#tumblr dont take this down please
fulltimecatwitch · 6 months
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"I want do what you do, I want to be just like you."
"You will be,son"
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noisyghost · 8 months
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watch the teeth
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bigbadwolverine · 1 year
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this is completely self indulgent. have a chris.
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just-null · 11 months
How do we feel about Beach wear Noritoshi....
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Everyone thinks he'd go covered head to toe wearing those wet suits divers use, but no. Noritoshi isn't the type to want to attract attention to himself when it's not needed, so he'd try to blend in. Emphasis on try.
He's the guy wearing a covering or some shit. I think you'd have to fight him to wear a translucent one. (if you splash him with water, you'll acheive the same effect thoughahahaha) even though it's a beach, he's trying to find an appropriate way to cover up, hes just like that. yes to sunscreen ofc. I can see him in a sun hat, but it's not his.. maybe he took it from one of the girls
HIS HAIR WOULD BE UP BC ITD BE TOO HOT AND THE SUN HAT WOULD HELP HIM FROM GETTING OVERHEATED H.H....H IS FACE WOULD BE FLUSHED BC OF THE HEAT AND. AND. AND.. he's like the beach babe on the shore, soaking up the sun and reading a book or smth. if you splash him with water, i can see him trying to get you back. then boom bam, hes in the water with everyone else.
OH FUCK that's even IF he goes to the beach. it's like seeing God in the flesh, idk man I'd go blind........... hed probably come along when he realizes theres hot people at the beach. he cant have you looking at people in that state, hold on hes going. give him five minutes..!
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[untied covering version under the cut. like his booefjehsaf are out aha.]
ahahahahahahahahaa *froths at the mouth*
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mf dont even begin to look at me like that
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tsu-namu · 2 months
Such little asra content nowadays, guess I’ll just make it myself 🗣️
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la-monge · 6 months
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Soft~ 💕
(complete pic in Twitter~ ✨)
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v8mpvrse · 15 days
my theory for eddie’s arc in s8:
so i think by now we’ve all picked up on the fact this man needs severe therapy! jokes aside i really think chris leaving BECAUSE of him will be the final straw and eddie this time will be going to therapy and sticking to it, similar to s5 where he told frank he also went for chris yk.
so he goes to therapy to work out the root of how he’s the “problem” and how he’s “broken” and he yk goes through the history of his failed romantic relationships and at one point frank picks up on the catholic guilt. and similar to when maddie went to frank for doug and he sent her to big bear, frank tells eddie to go to a church. because the church STILL holds so much power over eddie’s decisions and how he views things and even who he is and what parts he ignores. which would fit in the eddie realizing he’s gay storyline perfectly bc ofc he would repress that shit HE COULDNT HAVE SEX WITH HIS GF AFTER FINDING OUT SHE WAS A NUN. “reservoir of catholic guilt” hmmmmm interesting….. like i’m also pretty sure he went to catholic school?
so like latino catholic in texas who went to catholic school, teen dad who married his first gf (bc he got her pregnant) bc of the church, whose been told since he was a CHILD to be “man enough”, who served in the military. CMON. HELLO. he could never at any point explore and figure out WHO he was. he was ALWAYS given a title. needs to be man enough. is a father. is a husband. is a solider. is a single father. is a firefighter. those are his roles and he STICKS BY THEM CANT BE ANYTHING ELSE. BC HE IS A DAD FIRST but now with chris gone he’s all alone. again. and for real this time. and he has to learn who he is. who is eddie diaz. not the father, the solider or the firefighter. who. is. eddie. diaz.
point being early special thanks to frank the therapist and firework priest 🙏 yall doing the lords work ironically enough LMFAO
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vividless · 3 months
What my boy wally doing in the trenches?
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skitskatdacat63 · 11 months
no because these are deeply unwell
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geneslovee · 2 years
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one fateful night in 9319
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misstressviole · 1 year
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For pride month and lesbian awareness every tumblr artist should draw a female mad scientist. It's that or accepting the homophobic allegations
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doesdarlingexe · 2 months
get out of the main selfship tag you pred
ctrl v much
anyway posting this in main tags again, but anon, you can always just use the safeshipping tags if you don't want to see proshippers. we aren't invading your space, it's a communal space with subgroups. that can apply to any fandom or any community, there will always be subgroups you don't like, but fortunately there's usually more specific tags that cater to you! there's also the block button if my content makes you uncomfortable in any way, and I highly suggest you use it if that is the case (though, something is telling me you didn't look at a single post i made).
Have a great day anon! /gen
And to everyone in the main tags, anti or proship, I hope you have a good day and remember: your f/os love you!
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jshimshon-art · 1 year
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Princess Jasmine Illustration I did a few months ago. Inspo
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cough. here's a little super short fic i wrote bc i make those too. be sure to check out the silly extra details i added in the tags!
