#trying to avoid apple filter tags
clockwork-ashes · 6 months
All You Have Is Your Fire - Part VII
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Find Part I here :)
Summary: 'I can hear your heart beating through the stone.' For the briefest of moments, Lucien wondered if his mate would know exactly when his heart’s steady rhythm came to a sudden stop.
Note: A huge, huge thank you to the lovely @bettdraws who literally deserves all the credit and whose post inspired me to start writing this. I could not stop thinking about this head canon, and it was so kind of you to let me try and make a story from it :)
And a huge thank you to everyone reading! ALSO has everyone seen this post, I gasped it's so lovely. All of @teddyhoneybear mood boards are stunning <3
Tag List: @anishake / @nocasdatsgay / @mybestfriendmademe / @talibunny30 / @halfbutneverwhole / @wishfulimaginings / @goldenmagnolias /
Part VIII >>
The Forest House was always at its loveliest in the morning, Lucien knew, and while he had not stepped foot in his childhood home in decades, it was almost as though no time had passed. 
Warm sunlight filtered in through the arched windows, falling leaves created an ever-moving pattern along the stone walls. Lucien could smell the sweet pastries being baked in the kitchens mixed with the always present scent of crisp apples. It was too early for anyone else to be wandering the ancient hallways, none of the nobles or aristocrats awake just yet. 
It was peaceful, nearly enough so as to make Lucien forget all of his less pleasant memories in Autumn. 
The sharp pain shooting up his side made Lucien wince, bringing him back to the harsh present. He was feeling much better than he had the night before, still a little bruised and sore, but no longer exhausted from the injuries. 
Lucien wondered if Elain’s presence had been the reason for his swift recovery, whether being in his mate’s proximity was to thank for his overnight healing. 
When Lucien had left their shared suite, Elain had still been asleep. She had been curled up on the armchair by the fireplace, the flames low, a fur blanket pulled up to her chin. Lucien had been struck with how lovely she was, curls framing her face rather endearingly, but even in sleep Elain had looked troubled. 
Elain’s brow had been furrowed, her full lips pulled down at the corners in a small frown, like she had been unable to rest. 
Lucien had blamed it on the fact that she could hardly be comfortable confined to the armchair, and while he had appreciated how she had not hesitated to offer him the bed, he had been annoyed with himself the following day for not having insisted otherwise at the time. 
Lucien had clambered under the covers with no argument after having washed up, Elain had been pretending to sleep, obviously to avoid speaking with him any more. Lucien had allowed Elain that, had considered it the least he could do for her after she had faced his father, but he regretted not pushing her to take the bed.  
The sound of Lucien’s boots hitting the stone floor echoed around him as he continued to walk the halls. 
He was unsure of how he could properly thank Elain for what she had done, for the danger she had put herself in. The idea of finding her lady’s maid came to Lucien as he had been searching through the already full closet, glad that whoever had set the rooms had thought of it. The clothes he had been wearing were ripped and stained with his blood, even the style would have been considered inappropriate for the court he had been raised in. 
Lucien had not yet run into the female that had come to Autumn with Elain, still nameless and faceless to him, but he had been certain in his ability to spot her despite the fact. 
Lucien knew Elain would feel more comfortable with a familiar face, more at ease with someone who simply was not him. Lucien hoped he would find her lady’s maid, but that had not been the only reason he had woken up so early, had left Elain alone. 
The Lady of Autumn liked drinking her morning coffee on a balcony Lucien had long ago begun referring to as his mother’s. Seeing her in the throne room the night before had been enough to rattle Lucien, the way she had clung to the High Lord familiar. Even in Lucien’s earliest memories, the Lady of Autumn would try to spare all her children from her husband’s wrath, unafraid for her own well-being.
Lucien was pulled from his thoughts at the sound of the sharp whistle behind him, the kind Eris so often used to command his hounds. Lucien stopped walking suddenly, his hands curling into fists at his sides. 
“Morning, fox,” the greeting rough, cruel amusement lacing the words. 
Instead of waiting for a response from Lucien, a second voice followed the first. “You’re looking much better, little brother. Spending the night with your mate seems to have done you a world of good.”
Ronan’s answering chuckle was enough to make Lucien’s blood boil. He turned around to face his brothers, having to contain the snarl that wanted to escape his lips. Lucien had not heard them approach, too wrapped up in his own thoughts. 
Felix raised an elegant auburn brow. “Surprising that she’s not with you now,” his frown was convincingly disappointed. “When will you be introducing us?” 
Never, Lucien thought. He had to stop himself from snapping the word. Instead, he ran his tongue over his teeth, took a deep breath. “You can meet her tomorrow, with the rest of the court.” Lucien hoped his tone suggested the decision was final.
“No exceptions are to be made for family?” Ronan grinned, knowing well that Lucien had not considered himself their brother since the moment Jesminda’s heart had stopped beating. 
Lucien hated them both in equal measure. Ronan for the role he had played in his lover’s death, and Felix for the simple fact that he was horrible. As a child, Lucien had tried to win their affection, and had been confused by their constant rejection of him. 
Lucien tamed his growing anger, choosing to answer calmly instead. “Afraid not.” 
“Pity,” flames flared in Ronan’s dark eyes as he shrugged. “I hear she’s lovely.” 
Lucien growled then, uncontrollable. Perhaps it was jealousy, he thought, the bond pushing him to act in such a way. If Lucien could have it his way, Elain would never have needed to meet his brothers, she would have never needed to step foot in Autumn. Lucien silently cursed Eris for getting his mate involved. 
Ronan looked pleased by Lucien’s reaction, and it seemed like he was about to continue taunting his youngest brother, but he did not get the chance. 
Not as Eris winnowed effortlessly between them. Lucien had always envied his eldest brother’s ability to step through space as easily as breathing. Eris made no show of his magic, creating an effect that Lucien considered rather unsettling. 
“Are we having a reunion in the middle of the hall?” Eris drawled, the tone of his voice enough to bring matching scowls to Felix and Ronan’s faces. 
Lucien could barely hide his grin as his other brothers inched further away now that Eris had arrived, as their expressions failed to hide their fear. Eris was a High Lord’s heir, and even Lucien was wary around such power. 
“We thought we should welcome Lucien,” Felix offered. “It’s been an age since he’s stayed at the Forest House.” 
Eris waved his hand dismissively. “You both have more important business to attend to,” he glared at Lucien, “I must speak with our little brother.” 
Before Lucien could respond, Eris grabbed onto his shoulder roughly, winnowing them both to a different part of the ancient complex. 
Eris let go of Lucien with a parting shove. “Do me a favour and go an entire day without being useless,” he hissed. 
If the circumstances had been any different, Lucien would not have taken insult to Eris’s words. He had long ago gotten used to the way Eris spoke, every sentence sharp as thorns. 
But it was because of Eris that Rhysand and Feyre had let Elain come for Lucien, that his mate was stuck in Autumn, their wedding date set. Lucien had well and truly had enough of Eris and his meddling. 
Swift as an adder, Lucien lunged at Eris, grabbing him by the collar. He threw Eris against the stone wall. “How could you?” He spat, ignoring the way his brother grunted in pain. “Why in the hell would you bring my mate, my mate, to this cauldron forsaken court?”  
Eris rolled his eyes, hardly concerned. He made no effort to free himself from Lucien’s grip. “Is she made of porcelain?” 
Eris’s question was enough to make Lucien release his hold on his brother’s jacket. “Father will–” 
“Do nothing,” Eris interrupted. “He’ll do nothing so long as he wants to remain in the Night Court’s good graces.” He ran a hand through his hair, “Spend enough time in Velaris and you start acting like Rhysand and his ilk. Elain chose to come, I hardly forced her.” 
Lucien was growing frustrated, but Eris was his only ally in Autumn. With a sigh, he rubbed the heels of his palms against his eyes. He did not trust Eris to have been entirely honest with Elain, to have warned her of the situation she would be getting herself into. “Rhysand and Feyre just let you take her?” 
“I doubt they would have been able to stop her, she’s quite stubborn, made quite a fuss over the whole thing.” Lucien watched as Eris shrugged, “She convinced me to let her take a lady’s maid. Your mate strikes me as a female unlikely to take no for an answer.” 
Lucien felt fear, steady like the flow of a river, creeping into his veins. “If anything happens to her–” 
“Stop worrying,” Eris interrupted once more. “I don’t care to hear your concerns.” Lucien bristled, ready to snap a response, but Eris had not finished. “Besides, your mate is looking for you.” 
Lucien had grown tired of Eris’s games. With one final glare cast in his eldest brother’s direction, he summoned his magic, glowing gold as he winnowed to Elain.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 3 months
If you're wondering how Tumblr fandom culture got so conservative—part of it is the same pattern you're following, unfortunately. So many well-meaning folks on here start out with "I'll accept anything, except THIS, which is beyond the pale"...and then the more they try to find the line, the further back it goes. Trying to avoid the "immoral" ships is a slope that time and again slips in the direction of intolerance.
My personal belief is that it's very difficult for a ship to be actually immoral, because the characters and any harm they experience are fictional. But even though you believe otherwise, promising to avoid "problematic" content, even if you're only intending to exclude the most grievous examples, is a difficult and labor-intensive line to enforce, more so the more people you're trying to get to agree on what is or isn't over the line.
It's understandable if you want to avoid conflict on your polls, but cutting ships rather than discourse not a neutral decision to make. You're already stuck censoring more than you think, even if it's only temporary. Perhaps allowing all (or most) ships and focusing rules of engagement for critique and conflict would be more effective? Even a terrible ship could do someone a lot of good if they're able to see it discussed or critiqued in an effective way.
That's why I will never permanently ban a fandom, a character, or a ship as long as it does follow my age rules. I will tag things accordingly so people can filter things. The closest thing we're getting to a ban is fandom jail because some fandoms can't keep their crap together and will harass me, so they get sent to jail so I can have a break.
But since I have gotten so many messages over the past hour, I think I will tag things the most direct way like people wanted. Apple iOS Hardblocked can be triggered all it wants. Maybe when people can't see or reblog my polls, they will realize why I was trying to handle the ship situation delicately. But what do I know?
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sollucets · 5 months
get to know me tag
as tagged by @ranchthoughts, @twig-tea, and @troubled-mind! thank u everyone 💜🥰
do you make your bed? literally never!
what's your favourite number? 52. i picked it as a child and i don't remember why, but it pleases me still
what is your job? i'm a humble lil grocery store employee
if you could go back to school, would you? if i could quit my job and go to school and still have my same money, then yes, i should think so, but that's super not happening! it might be nice to have a second degree. i think history would be fun
can you parallel park? yes i can! i used to have to do it every day to park in front of my last house. >:c
a job you had that would surprise people? i think all of my jobs have been either rather generic or right on the nose for what people would expect of me so probably not. i was a nighttime gas station attendant for a fair bit of college, which could be a surprise i guess? everyone always goes ":0 but werent you scared????" and like, no, not most of the time, but sometimes you do it scared yknow
do you think aliens are real? yes, but real in a way that there are many real things i can't see and don't understand (protons, gender, etc)
can you drive a manual car? i could do that once and probably still can, but it's been a long long time since i practiced
what's your guilty pleasure? as far as media goes, i do my very best not to have things like this. if i feel bad about liking it i generally do not like it for very long. i would say the closest is being into kpop, but it's not like i keep that a secret, i just dont really want to engage with kpop fandom, so i dont often post or talk about it publicly. a real guilty pleasure is that i like cherry pepsi too much
tattoos? i have one; he's on my left forearm & he's an abstract little spaceman with a fern for a head. i call him my cosmonaut. i have plans for more but i never have the time or money lately
favorite color? we know this one already surely. 💜
favorite type of music? ohh, i don't like to discriminate hehe. my very favoritest songs usually have fun harmony or funky rhythms, though, and it's best if i can sing along
do you like puzzles? sure! i used to have a book of fairy puzzles when i was a kid that i love dearly even now
any phobias? i am afraid of all bugs, but i can be a grownup about most kinds of them. i Cannot be a grownup about moths or centipedes, which i am terrified of (using those words will cause this post to be filtered for me on tumblr). i try not to kill them if i can avoid it, since it isnt their fault i'm like this, but i,,, i really can't, i'm useless if i see one. when id find centipedes in my room at my last house i wouldnt be able to sleep.
favorite childhood sport? i did tennis all of middle and high school, explicitly because of ryoma echizen prince of tennis lol. i was on varsity! i also figure skated as a kid. both are still fun when i get the chance
do you talk to yourself? oh yes all the time. i keep odd hours so i used to accidentally wake my roommate cause i just kind of absentmindedly chatter abt everything
what movies do you adore? i am not really a movie person if i'm perfectly honest; i don't watch them often as an adult. from my childhood my favorite movies were kenneth branagh much ado about nothing, the princess bride, pokemon 2000, and return of the king
coffee or tea? neither, i dont like most hot drinks. apple cider is ok now and again but i usually drink it cold, and im horribly picky about hot chocolate
first thing you wanted to be growing up? i changed this answer all the time as a kid and i have records of me doing so in my old notebooks lol! answers i know about include "pilot", "author", "dragon", and "eowyn"
this one seems like it might be a little personal so im shy to tag people hehe. go ahead and put me down if you want to do it though; i will be happy to know :)
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knackfandomarchive · 1 year
I think I'm learning that tagging for general purposes is like an ingredients list. In hindsight, this is obvious, but I haven't made the explicit connection until now. Using tags like this would also make it easier to filter out tags for those who need it, rather than using warning tags.
For instance, because tumblr's tag filtering system blocks the exact tag, other tags that essentially refer to the same thing can slip through. An example given in the community labels article is that if you have the #ferengi tag blocked, you'll still see posts tagged with only #tw ferengi.
So, presumably, it would be easier on those who need to filter out that stuff to only need to add #ferengi or #ferengi mention to their tag filter. Rather than both of those in addition to #tw ferengi, #ferengi tw, #cw ferengi, #ferengi cw, #trigger warning: ferengi, etc etc.
Using tags as an ingredients list also helps people find the subject, of course, and avoids stigmatizing those who enjoy the subject or are the subject. From the top of my head, I vaguely remember some heated arguments when someone tagged something #tw bisexuality or similar.
An ingredients list also doesn't have to be super detailed. Think #apples and #bananas and maybe #fruit, rather than #green #pome #desk #yellow #brown #round #oblong etc. Unless you do intend to sort your posts by color, texture, and taste, in which case, have at it!
I know most of the responses in the "wanna learn how to tumble with me?" Were "I don’t mind either way." So I'm kinda just posting whatever I find interesting or annoying.
So, I'll probably just use tags like #art, and the character names, rather than trying to figure out if a piece is #digital art or #traditional art. Unless it's something like #craft art, since I think that's more valuable to specify.
If you want me to tag particular posts, concepts, and things, whether that's to filter them out or search for them in particular, send me a message! In fact, even if you think I'll get around to it, you cand send me a message anyway and I'll put it higher on my project priorities.
