#try to pull for him once his banner comes around but who knows how successful ill be. so lucky art of his lc was released though so
revserrayyu · 5 months
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One HSR Character a Day Day 9: Boothill
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corroded-hellfire · 2 months
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Prompt Day 28: Back to Indiana
Words: 976
Rating: T
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
CW: language, talk of bullying
Thank you to my editor @munson-blurbs ❤️
Summary: When famous rockstars Eddie and Jeff come back for their ten year high school reunion, Eddie runs into a friendly familiar face.
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Welcome Back Class of ‘86!
The banner in the God awful combination of green and orange greets Eddie as he pushes into the gym. Jeff’s by his side as they step into the once despised part of their old school.
Eddie and Jeff had debated whether or not they wanted to come back for their reunion, but ultimately decided to go. They knew it was petty, but they wanted to see how differently the “Hawkins High Royalty” treated them now that they’re successful rock stars. And they get their answer almost instantly.
“Whoa, Eddie! I didn’t think I’d see you here, man.”
Andy was one of the worst douches of all back in the day. Now he’s acting like they’re old friends ? Nah, fuck that shit.
Eddie gives him a terse nod of the head and keeps walking.
Jeff knocks his shoulder against his band mate’s, laughing as he does so.
The pattern repeats itself, other former jocks and students who ignored or tormented them trying to talk to them as if it’s the most casual, normal thing in the world.
“Holy shit, man,” Eddie says. “This is fucking hilarious.”
“I am so glad we decided to come tonight,” Jeff says. “You know, I’m aware that these aren’t the tables from the cafeteria, but something about being back here has me itching to see you jump up on one and make some grand speech.”
“What, you think everyone here needs a lecture? Teach your kids to be nice to the freaks because they might end up Grammy winners someday?”
Jeff laughs. “Holy shit, it’s scary to think that some of these people are parents now. Oh hey, look. There’s the only reason you passed, what, three of your science classes?”
Eddie follows his friend’s gaze and grins when he sees you sitting at a nearby table. He can’t help but notice that you’re sitting alone. It seems like not much has changed, because you were always quiet in school and could often be found in a secluded spot with a book.
“Uh no,” Eddie counters Jeff, “she helped me pass two—no, shit, you’re right, three times.” He pats Jeff on the chest. “I’m gonna say hi. I’ll catch up with you.”
Jeff gives a small salute and heads further into the gym.
Eddie pulls out the chair that’s across from you at the round table, spins it around, then plops down on it. He rests his arms on the back of the chair and leans forward.
“Hey, you. Long time no see,” he greets.
Your eyes widen when you take in your former lab partner.
“Hi,” you say, unable to keep the surprised squeak out of your voice.
Eddie smiles and tilts his head. “How are you?”
“I’m-I’m good,” you say. “How are you?”
“Pretty good for being back in this place.” Eddie looks around the gym, as if he’ll see back in time to his six years here.
“Yeah,” you say with a small chuckle. “Why did you come back for this? We didn’t exactly go to school with the greatest people.”
“That was good practice since Hollywood isn’t filled with the greatest people either,” he says. “But figured it might be fun. Plus, I get to thank you for helping me graduate.”
“I don’t think I did that much,” you say, shyly ducking your head.
“Are you kidding?” Eddie asks with a disbelieving chuckle. “If I didn’t have you, I would’ve failed biology, chemistry, and anatomy.” He pauses a second, pursing his lips. “How did we end up having all those classes together? I mean, what are the odds?”
You nod and let out a nervous chuckle, avoiding Eddie’s eyes as you look down at the table.
“Y-Yeah, I know.”
The rockstar’s gaze narrows as he eyes you suspiciously.
“Okay, spill. You know more than you’re saying.”
Your face feels like it’s on fire as you release a breath and find the courage to meet Eddie’s eye.
“Well, uh, I was an aide in the front office,” you start. “And so they let me help with making student schedules.”
“And you put us in the same science classes?” he asks, a smile growing on his face.
“I did.”
“Why? Just to help me graduate?”
“Um.” You scratch at the side of your neck, your stomach doing a somersault. “Also because I had a huge crush on you.”
Eddie couldn’t look more surprised if you told him aliens made the class schedules.
“Wait, really?”
“Yes,” you answer before taking a deep breath.
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
He’s still smiling, so that’s good. You were half afraid he was going to laugh in your face.
“Because,” you say with a shrug, “I didn’t think you’d want to go out with me.”
Now, Eddie frowns.
“Of course I would’ve,” he says. His eyes scan your left hand for a ring before he speaks again. “Actually…do you want to get out of here now? Get a burger or something?”
Now it’s your turn to look shocked.
“You’re serious?”
“Yeah!” Eddie stands up and situates the chair back to its normal position. “It’s not everyday I find someone who liked who I was before I was famous.”
“How do you know I’m not lying?” you challenge, feeling slightly bolder.
Eddie laughs. “Because I had classes with you for three years. You couldn’t even lie to Mrs. Click when you were late to class because you wanted to finish the chapter of a book.”
The tumbling in your stomach turns to butterflies.
“I can’t believe you remember that.”
Eddie just shrugs, giving you a bashful smile.
“You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. You were bound to stick out at this school of assholes.”
You stand up from your seat and place your hand in Eddie’s outstretched one.
“Benny’s Burgers?” you ask.
“You read my mind.”
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stuckybarton · 2 years
Call Sign
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SUMMARY: You and your boyfriend have special call sign in your contact list. It was just the team, especially one nosy Billionaire, finds it funny that you, the ever proficient and ever professional logistics lead could call someone Daddy on your contact. CHARACTERS: Loki Laufeyson x F!Reader; Tony Stark; Natasha Romanoff; Thor Odinson WARNINGS: Profanities; Tony being too nosy for his own good; Daddy-calling. WORDS: 1,859
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One thing the entire team had learned about you early on was how professional your phone looked like. Their names in the contact was there full legal name. Even Vision was given the right to a name of his own in your contact list. Vision Stark-Banner after his two creators (also an argument had been made by Stark about why his name came first). Never once did any of them ever think you were sane because of your contact list.
But then as time passes by, they realized you needed control of the littlest of things about your life if you could. Being the lead logistics for the team, it was part of your job description at this point now and with how volatile some missions could be on a day to day basis the littlest chance of control was something you took much opportunity at.
But it doesn't not stop the constant teasing especially from one Tony Stark that was given the privilege of seeing how dull your contact list was while you had your hands full and you needed to have someone call Davidson Michael Danielson, who Tony learned that day was actually the intern Sonny that he sees daily and was constantly glued besides you during missions but was missing at the time. It was because of that momentary need of a helping hand that Tony was made aware of there was a legitimate outlier in this constant in your phone.
Before Tony could even start with his teasing for what he saw, he found you standing up and snatching your phone from his grasp and demanding him to get out and Tony found himself doing as much seeing how red you were in front of him. The embarrassment was evident in your face and he didn't want to add more fuel to the fire while you were working on a mission. He will have his time, just not right now. His curiosity was getting the best out of him and one way or another he's gonna find out who Daddy was. ~ The music was good for once and it's been well over months now since the last party that Tony had hosted in the Compound, but it was a cause for celebration to know that the mission had been a successful. But as much as you should be in a celebratory mood like everyone else in the compound, you still couldn't find it in you to do so. Making Tony call Sonny for you was the biggest mistake you could have ever made. You should have let him handle the coordinate while you called your Intern, but no, you always have this need to be in control and now it comes biting you in the ass more than you would have ever thought.
You knew you should have changed Loki's name your contact a long time ago, but there was always a smile on his face whenever he sees his name set as such whenever either of you would try looking for your phone in your bedroom. How the word Daddy on your phone when he tries calling your phone and finds your phone in between the bed would always end with the both of you thoroughly satisfied for the night and you incapable of walking for the entirety of the morning. It gets to him as much as it does to you.
"You actually came." It was Nat that greet you the moment she caught sight of you. Wrapping you in her arms, you've been working with Nat for just as long as she had been part of SHIELD and you were, in her own words, another one of her sisters from another mother, which you appreciated after having to deal with your lost in your past. "I thought you'd bail on me." She pouts, arms now wrapped around your waist as she pulls you along to where mostly everyone was.
But the team was missing two significant individuals, the two Gods. After the mission, the both of them had decided to head back to New Asgard to check on things before joining the party, Loki had explained there were just some things they needed to discuss with Valkyrie before they head back, but after his last text you have yet to know if they were heading back to the Compound or if there was a change in plan for the both of them.
"So where is Thor?" You inquired to no one in particular.
"Got hots for the God of Thunder, I see." Tony was the first to point out, a knowing smirk played on his face. The last interaction between the two of you were still fresh in both of your mind and you could do nothing but glare at the man in warning. "No shaming, that man is Daddy through and through."
"Tony." You warned.
"I mean, I would if I swing the same team." Tony smirked further adding fuel to the fire and catching almost everyone in the team's interest.
"What dirt does he have on you this time, Y/N?" Nat smirked.
Before Tony could even open his mouth, you realize there was only one thing that could possibly keep his mouth shut.
"I swear to God Tony, I still have footage of you in nothing but those boxers from the last mission you had." You threaten him right back.
He gaped right at you and somehow that was enough to keep his mouth shut--for now.
"You said you deleted those." Tony muttered in between sips of his drink.
"With the shit you have on me, I had to take my chance." You spoke unafraid now of breaking your promise with the man. "My contact list is no one's business but my own." You warned him yet again.
"Fine." He snort turning his attention away from you and Nat was there to replace Tony with a knowing smile.
"Does this have anything to do with the suspicious name on your contact list?" She inquired.
Before you could open your mouth and question her how she knew, you realized how and why she would know. Sometimes you hate Natasha for being too good at her job.
"I don't even want to talk about it." You muttered still uncertain if this was the right time to actually tell the team about your relationship with Loki. Sure, it was no one's business but your own, but at the same time you would rather your relationship be private and not so much of a secret as it had been for a while now.
"As long as your happy and healthy in your relationship, I'm happy for you and rooting for you and whoever that guy or gal is." Nat reassured and it was all you needed as you decided to simply blend in with the rest of the team in their conversation.
"Alright, phones down." Tony announced much to everyone's protest at this point. If phones were told to be discarded it means Tony was up to his old tricks and you couldn't trust him enough to even be anywhere near him at this point. You still wondered how a forty-something year old man like him acts like a child and the fact that it was to your expense and the rest of the team.
You were quick to give your boyfriend a quick text about Tony and his current fixation before placing your phone down on the table with the rest of the team's phones, now cautious of whatever Tony might have planned. For all you know he was far too cocky about his body to worry about the team seeing the sight of him in his boxers.
Before Tony could begin with whatever atrocities he has planned for the night, the familiar sound of thunder lingering in the clear skies sounded and you were very much aware of your boyfriend and his brother's arrival. Just like that, the familiar sound of your phone took everyone's attention and the call sign of your boyfriend was for everyone to see, Tony most especially eyeing your phone seeing who exactly was calling you.
"Come on, Y/N. Answer it, Daddy might not like to wait." Tony's smug smile annoyed you even further.
Fuck it, you answered your phone and placed the speaker on for everyone to hear.
"Hi, Baby." You spoke eyes focused on Tony with a deathly glare.
"My Love. We're back, we're heading to Stark's pretentious party to stroke his ego." Loki's voice made you break into a smile and Tony's brows furrowed offended by your boyfriend's words. "Thor has been bugging me to tell the rest of the team about us, but I don't think it's anyone's business but our own."
"I agree perfectly it's no one's business but our own." You agreed eyes still focused pointedly at Tony. "But maybe Tony's nosy ass needs to know just to have an ounce of control in his life."
"We'll talk about it later after the party, talk to you soon, I love you."
You smiled happy that your boyfriend was so getting used to saying those three words. It was easier for him than it was ever before and you appreciated it.
"Love you too, Mischief." You smiled finally hanging up and waiting for Stark to say anything. "Happy now?"
"First off, that's kinky and second of all, I've lost a grand I thought it was Thor."
"That's what you get for assuming shit, Stark." You muttered shoving your phone onto your hidden pocket.
"But God of Mischief, really?"
"I don't go around questioning Pepper why she settled for you, so my relationship with Loki is no one's business but my own."
Suddenly, the booming voice of Thor had everyone's eyes turn to the God of Thunder, Loki following closely behind, a blank look on his face and never once did he even acknowledge everyone including you. That was the whole setup between the both of you, acknowledge each other but not to the extent of anyone noticing. But this time, everyone noticed, everyone in the team heard the conversation, and everyone was made perfectly aware that you and Loki were more than just coworkers at this point.
"Is anything wrong?" Thor had inquired brow raised in question.
"They know." You spoke the two words and Loki was left to face palm himself.
"How?" Loki questioned.
"Phone. Tony being nosy as usual." You answered finally smiling realizing that it wouldn't be so bad--at least neither of you needed to hide anything from anyone at this point. There would be teasing, that comes with working with the likes of Stark, but nothing too severe.
"Why am I not surprise." Loki sighed shrugging and finally joining your side.
"Tony being Tony." You sighed resting your head on your boyfriend's shoulder.
"What does that even mean?" Tony questioned.
"That's for us to know and laugh about and for you never to find out." Loki points out, arms wrapped around your waist. Your shared annoyance for Tony was already well known but the pranks both of you would often thrown the man was something to behold.
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
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@butterfly-mochi​ Rewrote this freaking thing thrice because it keeps getting deleted wth tumblr agjvahkfajkvk- I enjoyed writing it a lot tho and since I’m too weak to the characters I ended up writing for all of them (except for Sucrose, im sorry bb huhu, I ran out of brain power). This is my first time writing for so many of them in one go so please excuse me for any mistakes or blandness ywy thank you for letting me write for my baby Ganyu too hhhhh
Universe Reversal 2
Genshin Impact Character Reader and Modern Players with Zhongli, Childe & Ganyu (how they simp for you) (event masterlist / Part 1 / Part 3)
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Zhongli the F2P
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The most relatable out of the bunch because this man is still broke and can only rely on the primogems he can farm. And he had a LOT. The one thing he doesn’t have a lot on, however, is his luck.
So how did he manage to pull you?: Well after exhausting all his primogem on your banner with nothing but weapons and other characters, he has lost his resolve. But by some weird luck, there was a character bug that was fixed and in his email was the almighty consolation primogem. Enough for ONE pull. And by the Gods he FINALLY got you.
He’d nonchalantly post his screenshot of pulling you using a single acquaint fate in his friend group without any words and everyone else just loses their shit. “You got them in one pull?!” “Yeah” A riot.
This was partnered with the fact that not only is Zhongli an F2P player, but also barely has any five star characters.
He looks calm and apathetic over the news, but behind the screen he’s exhausted and relieved, silently livid.
He has no primogems left to squeeze for a constellation so you’re instead pampered with the best weapon suitable for you (because that’s all he keeps getting).
Zhongles spends most of his time farming for materials to quickly level you up, unlocking all your stories and voiceline, but he fucked up on your build (his artifacts are messy).
He follows communities, forums and videos regarding your character to know all the things he needs to perfect your build. You can barely make a dent against normal mobs, so he knew he was doing something VERY wrong.
Is the type of person to keep refreshing the page for new content, very updated.
Ask him a question about your character and he’s gonna bring you the word vomit that is his research. He’s not gonna stop- probably accidentally developed a copypasta for you.
Also follows your VA in both Tiktok and Twitter to indulge in every bit of content. He also has that screenshot of his pull saved and locked.
On his birthday, a friend of his gifted him a chibi plushie of you and he has treasured it ever since, treating and handling it like its a figurine.
“It is merely pure luck and grace from the gacha gods that I got this character, and I will make sure that they know I am very grateful for this fortune.”
Favorite Voiceline: Birthday Message
Childe The Whaler
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This lucky wealthy bastard with no remorse for his money whales for EVERY character. He’s making a collection, which is to get all the characters, especially the five stars. So when your banner finally popped up, he’s gonna square up and trigger a whole ass meteor shower.
How he pulled you: Money. His luck with this games are actually not the best so he always compensates with money, he got you halfway through the first failed pity, almost giving him a heart attack that he might actually break the bank just to get you.
And then he pulls more to raise your constellation lol.
The first thing he does is look over your character info and read through it all; constellation infos, your base stats, artifact compatibility.
At the end when he’s maximized everything, he would then focus on playing around with your character *coughs climbing noises coughs*
He thought you’d just be another part of his collection but playing with your character was very enjoyable and in-line with his playstyle- oops 100 screenshots with the Kamera-
Any and all merchandise that he fancies would be his, and he’s definitely flexing it to the other sweetie nerds who call themselves simps. He’s fighting for the simping title, and he’s currently neck and neck with this fanartist in Pixiv.
Speaking of that fanartist, he definitely commissioned an expensive and detailed portrait of you, full rights and everything. No one else was allowed to use it but him.
Was also the first one with the audacity to call out your VA to create an account on Tiktok to create more content with your voice. He was successful.
His obssession also comes in the form of self-indulgent contents, and had been keeping track of the ship wars happening. During conventions, he cosplays as the character shipped with you the most (or the character he thinks should end up with you).
Silently scrutinizing those who cosplay you, only ever taking pictures with/of the best looking one, sorry haha
Definitely flaunts that you are his waifu/husbando and will fight for best girl/best boy during debates or polls. Has mobilized the community to vote for you once. He’s very persuasive.
“Hm? Why I’m just the best collector in the game, and I am more than happy to let everyone know that I am their number one fan haha, everyone who claims otherwise is definitely wrong!”
Favorite Voiceline: More About (Y/N) I-IV, (Y/N)’s Hobbies...
Ganyu the Employed
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Ganyu, our dearest overworker, is one of the players in the older stage who actually has a job but still plays Genshin for their past times. The gorgeous sceneries and the music is her main focus in playing the game, not much of a try-hard but still decent in the combat mechanics.
How she pulled you: You came home within 50 pulls! And you appeared again after another 10 pull! Ganyu was so SHOOKT and so distressed because oh goodness, what does she do? She doesn’t know anything much about you!
Will rewatch your three trailers to try and understand your skills better, ended up saving the soundtracks from them because that was such a nice trailer music! Tnbee gains a new follower!
Ganyu will take a while before she can properly play or build you up because she’s so busy with work, she only ever plays when she feels fully done with her work.
During her break she plays with your character while multi-tasking on eating, earphones plugged in and sight on the phone as she farms materials and artifacts for you.
The moment she gets more help from her player friends tho, holy shit, you just ended up being so OP. She had so many good artifacts and weapons for you because she didn’t know what they were for before.
She loves how you’re so easy to use and can easily solo the enemies and even the boss fights. A huge breather, because now Ganyu can cheese the battles that takes a while, to give her more time to focus on the storyline and lores.
Since Ganyu plays for the story and aesthetic, she’ll find you almost always in her team. Still very proud of her pull, she makes the best screenshots of your fights or in the best angle through exploration.
Treasures you so much she starts talking to her phone- “Ah, no, please don’t fall.” “There’s violetgrass up there, let’s try and get it”
Blushes everytime you produce a sound when climbing, doesn’t change you anyways tho
Hums to your trailer music while working, and if permitted, would have the song on repeat while she buries herself in work. She finds it really refreshing and the time she spends in work miraculously flies by fast when she gets lost in the sound.
At one point, when she was given a day-off or if the convention was on her free time, she attends to look for cosplayers of you and take a picture. No one rejects her because she’s so adorable and cute when asking shyly.
Had brought a decent amount of merchandise, preferably the functional/practical ones like a phone cover, mug or keychain. Also has an earphones clamp with your little chibi self as the holder.
When asked, she would shyly announce that she likes your character the most.
“Their character theme and music really soothes me during work, it feels nice to have them, and I have not once regretted ever pulling for them. They are the best.”
Favorite Voicelines: Good Night/Afternoon..., About Us, Something To Share..., Interesting Things...
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so enjoyable...
@moaa @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee
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mviswidow · 4 years
i’ll come home
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word count: 1.1k
Warnings: Nat was shot, blood, description of stitches, suggestive themes ig (if you want me to add more let me know)
Summary: R is a SHIELD nurse who is looking after Fury in the SHIELD dam facility during TWS, and she’s dating Natasha.
A/N: i didn’t plan on using russian for this but it kind of fit.
detka - baby
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You heard shouting from where you were, quietly emphasizing how important it was for Fury to be careful while he was out, which drew your attention away from your boss and to your girlfriend when you heard a voice that couldn’t be mistaken as anyone other than Maria saying, “She’s lost at least a pint.”
Fury shooed you away when you looked over to him, silently asking permission to be excused, and you ran down the corridor to find your girlfriend.
“Nat,” You breathed when you reached her, one of your hands going to her waist and the other going to cup her cheek.
She gave you a tired smile and hummed, “Hi, baby.”
Doctor Fine passed you off to her, knowing of your relationship, and you shifted so you could have a steady arm around her waist and use your other hand to hold the almost useless napkin she had on her shoulder.
“Y/n, she’ll want to see him first,” Maria said, and you nodded guiding Natasha towards where you knew Fury was resting.
“About damn time,” He said when the curtain was opened.
Before Fury started explaining how he survived, they allowed you and Natasha a short moment to yourselves.
You put pressure on her shoulder, making her wince, “Sorry.” You mumbled, and your heart felt like it was going to implode because the last thing you wanted to do was cause her pain.
Nat shook her head and looked at you with searching eyes, “Baby, I’m okay, I’ll be okay.”
You let out a shaky breath and sniffled while trying to blink away the tears in your eyes. She looked exhausted. Her face was dirty, her hair was tousled, you had some of her blood on your hands, you couldn’t even begin to imagine what had happened, “I just get really nervous.”
“I know, detka. I’m sorry,” Nat said sincerely, reaching up with her good arm to brush strands of your hair away from your eyes.
You shook your head and smiled softly at her, “This is your job, Natty. And you’re good at it, I just can’t not be worried when you’re fighting people for a living.”
She nodded and leaned forward to kiss you. You knew it was another apology, nonverbal this time, but you kissed her back, of course.
“If the lovebirds are finished…” Sam trailed off, which made Natasha pull back and glare at him.
“Sorry,” You mumbled.
Nat placed a hand on your leg, rubbing lazy circles the skin there as Fury spoke, knowing that it soothed you.
“Lacerated spinal column, cracked sternum, shattered collarbone, perforated liver, and one hell of a headache.”
“Don’t forget your collapsed lung,” Doctor Fine added.
“Let’s not forget that. Otherwise, I’m good,” Fury said simply.
“They cut you open, your heart stopped,” Natasha spoke up.
Fury nodded, “Tetrodotoxin B. Slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn’t work so great for him, but we found a use for it.”
“Why all the secrecy? Why not just tell us?” Steve asked with a crease in his brow.
Maria crossed her arms, “Any attempt on the Director’s life had to look successful.”
“Can’t kill you if you’re already dead,” Fury deadpanned. “Besides, I wasn’t sure who to trust.”
Everyone seemed to understand that Fury intended to end the conversation with that, because the group dissipated rather quickly and Maria closed Fury’s curtain.
“Are you fine to stitch her up, Y/n?” Doctor Fine asked.
“Yeah, I can do it, don’t worry,” You nodded, but Natasha noticed the way your breath quickened.
Once it was just you and Natasha left in the room, you spoke in quiet voices.
“Hey, you don't have to do this if you don’t want to. I’m sure Doctor Fine wouldn’t mind,” She said when you slowly removed the cloth you’d been using from her skin and she was no longer bleeding out.
You gave her a look and raised your eyebrow, “This is my job, Natty. Trust that I do it well.”
“I know you do,” She smiled. “But I also know that with me you tend to get shaky-”
“I can do it,” You interrupted, turning around to grab your needle and its holder. “I promise I wont fuck you up more than you have yourself. Do you want something for this? I know you know, but it’s going to hurt.” “Vodka,” She grumbled, which made you chuckle.
“That, we do not have,” You shook your head and straddled the bench, getting closer to her.
Nat smirked and you new something was coming, “You know, you’re lucky this is my non dominant hand because otherwise I would have to learn how to use my other one to fu-”
“You are not fucking me with either of your hands for a while, not until I’m certain your stitches are healed. And shut up, Fury is right there,” You glared playfully.
Nat ignored the comment about Fury and nodded, “That’s fine, I’ll figure something else out.”
You rolled your eyes at her and almost nudged her out of instinct before remembering what you were supposed to be doing. Your hands were shaking, though not as bad as they have in the past when you’ve had to give Natasha stitches, and she noticed. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your nose, “You can do it, Y/n/n. You won’t hurt me.”
You knew it was a lie, but it was for your benefit, so you nodded, willed your hands to be steady, and got to work.
You muttered out apologies every time the needle broke the skin underneath her collarbone and you sung praises while you were pulling it through and making knots. It didn’t do much to ease her pain, but Natasha appreciated it.
“I’m just about done, my love, you’ve done great,” You half smiled, not taking your eyes off of her shoulder, but you could feel hers on you.
Nat hummed as you tied off your final stitch and kissed her shoulder blade gently. You wanted nothing more than to go home and lay in her arms but there was a long day ahead of both of you.
“Promise me you’ll be okay?” You whispered, resting your head where you placed the kiss and holding her hand.
“Promise me,” You interrupted her and you begged that she wouldn’t give you the ‘I’ll do my best’ spiel this time. “Please.”
“I promise,” She squeezed your hand and ran her thumb along your knuckles. “I’ll be home before 10. I’ll come home.”
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lcksndkys · 3 years
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Pairing: JJK x reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: smut, fluff, tiny hint of angst
Word count: ~8k
Summary: Save a drum, bang a drummer. 
Warnings: one tasteful semi-nude sext, brief flashback of male masturbation, discussions about conception, an unholy amount of nipple play, blowjob, fingering, pussy slapping with a dick (but like, romantically), unprotected sex within an established relationship, multiple orgasms, creampie
A/N: This is my first attempt at creative writing… ever. Borne from my horny imagination and a thirst dream, this piece is an epilogue of sorts. S/o to @jinpanman ​ and @wwilloww ​ for being the wind beneath my wings and the floaties around my arms. Also, big thanks to Willow who made the banner <3
There are two things you know are happening tonight. One: Beyond the Scene is out celebrating the completion of their newest EP. Two: your husband, the drummer of Beyond, is going to come home, high off the adrenaline of a successful night, and fuck you into oblivion. Your period tracking app that you both have been studiously monitoring over the last few months has notified you that you were going to be ovulating over the next couple of days. 
You slip into one of Jungkook’s oversized cut-off tanks and a pair of crotchless black lace panties that you know he likes. Checking in the mirror, you see a generous view of side-boob due to the cut of his shirt and you turn around and decide to forgo bottoms entirely—they’ll be discarded soon anyways. Your husband may be out with the boys tonight, but you’re determined to wait up for him. It’s not that late after all. You roll over, pulling a bottle of lube from the nightstand and set it out for later.
Lying in your shared bed, you check your phone again, reading the last messages you sent to each other.
[9:51pm] Jungkook-ah: i’ll be home late babe. dont wait up. love you.
[9:54pm] You: … but i’m ovulating today. I want you.
You haven’t heard from him since. Tapping to the camera icon on your phone, you decide to send a little more encouragement. You quickly snap a photo of your torso covered in his shirt, making sure to give a tasteful glimpse of your ensemble. 
[11:39pm] Jungkook-ah: fcuk. dont temnt meee idk when ill  b home
You sigh. He's definitely drunk which means that even if he did come home soon, he’d be too wasted to finish the job, more likely to fall asleep seconds after washing up. Tossing your phone onto your pillow, you roll to Jungkook’s side of the bed. Breathing in his clean, slightly sweet scent, you let it comfort you as your eyes close. Your mind drifts off to the first time you ever saw Jungkook as a man. 
Sprawled out on a twin sized bed, there was barely enough space for the two of you. Propped against the headboard and wearing nothing but a smile, he laced his fingers behind his head and cockily encouraged you to take pictures. “They’ll last longer,” he had said. Cheeky brat. You had instructed him to pleasure himself as you watched. “Tell me what you think of when you touch yourself, Koo” to which he replied, “You in my clothes with nothing on underneath”. He had whined, panting and desperate to hold off his climax with the hopes that he might get to feel you wrapped around him. 
You made him promise that night would be a one off; an itch scratched. And above all, he wasn’t to speak of that night to anyone, especially his sister- your best friend. At the time, an emotional relationship was not something you were ready to pursue. And certainly not with someone so intimately linked to your inner circle. So when it happened again, and then again, you proposed an easy benefits-only relationship to which he quietly accepted. You didn’t know he had been secretly yearning for something you could not yet give him. Despite trying to push him and your emotions away, Jungkook persisted, and with time and patience, you let him into your heart and let him show you the meaning of true love. 
With a love-sick smile plastered on your face, you drift off to sleep, plans for tonight all but forgotten.
Eyes still closed and hanging on to the quickly fading wisps of your dreams, you unconsciously feel around the sheets for your husband. When your hands come across nothing but layers of bedsheet and blankets and the lingering warmth of Jungkook’s body heat, you roll over seeking the comfort of his embrace. 
Sitting up, you see that he must’ve moved you during the night towards your side of the bed before climbing in behind you. Realizing you’re still in his shirt and the sexy panties from last night, you huff out a groan of annoyance. 
You get out of bed and make the short trek to your bathroom to wash up. Jungkook never missed an opportunity to “practice” baby making. The thought that he was avoiding a session in the sheets with you makes you press the bristles harshly against your teeth. 
Upon returning to your bedroom, you see that at some point Jungkook had plugged your phone in to charge. You open up your app and double check that you’re still within short the ovulation window. 
The shuffling of slippers alerts you to your husband elsewhere in your shared apartment. As you leave in search of him, you notice he had put the bottle of lube away. 
Padding out towards the kitchen, you can hear the tinkling of dishware and cutlery. The smell of toast floats through the air as you spot Jungkook at the counter pouring his cereal into a bowl of milk. Endearing. You smile, remembering he once reasoned that adding cereal to milk ensures you won’t be left with any soggy bits. 
Coming up behind him, he startles a little with your quiet arrival. You wrap your arms around his middle, pressing a light kiss between his shoulder blades, and nuzzling your face against the wide expanse of his back.
“I missed you last night, baby,” you coo. 
Turning in your embrace, Jungkook wraps one arm around your shoulders and uses a pointer finger to gently tilt your head, aligning your mouth to his. He leans down to give you a sweet, chaste kiss in greeting before pulling away. 
“I’m sorry I was out late. But I’ll make it up to you ok?”
“How about you make it up to me right now?” you wiggle your eyebrows suggestively, stepping back from his grasp. 
