aachria · 4 months
being honest im just wondering if the turht behind ed will ever like come out.every time theres like doubt or a mention i getnervous i faint
it just makes me wonder how that would be handled GIVE THE CHANCE it happens.im not sure where i stand in it but like thinking abt it.the crew would be conflicted to say the less thats fo sure
I’m gonna be so for real I don’t want the reveal with Ed to be a… reveal. I’m a ‘oh we know we’re just not gonna acknowledge that’ type ‘o dude.
Quiet realizations 😌.
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luwritesomething · 1 year
Mickey Altieri comforting an autistic, overstimulated reader?
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Mickey Altieri Heacanons: Overstimulated autistic S/O.
Warnings: Maybe there's swearing?? It's me, so…, overstimulation.
Edited?: Like always, no.
Reader's pronouns: Not stated, gender neutral
Summary: Mickey Altieri with an overstimulated autistic s/o. 
Author's note: first of all, thank you for requesting! i did headcanons for this because i felt like it would be more appropiate. as a neurodivergent person (not autistic) who gets overstimulated several times, i got really happy that i had an excuse to write about the subject. i am not autistic myself, so there could be mistakes in the way i portrait overstimulation, but i did these with research and basing it in what i can see from my perspective. hope it's accurate enough, and if not, feel free to educate me <3. overstimulation is different in everyone, i guess, but that doesn't mean your experience is less valid.
criticism, comments and reblogs are always appreciated! requests are open, especially for scream! hit that anon button and tell me your ideas. in the scream fandom, i write for billy loomis, stu macher, randy meeks, tatum riley, sidney prescott, mickey altieri, kirby reid, chad meeks martin, mindy meeks martin, tara carpenter, anika kayoko and laura crane.
i headcanon mickey as a very observant person.
so if the overstimulation comes in a very crowded or lonely place, he'll notice either way.
he's very caring, so you bet he's gonna have an eye on you whenever you feel overstimulated. you don't even have to tell him.
if you go mute, mickey is asking no questions and instead just leads you to a lonely place in which you can recharge your energy, or just feel better.
if you start getting irritated, he's not snapping at you no matter what. mickey will just look at you and try to let you know that he understands, all that with just his gaze.
oh, but if you don't go mute, you BET he's the communication king.
"can i touch you?"
"do you want my headphones? i have that tape you like."
·do you wanna go somewhere quieter?"
"do you need something? i'll get it for you."
"do you want me to bring you your blanket?"
"should i shut up?"
if you need him quiet, he's not opening his mouth until you explicitedly ask him to.
will have his arm around you if you need it.
and will always offer you his hand in case you need something to hold/touch/fiddle with.
he's full of patience, making him snap isn't easy.
but if someone is visibly bothering you while you're overstimulated... oh boy.
doesn't want to baby you, either, so he's told you to go off at his ass if he ever does it.
but the turht is that it's really helpful having him around whenever you feel this way.
he means well <3
he'll hold you tight if you need him to.
if you don't want to go to a place with your friends because you're too overstimulated but you don't want to tell them, don't worry bevause mickey has a physical list of excuses to get you out of those situations.
"shit, i'm sorry guys, y/n and i can't go? oh, why? well, my mom invited us for dinner, and it would be the third time we'd pass... yeah, can't let that happen."
he's a murderous sweetheart <3
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amiramorozova · 1 year
Soulmates? -Werewolf edition- pt. 7
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It may have only been for a few moments but I loved every minute of it in my drunk state of mind. But even so I knew it was not right as I pulled away and though my balance was off there was from my buzz I got things together. I don't remember much after that but I was able to get home so I knew I was safe for now as I woke up in my bed. I sat up with a slight with a headache as I put a had on my head knowing there was no way I should have made it home.
Grandma soon came in and put a hand over mine as she rubbed my head "Grandma, how did I get home?" I asked as she smiled. "Aleksander brought you home, do you not remember?" She asked as I looked at her confused when she said Aleksander. That name did not mean anything to me and I didn't know an Aleksander. "Aleksander?" I asked as she realized the General had been paying for my time but not even told me his name. "Sorry, the General brought you home after having some words with your boss about some pamphlet.." Grandma said as she smiled "How nice of him to be looking out for you."
