#trusted singapore-based
Brinkwhump Linkdump
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TUCSON (Mar 9-10), then San Francisco (Mar 13), Anaheim, and more!
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Once again, I find myself arriving at the weekend with a giant backlog of links, triggering a linkump, the 15th such dumpage, a variety-pack of miscellany for your weekend. Here's the previous editions:
Let's start with the latest incredible news from KPMG, the accounting and auditing giant that is relied upon as a source of ground truth for a truly terrifying share of the world's economy. KPMG has a well-deserved reputation for incompetence and corruption. They first came on my radar in 2001 when they sent a legal threat to a blogger for linking to their website without permission:
The actual link was to KPMG's corporate anthem, which remains, to this day, a banger:
Don't miss the DJ remixes (and the Nokia ringtone!) that the internet thoughtfully provided when KPMG decided that it didn't want the world to know about "Our Vision of Global Strategy":
Now all this is objectively very funny, a relic of the old, good internet from one of its moments of glory, but KPMG? They were already enshittifying, even in 2001, and the enshittification only intensified thereafter. Nearly every accounting scandal of the past quarter-century has KPMG in it somewhere, from con-artists selling exhausted oil fields to rubes:
To killer nursing homes that hire KPMG to audit its books – and to advise it on how to defeat safety audits and murder your grandma:
They're the architects of Microsoft's tax-evasion plot:
And they were behind Canada's dysfunctional covid contact-tracing app, which never worked, but generated tens of millions in billings to the government of Canada, who used KPMG to hire programmers at $1,500/day, plus KPMG's 30% commission:
KPMG's most bizarre scandal is literally stranger than fiction. The company bribed SEC personnel help its own accountants cheat on ethics exams. The corrupt officials were then given high-paid jobs at KPMG:
I mean it when I say this is stranger than fiction. I included it as a plot-point in my new finance crime novel The Bezzle (now a national bestseller!), and multiple readers have written to me since the book came out a couple weeks ago to say that they thought I was straining their credulity by making up such an outrageous scandal:
But all of that is just scene-setting (and a gratuitous plug for my book) for the latest KPMG scandal, which is, possibly, the most KPMG scandal of all KPMG scandals. The Australian government hired KPMG to audit Paladin, a security contractor that oversees the asylum seekers the country locks up on one of its island gulags (yes, gulags, plural).
Ever since, Paladin has been the subject of a string of ghastly human rights scandals – the worst stuff imaginable, rape and torture and murder of adults and children. Paladin made AU423 million on this contract.
And here's the scandal: KPMG audited the wrong company. The Paladin that the Australia government paid KPMG to audit was based in Singapore. The Paladin that KPMG audited was a totally different company, based in Papua New Guinea, who already had a commercial relationship with KPMG. It was this colossal fuckup that led to the manifestly unfit Singaporean company getting nearly half a billion dollars in public funds:
KPMG denies this. KPMG denies everything, always. Like, they denied creating "power maps" of decision-makers in the Australian government to target with influence campaigns in order to win contracts like this one. Who knows, maybe, this one time, they're telling the truth? After all, the company whose employees gather to sing lyrics like these can't be all bad, right?
The time is now to lead the way, We share the same the idea That may win by the end of the day. Our strength is here to stay. Identity, one energy, One strategy, with sympathy. These are the words that will lead us into a new world.
You may find it strange that I'm still carrying around the factoid that KPMG once threatened to crush a blogger for linking to its terrible corporate anthem, but that's just my "Memex Method," which helps me keep track of literally everything that seemed important to me through most of my adult life:
One of my favorite quips from the very quotable Riley Quinn is that "leftists are cursed with object-permanence" – that is, we actually remember what just happened and use it to think about what's happening now. The Memex Method is object permanence for 20+ years worth of stuff. A lot of those deep archives never see use, but there's a surprising number of leading indicators buried in the stuff that happened in years gone by.
Take James Boyle's 2014, XKCD-style comic about the experience of driving a notional Apple car:
Apple, it turns out, spent the next decade working on just such a car, and while that car has now been canceled, Boyle's comic correctly anticipates so much about the trajectory Apple's products took. It's uncannily accurate – real "don't invent the torment nexus"/"cyberpunk was a warning, not a suggestion" stuff:
But no matter how many times we insist that the torment nexus shouldn't be created, the boardrooms of end-stage capitalism continue to invent them. Take HP, the poster-child for enshittification, edging out even KPMG in the race to turn everything into a pile of shit. After years of tormenting people to punish them for wanting to print things, HP has announced a new service that so mustache-twirlingly evil that it lacks verisimilitude:
Here's the pitch: HP will sell you a printer that you don't own. In addition to paying a monthly fee for your ink – which you pay no matter whether you print or not – you will also pay a monthly fee just for having HP's printer on your premises. You are absolutely, positively forbidden from using third-party ink in this printer, and must use HP's own ink, which sells for about $10,000/gallon.
But while you aren't allowed to use this printer in ways that are bad for HP's shareholders, HP is absolutely free to use the printer in ways that are bad for you. When you click through the signup agreement, you grand HP permission to surveil every document you print – and your home wifi network more generally – and to sell that data to anyone and everyone.
What's more, HP reserves the right to discipline you with punitive credit-card charges if you disconnect this printer from the internet, on the basis that doing so makes it harder for them to spy on your printer.
I'm sorry, this is just more torment nexus shit, the kind of thing you'd expect to drop on Apr 1, not Feb 29, but I guess this is where we are. I can only conjecture as to whether HP's businesses strategists are directly taking direction from my novella "Unauthorized Bread," or whether they're learning about it second-hand from a KPMG consultant who converted it to Powerpoint form and charged $1,500/day for the work:
All of this cartoonish villainry is the totally foreseeable consequence of a culture of impunity, in which companies like HP and KPMG can rob, cheat, steal (and sometimes even kill) without consequence. This impunity is so pervasive that the exceptions – where a rich criminal faces real consequences – become touchstones: Enron, Arthur Anderson, Theranos, and, of course, FTX.
FTX was arguably the largest-scale corporate crime in world history, stealing more than $10 billion dollars, mostly from rubes sucked in by hype and Superbowl ads. When news that FTX founder and owner Sam Bankman-Fried was convicted of fraud and was in for a lengthy prison sentence made a huge stir, because criminals like SBF usually walk away from the wreckage with their hands in their pockets, whistling a jaunty tune.
One of the very best commentators on cryptocurrency scams generally and FTX/SBF in particular is Molly White, whose Web3 is Going Just Great feed is utterly indispensable. White's newsletter, "Citation Needed," dives deep into the wrangle of SBF's sentencing:
Bankman-Fried's parents – prominent law professors at top law schools – helped brief the court this week on their son's punishment. According to them, SBF faces 100 years in prison, but should be sentenced to 5.5-6.5 years at the most. Why? Because he is a vegan, who is not greedy, and feels remorse, and cares for individuals (recall that SBF presented himself as the avatar of the batshit "effective altruism" philosophy while privately admitting that he used this as a smokescreen).
The most bizarre note in the 100-page filing is SBF's mother declaring that her son is an "angel of mercy," apparently unaware of the grisly meaning of that term:
America's prisons are a travesty and I wouldn't wish them on anyone, but that's not the argument SBF's parents are making; rather, they're arguing that their special boy doesn't deserve the treatment America metes out to poorer, less white people who merely steal hundreds or thousands of dollars. A crook who steals ten billion should be handled the way a casino handles a whale – with concierge service.
The problem is, there are so many of these remorseless, relentless crooks that there's no way we could scale up that white-glove treatment when we finally round 'em all up and make them pay. Writing for The American Prospect, Maureen Tkacik tells us about the ransomware attack that shut down America's pharmacy system last month:
The attack brought down Change Healthcare, part of the monopolist Unitedhealth, which serves as the "pharmacy benefit manager" to a vast swathe of American pharmacies. PBM is one of those all-American finance scams, a middleman garlanded with performative complexity put there to make you feel stupid for asking why independent pharmacies all have to pay rent to this malicious, unaccountable – and now, manifestly incompetent – gang of crooks.
Tkacik's breakdown of this scam – and how it rendered Americans' ability to get the drugs they depend on to go on breathing – is characteristically brilliant. Tcacik is fast emerging as my favorite Explainer of Scams, a print version of John Oliver or Adam Conover. You may recall her work from my post last week on how private equity has taken a wrecking ball to America's hospitals:
I always try to finish these linkdumps with some upbeat news to carry you through the weekend, and this week brought two genuinely wonderful – and totally underreported – pieces of amazing news.
The first is that Starbucks has sued for peace in the war against its workers' unions. Hundreds of Starbucks stores have unionized in recent years, but not one of them had a contract. Instead, Starbucks had waged dirty war on their own workers, from denying gender-affirming care to unionized employees to simply shutting down whole stores after they voted to unionize:
But the workers held fast and after years of this, Starbucks has caved, promising contracts for all unionized stores and an end to its campaign of terror against workers seeking to unionize more of its stores. In a postmortem for Jacobin, Eric Blanc rounds up "seven lessons from Starbucks workers' historic victory":
This is the kind of listicle I can get behind. According to Blanc, the Starbucks unions won by deploying worker-to-worker organizing, a tactic that many of the new unions that are shaking up formerly impossible-to-organize jobsites are using (Blanc has a book about this coming from UC Press called "We Are the Union: How Worker-to-Worker Unionism Can Transform America," so he should know).
Other tactics that made the difference for Starbucks unions: new digital training and support tools and partnering with established unions for support and infrastructure. Blanc also calls out the success of "salting" – the venerable but largely disused tactic of union organizers applying for a job at a non-union shop in order to organize it.
Blanc also mentions government policy, including the outstanding work of NLRB general counsel Jennifer Abruzzo, a shrewd and committed tactician whose understanding of the technicalities of labor law have let her push for bold measures. For example, in Thrive Pet Care, Abruzzo is arguing that when a company refuses to bargain in good faith for a contract with its union, she can step in and order them to honor the terms of a contract at comparable unionized competitors until they produce a contract of their own:
Abruzzo is one of several smart, competent tacticians in the Biden administration who are working to kneecap corporate power. Another is Rohit Chopra, chair of the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, who just announced another bold, important initiative that will help Americans fight corporate corruption and get a fair deal:
Chopra is taking aim at credit-card comparison sites that purport to show you where you can get the best deal. If you're an affluent person who doesn't carry a balance, this might not matter to you, but if you're an average working stiff, high interest rates can gobble up a massive share of your paycheck. What's more, credit card margins are higher than they have ever been:
The most expensive credit cards come from the big, monopolistic banks, but you wouldn't know it from the leaderboards produced by Credit Karma, NerdWallet, LendingTree, and Bankrate. All of these sites take bribes from the big banks to list their credit cards above those offered by credit unions – who are typically 10% cheaper than the big banks' cards.
