#ts iced coffee
loganslowdown4 · 2 years
One random discussion later, we’re calling the
Sleep + Other Side of the Pillow ship
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I can’t unsee it and want it to be that FOREVER
Yes I am still hung up on an actual potential ship from a 30 second short video from almost 2 years ago what of it??
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lovelylogans · 11 months
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dannystattoo · 1 year
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My tattoo is getting very spicy and bloody and I needed something to watch that wasn’t my leg 🤣🤣
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rafeysdoll · 2 months
bsf rafes reaction to the girls you called your friends doing you so dirty and he’s always known they weren’t your real friends. love ur blog sm!!!!
omg i got carried away with this so bad?? i couldn’t help myself bsf rafe is the most toxic out thereee!!
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you sigh, taking in a small sip of your iced coffee before rambling again. “and then, she told me i needed to fix my attitude. me! after she went and lied to the rest of the girls about me!” you continue, rolling your eyes as you think back to the whole argument to your now, ex friend.
“mhm.. yea.” rafe nods, licking his lips. “already.. already told you what i had to say.. you know?” he adds while leaning back, crossing his arms. “can’t.. trust people, thought you learned that already.”
“i knowww, i know it’s just.. i dunno, i really thought they were my friends!” you pout, your grip on your cup tightening a bit, not going unnoticed by rafe.
“i just don’t like seeing you get hurt, ‘ts all.” he says with softer than usual tone, already thinking of what to say next, picking at each word carefully.. not wanting this to blow up in his face.
“just.. just think about it with me for a second, a’ight?” he pauses, taking a deep breath. “look at all the people that hurt you, left you to fend for yourself.. when have i done that to you, hm?”
you look down, fiddling with your fingers. “i mean, at- at the end of the day, you’re your own person. can choose who you wanna hang out with and shit, whatever. but me personally.. i’d notice the pattern. if i were you.. i’d stick with the person who never hurt me.” he adds, talking real slow like you wouldn’t understand.
you only frown, moving closer to him and resting your head on his shoulder.
you don’t finish the conversation then, stating that you already stick by him— forcing a new topic, feeling nervous because you couldn’t ignore the tension.
but it didn’t matter, because regardless.. you still slowly forget there is anyone else but rafe in a matter of a few weeks. seeking only his guidance and support, slowly believing that everyone else would only wish on your downfall. you didn’t even realize until it was too late, how almost everyone was shut out in your life now, solely relying on rafe completely.
he truly had engraved in your brain that he was the only one for you.
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maureens1234 · 2 years
I Need Coffee Not Your Opinion TS
If you are a coffee lover and want a customized tee according to your mood. Try our I Need Coffee, Not Your Opinion Ts that will refresh your mood. We have a collection of the wide variety of customized tee options for you. Choose according to your mood and choice!
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coconut-dreamz · 5 months
"you've ruined my life, by not being mine" || tom blyth x actress! reader
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a/n: i'm baaaack, with more ts and love for tom blyth
you should take it as a compliment that i got drunk and made fun of the way you talk
you were at out at a local bar with some of your cast mates from tbosas. you were sitting with rachel and you were mocking tom's british accent. the two of you were laughing at your terrible impression. "why does he say that! it's so funny!" rachel laughs.
"what are you two laughing about?" tom's walks over from the other side of the table. "nothing" you both mumble out, sharing a look. "sounded like you were having a lot of fun earlier" he adds, you laugh at this. "sounded like you were having a lot of fun earlier." you repeat in a british accent, mimicking tom.
rachel bursts out laughing at this. tom just gives you two a look like you'd both gone insane. "making fun of me now?" he asks, as you lose it. "maybe," you make out between laughs. "that's not very nice." he says in a jokingly stern voice. "sorry, we just think your normal accent is so funny." rachel explains as you continue to laugh.
exasperated, tom leaves, going to find the company of people who won't laugh at him when he speaks. this causes the two of you to laugh even harder.
you should think about the consequence off your magnetic field being a little too strong
somehow, you always found yourself gravitating towards tom. whether you're on the opposite side of the room from him, you always find yourself right by him within a matter of minutes. he had a weird pull on you.
you had been talking with an actor that played one of the background academy students when you heard tom's laugh from across the room. it distracted you from the conversation you were having. she seemed to have noticed your lack of attention and just smirked. "go ahead," was all she said and nodded her head towards tom. you thanked her and left towards him.
he smiled as he saw you approaching the group, opening his arms to you for a hug. you sighed contently as his arms around you. "how are you?" he whispered in your ear. "better now that you're here." you admitted
and i got a boyfriend, he's older than us he's in the club doing, i don't know what
your boyfriend had just texted you telling you he was going out with some friends for the night. it was morning for you, being on the opposite side of the planet from him. hearing that from him, you knew you'd probably be seeing some headlines of him in the morning, or night for you.
