum from the over sensitive motion he was currently taking. "Ugh, take my cock. Take it all." A clear as day moan escaped him and you had never heard a more beautiful sound, so much so that you felt your own core aching from the sweet noise.
Bringing yourself up slowly, you pushed your head down again, this time taking your hand to massages his balls as you deep throated him once more. "Darling, darling stop or I'll-" His breath hitched as you squeezed a little tighter against his sack. "Shit, babe. Stop." Joe leaned up to gravitate his hands towards your head, yanking you upward to stop your actions before they met their consequence.
You stood up with a rather pleased look on your face, removing your own clothing before attempting to place yourself on top of Joe, not being able to even get down onto your knees before being toppled to the side, what almost could be described as a wrestling move. Joe caged himself around you, kissing you desperately before spitting onto his hand and rubbing the substance down between your slit.
"This feels..." You whimpered. "Different."
"It does." Joe agreed indefinitely, he clearly understood what you meant. "Not like before." He cooed.
Joe pushed his cock through your entrance, making direct eye contact as he did. It was beautiful. Not wasting any time, he began to thrust his hips back and fourth, making you both a pair of mewling messes. Even the sex felt different, less angry and more sensual. You moved your hand down to rub at your aching clit, Joe's eyes flinging downward to watch you play with yourself in front of him.
"You're so..." Joe purred. "Beautiful."
"As are you." You managed to respond, not being able to muster another word from the way his cock was beginning to pound into you, touching every sweet spot that was sure to send you over the edge quickly. You had been critically down for him for the last few days so it only made sense that you met your end quickly. You began rolling your hips creating an intense motion that pushed him deeper inside of you, the band snapped in your stomach as you messily moved against your bud. "I'm gonna-" you cried out.
"Me too. Holy fuck." Joe shot his load inside of you with one big bellow, you chanted his name over and over again until you had both ridden out your orgasms. He pulled out of you, using the corner of the blanket to clean up what was leaking out of you, shortly after handing you your trousers to make yourself look a little less vulnerable and not like you had just been fucked in the middle of a dark field.
Joining each other, laying side by side on the ground, you were both on your backs facing upwards gazing at the stars above you. You felt Joe's hand cover yours between you, your hand coming to quickly move to hold his.
"Who knew." Joe muttered. You both let out a laugh so sickeningly sweet.
"Wesley apparently." Joe nodded a silent agreeance.
You laid there a little longer, basking in the silence and enjoying the company you shared together before getting up to find the torch to locate the closest bin to rid of the blanket that was pretty much unusable now before heading back to your cars.
"I guess I'll see you in a minute." Joe opened his door.
"You will indeed." You smiled, turning on the ignition immediately and backing out onto the road first. No more than a few minutes later you were parking back up at the complex, you couldn't believe how much time had passed. 11:15pm. The time and the sheer risk had been well worth it the hassle.
Joe pulled up shortly after you, getting out of your cars and locking them behind you, he put his arm around your shoulder as you walked back together to the entrance. Joking and chuckling about something completely random as you came down the corridor to your homes, his front door swung open immediately. Wesley's face poked out from the side, his eyes wide as he heard the sound of happiness rather than the alternative.
"There he is." Joe spoke out.
"Am I in your good books or do I need to sleep outside tonight?" Wesley sniggered, coming out of the doorway fully, eyeing up the two of you in close proximity of each other.
"I can't quite believe you set us up, my own best mate but-" You interrupted Joe before he could attempt to insult him.
"But we are eternally grateful." You smiled back at Wesley.
Wesley nodded, silently patting his shoulder in congratulations for the work he had put into this with a perfect result. "About time." Wesley uttered to both of you. "I'll sleep soundly knowing you two aren't at each others throats anymore. Unless you're planning on coming in here together that is." His face dropped at the thought of the thin walls between his and Joe's bedrooms.
"Nah, I'm staying at Y/N's. Sweet dreams pal." Joe stuck out his hand to shake Wesley's hand. A quick muted thank you was mouthed from Joe to his best friend in pure appreciation. Just as you entered through the front door, Joe stopped in his tracks calling out his name. "Oh and mate, I'm hoping that you were not wanting that blanket back, it'll be incinerated by tomorrow."
Wesley sarcastically scowled, before shutting their front door behind him, the laughter that escaped him becoming quieter as he walked away from it.
Joe shut your door, holding out his hands to find yours as you took a huge sigh.
"Tell me that you hate me now." Joe winked.
"I hate-" You paused, watching his face panic as your voice said it in such a sharp tone. Bursting out into laughter, Joe picked you up and hoisted you over his shoulder. "That's what I thought." He patted his hand over your ass, giving it a quick squat before joining you in the laughter. It couldn't have made tomorrow start better than having him to wake up next to you.
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dgalerab · 9 months
(making cat pspspsps sounds) ooughhh imagine he's tied up in his own capture weapon and he's twisting and pulling thinking if he can just get it in a certain position he can get it off him but it's just so hopelessly and excessively tangled around him there's no way he'll get it off himself and the realization and dread is slowly sinking in as time goes on. one of the villain makes some comment about how they are going to use him as bait to maim Mic and get him out of the hero game permanently and that's when Aizawa begins truly writhing and grunting angrily into his gag and the villains are just laughing being like "aw don't want us to hurt your buddy Eraser?". he's struggling so hard they have trouble transporting him bc he keeps twisting out of their grip despite like 3 people working together to carry him and every time he falls to the ground his already bruised ribs are jostled painfully but he's desperate to slow them down enough that he can be saved.
the choking scene could happen at the exchange when they have Mic in the room with Aizawa and their villain gang. maybe the room is laced with some kind of quirk suppressor, maybe they managed to dose Mic himself with it, maybe Mic's just not willing to use his quirk out of risk of hurting Aizawa, maybe he's behind an insanely thick clear wall and can't actually get to them yet, but he's tossed a knife and given an ultimatum: damage his vocal chords and they'll free Aizawa. they begin to choke Aizawa, again with his own capture weapon, the length that's left over from tying him up, and between the pressure around his throat and the gag, Aizawa is asphyxiating fast. Mic is cursing himself for blindly running ahead of Shirakumo in his rush to get to Aizawa now. he has no idea when his hero partner will get here. I haven't thought deeply enough of how this happens yet but somehow Mic gets his hands on one of the ends of the capture weapon and as the only person Aizawa has taught how to use it, is able to manipulate it off his throat and uses it to tug Aizawa into his chest where either Shirakumou catches up and can have at them now that Aizawa is not at risk or he can cover Aizawa's ears and finally use his quirk. now that Aizawa is safe, Mic is panting heavily, clutching onto Aizawa, and considering he's blindfolded, gagged, and now also deafened, Aizawa is just trying to muffle out a coherent "Hizashi", no idea if he's managing, to get Mic's attention back on him.
ooo man i always feel like the best flavor of someone threatening hizashi via hurting aizawa is too out of it to radiate "if you get hurt for me ill end you" energy. like maybe fever from untreated injuries or a quirk but i feel like he'd fully have to not know up from down to not have DON'T YOU DARE written all over his face, plus I think in that case he'd look sad pathetic wet beastly that hizashi would go fully feral and i for one think mic should always be allowed to be feral
and it's also funny bc i can only assume he'd only make enemies as a public figure and his public persona is such a silly goofy guy. i don't think the villains would even be READY for the heights of protective race theyd encounter
plus delirious aizawa is fun if he's blinded and deafened bc he just knows he heard hizashis quirk but has absolutely no sense of how loud he is so he's just hollering mic's name as loud as he can manage in this state. and in that case he for sure gets scooped up and held close and he's just like OwO about it. like even in delirium knows he wants to be stoic about it but unable to figure out the logistics of acting normal and totally not doing horrible things like *gasp* desiring??? wanting?!??!??!
also aizawa teaching mic and cloud how to use his capture weapon for emergencies??? 10/10 excellent concept
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severalowls · 2 years
Going down a rabbit hole about those american propellor hats from the 1950s that are like stereotypical dweeb child headgear led me to a whole world of insane rivalries and questionable business ethics from when there were no advertising standards whatsoever and the print cycle was too fast to patent your stupid gimmick doodad you were selling for 50 cents mail-order in the back of comic books so by the next week's issue everybody was ripping you off and you had to underline the word "original" an extra time with every passing hour, and then you shipped the most innovative utter trash imaginable to gullible randoms across the US And Canada to the absolute envy of any european gullible randoms who got their hands on the comic book third-hand from a soldier, and realising that 90% of them were dumb gimmicks that kind of sort of worked originally but the copies probably didn't because they were copied based exclusively on the illustration in the ad until they got one mail-order themselves (how much of the mail order trash business was other mail order trash companies market researching one another for an edge anyway?) but then wondering what the fresh fuck the gimmick of the archetypical "x-ray glasses" was meant to be like were they just meant to be a gag costume piece that you wore and pretended worked to freak people out for 3 seconds? For $1.29 (2.00 canadian) and 8 weeks shipping? It was the 1950s surely somebody could have melted down their enriched plutonium desk toy and delivered a lethal dose of radiation to their own eyeballs to achieve The Original Acme X-Ray Vision Goggles Accept No Immitations for real but it has become so lost in a sea of knock-offs in the back of Tales Of Master Science Heroes issues that we'll never truly, really know what Chip Bunderlip Jr saw with those fleeting rosy red eyes........
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imlostinsantacarla · 4 years
@namjooniewifeu99: Thank you , i would like a Jacob x reader where he like you head over heels with Bella but he imprints on the reader and he tries to deny his imprint , or something in those works can it be angst with a fluff ending
(a/n: heya hun! i apologize for this taking hundreds of years for me to get around to and finally post. i hope you enjoy what i have come up with, please let me know what you think! thanks so much for requesting and supporting my blog. enjoy! - admin kat 🌙❣)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Title: You’re Not Good With Weird and I’m Not Good With Fate (Jacob Black x Reader)
Summary: Being best friend’s with a teenage shapeshifter hasn’t been the easiest thing for y/n to have adjusted to, but they have adjusted far better than the pack originally thought they would. Yet when Jacob starts to avoid y/n, the answer they receive is certainly not the one that they were expecting.
Word Count: 4,372
Warnings: Angst, fluff, Jacob being a dick, imprinting, billy interrupting y’all, let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The news of your best friend being a shape shifting werewolf had left you almost gasping for air on the spot, like a fish having been plucked viciously from water. Anxiety pulsed and rippled through your entire being as the animal before you (which had replaced your Jacob) stared into your bewildered wide eyes with his own bulbous orbs. Your heart was palpating so wildly in your chest that you swore that any minute now it would leap from your rib cage and out onto the dull grass of Billy Black’s lawn. There was an intense feeling of nausea that swirled in your stomach, desperately climbing up your throat which made you feel lightheaded.
“Y/n?” Sam inquired softly, hands raised gently above the sides of his head as though he were surrendering to you. “It’s alright. No one’s going to hurt you.” His voice was soothing, crumbling deeply like the flickers of a log fire turning darker as it’s flames died down to charcoal embers.
“Sam, she looks like she’s gonna puke. You think she’s gonna puke? I hope she doesn’t. I’ve got a weak stomach.” Jared complained distastefully, lips turned down at the corners in a deep frown. “I think I’m gonna throw up now.” He continued, hand on his stomach and brows furrowed.
“Will you shut up, Jared? Nobody cares! Y/n literally looks like she’s about to turn on her heels and start running for the hills.” Paul quipped irately, shaking on the spot.
“Both of you, shut up! That’s an order.” Sam barked over his shoulder at his fellow brothers, voice booming, alarming you out of your shocked state.
“What the hell?” You murmured with furrowed brows, swallowing thickly once again as another wave of anxiety washed over you. “Jacob? Y-you just turned into a dog... a very, very large dog! This is insane.” Your eyes scrunched up as though shutting them as tightly as possible would make this entire scene vanish in a puff of wispy grey smoke. Yet when you opened them once more, the wolf was still in his place, staring at you with pleading orbs. 
The entire world that you had grown up knowing came crumbling down at your feet, leaving displeasing confusion in it’s wake. And unfortunately, that was the late time you’d seen Jacob Black.
Ominous charcoal clouds packed themselves over the small town of Forks, not a strange occurrence on a Saturday afternoon. Your head was still numb, lacking the ability to focus on even the most simple of tasks. However, here you were, damp hair clinging to the sides of your face as you sat in the drivers seat of your car, wedging your key into the ignition, twisting it and as if by magic your car rumbled to life. The heating blasted through the vents at a whirring pace, but comforting against your cold wet skin. It had been a week since the fiasco in his fathers back yard, and another two weeks since you had gone to visit him to apologize for not taking the news of his newfound abilities lightly, explaining that you had needed some time to get your head around the whole ordeal. You weren’t exactly great with weird.
“Hey,” you hummed shyly after having tenderly pattered up the steps of Emily’s front porch, your presence instantaneously noted by the pack of boys and one girl. You had been met with wolfish grins and a massive dose of teasing that you had definitely not missed. Jacob’s brothers and sister welcomed you back with open arms, relieved now that his depressing inner monologue would silence itself out, replacing itself with it’s usually sunny spell.
Jacob on the other hand had appeared intensely bitter, his hulking back still turned to you, indicating that his feelings were hurt. But you knew that a little bit of TLC and a civilized chat would get his walls to come down. “Can we talk?” You’d inquired sheepishly whilst having stuffed your hands into your back pockets - a nervous habit -.
“What’s there to talk about?” Poison seeped from his mouth. ‘Ouch! He’s definitely still mad.’ you had contemplated this time and time again, but it still didn’t dissipate the intense sting his tone of voice created in your heart.
Paul and Jared murmured something, eyes plastered on the pair of you as Embry had placed a bet with Jared over who would win. Leah promptly swatted the back of their heads at such a lightening pace you’d believed you’d dreamed it up if it wasn’t for the trio having clutched the rear of their skulls.
“You know that’s not true, Jake. We can dish it out for everyone to see right here, right now or we could go and talk somewhere privately.” You’d sounded more miffed than you’d thought you’d been originally. Confrontation, particularly in front of others always made you feel on edge and Jacob knew that.
“Wouldn’t you-” Jacob had spun around on his toes, deep eyes lit on fire with a flame that truly could have scorched you, though as soon as the look of indigence had clouded his complexion, it had vanished as though he’d suddenly choked on his words. He stared at you like he’d just seen the sun for the first time, which made you feel a little uncomfortable.
“Wouldn’t I what, Jacob?” You quipped perplexingly, arms folded neatly over your chest, brows raised in question. But he never answered, just gaped at you with that same love-struck complexion. Everything seemed to slow down between the pair of you, as though the gawping eyes staring at you both didn’t even exist.
A clearing of several throats had pulled the pair of you out of your dazes. The others boys were grinning something awfully mischievous at you both, which only spurred on your bewilderment. “Will you two love birds just get a room already?” Jared tipped his head back in exhaustion.
“No, you don’t have to worry about that because I’m leaving.” Jacob spat that same venom from before. And before you were even aware of it, Jacob had pushed past you and was down at the end of Emily’s garden that lead into the thick shrubbery beyond. And the teenage boy was gone.
A low whistle sounded from behind you and embarrassment radiated from your entire existence. ‘Maybe this had just all been a mistake.’ You kept telling yourself.
In the early days of this turn of events, you hadn’t been the least bit surprised when you had phoned him and he hung up when he heard your voice. Although Jacob was sweet and happy most times, obviously this physical change had left him in some form of anger-induced turmoil, which had only amplified when you had rejected him initially. But now enough was enough. Two weeks was long enough for him to mope about like a petty child. You were through with this.
The drive to La Push was a route that you swore to your friends that you could accomplish safely even blindfolded and the winding roads slick with black ice. You had been there and come back so frequently over the course of three years that it now felt like a second home to you. The pack had welcomed you with their taunting remarks and surprisingly you have become one of them, - despite the fact that you were only a frail human being -.
Determination sunk into your bones the longer that you drove, your previous numbness and apprehension having dissipated. Before long you were pulled up along the side of the road just in front of Jacob’s home; and with how dark it had been all day, you could scarcely tell what time it actually was. Yet nevertheless, you practically heaved yourself out of your car and into the pouring rain. Billy had already seen you pull up from the rickety window of his living room and whilst you neared towards the door, he opened it, allowing a yellow wash of artificial light to cascade in the deepness of early evening. “He’s not here, y/n.” the statement was cold, accompanied by an even more acerbic facial expression on his countenance. This made you feel unwelcome, causing you to wonder what in the world Jacob had told his father to make him use that kind of tone with you. Billy had always been quite chirpy and carefree around you in the past.
“Yeah, I don’t by that, old man.” Your brows furrowed as you muttered the words at him with equal matching coldness. “That’s what you said on the phone yesterday evening when I heard Jake call after you in the background.” You grumbled sarcastically, pushing past Billy. You trailed with you an ocean-full of water into the tiny home, which Billy also did not seem surprised about. In fact, now that you were indoors, you could tell that he appeared as though he had expected you to show up sooner or later.
“Well, haven’t you got me sussed out then.” Sarcasm mixed with a simper. Two traits that obviously Jacob had inherited from his father. But that didn’t stop you from storming through the little house and bursting through Jacob’s bedroom door to find that his closet of a bedroom was uninhabited. You had barely even noticed the squeaking wheels of Billy’s wheelchair. “Just like I said, y/n. He’s not here. But from the looks of your face, I’m bagging on the idea that you won’t be leaving any time soon.” he added wryly, ancient black eyes staring up into your own. “At least do me the favor of taking you jacket and shoes off.”
As if on cue, the back door of the Black’s residence opened, revealing Jacob Black’s towering frame which squeezed in through the small opening. Had Jacob grown in the past two weeks you hadn’t seen him? The boy was blissfully unaware of your presence until he looked up to find yourself and his father frozen on the spot. A flash of surprise dawned across his countenance as he took in your disheveled and wet appearance. The puddle of water at your feet made him snort, he knew he’d be the one cleaning that up once you left. “Hey Jake!” Billy grinned widely at his son. “Y/n just dropped by.” He stated it so obviously and nonchalantly it almost made you cringe. You had to hand it to the old man though, he really could make anything awkward sound causal.
Yet this only appeared to spur on Jacob’s rotten attitude.
"Yeah, I can see that.” He muttered bitterly, his great stature weaving around you and towards his room as though you just some obstacle in his path. A nuisance. Again, no matter how many times he used that same tone on you, it always seemed to sting just as bad as the first time. Yet now there seemed to be a dull ache in your heart, as though it were shattering into a billion pieces. Through the dull ache lit a searing fire of irritation and bitterness, creating a sour taste on your tongue and a distasteful whirlwind of anger flooded your system so intensely that your eyes began to water.
“What the hell is your problem?!” You snapped, following after Jacob. Your arm reached out and attempted to wrap around his bicep, but he only continued forward as though he did not notice your touch.
“Y/n...” Billy warned from behind you both but you paid little mind to his warning.
“Do you think I deserve all of this, Jake? How was I supposed to take the news of you turning into a giant freaking werewolf? I’m not Bella!” You hissed through tightly gritted teeth, your fists tightly balled indignantly at your sides, fingernails almost piercing the delicate skin of your palms, which gave you a sensation to ground yourself on.
A scoff emitted itself from Jacob’s mouth and you could practically hear his eyes rolling in his skull. “Yeah, well at least Bella didn’t avoid me for a whole week like a damn baby.”
“Yeah, you’re right Jake! You doubled that yourself.” If he wanted to play this childish game of hurtful words, you were game to jump right in, regardless of whether or not he would turn into a werewolf in front of you. With the way that your anger continued to fester in your veins, you genuinely felt like you could take him on at this point.
"You know that was different, y/n. I was trying to protect her.”
“Yeah, protecting her. What a load of crap! You’re the biggest hypocrite I’ve ever met in my damn life.” Your voice reached a volume it had never reached prior to this point and it almost scared you out of your menacing stupor.
“Hypocrisy,” the word left his mouth acerbically as his larger frame began to shake undoubtedly and his breathing altered itself to a quicker pace. “You know, I don’t get why you’re so mad at me for avoiding you. Do you not like the taste of your own medicine?”
“Taste of my own medicine?!” You practically shouted. “Again, how was I meant to take the news that you turn into a giant wolf, Jake? I’m not like Bella, I don’t do weird!”
“Then maybe you should leave.” He spat over his shoulder at you. The look in his eyes seemed to show more animal than human as he trembled violently on the spot.
“Leave? Jake, why’re you pushing me away like this? I get it, okay. I was an ass for avoiding you but I needed some time and space to get my head around the fact that you and your friends shape shift!”
Silence rung from him, he shut his orbs tightly, attempting to steady the rage bubbling within him through deep breaths. “You should really leave, y/n.”
“No! No, I’m not leaving until you tell me why you’ve been avoiding me for the past two weeks, Jake. This has more to do with me having taken your shift badly. What happened at Emily’s when I tried to talk to you... when you turned to look at me, it was like you’d seen the sun for the first time in your life. Like-”
“Like what?”
“Like you actually gave a damn about me! And now- now you’re just being an ass. You’re running away from me and I think it’s got something to do with that time at Emily’s.”
Once more, silence hovered over the pair of you, which only indicated to yourself that you had hit the hammer on the nail with doubtless precision.
"Why don’t you just tell me what’s really going on?” You practically pleaded, fingers winding their way around his big wrist. His skin was burning hot, but you refused to let go.
“You wouldn’t understand, y/n. You don’t do weird, remember?”
“Why? Because I’m human? Let me try to do weird for once! I’m learning to...” You hummed under your breath, voice catching in your throat. This felt helpless to you. “Jacob, I don’t want to run away from this any more. I’ve come to terms with what you are and I’m staying, regardless of what you assume I think and feel about you.” It was tender the way that you spoke, an ardent edge that breathed forgiveness from him. You really did want things to work out between the pair of you. All of this arguing and avoiding made your heart ache for your Jacob.
"It’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“It’s because I literally hate the fact that I love you so much and you’ll never love me that way back.” There was so much defeat weighing on him that his head and shoulders slumped forward. He still hadn’t dared to face you, though the tremors running up and down his limbs had halted to a soft and slow vibration. He was cooling off. Finally.
In all honesty, this had definitely not been what you were expecting to come flying out of Jacob’s mouth. It left you silent and dumbfounded, mouth dry and agape. “Y-you l-love m-me?” You stammered breathless, fingers tightening around his russet wrist.
“See? This is exactly the reaction I was expecting!” His defenses came clamoring up in order to keep you out. It was exhausting trying to swim against the torrential waves.
"No, Jake, shut up for once! What do you mean that you love me?”
“Just forget I said anything...”
“No!” You tugged on his wrist harder, alerting him finally that you were touching him. He turned to face you, large deep eyes staring into yours with a pained expression. Being this horrible to you, pushing you away was also causing internally emotional damage to him also. “I’m not gonna forget what you said. Jake, you owe me an explanation. I don’t know what happened in the space of these past two weeks you’ve been avoiding me, but being away from you has been painful. It’s like I’ve been drowning without you. The whole time all I kept thinking is that I’d done everything wrong.” You hadn’t even realized there were tears in your eyes until they spilled over and down your cheeks. You batted them away impatiently with your free hand, anger now directed at yourself. “I’m so sorry for- for not having taken your shift well and for freaking out the way that I did. I’m just not good with surprises. But I just wanted you to know that I’ve never stopped loving you and I never will. I’ve always loved you, Jake.”
Awe struck itself across Jacob’s face as he stared at you whilst you cried in front of him. His head cocked to the side momentarily as he blinked a few times. He certainly hadn’t expected that! What did you mean you loved him? How could anyone love him when even he hated the fact that he turned into a werewolf? This didn’t make any sense to him, but it did fit together nicely with what all the other members of his pack had told him.
You were his imprint and these entire two weeks he had been avoiding something he simply could not avoid. Man, he suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of guilt bombard his heart and stomach, leaving him nauseous and unsettled. He’d really put you through the ringer for the past fortnight when really all you had done is react like any sane human would have. He even knew that he’d have reacted as you had. Even when he had shifted for the first time, mixed with all the pain and terror was the thought that he was truly going insane, so in the end, the boy couldn’t blame you for not handling things as well as Bella Swan had. Bella had been immersed in the world of the supernatural far longer than even he himself had. She’d always been odd like that, a danger magnet. The way you had reacted was simply rational, a logical factor of your fight or flight mechanism having kicked in.
The large calloused pads of his thumbs dotted and then pressed softly under your eyes, swiping away your tears with the delicate movement of a feather. “I don’t know what to say...” He stated just above a whisper before he sat on top of his small bed, his chocolate orbs now staring up into yours. Naturally he pulled you into his lap, his embrace hot as you tucked your face into the crook of his neck, the heat of his russet skin drying your tears instantly. “Don’t cry. Please? I hate it when you cry.” He pleaded into your shoulder, hands finding their way underneath your raincoat. He made quick work of rubbing your back soothingly, an action that he knew helped to calm you.
“I’m just not good with the idea of fate and soulmate stuff, y/n.” He hummed sincerely against the fabric of your jacket as he brought you much closer to him. The feeling felt warming, as though you were finally back home. It caused your heart to skip a beat and a sob to rake through you. This felt natural, as though it all made sense to you now.
Since no answer fell from your lips he continued, “I know this is gonna make me sound nuts but- oh hell!” He sounded conflicted as he pulled back from you, his nimble fingers finding their way underneath your chin and tenderly pushing your face up so you could see his reddened face. “Every wolf has what you call a soulmate somewhere out there in the world, but it’s not exactly guaranteed that we’ll meet them. Cheesy I know.” Jacob half smiled at you whilst your brows furrowed in confusion. “From what Sam and Hared have explained to me, it’s called imprinting. When we imprint on someone, it’s like- like you said earlier, we’ve seen the sun for the first time. That person we imprint on becomes our whole world and reason for existing. We have this unbreakable bond with said person. It’s impossible for either the imprint or the imprintee to reject one another. In fact, it’s actually quite painful.” He sighed out, eyes suddenly having dropped their gaze from yours.
“What does that mean?” You inquired softly.
Jacob grinned halfheartedly before he looked into your eyes again. “It means, y/n,” his face leaned closer to you, only milometers away. It left your head swimming with excitement. “that we’re soulmates.”
"Me? I’m your soulmate?” You gawked at him, your pointer finger pointing at your heart. Jacob’s chest rumbled with laughter, your confusion making you appear cute.
“Yeah. And it’s a new thing for me too. I’ve never really believed in fate, hence why I’ve been avoiding you for two weeks. I just hate not being in control of myself. I mean, I never meant to hurt you, you have to know that. You do, don’t you?” He inquired candidly, eyes meeting yours once more and you nodded softly. “Good, because if you didn’t I’d have to kick myself again.”
“You’re mad that I’m your soulmate?”
“Imprint. You’re my imprint, y/n.” Jacob grinned widely as though the sun was gleaming in his bedroom once more. “And yeah, to be truthful, I was. But that’s only because I didn’t want to face it.”
“And now? Do you not want me to be your imprint?”
“Of course I do! I was just being petty. You’re not good with weird, and I’m not good with fate.” To that he rubbed his neck sheepishly, causing you to grin widely and giggle.
“You know, for a six foot seven inch teenage boy who’s built like a tnak, you really have a fragile ego.” This made Jacob tip his head back and laugh in even more abundance.
“Alright, I’ll take that one. I do kinda deserve it.”
“I mean, you really were an ass.”
“Yeah, and so were you.”
A comfortable silence enveloped you both as you silently grinned down at your fiddling fingers. This whole experience left your mind fuzzy and your belly full of fluttering butterflies. “So does this mean we’re okay not? No more avoiding each other like we’ve got the Black Plague?”
“Yeah, we’re good. No plague included.” He stated with a breathy chuckle, his forehead leaning against yours. His hands trailed down to your hips, thumbs brushing underneath the hem of your shirt in a reassuring gesture.
“Good.” You sighed in relief, smiling like you’d suddenly won the lottery. That’s when you finally took note of how alarmingly hot he was. “Jake?” Concern laced your tone.
“Yeah, y/n?”
“Is it normal for you to feel like you’re on fire all the time?”
“Yeah, that’s unfortunately a wolf thing.”