The new CFPB rule prohibits this fraudulent ranking, but the Bureau is going even further. They're using their administrative powers to force banks to report their rates to the Bureau, which will publish them on a publicly funded, neutral website – what David Dayen calls "a public option" for shopping for credit cards.
This policy makes a perfect bookend to the last CFPB initiative I wrote about here: a rule that forces banks to allow you to transfer your account to a rival with a couple of simple clicks, importing all your history, payees, and everything else you need to switch to a better bank:
Combine that ease of switching with reliable information on which banks will give you the best deal and you get something that will directly transfer millions and millions of dollars from giant, wildly profitable banks to low-income people who've been tricked into paying them punitive interest rates.
So that's it, this week's linkdump. I promised you I'd end on a high note, and I did it. The world may be full of all kinds of terrible things, but workers and regulators are scoring big, muscular victories in battles where the stakes are real and important. Have a great weekend – we've earned it.
And remember!
The time is now to lead the way, We share the same the idea That may win by the end of the day. Our strength is here to stay. Identity, one energy, One strategy, with sympathy. These are the words that will lead us into a new world.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Stacy (modified) https://www.flickr.com/photos/notahipster/4402860361/
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/
77 notes · View notes
kulay-ng-banaag · 9 months
In the spirit of releasing all emotional debts on New Year's Eve, I’m going to open up about my frustrations regarding Desa aka dinosaurusgede aka the creator of Maaf.
For context, she made a Twitter account around the time that Himaruya properly introduced the newly canonized cast of SEA nations (Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia). Like many other fans, she rode the nostalgia wave in creating content of them. By this point in time, Maaf was more or less a “finished” story to her — whatever Hetalia/SEAtalia content she published from that point onward was not as a continuation of, nor even as a reboot, of Maaf (although she did mention entertaining that idea). For the most part, the newer works she uploaded on Twitter were independent stories and were not necessarily linked to one other either.
Regrettably, I cannot present the problematic page/s for a more thorough and guided scrutiny because she deleted her Twitter account. Unless someone out there saved them, and frankly I wouldn't know who did nor would care to find out, everything was lost to the void. I’m literally working on what was imprinted in my memory by spite, so I apologize if I misremember details.
This will include discussion of anti-indigenous racism and other issues pertaining to colonialism.
She had an IndoPhil story titled Trust Me? and it was inspired by a fanmade BruPhil AMV wherein Indonesia was manipulating Philippines into believing that he was married to Indonesia and not Brunei. Trust Me? kept that concept of a manipulative Indonesia; the key difference being that Indonesia’s motivation for it (in Desa’s story) was the mix of hurt over Philippines “losing his precolonial memories” — based on popularized misconceptions of early Philippine history — of and how that was “aggravated” by his Westernization™, made worse under the United States (350+ years in the convent getting ratio'd by 50 years in Hollywood is hilarious ngl).
That was a lot to unpack, but before we even get there:
Indonesia and Philippines were having a tender moment when HWS America (as in the Hetalia personification that is Alfred F. Jones) walks in calling out "MY LITTLE BROWN BROTHER!"
Indonesia entered his Joker arc because he recalled how HWS America dumped the Philippines in a human zoo at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. There was an explicit panel of Philippines in Igorot* dress and a painfully forlorn bearing.
What "triggered" Indonesia was when, after the flashback, Piri goes up to Indonesia and asks him if he's a Bolshevist 🥺 (the idea was PH being brainwashed by Red Scare propaganda). Cue kabedon moment from Indonesia, and basically a yandere walk down "memory lane."
I did not have it in me to finish reading that comic...
*Igorot is an outdated umbrella term for the upland indigenous peoples of Northern Luzon
Aside from the clearly intended shock value of that depiction, I was taken aback by the painful lack of objectivity on her part when it came to the reading of history. To be fair on Desa, she never specialized in history studies, so it was only courteous that we could not expect her to have as developed of a critical reading as trained academics of history. Unfortunately, that was precisely why I disagreed with the popular notion of Desa as both a great researcher and a great storyteller of her research — all the more when Maaf was just the mangafication of certain Wikipedia articles.
To be fair as well on Wikipedia, it was, at best, a satisfactory jumpstart into more in-depth reading, and we could give it the benefit of the doubt that revisions had since been made to at least some of the articles that Desa relied on while making Maaf (more than 10 years is more than enough time for change). Nevertheless, the articles themselves did not teach users how to scrutinize the sources — most especially the biases of the sources’ author/s — utilized in building up the information.
That mattered because much of the retrospect narratives about the St. Louis Fair had a tendency of raising awareness through the newspaper articles that covered the exhibition at the time. These chronicled the impressions of the visiting authors, who likely (and I say likely because we would have to more exhaustively discern their personal politics one by one) were biased in favor of the “benevolent assimilation” of the Philippines — and the sights that they beheld only validated it further. They did not, however, explain why these Philippine indigenous peoples were brought in in the first place — information that could have further cemented Desa's reputation had she truly spent the efforts, even while understandably juggling other commitments as we all do. Instead, she only perpetuated the habit of sacrificing the veracity of equally important, finer details to the bigger picture in order to sensationalize righteous fury against colonialism.
The 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair was also formally known as the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, giving away its purpose as a commemoration. More appropriately, it was the centennial anniversary (technically delayed by a year though) of the acquisition of French Louisiana, expanding the territorial bounds of the United States. Additionally, the point of a world’s fair was to showcase the achievements of a nation, and one could also think of it as the sale of a fever dream — what more for a fast-growing, fledgling power the likes of the United States, itself a former colony? On another note, the St. Louis World’s Fair was not the only one of its kind so no, the US is not that original lmao.
One could thus see how the inclusion of a dedicated exhibit to the newly acquired colony that was the Philippines neatly fit into the themes of a world's fair centralized on the US. It was all the more a paramount topic of debate, with prominent Americans the likes of Mark Twain (here are selected excerpts, but I highly recommend reading the entirety of his To the Person Sitting in the Darkness) publishing anti-US imperialism opinions, even after the endgame of the Philippine-American War essentially favored the pro-imperialists. While dissent from the American side at the time remains poorly studied AND THAT'S ON OVERRULE BY BIAS, we at least have a glimpse, if mostly obscure still, of its existence.
If we can assume that it must have indeed been a prominent discourse in America, loud enough to get the White House furrowing its brows, then it's plausible to understand how it was of utmost importance that the the Philippine exhibit was to be carefully — because, in a way, America had to sell itself as the "lesser evil" vs notable "rivals" — curated while still ultimately corroborating assimilation of the Philippines. Thus, enter Truman Hunt, the man who oversaw "the Igorot Village" of the St. Louis Fair, having won the hearts of the native Igorots for a powerful reason:
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Section from Claire Prentice, The Lost Tribe of Coney Island: Headhunters, Luna Park, and the Man Who Pulled Off the Spectacle of the Century, New York, NY: Amazon Publishing, 2014.
While the cholera epidemic that occurred at the onset of the American Colonial Period was arguably the worst in the history of cholera epidemic management in the Philippines, I want to make it very, very clear that it was not the first and only wave that hit the archipelago. There had been a handful in the prior century alone — all of such magnitudes that it embedded a deep collective trauma; farmers refused to harvest their crops for fear of infection, tragically enabling famines and contributing starvation & nutrition deficiencies on top of a viral & swift killer (the experience of severe, rapid dehydration is such that one can fall dead within hours of infection).
Given such an imaginably harrowing experience (and it was an awfully painful topic to study as someone who got infected with and survived COVID-19 and has family working as frontliners), how could the natives turn away a stranger with such miraculous powers? Who knows how they comprehended it (e.g. a benevolent sign from heaven they must accept) because, unfortunately, we have yet to discuss preserved accounts on that matter, if any at all.
What is known, however, is that there were Igorots who were not just enamored by the "opportunity of a lifetime," but the selected lucky candidates clearly expressed their consent to participate:
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More sections from Prentice, The Lost Tribe of Coney Island.
I will quickly add that, unfortunately, a few members of the Igorot delegation died from illness in making the trip, and Hunt aged like milk over the years (fell into the trap of capitalism in pushing for more subsequent exhibit trips, to the point that less care was extended to the Igorots and he was ultimately arrested for embezzlement). Given that our scope remains to be the 1904 St. Louis Fair, any signs of abuse inflicted upon the Igorots during their stay based on preserved photographs is simply not clear. To assume that they were in a pitiable state would be to enforce a presentist reading that might betray not just their memories & experiences but also their right to self-determination.
EDIT (01/02/24): A good example to demonstrate what I mean in analyzing photographs, here's an article on the author's personal, genealogical research into the Igorots — specifically, the Suyoc — who were at the St. Louis Fair.
It truly is ironic that a Filipino is making these points as if to defend the United States as a whole (no I am not, and if you think I do, lumayas ka). I agree that white people gawking over the peoples of the Philippines with such fascination that borders fetishism warrants all the eye-rolls. At the same time — and it is even more ironic that I am pointing this out as a lowland, Christianized Tagalog based in the metro (not just any urbanized part of the country) — there is a character of patronizing these indigenous communities in the unspoken assumption that their participation is the fault of their ignorance. Pay attention, once more, to the demographics that constituted the Philippine exhibit in the 1904 St. Louis Fair — what kind of "Filipinos" were included and who were left out? There were also Negritos*, Visayans, and Muslims from Mindanao (historically referred to as Moros) in the same event, yet we hardly hear about their experiences. Perhaps it might have to do with how they were considered "more civilized" than these upland groups.
*OUTDATED term (and please blame the Spanish for it); these are the Aeta.
I understand Desa's reservations against US imperialism and sympathies for communities marginalized by Western colonization. I just hope that I was able to clarify as best as I could why I was so taken aback in how she depicted the Hetalia personification of my country the way she did. I agree that, as far as I ever got to interact with her, she is generally very polite and kind. That's why I gave her the benefit of the doubt when she approached me in DM to apologize for how her narrative choice was offensive. As someone who despised red tape in academia, I tried to talk to her about how there were valid reasons as to why the American Colonial Period was considered a mixed blessing, even by PH historians.
Instead, she pulled a complete 180.
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She said that — to a Filipino who condemned imperialism (no matter who started it), who also happened to study history as a profession, and was also a Hetalia fan who wants to explore Hetalia narratives differently from what was popularized. Half of the reason was because some fandom takes left a bad taste, like eating a dish with ingredients that even Gordon Ramsay would tell you shouldn’t go together; the other half was because I saw things differently and wanted to express it because why not?
I want to say it's not necessary to bring up something from a private conversation, but I will anyway to reiterate that my issue is not that she isn't nice. Bluntly, however, the way she said those words so formally did creep me out, but ultimately, my issue lies in how her biases have led her into making off-putting takes from time to time. I will not say more, but Trust Me? was not the only Twitter comic by Desa that got bombastic side-eyes.