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thegnmsolution · 2 years
Your Face Is Being Scanned in Public, Here’s How to Stop It
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Your Face Is Being Scanned in Public, Here’s How to Stop It Sydney Butler ** @GendoWasRight Jan 20, 2022, 8:00 am EST | 4 min read Facial recognition performed on a crowd on a city street.Trismegist san/Shutterstock.com Today it’s easy to recognize faces from camera footage taken in public. Whenever you leave the house, your movements can be tracked whenever a camera sees your face! Luckily, there are some ways to avoid this—at least for now. How Is Public Facial Recognition Possible? Thanks to a branch of computer science called “machine vision “, it’s possible to create software algorithms that quickly match a face in a photo or video to one on file. Since modern cameras are so good and computers are incredibly fast, this can be done in real-time, even in large crowds. Wait, how do they have a photo to match your face? Well, if you’ve ever put a photo of yourself on social media or a friend has tagged you in one of their photos, then it’s simple to scrape the internet for photos that have already been identified. Most likely by you! The technology is so good, that you can pretty much assume that whenever you’re in sight of a camera in public, there’s a chance that your face could be tagged and logged. It’s a scary thought, but we also use this technology for more mundane uses every day. You Already Use Facial Recognition When you use a Snapchat filter that puts a funny mustache on your face, that’s the same type of technology used in facial recognition in public. The same goes for biometric unlocking on your phone. Apple’s Face ID uses sophisticated algorithms and depth-sensing cameras to match your face with the data on file, making sure that no one else can use the phone. The point is that facial recognition technology isn’t good or bad, it all depends on how it’s used. Concerns about public facial recognition are mainly based on private and government surveillance using the technology. Most existing privacy laws around the world say that you can be filmed when in public, as long as there isn’t a reasonable expectation of privacy. If that weren’t the case, the paparazzi couldn’t do business, after all. Unfortunately, those laws could not foresee that mass-tracking of people could be done by simply pointing a camera at them. Wear a Mask The simplest way to avoid getting your face scanned in public is to wear a mask. At the time of writing, plenty of people are already doing this with face masks worn for pandemic reasons, which is why biometric face unlocking doesn’t work when you have one on. It is possible to get identify a face with a mask on that only covers half the face, but it’s much harder to do it using, for example, public security cameras. A full mask is more foolproof, but many parts of the world have anti-mask laws that may make this impractical. Hats, Sunglasses, Makeup, T-shirts, and Hair A person wearing a mask, hoodie, and sunglasses.Alejandro Ivan Suarez/Shutterstock.com A wide-brimmed hat makes it harder for cameras mounted above to see your face. Sunglasses, especially when worn with a face mask, is another effective method to stop your face from being scanned, and shouldn’t run afoul of mask laws. There’s also a new style of makeup that’s designed specifically to confuse machine vision systems trying to recognize your face. Another clever hack that’s been discovered is the practice of wearing clothing with printed faces . While this doesn’t stop your face from being scanned, it can make the system scan the wrong face. You can also obscure your face with long hair (or a wig) to make it harder for facial recognition systems. Although obviously, it makes it hard to see where you’re going! Specialized Privacy Glasses These are all passive ways to prevent facial recognition systems from getting a good look at you, but there are ways to actively interfere with facial recognition as well. One interesting idea is to use special privacy glasses that can detect when a camera is looking at you and then blind them without damaging anyone’s equipment. One company, Reflectacles , makes a variety of these glasses that are aimed at defeating different types of facial recognition. They do this with infrared-blocking lenses and reflective frames that blind the camera. Historical Facial Recognition One worrying aspect of facial recognition is that it can be applied to old footage. So, assuming the fidelity is good enough, footage from the past can be run through a facial recognition system and your movements can be tracked after the fact. Unfortunately, you’ve probably been captured by hundreds of cameras over the years and there’s no way to prevent that from being analyzed. It is however a good cautionary tale about how future technologies can unravel privacy retroactively. Recognition Technology Is Advancing While most of the ways to defeat facial recognition in public here still work, the technology is advancing quickly. As the algorithms get smarter, many of these mitigations aren’t going to be effective anymore. For example, the “dazzle” makeup method has already been defeated. Already, it may not even be necessary to see someone’s face to ID them. For example, gait recognition technology can analyze the way someone moves and walks and match them to a record. So you could look at footage of a protest , where people are often fully masked, and then find them when they are in public again by matching their unique gait. The future advancement of public biometrics like these means that it’s probably more effective to outlaw the use of such technologies to breach privacy, rather than trying to directly defeat the tech in the wild. Pushback Against Facial Recognition Technology Public awareness and dissatisfaction with facial recognition have already led to it being halted in some cases. For example, Microsoft has banned police from using its facial recognition technology  and will not sell it to them. In Canada, facial recognition using Clearview AI has been declared illegal . Facebook is also shutting down its facial recognition plans after a public outcry. More US states are passing laws restricting government use of face recognition technology , too. READ NEXT * › Affective Computing Could Change the Future of Computer Interaction * › What Is a Faraday Bag, and Should You Use One? * › How to Use Windows Hello Webcam Sign In on Windows 11 * › Online Privacy Is a Myth: What You Can and Can’t Do About It * › What Are Discord Raids, and How Do You Protect Your Server? * › The Google Pixel 7’s Magic Eraser Is Coming to Everyone (Who Pays Up) * › Razer’s New 15-Inch Blade Laptop Is Here for Work and Play * › Samsung Is Also Working on Satellite-Based Texting Profile Photo for Sydney Butler Sydney Butler Sydney Butler has over 20 years of experience as a freelance PC technician and system builder. He's worked for more than a decade in user education and spends his time explaining technology to professional, educational, and mainstream audiences. His interests include VR, PC, Mac, gaming, 3D printing, consumer electronics, the web, and privacy. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Research Psychology with a focus on Cyberpsychology in particular. Read Full Bio »
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those-other-ones · 2 years
This is a smut AU of how Drakken and Shego meet, from @dawhitebag's amazing fanfic which you can READ HERE.  Shego is still a hero in Go City at this time.  I started out with the text from WhiteBag's chapter and I added and altered a few things as I needed for my plot.  When it changes entirely to my text there's a line break.  Enjoy a little hero/villain AU!
This is also an extremely belated birthday gift for @amvwolfgirl.  Happy birthday, yo! Extremely long fic ahead.
Reminder that everything under the cut is Not Safe For Work, major lemon, eighteen and older only.
Shego had a date that night, so she decided to put on her best perfume. She stood back from the vanity and surveyed her appearance, noting particularly how her short, tight dress showed off her legs and her cleavage. There was a flutter of nerves in her chest and a stirring of heat where there shouldn't be, she thought with shame, for both a virgin and also for such imaginings about a boy she barely knew. For a brief moment of panic, she couldn't even recall his name.
What she wouldn't give to not be her age and have to deal with super-charged hormones in addition to super-powers. Not to mention, the thoughts that kept entering her head were bordering on...villainous.
She forced her mind off of the impropriety it wanted to dwell on as she grabbed her jacket and purse. But as she was just about to leave, the floor trembled under her feet. And then again. And again.
This wasn’t a usual earthquake. Those were steps.
She looked out the window only to see a gigantic robot traversing the city.
She sighed heavily.
'Not today...'
It looked like her date wasn’t happening after all. Ugh, which also meant she would have to call them later and apologize! It sucked...
With gloomy thoughts, she quickly changed into her superhero outfit and met with her brothers in the middle of the street. They stared at the giant machine, ready to fight but not quite knowing how to approach the situation.
“Who even is that?” Shego asked, raising her eyebrows.
“We don’t know,” said Wego.
“We think it might be someone new,” added the other Wego.
“All right, this seems straightforward enough. You boys stay on the ground, keep an eye on each other, and make sure all civilians are out of the way. I’ll deal with the driver. Hego? I need a lift.”
“You got it.” Hego put his hands together. They started glowing blue before she hopped on them. “Good luck!” he called out as he fired her high up.
Shego flew, aiming at the robot’s head where the bad guy was. However, the machine was moving fast and she didn’t quite get to the top, realizing she was about to collide with the robot’s back. She used her green glow before she hit the metal. Her hands pierced the plate, preventing her from slipping down. She grunted and started climbing.
The climb was harder than she anticipated it being; the robot was constantly shaking in its movements, and the wind hit hard. And whoever was steering the machine, they had already managed to tear the roof off the bank and grab the safe full of money.
At last, Shego reached the robot’s shoulder. She hopped onto her feet, finally spotting the driver. He was sitting inside a round, windowless compartment, where the robot’s head should be. She leapt atop it and easily opened the hatch, making sure to keep quiet so her approach wouldn't be heard.
The wind shifted.
The driver either caught the scent of her perfume or simply sensed her presence, because he turned to face her.
It was a man in his thirties. He had long black hair tied in a ponytail, a scar under his left eye, and...light blue skin.
He seemed surprised to have company, but he didn’t attack. In fact, he didn’t do anything. For a while neither of them moved, not sure what would happen next.
"Who— What are you doing here?" he finally asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I’m here to stop you," Shego answered, raising her fists.
"Oh, please," the man said and rolled his eyes, as if she was a minor annoyance, and pressed a button on his console.
This activated laser cannons placed inside the compartment. Shego dodged before any of them shot her and used her glow to shoot back at the cannons, destroying them completely. She then jumped gracefully inside the compartment. The villain glanced over his shoulder, both surprised and impressed, fastening his seat-belt at the same time.
“You’re not a Go City villain, are you?” Shego asked, wondering if there was any way to talk the guy out of the theft.
“No, and I’m not planning on staying here much longer. Already got what I came here for,” he said, pointing at the safe before pressing another button.
This caused the entire compartment to spin rapidly. Shego lost her balance. Her back hit the metal wall, and the pain caused her to shut her eyes and hiss. Then she realized, almost at the last moment, that her body was tumbling towards the exit. She used her glow again to claw into something, anything, preventing her from falling out, just in time—her entire body was already outside, save for her claws fixed to the metal.
Shego breathed heavily. It wasn’t from the exhaustion, though. In fact, there was something strangely intoxicating about this fight. Unlike most villains she usually had to fight with, this one seemed to have...potential.
She started moving her body back and forth, swinging, until she could back-flip back into the compartment. As she found her feet on a shifting surface she realized too late—the villain was now running straight at her. She didn’t get a chance to react as he used his body weight to shove her out.
“Farewell, Miss Superhero!” she heard his loud voice as she plummeted down. “May we never meet again!” he called out before laughing maniacally.
========[Fully New Text Starts Here]========
The robot’s engines fired up and it lifted off the ground. Shego's eyes darted around and she reached for anything to hold onto as the ground rapidly approached and seemingly faster as the robot flew upwards. Almost by accident she hooked her claws onto the broad rocket-foot of the robot and was painfully jolted up along its flight path. The machine soon reached the clouds, the villain’s laughter fading out as it was lost on the wind.
Cold and pain were Shego's dominant sensations, coupled with an anger that began boiling in her blood. She had never been defeated like this, and she wasn't about to be now. She waited until her limbs stopped feeling entirely like Jell-O and then swung upward, getting one foot hooked onto the robot. She shakily climbed up, avoiding the rocket jets, and then clung to the metal.
'How am I supposed to get up there?'
She clenched her jaw as she dug her already-weakening claws into the solid surface and started to climb. She had told Hego she needed an upgrade, but he had been against the claws to begin with. When she got back, she would get the upgrade without telling him.
It was several minutes of the wind whipping her hair into her face, gusts nearly knocking her off, and feeling like she was being put through the most difficult training workout of her life twice-over. But none of that would stop her. She had no choice, anyway.
When she finally neared the top she saw with a brief moment of dismay that the compartment had been closed. But she could change that easily. After finding a handle (and finding it locked) she held on tightly with one hand and ignited her glow in the other, placing her palm against the metal.
It wasn't melting immediately like she expected, and she intensified her glow even as her brow rose in surprise. This villain...was different indeed.
When a hole finally appeared she shifted her hand in order to make it larger. It wasn't just a matter of stopping the villain, but actually getting inside and commandeering the robot as well; the ocean waters now beneath her would be her death if she fell.
Whether it was the sound of the wind or the pressure change that got the villain's attention, she wasn't sure. But she watched through the hole as he turned in confusion and then for the first time seemed genuinely distraught, gasping at her presence. But then his expression darkened, and a lump rose in her throat as he unfastened his seat-belt, pushed a button on the console, and then approached her, brandishing something that looked like a ray gun.
She stopped melting the door and fired a blast that hit him squarely in the chest, knocking him on his back. The stress of fighting for her life must have caused her to miscalculate, as she was surprised to see the man's long blue lab coat ignite with green flame. He gave a cry and batted at the blaze for a moment before frantically removing his belt and tearing off the garment, then stomping on it to subdue the fire.
Shego hurriedly resumed her previous task however when he turned with a jerk, blinking at her in shock and anger. She knocked him down with another blast, far more controlled this time, and grimaced as the lump in her throat grew tighter. She didn't know how long he would keep letting her stop him before he fired that weapon, but she couldn't do him any great harm—she was a hero, after all.
After the third hit, and the hole was still just barely too small for her to get through safely, the blue-skinned villain snarled and pointed the weapon at her. She didn't halt in her task, supposing her only remaining grace was if she didn't fire again. A moment lingered where her eyes were locked with his furious ones, and then his expression slowly began to morph to curiosity. The anger remained, however.
Shego suddenly became aware of how much her hand was tiring holding onto the handle. She could hardly feel it anymore, and the wind was like icy daggers on her cheeks, not to mention the intense aches of her body as she tried to stay flush against the metal door, fearing being knocked off to her death by a gust. So when the villain lowered his gun arm and raised his brow as if in question, she found herself eager to accept the seeming truce he offered.
She let her glow go out and he approached quickly, reaching up through the hole she had created and grabbing her arm as she reached in. She allowed him to help her through, and there were a few moments of awkward clinging and stumbling during which she noted the man seemed to be well-muscled beneath his shirtsleeves, and then finally she was inside.
She forced herself to stay on her feet, even though all she wanted to do was collapse. She stood at a ready stance, hoping she didn't look as weak as she felt as she held her hands up in fists. The stillness of the air inside the compartment made it seem warmer, for which she was grateful.
The villain didn't speak, and after a moment she took in his appearance in more detail than before. He wore a tailored, pale gray-blue shirt which was notably singed in the center—she felt another twinge of unease realizing how uncontrolled the blast of glow had been—and equally well-cut dark blue trousers. Shego swallowed nervously as a rush of feelings that were in no way appropriate to the circumstance entered her mind and body.
She turned her gaze to the floor where a blue scientist's lab coat lay, but it appeared to be made of blue leather or a similar material. Smoke still rose from the heap, and she let her eyes travel from the black gloves on the deck to the matching boots he wore, and there was a smug twinkle in his eyes when hers finished traveling back up his attractive frame and met his. She noted again the scar under his left eye.
She scowled at his confidence, and the grin that had been forming on his face faded. He gave her another once-over before stepping back to the robot's controls.
"If you don't make trouble, you can stay," were his only words, tossed carelessly over his shoulder as he sat down.
Shego slowly straightened and pushed her hair over her shoulders, frowning at the mess of tangles. But she didn't have time to worry about herself.
"Turn this thing around!" she demanded.
The villain glanced over his shoulder, raised his brow, and began to chuckle. As the laughter turned more maniacal Shego growled and ignited her hands. The excitement of facing someone more competent was starting to wear off, among other things.
"Oh, I think not Miss Superhero," he said as he finished. "You see, I need those funds for my plans. Just be glad I let you back in..."
He had turned again, and Shego was about to interrupt with another demand he turn around or else, when he suddenly stood, brandishing the ray gun. Shego gasped and took a step back, actually caught off guard before she increased the glow of her hands.
The villain hesitated, seeming surprised a moment before he rolled his eyes.
"Please," he said, and then aimed the ray gun at the safe. He fired, but to his surprise, the door was undamaged.
Shego smirked, finally relaxing her stance and crossing her arms.
"It's been reinforced," she said plainly, glad to finally have a one-up on the villain, though she wasn't sure why.
"Nghn... Gah...you open it then," he said, turning the ray gun on her.
Shego wasn't sure why, but something about the man's snarl didn't seem terribly threatening anymore. And while the weapon pointing at her still made her nervous, she wasn't about to show it.
"Psh, yeah right. Turn this thing around and I won't have them throw every charge in the book at you."
The villain narrowed his eyes and grumbled something incoherent in seeming annoyance before his expression suddenly cleared. He gave her one last annoyed glance before turning to sit down again. Shego stared in confusion, wondering if he had in fact decided to listen to her.
After several seconds of silence she carefully stepped around to the far side of the compartment, opposite the safe. She glanced at the laser guns her glow had destroyed earlier before cautiously stepping forward more to watch the villain as he pushed several buttons in succession on the console.
Shego felt suddenly uncomfortable with his silence, though he still looked mildly annoyed if his twisted brow was any indication. But he had clearly changed tactics if the ray gun lying nearly twelve inches from him on another part of the console was any indication.
"I'm serious," she continued a bit uncertainly. "If you cooperate, they won't go as hard on you. I could even put in a good word since you didn't..."
She trailed off as the man turned and his expression of annoyance morphed into an enigmatic smile. Her discomfort grew under his stare as he looked her over for the second time, more searchingly than before.
"Why are you green?" he suddenly queried.
Shego took a step back in surprise, feeling a familiar defensive anger and...something else she couldn't explain. Whatever it was though stirred dangerously at the sensations she had been struggling to quell as of late.
"Why are you blue?" she countered, rather than telling him off. It was none of his business. Although...she found it curious that the villain seemed to have not heard of Team Go at all, even if he wasn't from Go City.
The man frowned. "Lab accident. What's the source of your power?"
Shego's expression mirrored his and she crossed her arms. "None of your business."
The villain looked thoughtful for a moment before he shrugged and turned back to the controls.
"No matter," he said casually.
Shego's own eyes narrowed as she felt the atypical unease swirl deeper within her.
"Why?" she asked.
He gave her a half-glance. "You'll still be useful to me, but I would have liked to have known more about your powers. I do like to fully utilize my assets," he finished, his grin devious.
The unease Shego felt rose to a clanging alarm in her ears, and she took a step back even as her hands ignited.
"I'm not your 'asset,'" she fairly spat at him.
The villain rolled his eyes.
"You must not have been trained very well," he fairly muttered.
Shego let her glow go out as she was again taken aback. "What do you mean?" she queried, crossing her arms again and retreating another step.
"If you weren't taught to use everything around you to your advantage, then whoever got you started weren't very good themselves, Miss Superhero."
The villain began staring down at a screen on the console and was seeming to ignore the flying of the giant robot. She supposed it had some sort of auto-pilot.
She rubbed her arms against the chill she realized was settling in the compartment due to the hole she had burned in it, and wondered just what this villain planned to do with her if not utilize her powers. He certainly couldn't take her in a fight, ray gun or no. Despite his assumptions, she was more than well-trained. She just didn't use lethal force because...she was a hero. Heroes didn't kill people. But if she had to, in defense of her life or the public, she would.
'Is he that dangerous?'
Shego eyed the villain again. His eyes had turned to the singed spot on his shirt front, and he began rubbing at it. This only made it worse, spreading bits of ash across the pale fabric, and with a scowl he stood up and began taking it off.
Shego stared wide-eyed as beneath the fine fabric the man was well-muscled, but not in the same way as her elder brother—he was simply well-toned. She could see some curls of chest hair peeking out from the top of his black tank top, and she was struck with the realization that this fellow she was staring at wasn't a young college boy like her usual dates. This was a man.
She felt a stronger rush of the sort of feelings that heroines and virgins simply should not have.
"My mother gave me this..." the man muttered in consternation as he tossed the shirt onto the still-smoldering blue lab coat. But when his scowling expression rose to meet hers, his eyes widened.
Shego looked away with a fierce blush, knowing she'd been caught, and the embarrassing feelings she was fighting only intensified. She wondered if the improper thoughts were written that plainly on her face, or if he would simply think she was studying him. She glanced back when she didn't hear any movement, finally lifting her eyes to his, unable to help herself from admiring his form on her way up again.
The uncertainty with which he was watching her was different than before, and this time he was the one to suddenly turn away, clearing his throat as he retook his seat.
"You may as well sit, it's a long flight."
Shego looked at the second chair in the compartment for the first time, realizing the flying robot had been made for a copilot. She approached it...and then stepped past it to lean back against the console next to him, her nerves still tingling for more reasons than one. He leaned away and gave a scoff of disgust before busying himself with something on the screen again.