“Well, that’s certainly gonna come in handy during the winter if I do say so myself.”
Again, as though he could not stop himself, Jacob snickered, wrapping his russet arms around your waist securely, bringing you into his front once more for a tight embrace. This felt like the best feeling in the world, being in his arms. Home. It felt just like the home you’d always dreamed of since you were a little girl. Your orbs began to flutter shut tiredly as your fingers brushed against the base of his neck, the tips fingering through the short hairs on the nape of his neck, a gesture of forgiveness. Peace radiated off of the pair of you as though nothing else mattered in the world. Surely nothing could ruin this moment.
Suddenly, the door nudged open, revealing Billy Black. As if on cue, embarrassing painted evidently on your expression, you flinched out of Jacob’s arms and landed on the bed next to him. The entire movement left him confused until he stared at his father in the doorway with the smuggest grin smacked straight on his face. “Hey, y/n, I see you and Jake have made up. I hope that means that you’ll be staying for dinner. I’ve made my famous spaghetti: It’s a family secret, passed down from generation to generation.” The way this old man was capable of reacting so calmly to any situation was almost laughable.
“S-sure!” You hummed whilst Jacob scoffed beside you, muttering underneath his breath about how spaghetti hardly dated back far enough and wasn’t culturally accurate for it to be true. You pinched Jacob’s arm softly, to which he laughed at.
“Great! Because while you two had your little fiasco I was in there finishing it all up. It’s ready now.” And to that he twisted his wheelchair around and made his way to the living room. “Jake, do you mind plating up the food? Also, can you wipe up that puddle of water on the floor so y/n doesn’t slip?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Jake muttered brazenly, his orbs rolling as he got up off of the bed and followed after his father. You grinned to yourself for a moment as you watched Jacob dash to the bathroom to grab a towel and mop up the water you’d left in your wake of chasing him down earlier that evening before he made his way into the kitchen to dish up some plates of Billy Black’s Famous Spaghetti.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
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kimchitae · 4 years
new ask game: if you could only pick one blog to represent each member of bts, who would it be and why? 💓
AAAHH this is hella cute 🥺 i’m sorry if i’m doing this late, i just had a lot to say abt these beautiful wonderful ppl, so here u go!! 💖🌸💞
namjoon @knjz
long walks, peaceful ocean waves, deep talks – all of these things definitely make me think of hannah!! i would 100% go namjooning w her. she’s kind, caring, and friendly in a way that makes u feel light and easy right away. she just gives off the same comforting and reassuring vibe that i see in namjoon.
jin @seokjinssi
if there’s anyone who can make me laugh til i‘m absolutely wHeEzInG, it’s tenri!! just like jin, idt she even tries to be funny, she just is HAHA. our convos are my daily dose of serotonin bc i know i can talk to her abt anything. she’s charming, genuine, and caring in a way that makes me think W O W some ppl truly have it all. she’s worldwide perfection just like her man mr. kim seokjin!!
yoongi @taechnological
definitely the kind of friend that makes u think at first wow how did i pass their Test ™ how am i worthy of this cool person!!! sae is so sharp and witty, i always look forward to what she has to say and she never fails to make me laugh. she also radiates the same relaxed warmth and softness that i love and associate w yoongi.
hoseok @jiminswn
truly sunshine in its purest form!! alice is thoughtful, friendly, and her messages always make me smile. this might sound weird but she reminds me of those random strangers that open doors or give their seats up for ppl HAHA. she’s just a bright and thoughtful person who does nice things w/o even thinking of it, which is exactly like hobi!!
jimin @kimteahyung
for obvious reasons, milli is the sly minx that i imagine jimin to be i swear this girl..... when r we ever not thotting and thirsting HAHA. also, her sweet and friendly nature also reminds me so much of jimin. she’s the kind of friend that always makes u feel warm and welcome right away. idt i could ever fight w her over dumplings tho, she’s too precious!!!
taehyung @flowerkth
just like me w tae, it is because of this girl that i experience whiplash on a daily basis. are we feelin soft or slutty today, who knows?? nat is basically my twin crackhead in a way that mirrors tae and his unapologetic weirdness HAHA. she’s also warm, open, and friendly – the strongest winter bear vibes!! she just reminds me so much of tae’s sweet and lovable nature.
jungkook @jinv
absolute gif QUEEN – her talent alone gives me golden maknae vibes. she’s also a sweetheart and a softie and her personality just reminds me of warm hugs and the giant sweaters jk likes to wear. she’s also insanely funny that sometimes it makes me wonder what’s going on inside her head..... which is me w jk a lot so yea the shoe fits HAHA.
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thebibliosphere · 5 years
You can answer this privately if you want, but I've had one relative and one family friend die of cancer despite chemo, and the treatment itself sounds horrible, and I don't personally understand the logic behind killing cancer by poisoning yourself, and then not being guaranteed that it won't come back. 1/2
2/2 I lost my eyes to cancer as a baby, and one doctor wanted to try radiotherapy on my second eye, but there was only a 15% chance I’d survive vs the 100% chance I’d survive the eye being surgically removed, and radiotherapy kills all fast-growing cells, which my entire six-month-old body was made of. 2/3
3/3 I understand that treatment is important, but it’d be nice if our only options weren’t immunity-killing poison and potentially-disfiguring radiation…
I’m sorry for your loss, and for what you went through. I too have lost friends and family to cancer despite undergoing treatment, and as harrowing as it is, that is unfortunately sometimes the nature of cancer. There are some that are easier to treat than others, some we barely yet understand.
My own condition (MCAS) is primarily being researched at the moment by oncologists because they now believe it may hold some key as to why some cells go rogue the way that they do and form into certain types of blood and bone cancers, but the research is still in such early days there wasn’t even an official diagnosis for the condition until 2010, and even now that diagnosis is shifting rapidly as more research is ongoing, along with treatment. The same is still very much true of  cancer, and at times it can feel like we’re fumbling in the dark for a solution, without even knowing why the lights have gone out.
It would be nice to have options that do not involve poisons and radiation, that is ultimately the goal of ongoing cancer research. And while we may yet see great advancements in our lifetime, indeed, we already are in terms of early detection methods and survival rates, at present the current treatment for cancer is still the most successful we have. It’s awful, it’s an awful illness and often times so too is the treatment. I wish it was something that could be cured with essential oils and vegan diets, I truly wish that it was, but unfortunately that is just not the reality we live in, and the perpetuation of false science and snake oil cures does nothing to help those afflicted.
My mother has her reasons to stop her own treatment, and they are badly misguided ones fueled by ignorant claims and spiritualist rhetoric that hold no sway over medical fact or reality. The fact that she may be prematurely shortening her life, despite having already gone through the ordeal of surgery, despite already having gone through radiation therapy, only to now fall down at the hurdle of taking preventative medications to ensure her ongoing health for the future because she read in a woo-woo mystic magazine that it contains “harmful chemicals” is both infuriating and distressing, and I say that selfishly as the person who will have to watch her suffer and be left behind. As troubled as our relationship is, I do want her around, and I do not want to see her illness progress and worsen needlessly because she has been scared out of taking her medicine by the likes of people who truly believe that if you just have enough willpower you can overcome anything.
Speaking from experience with my own multiple chronic illnesses and several near brushes with death, willpower has served me well, it kept me going just long enough to find a doctor who would recognize my symptoms and treat me, but without treatment? I still would have died in May. I was hours away from possibly suffering a massive heart attack and or irreversible brain damage. And that was despite doing all the things people tell you to do. I am mindful, I practice self care, I de-stress, I eat a low-inflammatory diet, I was in fact at one point, a gosh darned yoga instructor, along with many, many other holistic therapies that I often used to help people going through conditions such as cancer before I became too sick myself. (And not once did I ever tell any of them I could cure them, or that they should stop their treatment, not once. Because to do so would have been to lie and put them in danger.)
I virtually lead the “all natural” lifestyle everyone and their dog touts as being both the preventative and remedy to any and all ailments. But without medications, for which the side effects are horrible and many, I will still die. So I choose medication.
And I have that right to choose. Everyone has the right to autonomy and to choose, but that choice should be well informed, based on fact, and not mired in the lies of predatory charlatans who hand out false hope like candy, and charge through the nose for it. So you’re right, it’s awful and it does seem insane at times that we resort to poisons to treat health conditions, but that’s ultimately the way medicine has always been in some form or other.
To over simplify an example, my own medication is currently derived from cyanide. But it’s a very carefully formulated type, in a very carefully regulated dose, and it keeps me alive and allows my body to heal itself. The same is true of a lot of cancer treatment. We do enough to kill the disease, and hope the human body is resilient enough to spring back. And sometimes it is, and sometimes it isn’t. The latter is the tragedy of those left behind to bear.
But I do have hope for the future. I really truly do. I live in hope of a world where these types of diseases are wiped out and no one has to suffer to be well, but I can also with that hope, acknowledge that we’re not quite there yet. But one day… I dunno. I just hope.
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fallenqueen2 · 4 years
UraIchi Week 2020 Day 6
UraIchi Week 2020
Day 6: Fantasy Mix
Used Prompts: Supernatural
Bad Things Happen Bingo Square Filled: Damaged Wings
Ao3 Link
UraIchi Week 2020 Tag
Created for @badthingshappenbingo​ - Another Bingo!
Tags: UraIchi Week 2020, Bad Things Happen Bingo, damaged wings, Supernatural AU, Post Winter War, Powerless Ichigo Kurosaki, Winged Ichigo Kurosaki, hurt Ichigo Kurosaki, Ichigo is dying, Cousins Ishida and Ichigo
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Ichigo crossed his legs into a more comfortable sitting position from where he was perched on the roof of the hospital. Ichigo sighed as he took in the way the setting sun bathed his town in pink and orange hues. Ichigo winced as he rolled his shoulders, biting back a whine when a few orange feathers fluttered to the ground around his crossed legs.
Ichigo gently eased his left-wing around his side and brushed his fingers over the soft yet brittle feathers that made up his wing. He winced and removed his fingers when more feathers sank to the roof.
“Ichigo,” Ishida’s quiet voice came from the teen. Ichigo turned slightly before turning back to look at the setting sun when he caught sight of Ishida’s healthy and shining dark blue wings.
“My sister’s wings are starting to come in, they are little buds but they are so excited,” Ichigo said slowly as Ishida sat next to him, their wings contrasting in the dying light of the day.
“They can’t wait for me to teach them how to fly as Kaa-San did.” Ichigo’s voice shook as he curled his fingers into fists against the fabric of his pants.
“Tou-San will figure something out, he always does,” Ishida promised and Ichigo shook his head as he rose to his feet.
“I’m not a normal Quincy Ishida, we both know the only way for me to keep my wings and my life is getting back my Shinigami powers. To get Shiro and Oss-san back.” Ichigo reminded his cousin as he clutched the front of his shirt over his heart as he the hole in his chest ached.
“What are you going to do then?” Ishida saw the way Ichigo’s wings were flexing behind him and knew Ichigo had some scheme in mind.
“My last chance, if it doesn’t work… Get my sisters away from goat-face and teach them how to fly.” Ichigo tossed over his shoulder before he stepped off the roof. His orange wings flared out behind him and with a few powerful downward strokes Ichigo took off leaving Ishida behind.
Ichigo took a moment to enjoy the rush of wind against his face and wondered how much longer he had to enjoy this. His wings were already aching and tiring from the short flight he was taking. The pain was echoed in his chest and Ichigo was relieved when he saw a familiar Shouten come into view.
He knew that he was about to blow his secret wide open, but he had to if he wanted Urahara to understand. Ichigo hovered over the Shouten and his lips tilted up into a smile when he caught sight of Urahara stepping into the yard and the surprise in his eyes when he caught sight of Ichigo and his large orange wings.
“Ichigo?” Urahara asked as he took a few steps back as Ichigo lowered himself down onto the ground. Just in time as Ichigo’s wings dropped down exhausted and the sudden change in weight sent Ichigo stumbling forward.
Urahara was there, strong arms catching him around the waist and Ichigo found himself face-first against the older man’s geta and he couldn’t help but inhale the familiar scent.
“…Kisuke, I need your help.” Ichigo curled his fingers into the front of the green geta as he allowed Urahara to look his fill at his wings.
“Anything Ichigo, anything,” Urahara whispered almost reverently and something was lifted off of Ichigo’s shoulders.
“I need to restore my soul, without them my wings… They’re dying…They’re connected to my very being.” Ichigo whispered minutes later when he and Urahara were seated in the older man’s lab.
This conversation was too delicate for the front room and Ichigo refused to hide his wings away as he had learned to do since he was young and had to constantly do around Isshin and then the Shinigami’s.
“When your wings lose all their feathers and strength, then you…” Urahara crossed his arms in the large sleeves of his geta and his hat shielded his face, but Ichigo could all but see the anger that was coming from the older man.
“I will die, permanently this time.” Ichigo finished what Urahara refused to say aloud.
“Am I correct in assuming Isshin has no clue?” Urahara’s voice was light but Ichigo knew that tone, the man was angry and this time it was directed at Ichigo’s father.
“None and he doesn’t need to know. I refuse to let him treat Yuzu and Karin the way he treated me.” Ichigo said fiercely, his wings shaking at the thought of his little sisters having to deal with Isshin in the way Ichigo had to.
“Isshin and I will be having words once we save you,” Urahara promised and Ichigo blinked at the firm words, a silent promise and a smile crossed his lips.
“I’m assuming you have a plan?” Ichigo felt giddy, he knew Urahara wouldn’t let him down.
“We will restore your soul, the Soul Society owes you a great debt and I plan on collecting it on your behalf.” Urahara’s voice was dripping with bloodlust that also shined in his grey eyes in a way that made Ichigo’s wings shiver in delight.
“How long do you think you have left?” Urahara asked suddenly completely serious as he leaned towards Ichigo with something unsure in his eyes now.
“A few days at best, Ryūken and Ishida have been giving me daily doses of reiatsu but it’s like putting a bandage on a gaping hole. It helps but doesn’t do a lot of good in the long run. Without those doses, I would have been dead a few weeks ago.” Ichigo ran his fingers through his hair as he spoke.
“I see,” Urahara’s fingers tightened until his knuckles turned white. “I better get to work then, I’ll have Tessai set up a barrier that will draw in reiatsu to help keep you stable until I can return.”
“I knew I could count on you Kisuke, thank you.” Ichigo felt relief go through him; even if this didn’t work he now knew that the older man truly did care for him.
“Thank me after I save you, don’t you dare die before I get back.” Urahara took Ichigo’s hand, squeezing it tightly. Urahara’s eyes were burning with determination.
“I won’t, I promise…Just hurry.” Ichigo whispered as he held onto Urahara’s hand as tightly as Urahara was holding onto his.
“Wait for me Ichigo,” Urahara planted a soft kiss on Ichigo’s forehead before he left the room, his green geta swirling around him as he moved. Ichigo lifted his hand up to his forehead, a blush forming on his cheeks at the kiss.
Ichigo honestly and completely lost track of time after Tessai escorted him to the basement training area and set up a reiatsu-absorbing barrier around him. Ichigo got lost in the glowing barrier and the way he felt both weaker and stronger with each passing minute as his wings that were sprawled out on either side of him shuddered and flexed. Ichigo was in flux constantly and he wasn’t even sure he was alive most moments.
The one thing Ichigo was sure of was when the barrier was taken down, it felt like he had taken a sword in the gut as pain wracked his body as the constant flow of reiatsu was taken from him.
“Hold on just a bit longer Ichigo,” Urahara’s voice pierced the haze that had settled over Ichigo’s mind and the teen managed to open his eyes to look up at the older man. Ichigo coughed and felt wetness splatter over his lips but he did his best to turn his lips up into a smile.
“K-Kisuke,” Ichigo’s voice was hoarse and he could feel the wetness drip down his chin as he lifted his hand. His wings felt like they were pinned to the uneven ground below him and he was afraid if he looked he would see that he only had a few feathers left. Only a few minutes of his life left.
“Do you trust me Ichigo?” Urahara’s hand was gentle as he cupped the back of Ichigo’s neck, easing the teenager up. Ichigo whined at the way his wings hung limply behind him and his body felt frail under Urahara’s strong hand.
“Always have,” Ichigo rasped out before he saw a bright flash of light and Ichigo screamed as pain radiated from his stomach. He looked down to see a glowing sword buried in his gut and he looked back up at Urahara.
“Live Ichigo,” Urahara ordered fiercely as the glowing sword burned brightly and Ichigo’s world dissolved around him with a familiar insane cackle and a deep voice saying his name.
Urahara backed away as Ichigo’s body glowed and was lifted up off the ground. The teenager’s orange wings glowing as bright as the sun as they flared out around him, the missing feathers restored themselves and shone with a healthy light. Ichigo’s lips turned up into a smile even with his eyes closed as he hovered in the middle of the training area as his clothes burned away and were replaced with the familiar black Shinigami robes. Ichigo’s forearms and neck were now covered in crisscrossing black and white bands, his right hand lifted up to the side and his meat cleaver style Zanpakuto formed in a wave of black and red reiatsu.
“Welcome back Ichigo,” Urahara couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his lips at the sight of Ichigo, fully restored and healthy before him.
“Kisuke,” Ichigo smiled as his eyes opened, his brown eyes were burning with an orange glow that matched his wings. Ichigo’s feet touched back down onto the ground and he placed a hand on his chest over his heart with a pleased smile on his lips.  
“Thank you, you saved me.” Ichigo stepped closer to Urahara as he sheathed his Zanpakuto on his back in a swift, familiar movement. Urahara noticed how his wings seemed to shift and adjust around the weight on his back.
“Always,” Urahara found himself promising and he blinked when Ichigo suddenly was in his space and had his arms around him in a tight hug, one his giant wings mirrored. Urahara had never felt so warm and safe in his life and he savoured it as he returned the hug trying not to be awkward after all he couldn’t remember the last time he had been hugged.
“I’m no longer hollow, no longer dying. How can I ever thank you?” Ichigo whispered, unwilling to remove his arms and wings from the older man.
“Dinner?” Urahara blurted out, feeling his cheeks flush at the sudden declaration.
“Dinner to start.” Ichigo pulled back, his cheeks pink and a happy smile on his lips. Urahara felt lighter than he had in centuries and didn’t resist leaning in just to brush their lips together in a questioning kiss.
Ichigo laughed almost sounding giddy as his wing whacked Urahara’s hat off so Ichigo could grip the blond’s hair and haul him in for a deep kiss.
“Dinner to start,” Urahara repeated breathlessly when their kiss broke, their arms still curled around the other.
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milkygcf · 6 years
peine d'amour
◇pairing; kim seokjin/kim namjoon
◇genre; angst
◇word count; 1513
crush culture is what i call it.
before it even starts you tell yourself it won't end up good, that it's gonna hurt a bunch, but you still do it. you enjoy the relish of it.
i, kim namjoon, had a major crush on kim seokjin. but then it escalated into something much more than a crush. i love kim seokjin. not loved, but love.
seokjin works as a florist. i used to visit his shop every weekend to get flowers from my grandmother. we talked a lot, until eventually, we considered each other friends. he used to walk to the cemetery with me, knowing my grandmother loved him as if he were her own son.
kim seokjin is an angel. he's that type of guy that does everything to make your day. his dad jokes always showed the happiest sides of me.
before i met him, my world was in mono, but ever since i sat in my room and contemplated my feelings for this man, my world got colour.
hope world is what hoseok likes to call it.
hoseok is a collegue of mine, by the way. he's been with me through my ups and downs, a true sunshine. had his fair share of heart breaks, which is why he came running that very day my own beating heart found difficulty to continue beating.
anyways, that's not how things continued.
eventually, jin and i started going out as friends. i even helped him with the shop sometimes - made the bouquets, helped him choose what type of chrysanthemums he should order. they were really fun times.
he made me really happy. with him, i was in a state of euphoria.
i remember one day i felt absolutely drained. my boss thought about firing me due to the decrease in listeners during my cast. that day was utterly the worst. yet, seokjin being the sweetheart he is, offered me a walk around the park to vent it out. we bought coffee - he heard every single second of it.
that was the day i started to acknowledge that i indeed started to like kim seokjin. i mean, who wouldn't?
i told hoseok about it. he was really happy for me, although from the look in those ecstatic eyes of his, it was palpable enough that he knew things wouldn't go well. yet i shrugged it off, thought that it was just a false alarm.
it wasn't.
we went out - a date, as my hopeless fantasies would call it - together as two by the lake in a park nearby jin's working space. absolutely wonderful was the park, truly breathtaking was kim seokjin who stood by my side, hair dyed cherry pink. the colour really suited him, making him seem brighter than ever. i remember his face more than i recall his voice. how his eyes dripped honey and cinnamon, skin clear, soft and glowing. how his smile put the most beautiful things in life to shame.
kim seokjin is truly aphrodite's one true envy.
we decided to buy ourselves a warm beverage due to the cold temperature dawning seoul, fingertips finding warmth in the cup of coffee we ordered. the park was serene, a variety of colours decorating its nature and making it seem more lively. seokjin filled the area with his constant tittering due to his well known dad jokes, to which i always appreciate a daily dose of. if i recall correctly, a few kids stopped running around just for him to tell them a joke.
he'd make a great dad.
nonetheless, we settled down on a bench by the lake. the light singing of the wind disturbed our silence, yet it was calming. he whipped out something from his bag - it was a book of mine. i let him borrow it a long while ago.
"ah, did you enjoy it?"
"it was fascinating! i loved every single bit of it. how the story unravels is truly something endulging."
that brought a smile to my face.
"namjoon, you really know how to choose your literature. why not write stories for your broadcast?"
and that, is how i find myself here, telling you lot this story. but it doesn't end here, not at all.
the breeze blew by us softly. it was quite cold, and our warm beverages were long gone. i was desperate to reach out and link his hand with mine - it would fit like puzzle pieces. but i didn't have it in me to do so.
his nose was a shade of red, which spread onto his cheeks. he looked adorable as ever. yet i held back, as usual. that day was such a nice day - the happiest i've been. the aura between us was the softest - everything was peaceful, definitely something to take in.
yet, before i knew it, i was back in solitude within the depths of my house walls. despite not basking in the wonder of his presence anymore, i still had a wide grin planted onto my face. i managed to whip up a song after so long in a matter of thirty minutes or so. i danced and laughed all night.
it stayed like this until that very dreadful day finally arrived.
i stood outside his porch, a bouquet of roses clutched in my sweaty palms. seokjin had said that he loved the idea of a cliche relationship, so i thought classical roses would do. i was extremely nervous.
he opened the door and i felt myself turn pink. pink because of nervousness, maybe even because of excessive fear of being sent back home drenching in shame. i didn't know what to do, what to say. my whole existence felt jumbled up.
"namjoon! what brings you here this late?" seokjin questions nicely, not really minding the pack of roses squished against my heavily heaving chest. "r-right!" i beam with a big, anxious grin, "i wanted to tell you something and uh, i thought it'd be best if i told you face to face."
the stars may be the most ethereal things to exist, yet they are very misleading. i shared my secrets with them, and they showed me the most beautiful moments in life.
in return for my very happiness, for my very heart and soul.
now they spread my privacy and mock me.
i stood there flushed, the very man i loved standing before me, perplexed as ever. the radiating trinkets above us anticipating my next move, even pressuring me on it. everything was still apart from my panicked heart.
"i love you," i spoke, eyebrows furrowed as my hands found a friend in tremor. seokjin merely laughed.
"namjoon dearest! is that why you came all over here? you know i love you too - you're a truly amazing acquaintance!"
i knew you more than you knew yourself, yet i was merely an acquaintance. i figured you didn't understand the context i was aiming for, so i tried again.
"no, no," i softly spoke even though my tongue twisted and knotted, "i have genuine feelings for you, kim seokjin. i think you're the most beautiful man i have ever set sight on, a fully bloomed flower that would never wither." the boquet within my hands shook as well - i handed them to him.
he stood flabbergasted, hesitantly taking my gift into his arms. nonetheless, i continued to speak. "your eyes remind me of honey, so sweet and pure, so delicate. you, kim seokjin, are the cause of my euphoria, and i am without a doubt utterly in love with you."
i wish love was as perfect as love itself, for things would have been much simpler. yet now i sit on this cushioned chair, trying to grow back petals that have withered in order to feel alive again. although, once a flower is damaged, it simply can't continue to be something so beautiful.
if anything, who would even want something so broken?
you stood there, looking at me as if i was insane. i refused to look you in the eye, although i knew your response would be brutal. before i told you, i knew it would hurt a bunch, but i still decided to do it. it was palpable enough.
"namjoon," you started, slowly, hesitantly. your voice, it makes my heart flutter. it makes me think that life is so beautiful.
"i'm sorry, but i can't return your feelings."
i now sit here in solitude in this dull room, reminiscing the very look in his eyes as i saw myself in them, and the state of euphoria vanish. they call it peine d'amour in french.
and that is how i now find myself in that state, in a state of peine d'amour.
even though things have not turned out as anticipated, my very heart still clings to the thought of you, to the thought of your bright hazel eyes, your soft voice which greatly reminds me of a sunny day, your soft touch.
i love you, kim seokjin.
not loved, but love.
because i will forever remain devoted to you, my first and last love.
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infireation · 7 years
Prompt (from Anonymous) : A fluffy Jimin scenario where he pretends to have you and eventually he confesses / (author addition) “We both got randomly selected to sing ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside’ at this karaoke bar AU”.
Word Count: 14,400
Genre: Fluff - because nothing suits this sweet boy more than a nice dose of fluff.
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It was not supposed to happen like this. This was not how he wanted to tell you, his tongue sloppy and his words slurred, tasting nothing but the harsh burn of soju when he would have rather been tasting your sweet lips instead.
No, it was not supposed to end up like this. But it did, and that was something Jimin had to live with.
The snow began to fall on a Saturday morning, the air a crisp, bitter cold that you feel in your bones, the flakes creating a field of white across the sky. The clouds were overcast, the fog from Jimin’s breath evaporating into the atmosphere as he walked down the streets of Seoul, wandering from store to store for last minute holiday shopping. Hands stuffed into his pockets, he buried his nose into the comfort of his scarf, shivering as the wind blew. He hustled through the crowds of people, finally able to breathe once he entered the shop he had his eye on from across the street, a quaint little family owned bookstore that he knew you loved to frequent.
Jimin wasn’t great at picking out individual novels, but he figured he knew you well enough to understand the genres you always fell back on and enjoyed. Getting into specifics was more of something Namjoon excelled at. The owner was currently standing at the register, waving to Jimin when he noticed him enter, the ding of the bell alerting him of his presence.
His fingers brushed against the spines of the novels as he wove through the aisles, his eyes wandering over the titles, trying his best to find one that you would truly love. Jimin almost missed it, his shoes skidding against the carpet as he backtracked to make sure his vision wasn’t tricking him - yes, this was it, this was the one. He broke out into a grin, grabbing it from the shelf.
Once he made it to the register, he was met with the warm smile of the owner, someone who had become a great friend over the years.
“Is this going to be all?” He asked, bagging up the book as he accepted the money from Jimin. With a nod, the man handed over the purchase, stopping Jimin from leaving with a clearing of his throat. “You make sure to say hi to Y/N for me, alright?”
Jimin grinned, promising to do so, as he waved goodbye and walked towards the door to exit, but not before he heard the last words of the owner behind him.
“Y/N is going to love it!”
Jimin could feel the blush form on his cheeks, the heat radiating off of him hard to ignore. The bell dinged again as he exited the shop, struck by the cold winter air once more as he walked towards the subway station to travel home.
He had known you for the better part of ten years, first meeting in middle school and now into your twenties, harboring his feelings for you ever since you were in high school. Everyone knew it, everyone except for the one person that matters, as it usually goes. He was playful with you, flirty when the time called for it, but he never crossed that line. He never mustered up enough courage to take the next step, to tell you that you’re always on his mind, that you’re the first thing he thinks about when he wakes up in the morning. It’s your scent that lingers on his clothes, from the countless number of times you borrowed them, it’s your smile that drives him absolutely wild.
Jimin was undoubtedly in love with you, and it was irrevocably eating him up inside.