If only you knew the turht.. I thought
I knew that it was not going to be easy to tell her anything when it came to me and the General. After all how could I tell her about us being soulmates...fated mates..I couldn't. She moved my hair to reveal the mark he'd left on me two days ago. "You've been marked...by your fated mate?" Grandma asked as I nod in acknowledgement "But I am not ready to be his yet he keeps marking me..he's an Alpha..and I'm nothing.." I said as I looked down as I felt like I didn't belong. My grandma made me look at her as she smiled "Not true, you get to choose your own rank. You are Sun Summoner and Tidemaker..meaning you can be any rank you want to be. While it's true that Alphas are more Men, Sun Summoners are Alpha. Meaning you can be any of the ranks..or you can be undeclared until you become Luna of 2nd army."
Luna of 2nd army.. I thought
The idea of it appealed me but I knew the truth that the fold was a problem so while I'd be Luna, I'd be in the works on destroying the fold but as long as I wasn't discovered I was fine. I just had to make my mind up. "So what was this paper about.." Grandma asked as I remembered it and blushed a little. I told her everything and she agreed with the General about it. "I would put my faith in him that he'll make sure you're kept off that list. Even if you are, he'll take up all your time..speaking of your making quite a lot from your job for just bartending.." Grandma pointed out as I looked seeing the bag with my money from last night. "I'm only baretending for so long before I have to go amuse him and talk." I said
Grandma just nod as she sighed but got up "Well clean up and we'll get you taken care of before work tonight." She said as I nod in agreement. I went and cleaned up to be ready for the day but still had a bad headache as I was sure I shouldn't drink anymore. What was that he was drinking anyway? I thought
Before I knew it I was able to get enough done before heading to the job figuring things were going to be as usual. I didn't expect what I was about to walk into as I yawned a little still tired from my hangover.. Why did I drink anyway? I thought not that it mattered I was going to be dealing with everything that came my way. I was the one who needed to work. As I walked in I started heading to the bar when the boss walked over and automatically handed me the card. I looked at him confused "I just arrived sir.." I said as he nod in understanding. "Starting today and until otherwise I say you'll keep hold of this card and just automatically go to back to the room for your whole shift." He said as I nod and took it.
When I walked back to the room I swiped the card and walked in seeing the General as he smirked. I walked over setting the card on the table again "So why my whole shift now?" I asked as he pulled me down and had me rest my head on his leg. "Just to take it easy. You seemed to be a light weight on Kvas." He said as I looked at him but I was still tired..I wondered how he knew but somehow I felt safe and fell asleep. My boss didn't know what happened when I was in this room so I didn't care as I slept until he woke me and I yawned a little. "You really were tired." He said as I looked at him confused "You slept for three hours."
Three hours?! I thought
I questioned his intentions but as I started to do this and weeks to a few months went by I watched as the construction was being finished on the new area. I knew it was only a matter of risk and on the day before the rooms were opening I saw people looking over at the pamphlets as I walked past them. Yet I heard a man, from scent Alpha talking to the manager "Which one is that one?" He asked as he looked over but the Managers voice was uneasy. "She's not on the list..she's reserved for a special Alpha that comes here during her shifts.." The manager said but the man growled in anger. "I'll pay double if not triple what that Alpha is paying for her time.." He said as the manger cleared his voice knowing it was a business. "Very well then I'll see what I can do.." He said
You dare go against the black general? I better watch my back.. I thought
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,   @wheresthesunshinesblog  
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xhatake · 1 year
this song is one of my favorite songs for kakashi. it's called metaphor, i feel like it applies to Kakashi beating around the bush & making up metaphors to keep living by others' thoughts & opinions. finding every reason to say anything but the turht. burning bridges, burying friendships ( & friends ) but being deeply sentimental about it. kakakshi, in his life, often feels used but he would rather keep cutting [ his teeth on secondhand sentiments ]( which is a literal line in the song! ) than come up with his own. he feels like his sense of self is lost in these expectations set for him, that he continues to perpetuate. it makes him feel like his words are often empty because he, himself, feels empty as well.
