#tune dark
duckapus · 1 year
The Avatars
(11/6/23 Edited to reflect the changes post-Legacy Arc) (11/28/23 Edited to include Cole and Sally, as well as acknowledge SMG21's new preferred name and Doppel's new living situation.) (1/9/24 Edited to include Irene, clean up the tags a little, and update a couple of profiles) (3/9/24 Edited to reflect the Arles' statuses post-Arle Arc)
Juliano (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Anomaly
Guardians: -1 and -2/Domain and Forum
The main protagonist of Rising Star Circus, and Domain and Forum's Avatar back when they were still the prototype SMGs. Despite the destruction of his original universe, he managed to survive as a few strings of code and reform as a Mario Recolor in the Super Mario 64 universe. He's since reunited with his old friends and restored his original model, though his code is still incredibly fragile, and he's got some nasty scars he'd rather keep hidden.
He currently acts as a mentor to the other Avatars, particularly Mario.
Status: Deceased
Guardians: 0 and Niles
One of the two playable characters in Mage, the other being a blank slate recolor before the role was filled by SMG0. He unfortunately died when the False SMG Niles went insane after trying to repair his unstable code.
Status: Deceased
Guardians: 1 and 2
The main protagonist of Spudnick's Great Adventure. He was killed by Zer0 when it tried to convert him into a replacement Fred in its "Perfect" new world, leading to the events that would forever change the destiny of the Super Mario 64 universe, and the greater SMG multiverse by extension.
Status: Active
Guardians: 3 and 4
The main protagonist of Super Mario 64, the Super Mario franchise as a whole, and the SMG4 series. Due to the unusual circumstances of his universe's activation, Mario lacks the instinctual understanding, knowledge and control of his Avatar abilities that the others have, and has only recently started learning those skills the hard way. It doesn't help that his Meme Energy levels are significantly higher than everyone else's, so he's stuck having more power to try and control than they do.
Status: Active
Guardians: Penta Knight and 6
The main protagonist of the Kirby series. He's honestly not that different from his canon counterpart, since all that Meme Energy is really just a drop in the bucket compared to the kinds of things he already has going on.
Nimbus (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Active
Guardians: 8 and 9
Introduced here
The main protagonist of The Cloud's Songbird. She has a complicated relationship with her status as an Avatar, and the weirdness that comes with it, due to the expectations of her station, so she tries to pretend it doesn't exist when she's in her own universe. Unfortunately, due to how Meme Energy works, as well as the friends she's made among the other Avatars and the guilt and rampant insecurity she feels over how she's treating them, this will inevitably blow up in her face both literally and figuratively.
(Note: this has in fact blown up in her face as of the Watered Down Dreams storyline, but with the support of the other Avatars and her local friends she's come out stronger for it)
Tulip (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Active
Guardians: 7 and 10
Introduced here
The main protagonist of Tulip's Road Trip.
Tune Dark
Status: Active
Guardians: 11 and 12
Introduced here
The main protagonist of Outgunned. She and Nimbus often butt heads due to clashing personalities and conflicting morals.
Status: Active
Guardians: XIII and XIV(kingdom hearts things LOL)
Main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts series. He's obviously a lot crazier than his canon self, but due to the ever-present shadow of The Disney Sensors he has to keep himself reined in a lot more than the other Avatars. Interestingly, certain quirks of his series' Lore have resulted in his SMGs looking like recolors of Roxas and Xion instead of himself.
Frenzy the Chupacabra
Status: Active
Guardians: 15 and 16
The main protagonist of a Sonic parody of the same name. He was already a bit crazy and violent before the Memes, so when the USBs dropped and cranked everything up to 11 he feared that he'd be a danger to his friends and ran off. This left him in the perfect state for a certain rogue avatar to convince him to join their cause...
Fortunately, the Avatar-centered plotline of the Legacy Arc and the events leading up to it caused him to realize his mistake, and he's now returned to his own universe to undo the damage he inadvertently caused.
Barry the Blook
Status: Imprisoned
Guardians: 17 and 18
Introduced here
The main protagonist of Blook, and the founder of the Union of Scorned Avatars. He does not like being mistaken for Meat Boy.
He's now an inmate in Computer Hell, following the events of the Legacy Arc.
Status: Active
Guardians: 19 and 20
The mascot and most basic bird type of the Angry Birds franchise. He only speaks-or, well, yells-bird, so nobody knows what the heck is going on with him.