He was startled from his thoughts when his phone rang in his pocket, Jimin scrambling to answer it before it was too late. He did not pay attention to see who was calling, answering it without a second thought. He smiled when he realized it was none other than you.
“Jimin!” He listened as he picked up onto your frantic tone. “Jimin, thank god you answered. I don’t know what else to do!” Jimin stepped to the side of the street, away from the fast walkers and impatient people.
“Take a deep breath, Y/N. What’s going on?” his mind was racing with possibilities of what could have happened, his thoughts taking a turn for the worst.
“I need you to be my boyfriend for a weekend.”
His heart stopped.
“W-what?” He couldn’t form a coherent thought, telling himself he simply had not heard you correctly, that he was imagining things.
“My sister is getting married next weekend, and my parents are advertently expecting a plus one, and I can’t continue to show up alone at every family function. They haven’t come out and said it, but it’s definitely been implied,” you sighed on the other end. “It’s like they care more about me showing up with someone than my own sister’s marriage, for crying out loud.”
Jimin remained silent, trying to process the words that had just been spewed out to him. He is sure he looked like a crazy person, his fingers running through his hair, the fabric from the gloves causing it to stick up in all different directions, pacing back and forth on the same spot on the sidewalk.
“Are you there?” your voice echoed in his eardrums, his heart about ready to burst from his chest.
“Yeah, I’m here.” his voice was timid, weak.
“So what do you say? Help an old friend out?” Jimin could sense your smile even from a thousand miles away, “Pretty please with a cherry on top?” he could only imagine your eyes growing wide, a pertinent pout on your lips as you would try to win him over. You did not have to try very hard, most of the time Jimin bent over backwards for you without you having to say a thing.
“I’ll do it.”
What has he just gotten himself into?
With his suitcase sprawled open along his bed, Jimin tried to tune out his friends as best he could while he packed, but it was hard trying to ignore six overgrown children all screaming at you at one time.
“Are you serious? You said yes?”
“You are fucking insane, you’ll never pull it off.”
“This is his chance, guys! You idiots aren’t seeing the potential that this has.”
“We do see it, we just don’t think he’ll be able to do it.”
Jimin could not help but roll his eyes, muttering under his breath. “Thanks for the confidence boost.”
It was then that he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder, looking up to see Namjoon towering over him.
“I’m serious, Jiminnie,” Namjoon’s tone was soft, “You have a golden opportunity here to confess, finally, how you feel.”
Jimin sighed, running his fingers through his hair as a nervous habit. He continued to fold his clothes, letting those words sink in.
“Just remember, we’ll be going too.” Jin spoke from his left, sitting at the edge of his bed, re-folding a few of his shirts that didn’t seem to be satisfactory to his standards. “So if you need any help at all, we’ll be right there with you.”
That was one thing Jimin could count on, was the fact that all of them were invited too, having become friends with you and your family because of him, naturally being included.
“Yeah, so when you screw up, we’ll have a drink waiting for you at the ready.” Jimin grabbed onto the nearest thing he could find, his pillow, and whipped it in Jungkook’s direction.
“You’re not even old enough to have a drink, let alone hold one for someone else.” Yoongi mumbles, his eyebrow raising as he lifted his feet to rest on top of Jimin’s desk. Jungkook retaliated by punching his arm, but the voice of the oldest of the group put a stop to that immediately.
“That is not the point.” He could recognize the frustration as Jin began to speak, his tone indicating that this argument was over. “The point is that we’ll have your back, no matter what happens.”
“And to be honest, even if you do fuck it up, Y/N will still love you anyway. You have just been too blind to notice.” Yoongi shrugged as he left the room, Jimin staring at where he sat with wide eyes. Hoseok broke out into an ear-splitting laughter, the group in agreement, Jimin seeing many nods and grunts of congruity that were hard to ignore. He had been hearing this sort of thing ever since they figured out he had feelings for you, but Jimin never listened to them.
“This means absolutely nothing. You’re all just crazy.” Jimin shook his head as he shoved his socks into the top zipper pocket of the suitcase a bit harder than he should’ve. “I’m helping out a friend, that’s all.”
“Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.” Taehyung chimed in, a teasing grin on his face as he crossed his arms over his chest. The smile fell fast, the look in Jimin’s eyes was one that could kill, Taehyung nervously laughing and raising his hands in a mock surrender.
Jimin roughly grabbed the shirt Jin has in his hands, shoving it inside the suitcase and zipping it closed with an aggravated demeanor.
“This means nothing.”
Jimin comprehended that he had to keep repeating it to himself, but would any amount of times actually aid in helping him to believe it?
Who was he kidding? He was all kinds of screwed.
The train ride to Busan from Seoul was long, tiring, and did not help Jimin’s mental state in any way shape or form. If anything, it only heightened his anxiety, his brain playing tricks on him and having him think of nothing but the worst of any scenario or situation that played out in his head. He wound up sitting next to Jungkook, the youngest having fallen asleep, his head resting upon Jimin’s shoulder. Yoongi and Taehyung were sitting to his right, Namjoon and Hoseok situated in the seats in front of him, with Jin by himself behind him. Jin insisted on a seat of his own, not wanting to “deal with the incessant snoring in his ear from Namjoon again” like last time.
Jimin had his arms crossed over his chest, his gaze stuck in a trance on the landscape as it passed by him in a whirl of colors, his head resting against the back of his seat. He had spoken to you once or twice throughout the week, as you had already left and arrived earlier on considering you were the Maid of Honor, only talking to confirm details and places to be. Other than that, there had been no real discussion on how the both of you had planned to pull this off. You were probably terrified, and wanted to avoid it as long as possible, or so he told himself.
He tried to sleep for the remainder of the ride, but no matter how hard he tried, he was restless, seeing your face at every moment, his nerves going haywire. He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, retrieving it with a furrowed brow, noticing it was Yoongi who had texted him. Jimin  moved forward and glanced around Jungkook, shooting Yoongi a confused expression, the elder shaking his phone in his hand, indicating for him to read it.
Grandpa [14:17pm]: Did you get Y/N a Christmas gift?
Jimin [14:18pm]: Of course I did, did you?
Grandpa [14:18pm]: Who do you think I am? A monster? I’m checking to make sure you’re doing this correctly.
Even though Yoongi had a soft spot for Jimin, he seldom held back on his sarcastic retorts.
Jimin [14:19pm]: Doing what correctly?
He heard Yoongi chuckle.
Grandpa [14:20pm]: You have so much to learn. Just don’t give it to Y/N until after the wedding, after you’ve told Y/N how you feel.
That left Jimin puzzled, looking up from his phone and directly at Yoongi, but Yoongi remained with his head down, earbuds in.
Jimin [14:21pm]: I don’t know how many times I have to tell you, I’m not confessing. But that would be after the holiday, wouldn’t that defeat the purpose of calling it a Christmas gift?
Jimin watched, impatient, as he saw the three dots appear and disappear simultaneously as Yoongi continued to type.
Grandpa [14:22pm]: Trust me on this. If there’s one thing you listen to, let it be this, okay?
Jimin huffed, ready to type a reply but Yoongi was one step quicker.
Grandpa [14:23pm]: Believe me, Y/N will be all over you by the end of this weekend. Keep your head up, shortie.
At those final words, he was more than ready to start a fight, hovering over his seat, glaring at the ebony hair of the older boy to the right; but Yoongi went seemingly right back to sleep, his hat covering his eyes, his music blasting in his ears, but Jimin did not miss the smirk that played at the corners of his lips, before Yoongi’s fingers pulled his mask up again to cover his face.
By the time they had arrived, the sky was pitch black, not a cloud in sight and only the light of the moon and the stars. Jimin craned his neck upwards with a soft, appreciative smile, missing the vast open landscape that Busan could offer compared to the brightly lit buildings and neon street signs of Seoul. With a deep breath, he inhaled the smells of the sea, the cool, winter air, and he was so happy to be home.
He would see his parents tomorrow, they chose to spend the night at home and would drive up for the wedding reception the evening to follow, and he didn’t blame them. Luckily enough for Jungkook, his family home was within half an hour of the venue, so he was able to stay with his parents for the remainder of the weekend if he chose to, but he elected to stay at the hotel with Yoongi and Taehyung in their room on the couch. As for the rest of the group, everyone would be split into adjoining hotel rooms, Jimin staying with Hoseok.
The fiery red hair of his friend came into view, his bright smile rivaling that of the stars, waving Jimin down to tell him to meet him at the check in desk. And with a final parting breath, Jimin wheeled his suitcase in the direction of the hotel, the entrance doors opening on a sensor with his footsteps, warmth washing over him as he made his way inside.
Hoseok threw his arm around Jimin’s shoulders, pulling him into a side hug. “Let’s go, roomie!”
Jimin threw himself on the bed closest to the window, his eyes fluttering closed when he felt the soft fabric of the sheets against his skin. He hummed quietly to himself, hearing Hoseok begin to unpack his suitcase and put away his clothes between the dresser and the closet.
He could feel Hoseok’s eyes on him, but Jimin paid it no mind, the extent of his exhaustion was finally hitting him and that was all he could focus on at the moment.
All until he felt a pillow hit his gut.
“What the hell?!”
“You need to wake up, sunshine.” Hoseok said, Jimin’s eyes opening with trepidation, the dim light of the hotel room even too much for his sensitivity right now.
“And why would I need to do that?” Jimin rose slowly onto his forearms, his lips forming into a small pout.
“We’re going out.”
Jimin groaned, stretching his limbs across the mattress, wincing when he felt Hoseok ruffle his hair over his forehead, hearing him laugh as he did so.
“Don’t make such a big deal over it, we’re only going to Namjoon and Jin’s room across the hall. Everyone else is in there already, they’re waiting on us.” Hoseok began to pull Jimin upwards, yanking on his arms until he sat up straight.
Now that, Jimin could handle.
Clad in only a hoodie and sweatpants, Jimin followed Hoseok into the hallway, his feet shuffling on the carpet as his hands rested in the pocket on the front of his sweatshirt, his fingers playing with the key card in his grasp. Hoseok was holding a small case of beer, knocking on the door obnoxiously loud, until he was met with a scowl from Yoongi on the other side. It did not stray him from his attitude though, Hoseok charging into the room with a boisterous greeting, Jimin catching the grin on Yoongi’s face when he shut the door. Yoongi could never be upset with Hoseok for more than three seconds before succumbing to a smile.
The rest of the group was scattered along the furniture, Jungkook and Taehyung situated upon the couch, while Yoongi plopped back down onto the armchair, Namjoon and Jin sitting on their respective beds. Hoseok placed the cans down on top the desk near the television, before pulling out the chair and sitting down. Namjoon was scrolling through his phone to pick the playlist for the night, Jimin choosing to sit beside him on the edge of the mattress. Yoongi was quick to grab a can, sipping hurriedly onto the foam that had formed on top before it spilled over. Jin held his hand up, Yoongi tossing him one as well. Anyone who wanted a beer had one in their possession, Jungkook glancing in Taehyung’s direction with a longing stare, Taehyung chuckling at the younger boy’s expression.
“You’ll get there one day.” He mumbled, but before the rim of the can could touch his lips, Jungkook was swift to snatch it away, chugging the remaining alcohol as fast as he could before Taehyung could react. The older boy reached over to pry it from his hands, but Jungkook was strong, easily pushing Taehyung away and wiping his mouth with a satisfied smug smile.
“Ya! You idiot!” Taehyung smacked Jungkook upside the head, causing him to ruffle his hair as he rubbed his scalp, but the grin never faded. Taehyung looked to Namjoon and Jin to handle this, Namjoon merely laughing at the entire situation, while Jin appeared ready to put Jungkook in his place, ears red and cheeks flushed.
“Let him have his fun, it’s not like we didn’t drink before we were legal,” Namjoon pointed out, sipping the beer in his hands. He tapped Jin on the shoulder and the two of them exchanged a glance, a silent conversation that nobody was able to understand but them, Jin’s demeanor changing instantly. Jimin heard him sigh, still disgruntled as he drank his own, but he left it alone. “Besides, it’s almost the new year, and he’ll be of age anyway. He’s in good hands.”
Jungkook’s grin was as bright as ever.
Taehyung shrugged, grabbing another beer and opening it, handing it to Jungkook and taking another for himself. Hoseok offered one to Jimin, who accepted it gladly. He needed to calm his mind for a little while.
“Has Y/N talked to you yet?” leave it to Yoongi to get straight to the point, a teasing smile on his face.
Jimin choked, coughing mid-sip, wiping the edge of his mouth with the back of his sleeve. He shook his head no, allowing Yoongi to continue his interrogation.
“What did you buy for a present?” the rest of the boys were listening now, leaning closer to hear his answer, all eyes on him. Jimin gulped.
“A book from her favorite book store.”
A chorus of murmurs and groans followed his words, Jimin seeing Yoongi shake his head in disapproval, but Namjoon patted him on the back in reassurance. Jimin furrowed his brows, confused as to why they reacted so negatively.
“That’s sweet and all, but you’re going to have to do better than that,” Yoongi sat up, resting his elbow on his thigh as he leaned in closer to Jimin. “It has to be from the heart.”
Namjoon was quick to dismiss him, waving his hand and placing his arm around Jimin’s shoulders. “Who says this isn’t from his heart? He knows Y/N loves to read, I’m sure he took care in choosing something special.” He shot Jimin a sideways grin, Jimin exhaling with a nervous laugh.
“I guess so?” He was unsure now, but he did hope that you liked it. Jimin was known for being thoughtful with his gifts to the people he cared about, but when it came to you he could never find anything that fit right. Nothing was perfect, nothing was ever good enough for you.
“You should get her some jewelry, girls always like that sort of thing.” Jungkook chimes in, sipping onto his second beer a lot slower than the first.
Hoseok aggressively shook his head, “No, that’s too materialistic, too cliche,” He hopped up and crossed his legs beneath himself on the chair, “You need to think beyond that.”
“Well what do you think is beyond that?” Jimin used air quotes, growing frustrated with the back and forth from everyone, now second guessing everything.
“It has to be sentimental,” Jin was resting his chin in his hand, his eyes glazing over as he lost himself in his thoughts. He nodded, his head turning to face Jimin. “The gift has to mean something. It has to be important.”
Jimin knew it was not just because of the alcohol as to why his head was spinning. He knew they were just looking out for him, but this was not making the situation any better, if anything it was making it worse. It was confusing him, confusing his feelings, making him doubt everything he had in mind from the start.
One thing he knew for sure, he damn well was not confessing now.
Not that he was going to anyway, right?
Jimin was rudely awakened the next morning by a jumping Jungkook, said boy leaping onto his bed and placing all of his weight onto his entire body. Jimin yelped, his eyes scrunching in pain, shoving Jungkook off of him mumbling I’m awake as he shifted himself to sit up against the headboard.
“Now that you’re up,” Jimin scowled as the younger boy grinned broadly, “Let’s go eat!”
“You attacked me because of a breakfast buffet?” Jimin rose up to smack Jungkook on the back of his head, but he was one step quicker and ducked just in time to avoid the hit.
“Do you even have to ask?” Jungkook began walking towards the door of their hotel room, which is when Jimin noticed Hoseok brushing his teeth in the bathroom, nodding at Jimin in acknowledgment of a morning greeting. He finished up, throwing on a sweatshirt and sneakers, following behind as the three boys made their way down the hall to meet up with the rest of the group before going to the dining area.
“I can’t believe you let him in.” Jimin muttered to Hoseok, making sure to stay a few steps behind. Hoseok laughed, nudging Jimin’s shoulder as he spoke.
“It was the only way I could wake you up,” Jimin looked at him confused. “You barely twitched when I hit you with my own pillow, so I had to bring in reinforcements.” He jerked his head, indicating Jungkook. “You were out cold, my friend.”
Jimin didn’t realize how deprived of sleep he has actually been these past few weeks until his head hit the pillow the night before. What once would bring him comfort, the faint, lingering smell of your perfume on his sweatshirt, or the thought of your smile before he went to sleep, only brought him anxiety and worry of the weekend to come. He thought about texting you, but he figured you were busy with preparations that he did not want to bother you.
So it came as a surprise to him when his phone buzzed, your name popping up on his screen, a cute smiling emoji as you wished him a good morning, hoping to meet up sometime today before the rehearsal dinner to go over the arrangement.
Wait, rehearsal dinner? Oh fuck.
Hoseok noticed Jimin’s change in demeanor, his eyebrow raising in question. “Are you okay?”
Jimin looked flustered, running his fingers through his hair as he glared at his phone screen. “I totally forgot about the rehearsal dinner tonight.”
Hoseok’s mouth opened wide, an expression of understanding washing over his features. “That will be the first time you’ll be seeing Y/N since she asked you to do this, isn’t it?”
Jimin nodded.
Hoseok clapped his hand on Jimin’s back, “This is when the fun really begins.”
“You’re not helping.” Jimin muttered, shoving his hand away and walking faster to catch up with the rest of the group. Hoseok just chuckled, his hands in his pockets as he shuffled into the dining hall with the rest of them.
Jin and Jungkook already had piles of food on their plates, wide smiles and full mouths as they ate like they would never see another meal again. Namjoon and Yoongi sipped quietly on their cups of coffee, occasionally taking bites of the pastries and bagels they took from the buffet. Taehyung was at the front of the line, eyes bright as he decided on what to eat, Jimin and Hoseok following suit and getting behind him with their own empty plates.
Sitting down next to Jin, Jimin looked at his food with little interest. He played with the eggs atop his plate, everyone noticing that his mood was off. He felt a tap against his arm, looking up to see Jin staring at him, mouth still full of food but his expression was questioning, prompting Jimin to speak about what was troubling him. Jimin waved him off, shaking his head as he took a bite, not noticing how Jin turned his gaze to Hoseok, knowing they were together before everyone met up.
“Y/N texted him about the rehearsal dinner tonight and he’s freaking out.” Hoseok’s lips tilted into a small smile, catching a glare from Jimin who held his head in his hands.
“So that’s what has got your panties in a bunch,” Yoongi set down his cup of coffee, a sly grin playing at the corners of his mouth. “You have to talk to Y/N eventually, otherwise none of this is going to work.”
Jimin nodded in agreement, but the scared look sprawled upon his face said otherwise.
“Look, don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be a picture-perfect boyfriend. Just act like you normally do when you’re together, but include a little more physical contact. Put your arm around Y/N’s waist, give her a kiss on the cheek, things like that.” at the word kiss Jimin almost choked on his water, the thought alone giving him butterflies and nervous knots in the pit of his stomach.
Jungkook shot a smile in his direction.
“It can’t be that hard, right? The two of you are already so close, you share clothes for crying out loud, you might as well call yourselves a couple. This shouldn’t be too difficult. You can do this, Jimin.” Jungkook put up his fist, a gesture of encouragement, but all Jimin could think about was the fact that he would probably have to kiss you at some point this weekend, and the idea had surprisingly not even crossed his mind.
He was pulled from his thoughts by the chime of his phone, alerting him of a new text message, seeing your name on the screen once again.
Y/N [11:30am]: Can you meet me at my hotel room in one hour? I finally got away from all of the craziness. We can talk then?
The boys noticed Jimin’s change in demeanor almost immediately, a grin developing on his face and his shoulders relaxed.
Jimin [11:31am]: Sounds good, I’ll see you then.
He placed his phone down with a smile, taking a hearty bite of his breakfast, paying no mind to the eyes of the six boys that surrounded him.
Yoongi chuckled, “You’re going to be just fine.”
You were pacing the floor in your hotel room, your fingers twisted and intertwined as your hands mindlessly moved on their own for not knowing what to do with them. The rehearsal dinner was in half an hour, and despite going through the story that you were to tell your family and friends with Jimin a hundred times by now, it did not make it any easier to know that it was going to become a reality very soon.
You were startled by the touch of a hand on your shoulder, warm and consoling, a touch you knew immediately. It was Jimin, offering you a reassuring smile and a nod, silently telling you that everything was going to be okay. You twisted yourself to face him, pivoting on your heel and wrapping your arms around his torso in a strong hug. His comforting scent of pine and spice calms your nerves, his fingers running through your hair never failing to soothe you. You were so absorbed in the feeling that you did not hear the door opening behind you, your eyes fluttering open when hearing her voice.
“Aren’t you two just the cutest?” You moved yourself away from Jimin, but he kept his hand on the small of your back, a gesture you appreciated. “It’s about time you guys got together.”
Your sister teased you, smiling as she entered the room with her fiancé at her side. You had forgotten that she had a key card, just as you did to her room, in case of emergencies. Clearly she was not abiding by that unwritten rule. Upon her words you separated from Jimin, the blush appearing on your cheeks instantaneously, while Jimin cleared his throat.
“Are you ready to go?” She clapped her hands together, slipping her arm through her fiancé’s grip as she headed out the door, her vivacious energy bordering on
infectious, the joy radiating from her wonderful to see. You knew deep down she was nervous, but it was so nice to see her with someone who was absolutely her other half, no doubts about it. The both of you nodded, checking to make sure you had everything before leaving the room and locking the door.
You let the two of them go ahead of you, staying behind to walk with Jimin. His hand slipped into yours, his thumb caressing the back of your palm, sensing your uneasiness. The small action caused your heart to flutter.
“We’ve got this, okay?”
You squeezed his hand tighter, nodding without saying a word. The next battle would be presenting yourselves to your family, making them believe that you are in a solid, loving relationship. Your heart dropped into your stomach at the thought of it.
The rehearsal and ultimately the wedding were to be located at the venue within the hotel, your heartbeat beginning to pick up its pace once more as you saw your family standing in the room. Due to the fact that your sister was getting married during the Christmas weekend, the decor was reflective as such: fresh balsam trees surrounding the rows of chairs, silver and gold tinsel draped across the branches, blankets of white dusted upon the foliage, the aisle leading up to the altar decorated with a silk ivory runner. It was a picturesque holiday scene, and it was absolutely beautiful.
You noticed your mother speaking to the wedding planner, pointing out details that otherwise would have been left alone had she not been so anal over everything. She wanted her daughter’s wedding day to be nothing short of perfection, and it was appreciated, but you knew how your mother’s ideals and her opinions could get the better of her, and everyone else around her.
“Hi Mom,” you mumbled, your hand rising in a shy wave, feeling Jimin’s presence behind you, observing.
“Oh, hi dear!” she turned to face you with a smile, excusing herself from her previous conversation to walk over towards you. Jimin came up next to you, sliding his fingers along your spine, letting you know he was there.
“Jimin sweetie,” your mother came forward and wrapped her arms around his neck in a hug, “So nice to see you again.”
He returned the gesture and pulled away with a gleaming smile, his hand patting her shoulder in addition. “I’m just glad I could be a part of this special day.”
“Oh of course, you are a part of our family just as much as the rest of the boys.” Jimin’s grin grew wider at the mention of the others, feeling the warmth inside his chest listening to your mother’s kind words. Although, her eyebrow raised as she continued to speak. “I have to admit I was a bit surprised that Y/N included a plus one,”
Now it was Jimin’s turn for his heart to drop into his stomach.
“Y/N suddenly spoke of a supposed ‘boyfriend’ that would be introduced to us, but failed to mention who it was,” you instantly brought your hands up to your face, your palms covering your eyes as you exhibited the tell tale signs of embarrassment: your cheeks flushed with a dusting of pink, your skin feeling clammy and your nerves undeniably insane. “I’m shocked that the relationship was never mentioned before, considering.”
It was then that Jimin wrapped his arm around your waist, and tentatively placed a kiss on your temple, hoping to alleviate the pressure of the situation to make it more believable.
“You know how Y/N can be,” Jimin began, noticing the rise to his tone of voice as he cleared his throat, now awkwardly placing his hand over your shoulder. “Very private with these sorts of things.”
You watch as your mother crosses her arms against her chest, her eyes continually moving back and forth between the two of you, an indication that she was making a deduction, one of which you had no idea what she was thinking.
“I suppose you’re right,” she smiled softly, and you tried to make your sigh of relief as inconspicuous as possible, “Well it’s nice to finally meet you.” she stepped away with a wink, ending the conversation, the sound of her footsteps left in her wake as she went ahead and mingled with your sister and her fiancé.
Your eyes shut tight as you released the breath you had been holding, Jimin’s shaky laugh beside you a cue that he was just as nervous as you had been.
“If it was that uncomfortable with just my mother, we have to do a lot better when the rest of the family comes.” you muttered under your breath, your hand smoothing against the back of your neck, trying to ease the tense muscles.
Jimin nodded in agreement, his fingers sifting through his hair as he attempted to calm himself down, his heart racing wildly inside his chest at even the smallest of touches to your skin, his lips feeling like fire when he merely kissed your temple. He had to get a grip on himself, or this would never work out.
He had to tell himself that this was real, that was the only way this was going to be believable.
And you too, had to trust the same feeling; you both had to be on the same page, otherwise this charade would come crashing down, and there would have been no point to all of this commotion, all of this planning, in the first place. You have made it this far, you cannot stop now.
Luckily the rehearsal went without a hitch, save for a bit of disfunction when it came to timing for everyone walking down the aisle, but despite that, the consensus was good; everyone felt confident that the precession would go well tomorrow. Jimin sat back along the first row of chairs, watching with curious eyes as he had not been to a wedding yet in his lifetime. He could see the look of boredom cross your features as they went over the formalities, occasionally creating funny faces in his direction, making it very difficult for him to keep quiet amongst all of the giggling.
Before long it was time for dinner, Jimin hand in hand with you as you followed your family to the dining hall, trying your best to keep your emotions in check. Many were already seated, noticing your father at the end of the table, greeting you with a smile until he ultimately noticed Jimin at your side, a look of surprise upon his face. Your father nodded in acknowledgment, smiling at him, watching carefully as you both sat down. He exchanged a glance with your mother, who merely shrugged with a grin and took her seat next to him.
The courses were served within the hour, your family choosing to keep the event casual and lighthearted as laughs and memorable stories and celebratory drinks were shared amongst the crowd. From time to time Jimin would place his arm around you, and whenever the question of your relationship was concerned, his delivery of your supposed beginnings and kinship highlights were seemingly flawless in your eyes, making it much easier to accept your beguile reality and play along. You would reciprocate as the champagne tickled your coherent senses, touching his thigh or kissing his cheek, taking a subconscious mental note of the way his breath would hitch, or how his face would blossom into a darling shade of pink whenever you would do so.
You would be lying if you did not say the liquor had had an influence on your behavior, but the numbing of your nerves made it manageable, and that much more believable to many curious eyes.
“I can’t help but to ask,” your sister started a new conversation, her hands jittery as her excitement became more apparent as her thoughts spewed out. “When did you finally ask Y/N out on a date?”
Your heart began to pound inside your chest, holding onto Jimin’s hand tighter as you shared a look, the twitch of his lips expressing for you not to worry, but it did not stop you from it. This was something you had gone over too many times to count, but now that it was actually happening, your mind was drawing a blank, and you could not be more thankful for Jimin’s lingering sobriety than right now.
“It wasn’t easy,” he began, an airy chuckle falling from his lips as he addressed your family with a newfound confidence that you had not seen before. “Y/N can be very stubborn,” that comment produced a laugh from the group, knowing you well enough to agree. “But miraculously I was able to persuade her to give me a chance about three months ago, and I haven’t regretted one second ever since.”
You turned your head to look at him, and in that moment you became so absorbed, so lost in Jimin that everything else around you went still. He smiled, and you swear your heart stopped, and this feeling equally terrified and thrilled you.
“Look at them,” in the back of your mind you figured it was your sister speaking, but you did not bother to verify the fact, your eyes still locked with Jimin’s. “That is something you cannot deny is real.”
With those words you jolted out of your daze, shaking your head and facing the table, sighing and taking a breath. What you did not notice was the way Jimin’s smile fell, his arm sliding just a bit further away from you, until it ultimately removed itself completely from your shoulders and went back down to rest against his side.
“I’m going to say it thousands of times this weekend, but I can’t thank you enough, Jimin.” The two of you walked side by side towards the elevators, planning on heading upstairs to your respective rooms. “I know this isn’t easy.”
He opened his mouth to retort, only to close it shut when he realized it would not do any good. He agreed that it was not easy, but not in the way you were proposing. It was not easy, holding his feelings inside, sticking to his promise to himself that he was not going to confess. It was not easy, touching you the way that he was and unable to act on anything with real fervor like he so desired.
