#turns out i should get some product at the pharmacy and put that on for a few weeks as well as isobetadine
slifarianhawk · 4 months
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Chapter 5: Transfer
The weeks following my first Pankration match were tantalizingly busy. I had Roussimoff scheduling me for a fight every few days. The number of coupons I was raking in was far more substantial than my days working long hours on the production floor. However, the crowd still seemed to hate my guts. While some warmed up to me more often than not, people placed higher bets on my opponent. Not that I cared. It just meant I could afford a minuscule upgrade in my way of life.
I was walking through the admin area on my way to see if wosley had any more Fonta available for purchase when Sam ran up to me. He seemed to be in quite the rush.
"Ah! Sam, care to share a Fonta with me? I have quite a few coupons left over from my winnings." I said, smiling.
He panted as he placed his hands on his knees, "Silva! His grace would like to see you in his office."
"Well, I'm sure his grace would understand if I'm a little late. You look like you were sprinting a mile. Let me get you that Fonta." I smiled, wondering why Wriothesley wanted to see me.
I helped Sam over to the tables. Wolsey walked over to Sam and handed him a bottle of pure water. That was probably a better move than a Fonta.
"I have to go see his grace. Keep an eye on him, Wosley." I said as I walked away.
Once again, I'd only seen him in passing glances. He always seemed so busy. But he was there at each of my Pankration matches. I always saw him for a brief second out of the corner of my eye during the final moments of the bout.
It was oddly comforting. I heard from Roussimoff that his grace still participates in Pankration matches. That he was a champion Pankration fighter numerous times. Maybe I should ask for some tips or something.
I opened the massive metal door. I could faintly hear jazz playing in the background. I walked in and slowly ascended the stairs. The music gradually increased in volume as I climbed. I stopped at the top of the stairs and noticed his back turned towards me.
"You wished to see me your grace?" I asked as I approached him.
"Ah, Silva, thank you for coming. Please have a seat. I just put a fresh pot of tea on." He said back still towards me, his hand gesturing to the sofa.
"Thank you, Wriothesley." I said, walking over towards the couch.
"It seems I owe you a set of thanks. I just received a letter with a contract and an order sheet from Bubu pharmacy." He said, turning towards me a package in his hand.
"A promise is a promise, your grace. I am a woman of my word. I may not be a prideful person. However, I do hold myself to that standard." I said as he sat the package and two letters on the coffee table.
"That package came from Liyue Harbor addressed to you. It came with three letters, one addressed to the Duke of Meropide, the those are addresses to you." He said, walking over to the now whistling tea kettle.
"Thank you, Wriothesley. I don't know if you noticed, but there are those here who aren't my biggest fans." I smiled as I picked up the letters. One was a light blue envelope with a green wax seal with a snake on it. Baizhu, I'm glad he replied. The other one was just like the last letter his grace handed me.
"Care for any sugar or cream?" He asked, pouring the tea into their respective cups.
"Depends. What blend are we drinking today?" I asked, slowly opening Baizhu's letter.
"I'm using your blend, seeing as we haven't shared tea in the past month and a half. Not to mention the reports I've been getting from Sigewinne about a certain inmate with a migraine every few days. I figured it would be the best course of action." He said, placing a cube in his tea.
I felt a blush graze my cheeks, "Just one then, your grace. I must apologize  about my actions. They seem to have made you worry about my well-being. I just didn't want there to be any call to arms against you. As I said earlier, there aren't very many here who look kindly upon me."
"I figured that was the case. Tell me how long have you been receiving those threatening notes on your workstation in the production zone?" He asked, sitting next to me on the couch.
I must have had a shocked look on my face because Wriothesley let out a small chuckle. He took a sip of his tea.  I gazed at the scars under he eyes lift as he did. Did my heart just flutter at that... nope, that couldn't have been it.
"How long have you known? I haven't told anyone about them." I said, trying to hide my expression by taking a drink of my tea.
"Sam... He reported it. He noticed the random slips of paper appearing at your work bench seemingly overnight when no one was around. He read one and was horrified. He brought it to my attention later that shift." He said, glancing at me.
"Sam..." I said, looking at my hands shaking.
"I decided to investigate, and I can tell you that they are dropped off between my early morning rounds and start of your shift. Being that I only started this investigation about three days ago, I'd say your package arrived with perfect timing,  paper trail, and all." He said with a smug tone in his voice.
"Thank you, Wriothesley. If I weren't so stubborn about not feeling like a burden, I would have brought it to your attention. It's been happening since my third day here." I sigh, setting my cup down.
"You should have brought this to my attention." He said, turning towards me, "I know a lot of gaurdes and prisoners are still used to my predecessors' rules and policies. My new policies instill the main rule of rehabilitation and consistency. I want Meropide to be a place where people learn from their wrongs and grow in a place free from the constant threat of violence. That's why I kept the Pankration ring."
His tone was like he was scolding an inmate, and in the truest sense of the thought, he was. However, there was something else there, it seemed. I shook my head, I was just thinking too much into it.
"Would you like me to read the letters to you, Wriothesley?" I asked, flustered quickly, trying to change the subject.
"Oh ahem, yes, that was the main reason I did call you here. Monsieur Nuevillette wants to know if you were in contact with the people who matter to you." Wriothesley said, pouring more tea into both mine and his cups.
"He is a very kind man." I said, placing a single cube of sugar in my cup.
"You've only seen him in a decent mood. He has a temperament that is to be minded." Wriothesley said.
I opened the letter and started to read. Baizhus voice playing in my head, Changshengs as well.
"Silva, I am glad to have received your letter. When Mr. Zhongli informed me of your circumstances. I was sure it would be quite a while before I heard from you again. It brings comfort to me and Changsheng to hear you are well. To think you'd make a deal to bring me more mora while so far away. I'm glad to see you haven't changed from the kind girl who volunteered to help Qiqi and Gui dry herbs in her free time. I sent you some more of the tea that I provided you with before your trip, as well as something special. Mr. Zhongli asked me to provide it to you, even covered the costs of the shipping. I think he figured part of the mystery of your mother. He wouldn't talk to me much about it, so I'm not exactly sure about the details. He had me send a letter from him in this parcel. Have the lovely head nurse reach out with any needs of your medication. I'll be glad to cover the expenses until you return to Liyue.
On one last note, however, Changsheng wants you to be careful. Goodness knows what will happen if you come in contact with that drug again. Dendro energy can be very volatile when not properly controlled. She doesn't want to see you hurt. Nor do I, for that matter. Take care of yourself since I'm not there to treat your wounds. Please write to me when you can. Take care, Baizhu and Changsheng."  I said, wiping tears from my eyes.
"He seems like a very good man and an even better doctor. Who is Changsheng? His wife?" Wriothesley asked, and I simply laughed.
"No, nothing like that. Changsheng is his familiar he inherented from his master." I smiled.
"Oh..." He coughed a bit of an embarrassed blush on his cheeks, "Ehem... I won't have you read that letter from your other friend. It seems the information is strictly meant for you. I understand the importance of finding out where you came from. It isn't talked about much, but I was raised in a foster home."
I noticed something in his expression, a forlorn darkness. There was something he clearly needed to unpack. But I don't feel like I should dig. We were just becoming more familiar with each other. But something compelled me to say something.
"You okay, Wriothesley? You seem a bit sullen all of a sudden." I say instinctively, placing my hand on his back.
He stiffened for a brief second at the touch but quickly relaxed, "Yeah, just lost in thought."
He stood up and stretched. Walking over to his desk, he pulled out a couple of papers and a quill. He motioned me to come to over to him.
"I need you to sign a couple of things. Would you come over here?" He said.
I simply nodded and walked over to the desk.
"What do you need me to sign?" I asked curiously.
"Well one I need you to sign without a doubt before you leave. In all honesty, I'd feel safer with it in place. The other is a contract between you and me if you are interested." He said, staring into my eyes.
This piqued my interest. What kind of contract would I'd be signing, and what was the first paper about. I stopped in front of his desk, and he handed me the first paper he pulled out. It had notice of work transfer in bold on top.
"I discussed this with Nuevillette. I told him about the notes on your workstation as soon as i heard about it as he wants updates and all. He believes this will at least lessen the chance of someone taking their version of justice out on you." Wriothesley said, interlocking his fingers together.
I read the document and confusion spring up in my mind.
"To the kitchens, are you sure? Wosley normally doesn't trust violent offenders in his kitchens." I asked.
Wriothesley chuckled, "He welcomed the thought with open arms. I distinctly remember him saying he finds you pleasant for conversation and would love to learn more about the cuisine you've picked up through your travels. He said that the hours are longer than the production zones but is willing to give you time off for your Pankration matches."
I felt a shock run through my system. Wosley even describes himself as a person who doesn't trust very easily. I felt an ease of tension flood my body. Then, a saddened thought dripped into my  thoughts. How would I train for my matches. Even though I was still new in the ring. The release it gave me from my frustrations was almost euphoric.
I heard another chuckle from his grace.
"I know that look. Debating between the transfer and the ring, huh?" He said, handing me the second paper.
"Am i that easy to read?" I asked, taking the supposed contract.
"No, I was in your position at one point during my stay. That's why I had this drawn up. I think you'd find it quite beneficial for us both." He said.
I felt drawn to the contract. What was it? What did it entail? I picked it up and started to read through it. I must have looked incredibly flustered.
"It doesn't involve anything of a personal nature. If that's what got you looking like that." He assured me.
I felt my cheeks redden, and i stopped reading, not even getting past the secondline. That wasn't what I thought! Was it? No, definitely not. Ayato always told me to wait to find someone I cared about to do anything like that. I barely have known Wriothesley for a couple of months, archons. This is only the second time we have even actually spoken.
"I promise Wriothesley! it's not that!" I exclaimed.
He let out a laugh that clearly built from his stomach, "Oh relax, sweetheart. I was just pulling your leg. If I had five mora for every time a  female inmate offered herself to me, I'd be able to afford the kitchen overhaul Wosley has been asking for."
Sweetheart? That word rang in my ears. I shook my head at my stupidity. He was the administrator. Of course, he wouldn't do that.
"This is simply a sparring and training  contract." He said as I set it down and walked up behind me.
"Training?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.
"I've been at each of your matches, and I know you know that. You're good with your weapon and alchemy. However, your martial arts is sloppy, to say the least. At the same time, i find your combat interesting. I want to train you to be able to use your abilities to their fullest. I could even help you make some improvements on your weapons. " He said, placing his hand on the contract.
"You want to train me?" I asked, noticing his scarred hands hidden behind black bandages.
"It's just an offer. It would allow you to be up after lights out and be able to not allow the other inmates to watch you train. I'd even have Sam escort you back to your bunk." He said.
"You sure about all this, even the weapons your grace. All I use are wires? How can that even be modified?" I asked my mind racing.
I felt something heavy on my opposite shoulder. I quickly turned my head and saw a black and brass gauntlet resting on it. Where the hell did that come from.
"It surprises most people what a little knowledge of mechanics can do. I was able to perfect these during my time here. They resonate very well with my catalyst." He said, pulling his gauntlet away from me as he walked back to his chair, "in the end, this decision is completely up to you."
"I know, I've made up my mind." I said, setting down the contract, "I'm tired of doing the same old thing. Be it combat or work. It's been getting harder each match in the ring. Not to mention, I have a feeling that the asshole who stabbed me is still out there."
"Well then, the dotted line is right there, sweetheart." Wriothesley said, handing me the inked quill.
I took the pen and signed the documents. Sliding them over to him, I noticed his face seemed contemplative. I wondered what was going on behind those lovely blue grey eyes. I sighed at my thoughts. I felt as if I should start my job for the day.
"Wriothesley, when would you like to have our first training session?" I asked curiously.
"How about tomorrow? You have a match tonight, right? That way, I can finish off what regimen to build off of." He said, standing up looking at the time, "speaking of which you should probably head to the kitchen. Don't worry, I'll bring the crate brought to your bunk later."
"Thank you, Wriothesley." I said, heading towards the stairs.
"No problem. Here, let me at least walk you out." He said, catching up to me.
"Thanks," I said, stopping at the stairs and trying to turn towards him.
Unfortunately, my balance didn't want to stay stable. I felt the air of the office rush past my ears. Well fuck... I awaited the pain to strike only to feel a strong pull. The next thing I felt was warmth and my face pressed against fabric.