but, i would also like to point out that i feel like this song applies to kakashi's opinion of obito in hindsight. he spends his whole life living by his ideals, his memory. he thinks of a thousand reasons that obito was hero, even though he was just a kid. he stretches certain truths in his grief & has a very unreal perception of obito. he lives on [ someone else's page]. obito was someone who he may have grown up with, but ultimately spent more of his life apart from him from than with him. it makes it so hard for him to sort through what parts of Kakashi are himself & what parts of him are a testament to obito. with time, of course, he learns that all of it is him. people will always affect other people. but there is such a crisis about not being able to trust himself after the fourth war because so much of himself is built around the idea of obito. Who in his most simple form, is the villain. But he is so much more than that. It's strange to hear people talk about him on the street, to regard him with such disdain when his name was once memorialized. it was easier to bury him than it could ever be to dig up his memory.
anyways even if you dont care abt this listen to the song anyways it's so god
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rossy0wossy · 1 year
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spooky month oc
Em Willis
10 year old
New kid ( my orginalality is at it's lowest point )
First glance: Sweet, caring, fearful, cowardly, kind, soft
Turht 😱 : Find in rp
Ginger kid
5th grader
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the-heroic-wanderer · 6 years
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Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you a very special OC of mine; Mr. Masquerade or Mr. Mask as I call him. Drawn by the Lovely Kitatre<3
Her DA: https://kitratre.deviantart.com/
Her Youtubez: https://www.youtube.com/user/ShadowPrincess23
Now you may be wondering, “Why use such a simple name? Why not give him a proper name?” My response; “Who says that’s his real name? Who says it’s not the name he has chosen to use until a debt is repaid?”
Our dear Mr. Mask rides around on a simple bicycle cart/shop, selling his masks wherever he may go. To men and women of all ages and races he has a mask just for you, he can fit a mask to any face no matter how strange or inhuman you may be if you want a mask he’s the man to see. Yet to those whose hearts hold a powerful dark secret or lies that have harmed others, these masks bear an unseen price.
So, how did Mr. Mask’s life lead him down this road? Let’s begin with a man who had a face that anyone could trust, a man you look at and say “Yeah he seems trustworthy!” and mean it. This was who he used to be for quite a while, until he decided that if no one could not believe him, then he could say anything or do anything he pleased. So he lied to 1000 people, taking deeds to homes, businesses, money, and anything he so pleased. He did so because he felt, “If they don’t believe me, then just say so!” not realizing they were blindingly trusting his face and nothing else. After he told those 1000 lies the people he had lied to realized they had been tricked out of all they had, and now they wanted revenge.
So those 1000 people gathered all they could and went to speak to a powerful master of the ancient forbidden arts of both magic and curses. The figure sat before them at a small cottage near an ancient shrine, which was visited by many to seek redemption for past mistakes. This being was strange to them all, and quite frightening in its stature and form. A seemingly part machine part otherworldly presence, that wore a long cloak and hid its face behind a large old wooden mask, with only a wide slit where only a single glowing yellow dot of an eye could be seen. They all approached the figure and explained their story and plight to the otherworldly figure, offering all they had to pay whatever price it asked of them. The figure raised an ancient and shadowy hand and beckoned them for silence. From behind the mask an unseen mouth spoke these words in a voice that calmed the peoples very souls. “I understand your plight....” its voice slow and rhythmic “..and your this wrong I shall happily right. Yet these goods and trinkets and symbols of greed....” the figures hand gliding through the air gestured at the people’s “payment” “...I  simply do not need.” he finished. 