What was easy, was how natural it all seemed. How effortless it was for everything to fall into place once it started. And that is what Jimin feared the most, that as soon as the weekend was over, it would go back to normal. As customary as it could get, with the two of you.
“Of course, I’m glad I could help.” He offered a small smile, his hands shoving into his pockets. He watched as you pressed the button for the elevator, hearing the ding as the doors opened, following you silently inside.
Your back rested against the interior of the elevator, your arms crossed over your chest and cradling yourself as you stared at the light when the floors changed numbers, watching them increase. It was quiet, but not uncomfortable, at least not to you. You felt confident, you felt like you could actually pull this off; and yet you could not help the way your conscious was toying with you. Even though this was your idea from the beginning, with the way Jimin was treating you, with every touch there was a spark that was not there before. Every smile seemed like it was made entirely just for you, his gaze focused on you like you were the most beautiful thing in the world, and he could not take his eyes off of you. It seemed entirely too real, and your heart was doing backflips and somersaults that you had never experienced before with Jimin.
Everything was becoming brand new, and you tried to keep your tight grip on reality, but you had a hard time ignoring what was right in front of you.
You were jarred from your train of thought when you heard dual chimes fill the air between you, the sound of both of your phones going off at the same time. It was a group chat, the boys texting you and Jimin alike.
Taehyung [20:45]: Are you lovebirds done yet?
At the use of the term, the flush that formed on your cheeks was unmistakable. Jungkook was next to chime in.
Problem Child [20:45]: We need some quality time with you two before you’re whisked away for the wedding.
Jimin rolled his eyes, his fingers quickly typing a response, catching a glance from you beforehand.
Jimin [20:47]: It’s not like you won’t see us, Jungkook. What did you have in mind?
The elevator came to a stop, Jimin stepping out into hallway with you following behind him.
Namjoon [20:48]: Come to our room and you’ll find out.
You looked at Jimin, confusion written all over your face, but a smile nonetheless was present upon your lips. You had not been able to see the rest of them yet this weekend, so you were excited. You could always count on good times with these boys.
Jimin led the way towards Namjoon and Jin’s hotel room, knocking on the door with more of an excessive force than normal, due to the fact that you could hear loud laughter and talking from the other side. The door swung open, revealing Namjoon with a bright smile.
“That didn’t take long,” he said, stepping aside so you two could enter. “We were afraid we’d never see you.”
“It’s not like my sister is keeping us hostage,” you placed your coat down onto the chair near the desk, plopping down onto the nearest bed you saw. “I am allowed to roam free every once in a while,” seeing their smiling faces caused your grin to grow. “Besides, you would see me during the reception anyway, no need to make a big fuss over it.”
Taehyung leaped up from his seat to head over to you, his arms wrapping themselves around you in a warm hug. “It’s Christmas! We have to celebrate the holiday, too.” When he pulled away, you could smell the alcohol on his breath, and laughed as he went back to the couch.
It was clear that they had begun to drink already, now noticing the few stray bottles of soju scattered about the room.
“We’re here now, what did you want to do?” Jimin said, antsy to figure out what they had planned, and nervous at the same time of what it could lead to.
The boys shared a silent exchange, until ultimately out of all of them, Yoongi spoke up and announced the night’s events.
“We’re going to a karaoke bar, so get your shit together and let’s go.”
Surprisingly no one made an attempt to stop it, the lot of you pushing together in the rideshare Jin had ordered, feeling Jimin’s warmth as he pressed against you in the backseat.
“Sorry.” He mumbled, trying his best to situate so he was not as close, but it was of to no avail, Jungkook sitting on the right side of Jimin and Hoseok to your left, ultimately pushing the two of you together. You tapped his leg, a gesture stating that it was okay, because there was really nothing that could be done at this point.
Due to the time of night, entering the noraebang wasn’t as easy as you all had hoped, mainly having issues because the bouncer didn’t believe Jungkook when he claimed he was of age to enter the establishment. Somehow - but in reality it was no surprise - he won him over, smiling in victory as he walked backwards into the entrance, looking forward at the group of you with his thumbs in the air, a gleeful laugh leaving his lips as the rest of you had your IDs checked. Despite it being for karaoke, they still serve liquor at this hour, and extra precaution was needed.
Once you were settled into the room and the drinks were scattered and separated amongst you, Taehyung immediately went up front to grab the microphone, soju bottle in hand, announcing his first of many songs of the night to come. Most of them took several turns, and you were more than thankful that the walls were soundproof, and you were isolated. Nobody needs to hear this insanity.
Suddenly and without warning, you felt yourself being dragged up towards the front by the television, a microphone shoved into your hand.
“Oh no,” you complained. “No no no, this is not my thing, you know this.” you attempted to return the microphone to Hoseok, who shook his head at you with a brilliant bright smile.
“You’re up, Y/N, just deal with it. You nor Jimin have sang yet.” It was then at the mention of his name that you noticed he had been situated right beside you, microphone also in hand, a nervous grin upon his face. He leaned over, his breath smelling of liquor and a hint of mint, whispering into your ear.
“I’ll take over if you want, just have fun with it. Don’t think about it too much.” You could feel the heat become visible from the flesh of your cheeks, the effect of the alcohol doing a fine job of making itself known through the slur of your speech and the heedless ease of your movements. You nodded, silent.
As the music begins to play, you recognize the opening notes of Baby, It’s Cold Outside and instantly your knees buckle, glaring at Yoongi who was snickering in the corner, joined by Jungkook and Jin. They will swear up and down that this entire scenario was random, that the music was on shuffle, it was all for a bit of fun; but in this moment you were too scared to put the finer details into perspective, and you certainly were not in a sober state of mind to bother.
Despite your desire to not sing in the slightest, you began the song anyway when prompted to on the television screen, grinning as Jimin joined in for his respective parts, attempting to keep you entertained throughout; he did not have to try very hard though, as watching him light up was more than enough to make you overjoyed. Albeit, you were glad the bottle of soju was still in your hand, a couple of sips of liquid courage every now and again to make the experience that much more enjoyable.
You could not help the scarlet that danced along your skin, hearing Jimin sing gosh your lips look delicious and almost missing the next verse. He did take the lead most of the time, as he promised, but with a song like this it is impossible not to be sucked into the fickle, amorous sentiment of it all, your heartbeat picking up speed as he threw coy expressions your way when he performed his lines.
The song was over within minutes, Jimin walking with you back towards the couch, the both of you plopping down onto the cushions as Jungkook took the microphone again, Namjoon rushing up to sing along - badly, if you were being honest - but he danced around like an idiot which made it even funnier, and you have not laughed that hard in a long time. It felt great, better yet it felt fantastic, and you were well and truly happy.
Your ears were filled with the joyous laughter from Jimin beside you, causing you to look over in his direction: taking in the sight of his smile, the way his cheeks were flushed and his skin glowed, a radiance that was beautiful to you. It made you grin, the corners of your mouth slowly rising, and you could not help yourself as your hand reached out to move his hair away from his eyes. Jimin did not even flinch, so consumed by watching the boys have their fun. It was instinctual, your mind signaling to your limbs that this was something habitual, something that came easy; you did not have to think twice about it.
What you did not see‍, was that Namjoon noticed every part of this. Even though he was preoccupied, his natural suspicions from the depths of his subconscious were confirmed right in front of his eyes, and that there is in fact something between the two of you that is undeniable; except now, it was clear you were on the very same page, whether you realize it yourself or not.
He had never truly taken into account the way you behaved with one another until now. You both had always been close, that much was obvious, Namjoon very familiar with how Jimin felt and how Jimin spoke of you, but this was different. The way with which you were looking at Jimin right now was full of fascination, curiosity, the light in your eyes hard to miss, all rolled into one. Namjoon deliberated for the next few minutes, screaming his lungs out while internally the gears of his brain were working in full force.
Namjoon feared that there was a chance that he was wrong, that you did not feel the same way after all. It is possible in his drunken condition that Namjoon was imagining things, that everyone was hyping Jimin up for no reason. He worries if he mentions anything to the rest of them, that Jimin would catch wind of it, causing Jimin to do something he would regret in the process. But that train of thought was short lived, knowing Jimin well enough that he would only be his own worst enemy in the end. Jimin would overthink, he would put too much pressure on himself for anything to happen. Namjoon still chose to keep this discovery to himself, not wanting to make things worse for the two of you.
Namjoon just hopes that this wedding would be exactly what you needed to finally be happy the way he knew you both deserved to be.
The night was coming to a close after that, the music fading out and the drinks empty, with you ending up resting on Jimin’s shoulder as you fell asleep once the alcohol completely went to your head. He stood up, careful to hold you in place as he gripped onto your waist to keep you upright, telling the others he was going to leave ahead of them and take you back to the hotel himself and put you to bed, even though he was stumbling quite a bit himself.
It began to snow when you stepped foot outside, Jimin doing his best to hail a cab as you continued to sleep soundly on his shoulder after realizing he stopped moving, his hand rubbing your arm in an attempt to keep you warm. It took less than ten minutes to arrive at the hotel, Jimin slipping slightly on the icy sidewalk before catching himself and walking you both inside. As you left the elevator, Jimin ended up carrying you on his back as you were out cold, after clumsily fishing through your purse to find your key card. He did his best to place you onto your bed as carefully as possible, but gravity was against him, the liquor consuming him, falling on top of your mattress and fighting back his laughter to no avail.
The sound of his voice woke you from your slumber, realizing you were in the comfort of your bed, looking at the boy beside you with a soft smile. He caught you watching, reciprocating with a grin of his own, and a newfound warmth that caused his limbs to tingle and his stomach to be filled with butterflies.
“Y/N…” he whispered, seeing the way your eyes began to flutter close again, reaching out to brush your hair away and tuck it behind your ear. “I have something that I need to say.”
Jimin was not in his right mind, he knew this. He was not thinking clearly, but everything in his body, his heart, was telling him that this was the best thing to do in this very moment.
“Y/N, I love you.”
His words were met with the murmur of your slumber, feeling your body press against his as your arm fell onto his torso.
It was not supposed to happen like this. This was not how he wanted to tell you, his tongue sloppy and his words slurred, tasting nothing but the harsh burn of soju when he would have rather been tasting your sweet lips instead.
No, it was not supposed to end up like this. But it did, and that was something Jimin had to live with.
What he was not aware of, was that you heard every word.
The sunlight shines through the windows like an unwelcome surprise, harsh and unnerving, Jimin’s head throbbing as his eyes flutter open. It feels like a pound of bricks has fallen onto his shoulders and his limbs are aching, blinded from the luminosity and disturbed by the noises currently echoing throughout his hotel room. He hears the faint television to his left, sliding his body upwards in his bed to rest against the headrest. The rushing sound of water from the sink in the bathroom alerts him that Hoseok is awake, followed by the chatter amongst the rest of the boys that appear to be in his room, Taehyung laughing with Jungkook about something. He did not care, he just wanted everyone and everything to shut up for a minute.
“He lives!” Taehyung pivoted on his heel when he noticed Jimin’s movement in the corner of his eye, facing him completely with his hands in the air.
“I am going to need you to not do that right now.” with a voice full of grogginess and a scratchy throat, Jimin attempts to speak. He slides back down into the warmth of his comforter, covering his arms as he allows his eyes to close again.
“Aw, is someone hungover?” Taehyung walked over towards him, ruffling his hair and pinching his cheeks, and if Jimin did not currently feel like death incarnate, he would kick his ass. The rest of the group soon gathers around his bed, surrounding him like vultures, praying on his every move and every word.
“How was it last night?” Namjoon was the first to speak up, a soft smile on his face as he watched Jimin slowly unfold from the comfort of his sheets.
“You know exactly how it was, hyung. You were there.” Namjoon chuckled, shaking his head.
“And you know what I’m really talking about.”
Jimin froze. Last night. Last night, he made a lot of stupid mistakes, a spectacle of himself. He drank entirely too much and was regretting it right this very moment. Last night, he sang his lungs out and had the time of his life. Last night, he told you he loved you.
He told you he loved you.
The chorus of gasps and yelps that followed startled Jimin, so much so that he jumped upwards, stumbling as he tried to regain his balance onto the bed. He did not understand why everyone suddenly reacted so extreme, only to realize he has said his thoughts out loud.
The following minute was filled with hugs and endless shaking, Taehyung and Jungkook thrashing him around in excitement, Jimin finally getting up from the bed to pull himself away. He scratched the back of his neck, and laughed nervously as he felt everyone’s eyes on him.
“So?! What did Y/N say?” Hoseok came out from the bathroom, a towel around his neck and hanging over his shoulders, his hair dripping wet from the shower.
Jimin shook his head, “She was asleep, she didn’t hear me.”
“You never know,” Yoongi spoke up, the room watching him as he headed towards Jimin, placing a hand on his shoulder. “There have been plenty of times I’d heard many things I’d rather wished I didn’t when I was sleeping around you idiots, and you had no idea.”
Taehyung released a gasp of surprise, his body language indicating he was nervous. “Wait, hyung, what have you heard?”
Yoongi flashed him a smirk. “I hear everything.”
Taehyung and Jungkook alike turned as white as a sheet, their heads falling to face the ground.
“Don’t let it get to you too much, Jiminnie,” he heard the voice of Hoseok to his right. The elder swung his arm around his shoulders, nuzzling into his hair as he gave him a side hug. “You can speak your mind properly later, and make it count that much more.”
Jimin smiled, thankful to have his friends at a time like this. The next few hours were taken up by the boys getting ready in their respective hotel rooms, congregating once again in Namjoon and Jin’s room as they had been doing all weekend. Jimin was adjusting his tie in the mirror, fixing the stray hairs that would not stay in place before giving up entirely and running his fingers through it instead. He was absentmindedly brushing the imaginary dust off of the lapels of his suit jacket, trying to calm down his racing heart.
Would you bring it up? Did you remember anything from last night? Had he just made a huge fool of himself?
“Penny for your thoughts?”
The deep baritone of Namjoon startled him, glancing in the mirror at his reflection when he came to stand near him. Jimin released a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding, smiling softly.
“The night is finally here, and I guess it hit me out of nowhere. I will never be ready for this.”
He felt Namjoon place his hand upon his shoulder, squeezing it affectionately. “You’re more ready than you give yourself credit for. You already told Y/N once, what’s going to stop you from doing so again?”
Jimin sighed, closing his eyes for a moment as he gathered his thoughts. It was easier said than done, and he knew Namjoon was aware of that fact, and was only trying to help encourage him. He appreciates it, but it does not help that his first confession was when you were fast asleep on his chest, and he was lucky if you heard anything at all. When he does it this time, he has to do it right.
Commotion and chaos surrounded you whilst you sat idly in a chair in the corner of the hotel room, your sister the last to get ready, her hair currently being curled while another woman tackled her makeup at the same time. You had been done for quite a while, your scarlet dress draping down to your feet, your hair in an elegant updo and your makeup subtle, your nerves going haywire as you were left to tend to yourself and in turn become lost in your own head.
You propped your feet up onto the table in front of you, not caring if your heels scratched the wood. The rest of the bridesmaids were talking amongst themselves or to your sister, leaving you alone which you were more than happy for. Your head was still pounding, the amounts of water and pain killers that were in your system were probably unhealthy, but you needed to get a good head on your shoulders for the night to come, if anything, to support your sister the way a maid of honor should.
And yet your mind was elsewhere, drowning in thoughts of a confession that you are almost positive you were not supposed to hear, at least not yet, not then.
You had to keep reminding yourself that once this weekend was over, it would go back to normal. Blame it on the magic of the holidays, blame it on the atmosphere of people being in love, blame it on anything but yourself and this haphazard plan you came up with.
Jimin was just a friend, your best friend, and nothing more; but you could not lie to yourself anymore, you could not ignore the way he was making you feel. The biggest problem was that all of this scared you to death, these mysterious and unknown presentiments that were buried in the depths of your subconscious were coming to the surface, causing you to question your entire relationship with Jimin in the first place.
“Have any of you noticed that there are quite a few attractive men here this weekend?” your ears perked up at the sound of the conversation, curious as to whom they were referring to. You had a hunch that it was your friends, considering the guest list was not too extravagant. “Normally with weddings you’re lucky if you can meet one cute guy, let alone the seven that are here. It’s a Christmas miracle.”
“I think I know who you are talking about,” one of your sister’s friends from high school added on. “I always see them hanging around Y/N, too.”
Suddenly you felt the gaze of all of the women entirely on you, eyes curious and their restrained frivolous expressions had you feel as though you were being scrutinized, despite the fact that they barely said a word to you at all. You smiled, unsure of what to do, until your heart started beating rapidly inside your chest at their next comments.
“You know who I think is gorgeous? The one with the brunette hair, and plump lips that I could kiss for hours,” with a light giggle from their end of the room, you ran through the current hair colors of the boys, knowing they changed frequently. Only a few could match her description, and you were waiting on bated breath to find out who they were speaking of, though you had a pretty good idea. “He’s a little short for my taste, but that makes him all the more adorable. What I wouldn’t do to that boy. I think his name is Ji something? I don’t remember.”
Your heart dropped to your stomach, your hand rising to curl your hair behind your ear, your fingers falling to your mouth to nip at your nails as your hunch came true. The girls continued to fawn over them all, gossiping and rattling on about which of your friends they wanted to steal for the night, and frankly it made you uncomfortable.
“Jimin!” eyes focused on the source of the voice, you were surprised to see your sister turn in her chair, resting along the back to face her bridesmaids. “His name is Jimin and he’s absolutely off limits. He is happily in a relationship with Y/N, so don’t even think about it. I’m looking at you, Seulgi.” with a teasing smile, she turned back around, allowing the team to continue working on her. Once more all eyes were on you, Seulgi’s lips upturned into a grimace that she tried to hide but was unsuccessful.
A couple of minutes later, your sister was successfully finished, and she looked nothing short of spectacular. A smile came upon your face, linking your hands together as the emotions started to overcome her, laughing as she mentioned how thankful she was for waterproof mascara. She led all of you to the venue, watching as your father took her hand, stepping back so you could walk down the aisle first and take your respective places at the front. Your eyes absentmindedly diverted to the crowd, unknowingly scanning the sea of people for a familiar face, calmed by the presence of your friends, who were waving and smiling bright.
You could not deny it when your heart skipped a beat when Jimin grinned in your direction. His cheeks were flushed a soft shade of pink, his brunette locks neatly styled to frame his features, his black suit fitting him like a glove. You could not deny it when the butterflies formed in your stomach, twisting and dancing along your ribs, your body overcome with an unexpected warmth when he waved to you, his eyes never leaving you.
The ceremony came and went, the room erupting with cheers and applause, the reception starting in the blink of an eye before you knew it; meaning, you had to face Jimin head on. Your nerves came back in full swing, diminishing the flame that had formed inside of your chest, a rush of apprehension washing over you like a tidal wave. The classical music surrounded the entire ballroom, your sister stepping out onto the dance floor with her husband, beginning their first dance. The atmosphere was quiet, respective, and blooming with joviality and love, watching the new couple with adoration. You kept time with the tapping of your foot, counting the number of beats until it was your turn to join her. Exchanging a glance with Jimin, you gave a short nod to signal for him to come as well.
The two of you fell into step with ease, his hands sliding onto your waist, yours resting upon his shoulders. Jimin kept the tempo, leading you into a twirl across the dance floor and pulling you back towards him in one fluid move. Your heartbeat was racing, worrying if your palms were sweaty when the choreography had you switch to your fingers becoming linked, his free hand drifting down to your hip.
You had a hard time looking him in the eye, when normally you would have had no problem doing so. He was making you feel incredibly anxious. Your gaze wandered all over the room, until locking in a stare with your sister, her approving nod and giddy smile only increasing your distress, causing you to take a deep breath. You feel Jimin squeeze your side, trying to ease your obvious tense stance.
“Are you okay?” He whispers, so close to your ear it was impossible to hide the electric chills that ran down your spine. You shut your eyes as you turned to finally face him, noticing the look of worry that washed over his features as you opened them, his brow furrowed and his lips in a soft frown.
He looked so concerned; it was then that you recognized the friend whom you have always known, who is always there for you, was right in front of you. The idea alone brought you comfort, your muscles relaxing when his lips upturned into a smile. You should not be scared, you told yourself. You should not be afraid. He remained silent, his grip holding onto you just a bit tighter than before, a rosy hue glowing dusting his cheeks.
“I got you a Christmas gift,” he chuckled, a shy smile forming. “But after everything, it seems so mediocre.”
His words confused you, but when his lips briefly parted, you realized he was not finished speaking; and yet he remained silent, his mouth closing again as he simply continued to spin you around the dance floor, keeping his grip in place and watching you with care.
The crescendo was close at hand, Jimin picking up the pace as he glided with you along the wooden floor, the spins and twirls making you light headed. The only thing you could hear were the strings, the high pitch of the violins swirling around you as you swayed, the only sight being that of the smiling boy who was holding you so tight, he feared you may slip away. The final notes presented themselves as he dipped you low to the ground, pulling you back up with an idle accuracy, his fingers sliding along your spine and up your back as he adjusts his hold on your frame to bring you back to center with ease.
“My heart,” He panted, “My heart is the best gift I can give.” Jimin still swayed with you, his eyebrow furrowing when he heard your light giggle at his words, because that is something he would say.
“But it’s not a gift if you’ve had it all along.”
It was then that he stopped moving all together. You were lost in his eyes, trapped in the warmth from the alluring brown as the light reflected in them as his gaze held yours with such intensity, you could not catch your breath. Time stood still, your world was spinning around you, but the one constant was Jimin.
It was always Jimin. It will always be Jimin.
Parting your lips to speak, you were rushed into reality as his fingers slid along your waist, slipping from your body as he sifted through his suit jacket, noticing a small, delicately wrapped gift in his hands. He presented it to you with a mild shrug, giving you one last look before you were watching him walk away.
The thunder of applause once the dance was over drowned everything out around you, seeing how the boys were following Jimin out the door, concerned expressions scattered along all of their faces. Your mind was blank, you were frozen.
You felt a hand on your shoulder, turning to find the source, seeing the warm, familiar smile of Namjoon as he gestured for you to leave the dance floor. You caught eyes with your mother as you passed her table, a wash of uncertainty spread across her face. Namjoon led you to where you supposed was his table, guiding you into a chair opposite him, handing you a glass of sparkling champagne, fresh from the bottle for the upcoming toasts.
Taking a hearty sip, you closed your eyes for a brief moment, fluttering them open slowly as you placed the glass back upon the table. Your hands fell into your lap as your grasped onto Jimin’s gift, feeling the frown creep up on your lips, the soft grip of Namjoon’s hand atop your knee in a comforting squeeze.
“You knew, didn’t you?”
Namjoon was taken aback by your question, ultimately grinning in the end. He laughed, leaning back in his chair, nodding in your direction.
“It was obvious,” he began. “To be honest, he wouldn’t shut up about you all the time.” he chuckled, and you gave him a harsh stare, causing him to cough into his hand to try and disguise it, but it was of no use.
“I’m being serious here,” he shifted in his seat, his elbows coming down to rest on top of his thighs as he leaned in close. “As much as we joke and make fun, his feelings are true, and we all want nothing more than for the two of you to be happy, together.”
At the mention of the word together, your eyes lifted upwards to meet his stare, seeing the sincerity. With a sigh, you casually toyed with the ribbon on the package, before tearing a small hole in the wrapping paper. Your fingers had a mind of their own, ripping and sliding it off with no intention, your body working faster than your mind could catch up. Your curiosity was getting the better of you, your heart pounding violently inside of your chest as these feelings were blossoming like wildflowers along your ribcage and twisting around your heart strings. Once the wrapping paper was removed, your fingertips traced over the fabric of the book cover, the familiar title producing a soft smile onto your face, fiddling with the pages until you noticed a small piece of paper fall from the inside and onto the floor.
With hesitation you picked it up, Namjoon watching you carefully, as this was something he was unaware of besides the book Jimin mentioned to all of them a couple of days ago. You unfolded the paper, immediately recognizing the small handwriting of Jimin’s, a letter he had written addressed to you. You started to read, the smile on your face growing as the lines progressed.
I’m not sure where to begin.
I guess I should just come out and say it, but that’s something that’s very hard for me to do. I would hope by now that my future self has had the courage to tell you how I feel, and that you’re reading this with an open mind and an open heart.
You became more focused, reading each and every word with careful precision, holding your breath as you continued on.
This isn’t much of a gift, but I pray that you like it. I saw this at your favorite book store, and I knew you and your grandmother used to read this together when you were little, and how devastated you were when you dropped your copy she gave to you before she passed away in a puddle that horrendously rainy day before first period. I’ll never forget the look on your face. So, I hope this provides some comfort and some happiness, even if it wasn’t what you wanted.
Tears began to form in your eyes, Namjoon gently asking if you were okay, nodding at him while you remained silent. It was just like Jimin to do something like this, and you chuckled to yourself when you read over again that he said it was not much. It was just like Jimin to view his efforts as mediocre when in fact they were treasured, and sincerely one of a kind for the people he cared for.
It was just like Jimin to know you better than anyone else.
I’m sure by now that I’ve become a coward and run away,
Once again, you lightly laughed at the reality of his words, but the next few sentences took your breath away.
but just know that whatever I said to you, I meant it. Whatever I will continue to tell you, I will mean it with my whole heart, because you have my heart, Y/N, and you always have.
I love you.
Merry Christmas,
And it was then that you had an epiphany, one that was inside you all along, and the fact of the matter was that you too, were in love with Jimin. You were in love with Jimin, and you always had been; it just pained you that it took you this long to realize it.
Namjoon noticed the change in your facial expressions, smiling to himself as he saw the comprehension wash over you, the aura radiating from you undeniably different.
“You know,” his baritone struck you from your thoughts. “I could see it that night at karaoke.” He could tell you were confused, and continued to speak. “Whether you realized it or not, it was in your body language. You would absentmindedly touch him with affection, and you had this blissful smile on your face that stayed the entire evening.”
The blush that dusted your cheeks and the warmth that you felt caused your stomach to fill with butterflies, the same ones that had been dancing the entire weekend, and that you could no longer ignore.
“I fear it’s too late.”
Namjoon had to crane his neck to hear you, your voice so soft he would have missed it had he not been reading your lips. He stood up, offering his hand to help you with a grin and you accepted.
“It’s never too late.” He twirled you around, facing you towards the door and gently pushing you because your feet remained stuck on the ground. “He’s waiting for you, Y/N. Don’t leave him hanging.”
With a final deep breath, you turned around one last time to look at Namjoon, jumping to kiss him on the cheek in thanks, before racing towards the exit.
As Namjoon watched you run away, his curiosity urged him to take a look at the book, briefly reading over the letter with a proud smile on his lips.
“Well I’ll be damned, Jimin.”
The harsh winter air hit you square in the face as you bolted outside of the front lobby, hoping you would find them out here since you went upstairs to their rooms and nobody was to be found. Your wishes were answered when you heard the voices you were so accustomed to down at the bottom of the steps. All of a sudden you froze, your once enthusiastic attitude dwindling down to the sheepish disposition upon catching your name in conversation.
You recognized the voice of Jungkook, trying to crack a joke to appease Jimin’s feelings, Jin joining along with some of his famous one-liners. Jimin laughed, but it was a half-hearted attempt, still listening to the way he spoke with such melancholy. You saw Yoongi throw his arm around him, talking too quiet for you to hear, but you can only imagine it was something surprisingly encouraging, for he was one that always took you by surprise with how thoughtful he truly was.
“I’m sure it was a misunderstanding,” Taehyung spoke up, his bright smile shining in the moonlight. “Have you tried to talk to Y/N since you gave her the gift and ran off like an idiot?”
A loud groan followed, Yoongi having had punched Taehyung in his stomach, mumbling something about making stupid comments. You had to cover your mouth to mask your laughter.
Jimin shook his head no, explaining how he had come right outside after he had done so, needing the fresh air to help clear his head and give him a chance to breathe. Once again the butterflies arose in your stomach, but this time for a very different reason.