And if only because Sukarno got dragged in, I felt compelled to briefly debunk that as well: even he initially viewed the United States in a very positive light: “The United States occupies a very distinguished part, a very distinguished place, in the hearts of the Indonesian people.” That was uttered in 1961, and it took a very specific historical context to instigate a complete shift by 1964:
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Sections from Vincent Bevins, The Jakarta Method: Washington’s Anticommunist Crusade & the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World, New York: PublicAffairs, 2021, 121-123.
EDIT (01/02/24): Note that Desa was citing Sukarno's later sentiments in the late 1960s as her reason for characterizing Indonesia as such in her comic. However, the setting of the story was the late 1920s (Indonesia's visit was based on Tan Malaka's abscondence to the Philippines). I'd dare say the anachronism was not due to oversight but a deliberate choice in using a certain fictional character — namely HWS Indonesia — as propaganda for Desa's anti-Americanism.
It's definitely depressing to think about all the "lost" history & culture that thrived before the arrival of white colonizers. It's why I'm surprised that, for a fiction work, she didn't project all that anger onto Spain instead — it had to specifically be the United States. Was it because they basically cockblocked Philippine independence, even though Spain practically sold the Philippines to the US? The implication that Spain should be permitted to wash its hands clean of all accountability was an awkward message to convey.
I understand that nothing could be 100% accurate (I'm actually quoting Desa defending herself on that matter) in fiction, but the level of projection coming from a certain non-Filipino reading Philippine history was so silly. And again, how did it all justify the explicit depiction of HWS Philippines as an indigenous man in a human zoo? (END OF EDIT)
As my professors will also never tire of saying: you can disagree with a historian’s interpretations but you can never disagree with the evidence in themselves. You don’t have to morally agree either, and I can guarantee you that many Filipinos do not. I, myself, resented the endgame of the particular war that brought that period about in the first place. How dare, then, she said it was “not her place” to defend US imperialism, while granting herself the freedom to express her country’s feelings on the matter?
Oh, it’s all just fiction? I do not condone the subsequent treatment she received, but why then couldn’t she stop trying to “educate” NLID shippers? I do not know how both sides talked to one another, only that what caught me eye was: Why does everyone else have to respect her fiction while she gets to disrespect others’ fictions for not aligning with hers?
EDIT (01/20/24): Just to clarify further on that point — over a decade ago, she went ham in the comment section of someone's (APH) America x (fem!OC) Indonesia. That ship is not in my lore either simply because I follow a totally different route. To cut to the chase, she took that fanart very personally and infodumped on US war crimes that involved Indonesia.
I know Tan Malaka started the whole North Indonesia agenda, but come on, neither was it Desa's place to just treat HWS Philippines the way she did. An Indonesian schooling other Indonesians on ID history is not surprising, but an Indonesian schooling a Filipino on PH history? I'd be humbled if they had the credentials. She didn't and, unless she enrolled herself in a graduate program, she still doesn't.
By all technicalities, she can’t ship IDPH because the Philippine government was (unfortunately and grossly) complicit in the chain of events that led to the 1965-66 genocides in Indonesia. Yet, she does despite of that fact. We thus circle back to Trust Me? and how that was a manifestation of her stubborn refusal to acknowledge any nuances by projecting HWS Indonesia as a self-proclaimed savior of HWS Philippines from the beguile of US neocolonialism.
I empathize with her anger. I'm sorry that the US government by extent enabled what her family went through. I agree that it's not her place to defend them; in fact, she shouldn't. But when even the so-called "highest of Malay nations*" is worth her neutrality, how can she expect me to forgive her?
*That is literally what the Philippines is to her; I know this because she explicitly said so to me in DM. DO NOT ASK FOR RECEIPTS, I am not comfortable revealing that particular conversation.
I cannot — in fact, NO ONE SHOULD — afford to be neutral about Duterte or Marcos, etc., and for her to be so flippant about her privilege (by way of ethnicity/citizenship/cultural upbringing) to be neutral** about Philippine politics, while simultaneously NAGGING ON EVERYBODY TO RESPECT INDONESIAN POLITICS, is annoying at best and plain selfish at worst.
**Also explicitly said to me in DM. Again, DO NOT ASK FOR RECEIPTS.
I’m not Indonesian but I do not have it in me to politely accuse a native Indonesian of allowing their personal biases to misread their own history. As a Filipino, however, while I'm not surprised by the reductionist chronicling of the histories & cultures of the Philippines, I am at a loss for words over the continuing idolization for Desa & Maaf, when she was not the best and most reliable narrator, especially given her negligence in representing indigenous peoples through her comics.
I mean, guys, I'm not saying this as if the Trust Me? comic was the first and only instance when this was literally Maaf canon that sat comfortably in the internet for over a decade, and continues to be appraised as THE BIBLE OF HISTORICAL HETALIA.
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EDIT (01/20/24 — originally added via a reblog): I cannot believe this needs to be said because this is the consequence of when Hetalia fans take their fiction too literally because creators have made careless takes.
There were SEAtalians joking about how the Yolngu are a dead people.
I repeat.
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So as 2023 comes to a close we enter 2024, I'd like to conclude this post with the following points:
At best, Wikipedia is a satisfactory jumping point, but please believe me when I say no historian will respect you for (over-)relying on Wikipedia. And given that anyone with a decent device & internet signal can access Wikipedia, Desa is just not a GOAT in historical research.
At worst, idolizing Maaf patronizes the work of historians. It doesn't help that PH historians have been targets of harassment because of dis-/misinformation campaigns. I bring this up because it's already bad enough to have to confront that reality outside of fandom spaces on a regular basis in standing our ground for more just historical truths. I hope that folks understand why that's a particularly sensitive struggle for me, and why receiving such comments like the one I shared above deeply hurt. She was not apologetic about that — and every time she would post about apologizing for the moments she has offended others, or when others compliment her for being so open-minded, I cannot help but feel bitter.
Other BIPOC — yes, not just other SEAsians and that's on literally drawing nations other than SEA — have spoken up on the matter. If you can talk about how you learned so much from Desa, you can also learn as much from other perspectives. I hope that in raising all of this, more SEAtalians understand that we risk othering non-SEA BIPOC.
The idolization of Maaf (and the creator in question) is personally far more off-putting than the problematic points of Maaf or any comic she has ever made, because I think she caved to peer pressure instead of learning to wield her fiction more sensitively without being too reliant of the opinions of those she has pleased. Not even Hidekaz Himaruya writes his nationverse characters like that — the one time I’ll admit that canon trumps fanon.
I’m not stopping people from liking Maaf or Desa anyway. I just cannot help but take issue with how the SEAtalia fandom feels less of a safe & inclusive community than it is a cult centered on one person — almost as if her fiction is unquestionable canon and anyone who disagrees gets the boot. Once again, I do not condone the subsequent treatment she received in retaliation, but frankly that's just not what I'm addressing here.
I'm also not saying it's wrong to give words of reassurance and validation to people you admire, only that some of you need to understand you're forcing a parasocial relationship with your idols. It may feel good to you, but please be mindful of the unwarranted pressure it imposes.
I apologize for dumping all of this at literally the end of the year. I want to let it all go in a manner that is clear, concise, and not overwhelming to digest. I do hope that my candid thoughts will push the fandom one step forward in critically consuming media without having to resort to crab-mentality tendencies — because it's been especially hard seeing the demeaning takes made about the Philippines in this fandom.
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leqclerc · 6 months
that is precisely why vasseur is just another binotto to me. i have yet to see the guy actually let charles fight for what he wants. and to think it will be even more difficult next year with them wanting to give lewis another title... sighs.
Imo it's still better than it was under Binotto, especially in that post-Monaco and particularly post-Silverstone stretch in 2022 where they were forced to do the whole performative "we met for lunch in Monaco so it's all good now" PR thing to paint over the increasingly apparent cracks. Binotto blatantly favoured Carlos, both on and off the track, even going as far as publicly throwing Charles under the bus by shifting the blame for a poorly executed strategy to the car having no pace when Charles explicitly called out the whack tyre strat, for example in Hungary. I don't think we've had a situation like that happen with Fred, that I can recall.
Charles has generally said positive things about Fred and reiterated that he has trust in him, that he's seen positive developments under his leadership. The SF24 is definitely an improvement over last year's car. There have been several employee changes, which people generally see as a good thing. So, all in all I think it is an improvement but it could be better, especially with stuff like team orders.
Here's how Fred addressed the situation post-race:
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Stuff like that is frustrating when you remember how many times Charles has been used as a roadblock or made to create an artificial gap (their entire Singapore strategy hinged on Charles's cooperation.) Sure, this wasn't for the win, and Charles himself said qualy is bigger issue, but it's the principle of the thing. Charles drove an incredible race with that insane one stop strategy and was ahead on position (if that's what they want to use as the determining factor.) Even if he shoulders the blame for his qualy results on the weekends where he's outqualified by Carlos and accepts that CS will be the one given the preferential strategy/treatment based on that, there's been plenty of instances where Charles qualified higher but then Carlos made up the difference in the race and was hailed as a genius.
Idk it feels like part of it might be them not exactly trusting Carlos will cooperate? He's shown many times before that he's primarily in it for himself and even when he was explicitly told to do something he didn't if he felt it wasn't beneficial for him—and that was when he still had a contract with Ferrari, now that he knows he's on the way out and has the sympathy narrative on his side he has nothing to lose. But it shouldn't be solely on Charles to be the cooperative one, to put the team result first. I know he wants to feel that he's earned the podium (which, like, he has in this race) and he won't be satisfied until he's in front in qualy and the race, but yeah, frustrating to see the pattern continue into this year.
To counter the negativity somewhat, I will say I know it's still early days, there's still plenty of races to go, and if they manage to solve the qualy tyre warm-up issue (which Charles already vowed to work on on his side, and we know he always comes through) and the upgrade packages that are in the pipeline (hopefully) help close the gap to Red Bull in race pace, then we could still be in for an interesting and potentially competitive back half of the season. I just hope that situations like this don't come back to bite them when Charles is potentially in a position to fight for P2 with Checo, or maybe even P1 if Max encounters more issues down the line, but it's those points that make the difference in the end.
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dailyopfigures · 1 year
Anime Figure Collecting: Tips and Sites
Since I see a lot of people often say “where do I get this?” or “How much does this cost!” or “ahhh I want this” in the notes often, I decided to make a post of figure collecting sites and tips on figure collecting! I hope this post will be of assistance!
General Don’ts of Figures:
If the price is too good to be true (and it isn’t an official or trusted site), it is too good to be true! Beware, bootleggers are everywhere these days!
If the seller or the item listing is not telling you the maker/studio of the figure, don’t trust it!
If the title of the figure is some extremely long jumbled sentence of descriptor or media words (as seen below) then don’t trust it. These are just search words so more people will see the figure listing.
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If you’re on sites like Etsy, EBay, or Amazon and the seller says that they “handmade” the figures, it is most likely BS and just bootlegs.
In general stay away from Etsy, EBay, or Amazon to buy figures unless the seller has given undeniable proof (usually pictures of the box it came with or you can simply ask for pictures of the figure) that they are just reselling an official or GK figure.