"Where are we going?" Shego asked.
"My lair," the villain replied curtly.
Shego thought a moment. "What's your plot?"
He gave her a brief glance through narrowed eyes. "To take over the world."
Shego laughed aloud, and the man's scowl deepened as he glared at her. Her laughter stopped abruptly as she saw something flashing in his dark, focused eyes.
"Wait, you're serious?"
"Of course I am! Why else would I say it?"
Shego considered the other villains she had fought and their petty schemes, usually themed, and always overdone. This was the first time any villain had had such lofty goals. But considering the giant robot, she expected he was probably ultimately no different from the rest. Perhaps he simply had better resources.
"Why?" she asked simply, biting back the sarcastic comments that had wanted to fly out of her mouth. She shouldn't tempt fate when she didn't really have control of the situation. Although she noticed he'd made no move to pick up the ray gun when she'd sat on his console.
"So the world will know my genius!" he declared, his tone crisp and defiant.
Shego blinked at him, curious at the lack of a long-winded rant. Perhaps he really wasn't like other villains.
"That's it?"
"There is a chair," the villain said, gesturing with an open palm. It was surprisingly polite, given their fight mere minutes before.
Shego crossed her legs and arms and smirked lightly.
"So what are you going to do with me, then?" she asked, beginning to feel her usual cockiness return.
"Hold you for ransom, since you won't cooperate," the man said plainly, his focus back on his screen. "I'm sure you'll fetch a pretty penny. More than what's in that safe," he finished, gesturing roughly over his shoulder.
Shego's brow rose. Her first instinct was to laugh at the notion that anyone ever could take her captive, but instead she found herself imagining a barred dungeon, perhaps underground, like something out of a fairy tale. Then she realized she had never seen a villain's lair outside of Go City and wondered what this man's might be like, since he had the capability to build a giant robot. Or at least buy one.
"What are you going to do with me?" she asked, the words slipping out before she could stop them as the potential images swirled in her mind, along with more thoughts she shouldn't have about certain treatment of prisoners.
"I just answered—"
The villain stopped when his eyes reached hers, his brow rising. Color came to Shego's cheeks again and she glanced over to the other chair, thinking it might be safer to sit farther from the man after all with her thoughts betraying her every few moments.
She had just taken a breath and decided to move, when the man shifted in his seat, the chair swiveling towards her slightly as his hunched posture suddenly relaxed and he studied her with a new curiosity in his eyes. Her cheeks flushed again, and she recrossed her legs as his eyes left her face after a moment, his own cheeks coloring as he gave her another once-over.
"Who are you? Where do you come from? Why are you green?"
"Whoa, slow your roll Mr. Mad Scientist," she said. "Pick one."
Something about her words sent something new flashing through his eyes. They turned hard suddenly as he drew a breath, but then softened back to an even deeper curiosity. He leaned back in the chair and stroked his chin as he studied her.
"Why are you green?"
"An accident. What's with the scar?"
"...An accident," he replied, looking slightly uncomfortable. He looked about to speak again, but then paused to consider his words. Shego watched as intelligence and indecision raced behind his eyes, and her heart pounded as the images of a dungeon persisted in her mind, furthered now to her being held in ridiculous oversized chains.
There was an uneasy swirl in her stomach as she began to question herself and wonder where these...bizarre, to put it kindly, thoughts had come from. She tried to put them out of her mind and focus instead on what was important—namely, commandeering the robot and not incapacitating her captor so much as he couldn't tell her how to pilot it back to Go City.
She felt another wash of...something as she realized she had effectively labeled herself the man's prisoner, even though technically they were sitting at an awkward truce.
Weren't they?
She realized that they weren't, and that he did in fact consider her a captive and no threat to him at all. Her anger started boiling again against the unfairly attractive blue villain, and she stood and turned to unleash her fury on him in a verbal assault. But her words were halted by the smirk on his face as he stared...at her chest.
Her quick movement had startled him however, and the villain's face flushed and he looked appropriately guilty. Shego's anger wasn't quelled, but everything she had been feeling before came back in a stronger rush, and she was suddenly lost for words.
"I...think you should sit down, Miss Superhero," the villain said at last, his throat sounding a bit dry.
Shego looked at the chair again, and hesitated.
"Who usually flies copilot?" she asked, suddenly reluctant to take the way out of the growing awkwardness that he had offered.
The villain looked confused. "No one."
"Then why is it there?"
"Have you had a change of mind?" he asked suddenly, looking annoyed.
"Unless all of this..." he gesticulated uselessly at her with both hands as his brow knit, "means you're going to start cooperating and tell me about your power, then I'd rather you stop."
Shego thought she knew what he meant, but that flutter in her chest wouldn't go away. And the curiosity to pry greater understanding out of the embarrassing sensations she kept feeling guilty over—but not enough to stop entertaining—was increasing rapidly beyond her point of control.
In a flash, options that horrified her sensibilities were racing through her head—options that went far deeper than her fanciful imaginings.
'No one would ever know...'
Her gaze focused back on the villain who was looking at her in frustration and perplexity. She swallowed nervously, her heart seeming to pound out of her chest as she chose her words and spoke slowly.
"S-So...what do you do with your hostages...Mr. Mad Scientist?"
"I've already told—"
He stopped suddenly, blinking in wild confusion. Shego had already begun to relax from her offensive stance and took the moment to sit against the console again, this time leaning back on her hands and leaving her legs uncrossed. She tilted her chin up towards him slightly, unable to conjure anything resembling a flirty look like she had imagined many a time in her dreams of various circumstances like what she was trying to encourage.
The villain's own posture relaxed and he slowly pushed himself up out of his seat. Shego's heart raced further as he towered over her, and she felt a pain stirring in her loins she'd never experienced as with a fierce blush she didn't hide her roaming gaze that appreciated the muscles of his chest, arms, and shoulders, finally settling on his attractive, roguish face again.
He still looked a bit confused, but the confidence was returning to his eyes, and something else she was unfamiliar with. He cleared his throat, his voice sounding lower as he finally spoke.
"What would you like me to do with you?"
Shego felt her throat go dry as more sensations took hold of her at his dark yet silken voice. There was no question now that he understood exactly what refused to leave her mind. As she failed to answer he took a step nearer, practically eliminating any chance she had to flee should she change her mind.
"That's a lovely perfume you're wearing," he commented, studying her now wholly with that different look she couldn't identify.
"Thank you," she said, fearing her voice came out in a squeak. She suddenly realized she had no idea what to do at this point. Every fantasy in her head before this point had occurred on a generic sofa, with her wearing her best dress after a romantic date. Not looking windblown and wearing her sweat-stained Team Go uniform.
"To answer your question..." he said, his voice slightly hesitant. Her eyes locked on his as her breath caught. "I treat my prisoners...very well."
Shego felt alien sensations race through her at the same time she felt her heart was going to escape her chest. Part of her wanted to stop, to run, or say something to halt the course she had put herself on with this...villain. But too many other parts of her were screaming in stark contrast to the reason she was still clinging to.
The villain lifted a hand and reached halfway toward her, hesitant himself, his brow raised in question. Shego released a shaky breath, forcing a small measure of relaxation into her tense limbs, and gave the blue-skinned man a smile that she hoped didn't show off her nerves.
She didn't move as his hand found her arm. She was aware of her chest heaving as his hand slid to her shoulder and he moved nearer. Suddenly, his hand was gripping her flesh tightly and her breath caught as his other hand held the ray gun up to her chest. She had been taken utterly by surprise and was completely at a loss, ashamed for thinking this was something she could get away with. Why would a villain bent on world conquest stop to indulge her fantasies? It was something out of fiction that didn't happen in real life.
"You...you are serious." The villain's incredulous voice brought her out of her thoughts, and she saw he had lowered the ray gun.
Shego blinked in surprise as he released her arm and began pacing a small circle in front of her, scratching his scalp with the ray gun. She realized either something in her face or manner had convinced him that the incredibly weak seduction wasn't in fact a trick, as he had clearly believed. She wasn't sure what to say in that moment, her nerves now racing out of control and with too many sensations to process.
"Why would you...? You're a superhero! And...me?" he spluttered.
Shego was attempting to make sense of and process his ramblings as he continued on, wringing his hands after he dropped the ray gun carelessly on his chair. She felt too many things suddenly: humiliation over the entire situation, both for being bested and for being caught in her youthful lust and rejected, not to mention a sudden wondering of what would happen afterward if she went through with it. The villain was right—she was a superhero and was supposed to be bringing him to justice. Not trying to bring sexual fantasies to life.
And yet, as she watched the man continue to pace and ramble—was he even using real words anymore?—kicking his burned shirt and lab coat in the process, something within her made a decision.
She advanced on the man, startling him when her gloved hands grabbed the straps of his black tank top. And then her lips halted his words when they pressed against his.
For a moment there was nothing but a stillness, and the sound of wind rushing outside the hole in the compartment. But then the man's lips moved against hers. Shego realized in a panic that she didn't know how to kiss, and he must have too as he pulled away with confusion. As a word of question started to leave his lips, she silenced him by pulling him back to her, one arm going up around his shoulders.
He sucked in a breath, but kissed her back instantly, and with her heart pounding she tried to mimic his movements in response. She suddenly became aware of his hands on her waist, his fingers gripping her flesh tightly, and her heart beat ever harder. She was overwhelmed, panic amid her wild senses as she tried to process everything happening. But before she could find anything to respond to he pulled away slightly.
"For seeming to want this so much, you're not very into it," the villain said with a hint of annoyance.
This served to focus Shego's fire, and she pulled away with a growl and began yanking off her gloves. The man's brow rose in surprise, and then Shego found herself suddenly faced with another choice. She hoped the uncertainty didn't show on her face when her eyes flicked to his, and then she set her bare hands on his chest. His skin was warm through the tank top, and she let her fingers explore his flesh for just a moment before trailing them down his softer midsection and beginning to pull the shirt from his waistband.
"Hmmm," the man hummed, and Shego looked up to see him smiling. Shego paused in what she was doing and looked up at him with what she hoped was a confident smirk. "Going to finish the job?"
Shego realized she had paused, and with her heart pounding she began pulling the man's tank top up over his head and off. She didn't look to see where it fell when she dropped it, her eyes instead wide on the now half-nude man only inches from her. She hesitated for just a moment before remembering his annoyance, and then set her hands on his shoulders. And after another moment she let one hand begin traveling down his blue chest while the other explored the toned muscles of his arm.
"I noticed you don't wear a bra under that suit of yours. Make a habit of sleeping with the villains you take in?"
If it was possible, Shego's face flushed more. She wasn't about to explain that she used to wear one, but lately as her hormones had become out of control she was experimenting with the lack of one, enjoying the thrill of feeling more exposed, not to mention the way the zings of sensation she was occasionally gifted with by the suit's fabric rubbing against her nipples.
"Notice anything else?" she quipped, ignoring the latter part of his comment and finding her throat dry. She glanced at his face again, but her attention was on the bold and dangerous action of her hands. She had enjoyed the feel of his bicep and now had both hands on his torso, one sliding below his chest muscles and noting the darker blue of his nipples, while her other hand found the trail of darker hairs that began just above his navel and disappeared beneath his belt.
"Your hands are colder than I expected, with your fire powers," the villain said plainly.
Shego realized it was nerves causing the cool of her touch, and she hoped her hands weren't clammy as she felt him up.
"Sorry," she said before she could think about it. She realized that there should probably be some further advancement on one of their parts besides her fascinated exploration of his body, but before she could decide what to do he had brought his hands to hold one of hers.
"Come on," he said, his voice suddenly soft and tender. Shego let him lead her to a hatch in the floor she'd failed to notice previously, and when he pressed a button to open it she saw it led to a second compartment inside the giant robot.
He let go of her hand to climb down the ladder, and after he'd stepped aside she merely hopped down. They stood in a tiny hall with many doors, and he opened one and stepped through, Shego following close behind.
Her brow rose when revealed within were very small living quarters. A small bed against a wall, a kitchenette, and another door that surely led to a bathroom. Her heart thudded up to her throat.
"It's not much, but it's better than doing it against the console," he said bluntly as he took her hand again and led her toward the bed.
Shego wasn't sure she could feel her legs as they propelled her forward, her eyes fixed unblinking on the tiny bed with its plain white pillowcase and red blanket. This was really going to happen. She had forced this to happen.
She wanted it to happen.
When they reached the bedside she stopped him with a tug on his hand. He turned to her, and she grabbed his other hand and then set them both on her waist.
"The zipper's in the back, but...you have to undo the belt first," she said, hoping the tremor in her voice wasn't noticeable.
Shego couldn't read the man's face as he began to comply wordlessly, leaning over her shoulder to watch what he was doing. She hesitantly returned her hands to his skin, and her heart raced differently as she let herself begin to enjoy what she was doing. But her admiration of the man was halted when his lips found hers again.
She was able to focus more this time, cautiously testing what she could do with her lips as she moved them against his, memorizing his actions and then trying to make them her own. She realized she had lost herself in the warm caresses when she felt her suit's zipper being slid down her back, releasing pressure from the garment. She hadn't felt her belt being removed, nor had she felt her own arms go around the man's back. She held him tighter, nerves sweeping her again as she realized her own body was about to be exposed. But any concern was arrested as his tongue suddenly joined in the action of their mouths. She met the clearly more experienced man's touch as she had that of his lips, letting the sensations carry her away and learning as she experimented with responses.
He seemed to enjoy everything she did, if the low hum from his chest was any indication. She became aware that her hands had been roaming, feeling over his exposed upper-half and she finally gripped his shoulders and began kneading the flesh there as she was already feeling pleasure beyond her imagination.
She let out an embarrassing whimper of protest as suddenly, the man pulled his lips and tongue away from hers. She kept her eyes closed, in fear she would open them and find it all another fantasy. The dungeon and chains came back to mind.
"Going to need to let go..."
She almost mumbled an immature 'no' in response, but realized he needed her arms free so he could remove her suit. Her chest thudded as she realized she was about to be naked in front of a man for the first time, and she swallowed nervously as she let go and took a small step out of the embrace.
His fingers were gentle as they pulled the top of the jumpsuit down from her shoulders, and further. His breath caught, and Shego felt a rush along with a chill as the cool air sent goosebumps across her skin and firmed her jade-hued nipples into peaks. She glanced down at herself, and then up at the man's eyes that were fixed on her breasts in fascination. He had halted his movements in unclothing her, and Shego shakily took up the task. The man startled, seeming embarrassed himself for a moment as his eyes briefly met hers before fixing back on her breasts as if he had never seen any before.
'Maybe he...? No.' Shego, dismissed the thought. Anyone who kissed like him must have experience.
Her arms freed, Shego paused before tugging the jumpsuit down her hips. She should sit to remove her boots first.
"I think..." she began, but the man blinked out of his stupor again and sat down on the edge of the bed himself, yanking off his boots in a hurry. He seemed almost desperate, and for the first time Shego noted the prominent protrusion from inside his blue trousers. Heart pounding, she sat down herself and took her boots off with trembling hands. An uneasy feeling had begun to fill her chest, but there was no turning back...was there?
She turned at the sound of a frustrated grunt, and watched the man continually failing to undo his belt buckle. She swallowed nervously and set her trembling hands over his, and they stilled. His eyes met hers in...awe? She didn't understand that look. But her course set, she tried more slowly to undo his belt and hoped he didn't notice it was giving her just as much trouble.
But his eyes had descended again, and his hands had moved to hover in the air just above her green breasts that heaved with each breath. Shego didn't understand his sudden seeming hesitation, but she didn't get a chance to question it. Because in the next moment, blue fingertips were moving delicately over her skin. His palms moved to cup her breasts from beneath, and she shivered even as the warmth of his hands diminished her chill. His touch was almost reverent as he slowly explored the flesh, and amid his tender touches she finally managed to undo his belt buckle.
"Okay," she said, and he blinked in confusion several times before understanding.
He leaned back and quickly shuffled out of his pants, leaving him in plain white boxers. Shego could see the dark silhouette of what was straining to break free from them, and she felt a pooling of liquid and a new rush of pain in her loins as instinct demanded a hastening of their actions. She stood and shimmied out of the rest of her suit, peeling it down her legs slowly and lifting them out by necessity. When she glanced up, she was startled to see the man tightly gripping his private part with one hand through the boxers. She felt a strange mix of sensations then—an odd disgust, but also...flattery.
Finally clad in only her black briefs, she took a small step back to let him survey her. And it was clear he was doing just that, from his wide eyes that traveled over her form with a hunger she'd never seen in a person before.
"I need to..." he said, his voice strained. He grimaced and looked away, his hand releasing what was still hidden in his boxers. He looked back to her. "Come here."
Shego stepped forward and sat down on the bed again, uncertain what exactly was next. She knew what was supposed to happen of course. But it seemed so awkward to just...take their underwear off and do it. Was that how it was supposed to happen?
The villain again demonstrated his superior knowledge as he shifted nearer to her, one hand finding her breast again as his other moved beneath her hair to cup the back of her head. Shego was soon lost in the glorious caress of his lips again, and she felt herself being laid down on the bed gently from his mere presence. In a moment he was lying beside her and half above her, one hand massaging her breast while the fingers of his other wove gently into her hair. Shego kissed him back with passion, no longer caring about her technique. Her hands roamed his body freely, exploring and caressing every facet of him. A need deep within her had been ignited, and it wanted him more than anything in that moment.
His fingers twirled around her nipple, gently flicking over the peak of it until it ached with the same pain as her crotch, and when she felt it was unbearable his hand moved to her other breast. It was pleasure, beyond anything she had imagined, and she wanted to do the same for him. But before she could summon the courage to ask how his lips left hers and began suckling at her neck.