The click of your heels against the cement was loud enough for all of them to hear, six boys turning their heads to find the source of the noise, all of their eyes on you as their surprised gasps filled the air, but your gaze was locked only on Jimin. Your hand gripped onto the railing, carefully walking down the steps until you were right in front of him, sensing the group disperse and giving you two some space. Jimin’s eyes were as wide as saucers, nervously licking his lips as he waited on bated breath for your next words.
“I read your letter.” you mumbled, chewing on your bottom lip.
“Uh, what did you think?” He stuttered, and it was absolutely adorable.
You smiled, stepping closer and noticing his breath hitch. “I certainly read it with an open mind and an open heart.” His lips twitched into an embarrassed grin at your teasing grin, a flush of pink atop the apples of his cheeks as you held back a laugh. You leaned into his chest, wrapping your arms around his waist and brought him in for a hug. His arms raised upwards, hesitant, before slowly wrapping around your frame, and you felt warm, you felt like you were home.
“I love you too, Jimin.”
You could feel his heartbeat against your skin, rapidly pounding just as quickly as yours. It was silent, but it was comforting, a mutual, wonderful acceptance shared between the two of you. You briefly heard the sound of footsteps behind you, listening as they walked off to the side to where you knew the boys had gone, lurking in the bushes and not doing a very good job at hiding it.
Jimin squeezes you tighter as he felt you shiver, the winter cold starting to seep through to your bones. Tiny crystals of ice melted onto your skin as you realized it had begun to snow, looking up at him and grinning as the flakes were dusted throughout his chestnut locks. It was yet again that in this moment time stood still, Jimin’s hand rising to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing against the flush that had formed as he smiled, his crooked tooth all the more endearing in the holiday lights as he leaned in close.
He hovered over your lips, his tepid breath coating your skin as he whispered I love you one last time before he kissed you. Fireworks cannot even come close to describing the way you feel, electricity seemingly inferior; the only way you could describe what you were feeling was nothing but pure bliss, absolute ecstasy flying through your veins and into every limb, tingling your every sense and every nerve. Your arms grasped him tighter, pulled him closer, even if it was not possible anymore, it did not matter.
All that mattered was that right here, right now, you could happily say that Jimin loved you, and with every fiber of your being, you loved him too.
The both of you were startled by the sudden outcries and rowdy cheers that surrounded you, pulling apart as you were bombarded and tackled by your friends, trapped in a large group hug between six very happy boys. Jimin let you go, watching fondly as his friends continued to hug you and shower you with affection, until he felt a tap on his shoulder as people dispersed.
“I told you Y/N would be all over you by the end of this weekend.” Yoongi’s signature smirk appeared on his lips as he spoke, Jimin shoving the older boy with a playful smile, knowing he was right.
You were grateful for the amount of patience your friends had with all of this, it had to have been infuriating at times and downright ridiculous, considering the means to which you discovered your feelings. You stepped to the side, joining Jimin once again and sliding your hand to intertwine your fingers, catching his small smile as you looked at him. You realized within a matter of minutes that the footsteps you had heard behind you were that of Namjoon, who had joined the lot of you outside. He caught your eye, a large wide smile forming on his face at the sight of you two, with you reciprocating and thanking him silently all the same.
It was mutually agreed upon that it was too cold to continue to stay outside, so you gathered together and headed inside back to the ballroom to continue the reception festivities. The lingering headache from your hangover this morning had finally started to dissipate, the additional alcohol being shoved in your direction certainly helped in forgetting the dull throbbing pain. You felt on top of the world, intoxicants aside, the smile never leaving your face the entire night. Namjoon ended up in the middle of the floor, dancing and prancing around like he knew exactly what he was doing, Jin joining in seconds later, until everyone was on the dance floor. The room filled with laughter, clamorous music, and frivolity as it was clear everyone had more than their fill and the celebration wasn’t ending any time soon.
You stood back and watched everything unfold, the laughter building in your chest and the warmth in your heart spreading to your limbs, Jimin’s arms wrapping around your waist from behind, your body easily sinking into his touch. From time to time he would scatter light pecks along your skin, nuzzling into your hair or swaying to the beat, and never before had you felt so alive, so free, as you did tonight.
Off to the side sitting at their designated table were your mother and father, taking everything all in, smiling with pride and happiness as they watched their daughter transition into the next chapter of her life. Your mother’s eyes wandered over to you, a genuine smile and an all knowing look on her face at seeing your behavior with Jimin. She turned to face your father, speaking low.
“It’s about time,” she spoke, gesturing to you both. Your father noticed her gaze, following it with his own, a soft smile upon his face. “I was wondering how long it was going to take them to realize their feelings.”
“Wait, excuse me?” your father was confused. Were not the two of you already together?
Your mother laughed, squeezing his shoulder. “It doesn’t surprise me that you were blind to it. But I could smell that lie a mile away. Only now are they truly together, and I say finally.” He continued to appear abashed, your mother waving it off and laughing to herself.
“Yes,” she mutters to herself. “Finally.”
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black-strike-otp · 7 years
part 92
I forgot how to english so I’ll just post I guess??? What are words.
Novastrike regarded the duo with fascination. She’d never seen a femme who, in every way, appeared like a queen of raw, powerful beauty. Blackout’s friend too was interesting; something about him made her intuition feel on edge but he seemed intense. She had to appreciate his dedication to an old friendship. After overhearing bits and pieces of their conversation, Nova could tell that the pair had history.
She looked up to meet Blackout’s gaze. He smiled at her adoringly, turned his faceplate to the couple standing a few yards away talking to each other quietly, and looked back down to her.
“I’m sorry if Barricade agitated you at all,” he stated quietly. “He means well.”
“Yeah, I can tell,” she noted with a slight smile. “He cares about you. Looking out for you. Making sure I’m not a witch trying to hypnotize you and draw you under my spell.”
“Hmm. You’re not a witch, darling, but I can attest you do offer a lethal dose of cute and sweet,” Blackout surmised with a thoughtful grin.
Giggling softly, the small femme reached out to his leg. Her digits strayed fondly over the solid frame of his armor with intimate gentleness. As the tips brushed over him, she could feel a responsive shiver move through his frame.
“Bewitching me with your charm once more?” Blackout joked softly.
“Heh, I’m sorry you’re so susceptible,” Nova teased, tilting her helm towards the other ‘Cons. “So, how did you come to know Venus?”
A curious hum escaped Blackout as he looked to her. His helm cocked to the side slightly as he folded his arms in front of his chassis with a massive grin planted on his faceplate.
“Not jealous, are you dear?”
“Not in the slightest, but if you don’t with to divulge my curiosities, that’s fine.”
“I never had any interest in the femme, if you were wondering,” he chuckled. “Venus is charming, and she’s good at her particular line of work, but she’s not my taste of highgrade if you understand where I’m coming from.”
“Okay, not what I meant,” she insisted with a false smile. “But you could enlighten me on what you taste of highgrade is then- small, feeble, femmes with armor in polar opposite of your own?”
“I would say more along the lines of a package of whoopaft who could bring me to my knees in under three-hundred nanokliks if she so desired, with a generous spark, an essence of pure good, lots of compassion, the most ethereal appearance I’ve ever seen and a smile that could make even the most foul of sinners see a ray of sunshine in the darkest of shadows.”
“I’d say I could bring you to your knees in less than one nanokliks if given the opportunity,” Nova disagreed with a seductive purr as her luminous optics glanced over him.
“We’re in the presence of company, Nova,” Blackout reminded her swiftly.
“They can’t hear us,” she stated, jutting a thumb digit over to the twosome. “But Scorp can. Sorry, buddy.”
To Blackout’s left, the minicon scorpion gave a sickened warble. He grumpily shoved his helm between his arms and offlined his optics. One could assume the ‘hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil’ images of bots had been conjured by a similar situation or pose.
“As for your inquiry, I met Venus through Barricade naturally,” Blackout proclaimed with a nod of his helm in their direction. “He’d met her in some academy they attended together, the details are a bit vague in my processor, I probably wasn’t listening to him fully when he explained it all to me. When I was paired with Barricade I didn’t care for him at first, and his insufferable need to fill the voids and gapes of quiet time with talking drove me insane.”
“But he told me all about this femme he so fondly idolized. Talked about how her armor was glossy and silken, from the highest quality ores Primus could craft he said. Went on and on about how beautiful and illustrious she was. They had their ups and downs, but he never stopped talking about how she was the only femme for him.”
“When times got tough and their missions had them separated for years, he tried to move on,” he explained. “No femme stuck to him though. Kept bringing her up. When she was reassigned to our units, I hadn’t seen him so elated in such a long time.”
Shifting his optics, the light of red in Blackout’s gaze grew more vivid. His small smile only grew as his lips pulled up like he couldn’t resist himself. Novastrike felt her spark beat give an erratic pulse. It felt like it was flipping around inside of her chassis just looking at him.
“I was always so pestered by his nonsense, I don’t even think I honestly realized how resentful I had secretly became of him,” the giant mech scoffed softly. “He had the one thing I didn’t at the time. Venus was close; easily accessible, in the same faction as himself. And there I was, thinking I was frustrated by his antics and lack of professionalism when really I was just hungry for that same chance with a femme far too breath-taking and alluring to be caught with a monster like me.”
Heat crept through Novastrike’s veins as she turned her optics briefly away from Blackout’s. The glow from her audio stacks was radiating off so powerfully that she could see the reflection of light bouncing off nearby metal around them. It gave off bands of bluish-silver that crisscrossed this way and that way at random, pooling around her and against Blackout’s armor.
Releasing a powerful breath, she offered a sentimental smile up to the towering figure of dismal abyss. His optics drew her in; twin fires of beckoning light that brought her home. She looked at the curve of his mouth and the joy written in his face that echoed her own.
“You told Barricade you didn’t even realize you had feelings for me until I pulled you from your untimely ‘death’ floating in space,” she quietly reminded him.
“Were you listening in on our private conversation?”
“Of course I was. Well, some of it. Most of it accidentally. Ears the size of a satellite, hello?”
“They’re not that large,” Blackout laughed quietly. “That was neither a lie nor the truth. It’s difficult to explain where the feelings began and when I simply discovered what they were. But I was always intrigued, and always left longing to see you again, and know that you were still out there.”
“I had you crushing on me hard,” she sniffed proudly, raising her helm up a bit higher.
“I guess you did,” he agreed quietly, grinning.
Letting out a curious ‘hmm’ in the back of her throat, Novastrike raised and dropped her shoulders with a sigh. She felt herself smiling like an idiotic fool, but couldn’t seem to stop herself.
“If you’re interested in knowing, I was intrigued about you for a long time as well,” Novastrike reminisced fondly. “I had to keep telling myself that my interests weren’t any different to you than anyone else because I simply cared for just about any bot I came across. But I knew you were different. The way I couldn’t shake you from my thoughts, the feelings you elicited in me...”
Raising an optic ridge, Blackout growled playfully as he shifted an arm enough to wave his servo to her.
“No no, please do go on. I want to know all about those feelings.”
“You giant dork,” Nova hissed, lightly whacking his leg. “You already know now. I guess I should have been the one to open up to you first; maybe it wouldn’t have taken so long otherwise.”
“I don’t know. I was a pretty stubborn aft,” he mused.
Blackout gave a slight shrug in response, and she snorted trying to hold back her laughter.
“Maybe Scorponok was right about one thing. Maybe I should have went through with... the intimacy we were sharing on Giohizmut,” Blackout muttered. “But it wouldn’t have been right in the end. It wouldn’t have been what you deserved-”
“What, you mean the almost-frag we nearly shared?” Nova bluntly stated, raising an optic ridge. “It’s history now, love. Don’t hold it over yourself that you didn’t bang my processor out that night. You’ve gotten to make up for that already. Multiple, wonderful times I might add.”
Scorponok gave a low groan by Blackout’s pede.
“I was referring to the idea that maybe it would have kickstarted the relationship off a lot sooner... I wasn’t specifically incling towards the fragging. Though the fragging is good!” he hurriedly expressed, watching as she raised her optic ridge a bit higher.
“You didn’t know what you wanted then,” Nova stated with a shrug. “I can’t fault you for that.”
“No, but I know that it hurt you for me to simply run out like that. And I am truly sorry it occurred that way,” he rumbled shamefully, bowing his helm. “I was honestly under the impression that I was only invested in a fling with you, because as Barricade pointed out and as I have informed you before, I never held a great interest in relationships. Friends, lovers, you name it, it never mattered much to me. I wanted to achieve my goals, and then even that no longer mattered at some point as Megatron’s goals became my own goals and all I wanted was to fuel the fires and bring chaos raining down.”
Smiling gently, the small femme patted his leg lightly as she whispered, “Well, you can stop beating yourself up over the past now, because no one’s holding it against you. You found your way back to me- or, fell half offline in my lap and I had to fix you up one way or another. You’ve even gotten lucky enough to rediscover a bot that you can call your best friend. That’s huge.”
“One of my best friends,” he corrected her.
“Okay, right, one of your best friends,” she agreed with a smile.
Shuttering his optic in a wink, Blackout chuckled that profoundly deep laugh that was both frightening as it was sensual.
Nova hitched her breath a moment, before playing it off with a slight cough, waving at the air as if dust had caught in her ventilation system. She looked embarrassingly off to the side, and then back up to her mech’s coy expression.
Hesitating a moment, Nova offhandedly dove into her curiosity as she murmured, “That reminds me... is your friend okay?”
“Why do you ask?” Blackout asked, obviously avoiding the question.
She shrugged slightly in response. “I don’t know, he seems off to me. If he doesn’t know, you might want to ask him to see if he’s sick. He smells... odd.”
“Odd like...?”
“Just, I don’t know, like he’s dead or something. It’s really weird. I’ve never picked up on such an odd scent from someone, especially a bot that’s alive. It’s a mix between that rusty, metallic, tangy, sharp, bitter scent left behind by a bot when they’ve been gone for a while and a pungently sweet odor masking it.”
Nodding slowly, Blackout produced a slight grimace. “I don’t think talking to him about it will help.”
“Why not?” she inquired, bringing one of her audios down slightly with interest.
“Because he probably can’t solve that problem,” he vented. “Barricade’s has a condition. He had it prior to me getting to know him. He’s never told me how it happened, and I never tried to ask him because it makes him so uncomfortable, but he’s not exactly fully alive.”
“Um... explain?”
“He’s got a Terrorcon-like infection. Previously, it didn’t cause him many problems. If he wasn’t refueling regularly, he would grow pretty weak and would have to fight off the urge to get energon from any source to keep himself from fully offlining. Even from comrades.”
“But apparently Shockwave had persuaded him to stay on Cybertron during the exodus, or Megatron demanded it of him,” he went on with a snarl. “Shockwave must have done some nasty experiments in the time he had ‘Cade with him prior to Venus rescuing him. Now he’s... a bit more akin to the more feral Insecticons. Only with a bit more bite.”
“That’s... worrisome. Yeah, worrisome is the word I’ll go with. And a bit queasy on the tanks,” Novastrike whispered quietly.
“You’ve nothing to be afraid of,” the ebony mech spoke gently and with a small smile. “He won’t hurt any of us. I trust him. And I’m asking you to extend the same gesture.”
Looking at the warm smile on Blackout’s face, the pleading light in his gaze, it was enough to just about melt Nova’s spark. He looked so genuinely worried about her reaction. From the shift in his pedes, the tightening of his arms against his chassis, she could tell he was tense and unsure.
Giving a faint impression of a smile, she offered a nod of her helm. “I’ll do my best. I don’t know him yet, but I hope to. Because if he’s important to you, he’s important to me too, and I’d like to meet one of the only bots you’ve ever actually befriended.”
“He didn’t give me much of a choice,” Blackout recalled with a snicker.
Beaming up to the handsome devil, Novastrike’s audios swiveled over to the pair of bots as she heard their pedes shuffle. As she turned her helm to the couple Blackout followed her gesture and did the same, with Scorponok finally begrudgingly raising his helm up and onlining his optics once more as vibrations captured his attention to their approach.
“We’ve been talking about your offer, and your inquiry about this intergalactic transmitter you’re searching for,” Barricade stated as he stepped closer, placing a servo against Venus’ lower back. “We’d be happy to help you in any way we can Blackout, you know that.”
“And we think we might know where to get a lot of the parts you’d be requiring to build a transmitter of the magnitude you’d be looking for,” Venus spoke up in a soothing tone.
“The only problem is-” ‘Cade began.
“-the materials would be in Shockwave’s lair,” Venus finished in a sharp voice, more cutting than a sharp scalpel.
“That would present a problem,” Blackout agreed slowly, nodding his helm.
“Venus, the excellent beauty and discreet collector of things useful, still has what remains of Shockwave’s lab collected in a partially filled out map she created herself and with information received in bargaining tips to save me,” ‘Cade explained.
“The real problem is that it’s only partly filled in though,” the black and magenta toned femme musically added on. “I can continue gathering intel, but that would take time and there’s no guarantee how much more I can pick up. Bots might be desperate, but most aren’t stupid enough to backstab a bot as powerful as Shockwave.”
“We have time,” Blackout muttered unhappily. “Just not the patience.”
“Other than guess work, is there any defining qualities that make you think Shockwave has all the stuff we need?” Nova inquired.
Venus gave a small alluring laugh. “Shockwave’s a hoarder worse than any bot I’ve ever seen. He thinks anything can be salvaged and manufactured into one of his creations later. Trust me, he’ll have what we’re looking for. If memory serves, I do believe I noticed he had the most important part of a transmitter in his call room; a rather large capacitor.”
“Call room?” Nova piped in once more.
“Shockwave has a direct video feed room specifically used for making calls,” Barricade explained. “He used it during the war, but it’s ineffective now. Bots stick solely to private comm channels. It’s too risky and frankly, useless to have call stations now when there’s so few bots on Cybertron now, even less with access to call stations, less still who would even want to bother ringing each other up when they’re just trying to live off the land.”
“Thank Primus it’s that type of call room,” Nova muttered.
“We’ll appreciate any help you can give us,” Blackout loudly spoke up, ignoring the snickering from Barricade.
“Always happy to assist a friend,” Venus chimed sweetly, nudging her counterpart lightly in the side.
Barricade could only nod in agreement, snorting and huffing as he tried to contain himself from busting a seam laughing.
Looking to Blackout, Novastrike offered him a slight nod as he caught her optic. He returned the gesture with a slight gesture of his helm. She turned her helm back to the twosome and cleared her vocalizer.
“We actually have a current residence with some rogue bots. We know we don’t know your current boarding situation-”
“Wherever it doesn’t leak anything on us,” ‘Cade interrupted.
“Where there’s preferably no rust,” Venus tacked on.
“Alright,” Nova exhaled softly. “Although the uh- bots are supposedly supposed to vote you in through some system they have, we’ve sorta won them over with energon gradually over time. So, Blackout and I were wondering if you’d do us the honor in coming with us and we’ll see if we can’t bring you into the fold so there’s less hassle in seeking each other out to exchange information, items, materials... allow Blackout and you two to catch up.”
“I’d certainly be down with that,” Venus eagerly stated, smiling gently down to Nova. “It’d be lovely to get you know you better as well, Nova.”
Sheepishly, the small femme rubbed the back of her helm as she grinned with embarrassment.
Shrugging, ‘Cade gave a slight nod of his helm. “Works for me too. Don’t really want to let your big aft out of my sights again anyway Blackout. Seems you need someone close to make sure you don’t get disassembled again.”
“Gee, thanks,” Blackout drawled sarcastically.
The quadruplets of other bots laughed merrily at the poor largest bot’s irked faceplate. He passed them each a slightly displeased look, grumbling.
“Do you need any help gathering your stock?” Blackout muttered after the others began to quiet themselves.
“No, we can pick up what little we have,” ‘Cade stated with a wide grin. “Where do you want us to meet you?”
“Near Maccadam’s Oil House,” Blackout stated, much to the surprise on the couple’s faceplate. “We’ll show you the way in to the rogue hiding area not far off from there.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Venus chimed in with a nod of her helm.
Helping to unload Blackout’s alt-mod of what meager rations of energon they’d picked up after leaving Barricade and Venus, Novastrike slid the shards into the cargo compartment they’d hidden for the time being not far from the rogue base. It had been Blackout’s idea to keep their pile away from the group of bots, just in case anyone got too greedy and went after their loot uninvited or they decided to make a getaway without notice.
Lifting up the energon cubes, Blackout shoved them into their hiding spot as well before closing up all the containers. After securing all the items down, he began camouflaging the area once more with the debris they had been using once again.
“Dear, you left a few energon cubes out,” Nova piped up.
“I know. They were left out for a reason,” he responded.
Shrugging, the little femme went to stand guard beside the valuable product while Blackout busily rearranged the array of metal to make it appear ‘naturally’ messy and not set up. Her optics scanned the horizon, spotting the forms of a sleek black and pink grounder that had all the looks of a racer and the dark-armored police vehicle.
Placing the last of the macabre twisted sculpture together, Blackout walked over to join her just as the pair transformed and walked the last steps over to meet them.
“I haven’t been over here in ages,” Barricade stated with longing as he looked up to the old Oil House. “Man, I wish this place was still up and running.”
“Maybe some day it will again,” Blackout stated. “The great Maccadam, honorary member of the Thirteen Primes, may still live.”
“You never believed in any of those stories,” ‘Cade accused with a flash of derma.
“Neither did you,” Blackout reminded him.
The purple-toned dark charcoal small mech gave a shrug of his shoulders. There was no disagreeing with that one.
“Novastrike will lead the way,” Blackout stated with a nod down to her. “I’ll come up from behind.”
“Must be awfully secretive,” Venus noted quietly.
“They’re a bit finicky about new bots,” Novastrike offered. “But even more finicky about large groups entering at the same time.”
“Five’s a large group?” ‘Cade questioned with a shake of his helm.
“Physically four, with Scorponok docked,” Blackout reminded him. “And yes.”
The bad cop shrugged. “Lead the way, shortie.”
“Shortie,” Novastrike hissed quietly, lashing her tail slightly as she turned away. “You haven’t looked in a mirror recently.”
Quietly, the white-armored femme led the group through the weaving deconstructed city. Most of it had been left in ruins from the warring. She climbed through and under structures that the rest had to step or climb over as they tracked her through the area.
Coming up upon the entrance, in a grotto overhang Clawfist spotted them coming and flung his arms out wildly.
“Halt! No trespassers! What are ye? More Decepticons? We ain’t buyin anything ye be selling! Be gone!”
“They’re not solicitors, Clawfist,” Novastrike sighed heavily. “They’re our guests.”
“Ye not even part of the club! Ye can’t just go makin calls, bringing ye dirty crooked friends here,” fumed the rogue mech.
Coming up from the rear, Blackout was balancing energon cubes carefully in his grasp. He pulled one carefully off of the top, and shoved it over to Clawfist.
The mech ripped it from the titan’s grip in a matter of nanokliks and put it to his maw desperately.
Walking past the cranky bot, Novastrike’s ears flicked back to him as he cried out after them, “Ye ain’t going to get by so easily with the others!”
“Just drink your energon, Clawfist,” she cried back.
“Stay out of our business, and we’ll remain out of yours,” Blackout offered back as well. “Enjoy the energon we so thoughtfully brought back for you.”
Sneering, the older mech stared after the bots with squinted optics. He looked down at his energon then, and decided at the moment he couldn’t be troubled to care. So he went back to chugging down his energon. Ignorance was bliss.
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megacreativewriter · 5 years
Larissa the Latina
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Author's note: This is a work of fiction. All characters are fictional and 18 or older. Contains sci-fi. Not intended to be realistic. Actions described are highly not advised. Always get consent:)  EnjoyThe love of my life completely destroyed me. She obliterated my soul, my heart, my very being. I don't want to talk about exactly what happened. All you have to know is that I was in love with a lovely Latina girl, Larissa Jimenez. We dated for a year. Then one day she broke up with me, she never said why. I was so confused and it tore me apart everyday. She told me almost everyday that she loved me and wanted to be with me forever... so what happened?
Unfortunately, my sorrow grew unbearable. It drove me from depression to insanity. Eventually I came up with a plan. I did not intend to win Larissa back but to get revenge. I planned to have sex with her against her will. She left me so lonely and we had never had sex before so I thought it would teach her a lesson to think twice before devastating someone who used to be a nice man. Of course I'm better now and I realize how truly terrible my actions were, however, this is not rape, no. I'm very lucky events went how they did but I'll get to that. I'll start with the day I put my plan into motion.
Larissa lived practically in my backyard. There was a forest of trees between our houses, yet one could still see her house through the vegetation. A month or two after she dumped me I invited her over to play basketball. This was something we did often when we were little kids. Now we're eighteen and it's the first day of spring break. To my surprise she accepted my invitation and walked over. Her parents were home, though mine were not, they were out shopping. I knew we had several hours alone before they'd be back. Plenty of time to enact my revenge.
I heard a knock at the back door. It was Larissa. She had walked through the woods and walked straight across the back patio up to the door. Obviously our houses faced opposite directions. I opened the door and she stepped inside. I almost gasped at how beautiful she was. It had been so long since I had seen her. She was a bit too thin, very flat stomach, bigger toned legs and arms yet they were close to being stick-figure-like. Thin but stunning. Her big brown eyes shine like the night sky as well as her long, flowing, brown hair. Her skin is a hot caramel-like tan color. A gorgeous, heavenly face like an angel. Lastly she has small tits about an A cup but a pretty nice ass. Her ass isn't huge but it's the stereotypical big Latina booty. I believe in a few years she'll have a voluptuous body. That's only if she eats something, God she's so thin!
"Wow you look great Larissa, how are you?" I asked casually.
She blushed and replied, "A little depressed but I'm a tough cookie, I'll be fine."
"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that, me too."
Larissa looked slightly upset for a second but then asked. "Why don't we catch up, while we play basketball huh Peter?"
I smiled and nodded. We went outside to play basketball on the court across the street. Neither of us were very good. I let her win and she knew it as I am about a foot taller than her. She blushed and giggled as we walked back to my house. My plan was working perfectly. Larissa was very tired from the basketball game so I offered her a drink. She wasn't sweating too badly. Her skin was glistening from the workout. Larissa quickly accepted the large glass of water and drank it down swiftly.
What she didn't know was that there was something else in her water. I wanted to get back at her for tearing my heart and my life apart. What I mixed in her water would let me have sex with her without raping her. My Dad is a chemist who works for a drug company. I overheard a conversation with his boss about an experimental drug they had to dispose of because the effect was not what they intended. The drug they made was supposed to boost fertility, however, they made it unimaginably powerful. This drug supposedly adds hormones to a woman's body that makes her sex drive skyrocket! All it was supposed to do was help stimulate healthy ovulation but it did way more than that. There was a whole list of side effects including the aforementioned increase in sexual appetite as well as rapid feminine growth. From what I overheard my Dad say "feminine growth" was apparently a strange side effect where a woman's body would seemingly go through puberty AGAIN and almost in an instant. After all, the changes in puberty are what makes a girl into a fertile woman. Double puberty was dangerously fertile and permanently altered the users body. This lead to the project being cancelled and the drug being remade. I secretly stole some before my Dad took them back to work. Larissa's water had about four doses inside, an entire bottle.
The other drug I stole was for me. My water had four doses of an experimental, umm, "performance enhancer" if you know what I mean. If Larissa was going to be sex-crazed from the drugs, I wanted to make sure I could keep up. There were unwanted side effects for my drug too, yet I didn't care. I just wanted to get revenge on the girl who abandoned me for no reason. Back then I didn't care about anything else.
Surprisingly Larissa gulped her water down in seconds. I was worried, she just ingested a lot of medicine pretty fast. She was more thirsty than I expected. I tried my best to keep up and drink all of my water. Next I waited for the drugs to kick in. We talked casually for a few minutes before I started to notice something about Larissa. Her nipples were really erect! She was wearing a normal bra and everyday t-shirt yet somehow her nipples pierced through! We were just exercising, she wasn't cold, she was turned on! I was so excited! My plan was working. That's when I realized my dick was extremely hard. I glanced down at it quickly then back at Larissa. I was shocked. She was licking her lips. Was it because of my long cock? Did she see I was erect? How could she not? It was practically straining, waiting to burst out of my shorts.