His eyes rake up and down your figure, pausing to take in the long expanse of skin showing from under his cut-off tank. You turn your torso slightly, lifting your arms up overhead to smooth back your bed head, allowing him a generous view of your tits through the large armholes. You smirk to yourself knowing this simple outfit is one of his favorites on you. 
“- oh, fuck,” Jungkook breathes, feeling the beginnings of desire stir in his sleep pants.
“I was so ready for you last night,” you continue, planting your hands behind you on the kitchen counter opposite of Jungkook. With a hop, you sit yourself upon the cold hard surface and try not to cringe at the sudden change of temperature on your bare rump.
You beckon towards your husband with a crook of your finger. 
“I even wore one of your favorites,” you purr. Slowly trailing a hand towards your hip you pull the hem of your—well, his—shirt up, exposing some of the black lace panties you had worn. 
Jaw clenched and brow furrowed. You enjoy Jungkook’s rapt attention.
“Come closer” you plead. 
When he shows no sign of approaching, you lean back onto your elbows and prop one foot onto the countertop. Parting your legs, you smile victoriously when Jungkook’s eyes drop immediately to your exposed core. Thank goodness for crotchless panties.
His throat constricts at the sight of your pussy, framed in black lace, and bared lewdly for him. 
“Fuck,” he growls lowley. You watch his throat bob again swallowing down a moan. He looks from your eyes, to your lips, and down between your thighs. Cock hardening, his desire rises hot and heady at the sight of you glistening before him.
Seeing him grow in the unforgiving fabric of his grey sweatpants, you grin at his visceral reaction. “You know I’m ovulating, right?” You bring your other foot up onto the counter further spreading yourself out for him. “Fuck me, baby. Fill me up with your cum.” A little dirty talk was nearly always enough encouragement to get your husband started.
Doe eyes wide, he is torn between his carnal desires to ravish you on the countertop and his mounting emotional distress. 
When your husband doesn’t immediately react to your proposition, you know something is wrong. You hop off the counter and come to wrap around him. Jungkook has always been a shy boy, and as he got older, grew into a reserved man. He had a small social circle, knowing first hand that some people had no qualms with using him for his services. He was the golden boy. Jungkook was good at things and always has been- drums, sports, computers, video games, writing music, singing, sex. Many people sought to use him and had gotten away with it. And at first, he was eager to please; to prove himself worthy of the attention. But it wasn’t long before he grew cautious and began to keep a selective few close, including you. 
You've always seen him. And you see him now, eyes tight with emotion he's been holding back from you. He hasn't done that in years. 
Your arousal from earlier has all but dried up, evaporated with the sense that something important is weighing on Jungkook. 
"Do you need me to listen or find a solution?" you ask him. 
"Listen" he replies softly. 
You take his hand, leading him towards the couch. Sitting down, you part your legs pulling his back to your front. You wrap all four limbs around him and lay back to let his weight press the both of you into the cushions. His hands immediately go to stroke along the soft skin of your shins. You tuck your face into his nape, ghosting soft kisses along the skin available to you. Holding him against you, you feel Jungkook slowly melt, head leaning back against your shoulder. You know he’ll speak when he's ready.
“I just… Lately I’ve been feeling like you only want a specific part of me,” says Jungkook quietly. His hands go to tuck back some of his hair behind his ears- a nervous tell he's never been able to kick. "And I guess it kind of reminded me of the time from before we officially got together, ya know?" 
You feel your heart crumble in your chest at his admission. At that time, you weren’t ready for what Jungkook wanted to give you, convinced that the age gap and BTS’s rising fame would ultimately lead to disaster. Thus you had pushed for a purely physical relationship. He had agreed mistakenly believing that having your body, but not your mind or heart, was better than not having you at all. He hoped that time and love would help you change your mind. Luckily for both of you, it did. 
You want to say something to comfort him, but you remember he asked you to listen. You stay quiet, giving him a safe space to speak.
"And I know we're trying for a baby, but lately there's no intimacy when you make love to me. It's like once I finish, it's over and you push me away to lay with your legs up against the wall." 
You feel his ribs expand as he takes a deep breath, and then another. In, then out. 
"You know how important aftercare is to me," he continues. You do know. Jungkook is a romantic; being held and praised for a job well done has always been just as important as the actual act of sex for him. "And if you're just trying to fuck me, I don't know if I want it." 
There's a few moments of pause.
“Why didn’t you just tell me you didn’t want to have sex?” you ask softly. 
Jungkook’s eyes nearly bug out of his head. “No! I mean- I want it, trust me, I want you. But the last few times, it felt like you just fucked me until I came.” Jungkook goans. “You didn’t even finish. Makes me feel like a bad lover."
You cringe remembering that the last time you had been intimate with your husband, you straddled him and then rode him fast and hard until he spilled his seed inside you. The whole ordeal lasted 3 minutes tops, and then you were rolling off him onto your back leaving him to clean up on his own. 
Sensing he was finished, you start to apologize. “I had no idea you felt that way,” you start. “I never meant for you to feel that way. I’m sorry.”
“I just- I love you so much, and I would give anything to make you happy,” he says quietly. His hands continue to absentmindedly traverse the length of your legs.
Your hold around him tightens, a silent I love you. 
“What do you wanna do today, baby? Today’s all about you,” you promise. You’re ready to give your husband the attention he craves. 
“Anything?” Jungkook asks, craning his head back to meet your gaze.
Jungkook smiles, pleased with your enthusiasm. 
“I promise you I’ll give you a creampie, but can we please just play super smash bros first?”
Seeing the child-like wonder in your husband’s eyes, you can’t help but chuckle at him. Jungkook has always been easy to please and competitive to a fault. 
“Sure, Kook-ah. Maybe I’ll even let you beat me” you joke, fingers digging into his ribs causing him to laugh and squirm from your grasp. 
Jungkook unwinds your legs from around his waist to set up the gaming console. 
After several rounds of super smash bros, Jungkook has other ideas in his mind. Pulling you onto his lap, you’re forced to part your legs to straddle him. He fingers along the hem of your shirt pulling up the backside to expose your bare ass. 
“Ah, you wore these for me?” he asks, hand rubbing circles along your quickly heating flesh. 
“Depends. Are you ready to take them off me?” you retort with a wink. 
Giggling, Jungkook lunges for you, wrapping his strong arms around you and burying his head into your neck. You feel the gentle pressure of his lips suckling and tilt your head further back to grant him more access to the sensitive skin of your neck.
He laps against your throat, making you moan out in satisfaction. Your arousal starts to leak onto Jungkook’s grey sweats as you absentmindedly grind your bare cunt against the stiffness growing there.
“Mmm, fuck. Let’s go” you pant, urgently tapping at Jungkook’s shoulder.  
Walking into the bedroom, Jungkook slowly lowers you down to the ground, letting your front drag along his, your soft curves trailing along the firm planes of his chest. The moment your feet touch down, you gently press a hand against his chest- right over his thrumming heart- and encourage him to sit at the edge of your bed. His eyes gaze lovingly up into yours, a small smile hanging on his lips, waiting for your instruction. 
You tug at the hem of his shirt. “Can you take this off, baby?” 
Jungkook eagerly nods, licking his lips in anticipation. He reaches back, hooking his fingers into the neckline of his collar and pulling his stupidly oversized shirt over his head in one swift motion. For a second, he lets you admire his body. He works hard to achieve his physique and enjoys knowing you’re your attraction towards him has never waned. 
You swallow down a groan as your eyes trail from his chest, dusky nipples pebbled with arousal, down his abdominals, towards the bulge in his sweats. Your husband is a beautiful man, inside and out, and he is all yours. Tonight and forever.
Climbing into his lap, you straddle him and cup his face between your hands. Jungkook needs emotional intimacy, and you’re prepared to deliver.
You kiss his forehead. “I love the way you think. You’re quiet, but so clever, and I wish more people could see how your brain works. You’re considerate of other people and so fucking humble, qualities I really admire about you.”
Moving down to his eyes, you place twin kisses over his closed eyelids. “I love the way you see the world. When I’m tired, you remind me that there is so much beauty in the mundane, and I’m so lucky to see it all by your side.”
You reach down for his hands and press your lips along the knuckles of both his hands. “I love the life you’ve helped build for and with me. People always say you’re good at everything, but they don’t see how hard you work to earn it. I respect you so much for that.” You play with his fingers- somehow long and delicate, but strong at the same time- and lace them together.
“I love your nose,” you continue, pecking the tip. 
“No interruptions, Jungkook” you hold up a hand, effectively cutting him off. “I know you’ve always thought it was a little too big and round when we were younger, but it shows how much you’ve grown into yourself over the years. You are so sexy- both on the stage and off.”
You pull back in time to see him fighting down a shy smile at your praise. “Besides, a man should have a big nose,” you wink. Unable to hide his toothy smile or blushing cheeks, you continue.
“I love these cheeks,” you say, planting sloppy kisses over his face. “When you smile - a real, genuine smile- your whole face lights up. I hope our children inherit that.”
You plant more against the beauty marks on the bridge of his nose and under his lip, on the faint scar high on his cheek. “So beautiful,” you murmur against his skin.
“These are my favorite lips. You were the first man that I believed when you told me you loved me.” You press your lips against his, kissing him gently. Tilting your head for a better angle, you press forward more ardently, and part your lips further to slide your tongue against his.
When you pull back, Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, face craning forward to chase your kiss. You card your fingers through his hair and push him back enough to look into his eyes again. 
Your lips continue their loving path down his face, nipping along his sharp jawline and down his neck, paying special attention to his sensitive pulse point. Jungkook whimpers in appreciation encouraging you to work color into his skin. 
“Most of all, I love your heart.” Your arms wrap around his torso, hands caressing up and down his back as your head tips down to press your mouth against his chest, just left of center. “You are patient and kind and romantic. You show me every day what true love means, and I am forever grateful for that. You have all of me, and you always will. And tonight, I want to make you feel good because I love every part of you. Even the parts you don’t particularly like yourself.”
You continue to leave wet kisses along his clavicles and throat making him moan quietly.
“Lay back for me, baby” you say, and he allows you to push him onto his back.
Your body follows him down prone on the bed, allowing your comforting weight to settle atop him and press him into the sheets. Linking your hands, you bring them up to rest by his head. You reconnect and kiss him senseless, lips and tongues moving seamlessly in a dance well practiced over the years. You continue until he’s whining, until you feel him thickening further in his pants. 
Lips descending downwards, you continue a fiery trail along his jawline, hands caressing his neck and chest to maximize his pleasure. Evidence of your love blooms down his neck as you continue a path towards his chest. Perched on his lap, you grind against him as you take a nipple between your lips and begin to suck.
“A-ahh fuck”, Jungkook pants as your lips wrap more securely around his pebbled bud, tongue flicking against him. Your other hand rakes along his other pectoral, thumb catching along its twin and you rub circles over him with your thumb. His cock, which had begun to throb when you love bombed him, is now fattening with arousal.                                                                                
You trail your lips across his chest making sure to provide equal attention to his sensitive buds. Dusky and shining with your saliva, you continue down his abs, licking the contours of his hard earned muscles. Jungkook continues to quietly moan at the sensation of your soft, warm mouth slowly moving south along his body.
Sitting up a bit from his supine figure, you tug down at the band of his sweatpants. “Can I take these off?” you ask, slipping your fingertips into the waistline of his bottoms. He nods his consent and you push them down as he lifts his hips up, effectively removing Jungkook’s remaining piece of clothing. 
As you move to stand from his lap, he immediately sits up as if pained by any distance between your bodies. You give him one last, sweet kiss on the mouth before settling down on your knees between his spread legs. His cock, perfectly framed between powerful thighs, is hardening rapidly and attempting to defy gravity as it bobs in the space between your bodies. Licking your lips at the sight of his leaking length, you settle on the floor and reach for his base.
“Hold on” he says, stopping you to reach across the bed and pulling his pillow from under the covers offering it to you for comfort. Your heart swells at his consideration and you accept it gratefully. You place it under your knees for an added cushion and make yourself comfortable on the ground.
Maintaining eye contact you run your hands up and down his thick thighs letting your fingernails lightly scratch along the sensitive skin there. Each pass brings you closer and closer to his cock, subtly twitching in eagerness to feel you wrapped around him. Keeping your eyes locked on his, you wrap a hand around his base and feel him harden fully in your grasp. Bringing your lips down to his weeping tip, you run your tongue up and down his slit, then slowly in a circle around the engorged head leaving a ring of precum and saliva in your wake.
“F-uuuck” Jungkook keens as you continue to tease him with your tongue. “Please. More, please.” 
Your lips immediately close around him, surrounding his throbbing cock with the wet heat of your mouth and begin to suck tasting his musky flavor. Popping off, you run your tongue up and down to spread moisture along his shaft; your hand will have to cover what your throat cannot take. He is not profoundly large, but he is more than thick and long enough to satisfy you.
Unable to mask his desire, Jungkook pants as your mouth works up and down his rigid length. You take him as deep as you can tolerate, gagging lightly when you feel him slide down the back of your throat with each pass. The hand not grasping his base is rubbing soothing circles along his hip and inner thigh, amplifying his pleasure.
“Mmm yeah, you’re doing so g-good,” he groans as you continue bobbing, hand furiously pumping whatever won’t fit in your mouth. He weaves his fingers into your hair, encouraging you to take him deeper into the depths of your throat. Eyes starting to water, his other hand wipes at the tears in your lash line as you continue to enthusiastically blow him. 
Jungkook’s volume steadily increases along with the pace of your mouth and hand as you work over his cock. You continue to suck him off sending white hot pleasure through his veins. “Oh shit- shit.” Jungkook stops you as his impending orgasm begins to crest. “You need to stop, or I’ll cum” he breathes out. Though your mouth is no longer on him, your hand continues to slowly jerk him off.
“Aren’t you ovulating?” he tries to confirm with you. “I need to put it in you,” he insists, teeth clenching together as your hand glides up and down the full length of his dick twisting your wrist with each upstroke.
“Tonight is all about you - about us,” you shake your head. “I want to make you feel good. Can I do that?” you ask as your other hand travels from his hip to cup and gently fondle his balls.
He whimpers in pleasure as you continue to stroke him.
“Do you want to cum in my mouth tonight, baby?” you purr. No longer able to formulate a coherent sentence, he nods his head aggressively.
“Good boy,” you tease with a smirk. Your mouth returns to his cock and joins the hand pumping his shaft. Years of learning each other’s bodies has taught you the tell tale signs of your husband’s orgasms and you can tell he’s close. Very close.
Hollowing out your cheeks, you apply the suction you know he has never been able to resist. You’re determined to suck his soul from his body, gripping him firmly as you furiously work his throbbing length exactly the way you know he likes. Your mouth focuses on his mushroomed head, lips sealed around the tip and tongue lapping against the sensitive frenulum.
Jungkook desperately tries to stave off his release to linger in the wet heat of your mouth. It’s been a while since he’s allowed himself to finish down your throat and he wants to savor it. “Ah, I’m so mad that you’re so good at this” he groans, earning a muted giggle from you. Stuffed full of cock, the vibration sends a thrill up his spine. 
You know Jungkook’s cumming before he can warn you. It starts with a subtle lifting of his balls as they prepare to empty into your eager mouth. Eyes squeezed shut and moaning wantonly, he chants your name over and over as he begins to orgasm. You continue your determined ministrations as his shaft pulses in your grasp.
“Hmmmph- ahh, fuck yes! Oh fuck, so good,” Jungkook whimpers as ribbons of cum burst across your tongue and hit the back of your throat. You quickly swallow his load as he erupts into your mouth. You continue stroking and sucking Jungkook through his high, helping him ride it out until he gently pushes you away when he feels the burn of overstimulation. 
“Good?” you smile up at him and let go of his wilting length to lick at a stray bit of cum from your thumb. You wipe off the remaining spit on your shirt.
“Amazing,” he replies, smiling dazedly down at you. 
You allow him to pull you from the ground up onto the bed with him, laughing when your knees pop loudly in the quiet of the room as you stand up. Giggling, you curl up against his side listening as his heart rate evens out to a steady rhythm. You can't be bothered to care that his skin is tacky with a light sheen of sweat.
You lay against Jungkook for a few minutes as he basks in the afterglow of a powerful orgasm. He pulls you tighter against him, tipping his head down to kiss you for a blow job-well-done. Tasting the residual flavor of his cum, he groans against your mouth, enjoying your combined essences.
Jungkook rolls you onto your back, continuing to kiss you with fervor. The sound of lips and tongues clashing fill the room as the two of you enjoy the simple intimacy of being together. Reaching down, Jungkook spreads your legs apart to make room for him to lay comfortably between your thighs. 
“W-what,” you’re breathless as his lips leave your mouth and travel down your jaw.
“Mmm,” he mumbles against your skin. “It’s your turn now.” He nibbles along your sensitive neck, goosebumps rising with his light touch. 
You run your fingertips up and down his back, scratching along the peaks and valleys of his spine. Leaning his weight into one arm, he uses the other to push up the hem of your shirt, ghosting a hand under to cup a breast. He palms greedily at the flesh as he continues to kiss you passionately. 
“I wanna see you,” says Jungkook. “Can I take this off?” he gestures at his cut-off tank you’re still wearing.
Criss crossing your arms and pulling up by its hem, you bare your chest to Jungkook’s eager eyes. His gaze drops down to admire the bouncing of your tits as you wiggle out of your top. Propping up on his elbows, he ducks his head to capture a nipple between his petal soft lips, coaxing it into a stiff peak with gentle suction and the lapping of his tongue. When your back arches in pleasure and you clutch his head to you, Jungkook takes the opportunity to slide his arms under you to hold you securely to his mouth as he worships at the altar of your breasts. 
“Baby, yes, you’re so good to me” you pant, feeling your arousal generously leak from your core.
Eyes closed and relishing in the sensation, you whimper, sending one hand to grip his long, dark locks and feeling the prickle of his freshly trimmed undercut. With a hand in his mane, you feel him unlatch from your tight bud to plant wet open mouthed kisses around your areola and across your chest. He stops over your heart, lips lingering to feel the rapid thumping rattle your sternum.
Generous with his attention, he moves to nip and suck around your neglected breast. He slurps your nipple into his eager mouth, tongue swirling to tease it to a hard peak. Jungkook's diligent stimulation of your breasts sends sparks of pleasure down to your cunt as he continues to lap at your pebbled beds.
“More, please,” you whine, bucking your hips upwards, hoping to encourage him to touch you where you need it most. 
Hearing you beg so prettily for him slowly coaxes life back into his spent cock. He feels himself begin to swell again against your thigh. Pleasuring you has always been incredibly arousing for him, and he knows with a several more minutes of rest, he’ll be ready to fuck you senseless.
Pulling an arm out from under your torso, Jungkook leans his weight onto one elbow and sends his free hand down between your legs to the treasure between your thighs. His lips pursed around your nipple continues to suckle and tease you into a frenzy. 
The room fills with sounds of your mewling and his blunted goans as he plays the familiar song of your body. His hands brush against the soft black lace as he spreads your legs, positioning you to his liking. 
“So wet,” Jungkook acknowledges with a quirk of his lips, fingers swiping along your slit to feel for your arousal. Bringing those fingers towards his mouth, he sucks your essence from his fingertips, savoring your taste. Jungkook switches nipples again and his fingers, now slickened with his saliva, return to the warmth of your pussy. 
You gasp when you feel him caress at your opening before sinking a lone finger into your tight, wet heat. Jungkook can’t help but grunt as he feels your walls clench around him, excited to feel it around his growing erection. 
“It’s all for you baby,” you praise him, carding your fingers through his fringe and pushing his hair back to get a better view of him suckling at your breast. Your breath hitches when you feel him add a second finger, stretching you open with his long, tattooed digits and curling them against your g-spot.
“Mmm yes- ahh. Fuck me with them,” you plead. Lacking the power to drive you towards an orgasm, he teases you with sensual strokes until your cunt drips down your ass and his fingers come out sparkling with your arousal. Completely at his mercy, you feel Jungkook slow down further. Brat. 
You’re writhing beneath him as he continues his personal brand of slow, pleasurable torture. His lips release your tender nipple and return to your open mouth attempting to swallow your moans. 
“Fuck me harder, please, I need it harder.” you beg, hoping to convince him to finger you to completion. Despite your request, Jungkook stops thrusting completely, opting to curl his fingers and rubbing softly against your g-spot while grinding the heel of his palm just off center from your pulsing clit. Your eyes are closed, but you can feel his gaze on your visage committing your whining and fucked out expression to memory. You’re being uncharacteristically pliant for him tonight- a change that he is very much enjoying. He files it under ‘spank bank material’ for when Beyond ultimately goes back on tour. 
“Please, baby, make me cum. I’m so close.” you try one last time. You’re panting and desperate for release. 
“You’re not cumming tonight unless it’s on my cock,” he grits out. His fingers stay hooked inside you, caressing at your sensitive front wall. Jungkook’s mouth returns to suckling at your pebbled bud and he slowly fucks you open with his fingers. Your cunt quivers and leaks with your arousal, but without the thrusting or clitoral stimulation, you won’t be cumming anytime soon.
“But how-” you glance down, not expecting his nearly fully erect cock. Pleasuring you had sparked his arousal again, the sounds of your approval and sight of your wet pussy glistening with desire has encouraged him back towards full mast. Licking your lips at his growing girth, you push his hand from your core to collect some of your personal lubricant. You wrap your slicked up fingers around his length jacking him to his full potential. 
“Uunffff- ok, ok. Hold on,” he says, reaching out into your bedside table for lube. You hear Jungkook uncap the small bottle and are eager to feel him deep inside you. Quickly flipping onto your front, you prop yourself on your elbows and knees, presenting your husband with your sloppy, swollen cunt- a soundless request imploring him to fuck you from behind.
“I want to feel you deep,” you reason and unable to resist you, Jungkook agrees. Eyes glued to the way your crotchless panties have dampened with your cream, he spreads a generous glob of lube up and down his cock. He wipes the remainder against your labia and rubs some onto your clit making you mewl out for him. He wipes off the residue on your sheets. You’ll have to wash that later.
Taking a moment to admire his view, his hands caress over your hips and ass. “Are you ready?” Jungkook asks, always so considerate of your needs. 
You nod and delirious with lust, you reach between your legs for him, sliding his bulbous tip up and down your slit before pushing your hips back to take him into your awaiting passage. Jungkook descends down creating a canopy with his body, sheltering you with the physical representation of his love. Jungkook’s hands find yours, lacing his calloused palms to the backs of your hands, fingers interlocking. With light pressure, he encourages you to lay your front down onto the bed. He nudges your knees further apart, propping you ass high in the air. 
Positioned to his liking, he takes his first stroke into your eager cunt. Despite his diligent fingering, the fit is still tight, and you feel the initial pinch as he breaches you. You both release matching moans upon your coupling, and you already know you won’t last long after enduring Jungkook's extensive foreplay. He sets a slow pace plunging deep into your velvet heat. 
“Harder, Kook, I’m already so close.” you puff into the sheets, turning your head as far as possible to watch your lover as he takes you from behind. “Please,” you rasp.
No longer denying your release, Jungkook thrusts faster, snapping his hips powerfully with the intent of getting you off. His cock hammers into you and you’re helpless underneath him to do anything but take it. He can already feel you tightening around him deliciously and lets go of one hand to reach down between your legs. With two fingers, Jungkook rubs tight circles around your clit while he continues to drill into your cunt which is just what you need to finally cum.
“Oh, fuck! Ah- ah-ah, Jungkook!” you chant. Your hands furiously grip the sheets trying to hold onto something to ground you as your high threatens to pull you under. Legs quaking and pussy fluttering around him, your walls contract rhythmically around his turgid length as he continues to rigorously fuck you through your orgasm. 
Jungkook whines at the sensations gripping his cock, but pulls out of your spent heat to spare you from the sting of overstimulation. Any other night, he may have considered fucking you into a second orgasm, but tonight feels different. Tonight, he wants to make ardent love to you.
Without Jungkook’s strong frame to hold you up, you crumble limp against the bed. Your ears ring with the aftermath of a good round of fucking. It takes a second to register that he is speaking.
“Can you take more?” he asks. Confused, you look down and see that he’s still painfully hard. Oh. His erection is glossy with your juices, shining as it bobs between his well-muscled thighs. 
“Fuck- yes,” you quickly consent to him. 
Jungkook swiftly rolls you onto your back again and sits up on his knees between your spread thighs. “I love you in these, but I want to see all of you,” he rasps, tugging at your ruined panties and pulling them off while his eyes stay glued on your saturated folds. Climbing back up your body, he spreads your legs wider and leans forward bringing his cock to your core. You look down to watch him steadily thrust his length against your slit, bumping against your clit on the upstrokes. 
Wanting to draw out his teasing, he grips his slickened base and slaps his dick against your slippery folds. Each wet smack sends waves of electric pleasure through your system as Jungkook works you back up. “Just fuck me, baby. I’m ready.” you insist. Your gaze trails up, meeting his heated stare. 
“I want you to keep your eyes on me when I make love to you,” he says, voice dropping an octave. When you nod in understanding, he catches his tip against your entrance and pushes back into your ripe, warm cunt. Your legs immediately wrap around his trim waist pulling him closer and encouraging him to brace the weight of his upper body on his hands. Your ankles interlock against the base of his spine to bring him deeper.
Jungkook starts with long, slow strokes, pulling nearly all the way out of you before feeding his cock back into your sopping pussy. Going slow enough for you to feel every ridge of his throbbing length, he impales you over and over.
Your back arches in pleasure and you have to fight to keep your eyes open for him. Wanting him closer, you greedily reach your hands up to pull him down closer to you, forcing him to drop to his elbows as he continues to give it to you slow and deep. 
Jungkook braces on his forearms and cradles your head. He tilts your chin up to align with his intense gaze as he continues to plow into you. Brow furrowed and eyes locked, your husband watches your dazed and needy expressions while his body and mind make love to yours. 
He’s always so good to you. Devoted and adoring. You’re suddenly struck with the reminder that this beautiful man is yours. Always has been. Always will be. And tonight is a good time to remind Jungkook how deeply you love him. A fear of commitment used to hold you back, but he peeled back your layers and showed you that love didn’t have to hurt. You haven’t been afraid since. Jungkook has the whole of your heart. 
“How did I get so lucky?” you say, reaching up to caress his jaw as he continues to thrust into your depths. “I’m sorry I lost sight of us,” you stutter trying to sound coherent as your husband diligently sinks his thickness into you again and again. “I never meant for you to feel-”
“- I know. And I’m sorry I didn’t communicate better, I just- I’m working on it,” Jungkook cuts you off. He knows this is a two way street. 
“We don’t have to try anymore if you aren’t ready. Pull out and I’ll suck you off again” you offer. If Jungkook isn’t 100% in, you aren’t either. 
“No, I want it. I’m ready for our love to create something beautiful and for everything that comes after that.”
You moan, eyes closing briefly, as Jungkook begins to pick up the pace. The increase in friction against your walls is quickly bringing you towards the edge again. An unexpectedly fierce pump of his hips has you gasping in delight.
“I said-,” Jungkook grunts with another sharp thrust, “-eyes on me, baby.” You pry your eyes open, surprised by his display of dominance and try not to squeal.
Jungkook reaches one hand down to tilt your pelvis back further and you lock your legs up higher on his frame allowing him to shove a pillow under your ass. The new position brings your clit directly under his pubic bone. When he slams back down to stuff you full, he grinds deliciously against you, making you nearly scream out in ecstasy.
“I love you,” you whisper in earnest. “I love you so much,” you moan as Jungkook begins to pound you into the sheets. You’re both quickly unraveling, approaching another high, bodies tingling with impending release. When your thighs begin shaking around him for the second time tonight, he picks up the pace filling the room with a symphony of your euphoria. 
Breaking your eye contact briefly, Jungkook looks down at the juncture of your connection and is enthralled by the visual- his cock coming out foamy with your cream and slamming back into your weeping pussy. Groaning, he suddenly feels the sharp sting of your nails raking down his back as you’re overcome with pleasure. 
“Come on, babe. Cum on my fucking cock,” Jungkook grunts, urging you towards completion. With your hips canted deliciously, he continues to ram directly against your g-spot. 
“Oh fuck, it’s so good. I’m so close,” you babble, feeling Jungkook push deeper against you to stimulate your pulsing clit. Hands clutching your husband and thighs trembling, your eyes slip closed as you finally succumb to his endeavors. You cum with a silent scream, head tilted back and throat exposed as your walls spasm uncontrollably. The wild contracting of your pussy squeezing his cock triggers Jungkook’s own release. His length throbs desperately within your walls as you coax him towards his end. 
“Ahh, I- I’m holy shit- I’m cumming, too” Jungkook whines as he climaxes with breathy whimpers, exploding as he fills you with streams of his ejaculate. He thrusts as deep as he can get while his length continues to spurt inside you, shallowly rutting to ride out his high. 
Panting, he collapses his weight into your waiting arms. “Oof,” you grunt as you feel your husband’s sweaty and spent body pin you against the bed. You let him rest against you for a while, content to feel the warm fullness of his cock and spunk nestled deep inside you.
“Can I stay inside?” he asks shyly. “I just wanna hold you.” You smile and Jungkook holds you close and carefully rolls under you so you can comfortably lay against him. With his arms wound around your waist and your thighs spread wide with his dick sheathed inside you, he ensures maximal skin contact.
Seeing his blissed out face, you giggle as the two of you revel in your post-coital afterglow. His spent length slowly softens letting some of his cum leak from your used hole onto him and the sheets below. You’re definitely going to have to wash these. 
Your fingers find their way into his hair, scratching along his scalp and pushing back his long locks to expose the sexy undercut hiding beneath. Jungkook’s eyes are still closed, but he still leans his face forward knowing you’ll meet his lips with your own. The two of you make out for a little longer, savoring the intimacy shared in your little bubble. 
Jungkook clings to you, preening at your gentle caress and basking in his favorite form of aftercare. Your cunt is runny with lube and your combined releases, but you’re too content to lay with Jungkook in your arms to clean up just yet. You lie wrapped around each other for a few more minutes, mindlessly kissing at his face and neck, whispering praises for his performance.
It’s quiet for a long moment, and assuming he must have fallen asleep as he tends to do after a vigorous round of love making, you attempt to unwind your limbs from his. Grumbling, he tightens his hold around you, preventing you from getting far. 
“Jungkook,” you warn with a laugh, “I have to get cleaned up.”
“Mmm not yet, hold me a little longer” he requests as he burrows deeper in your embrace.
Sighing, you relent, slowly dozing off with your husband in your arms. 
When you wake, you find that you've shifted in your slumber. Jungkook's chest is plastered to your back and he has an arm slung over your waist with a hand curled around one of your tits. The mess between your legs has dried making you cringe when you move to get up. Leaving Jungkook who is slowly stirring, you go to the bathroom to shower. 
