#tulip stitch
sweetlittlevampire · 9 months
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So the hardcover copy of Heart of Glass @trippednfell made me came in an envelope and a ziploc bag for protection (and easy access in case customs would have needed to open it), but since I want nothing to happen to that cover...I crocheted a book sleeve for it.
First time trying the tulip stitch because that was the closest to gentians I could get. I need some more practice with this, and the sleeve needs blocking, but for now I am really pleased with it.
Also when it comes to bookmarks, I might not be able to craft a real stained glass gentian - but I sure as hell can crochet one!
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The book came with a bookmark with my name on it, but that one lives in my journal.
If you haven't seen the book yet, yoz can find it here in this post.
And if you wanna read Heart of Glass, a Wangxian fanfic set in a steampunk-vibish (no actual steampunk) universe in which stained glass has magical properties? You can read it here.
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bubblegumkkcrochet · 8 months
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slowly covering my whole room in yarn
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crochet-cryptids · 11 months
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Crochet tulip pouch
Bag #2! Would anyone be interested in a pattern for this one? I had too much fun making this.
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A new floral stitch I learned to crochet! It's supposed to be tulips, but it kinda looks like corn 🌽 =/= 🌷 but I'll keep practicing!
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princess-kaede · 2 years
working on a book sleeve for my girlfriend!!
i am very proud of how it looks so far
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auberginecrochet · 11 months
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Finally tried the adorable tulip stitch with this pouch i made for my switch 🌷💕
design inspired by mahum on yt ~
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webdiggerxxx · 21 days
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paintedstitches · 24 days
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And so it begins...
I made 2 trial tulips to see which size I want for the flowers on The Stardew Valley Flower Jacket. I guess I'll finish them as sew on patches and stitch directly on the jacket.
What would you say?
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jeypawlik · 1 month
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Hey TCAF was great but Max and I bought way too much so we had to dip out early. There's too many to @ but please support some cool artists this weekend
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stclements · 2 months
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llycaons · 8 months
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second piece of my second practice set is done! I tried to go for colors that are similar in tone (?)
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thecrochetcrowd · 1 year
Crochet Tulip Stitch + Tutorial & Diagram
Crochet texture to give the illusion of real tulip flowers. Easy to follow pattern with popcorn stitches that pop out like tulips at the top of the stems. Popcorn: 5 dc in same st, remove hook. Insert hook from front in the top of the first dc in the group of 5. Put loop on hook and pull through first dc st. Ch 1 to close. With main colour, ch in multiples of 3 chs + 3.  1st row: RS. 1 sc in…
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stitchingcritters · 1 year
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Blue Moon Butterfly
Link to Pattern Here // My Etsy
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crochet-cryptids · 11 months
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Tulip crochet bag
Spent yesterday freehanding this for one of my friends! I'm absolutely obsessed with this stitch.
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sorems-art · 2 years
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alexafaie-wtf-is-this · 3 months
Space is vast.
Not a shitpost, but I think its interesting that due to the vast distances involved, whenever you look at stars in the night sky, you are actually looking at history.
The sun's light takes 8 minutes to reach Earth which is pretty quick compared to Sirius (brightest star in the sky) which takes 9 years to reach us, or Betelgeuse which takes 430 years. So the year 1594 as of date of posting, same year as William Shakespeare's play Titus Andronicus, is given its first performance, presented by the Admiral's Men company of players at The Rose in London (January) . The Comedy of Errors is also first performed that year & took place at Gray's Inn in London, played by the Lord Chamberlain's Men acting company (December).
But all that pales in comparison to light from the Andromeda Galaxy. That takes 2.5 million years to reach us. A time when Australopithecus afarensis was the main hominid species. A good 200,000 years before Homo habilis show up. And 2.2 million years before our own species Homo sapiens showed up.
For all we know, many of those stars we see are gone now and we wouldn't know until a point in the future where even if hominid species still exist, there's no guarantee that they'd be Homo sapiens anymore.
So also if there were intelligent life out there on a level of "human but from elsewhere" (which is often what people hope alien life would be), and even if they *did* send a mission out to travel to us from somewhere in the Andromeda Galaxy there is no guarantee that the species that got here would be the same one that left, let alone that they'd remember what the mission was. People are forgetting events from the past 8 years, how do you expect the memo to get successfully passed down for 2.5 million years? Through language changes, whole culture changes etc.
Sadly faster than light travel is not possible: "Nothing can travel faster than 300,000 kilometers per second (186,000 miles per second). Only massless particles, including photons, which make up light, can travel at that speed. It's impossible to accelerate any material object up to the speed of light because it would take an infinite amount of energy to do so." (Source) So it really would take a "go visit earth" mission likely well over 2.5 million years from Andromeda. If we came closer like the Orion Nebula then that's still 1500 years of travel. A hell of a lot can happen in that time.
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