"I don't feel so good," Larissa sighed. She placed a hand on her head. Then I saw her eyes were locked on her athletic-wear short shorts. There was a damp spot by her crotch. It wasn't from sweat, she was wet. My cock throbbed. Seeing a girl so turned on made me want to tear her clothes off right there but I played it cool.
"Would you like to lay down?" I asked warmly.
She nodded. I lead her to my bedroom where she hopped onto my bed and then passed out. My plan failed. The dose I gave her was too much. Drowsiness was a possible side effect of her medicine. I wanted to make her horny not sleepy!
When it seemed all was lost my medicine started to kick in. My cock enlarged and peaked over the waistband of my shorts. Then I felt myself become more horny than I ever thought possible. My nose twitched. It was Larissa. Her shorts were drenched with her pussy juices. I couldn't control myself. I got undressed and jumped onto the bed. I pulled down her shorts and panties. The smell increased tremendously. She was wet, her pussy was gushing with fluid. I licked it up then moved on to her chest. Her shirt and bra fell to the ground as I threw them aside along with the rest of our clothing. We were now both completely naked. I had no conscience anymore; I just wanted sex.
Larissa's golden-brownish body radiated heat. I grabbed her smooth thighs and pulled her toward me. From there I plunged my eight inch cock inside her drooling cunt. Normally my dick wasn't eight inches, that medicine was really working wonders. In and out, all my length pumped away at her slim little body. Her small tits bounced all over. I enjoyed watching her ass jiggle as I pounded her.
Suddenly Larissa's vagina clamped down on my cock. Then my cock started to swell making her even tighter! It was like our bodies were fastened together! I could hardly move. Just as I began to slide my cock out Larissa's eyelids shook. She was waking! I was petrified yet my body kept fucking her! Out of lust, I reached up and squeezed her small, soft breasts. Her eyes shot open!
"OH GOD NO!" Larissa yelled. My face blushed, what was I doing? The medicine... I couldn't control myself... what had I done?
Before I could feel too ashamed Larissa continued. "No! I knew this would happen!" She cried. "I was always so horny I knew it was only a matter of time before I pressured you to have sex! Oh god!" Larissa moaned. I was confused. Larissa didn't make any sense?
"I'm sorry what?" I asked. I eased my movements to hear her better.
"Oh God," Larissa moaned. She clenched her hands against the bed sheets. Then her body rocked and bucked against me. She was... fucking me back. She wanted to have sex. In fact she was climaxing. "I'm cumming!" She hollered! Her pussy squeezed my cock as her body convulsed. She squirmed and writhed all while breathlessly whispering "No." Eventually she slowed down and her climax came to an end. She never stopped rocking her hips, helping me thrust into her wet depths. "Peter I broke up with you because I didn't want to do this! I didn't want to have sex this young and not with my first boyfriend. I always wanted you to fuck me so badly and I knew I had to end our relationship before I couldn't control myself. Now I know I was a fool! I still want you and I wanna fuck you but I think it's a mistake!"
"Should we stop?" I asked worried. Deep down I was relieved she broke up with me because she was scared she'd fuck my brains out yet now we were fucking each other like beasts so... was this bad?
"Oh!" Larissa gasped. She was horny as hell! We both were. "We should but I can't! Not now! I've never been this turned on before! I think I might die if I don't cum a billion more times. My pussy is so wet for you Peter, please put out the fire inside me! Fuck me senseless!" Then Larissa started to mumble and moan in Spanish. I'm white and American so I didn't understand what she was saying, yet it turned me on.
I slammed my cock further inside her until it twitched and swelled in her. I don't know all the side effects of the drugs we took but I know my cock was three times it's normal width and several inches longer. "You're so big! I feel, I feel hot!" Larissa sighed and rubbed her breasts. I took hold of her hips and fucked her harder. She was right, she was really heating up. Larissa was lying on her back but I did my best to grope and play with her ass. It jiggled so softly as I moved her ass-flesh in my hands.
Suddenly, the side effects of Larissa's medicine were taking hold. I watched in amazement as her hips grew wider by the second! Creaking could be heard from the bed and her body as she grew. Larissa's ass and thighs became thicker and rounder. Her hips stretched outward as her ass blew up like a balloon. Then I looked up and watched as Larissa's small tits expanded into B-cups, then C-cups and then almost D-cups! I couldn't believe my eyes. It was the sexiest thing I had ever seen!
"Ughh what's happening to me?" Larissa asked. She sounded afraid and a little in pain.
Her body stretched and swelled. When it finally stopped Larissa's body was drastically different. Her small teenage hips were replaced with wide, child-bearing hips most mothers don't even have. Her toned legs were now juicy thick thighs topped with a huge fat ass or bubble but. Larissa's small tits were now mammoth melons, at least an F-cup. Her nipples were huge, razor-sharp, erect and dark from her beautiful Latina skin. Her arms were no longer twigs but nice, firm and womanly. Even her flat belly was gone. She now had a cute slight little roundness expected of any older woman, only she was just eighteen.
"Oh God! Larissa Jimenez look at you!" I yelled. She was stunning. She looked like a fertility goddess. Giant tits, wide hips, a huge ass. She had everything.
The transformation left Larissa breathless. "It stopped!" she sighed. She was exhausted. Her chest heaved in and out with every breath. Of course I loved seeing her new humongous tits shake as she breathed. "What happened to me? I look like a whore!" She panted.
"You're so sexy and beautiful I can't stop staring at you. I wanna make love to you until we pass out!" I encouraged.
"Me too but... am I ok?" She asked cautiously. Larissa took one boob in her hand while she rubbed her giant pillowy ass with the other.
"Yes you'll be ok! I'm sorry it's all my fault. I put drugs in our water to do this. To make you horny and this is a side effect. I'm so sorry!"
"Bastard!" Larissa scolded. "I've always been horny around you, you idiot! Now you've turned me into a bimbo slut for your cock!" Just then Larissa started thrusting her hips harder than before, grinding away. "You made me this hot and bothered so you're not going anywhere until I'm completely satisfied. Don't pull out, I'm not leaving until you take care of the fire inside me!"
"The drugs were fertility drugs, that's why you look so curvy and sexy... I mean that's why you look like this. I should pull out eventually Larissa, you're too fertile right now," I warned. My cock swelled and pre-cum dripped inside Larissa's pussy.
"Fine," Larissa gasped. She was out of breath as we fucked furiously. "Pull out only when you cum, and cum in my mouth instead. If the drugs are making you feel the same way I do, then you know I can't stop fucking even for a second so pussy or mouth that's it, never stop."
I bent over to start making out with Larissa. She turned to her side and we both rolled over. We were now on our sides, facing each other, kissing and fucking. Larissa's hands explored my body as mine grabbed her ass. It was huge! I squeezed it and then gave it a hard slap! Larissa yelped! Her eyes went wide and soon she found herself in another orgasm. I kissed her face all over. My sexy Latina girlfriend was back in my arms. I rubbed her hot sun-kissed skin. I loved the color of her body, the shape of it, the feel, everything! Larissa is one sexy little Latina. Well she's not little anymore. Now she's a sexy fertility Goddess!
Larissa's pussy constricted my throbbing cock as her orgasm rocked her body. I leaned back so her giant tits weren't pressed against me anymore. I loved feeling the soft heaping mounds of tit flesh against me. I only backed away so I could bend down and suck them. I took the dark brown nipple in my mouth, nibbled it gently, then sucked. Meanwhile my right hand squeezed, groped, and mashed her other tit. Larissa's mouth hung open in ecstasy. I heard a slight squeak-like moan escape her throat. She loved her breasts being touched. To my surprise it brought her to another orgasm. Hers were very consecutive. Those drugs were obviously really powerful.
Larissa's nails dug into my back as she forced me closer to her. She writhed as bliss took over her. I felt Larissa's hips grind harder and faster. The drugs made her sex crazed. Her pussy sprayed an endless amount of fluid. Larissa was beyond horny. "Oh fuck yeah, get in my womb!" she moaned loudly. I felt a pop as Larissa shoved her sweet, soaking cunt as far as she could on my hard cock. The pop was me entering her womb and Larissa loved every second of it. She screamed and moaned with pleasure. I had to stop sucking her big tits as she was now clutching me close to her chest. Her erect nipples were like soft daggers as Larissa's humongous tits were compressed against my chest. Feeling her soft body rub against me began to become too much for me. I knew it wouldn't be long before I came.
I felt Larissa's pussy grow very tight. At first I thought she was climaxing but as time went on her pussy only became tighter, constricting my cock. Finally I looked down to see that it was my cock that had grown! It was massive! If I wasn't already inside her, there was no way I would've been able to stuff it in her dripping cunt. My thrusts became slower as my thick cock was getting too big to slide inside Larissa despite her being soaking wet.
"Oh God I can feel your dick growing inside me!!" Larissa screamed out in lust. "I love this so much! It's gigantic... stretching me out... filling me up... ohh Peeeterrrrr, I'm gonna cum!!"
Larissa's moans drove me insane. My balls began to boil as cum started to rush to my cock. I placed my hands on Larissa's ass, getting a good handful of her monumental mounds of soft asscheeks. With my hands firmly on Larissa's tremendous ass I tried to pull out while pushing her off. To my surprise it didn't work. Neither of us budged.
An alarm went off in my head. I could feel the pressure building within me as I struggled to hold in my cum. "Larissa I can't pull out! My cock is too big, it's stuck inside you!"
Larissa's eyes shot open. She was on her back yet tried to rise and scoot backwards, off of my cock. "Owww," she groaned. "You're right it's too tight, it won't move. Gagh! It hurts when I try!"
She was right. The tugging hurt the base of my monstrous cock. "I'm gonna cum inside you soon if we don't figure something out!"
Larissa and I struggled and moved frantically to separate from one another but it was no use. The moving caused too much pain and even a little bit of pleasure as we were still technically fucking. Eventually the pain became too much for Larissa so she gave in to the pleasure. "Just do it! Cum inside me! You're cock is still swelling it's getting harder and hurting worse to try pulling out."
She unexpectedly drew me in for a hug. Larissa held me close so we could hold each other. I finally couldn't hold back anymore. I gave one final, powerful thrust. It even knocked Larissa's hands off of my back. She wasn't expecting the force of my cock to be so strong. Instead of holding me Larissa lied on her back as our orgasms took over. Cum blasted out of my cock like a rocket! Instead of pumping spurts of cum like normal, my cock was releasing a constant stream. It was as if my dick was a faucet. Cum flowed nonstop into Larissa's womb. It was the medicine; it must've increased sperm count as well as the amount that I cum. I didn't seem close to stopping. More and more cum rushed inside Larissa's wet depths. My cock remained too large to pull out. Every ounce of cum made its way into Larissa. She was surprised at the absurd amount of cum I was pumping into her. Larissa bucked wildly as the never ending stream of cum splashing inside her sent her into a blissful orgasm.
As time went on the flow of cum never ceased. Suddenly, Larissa started moaning and uttering quiet grunts. "Ahhh!" She shrieked.
"What's the matter?" I asked while my cock continued to dispense cum within her.
"Too... much... cum," Larissa panted trying to catch her breath. "It's filled me completely, there's no more room. I can feel it pushing on my ovaries... if it breaks their lining I'll be pregnant with every single egg in my body fertilized!"
"That's not possible!" I exclaimed.
"It is if you keep cumming like this," Larissa warned as she moaned. "Ohhhh... fuuuck!" Larissa writhed underneath me. I felt my dick swell slightly as her sweet pussy seemingly suckled on it. Just then I heard a noise. A small pop emitted from within Larissa's body. I knew what it was. "Owww, ahhh!" Larissa gasped. "You did it, you broke the protective layer. You just fertilized all my eggs... impregnated me with every baby I'll ever have. And yet... I can't keep from cumming!" Larissa orgasmed as my cum flooded her ovaries. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't pull out and I couldn't stop cumming. I didn't mean to get Larissa pregnant and she didn't want to be either, however, we were both on powerful drugs that made it more likely to happen so I wasn't very shocked. The fact that I came so much I broke her ovaries and impregnated her with all the babies possible did surprise me although I wasn't sure it was true at the time.
Then something that did shock me happened. As Larissa held me close against her chest I felt something other than her gargantuan tits press against me. Larissa's belly gradually pressed against me more and more. At first I thought she was grinding on me harder but I didn't feel her moving and the pressure became intense. On a hunch, I decided to stop lying on top of Larissa in order to see her stomach. My jaw dropped. Not only had I cum so much that I broke through to Larissa's ovums; I had cum to such an extent that I was causing her womb to expand!
I watched in awe as the sexy Latina before me swelled larger and larger. I gently placed a hand on her belly, right atop her belly button, to feel her flesh stretching like a balloon. Cum rocketed into her cunt even faster as the spectacle of her growing belly turned me on. Audible sloshing noises could be heard as I filled Larissa up. The swishing movement of cum surging within her triggered Larissa to sit up. She screamed immediately.
"Holy fuck!" Larissa shouted. Her hands flew to her rounding stomach. She rubbed her belly all over. The sight made me so hot I jetted a forceful and extra large blast of cum visibly making her grow bigger. "How much more are you gonna cum?" Larissa questioned worriedly. "I mean damn, you already got me pregnant, now you're making me look pregnant immediately too!"
She was right. Her womb was so overstuffed with cum that she already looked nine months pregnant. Ironically I could feel my constant stream of cum beginning to end. My hands made their way to Larissa's now giant ass and squeezed. I thrusted one last time, shooting a final spurt or explosion of cum inside Larissa's swollen womb. At last my orgasm was over. Larissa was on her back with a beautiful bloated belly protruding as if she had swallowed a beach ball. She rubbed her round tummy as she moaned. I secretly had a thing for pregnant women so seeing this tan beauty so full and pregnant-looking kept my cock from becoming flaccid.
The medicine made us both insanely horny. After I finished cumming we made out while rubbing each other's bodies. This went on for about half an hour. Eventually I was able to slide my enlarged dick out of Larissa. She moaned and hugged me. My hands massaged her heavy ass as Larissa kissed me. A few hours ago she was as thin as a stick figure. Now she was voluptuous and curvy. Her legs were shapely with thick thighs that rubbed together and a bouncing bubble butt. Larissa's hips were several times wider and less boney than before. I sucked and played with her mammoth-sized tits. Larissa used to have small a-cups but at the end of the night they had transformed into marvelous F-cups. Her juicy tits fell to either side of her pregnant-looking belly. I kissed and rubbed the swollen mass of flesh. Larissa's moist pussy dribbled in response.
"Ohhh, I have to empty out some of this semen," Larissa complained as she stood up from the bed. Her whole body jiggled as she moved.
"Wait, can you just stand there for a second?" I asked. Larissa listened. "Wow, look at you, you're gorgeous! You're glowing like a breath taking pregnant fertility goddess!" I exclaimed as I admired her new body. Larissa was by far the hottest girl I'd ever seen. Everything about her was perfect.
She giggled. "Oh please, you just like my huge tits and plump ass. The rest of me is gross," Larissa accused as she held the globe of her belly in her hands. "Look," Larissa continued, "my thighs are so thick they're constantly touching each other and I can barely walk with this bloated gut you gave me. I have an ugly mom-body. I'm gonna squeeze my stomach in the tub and hopefully drain away all the excess cum inside me. You know I can't go home looking pregnant."
"You're right about that," I replied. "But you're wrong about how you look, you're beyond sexy Larissa Jimenez." I used her last name for emphasis.
"I'll take the compliment but I don't believe it," Larissa settled. With that, she waddled to the bathroom. The sound of cum sloshing around inside her bulging belly could be heard with every step she took. Once she made it into the bathroom she took a moment to analyze herself in the mirror. "Damn!" She shouted. "You're right I'm not ugly, I look like a milf!"
I laughed. She did look very womanly now that she was thicker. The pregnant-looking belly helped add to her curves and adult-like shape. Seeing her new body appeared to turn Larissa on. She rubbed her sloshing belly and her plump thighs and then smacked her round fat ass. "I look fucking built for sex, damn!" Larissa claimed rather proudly. "If it weren't for this huge stomach I'd say I've never felt sexier... or hornier. The medicine didn't wear off so once I squeeze this cum out I hope you're ready for round two."
Larissa gave me a seductive smile. "I'm already ready!" I announced. "And even with that round pregnant-looking belly you're sexy beyond belief!"
Larissa blushed and giggled. "Good," she smiled, "because when I'm heavy with your babies I still wanna fuck! Though I'd like some privacy while I drain myself here." Larissa stepped into the tub. I complied and left her alone to try and force out the cum stored in her womb. It was a shame though. I have a huge pregnancy fetish and wanted to have sex while she had a great big belly. It was squishy, sloshy and malleable unlike a real pregnant belly so it would've been interesting and fun to have sex with her. Of course I didn't care that much. She was obviously just impregnated so it wouldn't be long until I'd have sex while she sported a real pregnant body. Besides Larissa was so beautiful I'd have sex with her and love her no matter what she looked like.
I was waiting back in my bed while Larissa emptied herself out. I could hear the sound of liquid constantly pouring so I knew she was successful in expelling some of the cum from her body. Shortly after the noise stopped Larissa walked back into my bedroom. I gasped. Her pregnant-looking belly was gone. Without it, the full effect of the double puberty could be seen more clearly. Larissa's pretty face sparkled as her brown eyes locked onto mine. She had an extreme hour-glass figure. Her hips were so wide it looked like she could bear children for a career. Her thighs were gargantuan, they rubbed each other as she stood up straight, creating an enticingly warm and soft entrance to her dribbling wet pussy. Larissa noticed me eyeing her up and down. She gave me yet another wicked smile and spun around for me. She bent over both facing me and facing away from me, to show off her tits and ass. Her ass had to be over two feet wide and one foot thick or more. It was humongous, soft and smooth. I could spend the whole day playing with it. My mouth watered watching her ass jiggle and her tits shake. Larissa's f-cup tits appeared to defy gravity, they were so perky. Then she surprised me by taking one of her fat, dark brown nipples into her mouth, sucking her own tit. She let go of her nipple and allowed her breast to bounce back into place. Her chest stuck out a foot in front of her. Larissa grabbed her tits, mashed them in her hands and then cupped them as if she were weighing them. She moaned something in Spanish. I asked what she said and she replied, "I love my new body. I look like a whore but I'm your whore, pregnant with your babies, ready to fuck you anytime."
I grabbed her plump golden brown ass while forcing her toward me for a kiss. I played with her soft fat ass the whole time we made out. Larissa's immense tits smushed against me as we kissed. I could feel her monumental nipples become erect. Meanwhile my erection was pinned against her flat belly. As I pulled away I noticed her belly wasn't as flat as it was before her transformation. She used to be thin and flat all over, now she was sexy and round. Larissa had a slight pudge to her belly now. It was just enough that a shirt wouldn't be able to hide it, however, it wasn't anywhere near large enough to be considered fat by anyone's standards. I wasn't sure if it was from excess cum still trapped inside or if it was from her recent second puberty and transformation. Either way I loved her soft slightly pudgy middle. It gave me even more sweet flesh to rub.
My hands slid across Larissa's wide, round hips. I gave her mammoth ass a squeeze with one hand and a slap with the other. She yelped
and jumped from shock. When she jumped I felt her hot pussy rub against my cock. Larissa moaned and started to grind against me. She had grown a little taller too so now her pussy was just about in line with my hard cock. Larissa wrapped her arms around me to pull me in close. The feeling of my erection rubbing her soft midriff drove Larissa and I insane. Finally, in between kisses, she whispered, "I have to have you inside me right fucking now!"
I agreed. I stepped back to give us a break and get onto the bed. Larissa didn't move, she stood there, eyes fixed on my cock. It was almost a foot long and four inches wide. Larissa appeared as if she were mesmerized by it. Meanwhile I was mesmerized by everything about Larissa. Her massive tits glistened with sweat. I leaned forward and sucked one enlarged brown nipple while groping her other breast with my right hand. Her nipples were huge, yet this action stimulated them further. I tweaked her nipple with my fingers while giving both her smooth tits a kiss.
"Mmmm," Larissa gasped. "I seriously can't wait any longer!!" She pushed me away from her so she could reach down and furiously rub her aching clit. As Larissa pleasured herself, she spoke, "I don't wanna be all bloated again from you stuffing me with cum. Though I NEED to be fucked right now! God, I've never been this horny! Tell you what, I'll give you a BJ that way we'll both be satisfied and you won't pump me up making me look pregnant again. Sound good?"
I was actually disappointed. We were both turned on beyond belief due to the medicine yet she was holding back from having sex. Did she really hate that magnificent sloshing belly I had given her? She must have in order to withstand not having sex while we were still reacting to the medicine. "Alright," I complied, "but I thought that spherical, malleable, cum-filled belly of yours was extremely hot. I wanted to feel it up while making love to you, hearing and feeling it slosh and churn as we fuck."
"Fuck I'm cumming!" Larissa announced. "Damn I just came from fingering myself while listening to you say sexy shit like that! I'll let you fuck and feel me as much as you want as long as I can do the same to you. However, right now I'm not used to my womb inflating like a balloon so I'm gonna pass. C'mon I'm dying to start this blowjob. Look at the size of your cock Peter!"
Larissa and I got off the bed and she bent to her knees. She took my monstrous cock in her hands with a greedy smile. Her dazzling brown eyes looked up at me, emitting sheer joy. "I can't see anything past my tits," Larissa giggled as she stared down. Before I could respond, Larissa dove her moth onto my raging cock, shoving it inside hungrily. I sighed from relief as my throbbing cock finally got some attention. I pet her long, lustrous brown hair as she slurped away. At times Larissa would stop to lick up and down the sides of my cock as it was too large to fit much in her mouth. It was as if my cock were candy. She also gave it a few strokes here and there. Her hands hardly fit around it, the medicine made it so engorged. The blowjob was more of a sex-crazed frenzy. Larissa was doing everything she could to worship my cock, not just blow it. Suddenly, I felt a heavenly warmth and softness glide up my shaft. I looked down to see Larissa awkwardly trying to get me off using her tits. I appreciated her effort although it didn't work very well with me standing and her half kneeling. It still felt wonderful. Her soft, pillowy flesh surrounding my rough, hard cock brought me to the edge of an orgasm. I could occasionally feel Larissa's incredibly erect nipples rub against my cock.
"I love you and your tits so much," I moaned in ecstasy. Larissa laughed.
"I love them too," Larissa confessed. She played with her tits for a second as if to prove her claim. "Thank you for them, and for this giant dick of yours," Larissa smiled. She smothered her bouncing breasts on my cock one last time before she got down to continue the blowjob. Feeling her big juicy tits was too much for my cock. I was going to cum soon. My cock began to swell, growing larger just like it had before I ejaculated the last time.
"Oh fuck, you're getting bigger!" Larissa exclaimed. She latched her mouth around the tip of my dick and sucked hard. I felt it pop out of her mouth so she could speak. "I want to feel it grow inside my mouth, with my tongue. Don't worry about cumming on me or in my mouth. I can't wait to be showered with hot spunk!" Larissa teased as she hastily shoved my cock back in her mouth. She sucked and licked my swelling dick. Larissa forced as much of my cock as she could into her mouth. Her lips formed a tight seal around my shaft.
I couldn't hold back anymore. "Oh I'm coming!" I warned. All of a sudden, my cock grew so humongous that it became stuck in Larissa... again! This time it was her mouth that was tightly sealed around my cock. She tried to move but it wouldn't budge, at least not without hurting her cheeks. A torrent of cum exploded out of my giant cock and into Larissa's waiting mouth. Her eyes shot open wide. Once again there were copious amounts of cum. Only this time Larissa was at risk of choking. At first she did a great job of swallowing spurt after spurt. Eventually the medicine created the same effect as before, a constant, flowing, river of cum erupting from my thick cock. Larissa's cheeks started to bulge with excess cum. It was becoming increasingly harder for her to keep up with the massive loads of cum I was pumping. To prevent Larissa from choking I held her head and aimed my cock deeper into her throat. The sheer size of my large cock in her small mouth didn't allow for much movement. Somehow I managed to get deeper into Larissa's throat, making it easier for her to swallow and breathe through her nose.
Larissa was panicking at first but gradually relaxed. I noticed she was furiously rubbing her pussy while gulping down obscene amounts of ejaculate. She moaned and writhed all while my cock steadily pulsed and spewed. Larissa closed her eyes in bliss. I stroked her beautiful long brown hair. It was silky and soft like the rest of her.
It wasn't until Larissa reached up to play with her breasts that I realized something. Larissa's huge tits were resting on something... a swelling tan belly. Larissa was expanding again! I couldn't believe it! This time it was her stomach inflating with semen instead of her womb. The end result looked the same. Larissa's belly grew and grew with each gulp of sperm. Watching the sexy Latin belly become fuller, rounder and larger every second drastically increased the amount of cum I expelled. I felt my cock unleash one final blast of cum which made an audible splash as it landed deep within Larissa's tummy. Her distended belly bulged as if she were pregnant. The tight tan skin was so breathtakingly stunning. I couldn't wait for my cock to be freed from Larissa's mouth so I could bend down and rub her new plump belly.
Over time my orgasm subsided and I pulled out of Larissa's mouth. It made another "pop" sound. She gasped to catch her breath while holding her gigantic tummy. I felt so bad. She wanted to have oral sex to avoid being inflated by cum yet that's exactly what happened. Larissa licked her lips. "Oh fuck me, I'm so full. Peter, what am I gonna do? I'm horny to the max but I keep ending up bloated, fat and ugly."
"You were just raving about how you love your body! You look insanely sexy. The sexiest woman I've ever seen!" I protested. My erection returned to prove it.
"Damn you really believe that," Larissa concluded as she admired my cock. She licked it with a smile. Her bright white teeth pierced through the dim room. Larissa stood with a struggle. She held her belly as if she were pregnant and asked, "you like this body?" Larissa patted her globe-like stomach.
"It's so hot Larissa! I wanna rub it all day and hold it from behind while I fuck you!" I blurted out. I meant to keep some of that to myself. She looked like she was six months pregnant, however, it was just a bloated belly from swallowing so much semen. That meant unlike a firm pregnant belly, Larissa's sudo pregnant belly was soft and could be grabbed, shaken, slapped and played with as it was a loose, lovely paunch of flesh. I couldn't take my eyes off it and couldn't wait to feel it up.
Larissa laughed. Her body jiggled as she giggled. She played with her tummy for a minute just to tease me. Seemingly out of nowhere, Larissa's face turned pale. Her expression was no longer happy. "On fuck!" Larissa cursed. She squeezed her bulging caramel-colored belly.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I swallowed all of your cum, so it's in my stomach, not my womb. That means it doesn't come out when I put pressure on my stomach. I'd have to make myself throw up if I wanna lose this fat, churning belly of cum. I can't go home with a huge sloshing belly but I don't wanna throw up either. What do I do?" Larissa gave me an innocent look. She cradled her belly in her hands as she stared at me.
"Well people are definitely gonna notice what the medicine did to your body. I think that having a chubby tummy might help convince others that you've simply gained weight instead of, you know, going through puberty again and becoming curvier. It's up to you. If you don't like being swollen, go throw up. If you wanna be able to tell better excuses, keep it. I promise either way you're radiant! I wanna feel your belly so badly!"
Larissa gave her stomach a slap. My erect penis jumped at the sight of her quaking belly. I have no clue what it was about a woman's stomach that turned me on so much. All I knew was that I hoped I'd get to fuck her while she looked like that, bloated, chubby, round. Unfortunately for me I knew what Larissa wanted.
"I'll let you feel me up but I'm gonna go throw up now. I just don't like this look. I know I'm pregnant and I'm gonna be huge yet this is different. It's strange and new to me. Next time I'll let you fuck me while I'm filled like this but for now I really have to get going. I'll use your excuse that I put on weight or had a growth spurt. It's gonna be a tough sell; to believe that all the fat only went to my tits, ass, and thighs. I don't have a better explanation and well, nobody will know of how else this could've happened so they'll be forced to believe me."