things were strained lately, with you being busy with back to back projects and him, honestly not doing shit. it made him feel emasculated knowing you were currently the it girl and he was just known as your boyfriend. he was a bit older and no longer in his prime and no longer booking big projects.
you're so cool, it makes me hate you so much whiskey on ice, sunset and vine
you were on a break from filming so you, rachel, tom and josh decided to go to la and soak in some sun. you four were out at dinner. and tom was telling you all about what it was like filming for billy the kid.
he was nursing a whiskey and ice, recounting all the notable parts of filming. it made you so jealous. he was just so damn cool. this was not helping your giant crush on him.
you've ruined my life, by not being mine you're so gorgeous
you and tom were sitting in your trailer, just basking in the peace and quiet. it wasn’t everyday that you got to sit and relax and enjoy some coffee and mediocre croissants.
it killed you knowing that tom wasn't yours. you even broke up with your loser boyfriend. "god, you're so fucking gorgeous." you mutter under your breath while sitting with tom enjoying coffee. "what was that?" he looks up from his book. "huh, oh nothing!" you blurt out, not realizing you said that out loud, taking a sip of your coffee.
i can't say anything to your face 'cause look at your face
"hunter, why's he so damn gorgeous. i can't handle it!" you shout to hunter. you were all gathered in some local bar. you longingly stared at tom from across the bar. "girl, i don't know. tell him yourself." she answers blandly. "i can't! nothing ever comes out of my mouth when i try to talk to him. he must think i'm some type of weirdo!" you exclaim, annoyed by the beauty of that gorgeous, gorgeous man standing across the crowded room.
and i'm so furious at you for making me feel this way but what can i say? you're gorgeous
"oh my god! i'm so mad!" you randomly shout as you third wheel rachel and josh in rachel's trailer. "what is it now?" josh asks, tired of your antics. "we all know it's tom. it's always tom." rachel answers for you. "i'm so furious that he makes me feel this way, but he's not mine!" you dramatically flop onto the couch.
josh shakes his head hearing this, "then tell him how you feel!" he advises you. "i can't! he's too gorgeous for me!" you reply, fake crying into the pillow. the two roll their eyes at your dramatics. you should take it as a compliment that i'm talking to everyone here but you
it was finally the end of filming, so the director threw a wrap party. you waltzed around the room, talking to nearly every single person. everyone but tom.
"why won't she talk to me? is she mad at me?" tom asks hunter. she gives rachel a knowing grin. "i don't think she's mad at you, but you should ask her yourself." rachel adds, pushing him towards you.
tom decided he had enough of you ignoring him and walked towards you, interrupting your conversation. "hey, can i talk to you?" he asks, you simply nod, too nervous to speak.
and you should think about the consequence of you touching my hand in the darkened room
he grabs your hand and leads you to a dark corner of the venue the party was being held. "did i do something wrong?" he asks, a concerned look on his face. "no! not at all!" you exclaim, trying to alleviate his thoughts. "i've just been feeling nervous around you lately."
if you've got a girlfriend, i'm jealous of her but if you're single that's honestly worse 'cause you're so gorgeous it actually hurts
you weren't sure of tom's relationship status, he never mentioned anything about having a girlfriend and you never mentioned anything about being in a relationship either. not that you even were in one anymore.
a part of you wanted him to be single, but a part of you hoped he wasn’t. it was honestly worse if he was single. it probably meant he wasn't interested then.
ocean blue eyes looking in mine i feel like i might sink and drown and die
you stare into his blue eyes. you never realized how blue they were. they were like oceans. all you wanted to do was swim in them, or even drown in them. they were so gorgeous, just like him. "have your eyes always been so blue?" you ask aloud, staring deeply into his eyes.
you make me so happy, it turns back to sad, yeah there's nothing i hate more than what i can't have
you loved spending time with tom. he made you happy. but there was always a sad feeling that's fill your heart when you thought about how he wasn't yours.
"are you single, tom?" you break the silence after your precious confession. this question shocks tom for a moment. "yeah, why?" he asks a little confused by your conversation now. "can i kiss you?" you whisper out, inching closer to him.
he doesn't answer and instead slams his lips onto your own. after a few moments of passionate kissing, you pull apart. "you don't know how long i've been waiting to do that." tom whispers, his face still only inches from you. "god, you're so gorgeous" you mutter out.