"Onhh..." A soft moan left her lips, followed by more as his lips didn't stay on her neck, but trailed slowly toward her chest. Her heart raced with this new possibility she hadn't conceived of, and soon she was lost in ecstasy, her back arching as his lips and hands teased flesh she hadn't realized was so sensitive. She knew her panties would need washing and wanted to be free of them, but her hands couldn't seem to do anything but alternately grip different parts of his back as he sent electricity to her every nerve ending with each caress, nibble, and kiss.
"C-Can I...?" she finally said breathlessly, knowing surely there was something she could do for him, though she wasn't sure what.
His lips slowly left the flesh of her breast with a gentle pop where he had been suckling, and he looked up at her in a mixture of surprise, amusement, and excitement.
"I wasn't done...but I won't say no."
He shifted off of her then, lying in the narrow space between her and the wall, and Shego's heart leapt to her throat as he deftly pulled off his boxers. She stared wide-eyed at the dark blue of the first adult penis she'd seen, bobbing slightly before it settled, pointing straight up.
With a rush of nerves, Shego hastened to slip off her own black briefs, before realizing exactly what he had said. He was lying back on the bed, hands folded beneath his head, grinning at her and waiting for...something. The puzzle pieces came together in her head in an instant, considering her desire to do something to please him, the actions of his hands and lips upon her breasts, and her breathless, desperate request.
Shego had heard plenty of jokes and innuendos from her high school years onward, but she had never actually imagined her lips upon a man's...
She swallowed nervously and shifted closer to him, folding her legs under her. When she looked at his face, she noted him observing her crotch. She felt a rush of embarrassment and the instinct to hide herself. But instead, after taking a few deep breaths through her nose to calm herself, she shifted to move her knees apart, giving him an even more exposed view. She wondered if he would find her un-shaved appearance detestable, but...he wasn't shaved either.
'Do men even...?'
She broke free from that train of thought and gave another glance to his wide eyes that were still locked on her womanhood, his expression unreadable. She looked back to his manhood and wondered what exactly she was supposed to do to pleasure him, and hoping she would get it right. The very idea of touching him at all, let alone with her lips, sent a new bolt of electricity across her nerves.
She started slowly as he had, placing her flat palm upon his chest. His eyes leapt to hers, and she grinned as she slowly began drawing her fingers down, pausing briefly to rub at one nipple which elicited a small hiss from his lips. Apparently that pleasure went both ways, and her grin broadened. So far, so good.
She felt down to his navel and began gently tangling her fingers in the dark, curled hairs. When her fingertips reached the heat of his erection, she drew them up the dark blue length ever so slowly, each one gently grazing the small moist spot at the very tip.
The man released a shuddering breath, watching in fascination as she then tentatively wrapped her entire hand around him—not the easiest task—and gently stroked all the way down until her hand met the dark hairs again and the softness of his scrotum. She noted the way the man had tensed when she moved, and took it as a good sign. She repeated the action, sliding her hand up and down, increasing the pressure each time.
"Onh! Ungh..." the man gasped and groaned, and she watched his fingers dig the bedspread and clutch it tightly.
Shego felt a shudder run through him as she released the shaft she was sure she felt throbbing within her grasp. The man looked to her in dismay, but then his eyes widened again as she shifted closer, throwing her tangled hair over one shoulder where it fell across his legs as she positioned her face over him. She licked her kiss-swollen lips and leaned down. He smelt of salt, and something musky that appealed to her as she uncertainly brought her lips closer, watching as the dark blue member twitched of its own accord.
She finally dared to place her lips upon the tip. She grasped the base again, holding it gently between thumb and index finger as she parted her lips and slid them down, and took in the salty taste. She didn't go down too far, the girth a bit much for her and not knowing how far she was supposed to go anyway. But she suckled him as she slid back up, adding pressure from the tip of her tongue and letting her teeth graze the soft flesh as his had grazed her nipple.
When her lips left him, she took a breath to repeat the action. But a sudden incoherent sound from the man and his hand on her upper arm stopped her.
"I..." he drew out the word, "think that's enough of that," he finished quickly, pulling her up and sitting upright himself, shifting closer to her. Shego held her breath in alarm, horrified that she might have hurt him or done poorly. But something in his frantic expression said it was something else.
They regarded each other then, and she finally registered just how uncertain he was. But before she could think of anything to say, he had wrapped his arms around her and his mouth was on hers, kissing her tenderly. His touch was no longer to arouse or entice, but simply gentle, holding her almost delicately as he seemed to pour something of himself into her through the caress of his lips. She responded in kind, feeling herself relax in his arms as she kissed him back. His hands felt slowly over her back and she matched the movement, simply enjoying the man in her arms.
They weren't close enough for her liking, and after a minute Shego rose on her knees and moved to straddle his folded ones. Her cheeks colored as she knew the dripping of her own arousal was now touching his thighs, but he only broke the kiss for a moment to pull her closer to him, his hands reaching down and grasping her rear and tugging her upward. His penis lay heavily against her stomach as he pulled her chest tight to his and resumed kissing her, almost as if his life depended on it. Her heart pounded with something she'd never felt before, from some secret place deep inside of her as she met him in the new, unknown feelings, kissing him back with fervor.
She wasn't sure how long it lasted, the more gentle touches eventually leading back to enticing ones amid their desperate kissing. His hand slipped between them to grasp her breast possessively, and hers reached down to claim his arousal with firm strokes. Finally, his lips broke from hers and began kissing her shoulder as he began shifting on the bed. Shego realized in a moment he was beginning to lie her down on her back. Her heart raced again, as if the present pleasure wasn't enough. More was about to come and she would finally know what it was she seemed to be burning for beyond her ability to control.
"Miss Superhero..." the man breathed as his lips grazed her collarbone.
She was laid gently upon her back, her head on the pillow. She realized that somehow he had shoved the blanket aside against the wall, and her back was on a clean, white sheet. Her arms flew to his shoulders as he moved away from her, but it was only to worship her breasts with further nips and suckling kisses. She writhed beneath him as the burning in her loins rose to an unbearable degree.
"May I...know your name?" he asked, looking up at her suddenly.
Shego startled slightly, realizing they hadn't exchanged names. She was seconds away from having sex for the first time in her life, and all she knew about the man was that he was a blue-skinned villain with a scar and a giant robot, wanted to take over the world, and whose mother gave him nice shirts.
She opened her mouth to speak, and then wondered...which name to give him. Before she could decide, he was speaking again.
"I like 'Mr. Mad Scientist,' but my moniker is Dr. Drakken. Or you could call me...Drew."
Shego looked at the villain's suddenly shy smile as he hovered over her. She took a breath.
"No one really calls me Sheena anymore... Everyone just calls me...Shego."
"Sheena is a pretty name," the villain...Dr. Drakken...Drew...replied. "And...Shego... Meaning Go City?"
Shego blushed in embarrassment. "Yes."
"Clever," he said with a smirk.
"I also like 'Miss Superhero,'" she added quickly, not sure what she wanted him to call her.
The villain's—Drew's—smirk only grew, and he shifted, parting her knees and moving his own to rest on the bed between hers. Shego felt her heart race and looked down to watch as the man's large arousal moved toward her. She shifted slightly on the mattress, spreading her legs wider and holding her breath in anticipation.
He reached down, and Shego watched in confusion as he lifted his penis away from where it was supposed to go. But then he began rubbing it against a very sensitive spot above her folds. She heard a gasp and a moan escape her lips as his action sent new fire throughout her body, even to her toes. Then suddenly the pressure was gone, and she looked up at him in awe.
Before she could speak though, she felt a new pressure, exactly where she'd been craving it. She drew in a breath through a gasp, a sudden yearning to be filled taking over almost everything else. She watched the blue length slowly disappear as she felt the pressure penetrate her, firm and direct. It was too much and not enough all at once, and she wished he would push inside faster at the same time she wanted to slowly savor every second.
The man—'Drew,' she impressed upon her brain—groaned in what she hoped was pleasure, his forearms trembling where they were braced on either side of her chest.
"You're...so tight— Wait...wait, how old are you!?" he asked suddenly, his eyes widening in panic.
Shego frowned. "Old enough!" she fairly snarled, angry that he had stopped seemingly barely inside.
"D-Don't lie to me!" he said, all traces of villainy and pleasure suddenly gone from his eyes.
"I'm not," she insisted firmly, regaining her calm. It was nice to know the man had some moral lines he wasn't willing to cross. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders. "Now...make love to me, Dr. Drakken."
She watched as he searched her face for any traces of falsehood, but she couldn't wait any longer. She held his shoulders tightly as she rocked her hips upward, taking in more of him.
He groaned again and gave up on his trembling forearms, lowering himself to his elbows. She missed the view of cobalt blue vanishing into the shadows of honeydew green, but was grateful for the increase of the very needed pressure.
"Dr. D— Oh," she gasped as suddenly he was all the way inside. She wrapped her arms more tightly around him, pulling him down to her chest. He obliged, holding her shoulders as he set his face beside hers. He groaned with need as he lifted his hips, and she whimpered at the retraction of what was a perfect fit. And then he pushed inside again.
Shego realized she'd only experienced the tip of the iceberg with that first thrust. It was the most amazing feeling she had ever experienced. She tilted her head and kissed his ear impulsively.
"More," she breathed.
"Don't rush me, woman," he countered. Shego was taken aback, but before she could protest he took a breath and continued. "You want this to last, don't you?"
"Mmhm," she acknowledged through a nod as he turned his head to face her. There was almost a desperation in his eyes as he regarded her. She had no idea what her face looked like in that moment, and only hoped nothing too humiliating was written there. She couldn't have faked any expression if she wanted to.
"Me too," he said. And he kissed her sloppily before lifting his hips and slowly pushing into her again. And again.
Shego allowed what were probably horrible sounds to escape her throat with the slow rise and fall of his hips. Each time he sank into her deeply, penetrating her to her utter limit. There was perhaps a hint of pain when she felt his tip reach her cervix, but it was always eclipsed by the pleasure as she found herself lost in the sensations she craved more of with each passing second.
It was bliss. The encompassing of him, and the departure with promise of return. She wasn't sure how much time had passed, but he was moving in a slow but steady rhythm, pulling out slowly and pushing in with force, his hips pressing against hers firmly each time. She was aware of the heat and sweat building between them, as well as the strange wet sounds of their union as a very concrete evidence that it wasn't all in her head.
She was surprised then as Drew pushed himself back up on his elbows, quivering slightly. His expression was taut, but it relaxed as he looked down at her. He laughed through a grin, and then moved his knees further apart. Shego felt her hip joints starting to ache, and after a moment and with a blush she brought her feet up and crossed them behind his back. Drew chuckled as he resumed his thrusting, her heels now bouncing atop his buttocks with each one.
"Onhh..." Shego groaned as every moment seemed to bring a greater fulfillment and wholeness she'd not known she lacked. It was something more than the sex, but...she didn't know what it was. She looped her arms around his neck and stared up at him. "You're so good at this."
Drew looked up from where he'd been admiring her bouncing breasts, blinking in surprise.
"Thank you," he said after a moment, not seeming sure if that was the correct response. And then even more uncertainly, "So are you."
Shego wondered if the blush would ever leave her cheeks, but she was elated to know it wasn't obvious that she lacked experience, even though she didn't think she was helping in the slightest through the endeavor.
"Thank you...Dr. Drakken," she settled on, almost calling him her own nickname for him again. "Now, kiss me again."
Drew chuckled and his brow rose. "Who is whose captive, hmm?" he quipped, before leaning down to place a warm, lingering kiss on her mouth. She nibbled at his lower lip when he made to pull away, and was rewarded with another kiss.
She had hoped sex would be wonderful, but she hadn't expected it to feel so transcendent. She felt complete in a way she hadn't known she was missing. Each heavy thrust of his hips caused the small bed to creak as he drove her into the mattress, and she wanted it to last forever.
"Mmmmh," she sighed deliriously, letting one of her hands fall from his shoulders. It landed in the tangle of her hair next to the pillow, and she closed her eyes as she relished every moment of the man's body joined with hers. "Oh, Dr. Drakken..." she murmured.
"I also liked 'Dr. D.,'" he said then, and Shego blinked at him. When had she called him that?
"Well you sure...know how to use it," she said breathlessly, opening her eyes as she smirked and hoped he'd catch her joke.
He must have for the widening of his eyes. He seemed to think for a moment, and then he sighed.
"I can't think of anything to go with 'Shego,'" he said.
Shego realized he'd been trying to think of an innuendo that fit her name. She attempted it for a moment, but more-so she was curious if couples usually had casual or amusing conversations during sex. She certainly hadn't expected it.
"That's fine. I have enough problems with that sort of thing just being me."
"What do you mean?" Drew asked, his brow furrowing.
Shego glanced away with a small grimace. "A lot of people want to go to bed with a super-heroine," she said with disgust. "You're one of the only ones who hasn't leered, actually."
Drew looked away guiltily. "You just didn't catch me, then..."
Shego considered the looks she'd seen him give her in the compartment above. "I was encouraging it, remember?"
His expression cleared and he smirked at her. "I'm...still surprised," he admitted, becoming breathless from trying to talk through the physical exertion. "I thought it was just a tactic to capture me."
Shego wondered idly if flirting with villains was something she should use to her advantage in the future, but it wasn't anything she could focus on at the moment. She was still lost in the perfect feel of him smoothly sliding in and out of her at a steady, unhurried pace.
She wasn't entirely sure what was happening with their anatomy anymore, as she was too lost in the sensations. Their joining in intimacy seemed to be a perfect fit, he snug inside of her with each complete thrust. She wanted to voice to him what she was feeling—that his warmth filling her seemed to be everything she'd always needed, even though she'd not realized she'd lacked; that he'd always been meant to be within her, and that every single joining sent tingles of electric pleasure through her entire body—but she was far too embarrassed to say any of it, and felt it would give her away.
"No," she answered his question plainly, unable to say more. She lifted one hand to loosen his ponytail, curious what his hair looked like free. He seemed surprised at her action for a moment, but made no comment. His gaze had returned to her breasts, and Shego was thrilled that they pleased him. She studied his face then while he wasn't watching hers, noting again the prominent scar under his left eye. She wondered if he'd attained it in a villainous pursuit. And she wondered what, besides an otherworldly comet, could induce blue skin in a person.
His hair loosened only made him more attractive, and she watched the sway of it over his shoulders in time with his deep thrusts. Her gaze traveled to his shoulders then, where she could see his muscles quivering from holding him up over her. He was so strong, yet still gentle with her. She had definitely made the right decision in following her urges.
She was missing the heavier weight of his body atop hers however, as well as his hands and lips on her breasts. When she looked at his face again he seemed to be in deep concentration, and she wondered if he was tiring. She hoped not; she never wanted the sex to end.
She debated suggesting they flip over to put her on top, like she'd seen in movies, to give him a rest. But then she feared her lack of experience would be revealed entirely. As he never faltered in moving in and out of her, she tried to imagine possible techniques. Should she lay atop him and raise and lower her hips as he did? Should she sit back on her knees and bounce up and down?
"I..." Drew began breathlessly, looking worried, and Shego made the decision.
"Turn over."
"You've been working hard," she said with a smirk. "I should do a little."
His eyes cleared with the understanding, and Shego feared the loss of fullness when they turned. But instead he gripped her body tightly to his as they rolled in the small space, keeping them joined in intimacy. And in the next moment she found herself lying on his chest, his hands on her back and gently pulling her hair aside. His dark locks were splayed around his head on the pillow, and she had a sudden desire to run her fingers through them. Instead she propped herself up with her elbows on his chest, the sudden unease about how to proceed stopping her.
Drew was looking down at her chest again, and curiously she followed his gaze. Propped up the way she was, her breasts were still pressed to his chest but partially hanging, demonstrating a very attractive cleavage.
"You're so hot," he said, his eyes remaining on her chest.
Shego felt the flush come to her cheeks anew, and also a slight panic as she suddenly realized that she couldn't use the same technique he had. At least she wasn't confident in it. Reluctantly, she pushed off of his chest and folded her knees beside his hips as she sat back upon him. This pushed him even deeper within her, changing the angle and causing everything to tighten.
The look on Drakken's face was fascination—he was still staring at her chest—and what she hoped was pleasure as he seemed to be straining. She wanted to ask if he felt the same fullness and completion, but felt that would also give her away. And probably seem...too intimate, if there were such a thing with what they were doing.
Uncertainty still ruled her head, but her body was demanding the now-absent thrusting action. So she carefully rose up on her knees, feeling the tightness through the reluctant retraction of his hard length, and an emptiness that followed. She didn't dare go too far, fearing the complete loss of him, and slowly lowered herself down again.
"Ungh. Shego," was Drew's response, his hands flying to her hips. She knew in that moment she'd done well, and repeated the laboriously slow action, taking great care to not part them.
She was now making love to him, she realized, as she carefully found a rhythm, and a peace filled her as she caught sight of his face. He was still watching the sway and bounce of her soft breasts, but there was also a pleasure and calm in his expression that told her simply...all was well, and right.
She braced herself on his chest with her palms as she felt the absence of the speed when he'd been in charge and carefully attempted to move her hips faster. One of Drew's hands moved to her breast, cupping it and letting it bounce against his fingers for several moments before he began to massage the flesh again, his thumb turning over her nipple repeatedly.
Shego allowed the gasps and moans to leave her lips again as she felt an instinctual drive wanting to take over her hips. But they simply weren't sure what to do. Instead she halted with him fully inside her, pressing their pubic bones together as her nerve endings fired and she tried to process what action she should be taking. Her body still craved the movement of him within, and she started rolling her hips in slow circles to get more of the euphoric friction.