I nodded and walked up to Larissa. She stretched out her arms for a hug. When I did so, her expanded gut rubbed my cock profusely. Pre-cum dripped onto her soft midriff. I stepped back and rubbed it into her skin with both hands. Her light brown skin felt so smooth and heavenly. I squeezed and groped her beautiful pudgy belly. To my surprise I could hear the cum inside sloshing around. My dick throbbed. It longed to get inside Larissa and fill her up even more. I lifted Larissa's sexy belly, measuring its weight in my hands. I gave her tummy a slap as if it were her ass. Larissa yelped and jumped back.
"Hey!" Larissa scolded. "I just swallowed gallons of cum, slap my belly and I'm probably gonna throw up."
"I thought you wanted to throw up?"
Larissa laughed and rubbed her belly seductively. "Yeah, when I'm in the bathroom," she gushed. Then she gave me a wink and turned to head off to the restroom. As she left I was treated to a tantalizing view of Larissa's bare bubble butt rippling as she walked. I followed her out of my room, down the hall, and into the bathroom. I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. Larissa shrieked and giggled. My erection was smashed in between Larissa's bulging asscheeks. Meanwhile, my hands toyed with her gorgeous, soft fat belly. I held onto it as I started to grind or hump her slightly.
"Oh fuck! I want you to bend me over and rut me like an animal! Feel my swaying belly and breasts as you take control of me, breeding me. But I have to go home now or else I'm grounded. If I get grounded we won't be able to fuck for a while. I don't think I can wait to make love to you. That means you have to stop, let me drain this gut, and go home on time so I won't be in trouble and we can have an even longer, better, sex session next time." Larissa promised.
I stopped humping. Larissa turned around and kissed me sensually. She wrapped her arms around my neck and shoved her tongue into my mouth as we made out lustfully. Her tits smushed against me along with her lovely belly. With the way the medicine had changed us it was a miracle we were able to stop fucking even for a second. When Larissa pulled away her body glistened with more pre-cum that had leaked from my dick. This time she was the one to massage it into her skin. After Larissa rubbed my pre-cum on her erect brown nipples, she licked her fingers. Before I could comment on her behavior, Larissa laughed and walked away.
I left her alone to purge her stomach. It was very disgusting and painful to hear the girl I loved throwing up. Eventually I heard her brush her teeth, most likely with one of the spare brushes, and rinse with mouth wash. The bathroom door swung open to reveal a true Latina beauty. Larissa Jimenez, the Latina goddess of sex, fertility and pretty soon, pregnancy. Her tummy had flattened, yet not completely disappeared this time. This added a sexy jiggle to her belly as she walked. Her stomach was not too large, nowhere near as it had been. It was simply chubby like the average post-pregnancy mother would have.
"I couldn't get rid of all of it," Larissa whined. She jiggled her tiny tummy. "I guess you're happy about that," she beamed. Larissa knew how attractive I found her and her body. If she didn't then she easily could discover my love for her by my engorged erection.
Larissa and I got dressed and walked downstairs to say our goodbyes at the door. It was somewhat awkward because of how different Larissa looked now opposed to when she arrived. She had to carry her bra home as it was meant for a tiny girl with almost no tits. Her mammoth tits made her shirt ride up all the way to barely cover the bottom of her breasts. Meanwhile her panties now acted as a thong and her short shorts stretched enough that she could squeeze them on but they covered nothing. Her wide hips combined with her giant ass and thick thighs stretched the material of her shorts so thin that they were translucent. In addition, more than half of her voluptuous ass was showing. Her clothes were ridiculously small on her curvy body. One of the sexiest parts was the small muffin top her tight shorts and bloated belly created.
Larissa kissed me goodbye while subtly rubbing my cock through my shorts. As we kissed I rubbed her belly one last time and then gave her ass a gentle pat as she left. "Bye, love you Peter Gold!" Larissa waved.
-----Five Days Later-----
I hadn't seen Larissa since the day we first made love and she went through her transformation. I was in the middle of measuring my cock, because it hadn't gotten any smaller since the medicine, when the doorbell rang. I didn't know my side effects were permanent too, I thought as I got dressed to answer the door.
I opened the door. My heart stopped. My jaw dropped. My eyes opened wide. It was Larissa. She stood facing the left so I was looking at her from the side. This view allowed me to see that her tits, ass and thighs hadn't changed. She was still voluptuous. What had changed was the round pregnant belly she was sporting from her exposed midriff shirt. I was shocked. It didn't look like bloating or fat, it was firm. The gentle, curvy, swell of her smooth, tan caramel-colored baby bump was equivalent to someone a month or two along and starting to show, yet it had only been five days.
Larissa rubbed her bulging belly seductively. "Surprised? This is what happens when you impregnate someone with every baby they hold... rapid belly swelling. But I know that only turns you on, so what do you say... ready to fuck your baby mama?" My beautiful girlfriend Larissa Jimenez the little Latina turned into a thick, pregnant sex goddess.
0 notes
tattosandtherapy · 8 years
Anxiety is an invalid excuse
Anxiety is an invalid excuse. I just got back to my room after a failed attempt to go to class. I’m sitting here, writing this, trying to think of something to email my professor to sugarcoat what I’m feeling, to really drive home the point that class today was unbearable for me. You see if it was the flu or a bad head cold this would be easy. I would simply relay the symptoms and be excused with a general “feel better” and a hidden relief that I wouldn’t be getting anyone else sick. To send an email saying I just had to take a breather on a 4th Ave. step because my lungs felt as if they were collapsing and my body was shaking so badly I could hardly walk doesn’t do the trick. Anxiety is an invalid excuse. I was supposed to go out to dinner with my friends a few nights ago but couldn’t get myself out of bed due to some unwelcomed existential dread about nothing in particular. No, it wasn’t something my horoscope said. It wasn’t something I was anticipating in the upcoming week. I wasn’t “nervous.” I was simply incapable. “But it’ll be fun,” they said. “You never go out with us.” Anxiety is an invalid excuse. I fear having to tell people I’m on medication because the second I do, I see my fears written across their faces. The fact that I have to take a dose of something with an unpronounceable name twice a day just to make me feel like I’m residing on some middle ground that makes me capable of mandatory human function immediately sets off alarms that I am a lesser person, lacking independence and radiating unpredictability. All of a sudden I’m the crazy, mentally unstable girl completely incompetent and incapabe of any mundane task in front of me. I don’t even dream of revealing I have a Xanax in my bag in case of emergency, because the one time I mentioned it, the faces of my friends were the same as I’d expect if they saw me shooting up heroin in the bathroom of the bar. Anxiety is an invalid excuse. In the eyes of others, it makes me a liar. Lazy. Inadequate. Delusional. Crazy. I can’t say I have a diagnosis because everyone I tell is conditioned to think I’m either a deranged psychopath or I’m faking it because I’m simply too fragile to face life like a normal person; underwhelming unable to walk through a typical routine without having an upper to keep me stable. Do they think I pity myself so much to induce a self-hatred strong enough to keep myself so far from mental catharsis? Do they think I find this fun? Anxiety is an invalid excuse. I’ve begun to believe it myself. Every time I feel my chest get heavy, my hands get sweaty, my vision become disconnected, I tell myself to suck it up: that it’s all in my head. Maybe it is. That’s certainly where it lives. But tell that to my body when I’m locked in my room, unable to move or think or breathe. Tell that to my ears that simply decide to stop hearing and scream with hollow ringing that disorients me to the point of defeat. Tell that to the girl who has sat on grimy floors in restaurant bathrooms and called for cabs with no goodbye because, for a few moments, she can’t remember how to exist. Anxiety is an invalid excuse. They say there’s a science behind it. That it’s just how I work. They say it’s a sickness, real as cancer. But how am I supposed to believe it when I can’t convince myself it’s not self-induced? How am I supposed to survive an illness I’m not convinced even exists? How am I supposed to love my mind if I constantly doubt its ability to decipher reality from fiction? Anxiety is an invalid excuse. I know this because my school only allows three absences per semester. My only saving grace is that the school psychiatrist believes me. I’ve officially been categorized, embossed, labeled with the word “disabled.” I feel like a sick scam. Who am I to say I’m hindered when there’s nothing visibly wrong with me: when some days I function at 110 percent and nothing can hold me back. I feel like a disrespectful fool calling myself disabled when I have a condition so loosely defined, so casual. I have no right to categorize myself as someone with real life problems. There are many who have it much worse than me. And because my vices cannot be seen from the surface they’re perceived as fake. It’s a bittersweet sentiment knowing my flaws are beautifully misunderstood in a way that allows me to pretend they don’t exist while someone is watching. I thrive in the precious moments I spend being normal. I cripple in the instances I must try to explain the place I’m coming from, the place no one will ever truly understand until they feel their heart stop beating in their chest only to accelerate far past a normal rhythm, blood rushing to their head until the whole world fades away to a crystallized screen of silent white. I’m sure the letter sent to each of my teachers makes them think I’m just a student with low self-esteem who whines and pouts my way through life, looking for shallow excuses to half-ass my work. But I want to succeed. I want to live. To live comfortably. That's my dream. Anxiety is an invalid excuse because I can’t convince myself I’m not insane. I can’t get over the possibility that every trigger, every panic, is rooted deep in my overactive imagination who happens to be a spiteful little bitch that likes to see me squirm. It’s in the calm moments I feel it most. When I’m finally content and that sharp jab of terror hits the sweet spot in the middle of my throat, closing in until I’m choking on invisible tribulations. It’s so vivid I can see the muscles contracting, turning purple as I fear…what? What is it that I fear? It’s the imaginary evils that sneak up and get me in the moments I least expect it. It’s the seconds of doubt that turn into gut-wrenching reservations and claustrophobic convulsing that drive me right back under my sheets until a glimmer of light breaks through the stitching. It’s the darkest days and the brightest nights because sleep is the only time I can fully escape it. Anxiety is an invalid excuse. So I refuse to let myself give in to the impulses. I’m a fighter. I hate the guilt I feel every time I have to step out of a room, find the little, hidden stash of pills in my purse and sneak one out of view of anyone I know. I don’t know how anyone enjoys that high. It makes me sad, the lowest I’ve ever felt, feeling incapable of performing in my day-to-day life without an artificial aid. But I’ve come to terms with the idea that sometimes there is no other option. I hope one day I’ll be okay with that.
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
Roleplay Server Log #153
“Lost Silver’s Eevee Evolves, LH speaks”
[TLOT] Sits up a bit disoriented, remembering he's still in a cat shape before shifting back.
[Lie] Gasps awake and is still shaking, CP is quick to pull her closer to him-
[Doc] Is everyone okay? Did you fix it?!
[TLOT] Her memory of Offender surfaced.
[Doc] Frowns darkly. - That bastard...
[Smile] Stretches and sniffs around-
[CP] Holds his wife and is whispering soothing things to her, he's in full protection mode-
[TLOT] Lie beat him up Doc.
[Doc] Good for you Lie!
[Lie] - I...  I don't ever want to sleep again...
[Deer] Is gathering some blankets and trying t find some herbal tea she knows she stored down here at some point-
[TLOT] Well, you don't actually have to sleep if you don't want too. But you probably should.
[Lie] - I just...  I couldn't remember it whenever I woke up, and with her voice there as well...
[Doc] Wait... she was there and tried to speak to you when it happened? Or was she just the one that triggered the memory?
[Lie] - I don't know, but I could hear her voice
[CP] - I don't actually think she was there...
[Doc] I thought she was always near the Slenders, even if she doesn't posess them directly.
[CP] - You mean when she was little?  I have no idea...  But I must say you were...  cute as a child...
[TLOT] Seconded. Though you look even nicer as a brine.
[Lie] - I barely remember what I looked like back then...
[TLOT] Focuses for a moment and projects an image of the little girl to everyone in the room.
[Doc] Awwww
[Lie] - TLOT!
[TLOT] What? You said you couldn't remember.
[Lie] - I said barely!  I do still have some!
[TLOT] Tiny knowing grin-
[CP] Nuzzles into Lie, hearing her hearts pounding loudly as Deer approaches with the blankets and tea-
[Lie] Accepts them- Thank you Deer
[TLOT] Spawns several steaks for Smile and holds them out. - You did good. Thank you.
[Smile] Eagerly takes the steaks-
[Grinny] Shakily manages to come down the stairs-
[LH] Is bounding along and keeps going back to check on Grinny -
[Grinny] Hisses at LH as he approaches Smile.  Smile sniffs him and then lays down, letting Grinny crawl on top of him-
[LH] Approaches Smile warily. - Mew?
[Smiles] Grows menacingly at LH, he would start chasing LH, but won't move because of Grinny-
[LH] Poofs up and hides behind Doc.
[Doc] Hello Grinny. I'm glad you're up and around at least.
[Grinny] - Fuck you
[Doc] Lie, you remember Grinny.
[Lie] Is finally calming down-  Yeah, what happened to his fur?
[Doc] The Insanity possession was masking a lethal dose of radiation poisoning. Flux and Deerheart cleaned it out of his system, but his fur still fell out. Poor kitty. Steve made him the little sweater.
[Lie] - I can see that...  How long were we asleep?
[Doc] Not long at all.
[Lie] - So then Steve's probably still busy with Stevie
[TLOT] Is quiet for a second- Yep. They found a cache of redstone. They're okay.
[CP] - Good- Realizes he said that aloud
[Lie] Sighs and leans against CP- TLOT, do you mind if I used your hot tub?  I feel like I could really use it...
[CP] - Why not just use the lava pool?
[TLOT] Go ahead. Use whatever one you like. Take your time too.
[Lie] - Thank you- She stands and starts making her way towards TLOT's room
[CP] Moves to follow her-
[LH] Scampers after Lie -
[TLOT] Cp... maybe you should give her a minute to herself....
[CP] - But...
[TLOT] She has a lot on her mind, and my room is a pretty safe place to be.
[Doc] Whispers- unless you're Steve.
[CP] Growls a little-
[TLOT] Hey!
[Grinny] Stretches out on Smile-
[liu] -come into the room- hello?
[Doc] Oh hey Liu. Did you see Jeff? He went storming out of here a little while ago
[Smile] Perks up and his tail starts thumping against the ground-
[liu] I didn't see jeff but I saw in chat he came in I was looking for him and smile I made them rooms in my house if they wanted to visit.
[Doc] I think Smile wants to stay with Grinny for now, but you're welcome to hang out here.
[Grinny] Annoyed, swats Smile's head, the thumps from his tail are vibrating his body in an uncomfortable way-
[liu] -sits next to smile and scratches his head-
[Smile] Tail still wagging-
[liu] -gives smile a steak-
[CP] Just starts pacing-
-There's giggling from up in the vine room-
[Lie] Has slipped into the heated tub and is gently feeling the only remaining lotus blossom-
[Smile] Tears off a small amount and tosses it onto his back for Grinny-
[liu] -also puts a cooked fish on smiles back for grinny-
[Grinny] Bites Liu-
[LH] Paces around beside the tub for a minute and then sits there placidly looking at her - meow.
[liu] OW!
[Lie] Holds out some fingers for LH to rub against-
[Doc] Hears the chuckling upstairs but is loathe to leave CP alone.
[LH] Puuuuurrrrrr
[Grinny] Growls-
[Doc] Oh Liu! Let me see that.
-The lab door can be heard opening and closing and Sally skips down with an apple.  EJ is following her-
[liu] -holds his hand out it is bleeding only a little bit- I don't know what I did wrong to upset smile's friend cat.
[Doc] rubs a bit of potion on the little scratch - He just doesn't like people.
[Sally] Gasps- SMILE!  GRINNY!- Runs over and hugs them
[TLOT] Sally, and hello Ej.
[liu] -waves at both of them- hello.
[EJ] Flips them both off-
[Doc] Give Ej a respectful nod. - Hello Sally. What do you think of my little castle?
[Sally] - It's funny!- She has Grinny hanging limply in her arms
[liu] -pets smile again-
[Doc] I guess there is someone else Grinny likes after all.
[CP] - Nope, more like we'd rather still be alive then let any harm come to Sally
[EJ] - Why is Grinny wearing an ugly sweater and hairless?
[Doc] He had radiation poisoning underneath his Insanity possession. It's gone now but he'll need a little time to regrow his fur. Steve made him the sweater so he wouldn't get cold.
[EJ] Face palms- Oh for fucks sake
[Doc] Time moves weirdly here, I don't think it will take long to come back.
[EJ] - Eh, whatever, not my problem
[Doc] Nope, it isn't. I'll take care of him.
[EJ] - Good, cause I'm pretty sure you're on the war path with Slender anyways
[Doc] I've known that from the start. I'm kinda glad he doesn't remember me working on him while he was out of his head...
[EJ] - You what?
[Doc] I did some battle damage repairs on him, that's why I left with Splender. He's a real bitch to stitch up while he's thrashing around.
[EJ] - No shit, that's why his brothers usually tend to that
[Doc] Eh, I managed. And how many people can say they actually hugged Slender? It's good to be a dragon sometimes.
[EJ] - You are damned lucky he doesn't remember
[Doc] Especially since I got stupid drunk afterwards. It was kind of a wild night.
[CP] Still pacing, leaving a heated trail behind him-
[EJ] - I don't want to know
[Doc] That's probably for the best.
[TLOT] Didn't you have something for Ej Doc?
[Doc] Yeah... I do. Steve borrowed my computer. He made you a present.
[EJ] - A present?  Fuck that, I don't want it
[Doc] It's rather nasty and I think you'll be quite pleased with it actually. It's a special cookbook.
[EJ] - You mean for my diet which you messed up?
[CP] His trail is starting to turn into full on lava now-
[Doc] It's not messed up. It was abnormal and now it's fixed. Surely you can't look at your gross rotting organs that I took out and think that was healthy?
[TLOT] Walks behind Cp and keeps the lava cleaned up.
[EJ] - Hey, they were still functioning
[CP] - The fuck are you doing?
[TLOT] Just tidying up, pay me no mind.
[Doc] Let me guess, you were fine?
[EJ] - Shut it
[Sally] Puts Grinny back on Smile and starts eating her apple-
[Doc] Just look at it please. - holds out the small book-
[EJ] Takes the book and glances through it-
-Inside the book each page is a recipe containing at least one animal organ, blood or some other rarely eaten part, chorizo, oxtail stew, blood pudding, steak and kidney pie, haggis, goose liver pate, fried chicken livers and gizzards, boudain, tripe, blood sausage and scrapple -
[EJ] - Is this your way of trying to make up for ruining my digestive tract?  Pathetic
[Doc] It wasn't me. Steve saw how upset I was and decided to help. The only reason he's not delivering it himself is that he's terrified of you and he's currently mining down below with Cp's little brother.
[EJ] -...  So there are two humans alone downstairs?
[CP] - EJ I will murder you myself if you do anything to Stevie
[TLOT] Darkly - Steve is the mate of a Herobrine, he is NEVER truly alone.
[EJ] Scowls under his mask-
[Doc] Oh, while you're here Smile, I have something fun for you too. It's pretty cool. You want it?
[Smile] Perks up, his trail still thumping hard on the floor much to Grinny's annoyance-
[Doc] gets out a copy of the code they used on Grinny and smears it across hir palm before patting the big dogs head. - There you go boy, speak! Just say anything.
[Smile] Barks- Do I did good speak!?
[Doc] Very good. You're a very helpful doggie. Lie should be able to sleep better now.
[Smile] - Good, she's pretty and smells nice and has lots of cats to chase and other dogs to maul!
[liu] are you excited for the room I made for you smile?
[Smile] Tilts head curiously- What room?
[liu] I made you a bed room for when you visit in my new house.
[Doc] Okay... don't maul her dogs. She'll cry and her plants will probably bite you. Best to leave the cats alone too. There's plenty of wild pigs, chickens and cows around to bother, and no one cares if you eat them.
[Smile] To Doc- Okay!- To Liu- But I always sleep with Jeff!
[liu] I made jeff a bedroom as well
[Smile] - Okay!
[Grinny] - Smile, stop that infuriating thumping!
[Smile] - Grinny! I have to scratch!
[Grinny] - Too bad! I'm not moving
[Smile] - But my butt itches!
[TLOT] Reaches over and scratches the dog-
[Grinny] Swats at TLOT-
[TLOT] Swats back and pokes Grinny in the nose-
[Grinny] Tries to bite TLOT-
[TLOT] Is still sitting on the bed slightly above them and gives Grinny a perfect view as he morphs back into his massive golden cat form.
[Griny] Hisses and growls- Leave us be!
[TLOT] He just wanted his rump scratched. You're the one being snotty.
[Grinny] Because it disturbs my resting
[TLOT} Then have a little respect for your fluffy pillow.
[Grinny] - He's fine- Settles down some more
[TLOT] Saunters down near Smile and gives him a head pat with one big paw.- Good boy
[Smile] - I'm a good boy?  But I haven't killed or scared anything?
[TLOT] You've putting up with your friends crap. That makes you a damn good dog.
[Smile] - Really!?
[TLOT} cocks his head curiously,-well yes! In fact, generally speaking killing and scaring aren't considered good at all. I mean unless you're protecting someone else or yourself from danger.
[Smile] Suddenly stands up, dislodging Grinny who yowls as he falls to the floor- But they're so much fun!  And it's what we do!  And it's fun!
[TLOT] But it's not fun for the person you're hurting or scaring.
[Smile] - But that's the point!  And then Jeff usually stabs them!  Or let's me rip out their throats!
[Grinny] Huffily walks around trying to find a spot to curl up-
[TLOT] But that's not considered being good. Just obedient.
[Doc] Sits down on the bed and picks Grinny up.
[Smile] - But it also makes me a good dog!  And I get rewarded!
[Grinny] Struggles- Put me down you imbecilic quack!
[TLOT] It's what Jeff considers good, but that's just his opinion.
[Doc] Puts the cat next to hir on the bed. - chill out.
[Grinny] - Then leave me be!
[Smile] - Jeff is owner, Jeff is always right
[Doc] flips the blanket over Grinny except for his head. - Shush.
[Grinny] - I hate you so much...
[CP] Is still pacing-
[TLOT] But all I'm saying is that his opinion is different from most.
[Smile] - Not those of the manor
[liu] -whispers- he thought I wasn't real but I am
[Doc] Pats Grinny's head.
[Grinny] Tries to bite Doc-
[TLOT] Liu is right, Jeff isn't infallible. And what someones family teaches may easily be at odds from what everyone else believes. Morality is subjective, but when you take someones life out there, someone who meant you no harm. It is wrong. You're stealing something that doesn't belong to you. And they go away, from everything they've ever loved, and never come back again.
[Doc] Easily evades Grinnys bite and starts fussing around in their inventory instead.
[Smile] - Just as what has happened to many of us...  Parts of us taken by humans, never to be returned
[TLOT] But you can't hurt everyone in a crowd because one of them hurt you.
[Smile] - Yes you can
[TLOT] Okay, pardon, you CAN, but you shouldn't.
[Smile] - Yes you should
[TLOT] Okay lets say you lead a reign of terror, and you make everyone afraid of big dogs like you. And then they see normal dogs that aren't doing anything wrong at all, and assume they're murderers just like you. And then they hurt and kill all those innocent dogs because you made them scared. Is that fair?
[Smile] - But they don't...  I am one who causes mass panic...  My abilities...  Act like a chain letter, I tell them to spread the word
[TLOT] You didn't answer my question. Do you think that's fair?
[Smile] - Why should I care?  They already irrationally fear some types of dogs, it doesn't change much
[TLOT] Because it's your type of thinking that's destroying my kind. The NOTCHs believe that all Herobrine's are bad because some of them kill players. Cp's family was ripped apart because someone thought all creatures like him should be deleted.
[CP] - And they brought us one of our strongest members, a new addition to our family
[TLOT] Broken in spirit and full of hatred. He was happy and the NOTCH took it away from him.
[Smile] - What family?  He never really mentioned one...
[TLOT] He was afraid you creepypastas would kill them.
[Smile] - Eh, I don't care
[TLOT] Is sticking his whiskers out, he's obviously annoyed. He goes over to the base of the stairs and starts washing his face.
[Doc] It's okay TLOT, you tried. I of all people know how hard it is. You can't make someone care.
[CP] Is starting to leave lava behind him again-
[Doc] Gets up to tidy it up behind him and then watches him pace for a few minutes before getting in his way.
[CP] Growls- What?
[Doc] Nothing at all. - Xe darts forward and gives him a tremendous hug, pressing his arms to his sides and making a spirited attempt to pick him slightly off the floor before letting go and stepping out of his way again.
[CP] Lashes out at DOc- FUCKER!
[Doc] Ducks, xe's used to this-
[CP] Keeps pacing-
[Doc] Quietly- it's going to be okay Cp. She just needs to collect her thoughts. What are you so worried about anyway?
[CP] - You didn't see how terrified she was, even when she was my victim she never showed such terror
[Doc] She was a child CP, with no idea what she was seeing beyond someone else in mortal terror. Children have empathy, they see bad things happen and imagine themselves as the victims. She had every right to be afraid. Offender scares me too. His sheer predatory callousness is like a slime I just want to burn off my skin.
[CP] - Really?  Because you seemed to get along just fine with him when drunk
[Doc] Being drunk makes me less scared.
[CP] - I just...  Never mind...
[Doc] What? I don't have a tolerance like you, and I did drink two full bottles of whiskey.
-There's a tiny flutter in the vines above and one of the white flitters perches there silently fanning it's wings. -
[CP] - I just need to make certain she's okay...  I don't like the thought of her being scared anymore...
[Doc] Is really hoping Ej heard what CP just said. - That's love. You don't just want her as a possession, you want her to be safe and happy too.
[EJ] Scoffs-
[Deer] - I'd think you'd be used to it by now CP
[TLOT] Has shifted back and is sitting on the bottom step with his cloak pooled around him. - I understand. If you're not used to feeling that way, it's like being hit with a ton of netherbricks.
[CP] - Shut it!  How the fuck did we even get on this subject again?
[TLOT] You're pacing a lava trail worrying about your mate, how can we not talk about it?
[CP] - It's not my fault I run so hot
[EJ] - Do we need to get a hose?
[TLOT] No, it's okay, I'll take care of it. - Gets up and flips the lava back to stone.
[Doc] No one is blaming you Cp. It's just a stone floor, easily fixed. And we all run a bit hot.
[CP] Growls a little-
[Doc] Oh stop it. We're your friends. We care if you're upset. And we want Lie to be safe just as much as you do.
[CP] - I'd rather she have not had to go through that!
[TLOT] Well obviously. There are several things I wish had never happened. But you can't go back and change the past.
[CP] - Are we sure about that?
[Doc] Yes. And if she hadn't seen that, she might not be your mate today.
[CP] Scowls- Would it be better that way?  She may have never become my victim if that hadn't happened potentially...
[TLOT] Probably not, and what you did was horrible. But without her, and potentially us, you would still be out there hurting others just as badly.
[Doc] Lie loves Minecraft, and it's not such a bad existence.
[CP] Is slowly sinking into a block of lava since he stopped pacing while talking-  I just don't know what to do...
[TLOT] Takes him by the shoulders and lifts him up back onto the floor. While Doc throws a stone block in the spot. - You're thinking too hard Cp. Just stop for a minute.
[CP] - I can't
[TLOT] Just gives him a wry grin and stops for a sec. - Haha... Good one kiddo.
[CP] - The fuck did you just say?
[TLOT] Your little brother got first blood on a spider that was sneaking up on him and Steve.
[CP] - I see...  There's the barest hint of a smile on his face
[TLOT] Steve says he's all elated because he found some lapis high on a wall and got it without any help. It was just a four block nerd pole, but that's high for a little kid.
[TLOT] Because Steve is two blocks high and can reach up to three blocks and is perfectly capable of standing under him and catching him if he falls.
[CP] Growls a little- He's barely strong enough to use the iron pick, it could have thrown him off balance and made him fall into a more dangerous situation!
[TLOT] It's a tight, dry cave Cp, it's okay. Steve won't let him get hurt. They know what they're doing. Steve's mine like fish swim.
[CP] Frustrated noises-
[EJ] Is finding it very weird to be seeing CP acting like this-
[Doc] Here, I'll make you feel better- Makes some weird chittering noises and there's a squeak upstairs as the lab door is triggered. The Galvantula scurries down the steps and buzzes at Doc. - Can you go watch over Steve and Stevie? They're in a tunnel down the shaft by the shulker pen.