As of the Legacy Arc, it's been revealed that Red was stuck in Crazy Stupid Mode the entire time he was with the Union, and now that he's back to (relatively) normal, that whole period is kind of a blur for him. He's now actually capable of speech, and acts more-or-less how you'd expect based on his canon portrayals.
Arle Nadja
Status: Active
Guardians: 21/Kira and 22
The main protagonist of the Madou Monogatari series, the first of the three main protagonists of the Puyo Puyo series, and half of the Puyo Puyo universe's Avatar.
Explanation for that can be found here
As of the Arle Arc, she now has the full Avatar code, and is the sole Avatar of her universe.
Doppelganger Arle Dapple Nadja
Status: Deactivated
Guardians: 21/Kira and 22
The main protagonist of the Madou Monogatari series, the main antagonist of Puyo Puyo~n, and the other half of the Puyo Puyo universe's Avatar. She is identity issues incarnate.
She was part of the Union of Scorned Avatars, but now that they've been dismantled she's acting on her own. Currently living in Nimbus's universe as King Bolero's court jester/unofficial-and-unspoken adopted daughter under the assumed identity of Dapple/The Amazing Pierrot.
Following the events of the Arle Arc, her Avatar status has been fully revoked. She is now permanently and openly living in Magnamiel as Dapple, and is taking steps to heal from her trauma.
Status: Active
Guardians: 23 and 24
The main protagonist of Disgaea 1 and Disgaea D2, and a major reoccurring character in the rest of the series. While he's technically part of the good Avatars due to helping them at the end of the Hell Arc, his need to maintain his image as the ruthless "evil" and powerful Overlord of the Netherworld, as well as his rather abrasive and arrogant personality even when he isn't playing that up, means he doesn't get along very well with most of the other Avatars. Plus he's in charge of an entire plane of existence, so he's usually too busy to come to the meetups with any sort of regularity.
Both fortunately and unfortunately for him, the other Avatars can see right through his many-layered facades, trauma-responses and demonic cultural differences to see the genuinely good person underneath, just like his closest friends back home, so even if they don't usually get along with him that well they still care about him and know he'll come through for them if they need it.
(Note: this version of Laharl is genderfluid as of this post, so don't be surprised if Effi or I use she/her or they/them for him sometimes. It's just this version though, I don't personally headcanon the Canon Laharl as genderfluid currently)
Lord Ramagog
Status: Imprisoned
Guardians: 25 and 26
The villain protagonist of Hellking. After the success of Laharl's activation, as well as seeing how several canonical villains in different SMG universes have mellowed out, the Admins thought that the Meme Energy would do the same for Ramagog.
They were wrong.
They were so very wrong.
Thankfully, he's now an inmate in Computer Hell.
Status: Active
Guardians: 27 and 28
The main protagonist of the series of the same name. Considering what Sequin Land is already like, adding Meme Energy didn't really change too much apart from all the crossover stuff.
Ash Ketchum
Status: Active
Guardians: 29 and 30
The main protagonist of the Pokemon Anime pre-Horizons, which marks the first time something other than a video game was turned into an SMG universe. His activation was a little rocky due to Barry's interference, but things worked out thanks to the help of Mario, SMG4 and SMG3.
Captain Olimar
Status: Active
Guardians: 31 and 32
The main protagonist of the Pikmin series. As far as he's concerned, the arrival of Memes is just one more item on the list of absurd and somewhat frustrating things that he's had to deal with since joining Hocotate Freight. Though, much like his discovery of the Pikmin, not necessarily a bad one.
Elanore Haltmann
Status: Active/Anomaly
Guardians: HMG1 "Vee" Haltmann and HMG2 "Hex" Haltmann
Introduced here
A False Avatar created by Susie Haltmann using a fragment of the God Box. She was originally created to replace Mario, even technically being a clone of him, but turned out to be good and is now his Co-Avatar.
She's weaker (at least in terms of Meme Energy) than a normal avatar due to her Avatar Code being made by a God Box Fragment instead of an Admin, but to make up for it she's immune to Anti-Meme corruption.
Sally 13 and Cole
Status: Active
Guardians: 33 and 34
Introduced Here
The protagonists of Sally's Outstanding Adventure! and Diamind 6: Stars Go Out respectively. Their universes were fused and the Avatar Code split between the two of them as a result of Garyboy messing with their files before the SMG Mod was launched. They're slightly unstable, but thankfully no more-so than the Arles. 33 ended up as a recolor of Sally, while 34 is based on Cole.
Irene Emeril (belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
Status: Active
Guardians: 35 and 36
Introduced Here
The protagonist of Winding Rest. She was actually introduced to the SMG Multiverse a good while before becoming an Avatar due to encounters with Leto and Mario.