With a wave of his hand a strange green and amber mist swirled in front of the crowd, and from the mist he summoned forth the man they despised, bound in magical bindings. The crowd began to uproar, shouting obscenities and curses at the man whom had caused them all such grief. They were only able to for a moment, before being silenced as the figure stood up. Speeking once more in a slow and rhythmic fashion he said “Calm yourselves my friends, let your fury be at an end.” the crowd calmed, almost instantly at the figures words. “To you I return all he has taken...” he waved his hand once more, the same green and amber mist that had brought the man there now formed and brought forth all that the man had stolen, “...and for his deeds he shall be forsaken.” the figure finished. Housing deeds, coins of gold, silver and bronze, heirlooms, jewels and all that he had taken by him and his lies was returned to their rightful owners. The gathered people rejoiced and left, the feeling of anger and betrayal that had once swelled in their veins now but a distant memory. Now the man with the face that had told a thousand lies was alone with the figure whom had just sworn to forsake him. The otherworldly master stood up from where he once sat, his hunched form standing tall and stoically above the man, his singular glowing eye staring deep into the mans eyes. “Do not fear for your life one who has spoken a thousand lies...” the figures voice once more feeling calming and almost cheerful, “...you shall not be forsaken only stripped of your guise.” 
The figure raises his ancient dark hand, placing it upon the man’s face as swirling amber and green mists swirl around the mans body. “Hear my voice oh spirits of these ancient skies, and strip this man of his lying guise.” the ancient figure proclaims to the skies as the man’s vision becomes dark as he feels his whole body tinge with ancient terrifying power. The man’s mind cannot seem to take such immense power and he falls unconscious,as an undetermined amount of time later,to a strange sensation....something is attached to his face? He moves his arms, strangely freed from the bindings that once held him, touching his hands to the thing attached to his face. As does he notices two things; first is that his hand feels strangely different, especially his fingers, and secondly that what seems to be covering his face is a mask of some kind. He sits him self up, but as he does he notices how wide his fingers seem to stretch, as they allow him stability on the seemingly wooden floor beneath him. 
He looks down at his hand for the first time through the eye holes that thankfully adorn the mask upon his face, these eye holes sadly allow him to see the frightening sight of what was once his hand. His once normal human hand is now almost monstrous; the palm could now almost fully cover his face, his fingers are now long and almost pointed. He begins to scream, thankfully finding his voice still the same as he begins to quickly inspect the rest of his body to assure everything else is in order.Thankfully, he sighs a heavy sigh of relief, everything seems to be normal. finding that it is. As he begins to calm down he notices his clothes have changed, a pair of black and white dress shoes adorn his feet. A par of long black dress pants cover his legs, and a long sleeved dress shirt with a black vest including coat tails covers his upper body.”What has happened to me!?” he proclaims out loud, “Why am I like this!?”. Almost as if in response he hears a voice from behind him, a familiar ancient voice saying ”The man with the face that has told a thousand lies, must now wear a mask and reveal a thousand truths.”
He turns quickly to identify the source of the voice and gazes upon the sitting hunched figure of the ancient being whom had most assuredly done this to him. He almost charges over in a rage, grabbing the figure by his cloak, “WHY!? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME!?” he shouts at the figure’s masked face from behind his own mask. The figure raises a hand and the man skids backwards ,propelled by some force. “My name is Selras and I am merely a righter of great wrongs, I only did what I did because you had wronged those innocents.” the figure’s voice was still ancient and powerful but had lost it’s rhythmic tones. “Now in order to remove this curse upon you...” Selras says as he produces form another swirling mist of amber and green, a strange ugly wooden mask, “...you must reveal a thousand truths by selling a thousand mask to a thousand liars.” “So all I have to do is sell a thousand masks to a thousand liars, to return to the way I was?” the man man says now released from the strange force that forced him back.”That is correct, but you will not have your face to tell your despicable lies and thus must sell them in this new guise.” Selras rhythmic tones returning as he spoke.