A loud groan from Drew told her she'd done something right again, and she herself was getting lost in this new sensation as she slowly swiveled her hips atop him, forgetting entirely that she was trying to contemplate how to move quickly. She listened to his groanings increase as she lost herself in the pleasure, aware that one of his hands had begun firmly kneading her rear while the other was still fondling her breasts.
Suddenly, everything stopped and she felt a loss. She gave a cry of dismay as she realized she'd been grabbed and flipped, him pulling out of her in the rapid process. But before she could complain or before the fear she'd made a mistake was fully present, his hands were suddenly spreading her thighs and his face was in between them.
"What...? Oh, oh...Doc...Doctor Drakken," she gasped, her head falling back on the pillow as his lips and tongue suddenly began doing...something, to her, right where he'd rubbed the head of his penis before. As new tingling darts of fire raced over her nerves, she wondered if this was why he had stopped her from pleasing him in the same way—if it was simply too intense. The desire to try it on him again overwhelmed her suddenly, and she was going to ask if she could, but then his touch was gone.
"Hey!" she complained that time, but before she could get anything further out, his masculine presence was looming over her, his blue chest filling her vision. She considered lunging forward to simply do as she pleased with him, but then he was lowering himself again. A wash of relief and excitement caused her entire being to tremble as she watched him guide his even more swollen, dark blue length toward her entrance again.
She was aware that a giggle had slipped past her lips, and it earned a slight relaxing of the tension in his face along with a smile, and she let loose an incoherent cry of pleasure as he slowly pushed within her again.
In a moment they were back where they had started, with his weight covering her, heat and sweat between them as his hips pushed her down into the small mattress. She clung to him in need as his hands gently held her shoulders, his breath hot on her cheek where his face lie beside hers on the pillow.
"Oh Drew, Drew!" she gasped in pure pleasure.
"Sheena..." he whispered her name before kissing her ear.
He must have known what she wanted as he was increasing the speed, each thrust seeming to come faster than the last and seeming to fill her further. All she knew was heat, and the ecstasy of his powerful, unfaltering rhythm as he claimed her, body and soul.
She let herself be lost in the sounds of their gasps for breath, the murmurings of names, and the rapid slapping of flesh on flesh. Suddenly his hands left her shoulders, reaching down and hooking behind her knees to draw her legs up. This changed something suddenly, her eyes widening as a new fire joined the pleasure she already never wanted to end. She felt something begin to build within her.
"Drew...oh, Drew!" she cried loudly, everything else leaving her lips after being incoherent.
Her eyes flew to his face, which was tense and uncertain. Fear that he would stop arrested her mind, and she reached down and firmly gripped his rear with both hands, encouraging the rapid pace to continue. She kissed him, roughly and uncoordinated for how vigorously the bed was shaking, and she felt with confidence she had encouraged him past whatever conflict he was about to voice as he kissed her back ardently.
He was pulling almost fully out of her each time, the tip of his hard length now hitting something inside of her with every fulfilling thrust that heightened her feeling of completion. She felt weightless, and like she was on fire in the best way possible. The building warmth that had been concentrated to the unique spot he was hitting suddenly exploded outward, sending light and the purest of pleasure to every part of her body. It felt like the greatest release of tension at the same time everything within her seemed to coil up tightly, especially where they were joined.
She knew she was screaming. She knew her body was convulsing beneath his. She knew he was still filling her with thrust after heavy thrust, suddenly more rapidly than she knew possible.
It was perfection.
And then within the heat of their union, she felt something new. Drew was groaning atop her as with sudden recklessness he pressed his hips into hers, attempting to drive himself in deeper. His voice seemed almost pained as he loudly let himself lose control, but somehow she knew it was only the same pleasure she was feeling. Her fingers dug into his flesh tightly as their final rapture continued together for time undetermined.
But finally...the thrusting stopped. Shego missed it already. Drew stilled on top of her, his weight becoming heavy as he began to relax from the long exertion. Her arms were limp and felt like they weren't hers as her fingers trailed over his damp skin a short ways until she let the weak limbs fall across the small of his back. He finally released her legs where his forearms had hooked her knees, and she achingly brought her feet up to cross behind him again, this time just below his rear. One of his hands slid between them with effort to find her breast, which he tightly gripped. His other wove into her tangled hair as he continued to gasp for air, his breath hot on her cheek.
Shego simply let her eyes close and rested in the moment, overwhelmed beyond description. She felt the slight softening of his penis within her and was sad again.
A sudden clarity struck her then, causing her eyes to shoot open.
Her lust was finally sated. Everything within her that had been clawing to get out had been awakened, and while she was resting in the greatest satisfaction she had ever known, she already wanted more.
But...she had slept with a stranger. And a villain.
She glanced over at Drew's face, but his eyes were closed. His breaths were starting to slow, and Shego became aware of his fingertips lazily massaging her scalp. And then his lips searched blindly until finding her jaw, and he began kissing her again.
Shego's panic-stricken heart began to relax. He was a stranger, and yet...she felt that she somehow knew him, after what had just happened. She turned enough to meet his lips, letting her eyes fall closed again as he kissed her sweetly and softly. She never would have known he was a villain, after everything that had just happened.
He opened one eye and looked at her face for a moment before lifting his head to look past her. Shego was confused, but then his hand left her hair and began awkwardly tugging the red blanket over them. She watched for a moment and then helped until they were fully covered, and she set her face to stare into his again as she wondered what would happen next.
"It's still a long flight," he said as the only explanation before kissing her again tiredly.
He brushed some sweat-dampened hair from her forehead before moving his fingers into her thick locks again, massaging her scalp only briefly before the movement stilled. His lips seemed tired too, and Shego watched his closed eyes for a moment before glancing around the spartan compartment, and then letting hers fall closed as well.
They were flying over the ocean to parts unknown. And he said hours... It wasn't as if suddenly declaring him her enemy again would accomplish anything.
Drew took a deep breath then, and Shego watched as a peaceful smile slowly curled the corners of his mouth upward. He blinked at her tiredly.
"I've decided..." he began, sounding almost playful, "not to hold you for ransom."
Something in Shego's heart twinged in sadness.
"I think..." He took another breath and exhaled as his hand gripped her breast more tightly between them. "...That I just need to keep you for awhile."
In a flash Shego realized that he had no animus against her—quite the opposite, it seemed. He kissed her again, and she met the touch with need, this time she being the one to boldly introduce her tongue into the mix.
"Does your lair have a dungeon?" she asked when they broke for air.
Drew's eyes widened, searching her face in confusion. Shego felt a small flutter in her chest that he clearly intended to continue treating her...well...as his captive. But then as realization struck a fluster came over him. He shifted slightly as a curious and nervous look bloomed on his face.
"Yes...it does."
He shifted again and propped himself up above her slightly as he nodded.
"And an alligator pit. I take it you're interested?"
Shego had nothing further in her mind for that particular fantasy, but she was sure she could think of something during the flight to the villain's lair. She bit her lip as she considered various possibilities and wondered what other things foreign to the world of heroism she could discover in Drew's abode.
She realized she had zoned out and re-focused on his curious eyes. She smirked as she slowly ran her hands down his back again, blushing as she gently cupped his rear.
"Well, I'll need to gather more intel before I try to bring in a super-villain," she said coyly.
To her dismay, Drew pushed himself up and away from her. Although she felt a rush looking at his glistening form and impulsively reached around to run her fingers through his chest hair and down. They were still joined below, and she was elated to feel him definitely firming up again.
"Oh," he said with a grin, his eyes locking onto hers, "I like that even better than 'Mad Scientist.'"
He pressed both palms into the flesh of her breasts before kneading them and rubbing both of her softened nipples. They responded instantly, and Shego shuddered with pleasure. His eyes rose to meet hers as his hands slipped behind her back and began pulling her upright.
After some awkward wriggling, his legs were straight out in front of him on the bed with her knees folded again beside his hips. But this time, they were face to face. Or rather, chest to face, as she was seated higher. Her nerves were falling away and she rocked her hips against him, pulling him in deeper. He moaned in happiness as he began kissing her breasts, now at eye level.
"Drew..." she said breathlessly. He smiled up at her as his arms circled her back and she mirrored the action, this time she the one to weave fingers into his hair.
"Go on, Miss Superhero," Drew said, grinning at her broadly. Or rather, Dr. Drakken, she corrected mentally. She should call a super-villain by his chosen name, she supposed.
"Mmmh?" she hummed, raking her fingernails down his scalp.
"Gather your intel," he said, giving her a devilish smile.
Shego blinked for a moment, but as he calmly went back to her breasts she understood. She let go of the rest of her anxieties as she began rocking her hips and experimenting, taking the lead in their union. And as they continued on in silent bliss, she hoped the flight back to Dr. Drakken's lair would be several hours long indeed.
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taeyohonic · 3 years
stolen dances | chap. 11
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summary: sometimes supporting the person you love is the hardest challenge you’ll ever face.
pairing: jeon jungkook x fem!reader
rating: m
warning: swear words, therapy talk
additional tags: f2l, ceo!jungkook, bestfriend!jungkook, shrink!yoongi, my best friend’s wedding meets 27 dresses (if the boss/secretary couple had happened), angst-y
words: 2300
links: prev. |  next  [masterlist]
note: lower case letters intended
chapter summary: seokjin mid sneeze would ruin half of your wedding pictures.
“let’s do this picnic then,” jungkook breathes against your skin and you feel a headache coming – again. you don’t know what you expected, but for him to not even comment on the fact that yoongi is your therapist, is well… kind of insulting.
“yeah, let’s do that,” you agree and let go of his ear. you go girl! tell him exactly how you feel.
“is there a reason i’m not allowed to carry anything?” he’s struggling with the basket as well your backpack and the two iced coffees you hadn’t noticed before. still, jungkook is not letting you help him in any way, his sunglasses are as high up his nose as his ego.
“nah,” he scoffs with humor, “you’ll just drop the coffee – can’t risk it.”
“that was one time,” you argue and push a single finger straight up his nostril. jungkook scrunches his nose adorably before he pushes you away.
“gross, ____”
the weather is nice and you can’t help the spring in your steps as the two of you join the many visitors. for a moment you’re afraid of them recognizing your former idol friend. but jungkook doesn’t seem to care – he is more focused on the melting ice in your drinks. and he knows his bodyguard is close by. but you haven’t noticed the bulky man following behind you.
“can we move closer to the tree line?” you ask him, not wanting to join the couples sunbathing. nah, your hangover is not smiling kindly upon your headache. shade and some non-alcoholic liquid should do the trick.
“of course” your best friend changes directions and guides you to the more secluded area. the air smells fresh and you take a moment to breath it in – not even thinking about helping jungkook set up the picnic. the green is vibrant around you and for a second you imagine how beautiful his wedding would have been if it was right here. right now. but no, they had to do an autumn event. you want to get married in spring, you think and feel a smile touching your lips.
“why are you looking like that?” your friend asks, already seated on the soft blanket, sipping on his iced coffee.
“i’d like a spring wedding,” you answer, not even filtering your thoughts – you shouldn’t have to in front of your friend. jungkook’s reaction is close to comedic gold: his eyes widen while he sucks a breath of caffeine in his lungs; coughing harshly.
you move on instinct, closing the distance and rubbing soothing circles on his back.
“wh- what the-e fu -…fuck?” he coughs and pushes against your touch to lean further on you.
“spring… it’d be so pretty, don’t you think?” you start after checking that he’s breathing normally again. “and just imagine the sea of flowers during this time. i really like the idea.”
you are met with silence. a long one. without looking at him, you grab your drink and take a sip.
then, jungkook answers. “your skin would look lovely against cherry blossoms.”
now you’re the one speechless – who even says stuff like that?
“don’t be condescending, kook,” you respond, willing your cheeks to discolor asap. your best friend just chuckles.
“i’m telling the truth, ____,” jungkook protests as he grabs your hand and holds it up against the treetops. “look, your skin glows.” his fingers push against your palm and you’re just… not stable enough for this. with a silent shudder you escape his touch.
“don’t say stuff like that to me, jungkook,” you voice rather harsh and you avoid his questioning gaze. you miss his touch as much as you hated it in the first place. jungkook doesn’t answer for a moment, but when he does, there is a forced joke on his lips.
“jin-hyung would be sneezing 24/7 with his allergies.” true, the oldest always looks in so much pain when you all move around during pollen season. you chuckle and try to get your thoughts away from a very unattractive mid-sneeze seokjin and more focused on the cupcakes peeking out of jungkook’s basket.
“can’t have my man of honor sabotaging all the wedding pictures,” you snort and grab one of the baked goods – it’s an apple crumble muffin, making your mouth water instantly.
“hah” your best friend laughs at you while some crumbles fall into your lap. “if taehyung isn’t your man of honor, he’ll prank bomb the hell out of your wedding.”
“what about you?” you ask and face him fully, the half-eaten muffin in your palm an unspoken invitation as jungkook snatches it from you. he takes a bite and you think he regrets taking off his sunglasses. his eyes look at you hesitantly.
“i’m not sure you’d like to have me as your man of honor,” he confesses and you watch him with surprise. is he the same person who wanted you to become his best man a few days ago?
“why would you think that?”
“you know,” jungkook starts and moves an inch away from you – his palms are pressed into the blanket. “the last few weeks i felt like… maybe there are some… moments where this” – jungkook’s head moves between the two of you – “wasn’t as honest as it’s used to be.”
you are kind of disappointed in yourself. there you are – going to therapy twice a week, working on a healthy, objective relationship with your crush. and now it’s him, not you, who is the brave one.
“but it’s not bad, right?” you voice, insecurity making your tone more timid than you’d like. even if jungkook doesn’t love you, he still cherishes you, right? your best friend looks at you like there is a whole ass shinigami on your shoulder.
“____, our friendship could never be bad. never.” then there is a silence. “but, like… do you feel secure with me? with this?”
his eyes shine with questions you are not ready to answer. but jungkook’s stare is there and it’s now and maybe it’s right on time.
“my mental health hasn’t been so good lately,” you start hesitantly. “i’m trying to reevaluate my relationships… see… where to make… improvements or… or where to set boundaries.”
honesty without being explicit. yoongi would roll his eyes.
the man in front of you nods, no judgement in his face. then he speaks:
“i’ve been in therapy since bangtan retired,” jungkook offers, which makes you suck in a harsh breath – for years he’s been seeing someone without you – his best friend – knowing?
“i had this whole identity – people idolizing me – milking me for… money, fame… opportunity. and then i just – just stopped being a singer. stopped my vlives. stopped my posts. many left – was i nothing without my band?” he asks softly tracing the lines on the blanket underneath you. there are tears in your eyes at his pain.
“talking about it, reshaping myself, rediscovering me – was … so tiering.” he chuckles without humor and you can’t help but agree: every therapy session is like a sixty-minute cardio routine.
“it was actually my therapist who recommended me doing these dance workshops in schools. i wouldn’t have met you if i didn’t listen to her,” jungkook reveals and you smile softly at the memory of a flustered jungkook surrounded by all your students, excited to meet a former idol.
“so, i hope you know that i’m very proud of you for seeing yoongi.” his voice sound strained, not entirely honest. “and i hope you realize that this“ his hand moves between the two of you “is a good thing.”
your heart beats faster while your skin shudders from a phantom cold. it’s confusing and exciting at the same time. jungkook looks as vulnerable as a porcelain doll in front of you. you feel close to tears watching your best friend.
“i hope so too, kook,” you admit and smile. he doesn’t mirror you because there is a part of him disappointed you are hoping instead of knowing. it’s a big part.
“you are a good thing to me, ____,” jungkook offers instead. “and that’s verified by my therapist.”
now a chuckle escapes him and you can’t help your own laughter joining in.
“but you have so many good things – i’m still searching for mine.” there is a wistful undertone in your voice and you are not ashamed of it.
“apart from you and the boys and my company… there is little that brings me joy,” jungkook confesses, making you freeze with his exclusion.
“what about your fiancée?” you ask and can’t look into his deep eyes.
“you know how it is with her,” he answers in a monotone voice. you want to scream at him, that you in fact do not know how it is, that you have only seen her a handful of times. heck, you’ve even met seokjin’s housekeeper more often than jungkook’s fiancée. your best friend has done the most to separate you two. you can count every mention of her on your fingers and you’d still have some left. it’s unfair he looks at you like you’re it when he’s got a woman at home wearing his engagement ring with pride.
there is so much frustration mounting in your stomach, it makes you mad.
“maybe i don’t know enough,” you say, the heat missing in your words. you sound more resigned and seeing how distant jungkook looks at you, there is little hope he’ll explain more… or anything.
“sir” jungkook’s bodyguard scares you, not having heard the mountain of muscles coming up to the two of you. “excuse the interruption” he is not interrupting anything. “a few girls have spotted you. your location is compromised.”
jungkook looks relieved and nods at his security. there is a silly part of you who’s glad as well, but another one would have loved to press your best friend for… anything.
“let’s pack up, ____” jungkook is on his feet in seconds and even though he mentioned the both of you, there is an unspoken order as his bodyguard starts to collect the food while the ceo takes your empty coffee cups. you shouldn’t lift a finger – still, it’s you who gets up and folds the now unoccupied blanket. the silence is not uncomfortable, but there is an underlying tension making you vibrate not only from the caffeine.
you’re out of the park in under ten minutes. during the ride back you steal one of the untouched muffins. jungkook acts like he doesn’t notice. the next morning a few pictures of your outing make it onto page six of the local newspaper. taehyung is astonished because he wasn’t invited. seokjin makes an unflattering meme out of one snap where you are drinking coffee. and jimin is silent, as are you and jungkook.
most of the times when you are waiting for yoongi to open his door and invite you into the now familiar office, you feel anxious. it’s normal, you know that. most people don’t like working through their problems. like jungkook said, it’s tiering. still, you are always 12 % excited to see your therapist because he is cool. talking to him means something to you. today however you feel impatient.
your picnic with jungkook is fresh in your mind. you’ve even taken the time to write some of your dialog down, so you’d be more objective during the retelling. yoongi will know how to work through this; you’ve got confidence in him.