Stay away from Instagram and Tiktok ads.
General Dos of Figures:
Second hand buying is always encouraged!
Buy from sellers or stores based in Japan! Prices will generally run cheaper and figures are released sooner there!
Support GK (garage kit) studios! GK studios make unofficial figures, they are all mostly indie run and make the figures they sell themselves! GK figures tend to run more expensive, but they are valued part of the figure community.
Keep your boxes! Boxes are important for transferring figures and they’re basically the pedigree papers of anime figures.
Be wise with your money. Figure collecting is just a hobby at the end of the day, please save your money if you need it!
Makeup or paint brushes are ideal for dusting figures!
I would recommend having Whatsapp or PayPal. Lots of figure collecting sites have PayPal as a pay option.
List of Trusted Figure or Merch Sites:
Second Hand Sites:
These are sites where you can buy used or even new figures from resellers! All of these sites ship internationally!
AmiAmi (Japan Based)
AmiAmi is one of the most trusted website for figure collecting and anime merch! They sell pre order and new figures as well as used figures!
Mandarake (Japan Based)
Sells second hand figures, manga, doujin, and more! Has an international website!
Neokyo (Proxy Site)
Neokyo is a proxy site, meaning it basically acts as your second man for things like JPN Mercari, JPN Yahoo Auctions, etc. all you have to do is buy the figure you see and pay for shipping, and it will make sure your item arrives safely!
Buyee (Proxy Site)
Same as Neokyo
ZenMarket (Proxy Site)
Same as Neokyo and Buyee
Mercari (US Based)
Mercari basically operates like EBay! Mercari does not ship internationally, but there may be a Mercari specific to your region (for example, JPN Mercari).
Non Second Hand Sites:
All these sites do not sell second hand figures so they will be more expensive! Some sell only official figures, while others sell only GK figures! All ship internationally!
DekaiAnime (UK/EU Based)
GamerSheek (UK/EU Based)
GKCollectors (Singapore Based)
(Sells NSFW figures, so minors tread carefully)
(Sells NSFW Figures)
(Sells NSFW Figures)
Fanoey (Hong Kong Based)
Solaris Japan
(Sells NSFW Figures)
Big Bad Toystore (US Based)
(Sells NSFW Figures)
How does the pre order process work?
When figures are in pre order, that means you will pay for the base price of the figure (or a deposit as some sites have) and then when the figure is finally released and ready to ship, then you will pay for shipping! Shipping is calculated by size and weight of the box, so be prepared to spend as low as 20 USD or up to even 100 USD for shipping.
I hope this post was of some help to you! Have fun figure collecting and please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions or are confused about any info!
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dude-iloveu · 9 days
bad timing but because i'm not asleep yet let me rant and complain so i dont have to think about this anymore (just talking about this one gripe i have and i don't think i can bring it up to other people who are fans of it because it'll probably sound like i'm tryna 'cancel' something)
i don't want people thinking i'm like, trying to analyze morality(?) of a preschooler show or trying to find imperfections to pick apart from. i don't care about that, i know the show is flawed in certain aspects and there are better shows lol.
the show is still annoyingly (somewhat patriotic) american but who cares, i just wanna rant about the live performers, the actors instead. wait i didnt even say the series name, anyway it's imovers. i'd be happily enjoying this nostalgic field trip and then i have to find out the performers have done shows for the army families and they're basically buddy² with the army as they do perform for them alot. Sure you can say i'm overreacting but anyone that willingly contributes positively to the usa army automatically disgusts me. i hate to learn this fact. it's why i just try not to follow anything about the actual performers after knowing this. i don't even feel like following what they're up to anymore. this sucks.
you can say "ohh it's for the children in the army, it's for their moral support" well whatever. the usa army causes so much atrocities to children in other countries your usamerican kids are not worth more than lives of innocent children lost.
one of them grew up in an army family as well (i did not expect it was that person at all when i found out) and i thought 'well ok they were just raised in it' but now i'm thinking that's just how they would 'pay back' or 'contribute' to the country.
before you say 'maybe that was a while ago' nah they toured to us army bases in various countries this year. i thought it was cool they went to perform in singapore but nah it's the us army base in se asia.
maybe this is a very simplistic point fo view from me but. why. why do you have to be partners with the army other than you think this is how you 'contribute' to the imperial nightmare of a country. can't trust no cishet white american men smh
i hate this i hate this i hate this. don't meet your heroes or whatever the hell this is.
the characters in the show are my ocs now btw
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ereardon · 2 years
My Girl [Chapter 4][Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OC]
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Summary: Jake Seresin could be the answer to all of your dating woes. He’s the full package: steady job, mature, dependable, attractive to a fault. The polar opposite of every guy your age and he’s everything you’ve ever wanted in a partner. But there’s one roadblock: he’s a single father to four-year-old Ellie. Jake is looking for a level of commitment you’re not quite sure you’re ready to give, and he’s not willing to bring someone into his daughter’s life who isn’t there for the long haul. And even if you are stepmom material, is Jake ready to let someone back in his life while still mourning the recent loss of his late wife? 
Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x OC [Lawyer Natalie West]
WC: 5.3K
Warning: Age gap, cursing, smut, mention of death
Series masterlist here
It had been ages since you’d had a nightmare. Not since law school, maybe. Or the night before the Bar Exam. 
You still had yet to go inside of Jake’s house. He was waiting for a day when Ellie wasn’t around, or for once you had met her. You respected that it was her home and space and you didn’t want to invade that.
In the dream, the door was open and you walked right in. Every inch of wall space was covered by pictures of Jake and a woman with perfect skin, pearly white teeth, shiny hair. He looked happy in the photos. 
Happier than he had ever been with you. 
The further you walked into the house, the more the hallways stretched out and narrowed, never ending, like mirror walls of a fun house at a carnival. Sweat started to prick at the base of your neck, between your breasts, under your arms. The lighting dimmed the longer you stayed in the house until you were squinting with each step. But somehow, the photographs were bright without any background lighting. You could perfectly see Jake’s wife smiling out at you. If you looked closely, her eyes followed you as you continued, like the Mona Lisa. 
Finally, the hallway came to an end and you saw a lone figure sitting at a table, their back to you. You reached out a manicured hand to their shoulder and they turned. 
It was Jake’s wife. 
She smiled and for a moment you were still from shock. But when you tried to move, you were frozen in place. She stood up, towering over you. 
“Do you think you’ll ever be enough?” she asked quietly, her voice slicing through the air, the words dribbling down your own throat and making a home for themselves inside of you. You felt cold, and breathless. Her voice was calm. “For him? For her?”
And then you woke up. 
“All the files should be on my desk,” you said into the phone, pacing in front of an airport Starbucks. “ICID, that Blackstone acquisition company, the Singapore trust. They’re all there.” 
“I’m all over it,” Rebecca said and you could hear her nails clicking on her keyboard as she spoke. “Go enjoy your long weekend with your super hot boyfriend. And remember that I’m jealous and I like Pinot Noir.” 
You laughed and spotted Jake standing patiently with the bags. “Got it. Alright, if anything urgent happens just text me.” 
“It will and I won’t,” she replied.
You chuckled and ended the call, crossing the walkway area to Jake and touching his bicep lightly. “Sorry about that. You ready?” 
He smiled softly and for the hundredth time you looked back in awe of how casually beautiful he was. “Everything good at work?” 
You sighed and grabbed the suitcase from him, falling into step as you headed for your gate. “It’s chaotic, but to be expected. Becks will hold down the fort while I’m gone. Well, her and the rest of the team, but she’s the one I trust the most.” 
Jake nodded and readjusted his grip on his shoulder bag. You hadn’t pegged him for a leather messenger type of guy, but he pulled it off so easily you didn’t blink an eye. “You deserve a weekend away.” 
“I am so excited,” you replied and he gave you a brilliant grin. “I’ve never been to Napa before.” 
“You’re going to love it,” Jake murmured into your hair as he bent down to kiss your temple. 
Jake was right. You loved northern California. 
You had spent so much time in San Diego, with its blistering sun and ridiculously tanned men in swim trunks at the grocery store that Napa was a significant change of pace. 
Jake had booked tickets to the local airport and had a car waiting when you got off, directly on the tarmac. He looked relaxed behind the wheel of the Mercedes convertible sedan as the two of you whipped down quiet streets before pulling up to a gated resort. 
And even though it hadn’t been discussed beforehand, it was pretty obvious what the weekend meant. It wasn’t just your first trip away together, or your first time in wine country. 
It was very apparent the moment Jake slid the room key and opened the door to reveal the hotel suite and you walked in to see the massive king bed in the center of the room, staring back at you. 
Jake settled both suitcases against the wall, and dropped his bag, holding his hand out for your purse. Once he locked the door, he wrapped his arms around you from behind where you stood at the massive floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the vineyard below. You leaned your head back against his broad chest, breathed in his comforting scent, felt his warm hands press softly against your stomach as he nuzzled your neck. 
“I’m so happy we’re doing this,” he whispered into your neck before his lips glued themselves to your skin and you nearly forgot how to breathe, the desperate need to feel him all over you taking over the one brain cell your entire body had decided to share at that moment. 
You turned around and threaded your fingers into his golden hair, watched his eyes linger on your lips as your hips shifted forward to meet his and you felt him, hard, against your pelvis. Jake let out a small whimper as you swiveled your hips from side to side, the fabric of your jeans skimming across his chinos. “Me too,” you said quietly, looking up at him with a shy smile. 
Jake growled, one hand pressed tightly against your lower back, the other cupping your neck and pulling you in for a kiss. It was deep and warm, Jake’s tongue pushing into your mouth. There was an air of desperation, and when he pulled away you felt like panting. 
“Shit,” he muttered quietly, running one hand through his hair. “We gotta get out of this room or else I’m never going to take my hands off of you.” 
“What if I don’t want you to take your hands off of me,” you whispered and he groaned. 
“Honey, you’re killing me. I want that, trust me. But you deserve the full Napa experience. Which starts with an amazing dinner in,” he looked down at his watch, “thirty minutes. So we should get ready.” 
You nodded, bending over to unzip the suitcase and behind you Jake groaned again, causing you to laugh. “Look away!” 
He tossed his hands up in the air. “Alright, alright. I’m going to take a quick shower. Saves me from the unbearableness of seeing you strip down to change.” 
You gave him a smirk and he padded off to the bathroom. When he emerged ten minutes later, you slid past him carrying a dress and heels and a makeup bag. Jake’s fingers grazed your arm, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Holy shit,” Jake said, standing up from where he had been lounging on the edge of the bed, as you exited the large bathroom. “You look phenomenal.” 
Giving him a smile, you turned around. “Can you zip me up please?” 
Jake stepped forward, fingers coming out to grip the zipper of your green satin dress, pulling it up slowly, cinching in the tight fabric to your curves. You spun around, Jake’s eyes sliding over your body from your head, past the plunging dress neckline, down to your Jimmy Choo heels. 