I looked up only to see myself pulled into Wriothesley's chest, his hand on my wrist, and his other arm wrapped around my back. I saw concern on his face, but his cheeks were slightly pink.
"Hey now, be careful. I can tell you from experience those metal stairs hurt." He said his gaze off to the side, a slightly snarky tone in his voice.
"Of course, I'm sorry." I said as he released me.
"No need for apologies. Can't let you be at a disadvantage in your bout later, right?" He said.
"Yeah, guess you right. I guess I'll see you at the match?" I asked.
"Wouldn't miss it." He said as I walked down the stairs.
As I walked out the doors, I heard a deep clicking noise after they closed. The guardes looked confused.
"Wonder why he locked the door?" I heard one guarde ask the other.
The other just shrugged and resumed guarding the door. My mind wandered as I made my way to the kitchen. Why would Wriothesley lock the door behind him? Did I do something wrong?
When I arrived at the kitchen, I shoved all those thoughts aside. I just knew that today was the start of something for me.
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fakekojimo · 24 days
Watching Digimon Hunters. And man, Yukio Kaizawa deserves more respect on his name.
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Prefacing with me saying that I'm fully aware of the show's problems, with a good chunk of them resulting from the fact that this show wasn't even supposed to exist. Even Digimon fans who jackshit about anime production knew something was up when a new season was suddenly announced towards the end of the original Xros Wars. Years later this interview got translated and it had the scriptwriter admit that's what happened. As per usual Toei doesn't give a shit about Digimon, but what else is new.
And then you throw Kaizawa into the mix. His usual bread and butter is crafting Urban Fantasy settings for kids with an emphasis on horror but balanced out with a hint of whimsy. (Shows like Hell Teacher Nube, Kitaro, Fun Fun Pharmacy, and Digimon Tamers.) I've always had a soft spot for that genre despite being far too old for it... Scaring kids is hard! You gotta hit that sweet spot of being scary without turning them off from the genre entirely. Forcing you to craft varied scenarios that plays of their fears and anxieties while still making it fun and compelling. Kids like to be scared because they like being put in scenarios where their fears are taken seriously. At least that was the appeal for me when I was younger.
Tangents aside, that's the area Kaizawa excels in and that's the setting he crafted himself for Digimon Hunters. Much to everyone's dismay, both fans and to everyone working on it.
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With such short time and such a drastic change in premise you have to retool everything from the ground up. Can barely reuse production materials from the first season since it's set in the real world, gotta design new characters, backgrounds, and even a whole new Digital World! Given that this was such a last minute decision it couldn't have been easy. And given the fan reception it didn't work out, but for me? Speaking personally? I'm eating this shit up. Even as someone who loved Xros Wars S1 too.
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I was already hooked by the pilot alone! Kaizawa's pilots for Digimon are hands down my absolute favorites because they capture the thrill of the usual "call to adventure" with an eerie undercurrent. Normally Digimon protagonists end up stumbling into their roles as the main character, but Tamers and Frontier have Takuya and Takato- who willingly seek out that call without fully understanding the dangers of it. And Hunters is no exception. It's even more fitting since Tagiru is an impulsive (but fun!) dumbass though. And that eerie undercurrent is prevalent through Kaizawa's cool and chilling direction.
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Hell, even the more light-hearted scenes still have that off-kilter feel to them. The lighting from the arcade machines.. And that close up! Man!
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The eeriness reaches it's peak with Tagiru meeting the clockmaker. What should be a triumphant of our MC getting his Xros Loader feels more like making a deal with the devil instead. The old man's space has such a unique atmosphere compared to the rest of the episode and I already found the pilot to be enthralling on it's own already! Truly feels like the old man hijacked the show and you're watching something else entirely.
I'm sure some fans are bound to have reactions like "How did the guy who directed Tamers direct this?" or something similar like that. There are tangible connections between the shows; with the most obvious being both series being Urban Fantasy-like, but also the brutality of the situation. Tamers makes in an emphasis to show that Digimon are wild creatures who will kill if not properly tamed, clashing with Takato's view on what being a "Digimon Tamer" really is like. And Tagiru goes through the same in the pilot. His enthusiasm for the Hunt coming to a screeching halt when Gumdramon goes off to attack himself, only to get absolutely destroyed. It's a brutal ass moment for sure, and something that consistent with Kaizawa's work and by extension children's horror too. You can't scare your audience by holding back!
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I just love Yukio Kaizawa man.
I'm still early on in the series and I'm watching it through the lens of it being a Ghost Game/Kitaro-like show. Where Digimon function more like Yokai that prey on young children's fears in a myriad of different ways. Coming at it from that angle instead of Xros Wars sequel proper; I've been really enjoying it from that angle! Needed my children's horror fix and the show really does deliver on that. I know this one post isn't going to change the show's reception overnight, but at the very least it invites you to look at it a different light.
Plus I just wanna spread more Yukio Kaizawa propaganda.
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kazuhaqt · 2 years
English is not my first language, bear with me and my mistakes
IMPORTANT: The character reaction may not be canon so don't come at me saying things like "they wouldn't behave like that" or "out of character" reading this was your choice.
Warning: Modern au, Kaveh owns a cat, angst/comfort
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3rd Person
Kaveh had gotten a new friend which did not please Al Haitham at all. That new friend in question was a cat he found in their garden on a rainy day, Kaveh didn't want to leave the poor thing to suffer alone in the rain. Although Kaveh knew how Al Haitham despised animals, especially when it was in his house, his room, and on him when he was trying to work on something, the taller male surrendered in his annoying roommate's grasp.
"HAITHAM" Kaveh screamed for the 10th time in five mins trying to get his roommate's attention. Haitham simply ignored him by Putting on his headphones at max level. Kaveh whose mood was already off since morning felt even more pissed off and burst into Haitham's room,aggressively taking off his headphones as the latter groaned from the sudden action. "You could have detached my ears," Haitham said looking annoyed at him.
"I would have done it if I wanted but I need your help" Kaveh admits although you could see the regret on his face as he would have never asked for help, especially from someone like Haitham. "You need my help? why should I even bother helping someone like you annoying me since I woke up with your stupid cat" Kaveh gasped, offended by the comment Haitham made about his beloved cat. Before he could open his mouth to say something, Haitham utters "You and that cat have something in common, both of you are annoying as fuck." Kaveh was visibly boiling with anger.
"Well my 'stupid' cat as you call it is sick and I was here to ask you if you wanted to help me find him but it seems like you are not interested in having a productive conversation for once, I'll go buy him his medicines alone if that's what you want." Kaveh left slamming the door as he walks out leaving Al Haitham in disbelief. He was also not in a good mood and unwillingly let it out on his boyfriend. 
Feeling guilty, he sighed, took his coat and left the house following Kaveh who was walking at an unbelivable speed to the pharmacy. Al Haitham successfully managed to catch up with him, he kept quiet trying to find the right words to apologise for what he said earlier. "I didn't mean it you know that right?"  He desperatly said trying to catch the attention of his boyfriend who was ignoring him.
"Are you really going to give me the silent treatment Kaveh?"  Which still didn't catch his attention. Al Haitham sighed thinking of a way to get his attention back which subscounciously slowed him down. When he finally realised that the presence of his boyfriend was no longer next to him, he looked up and saw a very unpleasant sight. His boyfriend was hugging a man with two ears who seemed unfamiliar from the distance.
He didn't feel jealous, no, he felt guilty. Guilty that he wasn't the one holding his boyfriend in his arm but rather a stranger when he wasn't feeling his best and needed help. He turned his back and left, still thinking about a way to win his boyfriend's forgiveness. Al Haitham had reached a grocery store when he had an idea, "Maybe If I buy that creature something he'll forgive me?" He eventually went inside bought some cat food, toys and went back home waiting for Kaveh's return.
After a while, he heard the door open which announced that his boyfriend was back from the pharmacy. Al haitham got up and went to check on him. "Your're back" he said. Kaveh just ignored him, instead he went to check up on his cat. Haitham followed him around which eventually pissed off Kaveh. "Stop following me around, your're worst than a dog." He blurted out. Al Haitham was holding back all the insults he could have ever known as he didn't want to anger him even more.
"I have something for your cat." He said holding a bag of cat food and toys. Kaveh was shocked and just stared at the taller male. "I want to apologise for what I said to you earlier, I really didn't mean it...I'm really sorry Kaveh" The latter just smirked which made Haitham know that he was going to be a bitch about it. "Well even though you hurt me and my beloved cat deeply, I guess I can forgive you but it will still take time for me to fully acknowledge everything you said" Kaveh said dramatically.
Al Haitham wanted to take everything back but he didn't want to make things worse so he just took in everything Kaveh said and kissed him. "I wonder how you would be if you weren't such a brat." Haitham said, "Excuse me." Kaveh let's out clearly offended. "Well I like that about you so it's fine." He returns which clearly got Kaveh flustered. At the same moment Al Haitham felt his feet getting wet and when he looked down, he saw Kaveh's cat peeing on there.
"Kaveh get your fucking cat off my feet."
"Leave meow meow alone."
"He has a name?"
"Of course he does."
Al haitham let out a groan going to the bathroom to wash his feet while kaveh laughed at him.
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petnews2day · 2 years
6 Ways to Cut the Cost of Caring for Your Pets
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-insurance-news/6-ways-to-cut-the-cost-of-caring-for-your-pets/
6 Ways to Cut the Cost of Caring for Your Pets
Amid rampant inflation, it’s getting more expensive to care for your furry friends.
Insider spoke to five experts about the best ways to look after your pets on a tight budget.
They advised cash-strapped owners to prioritize preventative care, plan ahead, and try out some DIY.
The US economy is showing signs of a looming downturn. Inflation is still consistently high, and recent modeling by Bloomberg Economics found a 100% likelihood of a recession within the coming year.
In the face of this grim economic outlook, it’s crucial to take action to protect your finances — and this includes thinking about your pets. 
Thanks to inflation, caring for your fluffy friends is getting pricier. Pet food prices rose 14% between September 2021 and September 2022, according to the Bureau for Labor Statistics. Vet bills have also jumped  — swelling by 10% in the last year, per AP. 
Research by Veterinarians.org, published in July, suggests that owners are already feeling the pinch. Fifty percent are shopping for cheaper alternatives to their standard pet food, and 35% say they’ve had to reduce the frequency of their visits to grooming services. 
More worryingly: 46% of pet owners said that they’ve decided to forego or delay veterinary treatments in the wake of inflation — including dental procedures and X-Rays. 
Insider spoke to five experts about the best ways to look after your pets without destroying your finances. 
1. Focus on the essentials
When faced with tough financial choices, pet owners should think about cutting back on non-essential items like treats and toys, but keep putting money into critical things like pet insurance and good quality food.
Skimping on your pet’s nourishment can be a false economy.
“By ensuring you are giving them all the exercise and nutrients they need to stay at a healthy weight, you can lower the risk of them developing chronic conditions like high blood pressure and arthritis which entail ongoing additional veterinary costs”, said Rob Young, from UK animal shelter Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.
Providing appropriate medication is also crucial to preventing costly long-term health complications, said Dr Samantha Gaines — a representative of UK-based animal welfare charity, the RSPCA. 
She told Insider: “Google searches for “can I give my dog paracetamol?” have surged recently, as we fear people are seeking to self-medicate animals and avoid vet costs.”
2. Shop around for food and medication
Pet food often comes at a hefty cost, so it might be worth seeking out cheaper alternatives. Just make sure off-brand products still contain all the nutrients your pet needs, and check in with a vet or animal charity if you’re unsure.
You could also try mixing your pet’s favorite regular food with a cheaper brand to make it stretch further. 
Medication is also a big expense, but it’s often cheaper on the internet. There are plenty of online animal pharmacies to choose from, so make sure to compare costs and check out reviews. Popular sites include Walmart Pet Rx, Chewy, and 1-800-Pet-Meds
3. Get the right pet insurance
There are an estimated 160 million pets in the US, according to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association. Of these, just 2.48% are insured. 
According to the experts, you should think carefully about skipping insurance in a bid to cut costs, because this might turn out to be an expensive miscalculation if your pet gets sick. 