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rikitachiquita · 2 months
come back... be here | ni-ki
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✧ synopsis: working at a cafe can be really fun: the customers being nice, cracking jokes with your coworkers, singing while brewing coffee and so on. but it's even more fun when two members of the staff bicker and fight all day and keep everyone entertained. that's what  hybe cafe is like, thanks to ni-ki and y/n
✦ warnings: ni-ki relates to down bad by ts
⋆18 ice cream
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✧ note: guys im really sorry for the slow updates but life hard rn 😭 anyways ni-ki's obsession with ice cream is based off of my own obsession with ice cream
✦ ad time: also CHECK OUT LI AND I'S SIDE BLOG about enha if they were italian
and here is my FRUIT FICS
✧ taglist: open! ask to be added! @juyomiao @bambangan @jungw0naftalina @hoondiors @simjyunnie @yourssincerely-mimi @seunnimg
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Paper Rings with TS-type reader and Bradley?
It started innocently enough. Bradley is babysitting his 5-year-old goddaughter Flora for the evening and has got himself wrapped around her little glitter-polished finger. He’s been through all the phases with her—the princess phase, the dinosaur phase, the Lego phase… although this one might be the toughest yet.
The little girl and the big man are much too preoccupied to hear you come in, sitting cross-legged on the living room floor, elbows resting on Bradley’s bespoke coffee table with colorful papers strewn around. You hear Flora’s adorable posh English accent from the hallway.
“So you just fold like this… and like so…”
“Wait, wait, wait. Slow down!”
“Come on, Uncle B. Don’t be a slowpoke.”
“I got big fingers and the foldings are really small. Hold up, Flo,” Bradley huffs.
You stifle a chuckle, but failing, and both of them turn to look at you.
“You’re back!” Flora gets up to her feet and runs up to give you a hug. “Did you write a lot of songs in the studio today?”
“Yeah, actually. What are you guys doing?” You stroke her hair a little before guiding her back to the living room.
“Flora’s teaching me origami,” Bradley smiles wryly, leaning up to you for a quick kiss.
“Aw?” You give him a peck on the cheek.
“She’s a very good teacher.”
Flora grins and gushes, “Show her what you made for her, Uncle B!”
“Oh! Uh…” he scratches the back of his neck sheepishly, then presents the pink little thing to you so delicately by holding it between his fingers.
“Sorry it’s a little wonky…”
“No! It’s perfect.” You extend your hand so he can put the wonky paper ring on your finger. “Thank you.”
“And now you’re engaged! Yay!” Flora pipes up chirpily.
You and Bradley turn to her in panic. “What? No!”
He reddens in the face. “I mean, not yet—” he looks at you and realizes this isn’t something you’ve discussed in the three short months you’ve been together... “Shit! Oh— don’t tell your parents I said that. In fact, don’t tell them anything, okay?”
Flora blinks at him, puzzled.
You suck in a slow breath. “Who wants ice cream?”
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alexaatla · 9 months
You know I’m all about the Scary headcanons (if you need specifics I always love her life before the teens or + link)
-she would write link poems 100% some of them are dark and some of them are like, mushy and love-y and shit but she doesn’t tell anyone else about those
-her and normal are besties. that’s one of my biggest scary headcanons. her and normal have weekly hangouts without the other 3 because they are close
-before the teens she didn’t have many friends, so that’s why she clings onto the teens so bad and had those reactions during The Betrayal Arc TM.
-her favorite drink (besides black coffee) is iced raspberry tea (it’s because me and her are the same)
-normal def knows some shit is going on between scary and link, has tried to bring it up with scary, and gets shut down every time bc she thinks it’s funny to watch him be confused.
-while i’m a gothcleats defender in one hand, i’m also a lesbian scary defender
-natural blonde scary real
-she doesn’t wear it, but she still has the yellow band that linc gave her at the dance. she has the corsage still too.
-when she was still terry, she was a proud taylor swift (the singer one) fan (her favorite album was lover) but as scary she says taylor swift is “too mainstream” (she still loves her though, now her favorite album is a tie between reputation and speak now)
-for gothcleats, whenever scary visits the li-wilson household, marco shows scary photos of link when he was little, he gets embarassed, she takes pictures, they are so real.
-her love language is quality time, even if they’re not doing anything
-she gets fomo (just like me fr)
-the album speak now by ts is gothcleats coded. in this essay i will-
-i love her 🫶
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librarycards · 9 days
top 5 beverages :)
okay i think water is my fav because of course so i'll do my favorite ~fun beverages~ in no particular order
coffee, hot or iced!