“_____?” your therapist looks at you from the threshold of his door. he looks professional in his teal button down, wearing his glasses. but at the same time his face is paler than usual, fatigue clouding his eyes. you try to grin at him while closing the distance.
“hey, yoongi! how have you been?” you ask, making your voice extra soft not to irritate him. there is a forced smile on his lips – the one he always has when you start to rant about your oats. it makes you halt in front of him.
“everything okay?”
yoongi just nods before stepping back into his office and motioning you to follow him. still unsure about his mood, you just want to feel the familiar leather of his couch underneath you. he’d explain soon, you think. yeah, and then you could talk about jungkook. again.
but the couch is not empty. hell, your seat – the one you’ve had for months – is occupied. a man is grinning at you so brightly you want to close your eyes. and move him from your seat. in that order.
“huh?” you go, _____. very eloquent.
“hoseok, this is ______. ______, this is hoseok,” yoongi introduces you formally and you can’t help it but to bow curtly at the male in your seat. the man – hoseok – gets up from his – your – spot and moves closer to yoongi and you.
“______, i’m so, so happy to finally meet you!” this person is too happy. it’s like he tries to be the extrovert energy in the room that’s missing between you and yoongi. hoseok looks like the sun and you don’t like it. what is he doing here? and what does he mean by finally? confused, you stare at yoongi. why does he look so ashamed while tilting his glasses further up his nose?
“what is he doing here?” you ask a bit too blunt, but you know yoongi doesn’t care.
“he’s a colleague of mine. one of the best”, your shrink says slowly. so what, they had a meeting? lunch date? and he’s leaving now? just an overlap of meetings?
hoseok seems to take pity on his old friend when he addresses you next.
“i’ll be taking over your case from now, ______.”
sorry that i’ve been away for so long. life has been bad. too much stress to handle. then i read a lot of fanfic to destress and it made me just more insecure about my own writing. still, i tried my best with this chapter and i hope you enjoyed it! please let me know what you think! i’d love to hear from you! fair warning: next chapter is gonna be the downhill to the angst-y part of this fic. just to clarify: i don’t like what yoongi and jungkook are doing here. just to be clear. but i do think they are both trying. somewhat. love, dana p.s. someone recommended this fic @ ficswithlove and it was very touching and i loved that a lot... thanks again to this kind soul!
taglist: @livewittykid  @thequeen-kat @kagami-s-void @goldenclosethobi @youwannabelostandnotbefound @jinsalpaca @bishuthot @laabellaavitaa21 @baekstans @jalexad​​ @jinsearthh​ @kseokwu​  @betysotelo18​ @daydreambrliever​
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kindahoping4forever · 3 years
A note for my followers
I'm sure by now you've already seen the posts going around about Tumblr's latest content restrictions concerning how posts are tagged. There is a lot of information to sift through so I just wanted to make a short post to ensure a few key notes were highlighted for my followers:
These changes are only affecting the iOS app. Apple device users who'd like to access the site as normal can still log in to Tumblr via mobile browser for an uninterrupted experience. Desktop users and Android app users are unaffected at this time.
These guidelines are coming from Apple, not Tumblr. Your complaints and anger should be directed at them. This is what is currently required to keep Tumblr available in the iOS App Store. No, Tumblr is not entirely blameless in this situation but holding their feet to the fire will not change anything.
Other sites have found ways to work around Apple's demands and Tumblr claims they are working on a way to as well. This post promises "meaningful developments" are underway to address the issues concerning the availability of "sensitive content" and that in the "near future" they hope to introduce "additional features" for iOS users to better control their experience.
More specific information about what has been affected and what you can do to regulate your experience can be found in these helpful posts.
What does this mean for this blog specifically? I'm not quite sure tbh. I'm an Android user so I don't have a way to see firsthand how much of my content is affected but seeing as the list of restricted terms ranges from the thirsty to the organizational (two of my favorite things 🥲), I'm guessing it's a lot of it. 😂
I want to try and avoid my update content being blocked so my tag for original posts will be switching from "my post" (yes, that's on the list for some reason) to "kh4f post" - but even then, it's not a guarantee that any commentary tags I add won't cause the post to be filtered. As I understand it, use of restricted tags (either by OP or in a reblog) prevents posts from showing up on dash but they may still be accessible by visiting blogs directly or via a post notification. (And again, as previously mentioned, this is only on the iOS app.) So if it seems like I've disappeared or you're missing out on content from me, I suggest you try checking my blog via one of these other avenues (or stop using the iOS app entirely - the browser experience is surprisingly functional!)
If you're a regular here, you know tagging has been a big part of my experience from the beginning so it's a shame that it specifically may cause my content to become inaccessible to a large portion of the userbase. There doesn't appear to be any hard rules as to which terms used just as a tag by themselves cause a post to go missing and which terms used at all within a tag cause it to be filtered - so while I can try to adapt my sensibility for the sake of these guidelines (cursing less, thirsting less specifically), it's nearly impossible to predict what content will be affected and how, especially since I won't be able to see it firsthand for myself.
This site and this blog have meant more to me than I could ever say and I hope you'll find a way to stick with me through these unfortunate circumstances so we can enjoy this new era we've been looking forward to together but if this is the final straw for you and this site, I don't blame you and it's been an absolute pleasure having you here. 💙
Leaving this untagged in hopes everyone will be able to see it lol 🧍🏻‍♀️
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painsandconfusion · 3 years
hey, sorry to bother you, but would you be able to actually tag stuff like pet whump instead of just putting a tw warning at the beginning of a post? cause then the filtering system could catch it, sometimes w long posts it's hard to scroll past fast enough to avoid seeing triggering stuff! thank u
Thank you for sending this.
I’m so torn. It’s breaking my heart not to use the tags. People keep getting shadowbanned and I’m terrified I’m going to lose my blog, so I’ve stopped tagging content. I put that disclaimer at the top of my pinned post in big red letters, but of course that’s not enough. If you look back to any of my stuff before December, I tag everything I can possibly think of, but now…I am so so so scared.
I’ve been trying to at least put a cut in under the trigger warning for more common triggers (like lady whump), and I should have done that for that last febuwhump scene. Pet whump isn’t my usual cup of tea, so I’m not used to writing or working with it.
I think I’m going to start putting all my scenes under a cut. That way people at least have to see the full tw list to select the “keep reading” option??
Does anyone have better ideas? I cannot tell you how terrified I am of losing this community, but I never ever want to trigger anyone.
If tumblr would at least tell us WHY people are getting shadowbanned I’d be able to prepare a little better. And I don’t just mean the apple tags, it’s happening everywhere now.
I hate tumblr. This is tearing me apart.
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wagner-fell · 3 years
Spiders Are Ugly And Other Lies Capitalism Has Told Us (part one)
“Dad,” Astrid called out, shutting the coral coloured front door behind her. “Are you home?”
She dumped her cream tote bag spray painted with the words ‘Washing Machine Heart’ in big, rainbow letters onto one of the stools facing the granite countertop. The rest of the Merry Hoes followed suit. It was weird seeing a person as chaotic as Astrid in such a calm environment.
They were all spending the summer in LA with Astrid and her Dad. It had taken a while for Kevin to convince his family it was a good idea. Especially because he and Blessica had finally put years of pinning behind them. Making out on Kit’s bed at Mina’s third birthday party certainly wasn’t the way they had envisioned it but as the longing was over with, they were happy.
The Chu’s didn’t love the idea of their son living in a different country for three months with his girlfriend but we’re on board once Kevin assured them there was no possible way Blessica could get pregnant.
Kit wasn’t officially sleeping at the Yang’s but at the Institute with his boyfriend. Julian wasn’t so thrilled about the situation but Emma was. She was positively ecstatic about having a training partner as skilled as Kit was, courtesy of Jem and Tessa. Though staying a thirty minute drive away (on the wrong side of the road, Mari noted) wouldn’t keep Kit away for long. Even now he was with them instead of having his own reunion make out session.
Speaking of making out…
Mari rested their chin on the top of Astrid’s head and wrapped their arms around her middle. “Why don’t you show us your room while we wait for your dad to get home.”
It was kinda perfect, Mari often remarked, that she realized her feelings for their best friend weren’t so platonic as she previously led herself to believe at the same time they and Kit realized they were better off as just platonic.
Astrid hit her hand playfully. “That’s not fair!” she whined! ”How dare you take advantage of my constant hornyness when my God-fearing Presbyterian father could be in the next room? Shame! Shame on you, shame on your family, shame on your cow.”
“I’m pretty sure it’s ‘dishonor’”, said Kit, who didn’t even look up from his phone when he addressed her, “but go off I guess.”
Astrid looked like she was questioning all her life choices up to this point. “A white boy knows Mulan better than me.” She shook her head in disgust. Mari could feel the loose hairs of her girlfriend’s ponytail ticking her exposed collar bone. “Mulan.”
Mari laughed before softly brushing their lips against Astrid mop of bleached strands of pastel yellow, pink and blue mixed magnificently with her natural inky black.
“Is hornyness even a word?” Kevin wondered aloud as he observed the knickknacks placed at even intervals utop the kitchen cabinets. Blessica was with him. She was gazing at one of a crab steering a ship when she spotted a slim piece of paper taped below it.
“Ast,” she called. The both looked in her direction, despite Blessica needing the attention of one. “Your dad says he won’t be home till seven. Emergency at work.”
“Which leaves us more than enough time to pack and head over to meet Ty, Dru and Thaìs at the arcade,” said Kit. He finally turned his phone off and shoved it into the back pocket of his ripped jeans. “Marstrid can do the ol’ devil’s tango then catch up to us.”
‘Marstrid’ wrinkled their noses. “I thought we agreed on Astari, Christopher.”
“Astari sounds gayer,” confirmed Kevin, his eyes never leaving the miniature decorations.
“Not to be rude but why does Astari sound gayer?” asked a visibly confused Blessica.
“Because,” answered Mari, unraveling herself from Astrid to slide onto one of the bar stools and reaching into the Jolly Rancher jar, blindly searching for a green, “Astari has ‘star’ in it. Star equals astrology. An obsession with astrology is the price you pay for the gay agenda. Besides, Marstrid sounds like an old southern lady.” Then she furrowed her eyebrows and swiveled to face Astrid. “Southern is Texas, right?” Astrid nooded, a smile so big the Cheshire Cat would be jealous.
Without looking, she stuck her hand in the jar and pulled out a green apple flavoured hard candy on her first try. She held it out to Mari, who snatched it out of her hand with an angry huff.
“Hey, Ast, where do you guys keep the crisps?” asked Kevin when he finished inspecting all the knickknacks.
“Uh, under the barbecue sauce, I think.”
Kit’s eyes lit up. “So I’m sitting there”- Astrid understood what was happening in just enough time to quote- “barbecue sauce on my titties” in unison.
Mari put her head into their open palms, still sucking on the pity candy. “Why is this my type?”
“Are you sure this is the right place?” asked Blessica as Kit attempted to parallel park outside the location Ty had texted him to meet at. Key word, attempt. When Tessa had taught him to drive, he’d been such a disaster at parallel parking she had instructed him to ‘take the underground when tight spaces might be a possibility.’ Which he prided himself in doing. But this was America and the underground was called the subway, so, technically, no rules were being broken.
“Yes, Blessie, I’m certain.”
“Okay. Just checking cause a few turns back the GPS said-”
“Blessie!” He nearly crashed into the car in front of him.
“Right. Shutting up.”
When Kit managed to park with minimal damage and the three were about to exit, the voice of Nicki Minaj boomed from his pocket. Ty was calling him. He accepted the call, putting it on speaker.
“Hello Tiberius.” There was giggling from the other end of the line. A groan soon followed it.
“It’s been a year,” came the annoyed voice of Dru. “Get over your British kink already.” Kevin’s laughter echoed from the backseat.
“Hey Ty!
“Hi Kevin.”
”Hey Dru!”
“Fuck off.”
“Ouch. Why do you feel the need to hurt me so?” Blessica laughed.
“Here,” replied Thaìs cheerfully.
“Are you here yet,” asked Ty.
“Uh, yeah! We were just getting out of the rental car when you called. You didn’t tell me it was going to be crowded. I had to parallel park!”
“What are you talking about?” interrupted Dru. ”There are only four cars in the parking lot.”
“But,” Ty countered, “there are lots of Billy’s Fun Zones’ around here. You guys must have got mixed up and taken a wrong turn. I could have sworn I sent you the correct location on GPS.” Maybe Ty said more on the subject but Kit could hear anything or see anything except the superior smirk Blessica was giving him.
He covered the speaker. “Not. A. Word.” And no word came out of her mouth the entire ride to the correct Billy’s Fun Zone but the ‘I told you so’ look on her face spoke loud enough.
Kit slid back into the booth next to Ty, handing him his pretzel. Ty kissed him on the check in gratitude.
Dru and Ty were right. About this one being empty. He told him he had heard about it from Alyssa. Her pack frequented it often. They were left alone because, well, there was no one else there to bother them.
“Where are Astrid and Mari?” he asked.
“Fucking. I think. Or maybe just making out. I’ll know which one when they finish.” When Ty gave him a puzzled look he continued, “Astrid describes it all to me in full detail. I honestly don’t know whether she doesn’t have a filter or she just needs someone to scream to about how amazing Mari is.”
“Why can’t it be both?”
“True, true.”
They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Ty picked up the conversation again. “When Thaìs first met Astrid, she had a huge crush on her. They got along great. I always thought they would end up together. Or hook up at the very least.”
“Huh, that’s funny,” observed Kit.
“What is?”
“When me and Mari split, I was planning on trying to set them up with Thaìs. But then I caught her ans Astrid making out in a storage closet at school. Which, in hindsight, was pretty stupid cause they were in there so I wouldn’t be sad Mari moved on when I opened the door in the first place avoiding her to call you.”
The gears in Ty’s head were visibly turning. Kit loved watching this process. An idea was forming in his boyfriend’s genius mind, he could sense it.
“What is their stance on monogamy?” he asked finally.
“Um, fuck, hold on. Mari sent me this whole speech about it.” Kit scrolled through his phone at a rapid rate before he saw what he was looking for. He cleared his throat and began reading aloud.
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:52 AM: monogamy is just another lie capitalism has fed us
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:55 AM: like, for example, the notion that house spiders are ugly and to be feared
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: it’s just to sell bug spray
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: same with monogamy
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:56 AM: pointless!!!
Mari_da_bisexual_whore, sent 1:58 AM: in conclusion, if I want to join a polyam cult, who tf is the government to stop me?
Kev-Kev, sent 2:01 AM: mari please go to sleep
Bless-ing_to_the_world, sent 2:04 AM: ^^^^^^^^^^^
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: preach!
Mitski_my_love, sent 2:05 AM: go off queen
By the time Kit was finished with his dramatic reading, Ty’s plan was fully formed.
“That settles it! We are going to play matchmakers!”
Alyssa, Ty’s friend mentioned is @thechangeling OC, not mine.
@the-blackdale @the-wckd-powers @adoravel-fenomeno @thomas-gaypanic-lightwood @illusions-give-reasons-to-live @ithurielkeepsgettingkidnapped @im-not-ruined-im-ruination @sofiatheskeleton @cncnbr @its-taff @noah-herondale-lightwood @maxboythedog @arangiajoan @shelvesofgold @book-dragon-not-worm sorry if I missed anyone LMK if you want to be added or removed from The tag List!!
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Pinned Post 📍
[My greatest hits]
Main is @darling-dolly-darlene
Zosi sideblog is @zosi-the-church-grim
100+ followers DTIYS <3 ⬇️
I adore asks
Feel free to send in asks and art requests! (Check bio for info on art requests before you send)
DO NOT send requests that aren't about The Glass Scientists! Why does this always happen the is literally a tgs sideblog-
All posts are ask to tag, but I only occasionally actually put the tag "ask to tag" on posts (I do this when I think something should be filtered but I'm not sure whatd it be)
I use tone indicators! Primarily /j (joke) and /lh (light hearted), and sometimes /s (sarcastic). I avoid using genuine because then I'd have to stick that on to every sentence I write bbcjsbbdjks, If you're worried or not sure what I meant in a sentence, you can ask me clarify! ^v^
I like to avoid shipping in my aus, unless the au is centered entirely around a ship, there is no shipping. I do this so people can leave the ships up to their own interpretation, and thus anyone can enjoy the au
I rarely also post general j&h too, you can tell because it'll be given all the appropriate tags, though itll still also be tagged "The Glass Scientists" as tgs is still just a version of j&h
Reblogs are greatly appreciated! Tags or complimenting my art (whether we know each other or not) are highly encouraged!