You step under the spray and let the warm water relax you while you clean off the sweat and unholy mix of bodily fluids from between your thighs. You hum along to the new Beyond the Scene single and sing some of the chorus that you can remember. You exit the shower, wrapping a towel securely around you and return to rouse your sleeping husband.
You find that Jungkook is already awake and sitting against the headboard. “You know, I hope our kid doesn’t inherit your singing voice,” Jungkook cackles, cutting through the silence. 
"Why you-," you gasp, tackling him down into the sheets and laughing along with him. You pin him down and pinch at his nipple in retaliation. It’s not long before he’s pulling the towel from your body and rolling you under him to latch his mouth to your cunt. Before the night is over, he delivers another two orgasms and a fresh load. After all, practice makes perfect.
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baepsaesbae · 3 years
Babysitters Club
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Pairing— Kim Taehyung x reader    
Genre— SMUT, fluff, babysitting au, strangers to lovers au
Warnings— Dom!Taehyung, roleplaying, face fucking, oral sex (m and f), bondage, explicit rough unprotected sex please stay safe irl, squirting, choking, hickies, a surprise cameo from Spring Will Come Again!Jungkook because I have no self control
Word Count— ~7.6k  
Summary— A generic summer job hunt leads you to babysit rowdy (but still cute) kids alongside the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. What shenanigans will you get into with Taehyung by your side?
A/N— HUGE shoutout to the lovely @kimtaehyunq​​ for making this beautiful banner for me! This was literally the Taehyung I had in mind while writing this uwu. This fic is the epitome of self indulgence but I truly hope you guys like it too! Please let me know what you think! My askbox/inbox is always open, don’t be afraid to come chat with me. Love you all, hope you guys are safe <3
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Crumpled up newspapers littered the floor as another ball was apathetically tossed aside. A sigh of defeat escaped your lips as you looked up at the ceiling in desperation.
“Still at it with the job hunt, huh?” your roommate, Hyuna, said when she saw your mess, “I told you to search online. Or try to get a job at a cafe or a boba shop or something.”
“Easy jobs online seem sketchy, and I told you I don’t want to work in the food industry ever again,” you groaned.
“But you’d rather...be a babysitter?” she questioned as she held up an ad, “Wait you could get paid up to $15 an hour? That’s pretty good.”
“I didn’t see that one. Is it an agency or something?”
“Not sure, take a look,” she handed you the paper.
“Oh, it seems like it’s a daycare run out of someone’s house. They’re looking for multiple applicants. You wanna do it with me?! I think it could be fun!” you ask excitedly.
“And spend most of my summer vacation with a bunch of snot nosed brats? I don’t think so. You have fun though!” she blew you a kiss as she walked away.
You whipped your phone out and immediately called the number in the ad. This job was the only one that seemed bearable, and you thought kids were cute for the most part. You’ve had a few babysitting gigs in the past so this shouldn’t be too bad.
“Hello?” a deep voice answered the call.
“Hi, I saw your ad in the paper! I was wondering if there was still a babysitting position open?” you inquired.
“Oh yes! Yeah there’s still a spot open. Um, can you give me a sec?” the man said quickly as you heard wailing kids in the background. After two minutes or so he returned to the phone.
“I’m terribly sorry about that. You don’t have a criminal background or anything right? Gosh, I’m sure this sounds unprofessional but--”
“Nope, I don’t have any charges or anything like that. Should I call back later?” you offered since it seemed like the man was a little preoccupied.
“It’s like this all the time. Why don’t we do a practice run tomorrow? Oh! I mean, whenever you’re available to start. Or technically have an interview? I guess? Hey, don’t put that in your mouth!” the man chastised at someone in the distance.
“I can come in tomorrow!” you said.
“Great! Just use the address in the same ad you got this number from! Oh, and please get here by 9am! See you soon!” the man hung up abruptly.
“That was chaotic…” you said to yourself.
A moment later your phone began to ring. It was from the babysitting guy.
“Hello?” you answered.
“I realized I never got your name! I promise I’m not always this frazzled,” he laughed as rambunctious laughter erupted behind him.
“Oh, I’m ______,” you gave him your first and last name.
“Cool. See you tomorrow Miss ____!” he said before hanging up again.
You were actually excited to babysit. It had been a while since you had done it, and playing with kids was usually fun. Then again, you’ve never had a bad experience with babysitting before. You prayed that this gig would continue the positive trend.
Donning shorts and a simple Mickey Mouse t-shirt, (you figured some kid was bound to like the mousey character) it was time to head off to your potential workplace. The babysitting place was actually fairly close to you, only about a 10 minute drive. It was 8:55am by the time you arrived. A couple of parents walked past your car to drop off their kids. All of the kids seemed to be pretty excited to enter the house, which was definitely a good sign.
You gently knocked on the door at exactly 9am. There was no response as you awkwardly waited for about a minute or so. All you could hear was shrill laughter and thumps that you presumed was the kids running about. You realized there was a doorbell, and sighed at your foolishness.
The door opened seconds after you rang the doorbell. A tall man with dark hair greeted you with a warm smile. You were taken aback by the handsome guy, suddenly questioning whether you were at the right place or not until a child popped up from behind his shoulder and yelled out a loud “Boo!” that caused you to jump.
“Ah, sorry about that! This one is always trying to play pranks,” the man laughed as he playfully jostled the child that was latched onto his back, “You must be ______?”
“That’s me!” you say with a little too much enthusiasm.
“Cool. C’mon in, I’ll introduce you to the kids,” the man led you inside.
The living room was littered with toys, from cars to building blocks to barbies. This place was definitely a kid’s happy place. Four little kids were playing with various things when you walked in. All of the kids there seemed to be between the ages of 4 to 6. At a glance, it seemed like they were all playing house. It took you a few seconds to realize that one of the kids was actually playing by herself; she was just physically close to the other kids.
“Everyone! This is our newest helper! Her name is Miss ____. Let’s all play nicely with her okay?” the man announced.
The kids playing house immediately stopped what they were doing and rushed to you. Two boys began asking you questions in a rapid fire succession, while the little girl merely clung to your leg.
“Those two are Kota and Bel,” the man pointed to the two boys, “The little girl stuck to you like glue is Ava, and the one playing over there is Lucy,” he continued to name each child.
“AND I’M SAM!!” the last boy exclaimed over the man’s shoulder.
“Yes, this troublemaker here is Sam. That’s basically the whole gang! We could get a few more additions as the summer goes on, but these guys are the OG crew. They’re all really sweet kids, once you get to know them. Any questions so far?” your employer asked.
“I don’t think I ever caught your name, sir,” you say politely.
“Oh! No need to call me sir. I think we’re probably around the same age? Not that I’m assuming your age or anything but--”
“He’s my horsey!” Sam interrupted.
“No, he’s the chef!” Kota yelled.
“No, he’s our dad who’s not our dad,” Lucy chimed in.
“My mom told me he was a babysitter?” Bel added, now visibly confused.
“I am all of those things,” the man reassured the children, “But my name is Taehyung. The kids call me Tae or Mr. insert whatever title I have in the game we are playing on that day. Pleasure to meet ya,” Tae extends a hand out to you, “Let’s see how your first day goes.”
The first few hours consisted of a rather intricate game of pretend set up in a fantasy world. You played a princess who was captured by an evil dragon, who was played by Taehyung (you couldn’t help but think about how you wouldn’t mind being his hostage).
The boys were valiant knights on their quest to rescue you. The girls played different creatures that aided the knights as fairies or unicorns or any other things they wanted to be. Most of the game consisted of you and Taehyung sitting together in a corner of the living room. Even though you didn’t have to do anything, it was fun watching the kids play. Their imagination amused you.
“Enjoying yourself, princess?” Taehyung asked as he also watched the children run around.
His deep voice sent chills down your spine. Something about the way the word “princess” rolled off his tongue was so enchanting. You cleared your throat before answering.
“This job has been pretty fun so far, Mr. Evil Dragon,” you smile.
“Hey! I’m not evil, just misunderstood,” he protested.
“Oh no! The dragon is about to eat the princess!” one of the boys cried out.
“What? No, I’m not going to eat her,” Taehyung said defensively.
“You need to pretend to eat the princess so that the knights save her,” Lucy, the quiet one, scuttled over to whisper to the both of you before hurrying back to her spot.
Taehyung turned towards you to appease the kids as they held their breath in anticipation.
“Rawr! I’m going to eat you!” he said in a deep voice.
“Oh no! Somebody save me!” you cried out, playing along.
A few moments passed but none of the kids moved. You both turned your heads towards them in confusion. They stared back at you blankly.
“You need to bite her!” Sam demanded.
“What?” you and Tae said in unison.
“Bite her! Bite her! Bite her!” the boys started to chant.
“But not too hard!” Ava expressed her worry for you, making you smile.
“I…uh…” Taehyung was at a loss for words.
“They’re not gonna stop, are they?” you whispered to him.
He nodded with a sigh as their chanting got louder. You offered him your arm. Kids can be crazy stubborn over silly things. Besides, you’ve done worse for less (college is crazy).
Taehyung shot you an “are you sure about this?” look, to which you just nodded. Once he got the okay, Taehyung grabbed your arm and pulled you harshly, causing your face to be a mere inches away from his.
“Fools! You think you can save the princess? I will devour her before your very eyes!” Taehyung declared with an even deeper voice. He opened his mouth menacingly, as if to show off his fangs. Then, he proceeded to bite your bicep. To be honest, he was being so forceful that you thought he was going to bite you for real, causing you to involuntarily close your eyes.
Instead, he gingerly placed his teeth on your skin so lightly that you could barely feel anything. You opened your eyes to see Taehyung grinning at you with your arm in his mouth.
“Aaaaggghhh GET HIM!!” Sam yelled, leading the other boys straight into Taehyung.
Taehyung quickly let go of you before he rolled out onto the floor. The boys began to pummel Taehyung with their foam swords and pretend bows and arrows. The girls came to your aid to help you escape during the battle.
The little boys triumphantly stood over their defeated babysitter who pretended to be passed out on the floor. You applauded their victory as the girls sat by your side.
“Okay! Good game, it’s almost lunchtime,” Taehyung announced as he quickly popped back up.
“Chef Tae makes the best mac and cheese!” Ava informed you excitedly.
“I wanted dino nuggies!” Sam puffed out his cheeks in disappointment.
“Sam, you know it’s Ava’s day to pick out lunch. It’ll be your turn tomorrow okay? I promise! You guys can stay here and play with Miss ____ till food is ready,” Tae called out as he walked to the kitchen. Lucy silently followed Tae.
“Lucy likes to help out in the kitchen a lot. She sets the table,” Ava explained when she saw you watching Lucy.
“You’re good at being a princess!” Kota butted in as he ran to hug your leg.
“I like your shirt! I like Mickey Mouse too. I saw him in DisneyWorld last year,” Bel said as he clung to your other leg.
The kids took turns holding onto your legs as you tried to walk around. Apparently the thought of making you tumble over was an exciting one, and that kept the kids busy until Taehyung called for everyone.
Five little bowls of mac and cheese were set up on the dining table. The kids took their seats as Taehyung handed out juice boxes. He positioned himself by your side as the little ones began to chow down.
“I normally just eat the rest out of the pot, but since you’re here I can get you a bowl. Sorry about biting you earlier, the kids really like it when I get serious about my roles,” Taehyung chuckled as he scooped out your portion.
“It’s no problem, you’re a great actor. Thank you,” you say politely as he handed you a bowl.
Lunch was spent making small talk with Taehyung. He was a newly graduated college student trying to make extra money before starting a real job hunt.Taehyung had been running this makeshift daycare since he was a senior in highschool.
“Summers are always fun with them,” Taehyung said while smiling fondly at the kids, “How has it been so far?” he asked.
“I’ve been having a good time. The kids are all really sweet! They have so much energy,” you answer.
“They do indeed, which is why playtime is so important in the morning! It makes what comes next easier,” he winked at you before collecting the empty bowls, “Okay kiddos! Who’s ready for nap time?”
Lucy quietly raised her hand while the boys groaned. You figured it would be hard to get those active boys to settle down, let alone to take a nap. You helped Taehyung set up blankets and pillows in the game room. The kids made a beeline to their designated blankets without a fuss.
“Do you sing, Miss _____?” Taehyung asked out of the blue.
“Um, not really?” you say hesitantly.
“Ah, I see. No worries. Everybody ready?” he said.
“Yes!” all the kids replied.
“Alrighty. Do you have any song requests, Miss ____?”
You thought about which songs would make for a decent lullaby, “Do you know Adore You by Harry Styles?”
“I’ll have to look up the lyrics but yeah I like that song! I like his whole album actually,” Taehyung nodded as he pulled out his phone and took a deep breath, “Walk in your rainbow paradise~”
You were shocked by his vocal talent. His voice control was superb and the quality of his voice was downright euphoric. Even though Taehyung’s voice is deeper than Harry Styles’, his range was incredible. He was still able to go as high as Harry without any trouble. All the kids had fallen sound asleep by the time he finished the song.
“This is when I typically have about an hour of free time,” he said after quietly leading you back into the kitchen.
“You have such a beautiful voice! Do you sing to them every day?” you praised him.
“Thanks! Yeah, I sing to them every day. They used to get duets actually,” Taehyung sighed.
“Did you have another coworker before?” you asked.
“Yep. My best friend actually. He’s my roommate too, but he landed an internship this summer so he couldn’t be here. I’m very proud of him! But usually this is a job for two people so I decided to put that ad out. I’m happy you came out! The kids seem to like you,” Taehyung gave you a thumbs up.
“I hope so! Lucy might be scared of me though,” you recalled the way she mostly avoided you all morning.
“Nah, she’s just really shy. She told me that she thought you were really pretty though, so that’s a good sign!” he tried to reassure you.
“I guess it must be true then. Kids are brutally honest,” you smiled.
“She definitely wasn’t lying,” Taehyung smiled back at you.
You had to look away awkwardly to hide your blushed cheeks. There’s no way you could handle a direct smile from this guy. How was it possible for someone to be that handsome without even trying?!
“So what happens after naptime?” you quickly asked to change the subject.
“Basically more playing until their parents come. It honestly just depends on what the kids wanna do. We can play inside, in the backyard, and sometimes we go to the park,” Taehyung answered with an amused smile, “Let’s use this free time to conduct a more formal interview, shall we?”
Taehyung then asked you a series of questions about your summer schedule, if you’re willing to work every day of the week, how you feel about the kids, along with other things. You answered truthfully and kept up a professional demeanor. Taehyung seemed to be satisfied with your answers and leaned back in his chair.
“That all works for me! The people who really need to approve of you are the parents. I’ll introduce you to them later this afternoon. I’m sure they’ll all be fine once I vouch for you,” he nodded.
Soft giggles caught your attention. Taehyung signaled that break time was now over and led the way back to the living room. Kota and Bel were wrestling each other while the others threw pillows at them.  
“Did everyone have a good nap?” Taehyung sing songed.
“Yes!” they replied.
“Can we play house now?” Ava asked.
“Yeah! Miss ____ can be the mommy now!” Sam bounced up in excitement, “Our last mommy used to be a boy.”
“Jimin was a great mommy and I’m sure he misses you all dearly. Jimin is my roommate/best friend/ex-cobabysitter,” Taehyung explained.
The game of house was more hands on from your end. The kids demanded you to carry them and read them stories like a real mommy would. It was mainly the girls who wanted to play with you, while the boys took turns wrestling with Tae or riding on his back. You were braiding Lucy’s hair when the doorbell rang.
“Kota! Your mom is here!” Taehyung called from the front.
All the kids trickled out one by one as their parents arrived. Taehyung introduced you to each parent; their reactions were all positive, especially when their kids raved about you being the new Jimin.
“If she’s anything like Jimin, then I have nothing to worry about. I trust your judgement, Taehyung,” one of the sterner looking parents said (Sam’s father to be exact).
“Congrats! You got the job,” Taehyung congratulated you once all of the children were picked up, “We get paid on Fridays. I’ll basically just split what we earn 50/50, cool?”
“That’s fine by me! I’m looking forward to working with you,” you bow graciously.
“Ah! No need to be so formal. We’re partners now! I’m not your boss or anything,” Taehyung gave you a friendly pat on the shoulder, “See you tomorrow!”
Summer was about to get rather eventful. All of the children warmed up to you surprisngly quickly, even timid Lucy (who had arguably grown the most fond of you). As the days went on, you couldn’t help but admire Taehyung’s kindness and patience when it came to the kids. From firm to understanding, he was everything a caregiver should be. He handled spats between kids with ease, often by making them forgive each other then laugh at some silly joke of his.
One afternoon, the kids voted to watch a Disney movie. All seven of you curled up on the couch together with you and Taehyung in the middle. Lucy sat in your lap while Bel sat in Taehyung’s. Halfway through the movie, Taehyung fell asleep. The kids didn’t notice since they were so engrossed in the movie. You however, DID notice. Mostly because he rolled his sleepy head onto your shoulder.
Your heartbeat quickened as you slowly turned to take a peek at the handsome man sleeping beside you. He looked angelic, and you realized that he smelled pleasant too. He had a sweet scent that was uncharacteristic for a young man. You took a deep breath and pretended not to notice him. He didn’t wake up until the doorbell rang near the end of the movie.
He seemed to be confused and perhaps even slightly flustered when he lifted his head from your shoulder, but quickly shrugged it off to go answer the door. The incident (and the drool on your shoulder) was never mentioned.
It had been a month since you started babysitting with Taehyung, and it honestly had been a lot more fun than you expected. The kids are wonderful silly little beings and Taehyung is...well...Taehyung.
You were cleaning up the living room on a late Friday afternoon after all the kids had been picked up. Taehyung was somewhere splitting up the week’s paycheck. Once all the toys were back in their respective bins, it was time to gather your stuff and go.
“Great work this week,” Taehyung commended as he handed you your cut.
“Thanks! Same to you as always. I’ll see you on Monday,” you wave as you open the front door.
“Actually um--” Taehyung cleared his throat.
“Yes?” you whipped around with almost too much eagerness.
“My friend is part of an art gallery showing tomorrow night and I was wondering if you’d like to go with me? I heard there will be drinks and finger foods…” Taehyung trailed off, presumably due to imagining what kind of snacks will be served.
“I’d love to! I’m not an expert on art or anything, but it sounds cool,” you smile.
“No worries, I’m no expert either. I’m just a guy who appreciates neat expressions of creativity,” he nodded humbly, “I can pick you up at your place, if you’d like.”
“Sure, I’ll text you my address. Oh uh, what’s the dress code like? I don’t really attend these things,” you ask shyly.
“I’d say a step down from formal? Like no t-shirts or jeans. Pretend like you’re going on a date to some restaurant that isn’t a michelin star but is still classier than Olive Garden,” Taehyung tried to explain.
“I’ll do my best,” you smile at his peculiar way of describing the appropriate attire.
A smile never left your face as you drove home. A chance to hangout with Taehyung one on one without any kids around? All of his attention will be on you? Yes please. You love the kids and all, but you finally have a real chance to get closer to Taehyung. To be honest, you might have the teensiest little crush on him, but who could blame you?
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The next day was spent preparing for your night out with Taehyung. It probably wasn’t a date (90% sure it’s not), but you wanted to look irresistible anyway. You put on a purple dress with flowy sleeves that made you feel like a princess. It was on the dressier side, but being slightly overdressed never hurt anyone.
You usually only had time to slap on mascara and a lip tint in the mornings before babysitting, but now you had abundant time to play around with your makeup. You settled for a soft yet glamorous look with shimmery eyeshadow and eyeliner. Sparkly lip gloss tied the whole look together and made your lips look tempting (or so you hoped). You decided to leave your hair alone since you were having a miraculously good hair day.
“Wow are you sure this isn’t a date?” Hyuna whistled when she walked into your room.
“It’s not! This is just the first time Taehyung will see me actually trying to look good,” you say defensively.
“You’re cute even in ratty t-shirts, but I get what you mean. Have fun tonight!” your roommate gave you a tight hug.
A strong knock on your front door indicated Taehyung’s arrival. Hyuna tagged along as you went to answer the door; she wanted to see the guy you’ve been gushing over for the past month for herself.
Your mouth hung open in shock for a split second when you opened the door. Taehyung also dressed up. He was wearing a bright sunflower shirt paired with a black blazer that perfectly combined fun with sophistication. He wore a red silky bandana looking belt for an added pop of color with his black pants.
“Hey Taehyung!” you greet him happily.
“Good evening, Miss ____. You look spectacular!” he complimented you immediately.
“So do you! It’s funny seeing you not in a t-shirt, though I’m sure you’re thinking the same thing,” you say.
“You’re charming even in your graphic tees, but this is a nice change of pace too,” Taehyung agreed.
“Hi! I’m Hyuna, ____’s roommate,” Hyuna butted in to shake his hand.
“Hi, I’m Taehyung, ____’s babysitting partner,” he introduced himself.
“We should get going,” you say politely before Hyuna could start to get chatty.
Hyuna mouthed an exaggerated “oh my god” coupled with a double thumbs up as you waved goodbye after Taehyung was already out the door. You playfully rolled your eyes but blew her a kiss anyway.
“I didn’t realize you lived so close to me,” Taehyung said as he pulled away from the curb.
“Yeah, it made the job even more appealing,” you nodded.
“I really am glad that you applied,” Taehyung said softly, as if to himself.
“Sorry, what was that?” you couldn’t hear him properly.
“Nothing! I said I’m glad you agreed to accompany me tonight!” Taehyung quickly stated.
“Thanks for inviting me out! I’m actually pretty excited,” you admitted.
The gallery was somewhere in the swanky part of downtown. You gazed out of the window at all of the high end stores Taehyung drove by. Everyone walking around the stores looked like supermodels, which was actually pretty intimidating. What if the people at the gallery looked like that too?
“We’re here!” Taehyung announced, interrupting your thoughts.
There was a decent amount of people wandering around the venue when you both entered. It was basically one big dimly lit room with spotlights on pieces scattered around on the walls plus some sculptures in the middle. Thankfully, the patrons already inside looked like normal people, most of them probably students like you.
“Taehyung!” someone called from the side of the room.
You both made your way towards the voice, only to find a man who was just as handsome as Taehyung greeting you with a bunny like smile. He had long hair that almost covered up his assorted dangly earrings. He definitely had art student vibes mixed with a dash of bad boy. The boys greeted each other with a ferocious hug, indicating that they’re probably good friends.
“Oh! What’s up, I’m Jungkook,” the boy shook your hand once he noticed you.
“She’s my babysitting partner this summer,” Taehyung said proudly.
“She’s replacing Jimin huh?” Jungkook laughed, “Taehyung and Jimin are like my brothers. We were all pretty close in college and are batchmates, even though I’m younger than them,” he stuck his tongue out at Taehyung.
“Yeah yeah okay whatever. Skipping grades in elementary school and bringing in a ton of transfer credits will help you do that I guess,” Taehyung shook his head even though he was still smiling.
“Are these your pictures?” you asked Jungkook, motioning to the mounted pictures behind him.
“Yeah! I took most of these in Madrid, I’ve been working abroad for my dream company,” Jungkook answered you proudly.
“Who’s this?” Taehyung pointed to a picture of a girl laughing by a giant tree.
“Yeah, she’s gorgeous!” you added.
“She’s um...a good friend. She was the perfect model,” Jungook said with a faraway look in his eyes that told you there was more to the story.
“Tell me more about her on our next phone call. Tonight is for celebrating you!” Taehyung picked up on Jungkook’s sudden change of tone.
You enjoyed listening to their old college stories as the boys reminisced about their past together. Jungkook relished telling you all of Taehyung’s embarrassing moments at various parties. Taehyung returned the favor by recalling Jungkook’s past run-ins with women. Despite his natural charm and god like looks, apparently Jungkook gets really nervous around girls.
You and Taehyung were on your own once Jungkook was flagged down by an older patron interested in purchasing some of his work. Taehyung stayed close to your side as you explored the rest of the gallery. Each artist was so incredibly talented as their pictures told  stories with just a single frame.
“____ look! They have those fancy charcuterie boards!” Taehyung grabbed your hand and excitedly dragged you over to the snack table. You couldn’t help but smile at his childlike elation.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’ve been getting tired of being force fed fruit snacks every day,” you laughed as you ate the assorted appetizers.
“I completely understand. Unfortunately, the kids are too sweet when they want to share. I don’t have it in me to turn them down,” Taehyung agreed.
Once the food was eaten, you resumed walking through the gallery. It was fun making up stories to go with each picture. Taehyung seemed to gravitate towards adding a romantic twist to each story, while you opted for a bit of mystery. At the end of the event, Taehyung met up with Jungkook once more to say his goodbyes.
“Thanks again for coming with me, I had fun! I hope you enjoyed yourself,” Taehyung said as he drove you back.
“It was really neat! I liked hanging out with you outside of work,” you nodded.
“Would you say it was a successful date then?” Taehyung raised an eyebrow with curiosity. Your heart skipped a beat as your eyes widened with surprise.
“Was...was this a date?” you asked quietly.
“Did you want it to be?” Taehyung teased.
“I wouldn’t have gotten so dressed up otherwise,” you said defensively, taken aback by his sudden cheekiness.
“I realized I should’ve clarified that after you had already left. My bad,” Taehyung shot you a boxy grin, “But then I figured maybe you would be more relaxed if I didn’t mention it.”
“That’s odd logic, but I guess it worked,” you admitted begrudgingly.
Taehyung walked you back up to your house. He sweetly kissed your cheek and bid you goodnight, leaving you frozen in place.
“S-see you on Monday!” was all you were able to stammer out, to which Taehyung just smiled and waved back.
Hyuna happily freaked out with you once you were back inside. She was watching you from the moment Taehyung pulled back up. She shrieked with excitement once you told her that Taehyung confirmed that it was a date. Hyuna didn’t let up with grilling questions about how your night went. She even asked if the Jungkook guy you met was single, to which you truthfully answered that you didn’t know.
“Besides, he told me himself that he’s scared of girls. You’re scary enough as is,” you teased her.
“Oh shut up. So is Taehyung like, your boyfriend now?” Hyuna asked the million dollar question.
“I don’t think so. I think it was just a date, but that’s a good start!” you declared optimistically.
Babysitting on Monday went on like normal. Taehyung didn’t act any differently, which was both concerning and relieving. You were in the backyard pretending to eat whatever dirt concoction the little kids were serving you.
“This one is for you,” Lucy quietly offered Taehyung a clump of dirt sprinkled with blades of grass, topped with a dandelion.
“Oh, how pretty! What is it?” Taehyung played along.
“It’s a love potion. The next person you hug will fall in love with you,” Lucy smiled.
A smirk crept on Taehyung’s face as he pretended to eat Lucy’s love potion. He made a satisfied “Ahh” sound that made Lucy giggle.
“Tae has to hug me now! He loves me the most!” Sam yelled as he ran over to latch onto Taehyung.
“No, Tae loves me!” Bel argued as he pulled on Taehyung’s shirt.
“That’s not how it works!” Lucy huffed as she yelled at the boys.
You watched with delight as the little kids chased Taehyung around the backyard, demanding that he has to hug them. It was easy for him to juke them out as they constantly ran back and forth. You were content with just watching them until Taehyung began to make a beeline for you.
“Oh no no no,” you cried as you got up to run.
Taehyung (and the kids) chased you around for a little bit. The backyard was on the smaller side, so there wasn’t much space to evade all of them coming for you at once. To make matters worse, Taehyung actually started to try and catch you. His speed was no joke; he was much more agile than you gave him credit for.
With one pounce, Taehyung tackled you to the ground. Somehow he managed to whip himself around while you were falling, so you ended up falling on him. Now wrapped up in his arms, Taehyung smiled up at you with a shit eating grin.
“I guess you have to fall in love with me now,” he smirked.
“You wish,” you laughed as you pulled yourself up.
“Aw now he loves Miss _____,” Sam pouted.
“No, now Miss ____ has to fall in love with Tae,” Ava corrected him.
“That’s dumb,” Kota shook his head.
“Tae! Kota said a bad word!” Bel immediately tattled.
“Kota, remember what I said about bad words. No one wants to play with someone who says mean things,” Taehyung chided him.
“Sorry,” Kota mumbled.
“Let’s play go play inside. Who wants juice?” Taehyung patted Kota’s head.
The kids followed Taehyung inside like little ducklings. You loved that sight, you always thought it was the cutest thing. The rest of the day went by without a hitch.
The topic of favorite movies came up during lunchtime the next day.
“I like Frozen 2,” Ava stated, and Lucy nodded furiously in agreement.
“Detective Pikachu was better. Pikachu is funny,” Sam interjected. The other little boys then began to argue about which pokemon was better/stronger.
“I’m not really a big movie watcher,” Taehyung confessed as he took a bite of a dino chicken nugget.
“Have you at least seen the classics? Harry Potter? Lord of the Rings? Star Wars?” you listed with concern.
“I’ve seen Harry Potter and Star Wars. I think I saw the Lord of the Rings? I can’t really remember. I know I wanted to watch the newer Lord of the Rings movies,” he chuckled at your growing disbelief.
“Newer Lord of the Rings? You mean the Hobbit series?” you were disgruntled.
“Yeah those. I didn’t realize you were a nerd,” he nudged you.
“What of it? All of those are great movies. I have copies of the Hobbit series if you ever wanted to watch them,” you offered.
“Do you wanna watch them with me?” he perked up.
“Sure, I love them! You wanna do a marathon? It’ll take up a full day though,” you warned.
“I’m down. Are you free this Sunday?”
“I believe so.”
“Great! I’m excited to see you geek out over hobbits. Okay kids, naptime!”
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You drove up to Taehyung’s place Sunday morning, you weren’t kidding when you said it would take all day. Taehyung said to dress comfortably so you showed up in your sweatpants and oversized college tee. He answered the door wearing gray sweatpants and his favorite CELINE shirt. His dark fluffy hair fell over his forehead and was almost long enough to cover his eyes.
“Good morning! I hope you’re hungry. I made some waffles to eat while we watch the first movie,” he greeted you.
His humble abode smelled heavenly as the scent of dough tinged with a hint of cinnamon wafted through the air. The soft belgian waffles were delicious as they practically melted in your mouth. Taehyung asked a ton of questions with nearly every scene, but you didn’t mind. You were happy to flex your knowledge of Tolkien lore.
Hours later, you found yourself cuddled up with Taehyung as the final credits of the Battle of Five Armies began to roll. Taehyung was still trying to process everything that happened as he asked you clarifying questions about each character.
“Well crap, now I’m sad,” he pouted.
“Yeah, the ending is kind of a downer, but that’s what makes it so good! The Lord of the Rings has a happy ending if that makes you feel better,” you look up at him from his chest.