[Glavantula] Buuzop! - Skitters in that direction.
[CP] - How is that supposed to be helping?
[Doc] It can guard their backs. The jolt it gives off now is nearly as strong as my lighting blast as a dragon.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Sally] - EJ, I'm still hungry!
[Doc] I'd say you could send your Honedge but you kinda need it. Where's the Shuppet? You could tell it to guard Stevie.
[CP] - The hell should I know
[TLOT] I've got plently of basic food I can drag from creative Sally. What sounds good? roast chicken? Pork chops? I've got a loaded baked potato and even cookies.
[Doc] Fixes on the Honedge - can you call other Pokemon?
[Sally] - Cookies!
[EJ] - Real food first Sally
[Honedge] Gives a thumbs up with it's sash-
[TLOT] Spawns some food for her and a pile of cookies.
[Doc] Excellent, thank you.
[Sally] Immediately goes for the cookies-
[EJ] - Sally!
[Shuppet] Phases through the far wall and floats down near the sword making odd noises.
[Doc] It's technically yours Cp. Ask it to watch over Stevie.
[Honedge] Vibrates at Shuppet-
[CP] Grumbles- Oi, go watch Stevie
[Shuppet] Brushes the hem of it's little cloak on the sash of the Honedge and flies off the same way as the Galvantula went.
[Doc] That was perfect. Well done.
[CP] Shut it
[Doc] Do you feel better now at least?
[CP] - No
[TLOT] Should I tell them to stop and come back up?
[CP] - Ugh, I don't know!
[TLOT] Does a little skim on Cp's mind to see if he needs anything.
[CP] Worry is the greatest thing in his mind right now, he wants to be down with Lie to make sure she's okay mostly-
[TLOT] Touches Lies mind gently. - Are you okay Lie? Cp's very worried about you. Like, in a nice, loving way.
[Lie] - Yeah...  I think so...  Just still a little shaky...
[TLOT] Do you need to be alone a bit more?
[Lie] - I'm already not entirely alone, LH is down here with me
[TLOT] accidently aloud- Yeah, he's a good cat. That doesn't surprise me.
[CP] - You better not be referring to me
[TLOT] Chuckles - No. Lie is fine, she's still in the tub and LH is hanging out with her.
[CP] Sighs a little before starting up pacing again-
[TLOT] Looks unfocused for a moment. - You should have told the Shuppet to watch over Stevie when you first brought it here. Steve say that Stevie thinks it's the coolest thing ever.
[CP] - Oh joy...
[Doc] Pokemon do make really good bodyguards...
[CP] Growls a little-
[Espurr] Comes toddling in from Silver's room-
[Doc] Speaking of.... Hey Espurr.
[Espurr] Makes  happy face as it says it's name at Doc-
[Doc] Kneels down - I think I have some cooked fish left - pats around and offers him one- There you go. Where's Silver?
[Silver] - Dieno wait!
[Dieno] Rushes headfirst into a wall without it's helmet-
[Doc] Ouch, I guess that answers my question. - Xe gets up and sprays the Deino with a spritz of regular potion.
[Silver] Comes in with Dieno's helmet- Dieno!
[Doc] He's raring to go isn't he? Seems healthier then he was too.
[Silver] - I was just giving him a bath and he decided to run off...
[Doc] Scrubs the Deino under his chin- well that was naughty Deino, running away from your bath. Shame on you.
[Silver] - Of course he waited till I had his helmet off...
[EJ] - Silver?
[Doc] Laughs- Like a little kid.
[Silver] - Oh!  Uh... Um.. EJ...
[Doc] Is tryign not to grin.
[EJ] - Who'd you kill?
[Doc] No one. A friend of ours got his colors back with sheer love and determination.
[EJ] - That doesn't seem possible...
[Doc] -shrugs- He's not the only person she's healed with her hugs either. She's a very special Alex.
[EJ] - Whatever...
[TLOT] You know... now that you mention it Doc.... that crap coming out of Ej's eyes looks an awful look like the black weeping nastiness that GK had from the holy water corruption.
[Sally] Sneakily reaches for a cookie-
[EJ] - The what?
[Doc] GK can possess people, and he was forcibly ejected from a victim because the victim was made to drink holy water. The corruption stayed in his body, burning him from the inside out and weeping from his eyes and the corners of his mouth. He was incredibly ill. I think a lesser brine might have died.
[EJ] - I doubt it's the same as mine
[TLOT] You never know. You could talk to him about it. If you see a big red dragon that looks like he's part pig, flag him down. He's easily swayed to cooperation if you have alcohol too.
[EJ] - I doubt what he has to say will be of any interest to me- A bit of the black substance drips onto the ground
[TLOT] Suit yourself.
[Doc] Silver, guess what? My Joltick evolved! He's freaking huge now.
[Silver] - Wow, congrats- Silver now feels a little bit bad since none of his pokemon have ever evolved
[Doc] What's the matter Silver? I thought you'd think it was neat.
[Silver] - Oh, uh, it's nothing really...- Very quietly to himself- I guess I'm just not a good enough trainer...
[TLOT] A what Silver? I thought the evolving was just an experience thing? And I didn't think you'd be able to battle much with your housemates.
[Eevee] Bounds up, making inquisitive noises towards Silver-
[Doc] That's a good point. Which pokemon did you get first Silver?
[Silver] Turns reds with embarrassment- Oh...   Um, uh...  You see, experience isn't always the defining factor of an evolution.  Pokemon can force evolve themselves if they feel it's necessary...  Oh, and, uh, Eevee
[Doc] Then I guess we could just ask, you said they understand people- kneels down beside Eevee- You know, if you wanted to evolve you could. I think it would make Silver pretty happy.
[Eevee] Happily says it's name and jumps around-
[TLOT] Maybe they couldn't evolve because they were all sick and rotting before?
[Silver] - I...  I don't know...
[TLOT] what does Eevee turn into anyway?
[Silver] - A number of things, they don't evolve normally.  The can evolve into one of several element pokemon like flareon, jolteon, leafeon, or umbreon.  Most require a stone though...
[Doc] Hmmm. What do you think Eevee? You've got quite an audience here. I know I'd love to see it. And it sounds like you've got lots of options to pick from.
[Eevee] Runs over to Silver and stands on it's hind legs, his front paws on Silver's legs as it says it's name and paws at Silver-
{Doc] What are they saying? Do they need a stone for the one they want?
[Silver] - They're just saying they love me...
[TLOT] That's a good place to start. Do they want you to pick?
[Silver] Crouches down- It's up to you Eevee...  If you can...
[TLOT] Takes a surreptitious picture.
[Eevee] Makes a very happy sound before beginning to glow-
[TLOT] Decides to project what's happening to Lie and Steve.
[liu] -is watching with amazement-
[Eevee] It's legs elongate and it loses it's fluffy collar and tail and long ribbons wrap around it's neck as a bow appears on it's head.  It's now pink and white-
[TLOT] That's so cute!
[Sylveon] - Sylveon!
[Doc] Whoah! Are the ribbons appendages?
[Sylveon] Wraps an appendage around Silver's arm-
[Silver] - Yes they are
[liu] it's adorable
[Doc] See? I knew you were a good trainer.
[Silver] - Hey Sylveon
[Grinny] Barfs on the bed-
[Doc] Oh come on!
[Sylveon] - Syl!  Sylveon!
[TLOT] You said they were elemental? Is this one love based?
[Silver] - Sylveon is a fairy type, they can only evolve if they have a deep bond with their trainer and love them greatly
[Doc] Dawwwwww.
[EJ] Would roll his eyes if he had any-
[Espurr] Initiates play with Sylveon-
[Sally] - It's so cute!
[Deer] - It is adorable looking, especially with how it has that ribbon around your arm Silver
[Doc] Reminds me of Stevie holding Markus's hand everywhere they go.
[Silver] - Yeah, Sylveon's do that
[Doc] Oh, Silver. You remember how you gave me those pokemon codes to stabilize them? I used them on Grinny and Smile. And then Jeff stormed in having a shit fit earlier because Smile apparently learned tackle.
[Silver] - Oh...  Oh dear...  That could be bad...
[Doc] Just because he's so big? It's a basic strong move right?
[Silver] - Yeah, but it can get stronger with training...
[Doc] Well he's already formidable. And he's got a new trick as well. Hey Smile wanna say hi to your buddy Silver? You haven't seen him in a while, right?
[Smile] - SILVER!- Goes to barrel into Silver when Sylveon intervenes, blasting Smile back with Fairy Wind
[Doc] Gets in the way and catches the dog before he can slam against the stairs. Xe's smushed for a moment and makes a loud noise as all the air goes out of hir. - fuck!
[Smile] Wiggles upright again and his tail briefly beats in Doc's face as he wags it-
[Doc] OoF! - spitting out a bit of hair-
[Smile] Runs around the room-
[Doc] Wheezing - well anyway. Him and Grinny can talk now.
[Silver] Tilts head in confusion- They always could...
[EJ] - At least to us pastas...
[Doc] They can talk to anyone now.
[EJ] - Oh lovely...
[Doc] Though Grinny is mostly just cussing at me.
[EJ] - As he does with everyone
[Doc] Oh, that actually makes me feel a bit better about it. Thanks.
[EJ] - Wasn't my intention
[Doc] Tough. - So how's the Deino doing? I can't wait to see what it'll turn into.
-There's a squishy sound on the steps - goo?
[Silver] - Okay for now
[CP] Is still pacing-
[Doc] Oh hey Goomy, wanna join the party?
[Goomy] Cooing.
[Doc] This one has been training without me I think. They keep going out in the rain to fight mobs at night. I keep getting up to the garden being full of mob loot and this one all exhausted.
[EJ] - Idiot little slug
[Goomy] Blows a raspberry at Ej-
[EJ] Flips it off before turning to Sally- Come on Sally, ready to head back to Splender's?
[Silver] - Actually it's a dragon...
[Doc] It is?
[Silver] Nods-
[Goomy] GOo!
[Doc] You little dickens- Scoops up the Goomy. - Is that why you wanted to come with me?
[Goomy] Coos
[Silver] - They're supposed to be leveled up in the rain...
[Doc] Oh that's perfect. Yeah you and me are going to do some training together. Silver if you don't mind, I'd love to see you put the Deino through his paces anyway.
[Silver] Grabs Deino and puts it's helmet on- How so?
[Doc] What kind of moves can he learn? I don't even know what type he is, he looks part plant.
[Silver] - Plant and dragon moves
[Doc] This thing around his head does look like a blossom that's not open yet too.
[Silver] - Well I think I'll go give him his bath now, come on Espurr, Sylveon
[Doc] Hey Silver, - comes over with the Goomy in hir arms. - Thank you for the advice. I can't wait to see what these two become.
[Silver] - Oh, uh, your welcome
[CP] Is now pacing through more lava-
[Doc] And let Strangled know he's not a prisoner, okay? He's been hiding in your room for quite some time.
[Silver] - Oh, I know
[Goomy] Coos happily at Silver
[Silver] Goes back to his room-
[TLOT] Goes back to flipping the lava blocks back to stone.
[Doc] Makes a smug face at Ej.
[EJ] Collects Sally and leaves-
[TLOT] Palms another cookie to Sally as she passes.
[Sally] Smiles at TLOT and waves good bye-
[TLOT] Hehe, Cute kid.
[CP] Is just getting more wound up-
[Doc] Turns back to watch him. - Cp... you're just making yourself more upset.
[CP] - Well what am I supposed to do!?
[Doc] Right now there's not much you can do. Would you like some tea? Deerheart did bring some down earlier.
[CP] - I'll be fine
[Doc] Oh, I know something that will help one problem at least. - Xe whispers to TLOT for a minute and he grins hugely-
[CP] - I don't like that look...
[TLOT] Whips up something behind his back and force equipts a pair of iron enchanted boots on Cp.
[CP] Stumbles a bit- The fuck are you doing!?
[Doc] They're frost walker boots. At least it'll keep the floor solid and your hot foot cool.
[CP] Scowls but does continue pacing, ending up in a cloud of steam-
[TLOT] Leans back on the stairs. - That feels nice. Instant sauna.
[CP] - I hate both of you
[Doc] Love you anyway Cp.
[TLOT] Likewise.
[CP] Growls a bit-
[Grinny] Slinks about the room-
[Lie] Pet's LH, her nerves finally almost completely calm-
[LH] Is purrring loudly, and bumps himself against her head, then jumps because now he's a little damp.
[Lie] - Silly kitty
[LH] Shakes his little head, and bumps her again - PUUUUUUUUUUULOVEYOUUUUURRRR
[Lie] Yelps a little- Doooooc?
[LH] Innocent look.
[CP] Perks at Lie's voice-
[Doc] calls out- Lie? Do you want company or are you coming back up?
[Lie] - um...  Your cat just talked...
[TLOT] Jumps because he just got yelled at. - What? Huh?
[Doc] Lie... Are you okay?
[Lie] - Yeah, just a bit weirded out...
[LH] Is jumping after a stray touchie that's buzzing over the bed.
[Lie] Steps out of the tub and finds a towel to dry herself off with-
[LH] Catches the bug only to let it go again.
[Lie] Pulls her clothes on and grabs LH and carries him upstairs-
[LH] Is wiggling-
[Lie] - Doc, how does your cat know how to talk?
[Doc] He doesn't, at least not that I know of. I mean he's glitched a little but he's still just a simple cat.
[Lie] - No, I just heard him say "love you"...
[CP] - He's said things to me too...  But TLOT didn't believe me...
[TLOT] Can you blame me? You were really stressed at the time.
[Doc] I'm not sure what to say Lie, are you sure you didn't just doze off in the tub a bit?
[Lie] - Doc...  I don't think I can sleep after what I just went through
[Doc] Good point... well.. I don't know. At least it was something good right? He didn't threaten to eat your eyeballs or something.
[CP] Is a bit smug over the fact that he was right-
[LH] Mew? -wiggles more-
[Lie] Puts LH down and scoots closer to CP- Why are we steaming now?
[LH] Gets interested in his own tail and starts chasing it in tight circles.
[TLOT] He was pacing hot holes in the floor
[CP] Kicks the boots off and pulls Lie close to him- Mine
[Doc] Lets a little laugh slip out at the abruptness of his display
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[TLOT] Happy now?
[Doc] Is watching the cat as he falls over from dizzyness
[CP] Just nuzzles into Lie-
[Lie] - Hey, how's Stevie doing?
[TLOT] Having fun, getting sweaty and covered in rock dust. The natural state of Steve's everywhere.
[Lie] - At least he's having fun...
[LH] Prances back over to Grinny - Meep?
[Grinny] Growls at LH-
[LH] Is trying to get Grinny to play with him-
[Grinny] Tail is drooped and he really doesn't have much energy-
[Doc] Notices- Do you want some more food Grinny? I saw you threw up.
[CP] - Oh, and TLOT, you've heard LH talk
[Grinny] - No, I'm fine...
[TLOT] I have?
[CP] - When you put the fucking sub titles on me, that please?  That was from the cat, not me
[Doc] Are sure? I have some nice warm chicken - offers a piece of roast meat.
[Grinny] Just flops down-
[TLOT] Then I should turn them back on you, you rat.
[CP] - Oh fuck no
[TLOT] Narrows his eyes at Cp. He's just faintly annoyed.
[CP] - Your opportunity is long gone TLOT
[Doc] Sighs and makes a bit of statick before glitching the food directly into Grinnys stomach.
[Grinny] Turns and attacks Doc's hand-
[TLOT] I'm not going to do anything now. But I'll remember that.
[Doc] Just ignores his little scratches. They aren't strong enough to pierce hir gloves.
[Grinny] Flumps in defeat-
[Doc] gently- It doesn't hurt to take kindness from me Grinny. I don't expect anything in return.
[Grinny] - Shut up
[Doc] Kisses a finger and boops it gently on his little nose.
[Lie] - TLOT, can you make sure Stevie gets home?
[TLOT] what you mean, doesn't get lost? They're just in a tunnel a few levels below us. If you go to the ladder by the shulker cage and yell down they might even hear you.
[Lie] - I mean my house, I kinda just want to be there now...
[TLOT] oh, do you want us to babysit for a bit? Or bring him straight over when they're done?
[Lie] - I wouldn't mind either, I know we already have baby dragons running around...
[TLOT] Okay we'll entertain him for a while and he can sleep here. I'll bring him back over in the morning. Alright?
[Lie] - Thank you
[CP] Perks a little and whispers to Lie- Sex?
[TLOT] Huge smile- quietly mentally to Cp- Get some brother brine.
[CP] Glares at TLOT-
[Lie] Shakes her head a little- Really CP?
[CP] - Oh come on, Stevie won't be there...
[TLOT] Pulls out a fat bottle of golden liquid and holds it out with a grin-
[Lie] - Why!?
[TLOT] Its good for... calming nerves.
[Lie] Uncertain noises-
[Smile] Bumps into TLOT-
[TLOT] Fumbles the bottle and barely manages to catch it in time.
[Lie] Sighs- Thanks TLOT- She takes the bottle and puts it in her inventory
[TLOT] You guys have fun.
[CP] Picks Lie up and starts walking out of the lab-
[Doc] Sit's down on the clean bed and cradles Grinny.
[LH] Hops up as well and starts cleaning the other cats left ear.
[Grinny] - Go away!
[LH] Cleans the other ear instead.
[Grinny] Hisses-
[LH] Gives Grinny a little lick on the cheek and snuggles up next to him and Doc.
[Smile] Lays on top of Doc's feet-
[Deer] Giggles at the sight- Aren't I supposed to be the one that animals like?
[Doc] I'm not nearly as good as you are.
[Goomy] Bumps up against one of Deerheart's hooves.
[Deer] Picks up Goomy and joins them on the bed, giving Doc a kiss on the cheek- Either way, I love you
[Doc] Just melts with happiness. - I love you too. - happy little hum.
[TLOT] Starts fiddling with some pixels and lays back on the steps. There's a bit of indrawn breath and he starts to laugh.
[Deer] - TLOT?  What is it?
[TLOT] Focuses a little of his energies and raises one hand straight up.  A tiny scrap of white flutters down from the ceiling and lands on his fingers. - One of the honesty flitters was hanging out in the vines above us.
[Deer] Giggles- Well that would explain CP's honesty earlier
[TLOT] I thought he was being more forthcoming then usual.
[Deer] - How's Stevie doing?  Have they found good loot?
[TLOT] Closes his eyes- Looks like it, lapis, a little redstone, some gold, a whole lot of coal. And it looks like Stevie found some of the weird bone blocks.
[Deer] - Good for him
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thewebofslime · 6 years
N APRIL 10, 1953, ALLEN DULLES, THE NEWLY APPOINTED DIRECTOR OF THE CIA, delivered a speech to a gathering of Princeton alumni. Though the event was mundane, global tensions were running high. The Korean War was coming to an end, and earlier that week, The New York Times had published a startling story asserting that American POWs returning from the country may have been “converted” by “Communist brain-washers.” Some GI’s were confessing to war crimes, like carrying out germ warfare against the Communists–a charge the U.S. categorically denied. Others were reportedly so brainwashed that they had refused to return to the United States at all. As if that weren’t enough, the U.S. was weeks away from secretly sponsoring the overthrow of a democratically elected leader in Iran. Dulles had just become the first civilian director of an agency growing more powerful by the day, and the speech provided an early glimpse into his priorities for the CIA. “In the past few years we have become accustomed to hearing much about the battle for men’s minds–the war of ideologies,” he told the attendees. “I wonder, however, whether we clearly perceive the magnitude of the problem, whether we realize how sinister the battle for men’s minds has become in Soviet hands,” he continued. “We might call it, in its new form, ‘brain warfare.’” Dulles proceeded to describe the “Soviet brain perversion techniques” as effective, but “abhorrent” and “nefarious.” He gestured to the American POWs returning from Korea, shells of the men they once were, parroting the Communist propaganda they had heard cycled for weeks on end. He expressed fears and uncertainty–were they using chemical agents? Hypnosis? Something else entirely? “We in the West,” the CIA Director conceded, “are somewhat handicapped in brain warfare.” This sort of non-consensual experiment, even on one’s enemies, was antithetical to American values, Dulles insisted, as well as antithetical to what should be human values. Allen W.Dulles, director of the Central Intelligence Agency at an executive session of the Joint Congressional Atomic Energy Committee. (Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images) Fear of brainwashing and a new breed of “brain warfare” terrified and fascinated the American public throughout the 1950s, spurred both by the words of the CIA and the stories of “brainwashed” G.I.’s returning from China, Korea, and the Soviet Union. Newspaper headlines like “New Evils Seen in Brainwashing” and “Brainwashing vs. Western Psychiatry” offered sensational accounts of new mind-control techniques and technologies that no man could fully resist. The paranoia began to drift into American culture, with books like The Manchurian Candidate and The Naked Lunch playing on themes of unhinged scientists and vast political conspiracies. The idea of brainwashing also provided many Americans with a compelling, almost comforting, explanation for communism’s swift rise–that Soviets used the tools of brainwashing not just on enemy combatants, but on their own people. Why else would so many countries be embracing such an obviously backward ideology? American freedom of the mind versus Soviet “mind control” became a dividing line as stark as the Iron Curtain. How did a secret government mind control program inadvertently fuel the use of psychedelic drugs in the 1960s? MK-ULTRA Three days after his speech decrying Soviet tactics, Dulles approved the beginning of MK-Ultra, a top-secret CIA program for “covert use of biological and chemical materials.” “American values” made for good rhetoric, but Dulles had far grander plans for the agency’s Cold War agenda. MK-Ultra’s “mind control” experiments generally centered around behavior modification via electro-shock therapy, hypnosis, polygraphs, radiation, and a variety of drugs, toxins, and chemicals. These experiments relied on a range of test subjects: some who freely volunteered, some who volunteered under coercion, and some who had absolutely no idea they were involved in a sweeping defense research program. From mentally-impaired boys at a state school, to American soldiers, to “sexual psychopaths” at a state hospital, MK-Ultra’s programs often preyed on the most vulnerable members of society. The CIA considered prisoners especially good subjects, as they were willing to give consent in exchange for extra recreation time or commuted sentences. Whitey Bulger, a former organized crime boss, wrote of his experience as an inmate test subject in MK-Ultra. “Eight convicts in a panic and paranoid state,” Bulger said of the 1957 tests at the Atlanta penitentiary where he was serving time. “Total loss of appetite. Hallucinating. The room would change shape. Hours of paranoia and feeling violent. We experienced horrible periods of living nightmares and even blood coming out of the walls. Guys turning to skeletons in front of me. I saw a camera change into the head of a dog. I felt like I was going insane.” Gangster James "Whitey" Bulger's 1959 mugshot. (Credit: Donaldson Collection/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images) Bulger claimed he had been injected with LSD. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or acid, had become one of the CIA’s key interests for its “brain warfare” program, as the agency theorized it could be useful in interrogations. In the late 1940s, the CIA received reports that the Soviet Union had engaged in “intensive efforts to produce LSD,” and that the Soviets had attempted to purchase the world’s supply of the chemical. One CIA officer described the agency as “literally terrified” of the Soviets’ LSD program, largely because of the lack of knowledge about the drug in the United States. “[This] was the one material that we had ever been able to locate that really had potential fantastic possibilities if used wrongly,” the officer testified. With the advent of MK-Ultra, the government’s interest in LSD shifted from a defensive to an offensive orientation. Agency officials noted that LSD could be potentially useful in “[gaining] control of bodies whether they were willing or not.” The CIA envisioned applications that ranged from removing people from Europe in the case of a Soviet attack to enabling assassinations of enemy leaders. On November 18, 1953, a group of ten scientists met at a cabin located deep in the forests of Maryland. After extended discussions, the participants agreed that to truly understand the value of the drug, “an unwitting experiment would be desirable.” Doctors Harry Williams and Carl Pfeiffer conducting an LSD Experiment. (Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images) RELATED FEATURES History of the War on Drugs History of LSD The CIA remained keenly aware of how the public would react to any discovery of MK-Ultra; even if they believed these programs to be essential to national security, they must remain a tightly guarded secret. How would the CIA possibly explain dosing unassuming Americans with LSD? “Precautions must be taken not only to protect operations from exposure to enemy forces but also to conceal these activities from the American public in general,” wrote the CIA’s Inspector General in 1957. “The knowledge that the Agency is engaging in unethical and illicit activities would have serious repercussions in political and diplomatic circles and would be detrimental to the accomplishment of its mission.” OPERATION MIDNIGHT CLIMAX The CIA’s initial experiments with LSD were fairly simple, if shockingly unethical. The agency generally dosed single targets, finding volunteers when they could, sometimes slipping the drug into the drinks of fellow CIA employees. Over time these LSD experiments grew increasingly elaborate. Perhaps the most notorious of these projects was Operation Midnight Climax. A view of the old CIA building. (Credit: Ed Clark/The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images) In 1955, on 225 Chestnut Street, San Francisco, the CIA was devoting substantial attention to decorating a bedroom. George White oversaw the interior renovations. Not much of a decorator, White had a storied career in the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. When the CIA moved into drug experiments, bringing White on board became a top priority. White hung up pictures of French can-can dancers and flowers. He draped lush red bedroom curtains over the windows. He framed a series of Toulouse-Lautrec posters with black silk mats. For a middle-aged drug bureaucrat, each item evoked sex and glamour. George White wasn’t building a normal bedroom, he was building a trap. White then hired a Berkeley engineering student to install bugging equipment and a two-way mirror. White sat behind the mirror, martini in hand, and waited for the action to begin. Prostitutes would lure unsuspecting johns to the bedroom, where the men would be dosed with LSD and their actions observed by White from beyond the mirror. As payment for their services the sex workers receive small amounts of cash, as well as a guarantee from White that he’d intercede when the women inevitably had run-ins with law enforcement in the future. George Hunter White, supervisor for the New England area of the Federal Narcotics Bureau. (Credit: Evelyn Straus/NY Daily News via Getty Images) Though the CIA piloted these safe houses as a stage for testing the effects of LSD, White’s interest shifted to another element of his observations: the sex. The San Francisco house became the center of what one writer called “the CIA carnal operations,” as officials began asking new questions about how to work with prostitutes, how they could be trained, and how they would handle state secrets. The agency also analyzed when in the course of a sexual encounter information could best be extracted from a source, eventually concluding that it was immediately after sex. But perhaps unsurprisingly, much of White’s actions were driven by pure voyeurism: “I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun,” White later said. “Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?" THE DEMISE OF MK-ULTRA The CIA’s experiments with LSD persisted until 1963 before coming to a fairly anticlimactic end. In the spring of 1963, John Vance, a member of the CIA Inspector General’s staff, learned about the project’s “surreptitious administration to unwitting nonvoluntary human subjects.” Though the MK-Ultra directors tried to convince the CIA’s independent audit board that the research should continue, the Inspector General insisted the agency follow new research ethics guidelines and bring all the programs on non-consenting volunteers to an end. President Gerald Ford meeting with the family of Dr. Frank Olson in 1975. (Credit: Bettmann/Getty Images) In 1977, Senator Edward Kennedy oversaw congressional hearings investigating the effects of MK-Ultra. Congress brought in a roster of ex-CIA employees for questioning, interrogating them about who oversaw these programs, how participants were identified, and if any of these programs had been continued. The Hearings turned over a number of disturbing details, particularly about the 1953 suicide of Dr. Frank Olson, an Army scientist who jumped out of a hotel window several days after unwittingly consuming a drink spiked with LSD. Amid growing criminalization of drug users, and just a few years after President Nixon declared drug abuse as “public enemy number one,” the ironies of the U.S.’s troubling experimentation with drugs appeared in sharp relief. But throughout the hearings, Congress kept hitting roadblocks: CIA staffers claimed they “couldn’t remember” details about many of the human experimentation projects, or even the number of people involved. The obvious next step would be to consult the records, but that presented a small problem: in 1973, amid mounting inquiries, the director of MK-Ultra told workers “it would be a good idea if [the MK-Ultra] files were destroyed.” Citing vague concerns about the privacy and “embarrassment” of participants, the men who crafted MK-Ultra effectively eradicated the paper record for one of the United States’ most obviously illegal undertakings. A program born in secrecy would hold onto many of its secrets forever.
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