“Then how can I sell these masks, without a face to show expressions or emotion?” the man asked sounding puzzled despite his still “blank” face. “Grasp the small symbols upon your belt, hold them then to your face and experience something you’ve never felt.” Selras says. The man then inspects his waist finding the belt he had simply glanced over before, glancing at the small symbols upon his belt. he finds them to each have different facial expressions on them. He then removes one of them showing a smirking grin from his belt and puts it into the palm of his other strange new hand. As he does, he glances up to Selras and watches as the otherworldly figure nods slowly at him giving silent confirmation of his actions so far. The man then uses his open hand to touch the symbol against his face and feels a strange calming yet uneasy feeling wash over him. As he lowers his hand away from his face he now notices the symbol has changed to blank, just like the expression his mask must have worn before. He now almost knowingly raises his head and looks at Selras with his now smirking mask and says “So, shall we start this masquerade?”
From that day on the newly named Mr. Masquerade would go forth to every town, every city, and every gathering he could find searching for the corrupt or untruthful and do his best to sell them a mask. For those who did buy and then wear his masks,the untruthful and corrupt would share a similar fate to Mr. Mask, as their masks would only come off once they revealed their true nature. Those individuals who dared not or cared not to reveal their lies would never be able to remove the mask til the truth was revealed. Those now “branded” with these masks could still eat and drink through the openings in their masks but they would forever been known as untrustworthy individuals til their moment of redemption....or death.
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poniart4u-blog · 7 years
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twigk got CAUGHT! breking inn
lucvkily tiwlgiht sprkrle intimideates rairtry into confessing the turht...
whatr was rairty hifhing????
and why???
to be cotnuiens...
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catboyminato · 4 years
since 2020 just keeps pulling shit out of her ass can she pull out a society season 2 😳
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ededdneddy-artrefs · 4 years
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ariyadaivaris · 5 years
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starkexposition · 6 years
I saw you tag a post with tsds and my first thought over what it could mean was 'tony stark death scene' for some reason.
every scene involving tony stark is a tony stark death scene because he’s literally always ready 2 die
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vonlipvig · 5 years
it's a phantom of the opera remix kinda night Babey!!!! Yeah!!!!,
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gh0stbear · 6 years
I’m sobbing y’all back in October I was in my Peak Depression but I had worked really hard to finish a writing assignment for my research class and I actually managed to finish it on time but I went back to look at the assignment and it turns out I never submitted it??? I don’t know how this could’ve happened to me. This is a huge assignment and I actually managed to finish on time but for some reason it never made it into the turnitin submission box and I am devastated. 
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Dear God,
I've been grappling a lot recently with my convictions about evangelism.
I feel so called to sharing the good news with everyone, the love of God ha seen so transformative to my life but I also feel strongly that people need to know the turht of the gospel. Not that hearing it will be the end to all your problems for that God is either an angry monster or a magic genie. People need to know about the complexity and humanity of God, as well as His wonderful divine power.
But here's where I face my dilemma. I refuse to stand on a street corner and scream at people to repent. I refuse to lead with sin first instead of the saving. I refuse to perpetuate the horrible images of God that have plagued us for far too long.
I work with young people, mainly in two different groups. One on a Sunday night is out church youth group, with already Christian kids, I'm there to chat with them and answer their questions but they already know about Jesus, I'm there to just help along that journey. However the second group is completely different, as I sit on a Tuesday night with kids who have little to no exposure of church, kids who are often not even getting their basic needs met, I don't think I've ever really mentioned God. I do the work out of my conviction that God needs us to be His hands and feet on this earth and that everything I do is fuelled by His love. But am I failing them if I'm not overtly evangelising? Am I somehow not doing my job right? Is my homework help, listening ear, food, play and a whole host of other things just not enough if I don't tell them to repent and believe?
I just can't reconcile the loud voices saying that's the thinly way and the voice telling me, you're doing enough by loving them
I so want them to share in the love of God with me, in a cognisant way - but it has to be true that they need their stomachs filled and their thoughts valued first right?
Love your faithful daughter ❤️
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stmaryofmagdala · 5 years
Women & men are the very similar. If you throw the opposite sex out you throw yourself out. Just saying.
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