If a post is tagged "Rest in w.i.p" and has say, 20-30 notes, I'd appreciate if it wasn't reblogged. It's very. Not fun. To see a wip to get twice as many notes as my finished art. You can however, reply! If you really wish to say you like something about it
I have a YouTube, if you wish to see me "draw"
I'm inactive on Discord so I'm like,, constantly afraid someone will impersonate me?? For some reason??? So ye heres my discord info
Tumblr media
Block me, friend me, bully me into joining your group (that I'll proceed to never active in) whatever <3
My Aus 🐺 (I make them in a week and never look at them again <3)
You'll see some have a link called [Main au post] the linked post will share most of the important information, its simply there if you dont want to browse the whole tag for that au
-The Wolf Apple Werewolf: Werewolf au, Jekyll accidentally turned himself into a maned wolf werewolf while trying to make his soul splitting potion. Jekyll hides the fact the he's a werewolf but Hyde doesn't [main au post here] I've been meaning to rewrite it, but eh
Hyde is a Falkland Island wolf, and considering that A: That wolf became extinct 1876 and B: he's a werewolf. There'd definitely be a bit more danger for him at blackfog
(made in collaboration with @ angstspawn25 )
There is a one off au of this, The Wolf Apple Puppy
-Feather Fin au: Siren au! Jekyll is a shapeshifting siren called a Feather Fin, one day he decides to leave the ocean and get a doctorate, somehow this works [main au post here]
Admittedly, I like branches and other versions of this au more than what's here
-Zombie Jekyll au: After Jekyll has his panic at the party he walks home alone and Moreau's creatures kill him. Very sad and tragic probably but really I made this so Jekyll and Zosi could be zombie buddies [main au post here] [reference sheet here]
(Important note!: If you're here from iiredgm's fic on ao3, "Rotten On The Inside (And Outside)" that fic actually differs from what's canon in the au!)
This au has a very strong branch! The "Jekyll hides he's dead au" [main au post here]
-Tgs Fantasy Au: Fantasy au, with story? Probably? Its what I call a daydream au because I can never choose a version of it to stick with. Jekyll is a spider monster with anxiety [Main au posts here and here]
-Dr. John Caught: Fusion au! Again another daydream au [main au post here]
-Porcelain Jekyll Au: You're at the Party by Lemon Demon [main au post here] [design reference here]
-Daylight trio: Oh I guess this is technically an au huh? It's the ship of Jekyll × The Couple [main post here]
-Jekyll with a mustache au: I edit mustaches onto panels of Jekyll from the comic [Main posts here and here]
-Princess Tutu au: Based on the "Princess Tutu" anime, due to how the different pt and tgs are there is no set story for this, mostly fun designs and screenshot redraws [design reference here]
(Important note!: [tumblr] really sucks so my original tag for this, "Princess Tutu au" would bother the normal princess tutu tag. SO! Any new posts will be tagged "Tutu au" )
However, old posts will not be retagged so check both "Princess Tutu au" and "Tutu au" for all the content
-Immortal (and upset about it) Jekyll au: An unrealized side effect of HJ7 was immortality. 136 years after the events of tgs, Jekyll's hating every second of it. Also he has a motorcycle [main au post here]
-Tgs Theater Au: Dr. Jekyll gets invited to be the star of a new mad scientist play! Which, funnily enough, is pretty much exactly the j&h m*sical from real life [main au post here]
-Vampire!Jekyll au: exactly what it says on the tin. Ah hm, the only posts that really explain this is the unfinished au reblogging, ah. [main au post here]
-Peppermint Rot: a fic im currently writing! Its essentially a ghost au [Chapter 1 here] [Chapter 2 here]
-Skyrim au: Jekyll owns the college of winterhold. That's it. This au doesn't even have a name and no one is helping me with it TwT
-Glassrune au: The Glass Scientists × Deltarune, in progress
(There are also multiple "branches" of these aus and some one off aus! AUs written here are just the "main" aus)
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thiscrimsonsoul · 3 years
PSA Re: Apple iOS/Tumblr Tag Ban
{out of paprikash} I know we are all confused and irritated by the recent tag ban imposed by Apple and implemented by Tumblr. I wanted to explain a little for those who have not yet heard about it and let my followers know where I stand as far as creating my own posts.
My understanding of this ban is that if you use anything from this ever-growing LIST OF BLOCKED WORDS AND PHRASES in your tags (many of which are very common words, seemingly innocuous ones, or ones used to protect people from content they wish to filter out with t.rigger w.arnings), your post will be flagged as banned content and will become shadowblocked for those running the Tumblr app on Apple devices supporting iOS. Meaning… if you use banned tags, your post will not be viewable to iOS users and some of your followers many not even know you posted something at all.
I personally do not use Apple devices and am therefore not affected by this ban as far as what I am able to view. However, since my followers and writing partners may use those devices, it does affect me in that regard.
I was going to try to come up with an alternative list of tags for common t.rigger w.arnings I use to try to develop a workaround system for all my blogs, but upon viewing the list of banned tags, I realize that this just isn’t possible. There are far too many innocuous, everyday, seemingly mundane words on the list, and the list is much too long to remember to avoid using all of them. It is also my understanding that these banned words and phrases are blocked whether they are used on their own in a standalone tag or contained in longer sentences with other words, so even just “blabbing” in the tags about our stories and characters as we love to do as roleplayers may get our posts flagged and shadowblocked if we inadvertently use something on the list.
In light of all this, right now I am not going to change how I tag my posts, nor am I going to stop discussing things in my tags. I realize that this may result in some of my followers or writing partners no longer being able to see some of my content. However, I feel that continuing to tag potentially t.riggering content is more important than worry about whether my posts will become shadowblocked.
If we write together and you are subject to this ban because of the device you use to access Tumblr, feel free to let me know. I can try to remember to DM you when I post a reply to one of our threads so you can tell me if you are able to view it. If you cannot see it, I may be able to change my tags to make it visible again. I really don’t want to have to get into that every time I post a reply, but… this is where we’re currently at with this hellsite.
I am going to continue on as I have been and hold out hope that Tumblr staff will realize how damaging, dangerous, disruptive, and downright bricking this is for their platform and devise an alternative for satisfying Apple’s unreasonable and ill-conceived tag ban, but I realize that this is unlikely to happen. I choose to remain optimistic, but we’ll see what happens, I guess.
Carry on my wayward Tumblrers.
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dappersheep · 4 years
Food Fantasy: An Analysis on what killed a Golden Goose (2/3)
Welcome back. Before we get started, disclaimers again! I do not own the game or its characters, nor do I claim to know the history and future of the game. What I am entitled to are the thoughts and opinions written within this post. You may or may not agree with the points spoken of here. This post also remains untagged from the main foofan tag. Only my followers will see this.
We are now on the second part, so let's go forward under the cut!
And here we have our beloved global publisher that most of seem to have Stockholm Syndrome for. Don't lie, at least half of us are still playing this damned game due to sunken cost fallacy, sunken time fallacy and the cute/hot jpegs.
In 2018, everything started out fine. Sure, maybe we had some translation mishaps here and there -coughwe'llgettothatwreckagelatercough- but overall, Elex was running the game fairly well. Rewards were on time, we had active social media and support, and a discord was set up!
Hint: Please note I use quite a bit of sarcasm in most everything I say.
And then somewhere along that road, things got derailed. And I mean it like, we're in the midst of a trainwreck in slow motion and we've only cleared the initial collision and still hurtling forward or backward into a steel wreckage ticking inferno.
Problems started cropping up as early as late 2018, just a few months after the game was launched in July.
⦁ Art contest mishaps. You know when you hold an art contest on Facebook out of all places with its shitty tagging system, you're bound to have entries lost to the void, people forced to register an FB account just to participate (seriously, who even has an FB account that isn't just there to appease family members?) and having to wrestle with figuring out how FB's tagging system works. Add to that the panel of judges happen to be Elex staff who don't have a good eye for good artwork (we actually had a kiddy figure drawing win over a well drawn one during the last contest!) and that they ALSO weren't very good at organizing such contests on FB... well, we had several grievances over that.
⦁ Region blocked FB announcements. Strangely enough, I stopped getting announcements around Father's Day of 2019 while everyone else outside of SEA kept getting updates. Turns out that someone on Elex's staff really didn't like SEA players or was just really bad at fixing the settings for the group and never bothered to revert it back. It didn't matter in the long run though, because...
⦁ Abandoned social media platforms. FooFan Twitter, FooFan Facebook... they all floated slowly into the void and was never heard from again. And this was before the 2020 pandemic.
⦁ Remember what I said about Discord? Yeah, apparently, they opened one up a little too early and the staff in charge of it knew zero about how to setup and mod a discord community, and didn't even have the manpower needed to mod the influx of members that came in! Suffice to say, they had to get help from top players and mods from the FB groups to come in and sort things out because someone kept pinging @ everyone every few seconds other than the usual chaos that comes from a server with no filters and people trying to turn the discord into Global Chat 2.0, minus Russian hours.
⦁ Also in line with the point about abandoned social media platforms, they've also mostly abandoned the discord too and only pop in once in a while to check the bug reports or lost accounts. You have a slightly better chance of response with the in-game support. Only slightly. And there's a running joke with several variations on the main discord that the Owner account of the discord server was manned by an intern-kun who never bothered to pass it on to the next unfortunate soul left to maintain this game.
⦁ Favoritism. Funtoy is also guilty of this but they don't publish the game for Global. If you're a top spender the likes of maxing out your cash rebates within the three months or so and you kept spending even beyond that, Elex could possibly invite you to a funky little club where your voice is more important than say... 99% of the playerbase. On top of that, if you keep spending, you could technically also ask for stuff like getting this frame over that frame, or well.... delay certain features from coming to Global for over a year. Now you can simp AND be heard! (Note: In 2021, it's possible that that club may be dead too, as all things shall be)
⦁ SJW Friendly. I don't know if Funtoy themselves have anything to also do with this particular decision... but it's saying something that after a certain little tiddy tantrum from the community side, Elex decided not to announce anything about a certain event's fate and when asked by it by other parties (not me) they either lie through their teeth, or beat around the bush with a non-answer.
⦁ Partial translations, mistranslations. Now, I understand that a lot of Chinese grammar and semantics are confusing to translate properly into several other languages, but you'd think Elex would have given their translators more context to the character or the mechanic to avoid such mistranslations that later set off gender debates or worded the skill/artifact description a little clearer. That is... unless Elex really is hands-off trying to get to know this IP from the start and only gave it the most bare minimum of English where they can cut costs for it, so people can understand it 'well enough' to throw money at an obviously not beta-read quality game.
⦁ No translations. Yes we do have certain parts of the game that are in Chinese since forever since xx patch. Some characters' voiceline texts are still in chinese, especially during the Pledge scenes. More recent artifacts are also in chinese with no announced translation in sight. And don't get me started on the Food Soul bios, or lack thereof.
⦁ Delayed events. Prime example? We had weeks of minor events/no events and still Elex managed to eff everything up for our second Anniversary in July 2020. We ended up getting the Croissant event in late August with barely any apologies and compensation for the delay... and this likely would have never arrived as 'early' as it did if people hadn't been railing about where our Anniversary event was. As it stands, we are several minor events behind CN, at least a year and a half's worth behind. I know Global had requested heavily for more spaced out events (to save resources, not that it actually worked with all the nerfed rewards we get) compared to CN but this is extremely ridiculous.
⦁ Delayed permanent features. Hm... Guild Wars, Sky Tower, Bar, that Wuchang Fish Showdown... several Quality of Life updates.... that new permanent pool update... Food Souls still missing their JP voice packs... Food Soul Bios... *slowly ticking off more than I have fingers and toes*
⦁ Customer Support is whack. You'd be lucky if you got someone who understood your problem/inquiry right off the bat AND did something about it efficiently. You'd be luckier if they answered you honestly if you were inquiring about event updates or other buggy features or reporting hackers.
⦁ The Great Turkey and Apple Incident of 2020. Well, if you were around for that little SNAFU during the Turkey re-run event, you'd know a percentage of people suddenly got logged out of their accounts and had a baller of a time trying to get their accounts back. You were especially unfortunate if you were playing on an iOS account because even if you did bind it (like a responsible player should be doing), you probably still wouldn't get it back in time to rank properly during Turkey. Some Android players also experienced this, but it wasn't as bad as what the iOS players experienced. And then there was the compensation mishap for that too.
⦁ Hacker-chan and not-so-uwu Hacker-teme. Hacker-chan is a meme. Hacker-chan was a harmless player who regularly topped in Top Showdown every week for a time to send a message to Elex just how easy it is to hack the game in certain rankings and invited Elex to ban them every time, just to test how competent Elex is. In the end, Elex has proven to be incompetent and also glaringly stupid about how their published game works. Hacker-teme is a collective of individuals over time who have cheated the game during important ranking events or in somewhat important permanent battles. If you tried to report a Hacker-teme with evidence to prove it -and trust me, people repeatedly have-, Elex would tell you that they're not cheating and/or lie through their teeth that they're 'investigating the case' and then not do anything about it and let them keep their event ranking and thus get the rewards while someone who actually worked hard/whaled hard to get the spot gets denied. In one case, they believe that if an account has rebate points and the player level is at least around level 80, then the hacker-teme is obviously playing the game fairly. Never mind that their units happened to have low to no artifact nodes opened, and not high in ascension.
And that is the end of the Elex saga. I'm aware there's likely more things about Elex that I've missed, but feel free to add on to this analysis post with your own thoughts.
The last part of this trilogy is probably what many of us are waiting for, for obvious reasons.
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smashhunter437 · 3 years
Download Instagram On My Macbook Pro
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Instagram Pro APK is the best Insta Mod for Android devices. And this devlope by SamMods. By the way, No more worries at all.We have all new Instagram Pro to replace the Other Insta Mod in the aspects of features and performance. Recently developer has released the latest version based on the Play Store Base. Get Firefox, a free web browser backed by Mozilla, a non-profit dedicated to internet health and privacy. Available now on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android and iOS.
Do you love Instagram, but hate posting photos and videos from the tiny screen on your phone? Do you keep Instagram captions short and sweet to avoid typing with your thumbs? As awesome as Instagram is, there is one huge downside to the platform. Instagram is steadfast in its dedication to remaining a mobile app, which means it lets you post only from a phone or a tablet.
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Does that mean that you can’t ever post to Instagram from a Mac? Not necessarily. Here’s our complete guide to help you upload to Instagram from your Mac.
Can I post on Instagram from my Mac?
While it’s totally possible to post to Instagram from your Mac using various methods, they are not without limitations. As we go over your options, we will mention any drawbacks or limitations that you should be aware of so you can choose the best Instagram posting method available.
After years of posting to Instagram from your iPhone, you probably have tons of similar photos and multiple copies with and without edits. Try Gemini Photos: it lets you find and delete similar pics with a few taps.
Download on the App Store
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How to upload to Instagram from your Mac
Instagram makes it easy to browse through your feed on your Mac, as well as like posts and comment on them, but to actually upload photos, you have to be a bit savvier. You can upload to Instagram directly from your browser using a few extra steps, a third-party app, or an Instagram scheduler. Here’s how you can post to Instagram from your Mac using these methods.
Post to Instagram from a Mac using Safari
If you already use Apple’s native Safari as your browser, you’ll be happy to know that you can upload to Instagram from your Mac without a whole lot of extra work. The secret is to use developer tools, so that you can view Instagram exactly as if you were using an iPhone or iPad.
First, open Safari on your Mac.
Go to Safari > Preferences > Advanced.
In the Advanced menu box, tick the checkbox that says Show Develop menu in menu bar.
Open Instagram in Safari.
From the top menu, go to Develop > User Agent > Safari > iOS 11.3 iPhone (or current version of iOS).
Your Instagram will now show up exactly as it looks on your iPhone, and you can click the upload icon to post photos as usual.
There are some limitations to using Safari in Develop mode:
You can only upload single photos to your Instagram profile, not videos or galleries.
Instagram’s custom filters are available, but editing features are not.
You can geotag your location, but you can’t tag other accounts.
You can also post to Instagram Stories using this same method, but again you can only post photos, not videos.
You might also like: How to save Instagram videos to your Camera Roll
Upload photos to Instagram from a Mac using Google Chrome
If you use Google Chrome as your browser of choice, you’ll find that there is a similar method for uploading photos to Instagram. Here’s how it’s done:
Open Instagram using Google Chrome.
From the top menu, go to View > Developer > Developer Tools.
This will open Developer Tools. At the top of the sidebar, click on the icon that looks like a tablet and a phone next to each other.
Now your Instagram will show up exactly as it would on your phone. You can even choose your exact phone model from the menu above the Instagram screen.
You should also see the upload icon at the bottom of the Instagram screen, but if you don’t, simply refresh the page and it will show up.
Click on the upload icon to upload your photo to Instagram. You will have access to Instagram filters, but not the editing tools. You’ll also be able to tag your location as well as other accounts.
When you’re ready to publish, click Share, and your post will appear on Instagram.
Can I Download Instagram On My Macbook Pro
The downside to uploading to Instagram using Chrome is that it currently only works with photos, not videos or galleries of images.
Upload to Instagram from a Mac using a third-party app
If using developer tools within your browser doesn’t appeal to you, you’ve still got several options.
One of them is Uplet, a bulk Instagram uploader Mac. No need to transfer content to your phone first. Uplet will take photos or videos from your Mac and post them directly to your Instagram profile, one by one. You can customize the appearance of your posts and add captions — just as you do on mobile. Uplet and 180+ other Mac apps are available with Setapp membership, which is a very good deal.
Here’s how to use Uplet to post to Instagram from your Mac:
Install Uplet from Setapp
Log in using your Instagram credentials
Click the plus button to upload your photos/videos
Change image/video appearance by clicking on the resize button in the top left corner
Add a caption with or without hashtags to the text box below your photo
Click Share to publish your photos/videos to Instagram.
Another huge perk of Uplet is it allows you to manage several Instagram accounts very flexibly. Just click on the account picture to switch to your business/personal account. The app won’t ask you to sign in and out again, so it’s really a one-click deal.
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You might also like: How to add music to an Instagram video
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Post to Instagram from a Mac using a scheduler
If you don’t want to be chained to your Instagram account, but still want to post awesome photos on a regular basis, you should definitely look into an Instagram scheduler to post from your Mac.
These allow you to schedule your Instagram posts weeks, or even months, in advance. The most expensive schedulers come with lots of bells and whistles, but Later allows you to take advantage of some pretty advanced scheduling tools for free.