“Well?” You asked. 
He shook his head. “No words.” 
You laughed, reaching down for your clutch and then out for his hand. “Come on, then. I’m starving.” 
He was perfect. So perfect, you wanted to look for red flags but you couldn’t find any. 
Not when he wordlessly switched your entrees because he could tell you liked his more. Not when he ordered four desserts because you couldn’t choose. Not when you went to use the bathroom and he stood up politely as you left the table, something you had only ever seen gentlemen do in black and white movies. 
There was nothing wrong with Jake as his warm fingers dug into your lower back guiding you into the car. Or when his lips brushed yours for a moment as he pinned you against the wall of the hotel archway near the side entrance as you walked up to your room. 
It took everything in your power not to moan as he dipped his head and pressed his lips to the delicate skin beneath your ear, one hand curving around to grab your ass. 
Jake pushed open the door to the hotel suite and gave you a soft smile. 
You tossed your purse onto the heap of open luggage, noting that Jake’s pieces were carefully packed up while yours were strewn about. You wondered if that bothered him. 
Sitting down on the desk chair, you pulled off your heels and set them gently next to Jake’s sneakers from earlier. He crossed the room and shoved his hands in his pockets, looking out of place. You could tell the wheels were churning in his head. 
“Jake?” Your voice was light and his ears perked up. “Are you OK?” 
He nodded. Part of you expected him to take a seat but he simply stood in the middle of the room, exuding a nervous energy. “Yeah, sweetheart, I am.” 
You shook your head, standing up and running your hands down his arms, knotting your fingers together before looking up at his handsome face. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?” 
He nodded again and you gave him a small smile. 
“That’s OK. We can take it slow. Watch a movie if you want. Or maybe you can read to me from that boring book you brought.”
That made him laugh. You had jokingly mocked the tome he had opened up on the hour and a half flight, a literal Dickens novel. Jake let your fingers slide from his, reaching up and pushing the hair from your face. “You are so beautiful,” he murmured. “So absolutely beautiful.” 
You pushed him lightly backwards until his knees hit the bed and he sat. You slotted in between his legs, and felt Jake’s hands come to your waist. Running your fingers through his hair, you bent down and whispered in his ear. “Unzip me please.” And then you spun around, pulled your curled hair out of the way and let Jake undo the zipper. When you turned back around, you pulled each strap down slowly, shimmying it over your hips and stepping out of the dress to reveal a lacy black bra and matching thong. Jake let out an audible grunt and he leaned forward automatically, grabbing your sides and pressing a kiss to the inch of abdomen above your underwear line. 
Jake pulled you onto his lap, straddling him, and you felt how hard he was already as you pushed down against him. His lips were all over your collarbone and neck, and you tossed your head back, basking in how good it felt to be touched by him. Jake nudged the strap of your bra down on one side, freeing your breast and taking it in his mouth, sucking hard which caused you to moan, wetness pooling between your legs. His tongue flicked you over and over, the other hand grabbing your covered breast. 
Before you realized it, he had undone the clasp of your bra and tossed it across the floor, alternating kisses across your chest, hands warm on your bare back as he pulled you in closer. “Jake,” you gasped against him and he pulled away, looking up at you. His eyes were feverish. Darkened with lust, his lips plump, that small degree of stubble burning your skin in the most unbelievably filthy way. “Please, I need you.” 
Your fingers tugged at his shirt, undoing the buttons clumsily and he reached out to help, pulling his shirt off seamlessly to reveal his toned, golden abdomen. You rolled off him and onto the bed and watched as he stood, taking off his pants leaving just a pair of tight black boxer briefs. Even though you had seen him naked from the waist down before, his size, even covered by the briefs, made your eyes boggle. 
Jake climbed up to where you laid on the bed, skimmed a hand lightly down your side, making you shiver. He leaned down and pressed his lips to just above your belly button, one hand flattened against your hip. 
“Can I?” He whispered quietly and you looked down, unable to hear him clearly. 
“Can I eat you out?” He asked and you saw a blush creep onto his cheeks. It was so endearing from someone so attractive, his eagerness to please, his ability to embarrass. 
“God, yes,” you muttered and in an instant, he was between your legs, pulling your panties off, leaving sloppy kisses up your thighs from your knees until you felt him wedge your legs apart. For a moment, he was silent, immobile. You looked down to see him staring at you, and when he raised his eyes to yours, you swear you saw a twinkle. 
And then he leaned down and licked a pathway up your seam up to your clit and you had to stop yourself from crying out. Jake was on a mission between your legs and you had the fleeting thought that he must be very good at his real job if he was this detail oriented and thorough in bed. He needed zero instruction. Your back arched off the bed as he swirled his tongue over your clit, one thick finger probing at your entrance before slowly pushing in. It was a tight fit, and you heard him choke out a pained, “Fuck,” as you whimpered while he slowly pressed inside of you. “Yes, baby,” he murmured, “taking it so well. You’re such a good girl for me.” 
You couldn’t stop the moans as he began to pump his finger expertly inside of you, curling the tip up just right as his tongue parted your folds and circled your clit. Jake added another finger, slowly, and you winced at the pain, but your hips bucked up against his face, practically begging for more. “God, Jake, yes, just like that,” you screamed as he pumped faster, the wet sloppy sounds of your desperation filling the room. Jake’s other hand held your hips down as your breath caught in your throat, white spots forming in your vision. 
“Please, baby girl,” he muttered against your core. “Cum for me.” 
That was all you needed to break around his fingers and across his mouth, a strangled cry ripped from your throat, your hips pressed up as Jake pumped his fingers diligently, tongue flicking against your swollen clit as you rode out your orgasm until it was too much, too sensitive, and he pulled away. His lips glistened and he wiped them before sitting on his knees between your legs, a small wet patch forming on his boxers where he was leaking precum, cock impossibly hard and straining against the fabric. Jake’s hands were warm on your legs, and he looked up. 
“Are you OK?” he asked delicately and you nodded, chest heaving. “Your legs are shaking.” 
You chuckled. “Stop bragging.” 
He laughed and stroked his fingers down your thighs a few times, reassuringly. “But you’re alright?” he asked again and this time there was a vulnerability that hadn’t been there before. 
“Jake,” you said quietly. “You’re amazing. Don’t worry about me, OK? I’m having a great time. Now come here.” 
You held out your arms and Jake laid down next to you, his arm heavy across your chest. You reached out to kiss his lips, tasting yourself on him, one hand trailing down to touch him. He was hard, and he hissed when your fingers stroked him over the boxers. 
“Take these off,” you murmured. He hooked a finger underneath the waistband of the underwear and pulled them down, freeing his cock and you could feel the hard, wet tip as it rubbed against your hip. “Tell me what you want, baby.” 
“Want you,” he muttered against your shoulder, lips kissing across your skin. 
“You have me,” you replied softly. Jake looked up, eyes dark and searching yours. 
“I brought condoms if we want to use them.” 
You nodded. “I got tested since my last partner, and I’m on the pill, but it’s up to you. I trust you.” 
“Well you know my history,” he said quietly. 
“I’m OK with it if you are,” you said. “I’d like to feel you.” 
Jake grunted and you felt him roll on top of you, hands spread across your hip bones, one thumb grazing over your still swollen clit. You drew in a sharp breath and Jake grabbed his cock with one hand, pumping himself slowly as he looked down. 
“Please, baby,” you whined below him. “Need you now.” 
Jake slid the tip through your wet folds, moaning at the noise it made in the quiet room. You shifted, hiking your hips up in an angle, and felt the thick head of his cock push at your entrance. With a slow breath, Jake hitched forward, pushing himself inside. “Holy shit,” he groaned, inching deeper. He was thick and you hissed as he worked his way inside of you. “Fuck, Nat, you’re so tight. Feel so fucking good, Jesus.” 
Jake was a whining mess by the time he bottomed out inside of you, holding himself up by his forearms, his head dipped low into your shoulder. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper, and he swore under his breath before starting to roll his hips into you, setting a brutal pace, leaving you gasping beneath him. Almost immediately he hit that spot inside of you that made your insides coil and you let out a string of moans as Jake continued to thrust. 
“God, I’m close,” he whispered, his voice ragged. “Where should I cum?” 
You tightened your legs around his waist, crossing your ankles over each other on his lower back. “Inside of me.” 
“Fuck.” Jake locked his eyes on yours, pushing himself up a little bit higher so he could watch as his thrusts made your breasts bounce. You felt his hips stutter a little, and knew his orgasm was approaching by the way he sloppily continued to fuck into you. “God, baby, yes, holy shit you feel so good, gonna make me cum.” 
“Please, Jake,” you moaned, head tilted to the side and you heard Jake cry out as he spilled inside of you, shallowly pumping three more times before collapsing against your chest, sweat dampening the edges of his hair near his forehead. Slowly, he pulled out and you winced. He got up and returned from the bathroom with a warm wet cloth, cleaning between your legs, before returning to the bed, pulling you into his arms. 
Your hand grabbed his neck as he reached down to kiss you. When you broke apart, you snuggled into Jake’s side, his arm slung around you, your hand on his chest, one leg tossed over his. “Doing OK, honey?” he asked. 
“I should be asking you that,” you said softly. “Are you OK? I know it’s the first time since…” You trailed off. 
Jake sucked in a deep breath. “It had to happen at some point. And I’m glad it was with you.” Jake looked down at you, one hand brushing over your hair softly. “You’re not a rebound, Natalie. I hope you know that. I’m serious about you.” 
Despite the fact that it was what you wanted to hear, there was still a part of you that balked at his words. Somewhere, deep down, you were worried about getting tied up in something so serious, so quickly. But you swallowed it down and simply kissed the smooth skin of his bare chest, tightened your grip on him. “I’m glad.” 
You fell asleep in Jake’s arms. He felt safer than anything you had ever known. 
“I’d like you to meet my friends,” Jake blurted out. You froze, phone sitting on speaker on the kitchen counter as you ate pickles straight out of the jar. 
“It’s Bob’s birthday tomorrow and we’re having a little party,” he added quickly and you heard that vulnerability creep into his voice again. “Nothing huge, just the team. They’re kind of my family now.” There was a lump in his throat, you could hear it even over the phone. “I’d really like for them to meet you.” 
“Of course,” you murmured, closing the pickle jar. “What time?” 
That’s how you found yourself standing on the doorstep of a small bungalow holding a birthday gift on Friday night. 
You had called Jake earlier to apologize that you’d be late. A last minute contract error had sent the team spiraling, and you only had enough time to rush home and change and grab the gift from where you had left it in the entryway and speed to the address Jake had texted you. 
You were still forty-five minutes late. 
Your hand shook as you reached out and rang the doorbell, smoothing down the off the shoulder top you wore with a pair of jeans and chunky heels. Jake hadn’t specified a dress code. 
The door swung open and a tall guy with a mustache answered. His mouth curved up into a smile. “Well hello there,” he drawled. “You must be Natalie.” 