Insurance might seem like a burdensome and unnecessary cost, but it can offer peace of mind and financial security in the face of unwanted surprises.
Kristen Lynch, the association’s executive director, told Insider: “When money is tight and when costs are rising, it’s even more important that you have the confidence and security of pet insurance to make the decisions you need to make for your pet’s health and happiness.”
But don’t just dive in. Insurance premiums are likely to rise further as inflation pushes vet bills up, per VetHelpDirect, so it’s more important than ever to shop around.
You should also take a close look at what your insurance policy covers. Some of the cheaper policies exclude common medical treatments, so you’ll have to budget for these extra costs down the line.
4. Prioritize preventative care
It can be easy to let basic maintenance slip by the wayside, but simple measures like cleaning your pet’s teeth, worming them regularly, and keeping them flea free are crucial to preventing costly health complications. 
With vet prices reaching new highs, it’s unsurprising that owners often hesitate to bring their animals in for treatment, but this can damage your pet’s health and allow costs to spiral. 
Lynch told Insider: “When a pet owner delays in providing care, that can mean a condition worsens while they ‘wait it out’ and then that same condition may become acute, and more prohibitively expensive and difficult to treat successfully.”
5. Try some DIY 
Pets don’t need anything fancy, the experts told Insider. They’ll be delighted by cheap homemade toys. 
If you want to get your pet something new to play with without breaking the bank, try turning old t-shirts into a dog tuggy toy, or testing out some DIY toilet-roll games. 
You can also make treats using low-cost household ingredients. Lots of animal charities offer handy tips and DIY guides on their websites, including the ASPCA, Best Friends, and Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. 
6. Ask for help
It’s never a good idea to struggle alone. 
In times of crisis, you can reach out to local charities for specific guidance and even financial help. Craig Cummings, director of Wyoming-based Casper Humane Society, told Insider: “Difficult economic times affect everyone, and animal shelters and other organizations are here to help.”
The Humane Society has a database of organizations across the US which support people struggling to afford essential pet care. These include discounted vet practices, pet food banks, and emergency animal shelters. 
If you’re pushed to make the “heartbreaking” decision to rehome a pet, you should always seek out support, said Christa Chadwick, vice president of shelter services at the ASPCA. “For owners who are either unable to care for a pet or who no longer wish to do so, we understand that rehoming or surrendering the pet may, at times, be the best outcome. 
“We encourage any pet owner who has made the decision to rehome their pet to enlist the support of a family member, friend, or veterinarian. You may also wish to list your pet on Petfinder.com or visit Get Your Pet to connect with people near you who are looking to adopt a companion animal and meet potential adopters to find a good home for your pet.”
In the most extreme situations, animal shelters can step in and make sure your pet is safe and well looked after. 
Rob Young, from UK-based Battersea Cats and Dogs Home, told Insider: “We would never judge anyone for making the difficult but responsible decision to bring their animal to a rescue if they can no longer care for them.”
Stephanie Stacey
Weekend Business News Fellow
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molotovmetro · 2 years
My metal collection has been expanded
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butwhyduh · 3 years
Pregnancy scare with the Batboys?
These all happen at different times in their lives. Dick at 24, Jason 26, and Tim 20 because I feel like that’s the ages they’d like have this.
Warning: it’s gotta little bit of everything. Fluff, smut, convenience story robbery, blood, one little crude sex joke.
“I stopped at the store and got everything we need before the store comes in. Even got those pad tampon things you use,” Dick said waving the box proudly. You rolled your eyes and grabbed the box.
“And what prompted that?” You asked, eyes narrowed.
“A coupon deal on them,” Dick answered and you laughed.
“That makes more sense. Let me put these up and I’ll cook dinner,” you said, walking to the bathroom.
“Nope! I’m cooking,” Dick said happily.
“Okay,” you said planning to help him anyways.
You walked in the bathroom to put the box in your usual drawer only to find it full. When was the last time you needed one? You did the math and realized that it’s been almost 2 months. With your university schedule being crazy and Dick got hurt a few weeks ago, you’d forgotten all about your period.
You skin chilled at the thought. What if you were- what if you were pregnant? You were too young. You were 24 but it felt too young. You were only dating. You hadn’t gotten to the kids talk yet.
“Hey babe, where is the- what’s wrong?” Dick asked from the doorway. He looked at the package in your hand and the matching one in the drawer with confusion.
“Uh, I missed my period last month,” you said and his eyes widened. “I completely forgot.”
He looked at you frozen. “Wait- are you saying you might be...”
“Maybe,” you answered. “We gotta get tests and everything. And stress can mess it up. And we’ve been using protection every time.”
“Yeah. I’ll run to the store, okay?” He said before hurrying out the door. You sat on the toilet with the box still in hand. What if you were pregnant? Dick was a good guy but he didn’t exactly have a ton of money. He was a part time gymnastics teacher. You were in college.
“Okay I got 4,” Dick said, back in record time. He gave you the bag and watched you.
“Get out of the bathroom.”
“Oh right,” he said, leaving and shutting the door. You could hear him pacing as you took the tests. You unlocked the door as you waited for the tests to finish. A neat little row of absolute terror on the side of the bathtub.
“Are they done?” Dick asked anxiously.
“No. We wait two minutes,” you said almost hollowly with stress and he nodded roughly.
“If you are... I’ll be here. I’ll be here for whatever you decide. No matter your choice,” Dick said holding your hands. You gulped.
“Yeah. Thanks. I can’t believe I forgot,” you said with a little laugh. He hugged your shoulders.
“Things have been crazy,” Dick said with a shrug. Your phone alarm went off and you quickly looked at all of the tests. Negative. You both relaxed. You sighed in relief.
“That would have been crazy,” you said with a laugh. Dick laughed a little too. “I am not ready to be a mom.”
“Yeah. Same. I’d need a better job and a better place. Not that there’s anything wrong with our apartment but it’s too small for a baby,” Dick rambled on. He stopped when he noticed your little grin. “You know, I meant what I said. I’m not going anywhere. I’m here for you.”
You didn’t answer but pulled him in for a kiss that Dick eagerly returned before finally pulling away because you were in the bathroom surrounded by used pregnancy tests and boxes of menstrual products.
“I’ll clean up while you get dinner started. Yeah?”
“Sounds like a plan,” Dick said with a kiss to your cheek.
You’d been thinking about it for a few days with a sense of denial. Your period was late. And you were mentally freaking out. You were too young. I mean, you were 26 but it felt too young! Your relationship was too new! You had been dating for 2 years but it felt too fast!
You hurried down to a corner store that you didn’t normally visit near your apartment to grab some tests. You jumped a little when the bell on the door rang as another customer entered the store. You had been too worried and stressed about picking from the 7 different types of pregnancy tests. Were they all the same or totally different? You just wanted to know ‘baby or naw.’ You grabbed three and put them in a hand basket.
“PUT your hands up where we can see them,” a man yelled and you froze before looking up, your hands above your head, basket on your wrist. “Take off any jewelry and pull out your wallets. We’ll be taking those,” a man in a ski mask said. There were a total of 12 customers and 2 shop clerks.
You carefully pulled your crossbody bag off your shoulder and held it out. A man grabbed it roughly from you and you made a tiny noise that made him smile. He looked you over and you wanted to shrink away.
There was a loud crashing noise as the side glass was broken and a man with a pair of guns blazing stood in the middle. The bright red helmet let you know that it was Jason and you almost sagged in relief. Almost. He pointed the gun at both criminals and shot at their knees. The rubber bullets hit them both in the knees and they fell before you could even move. He quickly punched them both in the head and they lost consciousness. Jason roughly tied them up by the register and everyone started to leave the building quickly while grabbing their things.
Jason grabbed you and pulled you from the building and up to the roof, basket still on your wrist. He rolled his helmet off and looked you over.
“Are you alright?” He asked holding your face in his hands. You grasped his wrists.
“I’m fine. I’m fine,” you reassured him. He looked you over before his eyes fell to the basket. Jason froze as he looked at the contents. A candy bar and 3 pregnancy tests.
“Are you? Why do you have these?” He asked, looking at your face quickly. You sat the basket down.
“Maybe,” you answered quietly. His mouth opened a little as if you speak but he didn’t. “I mean, I’m late.”
“Okay. Alright,” he said nodding. “We just need to test first. God, you were almost shot and you might be pregnant.”
He pulled you tightly in his arms until the armor pressed against you. Jason’s lips pressed against the side of your head. For one of the first times, he looked scared.
Back at your apartment, you could hear Jason pacing as you took the test. You unlocked the door and he came in, staring at them. Neither one of you spoke before the results came in. Negative. You breathed a sigh of relief.
“I would have been there for you. No matter what. But I’m glad that it’s negative. We should plan this stuff, you know? My job... it’s too dangerous,” Jason said carefully.
“I know. We can’t,” you said with a dry smile.
“I’d quit. If you were. So that you and the baby would be safe,” he said and you quickly looked at him.
“You shouldn’t have to,” you said.
“But I would.”
Tim’s hands were tight on your hips as he thrust in your from behind and you couldn’t stop making little noises. God, were you always this tight? He could barely control himself and the second you clamped around him in pleasure, Tim came as well. Both of you panted as he roughly and slowly thrust through your highs. Tim pushed in deeply before stopping to catch his breath and then pulling out.
“Fuck,” he said in a terrified voice. You turned to look at him confused. “The condom came off.”
Your eyes widened at the implication. “Did you- did you finish inside?” You asked as cold panic flooded your body. You were only using condoms at this point in time.
“Yeah. Definitely,” he said, looking down and in literally any other situation he would have loved the sight before him. His cum leaked out of you and Tim winced.
After a few minutes of trying to finally get the useless condom out, you were almost in full freak out. You were only 20. You couldn’t get pregnant!
“I’ll get plan B. Unless you don’t want it,” Tim said looking at you.
“Good idea. We definitely need that,” you said nodding. “But you can’t go to the store and buy plan B. Timothy Drake-Wayne buys plan B. Playboy like his father Bruce Wayne? I could just see the headline. I’ll go.”
“Smart,” he said. You quickly took a shower and threw on clothes before running down to a pharmacy. Your heart pounded as you asked the pharmacist for a plan B but she simply gave you a box that you paid for. You took the pill before even leaving the store and threw away the evidence as if someone cared what you did.
That night you had some nausea and cramping but were fine otherwise. Tim was extra nice in the next few weeks as you both waited to see if your period would ever come. He put in effort to see you more often and stay off his phone when you were together. Finally you woke up one morning with cramps where actually pleasantly happy to see that you had finally started to bleed. That didn’t happen often.
You told Tim who sagged in relief. He didn’t even know how much tension he held in his body before releasing it. He kissed your cheek and you laughed a little.
“Never buying that brand of condoms again,” he swore.
“I’m making an appointment to get birth control,” you said and he quickly turned to you.
“Really? No more condoms?” Tim said hopefully.
“It’ll take a little while to start working but yeah,” you said with a little smile. “Then I can be your Twinkie instead of your toaster strudel,” you laughed.
“Wow. I wish I could time travel to unhear that,” Tim said covering his face with a hand while laughing.
“You know that’s a good joke,” you laughed pushing his shoulder.
“...yeah,” he said with a grin.
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Haii!! I absolutely adore your writing and was wondering if you would be up to write something comforting with Ethan where reader is having the period from hell? Thank you ❤
Oh ho ho this should be fun
Y/n was sleeping over at Ethan’s for the first time. She had feelings for him for god knows how long, and the night he asked her out was probably the happiest she had ever been.
Their date had been unbelievable. Y/n felt as if time stopped and she was the only person on Earth along with Ethan, as cheesy as that may sound
When it started raining, they both hurried to his car and drove quickly to his place.
“God, I didn’t think the night would end like this.” Y/n chuckled, draining her hair in Ethan’s bathtub, while he was brushing his teeth next to her.
“You can sleep in one of my shirts.” Ethan mumbled, almost choking on the tooth paste
“I said” he spit out all the paste and rinsed his mouth “you can sleep in one of my shirts.”
Y/n’s heart skipped a bit and she blushed a bit at his suggestion, before nodding sheepishly and putting her hair in a bun.
Ethan chuckled and muttered a few words Y/n didn’t quite catch, before leaving the room.