G&Ts especially w fancy tonic
quality pu-erh tea
lime diet coke (so hard to find :-/)
che ba mu which is lowkey kind of a pudding/soup but it's this vietnamese bean and coconut-based dessert and it goes SO HARD
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parkert01 · 1 year
Talk Show - David Harbour
"Welcome back to the show, today we have Y/N L/N and David Harbour playing Spill your guts or fill your guts"
"Firstly lets go through what we have on the table then we can pick what we want the other person to eat or drink" James said. "We have bug trifle, jellyfish, salmon smoothie, clam juice, salmon ice cream, grasshopper, hot sauce, worm spaghetti, 1000 year old egg and fish smoothie"
All the faces showed signs of grimace and David held his clutched fist to his mouth to prevent him being sick.
James start's pushing the table around, "y/n I think I will give you the salmon ice cream" He picked up the card and read it in his mind and started chuckling to himself, "I think you might want to eat the ice cream". You sighed and gave him a dead pan look. "Did you have a crush on any of your co stars and if so who was it? I know exactly who it is because you told me" James said with the biggest smirk on his face while slowly looking towards David who's eyes never strayed from you.
"James! You know I can't say that" you picked up the bowl and ate the ice cream while trying to not be sick.
You slowly turned to David smiling as you turned the options so he would have the bug trifle in front of him. You picked the card up and read it out loud, "What was the worst thing about filming any of the seasons"
He looked at you and James and smiled "that god dam dog, it just wouldn't listen to anything. It kept running off and running around the set knocking things over. The trainer couldn't get control of the dog so eventually they just got rid of it out of the season"
David moved the table so the 1000 year old egg, he picked up the card, chuckling as he read it "Would you ever do another season of Gavin and Stacy". James nodded "I would love too, I just don't have any idea's for it right now"
The table was soon turning again, it stopped when the worm spaghetti was in front of you. James picked the card, looking at it and smiling. "Let me look through your last 5 text messages". You nodded, pulled your phone out of your front pocket, put the password in and handed it to James.
From Blake Lively: Don't worry about the age gap. If you both like each other, it doesn't matter x
From Joseph Quinn: Always thought you would be a cute couple! Make the move!
To James Corden: I will be there! See you soon
To David Harbour: Thank you for the offer, I will bring the coffee x
From Taylor Swift: You are over thinking it, every one see's how he looks at you! - TS
"I think that is a good place to wrap up the show, thank you for coming. We will see you next week"
You hugged James, thanking him for inviting you. You quickly walked to your dressing room, trying to avoid any awkward questions. That dream was shortly shattered, as you put your bag on your back, you had the shock of your life. David was there his arms crossed against his chest, leaning against the door frame with a huge smirk on his face. You smiled at him. The air was tense.
"Who's the guy people were mentioning in the texts?" You stepped forward, patted him on the chest and said "don't worry about it" as you tried to slip under his arm. He grabbed your wrist looking down at you. A blush forming on your face. "It's me isn't it?" he said with a smug smirk on his face. Your mind went blank, all you could do was nod.
At that moment, all you wanted to do was run. This was probably one of the most embarrassing moments of your entire life. David still had hold of you wrist, he had the biggest smile on his face.
He leant down, connecting your and his lips together. He slowly pulled away looking into your eyes, he whispered "come on baby girl, lets go". He grabbed your hand interconnecting your fingers, slowly pulling you along "We have got to show everyone who you belong to - all mine " He said before putting one of his hands on your face and kissing you again.
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loganslowdown4 · 10 months
From the last livestream of Talyn’s Favourite Things: I tried Talyn’s coffee order! We don’t have Dunkins in Canada but I did it in Starbucks, gotta say, it’s a nice fall drink and I don’t usually drink coffee 😄
Talyn’s Favourite Coffee:
❥med iced coffee
❥2 pumps vanilla syrup
❥2 pumps hazelnut syrup
❥oat milk
(I added sugar too)
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Also Talyn now goes by he/him and they/them pronouns and has been receiving gender affirming care. He looks like he’s thriving living in Vermont with Joan 🖤
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bookloover35 · 9 months
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Loki X fem reader-100 roses.
Yns Pov:
Mobius: Yn there is a bouquet of roses on your desk again.
Ah not in again I said very loudly and very annoyed and walked over to my desk and picked up the bouquet of exactly one hundred roses and read the note out loud so he could hear too.
The Note.
Dear Yn.
Please baby we need to talk.
I'm so sorry, I miss you please can we meet?
Oh he is sorry here is a big tip if you don't want anything to be sorry about don't cheat on your girlfriend or lie to her.
This happened four weeks ago and every day after I threw him out of my home he always sent a bouquet of a hundred roses and a note.