You nodded and he stepped back, opening the door wider and letting you in. 
“Hangman wasn’t kidding,” he said as he shut the door. “You really are out of his league.” 
You chuckled. “Sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
He held out a large hand for a shake. “Rooster, but you can call me Bradley.” 
“Bradley it is.” 
He gave you a dazzling smile. “Everyone’s out back with the birthday boy. Follow me.” 
Bradley led you down a narrow hallway toward the back of the house and as you entered the kitchen you could hear music playing outside. He slid open a pair of glass doors and called out into the yard where a small group was crowded around a few tables covered in food, string lights crossing low above the adjacent seating area. 
“Hangman, get your ass over here or I’m going to steal your girlfriend!” 
You laughed and watched Jake’s head swivel around from where he stood, a smile glued to his face as he dropped mid-conversation and quickly made his way toward you. He clapped Bradley on the shoulder. “Get your own girl, Bradshaw,” he said. He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours. “Hey honey.” 
“Where should I put this?” You held out the gift. Jake took it from you and placed it on a nearby table before putting his hand on your lower back. 
“I want to introduce you to everyone,” he said, nudging you forward toward the group. “Guys, this is Natalie.” 
You looked around. There was Bradley smirking into a beer bottle. A cute dirty blond with glasses, a beautiful brunette in a simple blue dress, a tall black guy with ridiculously chilled cheekbones, one shorter guy with a buzz cut, another taller one with a mustache, and a few others milling around behind the main group. “Hi,” you said softly, raising a hand, feeling a blush creep up on your neck. “So sorry I’m late.” 
The brunette gave you a once over before smiling. “I’m Phoenix, or Natasha, whatever you prefer.” 
You smiled, Jake’s hand still warm on your back. 
“I’m Coyote,” cheekbones said, stepping forward and kissing your cheek. 
“Payback,” said the other mustache, holding out a hand for a shake. 
“Fanboy.” Short buzzcut leaned forward and kissed your cheek as well. 
“And this is the birthday boy,” Bradley said, placing his hand firmly on the shoulder of the guy with glasses, who blushed. 
“Bob,” he said quietly and you stepped forward, giving him a hug. He put his arms around you awkwardly. 
“Happy Birthday, Bob,” you replied, pulling away. “So sorry I’m so late, and crashing your party.” 
He smiled softly and it was endearing. “No worries. Jake’s said a lot about you, we’re all very glad to have you here.”
“Oh you have, have you?” you murmured, looking up at Jake with a smirk. He smiled down at you. 
“Of course I have,” he replied. “Now that you’re introduced, let me get you a drink. Wine?” 
You nodded and he stepped away toward the house, edging open the sliding door. 
Turning back to the team, you watched their eyes land on you. They were friendly, but you knew what an attack position looked like. Jake was their person, and you were the outsider. 
“So, Natalie, Jake tells us you’re a lawyer,” Phoenix said. “How do you like it?” 
You shrugged. “Even lawyers hate lawyers.” That got a few laughs and you watched the group soften slightly. “But it’s not all that bad. Except for nights like tonight when I actually want to get somewhere on time but of course, something has to come up.” 
The team nodded. 
“Jake doesn’t talk about his job much,” you said. “Are you all pilots?”
“Aviators, ma’am,” Payback corrected. 
“Aviators,” you repeated. 
“Ignore him,” Fanboy rolled his eyes. “It’s the same thing.”
“Is not!”  
“We’re all at Top Gun together,” Phoenix added and from her tone you could tell she was a natural leader. “Have been for about six years now.”
“And you’re all instructors?”
The team shook their heads. “Jake’s the only instructor,” Phoenix said softly. “Been that way since Lizzie. He just couldn’t afford to leave Ellie alone for long periods of time, you know? This job, it’s not exactly family friendly.” 
There was something in the way they all looked when she said it. You could tell the impact of her death was still fresh to them. 
Jake emerged from the house and rejoined the group. You took the wine glass, thankful for the distraction. 
“Mind if I steal her for a minute?” he asked and the team murmured agreements, Jake’s hand already steering you toward a tree with string lights near the edge of the fence. “Thanks for coming,” he whispered. 
You leaned in for a kiss. “Thanks for inviting me. Sorry again that I’m late.” 
“Don’t worry about it,” Jake replied, gazing over at the group. “They’re good people.”
“I can tell after five minutes that they care about you a lot,” you said. “I hope I don’t disappoint.” 
Jake turned to you, one hand coming out to stroke your cheek. “Honey, you could never disappoint. They’re going to love you.” 
As the night wore on, you got more comfortable. Jake held you in his lap as the team shared embarrassing stories from their years together. You laughed and clapped as Bob blew out the candles on his cake, Payback and Fanboy rushing to smush his face into the frosting much to his dismay. Everyone was nice and easy going, and you could see why Jake liked them so much. He was a more casual, confident version of himself around them. It felt like there were no secrets, that he could just be himself. 
It was dark, and Jake had gone inside to check on the babysitter with Ellie, leaving you sitting next to the fire pit. There was a warm hand on your shoulder, and then Bradley appeared off to the side. 
“Mind if I sit with you?” 
He took a seat next to you, his handsome face glowing near the fire. Despite only knowing him for a few hours, the moments of silence before Bradley spoke again were not uncomfortable. “Did Hangman ever tell you that he and I used to be enemies?”
“Oh really?” you asked. 
He chuckled. “That’s a strong word I guess. Maybe just say we didn’t get along. But yeah, we were kind of on the outs. And then there was a really big mission a few years back, right after Ellie was born.” Bradley took a sip of his drink before continuing. “One of those types of missions where we thought someone wasn’t coming home. And in the end, that someone was me.” 
He stopped talking and you saw the pain across his face. You couldn’t help yourself — you reached out and laid one hand on his where it sat on the armrest of his chair. 
“I was out of weapons with someone right on my ass. And for the first time, I seriously considered what it would be like to die.” 
Your thumb brushed across his hand gently before giving him a squeeze and pulling away. Bradley smiled softly. 
“They almost had me in lock, I saw the smoke from their guns headed toward me. And then there was Hangman. He came in from behind and took them out. Saved my life.” He looked up. “He risked everything to come out there and rescue me. Ellie was three weeks old at that point. He had so much to lose, way more than I did.” 
“He never told me,” you whispered softly, looking out at where you could faintly see Jake pacing on the phone inside the house. “But that sounds like Jake.”
Bradley nodded. “He’s different now. Becoming a dad made him like that.” There was a pause. “She made him like that.” You knew he was talking about Lizzie.
“What was she like?” you asked, and you regretted it the moment it slipped out of your mouth. Jake didn’t tell you much about Lizzie on purpose. They were his memories. His remembrances. It was his choice to share those with you. 
“Lizzie was great,” Bradley said softly. “Beautiful. Smart. Generous. Always let one of our drunk asses stay at their house when we got a little too loaded. She was the mother of our group, quite literally. She was good for him. He needed her.” He stopped and looked at you. “She needed him, too.” 
You nodded. “I know I’m young,” you murmured. “You guys probably think I’m too young for him. But I really care about Jake. A lot. He means something to me.” 
“Did he tell you I’m Ellie’s godfather?”
You shook your head. 
“He asked me a few weeks after that mission I told you about. It’s something I take pretty seriously. That little girl, she’s my world, too. She’s really something.” 
“The way he talks about her. She sounds magical.” Bradley’s face lit up. “I’m not a parent. But she is special. Makes me feel like I’m part of something that’s more than just myself.” 
The two of you were silent for a moment. Maybe it was the wine, or the darkness that existed outside of the immediate proximity to the fire. Perhaps it was the fact that Bradley seemed like the kind of guy who wouldn’t hold something against you. Either way, you opened your mouth. “I’m scared,” you said quietly. “That I’m not ready to be someone’s step mom. I don’t know anything about kids. What if she doesn’t like me? What if she doesn’t trust me? Or worse, what if he doesn’t trust me with her?” 
Bradley’s chocolatey eyes locked onto your own. “No one is going to replace her mom. All she needs is someone who loves her.” 
He paused and looked up. Jake was edging open the sliding door. Your time with Bradley was rapidly coming to a close. 
“That’s all he needs, too. Someone who loves him.” Bradley’s voice grew quiet. “Someone who is going to stick around.” 
A/N: Next chapter we'll get another Napa section (it was just getting too long!) and then we will FINALLY meet Ellie!
Tag list: @double-j @seresinhangmanjake @topguncultleader @hangmandruigandmav @momc95 @minamisulemisa @shawnsblue @blue-aconite @brehonodea @crthurston @angelbabyange @jason-toddsthighs @secretsicanthideanymore @taytaylala12 @mandylove1000 @mizzzpink @showmethewayhomehoney @tvjunkie08 @mygyn @wkndwlff @sadpetalsstuff @shanimallina87 @averyhotchner @oneelleandaneye @starrynightskyz @daddymack01 @buxkybarnez @pookie-cleary @clairedelarosa-blog  @princessofglitterland  @tiredqueen73 @lovingjakeseresin @lilyevanswhore @kurtkunkle17 @amortentiadrops @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @abaker74 @xoxabs88xox @novagreen04 @townmoondaltwistle @rosiahills22 @indynerdgirl @entertainmentgal8 @misshoneypaper @starkleila @ebonyhogan24
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indierpgnewsletter · 1 year
✨, 🌱, 💡?
✨ A game I wish more people were talking about
There aren't many indie games that are talked about enough as far as I concerned. So many great games have come out recently that deserve way more discussion and praise: Pasion de la Pasiones by Brandon Leon-Gambetta and Swords without Master by Epidiah Ravachol are at the top of my list.
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Pasion de la Pasiones is a masterclass of PbtA design - in many ways, a true inheritor of Apocalypse World's inter-personal playstyle. A playbook like El Jefe (which I'm playing in a game right now) is such a beautiful piece of design. Another designer would have made that character the GM's responsibility, to be played as the villain. Like the hardholder in AW, Brandon Leon-Gambetta trusts the players to take on the roles required to play a cheesy, melodramatic telenovela. At the same time, it's not just up to the players - through excellent move design, it's easy to be an awesome player. Also by empowering players, Pasion de la Pasiones is designed to be fun for the GM as well. It serves up exactly what I cherish most - the ability for players to drive play. I know lots of folks might see the cover and think it's just not for them but I encourage them to give it a try and see the fun on offer.
Swords without Master is amazing for the same reasons. It's a game with a GM that completely trusts the players to make their own fun - to come up with fun questions and fun answers. For those who don't know, it's a sword and sorcery RPG that has a bunch of unique things - dice that decide tone, a motif mechanic, phases that feel like they swap between GMless and GM'd. It also represents that rare thing. Like PbtA, it's basically a whole new type of game, designed from the ground up. It hasn't been as influential but it could have been!