In a few moments, he came back with a large t-shirt. It was burgundy and had a logo in the middle. Ethan gave it to Y/n and left her alone to change
That night she had fallen asleep in his warm embrace, listening to the rain drops hit the windows
She felt as if it was a dream come true, and the only thought on her mind was Ethan
Luckily for her, Ethan felt the exact same way
He held her close all night, nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, and dreamed of her
Ethan woke up to a slap. He opened his eyes grumpily and looked for the source of pain, only to see Y/n turned away from him, in that position all girls sleep in; the one where they have a leg up and they’re on their stomach
That’s when he saw that Y/n had started her period
There was a large, red stain seeping through her underwear and another few spots on the bedding
Damn, he shouldn’t have put on white ones
Stretching a bit and getting out of bed, he started to think about what he could do.
He didn’t know how much Y/n trusted him or how she would react to this, so the two smartest choices that he had were to either wake her up and tell her what happened, or prepare everything for when se would wake up
Eventually, he decided going for the latter.
Heading to the living room and grabbing his keys , he got in the car and drove to the nearest pharmacy around.
The man was walking down the unbearably white aisles of the pharmacy, looking for some ibuprofen and tampons
He really didn’t know what type Y/n used, and he wasn’t about to be like that dude on TikTok who asked his girlfriend what size pussy she was, so he took 4 types
Maybe different colors would mean something…or maybe scent?
He made a mental reminder to ask Y/n if they had any flavors
After searching forever, he ended up having a kilogram of pads, three types of sheet masks and a new lotion, but no pain medication
They must have been hidden
Eventually giving up, he went to the cashier and placed all the products on the register
“Tough times with the lady?” The woman asked, sending him an all-too knowing smirk
“I hope not. Speaking of which, do you happen to have any pain medication?”
Ethan left the store smirking, having received a 20% discount for being “so cute”, and he also got a small chapstick as a gift
His next stop was the grocery shop
He already knew what he needed, so the trip would be easy; Twix, KitKat, Puffy Cheetos, Aloe Drink, and A LOT of Chocolate milk
It didn’t take long for him to find everything, so he wondered around the shop for a little longer, picking up a few more things
Y/n was startled awake by some people screaming outside
She jumped out of bed and hurried to the window, only to see that they were a group of friends who were just pranking one another
She groaned and pressed a hand to her stomach, feeling a painful hotness around the area
Looking back at the bed, her heart stopped in her chest as she saw that there was a trail of blood behind her
Oh gods, her period came in the worst moment possible. Did Ethan see? Did he run away out of disgust?
She paced around the room nervously, thinking of what to do, yet ignoring the sound of running water coming from the bathroom
She shrieked when she heard a knock on the door and tried to hide the bloodied sheets as well as she could.
“Cara mia, are you awake?” Ethan’s soft voice was muffled by the door, which only made Y/n feel worse.
She heard Ethan chuckle before seeing him enter the room. He seemed to have a reassuring look on his face, but Y/n could tell there was some pity in there too.
“Wanna come with me?” He asked her softly, taking her silky hand in his and leading her to the bathroom before she could answer
Y/n watched as he opened the door to the bathroom and led her inside. The shower was running and there were some clothes on the counter
“Get in the shower. I’ll take care of everything else.” He said, looking at Y/n so softly that her heart exploded and she burst into a fit of tears
His armed were around her in a second, comforting her as best as he could, but he truly did not know the reason why she was crying
“Baby, is everything all right? Why are you crying?” He asked her, worry written all over his face.
“Im sorry…I’m just” she sniffled a bit, shedding a few more tears, “no one ever took care of me when I was on my period and you’re being so fucking sweet and I ruined your sheets and everything is wrong and my stomach hurts and FUCK why did It have to come now we could have-“
“Woah, woah, woah, take a deep breath, dolcezza. Like that, just relax.” He interrupted her ramblings, wiping the tears off her face.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry about the sheets. I’ll clean them later. We can just stay in bed all day and relax. How does that sound?”
Y/n nodded slightly against his shoulder, pulling herself away and wiping her face.
“Okay.” Her voice was still raspy, and she looked at the shower. At that moment, washing her entire body felt like an unbelievably long and exhausting process. She slumped her shoulders at the thought of it and puffed.
“Let me wash you. It’ll go by quicker.”
Y/n nodded and started taking her clothes off, too exhausted to care about Ethan’s red face. Even though he had offered, he couldn’t help but think about other circumstances in which he would get in a shower with Y/n.
Regardless, it was not the time for such things.
Once she was inside, he grabbed the shampoo and squirted some in his hand, thinking of a way to lather it on Y/n without getting wet.
“Now how are you gonna do that without ending up in the shower too, Mr Edgar?” Y/n teased, letting her head fall back as the warm water glided down her body.
While trying to find a solution, Ethan’s gaze fell on the floor, which was now filled with blood.
“Y/n are you alright?” His tone instantly changed, now being extremely worried about how much blood came out of her.
“Yeah. Why?” She followed his gaze to the ground, seeing what he was staring at. She let out a low laugh before grabbing the bottle from Ethan.
“It’s creepy, I know. You don’t have to wash me.”
“No. I said I would help and I want to. Do you mind if I join in?” He asked sheepishly, concerned about crossing any boundaries with the girl.
“Whatever floats your boat.”
The man nodded, getting out and taking his clothes off. He placed them neatly next to Y/n’s, then got back in the shower.
Y/n was facing the wall, so Ethan pressed a soft kiss to her neck from behind her.
“I bought some goodies too.”
Y/n just hummed in response, leaning against Ethan. His hands instinctively went to her shoulders and started massaging them, earning a few whimpers from Y/n
“I can give you a massage later…”
They both chuckled a bit, before Ethan got to actually cleaning Y/n. He softly lathered the soap all over her body, letting the water wash away the bubbles.
“Okay…I’m gonna leave you alone now, considering that I don’t know how to put on a tampon.”
“Alright.” Y/n responded, blushing slightly from all the contact. She heard Ethan take a towel and dry himself off, before getting dressed and leaving.
Ethan was in the kitchen, his phone in front of him as he sat prompted against the counter
Now close your eyes, and with a deep breath, release all the pent up frustration inside of you
“Um, Ethan? You said you had food?”
The brunette jumped up and hurried to close his phone, blushing furiously as he turned towards Y/n.
“Yes, right it’s over th-“
“Were you meditating?”
“You were.” (The bitch was so horny he had to reset his mind)
“You said you wanted food.” He finally managed to switch the topic, as Y/n’s eyes lit up.
“Gimmie.” She stretched out her arms and closed her hands repetitively, beckoning for Ethan to give her the snacks.
“Alright, alright. I’ll grab a few more things and come. Just go in the bathroom and get in bed.”
Y/n pouted, but eventually followed Ethan’s instructions. She was surprised to see that he had changed the sheets and lit up a few candles. She smiled to herself before cuddling up under the blankets.
Soon enough, Ethan entered the room with some snacks and drinks, a hot pouch and some medication.
“Here is some ibuprofen, if you have cramps, and a hot pouch.”
Y/n could have moaned in pleasure when she placed the hot object on her stomach, relieving a lot of the pain.
She gulped down the pills, cuddling into Ethan, who had an arm wrapped around her and another one massaging her butt.
He nuzzled into her neck, smiling a bit and breathing in her chocolatey scent.
“Squishy.” He joked, squeezing her butt, which made Y/n erupt in a mess of giggles.
She leaned over and grabbed a cereal bar, unwrapping it smoothly before shoving it down her throat.
“Thank you so much Ethan. I really don’t know how to tell you…no one has ever done this for me before.” She whispered, twirling a strand of his hair around her finger.
“I’ll always be here when you need me. Now you just need to sleep.”
A/n: so i know this isn’t particularly a head canon, but the only way I can write is if my brain thinks im writing something short with bullet points, even though it would be a normal piece If I were to remove them😂
Taglist: @fuckim-so-gay @ginny-lily @messyhairday-me @cheese-toastie-11 @wannabemarlenabutiscoraline @simp-per-ethan @maneskinrollercoaster @juststalking @superchrystaldrug @immrbrightsideeee @shehaddreamstoo @tiaamberxx @victoriadeangeliswifey @bidet-and-legolas @makapaka11 @electra-phoebe
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insomniacrobyn · 3 years
Title: Stuck with me
Pairing: Zhongli x Reader
Reader: Gender neutral
A/N: i didn’t proof read this so. I started writing this earlier and I have finally finished it. Does it make sense? Hopefully. Any way enjoy my brain rot because I will be writing for Genshin content over the weekend hopefully.
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It was a clear day in Liyue. It was the first good day in about a week. It was a nice break from the constant downpour. It was the perfect weather for commissions. (Y/N) walked up the familiar steps to the Liyue branch of the adventures guild. They greeted Lan who stood next to the notice board as they walked up to the counter. (Y/N) collected the four commissions which ranged from dealing with hilicurals to a ruin guard by Lingju Pass. These commissions weren’t new to them. They had done many commissions similar to these ones in the past. With a bit of pep to their step. (Y/N) crossed the bridge north of Liyue harbour.
(Y/N) breezed through the first three commissions. The only trouble was the final commission, where they had to deal with a ruin guard. They were exhausted from dealing with clearing two hilicural camps and defeating an abyss mage. The sun wasn’t helping either. The constant heat on their back made them uncomfortable and tired. Normally, (Y/N) would be able to defeat a ruin guard no problem giving it very little time to attack. However, this time it was getting attacks without much resistance from (Y/N).
The ruin guard had managed to corner them. It kept bringing its metal arms down on (Y/N)’s weapon. The sound of metal scraping and clunking overpowering the sounds of birds. (Y/N) knew that the only way out was to fight back if they wanted to get back to the harbour in one piece.
Zhongli had finished his work for the day in Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and was walking through the harbour. His amber eyes taking in all the people who were out and about. The soundtrack of the harbour being merchants calling out for people to come to their stall, and customers haggling in hopes of getting the product cheaper. However, Zhongli was focused on spotting one person in particular. His eyes scanned the crowd for the familiar form of his lover.
They had left before the birds had even started singing and when merchants were setting up for the busy day. Zhongli had woken up to their side of the bed empty and a note outlined why they weren’t there. This left Zhongli to go through his morning routine alone. The house felt empty to Zhongli. He was so used to their form next to him as he made tea and they made breakfast.
Zhongli returned home after walking around the city. He sat by the wide at the front of the house watching the people go by as he waited. He watched as the sky turned from a bright blue to a golden orange. He knew they could handle themselves but his nerves started to get him as he began to worry about his lover. They should be back by now, sitting across from him telling him about his day.
He eventually gave up on waiting and decided to head to the adventures guild to see what commissions they were given. He grabbed his polearm and briskly walked to the guild. Katheryne summarized what the commissions were and watched as Zhongli left the city.
He checked the first three locations and quickly checked to see if he could see them. He finally made his way to Lingju Pass. He looked over to the arch way next to the collapsed tower as that was noted as the area the ruin guard was. He looked down from the waypoint hoping to see if he could spot (Y/N).
He could see the ruin guard in question wandering around. Zhongli quickly made his way towards his polearm clutched in his hand. He noted the blood on the ruin guards arm. When Zhongli saw that his blood ran cold. Memories of all the friends he has lost over the thousand of years crossing his mind in a flurry of images.
He wasted no time and defeated the ruin guard with no mercy. Once the ruin guard disappeared, Zhongli started to search the area. Calling out (Y/N)‘a name as he looked.
He walked past an area of tall grass and barely noticed the person laying on the ground. Zhongli stopped and scanned the body. Dread flooded Zhongli’s senses as he knelt down beside them.
“(Y/N)” he whispered, his hand cupping their cheek as his amber eyes scanned their face. Zhongli examined their chest. He left out a sigh of relief as he saw their chest rise and fall slowly. “Please be okay.” Zhongli prayed as he quickly began making his way back to the harbour.
He rushed home once he entered the city. He paid no mind to the people that stared at the normally composed man as he rushed past with his lover in his arms.
Childe had spotted them. He sighed at the sight, he wasn’t used to seeing Zhongli in such a state. He knew he couldn’t do much to put the man's mind at ease so instead opted to get medical supplies from Bubu pharmacy and place them at his front door.