Monty lets out a heavy sigh, sitting on the much too small couch in his room, his handler close by his side, messing around with wires in the open compartment on his arm. Something went wrong with his claws again, and management is convinced that it’s the programming or the wiring that’s the problem, sicking his handler on the problem again and again. Monty doesn’t think it’s either of those things.
He huffs again and drops his head onto his free hand, boredom clawing at his... shell. His handler bumps with a small clank.
“Sit still, you big baby. I’ll be done in a minute.”
He rolls his eyes. “I’ve never been one to sit still, sweets.”
“Yeah, well, you’re gonna today.”
He rolls his eyes again, resisting the urge to let out another huff. He knows fusing over this is only gonna make it take longer. That and… he can see the bags under his handler’s eyes. It’s late. Far later than any other employee stays, except those working the graveyard shift. It seems like even the other animatronic handlers have gone home for the day. He can tell that they’re tired, but they never bring it up to him. They probably don’t want to worry him, all things considered, but that just makes Monty even more anxious. They look half asleep already, so Monty decides to occupy them with the most meaningless conversation he can muster.
“Hey, so, like…” Monty trails off, rolling his free hand at the wrist. “I barely saw any, uh, human staff around today, even though it was super fuckin’ busy. Why’s that?”
His handler stops, blinking for a second. “Oh, it’s, uh, Labor Day. It’s like a national holiday about unions or something, and people usually get the day off.”
Monty raises a brow. “Why didn’t you get the day off?”
They snort. “You don’t get the day off, so I don’t get the day off.”
Monty hums. “... That’s pretty shitty for us then, huh?”
They laugh, patting his arm. “Yeah. It is. Hey, I just finished up re-wiring everything. Give me a test and see if everything works right?”
Monty obliges, clenching his fists and spinning them around at the wrist. He mimics plenty of movements he makes while playing on stage, and nothing stutters, nothing stalls, or makes any weird noises. His internal diagnostics show no issues, either. All seems well, so he leans back and gives a smug, shit-eating smile. One that’s familiar.
“All’s workin’,” he replies, keeping up his smile when he sees the weight lifted off his handler by the news. They don’t like being comforted. Not directly, anyway.
“Great,” they sigh, slouching into a more relaxed position. They close up the compartment on Monty’s arm, giving it one last, solid pat.
“You good to recharge and everything?” They ask, packing up their small tool bag and tossing it in some random corner of the room. They barely put it away anymore, but management hasn’t caught on yet. Or maybe his handler just doesn’t care that they’re supposed to put it away. Either is possible. “Do you want me to lay with you?”
Monty thinks as they bustle around the room, turning down the lights and doing a cursory glance at his recharge station. He does want them to lay with him. He always does. But Monty sees the exhaustion in their shoulders and feels some kind of misplaced guilt. They’re this tired because he’s a Glamrock now, not just a side attraction. He became more of a handful. He broke more. He needed them more at all hours of the day. They’re his handler. He’s tired, and he’s not even human.
“Naw,” he says, tilting his head and smiling. “I’m good.”
“Alrighty then,” his handler puts on a brave smile, grabbing their oversized Monty jacket and slinging it over their shoulders. Before, Monty would’ve teased them about being such a simp, how they don’t need his merch because they already wear his face all day, or how they could literally just zip up their uniform, but he lets it go for tonight.
“Se you tomorrow, big guy.”
Monty doesn’t comment on how today is already tomorrow.
“Goodnight, cher.”
His handler leaves, muttering about how they’ll probably need to catch a bus because they “don’t think they can drive like this,” and Monty wants nothing more than to invite them back. To give them the whole couch and let them sleep. But for all the crazy hours Fazbear Entertainment expects of them, they’re not allowed to stay overnight. No one is allowed to stay overnight, except for the night shift workers, who all had to sign crazy amounts of paperwork, and they both know it.
So, instead, Monty watches them make their way to the entrance. He watches as they struggle with their ID until the heavy metal doors rise, and they can slip out the door. He strains his eyes to see them disappear into the dark until the metal doors obscure them from view and hopes for all it’s worth that tomorrow will be easier.
please ignore any silly typos im p sure i got them all but its super late. i wanna post this tho so im posting it. i may or may not repost this later but like. as a better version lmao ram pls tell me if monty is OOC i was punching AIR trying to write this guy 😭 i thought i knew him well and then BAM no the fuck i dont
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americas1suiteheart · 11 months
I honestly think the reason that I'm finding a LOT of people who liked Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel, (at least I've seen quite a few,) is mostly because they heard jax's voice, heard it some more, and proceeded to go "OH MY FUCKING GOD ITS MICHAEL KOVACH!" because I did the same exact thing and I'm not ashamed of it in the slightest
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themiserymarquis · 2 years
Raised hands! I have stuff to do tomorrow early in the morning but because I still have a day off from work!! I wanna get to know all of your Loathing OCs more :]
Reblog and/or reply with how your OCs feel about General Bruise, Dark Noël, and Terrence Poindexter, and as a bonus, how they all feel about the OC! I'll start in the next reblog ^^!!
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