🌱 An unreleased/not-yet-crowdfunding game I’m looking forward to
Oh, man, okay, I've got a couple for this:
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Bloodclotte by Nick Duff: This is a hard game to describe but here's my best shot: You play doctors in a steampunk hospital dealing with the weirdest, most bizarre patients that you can conceive. It's less medical drama and more war comedy, a genre that is so rare that the only good example I know is the iconic 70s show, M*A*S*H. It's really good and I'm writing a playbook for it based on Ayurveda. There's a quick start available and I played a super fun playtest campaign of it. Recommended!
Da Xia by Tan Shao Han: Tan Shao Han is a Singaporean designer who is also a writer on Bloodclotte, like me. This game of his (which I have only heard the most delicious whispers about) is a Forged in the Dark game where you play Chinese folk heroes in Singapore during WW2 when it was under Japaneese occupation. I love the concept - it sounds challenging and ambitious work for a designer as well as a unique experience for players. Super excited to get my hands on a playtest draft.
💡 A game that inspired my own design or creative practice
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I'm working on a series of card-based games I'm calling the Cardsharp Sonata. The first one is out and it's a sci-fi horror game called This Ship Is No Mother. The entire series is based on the wonderful, insightful Forged in the Dark game Crash//Cart by Galen Pejeau. Crash//Cart is one of the first games I ever wrote about the newsletter after a smash-hit of a one shot. It's about EMTs going out to save people and take them to hospitals in a nightmarish cyberpunk world. It's fast, fun and Galen's sharp design logic really inspired me to make more games.
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mrs-lockley · 11 months
wip wednesday - sabrina au
author's note: to motivate myself and keep myself accountable, i'll be participating in wip wednesday! here's a snippet of my current wip. the au is based on the 1954 movie sabrina, starring audrey hepburn and humphrey bogart. there is no moon knight in this au. the reader is best friends with steven and has an unrequited crush on marc. the fic will progress into a jake-centered pairing. pairing: platonic!steven grant x southeast asian fem!reader, marc spector x southeast asian fem!reader tagging: @soft-girl-musings @musing-magpie @writefightandflightclub @venting402, thank you so much for your supporting me along this journey!
“That’s amazing!” You told him. The two of you were cross-legged on the floor as you poured him another cup of tea. “I just know the kids are going to love having you as a tour guide in the King Tut exhibit at the Smithsonian.”
Your best friend beamed, a soft red dusting his smiling cheeks. “You think so? I start on Monday. I’m so nervous! I don’t want to mess it up or bore them with all the details, but you know how much I love Ancient Egypt.”
“You’re going to do great. You make history sound so fascinating and entertaining.” You smiled reassuringly at him. “I missed hearing all your schpeals while I was in Singapore.”
“Well, that just means I have to do some more research for you to get you up to speed,” Steven countered, and the two of you laughed. “I’m so happy that you’re back and that I get to meet with you again. We missed you so much.”
Once again, your heart skipped a beat at the thought of Marc missing you. But you quickly dismissed the thought as soon as it came— you and Marc were friends beforehand, after all. You already spent two years away from him, surely you should have gotten a grip over your unrequited crush on a man who had no romantic feelings for you whatsoever. 
Your face must have fallen. Before you caught yourself, you found Steven’s brown eyes washing over you with concern. “You know, love, Marc told me he missed you too. I know you didn’t keep in touch with him frequently like you did with me. Are you doing okay?”
You swallowed hard as the other shoe dropped. As much as you hated to admit, it was true. Compared to the handwritten letters and postcards you sent Steven, your communication with Marc paled in comparison. You reasoned with yourself that the distance would do you good, and the only times you shared any correspondence with him were through some texts and pictures you sent via email. Like Marc, you did not have much social media, and you preferred to keep your private life private. But in the texts you both shared, they were straight-forward. You knew Marc was not fond of communicating through texts, and it was difficult to keep track of when he fronted with the time differences between New York and Singapore. So naturally, he fell through the cracks. 
It’s been a few weeks since you saw Marc, and the last time you spoke with him was when he took you home after picking you up at the airport. You weren’t avoiding him per se, but you also did not trust yourself around him. One look at him, and all the feelings you tried to repress would suddenly rush to the surface. 
“Does he know?” You asked, your voice quiet and hesitant. “About my feelings for him?”
You watched as Steven’s eyes softened. Whether your best friend was telling the truth, or telling you what you needed to hear to avoid hurting you, you weren’t sure. 
“No, he doesn’t.”
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mariacallous · 6 months
Conspiracists and far-right extremists are blaming just about everything and everyone for Tuesday morning’s Baltimore bridge collapse.
A non-exhaustive list of things that are getting blamed for the bridge collapse on Telegram and X include President Biden, Hamas, ISIS, P. Diddy, Nickelodeon, India, former president Barack Obama, Islam, aliens, Sri Lanka, the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, Wokeness, Ukraine, foreign aid, the CIA, Jewish people, Israel, Russia, China, Iran, Covid vaccines, DEI, immigrants, Black people, and lockdowns.
The Francis Scott Key truss bridge collapsed when the MV Dali cargo ship collided with one of the bridge supports. Six construction workers, who were filling potholes on the bridge’s roadway at the time, are presumed dead. The ship is owned by Singapore-based Grace Ocean Private Ltd., and the 22-person crew were all Indian. The ship was en route to Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the time of the accident.
This did not stop people from “asking questions” about the incident, a frequent conspiracist response to major events. And though conspiracy theorists are having a hard time pinpointing exactly what conspiracy caused the collapse, the one thing they do agree on is that this incident is a “black swan event.”
The term black swan event has been around for decades and is used to describe a major global event (typically in the financial markets) that can cause significant damage to a country’s economy. But in recent years, the term has been co-opted by the conspiracy-minded to explain an event triggered by the so-called deep state that would signal an imminent revolution, a third world war, or some other apocalyptic catastrophe.
One of the first people to call the bridge collapse a black swan event was disgraced former US national security adviser Michael Flynn. “This is a BLACK SWAN event,” he wrote on X. “Black swans normally come out of the world of finance (not military) … There are harbor masters for every single one of these transit points in America that are in charge of assuring the safety of navigation … start there.” Flynn’s post has been viewed 7.2 million times.
Misogynist influencer Andrew Tate, who has been charged in Romania with rape and human trafficking, also posted on X early on Tuesday morning, writing: “Nothing is safe. Black Swan Event imminent.” The post has been viewed almost 19 million times.
The term black swan quickly began trending on X, and soon conspiracists, extremists, and right-wing lawmakers began coming up with explanations for what or who triggered this “black swan event.”
One post claiming a link between the bridge collapse and the film Leave the World Behind has been viewed more than 1.2 million times. The post claimed that because the ship was headed to Sri Lanka, which has a lion on its flag, then the situation was linked to the ship that runs aground at the beginning of the film which was called White Lion. The post also points out that the film was produced by Obama.
A post from Anthony Sabatini, a former Florida state congressman, declared, without evidence, that “DEI did this”—and its been viewed over 2.2 million times.
Some politicians have boosted the conspiracy as well. “Is this an intentional attack or an accident?” Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, an influential and conspiracy-minded member of the GOP, posted on X above a video shared by a prominent QAnon conspiracist.
Under previous iterations of X, formerly Twitter, such speculation would typically have gained little traction, as the algorithm would have prioritized trusted news sources and primary evidence. But under Elon Musk’s reign, anyone willing to pay for a blue check can have their posts artificially boosted by the algorithm. This means that conspiracies like this are ending up in the news feeds of millions of people.
On Telegram, one prominent election denier claimed the incident was linked to the fact that the bridge was named after Francis Scott Key, who wrote the words for the Star Spangled Banner, and was thus an attempt to undermine America.
“Don't let them erase our history,” the conspiracist wrote.
Investigators are looking into the cause of the tragic incident, but William DelBagno, the FBI special agent in charge, said on Tuesday that there are no indications of terrorism.
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You may be doing this for your analysis, but has anyone with reliable number crunching calculated the speed McLaren would achieve using DRS vs its normal straight line speed with the mini DRS effect? Presumably the delta would be smaller since the non-activated position of the rear wing is already producing extra speed that is essentially partial DRS, right? It makes me wonder if more DRS is actually disadvantageous to McLaren because they don't gain as much in use vs their non-activated speed. So if they're not P1 and can activate DRS, it isn't as much of a boost relative to their baseline pace. Meanwhile, the other cars do get a more significant boost vs their non-DRS speed. Even in P1, I think what really advantaged McLaren was the long straight in Baku as the main DRS zone making it more challenging for any team behind to see the full effects of DRS activation. They won't have that in Singapore either so it should make it more likely for trailing cars within DRS to better close the zap.
I trust your analysis so I'm curious what you think! (Of course, all this goes out the window anyway if it rains and then anything can happen.)
I was actually thinking about this after someone else asked something about possible advantages they might have this weekend. And I think you're right, this wing does have an advantage, but on straights with no DRS. If they need to use DRS the difference is lessened because they already had that mini increase in speed/drag reduction. So then other cars will have a greater increase when they actually do use DRS.
It is a clear advantage, however it's a little more track specific than people are making it out to be. And there are some compromises that have been made with it as well.
So Mclaren's advantage with this wing is most pronounced on parts of the track where there is no DRS, so more DRS has the potential to make things more equal. However that is assuming rivals are close enough to use DRS. It all really depends on who is in front. If no one is in their DRS most of the race then it won't matter. So it's situational for how rivals are doing on pace as well.
But yes I think the base idea that this is a sacrifice in overall gains for actual DRS activation is correct.
I think we will know more after this weekend then we can see if any differences were seen.
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ancient-reveala-1976 · 5 months
the benefits of positive social capital formations via arts
IntroductionIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in the relationship between positive social capital formations and the arts. Social capital refers to the networks, relationships, and trust that exist within a community, while the arts encompass a wide range of creative expressions that have the power to foster connections and inspire change. By examining the ways in which the arts can contribute to the development of social capital, we can gain insight into the mechanisms through which communities can build resilience, foster cooperation, and promote well-being. This research seeks to demonstrate the tangible benefits that accrue from investing in positive social capital formations via arts-based initiatives, shedding light on the transformative potential of creative expression in strengthening social bonds and enhancing community cohesion.
Understanding Social Capital in the Context of ArtsUnderstanding social capital in the context of arts is crucial for recognizing the intertwined relationship between cultural participation and social cohesion. Social capital, defined as the networks, relationships, and norms that facilitate collective action, can be fostered and strengthened through engagement in artistic endeavors. By participating in arts activities, individuals create bonds with others who share similar interests, forming a sense of community and belonging. These connections can lead to increased trust, reciprocity, and social support within a group, ultimately contributing to the development of positive social capital . Moreover, arts engagement has been shown to bridge social divides, promote diversity, and enhance communication among diverse groups (Dario Castiglione et al., 2008-04-17). Therefore, exploring how the arts can cultivate social capital offers valuable insights into its potential benefits for fostering inclusive and cohesive societies.