Zhongli discarded his coat and rolled up his sleeves after placing (Y/N) on the sofa. He took off their top to get easier to the deep gashes he saw that ran down their abdomen. He began to clean the wound with water and then cleaned it with rubbing alcohol. Their face scrunched up in pain. “I’m sorry love.” Zhongli whispered as he dressed the wound and started to work on the other ones.
By the time Zhongli had treated every wound he saw it was late into the night. He was sitting on the floor next to them. He had answered the door when Childe was dropping off the supplies. They were sitting on the table by the front door. Zhongli was holding one of their hands his gloves discarded. He rubbed soothing circles into the back of their hand. His mind was reeling with the worst case scenarios.
He brought their hand up to his lips as he got up from his spot. He headed to the kitchen to make some tea, unaware of the movement on the couch.
“Zhongli?” A voice called out. He spun on his heel making his way back to the sofa, the water still boiling on the stove. He kneeled in front of them his hand quickly grabbing theirs.
“My love, how do you feel? Are you hurting anywhere?” Zhongli quizzed as he cupped their cheek. “No I’m okay. How did I get back home though?” (Y/N) asked, their eyes darting around the room and landing on their weapon and bag which was tucked away in the corner of the room. It looked out of place there. Normally that kind of material was kept in the cupboard in the hall out of the way.
“I brought you home. I became quite concerned when you hadn’t returned home by dusk.” Zhongli answered, his amber eyes studying their face as their brow furrowed.
“My love, please bring me next time you have to fight a ruin guard. You could have died if I hadn’t arrived.”
Zhongli watched their reaction quietly taking in the way their eyes darted to his at the end. He got up from his spot and motioned for them to wait there. He finished making the tea and came back with two cups and the teapot.
“Here. You must be thirsty after all the heat today would have made any dehydrated.” Zhongli hummed as he placed the delicate teacup in their hand after helping them to sit up. (Y/N) took it graciously as they sipped on the drink.
The couple sat in silence as (Y/N) rested their head on Zhongli’s shoulder. “I’m sorry I worried you.” (Y/N) announced breaking the silence that encased the room. Zhongli glanced at them from the corner of his eye.
“I’m happy that you are safe (Y/N). I don’t know what I would have done if something happened to you.” He replied staring out the window.
“Well, I’m afraid to tell you you are stuck with me for another while.” (Y/N) joked.
“I don’t think I would mind that at all. I quite enjoy your company.” Zhongli smiled. They laughed and gave Zhongli a kiss on the cheek.
“I think love that I deserve more than that especially after the worry you gave me.” Zhongli teased as he leaned towards the kiss them. (Y/N) just smiled closing the gap with a sweet kiss.
“I suppose you do.” They teased back as they leaned against his shoulder. Zhongli’s hand now wrapped around their waist protectively. He hummed and placed a kiss on the crown of their head. Then resting his cheek on their head as he let his eyes close.
The bliss of the moment reminded Zhongli why he gave up his gnosis. If he hadn’t he would more than likely not be able to enjoy the comfort he felt at this moment, knowing his lover was returned to him. Injured but by his side where he could watch them and keep them out of harms way.
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fairyoftbz · 3 years
sunburnt | s. eric
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☀ pairing: pharmacist! eric x fem!reader ☀ word count: 1.4k (i really can't write sth small smh) ☀ genre: fluff, sort of beach!au (?) ☀ tw: sunburns, some swear words here and there ☀ synopsis: after spending an afternoon at the beach, you painfully realised that you got sunburnt. ☀ a/n: I know it's shitty but this is just to express my pain bc I always get sunburnt lmao ☀ requested: no
Getting rid of all the sand in your belongings, you swiftly slid your feet into your flip-flops and walked towards the bar located at the end of the beach. The barista handed you the bottle of soda you asked for and walked away, adjusting the sunglasses perched on your nose as the sun was still shining brightly.
Taking the afternoon off to enjoy some peace away from your bustling life was the best self-care decision you ever made. You kept your destination hidden and turned off your phone as soon as you stepped a foot in the burning sand, wanting the focus to be on yourself only. Work had been restless, and your colleagues had been giving you a hard time, so you wanted to spend some time alone to enjoy the time being, away from stressing at your desk and being in front of the computer screens all day.
The afternoon was pleasant. You had swum in the ocean for a while, drying on the sand until the heat became unbearable and went back in the water. Tiredness took over your body at some point, feeling thirsty and hungry, giving you a good reason to leave, excited to go back home to chill on your balcony instead. In the higher floors of the building you lived in, the air was still salty but fresher, and you preferred this over anything else.
Pausing for a quick second, you uncapped the bottle of soda with a swift flick of the finger before taking long sips, the sparkly feeling refreshing your throat. You sighed in relief when you reached your car, setting your bag and towel inside. But, as you were about to close the trunk, a sharp pain travelled your entire body, shooting from your upper arm to reach the lower part of your back. Confused, you winced and lowered your arm, walking to the side of your car to look at yourself in a window.
Your skin was gleaming bright red, suddenly feeling the uncomfortable pain of a throbbing sunburn. Placing your hand on your shoulder blade, you touched the skin and your eyes widened, feeling it burn under your palm and your skin turning white where you had pressed your fingertips.
With gritted teeth and a clenched jaw, you pushed the trunk down before locking your car despite your discomfort. Finding a pharmacy was the only way to relieve you from his pain because you doubted that the products found at the grocery store would be very efficient.
You quickly entered the first store you found, asking for directions. The man behind the cash register gestured you to the nearest pharmacy, bowing at him before going back in the sweltering heat. The more you moved, the more effort you had to reassemble to keep walking, realising that not only your shoulders were sunburnt, but also the remaining limbs of your body.
“I’m such a fucking idiot,” you cursed yourself at the negligence you had for yourself, delicately placing the strap of your purse on your shoulder as you winced again.
It wasn’t the first time that you got this type of ache, you almost got sunburnt every single summer. Though you had tried every sunscreen purchasable in the market, nothing was well enough to shield your skin from the UV rays, no matter how high-protecting and promising the tube of sunscreen was. You shook your head as you walked to the pharmacy, mentally preparing yourself to suffer at every single movement you’ll do for the next few days.
The glass doors of the drugstore slid open, letting the air conditioning welcome you in a fresh embrace. Your skin lightly itched as you neared the never-ending mister a little too close, the simple contact of water against your skin was enough to make you wince. Looking around the shop for a while, much to your dismay, you couldn’t find any after-sun lotion. Replacing a tube on the shelf, you were about to ask for help when you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
You slightly flinched at the sensitive skin of your neck wrinkling as you turned around, offering a half-smile to the person in front of you. Wearing a white blouse above a white t-shirt and some chino pants hitched up at the end, the man in front of you greeted you with a smile, eyes filled with care and worry as they lingered on your reddened skin.
“Can I help you in any way?” he started, and you nodded, taking your sunglasses off, involuntarily displaying more of your sunburnt face. He hissed empathically at the sight of your red skin, and you sighed before bitterly chuckling.
“I know I should have been more careful, but I can't find a single brand of sunscreen efficient enough to protect my skin. Maybe you have some products that could help me heal it, at least?” the pharmacist nodded as his eyes couldn't leave the redness of your skin, his actions allowing you to see his name on the tag above his blouse pocket: Eric S.
“You need to be cautious, it's bad to ruin your cells and break some skin layers. I have rarely seen such type of sunburnt, it looks like you’re going to have to be patient for it to heal correctly. Uh, okay, let me go check if I have something for you,” he mumbled while detailing your skin, his fingers gently resting on your shoulder to turn you around, observing the reddened skin your clothes allowed to show. His eyes widened for a quick second at the damage, nodding at you before disappearing in the back office, his front pieces of hair flying up as he passed in front of a fan.
You stood there, waiting for him to come back, faking your interest in another product as the fresh air of the pharmacy allowed your body to cool down for a while. You couldn’t do anything with your body, crossing your arms became so hurtful that you had to stay with them dangling on your sides. Fortunately, the pharmacist was quick to come back with a large lotion pot in hand and a cylindrical tube in the other. He got hailed by another waiting customer but was quick to politely redirect him to one of his colleagues, walking back to you with a caring smile painted on his face.
“So, I have this lotion that is aloe vera based, and its benefits are very good for your skin. Not only for sunburns but also in general, if you have dry skin or even acne. It’s very moisturising and anti-inflammatory, and you can apply it as many times throughout the day as you want. You could also apply pure aloe vera taken straight from the branches, but I’m scared that all the local stores have run out of it,” he explained with a smile, walking towards one of the unoccupied cash registers, typing a few things on the screen.
“And the tube? What is it for?” you pointed at the thing, the pharmacist’s eyes not leaving the screen as he turned the tube around, recognising the white and orange packaging of a famous French brand for you to read.
“This is French thermal water, the same one that we diffuse at the entrance”, he said as he gestured to the steam of mist escaping from the machine next to the sliding doors. “It can help you freshen up and cool down your skin when the sunburnt is as consequent as yours. My sister uses it a lot, and it’s efficient according to her. She uses the cream as well, and she wears a bathing suit, it's the best way for the product to sink in well,” you thanked him as you took your wallet out, grabbing your credit card and pressed it against the machine, which emitted a sound at the end of your transaction.
“Don’t hesitate to come back if you need further explanation or anything else. Have a nice day!” your fingers grazed against his as you took the bag from him and walked out of the store, reaching inside the bag once you were on your way back to your car.
However, you stopped in your tracks as some ink coloured your fingertips, finding a post-it note stuck on the inside of the bag. The paper grabbed your attention by brushing against the skin of your forearm as you wanted to grab the facial water mister, impatient to get rid of this stinging sensation on your face. You frowned and peeled the note off, noticing hasty words messily scribbled on it.
maybe I can teach you correctly to put on sunscreen to avoid any other sunburns? ;) call me xx-xxx-xxx
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aching-tummies · 3 years
Salad Poisoning
It was bound to happen eventually, I guess: Food poisoning.
I've always seen stories on the internet of how unwashed salads can give people E.coli or something. Likewise, I've heard a few friends tell me stuff like, "yeah, I think it was the onions from that sandwich place. Onions usually don't upset my stomach like that, but I guess they had a bad batch or something" nothing like that has happened to me before...or it's been so minor that it isn't even worth mentioning.
On Saturday I got a salad from a fast-food place. It tasted good and I was craving greens. The down side is that it was s "Spring Mix" type of salad, my most hated type of salad...but they put enough other stuff on it that I didn't notice the taste of the greens too much. Some of the greens were a bit limper than I guess is normal...but I ignored that. My experience with Spring Mix is that it's not as crisp as romaine lettuce so I thought it was just because of the different types of greens.
I ate half the salad on Saturday morning, stored it in the fridge for a full day at work, and ate the other half at home after work. A normal day.
That night was horrid. I spent the whole night feeling way too hot, so I was tossing and turning and unable to sleep because it was so hot. On top of it all, my intestines were cramping painfully at random intervals. I didn't sleep a wink and I took about five trips to the bathroom--only two of which were productive in any sort of way. My guts felt like they had turned into live snakes all night.
Sunday, I had another full shift at work. My alarm didn't go off so I basically had to get out of bed, pull on my clothes, and dash out to catch the absolute last bus that would get me there just in time for the start of my shift. My stomach was gurgling loudly almost constantly. The cramps were even more randomized all day. I usually only use the washroom three times during a long-shift, the last of which is usually a, "I gotta catch a bus and then there's a 20 minute walk home from the stop...I should probably use the washroom here 'cuz my next chance will be whenever I get home" kind of deal. I went to the washroom at least 9 times during my shift on Sunday...again, only two of those trips were 'productive'. My stomach was gurgling like crazy the whole day. I ate something small for breakfast (and ate it quickly because I basically had 10 minutes before the start of my shift after buying something small--10 minutes to change into my work attire and eat...) because I didn't want to be hungry and have my stomach growling at me all day...but it felt like my entire digestive tract was liquifying inside of me, turning to jelly, churning around, and shifting in all directions. I prayed and prayed that I wouldn't have to throw up in public.