With a free Later account, you can schedule up to 30 Instagram posts a month using a simple drag-and-drop platform. You can add a caption and geotag your location, but you can’t schedule videos, carousel-type posts, or Stories. Also, if you want your posts to publish to Later automatically, you will need an Instagram business account. Otherwise, you will receive a notification when it’s time to publish, but you will have to do it manually.
Here’s how to post to Instagram from your Mac using Later:
Go to www.later.com and create a free account. If you like the platform, you can always upgrade to a paid plan.
Log in with your Instagram credentials to connect Later with Instagram.
Upload your photos to the Later media library by clicking Upload Media and choosing one or more photos from your files. You can also upload directly from Google Drive or Dropbox by clicking the appropriate icon.
Your photos will show up in the Later library. From there you can drag and drop the photos to the calendar at whichever day and time you choose.
You can view your calendar by week or by month, or you can switch to your grid by clicking Preview. When viewing your grid on the Preview screen, you can easily move things around just by dragging and dropping.
When you drag a photo to a slot in Calendar view, a pop-up will appear where you can enter a caption, geotag a location, and change the date or time.
Once you’re happy with everything, click Auto to post automatically, and then click Save.
Hopefully, these tips will help you up your Instagram game by allowing you to post photos directly from your Mac. And maybe someday Instagram itself will jump on the bandwagon to make life easier for all of us.
How Do I Download Instagram On My Macbook Pro
Free 14 Day Trial
You can use IGdm Pro for FREE within the first 14 days of installation. You don't have to purchase the License before trying it out.
Multiple Accounts
Sign in to as many accounts as you wish.
Proxy Support
Instagram App For Macbook Pro
With IGdm Pro you can Login through Proxy.
100 Conversations
IGdm Pro will load up to 100 of your chat conversations
Filter Chat list
Filter your chat list based read and unread messages.
Delete Conversation
Delete a conversation from your chat list. Just like you can hide a conversation from the mobile app.
Search Messages
You can do a text search to look through older messages which would have otherwise been difficult to find.
Unsend Messages
Just like in the mobile app, you can delete (unsend) messages.
Dark Theme
For a bettter visual experience, you can switch between the Light theme and the Dark theme.
Quick Replies
IGdm Pro comes with a 'Quick Reply' feature which allows you save frequently used messages so you can re-use them with just a few clicks.
Instagram Download For Mac
€10.00 EUR
Instagram For Macbook
€10.00 EUR
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chyrstis · 4 years
WIP Saturday (so much for Friday)
Tagged by @shallow-gravy @raisinghellinotherworlds and @fadedjacket! You’re all way too kind (and also patient! <3), and here I am trying not to squeeze this in too late (never mind the fact that it’s Saturday and not even Wednesday)
Tagging: @writerofblocks @sharky-broshaw @amistrio @geronimo-11 @guileandgall @painterofhorizons @redroci @ma-sulevin @narcis-the-monk @teamhawkeye @finefeatheredgamer @fluttyseed @sneaky-apostate @hawkfurze @scarlettkat86 @strafethesesinners @risenlucifer @ofravensandgenesis @marymay-fairgrave @cclkestis and anyone else that’s interested! This is totally a free tag, and I’d love to see what you’re all working on.
Random aside, but I’d definitely post the new WIP I ended up writing earlier today courtesy of @writerofblocks providing some excellent inspiration, but...I think I’m going to hold onto that for later, b/c that might be a little too much spice to slip in here.
First off, a small moment from the Trap fic, which I’m still hoping to finalize most of the outline for soon! Just a friendly car chase, no big deal:
“Go, go, go!”
Her foot hit the gas, and they flew out after it, not wanting to give it a decent chance for a lead. The more time between them, the less of a shot they had to corral it.
It just sucked that of all of the vehicles they had to offer, the van ended up being their pick, because the space it had didn’t do shit to help its max speed.
Coming right up behind the tanker, Hana dug for the radio by her side and put a call through. “H to Shurky, we’re coming up on you two, so you’d better be ready to work your magic!”
“Ten-four on that, pretty lady! Oh, wait. Fuck! Wait, let me just-”
Some arguing filtered through, nothing she could suss out while barreling down the road mid-car chase, until Sharky’s voice came back over the line.
“Yeah, we got you covered, Dep! Got a whole lotta shit just ready to throw and-yo, I see you there!”
Gunfire echoed briefly before cutting off, all while a cold sweat settled on her brow.
Jesus. They weren’t supposed to hit trouble this soon. Did they know?
A bullet clipped the windshield, spidering the glass as she moved back, and she swore under her breath.
Next, how about a little more No-Cult AU? Part 2-ish of the paint saga, which I’d love to finish within the next week or so. *crosses fingers*:
Sharky switched to the earlier photos. Tilted his phone and studied them, and still couldn’t tell jack-shit.
Another image came through in the middle of this, this time of John’s hand holding up what looked to be two separate paint color cards. Both were the kind of red he seriously had no hope of telling apart, and as Sharky focused in on them, he caught two different names.
“…Heart what?” he muttered, reading no joke, Heartthrob as one of the colors.
the fuck man?
Not happy with either?
im over here digging holes covered in dirt n shit and ure asking me to tell u whats better Candy apple or fkin cherry
cant even tell if ones lighter n the other
Taking a picture of where he was, Sharky sent it along, and John didn’t wait long to respond.
Ah, you’re busy. This is a bad time.
its ok Sharky replied, typing fast, just weird to ask
the hells the red for anyway? thought blue was your thng
The boathouse, remember? It was red.
It was?
Thinking back to that night, color didn’t even click for him. Shit, he’d barely had his own feet under him as he slipped into the place, and nearly pitched over the edge of the boat into the river. But after avoiding hitting his head, and losing his balance he’d fired it up and booked it.
Didn’t even stop to question anything, not even the keys left on the workbench nearby. Seriously, how did he end up being the first person to try this shit at all?
Raccoons, or hell, even a wolverine could’ve run off with them, and he didn’t know what was funnier, the idea of a wolverine trying to handle a boat, or John trying to work any of that lawyer mojo against something ready to claw his face off.
But thinking back to the boathouse, red kinda made sense. Well, judging from what he’d seen under the burnt and charred pieces he’d broken down and thrown to the side while taking it apart.
And finally, maybe some Sharky/Hana/John? John drops by their place earlier than anticipated on their calendar, which throws off their groove a bit, but he’s got a few reasons for it.
“Dude, it’s just past four. You check the clock at all ‘fore heading over?”
He hadn’t, admittedly. Just left his room as soon as possible without looking back, and frowned when Boshaw aimed a knowing smirk right at him. “Should I have?”
He shook his head as he plopped down onto a nearby chair. “Nah, it’s cool, man. Cool to see you, and cool to-“ he yawned, the rest of his answer swallowed up by it. “Cool to have you by and shit.”
Groping for his shoes, he pulled at the laces, loosening them enough to put them on, and rubbed at his eyes before lacing them up. Not saying anything else, he’d switched to humming something off-key, and try as he might, John couldn’t recognize a single note of it.
“Can’t really stick around long, ‘cause the first round of shifts are starting, but if you wanted to talk to H, she’ll be up in a bit. She can’t do early. Shit, I can’t do early, but you do what you gotta do, I guess.”
“It’s a small price to pay to keep things as they are.”
“Yeah, I guess. But you’re looking like you just sprang up, ready to fucking go”, Charlemagne groused. John raised an eyebrow at him, watching as he shook his head at him. “You even sleep?”
No. John said nothing, but just as he was considering it, Boshaw snorted.
“Nah, probably don’t much. Well, I’m out. Whoever’s supe this week’ll ride me if I’m late, so just lock up behind me.”
He jogged over to the bed, and dipped down towards the pile of blankets. There wasn’t much of Hana that either of them could see above what she’d wrapped around her, but once Charlemagne found her, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, tenderly brushing her hair back as he did.
Glancing away, John waited until he was back in front of him to make eye contact again.
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splendidlyimperfect · 4 years
When Gray wakes up one night with a voice in his head, the last thing he expects is to suddenly be sharing a body with a demon. Natsu is nothing like Gray expected, though. He's surprisingly charming, and more concerned about getting Gray to eat vegetables than he is with taking over the world. Since Gray can't push him away like he does with everyone else, he begrudgingly accepts Natsu's place in his life - for now. But when Natsu ends up needing Gray's help, what started out as an inconvenience turns into a road trip - and a friendship - that changes Gray's life.
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written for @fuckyeahgratsu​ gratsu weekend 2021 event
day 2; prompt: secret/confession
Chapters: 1 | 2  Fandom: Fairy Tail Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Natsu Dragneel/Gray Fullbuster Characters: Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Lyon Vastia, Mard Geer Tartarus Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, Humor, Adventure, Demonic Possession, but the good kind, demon Natsu, References to Depression, Depressed Gray, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Sort Of, Road Trips, Falling In Love, Natsu's not an evil demon, he really just wants to take care of Gray, Gray sucks at feelings
Lyon didn’t answer Gray’s first text, or his third, or his tenth. Eventually Gray gave up, shoving his phone in his pocket and grabbing his shoes.
“Where are we going?” Natsu, who had been quiet during the texting, reappeared next to Gray’s reflection in the hallway mirror. “Are we finally getting something to eat? I know you’re not hungry, but I am.” Gray could tell Natsu still didn’t believe him about not wanting to eat, but his first cup of coffee hadn’t kicked in yet and he was too tired to argue.
“Fine, we can get food.” He shrugged on his jacket and locked the door behind them, then started down the road toward Main Street. “What do you want?”
“What’s the best thing you’ve ever had for breakfast?”
Continue reading on AO3
Gray considered the question as they made their way past the morning crowd. A cool spring wind carried cherry blossoms down from the trees and dusted them in pink and white across the street. The sun was thin but warm, and Gray felt some of the tension in his shoulders relax.
“Uh, probably cinnamon buns? There’s a good place down the street. I haven’t been in a while, though.”
“You haven’t been anywhere in a while,” Natsu agreed.
“Stop going through my memories,” Gray hissed. He pushed the button for the crosswalk and caught the eye of the woman standing beside him. She was giving him a strange look and it took him a second to remember that she couldn’t see Natsu.
“I’m not doing it on purpose,” Natsu insisted as Gray shoved his hands in his pockets and hurried across the street, away from the woman’s puzzled gaze. “I haven’t done this in a long time. It’s weird.”
“You’ve possessed people before?” Gray kept his voice low.
“…why? When?”
“Uh… what year is it?”
Gray raised his eyebrow. “2021.”
Natsu was quiet for a second – all Gray could hear was a low muttering that sounded suspiciously like someone counting on their fingers. Eventually Natsu said, “About two hundred years ago? I can’t remember exactly.”
Gray stopped talking as he stepped into the café, trying to ignore Natsu’s excited exclamations while he studied the pastry shelf.
“Ooh, what’s the pink one? Is that cake? Can we have cake for breakfast? And more coffee. What’s a latte? You should get a banana or something too. You don’t eat a lot of fruit.”
“That’s none of your business,” Gray grumbled under his breath, but he grabbed an apple from next to the till and added it to the cinnamon bun and coffee he purchased.
Natsu made a contented sound as Gray sat down at one of the tables outside the café and took a bite of the cinnamon bun. A pleased aura radiated from him, somewhere in the back of Gray’s mind.
“Can you taste it?” Gray asked. He’d pulled out his headphones and put an earbud in one ear, hoping that it looked like he was talking on the phone rather than to an imaginary friend.
“Sort of.” Natsu hummed appreciatively when Gray took another bite. “I know it’s good and that I like it, but it’s kind of… blurry.”
Natsu sighed. “It’s hard to explain. It’s like there’s a… a filter on things, between you and me. So, when you touch or eat something, I feel it, it’s just… blurry.”
“Huh.” Gray finished the cinnamon bun and the apple in silence, giving his brain time to process everything as he watched the world go on around him. There was a part of him that kept wanting to panic, but nothing about the situation felt dangerous. In fact, it was kind of nice to have some company. And he did feel better after eating.
“See?” Natsu sounded pleased with himself. “I knew you were hungry,”  
“Shut up,” Gray said half-heartedly. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching him talk to Natsu, then said, “You don’t seem very evil. For a demon, I mean.”
“I’m not evil!” Natsu said indignantly. “That’s why I haven’t possessed anyone in so long. Usually, people – warlocks, whatever – summon demons for shitty reasons, like they wanna hurt people. Or get revenge, or whatever. I don’t do that.”
“You can just refuse to show up when you’re summoned?”
“It depends. If someone calls on me specifically with my true name, I can’t say no. But if it’s just a generic, ‘I need a demon to strike down my enemies, blah, blah, blah,’ someone else can take it. There’s lots of other demons and I’m nobody special.”
Gray frowned, poking at the crumbs on his plate. “So…why are you here now? And why me? If Lyon summoned you, why aren’ t you possessing him?”
“He did the spell wrong,” Natsu explained. “Like I said, he’s a shitty warlock.”
“Not the only thing he’s shitty at,” Gray said, rolling his eyes. “Why’d he try to summon you, anyway?”
“Something about his ex.”
“Figures.” Gray took another sip of his coffee. “Did he know your real name, then?”
“Then…you decided to possess me on purpose?” He caught a glimpse of their reflection in the window of the café and could see Natsu’s embarrassed expression.
“Yeah. Sort of. I guess.”
Natsu didn’t answer right away. An uncomfortable sensation started to spread down the back of Gray’s neck, and he couldn’t tell if it was coming from Natsu or himself. He shifted in his chair, fighting the sudden urge to go home and go back to bed.
“You’re not tired,” Natsu said. “Why do you want to sleep?”
Gray’s chest tightened and he shook his head, staring down at his half-empty coffee cup. “I don’t,” he insisted. “I just…” He felt a gentle tug at the back of his mind.
“Is it ‘cause you’re sad again?”
“I’m not.” Gray ground his teeth, then interrupted Natsu’s next question. “Stop poking around in my head and tell me why you’re in there.”
“I need to find my body,” Natsu said reluctantly.  
Gray frowned. “You have your own body? Here?”
Natsu’s reflection nodded. “Well, not here here, I’m not sure where it is right now. But someone else has my body and I want it back.”
“How did that happen?”
The version of Natsu in the café window reflection settled down in the seat across from Gray and rested his chin on his hands. Even though Gray couldn’t see Natsu, the invisible gaze made Gray feel naked.
“I was really sick when I was a kid,” Natsu said after a moment. “Like, really sick. All the physickers said I was gonna die, and my brother didn’t wanna believe it. He was always trying to save me. Nothing worked, so he started messing around with dark magic.”
“With demons.”
Natsu nodded. “He thought he could do some sort of exchange – his soul for my life – so he summoned this demon, Mard Geer, who agreed to make a deal with him. Zeref was so excited that it worked that he didn’t word the deal carefully enough. Mard Geer agreed to fix my body for a soul.”
“Let me guess. He took your body and tossed your soul into Hell.”
Natsu scowled at the table. “Yep. Technically he didn’t lie – he fixed the problem. My body isn’t sick anymore, it’s just not mine.”
Natsu’s anger crept through Gray’s mind, winding threads of bitterness around his own ache of exhaustion and sadness. He let out a quiet gasp at the sensation, leaning forward with his head in his hands as the feelings washed over him. For some reason it made him want to cry.
“Shit, I’m sorry.”
Gray felt the tingling sensation start to creep up his arm again and he sat up quickly, pulling his hand to his chest and clenching his fist.
“Stop doing that.” He tried to keep his voice down, but the flood of emotions overwhelmed his common sense.
“I didn’t mean to—”
“I don’t care.” He swallowed hard around the lump in his throat and stood up quickly, nearly knocking over his chair. “Please, I…” He kept his eyes down, cheeks burning as he avoided the stares he knew he was getting. Leaving his half-empty coffee behind, he stormed away from the café and down the street.
“I’m sorry.” Natsu’s voice was soft in his head, and the angry sensation from before was quickly replaced by regret.
“It’s my body,” Gray whispered as he ducked around a crowd of people. “You can’t just… you can’t.”
Natsu didn’t say anything for a second, then very quietly said, “I didn’t know. I’m sorry.”
“Stop going through my fucking memories!” Gray ignored the stares he got as he darted across the street, ignoring the blaring of car horns. He knew exactly what Natsu was seeing – images of someone he tried hard to forget, someone who never took no for an answer.
“I’m sorry,” Natsu said again. “I’m not trying to, I promise, I don’t know how to… to turn it off.”
Gray didn’t reply, just kept walking as he clenched and unclenched his fists. Natsu was quiet – the only indicator that he was still there was the undercurrent of shame and sorrow. Eventually Gray’s breathing started to even out, and by the time they reached the intersection before the park, the sensation of wanting to cry was gone.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Gray interrupted, cutting off what he assumed was going to be another apology. He jabbed the crosswalk button, hard, then tried his best to turn his mind back to the conversation from before. “So,” he said. “We just need to find your body, exorcise a demon, and somehow get you back inside it.”
A wave of surprise washed over Gray’s mind. “You’ll help me?” Natsu sounded genuinely shocked. “For real?”
“That’s why you possessed me, isn’t it?”
“Well, yeah.” A bus passed in front of them, and Gray could see Natsu in the window reflection, standing next to him with a small smile on his face. “I wasn’t sure you’d actually help, though. Nobody ever has.”
Gray felt a hot flush rush to his cheeks, and he wasn’t quite sure why. “Well, I don’t want you in my brain forever,” he said quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets as they crossed the street. “I have to do something about it. I’m just… not sure how.”
“We’d, um, need a locating spell,” Natsu said. “To find my body. I’m pretty sure it’s close-ish, I dunno how to do that kind of magic, though.”
“Me either,” Gray said. He looked up at the building that now loomed in front of them – the college dorm. “But Lyon does.”
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