And every single time I've always thrown them in the bin, but right now I don't know what to do I still love him, I want him back but in a way I don't want him back.
Mobius: When are you going to talk to him, in the notes he writes how much he regrets what he has done.
And he is Loki he usually never regrets.
Yn: Ugh my heart tells me to take him back you love him but my head says throw him away he cheated on you and he lied to you.
Ahhhhh i hate when love has to be so complicated.
Mobius: I think I have a solution to your problems.
Yn: How do you mean?
Mobius: I don't understand that I have to play love doctor for you and the god of mischief.
But if you really want him back then you should do this write him a letter where you write and explain to him that you are still very angry with him but that you are still willing to give him another chance but then he has to  prove that he regrets everything.
Yn: As much as I hate you when you're right, you actually have a very big point.
I really want that cheering idiot back I love him but he needs to prove it and not just through tons of roses and little notes.
Thank you Mobius.
I told him and gave him a kiss on his cheek and then I picked up the bouquet and started running to my house, writing down all my feelings in a letter can't be that hard.
Okay two hours later and three cups of iced coffee and I'm done now there's only two things to do put the letter in an envelope and send it off.
I held up the letter and read it through to double check that I was completely satisfied.
The letter.
Loki, I'm still very angry at you for what you've done, but no matter how hard I try to hate you, I can't stop thinking about you and I can't stop loving you.
But I'm willing to try to give you another chance, but then you have to prove it and not through a lot of roses and notes but like I said I'm willing to talk to you.
Meet me at the fountain in our favorite park, you know which one.
A quarter past eight.
To be continued.................
The End.
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aperfecthalosblog · 3 months
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Freddy Krueger 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (Glow in dark)
This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler.. Glow in dark Option..
Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day.
These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation..
Add a name or saying
Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured
** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher.
There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter..
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scr-ppup · 9 months
Coinfight attack; Duskcafeic
A term related to sitting in an empty cafe late at dusk, the sky painted with pretty black, blues and lilacs, the scent of coffee mixing with the still air.
Dusk + cafe + ic
An attack against @noxwithoutstars ! Last post's point count; 5. Second attack, gender term! Current point count; 10.
Tagging the host — @kiruliom
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ID. A rectangular flag of 9 even horizontal stripes with a circle in the center, the colors go from top to bottom as purple lilac, violet, light violet, greyish light green, light yellowish brown, yellowish brown, pale red brown, and red brown. The circle has a base color of moon white, from top to bottom there is a gradient of dark violet to transparent and the base color has creamy colored clouds drawn into it. end ID
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TS. This post has no DNI! (However) please check the DNI or at least the BYF of the blog before further interacting with the holder! You may find something that puts me on your DNI, and we all know DNIs are two day paths. End TS
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placeinthisworld · 4 months
I guess this is personal but my last fight with my ex started because of TS, of all things. She says I'm miserable and normal fans say they like this album and move on, but I don't because I listen to her but don't like her actions. Idk I guess so many of our love songs were based on Joe's (fave by far, you will always be famous) and it's another side of parasocial relationship Ik but yeah. I agree with your takes and feel you on the disillusionment. Btw can you talk about lavender at Sbux yet o
honestly it’s hard when someone you love/ admire / respect doesn’t live up to your expectations, so i understand why you would be upset with her. i definitely am. i think because we’re so aware about what songs ts wrote with or about joe, it’s hard to still love them now that we know that they’re no longer together. it’s difficult, i used to listen to “sweet nothing (string version)”every morning at work but if it comes on shuffle now i just have to skip it bc it makes me feel just a little too sad still ☹️ it’s hard to separate her personal life from the songs sometimes, and that parasocial dynamic i think really fucks us up. this is not taylor exclusive either- i feel like halsey and taylor share a lot of similarities lmao 💀 i used to listen to the stripped version of “so good” every morning too but now it also makes me sad ☹️
and hhaha yesss well i can’t talk about how it tastes yet bc my store hasn’t received it yet.
putting under the cut bc starbucks is a controversial topic still (understandably. however this is quite literally my job so)
so it looks like it’s another powder (rip us baristas) and it’ll be advertised as an iced lavender oatmilk latte (w blonde espresso ofc), a lavender cream frappachino (no coffee!), and a foam w the sweet cream. featured drink is iced lavender cream ostmilk matcha!! (just a matcha w the lavender foam w sweet cream).
i’m transferring stores after next week, so hopefully one of my locations gets our shipment in soon!! one of my baristas actually brought in the monin lavender flavored syrup for fun until we do, so maybe i’ll mess around tomorrow morning and try to make one to see how sbux lavender powder tastes in comparison!
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