I've never really felt the need to reach for meds for a stomach ache. Sometimes I go for a pain-killer if it's just the usual cramps caused by that time of the month, but that's about it. Welp...I was not going to attempt a full shift at work without meds. On my lunch-break I dashed over to the nearest store with a pharmacy section and hunted down some Pepto tablets. I mean, it's not like I was going to use my lunch break for 'lunch'...not going to give my guts more ammo to embarrass me with.
I took two tablets and went about my work-day. I didn't feel any different. My guts actually got noisier after the tablets based on what I think the medicine was doing in my intestines. I knew I should be drinking more water to avoid dehydration...unfortunately for me the only drinkable water I had at my disposal was ice-cold. The chilling water definitely did not do my stomach any favors and I still wonder if it would have been better to suffer the thirst than to dump icy water into such a turbulent stomach.
Almost five hours later I decided to take another two tablets because I'd be headed home on a bus and I didn't want whatever was going on in my guts to end up outside of me in whatever fashion before I managed to make it home. It didn't seem like the first two tablets had done anything...but maybe I was wrong and going the day without them would have been an even worse situation for me.
I made it home without any accidents but my guts were a churning mess of gurgles and sloshes. The noises were constant, even when I wasn't drinking anything or rubbing my stomach.
I spent most of the night awake because my stomach still felt very sickly and volatile. The cramping was there, but the churning and gurgles were loud enough to keep me awake on their own. I felt like there was an earthquake in my guts just going off constantly.
Welp...lesson learned: be wary of premade salads. I usually always just buy my own lettuce and make my own salads, but this time I was desperately craving greens in my diet (stressful times = messed up diet) and I didn't have the time to buy groceries and prepare them at home...so I thought I'd take a short-cut and just get a salad from a fast-food place. Probably not going to try that again any time soon. I still will go to the fast-food restaurant...I just probably will not order their salads again.
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bkfics · 4 years
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The next morning you wake up earlier, so you go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone, but after a while Ryota wakes up too with Kazuhiko on his back.
‘Ohāyo Okāsan.’ your baby boy tells you with a raspy typical morning voice.
After you greet them, you wonder where your baby girl is, but then she runs with her open arms to you.
‘OKĀSAN!!!’ She screams with a worried tone, so you pick her up as soon she reaches you.
‘What’s wrong honey??’ You ask her with a comforting voice.
‘Okāsan…’ then she starts crying. Ryota starts worrying too and comes to you two and tries to get Kisara from you, but she refuses.
‘O-okāsan my… I can’t find my gel for hands.’ She cries harder.
‘Kisara it’s okay. Niichan will give Kisara his gel for hands okay?’ Kazuhiko tries to comfort her, but she shakes her head.
‘NOOO I WANT MINE! MINE HAD EEVEE ON TOP!’ She yells this time.
‘Yea.. about that.. I might.. hmm.. gave it to Sakusa yesterday…sorry.’ Ryota tells you scratching the back of his head.
‘Why would y-… nevermind’ You tell him sighing.
‘Kisa-chan, Otōsan will buy you a new. With an eevee one, or whatever you want ok?’
This time she nods and goes to Ryota to let herself get pick up.
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[Sakusa Kiyoomi POV]
After having breakfast I go to the bathroom to take a shower.
As the hot water starts hitting my head, I start thinking about her, and memories of when we were together in high school. I start smiling and laughing as I remember how I was the first one that fell for her and the first time I talked to her I said ‘Use this mask and stay away from boys... except me or else you’ll get sick.’
‘Why did I even leave you? If I could only go back time. I would go back to 4 years ago and tell you how much I love you.’
‘Whatever Kiyoomi, she already has a family, it’s time to move on.’
I start getting frustrated so I quickly finish showering and go run around the neighbourhood to clear my mind.
Time passes by and parents with their kids keep popping up left and right of my view, so I start running faster, but my shoes are so worn out that the soles are so consumed that a hole is formed.
‘Great! Now I have to go buy another pair. This day couldn't get any better UGH!’ I start yelling in my head as I make my way back home and start getting ready, putting on the necklace I can’t seem to let go of…
[at the mall]
I now just parked my car, making my way inside the mall and going straight at the sport centre, making sure I have my spray disinfectant and hand sanitizer-
‘What is this?.. A hand sanitizer with a Pokemon in it? Why do I have this? Ah right.. Y/N husband gave it to me.. Tch, whatever.’
I go inside and I hear three familiar voices, too familiar for my liking, they are: Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto.
‘Shopping with my friends!’ Atsumu says taking a video to post it on his story.
‘Wait, you have friends?’ Hinata says with a mocking face while Bokuto tries not to laugh.
I seriously don’t wanna deal with them right now so I turn around, going to the opposite direction, hoping that they don’t notice me. Arriving at the running shoes isle, I grab their new released one, it’s even in our jersey’s color, it’s all black and there's a little stripe in gold, so I ask the employee if they could give me my size of this model. After she gives it to me, I go and pay for it and right at the exit, I get stopped by a woman and a man.
‘Hello sir! Our pharmacy has a new cleaning product and even a new hand sanitizer! It’s better than the previous one, it’s less stickier and has different scents! The new cleaning product cleans better than any other! We’ll be so grateful if you could at least have a look at it! Have a good day sir!’ The man tells me.
I just nod, those new products don’t sound bad, might as well have a look.
The mall’s big and after walking for a good 5 minutes, I see the pharmacy but I bump into someone.
‘Oh, nice to see you again Sakusa.’
‘Same here Wakatoshi-kun and Kageyama.’
‘Are you here to go to the pharmacy too Sakusa-san?’ Kageyama asks me as we start walking.
‘Yes, what about you two?’
‘We were bored so we decided to come here at the mall.. hmm what about having lunch together Sakusa?’ Wakatoshi asks me.
‘Hmm sure, why not.’ I answer him.
We arrive at the pharmacy and get in line.
‘Wow this guy’s so tall’ Kageyama says amaze by the man with purple hair in front of us, eating snacks as he was waiting to enter the pharmacy with his friend too, me and Wakatoshi-kun agree with him.
We then decide to eat first and come later as the line was long.
After finding for a good restaurant not packed of costumers, we order our meals and few minutes later we start eating.
‘Itadakimasu.’ we say at the same time.
While we’re eating, we start hearing whisperings from the people eating inside the restaurant.
‘They are so hot, omg.’
‘I know right!’
‘Let’s sit on the table beside them.’
‘Wait girls, aren't those Sakusa Kiyoomi, Ushijima Wakatoshi and Kageyama Tobio?’
‘OMG you’re right!’
‘Look! Sakusa-san is so handsome!’
‘I agree, but wait.. look at his necklace.. Isn’t that a ring?’
‘Oh.. maybe he has a girlfriend already…’
As they keep on whispering, we finish our meals and make our way to the cashier, then we go around the Mall to buy new clothes or things we need for our places. It‘s getting late, so I offer them a ride home since we live close to each other, Wakatoshi-kun is beside me in the passenger seat and Kageyama is in the back seat.
‘Sakusa-san, I’m curios too.. why do you have a necklace with a ring? Do you have a girlfriend?’ Kageyama starts a conversation.
‘Hmm no.. this ring belongs to my first love.. even if we aren't together anymore. I just can’t seem to throw it away and i wearing it became a habit.’
‘If it really means a lot to you, just keep it.’ Wakatoshi-kun adds.
‘Yea.. but, how are you guys doing?’ I ask, wanting to change the subject.
‘We’re doing good, tho our manager took a week of to spend time with Kise-san, since he just came back and will be going back to the States in 2 weeks for the NBA preliminaries.’ Wakatoshi-kun answers.
‘NBA? That’s cool, also who’s Kise-san?’ I ask.
‘He’s that blonde haired guy who was with her and the kids.’ Kageyama answers.
‘Ahh.. the father of that cute little boy.’ I say with a normal expression but feeling sad inside.
‘Ah no, he’s not the father.. he’s just Y/N-chan’s best friend..’ Wakatoshi-kun says..
‘The father left Y/N-chan..’ Kageyama continues.
‘The father left Y/N? He really left her to raise a son alone?’ I ask, irritated by the fact that a man left her alone.
‘A son? She has two kids. They’re twins. A girl and a boy.’ Says Kageyama.
‘Twins? D*mn, he still left them? He’s not a man. He’s a b*stard.’
After some time, I proceed to drop Wakatoshi-kun to his place first, then I drop Kageyama, but before he could open the door, I stop him and ask:
‘Kageyama, can I ask you for something before you go? ‘Cuz I feel like I won’t be able to do it if I don’t..’
‘Sure, what is it?’
‘Can I ask you for Y/N’s phone number?’
‘WOW. So you’re that type of guy, huh? That goes after women with kids..’
‘HUH?! It’s not, you weirdo. I have something to talk with her in person, so I need her phone number to set up a rendezvous.’
‘I’m just playing, no need to get so worked up, chill.. alright, it’s …’
‘Thank you, see you later.’ I say after getting the phone number.
‘Hey, don’t try doing something stupid, ‘cuz you’re not the only one with your head on the line. Also thank you for dropping me off. Bye and drive safely!’ He says while he enters through the door without looking back.
Well, now.. How should I even start a conversation…
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[Back to normal POV]
[2 weeks later. Kansai International Airport]
‘Well, I guess it’s time to board. I already checked-in..’
‘Otosan.. are you going away?’ Kazuhiko asks with tears in his eyes.
‘Are you coming back?’ Adds Kisara
‘Of course.. I’ll be back in no time and you won’t be able to notice that I’m back. I’ll be gone for a while, it’s not a long time.’ He tells the twins with a comforting voice while he’s on his knees hugging both of them.
‘So, while I’m away, I want you two to eat healthy, grow up faster, always help Okasan and always smile, alright?’ He adds before letting go of the hug.
‘Hai, Otosan.’ The twins answer simultaneously while crying and hugging him tighter.
‘Alright, alright. Kazu-chan, Kisa-chan. Stop crying or he’s going to be late. We don’t want that, right?’ Kuroko takes the kids with Momoi.
‘Kise-kun, good luck for the tournament. Also, say hi to the others from me. Have a nice flight!’ Kuroko says with Kazuhiko on his arms crying.
‘Say hi to them from me too! See you later!’ Adds Momoi with Kisara crying on her shirt behind her.
‘Ryota-kun, say hi to the others from me too, also, thank you for your help at the house and for the kids too. I hope you enjoyed your rest time here.’ You tell him with a little bow and a smile.
‘Of course I enjoyed it! Also, I’ll always be here for the kids, I’m their “Dad” after all.’ He says jokingly with a big smile.
‘You’re right! Then, see you later, Ryota-kun. Have a nice trip, call me after you land, alright?’
‘Alright, Y/N-cchi, stay safe when you’re going back. Kazu-chan, you’re the man of the house while I’m not here, alright? Kisa-chan, don’t cry and smile a lot, you’re beautiful eyes and smile need to be shown more!’ He tells the twin before he turns and goes to the departure gate.
You’re all still there watching his back between the crowds of people passing left and right in front of you. Before Kise makes his way to the gate, he turns one last time and stops to look for you. Once he finds you, he says something that really shocks the shiz outta you.
‘I-love-you, Y/N.’ He says it like a whisper and smiles at you, not knowing that you understood what he said, then he goes straight to the gate.
You keep thinking of what he just said, while your face shows how surprised you are, it’s probably something not important.. but you know what he said. You read his lips even though there’s an ocean of people you could read his lips once both of your sight met each other.
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masterpost | III. | V.
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Sakusa was pissed that a guy left you with two kids alone, but was also relieved that you don’t have a man in your life.. but he’s now hoping that you and Kise are just best friends.
Kuroko and Momoi are dating. 
Kuroko Tetsuya:
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Kise is in a NBA team with Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi and Kagami Taiga. 
Murasakibara Atsushi: 
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Kagami Taiga:
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@rrroadkill @samwise-though @lola2001 @velociraptorenthusiast @mjade1321 @farmertoshi @kurosiee @googiembul @hohoshiumi @floralkawa @miwtze @crapimahuman
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songofsaraneth · 3 years
Ok now that I have time/space to breathe again, I wanted to do a writeup on the unusual reaction I had to the second Covid vaccine dose. I debated posting this, because I don't want to go against the "I was vaccinated and it's fine!" encouragement train. And I 1000% encourage EVERYONE to get vaccinated if possible. But I have not seen much documentation of the averse symptom I got, except in some case studies I specifically looked up so details below. Big TMI/gross warning however. 