“You look cute like that,” he observed.
“Like what? Tiny from your angle?” you tilted your head.
“I guess so? Tiny, maybe submissive,” Taehyung’s voice lowered with his suggestion.
“Submissive? Is that how you see me?” you sit back up completely with defiance.
“Not at all. You’re pretty feisty, which is why making you be submissive is even more alluring,” he raised his eyebrow in a suggestive manner.
“Do you want me to be a damsel in distress for you? Not happening,” you smirked.
“Pretty princesses are good for one thing,” Taehyung hopped off the couch.
Before you could say anything, he promptly grabbed you and swung you over his shoulder. You were too shocked by his boldness and physical abilities to retaliate.
“They’re perfect for kidnapping!” he let out a dramatic evil laugh as he carried you off to his bedroom.
Once there, he roughly threw you on the bed. You couldn’t help but look around curiously since this was the first time you’ve ever seen his room. It was surprisingly neat; his bed was made and there were no messy clothing piles in sight.
“Are you an evil dragon then? Capturing princesses and such?” you teased.
“Evil dragon, dashing captor, I can be anything you want me to be. Just please not an orc,” he let out a chuckle before getting back into character, “Just know that you’re trapped here with me. No one is going to rescue you.”
“Oh no! What a terrible situation to be in! What on Earth is this extremely handsome dragon going to do with a poor defenseless princess like me?” you taunted.
“Ok this is all very hot but before we go any further, are you okay with this?” Taehyung asked sincerely.
“I can’t think of anything that I’ve wanted more,” you nodded.
“Perfect. Safe word is red,” he winked at you, “Now strip for me, princess.”
“And if I don’t?” you challenged.
Taehyung grabbed a fistful of hair on the back of your head and forcefully brought you up to his face, “I suggest not making me angry,” he sneered.
You didn’t think you were one for being manhandled, but god damn that was hot. There was already a tingle between your legs and he hadn’t even really touched you yet. You complied with his request, and quickly tore off your shirt and pants. Though you weren’t wearing any fancy lingerie, you were wearing a gray bra and gray panties that could pass off as matching.
“Mmm what a pretty treasure. It would be a shame to let it gounappreciated,” Taehyung stretched out that last word as he gently ran his fingers from your torso up to your neck before firmly grasping it.
Taehyung straddled you as his long fingers were wrapped around your neck. Slowly, he leaned down to kiss you. Though apprehensive at first, he gradually got more bold with it. His tongue dipped into your mouth the instant your lips parted. His other hand crept under your bra to fondle your breast.
“You take your clothes off too,” you said as soon as the kiss broke.
“You don’t get to make any demands, silly princess,” Taehyung shook his head.
You pouted and reached out to tug at his pants anyway. Big mistake. Taehyung slapped your hand away and slammed you back onto the bed.
“You don’t listen, huh? I’ll have to do something about that. Stay still or else you’ll make things worse for yourself,” he ordered.
You reluctantly obeyed, partly because you were curious about what he was going to do, and partly because you were actually intimidated by him. He returned back to the bed a few seconds later, but with a familiar silky red belt in hand.
“Give me your hands. Good girl,” he smiled deviously as he bound them together, “Remember the safe word is red, okay?” he gently reminded you.
He looked down at you with a satisfied grin as he began to take off his sweatpants. He had an obvious bulge in his underwear that outlined his massive dick. You were further entranced by his physique when he took off his shirt. He wasn’t ripped, but he was still fit, as you could plainly see when his chest was finally revealed.
“Open wide, princess,” he demanded.
You opened your mouth, and even flattened your tongue out a little bit for him. He pulled his cock out of his underwear, finally exposing his full length. You doubted you could fit even half of him in your mouth, but at this point it wasn’t up to you.
Taehyung lowered himself down to you, and teasingly tapped the tip of his cock on your tongue. He slowly eased himself into your mouth, forcing you to open your mouth even wider to account for his girth. He made his way back out once you gagged. He grabbed your head to hold you steady as he fucked your mouth once more. He got closer and closer to the back of your throat until he finally hit it. All you could focus on was breathing as tears welled up in your eyes. Taehyung thrusted a couple more times before he pulled out completely.
“Good girl indeed. Well done, princess,” he softly stroked your chin before wiping your tears away. All you could do was smile meekly back at him.
“Don’t worry, it’s time for your reward,” Taehyung smiled down at you as his hand slipped under your panties, “Oh you’re so wet. I can’t wait to taste you.”
He positioned himself between your thighs after he tore off your panties. His thumb fiddled with your clit, causing you to squirm. He placed a strong grip on your thigh to hold you down as he circled your clit faster. Your helpless whimpers were music to Taehyung’s ears.
Without warning, he easily stuck two fingers into you. He didn’t even let you adjust as he rapidly fingered you, his fingers curving to graze your g-spot with every stroke. His tongue swirled around your clit, adding even more toe curling sensations.
Him adding a third finger was the catalyst for the strongest orgasm you’ve ever had in your life. There wasn’t even a build up, everything just hit you at once. Suddenly you were crying out even louder as you violently came. Did it occur to you that you were squirting all over Taehyung and his bed? No. Were you doing exactly that? Absolutely.
“Delicious,” Taehyung said as he licked his lips, “Look at the fucking mess you made.”
“I-i’m sorry,” you managed to stutter, you were still recovering from your orgasm.
“It’s only fair that it’s my turn to make a mess now. Do I need to get a condom, princess?” he cooed.
You weakly shook your head. You needed to feel all of him, right now. Taehyung chuckled at your neediness as he aligned himself with your pussy. He slowly inserted his entire length into you until the base of his cock touched your soaked pussy. You moaned together as he stayed still for a second. You looked up to see Taehyung’s face lit up with pure bliss.
“You’re still so fucking wet,” he growled as he began to mercilessly buck his hips into you.
You moaned with every thrust as Taehyung shook the entire bed. Taehyung placed both of your legs on his shoulders, allowing him to hit you even deeper from this new angle. He leaned over to plant his lips on your neck as he fucked you. What started as a gentle peck took a violent turn as he harshly sucked on your neck. He left dark spots wherever his lips touched, and soon you were covered in dark blooms.
“Do you want me to soil your back or your chest?” he asked in a guttural tone.
“Back?” you answer dubiously.
You were immediately flipped over. You were laying flat on your chest waiting for him to prop up your ass, but he never did. Instead, he simply spread your legs wider and fucked you flat against the bed. Taehyung grabbed your ass and spread your cheeks to get a better view of your sopping pussy. You could feel another orgasm brewing as he fucked even deeper into you, and his cock was continuously dragging against your g-spot.
“Taehyung, I--”
“I know, princess. Let it all out. I want to feel you come on my dick,” he demanded.
A few more strong strokes was all it took for you to go limp under him as your orgasm took over. Seconds after you hit your high, Taehyung pulled out and came all over your back.
Once you were all cleaned up, Taehyung untied you and kissed your forehead.
“How was it, princess?” he asked as he stroked your hair.
“I’ve never been fucked by a beast before, but now I don’t want anything else,” you admitted before kissing his neck.
“Good. I was worried about going overboard. As I told you before, I really like getting into character,” he laughed.
“I’ve never been into roleplay but I’m willing to change for you. Oh shit, it’s late already,” you noticed the time on his alarm clock.
“Just stay the night. I don’t think the kids will care if you’re wearing sweatpants or not. I can lend you a turtleneck to cover up those hickies though,” Taehyung yawned.
“Are you sure?” you questioned.
“Yeah, I don’t mind. Be warned, I’m a cuddler,” he pulled you closer to him.
“I guess I can sleep in a little later then,” you reasoned.
“Perfect. Goodnight, princess,” he quickly kissed your lips.
“You’re sleeping like that?”
“Like what?”
“Butt naked?”
“I can put clothes on if it makes you uncomfortable. I just figured it would make things easier for tomorrow morning,” he said sleepily.
“Tomorrow morning?” that got your attention.
“You’ll see! Be patient, princess. Night night.”
Never in a million years would you have guessed that applying for a babysitting job would result in this, but you weren’t complaining.
Published April 17, 2021. No editing, copying, translating, or reposting allowed. All Rights Reserved © 2021 Baepsaesbae.
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clouds-rambles · 3 years
hey hey! could you possibly do just some random headcanons for klee , qiqi , and diona with the reader as a older sister/brother? if so then thanks!
omg yes of course. Klee banner rerun when so I can complete the family?
Pairings; (Platonic, Separate) Klee, Qiqi, and Diona x reader
Warning(s); cute sibling shit be warned, alcohol mention on diona’s
Keep reading under the cut!
Being an elder sibling to Klee definitely is a task to behold, especially since your mother isn’t here and your sister had been joint entrusted to you and the knights of Favonius
The best way for the knights to describe you is a ‘pain in the ass’ at least severity and a ‘instigator of chaos’ at worse. How are you supposed to say no to your cute baby sister?
Whenever Klee is in confinement you’ll always find a way to sneak in with a few snacks and some toys. The two of you can sit in that room for hours playing with the model horses
Sometimes when Klee is upset she’ll do practically anything to find you, which isn’t limited to breaking out of the knights headquarters and roaming town just to latch onto you
You’ll pick her up without much word and ask her questions as you go about your chores for the day
While both you and Klee had been granted visions you can’t help but pale in comparison to your younger siblings antics. The only way of showing yourself these days is wrapping Klee’s bombs in the power of your vision so they don’t hurt anyone
On days you’re tasked with looking after Klee you’ll often find yourselves somewhere deep in Mondstat causing general trouble for camps of hilichurls and the odd ruin guard
Full of childish wonder Klee loves to run headfirst into fights often with no regard of either of your lives.
In all fairness she’s a kid and you really don’t want to ruin her childish wonder with harsh reality's of death and major injury
About once a week Klee will ask you to make an extra meal for a picnic and the two of your make a trip to the camp at the foot of Dragonspine peak
Klee loves dropping in on the alchemist as much as she loves dropping in on you. And you’re pretty sure you see Albedo’s eyes light up when he sees Klee
Klee loves trying to help you cook, like most kids do, you’ll get her to wear her cute lil apron and you’ll give her something messy to do with her hands. 
She’ll ask to help when you’re making bread so, unless the bread is a gift to someone, you’ll give her enough dough to make a roll and after its baked she’ll happily eat the roll for lunch. Jean tells you that she’ll come into her office telling her all about how Klee had made the bread
You swear you can feel your heart skip a beat. How is your baby sister allowed to be so adorable?
While you truly weren’t the one who found Qiqi, it was Baizhu who came into the pharmacy one day with a small child in his arms
After much quizzing along the lines of ‘Did you just kidnap a child!?’ ‘Put that child back where it came from, or so help me’ Baizhu just explains how he found Qiqi. A zombie!? That’s possible!?
Being a ever present figure in Qiqi’s life she doesn’t ever forget you, you love to see her little eyes widen in delight when she sees you 
You’re always more than happy to accompany her on her trips to find herbs, it’s almost scary how Qiqi seems to know the location of every Liyue native plant and ore. 
Sometimes the two of you will sit on the roof of Bubu Pharmacy and watch the finches fly about 
Sometimes you’ll find Qiqi getting upset about how she can’t reach or do something that she had given orders to herself to do. So, if you can pick her up and let her get the item, or if you both can’t get it you’ll say the command words “I love you most” which make her previous orders nul and void
Qiqi tries her best to remember as many thing about you as she can, she truly loves you and often thanks the archons for giving her such a great sibling
When Qiqi introduces you as her sibling it makes your heart weep. You love that kid so much that seeing her call you anything close to family can, and has, made you cry
Although Qiqi does technically live with Baizhu she often spends most nights with you, opting to the nice bed you have set up for her and an hour or so of fairy tales to tell her
If you wake up after Qiqi in the mornings you’ll often find her snuggled between your arms, while she may dislike the heat greatly Qiqi cannot help but feel protected when she sleeps in your arms
Sometimes you’ll also join Qiqi while she’s exercising around Liyue Harbour. You can’t help but feel like a proud mama whenever you see her going about her daily chores and activities
Not long after Diona left for Mondstat you had decided to follow. While your father may have been distraught at your sisters departure he is in fact a grown man, and you refuse to leave your little sister alone, no matter how safe the streets of Mondstat are
You’re careful to not drink around your sister, you know how she feels towards your dad, and in all honesty you feel much of the same. But about once a week you like to meet up with friends and share a pint, or three. Diona often mentions it back handily the next day but she’s cute so she gets away with it
No matter how much Diona hates her job as a bartender you can’t argue with the fact that she makes the best mixes no matter how hard she tries not to, seeing her fume to you after another concoction of hers turned into a success is so funny to you
In all fairness your sister is very much independent, so much so it makes you wonder if you should have stayed with your dad. But on Diona’s days off she loves to walk about town with you perched on your shoulders as you go about the daily chores
As much as Diona refuses to see your father you often write him letters to see how he’s doing. While being an alcoholic was what drove you apart, you’re still concerned about his health. The last thing you want is the death of your father on your hands so close to the death of your mother
Diona doesn’t remember your mother much, but she can guess much. Driving your father to alcoholism upon her death must have meant she was a pillar for the family. The face you pull at the mention of your mother means she must have been a great one. Diona has never asked how she passed, she doesn’t think you or your father have the heart to tell her
While the two of you have moved out of Springvale indefinitely the weekly practice of hunting for the weeks meat is a tradition by no means dropped. The thrill of the hunt is exhilarating to the both of you and defiantly puts both your feline genes to the test
Sometimes if Diona has a particularly bad nightmare she’ll wake you up, no matter the time of the night, just so she can sit with you and get her mind of the nightmare. And when your sister falls asleep in your arms? Well you’ve got to put her back to bed. What a cutie
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put-trash-here · 3 years
When you're low ~ Steve Rogers
Here I am with the second one in a matter of hours. I don't know how but somehow I feel like this is better. Again very poorly edited.
Warning: Depression and some comfort from my favorite blonde guy
Summary: When your depression is getting to be too much, you can always count on Steve to pull you out.
Word Count: 1216
The blinds in your room had been pulled closed for days. There were cups and dirty clothes scattered across the floor and your bed sheets had been pulled from where they had been tucked from your tossing and turning. You’d been in bed for the past three days only getting up to use the bathroom 7 feet from where you’d been laying. In short, you were a mess and didn’t care. You couldn’t, not now. Not when your mind was attacking itself, making you completely unmotivated. Natasha and Wanda had stopped by a couple of times trying to get you to eat or come out into the common area but you refused. Steve had left a week ago on a mission and wasn’t expected back until the next month. Usually when you got like this and he was away you’d be able to call him, but he had to go dark a couple of days ago just adding worry to all the other emotions swirling in your head.
You turned over in your bed, glancing at the clock. 4:32 pm Everyone else would have been up for hours already, having already done training, lunch, and whatever other activities the team would have put together last minute. You sighed, yanking on your blanket till your feet were exposed. Tears filled your eyes as you tried to kick the blanket down to cover you again. They made their way down your cheeks and you began to grow even more frustrated at the fact you’re crying over something so little. You shove your face into the pillow trying to drown out your thoughts. As your sobs echo through the room for the hundredth time that weekend, you don’t notice the sound of an incoming jet.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Steve exited the quinjet, handing over some files to Tony who had waited for him to arrive. The mission was a lot easier than the team thought it would be allowing him to come home earlier. It also helped that the “criminal mastermind” they were after actually turned out to be a total idiot, leaving a clear trail and solid evidence linking right back to him. Natasha walked out onto the landing pad with a grim smile on her face. She was happy to see him back but knew that he wouldn’t be thrilled once he found out what was happening at the compound.
“Hey Steve,” she greeted him. He glanced around for Y/N and when he didn’t see her, he looked back at his friend. Natasha shook her head sadly at him.
“She’s been in her room for a couple days now. It’s gotten really bad.”
Steve’s heart sank. Y/N’s depression wasn’t a secret to the team, all of them having tried to coax you out of it at times. Some of them had more success than others. Natasha or Wanda were go-to’s, but the one person who helped the most was Steve. Even before the two of you got together, you’d seek comfort in each other after a long day or a hard mission.
“You said she’s in her room?” He asked.
Natasha nodded and let him walk past her as he made his way to your room. As he entered the hallway he saw Bruce standing outside your door with a tray of food. He called out to the man as he approached.
“Glad you’re here,” Bruce said. “She hasn’t eaten in at least a day and she’s not letting anyone in.”
Steve nodded, taking the tray from him.
“Thanks, Banner. I’ve got it from here.”
Steve waited a minute after Bruce left, thinking about what he could say when he got in. He was honestly so tired from the mission and wanted nothing more but to fall asleep with you in his arms but that could wait. His priority right now was to make sure you were okay. He steeled himself before knocking on your bedroom door. A couple seconds passed and even with Steve’s superhuman senses, he couldn’t hear any movement inside.
There was a brief pause before the sound of rustling sheets were heard. Footsteps got closer to the door before the handle turned slowly. You poked your face through the doorway, wincing at the bright light.
Before he knew it, shaky arms were wrapped around his torso and damp cheeks were pressed into his chest. He used the hand not holding onto the food to rub your back softly.
“Hey, Y/N,” he said softly. “We finished the mission early. Could I come in?”
You pulled back to stare at his face. He could see the redness and bags under your eyes, your pale skin, sweaty from staying under the heavy blanket, and your messy hair you’d been too distracted to brush. You hesitated before pulling open the door just enough for Steve to slip in. He took in the mess of your room before setting down the tray on your dresser and walking to the curtains to pull them open. You made your way back to the bed and settled under the covers once again.
“Think you can eat something, darling?”
You shook your head, gazing down at your fiddling hands.
“How about a bath? I know that usually makes you feel better.”
You shook your head once again making Steve sigh sadly. He walked over to the bed, sitting down on the edge without moving his eyes from you.
“Can you tell me what you’re thinking? You know I’m always here for you.”
Steve noticed as tears welled up in your eyes again. He pulled back the covers, moving underneath them so he could be close to you, before opening his arms and letting you fall into them. Your tears turned into sobs as Steve held you, softly rubbing your back and whispering little, “I’m here”s and, “Your okay”s. After a few minutes your sobs quieted but he didn’t let go.
“I don’t know what happened,” you whispered. Steve perked up at the sound of your voice, one of his hands trailing down to hold yours. “I just felt sad and now it won’t stop.”
His arms tightened around you, head resting on top of yours.
“It’s okay, you don’t need a reason. I love you, okay?”
You nodded, repeating the sentiment back to him.
“We can lay here all day if you want but you gotta eat something, alright?”
You nodded once again so Steve let go of you, going to grab the food from the dresser before resuming his previous position with the food now set in front of you. You tentatively reached out to grab a saltine cracker Bruce had served. As you ate Steve sat next to you, brushing through your knotted hair with his fingers, giving you his silent support.
“How was the mission?” You asked him once half of your food had been eaten.
As Steve started to tell you about what he had been up to for the past week, you leaned against his chest. The sadness was still there, laying heavily in your chest, but it was starting to fade even if it was just a little bit. It would get better, it always did, and a lot of that was thanks to him always coming to pull you out.
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tomurasprincess · 4 years
Kinktober Day 03: Watersports (Desperation)
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Day 03: Watersports Title: Desperation Pairing: Shigaraki x Reader Word Count: 2k Warnings: Noncon, omorashi, watersports (both pissing AND being pissed on), humiliation, degradation (like, seriously A LOT), choking, yandere Note: I have reasonable friends who talked me out of the yellow water banner I was going to use because I am clearly a mature adult. But I will not be persuaded on my yellow dripping piss font.
Kinktober Masterlist
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“Alright guys, I’ll be right back,” you tell your friends, having to raise your voice to be heard above the booming techno music of the club. “Gotta go to the bathroom.”
“I guess someone drank a bit too much,” your friend giggles a bit as she sways on her feet. Several people from your hero agency have all come to celebrate the successful capture of a villain you’ve all been pursuing for months, a member of the notorious League of Villains. Things got just a bit out of hand, and you’ve all had too much to drink.
You stand up, grabbing briefly onto the bar before you right yourself and head to the bathroom. The bathroom is hard to find, far away from the main dance floor, and in the time it takes you to find it, your need becomes much more urgent as all the alcohol catches up with you.
If you were less drunk and more alert, you would have already noticed the red eyed, blue haired man who has been watching you the whole night. But you’ve barely been paying attention to anything but drinking and dancing, and so nothing seems amiss as you enter the bathroom, being closely pursued by the man who finally sees the opportunity to get you alone.
It isn’t until you enter the women’s bathroom that you realize there’s a problem. The door abruptly closes behind you, lock clicking loudly through the close quarters of the room. You whirl around, just a bit unsteady on your feet and meet the eyes of the man blocking the door.
You recognize him immediately. After all, you’re a pro-hero, and he’s been in the news for multiple attacks as Japan’s most wanted criminal. The leader of the villain you just helped to capture and arrest
Although you’re in absolutely no shape to fight him off, you don’t intend to go down without at least trying. You stand up straight, waiting for him to rush you, preparing every muscle to spring into attack the second he moves. But even being prepared for an attack doesn’t do you any good. You’ve always heard how fast Shigaraki moves, but you’re still taken by surprise as he crosses the length of the bathroom so quickly that you can barely see him, pinning you roughly against the wall.
“Little hero, it’s really not smart to be this drunk, you know,” he snorts derisively. “Especially not as a hero who just captured one of my members.”
Shit, shit shit, you curse to yourself, he knows that you’re responsible. Although you knew it was a long shot, you were still hoping this was a chance meeting, a complete accident. But now you realize that Shigaraki has probably been stalking you for a while.
He sees the realization on your face and laughs at you. “Yeah, I know exactly who you are, hero,” he spits the word hero out like it’s a curse. “And I decided to follow you and teach you a bit of a lesson on what happens when you fuck with the League of Villains.”
And with that, he wraps a hand around your neck, pinky raised barely above your skin as he begins to tighten his grip. You grab at his wrist as you try to pry him away, but it’s no use. You’re too drunk and he’s too strong, and you accomplish nothing but beating your fists uselessly against his arm.
Just when you’re beginning to see stars, about to pass out from the lack of oxygen, he releases you. You take gulping gasps of air as you steady yourself against the wall, hand flying up to touch your neck gently. You wince a bit at the burning sensation where his fingers dug deep into your skin and left marks.
Your eyes snap to his in confusion as to why he let you go, and you ask the question you’re afraid to know the answer to. “Are you - going to kill me?” You try to sound more confident, like the hero that you are. But you fall short, and Shigaraki smirks at your worried tone.
“No, I don’t think so,” he murmurs as his eyes roam down your body with a look of pure lust. “I’ve thought of something so much better than that.”
You instantly try to make a break for it while he’s not holding you in place, but he simply uses his hips to shove you back, grinding what is a quickly hardening erection against you before he pulls you in for a heated kiss. The kiss is more of a battle of dominance than anything else, one that you quickly lose as he overpowers you. His hand tangles into your hair, pulling you closer as he uses teeth to bite into your lip while his hand runs down your body. He grabs your dress in one hand, all five fingers touching the material, and you let out a sharp gasp as you watch the fabric turn into ash, leaving you in nothing but a bra.
“No panties? Fucking hero slut, were you expecting to get some cock tonight?
You shake your head back and forth, your confidence as a hero quickly failing you with every single thing this villain does and says. “N-no, of course not,” you stumble over your words. “I just -”
“Just what? Just wanted to show this pretty little pussy off to everyone?” He reaches down to cup you between your legs, finger dipping down below your slit to gently graze his finger over your clit. You buck a bit, trying to get out of his grasp, but he forces you roughly back against the wall. “Because I certainly saw it when you were sitting at that bar, presenting yourself to every person who walked through like a bitch in heat.”
Your bra is the next to go as he decays it like he did your dress. You feel the burning rush of shame as you stand completely naked in front of him.
You’re trembling now, both from his words and the fact that he’s continuing to graze your clit every so often, enough that you feel a brief stab of pleasure but not enough for anything else. You keep shaking your head, unable to find the words to refute his statements.
“Just admit it, hero,” he murmurs almost gently into your ear, “you wanted something like this to happen.”
“I - no, please stop, I don’t want this,” you plead, but you know that it’s not going to stop him from doing what he wants to you.
His finger goes slightly lower to slide into your entrance, curling up to hit a sensitive spot on your inner walls. You can’t contain the moan that slips out, pussy involuntarily clenching down around his finger.
“Shit, you’re fucking soaked and I haven’t even done anything to you. You really are a bitch in heat, aren’t you?”
He begins to aim for the spot that had you moaning, and once he finds it again, he doesn’t relent. You try to grab his hand and pull him away, but he grabs your wrist and slams it against the cold wall, causing you to whimper at the pain shooting out. It was then that you realized something horrible.
You still have to pee, and every movement he makes inside of you only causes it to get stronger. You begin to writhe even harder, crossing your legs as tightly as you can as you desperately try to hold it.
“What’s the matter, hero?” He mocks you in a cruel tone. “You’ve been drinking a lot tonight, and I bet you’re starting to feel it.”
“No no, please, please just let me go,” you whimper as you clamp your inner muscles down, squirming away to try and relieve the pressure.
But in your distraction, Shigaraki has unzipped his pants, and he forces you to bend over the counter as he strokes his cock in one hand. Your nipples are pressed against the cold surface, causing them to quickly harden as you shiver from the cold.
Something thick and hard prods against your entrance, and you try to brace yourself for what you know is about to happen.
It’s not as if there’s a damned thing you can do about it.
When he begins to push inside, a groan tears from both of your throats as he slides in inch by inch. You’re embarrassed to realize that he was right when he said how wet you are, as there’s not even any pain as his thick cock bottoms out inside of you.
The desperate need to pee is even more intense now, causing tears to run down your face as you throw away what little pride you have left.
“Please, I have to -” you trail off, too embarrassed to finish your sentence.
“Have to what? I can’t help if you won’t tell me,” his malicious tone contrasting with the soft words.
I have to pee,” you whimper pathetically, “please let me pee.”
“Then go,” he chuckles darkly, “I’m not stopping you. In fact -”
He reaches around to press down on your bladder, causing you to squeal as a small trickle of pee dribbles out. “I’ll even help you. Aren’t I so nice, hero?”
He begins to pound into your pussy, pushing down on your bladder in time with every thrust. Your crying does nothing but encourage him to go faster and press down even harder on your stomach.
Finally, you can’t hold it anymore, and you let out a choked sob as your bladder releases, hot piss running down your legs and drenching Shigaraki’s pants. He lets out a low groan at you pissing all over his cock, reaching down into the stream to get his hand wet.
He begins to increase his pace, reaching down with the hand covered in your own urine to rub tight circles against your clit.
He grabs your hair, keeping one finger far away as he forces your back to arch and stare into the mirror at yourself.
“See how ruined you look?” He growls as he makes you look into the mirror at yourself. Your makeup is smeared from your crying, eyeliner running down your face. Your hair is an absolute mess, and there’s a four fingered handprint around your neck where he choked you.
“Please please please, don’t, I don’t want this, please,” you babble the words almost incoherently as his fingers grind hard against your swollen bead, cock continuing to hit your g spot with every thrust.
The pleasure finally overwhelms you and you cum with a strangled wail, pussy fluttering wildly around his cock. Your orgasm sends him over the edge, barely able to pull out of you before he’s shooting ropes of cum against your back. He strokes himself through his orgasm, milking his cock out all over your skin.
“Aww, it’s okay, hero,” he coos maliciously at you, “don’t you feel better now?”
His gaze turns contemplative as he seems to think of something, his eyes lighting up with amusement. “You know, since I helped you, don’t you think you should help me?”
You’re too out of it to realize what he means until you feel hot liquid splashing against your back. You meet his eyes in horror, only for him to smirk at you. “It’s only fair, isn’t it?”
He grabs you and flips you to your front as he also covers your tits, waiting until he’s completely finished before he tucks his cock back into his pants.
You have never felt as humiliated as you do right now, bent over a bathroom counter by a villain, shivering and covered in piss and cum. Your look of utter defeat causes Shigaraki to laugh.
“This is what you get when a pathetic level 1 hero goes against someone like me,” he sneers at you as he begins to walk to the door. “If you decide to try something like that again, I’ll just have to come back for you.”
He gives a dark chuckle as he glances back at you one last time.
“Or maybe I will anyway.”
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✧༝┉┉┉┉┉˚*❋ ❋ ❋*˚┉┉┉┉┉༝✧ Kinktober Taglist: @ichor-and-symbiosis, @thewheezingwyvern, @vixen-scribbles, @katsukisprincess, @hisoknen, @leeswritingworld,  @milojwrites​, @kittycatkrissa, @reinawritesbnha, @yanderart, @dabilove27, @fae-father, @anxietyplusultra, @flutterfalla, @angmarwitch, @nereida19, @babayaga67, @fromsunnywithlove, @dabis-kitten, @bakugos-cumsock, @yumeneji, @the-grimm-writer, @iwaizumi-chan, @slashersheart, @cissiewrites, @bunnyywritings, @bakarinnie, @lucygucy123, @angie-1306, @emplosion22, @lalalemon101, @videogameboiwhowins, @armoredashley, @f4nficbaby, @sky-robin, @baroque-baby, @bbyspiiice, @celeroki, @jubilee40, @tenkoshimmy, @khemz1312,  @thirsthourdemon, @stqrlxt, @sanemitiddies, @lulu3mon, @xkatiex, @miraclefons, @thirstyforthem2dmen
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ilvermornyidiot · 2 years
𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 & 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭
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CHAPTER NINE — 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬
paring; various x fem!reader
words; 2.9k
series list
note; this chapter is very short so i apologize if that's not what you prefer but it's what i'm doing. i wanted to rewrite this chapter but I'm too exhausted, i feel like my heart's only in this 30% of the time and that's when i write. i can't promise that these next final chapters will be good, but i can promise that i will finish this fic.
After making sure Cedric is okay, at least as okay as he can be, you inconspicuously flounder out of the tent to bump right into Harry and Ron, who are too distracted by Harry's success to ask where you came from.
Your heart feels lighter as you watch Harry and Ron interact, happy that they're friends again.
In the evening you find yourself joining Harry, Hermione, and Ron to a trip to the Owlery, you assume to deliver a letter to update Sirius on the current events. Harry tells Ron what Siruis had told the two of you during your 'meeting' about Karkaroff.
"Fits, doesn't it?" Ron says as you all enter the Owlery. "Remember what Malfoy said on the train, about his dad being friends with Karkaroff? Now we know where they knew each other. They were probably running around in masks together at the World Cup..." You flinch at the remembrance of the World Cup.
"...I'll tell you one thing, though, Harry, if it was Karkaroff who put your name in the goblet, he's going to be feeling really stupid now, isn't he? Didn't work, did it? You only got a scratch!"