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Tulip has to stop herself from outwardly cringing as she refuses to make any eye contact with the people at the table. To her left, sits Archie. To her right, sits her mother.
She ignores how her brother glances at her, trying to get her attention. She ignores how he gently kicks her ankle, trying to get her to at least say something to him. She ignores the guilt in his eyes and the way his lips quiver a bit as she ignores everyone and everything.
Tulip just focuses on how betrayed she feels, how betrayed she feels that her brother would side with their parents and trick her to come here.
She glances up, seeing how her parents talk easily with the five Ministers.
They're corrupt, all of them, Tulip thinks as she cuts into her steak, eyes narrowing.
"So, Tulip." one of them speaks up, and her eyes drift to the Minister in a red dress. Alexis is her name, Tulip thinks. "It's quite good to see you back where you belong. Where have you been, hm?"
"Traveling." Tulip answers simply, stabbing her fork into a piece of steak. "Wanted to find myself."
"Ah, I see." Alexis nods. "Well, it's always good to figure out yourself before you take over your parents company."
"Mhm." The Avatar nods absent-mindedly.
She tunes out the rest of the conversation, eating her food the rest of the time.
She can hear people conversing in the second floor, but she doesn't care. She wants to be out of here, but she can't when there's dozens of security guards down stairs. She'd be caught in an instance.
Tulip paces around her room, and she glares down at the heels she's wearing. They're not too large, just about two inches or so, but they're still uncomfortable. But it wasn't like she could take them off.
A 'plink!' caught her attention, and Tulip turns her head to look at the window. She raises an eyebrow, wondering if she heard wrong.
Just as she turns her head away again, another soft 'plink!' and she turns her head again. "What the.."
"Alright, it isn't working."
Was that Shantae's voice?
"Yeah.. Pikachu, try using Swift!"
"Don't gotta tell me twice."
Tulip didn't even get to question it, as silver stars quickly appeared by her window and smashed into the outside of it, breaking its lock. The window was then pried open, and Shantae's head peaked over. "Hey!"
"Shantae?!" Tulip gasps, rushing over and pulling her friend through. She then looks down, and her jaw drops, seeing probably the rest of the other Avatars standing on a section of the second floor roof.
"Are you gonna help us up?" Ash's cheeky voice snaps Tulip out of her shock, and she rolls her eyes with a smile.
"For that stunt, you and Pikachu can get yourselves up." It wasn't too hard to tell she was joking, as soon a rope descended
With everyone soon in her (admittedly too large) room, she can all tell they're trying to formulate words.
"So.. you look.." Shantae narrows her eyes, trying to best figure out how to say this. Considering Tulip was wearing a dress, heels, her hair was in a bun, and she was wearing some makeup. It was clearly a bit jarring.
"Prissy." Tune finishes. "No offense."
"None taken." Tulip shakes her head before walking over to her bed and collapsing onto it with a heavy sigh. "But how'd you guys get here?"
"We asked." Captain Olimar is the one to answer simply, and the teen knows she won't get any further answers.
"Anyway, we're here to get you out of here." Ash smiles at Tulip, and she weakly returns it.
"Guys, I appreciate it, but.." Tulip sits up and looks down at her hands. "I'm not getting out of this one so easily. There's security- Wait, how did you guys get past security?"
All the Avatars make a point not to look at her. Tulip rushes over to the window and pokes her head out, seeing the unconscious bodies of many security guards.
"They aren't dead!" Shantae quickly reassures her. "Just.. unconscious.."
"Right.." Tulip nods. "Well, how are you guys even going to get me out? It's not like it'll be easy.."
Nimbus dumps a large bag onto the ground. "Now it makes sense why I was told to go and look for clothes."
"Aaand.. what're you guys gonna do exactly?" Tulip narrows her eyes.
Shantae smiles mischievously. "Two words; improve and chaos."
Tulip blinks before smiling just as mischievously, nodding.
She was feeling a lot better now.
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clownowo · 4 months
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Sisters :]
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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Shout out to all artists who had to work without any strong direction or instruction.
I wish you a merry “the client likes it anyways”
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schnuffel-danny · 5 months
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Grumpy Vampire Ghost with his half-ghost Badgers using his cape as a makeshift blanket :3
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waywardstation · 21 days
Hey!! Here are the designs for my Halloween merch, as I got enough responses saying they’d be interested!
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I’ll be ordering these soon so I can have them in stock and ready to send out in time for October. They’ll be limited stock, and I want to purchase quantities based on general interest for each. If you’re interested in buying any of these, it would help a lot if you could open this google form and check off which ones you want to purchase, either as a sticker or a keychain!