Mostly I'm posting this because I had to do SO much self-advocating/arguing with the Dr at my urgent care clinic, and if you're not as read up on weird medical issues as I am, you might not be comfortable doing that. But IANAD, just describing my experience and what I read, which ended up being very long because it was awful and I have a lot to complain about I guess, sorry.
Basically: for me the vaccine triggered an inflammation response, which in itself is normal. The usual muscle aches/joint pain/slight fever. It also triggered an outbreak of ulcers in my soft tissues. Basically, a bunch of canker sores in my mouth/throat. I am already prone to getting these when I get sick or stressed out, so no biggie, annoying and painful but I could handle them. Canker sores are distinct from cold sores in that they form inside the mouth as crater spots, usually around the size of a pencil eraser (though can be bigger or smaller), and will develop a white film across the crater as they develop and start to heal.
An unfortunate fact I have learned: the mouth is not the only exposed “soft tissue” of the body. this group also includes genitals.
So 2 days after the vaccine I noticed a "burning sensation"/rawness downstairs, which turned into a sharp pain, especially when going to the bathroom. I obviously knew this was abnormal and because of what was happening in my mouth, had a pretty firm idea of what was happening, but was ready to brace myself through the healing process. However by day 5 I had 8 red, crater-like sores on the tissue of my vulva. Essentially they are open wounds, and urine is an acid, so you can imagine the hell that using the bathroom had become. Even just sitting hurt.
As someone healthcare-averse, even I knew this was untenable, and went to Urgent Care for the first time in my adult life. I told the NP what was going on, how they matched the canker sores (NOT cold sores) in my mouth in onset/form--and she immediately, without even looking, diagnosed me with herpes.
Lots of people have herpes or other STIs, and that's fine. I know I do not have any, and wanted to pursue treatment for what I was sure they were--Non-sexually acquired genital ulceration (NSGU). I had even found three case studies of COVID patients who had developed them. I had spent several harrowing hours on google images making sure that the sores I had did not match any STI I may have magically acquired during a year of social distancing. I even brought up multiple case studies, including a woman who had them as a Covid reaction in a neighboring state. Didn’t matter. She looked at them and went “Yikes! Herpes!” and prescribed me: 
1) an antiviral, which I said I did not think would do anything because the trigger for this was a vaccine not an illness. She said it was probably a herpes flare up already in my system. I reiterated that I have had similar sores in my mouth since childhood and that all my past doctors and dentists agreed it was not viral but something related to an immune response. She said the antivirals should clear them up in a few days.
2) a topical 5% lidocaine ointment, aka an oral grade numbing gel, which was essentially what I was after anyway.
I would have preferred a steroid course to the antiviral, but agreed to start taking them until she got the results of the bloodwork I needed to come in the next day for. I asked how many days after taking them I would expect to see a difference/if she would reevaluate treatment if they didn’t have an effect in a certain amount of time, and she said if they hadn’t cleared up by Monday then she’d look into other causes (spoiler, they did nothing in that 4 day span). to her credit, when she saw me pick up my bike helmet (because my car had been at the mechanic for a month by then), she was properly horrified that i was having to bike everywhere with this situation and printed off some coupons/called all the prescriptions into the grocery store pharmacy next door instead of the CVS my insurance likes a mile away.
So eventually I got home and took my pill & went to put on the ointment so I could use the bathroom for the first time in 8 hours. I’ll spare you the details but suffice to say I had an extremely, overwhelmingly painful 10 minutes of application. Like absolutely awful burning feeling. However once that faded, I was indeed actually numb, and so I figured it was worth it. Got my bloodwork done on Friday (biking there & home again). On Saturday, I thought that you know, maybe a prescription anesthetic shouldn’t be doing that or at least have some sort of warning? And read the details on the jar.
Good things about lidocaine: it is a powerful numbing agent and lasts pretty well for an hour or two.
Bad things about lidocaine: you cannot get oral grade lidocaine without added mint flavoring.
I happen to be EXTREMELY sensitive to mint. Like I still can’t handle breath mints or mouthwash, and used bubblegum flavored toothpaste until I was 14 and found a brand with half as much mint flavoring as is typical. Even if you’re not, mint has no business being anywhere near genital tissue. Even on an average person that could cause awful burning. to make a long saga shorter I had a very frustrating back-and-forth with urgent care involving many rerouted phone trees, visit in person, unhelpful receptionists, and attempts to find over-the-counter alternatives. All were fruitless so I just  suffered all weekend until the urgent care Nurse Practitioner called me back on Monday and was suitably apologetic/outraged about the mint thing, and looked up every OTC product that might work as a substitute, since she couldn’t find any prescription level without mint. On Tuesday she called back again having found this:
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It’s 4%, so just below prescription strength, while not oral grade, it’s actually fine for soft tissues as long as not fully ingested/internally applied. And most importantly, ABSOLUTELY NO ADDED FLAVORINGS. there is also a spray version that comes in a bottle, which under no circumstances should you try because it uses alcohol as a propellant and I had a very bad 5 minutes after testing that one. But the cream one is fine and brings blessed numbness in around 5 minutes with only minimal contact pain--they are still open wounds after all. 
I use this for the next 7 days. By this point the sores have gotten worse and larger, and then started to heal and shrink again. Mouth canker sores go through a similar ~2 week process, so this is about what I expected.
Finally the results of my bloodwork came back, and I was negative for all STIs. The NP was dumbfounded and apologized, and agreed to look up more information/treatment options for cases like this in the future. I’m not surprised her reaction was to assume herpes as it IS very common, but I’m sure other women experience NSGU’s and receive improper treatment. If you look them up, they’re even mentioned as being predominantly a problem for “young or prepubescent women” which, reading between the lines--it’s not that these become less likely if you’re older or sexually active. Doctors just make assumptions and don’t always look past the easy answers.
So if you or someone you know ends up with these--from the Covid vaccine or as a complication of upper respiratory infections in general (as they ARE an immune response and can just Happen to you)--here is what works as treatment. If you can see a doctor you trust, still do that. But if they don’t listen or if for some reason you can’t seek treatment, here is the course of action I recommend: 
Pick up that over-the-counter Pain Relief+Lidocaine NON MINTY numbing cream ASAP. Sores go from “annoying” to “excruciating” in only 3 days, so it’s best to get in person or with rush shipping. Sit in front of a mirror and gently apply with a q-tip, and wait 5 minutes for the medicine to take effect.
Pat gently dry with toilet paper, don’t make wiping motions. If you don’t feel clean enough, pat more with a wet washcloth and rinse it out, or hope in the shoer for 5 min just to rinse.
There may be pus or reside from the ointment that doesn’t go away with just rinsing. Every 2 days I made a half-strength bath of epsom salts, NUMBED FULLY, and then took a 10 minute bath to fully cleanse the area. the salt will sting terribly if you wait any longer, so I recommend standing and rinsing after this time.
The vulva is more exposed to air than the mouth. this may cause the sores to crack/bleed as they dry out. to avoid this, after using the restroom and cleaning yourself, you can apply a thick coating of Aquaphor on top of the sores. It will need to be rinsed off before you apply more numbing cream however, so if that is too many steps I recommend just using the Aquaphor overnight.
You may think its ok to get up in the middle of the night to pee without the numbing cream bc you have to go really bad and just once will be fine but it is NOT you will REGRET IT.
Unfortunately if you have sores on both sides you may develop what is known as “kissing sores”, aka sores directly opposite each other that touch when the area is not spread open. this means that after an extended period of time (overnight), the sores will try to heal into each other and opening the area back up painfully rips the tissue apart. INStEAD of ripping them apart, take a washclosh, run it under warm water, and do a hot/warm compress on the area. this will loosen the sores back up and separate them painlessly.
This is not exclusive to people with a vulva, they can also happen on scrotal/anal tissue. However it does seem to much more frequently affect people with typical XX sex organs. 
If you develop these, PLEASE fill out an averse reaction form or your country’s equivalent. Also, I’m so sorry and if you need emotional support or have questions please feel free to get in touch.
Most likely, these will not happen to you--the vast majority of vaccinated people have not had this as a side effect. But it IS popping up more and more, and it is good to know about it in advance so you can be prepared to deal with and treat it without as much anxiety and all the hoops I had to jump through to get good care. Overall I’m still glad to be vaccinated, but if I had known this was a side effect, as someone already prone to canker sores I would have waited to vaccinate until my car was fixed a week later a the very least :|
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outro-jo · 4 years
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pairing: song mingi x reader
type: blurb
warning: reader is on their period
a/n: Listen, I’m on my period... so this is where we’re at. 😂 please read info before requesting
masterlist | info
When Mingi found you curled up in a ball on the couch, he couldn’t say no to anything you’d ask for. You could have asked for the moon and he would have figured out a way to get it. However, he was a little intimidated at the idea of having to buy you pads. After you sending the brand name, size, and photo of the box... twice, Mingi was prepared as ever, he just felt he needed a little moral support.
Wooyoung was happy to accompany his friend and group member to the pharmacy. He never seemed to be squeamish when it came to cycle stuff, offering to go to the store for his significant other whenever they needed him to.
“It’s not that big of a deal, Hyung.” Wooyoung shrugged as the two walked down the street.
“I know... it just...” Mingi wasn’t quite sure how to put it into words what he was feeling.
“I mean, it’s not like they can help it. It’s a natural thing.” The younger smiled and opened the door to the shop for Mingi.
Mingi gave it thought through each aisle he walked down, trying to see it from your point of view. How you must be feeling; in pain and out of control of your emotions. He started to feel silly for feeling so awkward about the whole thing. Finally he found the hygiene products and spotted the box you had texted him.
“Should we get anything else?” Wooyoung offered.
“What do you mean?” Mingi asked.
“Chocolate? Snacks? I know I usually have to get some ice cream.” Wooyoung chuckled to himself thinking of his love when it was their time of the month.
“Oh...” Mingi thought for a moment. “I think I remember what chocolate they like and I know they said they were craving something salty earlier.”
It wasn’t too much longer before your apartment door opened again.
“Hi, Love!” Mingi called out as he made his way to the living room.
You were shocked to see his arms piled full of bags. “Mingi, what did you do?”
“Well, Wooyoung suggested you might want some snacks or sweets. Then he asked if you were in pain...” He paused rifling through the bags he had set down on the floor in front of you. “So, I got these pain medications, not sure which one works best. Then we found this plushie with a rice bag in it and when you put it in the microwave, it turns into a heating pad for you to cuddle. You want me to heat it up?”
You shook your head, standing up, “You got all this for me?”
His dark eyes widened behind the rims of his glasses as he nodded down at you. It took you standing on your tip toes to reach up and throw your arms around his broad shoulders to pull him into you.
“Thank you.” You told him softly.
Mingi’s cheeks burned but he still beamed when you stepped back, pride swelling in his chest.
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petnews2day · 2 years
6 Ways to Cut the Cost of Caring for Your Pets
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-insurance-news/6-ways-to-cut-the-cost-of-caring-for-your-pets/
6 Ways to Cut the Cost of Caring for Your Pets
Amid rampant inflation, it’s getting more expensive to care for your furry friends.
Insider spoke to five experts about the best ways to look after your pets on a tight budget.
They advised cash-strapped owners to prioritize preventative care, plan ahead, and try out some DIY.
The US economy is showing signs of a looming downturn. Inflation is still consistently high, and recent modeling by Bloomberg Economics found a 100% likelihood of a recession within the coming year.
In the face of this grim economic outlook, it’s crucial to take action to protect your finances — and this includes thinking about your pets. 
Thanks to inflation, caring for your fluffy friends is getting pricier. Pet food prices rose 14% between September 2021 and September 2022, according to the Bureau for Labor Statistics. Vet bills have also jumped  — swelling by 10% in the last year, per AP. 
Research by Veterinarians.org, published in July, suggests that owners are already feeling the pinch. Fifty percent are shopping for cheaper alternatives to their standard pet food, and 35% say they’ve had to reduce the frequency of their visits to grooming services. 
More worryingly: 46% of pet owners said that they’ve decided to forego or delay veterinary treatments in the wake of inflation — including dental procedures and X-Rays. 
Insider spoke to five experts about the best ways to look after your pets without destroying your finances. 