You grimace slightly, if only Cedric had been as fortunate.
"Come here — I'll do it —" Pigwidgeon was excitedly flying around Harry's head and Ron grabbed Pigwidgeon by the foot, holding him in his arms as Harry carefully attached his letter to Pigwidgeon's foot.
Ron continued as Harry finished and he walked to the window. "There's no way any of the other tasks are going to be that dangerous, how could they be?"
You felt a sense of dread wash over you, you predicted the complete opposite, since when do challenges in games get easier as you go?
"You know what? I reckon you could win this tournament, Harry, I'm serious— no offense Y/n, I know you're rooting for Diggory," You roll your eyes at his comment but Hermione smiles and you can't bring yourself to feel any sort of contempt towards his light handed jab.
Harry frowns slightly but corrects his expression so Ron doesn't take notice. Hermione's face is serious now as she speaks with her arms filed across her chest, "Harry's got a long way to go before he finishes this tournament, if that was the  first task, I hate to think what's coming next."
"Right little ray of sunshine, aren't you?" Ron says his eyebrows furrowed slightly with Pigwidgeon still in his hands. "You and Professor Trelawney should get together sometime."
You crack a smile even though hearing your almost exact thoughts out loud had tripled your anxiety.
He threw Pigwidgeon out of the window, a brief moment of panic seizing you before the owl pulls himself up. You watch until he fades into the dark sky.
"Well, we'd better downstairs for your surprise party, Harry —Fred and George should have nicked enough food from the kitchens by now."
To say the Gryffindor common room was overwhelming would be an understatement. It all seemed to go off at Harry's arrival and unfortunately for you, your's as well as you stand by his side in momentary confusion.
You try to take in everything at once, the gangle of people, the food and drinks hoarding every surface in the room, the fireworks, and a banner of what you assume is Harry flying around the Horntail on his broom.
You hold back a snort at the ones with Cedric, who's auburn hair is on fire.
You go to join Ron and Hermione who sit down at a table but some of your adrenaline from the day is starting to wane and your stomach begs for even a crumb of food.
You pick up some food with Harry, sharing a small smile that makes his heart miss a beat before you both sit by your friends.
"Blimey. this is heavy!" Lee Jordan picks up Harry's golden egg with some struggle, empathizing his point.
"Open it Harry, go on! Let's just see whats see whats inside it!" Lee encourages Harry eagerly, gesturing the egg towards him.
Hermione frowns and you look down to your half eaten food, biting your lip to stop your growing smile.
"He's so supposed to work out the clue on his own," Hermione remarks haughtily. "It's the tournament rules..."
"I was supposed to work out how to get past the dragon on my own too," Harry says in a voice low enough that only you and Hermione can hear him.
You can see Hermione's guilty grin out the corner of your eye but you wear a tiny smirk, hey—you weren't the hypocrite here.
"Yeah, go on Harry, open it!" Several people cheered, Hermione's efforts in vain. It's not like they were helping, they were fulled by their own personal curiosity of what was inside the giant egg?
Lee passes Harry the egg and you watch on the edge of your seat with a breath of anticipation stuck in your throat as Harry follows the groove that circles around the egg before he pries it open with his fingernails.
From your seat right next to him you could see that it was empty and just as confusion began to overtake you, it was quickly thrown out the window as a loud screechy wail burst from the egg in Harry's grasp.
You squeeze your eyes shut as your hands automatically clasp your ears, curling into yourself. The effort is fruitless as the horrid noise can still be heard. Someone yells to shut it and quickly Harry obeys, looking down at the egg with confusion then slowly back up at you, you who has slowly removed your hands— your eyes had flung open as soon as he shut the bloody thing, as your peers already began to speculate what the noise meant.
"Sounded like a banshee... Maybe you've got to get past one of those next Harry!" Seamus says a little too excitedly for your taste and you frown, your eyes darting between who ever speaks and the egg still in Harry's grasp.
"It was someone being tortured!" Neville cried, his face ashen. Your eyebrows knitted together at the sausage rolls sprawled around his feet, he must have dropped them in fright. "You're going to have to fight the Cruciatus Curse!"
"Don't be a prat Neville, that's illegal," George says with his arms crossed, a disproving glare crossing his features. "They wouldn't use the Cruciatus Curse on the champions. I thought it sounded a bit like Percy singing...maybe you've got to attack him while he's in the shower Harry."
You laugh quietly into your palm, your head drooped down, at his remark, Percy's singing had been your unlikely alarm before. George side eyes you with a smirk, knowing you're completely helpless to tell him off.
"Want a jam tart, Hermione?" Fred offers to a rightfully suspicious Hermione. You raise your eyebrows at George silently asking if the tarts were trick free.
He shakes his head just as Fred confirms, "I haven't done anything to them, it's the custard creams you've got to watch—"
Neville spits out something, a custard cream you suppose from his panicked expression.
You shake your head with a small grin, the twins were always highly entertaining. Speaking of Weasleys you wondered where Ginny was. Before you could search for her, your ears had already unintentionally checked back into the conversation.
Hermione had a tart in her hand and you grabbed one as well, narrowing your eyes at Fred's smile before taking a small bite.
"...get all this from the kitchens, Fred?" Fred's eyes averted from you to her, his smile only growing.
His voice is squeaky and high pitched, "'Anything we can get you, sir, anything at all!' They're dead helpful...get me a roast ox if I said I was peckish." You roll your eyes at his impression, surprised Hermione isn't shouting at him.
Instead she asks him, "How do you get in there?".
"Easy, concealed door behind a painting of a bowl of fruit. Just tickle the pear, and it giggles and—" Fred stops suddenly, a glint of hesitation in his eye. "Why?"
"Nothing." Hermione says quickly, her voice just as squeaky as Fred's impression.
"Going to try and lead the house-elves out on strike now, are you?" George probed, leaning forward slightly. " Going to give up all the leaflet stuff and try and stir them up in rebellion?"
People around you snickered and Hermione didn't give them an answer. You leaned back in your chair, arms crossed over your chest, an unamused glare pointed directly at the twins.
"Don't you go upsetting them and telling them they've got to take clothes and salaries!" Fred cries, a hint of a warning in his voice. "You'll put them off their cooking!"
Suddenly there's a squeak and you turn your head just in time to see Neville disappear, a large canary left in his wake. You clasped a rather guilty hand over mouth but your laughter was drowned out from the peels that escaped almost everyone in the room.
"Oh— sorry Neville!" Fred shouted, not looking very sorry at all. "Forgot— it was the custard creams we hexed—"
Soon Neville was back to normal, apart from the feathers and Fred and George were already promoting the damned things.
You left the celebration early, guilt pooling in your stomach at Harry, Hermione, and Ron's disappointed faces but you couldn't spend the night there so you started your reluctant journey to your bed.
You couldn't stop the doubt that settled in your head and without your permission made themselves home in the darkest corners on it, after all, maybe Cedric made a mistake?
You were both so busy you rarely saw each other, adding to your insecurities was that you rarely crossed paths in public. What if he didn't want to be seen with you? What if he wasn't serious? The mental taunts were exhausting, and you knew something had to change before you gave out.
As you stalked the corridors, already dreading your next class, someone quickly pulled you into a small hallway off from the main one you were just traversing. Your eyes widen and you struggle in their grasp— "Whoa, love, it's just me."
All fight left your body as your eyes adjusted and you looked up into Cedric's pretty grey eyes, peering down at you, having the audacity to look concerned when he just scared the crap out of you. You huffed as your hands hung limply at your side, Cedric laughing lightly now that he knew you were fine.
You crossed your arms, your eyes softening when he stepped closer to you, pulling you into his embrace and leaving you no choice but to accept it, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"Merlin Ced, you scared the bloody hell out of me!" You said into his chest, feeling the vibrations of his warm infectious laugh against your cheek.
You look up at him, watching the way his eyes crinkle at the corners as sincerity oozes from his every pore, "I'm sorry love, I really am, I didn't mean to startle you."
"It’s alright, I suppose," You mumble sheepishly towards the floor and he smiles.
The feelings of happiness began to fade and your doubts and insecurities started to rise to the surface. You hadn't realized your gaze was stuck on the floor with a frown etching it's way onto your face until he spoke.
He lifted your chin with his hand, looking, more like searching your eyes for something. His brows creased and his eyes were filled with a sudden sadness that made your stomach sink.
"What's wrong?" You avert your eyes, finding the floor to be highly compelling. But you can't escape his eyes, his gaze burning into your face.
You take a step back, his hand falling limply at his side as you hug yourself, finding yourself feeling self-conscious under his unwavering gaze of sympathy. "It's nothing, it's silly at best..." You say, your words not even convincing to you.
Cedric is unfortunately undeterred from your poor attempt at an excuse, he almost looks like he's pouting at you when you sneak a glance in his direction, ducking your head to hide your small smile.
He takes a hesitant step towards, testing to see if he's overstepping his boundaries. You don't move so he takes another step, then another until you can feel the faint exhale of his breath on your face.
"I just feel like, I don't know how to put it into words," You confess honestly, peering up into his eyes as your hands twist anxiously.
He frowns, "Are you...sacred? Ashamed?" You frantically shake your head. "No no, nothing like that I— I really fancy spending time with you and calling you my boyfriend."
He smiles and a giant blush spreads over his face from both ears. The sight gives you some sort of confidence, your insecurities starting to feel silly, like you said before.
"I just, what if one day you decide you can do way better then me? Or the more you get to know me you start to find me irritating?" Your hands gesture the entire time you speak, eventually falling at your side when you no longer have anything to say.
Cedric's eyebrows furrow and there's a crease on his forehead that you would have found endearing if not the certain circumstances.
"I fancy you too Y/n, I enjoy every second spent in your company, you're too good for me." He says with a shake of his head.
He gently grabs your hands, "I can tell you how much you mean to me for the next fifteen minutes but I don't think that's what you fancy."
You laugh and shake his head and he watches you in amusement. "It would be rather nice..." You joke and he laughs, a full head tipped back sort of laugh that makes your stomach curl.
"Maybe if we spent more time together? Not all the time of course—" You say hurriedly and he laughs again.
"Whatever you say love," You roll your eyes but continue with a small grin. "Little things y'know? Like walking me to class and spending time with you and your friends, stuff like that."
He nods in understanding and you can tell he's taking your words to heart. Now you're convinced he's too good for you.
But you're okay with that.
Especially when he leans down and kisses you so tenderly and yet with so much passion that your skin feels hot as if you're on fire.
December was as cruel and unforgiving as each year before. Doubts of your relationship with Cedric faded into dust, carried away by the cold winds and off into the sea.
You had met his friends who welcomed you with open arms, always giving you a friendly wave in the halls. And best of all, Cedric walking you to also every class, holding your hand and your books in his other.
News of the Yule Ball spread like wildfire, reaching you on a measly Monday, right after classes you were free to dump your books on your desk, slip out of your shoes, and belly flop dramatically on your bed with sigh muffled by your mattress.
You enjoyed a good ten seconds of bliss before the door lurched opened then shut with such ferocity you lifted your head in a bit of panic.
"Y/n Avery!" Tina shouted, well more like a blur of energy that happened to share her voice, launching herself onto the spot right next to you.
You laid back down, rolling your eyes with a small smile at her antics. But Tina did not share your lack of enthusiasm and quickly recovered from her fall, her next mission: getting you to talk.
"Did you hear? Did you hear?!" Her big brown eyes and never ending energy strangely reminding you of a puppy.
You quirk a brow, shifting sideways to face her, propping yourself up with your arm. "Hear about what?" You ask exasperatedly, she ruined your down time but for Tina to be this excited...you were naturally curious.    
She stared at you blankly, she was not impressed. She huffed and gave in, "Hello, there's a ball happening?! A ball! This is so exciting!" You watched her squeal with faint amusement.
"Well... I thought you'd be more excited, I mean you get to go with Cedric..." She said almost shyly.
You gasped, it's not like your relationship was secret, he walked you to class everyday and you could not miss the glares thrown your way by song of the younger girls, but you didn't except her to be so bold.
You gaped, "You don't know that, besides it was just announced and he hasn't asked me..." You trail off sadly, picking at your bedsheet with little interest.
Tina grasps your hand, a pout on her face, merlin were her pouts your weakness, "I didn't mean it like that, he would be a real wanker not to."
You giggled and she smiled as well, a tentative one that barely showed her teeth. You decide to not put much thought into it, you're almost positive Cedric will ask you, and you've decided you're only moving forward— no more doubts.
"I suppose someone's all ready asked you?" To your surprise she casts her eyes downwards, a flush covering her ears that is barely noticeable.
You smile genuinely, your friend was nervous over her date, for once not boasting to either you or Angie about them.
"I'm happy for you, really." She looks up and smiles mumbling a small thanks.
You bite your lip, weighing your options. You risk it, you just have to know who has the power to make Tina shy.
You lean into her, smirking as you realize how your roles have been reversed.
"So, who is it?"
End of chapter nine
A/n I’m no longer doing a tag list because no one on it seemed to interact with my last post and copy and pasting all of this stuff is tiring so i apologize, you can always turn notifications on.
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ppersonna · 4 years
half baked - pjm | m
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baby we two distant strangers. i know you don't speak my language, but I love the way she's talking to me - love talk, wayv
↳ summary- park jimin gets a job at your bakery, and you can’t help but find yourself annoyingly attracted to the cocky man.
↳ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
↳ pairing- park jimin x reader
↳ word count- 5.2k
↳ genre- smut, fluff
↳ warnings- penetrative sex, oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, lightly dom!jimin, sub!reader, slight enemies2lovers, sex in a kitchen, please god don’t fuck in a kitchen its a health code violation, spanking, nipple play, cum play, fingering
↳ a/n- ahHH!HHHHhhh!H! i blame this 100% on @wwilloww​ for merely putting the idea in my head and i had to take it and run with it.  also thank you to @kimtaehyunq​ my babe/my loml for the amazing banner! i truly do not deserve u but ily so much.  and thank you to @chimoona​ @ladyartemesia​ @xjoonchildx​ @taetaewonderland​ for being the best mf squad a lady could have and beta-ing this for me! i love you all so much! i hope you enjoy silly cocky jimin!
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 Two cups of flour, one and three quarters cup sugar, 2 cups of butter.
You know the recipes by heart.  In fact, one might postulate that the recipes themselves are the sole contents of your heart.  
You live and breathe baking. It is your solace and your truest love.
Which is why it is all nearly thrown into catastrophe when Park Jimin comes into the picture.
It starts on a rather busy day.  You’re hard at work in the kitchen, prepping the finished products and presenting them in neat little boxes, when your best friend and co-owner of Wake ‘N Bake, Willow, lets out a frustrated squeal..  You turn your head to find her covered head to toe in flour, making you snort as she shoots you a playfully ominous glare.
“Shut up,” she sniffs as she attempts to pat some fine dust off of her, to no avail. “I only have two hands and about fifty things to do with them at the same time.”
Your lips part to reply something equally sassy when the bell over the front door rings, notifying you of a paying customer.  Grabbing a towel, you quickly wipe off cookie debris and throw it at your best friend to do her best to clean off as she follows behind you.
You pause as you take stock of who stands there. A handsome man arrives at the cash register and peers around, presumably looking for an employee.  He is gorgeous—ethereal even and looks like someone who walked out of the pages of a magazine. His bone structure screams model, and you can’t help but feel the stirrings of desire for the beautiful stranger.
“Hi! Welcome to Wake ‘N Bake!” Willow sings cheerfully, despite being coated in baking flour.
The man eyes her with a glint of humor in his eye, and Willow’s cheeks turn a hue of pink when she remembers her current appearance.
“Hi,” he speaks. His voice is smooth like butter, and gentle. It makes you feel weak, like you’re warming in the very ovens that your pastries rise in.
“I saw your shop from down the street and I had to stop in. Your desserts look amazing.  Is the owner here by chance?”
Your smile fades as he looks around the room for someone else, someone beyond you and your best friend.
Of course.
No one believes that two young women could start and maintain their own business. Everyone assumes that some older, well-off man was at the helm while you and Willow toil for minimum wage.
Your arms cross over your body in clear displeasure.
“We are the owners.”
“Oh!”  The man looks surprised but not put off. “Awesome. I was hoping I could… talk to you about, err—… a job?”
His face is sheepish and Willow nearly coos at the sight.
Unfortunately, it appears you and your best friend have warring ideas.
“Yes!” She chimes at the same moment you dead-pan a resounding ‘No’.
Your heads spin to stare at each other—Willow’s eyes wide in disbelief and yours in annoyance.
“We need the help!” She huffs.
“We can do things on our own, like we always have,” you remind her.
Willow gestures to her flour covered clothing in desperation.
“We clearly could use help with how successful we have gotten!”
To your chagrin, she has a point. It might be nice to have someone to help in the front while the two of you manage the kitchen in the back.  It would increase your productivity by double what you’re able to do now.
But there’s something about his attitude coming in that rubs you the wrong way.  Like, he’s too pretty. Too confident. Too nice.
“What’s your baking experience?” You ask as you turn back to the hopelessly lost, yet ever eager man.
“Oh, err—,” he stutters. “I worked at my friend Jin’s restaurant. That served desserts, too?”
You shake your head in disdain while Willow claps her hands in excitement, a puff of white flour dust pluming into the air.
“Perfect! So you could do sales!?”
“Yeah! I can do sales, no problem.”
You turn your gaze back to Willow who stares at the man like he is her knight in shining armor.
“Willow?! Can I talk to you in the back?”
She knows that tone—the one that tells her you’re not pleased with her decisions. She nods once and politely excuses the both of you from the man before heading back towards the kitchen.
“What in the world is wrong with you?!” She asks the moment the swinging door closed.
“Me?!” You’re incredulous—hands flying in the air. “You’re over here trying to hire the first Joey Hot-Lips who walks in off the street!”
Willow’s anguished face falls and turns into a devilish smirk as she leans back on her heels.
“Aha! You’re attracted to him,” she notes as if she figured out the world's greatest mystery. “That’s why you don’t want him here.”
“What? No!” Your defense crumbles around you. “Did you hear him? He totally acted like he didn’t believe we could be the owners!”
“Oh, come on, that was a simple mistake and you know it!  You’re just being protective.”
You ‘humph’ a non-committal response—unable to argue.
You are protective of your bakery. It’s your combined love child with Willow. What started as a dream between cocktails with your best friend became a real brick and mortar reality.  You had been through enough trying to open it you can’t help but feel skeptical of anyone trying to get involved. Many tried to discredit your ability to maintain such a successful shop, and you’d rather continue to run it with no one else than see it fall at the hands of another.
“Just as I thought,” Willow hums. “In that case, he’s hired!”
You’re given no chance to reply—the flour-covered girl pushes through the swinging doors and announces to the handsome man that he’s hired and free to start the following day.
“Great!  Thanks!” His smile is sincere—blinding and breathtaking, and you hate how much you want to see that smile again.
He leaves as quickly as he arrived, waving goodbye as he exits the chiming door.
“Now, you need to deal with whatever issues you have about letting others into the shop,” she says pointedly, pushing a finger into your arm gently. “And whatever issues you have with wanting to bone him.”
“Willow!” You gasp. “I do not want to bone him!”
“Sure, babe. You think you can fool me but I know you too well. Just try not to fuck him in the kitchen, alright? I don’t need the health inspector up our ass.”
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The next early morning starts at 4:30 am, with you elbow deep in cookie dough for a catering order.  You’ve nearly forgotten about the new employee starting until the man himself strolls into the back kitchen as if he’s worked there for years.
“Hey!” He says cheerfully, two cups of coffee in his hands. “I got you a coffee. Willow said you’re a nightmare without some in the morning.”
Your eyes narrow at the man. It’s unfair how delicious he looked so early; while you look like a frizzy mess who rolled out of bed and walked into work (which you did), he looked polished and crisp and clean. It’s infuriating as much as it’s glaringly attractive.
“Thanks,” you mutter as you pick cookie dough off your hands and pull off your plastic sanitary gloves. “Every girl loves hearing she’s a nightmare.”
He chuckles behind his steaming cup and places yours on the workbench next to you.
“Those were her words, of course. I’d never call you a nightmare.”
You easily flush, then chastise yourself for allowing him to make you feel so weak so early in the morning.
“To be fair,” he continues. “I don’t even know your name.”
“___,” you sigh as you grab the coffee and bring it to your lips. “And you?”
“Jimin. Park Jimin.”
The first sip of coffee is like a soothing hug. He somehow knew how you took your coffee—two creams and two sugars.
“I didn’t know how you liked it, so I just guessed.”
“Good guess.”
Jimin smirks and looks proud of his accomplishment.
“You seem like the type of girl who likes balance to her sweetness.”
You stare at him curiously over your own steaming paper cup, unsure of what to make of his comment.
“Good morning to the love of my life!” Comes the voice of your best friend entering through the back door.
You roll your eyes in amusement as she teeters in, peppy and perky as she always is this early.
“Oh! Hi, Jimin.”  Her cheeks turn a familiar shade of rose as she realizes he heard her. “I didn’t know you were here yet.  That’s just a… thing we say to each other every morning.”
“Cute.” Jimin smirks at you, making your stomach lift with unwanted butterflies. “Where do you want me?”
Underneath you, beside you, above you, any possibly way...
You shake your head quickly to push away the sexual thoughts of the gorgeous man taking you from any position. No, you refuse to let your mind wander there.
Willow finishes washing her hands and putting on her apron before she nods to the fridge.
“If you can get the milk, eggs, and butter out, we’ll use you for creaming.”
Your cheeks heat impossibly as Jimin smirks even wider.
“Oh, I’m fantastic at creaming.”
Your hands pause from where they massage dough while you close your eyes and breathe, before lifting to glare at your best friend who wears a faux-innocent look.
“I’m sure you are, Jimin,” she chimes virtuously, before getting to work.
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The next few weeks were a haze. You’re so caught up with graduations, birthdays, weddings and major events that your time spent at the shop overtakes your time sleeping, breathing, existing in any way that isn’t baking.
Even Jimin was busy.  Despite your initial hesitancy, he was proving to be an excellent third member of your team.  He’s a pro at sales—you’re sure his good looks and the mostly female clientele helps—and he pitches in in the kitchen without fail. He even tries his hand at decorating cakes, with only one frosting-based spill.  You would never give Willow the satisfaction of telling her outright, but she made an excellent decision in hiring the dazzling man.
But it doesn’t stop your annoying heart from fluttering every time he comes close to you—rubs elbows as he helps you roll out dough or smiles at you from across the workbench as he stamps out sugar cookies.  You refuse to allow yourself any thoughts on what it would taste like to lick dough off his fingers or how he would look bending you over the countertop to take you from behind.
You only allow such thoughts at night, safely tucked into bed with your vibrator cranked to the highest setting.
It doesn’t help that Jimin solidifies himself in your life by introducing his handsome and dopey best friend Jungkook to your gorgeous and clumsy best friend Willow.  The moment they laid eyes on each other, you knew you were doomed to have Jimin in your life with or without the bakery.
And you weren’t sure how to handle that notion.
Was Jimin flirting with you simply because you were there?  He seemed to have no problem flirting with the customers.  Sure, the shop has never made more money than when Jimin works his charms and seduces women of all ages to buy the extra cookies, cannolis, and cakes—not that you watched or glared or hated every second. No, of course not. It was for the good of your business and the angry jealousy demon inside you would need to stay firmly locked away.
Except, it’s on a particularly crowded day at the shop that your jealousy gets the best of you.
You’re up front assisting Jimin by boxing and bagging the treats he rings up.
You know he’s flirtatious, but it’s when he goes the extra mile for an extra pretty girl that you lose your cool on him the moment the customers leave.  
“Do you have to eye-fuck every single co-ed that walks in this place?!”
Your hands fly up in frustration, and Jimin watches you with a soft gaze.
His silence and knowing smirk makes you continue.
“Seriously? What the fuck was that about?! You’re acting like you’re about to bend her over right here in front of us! Jesus!”
Willow hears the commotion from the back and comes forward.
“What’s going on here?” She asks suspiciously.
You point towards Jimin who maintains his poised demeanor.
“I’m reminding Jimin that work is not a place to sexually engage our customers!”
Willow rolls her eyes as she pulls her apron off and grabs her coat from the hook.
“Whatever, you’re being ridiculous. Jimin’s never been inappropriate. Plus, he’s making us a fuck-ton of money,” she sighs. “You two can close up without killing each other right?”  She eyes you in particular.
You cross your arms and huff, glancing at the clock to find you have two hours still until closing. “Why? Where are you going?”
Willow’s annoyance fades away as if it never existed.
“Jungkook is taking me to the Museum of the Printing Press!”
You can’t help but choke a laugh while she pushes your arm.
“Shush! You know how much I love them! And he totally surprised me with tickets!”
Willow can’t shake that lovesick look in her eyes and your heart melts a little. She’s your best friend and you’re thrilled she’s found someone who wants to indulge her in her nerdy fascinations.
“Go have fun, babe,” you smile sincerely. “We can take care of closing. Now, go fuck on a letterpress or whatever!”
Willow snorts and hugs you tight, bids goodbye to Jimin, and exits the store.
Now that your quick anger is gone, you feel sheepish around the man who has yet to reply to your tirade—but you refuse to stick around under his piercing gaze.
“I’ll be in the back,” you mumble under your breath before slipping into the kitchen before he can get any word in edge wise.
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You spend the rest of the evening monologuing an apology as you prep ingredients for the next morning and clean your workstations.  The shop is closed, doors locked, and Jimin is somewhere at the front of the house finishing his duties.
“‘Hey, I’m sorry for the way I acted’,” you practice out loud. “Hm—no, not humble enough. ‘Hey Jimin, I was a real bitch’, too degrading?  Maybe something like, ‘Hey Chim, can I call you Chim? That was fucked up, wasn’t it? Haha.’ God!” You throw your rag down in a huff, frustrated at your inability to form a decent apology.
“You can call me Chim, if you want,” a voice speaks from behind you.
You squeak in surprise and turn around, clutching your apron in your hands as you find Jimin leaning against a wall with a smirk on his face.
“Only my closest friends call me Chim, but I think we’re close enough.”
You swallow hard and nibble at your lip.
“I’m assuming you heard that whole… thing,” you mumble anxiously.  His nod confirms that he heard your entire play-by-play of the apology you would deliver to the handsome man.
“Yeah,” he licks at his lips. “You know, you’re really cute when you’re jealous.”
“J-jealous?” You nearly trip over your own tongue.  “I wasn’t—, I’m not jealous!”
Jimin begins a slow approach towards you, striding as he keeps his sparkling eyes on yours.
“Oh?”  He quirks his head, making his soft hair fall into his face.  You desperately want to push it away, cup his cheek, kiss those ridiculously plump lips.
He can tell you’re staring at this mouth and it makes his smirk turn nearly feral.
“So, you weren’t jealous? Not a single bit?”
He inches closer and you can feel your heart tighten in your chest and your stomach twists in on itself in excitement, in nerves.
“N-no,” you whisper, unconvincingly.
“You didn’t want to be the one I was making eyes at?  The one who ‘gets bent over the counter’ as you said?”
“I—,” Jimin cuts your words short as he stands a breath away from you.
“I guess if you weren’t jealous, then I don’t have to tell you you’re the one I really want to bend over the counter.”
You’re sure your heart stops beating—positive that it will fall from its place in your ribs into your feet.  
Jimin cups a hand to your cheek and smiles as he steps even closer.
“If you’re not jealous, then I don’t have to reassure you you’ve got nothing to be jealous over.”
Your lips run dry, throat parched as if you’ve never had a sip of water.  Jimin is standing so close to you you can feel the heat coming off of him in waves.
“Jimin—,” you breathe and he continues forward until he presses you against the countertop and crowding you into the metal and wood.
“Tell me you were jealous.”
You gulp, eyes seeking his for an answer, for any information.  Is he playing you? Does he know you’re hopelessly attracted to him?  Does he find it humorous to tease you when Willow isn’t here to insert herself into your flirting.
“I was jealous,” you admit slowly. The words are hard to release, but once they do, the floodgates open. “I wanted to be the one you flirted with.  I was jealous because I want to be the one you notice.”
Jimin smirks, then pulls your face in quickly for a heated kiss.
His lips are just as plush, just as soft as you imagined.  They’re puffy and sweet and he tastes like one of the treacle tarts you made that morning.  He must have had one with lunch, and you find yourself addicted to the way he tastes with your creations on him. You wonder what he’d taste like with your arousal coating that tender, plump mouth.
He bites at your own lip and tugs, chucking under his breath as you mewl your desire at the slight hint of pain.
“Fuck, you’re so hot when you’re angry like that,” he breathes as he presses his forehead to yours.  “I nearly popped a boner while you were yelling at me. I could tell you were jealous, and it made me want you more.”
It’s hard to hear him speak so candidly—it makes you groan.
“Jimin—fuck,” you sigh. “I’ve been attracted to you since you walked into this goddamn place.”
He smirks and snags your lips up in another desperate, yet quick, kiss.
“I know.  It’s why you didn’t want me to work here.”
You grumble after he pulls away, tired of the teasing and wanting nothing more than to stop talking and start doing.
“I didn’t like you because you assumed I wasn’t the owner.”
He smiles and rubs at your arms, a softer expression crossing his face.
“No, but I hoped you were.”
It’s silent for a moment and you let his words wash over you as he continues.
“I was attracted to your authority.  I could tell you were important here somehow, just didn’t know in what way.”
You swallow your growing guilt.  You had clocked Jimin entirely wrong.
“Jimin, I’m sorry,” you start.
“Hey, hey, I already heard your apology, remember?” He smiles.  “Although, I could think of a great way to mend the wounds if you’re interested.  No pressure.”
His soft smile becomes a devilish grin instantly and your body lights with instant arousal.
“What did you have in mind?”
His lips press to yours again and you nearly lose yourself completely in his embrace.  Your arms circle his neck and he holds you tight at your waist, before pulling away from you, yet again.
“I happen to be very good at creaming, if you’ll recall.”
You can’t hold back a snort of laughter, that quickly gets covered by Jimin’s hot lips, one’s he will not pull away from you any time soon.
“You want to, right here?” You ask as he trails a hot line down your throat.
“Yeah, do you?”  
You vaguely remember Willow’s threat of not fucking in the kitchen, but find you can’t seem to care an ounce.
“Fuck yeah, I do.”
Jimin needs to hear no more.  He pulls you close and kisses you with the remaining amounts of pent-up passion and emotion he feels for you.  He’s grown to love the way you take charge, the way you move through the building like you own the place—because you do.  He loves the power you radiate and wants nothing more than to make you give up that power for a single night, to him.
“You wanna do this… all the way?” He asks, re-assuring himself that he’s not throwing himself at his boss.