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post-it-notes7 · 18 days
Please tell me this will be a happy ending
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dearest anon, only time will tell
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rosie-kairi · 2 months
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Blacked out listening to Scarvi's ost and came to to these. Extremely specific content that exists for the audience of like 7 people 👍"maybe they're born with it maybe it's the mental illness" sibling duos my beloved
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zu-is-here · 9 months
I miss soft and cute post!dc family
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his little big family ♡
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birbinky · 3 months
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Letting this man rest from the rituals
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Hennessey H850 Mustang Dark Horse, 2024. The H850 Mustang features a supercharged 5.0-litre V8 that has been modified to produce 850hp
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duckapus · 10 months
(mostly) Avatar Quotes
SMG4: I currently have seven empty notebooks and I have no clue what to put in them. Any suggestions?
Mario: Put spaghetti in it!
SMG4: I am currently taking suggestions from literally anyone but you.
Meggy: Put spaghetti in it
SMG4: I am currently taking suggestions from anyone but you two.
Bob: Put spaghetti in it
SMG4: I am no longer taking suggestions
Someone: Are you a boy or a girl?
Ash: I'm a Trainer!
Someone: No, I mean, what's in your pants?
Ash, pulling a few Pokeballs out of his pockets: Ballz.
Kirby: Hey, are you the "arr" type of pirate or the "yo ho ho" type of pirate?
Ringo Mortis: I'm the "not paying that much for photoshop" kind of pirate.
Nimbus in the Avatar Group Chat: For the last time, "your" and "you're" are different things!
Nimbus: "Your" is possessive and "you're" is a contraction of "you are."
Tulip: my fire
Cole: the one
Tune: desire
Juliano: Believe
Arle: when I say
Pikachu (not an avatar but they let him in since he's at all the meetings): I
Shantae: WANT
Kirby: IT
Sora: THAT
Olimar: WAY!
Nimbus: I'm blocking all of you.
(honestly this fits how I view the canon versions of them too)
Etna: *kisses Flonne*
Etna: *lets go and turns around to kiss Laharl when he walks on-screen*
Etna: *flips off the camera with a smirk while Flonne and Laharl make out behind her*
SMG8, whispering: Be strong.
Melody: Who's she talking to?
Nimbus: The Wi-Fi signal.
Cole: *visibly shaking with rage*
Sally: Want me to leave so you can say bad words?
Cole: Yes, that would be nice.
Ash: How long does it take until you start hallucinating from sleep deprivation?
Shantae: I'm pretty sure it-
Tulip, with absolute confidence: 72 hours.
Shantae: ...How did you-
Tulip: There's a clown behind you.
Cody: Why do you always insult the ghost of the place we check out?
Floyd: They know what they did.
Cole: Why is Sally crying?
Elanore: She thinks she stepped on a ladybug.
Cole: "Thinks?"
Elanore: It was a red M&M.
Laharl, sitting in the middle of a Pentagram with his arms crossed: I taught you how to summon me for emergencies.
Tulip, holding a jar of pickles: This is an emergency!
Sora: To avoid accidentally using offensive language I've decided to use 90's surfer dude slang because accidentally offending someone is totally bogus, dude.
Laharl, raising her hand: Some people might not be comfortable being called "dude."
Sora: You are radically right and that is so not tubular. I apologize.
Arle: I find 90's surfer dude slang offensive to my ears.
Sora: Watch me catch this gnarly wave of "I don't care."
Most of the Teen Squad: *sitting on a bench in various stages of grief*
Shantae: What's got you guys so sad?
Tulip: Sit down so we can tell you.
Shantae: *sits down...and her face rapidly twists into horror*
Desmond: This bench is freshly painted.
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The Avatars Compliation. Just a compilation of their best moments.
Included gems such as:
That one Nimbus and Tune bickering session that lasted way too long
The several times something just broke after being handed to someone
The Teen Squad most unhinged moments
That time Juliano left them alone for just 10 minutes and they somehow nearly caused a forest fire
Learning that not all memes are the same and a great debate over just what is the best meme (it got violent)
One of the many times Tulip was sleep deprived, and she and Elanore decided to spontaneously make something
Ash being told that Pokemon actually do weigh a lot, he just has Pokémon Strength™️
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chaospears · 3 months
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sonic fashion week day 4: seasonal / home
they took omega to spirit halloween
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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The most evil celebratory kiss
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insertcommonnoun · 6 months
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Neil bangin' out the tunes since '06
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