1. Focus on the essentials
When faced with tough financial choices, pet owners should think about cutting back on non-essential items like treats and toys, but keep putting money into critical things like pet insurance and good quality food.
Skimping on your pet’s nourishment can be a false economy.
“By ensuring you are giving them all the exercise and nutrients they need to stay at a healthy weight, you can lower the risk of them developing chronic conditions like high blood pressure and arthritis which entail ongoing additional veterinary costs”, said Rob Young, from UK animal shelter Battersea Dogs and Cats Home.
Providing appropriate medication is also crucial to preventing costly long-term health complications, said Dr Samantha Gaines — a representative of UK-based animal welfare charity, the RSPCA. 
She told Insider: “Google searches for “can I give my dog paracetamol?” have surged recently, as we fear people are seeking to self-medicate animals and avoid vet costs.”
2. Shop around for food and medication
Pet food often comes at a hefty cost, so it might be worth seeking out cheaper alternatives. Just make sure off-brand products still contain all the nutrients your pet needs, and check in with a vet or animal charity if you’re unsure.
You could also try mixing your pet’s favorite regular food with a cheaper brand to make it stretch further. 
Medication is also a big expense, but it’s often cheaper on the internet. There are plenty of online animal pharmacies to choose from, so make sure to compare costs and check out reviews. Popular sites include Walmart Pet Rx, Chewy, and 1-800-Pet-Meds
3. Get the right pet insurance
There are an estimated 160 million pets in the US, according to the North American Pet Health Insurance Association. Of these, just 2.48% are insured. 
According to the experts, you should think carefully about skipping insurance in a bid to cut costs, because this might turn out to be an expensive miscalculation if your pet gets sick. 
Insurance might seem like a burdensome and unnecessary cost, but it can offer peace of mind and financial security in the face of unwanted surprises.
Kristen Lynch, the association’s executive director, told Insider: “When money is tight and when costs are rising, it’s even more important that you have the confidence and security of pet insurance to make the decisions you need to make for your pet’s health and happiness.”
But don’t just dive in. Insurance premiums are likely to rise further as inflation pushes vet bills up, per VetHelpDirect, so it’s more important than ever to shop around.
You should also take a close look at what your insurance policy covers. Some of the cheaper policies exclude common medical treatments, so you’ll have to budget for these extra costs down the line.
4. Prioritize preventative care
It can be easy to let basic maintenance slip by the wayside, but simple measures like cleaning your pet’s teeth, worming them regularly, and keeping them flea free are crucial to preventing costly health complications. 
With vet prices reaching new highs, it’s unsurprising that owners often hesitate to bring their animals in for treatment, but this can damage your pet’s health and allow costs to spiral. 
Lynch told Insider: “When a pet owner delays in providing care, that can mean a condition worsens while they ‘wait it out’ and then that same condition may become acute, and more prohibitively expensive and difficult to treat successfully.”
5. Try some DIY 
Pets don’t need anything fancy, the experts told Insider. They’ll be delighted by cheap homemade toys. 
If you want to get your pet something new to play with without breaking the bank, try turning old t-shirts into a dog tuggy toy, or testing out some DIY toilet-roll games. 
You can also make treats using low-cost household ingredients. Lots of animal charities offer handy tips and DIY guides on their websites, including the ASPCA, Best Friends, and Battersea Dogs and Cats Home. 
6. Ask for help
It’s never a good idea to struggle alone. 
In times of crisis, you can reach out to local charities for specific guidance and even financial help. Craig Cummings, director of Wyoming-based Casper Humane Society, told Insider: “Difficult economic times affect everyone, and animal shelters and other organizations are here to help.”
The Humane Society has a database of organizations across the US which support people struggling to afford essential pet care. These include discounted vet practices, pet food banks, and emergency animal shelters. 
If you’re pushed to make the “heartbreaking” decision to rehome a pet, you should always seek out support, said Christa Chadwick, vice president of shelter services at the ASPCA. “For owners who are either unable to care for a pet or who no longer wish to do so, we understand that rehoming or surrendering the pet may, at times, be the best outcome. 
“We encourage any pet owner who has made the decision to rehome their pet to enlist the support of a family member, friend, or veterinarian. You may also wish to list your pet on Petfinder.com or visit Get Your Pet to connect with people near you who are looking to adopt a companion animal and meet potential adopters to find a good home for your pet.”
In the most extreme situations, animal shelters can step in and make sure your pet is safe and well looked after. 
Rob Young, from UK-based Battersea Cats and Dogs Home, told Insider: “We would never judge anyone for making the difficult but responsible decision to bring their animal to a rescue if they can no longer care for them.”
Stephanie Stacey
Weekend Business News Fellow
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molotovmetro · 2 years
My metal collection has been expanded
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emilywaters · 3 years
2021 Pride Month Oneshots - Day 3
30 Queer Oneshots in honour of pride month
Day 3 - Soukoku
Ao3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/31735966
Wattpad - https://www.wattpad.com/1080421227-2021-pride-month-oneshots-day-3-soukoku
Summary - Dazai and Chuuya create a react video together. That's it. That's the fic.
When I was trying to come up with ideas for this chapter I couldn't decide between - https://www.tiktok.com/@ded_midorich/video/6918991434267757825?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6948319693262308865
and -  https://www.tiktok.com/@mellowmess_cosplays/video/6968870386083564806?lang=en&is_copy_url=0&is_from_webapp=v1&sender_device=pc&sender_web_id=6948319693262308865
So I just did both 🏳‍🌈✌🌈🦄
"Is it recording? Yeah, okay."
Chuuya waved at the camera. "Hey, girls, gays and non-binary baes! Welcome to another episode of Double Black React." Dazai squealed in the background, spinning around in a wheely office chair. "Last week, I asked you to comment some assumptions about us, and you delivered. So today, we'll be reacting to them." He pulled the brunet next to him, "Behave." He muttered in a low voice.
"Oh, we already started recording?" Dazai grinned excitedly, "Hey girls, gays and non-binary baes! Happy pride month! In honour of pride, he's a video of us making out."
Chuuya pinched Dazai's side, making him yelp, "We are NOT posting a video of us making out-"
"So, you admit there ARE videos of us making out!"
Chuuya rolled his eyes, but he didn't deny the claim. "Let's get back on topic. Okay, first comment; 'Chuuya and Dazai are one hundred percent dating, I take no criticism."
Dazai gulped his coffee, "Yeah, no. I have a thing called standards."
"Oh please, you will date any pretty girl willing t die with you," Chuuya snarked.
"Exactly. You neither a girl nor pretty."
"Believe me; I wouldn't date you either. I prefer people with souls."
"You pain me, Chu-chu," Dazai draped himself over Chuuya dramatically.
Chuuya snorted, "Pack it up, Oikawa kinnie."
Dazai recoiled in indignation, but Chuuya had already moved onto the next comment.
" 'Idk if you are dating, but you have fucked at least once'."
Dazai winked, looking directly at the camera, "That would be telling."
Chuuya pushed him away from the camera, "NO, we haven't had sex. He'd be awful in bed."
"That's not what you were saying when you were moaning my na-"
"MOVING ON; 'Chuuya puts cereal first, milk second, Dazai puts bleach first, tide pods second'."
"Believe it or not, this happens monthly," Chuuya smacked Dazai, probably for some disturbance out of the camera's view. " I actually had to buy a lockbox for all the poisonous cleaning products in the house."
"It's true," Dazai nodded sagely, "it's called tide pod Tuesday."
"So, this is not about us, but I'll read it anyways; 'Are White tiger and Rashomon dating?' If you didn't know, White tiger and Rashomon are two of our friends and fellow YouTubers. And to answer your question, no, they are not dating."
"They should, though," Dazai added, "The sexual tension is beginning to overwhelm me." Dazai swallowed a cookie whole then gagged on it. "That cookie is homophobic." He stated after chewing and swallowing, glaring at the plate of cookies in offence. "It tried to choke me."
"Choke on it and die."
"How about you choke on my-"
"You are insufferable. Next comment; 'Dazai is a chaotic bisexual with a preference for women and Chuuya. And Chuuya is omnisexual with a preference for Dazai.'"
Chuuya took a sip from his mug, "Well, what do you think, Dazai? Are you bi?"
Dazai leaned back on his chair, "I don't know, Chuuya. Are you gay?"
They turned their attention to the camera.
"I guess we'll never know," they chorused.
Dazai grabbed the phone from Chuuya and began rapidly scrolling, "Now that we have seen all the normal comments, let's look at some of the more interesting ones."
"Oi! Shittydazai, give me back the phone!" Chuuya tried to grab it, but Dazai jumped on his chair and held it out of reach. "I swear to god if you pick some obscene comment, I will fucking murder you."
"Oh please, like I have to be obscene with your filthy mouth around." Dazai tripped, and the wheely chair whizzed under him. Dazai crashed to the ground in an untidy heap. "I think I broke something," he groaned.
Chuuya cursed under his breath and rushed next to Dazai. "Where does it hurt?" He demanded.
"My ego," Dazai groaned. "And my wrist."
Chuuya helped Dazai sit on a chair and gently placed his hand on the table. "I can't see anything because of your damn bandages," Chuuya grumbled, unravelling them. He carefully examined Dazai's wrist, noting the redness and swelling. Dazai winced whenever his fingers grazed his skin. Chuuya finally got up and disappeared out the door. He returned with an icepack, bandages and scissors.
"Lucky for you, it's just a sprain." Chuuya returned to his seat. "I've told you so many times not to climb on the chair. Maybe this will teach you to listen to me more often." Chuuya continued reprimanding Dazai as he placed the ice pack on his wrist. Once the swelling went down, he wrapped his hand with fresh bandages.
Chuuya glanced at the camera still recording the duo. "We're going to have to edit this out," he remarked, releasing Dazai's wrist from his care.
"Oh, if we are going to edit this out, might as well do this," Dazai leaned forward and kissed Chuuya's cheek. "Thanks, babe."
"Don't call me that." Chuuya's face turned red, and he busied himself putting the things away. He didn't speak until the two were reseated and ready to continue recording.
"So to recap the crash you heard, Dazai stood on his chair, then he fell off it and sprained his wrist, but he's fine now. Let's pick up from where we left off." Chuuya picked up the phone. " 'Dazai is actually the better cook, but Chuuya is amazing with desserts and sweets'."
Chuuya gaped at the screen in shock. "Where are the cameras? Where are the fucking cameras?" He checked the username, "Dear Chuuyaisabaker, how tf did you know this? Like where are the fucking cameras?"
"Chuuya once burnt a pot boiling pasta. He also added salt instead of sugar. To." Dazai gave a shit-eating grin. "And this one time, he put soy sauce instead of syrup on his pancakes, and he was too proud to admit he made a mistake, so he ate them."
Chuuya poked Dazai's injured wrist, making him shut up. Chuuya glared at his partner, "You don't get to talk, Mr substitute-whipped-eggwhites-with-whipped-cream. Not to mention the time you got a stomach bug from eating the cake you baked."
Chuuya was about to retell every one of Dazai's baking disasters, but the brunette cut in, "And that's our cue to end this video! It was great fun seeing us from your pov. Keep sending us comments, Like and Subscribe, if you haven't already. Bye, hoes!"
Dazai stopped the recording and relaxed onto his chair. He kept glancing at his wrist and wincing. Chuuya sighed to himself. He knew the stubborn asshole would never tell him if he was in pain, which is why he had acquired the acute ability to sense Dazai's thoughts through mild changes in posture and behaviour. Dazai no doubt could read Chuuya like a book, so of course, he picked up on the redhead's worry.
"Don't worry about me, Chuuya," Dazai said tersely. "I'm fine. It barely hurts."
Chuuya rolled his eyes, "You're a terrible liar."
Dazai laughed, "Actually, I'm an amazing liar. So much so you don't believe me when I'm telling the truth."
"I'm going to the pharmacy to get painkillers," Chuuya stated, standing up.
"Oh, do you have a headache?"
"It's for you, you dumbass," Chuuya huffed before walking out the room. Dazai heard the familiar click of the front door and the usual slam of Chuuya leaving.
He smiled softly to himself, fingering the delicately wrapped bandage. Chuuya had him wrapped around his thumb, and he didn't even realize it.
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