“I want you, Jimin.  I want you to bend me over this workbench and fuck me until I’m crying for more.  Please.”
He grins and lays a hand on your neck, fingers tracing the gentle lines.  
“I might not let you boss me around,” he warns.
“Take control.”  Your eyes are blazing with need.  It makes him smile, and he gives the moment a slight pause.
“Then, get on your knees and show me just how sorry you are for yelling at me.”
You’re sinking to your knees quicker than you can comprehend.  Jimin is almost thrown at how instantly you caved and submitted to him.  He watches as your eyes stay fixed on his and your hands work at the button of his tight jeans.  
“That’s right,” he murmurs.  “Right where you belong.  No one else.”
You preen—heart warming at the idea that you’re the only one he wants kneeling before him and tugging his cock out of its confines.  
It springs forward, and it pulls your gaze from Jimin’s magnetic eyes.  It’s long and thick, just like you suspected all those nights with your vibrator stuffed where he should be.  Your mouth waters at the sight and you lean towards it to mouth at it gently—pressing soft open-mouth kisses to the tip.
“Oh, shit,” Jimin gasps.  Your fiery mouth feels like heaven on his cock.  It’s something he’s equally dreamed about—spent many nights fisting his cock to the thought of you.
You take your time, licking tiny stripes around the head and down the shaft, until Jimin becomes weary of the teasing.
“Please, take it all.”  His request is so genuine, so needy, that you’re loath to deny him.
He slips into your mouth with ease, slicked up just enough by your trailing kisses that he slides in and hits the back of your throat in seconds.  His eyes close as he feels his cock-head hit the back of your throat—a tighter and more constricting feeling in your already impossibly tight mouth.  It feels like absolute bliss, and he’s gasping for air after mere moments of you holding him inside your mouth to the hilt.
He doesn’t need to speak; you know what to do.  Your mouth works him in and out, tongue swirling around any open real estate of his cock.   His moans echo around the tile of the kitchen walls and he’s sure that the sight of you on your knees with his cock disappearing in and out of your mouth will have him cumming in no time.  
He steels himself, makes his body behave because he wants to enjoy this and the way you feel.  As good as your mouth feels, he’s desperate to know what it’s like to slide into that cunt he’s spent too many nights dreaming about.
“Oh, fuck,” he whines as you make delicious, slurping noises from the gathering saliva.  It’s a wet squelching sound that makes him even harder than what he believes is possible—all blood in his head now completely rushed to his dick for his pleasure.
“B-Babe!” He calls as he feels his balls tightening.  He doesn’t want to cum, not yet.
He grips your head by the scalp of your hair and pulls you off his cock that is seconds away from losing control.
“Please, I’ve got to fuck you,” he nearly begs.
You wipe at your mouth with the back of your hand and smirk, licking the tip of his cock teasingly before standing up to his full height.
Jimin’s hands fly to your expensive leggings that you insist on wearing to work while he kisses you.  The kiss is feverish, frantic. It’s full of tongue and teeth and desperate moaning against each other as he pushes down the pants and delicate panties, and cups your cunt in one hand.
“Oh fuck,” you whisper against his mouth as the pad of his finger slides against your clit.
“You’re fucking soaked.  All from sucking my cock?”  He’s cocky and sucks a mark onto your neck as he massages the bundle of nerves.
“Don’t be arrogant now,” you warn with a smile.
He presses his tongue to your ear and licks a stripe and chuckles.
“I think you like it when I’m arrogant. Your pussy sure seems to like it.”
He emphasizes his words by slipping two fingers into your channel and fucks into you, scissoring you open.  He cuts off any chance for you to retort by launching his lips back to yours and prowling around your mouth with his tongue.
His fingers are small but fill you so deeply, and you’re sure his hand is drenched with your arousal.
“J-Jimin, please,” you gasp as you pull your mouth away to breathe in deep.  “Please, just fuck me already.”
He growls into your ear.  
“I thought I told you you’re not in charge.”
He spins you easily until your back is pressed to his chest.  He grabs the hem of your shirt and lifts, throwing the shirt away and quickly making work of your bra clasps to join the shirt on the floor.
His hands cup your full breasts and you can’t help but whimper at the feeling of his soft and warm hands.  He feels so good against the chilled skin of your chest and he tweaks and thumbs your nipples until they stand perky and erect.
“I’ve always wanted to bend you over this counter,” he muses in your ear as he pulls a nipple harshly.  It makes you squeak out at the pain, then moan as the pain turns into a sizzling, pleasurable spike that runs through your veins.
“Every time I would catch you staring at me, I just wanted to fuck your cute little throat until you were gagging around me.”
Your eyes close as he continues his abuse on your perky nipples and whispering his deepest thoughts about you.
“I wanted to lift your cute dresses and eat your cunt until you’re wailing loud enough all the customers can hear.”
“Jimin,” you nearly cry.  “Please, fuck me.”
You can feel his hardness lining up behind you, rubbing at your sodden folds to cover his length in your slick juices.
“I like it when you beg.”
He kisses at the juncture of your neck before letting his teeth graze over the spot and bites down—right as he pushes your face down to the workbench and slides his cock into your spread heat.
He bottoms out easily.  You’re soaking wet and he buries himself to the hilt in one fluid motion.  He groans out loud—stunned by the heat and wetness of your pussy and how tight it grips him.
“Oh, holy shit,” he gasps as he gives himself and you a moment.  His hands grip at your waist, one hand coming to rub the tender skin of your supple ass.
“Jimin, fuck, you’re so big,” you whine.  
He brings his hand up, then slaps it down on your ass hard, hard enough that the crack echoes around the large kitchen.  You cry out in delight, in pain, as the reverberation of the stinging wraps around you.
“Fuck, you take me so well, princess,” he whines as he sets a pace.  Your ass meets his hips and claps with each thrust, and he punctuates every few pumps into you with another hard slap to your ass.  He wants you screaming his name, crying out for him loud enough that the neighbors know who he is.
He’s relentless in his pumps—gripping your hips tight as he fucks you deep and senseless.  Your eyes roll back into your head at how well he works your body.  Your tits rub raw against the wood of the workbench and you’re weeping fat tears of pleasure as Jimin continues his plight.
“God, I’m gonna cum, baby,” he warns.  “Cum on my cock, princess.”
You slide a hand down to your clit, eager to add the ultimate piece to what makes you unravel.  He grins and pumps into you harder, slaps your ass repeatedly until he knows it’s going to leave bruises.
“That’s right, baby, rub that pretty little clit,” he urges.  “God, I can’t wait until you you sit on my face and let me eat this fucking cunt for hours.”
You blubber a response of desire, nearly begging him for more and more, as you swirl your fingers around the tight bundle.  You’re peaking towards the summit of your climax, ascending to a point you’ve never gone before.
“Fuck, Chim!” You scream. “Gonna cum!”
Your warning falls on deaf ears—you’re cumming and pulsating around his thickness instantly and Jimin moans mix with your own to create a symphony of pleasure.
“Good fucking girl,” he coos.  “Your cunt is so good to me, baby.  Mmph—let’s frost this cake, now.”
Instantly, he’s groaning as he pulls his cock free from the vice-grip of your cunt and jerks himself twice to completion, allowing his hot seed to splatter against the tender flesh of your ass where he’s left a clear print of his hand.   The warmth soothes the battered skin and you shake your ass teasingly as he continues to stroke himself through his climax.
“Ohhhhh, my god,” he breathes as he finally comes down from his high.
Your face is resting on the cool surface of the wooden workbench as your breathing slowly settles back to normal.
“That was fucking good,” you whisper with a smile.  Jimin bends down to press soft kisses to your spine, before grabbing a towel to gently clean his cum off your beaten ass.
“Willow’s going to kill you for fucking me in the kitchen,” he warns with a laugh as he kisses the same spot he came on.
“It takes two to bake a cake, buddy,” you tease.
He laughs and brings a hand down to your untouched asscheek, making you squeal with delight.
“That’s not how the saying goes, but sure, doll.”
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The next morning, you’re hard at work making a five-tiered wedding cake with Willow at your side, when Jimin throws open the door.
“Good morning to the loves of my life!”
Willow chokes on her own air while you hide a giggle behind your cake covered hand.
Jimin approaches the pair of you while she splutters and gasps.
“What?”  What happened last night after I left?”
Your cheeks heat and Jimin wears a face of pure cockiness.
“Oh my god,” Willow gasps as her eyes open wide, snapping your tender ass with her rag.  “You did NOT fuck in my kitchen!”
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© ppersonna - 2020 - do not repost on any site, or translate without express permission from author.
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taglist -  @preciouschimine​ @nyamjinnie​ @unicornnomore​ @bangtansbun​ @theneighborhoodfangirl​ @cyberbunny21​
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Magnetic: Chapter 12 - See You
Pairing: Din x Reader (female reader insert; no ‘Y/N’)
Word Count: 10,046
Rating: It’s happening. NOT SAFE FOR WORK- if you’re under 18, goodbye.
Summary: In the aftermath of your successful bounty - and growing closer to Din - how do the two of you navigate the Razor II knowing that both of you want more? 
Author’s note:
This has been a long time coming. A very long time. They deserve this. You deserve this. Thank you for reading. Thank you for your feedback. Thank you for your support. This one’s fun.  As always, if you have any songs to add to the playlist, please let me know. 
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(banner made by @malionnes)
The following day was no different than the previous ones - you and Din moved around the ship in the same ways that you had before, time passing as the two of you made conversation and went through the typical daily actions of hyperspace travel. 
 Yes, you were still on track to get back to Tatooine on time, no you didn’t think that Grogu was behaving for Peli, it didn’t matter whether you sat in the cockpit or on crates in the hull. There wasn’t any lingering weirdness or discomfort from the previous night, but both of you made it a point not to bring it up, even though you wanted to. And I think he does, too. 
 You’d rolled over during the night, Din’s chest pressed to your back when you opened your eyes, and you took the time to enjoy the few minutes before he came to; the sounds of the man’s breathing deep and even, his mind blank and his arm hanging heavily over the middle of your body. There’d been no nightmares, and no dreams, either - at least that you could remember. I hope that means he slept well. But you’d shifted a little too much in your attempt to get closer, and Din’s arm tightened against you, fear filling his mind as he woke - at least until you murmured his name as you turned your head backwards toward him, letting him know that it was just you, that it was still dark in the room. Can’t see you, but I feel you.
 He hadn’t stayed in bed with you long after that, dropping kisses first onto the crown of your head and then your mouth before rolling away from you and sitting up, telling you that he needed to use the fresher. But when he hadn’t come back up long minutes later, you realized that he wasn’t going to. Disappointing, yes. A surprise? No. Can’t expect everything at once.
 After changing into a different pair of pants and the long-sleeved shirt, you climbed down the ladder, the absolute absence of his thoughts and emotions letting you know that it was safe - the helmet was back on. You made breakfast for yourself, then started to reorganize the storage area, just looking for something to keep your hands busy. Din stayed downstairs for a little while and made small talk with you before he disappeared upstairs and into the cockpit, his voice loud in the quiet space as he spoke to someone. Like clockwork. 
 You finished what you’d been doing, sticking your updated supply list into one of the drawers near the ration kits. With a single glance around the space - perfectly organized and as spotless as the ship could be, you decided to go back upstairs and into your room. It’ll be a distraction, because he was there, but it’s right across the hallway.
 You never made it to your room. 
 As you reached the top of the ladder, you heard Din’s voice from inside the cockpit again - along with Karga’s, and since the doors were open, you stood outside with your arms crossed over your chest, listening. “You mean to tell me that you actually captured Tyrande Goscoll? You were able to -” 
 “Not me. Her.” It was a simple statement, matter of fact - but you heard a note of pride in the few words and smiled at the sound of them. Sure did. “He’ll be another one for your men to collect when we land on Nevarro. Told you it wouldn’t be a problem.” Karga didn’t reply right away, but when he did, you widened your eyes, waiting for Din’s response. 
 “Is he alive?” He questioned Din like he already knew the answer. But it sounds like he thinks he’s not. “You -”
 “He was when I slabbed him.” Din sighed. “He doesn’t deserve it, but -” Why didn’t you kill him then?
 “That’s another 12,000 credits. Goscoll alive?” Your jaw dropped. On top of the bounty total?  “Big money, but you already knew that, didn’t you?” Confirming that he did, you heard - and saw - Din leaning back in the seat. “That’s a hefty return for one bounty, Mando.” That’s a good reason for him only stunning him. He can use that.
 “It is.” Din waited and you heard the seat creaking as he moved. “But it’s not all mine.” 
 “What you do with your earnings is your business. I’m just making a point. Your reputation will only -”
 “It’s not about that. And I’d rather no one know that this was my bounty.” He was agitated, though you didn’t know if Karga was picking up on it. “You know why I’m doing this.” 
 “Yeah, yeah.” Karga chuckled. “At leat let me enjoy the fact that through you, my reputation grows, too.” Chuckling at that, you lowered your head, figuring that Din had heard the sound. I’m not trying to hide from him, so it’s fine. “You’re a legend, Mando.” 
 “If you say so.” He leaned forward, pushing a few buttons. “Three more stops. Shouldn’t be more than a couple weeks until we’re back.” Karga thanked him for the update, and you mentally ran through the remaining bounties - four of them, but the two on the same planet would cut down on the time it took to complete the assignments. And then what? That’ll be half of our time gone, and Din will need to go back to Mandalore. 
 The thought unsettled you, and you weren’t completely sure why. Because it’s new. Because I know how uneasy it makes him. Because I don’t know where I’ll fit in there. But you heard the men saying goodbye, and then Din calling your name, telling you to come into the cockpit with him. “I wasn’t snooping, Din.” You put a hand on the back of his seat before taking yours. “I was going into the other room, and I heard you -”
 “I left the door open. Of course you heard.” He was facing you. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the extra credits for keeping Goscall alive. I didn’t want to get your hopes up in case I had to …” 
 “Those extras are yours. I’ll take what we agreed on for the value of the puck, but…” You shook your head. “I had nothing to do with keeping him breathing, that was all you.” 
 “You earned them.” He shrugged, and despite the fact that he was once again without any armor but the helmet, the broadness of his body moving with the morion made it clear he meant it. “They’re - “
 “No.” You put your hand on his knee, waiting. “I earned the credits in the casino. It … it balances out. I’m sure you can use the extra for the ship or for Grogu, or even for ... for Mandalore.” Whatever that might mean. Smiling at him, you hoped that he was looking into your eyes. “I mean it, Din. It’s yours. I don’t want it, and I don’t need it. I appreciate the offer but -” 
 “We’ll see.” He settled back against the chair, head moving up and down as he watched you. “Are you cold?” You looked down, too, and than wrinkled your nose, eyes on his helmet.  
 “Not right now.” Pulling your hand back and letting it rest on your lap, you thought about what you wanted to say. Do I bring it up now? Is it worth it? “Din? I lied to you about .... getting another shirt in Nevarro.” I guess so. “I wanted to keep yours.” He straightened up in the chair, cocking his head to the side. 
 “Why?” He’s going to make me explain everything. Great. That’s exactly what I wanted to do today. “It’s just a shirt. I’ve got plenty.” Rubbing at your arm, you looked away from him and out the window, chewing on your lip. “Tell me.” He added your name, the modulated sound the deciding factor for you. 
 “The more I got to know you over the last weeks, Din, the more I …” You stared at his hands, once again bare, eyes on the knuckles. “It should be obvious based on the last few nights, but … I like you. And wearing your shirt just made me … happy. It’s like a piece of you is still here, even when you’re out on a hunt.” It sounds so stupid coming out of my mouth. So dumb, so childish, so… “Even though you only offered it because I needed it, not because -” 
 “It doesn’t fit you right.” He set his shoulders, crossing his arms over his chest. “The sleeves are too long, and it goes down past your waist. The neck is too big, it’s loose.” He sounds surprised.
 “You weren’t complaining about that last night, Din.” Twisting your lips into a smirk, you eyed him. “The neck, I mean.” Without warning, he leaned in, reaching out and touching your skin, one fingertip pressed to it as he cocked his head to the side.
“No. I wasn’t. And I won’t.” Thumb beneath your jaw, he tilted your head to one side, moving his to follow it. “Did I do…” He leaned in closer, the hand not on you reaching up to press a button on the side of his helmet. “Damn.” Wait, what? You furrowed your brow, waiting, and Din let go of you, carefully moving his hand to the other side of your neck, down near your shoulder, the pad of his thumb sliding over your skin. “I didn’t mean to…” 
 “Didn’t mean to what?” You felt his thumb as it moved, and then a faint twinge of pain as he added pressure. “Din, did you…” Eyes widening, you felt your mouth drop open, a laugh spilling out. “Do I have a bruise on my neck from you?” 
 “You … do. There’s...a few of them.” Biting your lower lip to keep from laughing harder, you watched as he straightened up, hand falling into his lap. “I didn’t mean to -” Oh, this man is … 
 “Din.” You pressed your lips together hard, swallowing another chuckle. “You…” But you couldn’t contain yourself, covering your face with both hands and letting yourself laugh, the sound filling the cockpit. “Maker, who would have thought that a Mandalorian would be so upset at the thought that he …” It was a struggle to get the words out, but it was hilarious to you; the man unsure of the way to best use his mouth against your skin; unknowing of the tiny amount of pressure it took to bruise the thin expanse of a human throat with lips or teeth. “You um…” You collected yourself, looking at the T-visor again, knowing that your eyes were bright. “You did spend a lot of time with your mouth there, and …” You coughed to hide another laugh, but it didn’t do any good.
 He finally laughed at that, too, and it was a nervous sound. Before you could stop yourself, you reached for him, hand landing on his shoulder and squeezing. It’s fine, Din. “Did… you mark me, too? Your laughter stopped, and you saw your reflection in the beskar covering his cheek - the side with the dimple, before Din tilted his head back, exposing his entire neck to you. He… You took the motion as an invitation, leaning in closer and inspecting the smooth skin of Din’s neck. It was usually covered with the flight suit and his cape, but when you were traveling through hyperspace, he’d taken to removing the cape and the suit along with his armor. I’ve never been this close, though, never… not in the light. You eyed the visible skin - pulled taut over the tendons and muscle, watching as his Adam’s apple bobbed with a single swallow. 
 He was larger than you and always would be, but the sight of his long neck - slender, almost graceful in the way it supported the helmet he wore - made him seem less imposing. That doesn’t make sense. You leaned in closer, fingers tracing upward from the collar of his shirt and toward the bottom of the beskar, stopping before any part of your hand touched it. “No.” A smile - this one less amused and more in admiration - curved your lips upward. “No, Din. You’re still perfectly…” You trailed off as he reached for your arm, fingers closing around it and squeezing. “What are you -” 
 “Come to bed with me.” You froze, eyes going wide. What? He reached for you with his other hand, fingers tugging on the end of your sleeve. “I know what I said last night, but -” Is he serious?
 “Ok.” It was your turn to swallow, breath coming out shallow. ���I -” Mind racing, you stood, only removing your hand at the last possible second, it dropping back to your side. “Are you sure?” Your head was spinning, the gravity of his words doing little to hold you in place. He just asked me to go to… and I questioned him about it. 
 “I should be asking you that.” He stood too, but instead of waiting, he put his hands on your hips, pushing you backwards and toward the door. “You don’t know what you just agreed to.” I don’t? The two of you walked backwards across the small hallway, one of your hands reaching out for the railing to steady yourself as he guided you. Din said your name as you made it to the door, but instead of answering, you reached down, pulling one of his hands away from your body and taking it, fingers wrapping around his. Does he want confidence? Does he want me to be … what do you want, Din? In the span of only a few seconds, you contemplated your options. He might not have been experienced in the ways he could use his body without the armor, but when it came to everything else, the man was way ahead of you. Make your choice. 
 “Maybe I don’t.” You stared up, eyes on the black portion of his helmet. “But you’re going to show me.” His posture changed at that, and without warning, Din pushed you backwards and into your room, closing the door behind him. Despite your lack of previous - or recent - partners, you weren’t worried. He said it’s not like it usually is. He knows we have to be on this ship together, he won’t… “Din, wait.” Your eyes followed the movement of his hand, headed for the light switch. “I want to see you.” Shutting your eyes, you moved your head back and forth. “Not …not your face, but the rest of you. Let me…” You reopened them, voice steady. “Please don’t turn the light off.” You knew what it meant - that he’d be able to see you, too, and that the helmet stayed on, but you didn’t care. 
 “You’d rather…” He sounded confused again, his hold on you loosening. “You’d rather me keep the …” No, I’d rather you pull the damn thing off right now but that isn’t an option, so this is what we can do. 
 “It’s not about the helmet, Din. It doesn’t ... “ Tell him the truth. “I don’t want to hide in the dark with you. I don’t mind the light.” He sighed, but you felt lighter after the admission. Because it’s the truth.
 “It’s strange, if you’re not used to it. Distracting. Will it bother you?” He sounds surprised. You stepped closer, putting a hand on his chest. “Most people are more interested in the...”
 “I’m not most people.” You let out a breath. “But if you really need to turn the light off, that’s… fine.” The helmet moved back and forth slowly - deliberately, Din’s hand pushing beneath the shirt you wore and flattening against your skin. 
 “No.” He leaned down, voice dropping, though you could still hear it clearly through the modulator. “That means I get to see you, too.” You do. It thrilled you - the fact that he sounded just as intrigued by the prospect of undressing each other in the light as you felt - and you felt yourself shiver, fingers twitching against his undershirt. “I need to... warn you.” What? “My life hasn’t … I’ve been in a lot of close calls. And I didn’t always have someone like you there with bacta gel to clean me up.” Your eyes moved down to his hand and the scar there, and then back up his body. 
 “Maybe that’s why I want to keep the lights on, Din. I want to see just how well your leg healed.” You winked at him, and were surprised to feel his hands lifting the bottom of your shirt without pause, the material sliding up and over your torso. He’s in a hurry. But you didn’t mind, raising both arms over your head and letting him continue, closing your eyes and only reopening them when you felt the material move over your face and then disappear. He said your name as you lowered your hands, letting them rest on his shoulders, and Din reached out toward you again, his chest rising and falling quickly. 
 “That’s what you’re hiding under my shirt?” He was touching your stomach with one hand, the thumb of the other sweeping slowly over your clavicle. “You -” 
 “Got used to it at the Academy, Din.” You wrinkled your nose. “What we wore was practical. Comfortable. Easy to move in. I’ve got a cloak, too. It’s packed, and -” 
 “I like this better.” He pushed you away from him gently, hand sliding to your hip just above the waistband of your pants. You let him touch you for a few moments, watching as his head dropped down, then moved back and forth slowly, both hands roaming over the bared skin beneath them. “Much better. I liked that dress on Hosnian Prime, too.” You felt yourself growing warm, the way he was observing you doing wonders for your ego, but when he dropped both hands to your waist, one of them landing on the button of your pants, you said his name, a warning in your tone. “What? I thought -” 
 “I…” You closed your eyes. “I said I wanted to see you too, Din. And I meant it.” You looked up, arching an eyebrow. “You’ve gotta get undressed, too. I can’t take your shirt off, because I don’t know how the helmet -” 
 “You can.” He cleared his throat, the sound loud through the modulator. “You won’t pull it off, you have to release it, it’s… tight.” He caught both hands, moving them to his shirt. “Go… go ahead.” He stood still as you began to lift the dark material, your eyes on the motion of your hands. As each inch of skin became visible, you felt more excitement, but tried to keep from showing it. Act like you’re an adult.
 Your resolve lasted until you had the shirt halfway up his body, the skin of his toned abdomen the same gorgeously tanned color as the backs of his hands and his neck, and you let out a quiet whimper, digging your teeth into your lower lip as your eyes landed there. He’s… of course he looks like this under that armor, because … Your gaze flicked upward, and then back down after he nodded at you, raising his arms, too. 
 He helped you, pulling both arms out of the sleeves, but leaned forward slightly, letting you carefully pull the opening for his neck over the helmet. You were so focused on what you were doing that you didn’t get a good look at him until the shirt joined yours on the floor and Din’s upper body was completely bared to you, the overhead lighting doing little to hide any part of him. “Din, you’re…” You blinked, hesitantly raising your hand to his chest, and when he didn’t move away, you laid it against his skin, closing your eyes and exhaling at the contact. You were only getting vague emotions from him, but you knew that he was just as excited as you, the man’s chest rising and falling with each breath he took, and when your second hand joined the first, both of them gliding up from his abdomen, he sighed out your name, one of his hands reaching for you. “And you’re giving me shit about hiding under an oversized shirt?” You blew out another breath, head shaking back and forth slowly. “This is what you’re keeping under all that beskar?”
 He chuckled at that, shrugging his shoulders, but you were too focused on what you were doing to pay close attention to the movement. Din’s body was toned muscle from the waist up, and you had a feeling that it was mainly from the weight of the armor he wore day in and day out, but figured that the training he’d gone through as he aged, along with the fights he got into with bounties and other enemies helped to keep him in shape. He was thin but not skinny, body growing more broad as you neared his shoulders, and you couldn’t help stepping even closer, his hand moving to the side of your head and his fingers curling against your hair. “I have to. The beskar is the only thing keeping me …” But you cut him off as you reached his chest, palms flat against the area typically covered by the widest plates. It’s keeping you alive.
 “Din, when did …” Glancing up, you felt your lip tremble. “I thought that beskar was -” There was a set of long, raised scars that stretched most of the way from the left side his sternum to his shoulder, the thin lines crossed over each other. “What happened?” 
 “Tehk’la blades.” He sighed as you ran your fingers over the old wounds, following the length of them. “A few years after I swore the creed. I didn’t have a full set of armor yet, and my chest plate was … flimsy.” You don’t have to tell me that twice. They weren’t the only scars on his skin, but most of the others were smaller, and though you couldn’t see his back, you assumed that it was the same; littered with the evidence of old fights, from training, proof of the lessons that he’d learned in the hardest ways possible. “I told you I didn’t always have -” 
 “You did tell me.” You leaned in, pressing your lips against the raised lines on his chest, feeling it expand as you did so. Oh, you like that. You wanted to kiss over every inch of his skin, but instead straightened up, continuing to look at him, taking him in inch by inch, heart thudding in your chest as you discovered something new. I was not expecting that. “Is that …” Eyes on his shoulder, you cocked your head to the side, one hand sliding from the front of his body to the muscles of his arm. “Your signet?” 
 “It is.” The jet black ink stood out, and as you traced the edges of the tattoo on his shoulder and bicep, you realized that it was in the same place it would have been if he’d been wearing the armor. And people say that Mandalorians aren’t sentimental… damn. “I’ll tell you about it if you want, but can we … can it wait?” Nodding again, you continued to move your hands over his skin, figuring that whatever the story behind the tattoo was, it would change the tone of the moment, something neither of you wanted to happen. It can wait. He says it can wait.
 “If you want.” He pulled you close at your words, arms circling your body and his palms pressed against your bare back, urging your cheek to rest against his warm skin. The two of you stood quietly in the small room, your grip on his shoulder tightening, Din’s fingertips stroking your skin gently. He got a tattoo of the mudhorn. He… it’s a constant reminder of his clan. Of the kid. Always. 
 You heard nothing but the sounds of the ship, the vibration of the floor almost non-existent beneath your feet, but then Din said your name again, hold on you changing. “Are we just going to stand here, or…” Squeezing your eyes shut, you turned your head and kissed his chest again, working your hands between your bodies and down, the ridges of his muscles firm beneath your touch. He let you undo the button on his pants as you mouthed the skin of his neck, teeth grazing over his throat, the bottom edge of his helmet rubbing against the bridge of your nose. He’s right, this could be distracting, it’s cold. Din groaned as you began to push his pants down and over his hips, his hold on you loosening, large hands moving from your back and to your hips before tightening again. Yes, please. You nodded, knowing that he could feel it, hoping that he understood that you meant you wanted him to continue. I do. I want him to ...  You heard the button at your waist pop just as his pants cleared his thighs, the material sliding down his legs with ease. He’s in … just his … 
 Finally, you moved backwards - just a half step, but enough to see his body - and you felt your knees weaken. He … He hadn’t been lying about the old injuries, there were small and poorly healed scars leading down beneath the waistband of his underwear, others on his legs - one of his kneecaps was oddly misshapen, as if he’d dislocated it or even broken it at least once before, but the wound you’d been there to heal was already almost completely invisible, only a small, light-colored scar remaining as a reminder of the fact that he’d been poisoned only a few weeks prior, nearly gored to death by a Charnoq. But he wasn’t. Because I didn’t let it happen.
 You couldn’t help dropping to your knees to get a better look, fingers trailing down over his skin, and when you finally reached the leg you’d worked on, you chewed on your lip, leaning in. “That bacta really …” He tensed under your touch, and you looked up, wanting to make sure that you hadn’t said anything wrong, but the remainder of the sentence died on your tongue, eyes going wide. Before Din, the idea of being in the position you were in with someone whose face you’d never seen hadn’t even crossed your mind. But as you stared up at him, his right arm lifting to cradle your cheek in his hand, the helmet - and his head - tilted to one side, the majority of the rest of his body uncovered, it didn’t matter. “Din, I …” I don’t even know what I want to say, but it… I never thought I’d be here.
 “You need to stand up.” You heard the strain in his voice at the words, and after a brief pause, you rose again, hands hanging by your sides as you straightened your back. “As much as I… liked seeing you like that, it’s not …” He was touching you again, hands back at your waist, thumbs hooked between your pants and skin. “Not where this is going tonight.” Oh, it’s not? “Let me get these off of you.” Somehow, his voice dropped even lower, and you could almost imagine the expression on his face; the hunger in his eyes increasing by the second. But how? I don’t even know what he looks like, or what color his eyes are, or - “Alright?” 
 “Yes.” Raising one hand slowly, you laid your palm on the side of his helmet, blinking. “Go ahead.” The metal moved up and down beneath your hand before settling in a downward tilt, and Din’s hands moved too, ridding you of the last major piece of clothing that you wore. Instead of pushing them down quickly, the man took his time with your pants, watching intently as he continued. But you weren’t expecting him to drop to his knees in front of you, the only things you could see the top of his helmet and his upper back and shoulders as he eased the material down around your legs. Oh, shit. He kept going and you reached forward with both hands, bracing yourself on his bare shoulders as you lifted your feet one at a time. We’re both…  Your pants off, you waited for him to stand again, but the man didn’t move, body locked into position in front of you. “Din?” You questioned him softly, not recognizing the sound that left your lips. “Are you -” “I’m just looking.” The words were strained, but he quickly spoke again. “At you.” Chewing on your lip, you didn’t say anything else, deciding to let him go - and see what happened. You didn’t have long to wait, though, one of Din’s hands gripping your ankle and then sliding upward, twisting so that his palm was against the back of your leg. Your stomach lurched at the feeling - but it was in a way that you wouldn’t have been able to describe if anyone had asked. He’s so… Maker, I don’t even know. The man’s touch was gentle, tender, even, as he explored the length of your leg. 