The Positive Impact of Social Capital Formations through ArtsThe Positive Impact of Social Capital Formations through Arts lies in its ability to foster cultural heritage, educational value, and promote environmental and social responsibility within a community. Drawing on postmodern cultural theory and the principles of the Triple Bottom Line, arts engagement not only enriches individuals aesthetically but also contributes to the holistic development of society. Postmodern music culture has introduced new concepts and experiences to vocal art, reflecting the societal shifts towards deconstruction and anti-traditional ideologies (Tao Liu, 2018). Moreover, the Triple Bottom Line framework emphasizes the importance of economic, environmental, and social responsibilities for enterprises, highlighting the sustainability and ethical dimensions of social capital formation through arts (Qun Wang, 2016). By integrating these insights, the positive impact of arts in fostering social capital formations is evident in promoting cultural understanding, sustainable practices, and responsible governance, thus enhancing the overall well-being of a community.
Case Studies Demonstrating the Benefits of Positive Social Capital Formations via ArtsThe exploration of case studies reveals the transformative power of positive social capital formations through the arts. Johnson's analysis of cities like Glasgow, Bilbao, Singapore, and Geelong illustrates how the arts can activate individuals, rebuild communities, enliven the polity, aid physical regeneration, and reorient economies, highlighting the instrumental role of the arts in addressing economic and social challenges. By delving into the historical contexts of these cities and their unique approaches to cultural strategies, Johnson emphasizes the importance of sustainable arts agendas that distribute benefits equitably and minimize adverse impacts on urban landscapes. These case studies exemplify how cities, particularly those experiencing economic or social decline, leverage the arts to rejuvenate their societies, foster community engagement, and promote long-term cultural, political, and economic sustainability. Through these examples, the profound impact of positive social capital formations via the arts emerges as a catalyst for urban revitalization and societal transformation.
Implications for Society and Policy RecommendationsThe implications of positive social capital formations through the arts extend beyond individual well-being to influence society at large. As Beacom et al. (cite7) suggest, effective governance strategies are essential in navigating systemic risks that impact sustainable development, with a particular focus on societal transformation processes. Considering the interconnectedness of agents within systems and the homomorphism of systemic risks across various domains, such as migration phenomena, a scientific approach rooted in complexity science is crucial for informing policy decisions. By recognizing the potential for arts-based activities to enhance social capital and foster community cohesion, policymakers can leverage these positive elements to address societal challenges. Policy recommendations should prioritize the integration of arts initiatives into broader social and economic strategies, thereby harnessing the transformative power of creative expression to build resilient and inclusive societies. Informed by empirical evidence and theoretical frameworks, such policy interventions hold promise in promoting sustainable development and mitigating systemic risks associated with social dynamics.
ConclusionIn conclusion, the findings of this study underscore the significant benefits that positive social capital formations through engagement with the arts can bring to communities. By fostering connections, trust, and mutual support among individuals, arts-based social capital can contribute to improved well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life. Through avenues such as community arts programs, festivals, and workshops, individuals are provided with opportunities for self-expression, creativity, and collaboration, which in turn can strengthen social ties and networks. Furthermore, the cultivation of shared values, understanding, and empathy that often result from participation in arts-based activities can help to bridge divides and promote social cohesion within diverse communities. Thus, investing in and supporting the arts as a means of building social capital can have far-reaching positive effects on individuals and communities alike.
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I don't think Travis is going back to Australia or Singapore, and that is ok. It appears he has a commitment in Cleveland on the 5th, and then "his movie premiere" is like the 9th. Taylor has like 8 weeks off after Singapore... Maybe they have a little intimate vacation planned somewhere in there. I think fans just have to understand that these are two very driven and busy individuals in a mature relationship. And that's a plus, because they can miss each other and still understand why the other can't be in X location all the time. I do worry with the upcoming schedule for both of them (her tour and him going back to full-time football) that things could get a little rocky, but I also trust that if this is what they want they'll find a way to make it work. I just hate this expectation that everyone has that it's his off-season, so he'll be able to be with her all the time because that just isn't the reality. He still has commitments that he needs to honor. Just like when she's back from the tour next month, she may also have commitments to honor and can't be with him 24/7. This fandom has a tendency to get way too invested in Taylor's relationships and, in this case, way too early. They've been together 6 months....who knows if it will work long-term. I mean, I'm rooting for it because they seem so perfect for each other. But, the reality is that relationships are hard, and long-distance relationships where two people are so busy and driven make a relationship even harder to sustain. I mean, be happy for her and how happy she seems to be in the moment, but keep your expectations reality-based, yk?
I’m completely with you anon. But knowing Taylor, if she’s invested, she’s invested. A few busy schedules will not become an issue.
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pitchblacktea · 1 year
since my post about how we need more cities in the sims 4 has achieved what i'll call minor simblr success i would like to name a few non-american cities i think the sims team can reasonably base new worlds on in game without breaking everyone's computer fans based on already existing worlds and ask what everyone else thinks of them (disclaimer: the sims team has no idea who i am and while i want more regional diversity in the game i just do not know how much i trust them with some of these places) feel free to reblog/reply with your own ideas because i only have ten slots sgjsdlkjsgldskjg!!!
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umgeorge · 1 year
george russell is interviewed on media day, monaco - may 25, 2023 (transcription under the cut)
Interviewer: "…doing. Obviously we have the sad news of all the flooding and the devastation in Imola. It was absolutely the right thing not to race there. Did you have a sort of weird kind of rhythm within you in Saturday and Sunday, knowing that I feel like I should be racing this weekend…" George: "Yeah, absolutely. It was…" Interviewer: "…and how to sort of dissipate that slightly." George: "I'll always remember Australia, when the race got canceled in the Covid year, of when you put all that effort and work in. In Australia we was already there at the event, getting the news that we're not racing. It's such a strange feeling. Obviously Imola is a little bit earlier. I had actually just finished my sim session, the morning on the sim prepping for Imola, when we got the news, but it wouldn't have been right at all for us to be there, with everything that was going on in the region. And it was also… Let's say in a selfish perspective, it was a bit annoying for us not to see how the updates performed on a more normal circuit. But, nevertheless, we got them here. We'll probably wait until Barcelona to get a true picture, and just try and maximize this weekend." Interviewer: "Okay, so just explain… It was impossible to go back to the old car that you know, 'cause they'd already changed all the internals and stuff…" George: "Yeah, it probably would have been possible, but from our side I think if we had a strong weekend here with the old car and we were half a tenth away from pole, for example, we'd be kicking ourselves knowing that we've got more performance on the table. So if you've got performance there, you've gotta use it, and I guess it shows the trust the team have in us as drivers, but also I'm happy to know that the team are pushing forward. Maybe we'll sit here on Sunday night saying that was a stupid decision, or maybe not. We'll maybe say we were right to be bold, but we wanna get on with our season and yeah, so what?" Interviewer: "Which, of course, begs the question: how much performance /is/ on the table, then? A second? Half a second? Six-tenths?" George: "I don't think any update in the history has been six-tenths, or…" Interviewer: "The car's got sidepods on it for the first time since the Barcelona test in 2022. It's got some sidepods on it." George: "I hope I'm proved wrong, but the sidepods aren't the magic, so it sort of… Putting that on the cards just to tick a box, to say that is a question that's been answered and there's no more question marks over the sidepods. The magic happens elsewhere, so… No, let's see. It'll be a step in the right direction. We know that Monaco's difficult. For example, Ferrari in the last ten years, probably they always exceed their base performance here in Monaco. They're always very strong in Monaco. Mercedes generally struggle a little bit more in Monaco. Even during the glory years, Monaco was a bit of a difficult circuit for us as a team, as in Singapore, those types of tracks, so we're not expecting wonders this weekend. So we'll focus on this weekend, go into Barcelona, new baseline, and see then."
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dnickels · 1 year
*puts on powder blue oversized cheap scratchy used-car-salesman suit jacket*
ok lemme sell you on these shows!
home fires: v soapy wwii homefront cosy drama about the wives/etc left behind after all the men are conscripted, who all join the women's institute. they make jam from the blackberry bushes to help the war effort! the switchboard girlies are all eavesdropping gossips! there are secret lesbians! female pilots! farmers! housemaids with big dreams! the book it's based on was called "jambusters" if you wanna know how unserious and unbleak it is. there were only two seasons (12 eps in total) and when it got cancelled by itv, people were like... petitioning the government to force them to carry on making it lmao. i'll give it a 7/10. it's just something nice to have on in the background with v little effort.
tenko: THEE love of my life. no other tv show can come close. it's about british/dutch/aussie/chinese women in singapore at the outbreak of war who get captured by the invading japanese army and put into pow concentration camps. at one point there is a death march through the jungle. there is lots of disease and torture and starvation and misery and death and all sorts of violence and no one is safe. and at one point they plant some of their beans in the hope of doubling their food ration but then have to leave them behind #heartbreak :(((( this makes it sound bleak BUT! it isn't! i promise. it's sooo dramatic, about fifteen plot points happen every episode. people you trust turn out to be dicks, people you hate turn out to have a heart of gold. people you thought were main characters die. everyone wears the same outfit for years, getting more and more disgusting as the episodes continue. the women are all literally revolting and scabby and stained. there are barely literate housemaids, colonial toffs, suspected lesbians, cockneys, landed gentry anarchists, secret jews, dutch nuns, communists, the boymom from hell, a cat called pudding, all sorts all shoved together like one big ensemble comedy from hell. it's sooooo good. the first couple of episodes are kinda slow before everyone loses their marbles and the drama begins, but bear with it ok, it is 100000% worth it. 11/10, my fave period drama of all time.
First of all, I love this. I asked for copy on my desk by morning and you delivered, fantastic. I'm also laughing because Masterpiece promos made Homefires seem like a very serious drama and what you are telling me is much more appealing.
Also LMAO at 'petition the government' when I found out the BBC canned The Crimson Field I was ready to CAUSE PROBLEMS. Unforgivable. An act of aggression.
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f0point5 · 10 months
I have to disagree with the Lewis toto George situation.
The preference in Merc has been leaning towards George more than Lewis and only when they’re called out on it do we see more Lewis based stuff.
Like the car, Lewis spent 2022 telling them it was a bad car and trying to develop it, but George’s win pushed them towards continuing the zero pod concept.
Singapore, we got like an essay written about George’s crash day of the race and Lewis content afterwards.
Qatar while heavily Lewis’ fault, he was on the softs so it should have been expected that he’d try to get ahead when both Max and George were on mediums.
But Merc should be showing preference to Lewis, at least this season. He’s the experienced driver who was fighting for p2 and getting the team podiums. George while good, still has a lot to learn. And recently their strategy has been sending Lewis out there with nothing more than trust in his abilities and hope.
I feel like Merc is ever so slightly trying to hedge their bets, because they don’t want George to leave but they also can’t not give Lewis the opportunity to do well.
Now Lewis has signed a renewal I’m expecting them to really throw their weight behind him next year, but we’ll see
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