 You felt your muscles tighten as he thumbed the inside of your knee, still kneeling in front of you, and then Din’s other hand joined the first on you, squeezing against your hip when he finally stood, both hands at your waist, to pull you closer to him again.  “Din.” Swallowing the end of the word, you closed your eyes, tucking your head beneath the lower edge of his helmet and against his shoulder. “Din.” The second time you said it, it was in response to the man moving his hands up your back, fingers easing beneath the thickest strap of your bra and then unhooking it. This is happening. He’s really… we’re going to … I want this so much. 
 Yes, you’d known it before, but it was different - having the man’s hands on you, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. You felt it; how much you wanted the man standing in front of you, how much he wanted you, too - not because of the Force, but because of the way you were touching each other; the care he was taking with you, even though he hadn’t really done anything yet. He said your name, and you responded by arching your back away from his chest, Din’s hands working the straps down and over your arms, fully exposing the upper half of your body to him. “Maker.” 
 You let your bra fall to the ground, taking a deep breath, and you felt his fingers twitch against your skin, hands on your sides once again, holding you in place. He didn’t say anything else, and for a few seconds, you didn’t know what to do. He could be doing anything else to me, but he isn’t. I could say something, but … what? He was holding himself back - you knew it, but didn’t know why. “Din?” It pained you to do so, but you lifted both hands, pushing against his bare chest and backing away from him as much as you could without forcing him to let go of you. “What’s wrong?” There was a long silence, and then he spoke, the words not what you expected - or wanted to hear.
 “I can’t do this.” Your heart dropped, and you were ashamed to find that your lower lip was trembling at the admission. Oh. Alright. Rather than betray yourself - his head was still tilted down, and you knew he couldn’t see your face, you bit down on your lip, closing your eyes. Alright, Din. “I can’t…” He turned away from you in one motion, the moment his hands left your body making your knees shake, but before you had a chance to say anything, the room went dark. What? 
 Without warning, you felt hands once again on your body, and then, only moments later, your back was against the wall, Din’s breath warm against the skin of your shoulder. It wasn’t that he couldn’t do this, it was that … “What are you…” Your words turned into a low moan as he bit down on your skin, mouth moving from your shoulder and then lower, fingers digging into the meat of your arms. “Stars, Din, what…” You heard him growl over your words, and at the sound, you grabbed the back of his head, fingers disappearing into the hair there. It seemed as though he’d been waiting for that, because he bit down harder seconds later as your grip tightened, his curls soft against your palm. “Hey.” You couldn’t help the way the single word came out - breathless and needy - and despite how good what he was doing to you felt, you winced, your body going stiff. Din stopped immediately, lifting his mouth from your skin and inhaling, the sound loud. No, I didn’t … “I’m sorry.” 
 “No.” Your hand dropped to the back of his neck, the other one holding the tattooed bicep, and you wet your lips. “I didn’t mean that I wanted you to stop. I … I flinched because of how I sounded. It’s embarra-”
 “It’s not.” He leaned in closer, body pressed to yours at the waist, and you felt his hands running slowly up your sides. His hands are so kriffing big. “I want to hear it.” He kissed your cheek, lips soft and warm against it. “I need to hear it, to hear you.” Lips moving closer to your mouth, he paused. “Without the helmet.” You felt your heart thudding in your chest at that admission, and almost couldn’t believe any of it. You felt emboldened at the admission, changing your grip and moving both hands down and over his chest, nails dragging along the skin. “Is that the only reason you took the helmet off, Din?” For a few moments, you didn’t think he would reply, but then you felt him chuckle, his breath hitting your cheek in short bursts. “No.” You didn’t have a chance to say anything else because Din kissed you again, catching you off guard. The back of your head hit the wall behind you once more, but you tilted it immediately, giving him a better angle - and the man didn’t waste the opening you gave him. His tongue slipped into your mouth as you sighed, but didn’t stay there long - instead, retreating to lap at your lower lip and then along the seam between the two of them. I don’t know what he’s going to do next, but I know I … You cried out as he bit down on the fullest part of your lip, your nails digging into the skin beneath them. But Din didn’t move away, instead rocking his hips against yours and wordlessly proving to you how involved he already was in what was happening.
 He released your lip and you brought your hands back up and toward his shoulders, Din giving you a single nod as they reached the base of his neck, and you let out a shuddering breath as you lifted them higher. He’ll make me stop if he doesn’t want me to. But Din didn’t stop you, and you instead felt the stubbled angles of his jaw beneath your thumbs, the man continuing to nod as he closed the distance between your mouths again, this time kissing you gently. 
 It should have surprised you - the way that he could go from one mood to the next; actions shifting with each breath he took, but you’d seen it from him before - both in person and through Grogu’s thoughts. It’s just how he is, and this is new to him, so … You pulled back to breathe, giving yourself a chance to steady your thoughts. “Hey.” It came out less shaky that time, and you smiled, kissing him again and then pausing. My turn. “We going to stand here all night, or -” 
 “I … you …” He sighed, and you were surprised to feel the tip of one of his fingers stroking along the side of one breast, his other hand still on your side. “I said you don’t know what you agreed to, and I meant it.” What does that mean? “I don’t usually take my time. I don’t … It doesn’t matter what …” You got a thought from him them, and felt the shame along with it, coupled with nonchalance. He doesn’t care about making it good for the other person. “I told you, that everything before has been… habit.” 
 “Well.” You shifted against him, turning your body and felt his hands move, both of them beneath the swell of your chest and supporting the weight of it. “I can tell you I’m already enjoying this.” You hummed, arching your back more and giving him a few seconds to adjust his hold on you - which he did, to your absolute pleasure. “That feels great, Din. You can …” Biting down on your lower lip, you let out a quiet sigh. “Keep doing that here, or we can get into the bed, and …” The rough pad of one thumb passed over a peaked nipple and you nearly moaned at the feeling but held it together, waiting to see what he’d do next. 
 Din didn’t disappoint, the other hand following the first, but he did surprise you, lowering his head and pressing a trail of wet kisses to the top curve of your breasts, tongue trailing after his lips. He’s never done this before? There’s no way, he knows exactly what he … But your thoughts scattered as he closed his lips around the hardened bud of one nipple, sucking and then flicking his tongue against it - tentatively the first few times and then with more purpose as you hummed quietly. Maker, he … His attention shifted, the Mandalorian repeating his actions on the other side of your body, and you realized quickly that you’d changed positions, shifting so that your shoulders were pressed against the wall behind you, but your back was not, giving him the best possible angle with your chest pushed out toward him. I couldn’t get closer this way if I wanted to.
 He wasn’t touching any part of you aside from your chest, and though you could have moved your hands to any part of his body, you kept them where they were, one hand cupping the back of his head, the other firmly pressed to the bicep bearing the mudhorn tattoo. As good as it felt, you only let him continue for a few moments longer, whispering his name and tugging on the ends of his hair. “What?” He murmured the word without lifting his mouth from your chest, and only a second later, you felt his teeth close around one nipple, the twinge of pain making you gasp his name. Do I want him to stop? No. When you didn’t speak up, instead of questioning you further, Din slowly made his way back up from your chest to your throat without lifting his lips fully from your skin, finally kissing you again. 
 He pulled away to take a breath, the drag of his teeth against your lower lip sending another charge through your entire body. “You’re pretty good at this.” Finally finding the words to reply, you stroked the back of his head, still too hesitant to move your hand forward to his cheek, even though you wanted to. “For someone that’s never -” 
 “Am I?” He leaned in, lips against your ear. “Well. A Mandalorian has to learn fast.” Din said your name and you shifted again under his touch, the hand on his arm moving to his side and urging him closer. “Lucky for me I’ve got a lot to learn.” Instead of laughing, you cleared your throat quickly, allowing yourself to nuzzle against his cheek, eyes closing. 
 “What’s that word, Din?” You sighed, your lips near his ear. “Jate’kara? I think I’m the lucky one here.” He froze at your use of the word in Mando’a, but it was only momentary, and then he kissed you again - hard, catching you by surprise. Did I say it wrong? He pinned you against the wall with his whole body, the weight of him holding you in place, and then without warning, the man pulled back, hands gripping your hips. “Are you sure?” It took you a second to figure out what he was asking, but then you nodded before realizing he couldn’t see you. “Yes.” One hand moving up to his chest, you said his name. “I’m sure.” It was only a matter of steps from the wall where you stood to the bed, but Din lifted you anyway, holding you to his chest and spinning, barely giving you a chance to get comfortable in his arms before he was leaning forward to put you down onto the mattress, the sheets cool beneath your bare skin. He let you go, and you used the time to scoot backwards and to the center of the space, underwear still on, waiting for Din to get into the bed, too. 
 When he did, the mattress dipping beneath the added weight and then the man taking his place beside you, you let out a breath, closing your eyes. “Are you safe?” The question shocked you, and for a second, you were unable to reply, thoughts racing. Safe? What does - “The women I’m usually with … they take care of it.” Oh. You froze, understanding. Of course they would, they’re…  “But if you aren’t, we can...” 
 “Yes. I’m… safe, Din.” You swallowed hard, heart pounding in your chest. “Here.” You fumbled for his hand in the dark, lifting your other arm and pressing his fingertips against the skin of the back of your bicep. It had made sense for you to get the implant during your travels across the galaxy and to the Academy, just in case. You never know what could happen, you’d told yourself. And after your arrival, you’d never removed it, feeling the same way. At least it’s going to do some good now. “Can you feel it?” He pressed down, taking a deep breath and cutting you off. “I’ve had it for -�� 
 “I trust you.” The three words froze you again, and while you knew that he was referring to what you’d just proven to him, you also knew that the man could have said any number of other things to you in that moment. He trusts … oh, Maker. He kissed you before you could reply, lips firm against yours as he gripped your arm, and without thinking, you hooked a leg around one of his, urging him closer. As the man’s weight settled against you, you trailed an arm down his back, inhaling sharply as you realized that he’d removed his underwear - meaning that Din was completely nude and in bed with you. I’m overdressed. Dragging your nails over the dip in his lower back and then down more, you felt his hips shift, rolling into yours. This is happening. But the man didn’t let you touch him for long, instead pulling away and off of you before clearing his throat. “These have to come off.” 
 You felt him hook this fingers beneath the elastic you still wore, and without him asking, you raised your own hips from the mattress, waiting until he’d pulled the material down to lower yourself. You gave him a few seconds to reposition himself, the room silent and dark, the shift of the mattress the only indication that he was even still there. “Din?” You lifted one hand, immediately finding his hip, thumb moving slowly over it. What’s he waiting for? 
 “I wish I could see you.” You could feel the desire in his voice, and for the first time, realized that even though you were in as intimate a position with him as you’d ever been, you couldn’t clearly hear his thoughts. I wonder why, I wonder what… It was confusing - and something for you to think about later, instead choosing to focus on the way it felt to touch him; Din’s skin warm and soft beneath your fingers. I wish I could see you too, Din. 
 “Maybe next time.” You followed the crease of his thigh downward, the tips of your fingers meeting coarse hair on his abdomen. “Focus on me, Din.” You exhaled, breath shaky as your hand reached the base of him, Din’s breath catching - along with yours - as you closed your fingers around him for the first time, his mind finally opening up to you briefly. He’s acting like he’s never … not been able to see. They were slightly incoherent, but they were thoughts nonetheless, and you shook your head twice, sighing. Something else to think about later. “Din.” You moved your hand slowly, getting used to the feel of him. “Please, just...” You squeezed, flexing your knee, and before you’d relaxed it, you felt his hand on your leg and then moving upward, toward the apex of your thighs. 
 He paused only briefly before he touched you, and in that moment, you did get another clear thought - only one word, and one that you echoed in your own thoughts: finally. 
 You couldn’t help the quiet sound that escaped from your throat as his fingers first made contact with you, but it seemed to encourage the man; Din slowing the movement of his hand and leaning forward so that he could kiss you again. Even as he moved, you didn’t let go, rotating your wrist and circling your thumb over the tip of him, feeling dampness against it. Hmm. “This is where you’ve got me beat, Din.” You whispered, nipping at his lip. “Majority of my experience....” You sighed as he slipped a finger into you - only slightly, and then removed it, pausing before he did it again. “Ends with…” But he quieted you with another kiss, tongue making its way back into your mouth and stopping your words. Learn together. That’s… I like that plan. 
 You nodded at his unspoken words, widening the spread of your legs as your hand continued to glide up and down his length, Din’s hips rocking steadily into your grip. Yes. He braced himself next to and above you on both knees and one elbow, that hand resting against the side of your head as he kissed you. With your free hand, you reached between your bodies, slowly moving down your own stomach and meeting Din’s hand between your legs, coating the tips of your fingers in the dampness you felt there. It’ll help me to... “What are you …” He whispered the words, stopping as you curled your slick fingers around him, removing your other hand. “You … Maker.” He lowered his forehead to yours, groaning as you tightened your hold on him, hand moving much more freely as you found a steady rhythm. “E...Enough.” 
 The word came out shakily, and you stopped as soon as you heard it, both of you breathing hard. “Is…” But you didn’t get the whole question out, Din using one hand to cover your hand with his and guide himself into place, his head turning slightly to the side, the tip of his nose resting against the apple of your cheek. He’s going to … You felt him at your entrance, hot and firm, and then with your tiny nod of agreement, Din shifted his hips, pushing into you, both of your hands falling away. 
 He moved slowly, giving you time to adjust, and though he didn’t stop, Din maneuvered himself over your body, one arm going beneath your shoulders, the palm of his hand cradling the back of your head, the other tightly gripping your hip. He stayed on his knees, though he stretched one leg out, closing the distance between your waists and giving himself the ability to lengthen his thrusts without making them harsher. You alright? He wordlessly questioned you, and you nodded again, one hand gripping his shoulder, the fingers of the other - still damp - on his hip, wanting to feel the motion there, too. You hadn’t lied to the man - aside from Bari, you’d only ever been with two others, and neither of them had been as physically imposing as the Mandalorian was. But none of them felt this way, none of them … You groaned as he gripped the sheets next to you with one hand, pushing his upper body back and away from yours, hips snapping forward, your hold on him changing, nails digging into his skin. I like that. I do too. He was strong - there was no doubt about that, but another difference was that with the others, you hadn’t been able to keep them out of your head, unable to focus on your own pleasure because you’d been so caught up in theirs. With Din, even though his emotions were strong - he was happy, he was enjoying himself, and he was lost in you - he wasn’t thinking anything clearly, and it was enough to bring tears to the corners of your eyes as you squeezed them shut. “Feels…” You whined as he kissed you hard, then lowered his mouth to your shoulder, teeth bared against it. “Feels good, Din.” 
 You let go of his arm, hand moving over his shoulder blade and up the center of his neck, stopping at the hairline and pressing down as he drove into you again, this time a little harder. Though it didn’t quite hurt, you knew you’d be sore when he pulled away, but you didn’t care, urging him to continue by bringing your hips up to meet his, hand finally leaving his hip and joining the first at the back of his head. The end of his hair were damp and you toyed with them, even as you felt him panting against your skin, and without thinking about it, you turned your head toward his, feeling the shell of his ear against your lips. You parted them, running your tongue along the inner edge of it and humming, eyes still closed. With him as close as he was, and his hair as damp as it was, you could feel skin beneath it, a small indentation against the back of his neck, and without lifting your fingers, you realized that it was from the edge of his helmet and the way it pressed against his skin. But you’re not in it now. You cried out as he rocked into you, a small adjustment enough to let him slide in deeper than before, and your grip on him tightened, pointer finger filling in the divot left behind from the helmet as your thumb swept through the hair above it. You weren’t prepared for his reaction to that, the movement of his hips speeding up, his mouth replaced by his chin against your shoulder as he turned his head toward you. “Where do you…” It was his turn to groan, but he collected himself quickly, your name leaving his mouth in little more than a whisper. “Not gonna last, not like… tell me where.” You gave yourself only seconds to think, his question a necessary one, but surprised yourself with your reply. “Whatever… Wherever you want, Din.” I’m safe, I told you that, you felt it, you… He continued to move in you, the pace of his hips not faltering despite the decision you were making. “Don’t…” You gasped as he shifted you upward, pulling the top half of your body from the mattress, hands leaving his hair and your arms going back around his shoulders. “Fuck, Din, you…” 
 Your words sent him into motion, the man pulling out of you completely. You felt one of his arms moving, the muscles in his shoulder flexing rapidly as he handled himself, replacing the warmth of you with his fist. “You…” Din swore, and in a sudden burst of boldness, you unwound one arm from around him and reached down, back between your bodies and met his hand. You felt his surprise at the shift for a moment, but then Din’s grip on himself loosened, letting you take over, though he didn’t stop the rocking of his hips, his length sliding easily through your hand, still completely coated in you. Maker, I didn’t know I… But you focused on him, and on the fragments of thoughts you could hear, wanting to give him exactly what he needed, the urge to know what he was thinking overwhelming you. I don’t need to know what he’s thinking to make him happy. “C’mon, Din.” You were panting too, even though he was only touching your back and your side, his body radiating heat, fragments of thoughts filling your head. “Give…” You squeezed as you stroked him, the muscles in Din’s thighs tensing. “I want it, Din.” And you did - more than anything else; wanted to give him the release you knew he was chasing, to make him come apart under your touch. “Please.” Pressing your forehead to his again, you felt his hips stutter and then he tensed in your grip, his breath leaving his mouth in one long exhale and a series of quiet grunts. 
 Without stopping the movement of your hand, you worked him through it, a wet heat coating your abdomen and spreading slowly over your skin with each tensing of his muscles, the movement of his hips less fluid with each passing second. Finally, Din said your name, his voice trembling. I did… I did that to him. I… Any other man would have collapsed on top of you; spreading the stickiness between your bodies as he settled his weight, but Din only eased you backward until you were laying down before he pulled his arm out from beneath you. What is… “You didn’t come, did you.” You know the answer already.
He was still recovering - voice somewhat uneven - but you could sense his determination, and so you answered honestly, even though it wasn’t a question. “No. But I -” That was all it took, Din not letting you finish your sentence to tell him that it didn’t matter, that you hadn’t expected to before he’d replaced the hand between your legs, two fingers sliding back into you without pause. You arched your back off of the mattress,calling out his name, and even though it was less satisfying than the feeling of him inside you, for the first time that night, you shut out everything except your own thoughts, entirely focused on the way he was flexing both fingers within you at the same time that he was sliding them in and out. He… it feels so… 
 Din didn’t know your body - none of the men that you’d been with truly had - but he didn’t let that stop him, lowering himself down next to you and carefully holding his entire length against your side, reminding you of just who you were in bed with. “Bend your knee. Staabi jii. Right now.” He spoke into your ear and you did as he asked, moaning at his use of Mando’a with you and the fact that even though he was focused, he was telling you what you needed to know to understand him. Pulling out of you again, he pushed on your bent leg with his hand, the slickness coating his fingers warm against the inside of your thigh, and then moved his hand back, no hesitation before sliding them into you for a third time. The change in position - although slight, stretched your muscles, giving him a different angle, and even as he continued to speak to you - words in Basic that you clung to; your name, quiet praises, Din swearing - and some in Mando’a that you didn’t understand; olaror jii, Ni aalar gar - you lost yourself in him, and you felt the way your muscles clenched around his fingers, drawing him in deeper. 
 But then they did the same around nothing, and you opened your eyes, forgetting for a second that you couldn’t see anything. Seconds later, you felt the slight drag of Din’s elbow across your ribs, and then heard a quiet sucking sound. He’s … oh Maker he’s got his fingers in …  You heard his thought at the same time he spoke it out loud, the word barely more than a whisper, but directly into your ear. “Jatisyc.” He hummed quietly after the word, chest vibrating against your arm, and then Din’s hand was back between your legs, his fingers back inside of you while his thumb circled just above your opening, but with hardly any pressure. “Din.” You raised your hips, hearing him hum again into your ear, and  then the pressure increased, Din rubbing tight circles against the spot that his fingers couldn’t hit while they were buried in you. After only a few passes of the well-calloused pad, it was your turn to come undone, your hand gripping his bicep tightly enough to bruise - you were almost sure of it. Sorry, Din.
 But even that didn’t deter him, Din keeping the movement of his fingers going as you rocked your hips into his hand, his lips pressed against the side of your neck and the smile on them unmistakable, even through the waves of pleasure you felt. I’ve never … not like that. Not … That time, it was your thoughts that were scattered, uneven and incomplete until you weakly pushed on his arm, whispering his name. “Stars, Din, that…” You spoke quietly, gulping in a breath, and only went quiet when he put his hand on your hip again, saying your name. “Hmm?” 
 “I’ll be right back.” No. Wait. What? “I’m going to get a -”
 “No.” There was force behind the word, and you quickly corrected it, clearing your throat. “Not yet, Din. Don’t…” He relaxed next to you, and you could feel the tension leaving his body, though his heart rate was still elevated - as was yours. But one of us needs to… “There’s a towel, Din. On the table?” He moved as you spoke, and only a few seconds later, you felt the material swiping over your stomach, taking the mess he’d left with it. “You don’t have to ..” But he kept going, and then, after he’d finished there was a short pause and he said your name. “Yeah?” 
 “Folded it. You can …” Finish. Taking the towel from him with a grin on your face at the fact that he’d again folded the material, you made quick work of the rest of your body, letting out a shaky breath as you made contact with the still sensitive skin between your legs. Dropping the towel to the floor, you rolled toward the man, cautiously reaching up. He didn’t flinch when you touched the side of his head, and so you leaned in, kissing the center of his chest and  then pulling back. Wait a second. 
 “Din?” He settled his hand on your back, but made no move to draw you closer. “What was the last thing you said to me? In Mando’a, after you …” There was no hesitation as he replied, leaning in and whispering the words into your ear. “Said you tasted good.” He hummed, the sound closer to a laugh. “Jatisyc.” He paused. “Delicious.” You froze, stunned, but the man didn’t give you a chance to reply before he turned his head and kissed you, lips meeting yours in confirmation that he stood behind what he said. That … he… there … Meant it. 
 “I know you did, Din.” You murmured the words, scooting closer to him and feeling his hold on you tighten. “And I also know you’re going to get up and go back into the cockpit, but… Will you stay here? Just for -” Just a few minutes.
“Yes.” He lifted his leg, hooking it over yours, fingers making their way through your hair as you moved your hand slowly over his back. “I’m not going anywhere.” You didn’t mean to, but you fell asleep a few minutes later, the Mandalorian’s heartbeat steady against your cheek, and his thoughts - the man completely content - once again filling your head. 
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151 notes · View notes
Out Of Time ~ 141
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 3,200ish
Summary: Things start to get real. (gifs aren’t mine) PLEASE READ THE NOTE AT THE END.
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“Now, you better be on your best behavior for your Aunt Pepper and Uncle Happy, alright?” Y/N said. She was kneeling down to Morgan’s level, brushing the little girl’s hair behind her ears.
“Alright, momma,” Morgan agreed with a nod. 
“Daddy and I will call you every day.”
“Can’t I just come visit you? The—the com… compod… com—“
“Compound,” Y/N gently fixed with a smile.
“Yeah! It’s not too far away. I can come and help a wittle!”
Y/N sighed. “I wish you could, honey, but this is grown up stuff. Someday you’ll understand.” She pulled the girl into her arms, holding a kiss to the side of her head. “I love you, Morgan, so much.”
“Don’t tell daddy,” Morgan giggled, trying to whisper, “but I love you more than 3000.”
“Hey!” Tony exclaimed with mock hurt, coming onto the porch after packing the car. “I heard that.” He came and joined in on the hug. “But I forgive you.” He kissed the top of Morgan’s head before him and Y/N pulled back. “Don’t give Happy too much grieve, okay?”
“Okay, daddy!”
Tony leaned closer to Y/N. “If we’re going to do this, we’ve got to get going,” he whispered, placing a slight kiss near her ear.
“Okay,” Y/N whispered in reply. She leaned in and gave Morgan one last kiss on the forehead. “We’ll call you later tonight. I love you.”
“I love you too, momma and daddy,” Morgan responded.
Y/N and Tony stood up. She had an arm around his waist, holding herself close to him. Pepper and Happy came up behind Morgan.
“We’ll take good care of her,” Pepper promised.
“Thank you guys,” Y/N said before Tony led her to the car.
He opened the passenger door for her then got into the driver’s seat. Y/N waved and blew kisses to Morgan as they drove off. When they were too far away, she sighed into the seat. Tony reached one hand over and gave her knee a slight squeeze. They didn’t talk though, they were both too overwhelmed with what they were both headed to do.
Steve was standing outside, staring at the ground. His hands were on his hips as he looked beat. Bruce, Scott, Natasha, and himself had just tried to send Scott back in time, to no success. All they did was age and de-age Scott. Steve needed to get out of the hanger and clear his head. It had gotten his hopes up to bring everyone back, but it was looking like their plan wouldn’t be a possibility.
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As a noise broke the silence, Steve looked up to see a car speeding towards the entrance. The car pulled over to him, passing him slightly, before reversing. As it backed up to stop in front of Steve, Tony rolled down his window to reveal himself and Y/N.
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“Why the long face?” Tony asked. “Let me guess: he turned into a baby.”
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Steve looked away with a slight smile on his face and a nod. “Among other things, yeah,” he responded looking back at the couple. “What are you two doing here?”
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Tony got out of the car, Y/N following, and walked around to the back. “That's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody should've cautioned you against it.” He leaned against the car as Y/N moved to stand beside him.
“You did.”
“Oh, did I?”
“Tony,” Y/N scolded quietly, knowing Steve did deserve the sass.
“Thank goodness we’re here. Regardless, I fixed it.” He held up his right hand, device on it. “A fully functioning Time-Space GPS. I just want peace.” He made a peace sign. “Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it.”
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“Me too.”
“We got a shot at getting these Stones, but I gotta tell you our priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what we got? I have to, at all costs. And... maybe not die trying will be nice.”
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“Sounds like a deal.” 
Steve reached out his hand to shake, in which Tony took it. Pulling away, Tony opened his truck. He reached in to pull out Captain America’s shield. He handed it toward Steve, who didn’t take it.
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“Tony… I don’t know,” Steve said.
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“Why?” Y/N asked. “Howard made it for you.” 
“Plus, honestly we had to get it out of the garage before Morgan took it sledding,” Tony added. “She’s been way too eager to take it out since she found out it belongs to you.”
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With a light sigh, Steve took the shield, placing his arm in the straps. It had been too long since it had rested on his arms, seven years in fact. It felt nice to have it back.
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“Thank you,” Steve replied.
“Will you keep that a little quiet?” Tony asked as he pulled out a few more things from the car. “Didn’t bring one for the whole team… we are getting the whole team, yeah?”
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“We’re working on that right now. You guys might be able to be of some help.” Steve began leading them back into the hanger. “Who’s with Morgan?”
“Pepper and Happy,” Y/N responded. It was clear to the men that Y/N was feeling hesitate to do this and leave Morgan. “You’re going to have to join in on the call tonight. She’s upset she didn’t get to talk to you that much when you guys showed up a few days ago.”
“Y/N? Tony?” She heard Natasha gasp. Her friend quickly ran to her, engulfing her in a hug. “You came to help. Thank you so much.”
“Woah there, Banner,” Tony said, causing everyone to notice him studying Bruce, who had merged with the Hulk. “What did you do?”
“I know, it’s different,” Bruce responded. “But I finally found a way to live with both my sides.”
“That’s wonderful,” Y/N smiled. “I’m so happy for you, Bruce.”
“Thank you.”
“What’s the plan with the team though?”
“I’ve called Rocket and Nebula,” Nat explained. “They’re on their way. Once they get here, Bruce with go with Rocket to fetch Thor from New Asgard. Rhodey needs to finish up a few things before he comes. They should all be here tomorrow.”
“What about Clint? Is he still off the grid?”
“I’ve pinned pointed his location and am going after him tonight.”
“Do you need any help?”
“I think this is something I need to do on my own.”
Night had fallen and Tony had already started building a platform for the time travel. Natasha had left to retrieve Clint and Y/N was just finishing up her video call with Morgan.
“It’s time to go sleepy night-night, now Mo,” she told her daughter. “I love you, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight.” She blew a kiss.
Morgan blew one back. “Love you, momma!”
Y/N smiled softly as she hung up. Turning the phone in her hands, she looked around the bedroom she was sitting in. This old bedroom was filled was so many memories, good and bad. Y/N honestly never thought she’d ever come back here, again. With a small sigh, she pushed herself up from the bed and walked out onto the small balcony that was attached to the room. She leaned on the railing by her forearms and looked over the once bustling grounds of the compound.
“I thought I’d find you out here,” Tony said, snaking his arms around her and pressing a kiss to her neck. She jumped slightly. “Sorry, did I scare you?”
“A little. I guess I was too caught up in my thoughts,” Y/N responded.
Tony rested his chin on her shoulder. “Care to share?”
“This place used to be so lively… even after the team broke. There were people running around and working hard. Now… now It’s empty. Too empty… I don’t want this to be the world Morgan grows up in. I want to her see busy streets and cheer in crowded arenas. I want her to experience what life should be like. Not this… this mess.”
“I get it… I want her to meet Peter. I can already imagine the chaos those two could cause.” 
Y/N laughed. “Me too… And Harley.”
“And Harley… we have to get our boys back.”
“We have to. And not die trying.”
The next day, Tony and Y/N spent building the platform, while everyone else came and went, going about their assignments. Natasha left to get Clint, having got some concrete leads about him being in Japan. Rocket, Nebula, and Rhodey arrived. Rocket and Bruce quickly left for New Asgard to fetch Thor. Nebula, Rhodey, and Scott began thinking of suit ideas for the time traveling. Steve gathered together everything he could find on the Infinity Stones, the whole time itching to ask Y/N questions. He wondered if she knew more than they had learned from past experiences. And it wouldn’t surprise him if she did.
Rocket and Bruce arrived back with Thor first. It shocked the team to see Thor in such a state as he was. His hair and beard were long once again, and he had gained more than a few pounds. It saddened Y/N to know that this had all taken such a toll on Thor. Her and Tony really had been one of the few lucky ones. 
Rocket quickly began helping Y/N and Tony with the platform. Which Y/N was extremely grateful for because she could only understand, or do, very little of what Tony was asking of her. 
Thor was drinking a beer as he clumsily walked towards the platform. Tony was walking from behind Thor, dragging a long hose.
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“Drifting left,” Tony warned Thor as he began to pass him. “On the side there, Lebowski.” He faced Rocket, who was working underneath the platform. “Ratchet, how’s it going?”
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“It’s Rocket,” the raccoon corrected. “Take it easy. You’re only a genius on Earth, pal.”
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“Thank you!” Y/N exclaimed jokingly, pointing at Rocket.
“Hey!” Tony exclaimed, a little hurt.
“I love you!”
Tony scoffed. “Sure.”
Y/N giggled as she came up to Tony. “I’m sorry,” she pouted slightly as she grasped his hand. “Forgive me?”
Tony sighed, rolling his eyes playfully. “I guess.” He gave her a light kiss. “Want to go check out how the suit is coming?”
“Of course.”
They intertwined their fingers and headed to where they were figuring out the suit. When they arrived in the room, Scott was in the suit with Nebula and Bruce working on it around him.
“How’s it coming with the thingamajigger?” Tony asked as him and Y/N walked over to the Scott. “What’s our status?”
“Now?” Bruce wondered. “Yeah, it’s just about ready.”
“Alright, let me see. Wow. Got a little Pym,” Tony pointed, “Stark styling.”
“And the, uh, noggin bubble, courtesy of, uh,” Tony turned to Nebula, “Rings of Uranus. What’s your troop called?”
“The Guardians of the Galaxy,” Nebula answered.
“We just need someone to test it,” Bruce said, as he grabbed some small glass tubes with a red liquid and started doing something to Scott’s suit.
“Time travel suit?” Rhodey questioned, walking in. “Not bad.”
“Hey, hey, hey!” Scott exclaimed, stopping Bruce. “Easy, easy!”
“I’m being very careful,” Bruce responded.
“No, you’re being very Hulky.”
“I’m being careful.”
Scott held up a red tube. “These are Pym Particles, alright? And ever since Hank Pym got snapped out of existence, this is it. This is what we have. We're not making any more.”
“Scott, calm down,” Rhodey advised.
“Sorry. We've got enough for one round trip each. That's it. No do-overs. Plus two test runs.” Accidentally pressing a button, Scott quickly shrunk and returned to his normal size. “One test run.”
“Shit, Scott,” Y/N muttered, shaking her head.
“Alright, sorry. I’m not ready for this.”
“I’m game,” Clint’s voice suddenly came from behind them. They all turned to look at him. “I’ll do it.”
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He looked different. It wasn’t just his hair cut and his sleeve tattoo. It was his eyes. Clint had lost his wife and three kids. Y/N couldn’t even imagine what he was exactly going through.
“Clint,” Y/N gasped softly.
“Y/N,” Clint responded with a nod.
Tearing up, Y/N let go of Tony’s hand and quickly wrapped her arms around Clint’s neck, bringing him in for a hug. Clint didn’t hesitate to hug her back.
“I’ve missed you,” she whispered.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/N/N,” he responded. He pulled away and looked back at the others. “Suit me up. Let’s do this.”
Tony and Y/N got the platform set up and gathered everyone while Bruce, Rhodey, Scott, and Nebula got Clint situated. As everyone slowly gathered and Bruce came to help Tony, Y/N stayed back and close to the wall. She had started to tremble at the thought of the time travel actually working and all that came a long with it. Her head had also started to get fuzzy. And, from past experience over the years, she knew that a seizure could easily be triggered. Steve had noticed at discretely came over to her.
“You alright?” He whispered.
“I-I-I… I don’t know,” she responded, shakily. “This all… what if it works? And… what if it changes things? I… I can’t lose Morgan. I-I can’t.”
Steve came around and cupped Y/N’s face with his large hands. “You are not going to lose Morgan. I will not let that happen, I promise.”
“You can’t control that Steve… you don’t know… I’ve seen things. I know things… something’s still coming.”
“What do you mean?”
She shook her head quickly. “I can’t say anymore. I can’t.”
“Don’t push this, Steve. I…” She swallowed, getting a tad dizzy. She gripped onto Steve’s arm, trying to keep herself steady. “I… oh…”
Steve held onto Y/N’s upper arms, noticing that she was struggling. “Talk to me, Y/N. What’s going on?”
“Just keep me close. I’m not feeling so good.”
“Maybe we should sit you down in the other room.”
“No. I want to be here. I need to be here. Just wrap your arm around my waist and keep me close to your side. I don’t want Tony to worry.”
Steve gave in with a sigh before turning so that they were both facing the platform and wrapping an arm around Y/N’s waist. Everyone else was at the control panel and Clint was taking his position on the platform.
“Alright, Clint,” Bruce said. “We’re going in 3… 2… 1!”
A helmet formed over Clint’s head before he went quantum. That was the longest minute of everyone’s lives. Y/N could barely breath as she stared at the space Clint once stood. When he finally rematerialized, Clint was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily. Natasha rushed up the platform, crouching down and cupping Clint’s cheeks. Scott and Tony rushed up onto the platform as well.
“Hey, hey,” she called. “Look at me. You okay?”
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Clint held up a baseball glove and threw it at Tony. “Yeah, it worked,” Clint said. “It worked.”
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Tony smiled triumphantly, holding the baseball glove, as he turned towards Y/N. She was the only one that didn’t seem excited. In fact, her complexion was off and her breathing pattern had changed. Tony knew what was about to happen before her eyes even rolled back.
“Rogers!” Tony shouted, surprising everyone. “Get her on the ground and on her side. Now!” 
When Tony had called out to Steve, that was when her eyes rolled back and Y/N began to seize. Steve quickly did as he was directed, already familiar with the routine. The whole team quickly surrounded them, with Tony and Bruce pushing to the front to help.
“What’s going on?” Thor asked, confused and completely worried.
“She’s having a seizure,” Natasha responded. “She had a car accident a few years back, left her with some brain issues.”
“When was the last time she had one?” Steve asked as he kept his sister on her side. 
“Probably a little bit over a year,” Tony replied, helping Steve.
They all let out a breath of relief when she finally stopped moving.
“Let’s get her to her bed,” Bruce suggested.
Tony picked her up. “I’ll handle it,” he said. “I’ll get her settled and then we can figure out a plan.”
They watched as Tony carried Y/N away.
“Steve,” Natasha called gently, looking at her friend. “What triggered it?”
“I have absolutely no idea,” Steve asked, keeping his eyes on the pair as Tony walked away.
Y/N immediately knew what had happened the moment she opened her eyes. She was laying in her bed, all tucked in, and Tony was sitting next to her, reading something on his tablet.
“How long have I been out?” Y/N asked, voice slightly horse.
“Hey, you’re awake,” Tony said, placing his tablet down and turning to face her. “You had us all worried.”
“What happened?”
“I was just thinking about… well, everything… and I guess I stressed myself over the edge.”
“Maybe you should go home, stay with Morgan.”
“No. I need to be here.”
Tony pursed his lips as he studied his wife. He definitely didn’t like the way she emphasized need. “Why? Why do you need to be here?”
Y/N sighed and closed her eyes. “You know why.”
“No, I really don’t. You’ve always been so vague around your destiny and the Stones and shit. Just tell me what’s going on. What do you know?”
Y/N tossed her covers off and sat up, sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from Tony. “I can’t say Tony.”
“Like hell!” Y/N stood up, walking onto the balcony with Tony following. “If you’re scared of the Stones, no need. They’re gone, Y/N. You felt that yourself.”
“You don’t understand… Things could still happen and I can’t have more lives on my hands than I already do.”
“Y/N, what happened is not solely your fault.”
“But it is. I was tasked to save everyone. And I failed…I failed Wanda, I failed Vision! I failed Peter! And Bucky!”
“Bucky,” Tony scoffed. There had always been a question lingering in Tony’s mind, fighting for an answer. But he was too frightened to know the truth. Until now. He had to know. “Are you still…” He studied Y/N for a quiet moment. “Are you still in love with him?”
“Tony…” She tried to turn away, but Tony grabbed onto her arms, keeping her facing him.
“No, you don’t get to run away right now. I need an answer. If we’re going to do this, bring everyone back. I need to know the truth, once and for all. That I wasn’t the second choice, that I wasn’t just the only option so you went for it… So, tell me, would you have chosen me if Barnes was still here?”
Ending 1: It’s Always Been You >
Ending 2: I’m From Brooklyn, Too >
I hope this wasn’t complete crap. And I couldn’t wait to post this! I know I’m on a break, I just got too excited about getting to the 2 separate parts!
I would love to hear your theories/hopes for the endings! I would love for everyone to read both, especially because they’ll take on Endgame very differently!
Also, my tag list is struggling to work. So please be patient with me. Also, Chapter 140 did not get a tag list because tumblr is the WORST right now and hates me and kept deleting it. So, again, please be patient with me. I’m just a human trying my best.
If you want to be added to the tag list, please dm me or send in an ask.
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202 notes · View notes
mandoalorian · 3 years
Rach could you please do something soft like it’s maxwells birthday and you and alastair plan a small birthday party ( just the three of you) and he is so overwhelmed with love he can’t believe he got so lucky after everything ❤️ then you tell him you’re pregnant.
Also no pressure to write you can totally ignore this 😊
Birthday Surprise [Maxwell Lord x F!Reader]
Warnings: pregnancy, allusions to sex, food mention, mention of infidelity/cheating, mention of poverty
Word Count: 3200>
A/N: It’s April 1st which means it’s officially Max Lord’s birthday! <33 Thank you for all the Max requests people have sent in over the past week. They’ve truly been a joy to write. & Thank you @supernaturalgirl for this lovely request. I hope you enjoy!
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Once upon a time, Maxwell Lord had these big, extravagant parties to celebrate his birthday. He’d host at fancy venues and it would be formal, strictly black-tie, and only the elite were invited. But the truth was, he was incredibly lonely. He had no friends, only colleagues and business associates. His wife would hang on his arm, wearing real fur, and Chanel couture earrings, parading around the room, flirting with other businessmen who might’ve been more successful than Max.
He didn’t like his birthday. Growing up, he didn’t celebrate much either. The Lorenzano family could barely afford to buy Maxwell new shoes or clothes that fit, so expecting gifts and parties was the last thing on his mind. Every year though, without fail, his mother would cook him a small cake and light a candle. “Make a wish, Maxwell.” she’d whisper. It was funny how things turned out.
And when he married for the first time, it was his wife who insisted on these big, luxurious celebrations with balloons and music. The attention was nice, sure, but it always felt like it was more for her than it was for him. He’d never say anything though. Just smile and nod. As long as she was happy. She sure seemed happy when Maxwell caught his wife with her tongue down another man’s throat at his 32nd birthday party. Thankfully, that marriage soon ended, and whilst Maxwell swelled with heartache for a good few months, better things were soon to come.
Like meeting you.
About a week before Maxwell’s birthday, Alistair was... hyper, to say the least. It was way past his bedtime, and yet he was bouncing up and down on yours and Max’s bed, clearly trying to get his father to leave the room.
“Daddy, could you go make me some french fries?”
Maxwell peeked up from his newspaper and furrowed his eyebrows together. His son’s question even ruffled you slightly, as you looked up from painting your nails and tilted your head slightly.
“Alistair, it’s eleven at night. No french fries.” Maxwell sighed before looking back down at his newspaper.
Alistair hummed, looking around the bedroom.
“Daddy, did you remember to feed Lady her evening biscuits?”
Maxwell looked up from his paper again, and stared at his son.
“I fed her this evening,” You said, trying to work out what kind of mischief Alistair was getting up to now. “Ali, is everything okay?”
“Of course, why wouldn’t it be?” The six year old replied, and well, it was a fair response. You and Maxwell exchanged a glance before getting back to your business. About ten seconds passed.
“Daddy, can you make me some warm milk?”
Maxwell sighed, this time dropping his newspaper completely and rubbing his tired eyes. “You don’t need warm milk Alistair.”
“But I’ll struggle to sleep without it.”
“I’ll go get you some,” you told the child, but Alistair quickly extended his arm, stopping you before you could get out of bed. 
“No mommy, you’re sick. Besides, I asked daddy.”
You blinked, taken slightly aback. Alistair was a sweet child with wonderful manners, that  much you knew, but even his decorum right now took you by surprise. He was speaking like a fully grown gentleman. Processing his words, you simply shrugged your shoulders before shuffling back into bed and getting comfortable.
Yeah, you’d been throwing up the past few days, in the mornings mostly, but you’d drawn it down to food poisoning. It was sweet how Alistair was seemingly looking out for your health. Maxwell’s gaze flicked between you both but, in defeat, he got out of bed and padded downstairs, into the kitchen to prepare his son’s bedtime beverage. Once he was gone, and you could hear him begin to steam the milk, you snapped your fingers to get Alistiar’s attention.
“Alright Ali,” you sighed, folding your arms across your chest. “What’s going on? Why have you been trying to get your dad to leave the room for the past...” you checked the time on the alarm clock which was positioned on Max’s nightstand. “Half an hour.” Gods he was persistent. Just like his father.
“We need to do something special for daddy’s birthday.” Alistair announced, and as he uttered the words, you already knew that there was no room for questioning him. He and his father were similar in that sense too.
“What do you have in mind?” you wondered out loud. You knew Maxwell’s birthday was approaching, despite your husband never talking about it. You hadn’t even thought of what to get him yet, which was a problem. 
“A party. But not like the ones daddy has for work,” Alistair explained, referring to the many galas Maxwell had hosted in attempt to gain sponsorship and investments for his company. “Like, a small tea party. Just us. All his favourite snacks and the birthday cake granny used to make him when he was a kid. I know it’s his favourite. And balloons and banners and streamers. I can draw a picture. And music. And—“
“Okay okay baby slow down, I see where you’re coming from,” you smiled, pulling Alistair into your lap. “And I like the idea. Do you know if your dad has ever had a small party like this before?”
“I don’t think so.” Alistair replied softly and you nodded in understanding.
“Well, we’ll have to make sure it’s perfect. We can start planning tomorrow morning when he goes to work, okay? But keep your mouth zipped tight Ali, it has to be a surprise.”
The day of Maxwell’s birthday started like any other. He left for work at 7:30, his driver waiting for him outside. He graced you with a quick peck on the cheek and told you he couldn’t wait to see you tonight. Now, Maxwell hadn’t uttered one word about his birthday in the past week, but even today, he hadn’t mentioned it. You’d planned on giving him his present this morning when he woke up, but your nerves got the better of you. 
You’d waited to give him this gift for a week already, you could at least wait a few more hours until he got home from work. 
At 9am, your best friend arrived with an abundance of helium balloons, birthday banners and streamers. At 9:30am, you tried to help Alistair pick out a smart outfit, although he was begging to wear one of his new Star Wars Ewok costumes. 
“How can you eat all the cake if you’re dressed as a massive teddy bear?” you asked the boy. He sighed, knowing that you had a point. 
Alistair looked adorable in his button down shirt and pants. You even fished in Maxwell’s closet to find a bow tie, hoping it would complete the look.
“I look like dad.” Alistair mumbled, fiddling with the wonky tie that you’d haphazardly wrapped around his neck.
“Exactly. You look wonderful.” you grinned, enveloping him into a massive hug. 
At 12, you figured it was the best time to begin baking the cake. But to do that, you needed the recipe. When you called Ms Lorenzano, your heart blossomed upon hearing the excitement in her voice.
“Oh darling! Hello! It’s so lovely to hear from you.” she spoke into the phone, and you could just imagine her smile on the other end of the line. It was identical to Maxwell’s. 
“Hello Ms Lorenzano,” you greeted, nervously curling the telephone wire around your finger. “How’ve you been?”
“I was just packing away my groceries. I got the bouquet of flowers you and Maxwell sent me yesterday. They look beautiful on my dining room table. Thank you, darling. They really lighten up the room. How is my son? Is he there?” Ms Lorenzano quizzed.
“Max is great, actually. He’s working at the moment but we were thinking about flying out to see you this weekend. If you weren’t busy? Alistair misses you very much.”
“Oh that would be wonderful! I’ve missed my little cherub so much. Let me guess, a big party planned tonight for my Maxwell’s birthday?” She beamed.
“Not quite. It was Ali’s idea to plan something small - a tea party of sorts. He was telling me about this vanilla frosting birthday cake you used to bake when Max was younger? And I was hoping you’d share the recipe with me. I’d love to try and recreate it… although my baking skills are nowhere near as good as yours.” you giggled. 
“That recipe has been passed down our family for generations,” Ms Lorenzano explained and you felt your heart sink into your chest. By neither law nor blood, you weren’t family. Would she really not give you the recipe? You’d been dating Maxwell for years now. And Ms Lorenzano did always say you were like a daughter to her… “Of course you can have it.” she smiled and you felt  a wave of relief wash over you as she began to list the ingredients.
“Thank you Ms Lorenzano, it was so lovely to speak to you. Max is gonna give you a call tonight. Take care, okay?”
“Okay darling. I send my love. Give Alistair a kiss from his ol’ granny. I will see you Saturday.” 
Now, the smart thing would’ve been to call over the house chef and have her prepare the birthday cake. At least then, it would be void of any errors. But this was strictly a Lorenzano family recipe and the last thing you wanted to do was to disrespect Ms Lorenzano and immediately give it to the house chef. So, you figured you’d give it your best go. At least then it would be sentimental. 
Maxwell was a fussy eater, only eating the most delicious and well presented foods. You weren’t sure if he’d even step a foot near this cake. As you stirred together the ingredients, something wasn’t right. It was lumpy and bubbling and -- no matter what, you just couldn’t seem to fix it. You called Alistair in, who had been colouring in a family portrait he’d drawn, to take a look, but of course, he didn’t know any better.
When the cake came out the oven, it was lop-sided and slightly burned. You figured it would be okay if you just covered it in the vanilla frosting and placed the sliced strawberries intricately on the top. But no. Luck wasn’t on your side today. The strawberries slipped off and the icing was uneven. At least you managed to put the cake on one of the fancy ‘special occasion’ plates. You could just tell Maxwell that it was made with love.
Ali helped you decorate downstairs, which proved to be a challenge. The rooms in Lord manor were extensively sized and tall, but you did your best. 
“Ali, I’m going to quickly get changed okay? Would you do me a favour and bring down your dad’s presents from upstairs? You could place them on the dining room table.”
Alistair nodded obediently and did as he was told. You went up to yours and Maxwell’s shared closet and looked around, trying to decide on what exactly you should wear. You opted on a beautiful, fitted champagne coloured dress that glittered in the artificial lighting. It was one of your favourite gowns and you had worn it last summer at one of Black Gold Cooperative’s charity fundraising events. You knew how much Maxwell loved it too. If Alistair was dressed in his father’s bow-tie, and Maxwell always looked presentable, there was no reason you couldn’t make an effort to look good too. Besides, you didn’t know how long you’d have left before you wouldn’t be able to fit into these dresses anymore.
You didn’t have long before Maxwell was due to finish work. You quickly style your hair and adjust your makeup, before padding downstairs and into the dining room. Just like you had requested, all of Maxwell’s presents were neatly piled on top of the table, courtesy of Alistair.
“He’ll be home any second Ali,” you said, handing Alistair a party popper and adjusting the cone shaped party hat on his head. Alistair was absolutely beaming, his big brown eyes twinkling like starlight as he anticipated his father coming home from work. “Are you ready?”
“Yes.” Alistair grinned.
“Okay. Good. Let’s go find a place to hide.”
Ducking down behind the stack of gifts, you waited for about five minutes in silence, until you heard the front door unlock. Alistair squeaked excitedly, hearing his dad come home and you bit your lip, quietly shushing him but unable to contain your own smile.
Maxwell was surprised when he came home. He wasn’t greeted like he expected to be. Normally, every evening after his shift, you and Ali would run into his arms and envelope him into a hug. The lack of running and hugs concerned Maxwell. The house was dead quiet, and he even found himself wondering if either of you were home. 
When he padded into the dining room and switched on the light, you and Ali jumped out and screamed in unison; “Happy birthday!”
Maxwell froze, his jaw dropping open and his eyes going comically wide. He was presented with an abundance of gifts, a decorated dining room, his son and girlfriend all dressed up, and a questionable looking cake with a wax candle stuck in the top. You and Alistair ran into Maxwell’s arms and hugged him tight.
“Daddy! Daddy! It’s your birthday! Look! We planned a surprise tea party all by ourselves!” Alistar squealed, tugging on his father’s arm.
“I- I- wow!” Maxwell gasped, genuinely speechless. You bit your lip and swayed your hips as you lovingly gazed into his brown eyes. You didn’t know what it was, maybe the fact the whole day was leading up to this moment, or perhaps just an imbalance with your hormones, but you had missed him so much. Just seeing him again made you want to weep in his strong arms. You loved him so much.
“Happy birthday.” you whispered, raising your hand to cup his face. He nudged his nose against yours and you kissed him sweetly. 
“You did all of this for me?” He asked after reluctantly pulling away, still in genuine shock.
“It was Ali’s idea.” you replied, letting your body lean against his. You rest your head into his chest so much so that you could hear the rhythm of his heartbeat.
“You look… breathtaking, darling.” Maxwell hummed, his hand resting on the small of your back.
“Come sit down,” you said, taking his hand and guiding him over to the dining room table. “You have all these presents, and we have cake and music…” 
“The cake…” Maxwell pointed and quirking an eyebrow. “Is that… it can’t be…”
“It is, I called your mom for the recipe.” You confirmed with a nervous smile. 
“I-- don’t believe it. I haven’t had this cake since--”
“I know. Again it was Ali’s idea,” you informed him. Alistair looked bashfully proud as he anticipated the cake cutting. “I know it doesn’t look the best…”
“Are you kidding?” Maxwell asked, cutting you off. “This is the most thoughtful thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“Would you like to try some?”
“Would I like to try some?” Maxwell repeated incredulously. “Of course!”
You lit the candle and held hands with Alistair and Max as the two of you sang happy birthday. As Maxwell blew out the candle, you told him to make a wish.
“I don’t need to wish for anything. I already have everything I could ever want. Right here.”
Maxwell got a variety of miscellaneous gifts for his birthday. A porcelain statue of a dog, a small desk flag with his company logo on it, a basket filled with biotin supplements, and of course the artwork that Alistair had created earlier in the day. It was a beautiful crayon illustration of you, Max, Ali, and of course your cat, Lady Lord. Maxwell promised to frame it and put it on his desk at work. Little did he realise though, the best gift was yet to come.
Once Alistair was tucked into bed, you and Maxwell decided to settle down and have an early night. All the eating and dancing had exhausted you both. 
“Thank you for today,” Maxwell mumbled, pulling the zipper down your dress. His warm breath fanned over the shell of your ear and you immediately felt butterflies in your stomach. “Why don’t we go to bed, hm?” he asked, peppering kisses down your neck and along your shoulders. 
You knew what he was hinting at, and you wanted it too. Of course you wanted it too. But there was something you had to deal with first. You were so nervous but you knew it was now or never.
“I didn’t give you your birthday present.” you announced, turning around to look your boyfriend in the eye.
“Wh-- what do you mean? You didn’t need to get me anything. This was enough. You-- you, my love, are enough.”
You smiled, rubbing his bicep and finding yourself once again getting lost in his eyes. You took a deep breath and pulled him into the en-suite bathroom. Although confused, Max didn’t say a word, and instead, he watched you in silence as you unlocked the drawer under the sink. It was where you usually kept your cosmetics, but Max’s gift had been waiting in there for the past week, wrapped up in tissue. You took it out and handed him it.
You anxiously watched as he unravelled the tissue, only to be presented with a positive pregnancy test. Your positive pregnancy test. His eyebrows knotted together and you watched his Adam's apple bop in his throat as he swallowed. But then, only seconds later, his face softened and his eyes became glazed with unshed tears. “You’re… we’re…”
“We’re pregnant, Max.” you confessed, confirming his thoughts.
Maxwell choked up and wrapped his strong arms tight around you, squeezing you hard. “Oh my God, we’re really pregnant?”
“Mhm.” you giggled, as Maxwell pulled away and cupped your cheeks with his hand. He kissed you passionately and when he pulled away, his grin was ecstatic.  
“How long have you known?” He quizzed.
“A week.” you admitted.
“A week?!”
You swatted his arm playfully and shushed him. 
“I wanted it to be a surprise. We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, to confirm it and everything. But with the sickness and… I can feel it, you know?” You took his hand and placed it against your stomach. “I can really feel it.”
“I love you so much,” Maxwell smiled. “I love you so, so much.”
“Happy birthday my dear.” you replied, guiding him back over to the bed. “I love you too.”
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73 @softmedics
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hansolmates · 4 years
give me the night
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banner done by the fabbbbulooouss emotional support bud @chwepen​
summary; minghao has long stopped clinging to the love you and him created years before. when he sees you however, new seeds are already sown.  paring; photographer!minghao x student!reader (f) genre/warnings; exes to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluff bc this couple is so shy n’sensitive, feelings of longing, pining, casual alcohol consumption w/c; 1.2k prompt; “i’ll meet you halfway.” a/n; for the cwc’s valentine’s gram event! this is for you yunn @starboywoo​ i hope u have a wonderful lovable weekend enjoy!! 🖤 🖤 🖤 
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He’s a sensitive soul. Junhui makes a point to always poke and prod at Minghao’s soft heart, calling him gummy and doughy and full of love. 
Malta’s pretty. It’s muted, but delightfully charming. It doesn’t have the obvious romantic appeal that Paris or Rome has, but it’s still beautiful. It’s obvious due to Minghao’s constant clicks of his phone, his starry eyed expression when he sees the strung up lights at the pier, and the bounce in his soles when he stumbles upon road after narrow road of clunky cobblestone paths. 
“She goes to school here, right?” 
Junhui is walking backwards, hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. He’s smirking at Minghao, knowing how testy he gets whenever you’re brought up. It’ll only take one push for Junhui to stumble, Minghao muses. Then, he can go back to the townhouse they’ve rented and sketch, or watch television, anything other than drinking. 
Mingyu has been waiting, pregaming and trying his luck with the pretty girls seated at the table opposite him. 
It’s then Minghao chokes on his saliva and realizes that you’re seated in the very middle, unbeknownst to Mingyu’s apparent ogling. 
Junhui immediately swivels Mingyu to his attention, forces Minghao and a seat, and orders a round for them in the matter of a minute. Junhui has a mission tonight, and it’s to not warble around and carry a broken heart (or two) home. 
The tiny table you’re pressed up against is cramped to the brim, and you’re surrounded by a hearty group of friends. Your jewelry sparkles against the little tea candles in the centerpiece, cheering with a shot glass to some random thing a boy is shouting. The liquid spills across your bracelet, but you still drink eagerly. You’re beautiful, more beautiful than what the social media and his memory could remind him. 
You left your home country for this prestigious study abroad program in the beginning of college, evidently ending your love story with your highschool sweetheart. Minghao’s over it, he really is. If anything that’s lingering in his heart, it’s the memories of having so much fun, so much love between each other. You two are far different now, and neither of you would be able to go back to that fleeting youth. 
Honestly, Malta is one stop out of many for his spring break. He thought his two days here would be over in a wink, and he could move onto the other niche destinations Mingyu and Junhui planned.
Minghao underestimated the fact that Malta’s tiny, and you’re at the heart of it. 
Just as fast as you’re there though, you’re getting ready to leave. The night is still young, yet you stumble to your feet like you’ve been out all evening. Your friends tell you to get a cab, saying it isn’t safe to walk home alone. 
“I’m not walking home alone, a friend is here,” Minghao hears you say, and he wonders if someone’s waiting outside for you. Someone tall, handsome, potentially his replacement. It makes Minghao sink into his beverage, swallowing away his unwarranted jealousy. 
Yet you come to his table with confidence, holding out a hand to him. 
“Take me home?” you pose this as a question, yet the flicker in your eyes betrays your need for his immediate acceptance. 
Everyone’s looking at him, he thinks absently. He can hear your friends whispering and giggling to themselves, while Mingyu is audibly drooling next to him. Junhui is reaching for you, clawing across his lap to invite you for one more round before you head off. 
“Come for breakfast, Junnie,” you placate, tugging Minghao by the sleeve of his hoodie before he can catch his breath, “we should leave now,” you say, waving politely at Mingyu. You have no clue who he is because Minghao befriended him later in college, but from Minghao’s peripheral vision your eyes are pointed in minor affliction. He knows that look too well, like you have the urge to close his jaw and put him in his place. 
“Sure,” Minghao follows you out of the tiny bar, and he subconsciously inhales at the sight of the full moon and the hint of fresh air.
His steps slow once he makes it outside, the heat feeling like honey as he trudges half a step behind you. His eyes linger from your casual spring dress, to the kitten heels that buckle at your ankles. The cobblestone is uneven, but you walk through it like a seasoned exchange student. He doesn’t know where you’re going exactly, but wherever you end up he’ll follow. 
“You didn’t come over to say hi to me,” you say shyly, your hands fisting in your marigold clutch. 
He can’t help but smile at your sudden meekness, knowing that confrontation, especially one where there’s only two parties, makes you nervous. Especially so, considering you made such a grand gesture of attention and now that you’ve gotten it, you're overwhelmed. 
"You looked too pretty, I was intimidated," Minghao replies honestly, and his heart perks up hopefully at the heated flush that spreads across your face. 
The two of you talk into the night, throwing back and forth each other's new lives. Your muses have changed, your happiness is dependent on your dreams, all as it should be. 
Minghao thought he would run out of things to say, as he is the one who stayed home all these years. Yet, you ask eagerly about his studies, the amazing places he’s seeing and the work he’s proud of. You ask about the concrete city you can’t help but miss. He then asks about the limestone that encapsulates your world. The new kind of love that you’ve been craving, a love for yourself and the investments you’ve made in your successes. 
It’s different. It isn’t quick or to the point like your relationship once was. This one grows, a seed buried in the night sky. This one is a new relationship waiting to be tended. 
The walk home went fast. Even though you two stopped for gelato and admired the passing ships, the journey felt too short to Minghao. You live in a boarding house with other foriegn exchange students, a nondescript townhouse that’s warm and soft and oh-so perfect for you. 
"Thanks for taking me home," you murmur, in fear of your neighbors overhearing you, "even though I kinda didn't give you any choice in the matter." 
"Always," Minghao shakes his head, unable to think of a scenario in which he'd ever say no to you, "I'll always meet you halfway." 
He can’t bear to look into your eyes anymore. They still glow like before, a sparkle that reminds him of city lights and now, the lit-path down a cobblestone road. 
Before he can second guess the signs he turns to leave, but your figure curls around him like a warm blanket on a Sunday morning. Your nails curl into the soft cotton of his heathered hoodie, clutching him like he'll evaporate on the spot. Your cheek nuzzles fondly into his back, and he instinctively relaxes into your touch. 
"Stay the night," you request, already pulling him back into your room. 
As always, he can never say no to you. 
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